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1240 words; 402 groups Vocabulary Notes A abandon abandonment Abundance Abundant Accelerate Accelerating access Accommodate Accompany

Accompaniment Accumulate Adapt Adaptable Adaptation Apt aptly Adept Adopt Option Adjust Adjustment Adorn Adornment Adverse Adversely Adversity Advocate Aesthetic Aesthetically Affect Affected

Alien Alloy Ally Alternative Alter Altitude Latitude Ancestor Annual Annually Antiquate Antiquated Antiquity Appeal Appealing Appeal to Approach Archaeological Archaeology Armor Army Array Artificial Artisan Ascend Descend Ascent Assemble resemble Assume Assumption Attach Attached

Attachment Attain Attainment Aurora Aurora light Available Prevail Avocational Vocation Vacation At the cutting edge of At one session At intervals As a rule As a rule of thumb As far north as As such All but All inclusive A pivotal figure A premium price A range of B Bark Barn Barren Barrier Basin Beam Blanket Blast Block Blocks Boom Boon

Bow bowl Breeze Brilliance Buckle bulk By far By a factor of Break all ties with Be characterized by Be taken by Be up to C Capacity Capability Carbohydrate Carnival Carnivorous Cast Cast off Casting Category Cavity Ceremonial Ceremony Chamber Chamber music Chaos Chill Chilly Chimpanzee

Gorilla Chisel Chop Choppy Chord Cord Circulate Circulation Circulation desk Civilian Civility Civil right Classification Classify Cluster Coexist Cohesion Cohesive Coil Coincide Coincident Combustible Combustion Commission Commonsense Community Communally Compact Competing Competitiveness Complement Complementary

Complex Complicated Component Composed of Composition Compound Compress Comprise Conceive Conception Cone Confine to Confinement Conflict Conflicting Confront Effrontery Conifer Consequence Conserve Conservative Constant Constituent Constitute Constitution Constitutional Constrain Constraint Constrict Constricted Consumption

Container Context Contract Contraction Contractor Convention Conventional Conventionally Converge Convert Converter Convict Convinced Convincing Coral reef Corals Core Corrosion Corrode cosmic Comic book comic comet Costume Counteract Counterbalance Counterpart Crack Craft Craftspeople Crude Crude oil Crust

Crustacean Crystalline crystallized Curriculum Extra curriculum Consort with Comply with Code of laws D Dawn At the dawn of Decline Declining Decorate Decoration Decorative Deference Deferential Deform Deformation Degradation Degrade Dehydrate Dehydrated Deliberate Delicate Demolish Dense Density Deposit Depression Derive

Descend Descendant Descent Destruction Detect Detectable Determinant Deter Deterrent Devastate Devastation Device Diagonal Diagonally Dictate Diction Differentiate dinosaur Discard Discharge Dispense Disperse Distinct Distinction Distinctive Distinctively Distinctly Distribute Distribution Diverse Diversification Diversified Diversion

Diversity Divergence Diver Documentation domains Dominant Dominate Domestic Drought Durable Draft animal Devoid of Dash off E Eclipse Solar eclipse Ecosystem Elaborate Elaborately Electron Neutron Eligible Elusive Elude Emerge Emergence Emerging Emigrant Immigrant Emission Emit Engrave Engraving

Enormous Enterprise Enterprising entrepreneur Enzyme Erode Erosion Eruption Evaporate Evergreen Evident Evidence Evolution Evolve Exceed excel Exceptional Exceptionally Excess Excessive Exclusive Exclusion Execution Executive Exert Expand Expansion Expenditure Explicit Implicit Extend

Extended Extensive External Extinct Extinction distinct Extract Express Expressive Express business Express train F Facilitate Facilitation Facility faculty Factor Faction Feasible Fertile Fertilize Fertilized Flexibility Flexible Float Flock Flock to Fluctuation flux Forage Forager Forge Forgery Format Formation Formalized

Formulate Formula Fort Fortify Foster Fragile Fragility Fragment Fracture Freight Fringe margin Frustrate Frustrating Frustration Functioning Function Fungi Fungus Fused Fusion Fuse From a far Follow suit Field research Feed on G Galaxy Gallery Genetic Genetically Generous Genuinely Genuine Girder Beam

Glacial Glacier Gland Glandular Gravity Gravitational Graze Grazing land Gymnastic Gymnasium Go against the grain to Go broke Give way to Get in the way of H Habitat Habit Haunt Haunted Highlight spotlight Homogeneous Horizon Horizontal Hypothesis Heritage Bequest Legacy Heaven Haven Hold a large stake Hands on Hands off

I Identical Identifiable Identify identity ideology Illuminate Illumination Illusion Illustrate Imaginary Imaginative Immense Immune Immunity Impart Impersonal Impersonate Impersonation interpersonal Implication imply explicit Import Export Impose Imposing Impressive Improvise Improvisation Inadequate Incongruity Incongruous Incorporate

Indispensable Dispensable Inducible Induction Industrialization Industrialized Ingenious Ingeniously Ingredient Inhabit Inhabitant Inhibit Insight Inspection Inspiration Inspire Instinctively Institution Institutionalize Instructive Instrumentalist Insulation Isolation Isolated Insulting Integral Integrate Integrated Intense Intensive Intent Interaction Interact with

Interconnected Interconnecting Interdependent Interdependence Interior Inferior Interlocking Internal External Intoxication toxic noxious Intricate Intricately Intriguing Intrigue Intruder Intruding Intrusion Invade Invertebrate Vertebrate Irreverent Irreverence Irrigate irrigation In accord with In common In scale In term of J Junction Jealousy zealous

Journal Journalism K Keen Kernel Kerosene L Laborious Laboriously Landscape Landmass Landslide Larvae Lava lave Lavatory Latitude Altitude layer Legume Limestone Lime Livelihood Living quarters Quarter Locomote Locomotion Locomotive Log Dialogue Lumber Timber Luminosity Luminous

Lure allure Lyric Long range Long range missile Light bulb Bulb Liable Litter with Learn by rote M Magnitude Magnify Majority Minority Makeup Malleable Malleability Mammal Mammoth Maneuver Manual manipulate Manipulative Mantle margin Fringe Marine Maritime Massive Mass Mechanical Mechanism

Media Medium Mercantile Merchandise Merchant Metabolic Metabolism Meteorite Meteorologist Astrology Metropolitan Microorganism Microscope Microscopic Migrate Migration Emigrate Emigrant Immigrant mime Mimetic Miniature Minimize Minuscule Minute Moderate Moderation Mode Modify Molecular Molecule Melt Molten Monopolize Monochromatic

Motif Motivation Motive Multiple Multiply Multifaceted Multistory Multistory Multitude Mundane Dane Municipal Myriad Myth Mythology Mysterious Mud mortar Most distinctive N Narrator Narrate Neuron Neutron Neuter Nuclei Nucleus Nickel Dime Quarter Note Score Not so much as Not as yet Nerve cord Native to

O Obscure Obscure Cure Occurrence Occur Offshore Offspring Onset Set on Opaque Aquatic Optical Optimal Optimum Organically Organism Organ Organic Originality Originate Origin Oriental Orientation Ornamental Ornamentation Adorn Adornment Decorate Decoration Decorative Aesthetic Output Overlap Overlapping Overwhelm Overwhelmingly

Outbreak Outlet Overload Oversee Overtaxed Of scale Object to P Pack Packed Pane Panel Pants Paraphrase Parasite Pasture Patent Patron Patronage Patrol Peculiarity peculiar Penetrate Penetrating Perceive Perception Perishable Perish Perspective Pigment Pit Plank

Chunk Plaster Plate Platitude Platitudinous Poisonous Pollen Pollination Pollinator Pollutant Pollute Possess Possession Potential Potency Precede Precipitate Precipitation Precursor Predator Predatory Predominate Dominate Predominantly Prehistoric Preservation Preservative Prestige Prevail Prevailing Primal Primarily Primate Prime

Heyday Primitive Priority Privilege Proceed Process Proclaim Prodigious Prodigy Produce Proliferation Prolific Prominence Prominent Pronounced Proper Property Proprietorship Proponent Proportion Prosper Prosperity Prosperous Publicize Pueblo Punch Puncture Pry open Prod sb. into Preside over Postal service

Popular tune Q Quest Quarry Quarrel Quiescent Quiet R Radiation Radical Radius Raft Rancher Ranching Range Rang from to Realm Receptacle Receptor Recipient Recipe Reconstruct Reconstruction Rectangular Rectangle Refine Refinement Refreshing Refreshment Regime Regimentation Regulate Regulatory

Reject Release Replace Replenish Representation Produce Productive Resemble Reservoir Respective Respectively Restoration Restrict Restriction Retail Retailer Retain Retreat Reveal Reverse Revise Revival Revive Revitalization Ridge Range Ritual Roost Rooster

Rudimentary Rural S Sanction Sanctuary Sanctimonious Satire Satiric Scale Scarce Scared Scenery Scenic Scent Scratch Sculptor Sculptural Sculpture Seabed Sect Sectional Sector Sediment Silicate Skull Slice Slope Solder Soldier Solidarity Solidify

Solid Soluble Solution Sophisticated Sophistication Span Span over Sparse Species Specification Specialized Specimen Spectacular Spectacularly Spectator Sphere Spherical Spinal Spinal cord Spiral Spontaneous Spontaneously Sprout Spur Stabilize Stagecoach Staple Starvation Starve Status Steep

Strand Stretch Strike Striking Strikingly String Stringent Strip Strive Subject to Subjected Submerge Subside Subsidize Subsidy Subsist Subsistence Substantial Substantive Substitute Subtle Successive Sufficient Summit Supreme Supremely Sustain Sustained Swamp Swarm

Sweep Sweeping Symbiotic symmetrical Stock car racing Stand in the way of Speculate about Social distinction Slow breeding Short range Set aside for Sea cucumber Self sufficient T Tavern Tectonics Temporarily Tenement Terminology Term Terrace Terrain Terrestrial Textile Texture Thread Thrive Timber Timbre

Tolerance Tolerate Topographical Topography Toxic Toxin Trace Track Trail Transcend Transfer Transform Transformation Translucent transparent Transmit Transmitter Tremendous Tremble Trend Tread on Trigger Tube Turnpike Toll gate Twine Twist Torrential rain To and fro Time consuming Three dimensional Testify to

attest Take into account U Undergo Undertake Unravel Unprecedented Unpredictable Unpromising Unsubstantiated Upgrade Update Urban Suburb Urbanism Urbanite Urbanize Urbanization Utility Utilitarian Utilization Utilize Family utilities V Vault Variable Variance Vegetation Verse Version Vertebrate mammal Vessel Viral

Virus Volcanic Volcano Vulnerable volunteer W Ward Ward off Warehouse Ware Wary Wary of Watercourse Weather Weathering Well being Well organized Wholesale Wholesome Willow pillow Wrap Wrap up Y Yield Yield to Yawn Yarn Z zealous jealous

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