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I must confess I am not one who diligently keeps up with the current events of this world.

I happened to briefly hear, In passing, about the current events in Israel & the Gaza strip. Curious to know what's up first hand I then online chatted with a Palestinian I know & asked her about Gaza. After I heard her take on what she termed an oppression, I was curious to know more & was wondering what the Angels take on it was. I called the Archangels like I normally do but this time after I called them in, without thinking, I just addressed "God" After this quite shocking response below I realized that I must of got YHWH so I tried twice more after (further below). Once to just the angels and the next time also to the supreme deity but addressed as Allah. ( FYI: I try to use the plural pronoun for deities, not that they are plural but to use "He" or "She" seems to be judgemental and the neuter would be so disrespectful. Also, since 3 of the major monotheistic religions of this planet claim an origin with Abraham & Abraham himself referred to the supreme deity also in the plural I can't see how this isn't appropriate. I slipped once below when asking the Archangels about about YHWH) So, like I said I called the Archangels & then started talking to "God", I wasn't taking notes as I wasn't expecting this strong of a response. I was just expressing my concerns for the poor Palestinians and I finally I said: Me: they suffered long enough God: "that's why I want to wipe them out" ...some conversation... I saw a vision of millions of years of humans struggling .... I must of asked: doesn't God love the Palestinians? God: "I do love them that's why I want to wipe them out" me: Can't they go to Egypt or something? God: "Yes they can but it would be kinder to wipe them out" God: "I want them to come back to me in spirit - Yes" I then saw a vision of them being embraced in the breast of the divine me: What do I tell my Palestinian friends? God: "you can not tell them this" me: But you are not a God of secrets they deserve some truth & God: "there is nothing I can do" me: there is nothing _GOD_ can do???? God (somewhat resigned): "I will soften the hearts of the Israeli's but the Gazian's have to go" me: LET them go (the borders are all locked, Israel does not allow any one to enter or leave any border) God: "I know" ....... God: "They will go into Egypt" me: but their homes? God: "that is the compromise" (It was clear to me that in the last line here "God" means they will lose their homes in trade for letting them flee to Egypt) Being quite shocked by this transmission, I discussed it with One of them told me that by "God" I must of got YHWH (the God and I think she is right.. However, I thought I'd check with find out. This time (several hours after the last ritual) I a few friends. of Israel) the angels to just called the

archangels and did not address "God" Once again I didn't record my own questions too well. I believe I asked why this to come to pass now after all these years (or rather all these centuries) AA: "It is time" me: you mean like 2012 or like that "you" have had enough or that... AA: "All of those things" I asked if the "God" of the previous transmission was indeed YHWH AA: "Yes it was YHWH the god of that region" there are many gods (I don't remember if this is from them or my question) Me: why didn't He wipe the Palestinians out long ago? Me: why did He have the Israelis leave the area long ago? AA: "because He was mad at Israel back then" Me: so YHWH seems like a very temperamental God AA: "YHWH is a very temperamental God" Me: AA: Me: AA: is there some higher truth? "no" no higher truth? "not in that matter no there isn't. 2 sides follow different paths, have different realities they are both true to their own path"

Me: Isn't it possible that they can each try to understand the other's path AA: "yes this is possible" Me then why doesn't it happen? AA: "We are hoping you will implement this" Me: HOW? AA: "Just tell the world that the Gazians will be exiled to Egypt" Me: Why should I write this?" AA: "so they know you speak the truth" Next (the next day Sunday 11/18/2012) I called in the Angels & then spoke to the supreme Deity who I tried to refer to as "Allah" this time. I have always heard both forms of expression & always believed that they were just different names for the same being. Once or twice below I may of slipped and referred to Them as God. So I must of started by asking if there is a difference between Them & God Allah: "no, no difference" I must of then asked how they feel about the Palestinians Allah: "I love my Palestinians. I do not want them to go" Confused, I must of asked again about the difference between "God" & "Allah" Allah: "we are the same" Allah "this is true, this is the other side of my same being" Me: which is correct Allah: "both are correct Me: how Allah" "both are correct in the heart. I love them all & feel for all of them" Me: I must of asked why They (as YHWA) want the Palestinians to leave their homes Allah: "I want them to stay in their homes"

Me: this conflicts with what your other half said Allah: "true" Me: how can you account for this discrepancy? Allah: "I don't" Me: but there is a discrepancy & people will have issue with that. How can people buy this double speak? Allah: "they can not. " .... "the answer is complex " Me: Im listening Allah: "reality has many edges & sides. It is true that both sides blame each other & that we are god of all. I do not want the Palestinians to lea ve, however, it is destined" Me: and who determines this destiny? Allah: "it is part of the evolution of your species" Me: but you determine it Allah "yes and no. When you plant a seed do you determine how it will bud? Do you pull the branches out when it is time?" Me: No Allah: "then likewise " Me: "so there is no road to peace each will see from their own side" Allah: "yes there is a road to peace: love one another. love doesn't see the difference. It is not by logic that there will be peace. It is not by agreem ent, it is not by justice. All of these are works of man (& woman) Me: how Allah "only through love. Love is the work of God yes of Allah" Me: how can they love Allah: "they know how to love it is written in their hearts. It was written in their hearts before they were conceived. They know how to love they just refuse it" Me: who is refusing? Allah: The Arabs & the Israelis Me: so if they are all wrong why is it that the Gazians must suffer? Allah: "To die is not to suffer. They are suffering now " Me: yes & Allah: "because they are refusing to love" Me: "How can they love ones who took their land away & betrayed them." Allah: "To love one must forgive. This comes 1st., To sincerely love is not to count the wrongs. Does a mother count how many times her baby hits her? To love is to forgive & embrace" Me: If they embrace they will be shot Allah: "True, but it is still what they are to do" Me: so they are to die like fools? Allah" "Did Gandhi's people die like fools?" Me: no Allah "If they love sincerely I will deliver them" Me: you already said it was destined otherwise Allah: "This is correct but destiny is fluid" Me: So Gaza won't be exiled to Egypt Allah "We do not know. We have lost patience with both sides. Both sides are refusing to love." Me: so you have given up. Allah: "No we have not but it is the 11th hour" Me: Why was I told to write that Gaza will be exiled to Egypt if this is possibly not so Allah: "because it is destined"

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