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Gateways to Bliss:

Activating the LumenOctave

- a powerful guide to accessing your full potential & following your life's purpose

This book is written with the intent of providing you with powerful knowledge about of one of lifes most exciting gifts. It is the use of the far most superior, advanced technology there is. An instrument specifically designed to bring about amazing things like true love, money, happiness, success, beauty, truth and creativity. That instrument is your very own body. The information in this book is based on the teachings of the Utopian Body Course, which is designed to systematically help you remember how to use the inherent power of your body, unlocking your tremendous dormant potential! I decided to turn the course into a book because we all learn and digest things differently; just because you prefer reading, I dont want you to be excluded from learning the amazing techniques Im about to unveil to you. Naturally, I will go into details about this once we start working together, but I want to give you a little sneak peak of what were going to do. The way you activate your astonishing, beautiful, amazing, abundant, omnipotent self is through the activation of very specific glands and organs in your body. They are like information super stores that absorb all experiences you go through in life. By changing the information caused by traumas to information about your infinite possibilities, you change your way of life from fear and limitation to ultimate freedom - ultimate potential. The change happens through DNA activation - a way of consciously overwriting the noises of your ego with the light language of your soul, installing its messages directly into your body. It gives your body the opportunity to hold and feel the energy of the being you truly are, and not the distorted, polarized ego-version. DNA activation works on a deep, cellular level, directly changing each cell's memory. By updating your DNA with new beliefs and memories, you enable a powerful transformation from within the body, harmonizing the interplay between your body and soul. However, like I mentioned, I will address all these terms in depth as we go along, so dont worry if they are unfamiliar to you right now. That will change. However, the reason Im telling you now, is to give you this very important piece of information. In fact, it is probably one of the most important points of this entire book: Through DNA activation, you become your own master. You can upgrade everything about your life - about yourself! Go back. Read the line again. Its that important. The sole purpose of this book is to help you meet your own goals and dreams, however golden or bold they may be. Of course, as it is your body - your life - you decide how much or how little you want to do. You have the power. My goal is simply to you help you remember who you naturally are - and to empower you to create the life you want. The rest is up to you. My belief is - and this is one of my core principles - that the only way of sustainable transformation goes through the personal empowerment of you. I dont believe in any kind of teacher dependencies, guru idolization or spiritual dogma. It really is all about you. No one else. In many ways, it is what that old proverb talks about: Give a man a fish - feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish - feed him for a lifetime". I want your growth and transformation to last you a lifetime. I want to teach you how to heal difficult aspects within yourself, challenging situations in your life and your relations with others.

That brings me to a very important point for you to remember before going deeper into the teachings of this book:

You never heal anyone else. You only ever heal yourself.
It may seem like a paradox that I, being a healer, remind you to only heal yourself. However, the truth is, thats all I do too. I want you to think of it like this: Your body is connected with the entire cosmos; we are all one being. Therefore, the more you heal your own body, and the deeper you go with your own evolution and growth, the more you uplift the vibration of the entire planet and the entire cosmos. Imagine rings spreading in the water; the energy is transferred from the core of the movement and outwards, affecting its surroundings. Self-healing is just like that and the only way you can heal another person. Why is this so important to remember? For one, skipping this notion completely changes the direction of the work you set out to do: it will no longer be your healing process but someone elses - and trust me when I say, that is no fun in the long run. It will end up depleting your energy, and before you know it, your experience goes from being full of energy and life to feeling drained and uninspired. Maybe you even feel like taking a step away from the person you were trying to heal or help (sounds familiar?). Thats NOT we want to do! The relationship you and I are building through this book is meant to be fun for you. It is meant to help you on your personal journey. The teachings I offer are designed to enhance your life and your healing. As you progress, you will see that your evolution inevitably influences and inspires other people around you, aiding them on their healing journeys - and thats great! It just shouldnt be your primary focus. The healing codes I provide are codes I use within myself - theyre tried and tested. However, if at some point you think, I really dont want that right now, you have every right to not accept the code. Im not implementing any genetic codes in you; Im simply offering them to you and the choice to either accept or reject them is yours entirely. Did you just read this paragraph thinking, I dont know what a healing code is? Thats OK. We will cover that later on. For now, lets look at the work well be doing together. I have broken it into three modules, introducing you to different aspects of your body and your life. However, before we go there, I want to give you the proper understanding of the light that is you and the way your soul communicates with your body; I will introduce you to the LumenOctave Principles and your Bliss Instinct. This important information will serve as the foundational knowledge for everything we go through in the rest of the book, so make sure you spend some time with it and really make it yours. Experience has taught me that this approach gives the best understanding, and therefore, the best results. And thats what were looking for! Once we have covered the bases, the modules are structured as follows: Module 1: Connection to higher self This module takes you into the wonderful secrets of the higher planes. You will learn to connect with the infinite knowledge of your higher self, the essence of your being, both from this life and your multi-dimensional existence. You will start to see that your higher self has been trying to communicate with you, using a very tangible and easy technique: Your Bliss Instinct.

Memories, images and inspirations about your true nature and life purpose will be activated. You learn to identify the stark difference between your true mind and the programmed mind, and start undoing the all the false beliefs that prevent you from simply being who you are. This module is designed to get you well acquainted with the light of your soul, your consciousness - that living being that dwells inside your body. Module 2: Connection to human self This module focuses on the mid planes - the core of the human experience. You learn how the DNA of your body can be activated to re-wire your nervous system to be aligned with your Bliss Instinct. You will learn about your electro-magnetic field, how to hold your energetic presence, and what happens when your energy gets depleted. You are introduced to the powers of your thyroid gland, connecting with the most effective ways of communicating in order to bring about the greatest influence and impact in your life. We also focus on the lung region: Home of freedom, happiness and contentment as well as the physical components that change your body chemistry. You learn how to create a life with happiness, fulfillment and how to be freed from loneliness, depression and other feelings that taint human life. The mid planes are all about restoring yourself back to nature - to your natural state of happiness, love, freedom and truth. Module 3: Connection to physical self The most powerful activation occurs when you activate the physical body - the lower planes. In this module, you will learn how to ground the spiritual light of your soul and align it with the body, so that your can start living the expression of your highest potential. You learn how to be powerful and asserting yourself, no longer weakened by external pressures. We also focus on releasing your creative powers, restoring trust and intimacy as well as (and this I find particularly exiting!) creating your ideal physical body. In fact, you will learn how to manifest anything you want in the physical reality: Money, success, relationships, physical health and beauty. As you can tell, each module covers very different areas of your body and their corresponding aspects in your life. As we progress, I will give you related and targeted homework, which allows you to test what you have learned and integrate the knowledge into your body - and into your life. It will not be the kind of homework that requires a slew of expensive accessories or gadgets, or will be especially complicated to do. Remember, I have done it before you and I have successfully taught many others before you. The only thing it requires is that you are ready for the adventure! Its not the same as saying you wont be challenged, feel confused, angry, frustrated or have doubt about the whole thing. Thats completely normal. In fact, I would go as far as saying - its necessary! Otherwise you wouldnt be expanding your being, reaching for your unlimited potential. You wouldnt be growing. Whenever you hit a rock, go back and read these lines. Read them to remind yourself that the obstacles you face are gifts in disguise. And although theyre tough as all h***, they hold divine wisdom and are just as important as the feelings of joy and bliss youre sure to experience too. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you - and to supporting you on your journey. Now, lets get started.

THE LUMENOCTAVE PRINCIPLES You are the Master of your life To reach a point where youre able to change your life with the same ease a magician turns purple into orange, you need to know which tools youre working with - and how theyre working with you. This section gives you the important fundamental understanding of the intricate system under which you operate: The amazing, benevolent, incredible, sophisticated, all natural human body! However, before we go there, I want to take it one step up - into the light, which is you in your essence - in order to map out the system were going to apply in understanding how the body communicates with us. The LumenOctave Principles: The interplay between your body & soul In your purest form, you are consciousness; you are the light that experiences everything. The instrument through which you experience this light - your body - is essentially created by sound, i.e. atoms vibrating on different frequencies. These vibrations proceed in all kinds, aspects, and densities of the matter that constitutes the Universe, from the finest elements to the coarsest. Lumen is defined as the total amount of visible light emitted by a source. When the white light of consciousness enters your body, it refracts and travels through seven different organs and glands with seven different frequencies. Each frequency regulates the characteristics and color of the light emitted. For example, when the consciousness light enters the pineal gland (located in your brain), the energy emitted is violet due to the specific vibration of the gland. The explanation behind this can be found in music theory. In a musical scale, there are seven notes: Root, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh are the scale degrees relative to the root note - the origin of the octave.

The seven-tone scale is the formula of a cosmic law defined by ancient schools applied to music. However, if we look at how the law of octaves manifests in other kinds of vibrations, we will see that it applies to everything else in our reality; that light, heat, chemical, magnetic, and physical vibrations are subject to the same principles as sound vibrations. Just think of a rainbow: When the light of the sun leaves the prism - the raindrop - it is no longer white, but spreads into seven rays of different colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, depending on the angle though which the light enters and leaves.

The LumenOctave is the light of consciousness experienced through an octave of sound frequencies: The seven frequencies plus the origin of the octave
How does the Law of Octaves apply to you? Musical sounds are organized into patterns of harmony, whereas noise is random, disorganized sounds. Harmonious sounds are tones, which essentially are produced by organized vibrations as a means for the musician to control the loudness, quality and duration of the harmonies he plays. In the very same way, the harmony of the LumenOctave - the interplay between your soul (light) and your body (sound) - is directly determined by your intentional ability to master the eight tones within your octave and create harmony in your life instead of disruption and noise. In other words, your intention sets the bar. However much you want to explore - however much of a musician you want to be - is how much of a change you will experience. Each tone of the LumenOctave is the native sound of a specific area within your body and its corresponding aspect of your life. The eight tones of the LumenOctave are:

1 Life Purpose 2 Intelligence 3 Healing 4 Communication 5 Love 6 Personal Power 7 Creativity 8 Abundance
Each tone communicates in clear messages about what works within that aspect - and what doesnt. As we go further into exploring the specific areas of your body, I will teach you about the different characteristics of each tone, their specific location and color, but most importantly, what they sound like when they are in and out of sync. Although each tone of the LumenOctave has its own unique sound and quality, they all communicate through one common denominator: The sensation of bliss! As you learn to distinguish the true version of this sensation from the short-lived imitation your ego knows how to produce, you will discover the most incredible navigation system for making quality choices about your life. And whats better yet: It exists within your very own body. It is your Bliss Instinct.

THE BLISS INSTINCT The Primary Rule There is one and only one primary rule. If you master this rule, all knowledge will unfold as a result and you wont need to do anything else. This tenet is not only the most important one, but also the most difficult to master. It takes practice and dedication, a strong will and courage; however, as long as you have an open heart and the willingness to learn, you are well on your way. Lets take a closer look at the true meaning of bliss. Intelligence exists within everything in our lives. On a micro level, we see that something is making our skin shed and our nails grow. We see organic matter decompose; we feel our food being digested and watch the leaves falling from the trees. On a macro level, we experience the earth orbiting around the sun and the moon around the earth. We watch the tides roll in and out from the shoreline. You get the picture. Although everything seems to be happening by itself, there is an amazing intelligence to life on all levels. It is not just talk; both you and I feel it. Everything is embedded with purpose and function carried out with the largest degree of divine grace and ease. In between the micro and the macro, the human mind exists, sensing the great flow of existence, looking out for actions to keep you connected to your true purpose of being one with the flow of energy that seamlessly pervades the universe. All spiritual disciplines ultimately attempt to connect us to this divine functioning, this natural state of effortless living. When we connect to our natural state and become one with the intelligence that flows through everything, we feel our true nature. -And this is the Primary Rule:

Your true nature is bliss

Bliss is that amazing sensation of completeness that we all know on a deep, physical level. It is our native sense of happiness, joy, contentment, peace, euphoria and elatedness all mixed as one. If bliss is what we already are - our natural state of existence - then why on earth are we chasing it with every breath of our being? Truth be told, I find that to be one of the most perplexing questions in the universe. Isnt it the hugest irony of all? -That we are striving to find something we already have in abundance? We seek bliss continually, constantly craving and desiring, because we - with our coming into existence on this gorgeous blue planet - inherit a programming of our minds that leads us to believe that we have to leave our natural, universal connection, and plug into the man-made systems in order to achieve bliss. Ill give you a few examples: Ever heard of somebody chasing higher levels of success, the one true love, more money, a perfect body or a bigger house in the pursuit of happiness, only to discover that the sense of relief and joy they were seeking did not set in? Our falling hook, line and sinker for that programming is really the biggest scam on earth! It has made us dependent upon things that are, to put it frankly: completely and utterly undependable, at least for sustainable happiness. However, more than anything, and in my opinion far worse, it has crippled our spiritual evolution. It can be phrased like this:

Trade in the happiness you already are for the chase of the watered down, short-lived, dubious version made up by someone else
The most horrible rub of this human cycle of behavior is that after a lifetime of seeking all the possible cures for our pain - of following everyone else in the unspoken (or sometimes not so unspoken) contest of accumulating wealth, gathering possessions, being as politically correct as possible - we still dont find the bliss we seek. In fact, although we try to find happiness through the means prescribed by our social systems, we come to realize that the bliss we have been offered is just a knock-off - a cheap, poorly crafted imitation of the real thing. And the most startling realization is this:

The real thing, bliss itself, is always right there within you! In fact it is you. Bliss is your true nature.
You want the real deal? You want the true, all-pervading, long-lasting incredible sensation of bliss? Then always, always, always follow your Bliss Instinct. In its most basic format, following your Bliss Instinct is quite simple: It comes down to slowing down all pursuits of happiness, and relaxing into the things in your life that feel inherently good; the very simple, yet completely perfect sensations of bliss, like times when you feel safe and secure, the fluid delight of taking a long hot bath, the peaceful feeling of a beautiful, quiet afternoon. We feel these breaths of our natural bliss always, throughout our lives. They are like lost voices calling to us, reminding us of who we truly are; deemed nice by society, but not important - at least not as important as having more, bigger, better things. There is good news, though. Being your true nature, bliss will never completely leave you. Even in times when you are feeling smothered by social constraints, all it takes is a swim in the ocean or listening to the silence of the woods - or whatever it might be that triggers that overwhelmingly blissful feeling in you. In these seemingly unimportant moments, you connect to bliss by recognizing and allowing yourself to become it. Relax your body for a minute right here as you read. Take a deep breath and feel your entire body while simply watching your mind. Become aware of the physical sensations within your body: feel your skin, your muscles, your internal organs, your bones, your blood, all your cells in your body and your DNA. Keep doing this until you actually feel yourself slowing down. Soon enough you will feel nothing but yourself and your own natural bliss. Now, truly connect with this bliss and follow it - and then wholly and completely surrender to its instinctual instructions. Don't worry if your mind takes off in a whirlwind of interior dialogue - just stop judging yourself. Bliss is right there inside you, ready to work for you as it did when you were a child, not caring, not judging. Always think of yourself as wonderful and simply relax again. Do the exercise again whenever you are ready, and know that you have just made your first conscious, tangible connection with your Bliss Instinct. Becoming a Bliss Surfer As with anything else youre new at, practicing and strengthening your connection with your Bliss Instinct will make it easier over time. Gradually, connecting with your native bliss

over and over again will make you capable of knowing when you are experiencing your actual bliss, and when you are being tricked by your ego posing as your bliss. I will cover the ego in more details later in the book. For now, I just want you to focus on the sensation of bliss. You feel it. It is not some pie in the sky idea that you never get to experience on a visceral level. You know it and sense it - you just did. Getting reacquainted with the wave of bliss and making it last is a real challenge undeniably. However, I also know that you will be delighted with what you are actually feeling. And, as every bliss surfer will tell you: It gets easier with practice as you welcome bigger and bigger waves of bliss into your life that spark your sense of wisdom, worth and courage. Its the kind of feeling that makes you take on greater adventures, launching your souls potential for absolute abundance, perfection, beauty, and love! Knowing when you are aligned with your Bliss Instinct It is as simple as this: It feels really good! For example, you are facing an urgent situation, and need to make an impactful decision. Relaxing into your bliss, connecting with the physical sensation allows you the perspective you need to best make that decision. In order for you to see the best choice clearly, connect with the possibilities that lie ahead of you. Relax your body and open up to them, one at a time. How does your body respond? What do you feel? Do you feel a sense of joy, do you feel euphoric or do you feel numb? Or perhaps you get knots in your stomach or are filled with fear? When you feel good, there is no confusion. It is your body telling you: yes, go for it, and a sense of calmness, relaxedness, peace and euphoria takes over. In some cases you may feel more at ease with what arises inside you than you do in others. A good choice isnt always easy to make. However, what will surprise you - even if you have difficulty trusting yourself at first - is how quickly you will feel your bliss take over as your guide. You start noticing how seemingly random events in your life like meeting the right person at the right time or stumbling upon opportunities, have a magical tone to them; as if the universe were conspiring to steer you in just the right direction. It is simply your senses taking charge, assuming the role of a loyal guardian of your life. Based in this principle, your body also has ways of telling you dont go there, communicating with you through feelings of discomfort, resistance or contraction rather than expansion. The no-response can be just as difficult to accept as the yes-response; however, reality is, even though a certain choice may seem like the only acceptable thing to do or you feel it is expected of you, there are absolutely no grounds for entertaining that thought or making that choice if you receive a no-response from your body. Investigating the underlying motivation for going against the wisdom of your body reveals the fact that it simply originates in habitual patterns from the conditioning you have received all your life. These programs arise from your mind, and form no solid ground of reality in your life. Thoughts and beliefs about what we should or shouldnt do come from past conditioning, and hold no true power unless we let them. They are mirages and nothing more. If you feel numb, or you dont get a response from your body, the answer is still no. Your Bliss Instinct is designed to guide you on the path that brings about your absolute growth, benefit and happiness. If your body is not feeling a full-fledged sense of joy, the path you are currently taking is simply not worth pursuing. However, never stop consulting with your Bliss Instinct; in certain circumstances, the lack of responsiveness simply means not yet. When this happens, it could just be that the energy of a given choice is not aligned with the most amount of bliss at the point in time you seek your guidance. It can be tricky allowing yourself to understand that you don't need to take off on a

flight of fancy with all the thoughts fleeting through your mind, and shifting your decisionmaking processes from the mind to the body. However, the more you learn to relax with the feeling of bliss already waiting for you in your body, the better you become at decoding situations in your life, navigating effortlessly towards choices of truth and joy, gradually becoming more of your natural blissful self. Over and over again - with other fellow travelers before you and in my own experience - an element of divine timing flows along the pathway of bliss. For example, I recently went camping at the beach. When I woke up the first morning, I couldnt wait to go swimming in the ocean. That morning - as I do every morning - I tuned into my Bliss Instinct, and allowed it to take me over completely. Everything was great: The early morning sun, the sound of the waves rolling in, the invigorating air; yet, every time I attempted to go into the water, something would come up that needed my attention. I started wondering what was going on, going over the details of the morning to look for clues as to why I shouldnt go swimming. I didnt figure it out, and realized I would simply have to wait and see. Then, finally, all distractions cleared up and I jumped in the water and swam away from shore, way out into the open ocean. As I continued swimming, I noticed a movement in the water ahead of me. I continued forward and the roiling of the water moved closer. I stopped to see what it was, and at that moment, a dolphin jumped from the ocean, high into the sky and did a spinning back flip! Soon after, a whole school of fourteen dolphins joined me and we swam together. Im sure you can imagine my reaction: It was a totally overwhelming, completely joyous experience that sent chock waves of thrill and joy through my entire being; I could hardly contain all that happiness!! Later, when I recounted the experience, thinking how lucky I was to be in the water at the exactly right time, I remembered how my instinct to swim had been delayed strategically for my meeting with the dolphins, and it almost felt like a small miracle. The power of Bliss The miracle of your bliss (which is actually you) is that it continues to empower you as you restore it into your being. Its really quite simple - just think of a child. Children are like blank canvasses; no one has yet tainted their minds with ideas and thoughts of whom they are and what they ought to do. They are still living in accordance with their sweet bliss. Think for a moment of how powerful that makes them: When they are tired, they simply fall asleep, no matter how noisy the surroundings; when they play, they completely merge with the stories unfolding with no room for disturbances; if they are mad, they scream or strike out. Their behavior is a direct and honest reflection of what they feel like doing in that specific moment, and therefore, holds immense power. It is what natural bliss feels and looks like. In that child - and in you and me. The power itself comes from your being flowing with the energy fields of the Universe. Your soul is an integral, structural part of the universal make up; that is, the Universe could not exist without you, without me, or anybody else. As you open yourself to your bliss, cultivating, nurturing and empowering the unfolding of your individual gift, you bring more of your true power - your true blissful being - into existence, sending wonderful ripple effects throughout the entire Universe. Returning to your Bliss through your body The natural need of mammals for closeness is a part of our genetic code. The limbic brain seeks the sense of touch and closeness with unbendable concentration; babies of any mammalian species removed from touch curl up in a corner and wilt away.


The reason Im telling you this is the fact that society uses that extreme need to be part of the crowd to cause us to conform to tenants who are healthy for the tribe, but also to behaviors that cause us to discard our natural selves. All sorts of erroneous behaviors and thoughts are hammered into our minds when we are children: happiness is not that important, you are not that perfect, and you must behave the way you are told. Listening to your own being is incredibly important. Not only is it your direct source to happiness, but also an incremental key to life itself. What happens when you dont follow your bliss can actually be compared to a small death: It is the withering of your true and special being, which carries the essence of your souls purpose. The numbing of your being with the limiting framework defined by society is not only unhealthy for you, but for the entire Universe as well. Going back to the nature of mammals, the child is forced to accept the norms of its tribe because it is deeply frightened by the possibility of being abandoned. Consequently, as time goes by, it suppresses parts of its true being, ultimately setting aside its native self completely. So you see, by no means are you a lesser person for following the patterns and norms of your family, your culture or society. It is simply in your biological makeup - as it is in mine. The good news however, is that it is impossible for society's conditioning to entirely preempt your Bliss Instinct. That has to do with the fact that the mind, your primary tool for sorting data, is very limited. The data-sorting centers of the mind want facts and linear causality; however, the transfer of data in your soul proceeds intuitively in your body, with an amazing speed and spontaneity similar to the movement of electrons around the nucleus of an atom - not with slow, methodical thinking like the exchange of ordinary data. Thus, as you will discover, restoring your bliss is actually very simple. All you need to do is listen to your body. The greatest advantage of using the Bliss Instinct for navigating your life is that it provides you with the ability to override all the faulty logic of the mind. As you become increasingly proficient in recognizing your souls communication through the framework of your body, it also becomes easier for you to trust the guidance of the bliss sensation. Im sure you have seen examples of people who achieve success or experience a great stroke of luck, and when asked about the reasons behind their success their response is something along the lines of I really just followed my gut or my intuition told me to do that. When it comes down to it, gut and intuition are essentially just other words for their Bliss Instinct, which they had tapped into, riding the waves of bliss through their lives. Being the fool is being absolutely free Needless to say, your sensation of bliss differs from mine because we are two different people. Also, your body may react differently at different times and in different places. However, as you continue to experience the sensation of bliss, you learn to trust and recognize it by the sense of knowing and wholeness that accompanies it - just like I did that morning at the ocean when I couldn't get around to going in the water. Being an experienced bliss surfer, I knew to just go with the sensation and let the morning unfold at its own pace, although, from a rational or mental point of view, it seemed really strange that I wasnt able to get in the water straight away.

Following your Bliss Instinct comes down trusting the signals your body sends you, however subtle they may be.


Trust comes with seeing. The more you experience your Bliss Instinct serving you as your ultimate navigation tool, the easier it becomes to trust the directions it gives you. Somehow, it is like becoming a fool who goes on trusting his intuition, even if others might pass him as simple-minded, worthless in ordinary affairs. In reality, any negative voices discouraging you from becoming the trusting fool are based in fear of not conforming - and that is why the fool is free! He or she is not bound by the nightmare of playing the old prove-it game, bickering and other petty ego constraints that others suffer. The fool is free of the blinders of society and feels the bliss of being, taking in the wonderful world around him with every breath of his being. It is just like that old Beatles song, The Fool On the Hill: Day after day alone on a hill the man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still but nobody wants to know him they can see that he's just a fool and he never gives an answer But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head see the world spinning round When you are connected with the natural flow of the universal energy that is you, you are able to enjoy the most secure way of being of all. The existential anxiety that so many experience is rooted in a separation from our own fool caused by narrowing, defining and complicated beliefs, creating a disconnection from the native, divine love that is us. Rediscovering the Bliss Connection returns us - returns you - to that natural unity existing between yourself and the Universe, taking you from a place of insecurity to your natural magnificence and beauty. Returning to bliss is simply about dropping those counter-intuitive traps of seeking others standards of perfection, and allowing the universe to outdo them. -Allowing yourself to be the fool and dropping your little ego trips over and over again, for as many times as you need to cut out the middleman and go straight to the source of unlimited bliss and happiness (you). You are bliss and that is the truth The thing about the truth is that it will always be the truth, even if no one believes in it - just like the fool on the hill. And, conversely, the thing about the lie is that it is always a lie, even if everyone believes in it. I know you may have heard this message in some form or another before. I also know that connecting and following your higher guidance is not an easy thing. As I stated at the beginning, I have had my fair share of crashing and burning, and I have risen from the ashes just like the phoenix. And I have crashed and burned, even though I have been channeling bliss into my system from a very young age. Im not saying this to discourage you. In fact, quite the contrary. Im saying it to let you know it is possible - and that you are not alone. And at the end of the day, what you are doing is simply returning to your truth, whether others believe in it or not. For me, returning to my truth meant receiving, deciphering and developing a way to engage in that exact same process at all times, in a way that would make the process an easy, foolproof gateway to tangibly experiencing that which has thus far remained


intangible. I am pleased to share my findings with you and I look forward to following you on your path to truth, whatever it may look like. Three golden nuggets to remember and carry with the awakened you The Bliss Instinct never offers a response that benefits others, but does not benefit you. The Bliss Instinct never produces a response that benefits you, but harms others. The greatest and the highest good for all is always the formula involved with true bliss.

Homework 1. Practice tuning into your Bliss Instinct every moment you have a chance to do so. Relax and follow the sensations. If this amazing new body of knowledge tells you to sleep less or to sleep more, to spend more time alone, to go straight to a sitting practice meditation center, do exactly what you feel - not what you think - and do it immediately. Do not procrastinate. Very quickly you will reach a state of not wanting to put off practicing; luckily, following your Bliss Instinct is far more fun than dieting or hitting the treadmill. It is a whole other thing, and I promise you, it will feel so fine that you will want as much as you can get 2. Spend as much time in nature as possible. The Great Mother is an amazing teacher and always follows her Bliss Instinct. 3. If you like writing, keep a journal of your experiences. It is a great tool for processing the major shifts you will be going through (and fun to read weeks, months and years down the road).


THE EGO Learning how to follow your Bliss Instinct lays the foundation of expanding your being, opening your body to your souls communication to experience your self in your fullest potential. However, it is not the only tool I am going to teach you, as it is intrinsically tied to the second of the most important techniques, which also encompasses a full body approach. Im talking about ego surrender. Following your Bliss Instinct is not specific to any particular area of your body it is something that takes you from all aspects of your being and brings focus to what is required. Similarly, surrendering to your ego is not related to any specific paradigm - it is a mammoth of a full body activation! The reason this technique is so important is that we, as pioneers who are bringing about energetic shifts for the entire planet through our inner work, need to understand the mechanisms of what is going on why are we even in a place where we feel disconnected from bliss in the first place? Making the mold The answer to that question can be found in the early molding of your personality as a concept. When you enter this world, the concept of who you has not yet been formed. You are connected with your pure essence and you know on a deep, cellular level that you are bliss. As you grow older, input from your native culture, your parents and society shape the notion of you and there is a natural emphasis on you being a separate person defined by certain defining traits. The definition of you happens through the selection of the concepts available to you you have a choice to be either good or bad, aggressive or soft, rude or polite, etc. However, although it may look like a choice, it really isnt. What happens is that you are exposed to a number of concepts that you automatically accumulate as you grow older. That accumulation is what we know as personality, but none of these concepts of who you are will tell you that you are this amazing, god-like being that is connected to the entire cosmos. If you focus on your body you will realize that a lot of who you are is a completely natural process. Your lungs expand and retract without you having to tell them, your heart beats and your skin sheds old cells. If you did absolutely nothing and just allowed your natural impulses to be what they are, you would realize that who you are as being has intelligence flowing through it. There is not much you need to do to keep your body functioning. The reason we get into trouble is the fact that most of the concepts we are exposed to will define us by notions much smaller than our cosmic self: This is your name, these are your parents, this is the school you go to, you are good at sports, you are bad at math. These are typically the kind of options you have a narrow set of labels that define the person you come to believe is you, and so all of a sudden, you go from being everything to being something. Within the limiting framework of these labels, you are rewarded for some things, reprimanded for others, and the concept of I am me, not you starts forming. With the sense of separation comes also a sense of insecurity. Potentially, that which is not you could threaten or harm you. It has the capacity to cause you pain, and a need arises to feel secure and lash out when that security is in danger.


You see what is happening? You are slowly being jammed into a certain personality type and it is all taking place at an age when you dont really have the consciousness or selfreflective power to decide whether it is something you really want. Before you know it, your true nature this intelligence energy flowing through you is replaced by something artificially created by the surroundings you were born into. Its not that you did something wrong or you should have known better. This process, that sometimes I like to compare to a vector, is part of our heritage on this planet. It is like being onboard a ship, which was originally going in a certain direction, but at the very beginning of the journey, set off on a degree that was slightly off. If you stay on the ship long enough, you will end up somewhere completely different than what you had originally planed. Deeply and instinctively, you are aware that the way that you are headed is not aligned with your true nature, and it is for this very reason you try to return to the bliss - to that place where you feel happy, content and free. However, in our quest for happiness, the world outside - the inherited cultural programming - tells us, oh, if happiness is what youre seeking, maybe you need to go to church! Or maybe you should go back to school and get yourself some education, so that you land a job that will earn you lots of money. Or, how about you get married and have some children before you get too old? That will certainly make you happy. Of course, the list of suggestions on how you become happier is endless, and both you and I know that so is the list of solutions and aids. Everywhere we look we see a litany of ads for drugs, drinks, products and health, brain and beatification remedies that are all designed to make you happier, healthier, wealthier, sexier and slimmer, enticing you to follow what is normally considered the route to happiness. But truly, the path to happiness has absolutely nothing to do with anything else than you realizing that you are happiness. That you are the bliss.

The moment you go back to your true nature, opening your self up to the flow of bliss, you will feel it streaming into your life!
The Bliss Instinct is your true connection - to everything. To your higher self, to unlimited, unconditional love, to your truth, life and lifes purpose. It is your connection to everything that is coherent and makes sense on a genuine, deep, palpable level. It is true sensibility for a soul. Anything else, which is not in alignment with your Bliss Instinct, is not sensible to you, and you will end up feeling tense, annoyed, unhappy, and frustrated or plane old bad doing something which is not in your truth. Through your body, your soul will constantly try to send you messages saying, something is not connected to the everything that you are stop! Turn around, change direction. These messages will come in a myriad of shapes and forms, and can be anything from a sour throat to a swollen ankle, lactose intolerance or varicose veins. Maybe youre thinking, How can this possibly be my souls way of telling me to talk less or quit my job? but as we go deeper into the tones of your LumenOctave, you will discover how these seemingly simple, harmless conditions are perfect reflections of the choices you make in your life, and whether or not they are in alignment with your true nature. The disharmonies you experience in your physical reality, however minor they may seem, are directly related to disharmonies in your life that you may or may not be aware of. Luckily, your body will tell you; the art lies in recognizing and knowing how to interpret what it is saying.


No person, no power The importance of claiming your true nature is directly tied to the healing process of removing everything from your being that is inauthentic. As long as you participate in the stress circus it is to follow the norms defined by your culture, your light is being used to feed that system. However, the truth is that you only need to feed your self - you need to be light upon your self so that you can be who you are without having to go on a journey, looking for it. It is understanding that you are the source of your light, and without you - the personality - the cultural programming has no power. The minute you decide to retract your light and energy from the social experiment you have inherited through your cultural programming, you become aware of all the things that are going around you which have nothing to do with truth or reality. It gives you an incredible power to remove yourself and stop supporting a system which is essentially designed to inhibit you from being exactly that powerful. A part of realizing your cultural programming is recognizing the patterns of your specific culture; every culture has a certain set of rules and structures that define it. For instance, when I look at the American culture, I see a great amount of hidden pain. The United States have been part of a mass genocide of the Native Americans millions of people were killed throughout history but when you talk to the average American, he or she will have little or no idea of the severity of these events. However, the pain of having gone through such a horrible experience as a culture without wanting to look at it has resulted in pronounced ignorance and feelings of self-entitlement; it is the only way you can hide and protect your self from feeling the pain that inherently comes from experiencing such brutalities. Of course, this is just one example of cultural programming. Every person no matter where in the world you travel carries with them certain pathologies that have resulted from their cultural programming. And in their communication especially, they will reflect what that programming is and where their pain comes from. For instance, in India, the majority of women will tell you about the suppression they have to go through that springs from inferiority in relation to men. Or if you go to Australia, you will notice a sense of rebelliousness that comes from people being convicted, shunned and shipped off to far away islands. Take a moment to look at your own inheritance and become aware of it to process that energy. It is not who you are anyway it is just something you have accumulated. The awareness of your particular culture will help you set yourself free. Although it is not the only piece to the puzzle, it is a very large part of what we are trying to undo about ourselves to go back to living in our true expression. Every program we inherit - the way it manifests within our lives and situates itself in our experience - is in the form of words and sentences. If you stop for a minute and listen to your own self-chatter, you will realize that there is a constant stream of words and thoughts that tell you about yourself. This chatter represents the current state of your inherited program, and that is what your ego is: Your self-talk as defined by your cultural programming. The reason I refer to your programming as chatter is the fact that it is much like a tape, constantly running in your head. Im pointing this out to you because it will help you become aware of your ego. At any moment during the day, catch yourself. What is the tape saying? What is it telling you about yourself? Is it telling you that something is impossible, that it is not worth pursuing? Is it telling you to work harder - or to lounge around and do nothing? Is it telling you that you are not worth the attention or that


everyone is out to get you? If you are the source of the power, without you, there is no energy for the tape to run, as it has no power of its own. It only exists because you are there to plug into it, giving it a reality. It is only when you identify with what is being said that the ego gets the energy to be. So if you dont identify with it, it simply does not have the energy to come into existence. For example, if someone tells me, you dont know how to drive, I will probably not give it much attention. I have been driving for the past fifteen years, and know how to get into a car and drive. It doesnt really matter to me if others think I can drive or not. However, if they say something like, you are lazy and this is something I have actually come to believe about myself, I will start judging myself and let that programming affect me. I have identified with what it is telling me. In any given moment, both you and I have the option to choose whether or not we want to identify with what the tape is telling us. Every day, we will have an array of words, thoughts, programs presenting themselves to us, going, hey hey, pick me! -And if we choose to ignore them long enough, they simply lose their power. Lost in translation Because it doesnt have any power of its own, the ego is much like a translator, and the true use of the mind is to use it as such. When your soul experiences something, you will feel a certain sensation based on that experience. The mind will try to label that sensation with words to give you a conscious understanding of what is going on to allow you to communicate it with others. That is the true role of the mind - the role of an interpreter. However, what has happened is that the translator has started acting as though it is the real thing, deciding what should and should not be communicated. If I were to give you an example, it is like visiting a guru who speaks a language you dont understand, and all of a sudden, the translator goes, oh, no one is listening to him everyone is looking to me for answers. I prefer to be the guru, so I will just start acting like I have the wisdom. Needles to say, the wisdom of the guru (which in your life is your higher self) gets lost in translation. The translator may be a gifted communicator, but does not hold any wisdom of his own. It gets tricky though. Because not only is the ego a great translator, it is also a gifted impersonator. It will imitate the real thing, and by the real thing, I mean you. It will pose as the Bliss Instinct. For instance, lets say your ego is that of a nice person - it will tell you to be noble, kind, conscientious, polite - and even tell you that this type of behavior is within your Bliss Instinct. And no matter how much people walk all over you and take advantage of you, you are still going to be nice, unwilling to let go of that specific ego that has you convinced that being nice is the best thing for you. This brings me to a very important point:

Conceptualizing bliss is impossible! You simply cannot predict how your Bliss Instinct wants you to be in a given situation, and there is no cookie-cutter behavior that applies to all situations.
One minute, it may be in your bliss to be kind, and in the very next, to be sharp and unyielding. If you are trying to predict in your mind what your Bliss Instinct will tell you to do, more than likely it is the tape disguising itself as bliss as God. As you. And it poses itself so perfectly well as your inner voice and tells you, this is who you are. It will tell you that you are actually making these decisions, that this is not programming, but genuinely


who you are. And it does a great job. Its the biggest con job ever performed. It is not even funny how often we get tricked, myself included, into not knowing what is our true inner voice and what is the voice of the ego. However, the good news is that it is not as clever as you. Once you start realizing what is really going on - that this tape is playing in your head, controlling you - you are on your way to blasting it out of your system and returning to your true state. You are deprogramming everything that is not you. And the more you let go of everything inauthentic, the more you are going to experience a soaring sense of freedom and love. Needles to say, its an ongoing process; there are layers upon layers that we keep on decommissioning as we become better at following our Bliss Instinct. -And we win against the programming every time. Compared to the bliss, the ego has absolutely no power or luster, and this awareness itself ignites the bliss fire within you! Sometimes, the term ego is used as a way of describing someone who sees him or herself as very arrogant, proud or full of it, and we talk about a bloated ego. However, that is not how I use it. In fact, your programming could make you believe that you are weak and have no power, and will repeatedly tell you things like you dummy, youre really not very good at this, or you really need to work harder you are such a quitter, or why do you even bother, people are just going to laugh at you. All these words that are selfdeprecating and bring you down - they are the voice of your ego. If the ego, the chatter, is telling you that you are weak and that you dont have the power, then the ego your particular kind of ego is not one to showcase your pride and arrogance. In fact, you have a weak persons ego. By the way, if some of these or the culture-based definitions hit close to home and sound like Im insulting you, it is no big deal. If you go back to the paragraph where I talk about separation causing a need to lash out if the ego feels threatened, you will see that that is exactly the mechanism causing you to react. An ego can take up a hundred different kinds and forms. More than, even. There are infinite versions of egos, because every person, who holds his or her own specific genetic code, is exposed to a myriad of different kinds of environments and they pick up different kinds of programming. They will deem certain aspects attractive while others are considered undesirable. For instance, someone may think that being intelligent is the best thing - how can it not be? A different person may look at that and think, being intelligent is actually really boring! It is so geeky - youre never going to be popular. Try being beautiful and sexy. And the intelligent person may look at the beautiful person and think, well you know, you are just a bimbo - you have no substance. Both hold judgments against the other and the aspects they represent. Of course, this is very crude, but I think you understand what I mean. What has happened is this: The intelligent person is hiding behind the intelligence. Her self-chatter is telling her it is more noble and desirable to be intelligent. And the beautiful person, who has a different mold, hears words like, you have the power, girl - you walk into a room and you turn heads. Everybody admires you. Each has adopted a dominant set of beliefs - a dominant set of words - that they feel allow them the safest and easiest way to navigate in this world, blocking out other aspects, like beauty or intelligence. And the way to stay safe and feel secure, which is the job of the ego, is to differentiate and judge the other.


Im here to remind you that regardless of the mold your ego has chosen to protect itself, you are whole and always have been! You are not the intelligent person or the beautiful one. You are both. You are not one way or another. You are both. You are not the one who is always nice and never gets angry. You have the capability to be extremely generous, nice and compassionate as well as assertive, angry and aggressive. You are everything, because you true nature is whole. Remember? You are made of everything that exists in this world - that God-like omnipresent, omnipotent resonance that has created everything in the universe. Any notion that tells you that something exists outside of you - something that is not you - is false. If it exists, it has to be you. You are whole. You are the bliss ray that embodies the full spectrum, where nothing is missing and for that very reason is complete. Your essence is the absolute potential, and so you have the ability to be super intelligent and super sexy - at the same time! You are limitless and who you are encompasses everything. You dont need to pick a team. -And yet, in a sense, you do. Go team bliss! A lot of what Im telling you could seem contradictory; although in essence, it is not; words are just very limited. The reason Im saying it could be contradictory, is because in doing what you are doing - in reading this book and being conscious of your ego - you are picking a team. And that team is your Bliss Instinct versus programming. However, once you have picked, you will never have to pick again. In embracing the fact that you are everything, you will never have to figure out if you are one of them or not, or if being intelligent is better than being beautiful. You can be a beautiful artist, great with numbers, an amazing athlete, creative and logical at the same time. The stereotypes that exist are not false in the sense they are observed phenomena, but they are only possible because most people are not aware of their wholeperson existence - the existence of all aspects within themselves - and so we see stereotypes in society, and people belonging to one camp or the other. However, choosing one end of the spectrum over the other causes an imbalance, which is something we will go deeper into when we start working with the eight tones and activating the body. We will go into the full spectrum of our beings and discover that each part of who we are has a certain energy, certain strengths, and has paradigms that, when theyre strengthened, illuminate a whole-person existence. That whole person is one that navigates with a clear sensation of whom he or she truly is; one that navigates with the knowing of a god-like being. For the love of programming I call it the Bliss Instinct, but the truth is that every modality, every mystical tradition has a name for it - the I Ching, Kundalini, the Perfect Intelligence Energy. It can be called anything you want and anything that feels comfortable to you. Recently, I have started calling it God. I have always only referred to it as your B bliss or your true power, but I have come to a point where I feel it is appropriate to refer to other people who are on the journey as gods and goddesses. I feel there is a tremendous power in recognizing someone who is consciously returning to his or her true self. Ultimately, your truth is a perfect being-ness and ultimate intelligent flow, and that is the energy of God. Recognizing that within ourselves gives us an incredible power! Accepting the bliss in our being and accepting our perfection is our whole journey. It is not about acquiring anything new - it is not about adding anything new. It is simply returning to who you truly are. Im not telling how to be or not to be, and Im not telling you what is the


best way for you to be the most blissful. Because the truth is, I dont know! It is very specific to who you are. However, what I am saying is that the entire journey, for you and every other bliss surfer, is about remembering your true nature and that you are indeed that God-energy that created everything. Being connected to the cosmos and the universe through your Bliss Instinct is your true nature. Being disconnected, landing on this planet and being told that there is a whole other instinct that applies to your existence, and that you dont have to worry about your Bliss Instinct, is not. The thing about being a God-like being is that our minds and our DNA hold the potential to be anything or anyone we want to be. We can take any shape or form we want; we are limitless potential beings, so if there is anything we have decided to become, we have absolute power to make it happen. In other words, we are wired in a way that naturally enables us to receive and absorb programming, and although we have talked about programming as something negative thus far, it is actually our luck that it is our natural way of being. The reason is this:

The strongest influence that we have around us is the influence we adopt to become.
If we move away from our true nature and start focusing on negative, self-deprecating aspects within our environment, we will pick up that programming and start creating and believing a version of ourselves based on notions of that programming. On the flipside however, if we move in a direction that reminds us of our power and light, we will rewire and reprogram ourselves based on the love we experience. And this is the core explanation as to why being connected to your Bliss Instinct is so incredibly important. The very minute your start moving towards that awareness of who you truly are, you simply blast out any other programming which was in the way. The recognition is instant. The power and light of your being is so strong that in a second, you will realize that this is who you are, and always have been. Any other programming that has had any airtime whatsoever simply gets obliterated by the power of your true being! Surrender is like public humiliation In the beginning of this chapter, I told you that we were going to investigate the technique of ego surrender. Now that you know how your ego operates, I will teach you this simple, yet incredibly challenging technique - probably the most difficult of this entire book! The reason it is difficult is the simple fact that looking at your own programming feels a little like looking at your own mistakes and publically admitting to them. It is likely to create feelings of anger, humiliation, frustration and downright discomfort. Also, in looking at your programming and letting it go, you may also feel sensations of anxiety and fear. Essentially, what you are doing is discarding everything you were brought up to be breaking away from conformity - and thoughts like what will my family think and my friends are probably not going to understand are completely normal. It can be scary to imagine yourself standing out in the crowd, being alone in your beliefs with no one to back you up. However, reality is that in letting go of the something you are to embrace your everything, you gain access to unlimited resources of love, compassion, understanding, companionship and comfort - because all of that exists in the cosmos, which is made of the same material as you. Besides, I know what you are going through, and will always be here to support you in finding your way home. As you go through this process, you will undoubtedly find ways of justifying and explaining why this particular aspect is OK for you to hold on to - it is just how the ego


works. It will make you question how letting go of something good can possibly be in your interest. The thing is, there is no good ego or bad ego, there is just ego. -And in order for you to become completely free, you need to let go of everything! Allow yourself to purge all the definitions you hold about yourself, good and bad; because as long as you hold on to it, the ego has a hold on you. Im certain you will also go through faces of thinking, why am I doing this again? Its such a struggle. And granted, it can be! When you reach those moments, come back to this place and remind yourself that your programming is what is creating the disconnection to your Bliss, which is yours by birthright. As you go through your day, notice the parts of yourself that are pulling you down, and those that are lifting you up. Bring awareness to the fact that the way to transcend programming is to not fight it - it goes through surrender. It is like picked on by a group of bullies in school. If you egg them on, they get added energy. They get the thrill, their fix from fighting. However, if you dont feed into the mocking, it loses its energy, and eventually, dissipates. In the same way, you realize what your programming is and you surrender to it. The tape exists. It still has the words and the sentences. Surrender and allow your self to lose. Coding I want to do a coding with you, but before we do this, I want you to get comfortable, maybe find a quiet place where you can lie down. Once you have familiarized yourself with the coding (you will find it below), tune into your body and recognize your inner voice. Feel into your muscles, deeper and deeper until you sense what they are doing. Go deeper still and feel all the way through your bones, how powerful they are. Relax deeper until you know all of your organs and feel the vital tasks they perform. Learn to know your blood as it courses mightily through your veins. Go into yourself on a cellular level. Relax all the way into your genetic code so you absolutely know yourself and feel the code is bliss in its sense of purpose and know its clear mission, which is your own. Then, repeat these words as you imagine their essence being integrated into your being into your DNA: I empower the bliss instinct and the voice of my true self to become the primary voice. I extinguish the voice of the programmed mind and the lower self. If you like this coding, allow your self to silently in your mind accept it and go deeper with it. Spend as much time with it as you want and just feel the bliss taking over. Homework 1. Every chance you get, listen to the voice in your head and recognize your programming. Allow yourself to look at everything it is telling you and try being as honest as possible in seeing it for what it is and letting it go. It sounds simplistic, but really, it isnt. I wish you the best of luck!


ACTIVATING THE BODY Up until this point, we have addressed some of the magic that goes on behind the curtains and tapped into the foundational knowledge necessary to move forward into the body - and make your work pay off. You are now ready to start activating your body and actively work on the eight tones of your LumenOctave in their physical representation. For this section of the book, I recommend that you progress slowly and take your time to really feel into each tone and the wisdom it holds. Spend a week or more focusing on each tone on a daily basis, enjoy the foods specific to the particular tone, do you exercises, meditate and devote the time required for you to truly feel at home in this area of your body. Only when you feel ready should you move on to the next. The principle of activation is as simple as focusing your attention on a certain area of your body. However, in order to create the strongest connection, it will require all of your attention, and for that reason I suggest you read the chapter pertaining to the specific tone you want to work on, and then put the book down and allow yourself to actually activate the glands or organs of that area. That way, you will be able to fully focus on your body while at the same time, keeping the correct understanding of the paradigms you are working on in the back of your mind. The centers of your body - the tones of your LumenOctave - function much like information gateways and are usually found in areas where many nerve endings meet; in most cases, these areas are glands or organs that act as super pathways to your souls wisdom. Each center is related to a very specific energetic resonance and therefore, to a specific system in your body and area of your life. These systems are for instance your lymphatic system, your immune system, the muscular and cardio vascular systems and so on. All these systems are governed by a focal point of energy, i.e. physical areas within the body where the specific energetic resonance is activated and transmitted, interacting with other systems within the body. The flow of energy emitted from the focal point determines the health of that particular system. Most traditions start with the root center (the Eighth Tone), but I am going to introduce your to your higher centers first and then move into the body as we progress. There are several reasons why I have chosen this approach; first of all, connecting with your higher tones establishes a direct line of communication with your higher self - your soul and what it wants you to know. By tuning into the wisdom of your higher self, and committing yourself to following it, you lay a far superior foundation for understanding, activating and integrating this wisdom into your body and reality than if you were to work you way from the bottom up. I would go as far as saying that in its essence, this approach is the precondition for truly and effectively activating and integrating your self in the full-spectrum version. Secondly, we live in a time where ideas, thoughts and concepts have dominated the scene for centuries, and we are far more familiar these vibrations, which all belong to the higher centers. By starting high, we are starting in a place we know and feel powerful in, which will give us momentum to move our way further into the denser energies. When your energetic frequency - the bliss ray that is you - hits the body, it refracts into seven different rays of light frequency. The higher centers are of the lightest frequency, and as your light descends further down into your body, those frequencies become


increasingly denser and darker until you reach the tone (8) of the physical body, which is the densest of them all. As we are going to start from the top, we are going to activate the golden light of your crown center the first tone, which governs your life purpose and connection to your higher self.


MODULE 1 Connecting with your higher self

Tone 1: Life Purpose

A harmonious Tone 1 will create messages like: I am the creator of my own life; I live my life's purpose

Physical Location: Crown Center, Fontanel Native Energy: Static Native Aspects: Spirit, Higher Self, Self-Acceptance and Self-Love Color: Golden light Purpose: To establish a strong connection to your higher self Symptoms of Dysfunction: Bipolar disorder, ADD, dyslexia, epilepsy, MS, Parkinsons, memory loss or a personal history of strokes or brain tumor A disharmonious Tone will create messages like: I don't know what I'm meant to do with my life.

Activating the First Tone You will find the focal point of the First Tone on the very top of your brain. It is the area that is soft when you are a baby - the fontanel. It is neither at the back or the front of your head - it is right in the middle. The color of this light frequency is a golden light, and by focusing on this area, we are able to redirect light energy and blood flow to this receptacle this center is. As you focus here, your brain lights up and opens itself to receive all the divine information of your higher self! Sometimes, I like to imagine I have a big satellite on the very top of my head - almost like a sunflower that opens itself to the light of the sun. Once you find the activation point on your head, you will realize it feels a certain way. Maybe it tingles, maybe you feel a slight pounding - or something completely different. However, you will discover that - as with all of your other tones - your crown has an energy and resonance entirely of its own. I am not asking you to bring your focus here to influence the energy of the crown with your focus, but rather, to surrender to the natural frequency of your crown. It is very much like becoming aware of the sun and just watching it, feeling its warmth and relaxing in its natural frequencies. Surrendering is much like positioning yourself in the passenger seat and just enjoying the ride. Feel it. Allow your whole being to become one with the sensation of your crown by relaxing into it. Once you feel you have surrendered, just follow the instinctual ways of the crown and let it take you wherever it wants to go. Allow the sensation to guide you - that tactile, physical feeling you experience when you tune into this area. Feel your way! No matter where in the body you focus, and no matter to which dimension you travel whether is the higher or lower dimensions, or the realms of dreams or emotions - there is one common denominator that defines the experience: You feel it!


Feeling is an amazing tool; it enables you to receive and project information and resonance, almost instantaneously. The more you fine-tune your ability to feel, the more you experience the quality of feeling becoming crystalized and distilled. Razor sharp and clear sensations that let you focus even deeper in an incredibly powerful way, determining to which heights and depths you are able to take your self. In fact, our very evolution depends on how deeply we are able to feel. Each center, each activation, feels a certain way right now, depending on you current life situation. If you return to feeling the resonance of e.g. your crown center in a few months from now, the sensation will be completely new, and it is going to take you to different places. It is going to develop a whole new quality as you shed the layers of your programming, fine-tuning your tool of feeling. Feeling is light. It is blood flow. It redirects your neuro-electrical impulses. It localizes all sensation to a certain area, empowering it to vibrate at its true frequency. When you feel your crown center, it is like sending light to the rest of your body through this center. Your brain lights up, and your entire system will experience the light of your brain. This powerful light flowing through you has the capacity to influence and reprogram your whole system. The higher your go within your centers, the lighter the form of energy becomes. As the energy forms get lighter, they also move more rapidly, and if you want, you can download all kinds of thoughts and concepts by tuning into these fast-traveling energies - it is the center of ideas. Maybe you havent thought about it, but the fast-traveling, bright light-quality of the higher tones are depicted in our language. You can be dimwitted or not the brightest. Or, someone will say aaahh, the light finally went on and in your mind, the familiar little cartoon of a man with a light bulb over his head appears. Crown FM Not only is the crown center the direct connection to your higher self, it is also the highest of the centers within your physical body. You have centers located above your physical body that hold incredible amounts of high-dimensional information, and then you have centers located below your feet that connect you with your animal instincts. When people talk about connecting with their guides, angels or spirits, they are actually connecting through their crown to the centers above their head. In other words every time you want to connect with your higher self, or with your angels and guides, you can access the information stored in your soul by focusing on your crown. It is almost like a radio station that receives information streaming through from your higher self and your soul into your body. The brain receives this information in its purest form. When you connect with the physical sensation of the crown, and you are able to stay grounded within the physical sensation, there is no possibility of your own personal programming getting in the way of what is being received. Also, as we activate the crown, something very beautiful happens: any programs that have stunted or stopped you from accessing the guidance of your higher self, or providing you with mental clarity are now being averted. When the First Tone is healthy and the crown vibrates at its native frequency, the brain is not adding any meaning or interpretation to the information it receives; it really is just a receptacle. As we go deeper, I will teach you how to decipher this information, but for now, I just want you to focus on receiving the light that comes from your higher self into your crown. Earlier, we talked about how your mind is the interpreter, which, when it is balanced is a great tool, and just like languages helps us communicate about our experiences. When we


activate the crown (and the pineal gland, which we will cover in the following section), we enable these faculties to restore the mind to its natural state of being an interpreter without letting too many of its programs get in the way. Initially, when you start activating your crown, you may experience a lot of light and feel really elevated. It is also quite common for a flood of images, thoughts and concepts to rush through your mind, and that is completely OK. Just go with this process and enjoy the light of your being. Become one with the sensations and stay focused - dont focus on the images. Although they inevitably hold a lot of information about you, right now they are not as important as staying focused on activating and strengthening the actual center. The beautiful thing about the crown is that it holds so much information - it literally has all of your souls energy and codes. If part of you is wondering whether of not these images and inspirations pouring in are pure imagination, dont worry about it - just go with it. Enjoy the process as you are lighting up your entire brain, and through your brain, your entire nervous system. If there are parts of your mind which are lazy or dull if you feel like you have suffered from inertia activating the crown will blast those dusty corners and provide you with the mental clarity and focus you need to overcome this laziness and dullness, and replace it with concentration and clarity. Allow your crown center to transform these parts of your human existence. Bring them into alignment! Your higher self also has a very definite sense purpose so when you tune in to your crown center, it activates your purpose, your unique mission that you have chosen to fulfill in this lifetime. Empower and allow that purpose-driven direction to take over. Feel the commitment to the direction provided by your higher self on a deep level, and surrender to it. I will provide a coding that relates to this. When you are ready, please situate yourself in a relaxing position and focus all your attention on the top of your head.

I commit to the guidance, the purpose and the agenda of my higher self. I empower my higher self to take the drivers seat and surrender to the guidance of my higher self.
If you like this coding, please accept it into your being. In many ways, this coding is what will open the all other doors for you. If you want to be on this journey of connecting with you true self, you will need something to make sure your lower self doesnt stand a chance you need commitment. This coding empowers your higher self to shine and lets every other system in your body know the new standard by which you have committed to live your life. Crown energy spells self-acceptance Because your brain is the ultimate super center, it governs all other parts of you body, and so by making a commitment at this level you send that information through to all aspects of your being. By accepting the higher self and the crown energy, you inherently accept all parts of your body. By accepting all parts of your body, you also accept all parts of your life. In other words, the crown region is responsible for absolute and complete selfacceptance!


To facilitate this, I want to do one more coding:

I accept all aspects of my life, and I accept all aspects of my body the things I like, the things I dont like. I see that everything is part of the intelligence that I am.
If you like this coding, please accept it into your being. What we are doing by focusing and creating these codings in your crown center is building a framework - a blue print of sorts. Together, we are putting in the foundational structure and making your higher self in charge of it. That means if something is not in alignment with your higher self, it simply does not have the power to come in to being. The foundation that we are building has a certain code that only enables your highest form to come into manifestation, and by doing so, we create the open portal that is needed for us to receive information from our higher self. You start building your life according to the specifications of your highest form. As I mentioned, self-love and self-benefit are the only true paradigms of the crown; in fact every code based in the higher self has an aspect of love in it, which is ultimately the factor determining whether or not a system is sustainable. The way I experience it, self-love is the determining factor in what makes a system sustainable. When systems fail you can trace it back to the lack of self-love and a base in scarcity, a sense of lack, fear or conforming to an external guru. For a long-term relationship with the source, you need to nurture your self ultimately, that is where your energy comes from and you want to make sure it continues to stay that way. By self-love, I mean self-love in its highest form. Not the kind of love we get from doing things that are not beneficial to us in a truly integral sense. Gratification is not selflove; although, self-love is ultimately very gratifying. In its purest, most genuine, most upgraded form. The voice of your crown center Your higher self was always there. It is not something we are inventing or creating by activating the crown. We are simply establishing the connection to enable communication between you and your higher self. That is, when your crown is active and balanced, you will receive the messages of your higher self in the form of certain messages and sensations; however, this region also communicates with you when it is out of sync, almost as a way of letting you know it wants your attention. In other words, the things you experience the messages conveyed by your crown center directly mirrors its current state. When your crown region is healthy and active, you feel that unconditional, uninhibited love for yourself and everyone around you knows it. You are intimately connected to the knowledge of your higher self, and are living out your purpose with great focus and grace. You are fully aware that your purpose is completely unique to the god-like being you are, and it helps you consciously create the life you want for your self. Your happiness and radiance are evident to others. When the energy of your crown is depleted, you lack clarity about your life. Chances are you feel stuck in a dull, repetitive job, and even if it drains your energy to stay, you are


scared to break away from the secure monthly paycheck, opening the space to discover your special contribution to the world. At some level, you may feel you are called to do something great and meaningful, but you are unable to identify what it is. You have forgotten what it feels like to be the master creator of your own life. Bringing your crown center back to its native frequency allows you to realize your life purpose and take the necessary steps into living it. Although you have momentarily forgotten, you will be amazed at how quickly you remember the amazing beauty and power of your divine being. Self-love vs, selfish love The higher self will never tell you to do something which is not to the absolute benefit of your entire being. When I say your entire being, I mean your multi-dimensional, physical, emotional and spiritual self. Your higher self is intelligent enough to take care of and consider the benefit of all of those parts of you, and because it is based in love, any advice from the higher self benefits you and everyone else, genuinely on all levels. Even if sometimes your higher self is telling you to do something which other people feel will not benefit them, or accuse you of being selfish for acting in accordance with your higher self, you still have to default to what your higher self is telling you. Trust that when your higher self is telling you to do something, even though in the immediate present moment the conscious mind cannot see the benefit of all involved, eventually you are going to be discover that the higher self knows best. Whether we realize it or not, it will always know what is of benefit to our selves and everybody else around. It is a great experiment to take on - connecting with your higher self and tuning into what it has to tell you. It may be saying, this is a conducive environment for you to be in you need to leave. Chances are your lower self will interfere and remind you of your social obligation and the commitment you made to be in this place. It will make you feel guilty and your morality kicks in; however, your higher self is giving you a very clear indication that it is time to retract, and even if at first it seems difficult to do, you will immediately feel the bliss return the minute you do. And that is really all that matters. In the experiment you will learn that the higher self is never wrong. It is the most magnificent, beautiful, intelligent force that we can freely access, and quite frankly, in my personal experience, it is really is quite amazing and awe-inspiring how every single time, my higher self is right. So much so that it feels like magic. Homework 1. For next week, I want you to do as much crown focus as you possibly can, and see, while you focus on your crown center, if you pick up any inspirations from your higher self. Maybe your imagination expands and you will start dreaming about certain things that, in the moment right now, feel impossible. Even so I want you to write them down so that you can come back at a later point in time and review what came through while you were traveling with the energy of the crown center. 2. Eat brain foods, e.g. sunflower seeds, nuts especially macadamia and walnuts. They are great because of their high fat content and fatty texture, which is very similar to that of your brain. Also, honey and royal jelly enhance the flow of the crown energy. 3. Surround yourself with flowers. Sunflowers are perfect because of their satellitelike crown, facing the sun and opening itself to receiving the light.


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