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G1 T1

G2 T2

G1 G1


Line No. 1 2 3

Starting Bus 1 2 2

Ending Bus 2 3 3

Series Line Impedance 0.02+0.04j 0.01+0.03j 0.0125+0.025j 0.05j

Line Changing Admittance

Voltage 1.05 1.0 1.00 0

Real Power 0 0

Reactive Power

0.025j 0.025j

0.2 0.3


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To perform load flow analysis by using fast decoupled method.

Due to the weak coupling between PV and q- half of the elements of jacobian matrix are neglected further the assumptions made are Cos ij = 1 Sin ij = 0 Qi << Bij |V|2 The simplified FDLF equations are (P / |V|) = [B][] (Q / |V|) = [B][|V|] One iteration implies one solution for [] to update [] and one solution for [P/|V|] to update [|V|] and is termed as 1- and 1-V iteration. The convergence for the real and reactive power is achieved when max[P] < P; max[Q]<=Q. The main advantage of the decoupled load flow as compared to Newton Raphson method is its reduced memory is storing Jacobian.

Step1: Input the total number of buses. Step2: Input the Y-bus matrix of order n X n. Step3: Assume all the bus voltages are 1 pu except slack bus. Step4: Form susceptance matrix B and B. Step5: Set the iteration count as K=0. Step6: Set Vs=0; rv=0. Step7: Calculate the real and reactive power Pi using the formula Pir = VpqYpq*cos(Qpq + p - q)

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Date: Ex. No.: Step8: Evaluate Pir = Pispec Pir.

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Step9: Test for convergence if max( Pir < P) then set rs = 1 and go to next step otherwise go to step 2. Step10: Check if rv = 1 then calculate the slack bus power and all line flows and print the result otherwise go to step 13. Step11: Set rv = 0 then calculate Sir using (P / |V|) = [B][] Step12: Calculate ir+1 = ir + ir. Step13: Calculate Qir using Qispec Qir. Step14: Test for convergence if max(Qir)<Q then set rv = 1 and do next step otherwise go to step 17. Step15: Check if rs=1 then go to step 19. Step16: Otherwise advance the iteration count by 1 and go to step 8. Step17: Set rs = 0 and calculate |Vi|r using (Q / |V|) = [B][|V|] Step18: Calculate |Vi|r+1 = |Vi|r + |Vi|r and go to step 16. Step19: Calculate slack bus power and all line flows and print the result. PROGRAM clear all; clc; k=2; %line data nb=input('Enter The Number of Buses nl=input('\nEnter The Number of Lines sb=input('\nEnter The Number of Starting Bus eb=input('\nEnter The Number of Ending Bus '); '); '); ');

sli=input('\nEnter The Details of Series Line Impedance\n '); lca=input('Enter The Details of Line Charing Admittance\n '); volt=input('Enter The Voltage Magnitude of Buses %formating of y bus ');

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for m=1:nb for n=1:nb if m==n||m~=n

Date: Ex. No.: if lca(m,n)==0 n=n+1; else y(m,n)=+sli(m,n)^-1+lca(m,n); y(n,n)=+sli(m,n)^-1+lca(m,n); y(n,m)=-sli(m,n)^-1; y(n,m)=y(m,n); end end end end fprintf('The Y-Bus Matrix is\n') ybus=y bbus=-imag(ybus) fprintf('The b1-Bus Matrix is\n') bbus1=bbus(2:nb,2:nb) fprintf('The b2-Bus Matrix is\n') bbus2=bbus1(2:nb-1,2:nb-1) invbbus1=bbus1^-1 invbbus2=bbus2^-1 for k=2:nb for l=1:nb power(k,1)=(+(volt(k)*y(k,1)*volt(1))); end end Enter The Number of Buses Enter The Number of Lines Enter The Number of Starting Bus Enter The Number of Ending Bus 3 [1 2 3] [2 3 1] 3

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Date: Ex. No.: Enter The Details of Series Line Impedance

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[0 0.02+0.04j -0.0125-0.025j;-0.2-0.04j 0 0.01+0.03j;0.0125+0.025j -0.01-0.03j 0] Enter The Details of Line Charing Admittance [0 0.05j -0.025j;-0.05j 0 0.025j;0.025j -0.025j 0] Enter The Voltage Magnitude of Buses The Y-Bus Matrix is ybus = 16.0000 -31.9750i -4.8077 + 0.9115i 16.0000 -31.9750i -4.8077 + 0.9115i -10.0000 +29.9750i -10.0000 +29.9750i 16.0000 -31.9750i -10.0000 +29.9750i 10.0000 -29.9750i bbus = 31.9750 -0.9115 31.9750 -0.9115 -29.9750 -29.9750 31.9750 -29.9750 29.9750 [1.05 1 1]

The b1-Bus Matrix is -29.9750 -29.9750 -29.9750 29.9750

The b2-Bus Matrix is 29.9750 invbbus1 = -0.0167 -0.0167 -0.0167 0.0167

po=power(1:nb,1:1) realpower=real(po) reactivepower=-imag(po) for l=1:nb-1 delpo(nb)=reactivepower(nb)-realpower(nb);

Date: Ex. No.: delq(nb)=reactivepower(nb)-realpower(nb); delnew(nb)=invbbus1(nb-1)*delpo(nb-1); delv(nb)=invbbus2(nb-2)*delq(nb-2); end de=delpo dq=delq dn=delnew dv=delv

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invbbus2 =


po = 0 -5.0481 + 0.9571i 16.8000 -33.5738i

Date: Ex. No.: realpower = 0 -5.0481 16.8000 reactivepower = 0 -0.9571 33.5738 de = 0 dq = 0 dn = 0 0 0 0 16.7738 0 16.7738

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dv = 0 0 0

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Thus the load flow analysis by using fast decoupled load flow method was performed and the results was verified.

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