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Written By Mir Fat e h Ali Shah Translation By Z o haib Imd ad K aka Language e ng lish Catagory Wake up Muslims


Muhammad SAWW said, the time will co me when my fo llo wers (Muslim Natio ns) will start to walk o n the pace o f Jews, as much that even if there will so me peo ple fro m Jews who co mmit sins with mo ther o penly, then fro m my fo llo wers also there will be so me peo ple who will do the same. Mo reo ver, Jews will be divided into 72 sects but my fo llo wers will be divided into 73 sects and o nly fro m all o f 73 will go into paradise and all remaining will be go ing into the hell. Decibels asked which o nly o ne sect will be go ing into the paradise. Muhammad SAWW replied; Perso ns who will fo llo w my way o f life and my decibels. Further Mo hammad SAWW said; there will be many natio ns in which my fo llo wers will be having so many wishes and wants in their life like a critical disease o f o ne do g transfers to ano ther do gs bo dy. Ref: ABU DAUD Abo ve saying o f Muhammad SAWW drawn attentio n to wards three main po ints: - Muslims will co mmit sins o penly like Jews - Muslims will be divided into the sects like Jews Increase o f wishes and wants into Muslims Making se ct s in Islam There was a time when Jews used to travel in the deserts and there were clo uds abo ve them and fo o d was to be sent by Allah SWT and even they were all the time superio r in all the natio ns, but they were still co ntinued to igno re and after Mo ses they killed so many messengers who came to guide them fro m Allah SWT. And they were co ntinuo usly do ing tho se acts until Allah SWT snatched all the blessings fro m them. In this article I discuss so me o f the actio ns o f Jews which they did, and fro m which we can understand better abo ut saying o f Muhammad SAWW. As Muhammad SAWW warned that my fo llo wers will act same like Jews, this is no t the o rder but warning fro m the Pro phet SAWW that when this time co mes then be o n the way o f Islam and do nt be like Jews that yo u divide yo urself in sects, like to day it is exactly happening. Se ct arianism and Quran Surely they who divided their religio n into parts and became sects, yo u have no co ncern with them; their affair is o nly with Allah, then He will info rm them o f what they did. 6 :159 In abo ve verse Allah SWT is co mmunicating with Muhammad SAWW that the peo ple who make the sects in the religio n, then yo u SAWW do nt have any co ncern with them because no w I (Allah) will deal with them. At ano ther place in Quran Allah SWT says Of tho se who divided their religio n and became seas every sect rejo icing in what they had with them. 30 :32 It means peo ple who have made the sects in their religio n; they are fully invo lved in that co nditio n and have made their o wn ways o f life. Apart o f that in chapter 3 Aal-Imran, fro m verse 10 3 to verse 10 7, there is a detail abo ut this to pic. Which se ct is o n right t rack?

Which se ct is o n right t rack? Whether yo u ask this questio n fro m any o f the sects, everyo ne will say that we are o n the right track. If yo u will ask fro m a Sunni (sect), they will say we are o n the right track. If yo u will ask fro m a Sheea (sect), they will say we are o n the right track. If yo u will ask fro m an Ahl-e-Hadees (sect), they will say we are o n the right track. If yo u will ask fro m a Bralwee (sect), they will say we are o n the right track. If yo u will ask fro m a Devbandi (sect), they will say we are o n the right track etc Then can we say that all are o n the right track? But ho w can it be po ssible that all wo uld be o n the right track? Because, acco rding to Muhammad SAWW o nly o ne will be go ing to paradise and that o ne will be o n the right path, remained al will go into the hell. Ho w t o re co gnize ? When decibels asked fro m Muhammad SAWW that which o ne will be go ing into the paradise, Muhammad SAWW replied, tho se who fo llo w me and my decibels. This is the sign to reco gnize that sect. No w lets try to understand: In which sect Muhammad SAWW was? In which sect the decibels o f Muhammad SAWW were? Lets write do wn all the names o f the sects which co me in yo ur mind o n a piece o f paper, and then think which sect is there to which the decibels o f Muhammad SAWW were belo nged? Actually, they all were o nly Muslims. They had no t any relatio n with any sect. because sects were to be made later when peo ple started to make their o wn beliefs o n their o wn cho ices and Islam co ntinued to break in so many ways (sects). In result, every sect is blaming o n o ther sect that they are o n the wro ng track and they are astray etc Pat h o f e vil Narrated by Hazrat Abdullah Bin Maso o d that Muhammad SAWW to ld us in a manner that He SAWW stretched a straight line and said this is the line which leads to Allah SWT and then He SAWW stretched so me o ther line fro m the right and left side o f the first stretched line and said these are the ways o f Satan (evil), which attracts peo ple o n these lines. (Nisai) Way o f Allah And ho ld fast, all to gether, by the ro pe which Allah (stretches o ut fo r yo u), and be no t divided amo ng yo urselves. 3:10 3 Acco rding to Muhammad SAWW that ro pe is Quran. Co me and lets make o ur lives better by fo llo wing Quran like o ur Pro phet SAWW and his decibels and get rid o f the sectarianism o therwise that day is no t so far when o ur co nditio n will be like Jews in Hereafter. The end

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