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Ano XII, N 17

ISSN 2238-7676

Cuiab - MT - Outubro/2012

Dear APLIEMT members, It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to new members of the APLIEMT Board of Directors. This is my second term as president and other Board members were also elected for their second term such as Ana Antnia, Juliana and Leandra. Together with the newcomers we are looking forward to another successful year with a variety of opportunities for professional growth and development. Cheers! ........Board elected for the On behalf of APLIEMT I would like to present the New 2012-2014 term. Congratulations to everyone! Marli Cichelero Presidente


Joseane Santos da Silva Costa
Professora, aluna do Curso de Especializao em Lingustica Aplicada/UNEMAT/Sinop

Ser professor antigamente era ter um cargo de prestgio na sociedade em que adultos, jovens e crianas valorizavam a funo do professor. Nos dias atuais, a profisso docente encara modificaes que tm gerado constantes discusses acerca de seu papel. Entremeio a tantas mudanas e cobranas de um mundo globalizado est necessidade do profissional docente falar ingls para melhores condies de acompanhar as rpidas transformaes que vem ocorrendo no contexto mundial. Diante de tantos aspectos que o

profissional docente precisa desenvolver, ser feliz na profisso parece ser um grande desafio. Em busca da realizao profissional, muitos docentes tm procurado cursos de qualificao profissional a fim de encontrar subsdios que lhes proporcionem conhecimentos de classe e de lngua, que propiciam desenvolvimentos na rea pessoal, profissional e cultural. Certamente para ser feliz na profisso docente necessrio qualificao, mas tambm importante que o docente se identifique com seu trabalho e o exera com carinho e amor. O segredo para tal felicidade deve se pautar em algumas reflexes como: O que eu gosto e o que eu quero fazer da minha vida profissional? O que me proporciona prazer? Gosto de interagir com as pessoas? O professor que reflete sobre o que faz, o professor que busca continuamente conhecimentos se renova, sente mais prazer ao atuar em sala de aula e descobre que ao ensinar seus alunos est tambm aprendendo com eles a cada dia.

Marli Cichelero

nfredo Santos Leandra Ins Segalho


Crivelin Jorra Tnia Cristina iro 2 Tesoure

Ana Antonia de Assis Conselho

Maria de Ftima Com Conselho ini Silva


Ges Delvnia io 1 secretr

ons Marki Ly io r 2 secret

Celeste Garcia Ribeiro vice-presidente




Solange Maria de BARROS UNEMAT

O Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Lingustica Aplicada (GEPLIA) desenvolve um projeto interinstitucional de formao continuada em Lngua Materna e Estrangeira, Arte e rea de Tecnologias em rede colaborativa, envolvendo professores-pesquisadores de diferentes IES (UNEMAT/Sinop e PUC/SP) e professoresformadores da rea da linguagem do CEFAPRO/Sinop (Centro de Formao dos Profissionais da Educao). Promove ao continuada pautada na formao de profissionais crtico-reflexivos, bem como, almeja contribuir na busca de diretrizes para melhoria do ensino e da formao docente.
Professora Leandra Santos (Coordenadora do Projeto) e as professoras formadoras da rea de Linguagem do CEFAPRO/Sinop (da esquerda para a direita: lidi, Arlete, Ketheley, Lucineide, Eliane, Mrcia, Cssia, Marli e Sara)

n recent years there has been a growing interest by scholars and language researchers in rethinking the role of educators of language teachers for the future of the school, the community and society at large. Educators working with critical teacher education have posed some concerns as to whether the reflexive teaching practice might be restricted to teaching-related issues only. I have argued that emancipatory pedagogical practices should be connected to the broader social context (Papa 2005, Barros, 2010). Topics reflecting social problems in the school and in the community could help develop more critical teachers placing them closer to social reality. I have proposed that three levels of reflection could contribute to critical language teacher education, namely: (i) internal structure; (ii) microsocial relations; (iii) macrosocial relations. At the first level internal structure the critical teacher, according to Bhaskar (1998), considers emotions, values and feelings, that is, the teacher gets involved in social responsibility and solidarity projects through a voluntary act or, in Bhaskar's words, through a will, an inner feeling that arouses emotions. At the second level microsocial relations the critical teacher focuses on classroom-related issues. Here the teacher identifies problems that affect the classroom. Once problems are

identified, then the teacher can try to understand the causes and effects devising practical activities to surmount these obstacles. At the third level macrosocial relations the critical teacher casts eyes beyond the walls and gates that enclose the school addressing more comprehensive issues. Problems found by the community such as sexual abuse, racial discrimination and environment might be brought up for discussion via curriculum-related projects, previously organized by the teaching staff. Professional associations, politicians and nongovernmental organizations would be invited to participate in the discussions through lectures and courses. The importance of critical social thought has encouraged reflections on critical theory of modern society allowing educators of language teachers to rethink their role as critical agents of change in the school environment and in the school community, as they reflect on actual problems experienced in the sphere of daily life.
BARROS, S. M. de. Formao crtica do educador de lnguas: por uma poltica emancipatria e de transformao social. In: BARROS, S. M de; ASSISPETERSON, A. A. (Org.) Formao crtica de professores de lnguas: desejos e possibilidades. So Paulo: Pedro & Joo Editores, p. 1725, 2010. BHASKAR, R. Critical Realism. Essential Readings. In: ARCHER, M.; BHASKAR, R.; COLLIER, A.; LAWSON, T.; NORRIE, A. (eds.), Centre For Critical Realism. London: Routledge, 1998. PAPA, S. M. de B. I. O Professor reflexivo em processo de mudana na sala de aula de lngua estrangeira: caminhos para a (auto) emancipao e transformao social. Tese de Doutorado.

Forthcoming event. It is with pleasure that we announce here the theme of the 2013 EPI: A hora e a vez dos professores de ingls da escola pblica: o professor como criador-de-sentidos.

Congratulations to our APLIEMT President Marli Cichelero for her acceptance into the Master Program of Language Studies at PUC/SP. Her project received the highest mark!

Meaning-maker: o professor de ingls como criador de sentidos

Delvnia Aparecida Ges dos Santos UFMT- Campus Rondonpolis
De acordo com as teorias de letramentos ns no apenas geramos e comunicamos sentidos, mas tambm fazemos sentidos dos 'textos e falas' dos Outros. Para que 'sentidos' sejam criados ou atribudos necessrio, no mnimo, dois tipos de trabalho: um de articulao e outro de interpretao; esse processo acontece sempre que houver algo, por meio do qual, seja possvel 'fazer sentido'. Ou seja, os contedos textos, contextos, situaes, prticas discursivas carregam em si 'um potencial' de significados que pode ser concretizado por meio das interaes (Kress, 2003). Reconhecer que somos 'seres criadores de sentidos' nos leva a inferir que as realidades sociais so constitudas pelos efeitos de sentidos que geramos por meio das nossas prticas discursivas cotidianas, portanto, so realidades passveis de mudanas medida que outras formas de ver e de pensar o mundo so consideradas. Desse modo, podemos dizer que os sentidos que atribumos s experincias e s vivncias so construdos a partir de movimentos de articulao e de interpretao, delimitados por um dado repertrio cultural. Entretanto, na era da globalizao, 'articulaes e interpretaes' rompem as fronteiras culturais interpretando, recombinando, recriando significados e sentidos em um movimento transcultural. Os 'sentidos' navegam de uma cultura para a outra em questo de segundos. As interaes sociais acontecem em um fluxo muito maior do que em outras pocas. Todavia, o que nos inquieta enquanto professores so os impactos dessas interaes e dessas trocas de contedos na construo das realidades. muito importante que as interaes sociais (professor/aluno/comunidade escolar) sejam pautadas pela riqueza proveniente de relacionamentos onde a partilha, a colaborao e a transdisciplinaridade sejam elementos prioritrios. Os velhos e conhecidos obstculos que insistem em no deixar fluir o ensino de ingls na escola pblica no impedem que as corredeiras de sentidos continuem a realizar seus percursos. A cada dia, a necessidade e a vontade de repensar e de ressignificar nossas aes pedaggicas parece emergir com mais fora, convidando a ns professores de lnguas e linguagens a olhar em outras direes, a trabalhar com o que pode dar certo, com os indcios de possibilidades que despontam em nossas salas de aula. A realidade social contempornea nos mostra, com todas as letras, a necessidade de investirmos em outras formas de aprender, outros modos de construir o conhecimento, atribuindo educao lingustica novos sentidos. Uma mudana de paradigma no ensino de lnguas requer: desconstruo de crenas negativas e de fracasso; pensamento crtico no que tange as ideologias que insistem em tratar o ensino de lnguas como competncia exclusiva das escolas de idiomas e, construo de sentidos e de prticas pedaggicas mais assertivas e consoantes com as demandas sociais da atualidade. Para a realizao de tais tarefas desafiadoras que pensamos em convidar o 'professor-criador de sentidos'. KRESS, G. Literacy in the new media age. London: Routledge Falmer, 2003.

APLIEMT NEWSLETTER uma publicao anual oficial da Associao dos Professores de Lngua Inglesa do Estado de Mato Grosso (APLIEMT), instituio sem fins lucrativos.
Presidente: Marli Cichelero (Sinop) Vice-presidente: Celeste Garcia Ribeiro Novaga

Ana Antnia de Assis-Peterson (UFMT/Cuiab) Marli Cichelero (CEFAPRO/Sinop)

1 secretrio: Delvnia Ges (Rondonpolis) 2 secretrio: Marki Lyons (Rondonpolis) 1 tesoureiro: Juliana Freitag Schweikart (Sinop) 2 tesoureiro: Tnia Cristina Crivelin Jorra (Lucas do Rio

Conselho Editorial:
Ana Antonia de Assis-Peterson (UFMT/Cuiab) Leandra Ines Seganfredo Santos (UNEMAT/Sinop) Marli Cichelero (CEFAPRO/Sinop)

Andre Gide (1869-1951) French writer.

The only real education comes from what goes counter to you.

Conselho Consultivo:
Ana Antnia de Assis-Peterson (Cuiab) Leandra Ines Seganfredo Santos (Sinop) Maria de Ftima Comini Silva (Cuiab)

Impresso: Grfica Grafitec Tiragem: 300 exemplares Arte Grfica: Ketheley Leite Freire

John Dewey (1859-1952) U.S. philosopher and educator.

The result of the educative process is capacity for further education.



Critical Teacher Education

An Interview with Rosane Rocha Pessoa

by Ana Antnia de Assis-Peterson

Rosane Rocha Pessoa holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and has been an English professor at Faculdade de Letras of the Universidade Federal de Gois since 1991. She belongs to the research area Language Teaching and Learning of the Programa de Ps-Graduao em Letras e Lingustica, offering courses in the area of Critical Foreign Language Teacher Education. Her research interests include critical foreign language teaching and learning, critical teacher education, teacher change, and collaborative research, having published articles about these themes in specialized journals. In partnership with Julma Dalva Vilarinho Pereira Borelli, she organized a book entitled Reflexo e crtica na formao de professores de lngua estrangeira. on inequality and to question naturalized notions such as: language teacher education is the mastery of the target language and the development of pedagogical skills, language is an object, language teaching is an apolitical enterprise, language learning is merely a matter of cognition, communication is the transmission of a message from one mind to another, English is an international language, the classroom is simply a place where language is learnt and consensual dialogue is held, etc. This work is what Pennycook (2001) calls problematizing givens and, besides doing this, we have also tried to problematize the limits of our reflection in order to avoid the belief that there is only one adequate critique of social and political inequality that can lead to only one alternative reality (PENNYCOOK, 2001). Critical work can take various forms and there are alternative realities or preferred futures, as Pennycook prefers, which need to be grounded in ethical arguments for why alternative possibilities may be better (PENNYCOOK, 2001, p. 9). Our starting point of discussion is that the political relations in the world outside the classroom are reproduced within the classroom, so everything we do and say in class should be understood socially and politically. Thus, we have reflected on and changed our pedagogical choices (content, materials, classroom processes, and language use) addressing the following themes: gender, sexuality, racism, identity, class, and language. However, we believe that this work should be an engagement with difference instead of simply including difference or promoting more tolerance or understanding in the classroom. This work has made some difference in my life and in the lives of some teachers who have been doing it. Of course it is not an easy path to take because it involves an engagement with people's investments and desires (Pennycook, 2001, p. 159). As Schenke (1996 apud PENNYCOOK, 2001, p. 160) argues, feminism, like antiracism, is thus not simply one more social issue in ESL but a way of thinking, a way of teaching, and, most importantly, a way of learning.

Relato de Marli Cichelero (CEFAPRO-SINOP)

Sobre a escolha do livro, ressaltaram que professores tm a oportunidade da escolha e que, geralmente, a seleo acontece no ltimo dia da data limite desse processo. Acerca das polticas pblicas, gostariam de ter mais espao para expressarem sua opinio e ter autonomia para escolher o livro. Estariam preparados para escolher o livro? Um entendimento forte demonstrado nos debates foi a certeza de que cada escola tem sua realidade local e regional e cabe ao professor adaptar esses aspectos de acordo com sua realidade. Os professores mostraram-se satisfeitos com o espao criado pela APLIEMT para que, junto com seus pares, possam discutir e promover reflexo e anlise de questes de seus interesses, contribuindo com a continuidade de sua formao e no comprometimento com a escola.

Forum: Large group discussion

AAAP: First of all, I would like to ask you about how your career as an English language teacher began and also whether you had any turning point that led you to do research with language teachers under a critical perspective.
RRP: I started my career as an English language teacher in a private language school in 1983, one year before I finished my undergraduate course in Letras Portugus/Ingls. English lessons at the university focused on linguistic aspects and the methodological lessons focused on audio-lingual teaching technicalities. After graduating, I took other teacher training courses, in line with the Communicative Approach methodology, focusing on teaching techniques and skills. Never in these courses were theoretical issues related to this methodology discussed: aims; conceptions of language, teaching and learning; the process of language teaching and learning, etc. I learnt a recipe and had to follow it as precisely as I could. After three years, I stopped teaching because I got a grant to do my master course in Brazilian Literature and was deeply dissatisfied with the teaching conditions in private English schools. Then, I spent the year of 1990 in England, where I did two teaching training courses and a short literature course. One of my plans was to stay there and do my doctorate in comparative literature, but I ended up coming back to Goinia and starting an English school with a friend in 1991. It was a small school, and we had it for about three years. Though our main aim was to promote communication, trivial and consensual dialogues were the core of the private lessons

O Livro Didtico na escola pblica foi tema da segunda edio do Frum do XIV EPI em 2011. Os debates abarcaram o papel e o uso do livro, sua escolha, as necessidades regionais, as polticas pblicas, novas tecnologias e o letramento crtico. Na opinio dos professores o Livro Didtico no deve ser o nico material, mas sim que seja um recurso para orientar e guiar o professor na sua prtica docente. Houve confrontos de opinies no sentido de pouco entendimento em relao a quem o livro atende, ao professor ou ao aluno. Uma outra questo que chamou ateno foi a de que o professor no sabe utiliz-lo, entretanto, alguns professores salientaram a importncia de o professor comear a assumir responsabilidades, tomar atitude de buscar se informar no site do MEC e deixar de reclamar das instituies de modo geral. Enfim, os professores reconhecem que o Livro Didtico essencial e que para obter resultados positivos depende da conduo do professor. Para eles, os livros recomendados pelo PNLD contemplam as novas tecnologias, apresentam sites, emails, salientando a questo dos gneros textuais. Houve divergncias de opinies sobre o letramento crtico, dentre elas, que depende do professor trabalhar essa questo com seus alunos. Havia textos que no apontavam para atividades e pensamento crtico. Foi consenso de que somente no momento em que o professor se adequar e apropriar-se do livro vai conseguir resultados efetivos.

Forum: Small group discussion

and small groups we had. In the same year we started the school, I entered UFG to teach English, and in 1999 I started my doctorate in Applied Linguists at UFMG. My thesis focused on public school teachers' collaborative reflection, and it was this theoretical field that led me to critical reflection, critical teaching and critical teacher education. Reading authors such as Contreras (2002), Freire (2007), Smyth (1991), Zeichner and Liston (1996) and problematizing their texts with my post-graduation course students made me reflect on the political aspect of my practice as a teacher and teacher educator. From then on our research group has tried to put into practice a critical approach to teaching and teacher education which takes social inequality and social transformation as a central element and draws on work in areas such as feminism, antiracism, postcolonialism, postmodernism, and queer theory. That is the reason why I have joined a study group called Grupo de estudos ps-estruturalistas e prticas identitrias, coordinated by Prof. Joana Plaza Pinto, which aims at discussing the main themes of contemporary poststructuralist studies and their relevance to the field of linguistic studies. AAAP: Can you tell us more specifically what critical view of language teacher education you have embraced in your current research and work with language teachers and how it has made a difference in their lives and/or in your life? RRP: Inspired by Pennycook (2001), we have tried not only to relate micro to macro aspects of language teaching but also to focus

For me, critical work is a way of learning how to teach and how to live. In general, teachers who have accepted this challenge are the ones who have a history of oppression and wish to fight against it not only in the classroom, but also in their lives. Others do not think it is worth it for different reasons: it requires intense study, some contexts do not lend themselves to this type of work, lessons require careful preparation and are difficult to manage, our identities are usually problematized, and so on. All these arguments are pertinent, and we have to make a choice since this engagement focus links questions of identity, politics, and language directly and see different formations of identity as intertwined (PENNYCOOK, 2001, p. 160). AAAP: In your opinion, as teacher

discourse is social action, it builds our identities and the world. Thus, we should be careful to avoid discourses of exclusion and to promote discourses of plurality and emancipation. That's why the choice of themes, texts, language, and illustrations are of crucial importance for us. AAAP: I would like to know about

the same time we should always invest in our learning and do the best we can to do a good work in class. As I suggested before, this good work means the constant recycling of different forms of power through our everyday words and actions (PENNYCOOK, 2001, p. 120). AAAP: What would you say to our

Letters to the editor

"Part of being a teacher is the need to always be updated. The " APLIEMT Newsletter" and the annual meeting of Teachers of English (EPI) are really contributing for our enrichment and bringing new and useful information about relevant classroom issues."


Ftima Comini Escola Estadual Manoel C. Proena Cuiab/MT
Estou, entre tantas outras, em uma sala de aula do EJA (ensino de jovens e adultos) e claro que tem jovens (de 16 anos) e adultos (de cinquenta e muitos anos). Entre eles h um jovem que surdo. Em toda a minha preparao profissional nunca aprendi LIBRAS (Lngua Brasileira de Sinais). Fazer o que, n? No era moda e nem obrigao! Bem, a minha boa vontade falou mais alto e eu queria incluir este jovem, uma vez que no incio do ano letivo no havia intrprete para ele na sala. Eu precisava, ento, saber ingls, saber lecionar para jovens, para adultos e para o surdo. Achei por bem convidar uma professora de LIBRAS para fazer uma roda de conversa sobre o assunto. A curiosidade da turma foi avassaladora e da em diante o aluno surdo foi convidado por mim a ensinar LIBRAS para todos ns em uma parte das nossas longas aulas de ingls (2 horas semanais). E no que est dando certo? Todos ns j sabemos fazer os sinais que identificam cada um de ns (os surdos criam sinais de acordo com as caractersticas de cada pessoa para represent-las, evitando assim a escrita dos nomes todas as vezes que mencionarmos tal pessoa) e alguns smbolos referentes ao alfabeto. O inusitado em tudo isto que ao dar exerccios escritos sobre nacionalidades, os alunos agarraram no uso do verbo To Be e o aluno surdo, em LIBRAS, me deu a resposta correta: IS. Eu entendi os sinais, escrevi no quadro a forma em ingls e ele confirmou o meu aprendizado. Imediatamente, eu gritei: OBA, EU APRENDI! Resultado: a sala toda caiu em gargalhadas, o surdo bateu palmas em LIBRAS e eu constatei mais uma vez: na sala de aula, todos ensinam, todos aprendem (AUERBACH, 2000, p. 147-148, citado em SCHLATTER, 2009, p.20).
SCHLATTER, M. O ensino de leitura em lngua estrangeira na escola: uma proposta de letramento. Calidoscpio, Vol.7, n.1, p. 1123, jan/abr 2009. AUERBACH, E. R. Creating participatory learning communities: paradoxes and possibilities. In: J.K. HALL; W. G. EGGINGTON (eds.), The sociopolitics of English language teaching. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, p. 143-164, 2000.

how much of Paulo Freire's thought you consider there is in your work with your Letras students and public school teachers.
RRP: I've tried not only to transform my teaching into what I understand to be practice of freedom but also to problematize Paulo Freire's thought in class by reading his texts, discussing concepts such as banking education, education as practice of freedom, ethics, education as a form of intervention in the world, and by reading other authors - HOOKS (1994), OKAZAKI (2005), PENNYCOOK (1999, 2001) - who discuss Freire's ideas and recognize him as the founder of critical pedagogy. These works have drawn teachers' attention to the relevance of his ideas and I believe some of them have been inspired by him. We are easily persuaded to believe that reading the world always precedes reading the word, and reading the word implies continually reading the world (FREIRE, 1989, p. 13). AAAP: What is your personal view

readers, mostly Letras students and in-service school teachers, of the importance of being a language teacher despite all the unfavorable conditions the profession is facing over the past years?
RRP: I'd say that we should empower ourselves to fight against these unfavorable conditions. We can do that by acknowledging where we are within social, cultural, economic, ideological, and discursive frameworks and how we can act to try to change them. Needless to say, there isn't much we can do on an individual basis, that is, collaboration between teachers can be a powerful tool for professional development and a real engine for school improvement since it provides opportunities to learn together and reflect on how to improve our practice, student achievement and career.

Lyssa Gonalves Professora de Ingls e aluna especial do Mestrado em Estudos de Linguagem da UFMT
"I am delighted that APLIEMT Newsletter is online and that excellent information is available about teaching English in Brazil, mainly in our context, the public school. I have read some editions and participated in many events organized by our Association. I cannot count the numerous times we had the pleasure to meet and talk with important Brazilian researchers at the APLIEMT annual meetings.Thank you APLIEMT for wonderful moments of professional development!"

Veralcia Guimares de Souza Teacher at IFMT Campus Cuiab Bela Vista and SEDUC-MT

educators, where do you sense we have failed? Putting it in another way, what are the crucial issues we still have to tackle on and insist more indisputably to create conditions for Letras students and school teachers to acquire authority and autonomy to enable them to engage in critical thinking and shape their own pedagogic experiences?
RRP: I don't like to think we have failed since we have tried to do what has been possible, but I'd say we have at least two challenges to face. First, language teacher education cannot be limited to linguistic and pedagogical development. It also involves factors such as salary, labour market demand, working conditions at schools, hierarchical structures, teaching career, labour legislation, which can enable or hinder teacher development (IMBERNN, 2004). Thus, language teacher education should encompass educational and professional factors, that is, it should not only prepare teachers intellectually to teach a language but also encourage them to interpret reality and intervene in it as well as to struggle for better social and working conditions. Second, we should have a larger picture of what a language classroom is since what we do in this context is much more than just give a lesson or teach how to use a grammar point. As a matter of fact, we appropriate discourses and, as

"Being at Barra do Garas sharing APLITINS experiences with APLIEMT was really great! I think we do need to promote more interaction among the English Teachers' Associations in Brazil. It was very rewarding and I learned a lot from you!"

Elisa Alencar Professor at Universidade Federal do Tocantins / APLITINS President

CONTRERAS, Jos. A autonomia de professores. So Paulo: Cortez, 2002. FREIRE, Paulo. A importncia do ato de ler: em trs artigos que se completam. 23 ed. So Paulo: Cortez, 1989. FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessrios prtica educativa. 35 ed. So Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2007. HOOKS, bell. Teaching to transgress. New York: Routledge, 1994. IMBERNN, Francisco. Formao docente e profissional: formar-se para a mudana e a incerteza. 4. ed. So Paulo, Cortez, 2004. OKAZAKI, Takayuki. Critical consciousness and critical language teaching. Second Language Studies, v. 23, n. 2, p, 174-202, Spring 2005. Disponvel em: < zaki, %20Taka.pdf>. PENNYCOOK, Alastair. Critical Applied Linguistics: a critical introduction. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. SMYTH, John. Teachers as collaborative learners: challenging dominant forms of supervision. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1991. ZEICHNER, Kenneth M.; LISTON, Daniel P. Reflective teaching: an introduction. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1996.

about the future of our profession?

RRP: There seems to be a consistent view among scholars and economists that investments in education and research are a key factor for the sustainable long-term growth of a competitive economy, so it has to become high priority in Brazil, which is now the world's sixth-largest economy. One of the claims of the federal universities on strike at this moment is that a larger educational budget (10% of the gross nation product - GNP) goes to education so that all teaching levels can have enough resources to promote an effective qualitative development. Every teacher should fight for claims like this, and there are different forms of action: we should vote for individuals who can represent our needs, we should require that politicians deliver what they promise, we should take part in teachers' trade unions and associations like APLIEMT, and at

RELATO DA PROFESSORA NEUZAMAR MARQUES BARBOSA sobre a realizao do XIV EPI evento em Barra do Garas/MT
Neuzamar Marques Barbosa Membro da APLIEMT e Prof Formadora de Ingls - CEFAPRO/BG

Em 2010, quando participei do XIII EPI em Cuiab/MT, fiquei encantada e percebi que se tratava de um evento grandioso, que contribua com a formao inicial e continuada dos professores de ingls. Na ocasio, enviei APLIEMT uma proposta para que o encontro de 2011 fosse em Barra do Garas/MT, para uma maior integrao e fortalecimento dos profissionais de lngua inglesa do Mdio Araguaia. Quando a APLIEMT me informou que a proposta escolhida foi a de Barra e que eu seria a coordenadora local do evento, fiquei muito feliz e ao mesmo tempo preocupada, pois eu nunca tinha coordenado nenhum evento. Mesmo no tendo experincia em organizar eventos, aceitei a empreitada e fiz o meu trabalho com muita responsabilidade, dedicao e muito entusiasmo. Marli Cichelero, presidente da APLIEMT, sempre esteve ao meu lado me ajudando, tirando minhas dvidas e me motivando todos os dias. Sempre que eu divulgava o EPI para os meu colegas, procurava mostrar que o encontro seria uma troca de experincias e de saberes, como tambm, um momento especial de reflexo da prtica pedaggica e aprimoramento do ensino e aprendizagem da lngua inglesa. Ter coordenado o XIV EPI significou bem mais do que a sensao de dever cumprido. Foi uma honra, j que foi a primeira vez que esse evento aconteceu em Barra do Garas. E ao ouvir os professores participantes dizerem que adoraram o EPI e reconheceram que foi um espao de reflexo, formao e inovao para eles, fiquei muito gratificada, pois o meu trabalho valeu a pena. Agradeo muito Marli Cichelero pela oportunidade, aos nossos parceiros CEFAPRO(BG) e FISK(BG) pelo apoio e, em especial, Professora Ana Antnia por ter fundado, junto com outros colegas, a APLIEMT, associao que hoje faz parte da histria de Mato Grosso contribuindo com a educao lingustica e a formao de professores de ingls.

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