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Step 1 : Complete the questions with the correct question words. Step 2 : Interview a friend using your questions.

Record the answers. Step 3 : Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.

1. you have a pet? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 5. How old your grandparents? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 9. your father have a car? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 13. you hungry? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 17. the sun shine at night? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is

2. Where you from? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 6. What time you get up? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 10. you married? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 14. What your favourite food? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 18. How many students there in class? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does

3. you have any brothers or sisters? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 7. When your birthday? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 11. your mother have long hair? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 15. What time you usually have dinner? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 19. there a cinema near here? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is

4. Who your best friend? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 8. you have a bicycle? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 12. What the best restaurant in town? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 16. Who your favourite actor? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 20. you tired now? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does

Step 1 : Complete the questions with the correct question words. Step 2 : Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers. Step 3 : Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.

1. you have a pet? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 5. How old your grandparents? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 9. your father have a car? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 13. you hungry? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 17. the sun shine at night? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is

2. Where you from? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 6. What time you get up? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 10. you married? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 14. What your favourite food? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 18. How many students there in class? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does

3. you have any brothers or sisters? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 7. When your birthday? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 11. your mother have long hair? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 15. What time you usually have dinner? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 19. there a cinema near here? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is

4. Who your best friend? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 8. you have a bicycle? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 12. What the best restaurant in town? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 16. Who your favourite actor? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 20. you tired now? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does

Answer Key
1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. c 11. b 12. a 13. c 14. d 15. b 16. d 17. b 18. c 19. d 20. c

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