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Education DUMBNESS AND DISEASES, it is DNA-deep!

Why cellular change is necessary? DNA manipulation to dumb down the masses! Health and intelligence go together in crystalline cell-DNA
5. I have been asked why these cellular changes are necessary, and I believe my reply will show why your help in creating that glorious Age is such a grand triumph. The absorption of light is restoring bodies DNA to its state prior to the dark forces altering Earth humankinds cellular structure to dumb them down intellectually, spiritually and physically. If anything can be called a sin, it is interfering with the growth of a soul,and in violation of all universal laws, that is exactly what the dark forces did to an entire civilization.In higher densities, cells are crystalline and their composition encompasses purity of character, spiritual clarity, and a long physical life span free of all disease.Conversely, the carbon cells of third densitylife forms invite the base characteristics associated with evil as well as greatly reduced mind power,severely weakened will, and a multitude of physical, emotional and mental infirmities. Lifetimes with those characteristics and weaknesses dominant in the peoples bodies and reflected in their thoughts, feelings and behavior were stored in cellular memories and brought forward from one generation to the next. 6. It was that diabolical alteration of humankinds make-up eons ago that caused souls personages to gradually spiral downward from the planes of light into deep third density, where the planetary puppets of the dark forces could easily keep the masses in ignorance about their origins in the light, their unlimited manifesting potential, and the inseparability of all souls with God and each other. Emerging from that level of limitations, where the dark forces reigned through their powerful tool and fuel FEAR! has required a heroic effort on the part of souls who time and again incarnated with the intention to overcome the dark influence, but failed. Most of you spent many hundreds of lifetimes in that try/fail cycle, and this time you succeeded in breaking out of it! By absorbing the light, you are reclaiming your god and goddess selves and taking your rightful place in our universal family.
Signs we are going through the cellular change

7. Some of you are asking how to know if you are absorbing sufficient light for cells to change from carbon to crystalline. I would say that the best sign is your thoughts, feelings and choices: Are they aligned with godliness? Have

you forgiven self and others for actual or imagined hurts; is your mind open to considering new information; are you exercising your powers of discernment and trusting your intuition? But cellular changes as well as the higher frequencies that are affecting all peoples also give signals such as fatigue, headaches, nervousness, mood swings, body aches and nausea. However, since those also are symptoms of illness, if they persist.
How to cope with the changes?

8. To answer readers who want to know if there are ways to ease or hasten the adjustment process, yes indeed: Relieve stress, the root cause of disease and dis-ease.

You can do this by changing a negative thought to one of positive nature and feeling genuinely grateful for the blessings in your life. Find optimistic aspects in a situation that is worrisome. Either avoid encounters you expect to be unpleasant or calmly meet them head-on with a smile and self-confidence. Practice patience and see a situation from anothers perspective. Call or visit the person you have been intending to when you have time. Get 6 to 8 hours of sleep each day, eat nutritional food and drink pure water, exercise your body and mind. A variety of other ways to relieve stress also are well known, but reminders may be helpful: deep breathing exercises; yoga; stroll in a park or forest or on the seashore; aromatherapy; put your hands in Earths soil to plant vegetables, flowers or bushes; volunteer for a community service; adopt a needy animal; listen to soothing music; watch comedy and other light-hearted films; read poetry or write your own; put your home in order; visit art galleries and museums do whatever it is that you thoroughly enjoy and that imparts a sense of deep satisfaction. And remember that smiling lightens the heart and time alone is not selfishness it is self-preservation, selfrestoration!

How to open, balance and nurture the chakras?

9. An email that was sent many months ago and has just come to my mothers attention contains a question and an excellent suggestion. First,

how can one open, balance and nurture chakras? Although experienced holistic practitioners can assist in chakra opening and balancing, you can do the same,and you can nurture the chakra system by everything I just mentioned about self-evaluation as to light absorption as well as more easily adjusting to cellular changes and the prevailing frequencies. March 10, 2009 Message from Matthew Ward, from his station in Nirvana

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