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48 Steps To Torah

Number 11: pilpul talmidim

The 11 of the 48 ways to acquire torah is Pilpul Talmidim which literally translates as conversing with students. This kinyan teaches us that a lot can be learnt from those of whom we expect the least. One would expect to learn from his teacher, maybe even his colleagues, but one doesnt realise the lessons they can learn from their students. On top of this, when you are able to teach something, it proves that you truly understand that concept or idea. Furthermore, this kinyan also teaches us the obligation to teach. Imagine if you knew the cure to a terrible disease but refused to share it. People would call you a murderer and they would be justified in this. So too, if you have information but refrain from teaching it, you are depriving those who could learn from you and it could, therefore, be compared to stealing. Hence, it is of paramount importance to share your wisdom with others. Everyone enjoys making a difference in other people's lives. Ninety-nine percent of people are motivated (at least in part) to help others. It is a basic human drive. And the more people that we positively impact, the better we feel about ourselves. Teaching is a way to build an eternal bond with another person.

When you reduce ignorance in the world, even by a little bit, you give a great gift to mankind. Some diseases only a doctor can treat, but ignorance can only be cured by someone who takes wisdom seriously. Rebbi Chanina said, "Harbeh Lamaditi MeiRabosai", I learned a great deal from my teachers. "U'MeiChaveirai Yoseir MiRabosai", and even more from my friends. "U'MeiTalmidai Yoseir Mikulam", and from my students more than all of them (Ta'anis 7a). This teaches the great importance of teaching. If the great Rebbi Chanina learnt more from his students than from his teachers and colleagues, surely this applies to us too. The posuk says: Etz chaim hi lmachazikim boh. The Gemara in Taanis asks: Why is Torah compared to a tree? Because just like a small tree can light a big tree, so too small Torah scholars sharpen big ones. Until you share an idea, it's not yours. It remains but a hazy thought in your imagination. Communicating the idea to others makes it real. You've taken it out of potential and made it a reality. By reaching others, you will reach yourself.

The Hasmonean High School Weekly Sedra Sheet

8th December 2012
Dvar Torah

Living Torah
Issue No: Shabbos In: Shabbos Out:

416 3:37 4:46

Listening to messages
Vayishma reuven vayatzlaihu miyodom (37:21) these words, that eventually the dreams of Yosef will indeed come true.

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And Reuven heard, and he saved him from their hands. Answers the Pardes Yosef this can be the Peshat in the Posuk. Only Reuven heard the words The Pardes Yosef asks that the word Vayishma Vanireh Mah Yiheyeh Chalomosov and that is doesnt seem to be accurate. Since the other why the Posuk singles out Reuven and says Vaybrothers were also there and heard, why does the ishma Reuven since none of the other Shevotim Torah single out Reuven? It should have said that heard this voice of Ruach Hakodesh. only Reuven acted rather than only Reuven heard. This also explains why only Reuven felt compelled Let us first introduce the following incident from to get up and save Yosef. Since he heard the the Gemara in Taanis 21a. The Gemara relates Ruach Hakodesh he realized this message that how Rabi Yochanon and Ilfah left their learning in Yosef will survive and the dreams will come true the Beis Hamedrash to travel away from home on was for him to hear and ensure this happens. So business. They stopped for a meal and sat in front Reuven got up and rescued Yosef. of a wall. The Malochim said Let us throw this wall on these people who have given up Chayai Another thought regarding listening to the mesOlam (eternal life) for Chayai Shooh (physical sages Hashem sends us, and acting upon them, is matters)! Another Maloch replied Leave them, said by the Baal Shem Tov. The Gemara (Chagiga as one of them will grow up to be a great schol- 15a) says: Every day a Bas Kol (Heavenly Voice) ar. Rabi Yochanon asked Ilfah if he had heard comes out and says Return, wayward the conversation, but Ilfah had not. Said Rabi sons (Yirmiyah 3:14). The Baal Shem Tov asks: Yochanon: If only I heard this voice, then it is a What is the point of this Bas Kol if no one hears it? sign that this message was directed at me, and I So he answers that at various stages throughout am the one who should go back and continue my the day, a person has hirhurei teshuva (thoughts learning. Indeed Rabi Yochnon returned, and of repentance). That comes because of the Bas Kol. A person has to realise that these are a meseventually was appointed Rosh Hayeshiva. sage to him, and listen to this message and do Rashi on the previous Posuk Vanireh Mah Yihey- teshuva. eh Chalomosov (And we will see what will come of his dreams) states that Ruach Hakodesh said

Yartzheit Story

Dvar Torah

The husyatiner rebbe

This Thursday, 29th Kislev, 5th day Chanukah, will be the 63rd despite the fact that it was two days before the long fast of Yartzheit of Rav Yisroel Freidman ZTL, the 2nd Husyatiner Shiva Asar BTammuz. 20,000 people flocked to the grave Rebbe of the Ohr HaChaim on this day, to beseech Hashem to have mercy on His people. The aged Husyatiner Rebbe was there It was 1942, and the Nazis, led by Field Marshal Erwin Romtoo, carried on a chair in the heat of the day by his Chassimel, were marching on through Northern Africa towards dim. At the grave, the Rebbe stared at a point in the far off Eretz Yisrael, or, as it was known at the time, Palestine. The distance, concentrating intensely. As he stepped away from Germans were only 48 hours away from reaching the Suez the grave, he turned to one of his Chassidim, Berel Ludmir. Canal, and following that, Palestine. News had been coming Berels daughter had got engaged, and he had been waiting into Eretz Yisrael from Europe, and, besides, many Jews to know if there was any point in organising the wedding. there were no strangers to Nazi brutality, having only reThe Rebbe said to Berel Ludmir: You can make the wedcently escaped them themselves. The Jews living in Eretz ding. It will be alright. The Rebbe later told Berel that he Yisrael were in a panic. Surely the Nazis would turn the holy had seen the four-letter name of Hashem floating above the land into a mass graveyard, as they were already doing to grave of the Ohr HaChaim. The news of what the Rebbe had Europe. said spread around Eretz Yisrael, and people started to Chaos reigned on the streets. The Haganah were attempting return to their normal lives, imbued with hope. to reassure people that they would protect them, while the From that day onwards, a set of unexplainable problems Irgun were persuading people to take a German down with beset Rommel. A sandstorm and an argument with Hitler them. cost Rommel the full moon needed to perform desert adThe 15th of Tammuz is a special date on the Jewish calendar vances. At the next full moon, in July, the desert skies mi- it is the Yartzheit of the holy Ohr HaChaim. He writes raculously poured with rain, delaying Rommel for another month. By this stage, a new British comsomething seemingly very cryptic on Parmander had been appointed, Bernard shas Balak, which that year fell on the week Montgomery, who beat Rommels forces of the 15th Tammuz: If the Jews are on a back. lower level, Moshiach ben Yosef will be killed in a war with Romulus. If, however, we are on a higher level, Moshiach ben Yosef will triumph over Romulus. Romulus could refer to the ancestor of the Romans, but it also sounds remarkably similar to the name Rommel... As a result of this, the Rabbonim in Eretz Yisrael declared a fast on the 15th Tammuz, Another German commander, Field Marshal Keitel, later wrote that June 30th, 1942, had been the day of the beginning of the decline of the 3rd Reich. June 30th, 1942, was also the day that the Husyatiner Rebbe sat at the grave of the Ohr HaChaim, and davened for his people...

Everything hashem does is for the best

Plenty of times we think about life in terms of what if or if only. You can fill in the blank, but some of the more common ones are if only I had more money, or if only my life was easier etc. Yet, we are taught, and we know well, that everything that Hashem does is for the very best of that individual kol mah david rachmana ltav avid (Anything Hashem does is for the good) though it is sometimes awfully hard to perceive this concept. spend 12 years in a dark cold dungeon. Yet Rashi tells us that from here we see the great reward that is given to Tzadikim. When Yosef was bound and sold as a slave, the wagon that took him down to Egypt was carrying spices that emitted a nice smell, as opposed to the normal cargo that gives off an obnoxious odour. Clearly, Hashem loved the Tzadik and arranged something out of the ordinary to protect him. The obvious question on this Rashi is that if the Torah wants us to show the reward for Tzadikim, it could have done a much more convincing job by saving Yosef from this entire event. If Hashem is watching over Tzadikim, then why not just save Yosef from all of the suffering that he is about to endure?

This lesson is brought out exceptionally well in this weeks Parsha. Yaakov wanted to settle down, live in Eretz Yisroel and devote himself to Torah study. Yet, despite this Hashem throws Yaakov another challenge mourning his son and not being comforted. Why? Couldnt Yaakov finally get to return to his days of old, where The answer is that there are challenges in life Torah learning was the only issue at hand? What that are unavoidable, not because Hashem cannot prevent them but quite the opposite, Hawas the message here? shem guides them since we and the generation The answer is this very point. Yaakov Avinu felt need them. In the most difficult of times Haas we do in our own different ways. We think shem showed his mercy by granting him with that we can certainly serve Hashem that much sweet odours, not those of petroleum. better if that wish, whatever it is, would be fulfilled. Yet, Hashem, in His Infinite Mercy, tells us, It is a very difficult concept to internalize, one My dear Yankele, why do you crave to escape that sometimes requires immense reserves of your situation? You are doing exactly what I emuna and bitachon. This also does not take need from you in your very present condition! away or absolve an individual from davening that a particular decree should be turned for the We also see that Hashem is always orchestrating good. But while you are in it, whatever it may all that seems bad, but is in fact necessary for be, serve your Creator by accepting that I am the Jewish people. Yosef enters the most diffigoing through a situation exactly as He planned cult episode of his life. His brothers leave him in it, and that it will eventually be for the good. a pit, he is about to be sold as a slave and then

And his father cried for him (37:35) The Gemara teaches that Yaakov was punished for the twenty-two years that he spent away from his father by being separated from Yosef for twenty two years. We can therefore see the word ,and he cried, as being a contraction of the two words , woe, and , which has the numerical value of 22. When Yaakov became separated from his son it reminded him of the years that he himself had been away from his father. Realizing then that he was being punished, he said, Woe for the 22 years that I spent away from my father, for he understood that he would now have to pay the price for those years.

Who was the mother of Dovid Hamelech?
Last weeks riddle:

When does 20 + 20 not equal 40?

In a case of Eidim Zomemin (false witnesses), the witnesses get the same punishment they tried to give to the accused. In a case where they tried to make someone pay money, they can split the money between them. In a case where they tried to give someone 40 lashes, however, they do not split the lashes between them, but rather they both get 40. So in this case, 20+20 does not equal 40.

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