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E Biomedical Engineering SEMESTER: III

UNIT-1 PART-A 1. What is telemetry system? Draw the general block schematic of a telemetry system. 2. Write the classification of telemetry. 3. Define non-electrical telemetry and the types. 4. Write about modulation techniques. 5. Write the three cases of current for transmission. 6. Write about PCM and PFM. 7. Draw the basic scheme of waveform generation. 8. What is error rate and probability of error? 9. What is known as source coding and channel coding? 10. What are the types of time-function pulses? 11. Draw the scheme of a pulse duration system. 12. What is pulse amplitude modulation and write the output pulse? 13. What is signal-to-noise ratio? 14. What is tail or ringing? 15. Draw the time response with raised consine function. 16. What is mechanical telemetry system? 17. What is pneumatic telemetry system? 18. What is source coding? 19. What is pulse rate system? 20. What is pulse code system? 21. Write short note on line coding. 22. Write down the different approaches for decoding of convolution encoded data. 23. Mention the types of Pulse time modulation. 24. Write short note on ASCII. 25. Draw the block encoding scheme. PART-B 1. Define non-electrical telemetry and the types explain in detail 2. What is time-function pulses and explain each type with neat diagram. 3. What are modulation codes? Explain PAM, PCM, PFM, and PTM 4. Write a brief note on interference, error rate and probability of error 5. What are telemetry system and the basic system explain with block diagram 6. Explain the following. i) mechanical type telemetry system ii) Pneumatic telemetry system 7. Describe in detail about pneumatic telemetry system. 8. Explain the following. i) pulse duration system ii) pulse code system 9. Write brief notes on i) Pulse amplitude modulation ii) Pulse code modulation 10. Explain in detail about intersymbol interference.

UNIT-2 PART-A 1. What is frequency division multiplexed system? 2. Draw the scheme of the receiving side of FDM system. 3. Sketch the FM spectra at different modulation index. 4. Write short note on FM circuits. 5. Give application of phase locked loop. 6. What are the phase detectors circuits used in PLL? 7. What are PLL discriminator and how they are used in communication application? 8. Draw the basic of scheme of TDM telemetry system. 9. What are the other popular types of PCM system? 10. Write about slope integration type. 11. Write short note on digital multiplexer. 12. Draw the differential PCM encoder and decoder. 13. What is sigma-delta modulation? 14. Write short note on counter servo type. 15. Write down the types of telemetry system. 16. Write short notes on IRIG standards. 17. Draw the block diagram of multiplexing with subcarriers. 18. Draw the block diagram of chip based VCO circuit scheme. 19. Write short notes on VCO. 20. Write short notes on pulse averaging discriminator. 21. Draw the circuit of Quadrature FM detector. 22. Write short notes on PLL modulator. 23. What is clock recovery circuit? 24. Draw the clock recovery circuit. 25. What is DPCM? PART-B 1. Explain in detail about PLL discriminator and how they are used in communication Application. 2. Draw and explain about the transmitting and the receiving side of FDM system 3. Write briefly about IRIG Standards and FM Circuits 4. Explain and draw the block diagram of TDM-PAM/PM System 5. Write short note on i) digital multiplexer and ii) differential PCM 6. Draw the transmitting and the receiving side of a PCM telemetry system 7. Explain in detail about frequency modulation circuits. 8. Discuss IRIG standards in detail. 9. Explain in detail about synchronization in PAM/PM system. 10. Explain in detail about DPCM.

UNIT-3 PART-A 1. What are the types of communications? 2. Define parallel communication 3. What is the major technique used in modems? 4. What are QPSK and FSK? 5. Write short note on Quardrature Amplitude Modulation. 6. What are waveguide components? 7. Define H-bend and E-bend. 8. What are the properties of plane wave in free space? 9. Draw the Diagram representation of plane wave. 10. Define selectivity and sensitivity. 11. What are detector and its types? 12. Draw the unbalanced line equivalent. 13. What is ETR? 14. What is called as longitudinal voltages? 15. Draw the diagram of modem based data linking. 16. What is DPSK? 17. What are the basic functional blocks of a transmitter? 18. Draw the frequency stabilization of FM oscillator. 19. Write down the concept of line. 20. Write down the properties of plane wave in free space. 21. What are the types of binary modulated carriers? 22. What is PSK? 23. State the sequence for data transmission procedure. 24. Write short notes on Bisync protocol. 25. Draw scheme of AM transmitter. PART-B 1. Explain about the modems and any one major technique. 2. Write short note on PSK and DPSK. 3. Briefly explain about the Quardrature Amplitude Modulation. 4. Explain briefly about microwave line and waveguide components. 5. Draw the block schematic diagram of a phase modulated FM transmitter system and different components required it. 6. Explain in detail about digital carrier system. 7. Briefly explain about Phase Shift keying. 8. Discuss microwave line in briefly. 9. Describe waveguide components in detail. 10. Explain in detail on transmitter techniques in detail.

UNIT-4 PART-A 1. What is Antennas? Show how electric and magnetic fields are generated by an antenna? 2. What are the two distinctive types of array? 3. Write some application of microwave antennas. 4. List the types of microwave antennas. 5. Draw a typical polar diagram. 6. Write a short note on surface wave. 7. What are the different layers in ionosphere? 8. Define filters and draw the characteristic of ideal low-pass polynomial filter. 9. Give the comparison of characteristics of different filters. 10. Sketch the chebyshev response and inverse chebyshev response. 11. Write and draw first order low pass function in active RC filters. 12. Write a short note on band-rejection structure. 13. Draw a universal active RC filters with coefficient adjustability facility. 14. What are digital filters? 15. Draw a switched capacitor integrator. 16. Write short note on half wave dipole. 17. What is a folded dipole? 18. What is an array? Give its types. 19. Write down the variations in design of horn antenna. 20. What are the basic paths of radio signal wave through the space? Draw the figure that represents inverse distance law. 21. What are the filters most commonly used in telemetry systems? 22. Give some polynomial filters. 23. Draw the figure of comparison of characteristics of different filters. 24. Write short note on dipole. 25. Define gain of antenna. PART-B 1. What are dipoles? Explain the types in detail 2. What is known as an array? Types of array and explain them in detail 3. Write a shot note on i) Current distribution and design consideration and ii) Microwave antenna 4. What are the basic paths through which radio signal wave can take and explain it? Draw the propagation between transmitter and receiver antenna by space wave 5. Define filters? Explain any three types of filters. 6. Explain in detail about Half Wave dipole in detail. 7. Describe folded dipole in briefly. 8. Explain Driven Arrays in detail. 9. Describe microwave antenna in detail. 10. Explain space propagation of waves in detail.

UNIT-5 PART-A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Define satellite telemetry? Different types of links in satellite communication? Draw the diagram of a basic satellite communication system. Write about antenna used in TT and C system. Give the subsystem of earth station. What are three fundamental types of MA systems? What are various characterizing figure of links? Draw the single conversion down converter and dual conversion type with RF and IF tuning. 8. What is radio modems? Write its advantages. 9. Draw the typical fibre optic communication system and define it. 10. Classify different types of cables. 11. What are the types of mismatch and draw the diagram of each. 12. How the connectors are used in optical fibre system? 13. What are the criteria to choose light sources? 14. Draw the schemes of transmitter circuits with LED and ILD. 15. What are WDM and OFDM? 16. Draw the scheme of typical TT&C system for spacecraft. 17. What are the subsystems of earth stations? 18. What are the factors that depend on satellite telemetry and communications: MA techniques? 19. Write a short note on tail circuit. 20. What is optical fibre cable? 21. What is Wavelength division multiplexing? 22. What are the criteria to choose light source in optical fibre communication system? 23. Write short notes on connectors. 24. Mention few types of Mismatch. 25. Draw a figure of single mode and multimode cable.

PART-B 1. Define satellite communication system. Explain the overall performance of link 2. What are the different subsystems in i) satellite stations and ii) earth stations? The working and function of it? 3. Explain the functioning of TT&C services of a satellite communication system. Draw the necessary sketches. 4. Draw the scheme of WDM system of optical fibre telemetry and explain how the channels are selected? 5. Explain briefly about i) connectors and splices ii) sources and detectors 6. What is optical fibre cable and explain the mechanism of light energy flow. 7. Explain briefly about the satellite subsystem. 8. Explain satellite telemetry and communications: MA techniques. 9. Describe in detail on wavelength division multiplexing. 10. Discuss sources and detectors in fibre optic telemetry.

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