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G1 T1

G2 T2

G1 G1


Line No. 1 2 3

Starting Bus 1 2 3

Ending Bus 2 3 1

Series Line Impedance 0.2+0.6j 0.25+0.0125j 0.02+0.28j 0.05j

Line Changing Admittance

0.035j 0.015j

Line No. 1 2 3

Starting Bus 1 2 3

Voltage Magnitude 1.04 1 1.05

Angle 0 0

Real power

Reactive power 0 0 0

10.69 0 20 0

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AIM: To perform load flow analysis by Newton raphson method. ALGORITHM: Input the total number of buses Input the details of series line impendence and line charging admittance to calculate the Y-bus matrix. Assume all bus voltage as 1 per unit except slack bus. Set the iteration count as k=0 and bus count as p=1. Calculate the real and reactive power pp and qp using the formula P=vpqYpq*cos(Qpq+p-q) Qp=VpqYpa*sin(qpq+p-a) Evalute pp*=psp-pp* If the bus is generator (PV)bus check the value of Qp*is within the limiting if it violates the limit. Then equate the violated limit as reactive power and treat it as PQ bus. If limit is not violated then calculate. |vp|^r=|vgp|^rspe-|vp|r Qp*=qsp-qp* Advance bus count by 1 and check if all the buses have been accounted if not go to step 5. Calculate the elements of Jacobean matrix. Calculate new bus voltage increment pk and fpk Calculate new bus voltage ep*h+ ep* Fp^k+1=fpK+fpK Advance iteration count by 1 and go to step3. Evaluate bus voltage and power flows through the line . THEORY: The Newton raphson method is a power full method of solving non-linear algebric equation. It work is faster and is sure to coverage in most cases. It is indeed the practical method of load flow solution of large power network. In order to solve non-linear equations through this method we need to calculate jacobian matrix. If is obtained by differentiating the function vector f with respect to x and evaluating it at x. F0+J0 X0=0 These sets of linear algebraic equation can be solved effectively by triangularization and block substitution .Iterations are continued till Where i=1,2,3.n

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Its only drawback is large requirement of complex. Computer memory which has been over come through a compact storage scheme convergence can be speeded up by performing the first

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iteration through Gs method and using the value so obtained as starting Newton Raphson method.

Line no. 1 2 3

Startin g Bus 1 2 3

Ending Bus 2 3 1

Series Line Impedance 0.02+0.04j 0.0125+0.025j 0.01+0.03j

Line Charging Admittance 0.05j 0.025j 0.025j

Voltage Magnitude 1.025 1.0 1.0

Angle 0 0 0

PROGRAM clear all; clc nb=input('the number of buses\n'); nl=input('the number of lines\n'); sb=input('the number of starting buses\n'); eb=input('the number of ending buses\n'); sli=input('enter the details of series line impedance\n'); lca=input('enter the detail of line impedance\n'); for m=1:nb for n=1:nb if m==n||m~=n if sli(m,n)==0 n=n+1; else y(m,n)=+sli(m,n)^-1+lca(m,n); y(n,n)=+sli(m,n)^-1+lca(m,n); y(m,n)=-sli(m,n)^-1; y(n,m)=y(m,n); end end end end ybus=y for j=1:nb mag(j)=input(['enyer the voltage magnitude of bus',num2str(j),':']); th(j)=input(['enter the angle of the bus',num2str(j),':']) ; acp(j)=input(['enter the real power of bus',num2str(j),':']); acq(j)=input(['enter the reactive power of bus',num2str(j),':']); end my=abs(ybus); an=angle(ybus); g=real(ybus);b=imag(ybus);

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for i=1:nb; pe(i)=0; qu(i)=0;

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for j=1:nb; pe(i)=mag(i)*my(i,j)*mag(j)*cos(th(i)-th(j)-an(i,j))+pe(i); qu(i)=mag(i)*my(i,j)*mag(j)*sin(th(i)-th(j)-an(i,j))+qu(i); end end for i=2:nb for j=2:nb if i~=j j1(i,j)=mag(i)*mag(j)*(g(i,j)*sin(th(i)-th(j))-b(i,j)*cos(th(i)-th(j))); j3(i,j)=-mag(i)*mag(j)*(g(i,j)*cos(th(i)-th(j))-b(i,j)*sin(th(i)-th(j))); j2(i,j)=-j3(i,j); j4(i,j)=-j1(i,j); else j1(i,j)=-qu(i)-b(i,j)*(mag(i)^2); j2(i,j)=pe(i)+g(i,j)*(mag(i)^2); j3(i,j)=pe(i)-g(i,j)*(mag(i)^2); j1(i,j)=qu(i)-b(i,j)*(mag(i)^2); end end end ja1(1:nb-1,1:nb-1)=j1(2:nb,2:nb); ja2(1:nb-1,1:nb-1)=j2(2:nb,2:nb); ja3(1:nb-1,1:nb-1)=j3(2:nb,2:nb); ja4(1:nb-1,1:nb-1)=j4(2:nb,2:nb); jacob=[ja1 ja2; ja3 ja4]; disp(['the jacobian matrix is :']); jacob=[ja1 ja2; ja3 ja4]; disp(['the jacobian matrix is :']); disp(jacob); delp(1:nb-1)=acp(2:nb)-pe(2:nb); delq(1:nb-1)=acp(2:nb)-qu(2:nb); chan=(inv(jacob))*[delp delp]'; chth(2:nb)=chan(1:2); chma(2:nb)=chan(n:2*2); for i=2:nb chmag(i)=chma(i)*mag(i); end mag=mag+chmag; th=th + chth; disp(['the voltage magnitudes are:',num2str(mag),]); disp(['the phase value are:' ,num2str(th),]);

the number of buses 3 the number of lines

Date: Ex.No.: 3 the number of starting buses [1 2 3] the number of ending buses [2 3 1] enter the details of series line impedance [0 0.2+0.6j -0.02-0.28j;-0.2-0.6j 0 0.25+0.0125j;0.02+0.28j -0.25-0.0125j 0] enter the detail of line impedance [0 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 0] ybus = 0.2538 - 3.5533i 0.5000 - 1.5000i -0.2538 + 3.5533i 0.5000 - 1.5000i -3.9900 + 0.1995i 3.9900 - 0.1995i -0.2538 + 3.5533i 3.9900 - 0.1995i 3.9900 - 0.1995i enyer the voltage magnitude of bus1:1.04 enter the angle of the bus1:0 enter the real power of bus1:0 enter the reactive power of bus1:0 enyer the voltage magnitude of bus2:1 enter the angle of the bus2:10.69 enter the real power of bus2:0 enter the reactive power of bus2:0 enyer the voltage magnitude of bus3:1.05 enter the angle of the bus3:20 enter the real power of bus3:0 enter the reactive power of bus3:0 the jacobian matrix is : the jacobian matrix is : -2.0521 -0.6879 -10.7867 -4.1860 0.2717 -1.1249 -4.1380 8.0414 -2.8067 4.1860 0 0.6879 4.1380 -0.7566 -0.2717 0 the voltage magnitudes are:1.04 the phase value are:0 10.011 0.53776 0.56465 21.2444

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RESULT: Thus the load flow analysis by using Newton Raphson method was performed.

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