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Programs from 1-7 already done in the Practical file. 8. Create A simple GUI application to change the background or foreground color of a label based on the values stored in a combo box.(Hint: Sumita Arora pg 167) 9. Create a GUI application to print the multiplication table of a number entered by the user. 10. Create a GUI application that obtain (rollno, name,class and marks ) of a student trough text fields and add them in a table as as row. The application should also perform the following:a. To display total number of students class-wise b. To exit from application (Hint: Sumita Arora pg 308) 11. Create a Java application that counts the number of vowels in a string. Write the suitable code under the command button countbtn to achieve this goal. (Hint: Sumita Arora pg 249) 12. Create an application that receives a 5-digit number through text fields and prints the sum of its individual digits when the submit button is pressed.


13. To create a simple GUI APPLICATION THAT COUNTS AND DISPLAYS THE NUMBER OF RECORDS PRESENT IN A DATABASE TABLE. 14. To create a simple GUI application to perform a calculation based on a value retrieved from database table and a value entered by the user in a GUI application (e.g. calculation of percentage, average of marks obtained by student table in mysql which has various subjects as fields etc)





18. Lab Exercise 13 given on page 653 in Informatics Practices by Sumita Arora (TextBook).

Note:a) b) c) d) e) Dont perform the practicals which were mailed you before half yearly examination. Date for submitting your file with above mentioned practicals done is 3.10.2012 Get spiral binding done on your file. All the content should be typed. Handwriting in any form will not be accepted. Make a fresh Index page with indexing of all the programs which you have already done and above ones.(all typed). Total programs to be indexed is 18. f) The main page of file should be- INFORMATICS PRACTICES PRACTICAL FILE 2012-13 g) Get all the corrections done this time.(For Whosoever has corrections in the file) h) This is final file, so make sure that it is in presentable form.

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