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English as the World Languageof Research and Education English is now considered to be the world language of science,technology, and

ed ucation. In fact, it has become a lingua franca, thatis a common language used f or communication over areas where severallanguages have usually been spo en. The nowledge of English allows professionals and researchers to get access to the latest information intheir fields and to effectively communicate with their coll eaguesthroughout the world. In this introductory Unit, you are invited toreflect upon and discuss this role of the English language. Read the newspaper article and answer the questionsthat follow. While reading, try to insert the omitted wordsthat are above the text. Sentence numbers have be en added here (and in subsequent texts where necessary) for ease of reference. interpreted claimed varietiescustomize expertise dominantambiguities prerogative converse Englishes are the International Language 1 "English language is becoming a priority academic/professionalrequirement whethe r international higher education graduates choose to returnto their home countri es or whether they choose to stay in the United States,"notes Joan Morley. 2 "English is today the language in science and technology, medicineand health car e fields, commerce, business and industry, and much more. 14 English as the World Language of Research and Education 3 It should come as no shoc to find that three-quarters of the wo Id's informatio nstored in computer ban s is in English." 4 According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, a billion persons in theworld are able to spea English, with more spea ing it as a foreign languagethan as their mother tongue. 5 But the language that non-native spea ersactually spea can be thought of as man y different Englishes. 'Somespea only about computers, or oil, or commodities t rading or swine; theyEnglish into forms useful for specific purposes, and those who spea theseforms are usually unable to comfortably about matters outside the ir fieldof interest. 7 Phrases li e "get the hang of it," "to go along with," and "gettingat," for exam ple, mystify many non-native spea ers. 8 in English can even be deadly. 9 An air traffic controller in Madagascar radioed, "Clipper 1736 report clear of r unway." 10 The pilot that as clearancefor ta eoff, rather than an order to report that he h ad cleared the runway, collidedwith an incoming airliner, and 600 people died. " Such linguistic mista es haveat least 3,000 lives, an expert told the Journal. 12 Alan Firth, a British scholar who specializes in foreign of spo enEnglish, told the Journal : "What happens to this language is no longer our . 13 English is no longer our possession. 14 It's not a monolith.

15 It's in anincredible state of flux." 1. Can you explain the grammar of the title ("Englishes " in the plural and "lan guage " in the singular)?2. Do you agree that there are different Englishes? Is there a U rainian English? If so, what are its features?3. Do you thin the role of the English language is increasing in U raine? Provide some examples of its functioning in different spheres of life in your country.4. Is English a leading language in your field of study? How often do youuse English for information se arch as compared with U rainian or foreignlanguages other than English that you might now?5. Are you mystified by the phrases "get the hang of it, " "to go alo ng with, " and "getting at"? Can you explain their meaning?6. Can you retell in your own words the tragic linguistic mista e described

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