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Andrew Lopp Ms. Ingram English 1102 21 September 2012 Annotated Bibliography 1) Groopman, Jerome. "Superbugs." New Yorker.

84.24 (2008): p46-55. Print Groopmans article on superbugs seems to be exactly the source I am looking for. It provides significant information on superbugs which is the topic of my paper, and it also gives a history of antibiotics and medicine. This will allow me to achieve my desired effect of communicating the harmful nature of superbugs by educating the reader on how this problem became about. Groopman gives information on the development of medical equipment such as the ICU and its effect on superbugs as well as antibiotics and their crucial role in the development of superbugs. It also focuses on the urgent problem that we face within the medical community today. There are currently no solutions to fighting these bugs. Groopman also addresses certain precautions that are being taken to prevent further damage. Overall, this appears to be an excellent source to use in a paper specifically about superbugs. 2) Bliss, Michael. The Making of Modern Medicine. 1st. 1. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2011. Print. This source is on the topic that I want to write on. It will be a major help for me in my writing because of the similarity it shares with my ideal paper. This book focuses on the many world-changing breakthroughs in medical technology and how these breakthroughs affect our health and society today. Each example used within the book appears credible thus making this an excellent source. The many examples of medical breakthroughs will fit great into my paper. Bliss writes them clearly which allows me to easily quote him within the text. 3) Jouanna, Jacques. "Hippocrates and the Hippocratic Ideal in Modern Medicine: A Review Essay." International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Fall (2012): 287-297. Web. 25 Sep. 2012. In reference to the history of medicine this is a credible article. It establishes a history of early medicine in the time of Hippocrates. It also explores the origins of the Hippocratic Oath. As to my research, this source will allow me to create a connection between medical practices today and the medical values of old. The source itself is composed of a history of early Hippocratic medicine and the impact of Hippocrates on medical processes used today. Currently, medical professionals tend to overlook the impact that Hippocrates had on their career today. 4) Linninger, Andreas A ., and Ekaterini Korovessi. Batch Processes. CRC Presss, 2005. Print. <>.

This source summarizes the batch process used in making pharmaceuticals. The discovery, method, and effects are discussed within this book. This relates to my original topic of the development of super bacteria. Using this source, one can see how the development of these bacteria has been engendered by human lifestyle and success. As far as this being a credible source, it is a professionally written document with credible research and conclusions. 5) Turner, Simon G. Pharmaceutical Engineering Change Control. Informa Healthcare, 2003. Print. <>. With this book, Turner views pharmaceutical production from various perspectives other than a chemical one. He summarizes the economic incentives behind drug sales while also exploring the changes being made in production, safety, regulation, and other aspects of the making of pharmaceuticals. I believe this source to be credible because it was published by Informa Healthcare. Because of this, I am drawn to believe that it is a more than sufficient source. 6) Gaikar, Vilas Gajanan, Doble, Mukesh, Kruthiventi, Anil Kurnar. Biotransformations and Bioprocesses. CRC Press, 2004. Print. <>. With all of this drug production, there has to be something done with the waste. This source covers the waste disposal side of producing the large amount of drugs in use today. There is a drastic effect on the soil and the surrounding environment. Gaikar and his fellow authors show how the affected environment can be cleansed from this pollution. This is a credible source because of the specificity of the examples used and the validity of the knowledge presented within the source. The authors are also professionals in the field of chemistry.

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