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Lesson Topic: Reading Enrichment: Number the Stars Length of lesson: 3 Weeks By April Olorunfemi Stage 1 Desired Results

s Content Standard(s):

Grade level: 6 th

ELA6R1. The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. For literary texts, the student identifies the characteristics of various genres and produces evidence of reading that: a. Identifies and analyzes sensory details and figurative language. b. Identifies and analyzes the authors use of dialogue and description. c. Applies knowledge of the concept that theme refers to the main idea and meaning of a selection, whether it is implied or stated, and analyzes theme as it relates to the selection. d. Identifies and analyzes the elements of setting, characterization, plot and the resolution of the conflict of a story or play: i. internal/external conflicts ii. character conflicts, characters vs. nature, characters vs. society iii. antagonist/ protagonist. ELA6W2. The student demonstrates competency in a variety of genres. The student produces a response to literature that: a. Engages the reader by establishing a context, creating a speakers voice, and otherwise developing reader interest. b. Demonstrates an understanding of the literary work. c. Advances a judgment that is interpretive, analytic, evaluative, or reflective. d. Organizes an interpretation around several clear ideas, premises, or images. e. Supports a judgment through references to the text. f. ELA6SLV1. The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, ad group verbal interactions. The student: a. Initiates new topics in addition to responding to adult-initiated topics. b. Asks relevant questions. c. Responds to questions with appropriate information. d. Actively solicits another persons comments or opinions. e. Offers own opinion forcefully without being domineering. f. Responds appropriately to comments and questions. g. Volunteers contributions and responds when directly solicited by teacher or discussion leader. h. Gives reasons in support of opinions expressed. i. Clarifies, illustrates, or expands on a response when asked to do so. j. Writes a response to/reflection of interactions with others.

Understanding (s)/goals Students will understand:

Essential Question(s):

reading is a way to explore personal challenges usefulness of text for a specific purpose discussion of text can enhance understanding of texts

How does reading influence the way we face challenges? How can a persons decisions and actions change his or her life? Why should we read and connect with a literary text?

Student objectives (outcomes): Students will be able to: Identify main idea Summarize or paraphrase the text or a portion of the text Identify and explain information stated in the text Make generalizations

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s): Other Evidence: create character diary booktalk create a text connection wordle vocabulary crossword small/whole Group Discussions peer-critiques

Stage 3 Learning Plan Learning Activities:

Week 1 Introduce unit procedures for reading Chart lesson standards Introduce author, build background knowledge Introduce Number the Stars by Lois Lowry Present a mini lessons on elements of fiction (title, character, theme, setting, mood or tone, plot sequence) Read and discuss text Character Diary Share reflections

Week 2 Continue reading Complete text/vocabulary crossword Present mini lessons: making connections and predictions (chart responses) Stress importance of textual references for connections Students write diary/journal reflections on connections/predictions in form Exchange diary entries with classmate/teacher and respond back Chunk plot events on chart paper Week 3 Continue reading Students will create a timeline based on key events and major battles throughout the war Students will create wordles about the connections they are making with the novel Practice finding textual support for judgments Finish reading and chunking the text Class discussion of responses to book

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