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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st November 2012 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre
1. Present: Stan Amey (Chairman),Edward Mackay, (Vice-Chair), Barbara Jappy, (Treasurer), Alison Cowie, Gerry Wood, Paul Harrington, Apologies: Penny Kane (Secretary), Malcolm Bromley 2. Police report: No police were present 3. Approval of Minutes of October Meeting: Proposed by Barbara, seconded by Edward 4. Matters Arising: Previous Police Report: Barbara pointed out that if issues which have been raised and discussed at a CC meeting are repeated it is imperative that a correct account is given. At the previous meeting Penny brought up the issue of boy racers in the village, it was repeated to the parent of a driver who was allegedly named at the meeting this was not the case as no names were given. Cardboard recycling: Stan expressed concern that the cardboard recycling bins were in Brora. There is a proposition to move the Helmsdale recycling bins from the Bridge car park to coopers yard. Regeneration Project: The post is still vacant, no up-date on this project at present. The Welfare Reform Act: Concerns were raised about this reform particularly the bedroom tax Allison informed that anyone of pensionable age would not be affected by this. It was agreed to bring this issue up with the councillor at the next meeting. Armistice Day: Poppy wreaths have been received. Dr Sheila Gray will not be available to lay the wreaths, there was a discussion as to who else could do it. It was agreed to ask Elizabeth Fraser who was phoned, she thanked the committee for the invitation but declined as she didnt have anyone who was associated with the war. After further discussions it was agreed Stan would contact Cathy Mackay, Portgower if she is unavailable Arra Innes is to be asked. Letter from Sonny Jappy: About a bus shelter for Golspie High school pupils, Deirdre was to investigate the possibility, it was agreed to bring this up with the councillor at the next meeting. Caithness and Sutherland Farmwatch Scheme: Edward informed the committee he has joined this scheme. The Flags: have now been removed. 5. Councillors Report: No councillor was present. 6. Treasurers Report: We have 1557.42 in the bank which includes 1300 for Micro Grants. The accounts are still with Lynne Murray who is re-doing the accounts in the new format therefore the Grant has not been paid. Barbara to contact Lynne as soon as possible to rectify this situation. 7. Development Officers Report: HOUSING We have achieved 90% of funding towards the project cost. Pre-tenders due back in end of Nov confirming build cost. We are expecting a 25 to 30k saving. This will allow the us to achieve a start date, hopefully late spring 2013

FILLING STATION 2 open days on Fri & sat 2 & 3 Nov, showing the plans, costs and pros/cons of each of the3 options. We are asking people to CHOOSE which one they believe is the best for the community, the majority choice will be the option to be progressed We will be starting the funding applications early next week. RENEWABLES ONSHORE Balnacoil meeting with the consultants on Tuesday evening, Edward, Evelyn & myself, have to wait and see. Gordonbush fund re-opens on 1st Nov and closes on 31st Jan 2013. We have applied for funding 99% confident CARES start-up grant to investigate 2, possibly 3 small hydro schemes in the community we are working with 2/3 landowners on this, for community benefit. A.O.B. a) Dog fouling: Gerry brought up the on-going issue of dog fouling, she was aware of 2 people walking dogs in the village who werent cleaning up after their dog had fouled, it was agreed that the best action was to contact the dog warden naming these offenders or if anyone sees a dog fouling incident, approach the owner about their obligation to clean up after their pets. b) Missing Mail: Allison reported there have been some incidents in the village with mail going missing which has caused problems for individuals. Allison spoke to Karen the postmistress and she informed that if anyone has issues with mail going missing it is imperative to report this to the Royal Mail as they will investigate it. c) Memorial Clock Face: Gerry brought up that the memorial clock face on the side facing the village is rusty. Paul informed the Highland Council has 220,000 available towards memorial maintenance. It was agreed to ask Deirdre at the next meeting to investigate as to who was responsible for the memorial. d) Untidy Land: Gerry brought up the issue of untidy land behind Dunvegan on Sutherland Street this is privately owned therefore no action can be taken. e) Planning: There was a discussion about when planning permission is applied for, neighbours do not get notification any more, there is an advertisement placed in the local paper and the information is accessed through the Highland Council website. Planning has been passed for the old Tourist Information building to be made into a 1 bedroom house, the owner has applied for a change of use. Paul and Stan responded with a letter raising concerns over public access through the surrounding car park to the emigrants monument and Coupers Park generally Meeting closed at 9.05pm Date and time of next meeting: Thursday 6th December 2012 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

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