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Learning from national domestic biogas programmes in

Asia; mapping opportunities for developing and

resourcing of biogas sectors including carbon financing Results and the way forward

Chengdu, PR China, 22 November 2012

Day 1: Learning
Plenary session: Spotlight on China!

Country Team discussions: What did we learn?

International Workshop

Day 2: BIOMA/exhibition/Hongqi/township visit

Well appreciated!

International Workshop

Day 3: Mapping opportunities

Four issue presentations/ceremony/update regional debt
fund Five parallel sessions A-E

International Workshop

Did we achieve the workshop objective 1?

To evaluate the performance of the national programmes on domestic biogas and to assess the outlook of these programmes Expected output is an outline of the main issues, lessons learnt and prospects per country (SWOT)

International Workshop

Main issues and lessons learnt: observations


Many contextual issues making it hard to copy & paste

from one country/region to another (i.e. gender) Demand side: Large market potential exists and will continue to exist despite changes in culture and life style Lack of awareness among potential biogas households!?

International Workshop

Main issues and lessons learnt: observations (2)

Supply side: Need to mobilise strong private sector organisations

requiring to allow higher profit margins in the costs of

the biogas plants (make it free market?) Also strong need to mobilise financial institutions to

provide credit
Lack of skilled workers in the rural areas R&D, transfer of technology?

International Workshop

Main issues and lessons learnt: observations (3)

Enabling environment: RE/biogas is increasingly recognised in national policies

and through the establishment of dedicated government

institutes Regulation and quality assurance

Budget allocation
Fossil fuel (and chemical fertiliser) subsidies

International Workshop


Nepal 1992 268,418

Bhutan 2011 155 40

Bangladesh 2006 23,611

Laos 2007 2,715

Cambodia 2006 17,450

Vietnam 2003 140,698 23,372







China (40 million) Innovation!

India (4.5 million) Innovation! Sri Lanka Market potential confirmed; fund raising! Myanmar Market potential confirmed; fund raising! Indonesia 2009 5,572 2,970 Philippines Market


Total production (officious numbers):

(up to mid 2012)

cum. production: 460,716 installations production 2011: 56,802 installations


Operation rate: approx. 90%

And what about workshop objective 2?

To present and discuss the latest developments and

opportunities on key issues related to the transition towards mature sectors. Expected output: Opportunities mapped for developing and resourcing of biogas sectors on: carbon financing, product development, bio-slurry, credit facilities and the enabling environment.

International Workshop

Opportunities: observations (1)

Carbon financing: Important progress made on the registration of CDM and VGS projects, which will result in increased carbon

revenues for the sector in future

All steps related to carbon financing are/seem to be complicated, time-consuming and costly Sub-Working Group on Carbon Financing (SWG-CF) has been established to exchange knowledge and experience Carbon financing implies strong quality control

International Workshop

Opportunities: observations (2)

Product development: Great dynamics including private sector initiatives (new concepts, construction materials, feedstock)

Different niches in the market

Perhaps missing: need for quick standardisation and certification: how to prepare for that?

International Workshop

Opportunities: observations (3)

Bio-slurry: The potential of bio-slurry has not been fully tapped and more efforts will be required on applied R&D and

Difficulties to market the advantages of bio-slurry compared to chemical fertiliser (Bhutan!) Rename the national biogas programmes In some areas, there is surplus (=waste)

International Workshop

Opportunities: observations (4)

Credit facilities: Big need for credit facilities, as up-front costs will remain considerable despite the dynamic product development

Proposed regional debt fund may contribute to the

fulfilment of this need Subsidised biogas credit vis--vis investment subsdies?

International Workshop

Opportunities: observations (5)

Enabling environment: Important roles to be played by the government on policy and regulation. Also monitoring & evaluation?

Subsidy for end-users (for certain period)

Standardisation! Carbon revenues are external or internal funds?

International Workshop

What else?
Credit market assessments in Indonesia and the

Philippines (FS)
Offer from the Vietnam team to have the 2013 international biogas workshop in Vietnam

International Workshop

Final question:
Did you experience sufficient:

refreshing tea spicy food

(Mahjong over the last three days?

playing) pleasure

International Workshop

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