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Wel come t o our t hi r d bashde. or g newsl et t er !

Bashde. or g has t wo mi ssi ons: Fi r st and f or emost , we exi st t o gl or i f y our Lor d

and Savi or Jesus Chr i st t hr ough st r eami ng cont i nuous, upl i f t i ng, wor shi pf ul
Ar meni an Chr i st i an musi c and scr i pt ur e 24/ 7. Our second mi ssi on i s t o hel p
emer gi ng ar t i st s pr oduce cr eat i ve Ar meni an Chr i st i an pr ogr ams, musi c, and
songs t hat wi l l gl or i f y t he One who shed Hi s bl ood so t hat we may have
et er nal l i f e. In t hi s i ssue we f eat ur e:

Shushan Ghazar i an, who i s a young and emer gi ng Ar meni an Chr i st i an
ar t i st . Bashde sponsor ed her new CD 12+1 wi t h many new and
wonder f ul Ar meni an Chr i st i an songs and ar r angement s.

One of t hese songs Yel eer was wr i t t en and composed by Tamar
Al bar i an. Tamar i s wel l known t o our Bashde audi ences and
t hr oughout t he wor l d, wi t h many wonder f ul and or i gi nal composi t i ons
especi al l y f or chi l dr en. We al so f eat ur e an ar t i cl e by Tamar on Yel eer
and Tamar s new CD.

Gi l ber t Hovsepi an ( t he son of t he l at e Rev. Hai k Hovsepi an who was
mar t yr ed i n Ir an and had composed Havadks chem mor ana ) , has a
wonder f ul mi ni st r y bot h t o Ir ani ans and Ar meni ans. A wel l
accompl i shed and known Ar meni an Chr i st i an Composer . We ar e al so
pr i vi l eged t o f eat ur e an ar t i cl e by Gi l ber t .

Last , but def i ni t el y not l east , Rev. Gr eg Har out uni an, who i s a
member of our boar d, shar es hi s i mpr essi ons on wor shi p made i n
Ar meni a, f r om hi s l ast mi ssi onar y t r i p t her e. Gr eg met Shushan and
ot her Ar meni an Chr i st i an ar t i st s who ar e f eat ur ed on Bashde. or g.
Welcome to Volume 3

Bashde Newsletter
November 2012
Volume 3 Listeners From All Around the World
Bashde. or g st ar t ed i n 2007 and now we have l i st ener s f r om al l ar ound
t he wor l d: f r om Nor t h Amer i ca t o Russi a; Fr om Ar meni a t o Aust r al i a;
For m Eur ope t o Af r i ca; Fr om Chi a t o Indi a pr ai si ng t he Lor d t hr ough
Bashde. or g .

Ba sh d e I n c . , PMB # 3 7 7 , 4 0 5 Wal t h am St . , Lex i n g t on , MA 0 2 4 2 1 - 7 9 5 4
w w w . b a sh d e . o r g e - m a i l : i n f o @b a sh d e . o r g

Page 2
Bashde Newsletter Volume 3
Shushan Ghazaryan

There is only one thing that we do here on earth and will
continue doing there, in heaven: its worshiping. What a
great calling, what an unthinkable honor to stand before
the throne of the One who has created the heavens and
the earth and worship Him with the gifts granted us by
Him. I thank God for teaching me how to worship from
an early childhood. When I was only 7-8 years old,
together with my siblings I would sing and worship God
till midnight. Through this worship, golden verses turned
into songs. This helped me learn about the God I
worship, and love Him even more. Years later when I
was a lead singer in our church worship team, God
opened some doors for me to add knowledge to my
worship experience. Through the Integrity Music and
later Worship Central seminars I was able to praise God
with more confidence and courage. Then my
understanding on worship expanded due to the English
books and videos.
However, during these years I never even dared to
dream of recording a CD of my singing. It was not in my
plans. Well, it turned out that God had it in His plans. He
likes to surprise His children. So He helped me - His
little daughter - to make the songs that had spoken to
my heart a sound for all His children to ear. My prayer is
that this CD will be a blessing for everyone who hears it.
Let every sound, every verse of these songs go deep
into the hearts of those that hear it, and change their
lives. I am so looking forward to the day when I will join
with all Gods children and His heavenly hosts: to see
Him face to face, kneel down before Him, and worship
His glorious holiness.
Until that day comes, I am going to sing the praises of
my God and worship Him with everything He has given
me. This is my story, this is my song, praising my
Savior all the day long!

Shushan is
a young Christian artist from
Armenia blessed with many
talents. One of Bashdes main
objectives is to help promote new
Armenian Christian talents.
Bashde sponsored Shushans first
CD. We are so encouraged we
were able to help Shushan
achieve this important milestone
for His glory. She lives in Armenia,
loves the Lord, and serves Him
faithfully through uplifting worship
songs. It contains many original
songs as well as new
arrangements of familiar songs.
The CD was recorded in Armenia
and also features other well-
known Armenian Christian artists. Newsletter Volume 2 Page 3

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Bashde Newsletter Volume 3


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11. The Way, The Truth and The Life
` True Vibe, `

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Bashde Newsletter Volume 3

Get Up! Yeleer

The song "yeleer" is one of the songs in the album 12+1. When my friend Shushan asked
me to write a song for her upcoming CD, first thing I did was fast and pray. I prayed that
God would give me a song by which he would be glorified and also would contain a strong
message awakening His people.

After couple of weeks the song was ready. The Lord inspired me with the theme, the tune,
and the words. While putting the song together, I felt strongly the Lord calling his people
out of bondage, bringing them out of their captivity, and setting them free to spread the
Gospel. The picture was very clear to me. In Acts 12:7, while apostle Peter was in prison,
sleeping between two soldiers and bound in chains, an angel of the Lord appeared, and he
struck Peter on the side and WOKE HIM UP saying QUICK GET UP! - "Yeleer!, and
quickly the chains fell off Peters wrists.

In the same way, God is freeing us and calling us, His chosen ones, TO WAKE UP, GET
UP and spread His word, proclaiming the good news of salvation in any which way we
can., for there are many who are suffering, blind, hopeless and unaware of His truth.

I Thank the Lord for this song. I often hear Him saying to me "yeleer","yeleer" and don't
look to your circumstances and comfort. "Yeleer," regardless. It has been my joy and
privilege to serve Him in Song and worship.

Lord, wake us up from different kinds of sleep and pump us up by your supernatural power
so we may be able to say: My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature
praise his holy name forever and ever. Psalm 145:5.

Dear Setrag and Bashde committee, thank you for allowing us (Christian musicians,
singers and composers) to get heard and advertised through It's a great
Christian service, bearing a holy vision which can give birth to many other ministries.

May Bashde enter every Armenian home, bringing peace and salvation to many.

God bless Bashde

Your sister in Christ
Tamar Albarian

About Tamar from:
ht t p: / / t amar i g. com/ about T. ht ml

Tamars Web Site:

ht t p: / / t amar i g. com/

Tamar serves the Lord
with her husband
Rev. Sam Albarian at the
Armenian Evangelical
Church of Toronto Newsletter Volume 2 Page 7

Tamars Latest CD Kahit Mode
It was t wo o cl ock i n t he mor ni ng; God woke me up wi t h a song. I qui ckl y j umped out of my
bed and r ecor ded i t . As I sang t hi s song Sour p es Der , Hi anal ee es Der dur i ng my qui et t i me
wor shi pi ng hi m, t he Lor d mi ni st er ed t o me and my r el at i onshi p wi t h Hi m gr ew. Thi s ver y
speci al exper i ence dr ove me t o ask f or mor e i nt i macy. I had t ast ed hi m and hi s goodness, and
woul d not set t l e f or l ess. Ever y now and t hen
He woul d gi ve me ot her songs and I woul d
si ng t hem t o hi m i n wor shi p.

One mor ni ng, as I was r eadi ng Psal m 96: 6
spl endor and maj est y ar e bef or e hi m, and
st r engt h and gl or y ar e i n hi s sanct uar y,
ascr i be t o t he Lor d Gl or y t o hi s name, I
st ar t ed aski ng God t o r eveal hi msel f t o me,
pl eadi ng wi t h hi m t o t ake me t o hi s t hr one
so I woul d enj oy hi s spl endor and gl or y i n a
mor e r eal way. I pr ayed t o hi m wi t h my
whol e st r engt h and bei ng. My hear t was
beat i ng, and I kept r epeat i ng t he phr ase
Take me t o your t hr one, t ake me t o your
t hr one . ( Kahi t mod dar i nt z ) It was
amazi ng t hat whi l e I was beggi ng hi m t o
make hi msel f known t o me, he t ur ned t hi s
pr ayer i nt o a song and I st ar t ed si ngi ng i t t o
hi m.

Af t er t hi s exper i ence, I coul d not keep t he songs f or my pr i vat e wor shi p onl y. I st ar t ed si ngi ng
and shar i ng t hem i n di f f er ent wor shi p gat her i ngs. I f i nal l y sensed t hat t i me had come f or me
t o compi l e al l t he songs t hat God had gi ven me over t he year s. The CD Kahi t mod i s a
col l ect i on of t hi r t een wor shi p songs, and each song has a st or y.

My pr ayer and gr eat er desi r e now i s t hat t hr ough t hi s CD, wor shi per s wi l l be abl e t o ent er i nt o
hi s sanct uar y and wor shi p Hi m near hi s t hr one. What a pr i vi l ege we have at hi s t hr one.

Ot her CDs and DVDs by Tamar :

Cont act Tamar t o get your copi es:
ht t p: / / t amar i g. com/

Page 8
Bashde Newsletter Volume 3

Gilbert Hovsepian

For the LORD is good and His love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:5

This is the reason of my worship; because He is good.

I am Gilbert Hovsepian, 36 years old, born and raised in Iran. I have seen Gods goodness and
faithfulness in my personal life. I grew up in a home full of love and passion for the Lord as well as one
another. My dad was the superintendent of Iranian Assemblies of God churches in Iran. His ministry
caused me to see Gods goodness from very early age as I saw many Muslims come to Christ. Some of
those Muslims were very fanatic in their faith, but the Lord opened their eyes to see the truth. Some of
them are now my dearest friends and coworkers. I also saw many miracles that the Lord did in my life
and the life of our church.

When I was just 5 years old, the Lord did an
amazing miracle in my life. Since my brother, sister,
and I loved music but didnt have any instrument
and didnt have not enough money to get one, we
prayed to God to give us a piano so we could learn
how to play. My dad didnt share this with anyone
but was fasting and praying also. Couple of months
after our prayers, we received a letter from an
Iranian pastor from USA. In his letter, this pastor
was asking for a favor from my dad. The favor was
the following: I have a very good piano that stays
in my brothers house in Tehran/Iran. He is moving
into a smaller apartment and doesnt have any space
for that piano. Would you PLEASE take the piano?
I promise it wont be long until I come to Iran and
sell it.

God is good and his love endures forever. This pastor didnt have a clue about our desperate prayers for a
piano, but God did. I learned how to play the piano with the talent that God himself had given it to me, on
a piano that God himself gave it to me. I learned playing the piano in a short time. Years later when that
pastor came to Iran and saw us playing that piano and heard the testimony behind it, he was so moved by
it that he gave that piano to us as a gift from the Lord. Years later when I grew up I would always pray
and I would tell him Lord I love you, I worship you, I adore you, I am crazy for you, etc. But that was
not enough. I wanted to express myself more, but the words were not efficient. Thats when I started
making music for the Lord. I noticed that when I worshiped through music, I was entering into his
presence and I was enjoying his presence so much that sometimes I would be playing and praying for
hours. I should mention that I had a great role model in that area since sometimes even in the middle of
night when I would wake up, I would hear my dad, singing and playing the guitar and making new songs
to the Lord. Sometimes he would go for hours. So, Music and worship became part of who I was and I
felt This is what I was created for. To worship Him.

I am going to fast forward to 1994 when my dad was martyred because of his faith to Jesus Christ and his
ministry among Muslims. I knew that God was good but I couldnt see His goodness in my dads Newsletter Volume 2 Page 9
martyrdom and the persecution that followed. A year later I was beaten a couple of times, I was put in
prison couple of times and I was ridiculed in public so many times.

It is very easy to praise and worship, when things are going well; when God answers prayers, when safety
and security are provided, when health and comfort are in its place.

Worship was not the most natural thing that I wanted to do. Nagging and complaining was the first
natural thing that I wanted to do. I have to confess that I did that for a short time and it just made me more
bitter. One day something very special happened to me and I believed God was trying to speak to me.
From that day on I decided to worship and give thanks in ALL circumstances. Sometimes we think the
Bible teaches us to give him thanks FOR all things, but its IN all things.
I started to praise him in the midst of my persecution. I
remember writing songs and singing songs with many
tears. I remember my intimate prayers in the prison cell. I
remember the moment I was on the ground in the streets
of Mashad/Iran, being beaten by the 3 government
policemen in front of our underground church group. I
remember how in my anger I prayed Lord, forgive
them. They really dont know what they are doing. I
remember how I would cry for hours and at the same
time I would praise Him for who he is and how he can
rescue me.
God showed up many times in the midst of my worship. I
have so many intimate experiences of how God changed my mood, how he spoke to my heart, how he
gave me dreams and comforted me. God is good and his love endures forever. In that period of time when
I couldnt see his goodness, I had to believe and see his goodness with the eyes of faith.

Worship is the only thing that took me out of my situation, it took me to heaven.
The first time the word worship is mentioned is in Genesis chapter 22 when Abraham was going to
sacrifice his son, knowing that God would provide. That is true worship, when you are ready to sacrifice
your best for the Lord, yet you know that God will provide. God brought me out of the ashes; he turned
my sorrow and pain into joy and dancing. God is good. Thats why I worship him.

I never desired to be a singer or a musician or a recording artist or a songwriter. All I desired was God
himself and in order to get closer to him I used music and singing and writing. I still have the same desire.
If one day my ministry is taken away, I dont think its going to affect me much, since my ministry is not
my joy. The Lord himself is my joy and my salvation and no one and nothing can take him away from
me, not even death.

I believe worship starts with the heart of a worshipper. If your heart is full of love, then true worship in
spirit and in truth will rise from your heart and that kind of worship will satisfy Him. The Bible teaches us
that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). When there is true worship, there is strength,
since God is joyful.

To me, worship is reflection of His love. Gods love shines through our hearts and when we comprehend
the width and length and depth and height of His love we reflect it back to him. Love from top to bottom
(heaven to earth) is called grace and love from bottom to top (earth to heaven) is called worship.
There will be no worship, if there is no grace. There will be little worship when little bit of his grace and
love is being received. There will be true worship, when the fullness of his grace is truly received and

Page 10
Bashde Newsletter Volume 3
The more I understand and experience his love, the more I reflect. I now travel all over the world and God
has given me a praise and worship ministry to glorify His name. I clearly see the same pattern in the
churches. Those churches that are alive in their relationship with the Lord are usually very passionate in
their worship, and those churches that are sleeping have almost no worship or what I call dead worship.
Its all about love. I have two little girls (4 and 1.5 years old). Every day I express my love to them; I tell
them how much I love them, but in most cases I am not satisfied until I grab them, squeeze them, and kiss
them so tightly. Thats when they start to laugh and giggle.

Praise and worship is the kissing and squeezing part. If there is not enough love towards him, there is no
worship to him.

12 years ago when I came to United States, I would pray and worship for hours each day. I remember
many times I had this desire and prayer: God, would you please use me I didnt know exactly what I
wanted, but I knew who I desired. It was Him. Gods goal for us is to know him first, and then make him
known. I knew him and now I wanted to make him known.

God used me soon after in ways I never could have imagined. He opened so many doors for me. I and my
family started the nonprofit ministry of Hovsepian Ministries. Through that ministry God used us and is
still using us to proclaim the good news to Iranians in Iran through satellite by making short movies,
documentaries, music videos, youth programs, teaching programs, etc. I had written more than 100 songs
for the Lord. I didnt write them for people to hear it. I wrote them to personalize and vocalize my prayers
and worship to God, but what was done in secret, God rewarded openly (Mathew 6:18).

With His grace I produced 8 Persian and 4 Armenian worship albums. My new Armenian album is
coming out in November and it can be found on

My purpose is to lead people into His presence, thats why I called the series of my albums Hallelujah
(Hallelujah 1, 2, 3, 4, ..). All the songs in these albums are congregational songs and my prayer and hope
is that people will be led to His court and would meet the king of kings.

It has been a great encouragement for me to see many Armenian and Persian churches around the world
using those songs in their time of worship.

At the end I want to thank for the amazing work it does in peoples lives. Psalm 66:8 says let
the sound of his praises be heard. is doing exactly that. I have heard so many testimonies of
how people were down and how the sound of the praise and worship from lifted them up. I
have had the same experience and thats why I am one of the great fans of this ministry. I believe in this
ministry because I believe in the power of praise and worship.

ALL the glory and honor and praise to Him and Him alone.

Gilbert Hovsepian Newsletter Volume 2 Page 11
Worship Made In Armenia

Rev. Gr eg Har out uni an

I had t he pr i vi l ege of j oi ni ng Si l va Khoshaf i an,
Her mi ne Get zoyan, Ar pi Sar i an, Zar a Nal bandi an and Loi s
and Mour ad Kar akashi an t hi s l ast Jul y t o par t i ci pat e i n a
ser i es of one- day r et r eat s t hr oughout Ar meni a.

Ar r anged by Rev. Samuel Ki r akosi an, t he t eam went t o 14 di f f er ent chur ches l eadi ng
women s mi ni st r y, as wel l as
par t i ci pat i ng i n a yout h conf er ence and
a Coupl es Conf er ence f or Past or s &
t hei r wi ves.

One of t he hi ghl i ght s was wor shi ppi ng
t oget her . When I went t o Ar meni a
t went y- one year s ago af t er t he
ear t hquake ever y song or hymn we sang
wer e t r ansl at i ons of west er n hymns or
chor uses. God has been at wor k! Of t he mor e t han t hi r t y songs we sang as we went
f r om chur ch t o chur ch maybe one or t wo wer e t r ansl at i ons. The r est wer e wor shi p
songs t hat wer e i ndi genous t o Ar meni a.

The sheer vol ume of t hei r voi ces uni t ed i n
pr ai se f r equent l y over whel med me. Thei r
passi on t o wor shi p t oget her and t o be l ed
i n wor shi p was i ncr edi bl e! Led by Badvel i
Gi van and hi s t eam of t hr ee ot her vocal i st s,
t he gat her i ngs of women, yout h and
past or s & t hei r wi ves f i l l ed t he sanct uar i es
wi t h Ar meni an musi c whose l yr i cs of f er ed
bot h j oyf ul pr ai se and hear t - f el t cr i es f or God t o mani f est Hi s pr esence, l ove and
power .

We went t o Ar meni a t o encour age, t each and bl ess t hem; God r ever sed i t i n my case
by gi vi ng me t he pr i vi l ege t o wor shi p wi t h my br ot her s and si st er s who know how t o
wor shi p wi t h al l t hei r hear t , soul , mi nd and st r engt h!

Par k Asdoudzoh! ! !

Page 12
Bashde Newsletter Volume 3

Bashde. org a-a]in Ha3gagan hocyvor
hamaxanxa3in -adi0ga3ann e1

Myr ovngntirnyru g\abrin a,qarhi [ors
/acyrovn me]` Avsdralia3en min[yv
Ha3asdan5 Mi]in Aryvylken min[yv
Yvroba5 Amyriganyren min[yv Arige1

Myr nbadagn e a,qarhaxriv myr siryli
=o.owovrtin hyd pa=nygxil ha3gagan
hocyvor yra=,dov;ivnu5 ,aragannyren
sgsyal min[yv estrada3in nor hocyvor

Bashde. org oryve 3aranovanov;yan
[i badganir1 Adiga Ha3 azcin
hocyvor yra=,dov;yan srdi 2a3nn

Myr 2a3nas-ovmu gu ,arovnagovi o[ mia3n
hocyvor yrcyrow a3l` Asdov/o3 q0sken
un;yrxovmnyrow al1

Bashde Inc. gu ka]alyre Nor Da.antnyr1

Bashde. org gu dara/e myr Der #isovs
Krisdosi Avydaranin Pari Lovru1
Gu hravirynk 2yz masnagix ullalov
Bashde. org-i a-akylov;yan ;e\ a.0;kow5
;e\ ovngntrov;yamp yv ;e\ ka]alyrankow1

www. bashde. org

Amen )r
24 =am

Ovngntre\ yv Dara/e\

www. bashde. org

Ba,damovnki Hocyvor


Nor Da.antnyr


Bashde Inc.
PMB # 377, 405 Walt ham St . ,
Lexingt on, MA 02421- 7954

E- mail: info@bashde. org
Bashde I nc. i s a 501( c) ( 3)
Non- Pr of i t or gani zat i on

Who is Bashde? Newsletter Volume 2 Page 13

How Can You Support Bashde?
So, ar e you bl essed by Bashde. or g? We can use your hel p. Ther e ar e many ways you
can suppor t and hel p us pr omot e t hi s i mpor t ant mi ni st r y t o Ar meni ans ar ound t he
wor l d.
1. Pr ay f or Bashde: Thi s i s per haps t he most i mpor t ant mi ni st r y f or Bashde. or g.
We bel i eve i n t he power of pr ayer . Bashde can have an i mpact onl y t hr ough
pr ayer .
a. Pl ease pr ay f or t hose who l i st en t o Bashde. or g t hat i t wi l l be t r ul y a
bl essi ng f or t hem, dr awi ng t hem t o t r ue wor shi p and a cl oser
r el at i onshi p wi t h our Lor d and Savi or Jesus Chr i st .
b. Pl ease pr ay f or t he Ar meni an Chr i st i an ar t i st s who ar e st r eami ng t hei r
wor shi p songs t hr ough Bashde. or g. Pr ay t hey t oo wi l l be encour aged
seei ng how t he Lor d i s usi ng t hei r gi f t s and t al ent s.
c. Pl ease pr ay f or t he Bashde. or g boar d and t he many vol unt eer s t hat
hel p Bashde. or g become an ef f ect i ve mi ni st r y.
d. Pr ay f or you t o become a vol unt eer and hel p t hi s mi ni st r y
2. Vol unt eer : We ar e al ways l ooki ng f or vol unt eer s. Ar e you gi f t ed i n musi c,
admi ni st r at i on, Web, gr aphi cs? We can use your hel p. Pl ease send an emai l t o
i nf o@Bashde. or g and l et us know how you can hel p t hi s mi ni st r y.
3. Send Us Your CDs: We al ways wel come new Ar meni an Chr i st i an ar t i st s. Of
cour se, we need t o check t he qual i t y of t he pr oduct i on. We want t o pr omot e
your God gi ven gi f t s on Bashde. or g
4. Spr ead t he news about Bashde. or g: Many of you al r eady shar e your
exper i ences wi t h Bashde. or g wi t h ot her s. Pl ease spr ead t he news and shar e
wi t h ot her s how Bashde. or g has been a bl essi ng f or you. Al so dr op us a not e.
We ar e al ways bl essed by your wor ds of encour agement .
5. Cont r i but e: Bashde Inc. i s a non-pr of i t or gani zat i on t hat oper at es 100%vi a
cont r i but i ons. Pl ease pr ay and see how you can cont r i but e t o t hi s mi ni st r y.
Your gi f t s t o Bashde. or g ar e t ax deduct i bl e. Make checks / cont r i but i ons t o:
Bashde Inc.

Page 14
Bashde Newsletter Volume 3

We ar e al ways l ooki ng f or cr eat i ve i deas and
f eedback on Bashde. or g. Pl ease send us your
cont act i nf or mat i on so t hat we can get i n
t ouch wi t h you as soon as possi bl e. Incl ude
your e- mai l addr ess and how we can cont act

Al so, when you get bl essed f r om Bashde,
pl ease dr op us a not e we woul d l i ke t o
shar e i t wi t h t he Bashde communi t y.

Bashde Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
organization registered in the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts.
All donations to Bashde Inc. are tax

For Correspondences or
Cont ri but i ons our address i s:

Bashde Inc.
PMB # 377,
405 Walt ham St . ,
Lexingt on, MA 02421- 7954

Pl ease make checks payabl e t o: Bashde Inc.

E-mai l :
i nf o@bashde. or g

Contact Bashde

Bashde Inc. Board:

Dr . Set r ag Khoshaf i an, Pr esi dent and Founder

Rev. Ner ses Bal abani an, Musi c Mi ni st r y

Vazken Mel ki set i an, Tr easur er

Rev. Gr eg Har out uni an, Secr et ar y

i nf o@bashde. or g

Get your FREE i Phone and i Pad Bashde apps:

i Phone: ht t ps: / / i t unes. appl e. com/ us/ app/ bashde-r adi o- f or -
i phone/ i d504153235?l s=1&mt =8

i Pad: ht t ps: / / i t unes. appl e. com/ us/ app/ bashde- r adi o- f or -
i pad/ i d504150888?l s=1&mt =8

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