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Godinez, Leo Patrick BSN 4A, gr.3

Mrs. Antoinette Amoranto Oct. 4, 2012

inflammatory process in which pancreatic enzymes autodigest the gland. The gland sometimes heals without any impairment of function or any morphologic changes; this process is known as acute pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can also recur intermittently, contributing to the functional and morphologic loss of the gland; recurrent attacks are referred to as chronic pancreatitis. Nursing Responsibility: 1. Do physical assesment 2. Kept patient on NPO 3. Give IV fluid as prescribed 4. Monitor VS 5. Limit visitor 6. Prevent infection 7. Observe proper aseptic technique 8. Health teaching of proper lifestyle and diet modification Dependent Interventions: 1. Medications- Analgesic 2. Laboratory- Blood tests and Electrolytes, Ultrasonogram, CT scan, ERCP 3. Surgical- Cholecystectomy

Human Bite
Usually occurs when one person bites another or Comes in contact with another person's teeth. Can be more dangerous than animal bite and has increased risk of infection due to microbes present in the mouth. Risk of injury to tendons and joints also present. Very common among children Nursing Responsibility: 1. Calm the victim 2. Proper wound assessment includes using a tourniquet and extending the wound as needed to improve visualization. 3. If bleeding is not severe, wash the wound 4. Use a mild soap 5. Clean the wound in running water for 3-5 min 6. Apply an antibiotic cream 7. Dress the wound using sterile gauze 8. If the bleeding is severe, apply pressure to stop bleeding 9. Keep the wounded part in a slightly raised position

10. If not covered for tetanus - an injection is recommended Dependent Interventions: 1. Medication-Antibiotic

Pulmonary embolism
common and potentially lethal condition. Most patients who succumb to pulmonary embolism do so within the first few hours of the event. Despite diagnostic advances, delays in pulmonary [1] embolism diagnosis are common and represent an important issue. As a cause of sudden death, massive pulmonary embolism is second only to sudden cardiac death. Nursing Responsibility: 1. Provide calm environment 2. Relieve patients anxiety 3. Bed rest with active and passive range of motion. 4. Keep the patient with fowler position to enhance ventilation. 5. Assist with turning, coughing, and deep breathing to mobilize secretions and clear airway. 6. Assess respiratory status to detect respiratory distress. 7. Assess cardiovascular status. An irregular pulse may signal arrhythmia caused by hypoxemia. If cause of PE by thrombophlebitis, temperature may be elevated. 8. Administer O2 to enhance oxygenation. 9. Establish an IV line for fluids and drugs.Monitor and record intake and output to detect fluid volume overload and renal perfusion. Dependent Interventions: 1. Medication-Anticoagulants, thrombolytics 2. Laboratory studies- ABG, electrolyte, CBC and Hct.

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