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Name: _______________________ Date: _________________________ Minority Paper Assignment

AP US History Ms. Whitaker

Today we will examine Monroes Era of Good Feelings, the unifying nationalist movement, and the divisive trends leading toward sectionalism. Moving forward we will be learning about the Corrupt Bargain of 1824 and the ensuing terms of John Quincy Adams and Jackson. Using Chapter 11 and outside research (minimum 2 sources), please complete the following: During the Jacksonian Era of the Common Man, many minority groups found themselves left out of universal suffrage. Native Americans, African-Americans and women struggled to find their voice without much success. Choose a minority figure who was able to make an impact during the early to mid-19th century (1800-1860). Write on them biographically, but give the most attention to their impact on or contribution to (American) society. This paper must be two full pages minimum. I will not read past three! Following the guidelines bulleted below, it should be printed, stapled and 3-hole punched ready to be collected at the start of class Wednesday December 5th. Remember that you must have a thesis statement! It should assess the value of the contribution of your minority figure to society. Put it right out there in the first paragraph, then defend and support your position with examples from history. Dont forget your handout on thesis statements. Vague is the enemy! Also, you have learned how to use endnotes, and must practice them in this paperthis is in addition to a bibliography. We will likely have a brief peer editing exercise on Monday before it is due to make sure youre on the right track, so be prepared with your thesis statement and introduction. Guidelines minimum of 2 pages, no longer than 3 includes a title displayed left or center justified has a proper heading in the upper right hand corner page numbers starting with 1 on first page of content page numbers found in the lower right hand corner Page Formatting 12 point default font, 1 margins no spaces, correct indentations all paragraphs a minimum of 3 sentences all paragraphs broken up appropriately, no run-ons Thesis Statement can be found in the first paragraph answers the question being asked of you definitively Bibliography separated by category, alphabetized and 2nd line of citation indented endnotes used in paper must come before end punctuation uses correct MLA formatting for the type of source

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