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Verification Concepts Switch Example Basic Constructs ... ... ... ... ... ...

Constructs Switch Example RVM Switch Example RVM Ethernet Sample ... ... ... ... ...

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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

............INTRODUCTION ............DATA TYPES ..................... Signed And Unsigned ..................... Void ............LITERALS ..................... Integer And Logic Literals ..................... Time Literals ..................... Array Literals ..................... Structure Literals ............STRINGS ..................... String Methods ..................... String Pattren Match ..................... String Operators ..................... Equality ..................... Inequality. ..................... Comparison. ..................... Concatenation. ..................... Replication. ..................... Indexing. ............USERDEFINED DATATYPES ............ENUMARATIONS ..................... Enumarated Methods ..................... Enum Numerical Expressions ............STRUCTURES AND UNIOUNS ..................... Structure ..................... Assignments To Struct Members ..................... Union ..................... Packed Structures ............TYPEDEF ..................... Advantages Of Using Typedef

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

............ARRAYS ..................... Fixed Arrays RVM Ethernet sample ..................... Operations On Arrays ..................... Accessing Individual Elements Of Multidimensional Arrays
Specman E Interview Questions

............ARRAY METHODS ..................... Array Methods ..................... Array Querying Functions ..................... Array Locator Methods ..................... Array Ordering Methods ..................... Array Reduction Methods ..................... Iterator Index Querying ............DYNAMIC ARRAYS ..................... Declaration Of Dynmic Array ..................... Allocating Elements ..................... Initializing Dynamic Arrays ..................... Resizing Dynamic Arrays[9/26/2012 1:55:53 PM]

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..................... Copying Elements ............ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS ..................... Associative Array Methods ............QUEUES ..................... Queue Operators ..................... Queue Methods ..................... Dynamic Array Of Queues Queues Of Queues ............COMPARISON OF ARRAYS ..................... Static Array ..................... Associative Array ..................... Dynamic Array ..................... Queues ............LINKED LIST ..................... List Definitions ..................... Procedure To Create And Use List ..................... List_iterator Methods ..................... List Methods ............CASTING ..................... Static Casting ..................... Dynamic Casting ..................... Cast Errors ............DATA DECLARATION ..................... Scope And Lifetime ..................... Global ..................... Local ..................... Alias ..................... Data Types On Ports ..................... Parameterized Data Types ..................... Declaration And Initialization ............REG AND LOGIC ............OPERATORS 1 ..................... Operators In Systemverilog ..................... Assignment Operators ..................... Assignments In Expression ..................... Concatenation ..................... Arithmetic ..................... Relational ..................... Equality ............OPERATORS 2 ..................... Logical ..................... Bitwise ..................... Reduction ..................... Shift ..................... Increment And Decrement ..................... Set ..................... Streaming Operator ..................... Re-Ordering Of The Generic Stream ..................... Packing Using Streaming Operator ..................... Unpacking Using Streaming Operator[9/26/2012 1:55:53 PM]

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..................... Streaming Dynamically Sized Data ............OPERATOR PRECEDENCY ............EVENTS ..................... Triggered ..................... Wait() ..................... Race Condition ..................... Nonblocking Event Trigger ..................... Merging Events ..................... Null Events ..................... Wait Sequence ..................... Events Comparison ............CONTROL STATEMENTS ..................... Sequential Control ..................... Enhanced For Loop ..................... Unique ..................... Priority ............PROGRAM BLOCK ............PROCEDURAL BLOCKS ..................... Final ..................... Jump Statements ..................... Event Control ..................... Always ............FORK JOIN ..................... Fork Join None ..................... Fork Join Any ..................... For Join All ............FORK CONTROL ..................... Wait Fork Statement ..................... Disable Fork Statement ............SUBROUTINES ..................... Begin End ..................... Tasks ..................... Return In Tasks ..................... Functions ..................... Return Values And Void Functions: ..................... Pass By Reference ..................... Default Values To Arguments ..................... Argument Binding By Name ..................... Optional Argument List ............SEMAPHORE ............MAILBOX ............FINE GRAIN PROCESS CONTROL




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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Systemverilog Interface


| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Interface Ports Interface Methods Clocking Block Virtual Interface Svtb N Verilog Dut
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............INTERFACE ..................... Advantages Of Using Inteface ............PORTS ..................... Interface Ports ..................... Modports ..................... Modport Selection Duing Module Definition. ..................... Modport Selection Duing Module Instance. ............INTERFACE METHODS ..................... Methods In Interfaces ............CLOCKING BLOCK ..................... Clocking Blocks ..................... Skew ..................... Cycle Delay ............VIRTUAL INTERFACE ..................... Virtual Interfaces ..................... Advantages Of Virtual Interface ..................... Multi Bus Interface

............SVTB N VERILOG DUT ..................... Working With Verilog Dut VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Connecting In Top ..................... Connecting Using A Wrapper Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Class Object This Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism Abstract Classes Parameterised Class Nested Classes Constant Static Casting Copy Scope Resolution Operator Null External Declaration Classes And Structures Typedef Class Pure Other Oops Features Misc
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

............INTRODUCTION ..................... Brief Introduction To Oop ..................... Class ..................... Object ..................... Methods ..................... Inheritance ..................... Abstraction ..................... Encapsulation ..................... Polymorphism ............CLASS ..................... Class Properties ............OBJECT ..................... Creating Objects ..................... Declaration ..................... Instantiating A Class ..................... Initializing An Object ..................... Constructor ............THIS ..................... Using The This Keyword

............INHERITANCE VMM Ethernet sample ..................... What You Can Do In A Subclass ..................... Overriding ..................... Super ..................... Is Only Method Verilog ..................... Is First Method Verification ..................... Is Also Method Verilog Switch TB ..................... Overriding Constraints. ..................... Overriding Datamembers Basic Constructs OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

............ENCAPSULATION ..................... Access Specifiers ............POLYMORPHISM ............ABSTRACT CLASSES

RVM Ethernet sample ............PARAMETERISED CLASS ..................... Type Parameterised Class ..................... Value Parameterised Class ..................... Generic Parameterised Class Specman E ..................... Extending Parameterised Class Interview Questions

............NESTED CLASSES ..................... Why Use Nested Classes ............CONSTANT ..................... Constant Class ..................... Global Constant ..................... Instance Constants ............STATIC ..................... Static Class Properties[9/26/2012 1:56:09 PM]


..................... Static Methods ..................... Static Lifetime Method. ............CASTING ............COPY ..................... Shallow Copy ..................... Deep Copy ..................... Clone ............SCOPE RESOLUTION OPERATOR ............NULL ............EXTERNAL DECLARATION ............CLASSES AND STRUCTURES ............TYPEDEF CLASS ..................... Forward Reference ..................... Circular Dependency ............PURE ............OTHER OOPS FEATURES ..................... Multiple Inheritence ..................... Method Overloading ............MISC ..................... Always Block In Classes




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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Systemverilog Randomization


| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

............CONSTRAINED RANDOM VERIFICATION ..................... Introduction ............VERILOG CRV ..................... Constrained Random Stimulus Generation In Verilog ............SYSTEMVERILOG CRV ..................... Systemverilog Constraint Random Stmulus Generaion ..................... Random Number Generator System Functions ..................... $Urandom_range ..................... Scope Randomize Function ..................... Randomizing Objects ..................... Random Unpacked Structs ..................... Rand Case ..................... Rand Sequence ............RANDOMIZING OBJECTS ..................... Generating Random Stimulus Within Class ............RANDOM VARIABLES ..................... Random Varible Declaration ..................... Rand Modifier ..................... Randc Modifier

VMM Ethernet sample ............RANDOMIZATION METHODS ..................... Randomization Built-In Methods ..................... Randomize() ..................... Pre_randomize And Post_randomize Verilog ..................... Disabling Random Variable Verification ..................... Random Static Variable Verilog Switch TB ..................... Randomizing Nonrand Varible Basic Constructs ............CHECKER

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

............CONSTRAINT BLOCK ..................... Inheritance ..................... Overrighting Constraints ............INLINE CONSTRAINT

RVM Ethernet sample ............GLOBAL CONSTRAINT

Specman E Interview Questions

............CONSTRAINT MODE ..................... Disabling Constraint Block ............EXTERNAL CONSTRAINTS ..................... Constraint Hiding ............RANDOMIZATION CONTROLABILITY ..................... Controlability ............STATIC CONSTRAINT ............CONSTRAINT EXPRESSION ..................... Set Membership ..................... Weighted Distribution[9/26/2012 1:56:18 PM]

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..................... Implication ..................... If..Else ............VARIABLE ORDERING ..................... Functions ..................... Iterative Constraints ............CONSTRAINT SOLVER SPEED ............RANDCASE ............RANDSEQUENCE ..................... Random Productions ..................... Random Production Weights ..................... If..Else ..................... Case ..................... Repeat Production Statements ..................... Rand Join ..................... Break ..................... Return ..................... Value Passing Between Productions ............RANDOM STABILITY ..................... Srandom ............ARRAY RANDOMIZATION ............CONSTRAINT GUARDS ............TITBITS ..................... Constraining Non Integral Data Types ..................... Saving Memory




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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - SystemVerilog Functional Coverage


| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Cover Group Sample Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Transition Bins Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins Illegal Bins Cross Coverage Coverage Options Coverage Methods System Tasks Cover Property
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

............INTRODUCTION ..................... Systemverilog Functional Coverage Features ............COVER GROUP ............SAMPLE ............COVER POINTS ..................... Commands To Simulate And Get The Coverage Report ............COVERPOINT EXPRESSION ..................... Coverpoint Expression ..................... Coverage Filter ............GENERIC COVERAGE GROUPS ............COVERAGE BINS ..................... Implicit Bins ............EXPLICIT BIN CREATION ..................... Array Of Bins ..................... Default Bin

............TRANSITION BINS VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Single Value Transition ..................... Sequence Of Transitions ..................... Set Of Transitions ..................... Consecutive Repetitions Verilog ..................... Range Of Repetition Verification ..................... Goto Repetition Verilog Switch TB ..................... Non Consecutive Repetition Basic Constructs ............WILDCARD BINS OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

............IGNORE BINS ............ILLEGAL BINS ............CROSS COVERAGE ..................... User-Defined Cross Bins ............COVERAGE OPTIONS ..................... Weight ..................... Goal ..................... Name ..................... Comment ..................... At_least ..................... Detect_overlap ..................... Auto_bin_max ..................... Cross_num_print_missing ..................... Per_instance ..................... Get_inst_coverage ............COVERAGE METHODS ............SYSTEM TASKS

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............COVER PROPERTY ..................... Cover Property Results ..................... Cover Sequence Results ..................... Comparison Of Cover Property And Cover Group.




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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - System Verilog Assertion - SVA


| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Event Simulation Assertion Types Assertion System Tasks Concurrent Assertion Layers Sequences Properties Verification Directive
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial

............INTRODUCTION ..................... Advantages Of Assertion ..................... What Assertions Can Verify ............EVENT SIMULATION ............ASSERTION TYPES ............ASSERTION SYSTEM TASKS ..................... Assertion Control System Tasks ..................... Boolean System Function ............CONCURRENT ASSERTION LAYERS ..................... Boolean Expressions

............SEQUENCES ..................... Fixed Delay Easy Labs : SV ..................... Zero Delay Easy Labs : UVM ..................... Constant Range Delay ..................... Unbounded Delay Range Easy Labs : OVM ..................... Repetation Operators Easy Labs : VMM ..................... Consecutive Repetition ..................... Goto Repetition AVM Switch TB ..................... Nonconsecutive Repetition VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Sequence And ..................... Sequence Or ..................... Sequence Intersect ..................... Sequence Within Verilog ..................... Sequence First_match Verification ..................... Sequence Throughout Verilog Switch TB ..................... Sequence Ended ..................... Operator Precedence Associativy Basic Constructs OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB

............PROPERTIES ..................... Overlap Implication ..................... Non Overlapping Implication

............VERIFICATION DIRECTIVE ..................... Assert RVM Switch TB ..................... Assume RVM Ethernet sample ..................... Cover Statement ..................... Expect Statement ..................... Binding
Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 1:56:34 PM]

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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Systemverilog DPI


| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introductions Layers Import Naming Export Pure And Context Data Types Arrays Passing Structs And Unions Arguments Type Disablie
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

............INTRODUCTIONS ..................... What Is Dpi-C ? ............LAYERS ..................... Two Layers Of Dpi-C ..................... Dpi-C Systemverilog Layer ..................... Dpi-C Foreign Language Layer ............IMPORT ..................... Import Methods ..................... Steps To Write Import Metyhods ..................... Standard C Functions ............NAMING ..................... Global Name ..................... Local Name ..................... Sv Keyword As Linkage Name ............EXPORT ..................... Export Methods ..................... Steps To Write Export Methods ..................... Blocking Export Dpi Task

............PURE AND CONTEXT VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Pure Function ..................... Context Function Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

............DATA TYPES ..................... Passing Logic Datatype ............ARRAYS ..................... Open Arrays ..................... Packed Arrays ..................... Linearized And Normalized ..................... Array Querying Functions ............PASSING STRUCTS AND UNIONS ..................... Passing Structure Example ..................... Passing Openarray Structs ..................... Passing Union Example ............ARGUMENTS TYPE ..................... What You Specify Is What You Get ..................... Pass By Ref ..................... Pass By Value ..................... Passing String ..................... Example Passing String From Sv To C ..................... Example Passing String From C To Sv ............DISABLIE ..................... Disable Dpi-C Tasks And Functions ..................... Include Files

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

VMM Ethernet
This testbench is developed in VMM (Systemverilog) for the Ethernet core available from My intension here is to explore the VMM methodology but not to verify the Ethernet core, as a result there are many bugs in the environment. I dont remember the versions of VMM but I developed these in the third quarter of 2007. To simulate this testbench some dependencies on libraries has to be removed from RTL files. It takes bit time for these changes in RTL. Feauters: Full support of automatic random, constrained random, and directed testcase creation. Supports injuction of random errored packets. Supports 1G Fullduplex modeled both in RX and TX paths. Protocol Checker/Monitor for self checking. Built in function coverage support for packets. Developed in Systemverilog using Synopsys VMM base classes. NOTE: All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Download vmm.tar Browse the code in vmm_eth.tar BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ETHERNET VERIFICATION ENVIRONMENT

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 1:56:49 PM]


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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Systemverilog for Verification


| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

............ASIC DESIGN ..................... Mrd ..................... Architecture Specification ..................... Design Specification ..................... Verification Plan ..................... Rtl Design ..................... Functional Verification ..................... Synthesis ..................... Physical Design ..................... Timing Analysis ..................... Tapeout ............BOTTLE NECK IN ASIC FLOW ............FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION NEED ............TESTBENCH ............LINEAR TESTBENCH ............LINEAR RANDOM TESTBENCH ............HOW TO CHECK THE RESULTS

VMM Ethernet sample ............SELF CHECKING TESTBENCHS

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs



Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

............BLOCK COVERAGE ............CONDITIONAL COVERAGE ............BRANCH COVERAGE ............PATH COVERAGE ............TOGGLE COVERAGE ............FSM COVERAGE ..................... State Coverage ..................... Transition Coverage ............MAKE YOUR GOAL 100 PERCENT CODE COVERAGE NOTHING LESS ..................... Dont Be Fooled By The Code Coverage Report ..................... When To Stop Testing? ............FUNCTIONAL COVERAGE ..................... Introduction To Functional Coverage ..................... Item

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..................... Cross ..................... Transitional ..................... Assertion Coverage ............COVERAGE DRIVEN CONSTRAINT RANDOM VERIFICATION ARCHITECTURE ..................... Verification Components Required For Cdcrv ..................... Stimulus ..................... Stimulus Generator ..................... Transactor ..................... Driver ..................... Monitor ..................... Assertion Based Monitor ..................... Data Checker ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Coverage ..................... Utilities ..................... Environment ..................... Tests ............PHASES OF VERIFICATION ..................... Verification Plan ..................... Building Testbench ..................... Writing Tests ..................... Integrating Code Coverage ..................... Analyze Coverage ............ONES COUNTER EXAMPLE ..................... Specification ..................... Test Plan ..................... Block Diagram ..................... Verification Environment Hierarchy ..................... Testbench Components ..................... Stimulus ..................... Driver ..................... Monitor ..................... Assertion Coverage ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Environment ..................... Top ..................... Tests ............VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Verification Plan Contains The Following ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Resources, Budget And Schedule ..................... Verification Environment ..................... System Verilog Verification Flow ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Checker Plan ..................... Coverage Plan ..................... Details Of Reusable Components



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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM

............INTRODUCTION ..................... Installing Uvm Library ............UVM TESTBENCH ..................... Uvm_env ..................... Verification Components ..................... About Uvm_component Class ..................... Uvm_test ..................... Top Module ............UVM REPORTING ..................... Reporting Methods ..................... Actions ..................... Configuration ............UVM TRANSACTION ..................... Core Utilities ..................... User Defined Implementations ..................... Shorthand Macros

............UVM CONFIGURATION ..................... Set_config_* Methods ..................... Automatic Configuration AVM Switch TB ..................... Manual Configurations VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Configuration Setting Members Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

............UVM FACTORY ..................... Registration ..................... Construction ..................... Overriding

............UVM SEQUENCE 1 ..................... Introduction ..................... Sequence And Driver Communication ..................... Simple Example OpenVera ..................... Sequence Item Constructs ..................... Sequence ..................... Sequencer Switch TB ..................... Driver RVM Switch TB ..................... Driver And Sequencer Connectivity RVM Ethernet sample ..................... Testcase ............UVM SEQUENCE 2 ..................... Pre Defined Sequences ..................... Sequence Action Macro ..................... Example Of Pre_do,Mid_do And Post_do ..................... List Of Sequence Action Macros ..................... Examples With Sequence Action Macros ............UVM SEQUENCE 3 ..................... Body Callbacks ..................... Hierarchical Sequences ..................... Sequential Sequences ..................... Parallel Sequences ............UVM SEQUENCE 4

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 1:57:04 PM]


..................... Sequencer Arbitration ..................... Setting The Sequence Priority ............UVM SEQUENCE 5 ..................... Sequencer Registration Macros ..................... Setting Sequence Members ............UVM SEQUENCE 6 ..................... Exclusive Access ..................... Lock-Unlock ..................... Grab-Ungrab ............UVM TLM 1 ..................... Port Based Data Transfer ..................... Task Based Data Transfer ..................... Operation Supported By Tlm Interface ..................... Methods ..................... Tlm Terminology ..................... Tlm Interface Compilation Models ..................... Interfaces ..................... Direction ..................... All Interfaces In Uvm ............UVM TLM 2 ..................... Analysis ..................... Tlm Fifo ..................... Example ............UVM CALLBACK ..................... Driver And Driver Callback Class Source Code ..................... Testcase Source Code ..................... Testcase 2 Source Code ..................... Testcase 3 Source Code ..................... Testcase 4 Source Code ..................... Methods ..................... Macros




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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts
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............INTRODUCTION ............VMM LOG ..................... Vmm Message Type ..................... Message Severity ..................... Vmm Log Macros ..................... Message Handling ..................... Counting Number Of Messages Based Of Message Severity ............VMM ENV ............VMM DATA ..................... Complete Packet Class ..................... Vmm_data Methods ............VMM CHANNEL ..................... Complete Example ..................... Vmm Channel Methods. ............VMM ATOMIC GENERATOR ..................... Completed Example

............VMM XACTOR ..................... Complete Vmm_xactor Example VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Vmm_xactor Members Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

............VMM CALLBACK ..................... Complete Source Code ..................... Testcase 1 Source Code ..................... Testcase 2 Source Code ..................... Testcase 3 Source Code ..................... Testcase 4 Source Code ............VMM TEST ..................... Writing A Testcase ..................... Example Of Using Vmm_test ............VMM CHANNEL RECORD AND PLAYBACK ..................... Recording ..................... Playing Back ............VMM SCENARIO GENERATOR ..................... Example ..................... Scenario Code ..................... Testcase ............VMM OPTS

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

............INTRODUCTION ............OVM TESTBENCH ..................... Ovm_env ..................... Verification Components ..................... About Ovm_component Class ..................... Ovm_test ..................... Top Module ............OVM REPORTING ..................... Reporting Methods ..................... Actions ..................... Configuration ............OVM TRANSACTION ..................... Core Utilities ..................... User Defined Implementations ..................... Shorthand Macros ............OVM FACTORY ..................... Registration ..................... Construction ..................... Overriding

VMM Ethernet sample ............OVM SEQUENCE 1 ..................... Introduction ..................... Sequence And Driver Communication ..................... Simple Example Verilog ..................... Sequence Item Verification ..................... Sequence Verilog Switch TB ..................... Sequencer ..................... Driver Basic Constructs ..................... Driver And Sequencer Connectivity ..................... Testcase


............OVM SEQUENCE 2 ..................... Pre Defined Sequences ..................... Sequence Action Macro Switch TB ..................... Example Of Pre_do,Mid_do And Post_do RVM Switch TB ..................... List Of Sequence Action Macros RVM Ethernet sample ..................... Examples With Sequence Action Macros

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............OVM SEQUENCE 3 ..................... Body Callbacks ..................... Hierarchical Sequences ..................... Sequential Sequences ..................... Parallel Sequences ............OVM SEQUENCE 4 ..................... Sequencer Arbitration ..................... Setting The Sequence Priority ............OVM SEQUENCE 5 ..................... Sequencer Registration Macros ..................... Setting Sequence Members[9/26/2012 1:57:21 PM]


............OVM SEQUENCE 6 ..................... Exclusive Access ..................... Lock-Unlock ..................... Grab-Ungrab ............OVM CONFIGURATION ..................... Set_config_* Methods ..................... Automatic Configuration ..................... Manual Configurations ..................... Configuration Setting Members




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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Driver Phase 6 Receiver Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase
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............INTRODUCTION ............SPECIFICATION ..................... Switch Specification ..................... Packet Format ..................... Packet Header ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Port ..................... Output Port ............VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Coverage Plan ..................... Verification Environment ............PHASE 1 TOP ..................... Interfaces ..................... Testcase ..................... Top Module ..................... Top Module Source Code ............PHASE 2 ENVIRONMENT ..................... Environment Class ..................... Run ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............PHASE 3 RESET ............PHASE 4 PACKET ..................... Packet Class Source Code ..................... Program Block Source Code ............PHASE 5 DRIVER ..................... Driver Class Source Code ..................... Environment Class Source Code

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample ............PHASE 6 RECEIVER ..................... Receiver Class Source Code ..................... Environment Class Source Code Specman E Interview Questions

............PHASE 7 SCOREBOARD ..................... Scoreboard Class Source Code ..................... Source Code Of The Environment Class ............PHASE 8 COVERAGE ..................... Source Code Of Coverage Class ..................... Source Code Of The Scoreboard Class ............PHASE 9 TESTCASE ..................... Source Code Of Constraint Testcase[9/26/2012 1:57:28 PM]





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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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............INTRODUCTION ..................... Installing Uvm Library ............SPECIFICATION ..................... Switch Specification ..................... Packet Format ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ............VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Verification Environment ............PHASE 1 TOP ..................... Interface ..................... Top Module ............PHASE 2 CONFIGURATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Updates To Top Module

............PHASE 3 ENVIRONMENT N TESTCASE VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Environment ..................... Testcase Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

............PHASE 4 PACKET ..................... Packet ..................... Test The Transaction Implementation ............PHASE 5 SEQUENCER N SEQUENCE ..................... Sequencer ..................... Sequence ............PHASE 6 DRIVER ..................... Driver ..................... Environment Updates ..................... Testcase Updates

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample ............PHASE 7 RECEIVER ..................... Receiver ..................... Environment Class Updates Specman E Interview Questions

............PHASE 8 SCOREBOARD ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Environment Class Updates[9/26/2012 1:57:36 PM]





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............INTRODUCTION ............SPECIFICATION ..................... Switch Specification ..................... Packet Format ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ............VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Verification Environment ............PHASE 1 TOP ..................... Interface ..................... Top Module ............PHASE 2 CONFIGURATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Updates To Top Module

............PHASE 3 ENVIRONMENT N TESTCASE ..................... Environment VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Testcase Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

............PHASE 4 PACKET ..................... Packet ..................... Test The Transaction Implementation ............PHASE 5 SEQUENCER N SEQUENCE ..................... Sequencer ..................... Sequence ............PHASE 6 DRIVER ..................... Driver ..................... Environment Updates ..................... Testcase Updates

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

............PHASE 7 RECEIVER RVM Ethernet sample ..................... Receiver ..................... Environment Class Updates
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............PHASE 8 SCOREBOARD ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Environment Class Updates[9/26/2012 1:57:46 PM]





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............INTRODUCTION ............SPECIFICATION ..................... Switch Specification ..................... Packet Format ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ............VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Coverage Plan ..................... Verification Environment ............PHASE 1 TOP ..................... Interfaces ..................... Testcase ..................... Top Module ..................... Top Module Source Code

............PHASE 2 ENVIRONMENT ..................... Environment Class ..................... Run VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Environment Class Source Code Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

............PHASE 3 RESET ............PHASE 4 PACKET ..................... Packet Class Source Code ..................... Program Block Source Code ............PHASE 5 GENERATOR ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............PHASE 6 DRIVER ..................... Driver Class Source Code ..................... Environment Class Source Code

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

............PHASE 7 RECEIVER RVM Ethernet sample ..................... Receiver Class Source Code ..................... Environment Class Source Code
Specman E Interview Questions

............PHASE 8 SCOREBOARD ..................... Scoreboard Class Source Code ..................... Source Code Of The Environment Class ............PHASE 9 COVERAGE ..................... Source Code Of Coverage Class[9/26/2012 1:57:53 PM]





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............AVM INTRODUCTION ..................... Tlm ..................... Building Blocks ..................... Avm_transactors ..................... Avm_env ..................... Avm_messaging ............DUT SPECIFICATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Interface ..................... Output Interface ............RTL ............TOP ..................... Verilog Top ............INTERFACE ............ENVIRONMENT ............PACKET ............PACKET GENERATOR

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

............CONFIGURATION ............DRIVER ............RECIEVER ............SCOREBOARD

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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............INTRODUCTION ..................... Test Bench Overview ............LINEAR TB ..................... Linear Testbench ............FILE IO TB ..................... File I/O Based Testbench ............STATE MACHINE BASED TB ............TASK BASED TB ..................... Task And Function Based Tb

............SELF CHECKING TESTBENCH ..................... Stimulus Generator ..................... Bus Functional Models Easy Labs : SV ..................... Driver Easy Labs : UVM ..................... Reciver ..................... Protocol Monitor Easy Labs : OVM ..................... Scoreboard Easy Labs : VMM ..................... Checker ..................... Coverage AVM Switch TB ..................... Code Coverage VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Functional Coverage Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

............VERIFICATION FLOW ..................... Planning ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Verification Environment Architecture Plan ............CLOCK GENERATOR ..................... Timescale And Precision Enlightment


............SIMULATION ..................... Simulation Steps Constructs ..................... Macro Preprocessing ..................... Compilation (Analyzer) Switch TB ..................... Elaboration RVM Switch TB ..................... Optimization RVM Ethernet sample ..................... Initialization ..................... Execution ..................... Simulation Process
Specman E Interview Questions

............INCREMENTAL COMPILATION ............STORE AND RESTORE ............EVENT CYCLE SIMULATION ..................... Event Based Simulation ..................... Cycle Based Simulation ............TIME SCALE AND PRECISION ..................... Time Scale And Time Precision ..................... $Time Vs $Realtime ..................... System Task Printtimescale[9/26/2012 1:58:09 PM]

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..................... System Task Timeformat ............STIMULUS GENERATION ............SYSTEM FUNCTION RANDOM A MYTH ............RACE CONDITION ..................... What Is Race Condition? ..................... Why Race Condition? ..................... When Race Is Visible? ..................... How To Prevent Race Condition? ..................... Types Of Race Condition ..................... Write-Write Race ..................... Read-Write Race ..................... More Race Example ..................... Event Terminology ..................... The Stratified Event Queue ..................... Determinism ..................... Nondeterminism ..................... Guideline To Avoid Race Condition ..................... Avoid Race Between Testbench And Dut ............CHECKER ..................... Protocol Checker ..................... Data_checker ..................... Modularization ............TASK AND FUNCTION ..................... Functions ..................... Task ..................... Task And Function Queries ..................... Constant Function ..................... Reentrant Tasks And Functions ............PROCESS CONTROL ..................... Nonblocking Task ..................... Fork/Join Recap ..................... Fork/Join None ..................... Fork/Join Any ............DISABLEING THE BLOCK ..................... Disable ..................... Goto ..................... Break ..................... Continue ............WATCHDOG ............COMPILATION N SIMULATION SWITCHS ..................... Compilation And Simulation Directives ..................... Example ............DEBUGGING ..................... Pass Or Fail ..................... Waveform Viewer ..................... Log File ..................... Message Control System ..................... Message Severity Levels ..................... Message Controlling Levels ..................... Passing Comments To Waveform Debugger ..................... $Display N $Strobe ..................... Who Should Do The Rtl Debugging? ............ABOUT CODE COVERAGE[9/26/2012 1:58:09 PM]

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..................... Types Of Coverage ..................... Code Coverage ..................... Statement Coverage /Line Coverage ..................... Block/Segment Coverage ..................... Branch / Decision / Conditional Coverage ..................... Path Coverage ..................... Expression Coverage ..................... Toggle Coverage ..................... Variable Coverage ..................... Triggering / Event Coverage ..................... Parameter Coverage ..................... Functional Coverage ..................... Fsm Coverage ..................... State Coverage ..................... Transition Coverage ..................... Sequence Coverage ..................... Tool Support ..................... Limitation Of Code Coverage ............TESTING STRATIGIES ..................... Bottom-Up ..................... Unit Level ..................... Sub-Asic Level ..................... Asic Level ..................... System Level ..................... Flat ............FILE HANDLING ..................... Fopen And Fclose ..................... Fdisplay ..................... Fmonitor ..................... Fwrite ..................... Mcd ..................... Formating Data To String ............VERILOG SEMAPHORE ..................... Semaphore In Verilog ............FINDING TESTSENARIOUS ..................... Register Tests ..................... System Tests ..................... Interrupt Tests ..................... Interface Tests ..................... Functional Tests ..................... Error Tests ..................... Golden Tests ..................... Performance Tests ............HANDLING TESTCASE FILES ............TERIMINATION ............ERROR INJUCTION ..................... Value Errors ..................... Temporal Errors ..................... Interface Error ..................... Sequence Errors ............REGISTER VERIFICATION ..................... Register Verification ..................... Register Classification ..................... Features ............PARAMETERISED MACROS ............WHITE GRAY BLACK BOX ..................... Black Box Verification ..................... White Box Verification ..................... Gray Box Verification ............REGRESSION ............TIPS ..................... How To Avoid "Module Xxx Already Defined" Error[9/26/2012 1:58:09 PM]

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..................... Colourful Messages ..................... Debugging Macros




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............DUT SPECIFICATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Interface ..................... Output Interface ............RTL ............TOP ..................... Verification Environment ..................... Top Module ............PACKET ............DRIVER ............RECIEVER ............SCOREBOARD ............ENV

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Syntax Data Types Operators Assignments Control Constructs Procedural Timing Controls Structure Block Statements Structured Procedures
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............INTRODUCTION ..................... Introduction ............SYNTAX ............DATA TYPES ..................... Value Set ..................... Net ..................... Variable Or Reg ..................... Vectors ..................... Memories ..................... Net Types ............OPERATORS ..................... Binary Arithmetic Operators ..................... Unary Arithmetic Operators ..................... Relational Operators ..................... Logical Operators ..................... Bitwise Operators ..................... Unary Reduction Operators ..................... Other Operators ..................... Operator Precedence

............ASSIGNMENTS VMM Ethernet sample ..................... Blocking Procedural Assignments ..................... The Nonblocking Procedural Assignment ..................... Procedural Continuous Assignments ..................... Assign And Deassign Procedural Statements Verilog ..................... Force And Release Procedural Statements Verification ..................... Delays Verilog Switch TB ..................... Inter Assignmnet Delay . ..................... Intra-Assignment Delay Control Basic Constructs OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

............CONTROL CONSTRUCTS ..................... If And If Else Statements ..................... Case ..................... Forever ..................... Repeat ..................... While ..................... For ............PROCEDURAL TIMING CONTROLS ..................... Delay Control ..................... Event Control ..................... Named Events ............STRUCTURE ..................... Module ..................... Ports ..................... Signals ............BLOCK STATEMENTS ..................... Sequential Blocks ..................... Parallel Blocks ............STRUCTURED PROCEDURES

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..................... Initial ..................... Always ..................... Functions ..................... Task




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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Vera Constructs


| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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............INTRODUCTION ..................... Introduction ..................... Comments In Openvera ..................... Numbers In Openvera ............DATA TYPES ..................... Basic Data Types ..................... Integer ..................... Register ..................... String ..................... Event ..................... Enumerated Types ..................... Virtual Ports ..................... Arrays ..................... Fixed-Size Arrays ..................... Dynamic Arrays ..................... Associative Arrays ..................... Smart Queues ..................... Class ............LINKED LIST ..................... Linked List ..................... List Methods

VMM Ethernet sample ............OPERATORS PART 1 ..................... Operators ..................... Concatenation ..................... Arithmetic Verilog ..................... Relational Verification ..................... Equality Verilog Switch TB ............OPERATORS PART 2 Basic Constructs ..................... Logical ..................... Bitwise ..................... Reduction


Constructs Switch TB

............OPERATORS PART 3 ..................... Shift ..................... Bit-Reverse RVM Switch TB ..................... Increment And Decrement RVM Ethernet sample ..................... Conditional ..................... Set ..................... Replication
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............OPERATOR PRECEDENCE ..................... Operator Precedence ............CONTROL STATEMENTS ..................... Sequential Statements ............PROCEDURES AND METHODS ..................... Procedures And Methods ..................... Pass By Value ..................... Pass By Reference ..................... Default Arguments ..................... Optional Arguments[9/26/2012 1:58:37 PM]

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............INTERPROCESS ..................... Interprocess Synchronization And Communication ............FORK JOIN ..................... Fork Join ............SHADOW VARIABLES ..................... Shadow Variables ............FORK JOIN CONTROL ..................... Fork And Join Control ..................... Wait_chiled() ..................... Terminate ..................... Suspend_thread ............WAIT VAR ..................... Wait_var ............EVENT SYNC ..................... Event Methods ............EVENT TRIGGER ..................... Event Trigger ..................... Event Variables ............SEMAPHORE ..................... Semaphore ............REGIONS ..................... Regions ............MAILBOX ..................... Mailbox ............TIMEOUTS ..................... Timeouts ............OOP ..................... Object Oriented Programming ..................... Properties ..................... This ..................... Class Extensions ..................... Polymorphism ..................... Super ..................... Abstract Class ............CASTING ............RANDOMIZATION ..................... Constrained Random Verification ..................... Random Varible Declaration ..................... Rand Modifier ..................... Randc Modifier ............RANDOMIZATION METHODS ..................... Randomization Built-In Methods ..................... Randomize() ..................... Pre_randomize And Post_randomize[9/26/2012 1:58:37 PM]

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............CONSTRAINT BLOCK ..................... Constraint Block ..................... Inline Constraints ..................... Disabling Constraint Block ............CONSTRAINT EXPRESSION ..................... Constraint Expressions ..................... Set Membership ..................... Weighted Distribution ..................... Implication ..................... If..Else ..................... Iterative ............VARIABLE ORDARING ..................... Variable Ordaring ............AOP ..................... Aspect Oriented Extensions ............PREDEFINED METHODS ..................... Predefined Methods ..................... New() ..................... Finalize() ..................... Object_print ..................... Deep Object Compare ..................... Deep Object Copy ..................... Pack And Unpack ............STRING METHODS ............QUEUE METHODS ............DUT COMMUNICATION ..................... Connecting To Hdl ..................... Interface Declaration ..................... Direct Hdl Node Connection ..................... Blocking And Non-Blocking Drives ............FUNCTIONAL COVERAGE ..................... Functional Coverage ..................... Coverage Group ..................... Sample_event ..................... Coverage_point ..................... Cross Coverage




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............DUT SPECIFICATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Interface ..................... Output Interface ............RTL ............TOP ..................... Verification Environment ..................... Top Module ............INTERFACE ............PACKET ............PACKET GENERATOR ............CFG DRIVER ............DRIVER ............RECIEVER ............SCOREBOARD

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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| HOME | ABOUT | ARTICLES | ACK | FEEDBACK | TOC | LINKS | BLOG | JOBS | Index Introduction Rtl Top Interface Program Block Environment Packet Configuration Driver Reciever Scoreboard
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............INTRODUCTION ..................... Dut Specification ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Interface ..................... Output Interface ............RTL ............TOP ............INTERFACE ............PROGRAM BLOCK ..................... Testbench Program ............ENVIRONMENT ............PACKET ............CONFIGURATION ............DRIVER ............RECIEVER

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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RVM Ethernet
This testbench is developed in RVM (Vera) for the Ethernet core available from My intension here is to explore the RVM methodology but not to verify the Ethernet core, as a result there are many bugs in the environment. I dont remember the versions of RVM but I developed these in the third quarter of 2007. To simulate this testbench some dependencies on libraries has to be removed from RTL. It takes bit time for these changes in RTL. Feauters: Full support of automatic random, constrained random, and directed testcase creation. Supports injuction of random errored packets. Supports 1G Fullduplex modeled both in RX and TX paths. Protocol Checker/Monitor for self checking. Built in function coverage support for packets. Developed in Vera using Synopsys RVM base classes. NOTE: All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Download rvm.tar Browse the code in rvm_eth.tar BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ETHERNET VERIFICATION ENVIRONMENT

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : VMM Easy Labs : OVM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample Whats new in Systemverilog 2009 ? by Ankit Shah.

UVM/OVM Killing Sequences on Sequencer Abruptly by Vishnu Prashant. Sometimes you may need to drive input until you see come condition or some timer expires. Read ...

Do not rely on illegal_bins for checking purpose. by Ankit Gopani. If you rely on cover group where you have written illegal_bins, what happens when you turn off the coverage?? Read ...

PASS and FAIL Messages with Colors...! by Ankit Gopani. How many among you know that you can actually display color messages using Verilog and SystemVerilog? Read ...

VMM 1.2 and VMM_sb_ds example by Ankit Shah. This example contains VMM 1.2 based layered testbench architeracture. My intensation here is to demonstrate different component of testbench using different base class of VMM. Read ...

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

The SystemVerilog working group worked hard in the past four years on improving the language and in 2009 Systemverilog LRM was released. There are 30+ noticeable new constructs and 25+ system task are introduced in SystemVerilog 2009. Read ...

Introduction To Ethernet Frames: Part 1 by Bhavani shankar. The Ethernet protocol basically implements the bottom two layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) 7layer model, i.e., the data link and physical sub layers. Read ...

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Introduction To Ethernet Frames: Part 2 by Bhavani shankar. we will see a simple testplan for 10G Ethernet Frames. Read ...

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Introduction To PCI Express by Arjun Shetty. We will start with a conceptual understanding of PCI Express. This will let us appreciate the importance of PCI Express. This will be followed by a brief study of the PCI Express protocol. Then we will look at the enhancements and improvements of the protocol in the newer 3.0 specs. Read ...

VCSMX Separate compilation example by Emmanuelle Chu. When I started to use VCSMX along with system Verilog, one main problem came up: I had to generate one executable for each program. Read ...

Psychology of Verification Engineer by Gopi Krishna.[9/26/2012 1:59:07 PM]


Soft skills are extremely important for the people in Verification and this is something that is often found to be neglected by the upcoming Verification engineers. Read ...

Graphical TestBench Generation by Donna Mitchell. Test Benches can be generated from language independent timing diagrams, which are a natural way to design and display the parallel activity that occurs in within test benches. Read ...

Verilog Basic Examples by Nithin Singani. Verilog examples with output: and,or,not,halfadder,fulladder etc Read ... was started in June 2007. This website gets 1,00,000 page visits per month. If you are interested in sharing your knowledge and get noticed in VLSI WORLD, we are happy to host your thoughts. If you are interested, please drop us a mail at .

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

............INTRODUCTION ............E BASICS ..................... Code Segments ..................... Comments ..................... Literals And Constants ..................... Sized Numbers ..................... PredeNed Constants ............DATA TYPES ..................... Enumerated Types ............OPERATORS ..................... Unary Bitwise Operators ..................... Binary Bitwise Operations ..................... Shift Operators ..................... Boolean Operators ..................... Arithmetic Operators ..................... Comparison Operators ..................... Extraction And Concatenation Operators ..................... Special-Purpose Operators ............STRUCT ..................... Units Vs Structs ............LIST ..................... Regular List ..................... List Operations ..................... Keyed List ............METHODS ..................... Time-Consuming Methods(Tcms) ..................... Invoking Tcms ..................... Execution Flow ............Concurrency Actions ..................... All Of ..................... First Of ............CONSTRAINTS ............EXTEND ..................... Is Also ..................... Is First ..................... Is Only ............When and Like ..................... Like ..................... When ............EVENTS ............TEMPORAL EXPRESSIONS ..................... Basic Temporal Expressions

VMM Ethernet sample ............UNITS

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 1:59:15 PM]


..................... Temporal Checking ............Temporal operators 1 ..................... Not ..................... Fail ..................... And ..................... Or ..................... { Exp ; Exp } ..................... Eventually ..................... [ Exp ] ..................... [ Exp..Exp ] ..................... ~[ Exp..Exp ] ..................... Temporal Yield Operator ............TEMPORAL OPERATORS 2 ..................... Detach ..................... Delay ..................... @ Unary Event Operator ..................... @ Sampling Operator ..................... Cycle ..................... True(Exp) ..................... Change(Exp), Fall(Exp), Rise(Exp) ..................... Consume ..................... Exec ............SYNCHRONIZING WITH THE SIMULATOR ............WAIT AND SYNC ..................... Wait Action ..................... Sync Action ..................... Difference Between Wait And Sync ............PHYSICAL VIRUAL FEILDS ..................... Physical Fields ..................... Ungenerated Fields ............PACKING N UNPACKING ..................... Packing.High ..................... Packing.Low ............PRE RUN N ON THE FLY ..................... Pre-Run Generation ..................... On-The-Fly Generation ............COVERAGE ..................... Coverage Groups ..................... Cover Group Options ..................... Cross-Coverage ............COMMANDS ............Extendable Methods[9/26/2012 1:59:15 PM]


............Non Extendable Methods ............AND GATE EVC




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB


VMM Ethernet sample ............TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 6

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample ............TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 14


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............TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 16 ............TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 17 ............TEST YOUR SPECMAN SKILLS 1 ............TEST YOUR SPECMAN SKILLS 2 ............TEST YOUR SPECMAN SKILLS 3 ............TEST YOUR SPECMAN SKILLS 4[9/26/2012 1:59:22 PM]

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............TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 1 ............TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 2 ............TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 3 ............TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 4 ............TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 5 ............TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 6 ............TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 7 ............TEST YOUR DFT SKILLS 1 ............TEST YOUR DFT SKILLS 2 ............TEST YOUR DFT SKILLS 3 ............TEST YOUR DFT SKILLS 4 ............TEST YOUR UVM OVM SKILLS

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Basic Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI VMM Ethernet Example ... Verification Concepts UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM Easy Labs : AVM

Verification Concepts Switch Example Basic Constructs ... ... ... ... ... ...

Constructs Switch Example RVM Switch Example RVM Ethernet Sample ... ... ... ... ...

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Gopikrishna He is working with Infinera as Verification Engineer. He has 4 years of experience as ASIC Design Verification Engineer. Prior to Infinera, he worked with Synopsys,Axiom Design Automation,Syschip and Ample Communication. He is expertise in various Hardware verification languages and methodologies. He has experience in Verification of Ethernet,PCI Express,I2C and Interlaken. He is an M.Tech in VLSI Design From Sathyabama University, Chennai. You can reach him at: Connect to Gopi @ Linkedin : Naresh You can reach him at:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UMM Easy Labs : VMM Easy Labs : OVM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
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............SystemVerilog Verification -- ASIC DESIGN ..................... Mrd ..................... Architecture Specification ..................... Design Specification ..................... Verification Plan ..................... Rtl Design ..................... Functional Verification ..................... Synthesis ..................... Physical Design ..................... Timing Analysis ..................... Tapeout ............SystemVerilog Verification -- BOTTLE NECK IN ASIC FLOW ............SystemVerilog Verification -- FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION NEED ............SystemVerilog Verification -- TESTBENCH ............SystemVerilog Verification -- LINEAR TESTBENCH ............SystemVerilog Verification -- LINEAR RANDOM TESTBENCH ............SystemVerilog Verification -- HOW TO CHECK THE RESULTS ............SystemVerilog Verification -- SELF CHECKING TESTBENCHS ............SystemVerilog Verification -- HOW TO GET SCENARIOS WHICH WE NEVER THOUGHT ............SystemVerilog Verification -- HOW TO CHECK WHETHER THE TESTBENCH HAS SATISFACTORILY EXERCISED THE DESIGN ............SystemVerilog Verification -- TYPES OF CODE COVERAGE ............SystemVerilog Verification -- STATEMENT COVERAGE ............SystemVerilog Verification -- BLOCK COVERAGE ............SystemVerilog Verification -- CONDITIONAL COVERAGE ............SystemVerilog Verification -- BRANCH COVERAGE ............SystemVerilog Verification -- PATH COVERAGE ............SystemVerilog Verification -- TOGGLE COVERAGE ............SystemVerilog Verification -- FSM COVERAGE ..................... State Coverage ..................... Transition Coverage ............SystemVerilog Verification -- MAKE YOUR GOAL 100 PERCENT CODE COVERAGE NOTHING LESS ..................... Dont Be Fooled By The Code Coverage Report ..................... When To Stop Testing? ............SystemVerilog Verification -- FUNCTIONAL COVERAGE ..................... Introduction To Functional Coverage[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Item ..................... Cross ..................... Transitional ..................... Assertion Coverage ............SystemVerilog Verification -- COVERAGE DRIVEN CONSTRAINT RANDOM VERIFICATION ARCHITECTURE ..................... Verification Components Required For Cdcrv ..................... Stimulus ..................... Stimulus Generator ..................... Transactor ..................... Driver ..................... Monitor ..................... Assertion Based Monitor ..................... Data Checker ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Coverage ..................... Utilities ..................... Environment ..................... Tests ............SystemVerilog Verification -- PHASES OF VERIFICATION ..................... Verification Plan ..................... Building Testbench ..................... Writing Tests ..................... Integrating Code Coverage ..................... Analyze Coverage ............SystemVerilog Verification -- ONES COUNTER EXAMPLE ..................... Specification ..................... Test Plan ..................... Block Diagram ..................... Verification Environment Hierarchy ..................... Testbench Components ..................... Stimulus ..................... Driver ..................... Monitor ..................... Assertion Coverage ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Environment ..................... Top ..................... Tests ............SystemVerilog Verification -- VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Verification Plan Contains The Following ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Resources, Budget And Schedule ..................... Verification Environment ..................... System Verilog Verification Flow ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Checker Plan ..................... Coverage Plan ..................... Details Of Reusable Components

............SystemVerilog Constructs -- INTRODUCTION ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- DATA TYPES ..................... Signed And Unsigned ..................... Void ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- LITERALS ..................... Integer And Logic Literals ..................... Time Literals ..................... Array Literals ..................... Structure Literals ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- STRINGS ..................... String Methods ..................... String Pattren Match ..................... String Operators ..................... Equality ..................... Inequality.[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Comparison. ..................... Concatenation. ..................... Replication. ..................... Indexing. ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- USERDEFINED DATATYPES ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- ENUMARATIONS ..................... Enumarated Methods ..................... Enum Numerical Expressions ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- STRUCTURES AND UNIOUNS ..................... Structure ..................... Assignments To Struct Members ..................... Union ..................... Packed Structures ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- TYPEDEF ..................... Advantages Of Using Typedef ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- ARRAYS ..................... Fixed Arrays ..................... Operations On Arrays ..................... Accessing Individual Elements Of Multidimensional Arrays ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- ARRAY METHODS ..................... Array Methods ..................... Array Querying Functions ..................... Array Locator Methods ..................... Array Ordering Methods ..................... Array Reduction Methods ..................... Iterator Index Querying ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- DYNAMIC ARRAYS ..................... Declaration Of Dynmic Array ..................... Allocating Elements ..................... Initializing Dynamic Arrays ..................... Resizing Dynamic Arrays ..................... Copying Elements ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- ASSOCIATIVE ARRAYS ..................... Associative Array Methods ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- QUEUES ..................... Queue Operators ..................... Queue Methods ..................... Dynamic Array Of Queues Queues Of Queues ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- COMPARISON OF ARRAYS ..................... Static Array ..................... Associative Array ..................... Dynamic Array ..................... Queues ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- LINKED LIST ..................... List Definitions ..................... Procedure To Create And Use List ..................... List_iterator Methods ..................... List Methods ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- CASTING ..................... Static Casting ..................... Dynamic Casting ..................... Cast Errors ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- DATA DECLARATION ..................... Scope And Lifetime ..................... Global ..................... Local ..................... Alias ..................... Data Types On Ports ..................... Parameterized Data Types ..................... Declaration And Initialization[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............SystemVerilog Constructs -- REG AND LOGIC ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- OPERATORS 1 ..................... Operators In Systemverilog ..................... Assignment Operators ..................... Assignments In Expression ..................... Concatenation ..................... Arithmetic ..................... Relational ..................... Equality ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- OPERATORS 2 ..................... Logical ..................... Bitwise ..................... Reduction ..................... Shift ..................... Increment And Decrement ..................... Set ..................... Streaming Operator ..................... Re-Ordering Of The Generic Stream ..................... Packing Using Streaming Operator ..................... Unpacking Using Streaming Operator ..................... Streaming Dynamically Sized Data ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- OPERATOR PRECEDENCY ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- EVENTS ..................... Triggered ..................... Wait() ..................... Race Condition ..................... Nonblocking Event Trigger ..................... Merging Events ..................... Null Events ..................... Wait Sequence ..................... Events Comparison ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- CONTROL STATEMENTS ..................... Sequential Control ..................... Enhanced For Loop ..................... Unique ..................... Priority ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- PROGRAM BLOCK ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- PROCEDURAL BLOCKS ..................... Final ..................... Jump Statements ..................... Event Control ..................... Always ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- FORK JOIN ..................... Fork Join None ..................... Fork Join Any ..................... For Join All ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- FORK CONTROL ..................... Wait Fork Statement ..................... Disable Fork Statement ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- SUBROUTINES ..................... Begin End ..................... Tasks ..................... Return In Tasks ..................... Functions ..................... Return Values And Void Functions: ..................... Pass By Reference ..................... Default Values To Arguments ..................... Argument Binding By Name ..................... Optional Argument List ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- SEMAPHORE ............SystemVerilog Constructs -- MAILBOX[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............SystemVerilog Constructs -- FINE GRAIN PROCESS CONTROL

............SystemVerilog Interface -- INTERFACE ..................... Advantages Of Using Inteface ............SystemVerilog Interface -- PORTS ..................... Interface Ports ..................... Modports ..................... Modport Selection Duing Module Definition. ..................... Modport Selection Duing Module Instance. ............SystemVerilog Interface -- INTERFACE METHODS ..................... Methods In Interfaces ............SystemVerilog Interface -- CLOCKING BLOCK ..................... Clocking Blocks ..................... Skew ..................... Cycle Delay ............SystemVerilog Interface -- VIRTUAL INTERFACE ..................... Virtual Interfaces ..................... Advantages Of Virtual Interface ..................... Multi Bus Interface ............SystemVerilog Interface -- SVTB N VERILOG DUT ..................... Working With Verilog Dut ..................... Connecting In Top ..................... Connecting Using A Wrapper

............SystemVerilog OOPS -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Brief Introduction To Oop ..................... Class ..................... Object ..................... Methods ..................... Inheritance ..................... Abstraction ..................... Encapsulation ..................... Polymorphism ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- CLASS ..................... Class Properties ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- OBJECT ..................... Creating Objects ..................... Declaration ..................... Instantiating A Class ..................... Initializing An Object ..................... Constructor ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- THIS ..................... Using The This Keyword ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- INHERITANCE ..................... What You Can Do In A Subclass ..................... Overriding ..................... Super ..................... Is Only Method ..................... Is First Method ..................... Is Also Method ..................... Overriding Constraints. ..................... Overriding Datamembers ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- ENCAPSULATION ..................... Access Specifiers ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- POLYMORPHISM ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- ABSTRACT CLASSES[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............SystemVerilog OOPS -- PARAMETERISED CLASS ..................... Type Parameterised Class ..................... Value Parameterised Class ..................... Generic Parameterised Class ..................... Extending Parameterised Class ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- NESTED CLASSES ..................... Why Use Nested Classes ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- CONSTANT ..................... Constant Class ..................... Global Constant ..................... Instance Constants ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- STATIC ..................... Static Class Properties ..................... Static Methods ..................... Static Lifetime Method. ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- CASTING ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- COPY ..................... Shallow Copy ..................... Deep Copy ..................... Clone ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- SCOPE RESOLUTION OPERATOR ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- NULL ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- EXTERNAL DECLARATION ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- CLASSES AND STRUCTURES ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- TYPEDEF CLASS ..................... Forward Reference ..................... Circular Dependency ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- PURE ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- OTHER OOPS FEATURES ..................... Multiple Inheritence ..................... Method Overloading ............SystemVerilog OOPS -- MISC ..................... Always Block In Classes

............SystemVerilog Randomization -- CONSTRAINED RANDOM VERIFICATION ..................... Introduction ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- VERILOG CRV ..................... Constrained Random Stimulus Generation In Verilog ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- SYSTEMVERILOG CRV ..................... Systemverilog Constraint Random Stmulus Generaion ..................... Random Number Generator System Functions ..................... $Urandom_range ..................... Scope Randomize Function ..................... Randomizing Objects ..................... Random Unpacked Structs ..................... Rand Case ..................... Rand Sequence ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- RANDOMIZING OBJECTS ..................... Generating Random Stimulus Within Class ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- RANDOM VARIABLES ..................... Random Varible Declaration ..................... Rand Modifier ..................... Randc Modifier ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- RANDOMIZATION METHODS[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Randomization Built-In Methods ..................... Randomize() ..................... Pre_randomize And Post_randomize ..................... Disabling Random Variable ..................... Random Static Variable ..................... Randomizing Nonrand Varible ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- CHECKER ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- CONSTRAINT BLOCK ..................... Inheritance ..................... Overrighting Constraints ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- INLINE CONSTRAINT ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- GLOBAL CONSTRAINT ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- CONSTRAINT MODE ..................... Disabling Constraint Block ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- EXTERNAL CONSTRAINTS ..................... Constraint Hiding ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- RANDOMIZATION CONTROLABILITY ..................... Controlability ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- STATIC CONSTRAINT ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- CONSTRAINT EXPRESSION ..................... Set Membership ..................... Weighted Distribution ..................... Implication ..................... If..Else ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- VARIABLE ORDERING ..................... Functions ..................... Iterative Constraints ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- CONSTRAINT SOLVER SPEED ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- RANDCASE ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- RANDSEQUENCE ..................... Random Productions ..................... Random Production Weights ..................... If..Else ..................... Case ..................... Repeat Production Statements ..................... Rand Join ..................... Break ..................... Return ..................... Value Passing Between Productions ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- RANDOM STABILITY ..................... Srandom ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- ARRAY RANDOMIZATION ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- CONSTRAINT GUARDS ............SystemVerilog Randomization -- TITBITS ..................... Constraining Non Integral Data Types ..................... Saving Memory

............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Systemverilog Functional Coverage Features ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- COVER GROUP ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- SAMPLE ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- COVER POINTS[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Commands To Simulate And Get The Coverage Report ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- COVERPOINT EXPRESSION ..................... Coverpoint Expression ..................... Coverage Filter ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- GENERIC COVERAGE GROUPS ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- COVERAGE BINS ..................... Implicit Bins ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- EXPLICIT BIN CREATION ..................... Array Of Bins ..................... Default Bin ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- TRANSITION BINS ..................... Single Value Transition ..................... Sequence Of Transitions ..................... Set Of Transitions ..................... Consecutive Repetitions ..................... Range Of Repetition ..................... Goto Repetition ..................... Non Consecutive Repetition ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- WILDCARD BINS ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- IGNORE BINS ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- ILLEGAL BINS ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- CROSS COVERAGE ..................... User-Defined Cross Bins ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- COVERAGE OPTIONS ..................... Weight ..................... Goal ..................... Name ..................... Comment ..................... At_least ..................... Detect_overlap ..................... Auto_bin_max ..................... Cross_num_print_missing ..................... Per_instance ..................... Get_inst_coverage ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- COVERAGE METHODS ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- SYSTEM TASKS ............SystemVerilog Functional Coverage -- COVER PROPERTY ..................... Cover Property Results ..................... Cover Sequence Results ..................... Comparison Of Cover Property And Cover Group.

............SystemVerilog Assertion -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Advantages Of Assertion ..................... What Assertions Can Verify ............SystemVerilog Assertion -- EVENT SIMULATION ............SystemVerilog Assertion -- ASSERTION TYPES ............SystemVerilog Assertion -- ASSERTION SYSTEM TASKS ..................... Assertion Control System Tasks ..................... Boolean System Function ............SystemVerilog Assertion -- CONCURRENT ASSERTION LAYERS ..................... Boolean Expressions ............SystemVerilog Assertion -- SEQUENCES ..................... Fixed Delay ..................... Zero Delay[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Constant Range Delay ..................... Unbounded Delay Range ..................... Repetation Operators ..................... Consecutive Repetition ..................... Goto Repetition ..................... Nonconsecutive Repetition ..................... Sequence And ..................... Sequence Or ..................... Sequence Intersect ..................... Sequence Within ..................... Sequence First_match ..................... Sequence Throughout ..................... Sequence Ended ..................... Operator Precedence Associativy ............SystemVerilog Assertion -- PROPERTIES ..................... Overlap Implication ..................... Non Overlapping Implication ............SystemVerilog Assertion -- VERIFICATION DIRECTIVE ..................... Assert ..................... Assume ..................... Cover Statement ..................... Expect Statement ..................... Binding

............SystemVerilog DPI -- INTRODUCTIONS ..................... What Is Dpi-C ? ............SystemVerilog DPI -- LAYERS ..................... Two Layers Of Dpi-C ..................... Dpi-C Systemverilog Layer ..................... Dpi-C Foreign Language Layer ............SystemVerilog DPI -- IMPORT ..................... Import Methods ..................... Steps To Write Import Metyhods ..................... Standard C Functions ............SystemVerilog DPI -- NAMING ..................... Global Name ..................... Local Name ..................... Sv Keyword As Linkage Name ............SystemVerilog DPI -- EXPORT ..................... Export Methods ..................... Steps To Write Export Methods ..................... Blocking Export Dpi Task ............SystemVerilog DPI -- PURE AND CONTEXT ..................... Pure Function ..................... Context Function ............SystemVerilog DPI -- DATA TYPES ..................... Passing Logic Datatype ............SystemVerilog DPI -- ARRAYS ..................... Open Arrays ..................... Packed Arrays ..................... Linearized And Normalized ..................... Array Querying Functions ............SystemVerilog DPI -- PASSING STRUCTS AND UNIONS ..................... Passing Structure Example ..................... Passing Openarray Structs ..................... Passing Union Example ............SystemVerilog DPI -- ARGUMENTS TYPE ..................... What You Specify Is What You Get ..................... Pass By Ref ..................... Pass By Value ..................... Passing String[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Example Passing String From Sv To C ..................... Example Passing String From C To Sv ............SystemVerilog DPI -- DISABLIE ..................... Disable Dpi-C Tasks And Functions ..................... Include Files

............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- INTRODUCTION ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM LOG ..................... Vmm Message Type ..................... Message Severity ..................... Vmm Log Macros ..................... Message Handling ..................... Counting Number Of Messages Based Of Message Severity ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM ENV ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM DATA ..................... Complete Packet Class ..................... Vmm_data Methods ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM CHANNEL ..................... Complete Example ..................... Vmm Channel Methods. ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM ATOMIC GENERATOR ..................... Completed Example ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM XACTOR ..................... Complete Vmm_xactor Example ..................... Vmm_xactor Members ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM CALLBACK ..................... Complete Source Code ..................... Testcase 1 Source Code ..................... Testcase 2 Source Code ..................... Testcase 3 Source Code ..................... Testcase 4 Source Code ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM TEST ..................... Writing A Testcase ..................... Example Of Using Vmm_test ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM CHANNEL RECORD AND PLAYBACK ..................... Recording ..................... Playing Back ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM SCENARIO GENERATOR ..................... Example ..................... Scenario Code ..................... Testcase ............SystemVerilog VMM Tutorial -- VMM OPTS

............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Installing Uvm Library ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM TESTBENCH ..................... Uvm_env ..................... Verification Components ..................... About Uvm_component Class ..................... Uvm_test ..................... Top Module ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM REPORTING ..................... Reporting Methods ..................... Actions ..................... Configuration[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM TRANSACTION ..................... Core Utilities ..................... User Defined Implementations ..................... Shorthand Macros ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM CONFIGURATION ..................... Set_config_* Methods ..................... Automatic Configuration ..................... Manual Configurations ..................... Configuration Setting Members ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM FACTORY ..................... Registration ..................... Construction ..................... Overriding ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM SEQUENCE 1 ..................... Introduction ..................... Sequence And Driver Communication ..................... Simple Example ..................... Sequence Item ..................... Sequence ..................... Sequencer ..................... Driver ..................... Driver And Sequencer Connectivity ..................... Testcase ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM SEQUENCE 2 ..................... Pre Defined Sequences ..................... Sequence Action Macro ..................... Example Of Pre_do,Mid_do And Post_do ..................... List Of Sequence Action Macros ..................... Examples With Sequence Action Macros ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM SEQUENCE 3 ..................... Body Callbacks ..................... Hierarchical Sequences ..................... Sequential Sequences ..................... Parallel Sequences ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM SEQUENCE 4 ..................... Sequencer Arbitration ..................... Setting The Sequence Priority ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM SEQUENCE 5 ..................... Sequencer Registration Macros ..................... Setting Sequence Members ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM SEQUENCE 6 ..................... Exclusive Access ..................... Lock-Unlock ..................... Grab-Ungrab ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM TLM 1 ..................... Port Based Data Transfer ..................... Task Based Data Transfer ..................... Operation Supported By Tlm Interface ..................... Methods ..................... Tlm Terminology ..................... Tlm Interface Compilation Models ..................... Interfaces ..................... Direction ..................... All Interfaces In Uvm ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM TLM 2 ..................... Analysis ..................... Tlm Fifo ..................... Example ............SystemVerilog UMM Tutorial -- UVM CALLBACK ..................... Driver And Driver Callback Class Source Code ..................... Testcase Source Code ..................... Testcase 2 Source Code[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Testcase 3 Source Code ..................... Testcase 4 Source Code ..................... Methods ..................... Macros

............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- INTRODUCTION ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM TESTBENCH ..................... Ovm_env ..................... Verification Components ..................... About Ovm_component Class ..................... Ovm_test ..................... Top Module ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM REPORTING ..................... Reporting Methods ..................... Actions ..................... Configuration ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM TRANSACTION ..................... Core Utilities ..................... User Defined Implementations ..................... Shorthand Macros ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM FACTORY ..................... Registration ..................... Construction ..................... Overriding ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM SEQUENCE 1 ..................... Introduction ..................... Sequence And Driver Communication ..................... Simple Example ..................... Sequence Item ..................... Sequence ..................... Sequencer ..................... Driver ..................... Driver And Sequencer Connectivity ..................... Testcase ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM SEQUENCE 2 ..................... Pre Defined Sequences ..................... Sequence Action Macro ..................... Example Of Pre_do,Mid_do And Post_do ..................... List Of Sequence Action Macros ..................... Examples With Sequence Action Macros ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM SEQUENCE 3 ..................... Body Callbacks ..................... Hierarchical Sequences ..................... Sequential Sequences ..................... Parallel Sequences ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM SEQUENCE 4 ..................... Sequencer Arbitration ..................... Setting The Sequence Priority ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM SEQUENCE 5 ..................... Sequencer Registration Macros ..................... Setting Sequence Members ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM SEQUENCE 6 ..................... Exclusive Access ..................... Lock-Unlock ..................... Grab-Ungrab ............SystemVerilog OVM Tutorial -- OVM CONFIGURATION ..................... Set_config_* Methods ..................... Automatic Configuration ..................... Manual Configurations ..................... Configuration Setting Members[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- INTRODUCTION ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- SPECIFICATION ..................... Switch Specification ..................... Packet Format ..................... Packet Header ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Port ..................... Output Port ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Coverage Plan ..................... Verification Environment ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 1 TOP ..................... Interfaces ..................... Testcase ..................... Top Module ..................... Top Module Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 2 ENVIRONMENT ..................... Environment Class ..................... Run ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 3 RESET ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 4 PACKET ..................... Packet Class Source Code ..................... Program Block Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 5 DRIVER ..................... Driver Class Source Code ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 6 RECEIVER ..................... Receiver Class Source Code ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 7 SCOREBOARD ..................... Scoreboard Class Source Code ..................... Source Code Of The Environment Class ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 8 COVERAGE ..................... Source Code Of Coverage Class ..................... Source Code Of The Scoreboard Class ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - SV -- PHASE 9 TESTCASE ..................... Source Code Of Constraint Testcase

............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- INTRODUCTION ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- SPECIFICATION ..................... Switch Specification ..................... Packet Format ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Verification Environment[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- PHASE 1 TOP ..................... Interface ..................... Top Module ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- PHASE 2 CONFIGURATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Updates To Top Module ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- PHASE 3 ENVIRONMENT N TESTCASE ..................... Environment ..................... Testcase ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- PHASE 4 PACKET ..................... Packet ..................... Test The Transaction Implementation ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- PHASE 5 SEQUENCER N SEQUENCE ..................... Sequencer ..................... Sequence ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- PHASE 6 DRIVER ..................... Driver ..................... Environment Updates ..................... Testcase Updates ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- PHASE 7 RECEIVER ..................... Receiver ..................... Environment Class Updates ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - OVM -- PHASE 8 SCOREBOARD ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Environment Class Updates

............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Installing Uvm Library ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- SPECIFICATION ..................... Switch Specification ..................... Packet Format ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Verification Environment ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- PHASE 1 TOP ..................... Interface ..................... Top Module ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- PHASE 2 CONFIGURATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Updates To Top Module ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- PHASE 3 ENVIRONMENT N TESTCASE ..................... Environment ..................... Testcase ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- PHASE 4 PACKET ..................... Packet ..................... Test The Transaction Implementation ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- PHASE 5 SEQUENCER N SEQUENCE ..................... Sequencer ..................... Sequence ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- PHASE 6 DRIVER ..................... Driver ..................... Environment Updates ..................... Testcase Updates[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- PHASE 7 RECEIVER ..................... Receiver ..................... Environment Class Updates ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - UVM -- PHASE 8 SCOREBOARD ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Environment Class Updates

............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- INTRODUCTION ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- SPECIFICATION ..................... Switch Specification ..................... Packet Format ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- VERIFICATION PLAN ..................... Overview ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Stimulus Generation Plan ..................... Coverage Plan ..................... Verification Environment ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 1 TOP ..................... Interfaces ..................... Testcase ..................... Top Module ..................... Top Module Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 2 ENVIRONMENT ..................... Environment Class ..................... Run ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 3 RESET ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 4 PACKET ..................... Packet Class Source Code ..................... Program Block Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 5 GENERATOR ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 6 DRIVER ..................... Driver Class Source Code ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 7 RECEIVER ..................... Receiver Class Source Code ..................... Environment Class Source Code ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 8 SCOREBOARD ..................... Scoreboard Class Source Code ..................... Source Code Of The Environment Class ............SystemVerilog Easy Labs - VMM -- PHASE 9 COVERAGE ..................... Source Code Of Coverage Class

............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- AVM INTRODUCTION ..................... Tlm ..................... Building Blocks ..................... Avm_transactors ..................... Avm_env ..................... Avm_messaging ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- DUT SPECIFICATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Interface ..................... Output Interface ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- RTL ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- TOP ..................... Verilog Top ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- INTERFACE ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- ENVIRONMENT ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- PACKET ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- PACKET GENERATOR ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- CONFIGURATION ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- DRIVER ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- RECIEVER ............SystemVerilog AVM Switch TB -- SCOREBOARD

............Verilog Verification -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Test Bench Overview ............Verilog Verification -- LINEAR TB ..................... Linear Testbench ............Verilog Verification -- FILE IO TB ..................... File I/O Based Testbench ............Verilog Verification -- STATE MACHINE BASED TB ............Verilog Verification -- TASK BASED TB ..................... Task And Function Based Tb ............Verilog Verification -- SELF CHECKING TESTBENCH ..................... Stimulus Generator ..................... Bus Functional Models ..................... Driver ..................... Reciver ..................... Protocol Monitor ..................... Scoreboard ..................... Checker ..................... Coverage ..................... Code Coverage ..................... Functional Coverage ............Verilog Verification -- VERIFICATION FLOW ..................... Planning ..................... Feature Extraction ..................... Verification Environment Architecture Plan ............Verilog Verification -- CLOCK GENERATOR ..................... Timescale And Precision Enlightment ............Verilog Verification -- SIMULATION ..................... Simulation Steps ..................... Macro Preprocessing ..................... Compilation (Analyzer) ..................... Elaboration ..................... Optimization ..................... Initialization ..................... Execution ..................... Simulation Process ............Verilog Verification -- INCREMENTAL COMPILATION ............Verilog Verification -- STORE AND RESTORE[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............Verilog Verification -- EVENT CYCLE SIMULATION ..................... Event Based Simulation ..................... Cycle Based Simulation ............Verilog Verification -- TIME SCALE AND PRECISION ..................... Time Scale And Time Precision ..................... $Time Vs $Realtime ..................... System Task Printtimescale ..................... System Task Timeformat ............Verilog Verification -- STIMULUS GENERATION ............Verilog Verification -- SYSTEM FUNCTION RANDOM A MYTH ............Verilog Verification -- RACE CONDITION ..................... What Is Race Condition? ..................... Why Race Condition? ..................... When Race Is Visible? ..................... How To Prevent Race Condition? ..................... Types Of Race Condition ..................... Write-Write Race ..................... Read-Write Race ..................... More Race Example ..................... Event Terminology ..................... The Stratified Event Queue ..................... Determinism ..................... Nondeterminism ..................... Guideline To Avoid Race Condition ..................... Avoid Race Between Testbench And Dut ............Verilog Verification -- CHECKER ..................... Protocol Checker ..................... Data_checker ..................... Modularization ............Verilog Verification -- TASK AND FUNCTION ..................... Functions ..................... Task ..................... Task And Function Queries ..................... Constant Function ..................... Reentrant Tasks And Functions ............Verilog Verification -- PROCESS CONTROL ..................... Nonblocking Task ..................... Fork/Join Recap ..................... Fork/Join None ..................... Fork/Join Any ............Verilog Verification -- DISABLEING THE BLOCK ..................... Disable ..................... Goto ..................... Break ..................... Continue ............Verilog Verification -- WATCHDOG ............Verilog Verification -- COMPILATION N SIMULATION SWITCHS ..................... Compilation And Simulation Directives ..................... Example ............Verilog Verification -- DEBUGGING ..................... Pass Or Fail ..................... Waveform Viewer ..................... Log File ..................... Message Control System ..................... Message Severity Levels ..................... Message Controlling Levels ..................... Passing Comments To Waveform Debugger ..................... $Display N $Strobe ..................... Who Should Do The Rtl Debugging? ............Verilog Verification -- ABOUT CODE COVERAGE ..................... Types Of Coverage[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Code Coverage ..................... Statement Coverage /Line Coverage ..................... Block/Segment Coverage ..................... Branch / Decision / Conditional Coverage ..................... Path Coverage ..................... Expression Coverage ..................... Toggle Coverage ..................... Variable Coverage ..................... Triggering / Event Coverage ..................... Parameter Coverage ..................... Functional Coverage ..................... Fsm Coverage ..................... State Coverage ..................... Transition Coverage ..................... Sequence Coverage ..................... Tool Support ..................... Limitation Of Code Coverage ............Verilog Verification -- TESTING STRATIGIES ..................... Bottom-Up ..................... Unit Level ..................... Sub-Asic Level ..................... Asic Level ..................... System Level ..................... Flat ............Verilog Verification -- FILE HANDLING ..................... Fopen And Fclose ..................... Fdisplay ..................... Fmonitor ..................... Fwrite ..................... Mcd ..................... Formating Data To String ............Verilog Verification -- VERILOG SEMAPHORE ..................... Semaphore In Verilog ............Verilog Verification -- FINDING TESTSENARIOUS ..................... Register Tests ..................... System Tests ..................... Interrupt Tests ..................... Interface Tests ..................... Functional Tests ..................... Error Tests ..................... Golden Tests ..................... Performance Tests ............Verilog Verification -- HANDLING TESTCASE FILES ............Verilog Verification -- TERIMINATION ............Verilog Verification -- ERROR INJUCTION ..................... Value Errors ..................... Temporal Errors ..................... Interface Error ..................... Sequence Errors ............Verilog Verification -- REGISTER VERIFICATION ..................... Register Verification ..................... Register Classification ..................... Features ............Verilog Verification -- PARAMETERISED MACROS ............Verilog Verification -- WHITE GRAY BLACK BOX ..................... Black Box Verification ..................... White Box Verification ..................... Gray Box Verification ............Verilog Verification -- REGRESSION ............Verilog Verification -- TIPS ..................... How To Avoid "Module Xxx Already Defined" Error ..................... Colourful Messages[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Debugging Macros

............Verilog Switch TB -- DUT SPECIFICATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Interface ..................... Output Interface ............Verilog Switch TB -- RTL ............Verilog Switch TB -- TOP ..................... Verification Environment ..................... Top Module ............Verilog Switch TB -- PACKET ............Verilog Switch TB -- DRIVER ............Verilog Switch TB -- RECIEVER ............Verilog Switch TB -- SCOREBOARD ............Verilog Switch TB -- ENV

............Verilog Basic Constructs -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Introduction ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- SYNTAX ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- DATA TYPES ..................... Value Set ..................... Net ..................... Variable Or Reg ..................... Vectors ..................... Memories ..................... Net Types ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- OPERATORS ..................... Binary Arithmetic Operators ..................... Unary Arithmetic Operators ..................... Relational Operators ..................... Logical Operators ..................... Bitwise Operators ..................... Unary Reduction Operators ..................... Other Operators ..................... Operator Precedence ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- ASSIGNMENTS ..................... Blocking Procedural Assignments ..................... The Nonblocking Procedural Assignment ..................... Procedural Continuous Assignments ..................... Assign And Deassign Procedural Statements ..................... Force And Release Procedural Statements ..................... Delays ..................... Inter Assignmnet Delay . ..................... Intra-Assignment Delay Control ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- CONTROL CONSTRUCTS ..................... If And If Else Statements ..................... Case ..................... Forever ..................... Repeat ..................... While ..................... For ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- PROCEDURAL TIMING CONTROLS ..................... Delay Control ..................... Event Control[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Named Events ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- STRUCTURE ..................... Module ..................... Ports ..................... Signals ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- BLOCK STATEMENTS ..................... Sequential Blocks ..................... Parallel Blocks ............Verilog Basic Constructs -- STRUCTURED PROCEDURES ..................... Initial ..................... Always ..................... Functions ..................... Task

............Vera Constructs -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Introduction ..................... Comments In Openvera ..................... Numbers In Openvera ............Vera Constructs -- DATA TYPES ..................... Basic Data Types ..................... Integer ..................... Register ..................... String ..................... Event ..................... Enumerated Types ..................... Virtual Ports ..................... Arrays ..................... Fixed-Size Arrays ..................... Dynamic Arrays ..................... Associative Arrays ..................... Smart Queues ..................... Class ............Vera Constructs -- LINKED LIST ..................... Linked List ..................... List Methods ............Vera Constructs -- OPERATORS PART 1 ..................... Operators ..................... Concatenation ..................... Arithmetic ..................... Relational ..................... Equality ............Vera Constructs -- OPERATORS PART 2 ..................... Logical ..................... Bitwise ..................... Reduction ............Vera Constructs -- OPERATORS PART 3 ..................... Shift ..................... Bit-Reverse ..................... Increment And Decrement ..................... Conditional ..................... Set ..................... Replication ............Vera Constructs -- OPERATOR PRECEDENCE ..................... Operator Precedence ............Vera Constructs -- CONTROL STATEMENTS ..................... Sequential Statements ............Vera Constructs -- PROCEDURES AND METHODS ..................... Procedures And Methods ..................... Pass By Value ..................... Pass By Reference ..................... Default Arguments[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


..................... Optional Arguments ............Vera Constructs -- INTERPROCESS ..................... Interprocess Synchronization And Communication ............Vera Constructs -- FORK JOIN ..................... Fork Join ............Vera Constructs -- SHADOW VARIABLES ..................... Shadow Variables ............Vera Constructs -- FORK JOIN CONTROL ..................... Fork And Join Control ..................... Wait_chiled() ..................... Terminate ..................... Suspend_thread ............Vera Constructs -- WAIT VAR ..................... Wait_var ............Vera Constructs -- EVENT SYNC ..................... Event Methods ............Vera Constructs -- EVENT TRIGGER ..................... Event Trigger ..................... Event Variables ............Vera Constructs -- SEMAPHORE ..................... Semaphore ............Vera Constructs -- REGIONS ..................... Regions ............Vera Constructs -- MAILBOX ..................... Mailbox ............Vera Constructs -- TIMEOUTS ..................... Timeouts ............Vera Constructs -- OOP ..................... Object Oriented Programming ..................... Properties ..................... This ..................... Class Extensions ..................... Polymorphism ..................... Super ..................... Abstract Class ............Vera Constructs -- CASTING ............Vera Constructs -- RANDOMIZATION ..................... Constrained Random Verification ..................... Random Varible Declaration ..................... Rand Modifier ..................... Randc Modifier ............Vera Constructs -- RANDOMIZATION METHODS ..................... Randomization Built-In Methods ..................... Randomize() ..................... Pre_randomize And Post_randomize ............Vera Constructs -- CONSTRAINT BLOCK ..................... Constraint Block ..................... Inline Constraints ..................... Disabling Constraint Block ............Vera Constructs -- CONSTRAINT EXPRESSION ..................... Constraint Expressions ..................... Set Membership ..................... Weighted Distribution ..................... Implication ..................... If..Else ..................... Iterative[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............Vera Constructs -- VARIABLE ORDARING ..................... Variable Ordaring ............Vera Constructs -- AOP ..................... Aspect Oriented Extensions ............Vera Constructs -- PREDEFINED METHODS ..................... Predefined Methods ..................... New() ..................... Finalize() ..................... Object_print ..................... Deep Object Compare ..................... Deep Object Copy ..................... Pack And Unpack ............Vera Constructs -- STRING METHODS ............Vera Constructs -- QUEUE METHODS ............Vera Constructs -- DUT COMMUNICATION ..................... Connecting To Hdl ..................... Interface Declaration ..................... Direct Hdl Node Connection ..................... Blocking And Non-Blocking Drives ............Vera Constructs -- FUNCTIONAL COVERAGE ..................... Functional Coverage ..................... Coverage Group ..................... Sample_event ..................... Coverage_point ..................... Cross Coverage

............Vera Switch TB -- DUT SPECIFICATION ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Interface ..................... Output Interface ............Vera Switch TB -- RTL ............Vera Switch TB -- TOP ..................... Verification Environment ..................... Top Module ............Vera Switch TB -- INTERFACE ............Vera Switch TB -- PACKET ............Vera Switch TB -- PACKET GENERATOR ............Vera Switch TB -- CFG DRIVER ............Vera Switch TB -- DRIVER ............Vera Switch TB -- RECIEVER ............Vera Switch TB -- SCOREBOARD ............Vera Switch TB -- ENV

............Vera RVM Switch TB -- INTRODUCTION ..................... Dut Specification ..................... Configuration ..................... Interface Specification ..................... Memory Interface ..................... Input Interface ..................... Output Interface[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............Vera RVM Switch TB -- RTL ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- TOP ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- INTERFACE ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- PROGRAM BLOCK ..................... Testbench Program ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- ENVIRONMENT ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- PACKET ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- CONFIGURATION ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- DRIVER ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- RECIEVER ............Vera RVM Switch TB -- SCOREBOARD

............Specman E -- INTRODUCTION ............Specman E -- E BASICS ..................... Code Segments ..................... Comments ..................... Literals And Constants ..................... Sized Numbers ..................... PredeNed Constants ............Specman E -- DATA TYPES ..................... Enumerated Types ............Specman E -- OPERATORS ..................... Unary Bitwise Operators ..................... Binary Bitwise Operations ..................... Shift Operators ..................... Boolean Operators ..................... Arithmetic Operators ..................... Comparison Operators ..................... Extraction And Concatenation Operators ..................... Special-Purpose Operators ............Specman E -- STRUCT ............Specman E -- UNITS ..................... Units Vs Structs ............Specman E -- LIST ..................... Regular List ..................... List Operations ..................... Keyed List ............Specman E -- METHODS ..................... Time-Consuming Methods(Tcms) ..................... Invoking Tcms ..................... Execution Flow ............Specman E -- Concurrency Actions ..................... All Of ..................... First Of ............Specman E -- CONSTRAINTS ............Specman E -- EXTEND ..................... Is Also ..................... Is First ..................... Is Only ............Specman E -- When and Like ..................... Like ..................... When[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............Specman E -- EVENTS ............Specman E -- TEMPORAL EXPRESSIONS ..................... Basic Temporal Expressions ..................... Temporal Checking ............Specman E -- Temporal operators 1 ..................... Not ..................... Fail ..................... And ..................... Or ..................... { Exp ; Exp } ..................... Eventually ..................... [ Exp ] ..................... [ Exp..Exp ] ..................... ~[ Exp..Exp ] ..................... Temporal Yield Operator ............Specman E -- TEMPORAL OPERATORS 2 ..................... Detach ..................... Delay ..................... @ Unary Event Operator ..................... @ Sampling Operator ..................... Cycle ..................... True(Exp) ..................... Change(Exp), Fall(Exp), Rise(Exp) ..................... Consume ..................... Exec ............Specman E -- SYNCHRONIZING WITH THE SIMULATOR ............Specman E -- WAIT AND SYNC ..................... Wait Action ..................... Sync Action ..................... Difference Between Wait And Sync ............Specman E -- PHYSICAL VIRUAL FEILDS ..................... Physical Fields ..................... Ungenerated Fields ............Specman E -- PACKING N UNPACKING ..................... Packing.High ..................... Packing.Low ............Specman E -- PRE RUN N ON THE FLY ..................... Pre-Run Generation ..................... On-The-Fly Generation ............Specman E -- COVERAGE ..................... Coverage Groups ..................... Cover Group Options ..................... Cross-Coverage ............Specman E -- COMMANDS ............Specman E -- Extendable Methods ............Specman E -- Non Extendable Methods ............Specman E -- AND GATE EVC

............Interview Questions -- FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION QUESTIONS ............Interview Questions -- FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION QUESTIONS 2 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SYSTEMVERILOG SKILLS 1 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SYSTEMVERILOG SKILLS 2 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SYSTEMVERILOG SKILLS 3[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SYSTEMVERILOG SKILLS 4 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SVA SKILLS ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 1 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 2 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 3 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 4 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 5 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 6 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 7 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 8 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 9 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 10 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 11 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 12 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 13 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 14 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 15 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 16 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 17 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SPECMAN SKILLS 1 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SPECMAN SKILLS 2 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SPECMAN SKILLS 3 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR SPECMAN SKILLS 4 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 1 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 2 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 3 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 4 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 5 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 6 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR STA SKILLS 7 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR DFT SKILLS 1 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR DFT SKILLS 2 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR DFT SKILLS 3 ............Interview Questions -- TEST YOUR DFT SKILLS 4

VMM Ethernet sample RVM Ethernet sample Phychology of Verification Engineer[9/26/2012 2:00:07 PM]


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- Prashanth Sunke , Transwitch India Pvt. Ltd. Great work Guys. Superb compilation of tutorial and examples. Great in-depth knowledge of System verilog and VMM. - Rizwan , Sr. Verification Engineer , Network Programs, Japan.

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It is really a wonderful stuff to swallow as Verification Engineer. I am really impressed by each and every stuff in the site. - Nirav Bhatt , Sibridge Technologies, Ahmedabad, India Your tutorial on SV test bench is really great. - Emma , TI Really very good site. Appreciate your continuous effort to show/share verification world through your experience, indepth analysis with simple example. - Pandithurai Sangaiyah, Technical Leader (ASIC Verification) at ST Microelectronics. You did a good job. This tutorial give a quick start for VMM and is easy to handle. - Hansjoerg Berberich ,Renesas It was a very helpful tutorial. Excellent material. - Vishnu ,Mirafra Techonologies You can only feel like a Verification Engineer after visiting this site. - Barindra Ghosh,Verification Engineer,Wipro Technologies. You have done a great job in your site Your materials are very good. - Himanshu , WhizChip Design Technologies You are maintaining a awesome site with lots of useful material with good example. - Puneet, Author of Besides, I would like to thank the development team for the great efforts made to produce this wonderful site with detailed explanation, enabling us to learn and master the hot in the market verificaton methodologies. - Arun Your site is very Useful in learning the important concepts in that. I would like to appreciate your contribution for that. - Rajiv Bhatia , sasken I am learning system verilog and have experience in VHDL/Verilog. I went through your website and find it extremely helpful. It is neatly organized - Sudhir Shivanna Saligrama , Mindtree This website is very informative and you guys have put a lot of effort in building this...Keep up the good work and good luck.[9/26/2012 2:00:24 PM]


- Santhosh , Mindspeed Actually past two day I used your documents . It give me great pleasure to learning interest because of the Step by step process with clear detail - Nesan , Flowgicindia My heartfelt congratulations for creating such a wonderful site with loads of useful and quickly understandable information for professionals and beginners in the Chip Verification domain. - Ravi Kalyan , GDA techonologies I have been following your website for some time, it has good resources. One think I like about it is that it continues evolve, maintained well and is up to date. Great work. - Mallikarjun Chillal, PhD , Infinera I just found your site and was very impressed with the depth of testbench topics that you covered. - Donna Mitchell , VP Marketing , SynaptiCAD This is amazing, wonderful!what else. Yes, it is a great start to putting things together and helping others. - Karthikeyan Subramaniyam , synopsys Just wanted to congratulate you on your website. I have been a verification engineer for 8 years and have never found a site as useful as this one. - Richard Metzger , Firmware QA Engineer , Covidien Energy-based Devices (EbD) Very good site you made , the site is very well organized and very informative. Thanks for providing so much information on System verilog and other topics you included. - AnilKumar.M , Author of This is definitely a great site. Keep up the good work and I have referred this to my colleagues. - Shankar , Freescale

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What is on

Systemverilog Tutorials SystemVerilog tutorial is divided in to following sub sections. Systemverilog for Verification Discusses verification methodology starting from Linear testbenchs to Constraint random coverage driven verification. Systemverilog Constructs This section covers the SystemVerilog data types and constructs with lots of examples and simulated results to analyze deeply. Systemverilog Interfaces This section covers SystemVerilog Interfaces , how they are used to build your testbench and connect it to the design under test Systemverilog Object oriented programming In this section, Object oriented programming techniques are discussed. Systemverilog Constraint randomization This section walks you through the Systemverilog constrained randomization with more than 160 examples and many more to come. Systemverilog Functional Coverage This section explains the different types of coverages with examples with their coverage reports. Systemverilog Assertions This section introducess SystemVerilog assertions. Systemverilog DPI This section walks you through the Systemverilog direct programming interface with self explanatory examples. VMM Tutorial & UVM Tutorial & OVM Tutorial These are unique UVM/VMM/OVM tutorial where each topic is explained using individual ready to run examples. User can tweak the example and explore more indeep about the topic. Openvera This section covers the basics of Openvera with lots of examples and simulated results to analyze deeply.

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Verilog For Verification Newbies in the world of verification are missing a place where they can learn RVM Ethernet sample verification theory along with practical examples. All the examples are discussed in Verilog. Most of them are applicable to other languages also.
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Know by example "Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach" -- Albert Einstein This section helps you to understand the verification environment with example. It covers most of the language features. These examples are explained in Verilog, Systemverilog and Openvera. Easy Labs These labs takes you through the complete cycle of a simple switch verification. These lab starts with creating test plan and ends with achieving coverage goal. These labs are divided in to multiple phases and each phase has a lab files which can be download. Unlike other labs, where user can only simulates the environment after developing the complete environment, In[9/26/2012 2:00:41 PM]


these labs, in every phase, user can simulate the environment and analyze the implementation of that phase .
Easy Easy Easy Easy Labs: Labs: Labs: Labs: SystemVerilog UVM OVM VMM

Simple Labs These Labs are very simple and dry. User can download the labs and simulate them.
AVM Switch example OpenVera Switch example RVM Switch example Verilog Switch example

Articles submitted by readers This section is for the articles submitted by Readers. Interview Questions You can find Interview questions on Verification concepts, Verilog, Systemverilog, SVA, Specman, STA and DFT.

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SystemVerilog is a combined Hardware Description Language and Hardware Verification Language based on extensions to Verilog. SystemVerilog was created by the donation of the Superlog language to Accellera in 2002. The bulk of the verification functionality is based on the OpenVera language donated by Synopsys. In 2005, SystemVerilog was adopted as IEEE Standard 1800-2005 . Few of SystemVerilog's capabilities are unique, but it is significant that these capabilities are combined and offered within a single HDL. There is great value in a common HDL which handles all aspects of the design and verification flow: design description, functional simulation, property specification, and formal verification.

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Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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SystemVerilog adds extended and new data types to Verilog for better encapsulation and compactness. SystemVerilog extends Verilog by introducing C like data types. SystemVerilog adds a new 2-state data types that can only have bits with 0 or 1 values unlike verilog 4-state data types which can have 0, 1, X and Z. SystemVerilog also allows user to define new data types. SystemVerilog offers several data types, representing a hybrid of both Verilog and C data types. SystemVerilog 2-state data types can simulate faster, take less memory, and are preferred in some design styles. Then a 4-state value is automatically converted to a 2-state value, X and Z will be converted to zeros.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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TIP : If you don't need the x and z values then use the SystemVerilog int and bit types which make execution faster. Signed And Unsigned : Integer types use integer arithmetic and can be signed or unsigned.The data types byte, shortint, int, integer, and longint default to signed. The data types bit, reg, and logic default to unsigned, as do arrays of these types. To use these types as unsigned, user has to explicitly declare it as unsigned.[9/26/2012 2:01:21 PM]

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int unsigned ui; int signed si byte unsigned ubyte; User can cast using signed and unsigned casting. if (signed'(ubyte)< 150) // ubyte is unsigned Void : The void data type represents nonexistent data. This type can be specified as the return type of functions to indicate no return value. void = function_call();




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Integer And Logic Literals In verilog , to assign a value to all the bits of vector, user has to specify them explicitly. reg[31:0] a = 32'hffffffff; Systemverilog Adds the ability to specify unsized literal single bit values with a preceding (').'0, '1, 'X, 'x, 'Z, 'z // sets all bits to this value. reg[31:0] a = '1; 'x is equivalent to Verilog-2001 'bx 'z is equivalent to Verilog-2001 'bz '1 is equivalent to making an assignment of all 1's '0 is equivalent to making an assignment of 0 Time Literals Time is written in integer or fixed-point format, followed without a space by a time unit (fs ps ns us ms s step). EXAMPLE 0.1ns 40ps The time literal is interpreted as a realtime value scaled to the current time unit and rounded to the current time precision. Array Literals

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control

Array literals are syntactically similar to C initializers, but with the replicate operator Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your ( {{}} ) allowed. EXAMPLE int n[1:2][1:3] = '{'{0,1,2},'{3{4}}}; The nesting of braces must follow the number of dimensions, unlike in C. However, replicate operators can be nested. The inner pair of braces in a replication is removed. A replication expression only operates within one dimension. EXAMPLE: int n[1:2][1:6] = '{2{'{3{4, 5}}}}; // same as '{'{4,5,4,5,4,5},'{4,5,4,5,4,5}} Structure Literals Structure literals are structure assignment patterns or pattern expressions with constant member expressions A structure literal must have a type, which may be either explicitly indicated with a prefix or implicitly indicated by an assignment-like context. EXAMPLE typedef struct {int a; shortreal b;} ab; ab c; c = '{0, 0.0}; // structure literal type determined from // the left-hand context (c)
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Nested braces should reflect the structure. EXAMPLE ab abarr[1:0] = '{'{1, 1.0}, '{2, 2.0}}; The C-like alternative '{1, 1.0, 2, 2.0} for the preceding example is not allowed. EXAMPLE: default values c = '{a:0, b:0.0}; c = '{default:0}; d = ab'{int:1, shortreal:1.0};




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In Verilog, string literals are packed arrays of a width that is a multiple of 8 bits which hold ASCII values. In Verilog, if a string is larger than the destination string variable, the string is truncated to the left, and the leftmost characters will be lost. SystemVerilog adds new keyword "string" which is used to declare string data types unlike verilog. String data types can be of arbitrary length and no truncation occurs. string myName = "TEST BENCH"; String Methods :

SystemVerilog also includes a number of special methods to work with strings. These methods use the built-in method notation. These methods are: 1. str.len() returns the length of the string, i.e., the number of characters in the VMM Tutorial string. OVM Tutorial 2. str.putc(i, c) replaces the ith character in str with the given integral value. 3. str.getc(i) returns the ASCII code of the ith character in str. Easy Labs : SV 4. str.toupper() returns a string with characters in str converted to uppercase. Easy Labs : UVM 5. str.tolower() returns a string with characters in str converted to lowercase. 6. compares str and s, and return value. This comparison is case Easy Labs : OVM sensitive. Easy Labs : VMM 7. str.icompare(s) compares str and s, and return value .This comparison is case insensitive. AVM Switch TB 8. str.substr(i, j) returns a new string that is a substring formed by index i through VMM Ethernet sample j of str. 9. str.atoi() returns the integer corresponding to the ASCII decimal representation in str. 10. str.atoreal() returns the real number corresponding to the ASCII decimal Verilog representation in str. Verification 11. str.itoa(i) stores the ASCII decimal representation of i into str (inverse of atoi). Verilog Switch TB 12. str.hextoa(i) stores the ASCII hexadecimal representation of i into str (inverse of atohex). Basic Constructs 13. str.bintoa(i) stores the ASCII binary representation of i into str (inverse of atobin). 14. str.realtoa(r) stores the ASCII real representation of r into str (inverse of OpenVera atoreal)
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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EXAMPLE : String methods module str; string A; string B; initial begin A = "TEST "; B = "Bench"; $display(" %d ",A.len() ); $display(" %s ",A.getc(5) ); $display(" %s ",A.tolower); $display(" %s ",B.toupper); $display(" %d ", ); $display(" %d ","test") ); $display(" %s ",A.substr(2,3) ); A = "111"; $display(" %d ",A.atoi() ); end[9/26/2012 2:01:38 PM]

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endmodule RESULTS : 5 test BENCH -18 -32 ST 111 String Pattren Match Use the following method for pattern matching in SystemVerilog. Match method which is in OpenVera or C , is not available in SystemVerilog . For using match method which is in C , use the DPI calls . For native SystemVerilog string match method, hear is the example. CODE: function match(string s1,s2); int l1,l2; l1 = s1.len(); l2 = s2.len(); match = 0 ; if( l2 > l1 ) return 0; for(int i = 0;i < l1 - l2 + 1; i ++) if( s1.substr(i,i+l2 -1) == s2) return 1; endfunction EXAMPLE: program main; string str1,str2; int i; initial begin str1 = "this is first string"; str2 = "this"; if(match(str1,str2)) $display(" str2 : %s : found in :%s:",str2,str1); str1 = "this is first string"; str2 = "first"; if(match(str1,str2)) $display(" str2 : %s : found in :%s:",str2,str1); str1 = "this is first string"; str2 = "string"; if(match(str1,str2)) $display(" str2 : %s : found in :%s:",str2,str1);[9/26/2012 2:01:38 PM]

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str1 = "this is first string"; str2 = "this is "; if(match(str1,str2)) $display(" str2 : %s : found in :%s:",str2,str1); str1 = "this is first string"; str2 = "first string"; if(match(str1,str2)) $display(" str2 : %s : found in :%s:",str2,str1); str1 = "this is first string"; str2 = "first string ";// one space at end if(match(str1,str2)) $display(" str2 : %s : found in :%s:",str2,str1); end endprogram RESULTS: str2 str2 str2 str2 str2 : : : : : this : found in :this is first string: first : found in :this is first string: string : found in :this is first string: this is : found in :this is first string: first string : found in :this is first string:

String Operators SystemVerilog provides a set of operators that can be used to manipulate combinations of string variables and string literals. The basic operators defined on the string data type are Equality Syntax : Str1 == Str2 Checks whether the two strings are equal. Result is 1 if they are equal and 0 if they are not. Both strings can be of type string. Or one of them can be a string literal. If both operands are string literals, the operator is the same Verilog equality operator as for integer types. EXAMPLE program main; initial begin string str1,str2,str3; str1 = "TEST BENCH"; str2 = "TEST BENCH"; str3 = "test bench"; if(str1 == str2) $display(" Str1 and str2 else $display(" Str1 and str2 if(str1 == str3) $display(" Str1 and str3 else $display(" Str1 and str3 end endprogram RESULT Str1 and str2 are equal Str1 and str3 are not equal

are equal"); are not equal"); are equal"); are not equal");[9/26/2012 2:01:38 PM]

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Inequality. Syntax: Str1 != Str2 Logical negation of Equality operator. Result is 0 if they are equal and 1 if they are not. Both strings can be of type string. Or one of them can be a string literal. If both operands are string literals, the operator is the same Verilog equality operator as for integer types. EXAMPLE program main; initial begin string str1,str2,str3; str1 = "TEST BENCH"; str2 = "TEST BENCH"; str3 = "test bench"; if(str1 != str2) $display(" Str1 and str2 else $display(" Str1 and str2 if(str1 != str3) $display(" Str1 and str3 else $display(" Str1 and str3 end endprogram RESULT Str1 and str2 are equal Str1 and str3 are not equal Comparison. Syntax: Str1 < Str2 Str1 <= Str2 Str1 > Str2 Str1 >= Str2 Relational operators return 1 if the corresponding condition is true using the lexicographical ordering of the two strings Str1 and Str2. The comparison uses the compare string method. Both operands can be of type string, or one of them can be a string literal. EXAMPLE program main; initial begin string Str1,Str2,Str3; Str1 = "c"; Str2 = "d"; Str3 = "e"; if(Str1 < Str2) $display(" Str1 if(Str1 <= Str2) $display(" Str1 if(Str3 > Str2) $display(" Str3 if(Str3 >= Str2) $display(" Str3 end endprogram RESULT Str1 < Str2 Str1 <= Str2 Str3 > Str2 < Str2 "); <= Str2 "); > Str2"); >= Str2");

are not equal"); are equal"); are not equal"); are equal");[9/26/2012 2:01:38 PM]

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Str3 >= Str2 Concatenation. Syntax: {Str1,Str2,...,Strn} Each operand can be of type string or a string literal (it shall be implicitly converted to type string). If at least one operand is of type string, then the expression evaluates to the concatenated string and is of type string. If all the operands are string literals, then the expression behaves like a Verilog concatenation of integral types; if the result is then used in an expression involving string types, it is implicitly converted to the string type. EXAMPLE program main; initial begin string Str1,Str2,Str3,Str4,Str5; Str1 = "WWW."; Str2 = "TEST"; Str3 = ""; Str4 = "BENCH"; Str5 = ".IN"; $display(" %s ",{Str1,Str2,Str3,Str4,Str5}); end endprogram RESULT WWW.TESTBENCH.IN Replication. Syntax : {multiplier{Str}} Str can be of type string or a string literal. Multiplier must be of integral type and can be nonconstant. If multiplier is nonconstant or Str is of type string, the result is a string containing N concatenated copies of Str, where N is specified by the multiplier. If Str is a literal and the multiplier is constant, the expression behaves like numeric replication in Verilog (if the result is used in another expression involving string types, it is implicitly converted to the string type). EXAMPLE program main; initial begin string Str1,Str2; Str1 = "W"; Str2 = ".TESTBENCH.IN"; $display(" %s ",{{3{Str1}},Str2}); end endprogram RESULT WWW.TESTBENCH.IN Indexing. Syntax: Str[index] Returns a byte, the ASCII code at the given index. Indexes range from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of characters in the string. If given an index out of range, returns 0. Semantically equivalent to Str.getc(index) EXAMPLE program main; initial begin string Str1; Str1 = "WWW.TESTBENCH.IN"; for(int i =0 ;i < 16 ; i++) $write("%s ",Str1[i]);[9/26/2012 2:01:38 PM]

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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Systemverilog allos the user to define datatypes. There are different ways to define Literals Verification Strings user defined datatypes. They are Constructs Userdefined Datatypes 1. Class. Enumarations 2. Enumarations. Interface Structures And Uniouns 3. Struct. OOPS Typedef 4. Union. Arrays 5. Typedef. Randomization Array Methods Functional Coverage Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Assertion Queues DPI Comparison Of Arrays Linked List UVM Tutorial Casting VMM Tutorial Data Declaration Reg And Logic OVM Tutorial Operators 1 Easy Labs : SV Operators 2 Operator Precedency Easy Labs : UVM Events Easy Labs : OVM Control Statements Easy Labs : VMM Program Block Procedural Blocks AVM Switch TB Fork Join VMM Ethernet sample Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Verilog Fine Grain Process Verification Control TUTORIALS


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You'll sometimes be faced with the need for variables that have a limited set of possible values that can be usally referred to by name. For example, the state variable like IDLE,READY,BUZY etx of state machine can only have the all the states defined and Refraining or displaying these states using the state name will be more comfortable. There's a specific facility, called an enumeration in SystemVerilog . Enumerated data types assign a symbolic name to each legal value taken by the data type. Let's create an example using one of the ideas I just mentioned-a state machine . You can define this as follows: enum {IDLE,READY,BUZY} states; This declares an enumerated data type called states, and variables of this type can only have values from the set that appears between the braces, IDLE,READY and BUZY. If you try to set a variable of type states to a value that isn't one of the values specified, it will cause an error. Enumerated data type are strongly typed.

One more advantage of enumerated datatypes is that if you don't initialize then , each one would have a unique value. By defaule they are int types. In the previous examples, IDLE is 0, READY is 1 and BUZY is 2. These values can be printed as values Easy Labs : VMM or strings. The values can be set for some of the names and not set for other names. A name AVM Switch TB without a value is automatically assigned an increment of the value of the previous VMM Ethernet sample name. The value of first name by default is 0. Verilog
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// c is automatically assigned the increment-value of 8 enum {a=3, b=7, c} alphabet; // Syntax error: c and d are both assigned 8 enum {a=0, b=7, c, d=8} alphabet; // a=0, b=7, c=8 enum {a, b=7, c} alphabet; Enumarated Methods: SystemVerilog includes a set of specialized methods to enable iterating over the The first() method returns the value of the first member of the enumeration.

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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RVM Ethernet sample values of enumerated.

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The last() method returns the value of the last member of the enumeration. The next() method returns the Nth next enumeration value (default is the next one) starting from the current value of the given variable. The prev() method returns the Nth previous enumeration value (default is the previous one) starting from the current value of the given variable. The name() method returns the string representation of the given enumeration value. If the given value is not a member of the enumeration, the name() method returns the empty string.[9/26/2012 2:01:54 PM]

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EXAMPLE : ENUM methods module enum_method; typedef enum {red,blue,green} colour; colour c; initial begin c = c.first(); $display(" %s ",; c =; $display(" %s ",; c = c.last(); $display(" %s ",; c = c.prev(); $display(" %s ",; end endmodule RESULTS : red blue green blue Enum Numerical Expressions Elements of enumerated type variables can be used in numerical expressions. The value used in the expression is the numerical value associated with the enumerated value. An enum variable or identifier used as part of an expression is automatically cast to the base type of the enum declaration (either explicitly or using int as the default). A cast shall be required for an expression that is assigned to an enum variable where the type of the expression is not equivalent to the enumeration type of the variable. EXAMPLE: module enum_method; typedef enum {red,blue,green} colour; colour c,d; int i; initial begin $display("%s",; d = c; $display("%s",; d = colour'(c + 1); // use casting $display("%s",; i = d; // automatic casting $display("%0d",i); c = colour'(i); $display("%s",; end endmodule RESULT[9/26/2012 2:01:54 PM]

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red red blue 1 blue

TIP: If you want to use X or Z as enum values, then define it using 4-state data type explicitly. enum integer {IDLE, XX='x, S1='b01, S2='b10} state, next;




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Structure: The disadvantage of arrays is that all the elements stored in then are to be of the same data type. If we need to use a collection of different data types, it is not possible using an array. When we require using a collection of different data items of different data types we can use a structure. Structure is a method of packing data of different types. A structure is a convenient method of handling a group of related data items of different data types. struct { int a; byte b; bit [7:0] c; } my_data_struct; The keyword "struct" declares a structure to holds the details of four fields namely a,b and c. These are members of the structures. Each member may belong to different or same data type. The structured variables can be accessed using the variable name "my_data_struct". my_data_struct.a = 123; $display(" a value is %d ",my_data_struct.a); Assignments To Struct Members: A structure literal must have a type, which may be either explicitly indicated with a prefix or implicitly indicated by an assignment-like context. my_data_struct = `{1234,8'b10,8'h20};

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Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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Structure literals can also use member name and value, or data type and default Report a Bug or Comment value. my_data_struct = `{a:1234,default:8'h20};

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Unions like structure contain members whose individual data types may differ from one another. However the members that compose a union all share the same storage RVM Switch TB area. A union allows us to treat the same space in memory as a number of different RVM Ethernet sample variables. That is a Union offers a way for a section of memory to be treated as a variable of one type on one occasion and as a different variable of a different type on another occasion.
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union { int a; byte b; bit [7:0] c; } my_data; memory allocation for the above defined struct "my_data_struct".[9/26/2012 2:02:03 PM]

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Memory allocation for the above defined union "my_data_union".

Packed Structures: In verilog , it is not convenient for subdividing a vector into subfield. Accessing subfield requires the index ranges. For example reg [0:47] my_data; `define a_indx 16:47 `define b_indx 8:15 `define c_indx 0:7 my_data[`b_indx] = 8'b10; // writing to subfield b $display(" %d ",my_data[`a_indx]); // reading subfield a A packed structure is a mechanism for subdividing a vector into subfields that can be conveniently accessed as members. Consequently, a packed structure consists of bit fields, which are packed together in memory without gaps. A packed struct or union type must be declared explicitly using keyword "packed". struct packed { integer a; byte b; bit [0:7] c; } my_data; my_data.b = 8'b10; $display("%d", my_data.a); Memory allocation for the above defined packed struct "my_data".

One or more bits of a packed structure can be selected as if it were a packed array, assuming an [n-1:0] numbering: My_data [15:8] // b[9/26/2012 2:02:03 PM]

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If all members of packed structure are 2-state, the structure as a whole is treated as a 2-state vector. If all members of packed structure is 4-state, the structure as a whole is treated as a 4-state vector. If there are also 2-state members, there is an implicit conversion from 4-state to 2state when reading those members, and from 2-state to 4-state when writing them.




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog A typedef declaration lets you define your own identifiers that can be used in place of Literals Verification type specifiers such as int, byte, real. Let us see an example of creating data type Strings Constructs Userdefined Datatypes "nibble". Enumarations Interface Structures And Uniouns typedef bit[3:0] nibble; // Defining nibble data type. OOPS Typedef Arrays nibble a, b; // a and b are variables with nibble data types. Randomization Array Methods Functional Coverage Dynamic Arrays Advantages Of Using Typedef : Associative Arrays Assertion Queues Shorter names are easier to type and reduce typing errors. DPI Comparison Of Arrays Improves readability by shortening complex declarations. Linked List UVM Tutorial Improves understanding by clarifying the meaning of data. Changing a data type in one place is easier than changing all of its uses throughout Casting VMM Tutorial Data Declaration the code. Reg And Logic OVM Tutorial Allows defining new data types using structs, unions and Enumerations also. Operators 1 Increases reusability. Easy Labs : SV Operators 2 Useful is type casting. Operator Precedency Easy Labs : UVM Events Example of typedef using struct, union and enum data types. Easy Labs : OVM Control Statements Easy Labs : VMM Program Block typedef enum {NO, YES} boolean; Procedural Blocks typedef union { int i; shortreal f; } num; // named union type AVM Switch TB Fork Join typedef struct { VMM Ethernet sample Fork Control bit isfloat; Subroutines union { int i; shortreal f; } n; // anonymous type Semaphore } tagged_st; // named structure Mailbox Verilog Fine Grain Process boolean myvar; // Enum type variable Verification Control num n; // Union type variable Verilog Switch TB tagged_st a[9:0]; // array of structures TUTORIALS


Basic Constructs

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Arrays hold a fixed number of equally-sized data elements. Individual elements are accessed by index using a consecutive range of integers. Some type of arrays allows to access individual elements using non consecutive values of any data types. Arrays can be classified as fixed-sized arrays (sometimes known as static arrays) whose size cannot change once their declaration is done, or dynamic arrays, which can be resized. Fixed Arrays: "Packed array" to refer to the dimensions declared before the object name and "unpacked array" refers to the dimensions declared after the object name. SystemVerilog accepts a single number, as an alternative to a range, to specify the size of an unpacked array. That is, [size] becomes the same as [0:size-1]. int Array[8][32]; is the same as: int Array[0:7][0:31];

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

// Packed Arrays reg [0:10] vari; // packed array of 4-bits wire [31:0] [1:0] vari; // 2-dimensional packed array // Unpacked Arrays wire status [31:0]; // 1 dimensional unpacked array wire status [32]; // 1 dimensional unpacked array integer matrix[7:0][0:31][15:0]; // 3-dimensional unpacked array of integers integer matrix[8][32][16]; // 3-dimensional unpacked array of integers reg [31:0] registers1 [0:255]; // unpacked array of 256 registers; each reg [31:0] registers2 [256]; // register is packed 32 bit wide

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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Operations On Arrays The following operations can be performed on all arrays, packed or unpacked: register1 [6][7:0] = `1; // Packed indexes can be sliced register1 = ~register1 ; // Can operate on entire memory register1 = register2 ; // Reading and writing the entire array register1[7:4] = register2[3:0] // Reading and writing a slice of the array register1[4+:i]= register2[4+;i] // Reading and writing a variable slice if(register1 == register2) //Equality operations on the entire array int n[1:2][1:3] = `{`{0,1,2},`{4,4,3}};// multidimensional assignment int triple [1:3] = `{1:1, default:0}; // indexes 2 and 3 assigned 0 Accessing Individual Elements Of Multidimensional Arrays: In a list of multi dimensions, the rightmost one varies most rapidly than the left most one. Packed dimension varies more rapidly than an unpacked.

In the following example, each dimension is having unique range and reading and writing to a element shows exactly which index corresponds to which dimension. module index(); bit [1:5][10:16] foo [21:27][31:38]; initial[9/26/2012 2:02:26 PM]

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begin foo[24][34][4][14] = 1; $display(" foo[24][34][4][14] is %d ",foo[24][34][4][14] ); end endmodule The result of reading from an array with an out of the address bounds or if any bit in the address is X or Z shall return the default uninitialized value for the array element type. As in Verilog, a comma-separated list of array declarations can be made. All arrays in the list shall have the same data type and the same packed array dimensions. module array(); bit [1:5][10:16] foo1 [21:27][31:38],foo2 [31:27][33:38]; initial begin $display(" dimensions of foo1 is %d foo2 is %d",$dimensions(foo1),$dimensions(foo2) ); $display(" reading with out of bound resulted %d",foo1[100][100][100][100]); $display(" reading with index x resulted %d",foo1[33][1'bx]); end endmodule RESULT: dimensions of foo1 is 4 foo2 is 4 reading with out of bound resulted x reading with index x resulted x bit [3:4][5:6]Array [0:2]; Accessing "Array[2]" will access 4 elements Array[2][3][5],Array[2][3][6],Array[2][4][5] and Array[2][4][6]. Accessing "Array[1][3]" will access 2 elements Array[1][3][5] and Array[1][3][6]. Accessing "Array[0][3][6]" will access one element.[9/26/2012 2:02:26 PM]

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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Literals Array Methods: Verification Strings Constructs Systemverilog provides various kinds of methods that can be used on arrays. They are Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Interface Structures And Uniouns Array querying functions OOPS Typedef Array Locator Methods Arrays Randomization Array ordering methods Array Methods Functional Coverage Array reduction methods Dynamic Arrays Iterator index querying Associative Arrays Assertion Queues DPI Comparison Of Arrays Array Querying Functions: Linked List UVM Tutorial Casting VMM Tutorial SystemVerilog provides new system functions to return information about an array. Data Declaration They are Reg And Logic OVM Tutorial Operators 1 Easy Labs : SV $left Operators 2 Operator Precedency Easy Labs : UVM $left shall return the left bound (MSB) of the dimension. Events Easy Labs : OVM Control Statements Easy Labs : VMM $right Program Block Procedural Blocks AVM Switch TB $right shall return the right bound (LSB) of the dimension. Fork Join VMM Ethernet sample Fork Control $low Subroutines Semaphore $low shall return the minimum of $left and $right of the dimension. Mailbox Verilog Fine Grain Process Verification $high Control TUTORIALS


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$high shall return the maximum of $left and $right of the dimension.

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your $increment input is what keeps improving $increment shall return 1 if $left is greater than or equal to $right and -1 if $left is with time!

less than $right. $size

RVM Ethernet sample $high - $low +1.

$size shall return the number of elements in the dimension, which is equivalent to $dimensions

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$dimensions shall return the total number of dimensions in the array.

EXAMPLE : arrays module arr; bit [2:0][3:0] arr [4:0][5:0]; initial begin $display(" $left %0d $right %0d $low %0d $high %0d $increment %0d $size %0d $dimensions[9/26/2012 2:02:34 PM]

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%0d",$left(arr),$right(arr),$low(arr),$high(arr),$increment(arr),$size(arr),$dimensions(arr) ); end endmodule RESULTS : $left 4 $right 0 $low 0 $high 4 $increment 1 $size 5 $dimensions 4 Array Locator Methods: Array locator methods operate on any unpacked array, including queues, but their return type is a queue. These locator methods allow searching an array for elements (or their indexes) that satisfies a given expression. Array locator methods traverse the array in an unspecified order. The optional "with" expression should not include any side effects; if it does, the results are unpredictable. The following locator methods are supported (the "with" clause is mandatory) : find() find() returns all the elements satisfying the given expression find_index() find_index() returns the indexes of all the elements satisfying the given expression find_first() find_first() returns the first element satisfying the given expression find_first_index() find_first_index() returns the index of the first element satisfying the given expression find_last() find_last() returns the last element satisfying the given expression find_last_index() find_last_index() returns the index of the last element satisfying the given expression For the following locator methods the "with" clause (and its expression) can be omitted if the relational operators (<, >, ==) are defined for the element type of the given array. If a "with" clause is specified, the relational operators (<, >, ==) must be defined for the type of the expression. min() min() returns the element with the minimum value or whose expression evaluates to a minimum max()[9/26/2012 2:02:34 PM]

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max() returns the element with the maximum value or whose expression evaluates to a maximum unique() unique() returns all elements with unique values or whose expression is unique unique_index() unique_index() returns the indexes of all elements with unique values or whose expression is unique EXAMPLE : module arr_me; string SA[10], qs[$]; int IA[*], qi[$]; initial begin SA[1:5] ={"Bob","Abc","Bob","Henry","John"}; IA[2]=3; IA[3]=13; IA[5]=43; IA[8]=36; IA[55]=237; IA[28]=39; // Find all items greater than 5 qi = IA.find( x ) with ( x > 5 ); for ( int j = 0; j < qi.size; j++ ) $write("%0d_",qi[j] ); $display(""); // Find indexes of all items equal to 3 qi = IA.find_index with ( item == 3 ); for ( int j = 0; j < qi.size; j++ ) $write("%0d_",qi[j] ); $display(""); // Find first item equal to Bob qs = SA.find_first with ( item == "Bob" ); for ( int j = 0; j < qs.size; j++ ) $write("%s_",qs[j] ); $display(""); // Find last item equal to Henry qs = SA.find_last( y ) with ( y == "Henry" ); for ( int j = 0; j < qs.size; j++ ) $write("%s_",qs[j] ); $display(""); // Find index of last item greater than Z qi = SA.find_last_index( s ) with ( s > "Z" ); for ( int j = 0; j < qi.size; j++ ) $write("%0d_",qi[j] ); $display(""); // Find smallest item qi = IA.min; for ( int j = 0; j < qi.size; j++ ) $write("%0d_",qi[j] ); $display(""); // Find string with largest numerical value qs = SA.max with ( item.atoi ); for ( int j = 0; j < qs.size; j++ ) $write("%s_",qs[j] ); $display(""); // Find all unique strings elements qs = SA.unique; for ( int j = 0; j < qs.size; j++ ) $write("%s_",qs[j] ); $display(""); // Find all unique strings in lowercase qs = SA.unique( s ) with ( s.tolower ); for ( int j = 0; j < qs.size; j++ ) $write("%s_",qs[j] ); end endmodule RESULTS : 13_43_36_39_237_ 2_ Bob_ Henry_ 3_ _[9/26/2012 2:02:34 PM]

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_Bob_Abc_Henry_John_ _Bob_Abc_Henry_John_ Array Ordering Methods: Array ordering methods can reorder the elements of one-dimensional arrays or queues. The following ordering methods are supported: reverse() reverse() reverses all the elements of the packed or unpacked arrays. sort() sort() sorts the unpacked array in ascending order, optionally using the expression in the with clause. rsort() rsort() sorts the unpacked array in descending order, optionally using the with clause expression. shuffle() shuffle() randomizes the order of the elements in the array. EXAMPLE: module arr_order; string s[] = '{ "one", "two", "three" }; initial begin s.reverse; for ( int j = 0; j < 3;j++ ) $write("%s",s[j] ); s.sort; for ( int j = 0; j < 3;j++ ) $write("%s",s[j] ); s.rsort; for ( int j = 0; j < 3;j++ ) $write("%s",s[j] ); s.shuffle; for ( int j = 0; j < 3;j++ ) $write("%s",s[j] ); end endmodule RESULT: three two one one three two two three one three one two Array Reduction Methods : Array reduction methods can be applied to any unpacked array to reduce the array to a single value. The expression within the optional "with" clause can be used to specify the item to use in the reduction. The following reduction methods are supported: sum() sum() returns the sum of all the array elements. product() product() returns the product of all the array elements and() and() returns the bit-wise AND ( & ) of all the array elements. or() or() returns the bit-wise OR ( | ) of all the array elements xor()[9/26/2012 2:02:34 PM]

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xor() returns the logical XOR ( ^ ) of all the array elements. EXAMPLE: module array_redu(); byte b[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; int sum,product,b_xor; initial begin sum = b.sum ; // y becomes 10 => 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 product = b.product ; // y becomes 24 => 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 b_xor = b.xor with ( item + 4 ); // y becomes 12 => 5 ^ 6 ^ 7 ^ 8 $display(" Sum is %0d, product is %0d, xor is %0b ",sum,product,b_xor); end endmodule RESULT Sum is 10, product is 24, xor is 1100 Iterator Index Querying: The expressions used by array manipulation methods sometimes need the actual array indexes at each iteration, not just the array element. The index method of an iterator returns the index value of the specified dimension. // find all items equal to their position (index) q = arr.find with ( item == item.index ); // find all items in mem that are greater than corresponding item in mem2 q = mem.find( x ) with ( x > mem2[x.index(1)][x.index(2)] );




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Verilog does not allow changing the dimensions of the array once it is declared. Most of the time in verification, we need arrays whose size varies based on the some behavior. For example Ethernet packet varies length from one packet to other packet. In verilog, for creating Ethernet packet, array with Maximum packet size is declared and only the number of elements which are require for small packets are used and unused elements are waste of memory. To overcome this deficiency, System Verilog provides Dynamic Array. A dynamic array is unpacked array whose size can be set or changed at runtime unlike verilog which needs size at compile time. Dynamic arrays allocate storage for elements at run time along with the option of changing the size. Declaration Of Dynmic Array: integer dyna_arr_1[],dyn_arr_2[],multi_dime_dyn_arr[][]; Allocating Elements: New[]:The built-in function new allocates the storage and initializes the newly allocated array elements either to their default initial value. dyna_arr_1 = new[10] ;// Allocating 10 elements multi_dime_dyn_arr = new[4];// subarrays remain unsized and uninitialized Initializing Dynamic Arrays: The size argument need not match the size of the initialization array. When the initialization array<92>s size is greater, it is truncated to match the size argument; when it is smaller, the initialized array is padded with default values to attain the specified size. dyna_arr_2 = new[4]('{4,5,6}); // elements are {4,5,6,0}

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Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps Using new[] constructor and its argument, we can increase the array size without improving with time! losing the data content.

Resizing Dynamic Arrays:

Dyna_arr_1 = new[100] (dyna_arr_1); // Previous 10 data preserved Copying Elements: Copy constructor of dynamic arrays is an easy and faster way of creating duplicate copies of data. Dyna_arr_2 = new[100](dyna_arr_1);// allocating and copying 100 elements. Dyna_arr_1 = [1000]; // Previous data lost. 1000 elements are allocated.

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RESULT 4 8 0

The information about the size of the dynamic array is with the array itself. It can be obtained using .size() method. This will be very helpful when you are playing with array. You don't need to pass the size information explicitly. We can also use system task $size() method instead of .size() method. SystemVerilog also provides delete() method clears all the elements yielding an empty array (zero size).




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
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Dynamic arrays are useful for dealing with contiguous collections of variables whose number changes dynamically. Associative arrays give you another way to store information. When the size of the collection is unknown or the data space is sparse, an associative array is a better option. In Associative arrays Elements Not Allocated until Used. Index Can Be of Any Packed Type, String or Class. Associative elements are stored in an order that ensures fastest access. In an associative array a key is associated with a value. If you wanted to store the information of various transactions in an array, a numerically indexed array would not be the best choice. Instead, we could use the transaction names as the keys in associative array, and the value would be their respective information. Using associative arrays, you can call the array element you need using a string rather than a number, which is often easier to remember. The syntax to declare an associative array is: data_type array_id [ key _type]; data_type is the data type of the array elements. array_id is the name of the array being declared. key_type is the data-type to be used as an key. Examples of associative array declarations are: int array_name[*];//Wildcard index. can be indexed by any integral datatype. int array_name [ string ];// String index int array_name [ some_Class ];// Class index int array_name [ integer ];// Integer index typedef bit signed [4:1] Nibble; int array_name [ Nibble ]; // Signed packed array

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control

Elements in associative array elements can be accessed like those of one dimensional arrays. Associative array literals use the '{index:value} syntax with an optional default Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your index. //associative array of 4-state integers indexed by strings, default is '1. integer tab [string] = '{"Peter":20, "Paul":22, "Mary":23, default:-1 }; Associative Array Methods SystemVerilog provides several methods which allow analyzing and manipulating The num() or size() method returns the number of entries in the associative array. The delete() method removes the entry at the specified index. The exists() function checks whether an element exists at the specified index within the given array. The first() method assigns to the given index variable the value of the first (smallest) index in the associative array. It returns 0 if the array is empty; otherwise, it returns 1. The last() method assigns to the given index variable the value of the last (largest) index in the associative array. It returns 0 if the array is empty; otherwise, it returns 1. The next() method finds the entry whose index is greater than the given index. If there is a next entry, the index variable is assigned the index of the next entry, and the function returns 1. Otherwise, the index is unchanged, and the function returns 0. The prev() function finds the entry whose index is smaller than the given index. If
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RVM Ethernet sample associative arrays. They are:

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there is a previous entry, the index variable is assigned the index of the previous entry, and the function returns 1. Otherwise, the index is unchanged, and the function returns 0. EXAMPLE module assoc_arr; int temp,imem[*]; initial begin imem[ 2'd3 ] = 1; imem[ 16'hffff ] = 2; imem[ 4'b1000 ] = 3; $display( "%0d entries", imem.num ); if(imem.exists( 4'b1000) ) $display("imem.exists( 4b'1000) "); imem.delete(4'b1000); if(imem.exists( 4'b1000) ) $display(" imem.exists( 4b'1000) "); else $display(" ( 4b'1000) not existing"); if(imem.first(temp)) $display(" First entry is at index %0db ",temp); if( $display(" Next entry is at index %0h after the index 3",temp); // To print all the elements alone with its indexs if (imem.first(temp) ) do $display( "%d : %d", temp, imem[temp] ); while ( ); end endmodule RESULT 3 entries imem.exists( 4b'1000) ( 4b'1000) not existing First entry is at index 3b Next entry is at index ffff after the index 3 3: 1 65535 : 2



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A queue is a variable-size, ordered collection of homogeneous elements. A Queue is analogous to one dimensional unpacked array that grows and shrinks automatically. Queues can be used to model a last in, first out buffer or first in, first out buffer. Queues support insertion and deletion of elements from random locations using an index. Queues Can be passed to tasks / functions as ref or non-ref arguments. Type checking is also done. Queue Operators: Queues and dynamic arrays have the same assignment and argument passing semantics. Also, queues support the same operations that can be performed on unpacked arrays and use the same operators and rules except as defined below: int q[$] = { 2, 4, 8 }; int p[$]; int e, pos; e = q[0]; // read the first (leftmost) item e = q[$]; // read the last (rightmost) item q[0] = e; // write the first item p = q; // read and write entire queue (copy) q = { q, 6 }; // insert '6' at the end (append 6) q = { e, q }; // insert 'e' at the beginning (prepend e) q = q[1:$]; // delete the first (leftmost) item q = q[0:$-1]; // delete the last (rightmost) item q = q[1:$-1]; // delete the first and last items q = {}; // clear the queue (delete all items) q = { q[0:pos-1], e, q[pos,$] }; // insert 'e' at position pos q = { q[0:pos], e, q[pos+1,$] }; // insert 'e' after position pos Queue Methods:

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In addition to the array operators, queues provide several built-in methods. They are: on This section - Your

The size() method returns the number of items in the queue. If the queue is empty, it improving OpenVera with time! returns 0. Constructs The insert() method inserts the given item at the specified index position. The delete() method deletes the item at the specified index. Switch TB The pop_front() method removes and returns the first element of the queue. RVM Switch TB The pop_back() method removes and returns the last element of the queue. RVM Ethernet sample The push_front() method inserts the given element at the front of the queue. The push_back() method inserts the given element at the end of the queue.
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EXAMPLE module queues; byte qu [$] ; initial begin qu.push_front(2); qu.push_front(12); qu.push_front(22); qu.push_back(11); qu.push_back(99);[9/26/2012 2:03:03 PM]

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$display(" %d ",qu.size() ); $display(" %d ",qu.pop_front() ); $display(" %d ",qu.pop_back() ); qu.delete(3); $display(" %d ",qu.size() ); end endmodule RESULTS : 5 22 99 Dynamic Array Of Queues Queues Of Queues EXAMPLE: module top; typedef int qint_t[$]; // dynamic array of queues qint_t DAq[]; // same as int DAq[][$]; // queue of queues qint_t Qq[$]; // same as int Qq[$][$]; // associative array of queues qint_t AAq[string]; // same as int AAq[string][$]; initial begin // Dynamic array of 4 queues DAq = new[4]; // Push something onto one of the queues DAq[2].push_back(1); // initialize another queue with three entries DAq[0] = {1,2,3}; $display("%p",DAq); // Queue of queues -two Qq= {{1,2},{3,4,5}}; Qq.push_back(qint_t'{6,7}); Qq[2].push_back(1); $display("%p",Qq); // Associative array of queues AAq["one"] = {}; AAq["two"] = {1,2,3,4}; AAq["one"].push_back(5); $display("%p",AAq); end endmodule : top RESULTS: '{'{1, 2, 3}, '{}, '{1}, '{}} '{'{1, 2}, '{3, 4, 5}, '{6, 7, 1}} '{one:'{5}, two:'{1, 2, 3, 4} }



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Static Array Size should be known at compilation time. Time require to access any element is less. if not all elements used by the application, then memory is wasted. Not good for sparse memory or when the size changes. Good for contagious data. Associativearray No need of size information at compile time. Time require to access an element increases with size of the array. Compact memory usage for sparse arrays. User don't need to keep track of size. It is automatically resized. Good inbuilt methods for Manipulating and analyzing the content. Dynamicarray

No need of size information at compile time. To set the size or resize, the size should be provided at runtime. Performance to access elements is same as Static arrays. AVM Switch TB Good for contagious data. VMM Ethernet sample Memory usage is very good, as the size can be changed dynamically. Verilog
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Queues No need of size information at compile time. Performance to access elements is same as Static arrays. User doesn't need to provide size information to change the size. It is automatically resized. Rich set of inbuilt methods for Manipulating and analyzing the content. Useful in self-checking modules. Very easy to work with out of order transactions. Inbuilt methods for sum of elements, sorting all the elements. Searching for elements is very easy even with complex expressions. Useful to model FIFO or LIFO.

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
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The List package implements a classic list data-structure, and is analogous to the STL (Standard Template Library) List container that is popular with C++ programmers. The container is defined as a parameterized class, meaning that it can be customized to hold data of any type. The List package supports lists of any arbitrary predefined type, such as integer, string, or class object. First declare the Linked list type and then take instances of it. SystemVerilog has many methods to operate on these instances. A double linked list is a chain of data structures called nodes. Each node has 3 members, one points to the next item or points to a null value if it is last node, one points to the previous item or points to a null value if it is first node and other has the data.

The disadvantage of the linked list is that data can only be accessed sequentially and not in random order. To read the 1000th element of a linked list, you must read the 999 elements that precede it. List Definitions: list :- A list is a doubly linked list, where every element has a predecessor and successor. It is a sequence that supports both forward and backward traversal, as well as amortized constant time insertion and removal of elements at the beginning, end, or middle. container :- A container is a collection of objects of the same type .Containers are objects that contain and manage other objects and provide iterators that allow the contained objects (elements) to be addressed. A container has methods for accessing its elements. Every container has an associated iterator type that can be used to iterate through the containers elements. iterator :- Iterators provide the interface to containers. They also provide a means to traverse the container elements. Iterators are pointers to nodes within a list. If an iterator points to an object in a range of objects and the iterator is incremented, the iterator then points to the next object in the range. Procedure To Create And Use List: 1. include the generic List class declaration `include <List.vh> 2. Declare list variable List#(integer) il; // Object il is a list of integer 3. Declaring list iterator List_Iterator#(integer) itor; //Object s is a list-of-integer iterator List_iterator Methods

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The List_Iterator class provides methods to iterate over the elements of lists. The next() method changes the iterator so that it refers to the next element in the list. The prev() method changes the iterator so that it refers to the previous element in the list. The eq() method compares two iterators and returns 1 if both iterators refer to the same list element. The neq() method is the negation of eq(). The data() method returns the data stored in the element at the given iterator location. List Methods The List class provides methods to query the size of the list; obtain iterators to the head or tail of the list; retrieve the data stored in the list; and methods to add, remove, and reorder the elements of the list. The size() method returns the number of elements stored in the list. The empty() method returns 1 if the number elements stored in the list is zero and 0 otherwise. The push_front() method inserts the specified value at the front of the list. The push_back() method inserts the specified value at the end of the list. The front() method returns the data stored in the first element of the list. The back() method returns the data stored in the last element of the list. The pop_front() method removes the first element of the list. The pop_back() method removes the last element of the list. The start() method returns an iterator to the position of the first element in the list. The finish() method returns an iterator to a position just past the last element in the list. The insert() method inserts the given data into the list at the position specified by the iterator. The insert_range() method inserts the elements contained in the list range specified by the iterators first and last at the specified list position. The erase() method removes from the list the element at the specified position. The erase_range() method removes from a list the range of elements specified by the first and last iterators. The set() method assigns to the list object the elements that lie in the range specified by the first and last iterators. The swap() method exchanges the contents of two equal-size lists. The clear() method removes all the elements from a list, but not the list itself. The purge() method removes all the list elements (as in clear) and the list itself. EXAMPLE module lists(); List#(integer) List1; List_Iterator#(integer) itor; initial begin List1 = new(); $display (" size of list is %d List1.push_back(10); List1.push_front(22); $display (" size of list is %d $display (" poping from list $display (" poping from list

\n",List1.size()); \n",List1.size()); : %d \n",List1.front()); : %d \n",List1.front());[9/26/2012 2:03:22 PM]

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List1.pop_front(); List1.pop_front(); $display (" size of list is %d \n",List1.size()); List1.push_back(5); List1.push_back(55); List1.push_back(555); List1.push_back(5555); $display (" size of list is %d \n",List1.size()); itor = List1.start(); $display (" startn of list %d \n",;; $display (" second element of list is %d \n",;; $display (" third element of list is %d \n",;; $display (" fourth element of list is %d \n",; itor = List1.erase(itor); $display (" after erasing element,the itor element of list is %d \n",; itor.prev(); $display(" prevoious element is %d \n",; end endmodule RESULT: size of list is 0 size of list is 2 poping from list : 22 poping from list : 22 size of list is 0 size of list is 4 startn of list 5 second element of list is 55 third element of list is 555 fourth element of list is 5555 after erasing element,the itor element of list is x prevoious element is 555




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Verilog is loosely typed . Assignments can be done from one data type to other data types based on predefined rules.The compiler only checks that the destination variable and source expression are scalars. Otherwise, no type checking is done at compile time. Systemverilog has complex data types than Verilog. It's necessary for SystemVerilog to be much stricter about type conversions than Verilog, so Systemverilog provided the cast(`) operator, which specifies the type to use for a specific expression. Using Casting one can assign values to variables that might not ordinarily be valid because of differing data type. SystemVerilog adds 2 types of casting. Static casting and dynamic casting. Static Casting A data type can be changed by using a cast ( ' ) operation. In a static cast, the expression to be cast shall be enclosed in parentheses that are prefixed with the casting type and an apostrophe. If the expression is assignment compatible with the casting type, then the cast shall return the value that a variable of the casting type would hold after being assigned the expression. EXAMPLE: int'(2.0 * 3.0) shortint'{{8'hFA,8'hCE}} signed'(x) 17'(x - 2)

VMM Ethernet sample Dynamic Casting

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SystemVerilog provides the $cast system task to assign values to variables that might not ordinarily be valid because of differing data type. $cast can be called as either a task or a function. The syntax for $cast is as follows: function int $cast( singular dest_var, singular source_exp ); Report a Bug or Comment or on This section - Your task $cast( singular dest_var, singular source_exp ); The dest_var is the variable to which the assignment is made. The source_exp is the improving expression that is to be assigned to the destination variable. Use of $cast as either a with time! task or a function determines how invalid assignments are handled. When called as a task, $cast attempts to assign the source expression to the destination variable. If the assignment is invalid, a run-time error occurs, and the destination variable is left unchanged. EXAMPLE: typedef enum { red, green, blue, yellow, white, black } Colors; Colors col; $cast( col, 2 + 3 ); Cast Errors Following example shows the compilation error. EXAMPLE: module enum_method; typedef enum {red,blue,green} colour; colour c,d; int i; initial
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begin d = (c + 1); end endmodule RESULT Illegal assignment Following example shows the simulation error. This is compilation error free. In this example , d is assigned c + 10 , which is out of bound in enum colour. EXAMPLE: module enum_method; typedef enum {red,blue,green} colour; colour c,d; int i; initial begin $cast(d,c + 10); end endmodule RESULT Dynamic cast failed




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Scope And Lifetime: Global : SystemVerilog adds the concept of global scope. Any declarations and definitions which is declared outside a module, interface, task, or function, is global in scope. Global variables have a static lifetime (exists for the whole elaboration and simulation time). Datatypes, tasks,functions, class definitions can be in global scope. Global members can be referenced explicitly via the $root . All these can be accessed from any scope as this is the highest scope and any other scope will be below the global. Local : Local declarations and definitions are accessible at the scope where they are defined and below. By default they are static in life time. They can be made to automatic. To access these local variables which are static, hierarchical pathname should be used. int st0; task disp(); module msl; int st0; //Static. Global Variable. Declared outside module //Static. Global Task. //static. Local to module

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initial begin int st1; //static. Local to module static int st2; //static. Local to Module automatic int auto1; //automatic. end task automatic t1(); //Local task definition. int auto2; //automatic. Local to task static int st3; //static.Local to task. Hierarchical path access allowed automatic int auto3; //automatic. Local to task $root.st0 = st0; //$root.sto is global variable, st0 is local to module.

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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endtask endmodule Alias: short-circuit connection it is necessary to use the alias statement.

RVM Ethernet sample The Verilog assign statement is a unidirectional assignment. To model a bidirectional

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This example strips out the least and most significant bytes from a four byte bus: module byte_rip (inout wire [31:0] W, inout wire [7:0] LSB, MSB); alias W[7:0] = LSB; alias W[31:24] = MSB; endmodule Data Types On Ports: Verilog restricts the data types that can be connected to module ports. Only net types are allowed on the receiving side and Nets, regs or integers on the driving side. SystemVerilog removes all restrictions on port connections. Any data type can be used on either side of the port. Real numbers, Arrays, Structures can also be passed[9/26/2012 2:03:39 PM]

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through ports. Parameterized Data Types: Verilog allowed only values to be parameterized. SystemVerilog allows data types to be "parameterized". A data-type parameter can only be set to a data-type. module foo #(parameter type VAR_TYPE = integer); foo #(.VAR_TYPE(byte)) bar (); Declaration And Initialization: integer i = 1; In Verilog, an initialization value specified as part of the declaration is executed as if the assignment were made from an initial block, after simulation has started. This creates an event at time 0 and it is same as if the assiginment is done in initial block. In Systemverilog , setting the initial value of a static variable as part of the variable declaration is done before initial block and so does not generate an event.




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Historically, Verilog used the terms wire and reg as a descriptive way to declare wires and registers. The original intent was soon lost in synthesis and verification coding styles, which soon gave way to using terns Nets and Variables in Verilog-2001. The keyword reg remained in SystemVerilog, but was now misleading its intent. SystemVerilog adds the keyword logic as a more descriptive term to remind users that it is not a hardware register. logic and reg are equivalent types. SystemVerilog extended the variable type so that, it can be used to connect gates and modules. All variables can be written either by one continuous assignment, or by one or more procedural statements. It shall be an error to have multiple continuous assignments or a mixture of procedural and continuous assignments. Now we saw logic and wire are closer. Wire (net) is used when driven by multiple drivers, where as logic is used when it is driven by only one driver. logic just holds the last value assigned to it, while a wire resolves its value based on all the drivers. For example: logic abc; The following statements are legal assignments to logic abc: 1) assign abc = sel ? 1 : 0; not (abc,pqr), always #10 abc = ~abc;

VMM Ethernet sample 2)


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Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

The SystemVerilog operators are a combination of Verilog and C operators. In both languages, the type and size of the operands is fixed, and hence the operator is of a fixed type and size. The fixed type and size of operators is preserved in SystemVerilog. This allows efficient code generation. Verilog does not have assignment operators or increment and decrement operators. SystemVerilog includes the C assignment operators, such as +=, and the C increment and decrement operators, ++ and --. Verilog-2001 added signed nets and reg variables, and signed based literals. There is a difference in the rules for combining signed and unsigned integers between Verilog and C. SystemVerilog uses the Verilog rules. Operators In Systemverilog Following are the operators in systemverilog

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Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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Assignment Operators In addition to the simple assignment operator, =, SystemVerilog includes the C assignment operators and special bitwise assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=, <<<=,>>>=. An assignment operator is semantically equivalent to a blocking assignment, with the exception that any left-hand side index expression is only evaluated once. For example: a[i]+=2; // same as a[i] = a[i] +2; Following are the new SystemVerilog assignment operators and its equivalent in verilog[9/26/2012 2:04:02 PM]

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Assignments In Expression In SystemVerilog, an expression can include a blocking assignment. such an assignment must be enclosed in parentheses to avoid common mistakes such as using a=b for a==b, or a|=b for a!=b. if ((a=b)) b = (a+=1); // assign b to a a = (b = (c = 5));// assign 5 to c if(a=b) // error in systemverilog (a=b) statement assigns b value to a and then returns a value. if((a=b)) is equivalent to a=b; if(a)

EXAMPLE module assignment(); int a,b,c; initial begin a = 1; b =2;c =3; if((a=b)) $display(" a value is %d ",a); a = (b = (c = 5)); $display(" a is %d b is %d c is %d ",a,b,c); end endmodule RESULT a value is 2 a is 5 b is Concatenation : {} concatenation right of assignment. {} concatenation left of assignment. EXAMPLE :Concatenation program main ; 5 c is 5[9/26/2012 2:04:02 PM]

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bit [4:0] a; reg b,c,d; initial begin b = 0; c = 1; d = 1; a = {b,c,0,0,d}; {b,c,d} = 3'b111; $display(" a %b b %b c %b d %b ",a,b,c,d); end endprogram RESULTS a 00001 b 1 c 1 d 1 Arithmetic:

EXAMPLE :Arithmetic program main; integer a,b; initial begin b = 10; a = 22; $display(" $display(" $display(" $display(" $display(" $display(" end endprogram RESULTS -(nagetion) is -22 a + b is 32 a - b is 12 a * b is 220 a / b is 2 a modules b is 2 -(nagetion) is %0d ",-(a) ); a + b is %0d ",a+b); a - b is %0d ",a-b); a * b is %0d ",a*b); a / b is %0d ",a/b); a modulus b is %0d ",a%b);

Following tabel shows the opwer operator rules for calculating the result.[9/26/2012 2:04:02 PM]

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program main; integer op1_neg,op1_n1,op1_0,op1_p1,op1_pos; integer op2_pos_odd,op2_pos_even,op2_zero,op2_neg_odd,op2_neg_even; initial begin op1_neg = -10;op1_n1 = -1;op1_0 = 0;op1_p1 = 1;op1_pos = 10; op2_pos_odd = 9;op2_pos_even =10;op2_zero=0;op2_neg_odd =-9;op2_neg_even=-10; $display(" | -10 -1 0 1 10"); $display("---|--------------------------------------------------------"); $display(" 9| %d %d %d %d %d",op1_neg**op2_pos_odd,op1_n1**op2_pos_odd,op1_0**op2_pos_odd,op1_p1**op2_pos_odd,op1_pos**op2_pos_odd ); $display(" 10| %d %d %d %d %d",op1_neg**op2_pos_even,op1_n1**op2_pos_even,op1_0**op2_pos_even,op1_p1**op2_pos_even,op1_pos**op2_pos_even ); $display(" 0| %d %d %d %d %d",op1_neg**op2_zero,op1_n1**op2_zero,op1_0**op2_zero,op1_p1**op2_zero,op1_pos**op2_zero ); $display(" -9| %d %d %d %d %d",op1_neg**op2_neg_odd,op1_n1**op2_neg_odd,op1_0**op2_neg_odd,op1_p1**op2_neg_odd,op1_pos**op2_neg_odd ); $display("-10| %d %d %d %d %d",op1_neg**op2_neg_even,op1_n1**op2_neg_even,op1_0**op2_neg_even,op1_p1**op2_neg_even,op1_pos**op2_neg_even ); end endprogram RESULT | -10 -1 0 1 10 ---|-------------------------------------------------------9| 3294967296 4294967295 0 1 1000000000 10| 1410065408 1 0 1 1410065408 0| 1 1 1 1 1 -9| 0 4294967295 x 1 0 -10| 0 1 x 1 0 Relational: # > >= < <= relational

EXAMPLE :Relational program main ; integer a,b; initial begin b = 10; a = 22; $display(" $display(" $display(" $display(" end endprogram RESULTS a < b is 0 a > b is 1 a a a a < b is %0d \n",a < b); > b is %0d \n",a >b); <= b is %0d \n",a <= b); >= b is %0d \n",a >= b);[9/26/2012 2:04:02 PM]

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a <= b is 0 a >= b is 1


The different types of equality (and inequality) operators in SystemVerilog behave differently when their operands contain unknown values (X or Z). The == and != operators may result in X if any of their operands contains an X or Z. The === and !== check the 4-state explicitly, therefore, X and Z values shall either match or mismatch, never resulting in X. The ==? and !=? operators may result in X if the left operand contains an X or Z that is not being compared with a wildcard in the right operand. EXAMPLE : logical Equality program main; reg[3:0] a; reg[7:0] x, y, z; initial begin a = 4'b0101; x = 8'b1000_0101; y = 8'b0000_0101; z = 8'b0xx0_0101; if (x == a) $display("x equals a is TRUE.\n"); if (y == a) $display("y equals a is TRUE.\n"); if (z == a) $display("z equals a is TRUE.\n"); end endprogram RESULTS: y equals a is TRUE. EXAMPLE:case equality: program main ; reg a_1,a_0,a_x,a_z; reg b_1,b_0,b_x,b_z; initial begin a_1 = 'b1;a_0 = 'b0;a_x = 'bx;a_z = 'bz; b_1 = 'b1;b_0 = 'b0;b_x = 'bx;b_z = 'bz; $display("--------------------------"); $display (" == 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 == b_0,a_0 == b_1,a_0 == b_x,a_0 == b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 == b_0,a_1 == b_1,a_1 == b_x,a_1 == b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x == b_0,a_x == b_1,a_x == b_x,a_x == b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z == b_0,a_z == b_1,a_z == b_x,a_z == b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" === 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 === b_0,a_0 === b_1,a_0 === b_x,a_0 === b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 === b_0,a_1 === b_1,a_1 === b_x,a_1 === b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x === b_0,a_x === b_1,a_x === b_x,a_x[9/26/2012 2:04:02 PM]

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=== b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z === b_0,a_z === b_1,a_z === b_x,a_z === b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" =?= 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 =?= b_0,a_0 =?= b_1,a_0 =?= b_x,a_0 =? = b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 =?= b_0,a_1 =?= b_1,a_1 =?= b_x,a_1 =? = b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x =?= b_0,a_x =?= b_1,a_x =?= b_x,a_x =? = b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z =?= b_0,a_z =?= b_1,a_z =?= b_x,a_z =? = b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" != 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 != b_0,a_0 != b_1,a_0 != b_x,a_0 != b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 != b_0,a_1 != b_1,a_1 != b_x,a_1 != b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x != b_0,a_x != b_1,a_x != b_x,a_x != b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z != b_0,a_z != b_1,a_z != b_x,a_z != b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" !== 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 !== b_0,a_0 !== b_1,a_0 !== b_x,a_0 !== b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 !== b_0,a_1 !== b_1,a_1 !== b_x,a_1 !== b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x !== b_0,a_x !== b_1,a_x !== b_x,a_x !== b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z !== b_0,a_z !== b_1,a_z !== b_x,a_z !== b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" !?= 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 !?= b_0,a_0 !?= b_1,a_0 !?= b_x,a_0 !? = b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 !?= b_0,a_1 !?= b_1,a_1 !?= b_x,a_1 !? = b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x !?= b_0,a_x !?= b_1,a_x !?= b_x,a_x !? = b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z !?= b_0,a_z !?= b_1,a_z !?= b_x,a_z !? = b_z); $display("--------------------------"); end endprogram RESULTS -------------------------== 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 x x 1 0 1 x x x x x x x z x x x x --------------------------------------------------=== 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 x 0 0 1 0 z 0 0 0 1 --------------------------------------------------=?= 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 z 1 1 1 1 --------------------------[9/26/2012 2:04:02 PM]

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-------------------------!= 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 x x 1 1 0 x x x x x x x z x x x x --------------------------------------------------!== 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 x 1 1 0 1 z 1 1 1 0 --------------------------------------------------!?= 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 --------------------------




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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - SystemVerilog Constructs



TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Logical :

SystemVerilog added two new logical operators logical implication (->), and logical equivalence (<->). The logical implication expression1 -> expression2 is logically equivalent to (!expression1 || expression2), and the logical equivalence expression1 <-> expression2 is logically equivalent to ((expression1 -> expression2) && (expression2 -> expression1)).

Verification Verilog Switch TB

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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EXAMPLE : Logical program main ; reg a_1,a_0,a_x,a_z; reg b_1,b_0,b_x,b_z; OpenVera initial begin Constructs a_1 = 'b1;a_0 = 'b0;a_x = 'bx;a_z = 'bz; b_1 = 'b1;b_0 = 'b0;b_x = 'bx;b_z = 'bz; Switch TB $display("--------------------------"); RVM Switch TB $display (" && 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); RVM Ethernet sample $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 && b_0,a_0 && b_1,a_0 && b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 && b_0,a_1 && b_1,a_1 Specman E && b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x && b_0,a_x && b_1,a_x Interview Questions && b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z && b_0,a_z && b_1,a_z && b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" || 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 || b_0,a_0 || b_1,a_0 || b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 || b_0,a_1 || b_1,a_1
Basic Constructs

&& b_x,a_0 && b_x,a_1 && b_x,a_x && b_x,a_z

|| b_x,a_0 || b_x,a_1[9/26/2012 2:04:13 PM]

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|| b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x || b_0,a_x || b_1,a_x || b_x,a_x || b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z || b_0,a_z || b_1,a_z || b_x,a_z || b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" ! 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" %b %b %b %b ",!b_0,!b_1,!b_x,!b_z); $display("--------------------------"); end endprogram RESULTS -------------------------&& 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 x x x 0 x x x z 0 x x x --------------------------------------------------|| 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 x x 1 1 1 1 1 x x 1 x x z x 1 x x --------------------------------------------------! 0 1 x z -------------------------1 0 x x -------------------------Bitwise :[9/26/2012 2:04:13 PM]

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In Systemverilog, bitwise exclusive nor has two notations (~^ and ^~). EXAMPLE : Bitwise program main ; reg a_1,a_0,a_x,a_z; reg b_1,b_0,b_x,b_z; initial begin a_1 = 'b1;a_0 = 'b0;a_x = 'bx;a_z = 'bz; b_1 = 'b1;b_0 = 'b0;b_x = 'bx;b_z = 'bz; $display("--------------------------"); $display (" ~ 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" %b %b %b %b ",~b_0,~b_1,~b_x,~b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" & 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 & b_0,a_0 & b_1,a_0 & b_x,a_0 & b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 & b_0,a_1 & b_1,a_1 & b_x,a_1 & b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x & b_0,a_x & b_1,a_x & b_x,a_x & b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z & b_0,a_z & b_1,a_z & b_x,a_z & b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" &~ 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 &~ b_0,a_0 &~ b_1,a_0 &~ b_x,a_0 b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 &~ b_0,a_1 &~ b_1,a_1 &~ b_x,a_1 b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x &~ b_0,a_x &~ b_1,a_x &~ b_x,a_x b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z &~ b_0,a_z &~ b_1,a_z &~ b_x,a_z b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" | 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 | b_0,a_0 | b_1,a_0 | b_x,a_0 | b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 | b_0,a_1 | b_1,a_1 | b_x,a_1 | b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x | b_0,a_x | b_1,a_x | b_x,a_x | b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z | b_0,a_z | b_1,a_z | b_x,a_z | b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" |~ 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 |~ b_0,a_0 |~ b_1,a_0 |~ b_x,a_0 |~ b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 |~ b_0,a_1 |~ b_1,a_1 |~ b_x,a_1 |~ b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x |~ b_0,a_x |~ b_1,a_x |~ b_x,a_x |~ b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z |~ b_0,a_z |~ b_1,a_z |~ b_x,a_z |~ b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" ^ 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 ^ b_0,a_0 ^ b_1,a_0 ^ b_x,a_0 ^ b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 ^ b_0,a_1 ^ b_1,a_1 ^ b_x,a_1 ^ b_z);

&~ &~ &~ &~[9/26/2012 2:04:13 PM]

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$display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x ^ b_0,a_x ^ b_1,a_x ^ b_x,a_x ^ b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z ^ b_0,a_z ^ b_1,a_z ^ b_x,a_z ^ b_z); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" ^~ 0 1 x z "); $display("--------------------------"); $display (" 0 %b %b %b %b ",a_0 ^~ b_0,a_0 ^~ b_1,a_0 ^~ b_x,a_0 ^~ b_z); $display (" 1 %b %b %b %b ",a_1 ^~ b_0,a_1 ^~ b_1,a_1 ^~ b_x,a_1 ^~ b_z); $display (" x %b %b %b %b ",a_x ^~ b_0,a_x ^~ b_1,a_x ^~ b_x,a_x ^~ b_z); $display (" z %b %b %b %b ",a_z ^~ b_0,a_z ^~ b_1,a_z ^~ b_x,a_z ^~ b_z); $display("--------------------------"); end endprogram RESULTS -------------------------~ 0 1 x z -------------------------1 0 x x --------------------------------------------------& 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 x x x 0 x x x z 0 x x x --------------------------------------------------&~ 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 x x x x 0 x x z x 0 x x --------------------------------------------------| 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 x x 1 1 1 1 1 x x 1 x x z x 1 x x -------------------------|~ 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 x x 1 1 1 1 1 x 1 x x x z 1 x x x --------------------------------------------------^ 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 x x 1 1 0 x x x x x x x z x x x x -------------------------^~ 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 x x 1 0 1 x x x x x x x z x x x x -------------------------Reduction :[9/26/2012 2:04:13 PM]

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EXAMPLE : Reduction program main ; reg [3:0] a_1,a_0,a_01xz,a_1xz,a_0xz,a_0dd1,a_even1; initial begin a_1 = 4'b1111 ; a_0 = 4'b0000 ; a_01xz = 4'b01xz ; a_1xz = 4'b11xz ; a_0xz = 4'b00xz ; a_0dd1 = 4'b1110 ; a_even1 = 4'b1100 ; $display("-------------------------------------------"); $display(" a_1 a_0 a_01xz a_1xz a_0xz "); $display("-------------------------------------------"); $display("& %b %b %b %b %b ",&a_1,&a_0,&a_01xz,&a_1xz,&a_0xz); $display("| %b %b %b %b %b ",|a_1,|a_0,|a_01xz,|a_1xz,|a_0xz); $display("~& %b %b %b %b %b ",~&a_1,~&a_0,~&a_01xz,~&a_1xz,~&a_0xz); $display("~| %b %b %b %b %b ",~|a_1,~|a_0,~|a_01xz,~|a_1xz,~|a_0xz); $display("-------------------------------------------"); $display(" a_ood1 a_even1 a_1xz"); $display("-------------------------------------------"); $display(" ^ %b %b %b ",^a_0dd1,^a_even1,^a_1xz); $display(" ~^ %b %b %b ",~^a_0dd1,~^a_even1,~^a_1xz); $display("-------------------------------------------"); end endprogram RESULTS ------------------------------------------a_1 a_0 a_01xz a_1xz a_0xz ------------------------------------------& 1 0 0 x 0 | 1 0 1 1 x ~& 0 1 1 x 1 ~| 0 1 0 0 x ------------------------------------------a_ood1 a_even1 a_1xz ------------------------------------------^ 1 0 x ~^ 0 1 x ------------------------------------------Shift :[9/26/2012 2:04:13 PM]

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The left shift operators, << and <<<, shall shift their left operand to the left by the number by the number of bit positions given by the right operand. In both cases, the vacated bit positions shall be filled with zeros. The right shift operators, >> and >>>, shall shift their left operand to the right by the number of bit positions given by the right operand. The logical right shift shall fill the vacated bit positions with zeros. The arithmetic right shift shall fill the vacated bit positions with zeros if the result type is unsigned. It shall fill the vacated bit positions with the value of the most significant (i.e., sign) bit of the left operand if the result type is signed. If the right operand has an x or z value, then the result shall be unknown. The right operand is always treated. EXAMPLE :Shift program main ; integer a_1,a_0; initial begin a_1 = 4'b1100 ; a_0 = 4'b0011 ; $display(" $display(" $display(" $display(" end endprogram RESULTS << by 1 a_1 is %b a_0 is %b ",a_1 << 1,a_0 << 1); >> by 2 a_1 is %b a_0 is %b ",a_1 >> 2,a_0 >> 2); <<< by 1 a_1 is %b a_0 is %b ",a_1 <<< 1,a_0 <<< 1); >>> by 2 a_1 is %b a_0 is %b ",a_1 >>> 2,a_0 >>> 2);

<< by 1 a_1 is 1000 a_0 is 0110 >> by 2 a_1 is 0011 a_0 is 0000 <<< by 1 a_1 is 1000 a_0 is 0110 >>> by 2 a_1 is 1111 a_0 is 0000 Increment And Decrement : # ++ # -increment decrement

SystemVerilog includes the C increment and decrement assignment operators ++i, --i, i++, and i--. These do not need parentheses when used in expressions. These increment and decrement assignment operators behave as blocking assignments. The ordering of assignment operations relative to any other operation within an expression is undefined. An implementation can warn whenever a variable is both written and read-or-written within an integral expression or in other contexts where an implementation cannot guarantee order of evaluation. For example: i = 10; j = i++ + (i = i - 1); After execution, the value of j can be 18, 19, or 20 depending upon the relative ordering of the increment and the assignment statements. The increment and decrement operators, when applied to real operands, increment or decrement the operand by 1.0. EXAMPLE : Increment and Decrement program main ; integer a_1,a_0; initial begin a_1 = 20 ; a_0 = 20 ; a_1 ++ ;[9/26/2012 2:04:13 PM]

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a_0 -- ; $display (" a_1 is %d a_0 is %d ",a_1,a_0); end endprogram RESULTS a_1 is 21 a_0 is 19

Set : # inside !inside dist SystemVerilog supports singular value sets and set membership operators. The syntax for the set membership operator is: inside_expression ::= expression inside { open_range_list } The expression on the left-hand side of the inside operator is any singular expression. The set-membership open_range_list on the right-hand side of the inside operator is a comma-separated list of expressions or ranges. If an expression in the list is an aggregate array, its elements are traversed by descending into the array until reaching a singular value. The members of the set are scanned until a match is found and the operation returns 1'b1. Values can be repeated, so values and value ranges can overlap. The order of evaluation of the expressions and ranges is nondeterministic. EXAMPLE : Set program main ; integer i; initial begin i = 20; if( i inside {10,20,30}) $display(" I is in 10 20 30 "); end endprogram RESULTS I is in 10 20 30 Streaming Operator The streaming operators perform packing of bit-stream types into a sequence of bits in a user-specified order. When used in the left-hand side , the streaming operators perform the reverse operation, i.e., unpack a stream of bits intoone or more variables. Re-Ordering Of The Generic Stream The stream_operator << or >> determines the order in which blocks of data are streamed. >> causes blocks of data to be streamed in left-to-right order << causes blocks of data to be streamed in right-to-left order For Example int j = { "A", "B", "C", "D" }; { >> {j}} // generates stream "A" "B" "C" "D" { << byte {j}} // generates stream "D" "C" "B" "A" (little endian) { << 16 {j}} // generates stream "C" "D" "A" "B" { << { 8'b0011_0101 }} // generates stream 'b1010_1100 (bit reverse) { << 4 { 6'b11_0101 }} // generates stream 'b0101_11 { >> 4 { 6'b11_0101 }} // generates stream 'b1101_01 (same) { << 2 { { << { 4'b1101 }} }} // generates stream 'b1110 Packing Using Streaming Operator Packing is performed by using the streaming operator on thr RHS of the expression. For example:[9/26/2012 2:04:13 PM]

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int j = { "A", "B", "C", "D" }; bit [7:0] arr; arr = { >> {j}} arr = { << byte {j}} arr = { << 16 {j}} arr = { << { 8'b0011_0101 }} arr = { << 4 { 6'b11_0101 }} arr = { >> 4 { 6'b11_0101 }} arr = { << 2 { { << { 4'b1101 }} }} Unpacking Using Streaming Operator UnPacking is performed by using the streaming operator on thr LHS of the expression. For example int a, b, c; logic [10:0] up [3:0]; logic [11:1] p1, p2, p3, p4; bit [96:1] y = {>>{ a, b, c }}; // OK: pack a, b, c int j = {>>{ a, b, c }}; // error: j is 32 bits < 96 bits bit [99:0] d = {>>{ a, b, c }}; // OK: d is padded with 4 bits {>>{ a, b, c }} = 23'b1; // error: too few bits in stream {>>{ a, b, c }} = 96'b1; // OK: unpack a = 0, b = 0, c = 1 {>>{ a, b, c }} = 100'b1; // OK: unpack as above (4 bits unread) { >> {p1, p2, p3, p4}} = up; // OK: unpack p1 = up[3], p2 = up[2], // p3 = up[1], p4 = up[0] Streaming Dynamically Sized Data Stream = {<< byte{p.header, p.len, p.payload, p.crc}}; // packing Stream = {<<byte{p.header, p.len, p.payload with [0 +: p.len], p.crc}}; {<< byte{ p.header, p.len, p.payload with [0 +: p.len], p.crc }} = stream; //unpacking q = {<<byte{p}}; // packing all the contents of an object.( p is a object )




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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - SystemVerilog Constructs



TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


() Highest precedence ++ -& ~& | ~| ^ ~^ ~ >< (unary) */% +<< >> < <= > >= in !in dist =?= !?= == != === !== & &~ ^ ^~ | |~ && || ?: = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= |= ^= ~&= ~|= ~^= Lowest precedence

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:04:23 PM]

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copyright 2007-2017 :: all rights reserved Disclaimer[9/26/2012 2:04:23 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - SystemVerilog Constructs



TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

An identifier declared as an event data type is called a named event. Named event is a data type which has no storage. In verilog, a named event can be triggered explicitly using "->" . Verilog Named Event triggering occurrence can be recognized by using the event control "@" . Named events and event control give a powerful and efficient means of describing the communication between, and synchronization of, two or more concurrently active processes. SystemVerilog named events support the same basic operations as verilog named event, but enhance it in several ways. Triggered The "triggered" event property evaluates to true if the given event has been triggered in the current time-step and false otherwise. If event_identifier is null, then the triggered event property evaluates to false. Using this mechanism, an event trigger shall unblock the waiting process whether the wait executes before or at the same simulation time as the trigger operation. In the following example, event "e" is triggered at time 20,40,60,80 . So the Value of "e.triggered" should be TRUE at time 20,40,60,80 and FALSE at rest of the time.

VMM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

module main; event e; initial repeat(4) begin #20; ->e ; $display(" e is triggered at %t ",$time); end initial #100 $finish; always begin #10; if(e.triggered) $display(" e is TRUE at %t",$time); else $display(" e is FALSE at %t",$time); end endmodule

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

RESULT e e e e is is is is FALSE at triggered at TRUE at FALSE at 10 20 30 20[9/26/2012 2:04:32 PM]

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e e e e e e e e e

is is is is is is is is is

triggered at TRUE at FALSE at triggered at TRUE at FALSE at triggered at TRUE at FALSE at

40 50 60 70 80 90

40 60 80

Wait() In SystemVerilog , Named Event triggering occurrence can also be recognized by using the event control wait(). Wait() statement gets blocked until it evaluates to TRUE. As we have seen in the previous example, that "event_name.triggered" returns the trigging status of the event in the current time step. EXAMPLE: module event_m; event a; initial repeat(4) #20 -> a; always begin @a; $display(" ONE :: EVENT A is triggered "); end always begin wait(a.triggered); $display(" TWO :: EVENT A is triggered "); #1; end endmodule RESULT: ONE TWO ONE TWO ONE TWO ONE TWO :: EVENT A is triggered :: EVENT A is triggered :: EVENT A is triggered :: EVENT A is triggered :: EVENT A is triggered :: EVENT A is triggered :: EVENT A is triggered :: EVENT A is triggered

Race Condition[9/26/2012 2:04:32 PM]

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For a trigger to unblock a process waiting on an event, the waiting process must execute the @ statement before the triggering process executes the trigger operator, ->. If the trigger executes first, then the waiting process remains blocked. Using event_name.triggered statement, an event trigger shall unblock the waiting process whether the wait executes before or at the same simulation time as the trigger operation. The triggered event property, thus, helps eliminate a common race condition that occurs when both the trigger and the wait (using @) happen at the same time. A process that blocks waiting for an event might or might not unblock, depending on the execution order of the waiting and triggering processes (race condition) . However, a process that waits on the triggered state always unblocks, regardless of the order of execution of the wait and trigger operations. In the following example, event "e1" is triggered and a process is waiting on "e1" in the same time step. The process can never catch the triggering of "e1" as it occurs after the event "e1" triggering. Event "e2" triggering occurrence can be recognized by wait (e2.triggered) in spite of the above condition. EXAMPLE: module main; event e1,e2; initial repeat(4) begin #20; ->e1 ; @(e1) $display(" e1 is triggered at %t ",$time); end initial repeat(4) begin #20; ->e2 ; wait(e2.triggered); $display(" e2 is triggered at %t ",$time); end endmodule RESULT e2 is e2 is e2 is e2 is triggered triggered triggered triggered at at at at 20 40 60 80

Nonblocking Event Trigger Nonblocking events are triggered using the ->> operator. The effect of the ->> operator is that the statement executes without blocking and it creates a nonblocking assign update event in the time in which the delay control expires, or the eventcontrol occurs. The effect of this update event shall be to trigger the referenced event in the nonblocking assignment region of the simulation cycle. Merging Events An event variable can be assigned to another event variable. When a event variable is assigned to other , both the events point to same synchronization object. In the following example, Event "a" is assigned to event "b" and when event "a" is triggered, event occurrence can be seen on event "b" also. EXAMPLE: module events_ab;[9/26/2012 2:04:32 PM]

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event a,b; initial begin #1 -> b; // trigger both always blocks -> a; #10 b = a; // merge events #20 -> a; // both will trigger , 3 trigger events but have 4 trigger responses. end always@(a) begin $display(" EVENT A is triggered "); #20; end always@(b) begin $display(" EVENT B is triggered "); #20; end endmodule RESULTS: EVENT EVENT EVENT EVENT B is triggered A is triggered B is triggered A is triggered

When events are merged, the assignment only affects the execution of subsequent event control or wait operations. If a process is blocked waiting for event1 when another event is assigned to event1, the currently waiting process shall never unblock. In the following example, "always@(b)" is waiting for the event on "b" before the assignment "b = a" and this waiting always block was never unblocked. EXAMPLE: module events_ab; event a,b; initial begin #20 -> a; b = a; #20 -> a; end always@(a) $display(" EVENT A is triggered "); always@(b) $display(" EVENT B is also triggered "); endmodule RESULTS: EVENT A is triggered EVENT A is triggered Null Events SystemVerilog event variables can also be assigned a null object, when assigned null to event variable, the association between the synchronization object and the event variable is broken. EXAMPLE: program main; event e;[9/26/2012 2:04:32 PM]

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initial begin repeat(4) #($random()%10) -> e; e = null; repeat(4) #($random()%10) -> e; end initial forever begin @e ; $display(" e is triggered at %t",$time); end endprogram RESULT: e e e e is is is is triggered triggered triggered triggered at at at at 348 4967 9934 14901

** ERROR ** Accessed Null object Wait Sequence The wait_order construct suspends the calling process until all of the specified events are triggered in the given order (left to right) or any of the un-triggered events are triggered out of order and thus causes the operation to fail. Wait_order() does not consider time, only ordering in considered. EXAMPLE: module main; event e1,e2,e3; initial begin #10; -> e1; -> e2; -> e3; #10; -> e3; -> e1; -> e2; #10; -> e3; -> e2; -> e3; end always begin wait_order(e1,e2,e3) $display(" Events are in order "); else $display(" Events are out of order "); end endmodule RESULT: Events are in order Events are out of order Events are out of order[9/26/2012 2:04:32 PM]

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Events Comparison Event variables can be compared against other event variables or the special value null. Only the following operators are allowed for comparing event variables: -----Equality (==) with another event or with null. Inequality (!=) with another event or with null. Case equality (===) with another event or with null (same semantics as ==). Case inequality (!==) with another event or with null (same semantics as !=). Test for a Boolean value that shall be 0 if the event is null and 1 otherwise.

EXAMPLE: module main; event e1,e2,e3,e4; initial begin e1 = null; e2 = e3; if(e1) $display(" e1 is not null "); else $display(" e1 is null "); if(e2) $display(" e2 is not null"); else $display(" e2 is null"); if(e3 == e4) $display( " e3 and e4 are same events "); else $display( " e3 and e4 are not same events "); if(e3 == e2) $display( " e3 and e2 are same events "); else $display( " e3 and e2 are not same events "); end endmodule RESULT: e1 is null e2 is not null e3 and e4 are not same events e3 and e2 are same events




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Sequential Control: Literals Verification Strings Statements inside sequential control constructs are executed Constructs Userdefined Datatypes sequentially. Enumarations Interface Structures And Uniouns - if-else Statement OOPS Typedef - case Statement Arrays Randomization - repeat loop Array Methods - for loop Functional Coverage Dynamic Arrays - while loop Associative Arrays Assertion - do-while Queues - foreach DPI Comparison Of Arrays - Loop Control Linked List UVM Tutorial - randcase Statements Casting VMM Tutorial if-else Statement : The if-else statement is the general form of selection Data Declaration Reg And Logic OVM Tutorial statement. Operators 1 Easy Labs : SV Operators 2 case Statement : The case statement provides for multi-way branching. Operator Precedency Easy Labs : UVM repeat loop : Repeat statements can be used to repeat the execution of a Events Easy Labs : OVM Control Statements statement or statement block a fixed number of times. Easy Labs : VMM Program Block Procedural Blocks for loop : The for construct can be used to create loops. AVM Switch TB Fork Join VMM Ethernet sample while loop Fork Control : The loop iterates while the condition is true. Subroutines Semaphore do-while : condition is checked after loop iteration. Mailbox Verilog foreach : foreach construct specifies iteration over the elements of an single Fine Grain Process Verification Control dimensional fixed-size arrays, dynamic arrays and SmartQs. TUTORIALS


Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Loop Control within loops.

: The break and continue statements are used for flow control Report a Bug or Comment
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Constructs Switch TB

EXAMPLE : if program main ; RVM Switch TB integer i; initial begin RVM Ethernet sample i = 20; if( i == 20) $display(" I is equal to %d ",i); Specman E else $display(" I is not equal to %d ",i); Interview Questions end endprogram RESULTS I is equal to 20

EXAMPLE : case and repeat program main ;[9/26/2012 2:04:42 PM]

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integer i; initial begin repeat(10)begin i = $random(); case(1) begin (i<0) :$display(" i is less than zero i==%d\n",i); (i>0) :$display(" i is grater than zero i=%d\n",i); (i == 0):$display(" i is equal to zero i=%d\n",i); end end end endprogram RESULTS i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is grater grater grater grater grater grater grater grater grater grater than than than than than than than than than than zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero i=69120 i=475628600 i=1129920902 i=773000284 i=1730349006 i=1674352583 i=1662201030 i=2044158707 i=1641506755 i=797919327

EXAMPLE : forloop program for_loop; integer count, i; initial begin for(count = 0, i=0; i*count<50; i++, count++) $display("Value i = %0d\n", i); end endprogram RESULTS Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

EXAMPLE : whileloop program while_loop; integer operator=0; initial begin while (operator<5)begin operator += 1; $display("Operator is %0d\n", operator); end end endprogram[9/26/2012 2:04:42 PM]

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RESULTS Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator is is is is is 1 2 3 4 5

EXAMPLE : dowhile program test; integer i = 0; initial begin do begin $display("i = %0d \n", i); i++; end while (i < 10); end endprogram RESULTS i= i= i= i= i= i= i= i= i= i= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The foreach construct specifies iteration over the elements of an array. Its argument is an identifier that designates any type of array (fixed-size, dynamic, or associative) followed by a list of loop variables enclosed in square brackets. Each loop variable corresponds to one of the dimensions of the array. The foreach construct is similar to a repeat loop that uses the array bounds to specify the repeat count instead of an expression. The mapping of loop variables to array indexes is determined by the dimension cardinality, as described in multidimentional topic. The foreach arranges for higher cardinality indexes to change more rapidly. // 1 2 3 3 4 1 2 -> Dimension numbers int A [2][3][4]; bit [3:0][2:1] B [5:1][4]; foreach( A [ i, j, k ] ) ... foreach( B [ q, r, , s ] ) ... The first foreach causes i to iterate from 0 to 1, j from 0 to 2, and k from 0 to 3. The second foreach causes q to iterate from 5 to 1, r from 0 to 3, and s from 2 to 1 (iteration over the third index is skipped). EXAMPLE : foeach program example; string names[$]={"Hello", "SV"}; int fxd_arr[2][3] = '{'{1,2,3},'{4,5,6}}; initial begin foreach (names[i]) $display("Value at index %0d is %0s\n", i, names[i]); foreach(fxd_arr[,j]) $display(fxd_arr[1][j]); end endprogram RESULTS[9/26/2012 2:04:42 PM]

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Value at index 0 is Hello Value at index 1 is SV 4 5 6

EXAMPLE : randcase program rand_case; integer i; initial begin repeat(10)begin randcase begin 10: i=1; 20: i=2; 50: i=3; end $display(" i is %d \n",i);end end endprogram RESULTS i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2

Enhanced For Loop In Verilog, the variable used to control a for loop must be declared prior to the loop. If loops in two or more parallel procedures use the same loop control variable, there is a potential of one loop modifying the variable while other loops are still using it. SystemVerilog adds the ability to declare the for loop control variable within the for loop. This creates a local variable within the loop. Other parallel loops cannot inadvertently affect the loop control variable. For example: module foo; initial begin for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) ... end initial begin loop2: for (int i = 15; i >= 0; i--) ... end endmodule Unique: A unique if asserts that there is no overlap in a series of if...else...if conditions, i.e., they are mutually exclusive and hence it is safe for the expressions to be evaluated in parallel. In a unique if, it shall be legal for a condition to be evaluated at any time after entrance into the series and before the value of the condition is needed. A unique if shall be illegal if, for any such interleaving of evaluation and use of the conditions, more than one condition is true. For an illegal unique if, an implementation shall be required to issue a warning, unless it can demonstrate a legal interleaving so that no more than one condition is true.[9/26/2012 2:04:42 PM]

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EXAMPLE : module uniq; initial begin for (int a = 0;a< 6;a++) unique if ((a==0) || (a==1) ) $display("0 or 1"); else if (a == 2) $display("2"); else if (a == 4) $display("4"); // values 3,5,6 cause a warning end endmodule RESULTS: 0 or 1 0 or 1 2 RT Warning: No condition matches in 'unique if' statement. 4 RT Warning: No condition matches in 'unique if' statement. Priority: A priority if indicates that a series of if...else...if conditions shall be evaluated in the order listed. In the preceding example, if the variable a had a value of 0, it would satisfy both the first and second conditions, requiring priority logic. An implementation shall also issue a warning if it determines that no condition is true, or it is possible that no condition is true, and the final if does not have a corresponding else. EXAMPLE: module prioriti; initial for(int a = 0;a<7;a++) priority if (a[2:1]==0) $display("0 or 1"); else if (a[2] == 0) $display("2 or 3"); else $display("4 to 7"); //covers all other possible values, so no warning endmodule RESULTS: 0 0 2 2 4 4 4 or 1 or 1 or 3 or 3 to 7 to 7 to 7

If the case is qualified as priority or unique, the simulator shall issue a warning message if no case item matches. These warnings can be issued at either compile time or run time, as soon as it is possible to determine the illegal condition. EXAMPLE: module casee; initial begin for(int a = 0;a<4;a++) unique case(a) // values 3,5,6,7 cause a warning 0,1: $display("0 or 1"); 2: $display("2"); 4: $display("4"); endcase for(int a = 0;a<4;a++) priority casez(a) // values 4,5,6,7 cause a warning 3'b00?: $display("0 or 1");[9/26/2012 2:04:42 PM]

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3'b0??: $display("2 or 3"); endcase end endmodule RESULTS: 0 or 1 0 or 1 2 Warning: No condition matches in 'unique case' statement. 0 or 1 0 or 1 2 or 3 2 or 3




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

The module is the basic building block in Verilog which works well for Design. However, for the testbench, a lot of effort is spent getting the environment properly initialized and synchronized, avoiding races between the design and the testbench, automating the generation of input stimuli, and reusing existing models and other infrastructure. Systemverilog adds a new type of block called program block. It is declared using program and endprogram keywords. The program block serves these basic purposes: -> Separates the testbench from the DUT. -> The program block helps ensure that test bench transitions do not have race conditions with the design -> It provides an entry point to the execution of testbenches. -> It creates a scope that encapsulates program-wide data. -> It provides a syntactic context that specifies scheduling in the Reactive region which avoids races. -> It doesnot allow always block. Only initial and methods are allowed, which are more controllable. -> Each program can be explicitly exited by calling the $exit system task. Unlike $finish, which exits simulation immediately, even if there are pending events. -> Just like a module, program block has ports. One or more program blocks can be instantiated in a top-level netlist, and connected to the DUT.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

The program construct serves as a clear separator between design and testbench, and, more importantly, it specifies specialized execution semantics in the Reactive region for all elements declared within the program. Together with clocking blocks, the program construct provides for race-free interaction between the design and the Report a Bug or Comment testbench, and enables cycle and transaction level abstractions. For example: program test (input clk, input [16:1] addr, inout [7:0] data); initial ... endprogram initial ... endprogram
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Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample program test ( interface device_ifc );

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program schedules events in the Reactive region, the clocking block construct is very useful to automatically sample the steady-state values of previous time steps or clock cycles. Programs that read design values exclusively through clocking blocks with #0 input skews are insensitive to read-write races. It is important to note that simply sampling input signals (or setting non-zero skews on clocking block inputs) does not eliminate the potential for races. Proper input sampling only addresses a single clocking block. With multiple clocks, the arbitrary order in which overlapping or simultaneous clocks are processed is still a potential source for races. Following example demonstrates the difference between the module based testbench and program based testbenchs. module DUT(); reg q = 0; reg clk = 0; initial #10 clk = 1; always @(posedge clk) q <= 1; endmodule module Module_based_TB(); always @ (posedge DUT.clk) $display("Module_based_TB : q = %b\n", DUT.q); endmodule program Program_based_TB(); initial forever @(posedge DUT.clk) $display("Program_based_TB : q = %b\n", DUT.q); endprogram RESULT:[9/26/2012 2:04:53 PM]

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Module_based_TB : q = 0 program_based_TB : q = 1




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Final: Literals Verification Verilog procedural statements are in initial or always blocks, tasks, or functions. Strings Constructs SystemVerilog adds a final block that executes at the end of simulation.SystemVerilog Userdefined Datatypes final blocks execute in an arbitrary but deterministic sequential order. This is possible Enumarations Interface Structures And Uniouns because final blocks are limited to the legal set of statements allowed for functions. OOPS Typedef Arrays Randomization Array Methods EXAMPLE : Functional Coverage Dynamic Arrays module fini; Associative Arrays Assertion Queues initial DPI Comparison Of Arrays #100 $finish; Linked List UVM Tutorial Casting final VMM Tutorial Data Declaration $display(" END OF SIMULATION at %d ",$time); Reg And Logic OVM Tutorial endmodule Operators 1 RESULTS: Easy Labs : SV Operators 2 Operator Precedency Easy Labs : UVM END OF SIMULATION at 100 Events Easy Labs : OVM Control Statements Easy Labs : VMM Program Block Jump Statements: Procedural Blocks AVM Switch TB Fork Join SystemVerilog has statements to control the loop statements. VMM Ethernet sample break : to go out of loop as C Fork Control Subroutines continue : skip to end of loop as C Semaphore return expression : exit from a function Mailbox return : exit from a task or void function Verilog Fine Grain Process Verification Control Verilog Switch TB Event Control: TUTORIALS


Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Any change in a variable or net can be detected using the @ event control, as in on This section - Your Verilog. If the expression evaluates to a result of more than 1 bit, a change on any of input is what keeps improving the bits of the result (including an x to z change) shall trigger the event control.
with time!

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SystemVerilog adds an iff qualifier to the @ event control.

EXAMPLE: module latch (output logic [31:0] y, input [31:0] a, input enable); always @(a iff enable == 1) RVM Ethernet sample y <= a; //latch is in transparent mode endmodule
Specman E Interview Questions

Always: In an always block that is used to model combinational logic, forgetting an else leads to an unintended latch. To avoid this mistake, SystemVerilog adds specialized always_comb and always_latch blocks, which indicate design intent to simulation, synthesis, and formal verification tools. SystemVerilog also adds an always_ff block to indicate sequential logic. EXAMPLE: always_comb a = b & c; always_latch[9/26/2012 2:05:03 PM]

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if(ck) q <= d; always_ff @(posedge clock iff reset == 0 or posedge reset) r1 <= reset ? 0 : r2 + 1;




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog A Verilog fork...join block always causes the process executing the fork statement to Literals Verification block until the termination of all forked processes. With the addition of the join_any Strings Constructs and join_none keywords, SystemVerilog provides three choices for specifying when the Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations parent (forking) process resumes execution. Interface Structures And Uniouns OOPS Typedef Arrays Randomization Array Methods Functional Coverage Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Assertion Queues DPI Comparison Of Arrays Linked List UVM Tutorial Casting VMM Tutorial Data Declaration Reg And Logic OVM Tutorial Operators 1 Easy Labs : SV Operators 2 Operator Precedency Easy Labs : UVM Events Easy Labs : OVM Control Statements Easy Labs : VMM Program Block Procedural Blocks AVM Switch TB Fork Join VMM Ethernet sample Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Verilog Fine Grain Process Verification Control TUTORIALS


Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Fork Join None

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your The parent process continues to execute concurrently with all the processes spawned input is what keeps by the fork. The spawned processes do not start executing until the parent thread improving executes a blocking statement. with time!

EXAMPLE : fork/join none program main ; RVM Ethernet sample initial begin #10; $display(" BEFORE fork time = %d ",$time ); Specman E fork Interview Questions begin # (20); $display("time = %d # 20 ",$time ); end begin #(10); $display("time = %d # 10 ",$time ); end begin #(5); $display("time = %d # 5 ",$time );[9/26/2012 2:05:13 PM]

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end join_none $display(" time = %d Outside the main fork ",$time ); #(40); end endprogram RESULTS BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 10 Outside the main fork time = 15 # 5 time = 20 # 10 time = 30 # 20 Fork Join Any The parent process blocks until any one of the processes spawned by this fork completes. EXAMPLE : fork/join any program main; initial begin #(10); $display(" BEFORE fork time = %d ",$time ); fork begin # (20); $display("time = %d # 20 ",$time ); end begin #(10); $display("time = %d # 10 ",$time ); end begin #(5); $display("time = %d # 5 ",$time ); end join_any $display(" time = %d Outside the main fork ",$time ); #(40); end endprogram RESULTS BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 15 # 5 time = 15 Outside the main fork time = 20 # 10 time = 30 # 20 For Join All The parent process blocks until all the processes spawned by this fork complete. EXAMPLE : fork/join all program main ;[9/26/2012 2:05:13 PM]

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initial begin #(10); $display(" BEFORE fork time = %d ",$time ); fork begin # (20); $display("time = %d # 20 ",$time ); end begin #(10); $display("time = %d # 10 ",$time ); end begin #(5); $display("time = %d # 5 ",$time ); end join $display(" time = %d Outside the main fork ",$time ); #(40); end endprogram RESULTS BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 15 # 5 time = 20 # 10 time = 30 # 20 time = 30 Outside the main fork When defining a fork/join block, encapsulating the entire fork inside begin..end, results in the entire block being treated as a single thread, and the code executes consecutively. EXAMPLE : sequential statement in fork/join program main ; initial begin #(10); $display(" First fork time = %d ",$time ); fork begin # (20); $display("time = %d # 20 ",$time); end begin #(10); $display("time = %d # 10 ",$time); end begin #(5); $display("time = %d # 5 ",$time); #(2); $display("time = %d # 2 ",$time); end join_any $display(" time = %d Outside the main fork ",$time ); #(40); end endprogram RESULTS: First fork time = 10 time = 15 # 5 time = 17 # 2 time = 17 Outside the main fork time = 20 # 10 time = 30 # 20[9/26/2012 2:05:13 PM]

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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Wait Fork Statement Literals Verification The wait fork statement is used to ensure that all immediate child subprocesses Strings Constructs (processes created by the current process, excluding their descendants) have Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations completed their execution. Interface Structures And Uniouns OOPS Typedef EXAMPLE Arrays Randomization program main(); Array Methods Functional Coverage Dynamic Arrays initial begin Associative Arrays Assertion #(10); Queues $display(" BEFORE fork time = %0d ",$time ); DPI Comparison Of Arrays fork Linked List UVM Tutorial begin Casting # (20); VMM Tutorial Data Declaration $display(" time = %0d # 20 ",$time ); Reg And Logic OVM Tutorial end Operators 1 begin Easy Labs : SV Operators 2 #(10); Operator Precedency Easy Labs : UVM $display(" time = %0d # 10 ",$time ); Events end Easy Labs : OVM Control Statements begin Easy Labs : VMM Program Block #(5); Procedural Blocks $display(" time = %0d # 5 ",$time ); AVM Switch TB Fork Join end VMM Ethernet sample Fork Control join_any Subroutines $display(" time = %0d Outside the main fork ",$time ); Semaphore end Mailbox endprogram Verilog Fine Grain Process Verification Control RESULTS TUTORIALS


Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 15 # 5 time = 15 Outside the main fork In the above example, Simulation ends before the #10 and #20 gets executed. In some situations, we need to wait until all the threads got finished to start the next task. Using wait fork, will block the till all the child processes complete. EXAMPLE: program main(); initial begin #(10); $display(" BEFORE fork time = %0d ",$time ); fork begin # (20); $display(" time = %0d # 20 ",$time ); end begin #(10); $display(" time = %0d # 10 ",$time ); end

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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begin #(5); $display(" time = %0d # 5 ",$time ); end join_any $display(" time = %0d Outside the main fork ",$time ); wait fork ; $display(" time = %0d After wait fork ",$time ); end endprogram RESULTS BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 15 # 5 time = 15 Outside the main fork time = 20 # 10 time = 30 # 20 time = 30 After wait fork Disable Fork Statement The disable fork statement terminates all active descendants (subprocesses) of the calling process. In other words, if any of the child processes have descendants of their own, the disable fork statement shall terminate them as well. Sometimes, it is required to kill the child processes after certain condition. EXAMPLE program main(); initial begin #(10); $display(" BEFORE fork time = %0d ",$time ); fork begin # (20); $display(" time = %0d # 20 ",$time ); end begin #(10); $display(" time = %0d # 10 ",$time ); end begin #(5); $display(" time = %0d # 5 ",$time ); end join_any $display(" time = %0d Outside the main fork ",$time ); end initial #100 $finish; endprogram RESULTS[9/26/2012 2:05:22 PM]

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BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 15 # 5 time = 15 Outside the main fork time = 20 # 10 time = 30 # 20 In the following example, disable for kills the threads #10 and #20. EXAMPLE program main(); initial begin #(10); $display(" BEFORE fork time = %0d ",$time ); fork begin # (20); $display(" time = %0d # 20 ",$time ); end begin #(10); $display(" time = %0d # 10 ",$time ); end begin #(5); $display(" time = %0d # 5 ",$time ); end join_any $display(" time = %0d Outside the main fork ",$time ); disable fork; $display(" Killed the child processes"); end initial #100 $finish; endprogram RESULTS BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 15 # 5 time = 15 Outside the main fork Killed the child processes




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Begin End With SystemVerilog, multiple statements can be written between the task declaration and endtask, which means that the begin .... end can be omitted. If begin .... end is omitted, statements are executed sequentially, the same as if they were enclosed in a begin .... end group. It shall also be legal to have no statements at all. Tasks: A Verilog task declaration has the formal arguments either in parentheses or in declaration. task mytask1 (output int x, input logic y); With SystemVerilog, there is a default direction of input if no direction has been specified. Once a direction is given, subsequent formals default to the same direction. In the following example, the formal arguments a and b default to inputs, and u and v are both outputs. task mytask3(a, b, output logic [15:0] u, v); Return In Tasks In Verilog, a task exits when the endtask is reached. With SystemVerilog, the return statement can be used to exit the task before the endtask keyword. In the following example, Message "Inside Task : After return statement" is not executed because the task exited before return statement. EXAMPLE program main(); task task_return(); $display("Inside Task : Before return statement"); return; $display("Inside Task : After return statement"); endtask initial task_return(); endprogram RESULT: Inside Task : Before return statement Functions: function logic [15:0] myfunc1(int x, int y);

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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Function declarations default to the formal direction input if no direction has been specified. Once a direction is given, subsequent formals default to the same direction. In the following example, the formal arguments a and b default to inputs, and u and v are both outputs: function logic [15:0] myfunc3(int a, int b, output logic [15:0] u, v); Return Values And Void Functions:: SystemVerilog allows functions to be declared as type void, which do not have a return value. For nonvoid functions, a value can be returned by assigning the function name to a value, as in Verilog, or by using return with a value. The return statement shall override any value assigned to the function name. When the return statement is used, nonvoid functions must specify an expression with the return. EXAMPLE: function [15:0] myfunc2 (input [7:0] x,y); return x * y - 1; //return value is specified using return statement endfunction // void functions function void myprint (int a); Pass By Reference: In verilog,method arguments takes as pass by value.The inputs are copyed when the method is called and the outputs are assigned to outputs when exiting the method.In SystemVerilog ,methods can have pass by reference.Arguments passed by reference are not copied into the subroutine area, rather, a reference to the original argument is passed to the subroutine. The subroutine can then access the argument data via the reference. In the following example, variable a is changed at time 10,20 and 30. The method pass_by_val , copies only the value of the variable a, so the changes in variable a which are occurred after the task pass_by_val call, are not visible to pass_by_val. Method pass_by_ref is directly referring to the variable a. So the changes in variable a are visible inside pass_by_ref. EXAMPLE: program main(); int a; initial begin #10 a = 10; #10 a = 20; #10 a = 30; #10 $finish; end task pass_by_val(int i); forever @i $display("pass_by_val: I is %0d",i); endtask[9/26/2012 2:05:29 PM]

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task pass_by_ref(ref int i); forever @i $display("pass_by_ref: I is %0d",i); endtask initial pass_by_val(a); initial pass_by_ref(a); endprogram RESULT pass_by_ref: I is 10 pass_by_ref: I is 20 pass_by_ref: I is 30

Default Values To Arguments: SystemVerilog allows to declare default values to arguments.When the subrotunies are called,arguments those are omited,will take default value. EXAMPLE: program main(); task display(int a = 0,int b,int c = 1 ); $display(" %0d %0d %0d ",a,b,c); endtask initial begin display( display( display( display( display( end endprogram RESULT: 0 2 0 0 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 7 2

, 5 ); // is equivalent to display( 0, 5, 1 ); 2, 5 ); // is equivalent to display( 2, 5, 1 ); , 5, ); // is equivalent to display( 0, 5, 1 ); , 5, 7 ); // is equivalent to display( 0, 5, 7 ); 1, 5, 2 ); // is equivalent to display( 1, 5, 2 );

Argument Binding By Name SystemVerilog allows arguments to tasks and functions to be bound by name as well as by position. This allows specifying non-consecutive default arguments and easily specifying the argument to be passed at the call. EXAMPLE: program main(); function void fun( int j = 1, string s = "no" ); $display("j is %0d : s is %s ",j,s); endfunction initial begin fun( .j(2), .s("yes") ); // fun( 2, "yes" ); fun( .s("yes") ); // fun( 1, "yes" );[9/26/2012 2:05:29 PM]

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fun( fun( fun( fun( fun( fun( end

, "yes" ); // fun( 1, "yes" ); .j(2) ); // fun( 2, "no" ); .s("yes"), .j(2) ); // fun( 2, "yes" ); .s(), .j() ); // fun( 1, "no" ); 2 ); // fun( 2, "no" ); ); // fun( 1, "no" );

endprogram RESULT j j j j j j j j is is is is is is is is 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 : : : : : : : : s s s s s s s s is is is is is is is is yes yes yes no yes no no no

Optional Argument List When a task or function specifies no arguments, the empty parenthesis, (), following the task/function name shall be optional. This is also true for tasks or functions that require arguments, when all arguments have defaults specified. EXAMPLE program main(); function void fun( ); $display("Inside function"); endfunction initial begin fun( ); fun; end endprogram RESULT Inside function Inside function




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial

Conceptually, a semaphore is a bucket. When a semaphore is allocated, a bucket that contains a fixed number of keys is created. Processes using semaphores must first procure a key from the bucket before they can continue to execute. If a specific process requires a key, only a fixed number of occurrences of that process can be in progress simultaneously. All others must wait until a sufficient number of keys is returned to the bucket. Semaphores are typically used for mutual exclusion, access control to shared resources, and basic synchronization. Semaphore is a built-in class that provides the following methods: -- Create a semaphore with a specified number of keys: new() -- Obtain one or more keys from the bucket: get() -- Return one or more keys into the bucket: put() -- Try to obtain one or more keys without blocking: try_get()

EXAMPLE:semaphore program main ; semaphore sema = new(1); Easy Labs : UVM initial begin repeat(3) begin Easy Labs : OVM fork Easy Labs : VMM ////////// PROCESS 1 //////////////// begin AVM Switch TB $display("1: Waiting for key"); VMM Ethernet sample sema.get(1); $display("1: Got the Key"); #(10);// Do some work sema.put(1); Verilog $display("1: Returning back key "); Verification #(10); Verilog Switch TB end ////////// PROCESS 2 //////////////// Basic Constructs begin $display("2: Waiting for Key"); sema.get(1); OpenVera $display("2: Got the Key"); Constructs #(10);//Do some work sema.put(1); Switch TB $display("2: Returning back key "); RVM Switch TB #(10); end RVM Ethernet sample join end #1000; Specman E end endprogram Interview Questions
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RESULTS: 1: 1: 2: 1: 2: 2: 1: Waiting for key Got the Key Waiting for Key Returning back key Got the Key Returning back key Waiting for key[9/26/2012 2:05:38 PM]

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1: 2: 1: 2: 2: 1: 1: 2: 1: 2: 2:

Got the Key Waiting for Key Returning back key Got the Key Returning back key Waiting for key Got the Key Waiting for Key Returning back key Got the Key Returning back key




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog A mailbox is a communication mechanism that allows messages to be exchanged Literals Verification between processes. Data can be sent to a mailbox by one process and retrieved by Strings Constructs Userdefined Datatypes another. Enumarations Interface Structures And Uniouns Mailbox is a built-in class that provides the following methods: OOPS Typedef --Create a mailbox: new() Arrays --Place a message in a mailbox: put() Randomization Array Methods --Try to place a message in a mailbox without blocking: try_put() Functional Coverage Dynamic Arrays --Retrieve a message from a mailbox: get() or peek() Associative Arrays Assertion --Try to retrieve a message from a mailbox without blocking: try_get() or try_peek() Queues --Retrieve the number of messages in the mailbox: num() DPI Comparison Of Arrays Linked List UVM Tutorial EXAMPLE: Casting program meain ; VMM Tutorial Data Declaration mailbox my_mailbox; Reg And Logic OVM Tutorial initial begin Operators 1 my_mailbox = new(); Easy Labs : SV Operators 2 if (my_mailbox) Operator Precedency Easy Labs : UVM begin Events fork Easy Labs : OVM Control Statements put_packets(); Easy Labs : VMM Program Block get_packets(); Procedural Blocks #10000; AVM Switch TB Fork Join join_any VMM Ethernet sample Fork Control end Subroutines Semaphore #(1000); Mailbox $display("END of Program"); Verilog Fine Grain Process end Verification Control Verilog Switch TB task put_packets(); Report a Bug or Comment integer i; Basic Constructs on This section - Your begin input is what keeps for (i=0; i<10; i++) improving begin OpenVera with time! #(10); Constructs my_mailbox.put(i); $display("Done putting packet %d @time %d",i, $time); Switch TB TUTORIALS


RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

end end endtask task get_packets(); integer i,packet; begin for (int i=0; i<10; i++) begin my_mailbox.get(packet); $display("Got packet %d @time %d", packet, $time); end end endtask endprogram RESULTS:

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Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet Done putting packet Got packet END of Program

0 @time 0 @time 1 @time 1 @time 2 @time 2 @time 3 @time 3 @time 4 @time 4 @time 5 @time 5 @time 6 @time 6 @time 7 @time 7 @time 8 @time 8 @time 9 @time 9 @time

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB


A process is a built-in class that allows one process to access and control another process once it has started.Users can declare variables of type process and safely pass them through tasks or incorporate them into other objects. The prototype for the process class is: class process; enum state { FINISHED, RUNNING, WAITING, SUSPENDED, KILLED }; static function process self(); function state status(); task kill(); task await(); task suspend(); task resume(); endclass Objects of type process are created internally when processes are spawned. Users cannot create objects of type process; attempts to call new shall not create a new process, and instead result in an error. The process class cannot be extended. Attempts to extend it shall result in a compilation error. Objects of type process are unique; they become available for reuse once the underlying process terminates and all references to the object are discarded. The self() function returns a handle to the current process, that is, a handle to the process making the call.

VMM Ethernet sample The status() function returns the process status, as defined by the state enumeration:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

FINISHED Process terminated normally. RUNNING Process is currently running (not in a blocking statement). WAITING Process is waiting in a blocking statement. SUSPENDED Process is stopped awaiting a resume. KILLED Process was forcibly killed (via kill or disable). Kill The kill() task terminates the given process and all its sub-processes, that is, processes spawned using fork statements by the process being killed. If the process to be terminated is not blocked waiting on some other condition, such as an event, wait expression, or a delay then the process shall be terminated at some unspecified time in the current time step. await

Index Introduction Data Types Literals Strings Userdefined Datatypes Enumarations Structures And Uniouns Typedef Arrays Array Methods Dynamic Arrays Associative Arrays Queues Comparison Of Arrays Linked List Casting Data Declaration Reg And Logic Operators 1 Operators 2 Operator Precedency Events Control Statements Program Block Procedural Blocks Fork Join Fork Control Subroutines Semaphore Mailbox Fine Grain Process Control
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The await() task allows one process to wait for the completion of another process. It shall be an error to call this task on the current process, i.e., a process cannot wait for its own completion. suspend The suspend() task allows a process to suspend either its own execution or that of another process. If the process to be suspended is not blocked waiting on some other condition, such as an event, wait expression, or a delay then the process shall be suspended at some unspecified time in the current time step. Calling this method more than once, on the same (suspended) process, has no effect. resume[9/26/2012 2:05:57 PM]

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The resume() task restarts a previously suspended process. Calling resume on a process that was suspended while blocked on another condition shall re-sensitize the process to the event expression, or wait for the wait condition to become true, or for the delay to expire. If the wait condition is now true or the original delay has transpired, the process is scheduled onto the Active or Reactive region, so as to continue its execution in the current time step. Calling resume on a process that suspends itself causes the process to continue to execute at the statement following the call to suspend. The example below starts an arbitrary number of processes, as specified by the task argument N. Next, the task waits for the last process to start executing, and then waits for the first process to terminate. At that point the parent process forcibly terminates all forked processes that have not completed yet. task do_n_way( int N ); process job[1:N]; for ( int j = 1; j <= N; j++ ) fork automatic int k = j; begin job[j] = process::self(); ... ; end join_none for( int j = 1; j <= N; j++ ) // wait for all processes to start wait( job[j] != null ); job[1].await(); // wait for first process to finish for ( int k = 1; k <= N; k++ ) begin if ( job[k].status != process::FINISHED ) job[k].kill(); end endtask



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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Interface Ports The communication between blocks of a digital system is a critical area. In Verilog, Interface Methods modules are connected using module ports. For large modules, this is not productive Clocking Block Virtual Interface as it involves Svtb N Verilog Dut


Manually connecting hundreds of ports may lead to errors. Detailed knowledge of all the port is required. Difficult to change if the design changes. More time consuming. Most port declaration work is duplicated in many modules. Let us see a verilog example: module Dut (input clk, read, enable, Input [7:0] addr, output [7:0] data); .... assign data = temp1 ? temp2 : temp3 ; always @(posedge clk) .... endmodule module Testbench(input clk, Output read, enable, output [7:0] addr, input [7:0] data ); endmodule Integrating the above two modules in top module.

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1 module top(); 2 reg clk; 3 wire read, enable; 4 wire [7:0] addr; 5 wire [7:0] data; 6[9/26/2012 2:06:13 PM]

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7 Dut D (clk,read,enable,Addr,data); 8 9 Testbench TB(clk,read,enable,Addr,data); 10 11 endmodule All the connection clk, read, enable, addr, data are done manually. Line 7 and 9 has same code structure which is duplicating work. If a new port is added, it needs changes in DUT ports, TestBench Ports, and in 7, 10 lines of Top module. This is timeconsuming and maintaining it is complex as the port lists increases. To resolve the above issues, SystemVerilog added a new powerful features called interface. Interface encapsulates the interconnection and communication between blocks. Interface declaration for the above example: interface intf #(parameter BW = 8)(input clk); logic read, enable; logic [BW -1 :0] addr,data; endinterface :intf Here the signals read, enable, addr, data are grouped in to "intf". Interfaces can have direction as input, output and inout also. In the above example, clk signal is used as input to interface. Interfaces can also have parameters like modules. Interface declaration is just like a module declaration. Uses keywords interface, endinterface for defining. Inside a module, use hierarchical names for signals in an interface. TIP: Use wire type in case of multiple drivers. driver. Use logic type in case of a single

Let use see the DUT and Testbench modules using the above declared interface. module Dut (intf dut_if); // declaring the interface always @(posedge dut_if.clk) if( // sampling the signal $display(" Read is asserted"); endmodule module Testbench(intf tb_if); initial begin = 0; repeat(3) #20 =;// driving a signal $finish; end endmodule Integrating the above two modules in top module.[9/26/2012 2:06:13 PM]

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module top(); bit clk; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; intf bus_if(clk); // interface instantiation Dut d(bus_if); // use interface for connecting D and TB Testbench TB (bus_if); endmodule See, how much code we got reduced in this small example itself. In the above example, I demonstrated the connectivity between DUT and TestBench. Interfaces can also be used for connectivity between the DUT sub modules also. Advantages Of Using Inteface: An interface can be passed as single item. It allows structured information flow between blocks. It can contain anything that could be in a module except other module definitions or instance. Port definitions are independent from modules. Increases the reusability. It Interface can be declared in a separate file and can be compiled separately. Interfaces can contain tasks and functions; with this methods shared by all modules connecting to this information can be in one place. Interface can contain protocol checking using assertions and functional coverage blocks. Reduces errors which can cause during module connections. Easy to add or remove a signal. Easy maintainability.




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Interface Ports Interface Ports Interface Methods Clocking Block In the previous example, signal clk is declared as port to the interface. Interface Ports Virtual Interface work similar to the module ports. Members of port list can be connected externally by Svtb N Verilog Dut name or position when the interface is instantiated as shown in line 3 of module top Report a Bug or Comment code.


Modports In the above example, we did not mention the direction of signals. The direction of the clk signal in input for both the Dut and Testbench modules. But for the rest of the signals, the direction is not same. To specify the direction of the signal w.r.t module which uses interface instead of port list, modports are used. Modport restrict interface access within a module based on the direction declared. Directions of signals are specified as seen from the module. In the modeport list, only signal names are used. Let us see the modport usage with the previous example. 2 mod port definitions are needed, one for DUT and other for TestBench. Interface declaration for the above example: interface intf (input clk); logic read, enable, logic [7:0] addr,data; modport dut (input read,enable,addr,output data); modport tb (output read,enable,addr,input data); endinterface :intf In this example, the modport name selects the appropriate directional information for the interface signals accessed in the module header. Modport selection can be done in two ways. One at Module declaration , other at instantication. Modport Selection Duing Module Definition. module Dut (intf.dut dut_if); // declaring the interface with modport .... assign = temp1 ? temp2 : temp3 ; // using the signal in interface always @(posedge intf.clk) .... endmodule module Testbench(intf.tb tb_if); ..... ..... endmodule 1 module top(); 2 logic clk; 3 intf bus_if(clk); // interface instantiation 4 Dut d(bus_if); // Pass the interface 5 Testbench TB (Bus_if); // Pass the interface

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6 endmodule Modport Selection Duing Module Instance. module Dut (intf dut_if); // declaring the interface .... assign = temp1 ? temp2 : temp3 ; // using the signal in interface always @(posedge intf.clk) .... endmodule module Testbench(intf tb_if); ..... ..... endmodule 1 module top(); 2 logic clk; 3 intf bus_if(clk); // interface instantiation 4 Dut d(bus_if.dut); // Pass the modport into the module 5 Testbench TB (Bus_if.tb); // Pass the modport into the module 6 endmodule A mod port can also define expressions. They can also define their own names. Module can use the modport declared name. For example modport dut (input read,enable,.addr(2),output .d(data[1:5]); module dut(intf.dut dut_if); assign dut_if.d = temp; // using the signal name declared by modport.




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Index Interface Ports Methods In Interfaces Interface Methods Interfaces can include task and function definitions. This allows a more abstract level Clocking Block Virtual Interface of modeling. Svtb N Verilog Dut


interface intf (input clk); logic read, enable, logic [7:0] addr,data; task masterRead(input logic [7:0] raddr); // masterRead method ... endtask: masterRead task slaveRead; // slaveRead method ... endtask: slaveRead endinterface :intf

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Index Interface Ports Clocking Blocks Interface Methods SystemVerilog adds the clocking block that identifies clock signals, and captures the Clocking Block timing and synchronization requirements of the blocks being modeled. A clocking Virtual Interface block assembles signals that are synchronous to a particular clock, and makes their Svtb N Verilog Dut timing explicit. The clocking block is a key element in a cycle-based methodology, which enables users to write testbenches at a higher level of abstraction. Simulation Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your is faster with cycle based methodology.


Depending on the environment, a testbench can contain one or more clocking blocks, improving each containing its own clock plus an arbitrary number of signals. These operations with time! are as follows: Synchronous events Input sampling Synchronous drives

input is what keeps

clocking cb @(posedge clk); default input #10ns output #2ns; output read,enable,addr; input negedge data; endclocking In the above example, the first line declares a clocking block called cb that is to be clocked on the positive edge of the signal clk. The second line specifies that by default all signals in the clocking block shall use a 10ns input skew and a 2ns output skew by default. The next line adds three output signals to the clocking block: read, enable and addr. The fourth line adds the signal data to the clocking block as input. Fourth line also contains negedge which overrides the skew ,so that data is sampled on the negedge of the clk. Skew

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If an input skew is specified then the signal is sampled at skew time units before the clock event. If output skew is specified, then output (or inout) signals are driven skew RVM Switch TB time units after the corresponding clock event. A skew must be a constant expression, RVM Ethernet sample and can be specified as a parameter.
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Skew can be specified in 3 ways. #d : The skew is d time units. The time unit depends on the timescale of the block. #dns : The skew is d nano seconds. #1step : Sampling is done in the preponed region of current time stamp. If skew is not specified, default input skew is 1step and output skew is 0. Specifying a clocking block using a SystemVerilog interface can significantly reduce the amount of code needed to connect the TestBench without race condition. Clocking blocks add an extra level of signal hierarchy while accessing signals. Interface declaration with clocking block: interface intf (input clk); logic read, enable, logic [7:0] addr,data; clocking cb @(posedge clock); // clocking block for testbench default input #10ns output #2ns; output read,enable,addr; input data; endclocking modport dut (input read,enable,addr,output data); modport tb (clocking cb); // synchronous testbench modport endinterface :intf module testbench(intf.tb tb_if); ...... initial <= 1; //writing to synchronous signal read ... endmodule Cycle Delay The ## operator can be used to delay execution by a specified number of clocking events, or clock cycles. What constitutes a cycle is determined by the default clocking in effect of module, interface, or program. ## <integer_expression>; ##3; // wait 3 cycles ##1 tb_if.addr <= 8'h00;// waits for 1 cycle and then writes address. Using clocking blocks,cycle delays syntax gets reduced. Insted of writing repeat(3) @(posedge clock); sync_block.a <= 1; Just use ##3 sync_block.a <= 1; To schedule the assignment after 3 clocks,Just use, sync_block.a <= ##3 1; To simply wait for 3 clock cycles, ##3; can be used. But there may be more than one clocking block is defined in a project.[9/26/2012 2:06:38 PM]

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##3 waits for 3 clocks cycles,of the block which is defined as default. default clocking sync_block @(posedge clock);




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Index Interface Ports Virtual Interfaces Interface Methods Virtual interfaces provide a mechanism for separating abstract models and test Clocking Block programs from the actual signals that make up the design. A virtual interface allows Virtual Interface the same subprogram to operate on different portions of a design, and to dynamically Svtb N Verilog Dut control the set of signals associated with the subprogram. Instead of referring to the Report a Bug or Comment actual set of signals directly, users are able to manipulate a set of virtual signals.


1 module testbench(intf.tb tb_if); 2 virtual interface intf.tb local_if; // virtual interface. 3 .... 4 task read(virtual interface intf.tb l_if) // As argument to task 5 .... 6 initial 7 begin 8 Local_if = tb_if; // initializing virtual interface. 9 <= 1; //writing to synchronous signal read 10 read(Local_if); // passing interface to task. 11 end 12 endmodule

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In the above program, local_if is just like a pointer. It represents an interface instance. Using keyword "virtual" , virtual interfaces instance is created. It does not VMM Ethernet sample have any signal. But it can hold physical interface. Tb_if is the physical interface which is allocated during compilation time. You can drive and sample the signals in physical interface. In line 8, the physical interface tb_if is assigned to local_if. With this , we can drive and sample the physical signals. In line 9, read signal of tb_if is Verilog accessed using local_if. Verification
Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Advantages Of Virtual Interface


1) Virtual interface can be used to make the TestBench independent of the physical interface. It allows developing the test component independent of the DUT port while working with multi port protocol. Constructs 2) With virtual interface, we can change references to physical interface dynamically. Without virtual interfaces, all the connectivity is determined during Switch TB compilation time, and therefore can't be randomized or reconfigured. RVM Switch TB 3) In multi port environment, it allows to access the physical interfaces using array RVM Ethernet sample index. 4) Physical interfaces are not allowed in object oriented programming, as physical interface is allocated at compilation time itself. Virtual interface which are set at run time allows to do object oriented programming with signals rather than just with Specman E variables. 5) Virtual interface variables can be passed as arguments to tasks, functions, or Interview Questions methods. 6) Allows to use Equality ( == ) and inequality ( != ) . A virtual interface must be initialized before it can be used, by default, it points to null. Attempting to use an uninitialized virtual interface will result in a run-time error. Multi Bus Interface[9/26/2012 2:06:47 PM]

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If you are working on protocol which has multiple sub bus protocol, there are several ways to create interfaces. One Big single interface with all the sub protocol signals inside it. With single interface, it is easy to pass around the whole system. You have to name all the signals with the sub protocol prefix like pcie_enable, Eth_enable etc. Restrict the access using clocking blocks else all signals can be accessed by all the modules using this interface. Reusability will be very less as all the sub protocols are in one interface. Using multiple interfaces, one for each sub protocol, each interface for each sub bus will increase the complexity while passing around the system. No need to prefix the sub protocol name as the sub protocol name is reflected in the interface name itself. With this you can only pass the sub interfaces required by other modules. All the interfaces will be reusable as each interface represents an individual protocol. Using one big interface with sub multiple interfaces will be easy for passing around the system. With this the sub interfaces can be reused for other components and other designs.




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Interface Ports Working With Verilog Dut: Interface Methods There are several ways to connect the Verilog DUT to SystemVerilog TestBench. Clocking Block Verilog DUT has port list where as SystemVerilog testbenchs uses interfaces. We will Virtual Interface Svtb N Verilog Dut discuss 2 ways of connecting Verilog DUT to SystemVerilog TestBench.


Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps Verilog port list can be connected during DUT instantiation using interface hibachi improving with time! signal names as shown in following code.

Connecting In Top:

// DUT in Verilog module Dut (input clk, read, enable, Input [7:0] addr, output [7:0] data); .... assign data = temp1 ? temp2 : temp3 ; always @(posedge clk) .... endmodule // SystemVerilog Code // interface declaration with clocking block: interface intf (input clk); logic read, enable, logic [7:0] addr,data; endinterface module testbench(intf.tb tb_if); ..... endmodule // integrating in top module. module top(); logic clk; intf bus_if(clk); // interface instantiation Testbench TB (bus_if); // Pass the modport into the module Dut d(.clk(clk), // connect the verilog .read(, // RTL port using interface hierarchy signal name. .enable(bus_if.enable), .addr(bus_if.addr), .data(; endmodule Connecting Using A Wrapper We can also convert the verilog module with port list in to SystemVerilog module with interface by creating wrapper around the verilog module. //wrapper for verilog DUT module w_dut(intf wif); Dut d(.clk(wif.clk),

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// connect the verilog[9/26/2012 2:06:56 PM]

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.read(, // RTL port using interface hierarchy signal name. .enable(wif.enable), .addr(wif.addr), .data(; endmodule //connecting the dut wrapper and testbench in top. module top(); logic clk; intf bus_if(clk); // interface instantiation w_dut d(bus_if); // instance of dut wrapper Testbench TB (Bus_if); endmodule




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Brief Introduction To Oop Unlike procedural programming, here in the OOP programming model programs are organized around objects and data rather than actions and logic. Objects represent some concepts or things and like any other objects in the real Objects in programming language have certain behavior, properties, type, and identity. In OOP based language the principal aim is to find out the objects to manipulate and their relation between each other. OOP offers greater flexibility and compatibility then procedural language like verilog. Objects are key to understanding object-oriented technology. Look around right now and you'll find many examples of real-world objects: your system, your desk, your chair. Real-world objects share two characteristics: They all have state and behavior. System have state (name, color) and behavior (playing music,switch off). Identifying the state and behavior for real-world objects is a great way to begin thinking in terms of object-oriented programming. SystemVerilog is a object oriented programming and to understand the functionality of OOP in SystemVerilog, we first need to understand several fundamentals related to objects. These include class, method, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism etc. Class

Index Introduction Class Object This Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism Abstract Classes Parameterised Class Nested Classes Constant Static Casting Copy Scope Resolution Operator Null External Declaration Classes And Structures Typedef Class Pure Other Oops Features Misc


Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your VMM Ethernet sample input is what keeps It is the central point of OOP and that contains data and codes with behavior. In improving SystemVerilog OOPS , everything happens within class and it describes a set of objects with time! Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

with common behavior. The class definition describes all the properties, behavior, and identity of objects present within that class. Object Objects are the basic unit of object orientation with behavior, identity. As we mentioned above, these are part of a class but are not the same. An object is expressed by the variable and methods within the objects. Again these variables and methods are distinguished from each other as instant variables, instant methods and class variable and class methods.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample Methods

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We know that a class can define both attributes and behaviors. Again attributes are defined by variables and behaviors are represented by methods. In other words, methods define the abilities of an object. Inheritance This is the mechanism of organizing and structuring program. Though objects are distinguished from each other by some additional features but there are objects that share certain things common. In object oriented programming classes can inherit some common behavior and state from others. Inheritance in OOP allows to define a general class and later to organize some other classes simply adding some details with the old class definition. This saves work as the special class inherits all the properties of the old general class and as a programmer you only require the new features. This helps[9/26/2012 2:07:04 PM]


in a better data analysis, accurate coding and reduces development time. In Verilog , to write a new definition using the exesisting definitioan is done inserting `ifdef conpilation controls into the exesisting code. Abstraction The process of abstraction in SystemVerilog is used to hide certain details and only show the essential features of the object. In other words, it deals with the outside view of an object. Encapsulation This is an important programming concept that assists in separating an object's state from its behavior. This helps in hiding an object's data describing its state from any further modification by external component. In SystemVerilog there are three different terms used for hiding data constructs and these are public, private and protected . As we know an object can associated with data with predefined classes and in any application an object can know about the data it needs to know about. So any unnecessary data are not required by an object can be hidden by this process. It can also be termed as information hiding that prohibits outsiders in seeing the inside of an object in which abstraction is implemented. Polymorphism It describes the ability of the object in belonging to different types with specific behavior of each type. So by using this, one object can be treated like another and in this way it can create and define multiple level of interface. Here the programmers need not have to know the exact type of object in advance and this is being implemented at runtime.




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A class is an actual representation of an Abstrace data type. It therefore provides implementation details for the data structure used and operations. EXAMPLE: class A ; // attributes: int i // methods: task print endclass Definition (Class) : A class is the implementation of an abstract data type . It defines attributes and methods which implement the data structure and operations of the abstract data type, respectively. Instances of classes are called objects. Consequently, classes define properties and behaviour of sets of objects. In SV classes also contain Constraints for randomization control. Class Properties:

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Instance Variables (Non-Static Fields) : Technically speaking, objects store their individual states in "non-static fields", that VMM Ethernet sample is, fields declared without the static keyword. Non-static fields are also known as instance variables because their values are unique to each instance of a class (to each object, in other words); Verilog Verification Class Variables (Static Fields) : A class variable is any field declared with the static modifier; this tells the compiler Verilog Switch TB that there is exactly one copy of this variable in existence, regardless of how many Basic Constructs times the class has been instantiated. OpenVera Local Variables : Local Variables Similar to how an object stores its state in fields, a method will often store its temporary state in local variables. The syntax for declaring a local variable is Constructs similar to declaring a field (for example, int count = 0;). There is no special keyword Switch TB designating a variable as local; that determination comes entirely from the location in which the variable is declared , which is between the opening and closing braces of a RVM Switch TB method. As such, local variables are only visible to the methods in which they are RVM Ethernet sample declared; they are not accessible from the rest of the class.
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Parameters : The important thing to remember is that parameters are always classified as "variables" not "fields". Constants : Class properties can be made read-only by a const declaration like any other SystemVerilog variable.[9/26/2012 2:07:12 PM]





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Objects are uniquely identifiable by a name. Therefore you could have two distinguishable objects with the same set of values. This is similar to traditional programming languages like verilog where you could have, say two integers i and j both of which equal to 2. Please notice the use of i and j in the last sentence to name the two integers. We refer to the set of values at a particular time as the state of the object. EXAMPLE: class simple ; int i; int j; task printf(); $display( i , j ); endtask endclass program main; initial begin simple obj_1; simple obj_2; obj_1 = new(); obj_2 = new(); obj_1.i = 2; obj_2.i = 4; obj_1.printf(); obj_2.printf(); end endprogram RESULT 2 4 0 0

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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample its name and it defines a state which is represented by the values of its attributes at a

Definition (Object) An object is an instance of a class. It can be uniquely identified by particular time.

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The state of the object changes according to the methods which are applied to it. We refer to these possible sequence of state changes as the behaviour of the object. Definition (Behaviour) The behaviour of an object is defined by the set of methods which can be applied on it. We now have two main concepts of object-orientation introduced, class and object. Object-oriented programming is therefore the implementation of abstract data types or, in more simple words, the writing of classes. At runtime instances of these classes, the objects, achieve the goal of the program by changing their states. Consequently, you can think of your running program as a collection of objects.[9/26/2012 2:07:19 PM]


Creating Objects As you know, a class provides the blueprint for objects; you create an object from a class. In the following statements ,program creates an object and assigns it to a variable: packet pkt = new(23, 94); driver drvr = new(pkt,intf); The first line creates an object of the packet class, and the second create an object of the driver class. Each of these statements has three parts (discussed in detail below): 1. Declaration: The code set in bold are all variable declarations that associate a variable name with an object type. 2. Instantiation: The new keyword is a SV operator that creates the object. 3. Initialization: The new operator is followed by a call to a constructor, which initializes the new object. Declaration: Declaring a Variable to Refer to an Object Previously, you learned that to declare a variable, you write: type name; This notifies the compiler that you will use name to refer to data whose type is type. With a primitive variable, this declaration also reserves the proper amount of memory for the variable. You can also declare a reference variable on its own line. For example: packet pkt; If you declare pkt like this, its value will be undetermined until an object is actually created and assigned to it using the new method. Simply declaring a reference variable does not create an object. For that, you need to use the new operator. You must assign an object to pkt before you use it in your code. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. A variable in this state, which currently references no object, can be illustrated as follows (the variable name, pkt, plus a reference pointing to nothing): . During simulation, the tool will not allocate memory for this object and error is reported. There will not be any compilation error. EXAMPLE: class packet ; int length = 0; function new (int l); length = l; endfunction endclass program main; initial begin packet pkt; pkt.length = 10; end endprogram RESULT Error: null object access[9/26/2012 2:07:19 PM]


Instantiating A Class: The new operator instantiates a class by allocating memory for a new object and returning a reference to that memory. The new operator also invokes the object constructor. The new operator returns a reference to the object it created. This reference is usually assigned to a variable of the appropriate type, like: packet pkt = new(10); Initializing An Object Here's the code for the packet class: EXAMPLE class packet ; int length = 0; //constructor function new (int l); length = l; endfunction endclass This class contains a single constructor. You can recognize a constructor because its declaration uses the same name as the class and it has no return type. The constructor in the packet class takes one integer arguments, as declared by the code (int l). The following statement provides 10 as value for those arguments: packet pkt = new(10); If a class does not explicitly declare any, the SV compiler automatically provides a noargument constructor, called the default constructor. This default constructor calls the class parent's no-argument constructor, or the Object constructor if the class has no other parent. Constructor SystemVerilog does not require the complex memory allocation and deallocation of C++. Construction of an object is straightforward; and garbage collection, as in Java, is implicit and automatic. There can be no memory leaks or other subtle behavior that is so often the bane of C++ programmers. The new operation is defined as a function with no return type, and like any other function, it must be nonblocking. Even though new does not specify a return type, the left-hand side of the assignment determines the return type.




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Using The This Keyword Within an instance method or a constructor, this is a reference to the current object , the object whose method or constructor is being called. You can refer to any member of the current object from within an instance method or a constructor by using this. The most common reason for using the this keyword is because a field is shadowed by a method or constructor parameter. For example, in the packet class was written like this EXAMPLE class packet ; int length = 0; //constructor function new (int l); length = l; endfunction endclass but it could have been written like this:

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EXAMPLE: VMM Ethernet sample class packet ; int length = 0; //constructor function new (int length); Verilog this.length = length; Verification endfunction Verilog Switch TB endclass
Basic Constructs

program main; OpenVera

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

initial begin packet pkt; pkt =new(10); $display(pkt.length); end endprogram

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Each argument to the second constructor shadows one of the object's fields inside the constructor "length" is a local copy of the constructor's first argument. To refer to the legnth field inside the object , the constructor must use "this.length".[9/26/2012 2:07:28 PM]





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Object-oriented programming allows classes to inherit commonly used state and behavior from other classes. Definition (Inheritance) Inheritance is the mechanism which allows a class A to inherit properties of a class B. We say ``A inherits from B''. Objects of class A thus have access to attributes and methods of class B without the need to redefine them. The following definition defines two terms with which we are able to refer to participating classes when they use inheritance. Definition (Superclass) If class A inherits from class B, then B is called superclass of A. Definition (Subclass) If class A inherits from class B, then A is called subclass of B. Objects of a subclass can be used where objects of the corresponding superclass are expected. This is due to the fact that objects of the subclass share the same behaviour as objects of the superclass. Superclasses are also called parent classes. Subclasses may also be called child classes or extended classes or just derived classes . Of course, you can again inherit from a subclass, making this class the superclass of the new subclass. This leads to a hierarchy of superclass/subclass relationships.

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The idea of inheritance is simple but powerful: When you want to create a new class and there is already a class that includes some of the code that you want, you can VMM Ethernet sample derive your new class from the existing class. In doing this, you can reuse the fields and methods of the existing class without having to write (and debug!) them yourself. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

A subclass inherits all the members (fields, methods, and nested classes) from its superclass. Constructors are not members, so they are not inherited by subclasses, but the constructor of the superclass can be invoked from the subclass. What You Can Do In A Subclass: A subclass inherits all of the public and protected members of its parent. You can use the inherited members as is, replace them, hide them, or supplement them with new members:

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

The inherited fields can be used directly, just like any other fields. You can declare a field in the subclass with the same name as the one in the RVM Ethernet sample superclass, thus hiding it (not recommended). You can declare new fields in the subclass that are not in the superclass.
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The inherited methods can be used directly as they are. You can write a new instance method in the subclass that has the same signature as the one in the superclass, thus overriding it. You can write a new static method in the subclass that has the same signature as the one in the superclass, thus hiding it. You can declare new methods in the subclass that are not in the superclass. You can write a subclass constructor that invokes the constructor of the[9/26/2012 2:07:36 PM]


superclass, either implicitly or by using the keyword super.

Overriding Following example shows, adding new varibles, new methods, redefining existing methods. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS SUBCLASS "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin parent p; subclass s; p = new(); s = new(); p.printf(); s.printf(); end endprogram RESULT THIS IS PARENT CLASS THIS IS SUBCLASS Super The super keyword is used from within a derived class to refer to members of the parent class. It is necessary to use super to access members of a parent class when those members are overridden by the derived class. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); super.printf(); endtask endclass program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); s.printf(); end[9/26/2012 2:07:36 PM]



The member can be a member declared a level up or be inherited by the class one level up. There is no way to reach higher (for example, super.super.count is not allowed). Subclasses (or derived classes) are classes that are extensions of the current class whereas superclasses (parent classes or base classes) are classes from which the current class is extended, beginning with the original base class. NOTE: When using the super within new, shall be the first statement executed in the constructor. This is because the superclass must be initialized before the current class and, if the user code does not provide an initialization, the compiler shall insert a call to automatically.

Is Only Method Programmers can override the existing code/functionality before existing code and replaces with new code as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS SUBCLASS "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); s.printf(); end endprogram RESULT: THIS IS SUBCLASS Is First Method Programmers can add new lines of code/functionality before existing code as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS SUBCLASS "); super.printf(); endtask endclass[9/26/2012 2:07:36 PM]


program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); s.printf(); end endprogram RESULT: THIS IS SUBCLASS THIS IS PARENT CLASS Is Also Method Programmers can add new lines of code/functionality after the existing code as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); super.printf(); $display(" THIS IS SUBCLASS "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); s.printf(); end endprogram RESULT: THIS IS PARENT CLASS THIS IS SUBCLASS Overriding Constraints. Programmers can override the existing constraint and replaces with new constraint as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 0 ;} endclass class Extended extends Base; constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 50 ;} // Overrighting the Base class constraints. endclass program inhe_31; Extended obj; initial begin obj = new();[9/26/2012 2:07:36 PM]


for(int i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULT: Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = 77 86 76 89 86 76 96

Overriding Datamembers Only virtual methods truly override methods in base classes. All other methods and properties do not override but provide name hiding. EXAMPLE class base; int N = 3; function int get_N(); return N; endfunction endclass class ext extends base; int N = 4; function int get_N(); return N; endfunction function int get_N1(); return super.N; endfunction endclass program main; initial begin ext e = new; base b = e; // Note same object! $display(b.get_N()); // "3" $display(e.get_N()); // "4" $display(e.get_N1()); // "3" - super.N end endprogram RESULT 3 4 3



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Encapsulation is a technique for minimizing interdependencies among modules by defining a strict external communication. This way, internal coding can be changed without affecting the communication, so long as the new implementation supports the same (or upwards compatible) external communication. Encapsulation prevents a program from becoming so interdependent that a small change has massive ripple effects. The implementation of an object can be changed without affecting the application that uses it for: Improving performance, fix a bug, consolidate code or for porting. Access Specifiers: In SystemVerilog, unqualified class properties and methods are public, available to anyone who has access to the objects name. A member identified as local is available only to methods inside the class. Further, these local members are not visible within subclasses. Of course, nonlocal methods that access local class properties or methods can be inherited and work properly as methods of the subclass.

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EXAMPLE: local variblg error VMM Ethernet sample class base; local int i; endclass Verilog program main; Verification initial Verilog Switch TB begin base b = new(); Basic Constructs b.i = 123; end endprogram OpenVera Constructs RESULT:
Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Local member 'i' of class 'base' is not accessible from scope 'main' The above examples gives compilation error. EXAMPLE: local varible access using method class base; local int i; task set(int j); i = j; $display(i); endtask endclass program main; initial begin

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base b = new(); b.set(123); end endprogram RESULT 123 EXAMPLE: local varible access in subclass class base; local int i; endclass class ext extends base; function new(); i = 10; endfunction endclass RESULT Local member 'i' of class 'base' is not accessible from scope 'ext'

A protected class property or method has all of the characteristics of a local member, except that it can be inherited; it is visible to subclasses. EXAMPLE: protected varible class base; protected int i; endclass class ext extends base; function new(); i = 10; endfunction endclass EXAMPLE: protected varible in 2 level of inheritence class base; local int i; endclass class ext extends base; protected int i; endclass class ext2 extends ext; function new(); i =10; endfunction endclass In the above example, the varible i is overloaded in subclass with different qualifier. EXAMPLE: Error access to protected varible. class base; protected int i; endclass program main; initial begin base b = new(); b.i = 123;[9/26/2012 2:07:44 PM]


end endprogram RESULT Protected member 'i' of class 'base' is not accessible from scope 'main'

Within a class, a local method or class property of the same class can be referenced, even if it is in a different instance of the same class. EXAMPLE class Packet; local integer i; function integer compare (Packet other); compare = (this.i == other.i); endfunction endclass A strict interpretation of encapsulation might say that other.i should not be visible inside of this packet because it is a local class property being referenced from outside its instance. Within the same class, however, these references are allowed. In this case, this.i shall be compared to other.i and the result of the logical comparison returned.




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Polymorphism allows an entity to take a variety of representations. Polymorphism means the ability to request that the same Operations be performed by a wide range of different types of things. Effectively, this means that you can ask many different objects to perform the same action. Override polymorphism is an override of existing code. Subclasses of existing classes are given a "replacement method" for methods in the superclass. Superclass objects may also use the replacement methods when dealing with objects of the subtype. The replacement method that a subclass provides has exactly the same signature as the original method in the superclass. Polymorphism allows the redefining of methods for derived classes while enforcing a common interface.To achieve polymorphism the 'virtual' identifier must be used when defining the base class and method(s) within that class. EXAMPLE: without virtual class A ; task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.disp();

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my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_a.disp(); RVM Switch TB end endprogram RVM Ethernet sample RESULTS
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This is class A This is class A EXAMPLE: with virtual class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass class EA extends A ; task disp ();[9/26/2012 2:07:51 PM]


$display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.disp(); my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULTS This is class A This is Extended class A

Observe the above two outputs. Methods which are declared as virtual are executing the code in the object which is created. The methods which are added in the subclasses which are not in the parent class canot be acessed using the parent class handle. This will result in a compilation error. The compiler check whether the method is exesting the parent class definition or not. EXAMPLE: class A ; endclass class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_ea.disp(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULT: Member disp not found in class A

To access the varible or method which are only in the subclass and not in the parent class, revert back the object to the subclass handle. EXAMPLE: class A ; endclass[9/26/2012 2:07:51 PM]


class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; just(my_a); end endprogram task just(A my_a); EA loc; $cast(loc,my_a); loc.disp(); endtask RESULT This is Extended class A

Let us see one more example, A parent class is extended and virtual method is redefined in the subclass as non virtual method. Now if furthur extention is done to the class, then the method is still considered as virtual method and Polymorphism can be achived still. It is advised to declare a method as virtual in all its subclass, if it is declared as virtual in baseclass , to avoid confusion to the end user who is extend the class. EXAMPLE: class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass class EA_1 extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended 1 class A "); endtask endclass class EA_2 extends EA_1 ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended 2 class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA_2 my_ea; EA_1 my_a; initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_a.disp(); just(my_a); end endprogram task just(A my_a); EA_1 loc; $cast(loc,my_a); loc.disp();[9/26/2012 2:07:51 PM]


endtask RESULT This is Extended 2 class A This is Extended 2 class A




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With inheritance we are able to force a subclass to offer the same properties like their superclasses. Consequently, objects of a subclass behave like objects of their superclasses. Sometimes it make sense to only describe the properties of a set of objects without knowing the actual behaviour beforehand Abstract classes are those which can be used for creation of handles. However their methods and constructors can be used by the child or extended class. The need for abstract classes is that you can generalize the super class from which child classes can share its methods. The subclass of an abstract class which can create an object is called as "concrete class". EXAMPLE: useing abstract class virtual class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_ea.disp(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULT This is Extended class A EXAMPLE: creating object of virtual class virtual class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass program main ; A my_a; initial begin

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RVM Ethernet sample This is Extended class A

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my_a = new(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULT Abstract class A cannot be instantiated

Virtual keyword is used to express the fact that derived classes must redefine the properties to fulfill the desired functionality. Thus from the abstract class point of view, the properties are only specified but not fully defined. The full definition including the semantics of the properties must be provided by derived classes. Definition (Abstract Class) A class A is called abstract class if it is only used as a superclass for other classes. Class A only specifies properties. It is not used to create objects. Derived classes must define the properties of A.




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Type Parameterised Class At the time, when we write down a class definition, we must be able to say that this class should define a generic type. However, if we don't know with which types the class will be used. Consequently, we must be able to define the class with help of a placeholder to which we refer as if it is the type on which the class operates. Thus, the class definition provides us with a template of an actual class. The actual class definition is created once we declare a particular object. Let's illustrate this with the following example. Suppose, you want to define a list class which should be a generic type. Thus, it should be possible to declare list objects for integers, bits,objects or any other type. EXAMPLE class List #(type T = int); //attributes: T data_node; ...... ...... // methods: task append(T element); function T getFirst(); function T getNext(); ...... ...... endclass

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your VMM Ethernet sample input is what keeps improving The above template class List looks like any other class definition. However, the first with time! Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

line declares List to be a template for various types. The identifier T is used as a placeholder for an actual type. For example, append() takes one element as an argument. The type of this element will be the data type with which an actual list object is created. For example, we can declare a list object for "packet" if a definition fot the type "packet" exists: EXAMPLE List#(packet) pl; // Object pl is a list of packet List#(string) sl; // Object sl is a list of strings

Constructs Switch TB

The first line declares List#(packet) to be a list for packets. At this time, the compiler uses the template definition, substitutes every occurrence of T with "packet" and RVM Switch TB creates an actual class definition for it. This leads to a class definition similar to the RVM Ethernet sample one that follows: EXAMPLE class List { //attributes: packet data_node; ...... ...... // methods: task append(packet element); function packet getFirst(); function packet getNext(); ...... ...... }

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This is not exactly, what the compiler generates. The compiler must ensure that we can create multiple lists for different types at any time. For example, if we need another list for, say "strings", we can write: EXAMPLE List#(packet) pl; // Object pl is a list of packet List#(string) sl; // Object sl is a list of strings In both cases the compiler generates an actual class definition. The reason why both do not conflict by their name is that the compiler generates unique names. However, since this is not viewable to us, we don't go in more detail here. In any case, if you declare just another list of "strings", the compiler can figure out if there already is an actual class definition and use it or if it has to be created. Thus, EXAMPLE List#(packet) rcv_pkt; // Object rcv_pkt is a list of packet List#(packet) sent_pkt; // Object sent_pkt is a list of packet will create the actual class definition for packet List and will reuse it for another List. Consequently, both are of the same type. We summarize this in the following definition: Definition (Parameterized Class) If a class A is parameterized with a data type B, A is called template class. Once an object of A is created, B is replaced by an actual data type. This allows the definition of an actual class based on the template specified for A and the actual data type. We are able to define template classes with more than one parameter. For example, directories are collections of objects where each object can be referenced by a key. Of course, a directory should be able to store any type of object. But there are also various possibilities for keys. For instance, they might be strings or numbers. Consequently, we would define a template class Directory which is based on two type parameters, one for the key and one for the stored objects. Value Parameterised Class The normal Verilog parameter mechanism is also used to parameterize a class. EXAMPLE class Base#(int size = 3); bit [size:0] a; task disp(); $display(" Size of the vector a is %d ",$size(a)); endtask endclass program main(); initial begin Base B1; Base#(4) B2; Base#(5) B3; B1 = new(); B2 = new(); B3 = new(); B1.disp(); B2.disp(); B3.disp(); end endprogram RESULT Size of the vector a is Size of the vector a is 4 5[9/26/2012 2:08:07 PM]


Size of the vector a is

Instances of this class can then be instantiated like modules or interfaces: EXAMPLE vector #(10) vten; // object with vector of size 10 vector #(.size(2)) vtwo; // object with vector of size 2 typedef vector#(4) Vfour; // Class with vector of size 4 Generic Parameterised Class A specialization is the combination of a specific generic class with a unique set of parameters. Two sets of parameters shall be unique unless all parameters are the same as defined by the following rules: a) A parameter is a type parameter and the two types are matching types. b) A parameter is a value parameter and both their type and their value are the same. All matching specializations of a particular generic class shall represent the same type. The set of matching specializations of a generic class is defined by the context of the class declaration. Because generic classes in a package are visible throughout the system, all matching specializations of a package generic class are the same type. In other contexts, such as modules or programs, each instance of the scope containing the generic class declaration creates a unique generic class, thus, defining a new set of matching specializations. A generic class is not a type; only a concrete specialization represents a type. In the example above, the class vector becomes a concrete type only when it has had parameters applied to it, for example: typedef vector my_vector; // use default size of 1 EXAMPLE vector#(6) vx; // use size 6 To avoid having to repeat the specialization either in the declaration or to create parameters of that type, a typedef should be used: EXAMPLE typedef vector#(4) Vfour; typedef stack#(Vfour) Stack4; Stack4 s1, s2; // declare objects of type Stack4 Extending Parameterised Class A parameterized class can extend another parameterized class. For example: EXAMPLE class C #(type T = bit); ... endclass // base class class D1 #(type P = real) extends C; // T is bit (the default) Class D1 extends the base class C using the base classs default type (bit) parameter. class D2 #(type P = real) extends C #(integer); // T is integer Class D2 extends the base class C using an integer parameter. class D3 #(type P = real) extends C #(P); // T is P Class D3 extends the base class C using the parameterized type (P) with which the extended class is parameterized.[9/26/2012 2:08:07 PM]





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Index Introduction A nested class is a class whose definition appears inside the definition of another Class class, as if it were a member of the other class. The SystemVerilog programming Object This language allows you to define a class within another class. Inheritance Encapsulation EXAMPLE Polymorphism class StringList; Abstract Classes Parameterised Class class Node; // Nested class for a node in a linked list. Nested Classes string name; Constant Node link; Static endclass Casting Copy endclass Scope Resolution Operator class StringTree; Null External Declaration class Node; // Nested class for a node in a binary tree. Classes And Structures string name; Typedef Class Node left, right; Pure endclass Other Oops Features Misc endclass // StringList::Node is different from StringTree::Node


Nesting allows hiding of local names and local allocation of resources. This is often VMM Ethernet sample desirable when a new type is needed as part of the implementation of a class. Declaring types within a class helps prevent name collisions and the cluttering of the outer scope with symbols that are used only by that class. Type declarations nested inside a class scope are public and can be accessed outside the class Verilog
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Why Use Nested Classes There are several compelling reasons for using nested classes, among them: It is a way of logically grouping classes that are only used in one place. It increases encapsulation. Nested classes can lead to more readable and maintainable code. Logical grouping of classes : If a class is useful to only one other class, then it is logical to embed it in that class and keep the two together. Nesting such "helper classes" makes their package more streamlined. Increased encapsulation : Consider two top-level classes, A and B, where B needs access to members of A that would otherwise be declared private. By hiding class B within class A, A's members can be declared private and B can access them. In addition, B itself can be hidden from the outside world. More readable, maintainable code:Nesting small classes within top-level classes places the code closer to where it is used.

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SystemVerilog adds another form of a local constant, const. A const form of constant differs from a localparam constant in that the localparam must be set during elaboration, whereas a const can be set during simulation, such as in an automatic task. Constant Class An instance of a class (an object handle) can also be declared with the const keyword. EXAMPLE const class_name object = new(3,3,4);

In other words, the object acts like a variable that cannot be written. The arguments to the new method must be constant expressions. The members of the object can be written (except for those members that are declared const). Global Constant

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Global constant class properties include an initial value as part of their declaration. on This section - Your VMM Ethernet sample They are similar to other const variables in that they cannot be assigned a value input is what keeps improving anywhere other than in the declaration.
with time!

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EXAMPLE class Jumbo_Packet; const int max_size = 9 * 1024; // global constant byte payload []; function new( int size ); payload = new[ size > max_size ? max_size : size ]; endfunction endclass

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EXAMPLE: error : chaning const varible class A ; const int i = 10; RVM Ethernet sample endclass
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program main ; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.i = 55; end endprogram RESULT Error : Variable 'i' declared as 'const' .[9/26/2012 2:08:24 PM]


Instance Constants Instance constants do not include an initial value in their declaration, only the const qualifier. This type of constant can be assigned a value at run time, but the assignment can only be done once in the corresponding class constructor not from outside or any other method. EXAMPLE class A ; const int i; function new(); i = 20; endfunction endclass program main ; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); $display(my_a.i); end endprogram RESULT 20 EXAMPLE: error : assignment done twice class A ; const int i; function new(); i = 20; i++; endfunction endclass RESULT Instance constants assignment can only be done once EXAMPLE: error : assignment in other method class A ; const int i; task set(); i = 20; endtask endclass RESULT Instance constants assignment allowed only in class constructor.

Typically, global constants are also declared static because they are the same for all instances of the class. However, an instance constant cannot be declared static because that would disallow all assignments in the constructor[9/26/2012 2:08:24 PM]





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Static Class Properties A static property is a class variable that is associated with the class, rather than with an instance of the class (a.k.a., an object). This means that when it is changed, its change is reflected in all instances of the class. Static properties are declared with the static keyword. If you need to access a static property inside a class, you can also use the magic keywords "this" and "super", which resolve to the current class and the parent of the current class, respectively. Using "this" and "super" allows you to avoid having to explicitly reference the class by name. EXAMPLE: Using object name class A ; static int i; endclass program main ; A obj_1; A obj_2; initial begin obj_1 = new(); obj_2 = new(); obj_1.i = 123; $display(obj_2.i); end endprogram RESULT 123

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The static class properties can be accessed using class name.

EXAMPLE: using class name class A ; static int i; RVM Ethernet sample endclass
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program main ; A obj_1; initial begin obj_1 = new(); obj_1.i = 123; $display(A::i); end endprogram RESULT[9/26/2012 2:08:32 PM]



The static class properties can be used without creating an object of that type. EXAMPLE: without creating object class A ; static int i; endclass program main ; A obj_1; A obj_2; initial begin obj_1.i = 123; $display(obj_2.i); end endprogram RESULT 123 EXAMPLE: using the object name, without creating object class A ; static int i; endclass program main ; A obj_1; initial begin obj_1.i = 123; $display(A::i); end endprogram RESULT 123 Static Methods Methods can be declared as static. A static method is subject to all the class scoping and access rules, but behaves like a regular subroutine that can be called outside the class. EXAMPLE class A ; static task incr(); int j; //automatic variable j++; $display("J is %d",j); endtask endclass program main ; A obj_1; A obj_2; initial[9/26/2012 2:08:32 PM]


begin $display("Static task - static task with automatic variables"); obj_1 = new(); obj_2 = new(); obj_1.incr(); obj_2.incr(); obj_1.incr(); obj_2.incr(); obj_1.incr(); $display("Static task - Each call to task will create a separate copy of 'j' and increment it"); end endprogram RESULT Static task - static task with automatic variables J is 1 J is 1 J is 1 J is 1 J is 1 Static task - Each call to task will create a separate copy of 'j' and increment it

A static method has no access to nonstatic members (class properties or methods), but it can directly access static class properties or call static methods of the same class. Access to nonstatic members or to the special this handle within the body of a static method is illegal and results in a compiler error. EXAMPLE class A ; int j; static task incr(); j++; $display("J is %d",j); endtask endclass program main ; A obj_1; A obj_2; initial begin obj_1 = new(); obj_2 = new(); obj_1.incr(); obj_2.incr(); end endprogram RESULT A static method has no access to nonstatic members (class properties or methods).

Static methods cannot be virtual. EXAMPLE class A ; int j; virtual static task incr(); $display("J is %d",j); endtask endclass RESULT[9/26/2012 2:08:32 PM]


Error : Static methods cannot be virtual.

The static methods can be accessed using class name. EXAMPLE: using class name class A ; static task who(); $display(" Im static method "); endtask endclass program main; initial A.who(); endprogram RESULT Im static method.

The static methods can be used without creating an object of that type. EXAMPLE: without creating object class A ; static task who(); $display(" Im static method "); endtask endclass program main; A a; initial a.who(); endprogram RESULT Im static method. Static Lifetime Method. By default, class methods have automatic lifetime for their arguments and variables. All variables of a static lifetime method shall be static in that there shall be a single variable corresponding to each declared local variable in a class , regardless of the number of concurrent activations of the method. EXAMPLE class A ; task static incr(); int i; //static variable $display(" i is %d ",i); i++; endtask endclass program main; A a; A b; initial begin $display("Static lifetime - non static task with static variables");[9/26/2012 2:08:32 PM]


a = new(); b = new(); a.incr(); b.incr(); a.incr(); b.incr(); a.incr(); $display("Static lifetime - Each call to task will use a single value of 'j' and increment it"); end endprogram RESULT Static lifetime - non static task with static variables i is 0 i is 1 i is 2 i is 3 i is 4 Static lifetime - Each call to task will use a single value of 'j' and increment it

Verilog-2001 allows tasks to be declared as automatic, so that all formal arguments and local variables are stored on the stack. SystemVerilog extends this capability by allowing specific formal arguments and local variables to be declared as automatic within a static task, or by declaring specific formal arguments and local variables as static within an automatic task. By default, class methods have automatic lifetime for their arguments and variables. EXAMPLE class packet; static int id; //----static task using automatic fields ---// static task packet_id(); int count; // by default static task fields are automatic id=count; // writing in to static variable $display("id=%d count=%d",id,count); count++; endtask function new(); int pckt_type; pckt_type++; $display("pckt_type=%d",pckt_type); endfunction endclass program stic_1; packet jumbo,pause,taggd; initial begin jumbo=new(); jumbo.packt_id(); pause=new(); pause.packt_id(); taggd=new(); taggd.packt_id(); end endprogram RESULTS pckt_type= 1; id= 0; count= pckt_type= 1; id= 0 ; count= pckt_type= 1; id= 0; count= 0 0 0[9/26/2012 2:08:32 PM]


SystemVerilog allows specific formal arguments and local variables to be declared as automatic within a static task, or by declaring specific formal arguments and local variables as static within an automatic task. EXAMPLE class packet; static int id,pckt_type; //---static task with static field----// static task packt_id(); static int count; //explicit declaration of fields as static id=count; //writing in to static variable $display("id=%d count=%d",id,count); count++; endtask function new(); pckt_type++; $display("pckt_type=%d",pckt_type); endfunction endclass program stic_2; packet jumbo,pause,taggd; initial begin jumbo=new(); jumbo.packt_id(); pause=new(); pause.packt_id(); taggd=new(); taggd.packt_id(); end endprogram RESULTS pckt_type= 1; id= 0 count= 0; pckt_type= 2; id= 1 count= 1; pckt_type= 3 ; id= 2 count= 2;




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Index Introduction Class SystemVerilog It is always legal to assign a subclass variable to a variable of a class higher in the Object Verification This inheritance tree. Constructs Inheritance Encapsulation EXAMPLE Interface Polymorphism class parent; OOPS Abstract Classes int i = 10; Parameterised Class endclass Randomization Nested Classes Functional Coverage Constant class subclass extends parent; Static Assertion int j; Casting DPI Copy function new(); Scope Resolution UVM Tutorial j = super.i; Operator $display("J is %d",j); VMM Tutorial Null endfunction External Declaration OVM Tutorial endclass Classes And Structures Easy Labs : SV Typedef Class program main; Pure Easy Labs : UVM initial Other Oops Features begin Easy Labs : OVM Misc subclass s; Easy Labs : VMM s = new(); Report a Bug or Comment end AVM Switch TB on This section - Your endprogram VMM Ethernet sample RESULT input is what keeps TUTORIALS


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J is

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It is never legal to directly assign a superclass variable to a variable of one of its subclasses. However, it is legal to assign a superclass handle to a subclass variable if the superclass handle refers to an object of the given subclass. SystemVerilog provides the $cast system task to assign values to variables that might not ordinarily be valid because of differing data type. To check whether the assignment is legal, the dynamic cast function $cast() is used . The syntax for $cast() is as follows: task $cast( singular dest_handle, singular source_handle ); or function int $cast( singular dest_handle, singular source_handle ); When called as a task, $cast attempts to assign the source expression to the destination variable. If the assignment is invalid, a run-time error occurs, and the destination variable is left unchanged. EXAMPLE : $cast as task class B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS B "); endtask endclass

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class E_1 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_1 "); endtask endclass class E_2 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_2 "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin B b; E_1 e1; E_2 e2; e1 = new(); $cast(b,e1); b.print(); end endprogram RESULT CLASS E_1 EXAMPLE : $cast as task with error class B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS B "); endtask endclass class E_1 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_1 "); endtask endclass class E_2 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_2 "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin B b; E_1 e1; E_2 e2; e1 = new(); $cast(e2,e1); end endprogram RESULT Error: Dynamic cast failed

When called as a function, $cast attempts to assign the source expression to the destination variable and returns 1 if the cast is legal. If the cast fails, the function[9/26/2012 2:08:41 PM]


does not make the assignment and returns 0. When called as a function, no run-time error occurs, and the destination variable is left unchanged. It is important to note that $cast performs a run-time check. No type checking is done by the compiler, except to check that the destination variable and source expression are singulars.

EXAMPLE : $cast as function class B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS B "); endtask endclass class E_1 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_1 "); endtask endclass class E_2 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_2 "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin B b; E_1 e1; E_2 e2; e1 = new(); //calling $cast like a task //Return value is not considered $cast(b,e1); which_class(b); e2 = new(); //calling $cast like a task //Return value is not considered $cast(b,e2); which_class(b); end endprogram task which_class(B b); E_1 e1; E_2 e2; //calling $cast like a function //Return value is considered for action if($cast(e1,b)) $display(" CLASS E_1 "); if($cast(e2,b)) $display(" CLASS E_2 "); endtask RESULT CLASS E_1 CLASS E_2

When used with object handles, $cast() checks the hierarchy tree (super and subclasses) of the source_expr to see whether it contains the class of dest_handle. If it does, $cast() does the assignment. Otherwise, the error is issued. Assignment of Extended class object to Base class object is allowed. It is Illegal to assign Base class object to Extended class.[9/26/2012 2:08:41 PM]


EXAMPLE class Base; endclass class Exten extends Base; endclass program main; initial begin Base B; Exten E; B = new(); if(!$cast(E,B)) $display(" Base class object B canot be assigned to Extended class Handle."); // Deallocate object B B = null; E = new(); if(!$cast(B,E)) $display(" Extended class object E canot be assigned to Base class Handle."); end endprogram RESULT Base class object B canot be assigned to Extended class Handle.




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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your VMM Ethernet sample input is what keeps In the above example, both objects are pointing to same memory. The properties did improving with time! not get copied. Only the handle is copied. Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction The terms "deep copy" and "shallow copy" refer to the way objects are Class copied, for example, during the invocation of a copy constructor or assignment Object This operator. Inheritance Encapsulation EXAMPLE: Polymorphism class B; Abstract Classes int i; Parameterised Class endclass Nested Classes Constant program main; Static initial Casting begin Copy B b1; Scope Resolution B b2; Operator b1 = new(); Null b1.i = 123; External Declaration b2 = b1; Classes And Structures $display( b2.i ); Typedef Class end Pure endprogram Other Oops Features RESULTS: Misc 123


Shallow Copy A shallow copy of an object copies all of the member field values. EXAMPLE: class B; int i; endclass program main; initial begin B b1; B b2; b1 = new(); b1.i = 123; b2 = new b1; b2.i = 321; $display( b1.i ); $display( b2.i ); end endprogram RESULTS: 123 321

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This works well if the fields are values, but may not be what you want for fields that point to dynamically allocated memory. The pointer will be copied. but the memory it points to will not be copied -- the field in both the original object and the copy will then point to the same dynamically allocated memory, which is not usually what you want. The assignment operator make shallow copies. EXAMPLE: class A; int i; endclass class B; A a; endclass program main; initial begin B b1; B b2; b1 = new(); b1.a = new(); b1.a.i = 123; b2 = new b1; $display( b1.a.i ); $display( b2.a.i ); b1.a.i = 321; $display( b1.a.i ); $display( b2.a.i ); end endprogram RESULT 123 123 321 321

In the above example, the varible i is changed to which is inside the object of . This changes in seen in also because both the objects are pointing to same memory location. Deep Copy A deep copy copies all fields, and makes copies of dynamically allocated memory pointed to by the fields. To make a deep copy, you must write a copy constructor and overload the assignment operator, otherwise the copy will point to the original, with disasterous consequences. EXAMPLE: class A; int i; endclass class B; A a; task copy(A a); this.a = new a; endtask endclass[9/26/2012 2:08:49 PM]


program main; initial begin B b1; B b2; b1 = new(); b1.a = new(); b1.a.i = 123; b2 = new b1; b2.copy(b1.a); $display( b1.a.i ); $display( b2.a.i ); b1.a.i = 321; $display( b1.a.i ); $display( b2.a.i ); end endprogram RESULTS: 123 123 321 123 Clone A clone method returns a new object whose initial state is a copy of the current state of the object on which clone was invoked. Subsequent changes to the clone will not affect the state of the original. Copying is usually performed by a clone() method method of a class which is user defined. This method usually, in turn, calls the clone() method of its parent class to obtain a copy, and then does any custom copying procedures. Eventually this gets to the clone() method of Object (the uppermost class), which creates a new instance of the same class as the object and copies all the fields to the new instance (a "shallow copy"). After obtaining a copy from the parent class, a class's own clone() method may then provide custom cloning capability, like deep copying (i.e. duplicate some of the structures referred to by the object) . One disadvantage is that the return type of clone() is Object, and needs to be explicitly cast back into the appropriate type (technically a custom clone() method could return another type of object; but that is generally inadvisable). One advantage of using clone() is that since it is an overridable method, we can call clone() on any object, and it will use the clone() method of its actual class, without the calling code needing to know what that class is (which would be necessary with a copy constructor). EXAMPLE: ????




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EXAMPLE: class Base; typedef enum {bin,oct,dec,hex} radix; task print( radix r, integer n ); $display(" Enum is %s ",; $display(" Val is %d",n); endtask endclass program main; initial begin Base b = new; int bin = 123; b.print( Base::bin, bin ); // Base::bin and bin are different end endprogram RESULT: Enum is bin Val is 123

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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

In addition, to disambiguating class scope identifiers, the :: operator also allows access to static members (class properties and methods) from outside the class, EXAMPLE: class Base; typedef enum {bin,oct,dec,hex} radix; task print( radix r, integer n ); $display(" Enum is %s ",; $display(" Val is %d",n); endtask endclass program main; initial begin int bin = 123; Base::print( Base::bin, bin ); // Base::bin and bin are different end endprogram RESULT: Enum is bin Val is 123

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Scope resolution operator :: can be used to access to public or protected elements of a superclass from within the derived classes. EXAMPLE: class Base; typedef enum {bin,oct,dec,hex} radix; endclass class Ext extends Base; typedef enum {dec,hex,bin,oct} radix; task print(); $display(" Ext classs :: enum values %d %d %d %d ",bin,oct,dec,hex); $display(" Base classs :: enum values %d %d %d ",Base::bin,Base::oct,Base::dec,Base::hex); endtask endclass program main; initial begin Ext e; e = new(); e.print(); end endprogram RESULT: Ext classs :: enum values Base classs :: enum values 2 0 3 1 0 2 1 3


In SystemVerilog, the class scope resolution operator applies to all static elements of a class: static class properties, static methods, typedefs, enumerations, structures, unions, and nested class declarations. Class scope resolved expressions can be read (in expressions), written (in assignments or subroutines calls), or triggered off (in event expressions). They can also be used as the name of a type or a method call.

The class scope resolution operator enables the following: Access to static public members (methods and class properties) from outside the class hierarchy. Access to public or protected class members of a superclass from within the derived classes. Access to type declarations and enumeration named constants declared inside the class from outside the class hierarchy or from within derived classes.



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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

The Null is perhaps the most "intelligent" pattern of all. It knows exactly what to do all the time, every time. Its does nothing. The Null is somewhat difficult to describe, since it resides in an abstract hierarchy tree, having no particular place at all, but occupying many roles. It is somewhat like the mathematical concept of zero: it is a placeholder, but is in itself nothing, and has no value. Null Object is a behavioral pattern designed to act as a default value of an object in most OOPs tools. These references need to be checked to ensure they are not null before invoking any methods, because one can't invoke anything on a null reference; this tends to make code less readable. If you forgot to creat an object ane passed it to method, where the method has some operation on the object, the simulation fails. So , If the method is expecting an object , then check weathe the object is created or not else take nessesary action. The advantage of this approach over a working default implementation is that a Null Object is very predictable and has no side effects. EXAMPLE class B; task printf(); $display(" Hi "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin B b; print(b); end endprogram task print(B b); if(b == null) $display(" b Object is not created "); else b.printf(); endtask RESULT:

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Index Introduction Class Class methods and Constraints can be defined in the following places: Object inside a class. This outside a class in the same file. Inheritance outside a class in a separate file. Encapsulation Polymorphism The process of declaring an out of block method involves: Abstract Classes declaring the method prototype or constraint within the class declaration with Parameterised Class extern qualifier. Nested Classes declaring the full method or constraint outside the class body. Constant Static The extern qualifier indicates that the body of the method (its implementation) or Casting constraint block is to be found outside the declaration. Copy Scope Resolution NOTE : class scope resolution operator :: should be used while defining. Operator Null External Declaration EXAMPLE: Classes And Structures class B; Typedef Class extern task printf(); Pure endclass Other Oops Features Misc task B::printf(); $display(" Hi "); Report a Bug or Comment endtask on This section - Your


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program main; initial begin B b; b = new(); b.printf(); end endprogram RESULT: Hi

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class differs from struct in three fundamental ways: SystemVerilog structs are strictly static objects; they are created either in a static memory location (global or module scope) or on the stack of an automatic task. Conversely, SystemVerilog objects (i.e., class instances) are exclusively dynamic; their declaration does not create the object. Creating an object is done by calling new. SystemVerilog objects are implemented using handles, thereby providing C-like pointer functionality. But, SystemVerilog disallows casting handles onto other data types; thus, unlike C, SystemVerilog handles are guaranteed to be safe. SystemVerilog objects form the basis of an Object-Oriented data abstraction that provides true polymorphism. Class inheritance, abstract classes, and dynamic casting are powerful mechanisms that go way beyond the mere encapsulation mechanism provided by structs.

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Forward Reference A forward declaration is a declaration of a object which the programmer has not yet given a complete definition. The term forward reference is sometimes used as a synonym of forward declaration. However, more often it is taken to refer to the actual use of an entity before any declaration. The SystemVerilog language supports the typedef class construct for forward referencing of a class declaration. This allows for the compiler to read a file from beginning to end without concern for the positioning of the class declaration. EXAMPLE: class Y ; X x; // refers to Class X, which is not yet defined endclass class X; int i; endclass RESULT Error : Class X is not defined

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your VMM Ethernet sample When the compiler encounters the handle x of class type X referred to in class Y, it input is what keeps does not yet know the definition for class X since it is later in the file. Thus, improving with time! compilation fails.

To rectify this situation, typedef is used to forward reference the class declaration. EXAMPLE: typedef class X; class Y ; X x; // refers to Class X, which is not yet defined endclass class X; int i; endclass

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The typedef of class X allows the compiler to process Y before X is fully defined. Note that typedef cannot be used to forward reference a class definition in another file. This must be done using the inclusion of a header file. Circular Dependency A Circular dependency is a situation which can occur in programming languages wherein the definition of an object includes the object itself. One famous example is Linked List. EXAMPLE: class Y ; int i;[9/26/2012 2:09:26 PM]


Y y; // refers to Class Y, which is not yet defined endclass As you seen, there is a compilation error. To avoid this situation, typedef is used to forward reference the class declaration and this circular dependency problem can be avoided.




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As we have already seen in the previous topics , a virtual method may or may not be overridden in the derived lasses. It means, it is not necessary for a derived class to override a virtual method. But there are times when a base class is not able to define anything meaningful for the virtual method in that case every derived class must provide its own definition of the that method. A pure virtual method is a virtual method that you want to force derived classes to override. If a class has any unoverridden pure virtuals, it is an "abstract class" and you can't create objects of that type. " pure virtual function " or " pure virtual task " declaration is supposed to represent the fact that the method has no implementation. There are two major differences between a virtual and a pure virtual function, these are below: There CAN'T be a definition of the pure virtual function in the base class. There MUST be a definition of the pure virtual function in the derived class.

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EXAMPLE: class Base; VMM Ethernet sample pure virtual task disp(); end class Verilog
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program main initial begin Base B; B = new(); B.disp(); end endprogram RESULT Error: pure virtual task disp(); must be overridden in derived class

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Multiple inheritence and Function overloading and the OOPs features which are not supported by System Verilog. Multiple Inheritence Multiple inheritance refers to a feature of some object-oriented programming languages in which a class can inherit behaviors and features from more than one superclass. This contrasts with single inheritance, where a class may inherit from at most one superclass. SystemC supports multiple inheritance, SystemVerilog supports only single inheritance. Multiple inheritance allows a class to take on functionality from multiple other classes, such as allowing a class named D to inherit from a class named A, a class named B, and a class named C. EXAMPLE: class A; ..... endclass class B; ...... endclass class C; ...... endclass class D extends A,B,C; ..... endclass Multiple inheritance is not implemented well in SystemVerilog languages . Implementation problems include: Increased complexity Not being able to explicitly inherit from multiple times from a single class Order of inheritance changing class semantics. Method Overloading Method overloading is the practice of declaring the same method with different signatures. The same method name will be used with different data type . This is Not Supported by SystemVerilog as of 2008. EXAMPLE: task my_task(integer i) { ... } task my_task(string s) { ... } program test { integer number = 10; string name = "vera"; my_task(number);

Index Introduction Class Object This Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism Abstract Classes Parameterised Class Nested Classes Constant Static Casting Copy Scope Resolution Operator Null External Declaration Classes And Structures Typedef Class Pure Other Oops Features Misc
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Index Introduction Class Always Block In Classes Object This SystemVerilog doesnot allow to define always block in program block or class, as Inheritance Encapsulation these are meant for testbench purpose. Polymorphism Abstract Classes Example to show the implimentation of always block in program block. Parameterised Class Nested Classes EXAMPLE: Constant program main; Static Casting integer a,b; Copy Scope Resolution initial Operator repeat(4) Null begin External Declaration #({$random()}%20) Classes And Structures a = $random(); Typedef Class #({$random()}%20) Pure b = $random(); Other Oops Features end Misc initial Report a Bug or Comment always_task();


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

task always_task(); fork forever begin @(a,b); $display(" a is %d : b is %d at %t ",a,b,$time); end join_none endtask endprogram RESULT a is -1064739199 : b is is is is is is is x at 8 25 42 47 48 66 75 84

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RVM Ethernet sample a is -1064739199 : b is -1309649309 at

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a a a a a a

1189058957 : b is -1309649309 at 1189058957 : b is -1992863214 at 114806029 : b is -1992863214 at 114806029 : b is 512609597 at 1177417612 : b is 512609597 at 1177417612 : b is -482925370 at

Example to show the implimentation of always block in class. EXAMPLE class Base; integer a,b;[9/26/2012 2:09:52 PM]


task always_task(); fork forever begin @(a,b); $display(" a is %d : b is %d at %t ",a,b,$time); end join_none endtask endclass program main; initial begin Base obj; obj = new(); // start the always block. fork obj.always_task(); join_none repeat(4) begin #({$random()}%20) obj.a = $random(); #({$random()}%20) obj.b = $random(); end end endprogram RESULT a a a a a a a a is is is is is is is is -1064739199 : b is x at -1064739199 : b is -1309649309 at 1189058957 : b is -1309649309 at 1189058957 : b is -1992863214 at 114806029 : b is -1992863214 at 114806029 : b is 512609597 at 1177417612 : b is 512609597 at 1177417612 : b is -482925370 at 8 25 42 47 48 66 75 84




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


Introduction : Historically,verification engineers used directed test bench to verify the functionality of their design.Rapid changes have occurred during the past decades in design and verification.High Level Verification Languages (HVLS) such as e, System c,Vera,SystemVerilog have become a necessity for verification environments. Constraint Random stimulus generation is not new. Everybody uses verilog and VHDL at very low level abstraction for this purpose. HVLS provide constructs to express specification of stimulus at high level of abstraction and constraint solver generates legal stimulus. Writing constraints at higher level of absctraction,makes the programming closer to spec. A constraint language should support: Expressions to complex scenarios. Felxibility to control dynamically. Combinational and sequential constraints. EXAMPLE: Combinational constraint : In ethernet, 13 & 14 th bytes should be equal to payload length. Sequential constraint: If request comes, then acknoldegement should be given between 4th to 10th cycles. NOTE:SystemVerilog doec not support sequential constraints. This article is about Constrained random verification using SystemVerilog.I tried to explain every point using examples.

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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Index Constrained Random Verification SystemVerilog Constrained Random Stimulus Generation In Verilog: Verilog Crv Verification Verilog has system function $random, which can be used to generate random input Systemverilog Crv Constructs vectors. With this approach,we can generate values which we wouldnt have got, if Randomizing Objects listed manually. In this topic I would like to discuss what natural things happening Random Variables Interface Randomization Methods behind $random and how we use it in different manners. OOPS Checker Constraint Block Randomization Inline Constraint EXAMPLE: Functional Coverage Global Constraint module Tb_mem(); Constraint Mode Assertion reg clock; External Constraints reg read_write; DPI Randomization reg [31:0] data; Controlability UVM Tutorial reg [31:0] address; Static Constraint VMM Tutorial Constraint Expression initial Variable Ordering OVM Tutorial begin Constraint Solver Speed clock = 0; Easy Labs : SV Randcase forever #10 clock = ~clock; Randsequence Easy Labs : UVM end Random Stability Easy Labs : OVM Array Randomization initial Easy Labs : VMM Constraint Guards begin Titbits repeat(5)@(negedge clock) AVM Switch TB begin VMM Ethernet sample Report a Bug or Comment read_write = $random ; data = $random; address = $random; $display($time," read_write = %d ; data = %d ; address = on This section - Your input is what keeps %d;",read_write,data,address); improving end Verilog with time! #10 $finish; Verification end TUTORIALS


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endmodule RESULT: 20 read_write = 0 ; data = 3230228097 ; address = 2223298057; 40 read_write = 1 ; data = 112818957 ; address = 1189058957; 60 read_write = 1 ; data = 2302104082 ; address = 15983361; 80 read_write = 1 ; data = 992211318 ; address = 512609597; 100 read_write = 1 ; data = 1177417612 ; address = 2097015289;

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$random system function returns a new 32-bit random number each time it is called. The random number is a signed integer; it can be positive or negative.The following example demonstrates random generation of signed numbers. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer address; initial begin[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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repeat(5) #1 address = $random; end initial $monitor("address = %0d;",address); endmodule RESULT: address address address address address = = = = = 303379748; -1064739199; -2071669239; -1309649309; 112818957;

We have seen how to generate random numbers.But the numbers randge from - (2**32 -1) to 2 **32. Most of the time, the requirement is dont need this range. For example, take a memory. The address starts from 0 to some 1k or 1m.Generating a random address which DUT is not supporting is meaning less. In verilog there are no constructs to constraint randomization. Following example demonstrated how to generate random number between 0 to 10.Using % operation,the remainder of any number is always between 0 to 10. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer add_1; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; add_1 = $random % 10; end end initial $monitor("add_1 = %0d",add_1); endmodule RESULT: add_1 add_1 add_1 add_1 = = = = 8; 4294967287; 4294967295; 9;[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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add_1 = 9; OOPS!...... The results are not what is expected.The reason is $random generates negative numbers also. The following example demonstrates proper way of generating a random number between 0 to 10. Concatenation operator returns only bitvector. Bit vectors are unsigned, so the results are correct as we expected. Verilog also has $unsigned systemtask to convert signed numbers to signed number.This can also be used to meet the requirements. The following example shows the usage of concatenation operator and $unsigned. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer add_2; reg [31:0] add_1; integer add_3; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; add_1 = $random % 10; add_2 = {$random} %10 ; add_3 = $unsigned($random) %10 ; end end initial $monitor("add_3 = %0d;add_2 = %0d;add_1 = %0d",add_3,add_2,add_1); endmodule RESULT: add_3 add_3 add_3 add_3 add_3 = = = = = 7;add_2 7;add_2 1;add_2 7;add_2 9;add_2 = = = = = 7;add_1 7;add_1 2;add_1 8;add_1 2;add_1 = = = = = 8 4 4 9 9

The above example shows the generation of numbers from 0 to N. Some specification require the range to start from non Zero number. MIN + {$random} % (MAX - MIN ) will generate random numbers between MIN and MAX. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer add; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; add = 40 + {$random} % (50 - 40) ; $display("add = %0d",add); end end endmodule RESULT: add = add = add = add = add = 48 47 47 47 47

Now how to generate a random number between two ranges? The number should be between MIN1 and MAX1 or MIN2 and MAX2. The following example show how to[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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generate this specification. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer add; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; if($random % 2) add = 40 + {$random} % (50 - 40) ; else add = 90 + {$random} % (100 - 90) ; $display("add = %0d",add); end end endmodule RESULT: add = add = add = add = add = 97 47 47 42 49

All the random numbers generated above are 32 bit vectors, which is not always the same requirement. For example, to generate a 5 bit and 45 bit vector random number, the following method can be used. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); reg [4:0] add_1; reg [44:0] add_2; initial begin repeat(5) begin add_1 = $random ; add_2 = {$random,$random}; $display("add_1 = %b,add_2 = %b ",add_1,add_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: add_1 add_1 add_1 add_1 add_1 = = = = = 00100,add_2 00011,add_2 00101,add_2 01101,add_2 01101,add_2 = = = = = 111101000000110000100100001001101011000001001 110110000110101000110110111111001100110001101 100100001001000000000111100111110001100000001 100010111011000011110100011011100110100111101 101111000110001111100111111011110100111111001

Some protocols require a random number which is multiple to some number. For example, Ethernet packet is always in multiples of 8bits. Look at the following example. It generates a random number which is multiple of 3 and 5. $random * 3 will give random numbers which are multiples of 3. But if the number after multiplication needs more than 32 bit to reprasent, then the results may be wrong. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,tmp;[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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initial begin repeat(5) begin num_1 =( $random / 3)*3; num_2 =( $random / 5)*5; $display("num_1 = %d,num_2 = %d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULT: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 303379746,num_2 = -1064739195 -2071669239,num_2 = -1309649305 112818957,num_2 = 1189058955 -1295874969,num_2 = -1992863210 15983361,num_2 = 114806025

All the above examples show that the random numbers are integers only. In verilog there is no special construct to generate a random real number.The following method shows generation of random real numbers. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,num_3; real r_num; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $random; num_2 = $random; num_3 = $random; r_num = num_1 + ((10)**(-(num_2)))*(num_3); $display("r_num = %e",r_num); end end endmodule RESULT: r_num r_num r_num r_num r_num = = = = = -2.071669e+03 2641.189059e+013 976361.598336e+01 57645.126096e+02 24589.097015e+0

To generate random real number , system function $bitstoreal can also be used. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); real r_num; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; r_num = $bitstoreal({$random,$random}); $display("r_num = %e",r_num); end end endmodule RESULTS: r_num = 1.466745e-221 r_num = -6.841798e-287 r_num = 2.874848e-276[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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r_num = -3.516622e-64 r_num = 4.531144e-304

If you want more control over randomizing real numbers interms of sign, exponential and mantissa, use $bitstoreal() as shown in example below. For positive numbers use sgn = 0 and for negative numbers use sgn = 1 . EXAMPLE: module Tb(); reg sgn; reg [10:0] exp; reg [51:0] man; real r_num; initial begin repeat(5) begin sgn = $random; exp = $random; man = $random; r_num = $bitstoreal({sgn,exp,man}); $display("r_num = %e",r_num); end end endmodule RESULTS: r_num r_num r_num r_num r_num = = = = = 3.649952e+193 -1.414950e-73 -3.910319e-149 -4.280878e-196 -4.327791e+273

Some times it is required to generate random numbers without repetition. The random numbers should be unique. For example,to generate 10 random numbers between 0 to 9 without repetition, the following logic can be used. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,i,j,index; integer arr[9:0]; reg ind[9:0]; reg got; initial begin index=0; for(i=0;i<10;i=i+1) begin arr[i] = i; ind[i] = 1; end for(j = 0;j<10 ;j=j+1) begin got = 0; while(got == 0) begin index = { $random } % 10; if(ind[index] == 1) begin ind[index] = 0; got = 1; num = arr[index]; end end $write("| num=%2d |",num);[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Systemverilog Randomization

end end endmodule RESULT: | num= 8 || num= 7 || num= 5 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 9 || num= 6 || num= 4 || num= 0 || num= 3 |

Random number returned by $random system function should be deterministic, i.e when ever we run with simulator it should return values in same sequence. Otherwise the bug found today cant be found return. For this purpose it has one argument called seed. The seed parameter controls the numbers that $random returns, such that different seeds generate different random streams. The seed parameter shall be either a reg, an integer, or a time variable. The seed value should be assigned to this variable prior to calling $random. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin for(j = 0;j<4 ;j=j+1) begin seed = j; $display(" seed is %d",seed); for(i = 0;i < 10; i=i+1) begin num = { $random(seed) } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); end $display(" "); end end endmodule RESULT: seed is 0 | num= 8 || num= 7 || || num= 1 || num= 9 | seed is 1 | num= 8 || num= 8 || || num= 5 || num= 5 | seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | seed is 3 | num= 8 || num= 2 || || num= 3 || num= 9 | num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 5 || num= 2 num= 2 || num= 2 || num= 6 || num= 3 || num= 8 || num= 5 num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7 num= 2 || num= 3 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 1 || num= 4

The $random function has its own implicit variable as seed when user is not giving explicitly seed. The following example shows that seed = 0 and implicit seed are having same sequence.It means that the imlicity taken seed is also 0. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin seed = 0; for(j = 0;j<2 ;j=j+1) begin if(j ==0) $display(" seed is %d",seed); else $display(" No seed is given "); for(i = 0;i < 10; i=i+1) begin[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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if( j == 0) num = { $random(seed) } % 10; else num = { $random } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); end $display(" "); end end endmodule RESULT: seed is 0 | num= 8 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 5 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 9 | No seed is given | num= 8 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 5 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 9 | The system functions shall always return same series of values with same seed. This facilitates debugging by making the operation of the system repeatable. The argument for the seed parameter should be an integer variable that is initialized by the user and only updated by the system function. This ensures the desired distribution is achieved. In the following example, when ever the seed is changed to 2, the sequence 8-1-0-50-8-6-7-11-6......... is followed. Check out in any tool you will see the same sequence. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin for(j = 0;j<4 ;j=j+1) begin seed = 2; $display(" seed is %d",seed); for(i = 0;i < 10; i=i+1) begin num = { $random(seed) } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); end $display(" "); end end endmodule RESULT: seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7 num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7 num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7 num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7

Seed is inout port. Random number system function returns a random number and also returns a random number to seed inout argument also. The results of the following example demonstrates how seed value is getting changed. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin seed = 0;[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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for(j = 0;j<10 ;j=j+1) begin num = { $random(seed) } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); $display(" seed is %d ",seed); end end endmodule RESULT: | | | | | | | | | | num= num= num= num= num= num= num= num= num= num= 8 7 7 7 7 7 5 2 1 9 | | | | | | | | | | seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed is is is is is is is is is is -1844104698 1082744015 75814084 837833973 -2034665166 -958425333 851608272 154620049 -2131500770 -2032678137

From the above results we can make a table of seed values and return values of $random. If a seed is taken from table, then rest of the sequence has to follow sequence in table. Table is as follows for initial seed 0; | num= 8 | seed is -1844104698 | num= 7 | seed is 1082744015 | num= 7 | seed is 75814084 | num= 7 | seed is 837833973 | num= 7 | seed is -2034665166 | num= 7 | seed is -958425333 | num= 5 | seed is 851608272 | num= 2 | seed is 154620049 | num= 1 | seed is -2131500770 | num= 9 | seed is -2032678137 . . . . . table goes on........ In the following example, the seed is 837833973, which is the 4 th seed from the above table. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin seed = 837833973; for(j = 0;j<10 ;j=j+1) begin num = { $random(seed) } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); $display(" seed is %d ",seed); end end endmodule RESULTS: | | | | num= num= num= num= 7 7 5 2 | | | | seed seed seed seed is is is is -2034665166 -958425333 851608272 154620049[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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| | | | | |

num= num= num= num= num= num=

1 9 8 7 9 2

| | | | | |

seed seed seed seed seed seed

is is is is is is

-2131500770 -2032678137 -1155272804 -1634874387 -153856566 -970066749

From the above example we can come to conclusion that $random is not giving a random number. It is randomizing seed and returning corresponding number for that seed. Total possible seed values are 4294967295(32'hFFFF_FFFF). Is it possible for $random to generate all the seeds? . Lets say, if the seed gets repeated after 10 iterations, then after the 10 iterations, same values are repeated. So $random is circulating inside a chain of 10 numbers. The following example demonstrates how $random misses many seeds. I tried to display the seeds between 0 to 20 in the chaining formed by initial seed of 0. Results show that total possible seeds are 4294967295 , and number of seeds possible in seed chain are 4030768279 , so we are missing some seeds. Look at the seeds between 0 to 20. Seed == 1 is missing. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,j; reg [0:31] i; initial begin i = 0; seed = 1; while (seed != 0) begin if(i == 0) seed = 0; i = i + 1; num = $random(seed); if(seed < 20 && seed > 0) $display(" seed is %d after values %d ",seed,i); end $display(" seed is zero after this number of random numbers %0d total numbers available are %d",i,{32'hffff_ffff}); end endmodule RESULTS: seed is 10 after values 93137101 seed is 17 after values 307298440 seed is 2 after values 410139893 seed is 12 after values 483530075 seed is 19 after values 592243262 seed is 3 after values 720224974 seed is 11 after values 1342230278 seed is 15 after values 2032553666 seed is 7 after values 2266624778 seed is 13 after values 2362534380 seed is 5 after values 2512466932 seed is 9 after values 2575033104 seed is 16 after values 2988686279 seed is 4 after values 3173376451 seed is 6 after values 3483433473 seed is 8 after values 3547878575 seed is 14 after values 3663208793 seed is 18 after values 3930700709 seed is zero after this number of random numbers 4030768279 total numbers available are 4294967295

Now I tried to simulate with seed = 1 . It's interisting to know that some how the sequence is able to enter this chaining which is formed with seed=0 and there is no[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Systemverilog Randomization

seed value 1 in this chaining and my simulation hanged. So aborted the simulation and partial results show that the initial seed = 1 enters the chaing formed by seed 0. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,j; reg [0:31] i; initial begin i = 0; seed = 0; while (seed != 1) begin if(i == 0) seed = 1; i = i + 1; num = $random(seed); if(seed < 20 && seed > 0) $display(" seed is %d after values %d ",seed,i); end $display(" seed is one after this number of random numbers %0d total numbers available are %d",i,{32'hffff_ffff}); end endmodule RESULTS: seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is 10 after values 357336117 17 after values 571497456 2 after values 674338909 12 after values 747729091 19 after values 856442278 3 after values 984423990 11 after values 1606429294 15 after values 2296752682 7 after values 2530823794 13 after values 2626733396 5 after values 2776665948 9 after values 2839232120 16 after values 3252885295 4 after values 3437575467 6 after values 3747632489 8 after values 3812077591 14 after values 3927407809 18 after values 4194899725 10 after values 357336117 17 after values 571497456 2 after values 674338909 12 after values 747729091 19 after values 856442278 3 after values 984423990

Verilog also has other system functions to generate random numbers. Each of these functions returns a pseudo-random number whose characteristics are described by the function name. Following are the Verilog random number genrator system functions: $random $dist_chi_square $dist_erlang $dist_exponential $dist_normal $dist_poisson $dist_t $dist_uniform All parameters to the system functions are integer values. For the exponential, poisson, chi-square ,t and erlang functions the parameters mean, degree of freedom, and k_stage must be greater than 0. $dist_uniform(seed, min, max) is similar to min + {$random(seed)}%(max-min+1), the[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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difference is that in $dist_uniform the distribution is uniform. $dist_uniform returns a number between min and max. In the $dist_uniform function, the start and end parameters are integer inputs that bound the values returned. The start value should be smaller than the end value. The mean parameter used by $dist_normal, $dist_exponential, $dist_poisson and $dist_erlang is an integer input that causes the average value returned by the function to approach the value specified. The standard deviation parameter used with the $dist_normal function is an integer input that helps determine the shape of the density function. Larger numbers for standard deviation spread the returned values over a wider range. The degree of freedom parameter used with the $dist_chi_square and $dist_t functions is an integer input that helps determine the shape of the density function. Larger numbers spread the returned values over a wider range. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,seed; initial begin seed = 10; repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $dist_uniform(seed,20,25); num_2 = $dist_uniform(seed,50,55); $display("num_1 = %d,num_2 = %d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 20,num_2 23,num_2 22,num_2 25,num_2 23,num_2 = = = = = 50 55 54 51 55

As i discussed $random randomizes its seed, Lets see whether $dist_uniform is also doing the same. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,seedd,seedr; initial begin seedd = 10; seedr = 10; repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $dist_uniform(seedd,20,25); num_2 = 20 + ({$random(seedr)} % 6); $display("num_1 = %d,num_2 %d",num_1,num_2,seedd,seedr); end end endmodule RESULTS: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 20,num_2 20,num_2 23,num_2 25,num_2 22,num_2 = = = = = 22,seedd 20,seedd 22,seedd 21,seedd 23,seedd = = = = =




690691 seedr = 690691 460696424 seedr = 460696424 -1571386807 seedr = -1571386807 -291802762 seedr = -291802762 1756551551 seedr = 1756551551[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Systemverilog Randomization

Look at the results... Its interesting to note that $random and $dist_uniform have same seed sequence flow also.

As I mentioned, $dist_uniform(seed, min, max) is similar to min + {$random(seed)}%(max-min+1). "similar" means they have some common functionality. $dist_uniform is having uniform distribution, $random for that range is also uniformly distributed. Following example demonstrates that $dist_uniform and $random are uniformly distributed. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed; integer num_20,num_21,num_22,num_23,num_24,num_25; initial begin seed = 10; num_20 = 0;num_21 = 0;num_22 = 0;num_23 = 0;num_24 = 0;num_25 =0; repeat(6000) begin num = $dist_uniform(seed,20,25); if(num == 20 ) num_20 = num_20 + 1; if(num == 21) num_21 = num_21 + 1; if(num == 22) num_22 = num_22 + 1; if(num == 23) num_23 = num_23 + 1; if(num == 24) num_24 = num_24 + 1; if(num == 25) num_25 = num_25 + 1; end $display("num_20 = %0d;num_21 = %0d;num_22 = %0d;num_23 = %0d;num_24 = %0d;num_25 = %0d",num_20,num_21,num_22,num_23,num_24,num_25); end endmodule RESULTS: num_20 = 1014;num_21 = 983;num_22 = 946;num_23 = 1023;num_24 = 1014;num_25 = 1020 EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num; integer num_20,num_21,num_22,num_23,num_24,num_25; initial begin seed = 10; num_20 = 0;num_21 = 0;num_22 = 0;num_23 = 0;num_24 = 0;num_25 =0; repeat(6000) begin num = 20 +( {$random(seed) } %6 ); if(num == 20 ) num_20 = num_20 + 1; if(num == 21) num_21 = num_21 + 1; if(num == 22) num_22 = num_22 + 1; if(num == 23) num_23 = num_23 + 1; if(num == 24) num_24 = num_24 + 1; if(num == 25) num_25 = num_25 + 1; end[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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$display("num_20 = %0d;num_21 = %0d;num_22 = %0d;num_23 = %0d;num_24 = %0d;num_25 = %0d",num_20,num_21,num_22,num_23,num_24,num_25); end endmodule RESULTS: num_20 = 973;num_21 = 1064;num_22 = 961;num_23 = 988;num_24 = 999;num_25 = 1015 As I mentioned ,$dist_uniform(seed, min, max) is similar to min + {$random(seed)}%(max-min+1). "similar" means they have some difference. The difference is that they generate different sequence. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,seedd,seedr; initial begin seedd = 10; seedr = 10; repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $dist_uniform(seedd,20,25); num_2 = 20 + ({$random(seedr)} % 6); $display("num_1 = %d,num_2 = %d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 20,num_2 20,num_2 23,num_2 25,num_2 22,num_2 = = = = = 22 20 22 21 23

Till now what we have seen is $random has uniform distribution over integer values. It means that distribution should be uniform across all the bits in 32 bit vector also. The following example shows that bits positions 2,3,4,11,12,13 have equal probability of getting 0. For demonstration I showed some index only. Try out rest of them and see that results is same for all the bits. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num; integer num_2,num_3,num_4,num_11,num_12,num_13; initial begin num_2 = 0;num_3 = 0;num_4 = 0;num_11 = 0;num_12 = 0;num_13 =0; repeat(6000) begin num = $random; if(num[2] == 0 ) num_2 = num_2 + 1; if(num[3] == 0) num_3 = num_3 + 1; if(num[4] == 0) num_4 = num_4 + 1; if(num[11] == 0) num_11 = num_11 + 1; if(num[12] == 0) num_12 = num_12 + 1; if(num[13] == 0) num_13 = num_13 + 1; end $display("num_2 = %0d;num_3 = %0d;num_4 = %0d;num_11 = %0d;num_12 = %0d;num_13 = %0d",num_2,num_3,num_4,num_11,num_12,num_13); end endmodule[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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RESULTS: num_2 = 3012;num_3 = 2964;num_4 = 3065;num_11 = 3001;num_12 = 2964;num_13 = 2975

The distribution is uniform for system function $random. Suppose if the requirement is to generate random numbers for more than one variable, and all the variables should have uniform distribution, then use different seeds for each variable. Other wise distribution is distributed on all the variables as overall variables which mightnot be our requirement.. But for lower bits, the distribution is same as shown in example. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer seed; reg [1:0] var_1,var_2,var3,var4; integer num_2,num_3,num_1,num_0; integer cou_2,cou_3,cou_1,cou_0; initial begin seed = 10; num_2 = 0;num_3= 0;num_1= 0;num_0= 0; cou_2= 0;cou_3= 0;cou_1= 0;cou_0= 0; repeat(40000) begin var_1 = $random; var3 = $random; var4 = $random; var_2 = $random; if(var_1 == 0 ) num_0 = num_0 + 1; if(var_1 == 1 ) num_1 = num_1 + 1; if(var_1 == 2 ) num_2 = num_2 + 1; if(var_1 == 3 ) num_3 = num_3 + 1; if(var_2 == 0 ) cou_0 = cou_0 + 1; if(var_2 == 1 ) cou_1 = cou_1 + 1; if(var_2 == 2 ) cou_2 = cou_2 + 1; if(var_2 == 3 ) cou_3 = cou_3 + 1; end $display("num_2 = %0d;num_3= %0d;",num_2,num_3,num_1,num_0); $display("cou_2= %0d;cou_3= %0d;",cou_2,cou_3,cou_1,cou_0); end endmodule RESULTS: num_2 = 9984;num_3= 10059;num_1= 10002;num_0= 9955; cou_2= 10060;cou_3= 9934;cou_1= 10072;cou_0= 9934;

%0d;num_1= %0d;cou_1=

%0d;num_0= %0d;cou_0=

Use system time as seed, so the same TB simulated at different times have different random sequences and there is more probability of finding bugs. The following is C code useful in PLI to get system time in to verilog.[9/26/2012 2:10:12 PM]

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#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> char *get_time_string(int mode24); int get_systime() { time_t seconds; seconds = time (NULL); return seconds; } In Verilog 1995 standard every simulator has its own random number generation algorithm. But in Verilog 2001 a standard is made that every simulator has to follow same algorithm. So the same random number sequence can seen on different simulators for same seed. Don't expect that the same sequence is generated on all the simulators. They are only following same algorithm. The reason is race condition. Look at following example, both the statements_1 and statement_2 are scheduled to execute at same simulation time. The order of execution is not not known. Some simulators take statement_1 as the first statement to execute and some other statement_2. If the TB is built without any race condition to $random function calls, then the same random sequence can be generated on different simulators and a testbench without a racecondition on $random calls is not easy to build. Look at the following 2 examples. I just changed the order of statements, the results are reversed. @edes EXAMPLE:new module Tb(); initial $display("staement 2 :::%d",$random); initial $display("staement 1 :::%d",$random); endmodule staement 2 ::: 303379748 staement 1 :::-1064739199 EXAMPLE: module Tb(); initial $display("staement 1 :::%d",$random); initial $display("staement 2 :::%d",$random); endmodule staement 1 ::: 303379748 staement 2 :::-1064739199



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Systemverilog Constraint Random Stmulus Generaion : We have seen how to get random values and constrain them. These constraints are at very low level of abstraction. Todays verification needs a better way to describ the constraints. SystemVerilog has randomization constructs to support todays verification needs. Following are the features of SystemVerilog which support Constraint Random Verification (CRV) : 1) Constraints : Purely random stimulus takes too long to generate interesting senarious. Specify the interesting subset of all possible stimulus with constraint blocks. These are features provided by SystemVerilog for constraining randomness. Random variable generated in verilog Boolean expressions, foreach (for constraining elements of array), set membership, inline constraints, rand case, rand sequence, Conditional constraints and implication constraints. 2) Randomization : random function, constrained and unconstrained randomization, uniform distribution, weighted distribution,weighted range, weighted case, pre randomization, post randomization, declaration of random variable and non repeating sequence. 3) Dynamic constraints : inline constraints, guarded constraints, disabling/enabling

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving with time!

VMM Ethernet sample constraints, disabling/enabling random variables and overriding of constraint blocks.

4) Random Stability : Thread stability, object stability and manual seeding. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

In verilog only system functions like $random are used for stimulus generation. In SystemVerilog, constraint random stimulus can be generated in following ways.

Random Number Generator System Functions OpenVera

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE: Specman E Interview Questions

In addition to the system function which are in verilog, SystemVerilog has $urandom() and $urandom_range(). $urandom() and $urandom_range() returns a unsigned values. The following example demonstrates random generation of unsigned numbers.

module Tb(); integer unsigned address; initial begin repeat(5) begin address = $urandom(); $display("address = %d;",address); end end endmodule

RESULTS:[9/26/2012 2:10:22 PM]

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# # # # #

address address address address address

= = = = =

3468265955; 541037099; 3836988758; 3611785217; 978699393;

The seed is an optional argument that determines the sequence of random numbers generated. The seed can be any integral expression. The random number generator (RNG) shall generate the same sequence of random numbers every time the same seed is used. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin for(j = 0;j<4 ;j=j+1) begin seed = 2; $display(" seed is set %d",seed); void'($urandom(seed)); for(i = 0;i < 10; i=i+1) begin num = $urandom() % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); end $display(" "); end end endmodule RESULTS: seed is set 2 | num= 1 || num= 2 || || num= 3 || num= 1 | seed is set 2 | num= 1 || num= 2 || || num= 3 || num= 1 | seed is set 2 | num= 1 || num= 2 || || num= 3 || num= 1 | seed is set 2 | num= 1 || num= 2 || || num= 3 || num= 1 | num= 7 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 7 || num= 4 || num= 2 num= 7 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 7 || num= 4 || num= 2 num= 7 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 7 || num= 4 || num= 2 num= 7 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 7 || num= 4 || num= 2[9/26/2012 2:10:22 PM]

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$Urandom_range The $urandom_range() function returns an unsigned integer within a specified range. The syntax for $urandom_range() is as follows: function int unsigned $urandom_range( int unsigned maxval,int unsigned minval = 0 ); The function shall return an unsigned integer in the range of maxval ... minval. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $urandom_range(25,20); num_2 = $urandom_range(55,50); $display("num_1 = %0d,num_2 = %0d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: # # # # # num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 25,num_2 22,num_2 23,num_2 21,num_2 25,num_2 = = = = = 55 55 52 54 54

If minval is omitted, the function shall return a value in the range of maxval ... 0. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $urandom_range(3); num_2 = $urandom_range(5); $display("num_1 = %0d,num_2 = %0d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 3,num_2 2,num_2 1,num_2 3,num_2 1,num_2 = = = = = 5 5 2 4 4

If maxval is less than minval, the arguments are automatically reversed so that the first argument is larger than the second argument. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $urandom_range(20,25); num_2 = $urandom_range(50,55);[9/26/2012 2:10:22 PM]

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$display("num_1 = %0d,num_2 = %0d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 25,num_2 22,num_2 23,num_2 21,num_2 25,num_2 = = = = = 55 55 52 54 54

Scope Randomize Function The scope randomize function, randomize(), enables users to randomize data in the current scope.Variables which are passed as arguments are randomized and there is no limit on the number of arguments.For simpler applications,randomize() function leads to stright farward implimentation.This gives better control over the $random,as it allows to add constraints using inline constraints and constraint solver gives valid solution.Variables which are in the constraint block and not passed as arguments to randomize() function are not randomized.In the following example Variable Var is randomized and MIN is not randomized. EXAMPLE: module scope_3; integer Var; initial begin for ( int i = 0;i<6 ;i++) if( randomize(Var)) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); $finish; end endmodule RESULTS: Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = -826701341 541037099 -457978538 -683182079 978699393 717199556 1114265683

Scope randomize function gives better control over the $random, as it allows to add constraints using inline constraints and constraint solver gives valid solution. Variables which are in the constraint block and not passed as arguments to randomize() function are not randomized. In the following example Variable Var is randomized and MIN is not randomized. EXAMPLE: module scope_4; integer Var; integer MIN; initial begin MIN = 50; for ( int i = 0;i<100 ;i++) if( randomize(Var) with { Var < 100 ; Var > MIN ;}) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d Min = %0d",Var,MIN); else $display("Randomization failed"); $finish; end[9/26/2012 2:10:22 PM]

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endmodule RESULTS: # # # # # # # Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = 94 69 53 71 51 78 95 Min Min Min Min Min Min Min = = = = = = = 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

In randomize function, the solver can't solve if X or Z is used. randomize(Var) with { Var == 'bx ;} or {MIN = 'bx} will result in an error. Randomizing Objects Generating random stimulus within objects : SystemVerilog allows object-oriented programiming for random stimulus generation, subjected to specified constraints. During randomization, variables declared as rand or randc inside class are only considered for randomization. Built-in randomize() method is called to generate new random values for the declared random variables.

EXAMPLE: program Simple_pro_5; class Simple; rand integer Var; endclass Simple obj; initial begin obj = new(); repeat(5) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization successful : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = -82993358 -112342886 -867551972 -34537722 1977312553

Random Unpacked Structs: SystemVerilog allows unpackedstructs to be declared as rand for randomization. Only members of struct which are declared as rand or randc are only randomized. randc is not allowed on unpacked structs. If Struct is not declared as rand, solver considers it as state variable. EXAMPLE: class Rand_struct; typedef struct { randc int Var1; int Var2; } Struct_t; rand Struct_t Str; rand endclass

// To randomize Var1 and Struct_t type has to declared as[9/26/2012 2:10:22 PM]

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program stru_rand_6; Rand_struct RS ; initial begin RS = new(); repeat(10) if(RS.randomize()) $display(" Var1 : %d",RS.Str.Var1); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 : : : : : : : : : : -430761355 424439941 -1129955555 1781908941 -752252755 922477361 -2115981855 1551031961 -91393015 262093271

Simillar to struct, the same can be achived using class by calling the randomize() function on the object, which is created by using class. EXAMPLE: program class_rand_7; class Class_t; rand int Var1; int Var2; endclass class Rand_class; rand Class_t Cla; function new(); Cla = new(); endfunction endclass // To randomize Var1,Class_t type has to declared as rand

Rand_class RC = new(); initial repeat(10) if(RC.randomize()) $display(" Var1 : %0d Var2 : %0d",RC.Cla.Var1,RC.Cla.Var2); endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 : : : : : : : : : : 733126180 Var2 : 0 -119008195 Var2 : 0 342785185 Var2 : 0 679818185 Var2 : 0 -717162992 Var2 : 0 664520634 Var2 : 0 -1944980214 Var2 : 0 -1350759145 Var2 : 0 -1374963034 Var2 : 0 -462078992 Var2 : 0

SystemVerilog structs are static objects, where as class instances are dynamic objects, declaring a class instance does not allocate memory space for object. Calling built in new() function creates memory for object. Class have built in functions and tasks, where as struct dont, this speeds up simulation time if structs are used. Check your data structure, if they need simple encapsulation use struct otherwise if they need object oriented mechanisms then choose class. Rand Case : You can use randcase to make a weighted choice between different items, without[9/26/2012 2:10:22 PM]

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having to create a class and instance. An items weight divided by the sum of all weights gives the probability of taking that branch. More details are discussed in the following units. Rand Sequence : SystemVerilog provides randsequnce to generate random sequencess of operation. It will be useful for randomly generating structured sequences of stimulus such as instructions or network traffic patterns.




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Constrained Random Verification Generating Random Stimulus Within Class : Verilog Crv SystemVerilog features which support Constraint random generation inside objects are Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects : Random Variables Randomization Methods 1) Random Variable declaration. Checker 2) Built in Functions for generation. Constraint Block 3) Constraints to control random generation. Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode Variables declared as rand or randc are assigned random values when randomize() External Constraints function is called, where the constraint specifies the valid solution space from which Randomization the random values are picked. Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits


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Random Varible Declaration: Variables declared as rand or randc are only randomized due to call of randomize() function. All other varibles are considered as state variables. EXAMPLE: class ex_8; rand [3:0] var1; randc [3:0] var2; rand integer var3; endclass Fixed arrays, dynamic arrays, associative arrays and queues can be declared as rand or randc. All their elements are treated as random. Individual array elements can also be constrained,in this case, index expression must be constant. For dynamic arrays, the size of the array length can be constrained. Non integer data types like shortreal, real and realtime are not allowed for random variable declaration. Rand Modifier :

Variables declared with rand keyword are standard random variables. When there are no other control on distrubution, these variables are uniformly distributed across valid VMM Ethernet sample values. Report a Bug or Comment Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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EXAMPLE: class rand_cl; rand bit [0:2] Var; constraint limit_c { Var < 4;} endclass


program rand_p_9; rand_cl obj; integer count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3; Constructs initial begin Switch TB obj = new(); RVM Switch TB count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0;count_2 = 0;count_3 = 0; repeat(100000) RVM Ethernet sample begin void'(obj.randomize()); if( obj.Var == 0) count_0 ++; Specman E else if( obj.Var == 1) count_1 ++; else if( obj.Var == 2) count_2 ++; Interview Questions else if( obj.Var == 3) count_3 ++; end $display(" count_0 = %0d , count_1 = %0d, count_2 = %0d, count_3 = %0d ",count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3); end endprogram RESULTS: count_0 = 25046 , count_1 = 24940, count_2 = 24969, count_3 = 25045[9/26/2012 2:10:38 PM]

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Simulation results show that the rand variable is distrubuted uniformly. Randc Modifier : Variables declared as randc are random cyclic that randomly iterates over all the values in the range and no value is repeated with in an iteration until every possible value has been assigned. But Iteration sequences are won't be same. Bit and enumerated types can be randc variables. To reduce memory requirements, implementations can impose a limit on maximum size of a randc variable, it should be not be more than 8 bits. EXAMPLE: class rand_c; randc bit [1:0] Var; endclass program rand_cp_10; rand_c obj=new(); initial for(int i=0;i<20;i++) begin void'(obj.randomize()); $write("%0d_",obj.Var); if(i%4==3) $display(""); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # 0_3_1_2_ 3_0_2_1_ 0_3_1_2_ 0_1_2_3_ 3_0_2_1_

The permutation sequence for any given randc variable is recomputed whenever the constraints changes on that variable or when none of the remaining values in the permutation can satisfy the constraints. EXAMPLE: class rand_c; randc bit [2:0] Var; integer MIN = 4; constraint C { Var < MIN ;}[9/26/2012 2:10:38 PM]

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endclass program rand_cp_11; rand_c obj=new(); initial for(int i=0;i<20;i++) begin obj.MIN = 4; if(i>12) obj.MIN=7; void'(obj.randomize()); if(i==12) $display(" CONSTRAINT CHANGED "); $write("%0d_",obj.Var); if((i%4==3)) $display(""); end endprogram RESULTS: 0_2_3_1_ 0_1_3_2_ 3_2_0_1_ CONSTRAINT CHANGED 0_1_4_2_ 6_5_3_0_

Permutation sequence is computed on every call of new() function. So if randc variables won't behave like random cyclic, if new() is called for every randomization. In the following example variable Var is not behaving like random cyclic. EXAMPLE: class rand_c; randc bit [1:0]Var; endclass program rand_cp_12; rand_c obj=new(); initial for(int i=0;i<20;i++) begin obj=new(); void'(obj.randomize()); $write("%0d_",obj.Var); if(i%4==3) $display(""); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # 1_3_1_2_ 3_2_2_1_ 2_0_0_0_ 3_3_1_0_ 3_0_1_0_



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Randomization Built-In Methods SystemVerilog has randomize(),pre_randomize() and post_randomize() built-in functions for randomization. Calling randomize() causes new values to be selected for all of the random variables in an object. To perform operations immediately before or after randomization,pre_randomize() and post_randomize() are used. Randomize() Every class has a virtual predefined function randomize(), which is provided for generating a new value.Randomization function returns 1 if the solver finds a valid solution. We cannot override this predefined function. It is strongly recommended to check the return value of randomize function. Constraint solver never fails after one successful randomization, if solution space is not changed. For every randomization call, check the return value, solver may fail due to dynamically changing the constraints.In the following example, there is no solution for Var < 100 and Var > 200,so the randomization fails. The best way to check status of randomization return value is by using assertion. assert(obj.randomize()); EXAMPLE: program Simple_pro_13; class Simple; rand integer Var; constraint c1 { Var <100;} constraint c2 { Var >200;} endclass initial begin Simple obj = new(); if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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# Randomization failed
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If randomize() fails, the constraints are infeasible and the random variables retain their previous values. In the following example, For the first randomization call there is a solution. When the constraints are changed, the randomization failed. Simulation results show that after randomization failed, random variables hold their previous values. EXAMPLE: program Simple_pro_14; class Simple; rand integer Var;[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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integer MIN = 20 ; constraint c { Var < 100 ; Var > MIN ; } endclass obj; initial begin obj = new(); if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization successful : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed: Var = %0d ",obj.Var); obj.MIN = 200; $display(" MIN is changed to fail the constraint"); if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display(" Randomization failed : Var = %0d",obj.Var); end endprogram RESULTS: # Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 87 # MIN is changed to fail the constraint. # Randomization failed : Var = 87 Pre_randomize And Post_randomize


Every class contains pre_randomize() and post_randomize() methods, which are automatically called by randomize() before and after computing new random values. When randomize() is called,it first invokes the pre_randomize() then randomize() finally if the randomization is sucesusful only post_randomize is invoked. These methods can be used as hooks for the user to perform operations such as setting initial values and performing functions after assigning random variables. EXAMPLE: program pre_post_15; class simple; function void pre_randomize; $display(" PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass simple obj = new(); initial void'(obj.randomize()); endprogram[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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RESULTS: # PRE_RANDOMIZATION # POST_RANDOMIZATION Overriding of pre_randomize and post_randomize functions is allowed by child class. If parent class functions are not called when overriding pre_randomize() and post_randomize functions, parent class function definations will be omitted. EXAMPLE: class Base; function void pre_randomize; $display(" BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" BASE POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass class Extend_1 extends Base; function void pre_randomize; $display(" EXTEND_1 PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" EXTEND_1 POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass class Extend_2 extends Base; function void pre_randomize; super.pre_randomize(); $display(" EXTEND_2 PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; super.post_randomize(); $display(" EXTEND_2 POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass program pre_post_16; Base B = new(); Extend_1 E1 = new(); Extend_2 E2 = new(); initial begin void'(B.randomize()); void'(E1.randomize()); void'(E2.randomize()); end endprogram In the extended class EXTEND_1, when overiding the builtin functions, parent class functions are not called. In the extended class EXTEND_2, super.methods are called which invokes the parent class methods also. RESULTS: # # # # # # # # BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION BASE POST_RANDOMIZATION EXTEND_1 PRE_RANDOMIZATION EXTEND_1 POST_RANDOMIZATION BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION EXTEND_2 PRE_RANDOMIZATION BASE POST_RANDOMIZATION EXTEND_2 POST_RANDOMIZATION

The pre_randomize() and post_randomize() methods are not virtual. However,[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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because they are automatically called by the randomize() method, which is virtual, they appear to behave as virtual methods. This example demonstrates that these functions are not virtual but simulation results show that, it executed extended class definition functions. Extended class object is created and assigned to base class object. Calls to pre_randomize and post_randomize calls in object B ,executed the extended class definitions. EXAMPLE: class Base; function void pre_randomize; $display(" BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction virtual function void post_randomize; $display(" BASE POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass class Extend extends Base; function void pre_randomize; $display(" EXTEND PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" EXTEND POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass program pre_post_17; Base B ; Extend E = new(); initial begin B=E; void'(B.randomize()); void'(E.randomize()); end endprogram RESULTS: There should be compilation error. In the above example compilation error is due to the declaration of post_randmoize() function as virtual. By removing the virtual keyword for the post_randomize() function, calling the randomize() function by parent and child class, both will execute functions of child class only. Which is a virtual function behaviour. EXAMPLE: class Base; function void pre_randomize; $display(" BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" BASE POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass class Extend extends Base; function void pre_randomize; $display(" EXTEND PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" EXTEND POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass program pre_post_17; Base B ; Extend E = new(); initial begin B=E; void'(B.randomize());[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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If the class is a derived class and no user-defined implementation of pre_randomize() and post_randomize() exists, then pre_randomize() and post_randomize() will automatically invoke super.pre_randomize() and super.post_randomize() respectively. EXAMPLE: class Base; function void pre_randomize; $display(" BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" BASE POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass class Extend extends Base; endclass program pre_post_19; Extend E = new(); initial void'(E.randomize()); endprogram RESULTS: # BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION # BASE POST_RANDOMIZATION EXAMPLE: class Base; function void pre_randomize; $display(" BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION \n"); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" BASE POST_RANDOMIZATION \n"); endfunction endclass class Extend extends Base; function void pre_randomize; super.pre_randomize(); $display(" EXTENDED PRE_RANDOMIZATION \n"); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" EXTENDED POST_RANDOMIZATION \n"); endfunction endclass program pre_post; Base B; Extend E = new(); initial begin B = E; if(B.randomize()) $display(" randomization done \n"); end endprogram RESULTS:[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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BASE PRE_RANDOMIZATION EXTENDED PRE_RANDOMIZATION EXTENDED POST_RANDOMIZATION randomization done Results show that, if extended class is having new definition, explicitly super.pre_ or post_ has to be called. super.pre_randomize() is called in extended class, but super.post_randomize() is not called in above example. See the difference in results. If a class A instance is in Class B,To randomize class A by calling the randomize function of class B,Class A instance has to be declared as rand variable. EXAMPLE: class A; rand integer Var; endclass class B; rand A obj_1 = new() ; A obj_2 = new(); endclass program a_b_20; B obj=new(); initial begin obj.obj_1.Var = 1; obj.obj_2.Var = 1; repeat(10) begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 = %d ,Var2 = %d ",obj.obj_1.Var,obj.obj_2.Var ); end end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 = = = = = = = = = = 733126180 ,Var2 = 1 -119008195 ,Var2 = 1 342785185 ,Var2 = 1 679818185 ,Var2 = 1 -717162992 ,Var2 = 1 664520634 ,Var2 = 1 -1944980214 ,Var2 = 1 -1350759145 ,Var2 = 1 -1374963034 ,Var2 = 1 -462078992 ,Var2 = 1

Look at the results. Variable of obj_2 is not randomized. Only variable of obj_1 which is declared as rand is ranomized. Upon calling the randomize method of B object which contains rand A object, First B prerandomize is called, then A prerandomize method is called, then B is randomized, if a solution was found, new values are assigned to the random A objects.If solution was found, for each random object that is a class instance it's post_randomize method is called. That means if randomization is successful next B postrandomize, next A postrandomize functions are called. Upon calling B randomize function this is sequence it follow. B-Prerandomize --> A-prerandomize --> A.randomize --> B-postrandomize --> Apostrandomize

EXAMPLE: class A; rand integer Var; function void pre_randomize;[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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$display(" A PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" A POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass class B; rand A obj_a; function new(); obj_a = new(); endfunction function void pre_randomize; $display(" B PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" B POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass program pre_post_21; B obj_b = new(); initial void'(obj_b.randomize()); endprogram RESULTS: # # # # B PRE_RANDOMIZATION A PRE_RANDOMIZATION B POST_RANDOMIZATION A POST_RANDOMIZATION

If randomization failed for obj_a, then post_randomize of obj_a and post_randomize of obj_b won't be called, and randomization will fail for obj_b also. EXAMPLE: class A; rand bit [2:0] Var; constraint randge_c { Var > 2 ; Var < 2;} function void pre_randomize; $display(" A PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" A POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction endclass class B; rand A obj_a; function void pre_randomize; $display(" B PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function void post_randomize; $display(" B POST_RANDOMIZATION "); endfunction function new(); obj_a = new(); endfunction endclass program pre_post_22; B obj_b = new(); initial void'(obj_b.randomize()); endprogram RESULTS: # B PRE_RANDOMIZATION[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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# A PRE_RANDOMIZATION Disabling Random Variable The random nature of variables declared as rand or randc can be turned on or off dynamically. To change the status of variable which is declared as rand or randc to state variable, built in rand_mode() method is used. State variables are not randomized by randomize() mehod. By default all rand and randc variables are active. When called as a task, the arguments to the rand_mode method determines the operation to be performed. If the arguments is 0, then all the variables declared as rand and randc will become non random i.e all random variables treated as state variables. IF argument is 1, then all variables declares as rand and randc will be randomized. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; endclass program rand_mo_p_23; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.rand_mode(0); // Var1 and Var2 will be treated as State variables. void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.rand_mode(1); // // Var1 and Var2 will be treated as random variables. void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); end endprogram RESULTS: # Var1 : 733126180 Var2 : -119008195 # Var1 : 733126180 Var2 : -119008195 # Var1 : 342785185 Var2 : 679818185 If arguments are Variable name, then only that variable will be non random. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; endclass program rand_mo_p_24; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 obj.Var1.rand_mode(0); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 obj.Var2.rand_mode(0); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 obj.Var1.rand_mode(1); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 end endprogram RESULTS: # Var1 : 733126180 Var2 : -119008195 # Var1 : 733126180 Var2 : 342785185

: %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); // Var1 will become State variable : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); // Var2 will also become State variable : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); // // Var1 will become random variable : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2);[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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# Var1 : 733126180 Var2 : 342785185 # Var1 : 679818185 Var2 : 342785185

When rand_mode method is called as function, it returns the active status of the specified random variable. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; endclass program rand_mo_p_24; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.Var1.rand_mode(0); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); if(obj.Var1.rand_mode()) $display(" Var1 is random"); else $display(" Var1 is nonrandom"); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 : : is : 733126180 Var2 : -119008195 733126180 Var2 : 342785185 nonrandom 733126180 Var2 : 679818185

If you are changing the status of a variable, which is not existing it is compilation error. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; endclass program rand_mo_p_24; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.Var3.rand_mode(0); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); if(obj.Var3.rand_mode()) $display(" Var3 is nonrandom"); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); end endprogram A compiler error shall be issued if the specified variable does not exist within the class hierarchy or eventhough it exists but not declared as rand or randc. The following example illustrates the second case. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1;[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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integer Var2; endclass program rand_mo_p_24; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.Var2.rand_mode(0); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); if(obj.Var2.rand_mode()) $display(" Var1 is nonrandom"); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); end endprogram In the above example, Var2 is state variable. If the random variable is an object handle, only the mode of the object is changed, not the mode of random variables within that object. EXAMPLE: class rand_var; rand integer Var2; endclass class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand rand_var rv; function new(); rv = new(); endfunction endclass program rand_mo_p_23; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.rv.Var2); obj.rand_mode(0); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.rv.Var2); void'(obj.rv.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.rv.Var2); end endprogram RESULTS: Var1 : 345345423 Var2 : 234563556 Var1 : 345345423 Var2 : 234563556 Var1 : 345345423 Var2 : -2456456 Random Static Variable Randomization does not depend on life time of variable. Even if a variable is static,randomization is specfic to object.So rand_mode() on static variable,only switches off the randomization on the variable of that object.This is true for dist and randc. In the following example, Var1 is static and Var2 is automatic.Var1 and Var2 in obj_2 are made nonrandom using rand_mode(0).Var1 and Var2 in obj_1 are getting randomized.The only difference between Var1 and Var2 is that new random value for Var1 is appreas on both objects. EXAMPLE: class A; rand static integer Var1; rand integer Var2;[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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endclass program A_p_27; A obj_1 = new; A obj_2 = new; initial begin obj_2.Var1.rand_mode(0); obj_2.Var2.rand_mode(0); repeat(2) begin void'(obj_1.randomize()); void'(obj_2.randomize()); $display("obj_1.Var1 : %d ,obj_1.Var2 : %d : obj_2.Var1 : %d ,obj_2.Var2 : %d :",obj_1.Var1,obj_1.Var2,obj_2.Var1,obj_2.Var2); end end endprogram RESULTS: obj_1.Var1 : 934734534,obj_1.Var2 : 234232342: obj_2.Var1 : 934734534 ,obj_2.Var2 :0: obj_1.Var1 : 908123314,obj_1.Var2 : 121891223: obj_2.Var1 : 908123314 ,obj_2.Var2 :0: Random variables declared as static are shared by all instances of the class in which they are declared. Each time the randomize() method is called, the variable is changed in every class instance. Randomizing Nonrand Varible All the variables(randc, rand and nonrandom variables) randomization nature can be changed dynamically. Using rand_mode() rand and randc varibles changes its nature. The random nature of variables which are not declared as rand or randc can also be randomized dynamically. When the randomize method is called with no arguments, it randomizes the variables which are declared as rand or randc,so that all of the constraints are satisfied. When randomize is called with arguments, those arguments designate the complete set of random variables within that object, all other variables in the object are considered state variables. EXAMPLE: class CA; rand byte x, y; byte v, w; constraint c1 { x < v && y > w ;} endclass program CA_p_28; CA a = new; initial begin a.x = 10;a.y = 10;a.v = 10;a.w = 10; $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); void'(a.randomize()); // random variables: x, y state variables: v, w $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); void'(a.randomize(x)); // random variables: x state variables: y, v, w $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); void'(a.randomize(v,w)); // random variables: v, w state variables: x, y $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); void'(a.randomize(w,x)); // random variables: w, x state variables: y, v $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); end endprogram RESULTS: # x : 10 y : 10 : v : 10 : w : 10 # x : -71 y : 96 : v : 10 : w : 10[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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# x : -37 y : 96 : v : 10 : w : 10 # x : -37 y : 96 : v : -22 : w : 80 # x : -90 y : 96 : v : -22 : w : -41

In above example x and y are rand variables, v and w are state variables. When a.randomize() is called, all rand varibles are randomized and state variables are hold the same value. When a.randomize(w) is called, only w is considered as rand variable and all others as state varibles. Here w is in constraint block so it has to satisfy the constraints. v,y and x also are state variables now, they also need to satisfy the constraint else it fails. Replacing the class variables, with its hierarchical result also should result same. EXAMPLE: program CA_p_29; CA a = new; initial begin a.x = 10;a.y = 10;a.v = 10;a.w = 10; $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); void'(a.randomize()); // random variables: x, y state variables: v, w $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); void'(a.randomize( a.x )); // random variables: x state variables: y, v, w $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); void'(a.randomize( a.v, a.w )); // random variables: v, w state variables: x, y $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); void'(a.randomize( a.w, a.x )); // random variables: w, x state variables: y, v $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",a.x,a.y,a.v,a.w); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # x x x x x : : : : : 10 y : -71 y : -37 y : -37 y : -90 y : 10 : v : 96 : v : 96 : v : 96 : v : 96 : v : 10 : w : 10 : w : 10 : w : -22 : w : -22 : w : 10 10 10 80 -41

If you are not interested to satisfy the constraints in constraint block, instead of switching off the constraint block, just randomize the variables using scope randomize() function. Scope randomize provide the ability to randomize class variables also along with non class variables. EXAMPLE: program CA_p_30; integer x,y,v,w; initial begin x = 10;y = 10;v = 10;w = 10; $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",x,y,v,w); randomize( x ); // random variables: x state variables: y, v, w $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",x,y,v,w); randomize(v,w ); // random variables: v, w state variables: x, y $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",x,y,v,w); randomize(w,x ); // random variables: w, x state variables: y, v $display(" x : %3d y : %3d : v : %3d : w : %3d ",x,y,v,w); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # x x x x : : : : 10 y : 10 : v : 10 : w : 10 -826701341 y : 10 : v : 10 : w : 10 -826701341 y : 10 : v : 541037099 : w : -457978538 978699393 y : 10 : v : 541037099 : w : -683182079[9/26/2012 2:10:48 PM]

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Built-in method randomize() not only used for randomization, it can be used as checker. When randomize() method is called by passing null, randomize() method behaves as checker instead of random generator. It evaluates all the constraints and returns the status. This is true for both scope randomization function and class randomization function. When a randomize() method is called, first RNG assigns values to random varibles and then solver checks the constraints. When randomize(null) is called, it wont call the RNG to assign values to random variables, it just solves constraints. EXAMPLE: class Eth_rx; rand integer Pkt_len; rand integer Var; constraint var_c { Var < 1518 ;Var > 64 ;} endclass

program Eth_25; Eth_rx rx = new(); initial Easy Labs : OVM begin Easy Labs : VMM rx.Pkt_len = 32; rx.Var = 871; AVM Switch TB if(rx.randomize(null)) VMM Ethernet sample $display(" VALID PKT IS RECIVED "); else $display(" INVALID PKT IS RECIVED "); end Verilog endprogram Verification
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Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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Constraints can be written without having random varibles in expressions. If there is any constraint on state variables and they are dynamically changed, and if you want to make sure that these dynamic changes should satisfy the constraint, use randomize RVM Switch TB check to make sure that relation is satisfied. RVM Ethernet sample In the following example, MIN and MAX are dynamically controllable state variables. Constraint checker_c fails when MIn = 50 and MAX = 10.
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EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; integer MIN,MAX; constraint randge_r { Var < MAX ; Var > MIN ;} constraint checker_c{ MIN < MAX ;} // This checks that these dynamic variables are valid task set (integer MIN,integer MAX); this.MIN = MIN; this.MAX = MAX; $display( " SET : MIN = %0d , MAX = %0d ",MIN,MAX); endtask[9/26/2012 2:10:57 PM]

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endclass program inhe_26; Base obj; initial begin obj = new(); obj.set(0,100) ; for(int i=0 ; i < 5 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); obj.set(50,10) ; for(int i=0 ; i < 5 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # # # SET : MIN = 0 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : SET : MIN = 50 , MAX = 10 Randomization failed Randomization failed Randomization failed Randomization failed Randomization failed Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = 68 11 8 36 64



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Constraint block contains declarative statements which restrict the range of variable or defines the relation between variables. Constraint programming is a powerful method that lets users build generic, resuble objects that can be extended or more constrained later. constraint solver can only support 2 stete values. If a 4 state variable is used, solver treates them as 2 state variable.. Constraint solver fails only if there is no solution which satisfies all the constraints. Constraint block can also have nonrandom variables, but at least one random variable is needed for randomization. Constraints are tied to objects. This allows inheritance, hierarchical constraints, controlling the constraints of specific object. Inheritance One of the main advantage of class randomization is Inheritance. Constraints in derived class with the same name in base class overrides the base class constraints just like task and functions. EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 0 ;} endclass constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 50 ;} // Overrighting the Base class constraints. endclass program inhe_31; Extended obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = = = 91 93 77 68 67 52 71 98 69

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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VMM Ethernet sample class Extended extends Base;

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Adding new constraints in the derived class, can change the solution space. Solver has to solve both constraints defined in base class and derived class. In the example given[9/26/2012 2:11:07 PM]

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below, Constraint range_1 defines the range that Var is between 0 to 100.Constraint range_2 limits the Var to be greater than 50 and solver has to solve both the constraints and the solution space is between 50 to 100. EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; constraint range_1 { Var < 100 ; Var > 0 ;} endclass class Extended extends Base; constraint range_2 { Var > 50 ;} // Adding new constraints in the Extended class endclass program inhe_32; Extended obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0 ; i < 20 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $write(": Var = %0d :",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: Var = 91 :: Var = 93 :: Var = 77 :: Var = 68 :: Var = 67 :: Var = 52 :: Var = 71 :: Var = 98 :: Var = 69 :: Var = 70 :: Var = 96 :: Var = 88 :: Var = 84 :: Var = 99 :: Var = 68 :: Var = 83 :: Var = 52 :: Var = 72 :: Var = 93 :: Var = 80 : Overrighting Constraints The randomize() task is virtual. Accordingly it treats the class constraints in a virtual manner. When a named constraint is redefined in an extended class, the previous definition is overridden and when casting extended class to base class does not change the constraint set. EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 0 ;} endclass class Extended extends Base; constraint range { Var == 100 ;} // Overrighting the Base class constraints.[9/26/2012 2:11:07 PM]

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endclass program inhe_33; Extended obj_e; obj_b; initial begin obj_e = new(); obj_b = obj_e; for(int i=0 ; i < 7 ; i++) if(obj_b.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj_b.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = 100 100 100 100 100 100 100


When an extended object is casted to base object, all the constraints in extended object are solved along with the constraints in base object. EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; constraint range_1 { Var < 100 ; Var > 0 ;} endclass class Extended extends Base; constraint range_2 { Var > 50 ;} endclass program inhe_34; Extended obj_e; Base obj_b; initial begin obj_e = new(); obj_b = obj_e; for(int i=0 ; i < 10 ; i++) if(obj_b.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj_b.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = = = = 91 93 77 68 67 52 71 98 69 70[9/26/2012 2:11:07 PM]

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Index Constrained Random Verification Inline constraints allows to add extra constraints to already existing constraints which Verilog Crv are declared inside class. If you have constraints already defined for variavle var, Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects solver solves those constraints along with the in-line constraints. Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker EXAMPLE: Constraint Block class inline; Inline Constraint rand integer Var; Global Constraint constraint default_c { Var > 0 ; Var < 100;} Constraint Mode endclass External Constraints Randomization program inline_p_35; Controlability inline obj; Static Constraint initial Constraint Expression begin Variable Ordering obj = new(); Constraint Solver Speed repeat(5) Randcase if(obj.randomize() with { Var == 50;}) Randsequence $display(" Randodmize sucessful Var %d ",obj.Var); Random Stability else Array Randomization $display(" Randomization failes"); Constraint Guards end Titbits endprogram


VMM Ethernet sample RESULTS:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

# # # # #

Randodmize Randodmize Randodmize Randodmize Randodmize

sucessful sucessful sucessful sucessful sucessful

Var Var Var Var Var

50 50 50 50 50

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In the above example, by default only default_c constraints are considered. Using inline constraint Var == 50 resulted value on variable Var based on both the default_c and inline constraints.

The scope for variable names in a constraint block, from inner to outer, is randomize()...with object class, automatic and local variables, task and function RVM Ethernet sample arguments, class variables, and variables in the enclosing scope. The randomize()...with class is brought into scope at the innermost nesting level. In the f.randomize() with constraint block, x is a member of class Foo and hides the x in program Bar. It also hides the x argument in the doit() task. y is a member of Bar. z is Specman E a local argument.
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In the example below, the randomize()...with class is Foo. EXAMPLE: class Foo; rand integer x; endclass program Bar_36; Foo obj = new();[9/26/2012 2:11:17 PM]

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integer x; integer y; task doit(Foo f, integer x, integer z); int result; result = f.randomize() with {x < y + z;}; $display(":: obj.x : %d :: x : %d :: y : %d :: z : %d ::",obj.x,x,y,z); endtask initial begin x = 'd10; repeat(5) begin y = $urandom % 10; doit(obj,x ,'d12); end end endprogram RESULTS: :: :: :: :: :: obj.x obj.x obj.x obj.x obj.x : : : : : -1538701546 :: x : -1048494686 :: x : -1122673684 :: x : -2050360121 :: x : -886228933 :: x : 10 :: y : 10 :: y : 10 :: y : 10 :: y : 10 :: y : 5 :: z : 9 :: z : 8 :: z : 7 :: z : 3 :: z : 12 :: 12 :: 12 :: 12 :: 12 ::

By seeing this output we can tell the variable which used in inline constraint is class member x. constraint { x < y + z } means { obj.x < Bar_36.y + do_it.z }



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Index Constrained Random Verification SystemVerilog SystemVerilog allows to have constraints between variables of different objects. Verilog Crv Verification These are called global constraints. Using the hierarchy notation, constraints can be Systemverilog Crv Constructs applied on variables of different objects. When object is randomized, so are the Randomizing Objects Random Variables contained objects and all other constraints are considered simultaneously. Interface Randomization Methods OOPS Checker Constraint Block EXAMPLE: Randomization Inline Constraint class child; Functional Coverage Global Constraint rand int Var1; Constraint Mode Assertion endclass External Constraints DPI Randomization class parent; Controlability UVM Tutorial rand child child_obj; Static Constraint rand int Var2; VMM Tutorial Constraint Expression constraint global_c { Var2 < child_obj.Var1 ;} Variable Ordering OVM Tutorial function new(); Constraint Solver Speed child_obj = new(); Easy Labs : SV Randcase endfunction Randsequence Easy Labs : UVM endclass Random Stability Easy Labs : OVM Array Randomization program random_37; Easy Labs : VMM Constraint Guards initial Titbits for(int i=0;i<5;i++) AVM Switch TB begin VMM Ethernet sample Report a Bug or Comment parent parent_obj; on This section - Your parent_obj = new (); input is what keeps void'(parent_obj.randomize ()); $display(" Var1 = %0d ,Var2 = %0d ",parent_obj.child_obj.Var1,parent_obj.Var2 ); improving Verilog with time! end Verification endprogram TUTORIALS


Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

RESULTS: # # # # # Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 Var1 = = = = = 903271284 ,Var2 = -1102515531 2112727279 ,Var2 = -838916208 1614679637 ,Var2 = 1572451945 1284140376 ,Var2 = -373511538 463675676 ,Var2 = -516850003

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Disabling Constraint Block SystemVerilog supports to change the status of constraint block dynamically. To change the status of a Constraint block, built in constraint_mode() method is used. By default all the constraint blocks are active. When it is called as task, the arguments to the task determines the operation to be performed. If the arguments are 0 or 1, then all the constraints blocks are effected. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; constraint Var_1 { Var1 == 20;} constraint Var_2 { Var2 == 10;} endclass

program rand_mo_p_38; rand_mo obj = new(); Easy Labs : UVM initial begin Easy Labs : OVM void'(obj.randomize()); //By default all constraints are active. Easy Labs : VMM $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.constraint_mode(0); //Both constraints Var_1 and Var_2 are turned off. AVM Switch TB void'(obj.randomize()); VMM Ethernet sample $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.constraint_mode(1); //Both constraints Var_1 and Var_2 are turned on. void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); Verilog end Verification endprogram
Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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RESULTS: # Var1 : 20 Var2 : 10 # Var1 : 733126180 Var2 : -119008195 # Var1 : 20 Var2 : 10

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample changed.

If the arguments are Variable name, then only the status of that constraint block is

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EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; constraint Var_1 { Var1 == 20;} constraint Var_2 { Var2 == 10;} endclass program rand_mo_p_38; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize());[9/26/2012 2:11:32 PM]

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$display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.Var_1.constraint_mode(0); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.Var_1.constraint_mode(1); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); end endprogram RESULTS: Var1 : 20 Var2 : 10 Var1 : 3w456456 Var2 : 10 Var1 : 20 Var2 : 10

When it is called as function, it returns the active status of the specified constraint block. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; constraint Var_1 { Var1 == 20;} constraint Var_2 { Var2 == 10;} endclass program rand_mo_p_38; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize()); //By default all constraints are active. $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.Var_1.constraint_mode(0); //Both constraint Var_1 is are turned off. void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); if (obj.Var_1.constraint_mode()) $display("Var_1 constraint si active"); else $display("Var_1 constraint si inactive"); if (obj.Var_2.constraint_mode()) $display("Var_2 constraint si active"); else $display("Var_2 constraint si inactive");[9/26/2012 2:11:32 PM]

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void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); end endprogram RESULTS: Var1 : 20 Var2 : 10 Var1 : -2048772810 Var2 : 10 Var_1 constraint si inactive Var_2 constraint si active Var1 : -673275588 Var2 : 10

If you are changing the status of a constraint block, which is not existing, then there should be a compilation error else contact your Application engineer to file the bug. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo; rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; constraint Var_1 { Var1 == 20;} constraint Var_2 { Var2 == 10;} endclass program rand_mo_p_38; rand_mo obj = new(); initial begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); obj.Var_3.constraint_mode(0); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); if(obj.Var_3.constraint_mode()) $display(" Vat_1 constraint block is off"); void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d ",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); end endprogram




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Constrained Random Verification Constraint blocks can be defined externally in the same file or other files. Defining the Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv constraints in external file, gives some what aspect oriented style of programming. For example, test_1 requires Var between 0 to 100 and tets_2 requires Var between Randomizing Objects Random Variables 50 to 100.Declare the constraint block as empty and define them in other files. Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block EXAMPLE: Inline Constraint class Base; Global Constraint rand integer Var; Constraint Mode constraint range; External Constraints endclass Randomization Controlability program inhe_39; Static Constraint Base obj; Constraint Expression initial Variable Ordering begin Constraint Solver Speed obj = new(); Randcase for(int i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) Randsequence if(obj.randomize()) Random Stability $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); Array Randomization else Constraint Guards $display("Randomization failed"); Titbits end endprogram


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

In test_1 file,include constraint Base::range { Var < 100; Var > 0;} In test_2 file,include constraint Base::range { Var < 100; Var > 50;} Very popular verilog style of including testcases is by using `include which can also be used hear. Write the constraints in a file and include it. // EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; `include "" endclass program inhe_40; Base obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram

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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Constraint Hiding In SV Std 1800-2005 LRM , its not mentioned any where that constraints can be declared as local or protected. If they support to declare constraints as local, it would be helpful not to switchoff the constraint block accedentally is it is not supposed to be done. The constraint BNF explicitly excludes the local and protected modifiers. The main reason for their exclusion is because constraints behave like virtual methods that are called by the built-in randomize method. If a constraint were declared local/protected it would still be visible to randomize and participate in the constraint equations. The only limitation would be to call the constraint_mode on local/protected constraints from certain methods, and this does not seem very useful and probably create more confusion with regards to overridden methods.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Controlability Additional to the controllability feauters supported by SystemVerilog, following are more points with which controlabiity can be achieved. In the following example, MACROS MIN_D and MAX_D are defined. Set the MIN and MAX values in the pre_randomize as shown. As MIN_D and MAX_D are macros, they can be assigned from command line. Biggest disadvantage for the method shown below is dynamic controllability. EXAMPLE: `define MAX_D 100 `define MIN_D 50 class Base; rand integer Var; integer MIN,MAX; constraint randge { Var < MAX ; Var > MIN ;} function void pre_randomize (); this.MIN = `MIN_D; this.MAX = `MAX_D; $display( " PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = %0d , MAX = %0d ",MIN,MAX); endfunction endclass program inhe_42; Base obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 91 PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 93 PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 77 PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 68 PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 67 PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 52 PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 71 PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 98

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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RVM Ethernet sample # PRE_RANDOMIZE : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100

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As in this example,a single object is created and randomized 100 times. Due to this,pre_reandomize is called 100 times, which may not be preferred. By assigning the values while declaration itself this can be avoided. Simpler way to achieve the above logic. EXAMPLE: `define MAX_D 100 `define MIN_D 50 class Base; rand integer Var; integer MIN = `MIN_D; integer MAX = `MAX_D; constraint range { Var < MAX ; Var > MIN ;} endclass program inhe_43; Base obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : # Randomization sucsessfull : ...etc. Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = = = = 91 93 77 68 67 52 71 98 69 70

With the above approach also, dynamic controlability is lost. For dynamic controllability, define a task, pass this values as arguments when ever the changed is needed.[9/26/2012 2:11:48 PM]

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EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; integer MIN = 10,MAX = 20; // Define default values,If called,with this it will work constraint randge { Var < MAX ; Var > MIN ;} task set (integer MIN,integer MAX); this.MIN = MIN; this.MAX = MAX; $display( " SET : MIN = %0d , MAX = %0d ",MIN,MAX); endtask endclass program inhe_44; Base obj;



is not

initial begin obj = new(); obj.set(0,100) ; for(int i=0 ; i < 5 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); obj.set(50,100) ; for(int i=0 ; i < 5 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # # # SET : MIN = 0 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : SET : MIN = 50 , MAX = 100 Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = = = = 24 68 43 11 4 52 71 98 69 70

More simpler way to dynamically modifying the constraints is by modifying the data members of class via object reference. EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; integer MIN = 20,MAX =30; constraint randge { Var < MAX ; Var > MIN ;} endclass program inhe_45; Base obj; initial begin obj = new(); obj.MIN = 0; obj.MAX = 100; for(int i=0 ; i < 5 ; i++) if(obj.randomize())[9/26/2012 2:11:48 PM]

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$display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); $display("MIN and MAX changed"); obj.MIN = 50; obj.MAX = 100; for(int i=0 ; i < 5 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # # Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : MIN and MAX changed Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Randomization sucsessfull : Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = = = = = 24 68 43 11 4 52 71 98 69 70




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial

If a constraint block is declared as static, then constraint mode on that block will effect on all the instancess of that class. In the following example, two objects obj_1 and obj_2 are declared. Constraints Var1_c is static and Var2_c is not static. When constraint_mode is used to switch off the constraints in in obj_2, constraint var1_c in obj_1 is also switched off. EXAMPLE: class A; rand integer Var1, Var2; static constraint Var1_c { Var1 == 10 ;} constraint Var2_c { Var2 == 10 ;} endclass

program A_p_46; A obj_1 = new; A obj_2 = new; Easy Labs : SV initial Easy Labs : UVM begin obj_2.Var1_c.constraint_mode(0); Easy Labs : OVM obj_2.Var2_c.constraint_mode(0); Easy Labs : VMM repeat(10) begin AVM Switch TB void'(obj_1.randomize()); VMM Ethernet sample $display("obj_1.Var1 : %d ,obj_1.Var2 : %d ",obj_1.Var1,obj_1.Var2); end end endprogram Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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RESULTS: obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 obj_1.Var1 : : : : : : : : : : 733126180 ,obj_1.Var2 : -119008195 ,obj_1.Var2 : 342785185 ,obj_1.Var2 : 679818185 ,obj_1.Var2 : -717162992 ,obj_1.Var2 : 664520634 ,obj_1.Var2 : -1944980214 ,obj_1.Var2 : -1350759145 ,obj_1.Var2 : -1374963034 ,obj_1.Var2 : -462078992 ,obj_1.Var2 : 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

# # # # OpenVera # Constructs # # Switch TB # RVM Switch TB # RVM Ethernet sample #

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

A constraint_expression is any SystemVerilog expression or one of the constraint specific operators( -> (Implication) and dist). Functions are allowed to certain limitation. Operators which has side effects are not allowed like ++,--.

Set Membership A set membership is a list of expressions or a range. This operator searches for the existences of the value in the specified expression or range and returns 1 if it is existing. EXAMPLE: class set_mem; rand integer Var; constraint range { Var inside {0,1,[50:60],[90:100]}; } function void post_randomize(); $write("%0d__",Var); endfunction endclass

program set_mem_p_47; set_mem obj=new(); VMM Ethernet sample initial repeat(10) void'(obj.randomize()); endprogram Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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RESULTS: 50__57__60__93__100__94__90__1__54__100__ If you want to define a range which is outside the set, use negation.

Constructs Switch TB

EXAMPLE: class set_mem; RVM Switch TB rand bit [0:2] Var; constraint range { !( Var inside {0,1,5,6});} RVM Ethernet sample function void post_randomize(); $write("%0d__",Var); endfunction Specman E endclass
Interview Questions

program set_mem_p_48; set_mem obj=new(); initial repeat(10) void'(obj.randomize()); endprogram RESULTS:[9/26/2012 2:12:07 PM]

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7__4__4__4__7__2__2__3__2__7__ Engineers often mistaken that set membership operator is used only in constraint block. It can also be used in other scopes also. class set_mem; rand bit [0:2] Var; endclass program set_mem_p_48; set_mem obj=new(); integer repet = 0; initial begin obj.Var = 1; repeat(10) begin void'(obj.randomize()); while ( obj.Var inside {[1:5]}) begin $display("Var = %0d",obj.Var); break; end end end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # Var Var Var Var Var Var = = = = = = 4 5 1 1 2 2

NOTE: X and Z are allowed in set membership operator, but not in constraint block, inside {....} is a statement which returns 0,1 or X . Expressions are allowed in value set of inside operator. rand integer y,x; constraint c1 {x inside {3, 5,[y:2*y], z};} If an expression in the list is an array then just use the array name in the constraint block. Elements are traversed by descending into the array until reaching a singular value.[9/26/2012 2:12:07 PM]

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int array [$] = '{3,4,5}; if ( ex inside {1, 2, array} ) Weighted Distribution There are two types of distribution operators. The := operator assigns the specified weight to the item or, if the item is a range, to every value in the range. The :/ operator assigns the specified weight to the item or, if the item is a range, to the range as a whole. If there are n values in the range, the weight of each value is range_weight / n. Var dist { 10 := 1; 20 := 2 ; 30 := 2 } The probability of Var is equal to 10,20 and 30 is in the ratio of 1,2,2 respectively. Var dist { 10 := 1; 20 := 2 ; [30:32] := 2 } The probability of Var is equal to 10,20,30,31 and 32 is in the ratio of 1,2,2,2,2 respectively. If you use the := operator each element weitht of the range has the assigned weight. If you want to weight for the whole group,use :/ and the weight is equally distributed for each element in that group. Var dist { 10 := 1; 20 := 2 ; [30:32] :/ 2 } The probability of Var is equal to 10,20,30,31,32 is in the ration of 1,2,2/3,2/3,2/3 respectively. To demonstrate the distribution property,hear is an example. EXAMPLE: class Dist; rand integer Var; constraint range { Var dist { [0:1] := 50 , [2:7] := 50 }; } endclass program Dist_p_49; Dist obj; integer count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7; integer count_0_1 ,count_2_7 ; initial begin obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0;count_2 = 0;count_3 = 0; count_4 = 0;count_5 = 0;count_6 = 0;count_7 = 0; count_0_1 = 0;count_2_7 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) if( obj.randomize()) begin if( obj.Var == 0) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var == 1) count_1 ++; else if( obj.Var == 2) count_2 ++; else if( obj.Var == 3) count_3 ++; else if( obj.Var == 4) count_4 ++; else if( obj.Var == 5) count_5 ++; else if( obj.Var == 6) count_6 ++; else if( obj.Var == 7) count_7 ++; if( obj.Var inside {0,1} ) count_0_1 ++; else if( obj.Var inside {[2:7]} ) count_2_7 ++; end $display(" count_0 = %0d , count_1 = %0d, count_2 = %0d, count_3 = %0d, count_4 = %0d, count_5 = %0d, count_6 = %0d, count_7= %0d ",count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7); $display(" count_0_1 = %0d ;count_2_7 = %0d ",count_0_1,count_2_7); $finish; end endprogram[9/26/2012 2:12:07 PM]

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RESULTS: # count_0 = 1290 , count_1 = 1244, count_2 = 1286, count_3 = 1265, count_4 = 1230, count_5 = 1243, count_6 = 1189, count_7= 1253 # count_0_1 = 2534 ;count_2_7 = 7466 Now change the constraint to constraint range { Var dist { [0:1] :/ 50 , [2:7] :/ 50 }; } EXAMPLE: class Dist; rand integer Var; constraint range { Var dist { [0:1] :/ 50 , [2:7] :/ 50 }; } endclass program Dist_p_50; Dist obj; integer count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7; integer count_0_1 ,count_2_7 ; initial begin obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0;count_2 = 0;count_3 = 0; count_4 = 0;count_5 = 0;count_6 = 0;count_7 = 0; count_0_1 = 0;count_2_7 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) if( obj.randomize()) begin if( obj.Var == 0) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var == 1) count_1 ++; else if( obj.Var == 2) count_2 ++; else if( obj.Var == 3) count_3 ++; else if( obj.Var == 4) count_4 ++; else if( obj.Var == 5) count_5 ++; else if( obj.Var == 6) count_6 ++; else if( obj.Var == 7) count_7 ++; if( obj.Var inside {0,1} ) count_0_1 ++; else if( obj.Var inside {[2:7]} ) count_2_7 ++; end $display(" count_0 = %0d , count_1 = %0d, count_2 = %0d, count_3 = %0d, count_4 = %0d, count_5 = %0d, count_6 = %0d, count_7= %0d ",count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7); $display(" count_0_1 = %0d ;count_2_7 = %0d ",count_0_1,count_2_7); $finish; end endprogram RESULTS: # count_0 = 2496, count_1 = 2508, count_2 = 846, count_3 = 824, count_4 = 833, count_5 = 862, count_6 = 820, count_7= 811 # count_0_1 = 5004 ;count_2_7 = 4996

Both the results show, how may times each value occured. NOTE: If no weight is specified for items,the default weight is 1. Weight 0 is also allowed. NOTE: Variable declared as randc are not allowed int dist. If there are constraints on some expressions that cause the distribution weights on these expressions to be not satisfiable, implementations are only required to satisfy the non dist constraints. Use dist only on a one variable in a set of constraint expression variable. In the following example, Even though probability of Var2 is equal to 0 to 1 is in ratio of 50, 50 to satisfy other constraints, the dist is ignored.[9/26/2012 2:12:07 PM]

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EXAMPLE: class Dist; rand integer Var1,Var2; constraint dist_c { Var2 dist { [0:1] := 50 , [2:7] := 50 }; } constraint relation_c { Var1 < Var2; } constraint range_c { Var2 inside {2,3,4};} endclass program Dist_p_51; Dist obj; integer count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7; integer count_0_1 ,count_2_7 ; initial begin obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0;count_2 = 0;count_3 = 0; count_4 = 0;count_5 = 0;count_6 = 0;count_7 = 0; count_0_1 = 0;count_2_7 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) if( obj.randomize()) begin if( obj.Var2 == 0) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var2 == 1) count_1 ++; else if( obj.Var2 == 2) count_2 ++; else if( obj.Var2 == 3) count_3 ++; else if( obj.Var2 == 4) count_4 ++; else if( obj.Var2 == 5) count_5 ++; else if( obj.Var2 == 6) count_6 ++; else if( obj.Var2 == 7) count_7 ++; if( obj.Var2 inside {0,1} ) count_0_1 ++; else if( obj.Var2 inside {[2:7]} ) count_2_7 ++; end $display(" count_0 = %0d , count_1 = %0d, count_2 = %0d, count_3 = %0d, count_4 = %0d, count_5 = %0d, count_6 = %0d, count_7= %0d ",count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7); $display(" count_0_1 = %0d ;count_2_7 = %0d ",count_0_1,count_2_7); $finish; end endprogram RESULTS: # count_0 = 0 , count_1 = 0, count_2 = 3362, count_3 = 3321, count_4 = 3317, count_5 = 0, count_6 = 0, count_7= 0 # count_0_1 = 0 ;count_2_7 = 10000 Calling a new(), resets the distrubution algorithem. If new() is called to creat an object when ever randomized is called,the dist algorithm restarts and the distribution may not be what is expected. EXAMPLE: class Dist; rand integer Var; constraint range { Var dist { [0:1] := 50 , [2:7] := 50 }; } endclass program Dist_p_52; Dist obj; integer count_0_1 ,count_2_7 ; initial begin obj=new(); count_0_1 = 0;count_2_7 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) begin[9/26/2012 2:12:07 PM]

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obj = new(); if( obj.randomize()) if( obj.Var inside {0,1} ) count_0_1 ++; else if( obj.Var inside {[2:7]} ) count_2_7 ++; end $display("count_0_1 : %0d : count_2_7 : %0d ",count_0_1,count_2_7); end endprogram RESULTS: # count_0_1 : 3478 : count_2_7 : 6522

The distribution is not followed if the variable is declared as randc as distribution may require repetition and randc doesnot allow. In the below example try changing the weights in distribution function, you will get always same results otherwise compilation error. EXAMPLE: class Dist; randc byte Var; constraint range { Var dist { [0:1] := 50 , [2:7] := 50 }; } endclass program Dist_p_52; Dist obj; integer count_0_1 ,count_2_7 ; initial begin obj=new(); count_0_1 = 0;count_2_7 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) begin if( obj.randomize()) if( obj.Var inside {0,1} ) count_0_1 ++; else if( obj.Var inside {[2:7]} ) count_2_7 ++; end $display("count_0_1 : %0d : count_2_7 : %0d ",count_0_1,count_2_7); end endprogram

To constraint enumerated values using dist, if they are less number, give weights individually. If you want to give weights to enumerated values in groups, then give a continues group. As enumeration is represented in integer, the discontinuation in the declaration may not result properly. EXAMPLE: program enums_53; typedef enum {V_SMALL,SMALL,MEDIUM,LARGE,V_LARGE} size_e; class dist_c; rand size_e size_d; constraint size_dist{size_d dist {[V_SMALL:MEDIUM] :/40,[LARGE:V_LARGE] :/ 60}; } endclass initial begin dist_c obj; obj=new; for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) begin obj.randomize(); $display (" size_d = %0s ", obj.size_d); end end endprogram[9/26/2012 2:12:07 PM]

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Implication Implication operator can be used to declare conditional relation. The syntax is expression -> constraint set. If the expression is true,then the constraint solver should satisfy the constraint set. If the expression is false then the random numbers generated are unconstrainted by constraint set. The boolean equivalent of a -> b is (!a || b). rand bit a; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint c { (a == 0) -> (b == 1); } a is one and b is 4 bit, So there are total of 32 solutions. But due to constraint c (when ever a is 0 b should be 1) 15 solutions are removed. So probability of a = 0 is 1/(32-15) = 1/17. If u observe the following program results count_0/count_1 approximately equal to 1/17. EXAMPLE: class impli; rand bit a; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint c { (a == 0) -> (b == 1); } endclass program impli_p_54; impli obj; integer count_0 ,count_1 ; initial begin obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) begin if( obj.randomize()) if( obj.a == 0 ) count_0 ++; else count_1 ++; end $display(" count_0 = %0d;count_1 = %0d; ",count_0 ,count_1); end endprogram RESULTS: # count_0 = 571;count_1 = 9429; If..Else Just like implication, if...else style constraints are bidirectional.Above example applies hear too. EXAMPLE: class if_else; rand bit a; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint c { if(a == 0) (b == 1); } endclass program if_else_p_55; if_else obj; integer count_0 ,count_1 ; initial begin obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) begin obj = new(); if( obj.randomize()) begin[9/26/2012 2:12:07 PM]

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if( obj.a == 0 ) count_0 ++; else if( obj.a == 1 ) count_1 ++; end end $display(" count_0 = %0d;count_1 = %0d;",count_0 ,count_1); end endprogram RESULTS: # count_0 = 571;count_1 = 9429;




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

SystemVerilog constraints provide a mechanism for ordering variables so that some variables can be chosen independently of some variables. The solution space remains the same, but the probability of picking up the solution space changes. The syntax for variable ordering is "solve x before y". The exact meaning of this statement is "choos x before y" as the this statement is to guide the distribution, but not the solution space. Only rand variables are allowed. EXAMPLE: class Var_order_56; rand bit a; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint bidirectional { a -> b == 0; } endclass The probability of a=1 is 1/((2**5)-15)=1/17, as constraints are bidirectional i.e both the values of a and b are determined together. Constraints will be solved only once, the solver picks the one solution from the possible set of {a,b} which has 17 solutions. To guide the probability of selecting a= 0 to 50% and a = 1 to 50%, use constraint order { solve a before b ;} This guides the solver to give highest priority to a than b while picking the solution

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits

VMM Ethernet sample from solution space. This is explicit variable ordering. The solver follows the implicit Report a Bug or Comment variable ordering also, like randc are solved before rand variables. In dynamic arrays on This section - Your size and elements are solved with two constraints( size constraint and element value input is what keeps improving constraint) ,array size is solved before element. Verilog with time! Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

EXAMPLE: class if_57; rand bit a; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint c { if(a == 0) (b == 1); } constraint order { solve a before b;} endclass

program if_p; if_57 obj; integer count_0 ,count_1 ; RVM Ethernet sample initial begin count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) begin obj = new(); if( obj.randomize()) if( obj.a == 0 ) count_0 ++; else if( obj.a == 1 ) count_1 ++; end $display(" count_0 = %0d;count_1 = %0d;",count_0 ,count_1); end endprogram

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RESULTS: # count_0 = 4974;count_1 = 5026; Too many explicit variable ordering may lead to circular dependency. The LRM says that "Circular dependencies created by the implicit variable ordering shall result in an error." and "circular dependency is not allowed". But it does not put restriction on what to do if a explicit circular dependency exists. Check with your tool, if explicit Circular dependency is existing, it may report warning,it may fail solver or proceed by just ignoring the order. EXAMPLE: program Cir_Dip_p_58; class Cir_Dep; rand integer a,b,c; constraint a_c { solve a before b ;} constraint b_c { solve b before c ;} constraint c_c { solve c before a ;} endclass Cir_Dip obj=new(); initial void'(obj.randomize()); endprogram RESULTS: Error: Cyclical dependency between random variables specified by solve/before constraints.

LRM says, if the outcome is same, solver can solve without following the rule. In the following case, x has only one possible assignment (0), so x can be solved for before y. The constraint solver can use this flexibility to speed up the solving process. EXAMPLE: class slove_before; rand integer x,y; constraint C {x == 0; x < y; solve y before x; } endclass program s_b_59; slove_before obj ; initial begin obj = new(); repeat(5)[9/26/2012 2:12:17 PM]

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if(obj.randomize()) $display(" x : %d :: y :%d ",obj.x,obj.y); else $display("Randomization failed "); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # x x x x x : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 :: :: :: :: :: y: y: y: y: y: 2064490291 2035140763 1279931677 2112945927 1977312554

Functions Functions are allowed in constraints. It will be useful in applications like constrain the max packet size based on the bandwidth other parameters. Constraint statements are more error pron. Functions in constraints are called before constraints are solved. The return value of the function is used to solve the constraint and it is treated as state variable. There is an implicit variable ordering when solving these constraints. Function should not be declared as static and should not modify the constraints, for example calling the rand_mode and constraint_mode methods. EXAMPLE: class B_61; rand int x, y; constraint C { x <= F(y); } constraint D { y inside { 2, 4, 8 } ; } endclass Random variables used as function arguments shall establish an implicit variable ordering or priority. Constraints that include only variables with higher priority are solved before other lower priority constraints. Random variables solved as part of a higher priority set of constraints, become state variables to the remaining set of constraints. In above example y is solved before x. If y is not rand variable, then F(y) is equalent to calling it in the pre_randomize method.

Iterative Constraints Iterative constraints allow Constraining individual elements of fixed-size, dynamic, associative arrays or queue. foreach construct specifies iteration over the each elements of array. EXAMPLE: class Eth_pkt_60; rand byte Payload[] ; constraint size_c { Payload.size() inside {[10:1500]}; } constraint element_c { foreach ( Payload[ i ] ) Payload[ i ] inside {[50:100]}; } function void post_randomize; foreach(Payload[i]) $display( " Payload[ %0d ] :%d ",i,Payload[ i ] ); endfunction endclass program iterative_60; Eth_pkt_60 obj; initial begin obj = new(); if(obj.randomize()) $display(" RANDOMIZATION DONE "); end endprogram RESULTS:[9/26/2012 2:12:17 PM]

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# # # # # # # # # # # # #

Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[ Payload[

0 ] : 87 1 ] : 52 2 ] : 70 3 ] : 76 4 ] : 71 5 ] : 63 6 ] : 62 7 ] : 63 8 ] : 66 9 ] : 85 10 ] : 95 11 ] : 57 12 ] : 78

NOTE: Remember while randomizing each element of array also array should be declared as random variable otherwise randomization wont happen.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM


IEEE SystemVerilog 2005 LRM does not specify the constraint solver algorithm. So different vendors use different consraint solver algorithms. Some vendors may get the solution quickly, some may not. All the points discussed in this are not specific to a vendor. Just check your tool with these examples to know how ur vendor constraint solver works. As it is handy to type int and integer, we always declare some data types like size of dynamic arrays as integer and constraint it to required range. This will create 2^32 values and solver has to choose random number and solve the constraint which will hit only few times. Probability of a random value to be in solution space is less than appearing it outside the solution space. To speed up ur solver, use the proper data types. In the following example i showed the results of Questasim tool. integer is 32 bit datatype. shortint is 16 bit datatype. byte is 8 bit datatype.

EXAMPLE: program inte_p_62; class inte; Easy Labs : OVM rand integer Var; Easy Labs : VMM constraint randge_c { Var inside {[0:10]};} endclass AVM Switch TB inte obj=new(); VMM Ethernet sample initial begin repeat(10000) void'(obj.randomize()); Verilog $finish(2); Verification end Verilog Switch TB endprogram RESULT: Basic Constructs OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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# ** Note: Data structure takes 3407960 bytes of memory # Process time 2.78 seconds

EXAMPLE: program inte_p_62; RVM Switch TB class inte; rand bit [4:0] Var; RVM Ethernet sample constraint randge_c { Var inside {[0:10]};} endclass inte obj=new(); Specman E initial begin Interview Questions repeat(10000) void'(obj.randomize()); $finish(2); end endprogram RESULT: # ** Note: Data structure takes 3407960 bytes of memory # Process time 1.95 seconds[9/26/2012 2:12:27 PM]

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To generate a random value which is one of the 2**0,2**1,2**2,......2**31. If data type is integer and randomizing it will consume lot of simulation time. constraint C { Var inside {2**0,2**1,2**2,......2**31};} Write a function to check only one bit is high. constraint C { $countones(array) == 1 ;) constraint C { Var == (1 << index) ;} Instead declare an 5 bit variable index, randomize it and set the index bit to 1 in post randomize. EXAMPLE: class expo_cons_64; rand bit [0:4] index; integer array; // No need to randomize array function void post_randomize; array = 'b0; array[index]=1'b1; endfunction endclass Adding smaller constraints in to a single block, speeds up simulation for some simulators. Check these examples with your simulator. Some Solver may need more iterations to get the valid solution. Split the constraints as small as possible. With this controllability on constraint blocks is also improved. EXAMPLE:1 class constr; rand int a,b,c,d; constraint C { (a == 10)&&( b < 20 ) && (c > 30) && (d < 40) ;} endclass program constr_p_65; constr obj; initial begin obj=new(); repeat(10000) void'(obj.randomize()); $finish(2); end endprogram RESULT: # ** Note: Data structure takes 3276888 bytes of memory[9/26/2012 2:12:27 PM]

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Process time 9.44 seconds

EXAMPLE:2 class constr; rand int a,b,c,d; constraint Ac {(a == 10);} constraint Bc {(b < 20) ;} constraint Cc {(c > 30) ;} constraint Dc {(d < 40) ;} endclass program constr_p_66; constr obj; initial begin obj=new(); repeat(10000) void'(obj.randomize()); $finish(2); end endprogram RESULT: # ** Note: Data structure takes 3407960 bytes of memory # Process time 9.27 seconds EXAMPLE:3 class constr_67; rand int a,b,c,d; constraint Ac { (a == 10) ; ( b < 20 ) ; (c > 30) ; (d < 40) ;} endclass program constr_p_67; constr_p_67 obj; initial begin obj=new(); repeat(10000) void'(obj.randomize()); $finish(2); end endprogram RESULT: # ** Note: Data structure takes 3407960 bytes of memory # Process time 9.24 seconds Run all the above three examples with your simulator and check how your simulation speed varies. When iterative constraints are used on arrays, each element has a constraint on it. If the constraints are simple enough to implement with out using constraint block, simulation time may be saved. In the following example, there are two constraints blocks, one for size other for each element. In reality there may be more constraint blocks. EXAMPLE: class Eth_pkt; rand byte Payload[] ; constraint size_c { Payload.size() inside {[46:1500]}; } constraint element_c { foreach ( Payload[ i ] ) Payload[ i ] inside {[50:100]}; } endclass program iterative_68; Eth_pkt obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0;i< 10000;i++) begin if(obj.randomize()) $display(" RANDOMIZATION DONE ");[9/26/2012 2:12:27 PM]

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end $finish(2); end endprogram RESULT: # ** Note: Data structure takes 3407960 bytes of memory # Process time 705.51 seconds

The above logic can implemented using post_randomize. Check how these two example with ur vendor tool and look at the simulation speed. You may find difference. EXAMPLE: class Eth_pkt; rand integer length; byte Payload[] ; constraint size_c { length inside {[46:1500]}; } function void post_randomize; Payload = new[length]; for(int i=0;i< length;i++) Payload[ i ] = 50 + $urandom % 51 ; endfunction endclass program iterative_69; Eth_pkt obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0;i< 10000;i++) begin if(obj.randomize()) $display(" RANDOMIZATION DONE "); end $finish(2); end endprogram # ** Note: Data structure takes 3539032 bytes of memory # Process time 3.92 seconds




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

randcase is a case statement that randomly selects one of its branches. The randcase item expressions are non-negative integral values that constitute the branch weights. An item weight divided by the sum of all weights gives the probability of taking that branch. Randcase can be used in class are modules. The randcase weights can be arbitrary expressions, not just constants. EXAMPLE: randcase 3 : x = 1; 1 : x = 2; 4 : x = 3; endcase The sum of all weights is 8; therefore, the probability of taking the first branch is 0.375, the probability of taking the second is 0.125, and the probability of taking the third is 0.5. If a branch specifies a zero weight, then that branch is not taken. The sum of all weights (SUM) is computed (negative values contribute a zero weight). If SUM is zero or exceeds (2*32-1), no branch is taken. Each call to randcae statement will return a random number in the range from 0 to SUM. $urandom_range(0,SUM) is used to generate a random number. As the random numbers are generated using $urandom are thread stable, randcase also exhibit random stability.

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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module rand_case_70; integer x; integer cnt_1,cnt_2,cnt_3; Verilog initial Verification begin Verilog Switch TB cnt_1 = 0;cnt_2=0;cnt_3 = 0; repeat(100000) Basic Constructs begin randcase 3 : x = 1; OpenVera 1 : x = 2; Constructs 4 : x = 3; endcase Switch TB if(x == 1) RVM Switch TB cnt_1++; else if(x == 2) RVM Ethernet sample cnt_2++; else if(x ==3) cnt_3++; Specman E end $display("count_1 =%0d count_2 =%0d count_3 =%0d ",cnt_1,cnt_2,cnt_3); Interview Questions $display("Probability of count_1 =%0f count_2 =%0f count_3 ",(cnt_1/100000.0),(cnt_2/100000.0),(cnt_3/100000.0)); end endmodule RESULTS: # count_1 =37578 count_2 =12643 count_3 =49779 # Probability of count_1 =0.375780 count_2 =0.126430 count_3 =0.497790

VMM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE:

=%0f[9/26/2012 2:12:37 PM]

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI


The random sequence generator is useful for randomly generating sequences of stimulus. For example, to verify a temporal scenario, a sequence of packets are needed. By randomizing a packet, it will generate most unlikely scenarios which are not interested. These type of sequence of scenarios can be generated using randsequence. A randsequence grammar is composed of one or more productions. Production items are further classified into terminals and nonterminals. A terminal is an indivisible item that needs no further definition than its associated code block.

EXAMPLE: module rs(); UVM Tutorial initial begin VMM Tutorial repeat(5) OVM Tutorial begin randsequence( main ) Easy Labs : SV main : one two three ; Easy Labs : UVM one : {$write("one");}; two : {$write(" two");}; Easy Labs : OVM three: {$display(" three");}; Easy Labs : VMM endsequence end AVM Switch TB end VMM Ethernet sample endmodule Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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RESULTS: one one one one one two two two two two three three three three three

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

The production main is defined in terms of three nonterminals: one, two and three. Productions one,two and three are terminals. When the main is chosen, it will select the sequence one, two and three in order. Random Productions: A single production can contain multiple production lists separated by the | symbol. Production lists separated by a | imply a set of choices, which the generator will make at random. EXAMPLE: module rs(); initial repeat(8) randsequence( main ) main : one | two | three ; one : {$display("one");}; two : {$display("two");};

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three: {$display("three");}; endsequence endmodule RESULTS: # # # # # # # # three three three three one three two two

Results show that one, two and three are selected randomly. Random Production Weights : The probability that a production list is generated can be changed by assigning weights to production lists. The probability that a particular production list is generated is proportional to its specified weight. The := operator assigns the weight specified by the weight_specification to its production list. A weight_specification must evaluate to an integral non-negative value. A weight is only meaningful when assigned to alternative productions, that is, production list separated by a |. Weight expressions are evaluated when their enclosing production is selected, thus allowing weights to change dynamically. EXAMPLE: module rs(); integer one_1,two_2,three_3; initial begin one_1 = 0; two_2 = 0; three_3 = 0; repeat(6000) randsequence( main ) main : one := 1| two := 2| three := 3; one : {one_1++;}; two : {two_2++;}; three: {three_3++;}; endsequence $display(" one %0d two %0d three %0d",one_1,two_2,three_3); end endmodule[9/26/2012 2:12:47 PM]

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RESULTS: # one 1011 two 2005 three 2984 If..Else A production can be made conditional by means of an if..else production statement. The expression can be any expression that evaluates to a boolean value. If the expression evaluates to true, the production following the expression is generated, otherwise the production following the optional else statement is generated. EXAMPLE: module rs(); integer one_1,two_2,three_3; reg on; initial begin on = 0; one_1 = 0; two_2 = 0; three_3 = 0; repeat(2500) randsequence( main ) main : one three; one : {if(on) one_1++; else two_2 ++; }; three: {three_3++;}; endsequence $display(" one %0d two %0d three %0d",one_1,two_2,three_3); end endmodule RESULTS: # one 0 two 2500 three 2500 Case A production can be selected from a set of alternatives using a case production statement. The case expression is evaluated, and its value is compared against the value of each case-item expression, which are evaluated and compared in the order in which they are given. The production associated with the first case-item expression that matches the case expression is generated. If no matching case-item expression is found then the production associated with the optional default item is generated, or nothing if there no default item. Case-item expressions separated by commas allow multiple expressions to share the production. EXAMPLE: module rs(); integer one_1,two_2,three_3; initial begin one_1 = 0; two_2 = 0; three_3 = 0; for(int i = 0 ;i < 6 ;i++) begin randsequence( main ) main : case(i%3) 0 : one; 1 : two; default: def; endcase; one : {$display("one");}; two : {$display("two");}; def : {$display("default");}; endsequence end end endmodule[9/26/2012 2:12:47 PM]

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RESULTS: one two default one two default Repeat Production Statements : The repeat production statement is used to iterate a production over a specified number of times. The repeat production statement itself cannot be terminated prematurely. A break statement will terminate the entire randsequence block PUSH_OPER : repeat( $urandom_range( 2, 6 ) ) PUSH ; Interleaving productions-rand join : EXAMPLE: module rs(); integer one_1,two_2,three_3; initial begin one_1 = 0; two_2 = 0; three_3 = 0; repeat(6000) randsequence( main ) main : one | repeat(2) two | repeat (3) three ; one : one_1++; two : two_2++; three: three_3++; endsequence $display(" one %d two %d three %d",one_1,two_2,three_3); end endmodule RESULTS: one 989 two 2101 three 2810

Rand Join The rand join production control is used to randomly interleave two or more production sequences while maintaining the relative order of each sequence. EXAMPLE: module rs(); initial for(int i = 0;i < 24;i++) begin randsequence( main ) main : rand join S1 S2 ; S1 : A B ; S2 : C D ; A : $write("A"); B : $write("B"); C : $write("C"); D : $write("D"); endsequence if(i%4 == 3 ) $display(""); end endmodule RESULTS: ABCD[9/26/2012 2:12:47 PM]

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Note that B always comes after A and D comes after C. The optional expression following the rand join keywords must be a real number in the range 0.0 to 1.0. The value of this expression represents the degree to which the length of the sequences to be interleaved affects the probability of selecting a sequence. A sequences length is the number of productions not yet interleaved at a given time. If the expression is 0.0, the shortest sequences are given higher priority. If the expression is 1.0, the longest sequences are given priority. EXAMPLE: module rs(); initial for(int i = 0;i < 24;i++) begin randsequence( main ) main : rand join (0.0) S1 S2 ; S1 : A B ; S2 : C D ; A : $write("A"); B : $write("B"); C : $write("C"); D : $write("D"); endsequence if(i%4 == 3 ) $display(""); end endmodule RESULTS: A C A A C C BCD DAB CBD CDB ABD ADB

EXAMPLE: module rs(); initial for(int i = 0;i < 24;i++) begin randsequence( main ) main : rand join (1.0) S1 S2 ; S1 : A B ; S2 : C D ; A : $write("A"); B : $write("B"); C : $write("C"); D : $write("D"); endsequence if(i%4 == 3 ) $display(""); end endmodule RESULTS: A A C C A C C CBD CDB ADB ADB BCD DAB ABD[9/26/2012 2:12:47 PM]

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Break The break statement terminates the sequence generation. When a break statement is executed from within a production code block, it forces a jump out the randsequence block. EXAMPLE: randsequence() WRITE : SETUP DATA ; SETUP : { if( fifo_length >= max_length ) break; } COMMAND ; DATA : ... endsequence When the example above executes the break statement within the SETUP production, the COMMAND production is not generated, and execution continues on the line labeled next_statement. Return The return statement aborts the generation of the current production. When a return statement is executed from within a production code block, the current production is aborted. Sequence generation continues with the next production following the aborted production. EXAMPLE: randsequence() TOP : P1 P2 ; P1 : A B C ; P2 : A { if( flag == 1 ) return; } B C ; A : { $display( A ); } ; B : { if( flag == 2 ) return; $display( B ); } ; C : { $display( C ); } ; endsequence Depending on the value of variable flag, the example above displays the following: flag == 0 ==> A B C A B C flag == 1 ==> A B C A flag == 2 ==> A C A C When flag == 1, production P2 is aborted in the middle, after generating A. When flag == 2, production B is aborted twice (once as part of P1 and once as part of P2), but each time, generation continues with the next production, C. Value Passing Between Productions Data can be passed down to a production about to be generated, and generated productions can return data to the non-terminals that triggered their generation. Passing data to a production is similar to a task call, and uses the same syntax. Returning data from a production requires that a type be declared for the production, which uses the same syntax as a variable declaration. Productions that accept data include a formal argument list. The syntax for declaring the arguments to a production is similar to a task prototype; the syntax for passing data to the production is the same as a task call. EXAMPLE: randsequence( main ) main : first second gen ; first : add | dec ; second : pop | push ; add : gen("add") ; dec : gen("dec") ; pop : gen("pop") ; push : gen("push") ; gen( string s = "done" ) : { $display( s ); } ; endsequence



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In verilog,if the source code does not change,with the same seed,the simulator producess the same random stimulus on any mechine or any operating system.Verilog has only one Random number generator.Random stimulus is generated using $random(seed) where the seed is input to the RNG.$random will always return the same value for same seed. EXAMPLE: module seed_74(); initial repeat(5) $display("random stimuls is %d",$random(Seed); endmodule While debugging to produce the same simulation, we should make sure that calls to RNG is not disturbed. In Verilog if source code changes it is very unlikely that same stimulus is produced with the same seed and we miss the bug.

In SystemVerilog seeding will be done hierachily. Every module instance, interface instance, program instance and package has initialization RNG. Every thread and object has independent RNG . When ever dynamic thread is created its RNG is Easy Labs : VMM initialized with the next random value from its parent thread. RNG initialization and RNG generation are different process.During RNG initialization,only seed is set to AVM Switch TB RNG. When ever static thread is created its RNG is initialized with the next random VMM Ethernet sample value from the initialization RNG of module instance, interface instance, program interface or package containing thread declaration. RNG initialization and RNG generation are different process. During RNG initialization,only seed is set to RNG. The random number generator is deterministic. Each time the program executes, it Verilog cycles through the same random sequence. This sequence can be made Verification nondeterministic by seeding the $urandom function with an extrinsic random variable, Verilog Switch TB such as the time of day.
Basic Constructs

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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SystemVerilog system functions $urandom and $urandom_range are thread stable. Calls to RNG using these system function, uses the RNG of that thread. So next time while using $random in SystemVerilog,think twice.

NOTE: The same stimulus sequence can not be produced on different simulators as the LRM does not restrict the vendors to impliment specific constraint solver. Verilog LRM specifies the RNG algorithm for $random ,so the same stimulas can be produced RVM Switch TB on different simulators(not always as I discussed in one of the above topic). Even if RVM Ethernet sample the SystemVerilog LRM specifies RNG algorithm ,the same sequence cannot be produced on different vendors because of the following are few reasons : -> LRM doesnot restrict the constraint solver algorithm. -> Order of threads creation. Specman E -> Order of thread execution.
Interview Questions

EXAMPLE: class Ran_Stb_1; rand bit [2:0] Var; endclass program Ran_Stb_p_75; Ran_Stb_1 obj_1 = new(); initial repeat(10)[9/26/2012 2:12:56 PM]

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begin void'(obj_1.randomize()); $display(" Ran_Stb_1.Var : %0d ",obj_1.Var); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var : : : : : : : : : : 4 5 1 1 0 2 2 7 6 0

Stimulus generated in a thread or object is independed of other stimulus. So changes in the source code will not effect threads or objects. This is Valid as long as the order of the threads is not distrubed. If a new object is created, make sure that that they are added at the end. EXAMPLE: class Ran_Stb_1; rand bit [2:0] Var; endclass class Ran_Stb_2; rand bit [2:0] Var; endclass program Ran_Stb_p_76; Ran_Stb_1 obj_1 = new(); Ran_Stb_2 obj_2 = new(); initial repeat(10) begin void'(obj_1.randomize()); $display(" Ran_Stb_1.Var : %0d ",obj_1.Var); end endprogram New object obj_2 is added after all the objects. Look at the simulation results,they are same as the above. RESULTS:[9/26/2012 2:12:56 PM]

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# # # # # # # # # #

Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var

: : : : : : : : : :

4 5 1 1 0 2 2 7 6 0

If a new thread is added, make sure that it is added after all the threads. EXAMPLE: class Ran_Stb_1; rand bit [2:0] Var; endclass class Ran_Stb_2; rand bit [2:0] Var; endclass program Ran_Stb_p_77; Ran_Stb_1 obj_1 = new(); Ran_Stb_2 obj_2 = new(); initial begin repeat(5) begin void'(obj_1.randomize()); $display(" Ran_Stb_1.Var : %0d ",obj_1.Var); end repeat(5) begin void'(obj_2.randomize()); $display(" Ran_Stb_2.Var : %0d ",obj_2.Var); end end endprogram The results show clearly that Random values in obj_1 are same as previous program simulation. RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var : : : : : : : : : : 4 5 1 1 0 3 3 6 1 1

Order of the randomize call to different objects doesnot effect the RNG generation. EXAMPLE: class Ran_Stb_1; rand bit [2:0] Var; endclass class Ran_Stb_2; rand bit [2:0] Var; endclass program Ran_Stb_p_78; Ran_Stb_1 obj_1 = new(); Ran_Stb_2 obj_2 = new();[9/26/2012 2:12:56 PM]

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initial begin repeat(5) begin void'(obj_2.randomize()); $display(" Ran_Stb_2.Var : %0d ",obj_2.Var); end repeat(5) begin void'(obj_1.randomize()); $display(" Ran_Stb_1.Var : %0d ",obj_1.Var); end end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var : : : : : : : : : : 3 3 6 1 1 4 5 1 1 0

Adding a constraint in one class, will only effect the stimuls of that object only. EXAMPLE: class Ran_Stb_1; rand bit [2:0] Var; constraint C { Var < 4 ;} endclass class Ran_Stb_2; rand bit [2:0] Var; endclass program Ran_Stb_p_79; Ran_Stb_1 obj_1 = new(); Ran_Stb_2 obj_2 = new(); initial repeat(5) begin void'(obj_1.randomize()); void'(obj_2.randomize()); $display(" Ran_Stb_1.Var : %0d :: Ran_Stb_2.Var : %0d ",obj_1.Var,obj_2.Var); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var Ran_Stb_1.Var : : : : : 0 1 1 1 0 :: :: :: :: :: Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var Ran_Stb_2.Var : : : : : 3 3 6 1 1

Srandom When an object or thread is created, its RNG is seeded using the next value from the RNG of the thread that creates the object. This process is called hierarchical object seeding. Sometimes it is desirable to manually seed an objects RNG using the srandom() method. This can be done either in a class method or external to the class definition. Example to demonstrate seeding in objects. EXAMPLE: class Rand_seed; rand integer Var; function new (int seed);[9/26/2012 2:12:56 PM]

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srandom(seed); $display(" SEED is initised to %0d ",seed); endfunction function void post_randomize(); $display(": %0d :",Var); endfunction endclass program Rand_seed_p_80; Rand_seed rs; initial begin rs = new(20); repeat(5) void'(rs.randomize()); rs = new(1); repeat(5) void'(rs.randomize()); rs = new(20); repeat(5) void'(rs.randomize()); end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # SEED is initised to 20 : 1238041889 : : 1426811443 : : 220507023 : : -388868248 : : -1494908082 : SEED is initised to 1 : 1910312675 : : 632781593 : : -453486143 : : 671009059 : : -967095385 : SEED is initised to 20 : 1238041889 : : 1426811443 : : 220507023 : : -388868248 : : -1494908082 :

Simulation results show that same sequence is repeated when the same seed is used for initialization. Example to demonstrate seeding a thread. EXAMPLE: integer x, y, z; fork //set a seed at the start of a thread begin process::self.srandom(100); x = $urandom; end //set a seed during a thread begin y = $urandom; process::self.srandom(200); end // draw 2 values from the thread RNG begin z = $urandom + $urandom ; end join

The above program fragment illustrates several properties: Thread locality: The values returned for x, y, and z are independent of the order of thread execution. This is an important property because it allows development of subsystems that are independent, controllable, and predictable. Hierarchical seeding: When a thread is created, its random state is initialized using the next random value from the parent thread as a seed. The three forked threads are all seeded from the parent thread.[9/26/2012 2:12:56 PM]

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IEEE 2005 SystemVerilog LRM does not specify whether scope randomization function is random stable or not. From LRM 13.13 Random stability The RNG is localized to threads and objects. Because the sequence of random values returned by a thread or object is independent of the RNG in other threads or objects, this property is called random stability. Random stability applies to the following: The system randomization calls, $urandom() and $urandom_range() The object and process random seeding method, srandom() The object randomization method, randomize() In above its mentioned that "object randomization method, randomize()". There is nothing mentioned about std::randomize() method random stability.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Most application require to randomize elememts of array.Arrays are used to model payload,port connections etc. SystemVerilog has Fixed Arrays,Dynamic arrays,queues and Associative arrays. If an array is constrained by both size constraints and iterative constraints for constraining every element of array. The size constraints are solved first, and the iterative constraints next. In the example,size_c is solved first before element_c. As constraint element_c canot be solved without knowing the size. So there is implicit ordering while solveing this type of constraints. This is the only approach for applying constraints to individual elements of arrays, with this approach,performance is degraded. If Payload.size() = 1000, then 1000 constraints are created by foreach. it takes much time for the solver to solve all the constraints. Another simple approach is using a task to randomize each element. This approach is 5X times faster than foreach. EXAMPLE: class Eth_pkt_82; rand byte Payload[] ; constraint size_c { Payload.size() inside {[46:1500]}; } task randomize_foreach; foreach ( Payload[ i ] ) Payload[ i ] = 50 + $urandom % 50;// try with randomize( Payload[i]) with ..... endtask endclass program iterative; Eth_pkt_82 obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0;i< 10000;i++) begin void'(obj.randomize()); obj.randomize_foreach(); end end endprogram In applications where some constraints are dependent on the array elements, the variable ordering.

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

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RVM Ethernet sample following may help. call the randomization function in constraints, define proper

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EXAMPLE: class Eth_pkt; rand byte Payload[] ; rand byte size; bit dummy = 1; constraint constraint constraint constraint dummy_c { dummy == randomize_size();} size_c { size inside {[10:100]};} order_c1 {solve size before dummy;} order_c2 {solve dummy before Payload;}

function bit randomize_size(); Payload = new[size];[9/26/2012 2:13:07 PM]

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randomize_size = 1; return randomize_size; endfunction endclass program iterative_88; Eth_pkt obj; initial begin obj = new(); void'(obj.randomize()); for(int i=0;i< 10;i++) begin void'(obj.randomize()); $display(" Eth_pkt.size : %d ",obj.size,obj.Payload.size()); for(int j=0;j<obj.Payload.size();j++) $write("%4d _",obj.Payload[j]); $display(""); end end endprogram




In the above example, constraint order_c1 {solve size before dummy;} makes sure that size is randomized before function ranomize_size() is called. If constraints are dependent on the sum of the elements of the dynamic array. The interesting elements are the new random variables which are created by current randomization call. If you are not using any techinique to get the right size after randomization sum() returns the sum of all the array elements . EXAMPLE: class dynamic_array_89; rand byte size; rand byte data[]; constraint size_c { data.size() == size; size >= 0; } constraint sum_c { data.sum() < 1000;} endclass Do manually in a function and use it or just use { data.sum() with (item.index < size) 1000;}There is one more bug in the above code.The sum() method returns a single value of the same type as the array element type.So the sum returns only 8 bits in this case.So a.sum() is allways less than 255 which is less than 1000 and allways the constraint is satisfied which is not what is expected.[9/26/2012 2:13:07 PM]

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EXAMPLE: program summ; dynamic_array obj = new(); integer sum; initial begin sum =0; void'(obj.randomize()); for(int i=0;i< obj.size ;i++) sum=[i]; $display(" Sum is %d ",sum); end endprogram Using y.sum with (item + 32'b0) will result in a 32 bit proper sum. EXAMPLE: class dynamic_array; rand integer size; rand reg [7:0] data[]; constraint sum_c { data.sum() == data[0];} constraint size_c { data.size() == size; size >1000 ;size < 2000; } endclass program summ; dynamic_array obj = new(); integer sum; initial repeat(10) begin sum =0; void'(obj.randomize()); for(int i=0;i< obj.size ;i++) begin sum=[i]; end $display(" Sum is %d obj.sum() %d",[0],; end endprogram Randomization donot create the objects. So when a array of objects is randomized, all the objects are pointing to null and randomization can not be done on null has to be called to creat objects then only randomize can be done on it.So creat array of objects before calling the randomize. EXAMPLE: class cls; rand integer Var; endclass class arr_obj; rand cls objcls [0:2]; endclass program arr_obj_p_91; arr_obj obj = new() ; int i; initial begin if(obj.randomize()) begin $display(" Randomization is done "); for(i=0;i<3;i++) if(obj.objcls[i] == null ) $display( " obj.objcls == null "); else $display(" obj.objcls.Var : %d ", obj.objcls[i].Var ); end else $display(" Randomization failed ");[9/26/2012 2:13:07 PM]

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end endprogram RESULTS: # # # # Randomization is done obj.objcls == null obj.objcls == null obj.objcls == null

In the following, objects are created during the creation of arr_obj. This can also be done in pre_randomize. When dynamic arrays of objects are created, similar approach has to be taken and size of the dynamic array has to be decided before the new() is called, which makes no sense using the dynamic array of objects. EXAMPLE: class cls; rand integer Var; endclass class arr_obj; rand cls objcls [0:2]; function new(); foreach(objcls[i]) objcls[i]=new(); endfunction endclass program arr_obj_p_91; arr_obj obj = new() ; int i; initial begin if(obj.randomize()) begin $display(" Randomization is done "); for(i=0;i<3;i++) if(obj.objcls[i] == null ) $display( " obj.objcls == null "); else $display(" obj.objcls.Var : %d ", obj.objcls[i].Var ); end else $display(" Randomization failed "); end endprogram RESULTS: Randomization is done obj.objcls.Var : 733126180 obj.objcls.Var : -119008195 obj.objcls.Var : 342785185

To create queue of objects,first length of the queue has to be randomized.Then number of objects equal to length of queue.Delete the old elements in the queue.Then push each object new objects in to the queue.Lastly randomize each object. EXAMPLE: class cls; rand integer Var; endclass class q_cls; rand cls obj[$];[9/26/2012 2:13:07 PM]

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rand bit [2:0] length; function void pre_randomize(); length = $urandom % 20 ; // Compute the length of queue. obj = {} ; // Delet all the elements in the queue or .delet can be used repeat(length) begin cls obj_loc; obj_loc = new(); // Creat new object. obj.Push_back(obj_loc) ; // insert it into queue. end endfunction endclass program q_obj_p_93; q_cls obj = new(); initial begin if(obj.randomize()) begin $display( "Randomization done"); $write( " Length of q : %0d :::",obj.length); for(int i ;i< obj.length;i++) begin cls obj_temp; obj_temp = obj.obj.Pop_front(); $write(" : %0d : ",obj_temp.Var); end end else $display( "Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULT: Randomization done Length of q : 6 ::: : 1474208060 : : -1098913923 : : 816460770 : : 41501707 : : 1179418145 : : -212817600 :

Some application like linked list needs to generate an array of random values which are unique. foreach provides the solution,but the simples and the best solution is assign all the elements in arrat with its index and use shuffel inside a task.shuffle() randomizes the order of the elements in the array.Constraint solver is not used hear,so the preformance is better. EXAMPLE: class List; integer Pointer[5] ; task randomize_unique; foreach ( Pointer[ i ] ) Pointer[ i ] = i; Pointer.shuffle(); endtask endclass program Unique_rand_94; List obj; initial begin obj = new(); obj.randomize_unique(); for(int i=0;i< 5;i++) begin $display(" Pointer[%0d] = %d ",i,obj.Pointer[i]); end end endprogram[9/26/2012 2:13:07 PM]

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RESULT: Pointer[0] Pointer[1] Pointer[2] Pointer[3] Pointer[4] = = = = = 2 1 3 0 4

Using foreach in global constraints in the following way wont work currently. as the . operator(dot) is not supported in foreach in LRM currently. EXAMPLE: class parent; rand byte a[0:9]; endclass class child_96; rand parent P; rand byte a[0:9]; constraint Not_supported { foreach(P.a[i]) P.a[i] == a[i];} endclass The correct way to write the above constraint is constraint Supported { foreach(a[i]) a[i] == P.a[i];}




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Constraint guards are predicate expressions that function as guards against the creation of constraints, and not as logical relations to be satisfied by the solver. These predicate expressions &&,|| and ! are evaluated before the constraints are solved. This enables users to write constraints that avoid errors due to nonexistent object handles or array indices out of bounds. There are 4 states when a sub expression is evlauated. 0 FALSE Subexpression evaluates to FALSE. 1 TRUE Subexpression evaluates to TRUE. E ERROR Subexpression causes an evaluation error like null pointer. R RANDOM Expression includes random variables and cannot be evaluated. If any of subexpression results ERROR,then randomization fails. EXAMPLE:1 class SList_97; rand int n; rand Slist_97 next; constraint sort { n < next.n; } endclass

Index Constrained Random Verification Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv Randomizing Objects Random Variables Randomization Methods Checker Constraint Block Inline Constraint Global Constraint Constraint Mode External Constraints Randomization Controlability Static Constraint Constraint Expression Variable Ordering Constraint Solver Speed Randcase Randsequence Random Stability Array Randomization Constraint Guards Titbits

VMM Ethernet sample In the Example 1, while sorting the elements of array in ascending order, if next is Report a Bug or Comment null i.e for last element randomization fails. on This section - Your input is what keeps improving Verilog EXAMPLE:2 with time! Verification class SList_98; Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

rand int n; rand Slist_98 next; constraint sort { if( next != null ) n < next.n; } endclass

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

In Example 2, Even if next is null, constraint wont be generated so randomization will never fail. EXAMPLE:3 int x; endclass class C; rand int x, y; D a, b; constraint c1 { (x < y || a.x > b.x || a.x == 5 ) -> x+y == 10; } endclass In Example 3, the predicate subexpressions are (x < y), (a.x > b.x), and (a.x == 5), which are all connected by disjunction. Some possible cases are as follows: Case 1: a is non-null, b is null, a.x is 5. Because (a.x==5) is true, the fact that b.x generates an error does not result in an

RVM Ethernet sample class D;

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error. The unconditional constraint (x+y == 10) is generated. Case 2: a is null. This always results in error, irrespective of the other conditions. Case 3: a is non-null, b is non-null, a.x is 10, b.x is 20. All the guard subexpressions evaluate to FALSE. The conditional constraint (x<y) -> (x+y == 10) is generated. EXAMPLE:4 class D; int x; endclass class C; rand int x, y; D a, b; constraint c1 { (x < y && a.x > b.x && a.x == 5 ) -> x+y == 10; } endclass In Example 4, the predicate subexpressions are (x < y), (a.x > b.x), and (a.x == 5), which are all connected by conjunction. Some possible cases are as follows: Case 1: a is non-null, b is null, a.x is 6. Because (a.x==5) is false, the fact that b.x generates an error does not result in an error. The constraint is eliminated. Case 2: a is null This always results in error, irrespective of the other conditions. Case 3: a is non-null, b is non-null, a.x is 5, b.x is 2. All the guard subexpressions evaluate to TRUE, producing constraint (x<y) -> (x+y == 10). EXAMPLE:5 class D; int x; endclass class C; rand int x, y; D a, b; constraint c1 { (x < y && (a.x > b.x || a.x ==5)) -> x+y == 10; } endclass[9/26/2012 2:13:28 PM]

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In Example 5, the predicate subexpressions are (x < y) and (a.x > b.x || a.x == 5), which are connected by disjunction. Some possible cases are as follows: Case 1: a is non-null, b is null, a.x is 5. The guard expression evaluates to (ERROR || a.x==5), which evaluat es to (ERROR || TRUE) The guard subexpression evaluates to TRUE. The conditional constraint (x<y) -> (x+y == 10) is generated. Case 2: a is non-null, b is null, a.x is 8. The guard expression evaluates to (ERROR || FALSE) and generates an error. Case 3: a is null This always results in error, irrespective of the other conditions. Case 4: a is non-null, b is non-null, a.x is 5, b.x is 2. All the guard subexpressions evaluate to TRUE. The conditional constraint (x<y) -> (x+y == 10) is generated. EXAMPLE:6 class A_108; rand integer arr[]; constraint c { foreach( arr[i]) arr[i] == arr[i+1] ;} endclass In Example 6, generates an error when i is the last element in the array.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Constrained Random Verification The first constraint program which wrote randomized sucessfully but the results are Verilog Crv Systemverilog Crv not what expected. Randomizing Objects My constraint is to limit Var between 0 and 100. Random Variables Randomization Methods EXAMPLE: Checker class Base; Constraint Block rand integer Var; Inline Constraint constraint randge { 0< Var < 100 ;} Global Constraint endclass Constraint Mode External Constraints program inhe_109; Randomization Base obj; Controlability Static Constraint initial Constraint Expression begin Variable Ordering obj = new(); Constraint Solver Speed for(int i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) Randcase if(obj.randomize()) Randsequence $display(" Randomization successful : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); Random Stability else Array Randomization $display("Randomization failed"); Constraint Guards end Titbits endprogram


VMM Ethernet sample RESULTS:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization Randomization ..etc

successful successful successful successful successful successful successful

: : : : : : :

Var Var Var Var Var Var Var

= = = = = = =

2026924861 -1198182564 1119963834 -21424360 -358373705 -345517999 -1435493197

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Constructs Switch TB

The mistake what I have done is simple,this resulted the constraint solver to solve the statement (((0 < Var) < 100)) RVM Switch TB For the above equation, are the results are correct. RVM Ethernet sample Then I changed the constraint to { 0< Var ;Var < 100 ;} The solver considered the this constraint as (0 < Var) && (Var < 100); and solution are correct.
Specman E Interview Questions

To generate random values less then -10,the following may not work. EXAMPLE: class Base_110; rand integer Var; constraint randge { Var + 10 <= 0 ;} endclass RESULTS: Randomization sucsessfull : Var = -1601810394 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 2147483646[9/26/2012 2:13:37 PM]

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Randomization sucsessfull : Var = -335544322 Var = 2147483646 is not less -10, but the solver solved it using ((Var + 10) <= 0) i.e ((2147483646 + 10) <= 0) which is true To solve this use the inside operator. constraint randge { Var inside {[-10000:-10]};} Make sure that constraint expression are not mixed up with signed and unsigned variables. # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 4 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 5 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 1 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 1 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 0 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 2 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 2 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 7 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 6 # Ran_Stb_1.Var : 0 Constraining Non Integral Data Types: Constraints can be any SystemVerilog expression with variables and constants of integral type (e.g., bit, reg, logic, integer, enum, packed struct). To Constraint a real number, randomize integer and convert it to real as it is required. EXAMPLE: class cls; rand integer Var; endclass class real_c; real r; rand integer i; rand integer j; function void post_randomize; r = $bitstoreal({i,j}); $display("%e ",r); endfunction endclass program real_p_111; real_c obj = new(); initial repeat(5) void'(obj.randomize()); endprogram[9/26/2012 2:13:37 PM]

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RESULT: 2.507685e-280 -1.188526e-07 9.658227e-297 -2.912335e+247 2.689449e+219

Saving Memory In packet protocol application like PCI Express, the packets which are driven to the DUV has to be manipulated and stored to compare with the actual packet which is coming from DUV. If the packet size is large and number of packets are huge, it occupies more momery. In verilog in this case the whole packet need to be stored. HVL has more advantages w.r.t this case. We can store high level information like packet size, CRC error, header. But functional verification needs to store the payload for checking that the payload did not get corrupted. Major part of the storage taken by the payload itself. If we can avoid storing the payload, we can save lot of storage space. The following technique assigns predictable random values to payload fields. Only the start of the payload need to be stored. EXAMPLE: integer pkt_length; byte payload[0:MAX]; task gen_payload(integer seed ,integer length); integer temp_seed; temp_seed = seed; for(int i=0;i< length;i++) begin temp_seed = $random(temp_seed); payload[i] = temp_seed; end endtask

This is the task which checks whether payload is recived didnot get corrupted. EXAMPLE: task check_payload(integer seed,integer length); integer temp_seed; temp_seed = seed; for(int i=0;i< length;i++) begin temp_seed = $random(temp_seed); if(payload[i] != temp_seed) $display(" ERROR :: DATA MISMATCH "); end endtask[9/26/2012 2:13:37 PM]

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Systemverilog Functional Coverage Features Coverage of variables and expressions Cross coverage Automatic and user-defined coverage bins -- Values, transitions, or cross products Filtering conditions at multiple levels Flexible coverage sampling -- Events, Sequences, Procedural Directives to control and query coverage

Index Introduction Cover Group Sample Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Transition Bins Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins Illegal Bins Cross Coverage Coverage Options Coverage Methods System Tasks Cover Property
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Index Introduction Cover Group The covergroup construct encapsulates the specification of a coverage model. Each Sample Cover Points covergroup specification can include the following components: Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups A clocking event that synchronizes the sampling of coverage points Coverage Bins A set of coverage points Explicit Bin Creation Cross coverage between coverage points Transition Bins Optional formal arguments Wildcard Bins Coverage options Ignore Bins Illegal Bins Cross Coverage A Cover group is defined between key words covergroup & endgroup. Coverage Options A Covergroup Instance can be created using the new() operator. Coverage Methods System Tasks covergroup cg; Cover Property ... ... Report a Bug or Comment ... on This section - Your endgroup input is what keeps


cg cg_inst = new; The above example defines a covergroup named "cg". An instance of "cg" is declared improving with time!

VMM Ethernet sample as "cg_inst" and created using the "new" operator.

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Index Introduction Coverage should be triggered to sample the coverage values. Sampling can be done Cover Group Sample using Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Any event expression -edge, variable Generic Coverage Groups End-point of a sequence Coverage Bins Event can be omitted Explicit Bin Creation Calling sample() method. Transition Bins Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins covergroup cg @(posedge clk); Illegal Bins ... Cross Coverage ... Coverage Options ... Coverage Methods endgroup System Tasks Cover Property


The above example defines a covergroup named "cg". This covergroup will be Report a Bug or Comment automatically sampled each time there is a posedge on "clk" signal. on This section - Your covergroup cg; ... ... ... endgroup cg cg_inst = new;
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initial // or task or function or always block begin ... ... cg_inst.sample(); ... ... end Sampling can also be done by calling explicitly calling .sample() method in procedural code. This is used when coverage sampling is required based on some calculations rather than events.

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Index Introduction A covergroup can contain one or more coverage points. A coverage point can be an Cover Group integral variable or an integral expression. A coverage point creates a hierarchical Sample scope, and can be optionally labeled. If the label is specified then it designates the Cover Points Coverpoint Expression name of the coverage point. Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation program main; Transition Bins bit [0:2] y; Wildcard Bins bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; Ignore Bins Illegal Bins covergroup cg; Cross Coverage cover_point_y : coverpoint y; Coverage Options endgroup Coverage Methods System Tasks cg cg_inst = new(); Cover Property initial Report a Bug or Comment foreach(values[i]) on This section - Your begin input is what keeps y = values[i]; improving cg_inst.sample(); with time! end


endprogram In the above example, we are sampleing the cover point "y". The cover point is named "cover_point_y" . In the Coverage report you will see this name. A cover group "cg" is defined and its instance "cg_inst" is created. The value of "y" is sampled when cg_inst.sample() method is called. Total possible values for Y are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. The variable "y" is assigned only values 3,5,6. The coverage engine should report that only 3 values are covered and there are 8 possible values. Commands To Simulate And Get The Coverage Report:

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Compilation command: vcs -sverilog -ntb_opts dtm RVM Ethernet sample Simulation Command: ./simv Command to generate Coverage report: Coverage report in html format will be in the ./urgReport directory Specman E urg -dir simv.vdb
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NCSIM ncverilog -sv -access +rwc -coverage functional iccr iccr.cmd iccr.cmd load_test * report_detail -instance -both -d *[9/26/2012 2:14:07 PM]

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QUESTASIM Create the library vlib library_name Compilation command vlog work library_name Simulation Command: vsim library_name.module_top_name Coverage will be saved in UCDB Format in Questasim Case 1) By default in modelsim.ini file to Name of UCDB file will be threre, If it is there, it will create one file filename.ucdb Case 2) Sometimes in modelsim.ini file UCDB File name will be commented in that case we have to save UCDB File explicitly after vsim command Coverage save filename.ucdb Once u are ready with UCDB File u need to generate coverage report from ucdb file To generate only Functional coverage report vcover cvg myreport.txt outfilename.ucdb

After running the above program, the coverage report will show,

VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 8 Covered : 3 Percent: 37.50.

In the above report, the coverage percentage is calculated by Covered/Expected.




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Coverpoint Expression A coverage point can be an integral variable or an integral Expression. SystemVerilog allows specifying the cover points in various ways. 1)Using XMR Example: Cover_xmr : coverpoint top.DUT.Submodule.bus_address; 2)Part select Example: Cover_part: coverpoint bus_address[31:2]; 3)Expression Example: Cocver_exp: coverpoint (a*b); 4)Function return value Example: Cover_fun: coverpoint funcation_call(); 5)Ref variable

Index Introduction Cover Group Sample Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Transition Bins Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins Illegal Bins Cross Coverage Coverage Options Coverage Methods System Tasks Cover Property
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Example: covergroup (ref int r_v) cg; cover_ref: coverpoint r_v; endgroup

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Coverage Filter The expression within the iff construct specifies an optional condition that disables coverage for that cover point. If the guard expression evaluates to false at a sampling point, the coverage point is ignored.

RVM Ethernet sample For example: Specman E Interview Questions

covergroup cg; coverpoint cp_varib iff(!reset); // filter condition endgroup In the preceding example, cover point varible "cp_varib" is covered only if the value reset is low.[9/26/2012 2:14:17 PM]

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Index Introduction Generic coverage groups can be written by passing their traits as arguments to the Cover Group coverage constructor. This allows creating a reusable coverage group which can be Sample Cover Points used in multiple places. Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage For example, To cover a array of specified index range. Groups Coverage Bins covergroup cg(ref int array, int low, int high ) @(clk); Explicit Bin Creation coverpoint// sample variable passed by reference Transition Bins { Wildcard Bins bins s = { [low : high] }; Ignore Bins } Illegal Bins endgroup Cross Coverage Coverage Options int A, B; Coverage Methods rgc1 = new( A, 0, 50 );// cover A in range 0 to 50 System Tasks rgc2 = new( B, 120, 600 );// cover B in range 120 to 600 Cover Property The example above defines a coverage group, gc, in which the signal to be sampled as well as the extent of the coverage bins are specified as arguments. Later, two Report a Bug or Comment instances of the coverage group are created; each instance samples a different signal on This section - Your input is what keeps and covers a different range of values.

GENERIC COVERAGE GROUPS improving with time!

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A coverage-point bin associates a name and a count with a set of values or a sequence of value transitions. If the bin designates a set of values, the count is incremented every time the coverage point matches one of the values in the set. If the bin designates a sequence of value transitions, the count is incremented every time the coverage point matches the entire sequence of value transitions. Bins can be created implicitly or explicitly. Implicit Bins While define cover point, if you do not specify any bins, then Implicit bins are created. The number of bins creating can be controlled by auto_bin_max parameter. Example for non enum cover point program main; bit [0:2] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { option.auto_bin_max = 4 ; } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram

Index Introduction Cover Group Sample Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Transition Bins Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins Illegal Bins Cross Coverage Coverage Options Coverage Methods System Tasks Cover Property
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In the above example, the auto_bin_max is declared as 4. So, the total possible values are divided in 4 parts and each part correspoits to one bin. RVM Ethernet sample The total possible values for variable "y" are 8. They are divided in to 4 groups. Bin[0] Bin[1] Bin[2] Bin[3] for for for for 0 2 4 6 and 1 and 3 and 5 and 7

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Varible Y is assigned values 3,5 and 6. Values 3,5 and 6 belongs to bins bin[1],bin[2] and bin[3] respectively. Bin[0] is not covered. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y[9/26/2012 2:14:32 PM]

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Expected : 4 Covered : 3 Percent: 75.00 Uncovered bins -----------------auto[0:1] Covered bins -----------------auto[2:3] auto[4:5] auto[6:7]

Example of enum data type: For Enum data type, the numbers of bins are equal to the number of elements of enum data type. The bin identifiers are the enum member name. typedef enum { A,B,C,D } alpha; program main; alpha y; alpha values[$]= '{A,B,C}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y; endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram In The above example, the variable "y" is enum data type and it can have 4 enum members A,B,C and D. Variable Y is assigned only 3 Enum members A,B and C. Coverage report: --------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 4 Covered : 3 Percent: 75.00 Uncovered bins -------------------auto_D Covered bins -------------------auto_C auto_B auto_A[9/26/2012 2:14:32 PM]

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Index Introduction Cover Group Explicit bin creation is recommended method. Not all values are interesting or Sample relevant in a cover point, so when the user knows the exact values he is going to Cover Points Coverpoint Expression cover, he can use explicit bins. You can also name the bins. Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation program main; Transition Bins bit [0:2] y; Wildcard Bins bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; Ignore Bins Illegal Bins covergroup cg; Cross Coverage cover_point_y : coverpoint y { Coverage Options bins a = {0,1}; Coverage Methods bins b = {2,3}; System Tasks bins c = {4,5}; Cover Property bins d = {6,7}; }


endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram In the above example, bins are created explicitly. The bins are named a,b,c and d. Coverage report: ------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 4 Covered : 3 Percent: 75.00 -------------------a Covered bins -------------------b c d

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Array Of Bins To create a separate bin for each value (an array of bins) the square brackets, [], must follow the bin name.[9/26/2012 2:14:40 PM]

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program main; bit [0:2] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins a[] = {[0:7]}; } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram In the above example, bin a is array of 8 bins and each bin associates to one number between 0 to 7. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 8 Covered : 3 Percent: 37.50 Uncovered bins ------------------a_0 a_1 a_2 a_4 a_7 Covered bins ------------------a_3 a_5 a_6

To create a fixed number of bins for a set of values, a number can be specified inside the square brackets. program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins a[4] = {[0:7]}; } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin[9/26/2012 2:14:40 PM]

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y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram In the above example, variable y is 4 bit width vector. Total possible values for this vector are 16. But in the cover point bins, we have giving the interested range as 0 to 7. So the coverage report is calculated over the range 0 to 7 only. In this example, we have shown the number bins to be fixed to size 4. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 4 Covered : 3 Percent: 75.00 Uncovered bins ------------------a[0:1] Covered bins -----------------a[2:3] a[4:5] a[6:7]

Default Bin The default specification defines a bin that is associated with none of the defined value bins. The default bin catches the values of the coverage point that do not lie within any of the defined bins. However, the coverage calculation for a coverage point shall not take into account the coverage captured by the default bin. program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins a[2] = {[0:4]}; bins d = default; } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram In the above example, we have specified only 2 bins to cover values from 0 to 4. Rest of values are covered in default bin <93>d<94> which is not using in calculating the coverage percentage. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 2 Covered : 1[9/26/2012 2:14:40 PM]

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Percent: 50.00 Uncovered bins -----------------a[0:1] Covered bins ---------------a[2:4] Default bin ----------------d




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Index Introduction Transitional functional point bin is used to examine the legal transitions of a value. Cover Group SystemVerilog allows to specifies one or more sets of ordered value transitions of the Sample Cover Points coverage point. Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups Type of Transitions: Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Single Value Transition Transition Bins Sequence Of Transitions Wildcard Bins Set Of Transitions Ignore Bins Consecutive Repetitions Illegal Bins Range Of Repetition Cross Coverage Coverage Options Goto Repetition Coverage Methods Non Consecutive Repetition System Tasks Cover Property


Single Value Transition Single value transition is specified as: value1 => value2 program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins tran_34 = (3=>4); bins tran_56 = (5=>6); } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram

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In the above example, 2 bins are created for covering the transition of point "y" from 3 to 4 and other for 5 to 6. The variable y is given the values and only the transition 5 to 6 is occurring. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 2 Covered : 1 Percent: 50.00[9/26/2012 2:14:49 PM]

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Uncovered bins -----------------tran_34 Covered bins ---------------tran_56

Sequence Of Transitions A sequence of transitions is represented as: value1 => value3 => value4 => value5 In this case, value1 is followed by value3, followed by value4 and followed by value5. A sequence can be of any arbitrary length. program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins tran_345 = (3=>4>=5); bins tran_356 = (3=>5=>6); } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram In the above example, 2 bins re created for covering the transition of point "y" from 3 to 4 to 5 and other for 3 to 5 to 6. The variable y is given the values and only the transition 3 to 5 to 6 is occurring. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 2 Covered : 1 Percent: 50.00 Uncovered bins -----------------tran_345 Covered bins ----------------tran_356

Set Of Transitions A set of transitions can be specified as:[9/26/2012 2:14:49 PM]

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range_list1 => range_list2 program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,5,6}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins trans[] = (3,4=>5,6); } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram In the above example, bin trans creates 4 bin for covering 3=>5,4=>5,3=>6 and 4=>6. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 4 Covered : 1 Percent: 25.00 Uncovered bins -----------------tran_34_to_56:3->6 tran_34_to_56:4->5 tran_34_to_56:4->6 Covered bins ---------------tran_34_to_56:3->5 Consecutive Repetitions Consecutive repetitions of transitions are specified using trans_item [* repeat_range ] Here, trans_item is repeated for repeat_range times. For example, 3 [* 5] is the same as 3=>3=>3=>3=>3 program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{3,3,3,4,4}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins trans_3 = (3[*5]); bins trans_4 = (4[*2]); } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin[9/26/2012 2:14:49 PM]

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y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 2 Covered : 1 Percent: 50.00 Uncovered bins -----------------trans_3 Covered bins ---------------trans_4

Range Of Repetition An example of a range of repetition is: 3 [* 3:5] is the same as 3=>3=>3, 3=>3=>3=>3, 3=>3=>3=>3=>3 program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{4,5,3,3,3,3,6,7}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins trans_3[] = (3[*3:5]); } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram In the above example, only the sequence 3=>3=>3=>3 is generated. Other expected sequences 3=>3=>3 and 3=>3=>3=>3=>3 are not generated. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 3 Covered : 1 Percent: 33.33 Uncovered bins -----------------tran_3:3[*3] tran_3:3[*5] Covered bins ---------------tran_3:3[*4][9/26/2012 2:14:49 PM]

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Goto Repetition The goto repetition is specified using: trans_item [-> repeat_range]. The required number of occurrences of a particular value is specified by the repeat_range. Any number of sample points can occur before the first occurrence of the specified value and any number of sample points can occur between each occurrence of the specified value. The transition following the goto repetition must immediately follow the last occurrence of the repetition. For example: 3 [-> 3] is the same as ...=>3...=>3...=>3 where the dots (...) represent any transition that does not contain the value 3. A goto repetition followed by an additional value is represented as follows: 1 => 3 [ -> 3] => 5 is the same as 1...=>3...=>3...=>3 =>5

program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{1,6,3,6,3,6,3,5}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins trans_3 = (1=>3[->3]=>5); } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 1 Covered : 1 Percent: 100.00 Non Consecutive Repetition The nonconsecutive repetition is specified using: trans_item [= repeat_range]. The required number of occurrences of a particular value is specified by the repeat_range. Any number of sample points can occur before the first occurrence of the specified value and any number of sample points can occur between each occurrence of the specified value. The transition following the nonconsecutive repetition may occur after any number of sample points so long as the repetition value does not occur again. For example: 3 [= 2] is same as ...=>3...=>3 A nonconsecutive repetition followed by an additional value is represented as follows: 1 => 3 [=2] => 5 is the same as 1...=>3...=>3...=>5[9/26/2012 2:14:49 PM]

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program main; bit [0:3] y; bit [0:2] values[$]= '{1,6,3,6,3,6,5}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { bins trans_3 = (1=>3[=2]=>5); } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 1 Covered : 1 Percent: 100.00




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Index Introduction Cover Group Sample By default, a value or transition bin definition can specify 4-state values. When a bin definition includes an X or Z, it indicates that the bin count should only be Cover Points Coverpoint Expression incremented when the sampled value has an X or Z in the same bit positions. The wildcard bins definition causes all X, Z, or ? to be treated as wildcards for 0 or 1 Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins (similar to the ==? operator). Explicit Bin Creation For example: Transition Bins Wildcard Bins wildcard bins g12_16 = { 4'b11?? }; Ignore Bins The count of bin g12_16 is incremented when the sampled variable is between 12 and Illegal Bins Cross Coverage 16: Coverage Options Coverage Methods 1100 1101 1110 1111 System Tasks Cover Property program main; reg [0:3] y; Report a Bug or Comment reg [0:3] values[$]= '{ 4'b1100,4'b1101,4'b1110,4'b1111};


covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { wildcard bins g12_15 = { 4'b11?? } ; } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram

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Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Switch TB Expected : 1 RVM Switch TB Covered : 1 RVM Ethernet sample Percent: 100.00

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Covered bin --------------g12_15 Number of times g12_15 hit : 4

Similarly, transition bins can define wildcard bins. For example: wildcard bins T0_3 = (2'b0x => 2'b1x); The count of transition bin T0_3 is incremented for the following transitions (as if by[9/26/2012 2:14:57 PM]

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(0,1=>2,3)): 00 => 10 , 00 => 11, 01 => 10 , 01 => 11 program main; reg [0:1] y; reg [0:1] values[$]= '{ 2'b00,2'b01,2'b10,2'b11}; covergroup cg; cover_point_y : coverpoint y { wildcard bins trans = (2'b0X => 2'b1X ); } endgroup cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 1 Covered : 1 Percent: 100.00 Covered bin --------------trans Number of times trans hit : 1 (01 => 10)




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Index Introduction A set of values or transitions associated with a coverage-point can be explicitly Cover Group Sample excluded from coverage by specifying them as ignore_bins. Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups program main; Coverage Bins bit [0:2] y; Explicit Bin Creation bit [0:2] values[$]= '{1,6,3,7,3,4,3,5}; Transition Bins Wildcard Bins covergroup cg; Ignore Bins cover_point_y : coverpoint y { Illegal Bins ignore_bins ig = {1,2,3,4,5}; Cross Coverage } Coverage Options Coverage Methods endgroup System Tasks Cover Property cg cg_inst = new(); initial Report a Bug or Comment foreach(values[i]) on This section - Your begin input is what keeps y = values[i]; improving cg_inst.sample(); with time! end


endprogram Ignored values between 1 to 5. So the Expected values are 0,6 and 7. Out of these expected values, only 6 and 7 are generated. Coverage report: -------------------VARIABLE : cover_point_y Expected : 3 Covered : 2 Percent: 66.66 Uncovered bins -----------------auto[0] Excluded/Illegal bins ------------------------ig auto[1] auto[2] auto[3] auto[4] auto[5] Covered bins ---------------auto[6] auto[7]

VMM Ethernet sample In the above program, total possible values for y are 0 to 7. Ignore_bins specified to

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Index Introduction A set of values or transitions associated with a coverage-point can be marked as Cover Group illegal by specifying them as illegal_bins. All values or transitions associated with Sample illegal bins are excluded from coverage. If an illegal value or transition occurs, a Cover Points Coverpoint Expression runtime error is issued. Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation program main; Transition Bins bit [0:2] y; Wildcard Bins bit [0:2] values[$]= '{1,6,3,7,3,4,3,5}; Ignore Bins Illegal Bins covergroup cg; Cross Coverage cover_point_y : coverpoint y { Coverage Options illegal_bins ib = {7}; Coverage Methods } System Tasks Cover Property endgroup


cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(values[i]) begin y = values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram Result: -----------** ERROR ** Illegal state bin ib of coverpoint cover_point_y in covergroup cg got hit with value 0x7

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Index Introduction Cross allows keeping track of information which is received simultaneous on more Cover Group Sample than one cover point. Cross coverage is specified using the cross construct. Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups program main; Coverage Bins bit [0:1] y; Explicit Bin Creation bit [0:1] y_values[$]= '{1,3}; Transition Bins Wildcard Bins bit [0:1] z; Ignore Bins bit [0:1] z_values[$]= '{1,2}; Illegal Bins Cross Coverage covergroup cg; Coverage Options cover_point_y : coverpoint y ; Coverage Methods cover_point_z : coverpoint z ; System Tasks cross_yz : cross cover_point_y,cover_point_z ; Cover Property endgroup


cg cg_inst = new(); initial foreach(y_values[i]) begin y = y_values[i]; z = z_values[i]; cg_inst.sample(); end endprogram

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In the above program, y has can have 4 values 0,1,2 and 3 and similarly z can have 4 values 0,1,2 and 3. The cross product of the y and z will be 16 values (00),(01),(02),(03),(10),(11)........(y,z)......(3,2)(3,3) . Only combinations (11) and (32) are generated. Cross coverage report: cover points are not shown.

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Covered bins ----------------cover_point_y cover_point_z RVM Switch TB auto[3] auto[2] auto[1] RVM Ethernet sample auto[1]

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User-Defined Cross Bins User-defined bins for cross coverage are defined using bin select expressions. Consider the following example code: int i,j; covergroup ct; coverpoint i { bins i[] = { [0:1] }; } coverpoint j { bins j[] = { [0:1] }; } x1: cross i,j; x2: cross i,j {[9/26/2012 2:15:22 PM]

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bins i_zero = binsof(i) intersect { 0 }; } endgroup Cross x1 has the following bins: <i[0],j[0]> <i[1],j[0]> <i[0],j[1]> <i[1],j[1]> Cross x2 has the following bins: i_zero <i[1],j[0]> <i[1],j[1]>




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Index Introduction Cover Group Options control the behavior of the covergroup, coverpoint, and cross. Sample There are two types of options: Cover Points Coverpoint Expression those that are specific to an instance of a covergroup and Generic Coverage Groups those that specify an option for the covergroup type as a whole. Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Transition Bins Weight Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins Syntax : weight= number Illegal Bins default value: 1 Cross Coverage Coverage Options Description : Coverage Methods If set at the covergroup syntactic level, it specifies the weight of this covergroup System Tasks instance for computing the overall instance coverage of the simulation. If set at the Cover Property coverpoint (or cross) syntactic level, it specifies the weight of a coverpoint (or cross) for computing the instance coverage of the enclosing covergroup. The specified Report a Bug or Comment weight shall be a non-negative integral value.


Goal Syntax :goal=number default value: 100 Description : Specifies the target goal for a covergroup instance or for a coverpoint or a cross of an instance. Name Syntax :name=string default value:unique name Description : Specifies a name for the covergroup instance. If unspecified, a unique name for each instance is automatically generated by the tool. Comment Syntax :comment=string default value: "" Description : A comment that appears with a covergroup instance or with a coverpoint or cross of the covergroup instance. The comment is saved in the coverage database and included in the coverage report. At_least Syntax :at_least=number default value: 1 Description :

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Minimum number of hits for each bin. A bin with a hit count that is less than number is not considered covered. Detect_overlap Syntax :detect_overlap=Boolean default value: 0 Description : When true, a warning is issued if there is an overlap between the range list (or transition list) of two bins of a coverpoint. Auto_bin_max Syntax :auto_bin_max=number default value: 64 Description : Maximum number of automatically created bins when no bins are explicitly defined for a coverpoint. Cross_num_print_missing Syntax :cross_num_print_missing=number default value: 0 Description : Number of missing (not covered) cross product bins that shall be saved to the coverage database and printed in the coverage report. Per_instance Syntax :per_instance=Boolean default value: 0 Description : Each instance contributes to the overall coverage information for the covergroup type. When true, coverage information for this covergroup instance shall be saved in the coverage database and included in the coverage report. When false, implementations are not required to save instance-specific information. Get_inst_coverage Syntax :get_inst_coverage=Boolean default value: 0 Description : Only applies when the merge_instances type option is set . Enables the tracking of per instance coverage with the get_inst_coverage built-in method. When false, the value returned by get_inst_coverage shall equal the value returned by get_coverage Following Table summarizes the syntactical level (covergroup, coverpoint, or cross) in which type options can be specified.[9/26/2012 2:15:33 PM]

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The following coverage methods are provided for the covergroup. These methods can be invoked procedurally at any time. void sample(): Description : Triggers sampling of the covergroup real get_coverage() real get_coverage(ref int, ref int) Description : Calculates type coverage number (0...100) The get_coverage() method returns the cumulative (or type) coverage, which considers the contribution of all instances of a particular coverage item. and it is a static method that is available on both types (via the :: operator) and instances (using the "." operator). The get_coverage() method both accept an optional set of arguments, a pair of int values passed by reference. When the optional arguments are specified, the get_coverage() method assign to the first argument the value of the covered bins, and to the second argument the number of bins for the given coverage item. These two values correspond to the numerator and the denominator used for calculating the particular coverage number (i.e., the return value before scaling by 100).

Index Introduction Cover Group Sample Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Transition Bins Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins Illegal Bins Cross Coverage Coverage Options Coverage Methods System Tasks Cover Property
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real get_inst_coverage() real get_inst_coverage(ref int, ref int) VMM Ethernet sample Description : Calculates the coverage number (0...100) get_inst_coverage() method returns the coverage of the specific instance on which it is invoked, thus, it can only be invoked via the "." operator. Verilog
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The get_inst_coverage() method both accept an optional set of arguments, a pair of int values passed by reference. When the optional arguments are specified, the get_inst_coverage() method assign to the first argument the value of the covered bins, and to the second argument the number of bins for the given coverage item. These two values correspond to the numerator and the denominator used for calculating the particular coverage number (i.e., the return value before scaling by 100). void set_inst_name(string) Description : Sets the instance name to the given string void start() Description : Starts collecting coverage information void stop() Description : Stops collecting coverage information

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SystemVerilog provides the following system tasks and functions to help manage coverage data collection. $set_coverage_db_name ( name ) : Sets the filename of the coverage database into which coverage information is saved at the end of a simulation run. $load_coverage_db ( name ) : Load from the given filename the cumulative coverage information for all coverage group types. $get_coverage ( ) : Returns as a real number in the range 0 to 100 the overall coverage of all coverage group types. This number is computed as described above.

Index Introduction Cover Group Sample Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Transition Bins Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins Illegal Bins Cross Coverage Coverage Options Coverage Methods System Tasks Cover Property
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Cover statement can be used to monitor sequences and other behavioral aspects of the design. The tools can gather information about the evaluation and report the results at the end of simulation. When the property for the cover statement is successful, the pass statements can specify a coverage function, such as monitoring all paths for a sequence. The pass statement shall not include any concurrent assert, assume or cover statement. A cover property creates a single cover point. Coverage results are divided into two: coverage for properties, coverage for sequences. For sequence coverage, the statement appears as: Cover property ( sequence_expr ) statement_or_null Cover Property Results The results of coverage statement for a property shall contain: Number of times attempted Number of times succeeded Number of times failed Number of times succeeded because of vacuity In addition, statement_or_null is executed every time a property succeeds. non-vacuously only if the consequent of the implication contributes to the success. Cover Sequence Results Results of coverage for a sequence shall include: Number of times attempted Number of times matched (each attempt can generate multiple matches) In addition, statement_or_null gets executed for every match. If there are multiple matches at the same time, the statement gets executed multiple times, one for each match. It is recommended to cover sequences and not properties and its easy to convert a property into a sequence if required. Coverage property can be declared in

Index Introduction Cover Group Sample Cover Points Coverpoint Expression Generic Coverage Groups Coverage Bins Explicit Bin Creation Transition Bins Wildcard Bins Ignore Bins Illegal Bins Cross Coverage Coverage Options Coverage Methods System Tasks Cover Property
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VMM Ethernet sample Vacuity rules are applied only when implication operator is used. A property succeeds

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A design or a separate module Packages Interfaces Program block Cover properties are not allowed in class. Comparison Of Cover Property And Cover Group. Cover groups can reference data sets where as cover property references a temporal expression.[9/26/2012 2:15:58 PM]

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Cover group can be triggered using .sample method () Cover property dont have this option. Cover group has multiple bins options. Cover property has only one bin. Cover group cannot handle complex temporal relationships. Cover properties can cover complex temporal expressions. Cover group automatically handles the crosses. Cover properties cannot do crosses. Cover group has lot of filtering options. Cover property has no specific filtering constructs but it can be filtered. Cover properties cannot be used in classes. Cover groups can be used in classes. So, cover groups can reference the variables in class. Cover groups are most useful at a higher level of abstractions where as cover property makes sense to use when we want to work at low level signals. We can mix cover group and cover property to gain the OO and temporal advantages. Using properties for temporal expressions and trigger the cover group.




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SystemVerilog adds features to specify assertions of a system. An assertion specifies a behavior of the system. Assertions are primarily used to validate the behavior of a design. In addition, assertions can be used to provide functional coverage and generate input stimulus for validation. The evaluation of the assertions is guaranteed to be equivalent between simulation, which is event-based, and formal verification, which is cycle-based.

Index Introduction Event Simulation Assertion Types Assertion System Tasks Concurrent Assertion Layers Sequences Properties Verification Directive

SystemVerilog allows assertions to communicate information to the test bench and Report a Bug or Comment allows the test bench to react to the status of assertions without requiring a separate on This section - Your input is what keeps application programming interface (API) of any kind improving with time!

Advantages Of Assertion: Improving Observability. Reduces the debug time. Bugs can be found earlier and are more isolated. Controllable severity level. Can interact with C functions. Describe the Documentation and Specification of the design. What Assertions Can Verify: Assertions can be used to capture the information about various level of properties. conceptual : can be used to verify systemlevel properties which are more architectural level. design : These expresses unit level properties. programming: More specified at RTL level. 1)conditional: It checks the some conditinal to be true using boolean expressions. 2)sequence : Checks whether the properties arr true using temporal expression. 3)signal : Checks on signal types. a)x detection :Can be used to detect unconnected ports or undriven signal. b)encoding types: Checks whether the encoding is violated. 1)onehot 2)gray code

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Index Introduction Event Simulation The Problem of race condition exists if the SVA is sampling the signals exactly at Assertion Types specified event. So in SystemVerilog , the language has very clear semantics to avoid Assertion System Tasks Concurrent Assertion race condition while evaluating SVA. Layers Sequences Properties Verification Directive


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In SV, a new region is added before Active region called preponed. So sampling for SVA is done in preponed region. No assignments are not done in preponed region. RVM Ethernet sample Signals are stable from previous timeslot and they are occurring before active and NBA ,so the race condition is avoided by this new preponed region. Look at the diagram, regions which are in light cyan color are for SVA.
RVM Switch TB Specman E Interview Questions

IN preponed region only sampling is done , the evaluation of these sampled values are done in another region called observed region. Observed region occurs after NBA region. Even though the assignments are done in active ,inactive,NBA region, these updates are not used in observed region. Only signals sample in preponed region are used in observed region. Observed region occurs before reactive region where the testbench executes. But in immediate assertions, the updated values in previous regions of current time slot are used in observed region.[9/26/2012 2:16:17 PM]

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Index Introduction Event Simulation Assertion Types There are two types of assertions. Immediate assertions are useful for checking combinational expression. These are Assertion System Tasks similar to if and else statement but with assertion control. Immediate assertions Concurrent Assertion follow simulation event semantics for their execution and are executed like a Layers Sequences statement in a procedural block. Properties Verification Directive


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EXAMPLE: time t; always @(posedge clk) if (state == REQ) assert (req1 || req2); else begin t = $time; #5 $error("assert failed at time %0t",t); end

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Index Introduction Event Simulation Because the assertion is a statement that something must be true, the failure of an Assertion Types Assertion System Tasks assertion shall have a severity associated with it. By default, the severity of an assertion failure is error. Concurrent Assertion Layers Other severity levels can be specified by including one of the following severity system tasks in the fail Sequences Properties statement: Verification Directive $fatal is a run-time fatal. Report a Bug or Comment $error is a run-time error. on This section - Your $warning is a run-time warning, which can be suppressed in a tool-specific manner. input is what keeps $info indicates that the assertion failure carries no specific severity.

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Assertion Control System Tasks: SystemVerilog provides three system tasks to control assertions. $assertoff shall stop the checking of all specified assertions until a subsequent $asserton. An assertion that is already executing, including execution of the pass or fail statement, is not affected. $assertkill shall abort execution of any currently executing specified assertions and then stop the checking of all specified assertions until a subsequent $asserton. $asserton shall reenable the execution of all specified assertions. When invoked with no arguments, the system task shall apply to all assertions. When the task is specified with arguments, the first argument indicates levels of the hierarchy, consistent with the corresponding argument to the Verilog $dumpvars system task. Subsequent arguments specify which scopes of the model to control. These arguments can specify entire modules or individual assertions.

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Boolean System Function:

$countones : Returns the numbers of 1's in a bit vector. $past : Returns the values of the past. $stable : If the Signal is stable, then it returns 1. RVM Switch TB $isunknown : If th X is seen in expression , then it returns 1. : returns true if the LSB of the expression changed to 1. Otherwise, it RVM Ethernet sample $rose returns false. $fell : returns true if the LSB of the expression changed to 0. Otherwise, it returns false. Specman E $onehot : returns true if only 1 bit of the expression is high. $onehot0 : returns true if at most 1 bit of the expression is high. Interview Questions What is the difference between $rose and posedge? posedge returns event where as $rose returns a boolean value. Events cannot be used in expression, $rose can be used.[9/26/2012 2:16:32 PM]

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Concurrent assertions describe assertions, the evaluation model evaluated only at the occurrence There are 4 layers in concurrent Boolean expressions. Sequence expression. Property declaration. Verification directives.

Index Introduction Event Simulation behavior that spans over time. Unlike immediate Assertion Types is based on a clock so that a concurrent assertion is Assertion System Tasks Concurrent Assertion of a clock tick. Layers Sequences assertions. They are Properties Verification Directive
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These layering concept allows to build hierarchical constructs so its easy to maintain them.

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Boolean Expressions: Boolean expression doesn't consume time. The result of the expression is 1,0,x & z. If the result is 1, then the expression is true , else if the expression is 0,x or z , it is false. Concurrent assertions use boolean expressions along with temporal expressions. Immediate assertions use only boolean expressions. Integral data types such as int,integer,reg,bit,byte,logic,array( elements only),structs,function return values are allowed in boolean expressions. Complex data types like classes,smart quesus, dynamic arrays, associative arrays are not allowed.[9/26/2012 2:16:39 PM]

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Boolean logic doenot have the concept of time. Temporal logic is boolean logic with time as one more dimention. Sequence allows us to define temporal nature of the signals using temporal expressions. Sequences can be composed by concatenation, analogous to a concatenation of lists. The concatenation specifies a delay, using ##, from the end of the first sequence until the beginning of the second sequence. ## indicates cycle delay.

Index Introduction Event Simulation Assertion Types Assertion System Tasks Concurrent Assertion Layers Sequences Properties Verification Directive
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Fixed Delay: A ## followed by a number specifies the delay from the current clock tick to the beginning of the sequence that follows. EXAMPLE: req ##2 gnt This specifies that req shall be true on the current clock tick, and gnt shall be true on the second subsequent clock tick

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Zero Delay: The delay ##0 indicates that the beginning of the second sequence is at the same clock tick as the end of the first sequence. This can also be archived using boolean expressions && . sig1 ##0 sig2

RVM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE:

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This specifies that sig1 shall be true on the current clock tick, and sig2 shall be true on the same clock tick.[9/26/2012 2:16:48 PM]

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Constant Range Delay: A ##[n:m] followed by a range specifies the delay from the current clock tick to the beginning of the sequence that follows. EXAMPLE: req ##[2:5] ack This specifies that ack shall be true ,2-5 cycles after req. It creates multiple subsequence threads. This resulst in multiple hits or fails. Sub sequences created by range delay in above expressions: req ##2 ack req ##3 ack req ##4 ack req ##5 ack

Unbounded Delay Range: The $ token is used to indicate the end of simulation. ##[n:$] specifies that delay from between n cycles later and till the end of simulation. EXAMPLE: req##[4:$] ack; This specifies that ack must be true atleast 4 cycles later .

Repetation Operators: The number of iterations of a repetition can either be specified by exact count or be[9/26/2012 2:16:48 PM]

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required to fall within a finite range. If specified by exact count, then the number of iterations is defined by a non-negative integer constant expression. If required to fall within a finite range, then the minimum number of iterations is defined by a nonnegative integer constant expression; and the maximum number of iterations either is defined by a non-negative integer constant expression or is $, indicating a finite, but unbounded, maximum.

Consecutive Repetition: Consecutive repetition specifies finitely many iterative matches of the operand sequence, with a delay of one clock tick from the end of one match to the beginning of the next. The overall repetition sequence matches at the end of the last iterative match of the operand. EXAMPLE: REQ[*4] This example specifies that ack shell come after req comes 4 times consecutively.

Goto Repetition : Goto repetition specifies finitely many iterative matches of the operand boolean expression, with a delay of one or more clock ticks from one match of the operand to the next successive match and no match of the operand strictly in between. The overall repetition sequence matches at the last iterative match of the operand. EXAMPLE: req[->3]##1 ack This example specifies that ack shell come after req comes 3 times with no gap between thw last req and ack.

Nonconsecutive Repetition: Nonconsecutive repetition specifies finitely many iterative matches of the operand boolean expression, with a delay of one or more clock ticks from one match of the operand to the next successive match and no match of the operand strictly in between. The overall repetition sequence matches at or after the last iterative match of the operand, but before any later match of the operand. EXAMPLE: req[=3]##1 ack This example specifies that ack shell come after req comes 4 times with gap between thw last req and ack.[9/26/2012 2:16:48 PM]

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Sequence And : Sequence must start and can end at the any time. Match is done after last sequence is ended. EXAMPLE: Seq1 and seq2

Sequence Or: Sequence must start at the same time and can end at any time. Match is done at both the sequences ends. EXAMPLE: seq1 or seq2

Sequence Intersect: sequences must start at the same time and end at same tine. Match is done at the end time. EXAMPLE: Seq1 intersect seq2[9/26/2012 2:16:48 PM]

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Sequence Within One sequence can fully contain another sequence EXAMPLE: Seq1 within seq2

Sequence First_match: Matches only the first match and ignores other matches. EXAMPLE: first_match(seq1)

Sequence Throughout The throughout operator requires a boolean to be true throughout a sequence. EXAMPLE: A throughout seq1[9/26/2012 2:16:48 PM]

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Sequence Ended: The end point of a sequence is reached whenever the ending clock tick of a match of the sequence is reached, regardless of the starting lock tick of the match. The reaching of the end point can be tested by using the method ended. EXAMPLE: sequence e1; @(posedge sysclk) $rose(ready) ##1 proc1 ##1 proc2 ; endsequence sequence rule; @(posedge sysclk) reset ##1 inst ##1 e1.ended ##1 branch_back; endsequence Operator Precedence Associativy: Operator precedence and associativity are listed in the following Table . The highest precedence is listed first.




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Index Introduction Event Simulation A property defines a behavior of the design. A property can be used for verification as Assertion Types Assertion System Tasks an assumption, a checker, or a coverage specification. Sequences are often used to construct properties. usage of sequences in properties Concurrent Assertion Layers brakes down the complexity. Sequence can be reused across various properties. Sequences Properties A property can be declared in any of the following: Verification Directive A module An interface Report a Bug or Comment A program on This section - Your A clocking block input is what keeps A package improving A compilation-unit scope


with time!

Properties constructs: Disable iff Implication (if ..else) overlapping implication (|->) Non overlapping implication(||->) not

VMM Ethernet sample property rule6_with_type(bit x, bit y);


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##1 x |-> ##[2:10] y; //antecedent |-> consequent endproperty

The left-hand operand sequence_expr is called the antecedent, while the right-hand operand property_expr is called the consequent. if antecedent is false, then consequent is not cared and property is considered as vacuous success. if antecedent is True and if consequent is false then property is considered as false. if antecedent is True and if consequent is true then property is considered as true.

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Overlap Implication: Consequent expression is evaluated on the same clock of antecedent. EXAMPLE: a |-> b

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Non Overlapping Implication Consequent expression is evaluated on the next clock of antecedent EXAMPLE: a ||-> b




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Index Introduction Event Simulation A property on its own is never evaluated for checking an expression. It must be used Assertion Types within a verification statement for this to occur. A verification statement states the Assertion System Tasks Concurrent Assertion verification function to be performed on the property. Layers Sequences The statement can be one of the following: 1)assert to specify the property as a checker to ensure that the property holds for the Properties Verification Directive design 2)assume to specify the property as an assumption for the environment Report a Bug or Comment 3)cover to monitor the property evaluation for coverage


A concurrent assertion statement can be specified in any of the following: 1) An always block or initial block as a statement, wherever these blocks can appear 2) A module 3) An interface 4) A program Assert: The assert statement is used to enforce a property as a checker. When the property for the assert statement is evaluated to be true, the pass statements of the action block are executed. Otherwise, the fail statements of the action_block are executed. EXAMPLE: a1_assertion:assert property ( @(posedge clk) req inside {0, 1} ) ; property proto_assertion ; @(posedge clk) req |-> req[*1:$] ##0 ack; endproperty Assume: The environment must be constrained so that the properties that are assumed shall hold. Like an assert property, an assumed property must be checked and reported if it fails to hold. There is no requirement on the tools to report successes of the assumed properties. EXAMPLE:

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RVM Ethernet sample a1:assume property ( @(posedge clk) req dist {0:=40, 1:=60} ) ;

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property proto ; @(posedge clk) req |-> req[*1:$] ##0 ack; endproperty

Cover Statement: To monitor sequences and other behavioral aspects of the design for coverage, the same syntax is used with the cover statement. The tools can gather information about the evaluation and report the results at the end of simulation. When the property for the cover statement is successful, the pass statements can specify a coverage function, such as monitoring all paths for a sequence. The pass statement shall not include any concurrent assert, assume, or cover statement. Coverage results are divided into two categories: coverage for properties and coverage for sequences.[9/26/2012 2:17:07 PM]

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Coverage for sequences: Number of attempts Number of matches Multiple matches per attempt are all counted Coverage for properties: Number of attempts Number of passes Number of vacuous passes Number of failures

Expect Statement: The expect statement is a procedural blocking statement that allows waiting on a property evaluation. The syntax of the expect statement accepts a named property or a property declaration. The expect statement accepts the same syntax used to assert a property. An expect statement causes the executing process to block until the given property succeeds or fails. The statement following the expect is scheduled to execute after processing the Observe region in which the property completes its evaluation. When the property succeeds or fails, the process unblocks, and the property stops being evaluated EXAMPLE: program tst; initial begin # 200ms; expect( @(posedge clk) a ##1 b ##1 c ) else $error( "expect failed" ); ABC: ... end endprogram Binding: To facilitate verification separate from design, it is possible to specify properties and bind them to specific modules or instances. The following are some goals of providing this feature: It allows verification engineers to verify with minimum changes to the design code and files. It allows a convenient mechanism to attach verification intellectual Protocol (VIP) to a module or an instance. No semantic changes to the assertions are introduced due to this feature. It is equivalent to writing properties external to a module, using hierarchical path names. The bind directive can be specified in any of the following: A module An interface A compilation-unit scope



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What Is Dpi-C ? From long time , Users have needes a simple way of communication to foreign languages from verilog. VPI and PLI are not easy interfaces to Use . Users need detailed knowledge of PLI and VPI even for a simple program. Most of the time, users do not need the sophisticated capabilities of VPI and PLI. DPI also permits C/C++ code to wait for Verilog events and C/C++ tasks and functions can be disabledfrom SystemVerilog. SystemVerilog introduces a new foreign language interface called the Direct Programming Interface (DPI). The DPI provides a very simple, straightforward, and efficient way to connect SystemVerilog and foreign language code unlike PLI or VPI. DPI developed based on the donations from Synopsys "DirectC interface".

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your DPI consists of two separate layers: the SystemVerilog layer and a foreign language input is what keeps layer. Both sides of DPI-C are fully isolated. Which programming language is actually improving used as the foreign language is transparent and irrelevant for the System-Verilog side with time!

of this interface. Neither the SystemVerilog compiler nor the foreign language compiler is required to analyze the source code in the others language. Different programming languages can be used and supported with the same intact SystemVerilog layer.

DPI-C follows the principle of a black box: the specification and the implementation of a component are clearly separated, and the actual implementation is transparent to the rest of the system. Therefore, the actual programming language of the VMM Ethernet sample implementation is also transparent, although this standard defines only C linkage semantics. The separation between SystemVerilog code and the foreign language is based on using functions as the natural encapsulation unit in SystemVerilog. Verilog
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Two Layers Of Dpi-C DPI-C consists of two separate layers: the SystemVerilog layer and a foreign language layer. The SystemVerilog layer does not depend on which programming language is actually used as the foreign language. Although different programming languages can be supported and used with the intact SystemVerilog layer, SystemVerilog defines a foreign language layer only for the C programming language. Nevertheless, SystemVerilog code shall look identical and its semantics shall be unchanged for any foreign language layer. Dpi-C Systemverilog Layer

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your The SystemVerilog side of DPI-C does not depend on the foreign programming input is what keeps language. In particular, the actual function call protocol and argument passing improving mechanisms used in the foreign language are transparent and irrelevant to with time!

SystemVerilog. SystemVerilog code shall look identical regardless of what code the foreign side of the interface is using. The semantics of the SystemVerilog side of the interface is independent from the foreign side of the interface. The SystemVerilog DPI-C allows direct inter-language function calls between SystemVerilog and any foreign programming language with a C function call protocol and linking model: Functions implemented in C and given import declarations in SystemVerilog can be called from SystemVerilog; such functions are referred to as imported functions.

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Functions implemented in SystemVerilog and specified in export declarations can be called from C; such functions are referred to as exported functions. Tasks implemented in SystemVerilog and specified in export declarations can be called from C; such functions are referred to as exported tasks. Functions implemented in C that can be called from SystemVerilog and can in turn call exported tasks; such functions are referred to as imported tasks. Dpi-C Foreign Language Layer The foreign language layer of the interface (which is transparent to SystemVerilog)

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RVM Ethernet sample shall specify how actual arguments are passed, how they can be accessed from the

foreign code, how SystemVerilog-specific data types (such as logic and packed) are represented, and how they are translated to and from some predefined C-like types.

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Import Methods Methods implemented in C and given import declarations in SystemVerilog can be called from SystemVerilog, such methods are referred to as imported methods.Imported tasks or functions are similar to SystemVerilog tasks or functions. Imported tasks or functions can have zero or more formal input, output, and inout arguments. Imported tasks always return an int result as part of the DPI-C disable protocol and, thus, are declared in foreign code as int functions. We will discusses about the DPI-C disable protocol in following sections. Imported functions can return a result or be defined as void functions. The syntax import method: import {"DPI" | "DPI-C"} [context | pure] [c_identifier =] [function|task] [function_identifier|task_identifier] ([tf_port_list]); Steps To Write Import Metyhods In SV Code Step1 : Import the C function import "DPI-C" string_sv2c=task string_sv2c(); Step2 : Invoke the Importted C function initial begin string_sv2c(); end In C code: Step3: Define the Imported function void string_sv2c(){ printf(" C: Hellow from C "); } Full Example: program main; string str; import "DPI-C" string_sv2c=task string_sv2c(); initial begin string_sv2c(); end endprogram CODE: C_file #include "svdpi.h"

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RVM Ethernet sample CODE: SV_file

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void string_sv2c(){ printf(" C: Hellow from C "); } RESULTS C: Hellow from C EXAMPLE: optional default arguments

Standard C Functions Users can also call the standared C functions. EXAMPLE: import "DPI" function chandle malloc(int size); import "DPI" function void free(chandle ptr);




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Global Name Every task or function imported to SystemVerilog must eventually resolve to a global symbol. Similarly, every task or function exported from SystemVerilog defines a global symbol. Global names of imported and exported tasks and functions must be unique (no overloading is allowed ) and shall follow C conventions for naming; specifically, such names must start with a letter or underscore, and they can be followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores. EXAMPLE export "DPI-C" foo_plus = function \foo+ ; // "foo+" exported as "foo_plus" import "DPI-C" init_1 = function void \init[1] (); // "init_1" is a linkage name

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps Local Name improving If a global name is not explicitly given, it shall be the same as the SystemVerilog task with time!

or function name.

EXAMPLE: export "DPI-C" function foo; Sv Keyword As Linkage Name If a C method is named same as the SystemVerilog Keyword, then use a leading EXAMPLE: import "DPI-C" \begin = function void \init[2] (); // "begin" is a linkage name

VMM Ethernet sample backslash ( \ ) character to create the linkage identifier.

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Index Introductions Layers Export Methods Import Methods implemented in SystemVerilog and specified in export declarations can be Naming Export called from C, such methods are referred to as exported methods. Pure And Context Data Types Arrays Steps To Write Export Methods Passing Structs And Unions In SV Code : Arguments Type Setp1: Export the systemverilog function Disablie


export "DPI-C" function export_func; Step2: Define the systemverilog function function void export_func(); $display("SV: Hello from SV "); endfunction In C code : Step3: Export the Systemverilog function extern void export_func(void); Step4: Invoke the systemverilog function

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void import_func() { export_func(); } Full Example: CODE: program main; export "DPI-C" function export_func; import "DPI-C" function void import_func(); function void export_func(); $display("SV: Hello from SV "); endfunction initial begin import_func(); end endprogram CODE: C_file.c #include "stdio.h"

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#include "vc_hdrs.h" #include "svdpi.h" extern void export_func(void); void import_func() { export_func(); } RESULTS: SV: Hello from SV Blocking Export Dpi Task SV Dpi allows C to call a SystemVerilog method which consumes time. program main; export "DPI-C" task export_task; import "DPI-C" context task import_task(); task export_task(); $display("SV: Entered the export function . wait for some time : %0d ",$time); #100; $display("SV: After waiting %0d",$time); endtask initial begin $display("SV: Before calling import function %0d",$time); import_task(); $display("SV: After calling import function %0d",$time); end endprogram CODE: C_file.c extern void export_task(); void import_task() { printf(" C: Before calling export function\n"); export_task(); printf(" C: After calling export function\n"); } RESULTS SV: Before calling import function 0 C: Before calling export function SV: Entered the export function . wait for some time : 0 SV: After waiting 100 C: After calling export function SV: After calling import function 100



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Pure Function A function whose result depends solely on the values of its input arguments and with no side effects can be specified as pure. This can usually allow for more optimizations and thus can result in improved simulation performance. A pure function call can be safely eliminated if its result is not needed or if the previous result for the same values of input arguments is available somehow and can be reused without needing to recalculate. Only nonvoid functions with no output or inout arguments can be specified as pure. Specifically, a pure function is assumed not to directly or indirectly (i.e., by calling other functions) perform the following: Perform any file operations. Read or write anything in the broadest possible meaning, including input/output, environment variables, objects from the operating system or from the program or other processes, shared memory, sockets, etc. Access any persistent data, like global or static variables. Context Function

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Some DPI imported tasks or functions or other interface functions called from them require that the context of their call be known. The SystemVerilog context of DPI VMM Ethernet sample export tasks and functions must be known when they are called, including when they are called by imports. When an import invokes the svSetScope utility prior to calling the export, it sets the context explicitly. Otherwise, the context will be the context of the instantiated scope where the import declaration is located. Verilog
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CODE: module module_1; import "DPI-C" context function void import_func(); export "DPI-C" function export_func;

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module_2 instance_1(); initial import_func(); function void export_func(); $display("SV: My scope is %m \n"); endfunction endmodule CODE: module module_2; import "DPI-C" context function void import_func(); export "DPI-C" function export_func; initial import_func(); function void export_func();

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$display("SV: My Scope is %m \n"); endfunction endmodule CODE:C_file.c #include "svdpi.h" #include "stdio.h" extern void export_func(void); void import_func() { printf(" C: Im called fronm ",svGetNameFromScope(svGetScope() )); } export_func();





RESULTS C: Im called fronm Scope :: module_1.instance_1 SV: My Scope is module_1.instance_1.export_func C: Im called fronm Scope :: module_1 SV: My scope is module_1.export_func




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The SystemVerilog DPI supports only SystemVerilog data types, which are the data types that can cross the boundary between SystemVerilog and a foreign language in both the direction. On the other hand, the data types used in C code shall be C types. A value that is passed through the DPI is specified in SystemVerilog code as a value of SystemVerilog data type, while the same value is declared C code as a value of C data type. Therefore, a pair of matching type definitions is required to pass a value through DPI, the SystemVerilog definition and the C definition. The following SystemVerilog types are the only permitted types for formal arguments of import and export tasks or functions: void, byte, shortint, int, longint, real, shortreal, chandle, and string Scalar values of type bit and logic Packed arrays, structs, and unions composed of types bit and logic. Every packed type is eventually equivalent to a packed one-dimensional array. On the foreign language side of the DPI, all packed types are perceived as packed one-dimensional arrays regardless of their declaration in the SystemVerilog code. Enumeration types interpreted as the type associated with that enumeration Types constructed from the supported types with the help of the constructs: struct , union , Unpacked array , typedef Mapping data types

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Passing Logic Datatype The DPI defines the canonical representation of packed 2-state (type svBitVecVal) and 4-state arrays (type svBitVecVal). svLogicVecVal is fully equivalent to type s_vpi_vecval, which is used to represent 4-state logic in VPI.[9/26/2012 2:18:00 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Systemverilog DPI program main; logic a; import "DPI" function void show(logic a); initial begin a = 1'b0; show(a); a = 1'b1; show(a); a = 1'bX; show(a); a = 1'bZ; show(a); end endprogram CODE: C_file.v #include <stdio.h> #include <svdpi.h> void show(svLogic a){ if(a == 0) printf(" a is 0 \n"); else if(a == 1) printf(" a is 1 \n"); else if(a == 2) printf(" a is x \n"); else if(a == 3) printf(" a is z \n"); } RESULTS a a a a is is is is 0 1 z x




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Open Arrays The size of the packed dimension, the unpacked dimension, or both dimensions can remain unspecified,such cases are referred to as open arrays (or unsized arrays). Open arrays allow the use of generic code to handle different sizes. Formal arguments in SystemVerilog can be specified as open arrays solely in import declarations, exported. SystemVerilog functions cannot have formal arguments specified as open arrays. OpenArrays are good for generic programming, since C language doesn't have concept of parameterizable arguments. Standared query and library functions are provided to determine array information to acess array elements. EXAMPLE: open arrays program main; int fxd_arr_1[8:3]; int fxd_arr_2[12:1]; import "DPI-C" context function void pass_array(input int dyn_arr[] ); initial begin for (int i = 3; i<=8 ; i++) begin fxd_arr_1[i] = $random() ; $display("SV:fxd_arr_1 %0d %d ",i, fxd_arr_1[i] ); end $display("\n Passing fxd_arr_1 to C \n"); pass_array( fxd_arr_1 ); for (int i = 1; i<=12 ; i++) begin fxd_arr_2[i] = $random() ; $display("SV: fxd_arr_2 %0d %d ",i, fxd_arr_2[i] ); end $display("\n Passing fxd_arr_2 to C \n"); pass_array( fxd_arr_2 ); end endprogram CODE: C_file.c #include <stdio.h> #include <svdpi.h> void pass_array(const svOpenArrayHandle dyn_arr ) { int i; printf("Array Left %d, \n\n", svLeft(dyn_arr,1), svRight(dyn_arr, 1) ); Array Right %d

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for (i= svRight(dyn_arr,1); i <= svLeft(dyn_arr,1); i++) { printf("C: %d %d \n", i, *(int*)svGetArrElemPtr1(dyn_arr, i) ); } printf("\n\n"); } RESULTS: SV:fxd_arr_1 SV:fxd_arr_1 SV:fxd_arr_1 SV:fxd_arr_1 SV:fxd_arr_1 SV:fxd_arr_1 3 4 5 6 7 8 303379748 -1064739199 -2071669239 -1309649309 112818957 1189058957

Passing fxd_arr_1 to C Array Left 8, Array Right 3 C: C: C: C: C: C: 3 4 5 6 7 8 303379748 -1064739199 -2071669239 -1309649309 112818957 1189058957 1 -1295874971 2 -1992863214 3 15983361 4 114806029 5 992211318 6 512609597 7 1993627629 8 1177417612 9 2097015289 10 -482925370 11 -487095099 12 -720121174


fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2 fxd_arr_2

Passing fxd_arr_2 to C Array Left 12, Array Right 1 C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C: 1 -1295874971 2 -1992863214 3 15983361 4 114806029 5 992211318 6 512609597 7 1993627629 8 1177417612 9 2097015289 10 -482925370 11 -487095099 12 -720121174

Packed Arrays A packed array is represented as an array of one or more elements (of type svBitVecVal for 2-state values and svLogicVecVal for 4-state values), each element representing a group of 32 bits. program main;[9/26/2012 2:18:08 PM]

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import "DPI-C" function void get_nums(output logic [15:0] nums[10]); logic [15:0] nums[10]; initial begin get_nums(nums); foreach (nums[i]) $display(i,nums[i]); end endprogram CODE:C_file.c #include "svdpi.h" void fib(svLogicVecVal nums[10]) { int i; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { nums[i] = i ; } } RESULTS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Linearized And Normalized Arrays use normalized ranges for the packed [n-1:0] and the unpacked part [0:n-1] For example, if SV code defines an array as follows: logic [2:3][1:3][2:0] b [1:10][31:0]; Then C code would see it as defined like this: logic [17:0] b [0:9][0:31]; Array Querying Functions svLeft() shall return the left bound (MSB) of the dimension. svRight() shall return the right bound (LSB) of the dimension. svLow() shall return the minimum of left index and right index of the dimension. svHigh() shall return the maximum of left index and right index of the dimension. svIncrement() shall return 1 if left index is greater than or equal to right index and -1 if left index is less than right index. svLength() shall return the number of elements in the dimension, which is equivalent to high index - low index + 1. svDimensions() shell return total number of dimensions in the array CODE: program main; int fxd_arr_1[8:3]; int fxd_arr_2[1:13];[9/26/2012 2:18:08 PM]

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import "DPI-C" context function void pass_array(input int dyn_arr[] ); initial begin $display("\n Passing fxd_arr_1 to C \n"); pass_array( fxd_arr_1 ); $display("\n Passing fxd_arr_2 to C \n"); pass_array( fxd_arr_2 ); end endprogram CODE: C_file.c #include <stdio.h> #include <svdpi.h> void pass_array(const svOpenArrayHandle dyn_arr ) { printf("Array Pointer is %x \n", svGetArrayPtr(dyn_arr) ); printf(" Lower index %d \n", svLow(dyn_arr,1)); printf(" Higher index %d \n", svHigh(dyn_arr, 1) ); printf(" Left index %d \n", svLeft(dyn_arr,1), svRight(dyn_arr, 1) ); printf(" Right index %d \n", svRight(dyn_arr, 1) ); printf(" Length of array %d \n", svLength(dyn_arr,1) ); printf(" Incremental %d \n",svIncrement(dyn_arr,1)); printf("Dimentions of Array %d \n", svDimensions(dyn_arr )); printf("Size of Array in bytes %d \n", svSizeOfArray(dyn_arr) ); } RESULTS: Passing fxd_arr_1 to C Array Pointer is 80fdc58 Lower index 3 Higher index 8 Left index 8 Right index 3 Length of array 6 Incremental 1 Dimentions of Array 1 Size of Array in bytes 24 Passing fxd_arr_2 to C Array Pointer is 80fdc70 Lower index 1 Higher index 13 Left index 1 Right index 13 Length of array 13 Incremental -1 Dimentions of Array 1 Size of Array in bytes 52




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Passing Structure Example DPI allows to pass the structs and Unions . This can be done by passing pointers or by packing. In the following example, a "struct" is passed from SystemVerilog to C and also from C to Systemverilog using import and export functions. While passing the "struct" data type, the data is packed in to array and passed from SV to C and then the array is decoded back to Struct in C. The same when the Struct is passed from C to SystemVerilog. CODE: C_file.c #include "stdio.h" #include "vc_hdrs.h" #include "svdpi.h" extern "C" { typedef struct{ int a; int b; char c; } C_struct;

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extern void export_func(svBitVec32 x[3] ); void import_func() { C_struct s_data; unsigned int arr[3]; s_data.a = 51; s_data.b = 242; s_data.c = 35; printf( "C : s_data.a = %d\n", s_data.a ); printf( "C : s_data.b = %d\n", s_data.b ); printf( "C : s_data.c = %d\n\n", s_data.c ); arr[0] = s_data.a ; arr[1] = s_data.b ; arr[2] = s_data.c ; export_func(arr); } } CODE: program main; export "DPI-C" function export_func;

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import "DPI-C" function void import_func(); typedef struct packed{ int a; int b; byte c; } SV_struct; function void export_func(input int arr[3]); SV_struct s_data; s_data.a = arr[0]; s_data.b = arr[1]; s_data.c = arr[2]; $display("SV: s_data.a = %0d", s_data.a ); $display("SV: s_data.b = %0d", s_data.b ); $display("SV: s_data.c = %0d \n", s_data.c ); endfunction initial begin import_func(); end endprogram RESULTS: C : s_data.a = 51 C : s_data.b = 242 C : s_data.c = 35 SV: s_data.a = 51 SV: s_data.b = 242 SV: s_data.c = 35 Passing Openarray Structs CODE: C_file.c #include "svdpi.h" typedef struct {int p; int q} PkdStru; void send2c(const svOpenArrayHandle dyn_arr) { int i; PkdStru Sele; printf("\n \n Array Left %d, \n\n", svLeft(dyn_arr,1), svRight(dyn_arr, 1) ); for (i= svLeft(dyn_arr,1); i <= svRight(dyn_arr,1); i++) { Sele = *(PkdStru*)svGetArrElemPtr1(dyn_arr, i); printf("C : %d : [%d,%d]\n",i, Sele.q,Sele.p ); } printf("\n\n"); } CODE: program open_array_struct (); typedef struct packed { int p; int q; } PkdStru; import "DPI-C" function void send2c (input PkdStru arr []);



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PkdStru arr_data [0:4]; initial begin foreach (arr_data[i]) begin arr_data[i] = {$random,$random}; $display("SV: %0d : [%0d,%0d]",i,arr_data[i].p,arr_data[i].q); end send2c(arr_data); end endprogram RESULTS: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: 0 1 2 3 4 : : : : : [303379748,-1064739199] [-2071669239,-1309649309] [112818957,1189058957] [-1295874971,-1992863214] [15983361,114806029]

Array Left 0, Array Right 4 C C C C C : : : : : 0 1 2 3 4 : : : : : [303379748,-1064739199] [-2071669239,-1309649309] [112818957,1189058957] [-1295874971,-1992863214] [15983361,114806029]

Passing Union Example CODE:SV_file module m; typedef bit [2:0] A; typedef union packed { A a; S s; } U; U u; A a; // Import function takes three arguments import "DPI-C" function void foo8(input A fa, input U fu); initial begin a = 3'b100; u.a = 3'b100; foo8(a, u); end endmodule CODE:C_file #include "svdpi.h" void foo8( const svBitVecVal* fa, const svBitVecVal* fu) { printf("fa is %d, fu is %d\n", *fa, *fu); }



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What You Specify Is What You Get For input and inout arguments, the temporary variable is initialized with the value of the actual argument with the appropriate coercion. For output or inout arguments, the value of the temporary variable is assigned to the actual argument with the appropriate conversion. Arguments specified in SystemVerilog as input must not be modified by the foreign language code. The initial values of formal arguments specified in SystemVerilog as output are undetermined and implementation dependent. Pass By Ref

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your For arguments passed by reference, a reference (a pointer) to the actual data object input is what keeps is passed. In the case of packed data, a reference to a canonical data object is improving passed. The actual argument is usually allocated by a caller. The caller can also pass a with time!

reference to an object already allocated somewhere else, for example, its own formal argument passed by reference. If an argument of type T is passed by reference, the formal argument shall be of type T*. Packed arrays are passed using a pointer to the appropriate canonical type definition, either svLogicVecVal* or svBitVecVal*. Pass By Value Only small values of formal input arguments are passed by value. Function results are also directly passed by value. The user needs to provide the C type equivalent to the SystemVerilog type of a formal argument if an argument is passed by value. Passing String The layout of SystemVerilog string objects is implementation dependent. However, when a string value is passed from SystemVerilog to C, implementations shall ensure that all characters in the string are laid out in memory per C string conventions, including a trailing null character present at the end of the C string. Example : Passing String From Sv To C program main; string str; import "DPI-C" string_sv2c=task string_sv2c(string str); initial begin str = " HELLO: This string is created in SystemVerilog \n" ; string_sv2c(str); end endprogram CODE: C_file.c #include "svdpi.h"

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int string_sv2c(const char* str){ printf(" C: %s",str); return 0; } RESULTS C: HELLO: This string is created in SystemVerilog Example: Passing String From C To Sv From the Data type mapping table, a SystemVerilog "String" is mapped to "const char*" in C. In the Following example, string "HELLO: This string is created in C" is assigned to a string and passed as return value to function import "string_c2sv" and this import function is called in SystemVerilog. CODE: SV_file.v program main; string str; import "DPI-C" context function string string_c2sv(); initial begin str = string_c2sv(); $display(" SV: %s ",str); end endprogram CODE: C_file.c #include "svdpi.h" const char* string_c2sv(void) { char* str; str = " HELLO: This string is created in C "; return str; } RESULTS: SV: HELLO: This string is created in C




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Disable Dpi-C Tasks And Functions It is possible for a disable statement to disable a block that is currently executing a mixed language call chain. When a DPI import task or function is disabled, the C code is required to follow a simple disable protocol. The protocol gives the C code the opportunity to perform any necessary resource cleanup, such as closing open file handles, closing open VPI handles, or freeing heap memory. The protocol is composed of the following items: a) When an exported task returns due to a disable, it must return a value of 1. Otherwise, it must return 0. b) When an imported task returns due to a disable, it must return a value of 1. Otherwise, it must return 0. c) Before an imported function returns due to a disable, it must call the API function svAckDisabledState(). d) Once an imported task or function enters the disabled state, it is illegal for the current function invocation to make any further calls to exported tasks or functions.

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Include Files

Applications that use the DPI with C code usually need this main include file. The include file svdpi.h defines the types for canonical representation of 2-state (bit) and VMM Ethernet sample 4-state (logic) values and passing references to SystemVerilog data objects. The file also provides function headers and defines a number of helper macros and constants. The content of svdpi.h does not depend on any particular implementation; all simulators shall use the same file. Verilog
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The term Asic stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit. Is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose use. Generally an ASIC design will be undertaken for a product that will have a large production run, and the ASIC may contain a very large part of the electronics needed on a single integrated circuit. As feature sizes have shrunk and design tools improved over the years, the complexity in an ASIC has grown from 5,000 over 100 million gates

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Mrd A Marketing Requirements Document (MRD) outlines the requirements a new product. Engineers use an MRD to create the product. Marketing requirement document covers market needs, the customer value proposition, and product functionality. It is developed by the Marketing team and upper management. Architecture Specification The architect based on the MRD specification, develops the overall architecture of the chip. This is a very high level plan. Architecture Specification includes functional descriptions of each module, Properties and weights. Design Specification The designers and architects sit together to come up with detailed design documents. Design strategies, design partitions, type of memories to use, etc. Verification Plan A Verification specification is called a Verification/test plan. The verification

Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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engineer goes through all the above documents and prepares verification plan to verify the design. Rtl Design RTL stands for Register Transfer Level. The designer starts implementing the RTL design in HDL like verilog or VHDL. Functional Verification The verification engineers starts developing TestBench and verifies whether the DUT works according to specification or not. Synthesis Synthesis is the process of taking a design written in a hardware description language, compiling it into a net list of interconnected gates which are selected from a userprovided library of various gates. The design after synthesis is a gate-level design. Physical Design Physical design process includes logic partitioning, floor planning, global routing, detailed routing, compaction, and performance-driven layout. PD team transforms net list representation of a system into layout representation. Timing Analysis Static timing analysis is an important step in analyzing the performance of a design. In the Timing analysis Setup time, hold time ,recovery time ,removal time , Clock latency, clock skew, clock uncertainty etc checks are done. Tapeout This is the final stage of the design cycle of integrated circuits. Once all the checks are done, the design is ready to be sent to Foundry.




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What is Bottle neck in the asic design flow? Verification consumes 50% to 70% of the effort of design cycle and is on the critical path in the design flow of multimillion gate ASICs, so verification became the main bottleneck in the design process. The functional verification bottleneck is an effect of rising the design abstraction level. Majority of ASICs require at least one re-spin with 71% of re-spins are due to functional bugs.

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Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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Why we need functional verification? To build confidence and stay in business. A primary purpose for functional verification is to detect failures so that bugs can be identified and corrected before it gets shipped to costumer. If RTL designer makes a mistake in designing or coding, this results as a bug in the Chip. If this bug is executed, in certain situations the system will produce wrong results, causing a failure. Not all mistakes will necessarily result in failures. The bug in the dead code will never result in failure. A single mistake may result in a wide range of failure symptoms. Not all bugs are caused by coding errors. There are possibilities that error may in the specification itself. Sometimes miscommunications between teams may lead to wrong design. Example of coding error: 1 reg [1:0] state; 2 3 parameter zero=0, one=1, two=2, three=3; 4 5 always @(state) 6 begin 7 case (State) 8 zero: 9 out = 4'b0000; 10 one: 11 out = 4'b0001; 12 two: 13 out = 4'b0010; 14 three: 15 out = 4'b0100; 16 default: 17 out = 4'b0000; 18 endcase 19 end

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving There is a coding error in the preceding example. Designer declared "state" in the with time!

RVM Ethernet sample intention is to refer "state". But mistakenly he typed "State".

line-1. Later in the code it is reference in the line-5. In the line-7 also, the designer Verilog is a casesensitive language, and variable "State" and "state" are different and this will produce wrong results.

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Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow SystemVerilog Functional Verification What is TestBench? Verification Need Constructs TestBench mimic the environment in which the design will reside. It checks whether Testbench the RTL Implementation meets the design spec or not. This Environment creates Linear Testbench Interface Linear Random invalid and unexpected as well as valid and expected conditions to test the design. OOPS Testbench How To Check The Randomization Results Functional Coverage Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Assertion Which We Never Thought DPI How To Check Whether The Testbench Has UVM Tutorial Satisfactorily Exercised VMM Tutorial The Design Types Of Code Coverage OVM Tutorial Statement Coverage Easy Labs : SV Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Easy Labs : UVM Branch Coverage Easy Labs : OVM Path Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage AVM Switch TB Make Your Goal 100 VMM Ethernet sample Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Verilog Constraint Random Verification Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Verilog Switch TB Ones Counter Example Basic Constructs Verification Plan TUTORIALS


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Linear TestBench is the simplest, fastest and easiest way of writing testbenchs. This became novice verification engineer choice. It is also slowest way to execute stimulus. Typically, linear testbenchs are written in the VHDL or Verilog. In this TestBench, simple linear sequence of test vectors is mentioned. Stimulus code like this is easy to generate translating a vector file with a Perl script, for example. Small models like simple state machine or adder can be verified with this approach. The following code snippet shows linear TestBench. The code snippet shows some input combination only. This is also bad for simulator performance as the simulator must evaluate and schedule a very large number of events. This reduces simulation performance in proportion to the size of the stimulus process. Typically, linear testbenchs perform the following tasks: Instantiate the design under test (DUT) Stimulate the DUT by applying test vectors. Output results waveform window or to a terminal for visual inspection manually.

Example: Linear TestBench module adder(a,b,c); //DUT code start input [15:0] a; AVM Switch TB input [15:0] b; output [16:0] c; VMM Ethernet sample
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assign c = a + b; Verilog
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//DUT code end

module top(); //TestBench code start reg [15:0] a; reg [15:0] b; wire [16:0] c; adder DUT(a,b,c); //DUT Instantiation initial begin a = 16'h45; //apply the stimulus b = 16'h12; #10 $display(" a=%0d,b=%0d,c=%0d",a,b,c); //send the output to terminal for visual inspection end endmodule //TestBench code end To test all possible scenarios which are known to us, it is not an easy task. Development time increases exponentially as the number of scenarios increases and maintain them is nightmare. Instead of listing out all the possible scenarios, pickup some randomly and check the DUT. NOTE TO NO VOICE ENGINEERS: Generally tendency of any novice engineer is to see the outputs in the waveform viewer. Waveform viewers are for debugging designs, not for testbench. Most of the

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operation in TestBench executes in zero time, where waveform viewer will not be helpful. All the examples in the book outputs messages to terminal for analyzing its behavior.




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Random TestBench don't use Hardcoded values like linear testbenchs. Input stimulus is generated using random values. In Verilog, system function $random provides a mechanism for generating random numbers. The function returns a new 32-bit random number each time it is called. These test cases are not easily readable and are also not reusable. New tests have to be created when the specification or design changes, to accommodate the changes. The main disadvantage of this testing is that we never know what random values are generated and it may waste simulation cycles by generating same values again and again. EXAMPLE: Linear Random TestBench module adder(a,b,c); //DUT code start input [15:0] a,b; output [16:0] c; assign c = a + b; endmodule //DUT code end module top(); //TestBench code start reg [15:0] a; reg [15:0] b; wire [16:0] c; adder DUT(a,b,c); //DUT Instantiation initial repeat(100) begin a = $random; //apply random stimulus b = $random; #10 $display(" a=%0d,b=%0d,c=%0d",a,b,c); end endmodule //TestBench code end

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How does a Verification engineer check whether the results obtained from the simulation match the original specification of the design? For simple testbenchs like the above, output is displayed in waveform window or messages are sent to terminal for visual checking. Visually checking is the oldest and most labor intensive technique. The quality of the verification depends on the determination and dedication of the individual who is doing the checking. It is not practical to verify a complex model merely by examining the waveform or text file. Whenever a change is made to the DUT to add a new feature or to fix a bug, same amount of effort needs to be deployed to check the simulation results.

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Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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A self-checking TestBench checks expected results against actual results obtained from the simulation. Although Self-checking testbenchs require considerably more effort during the initial test bench creation phase, this technique can dramatically Reduce the amount of effort needed to re-check a design after a change has been made to the DUT. Debugging time is significantly shortened by useful error-tracking information that can be built into the TestBench to show where a design fails.

A self-checking TestBench has two major parts, the input blocks and output blocks. Input block consist of stimulus and driver to drive the stimulus to DUT. The output block consists of monitor to collect the DUT outputs and verify them. feature of the design. Verification approach in which each feature is written in a separate test case file is called directed verification. EXAMPLE: adder example module adder(a,b,c); //DUT code start input [15:0] a,b; output [16:0] c; assign c = a + b; endmodule //DUT code end

VMM Ethernet sample All the above approaches require the test writer to create an explicit test for each

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

module top(); //TestBench code start reg [15:0] a; reg [15:0] b; wire [16:0] c; adder DUT(a,b,c); //DUT Instantiation

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initial repeat(100) begin a = $random; //apply random stimulus b = $random; #10 $display(" a=%0d,b=%0d,c=%0d",a,b,c); if( a + b != c) // monitor logic. $display(" *ERROR* "); end endmodule //TestBench code end[9/26/2012 2:19:38 PM]

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In Directed verification, the Verification Environment has mechanism to send the Stimulus to DUT and collect the responses and check the responses. The Stimulus is generated in Tests case. Directed testbenchs may also use a limited amount of randomization, often by creating random data values rather than simply filling in each data element with a predetermined value. Each test case verifies specific feature of the design. This becomes tedious when the design complexity increases. As circuit complexity increases, it becomes more difficult to create patterns that fully exercise the design. Test case maintenance become harder and time consuming.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

In Directed Verification, test writer has to list out each feature. Test writer can't think of all possible potential bug scenarios and there are chances that Bugs will Report a Bug or Comment escape. With these approaches, the bugs lurking in these corners hide until late in on This section - Your the development cycle, or aren't found at all until product is taped out. random verification, the stimulus required to verify test features are generated Test writer specifies set of specification, and the TestBench automatically creates solution space and picks up scenarios from the solution space. Constraint random verification also reduces manual effort and code for individual tests. As the scenarios are generated automatically by the TestBench, the number of test case files gets reduced. In Directed verification, some of the tests share similar logic, if the engineer has to change the logic which is common to certain group of tests, then he has to edit all the test case files and it is time consuming. But in Constraint random verification, the number of tests case files will be very less, so changes will be mostly in environment and minimal. Directed verification with a fairly simple TestBench, verification engineers can start finding bugs in simulation almost immediately even before the TestBench is fully completed. With a constrained-random verification environment, there is an up-front cost that must be invested before the first test can be run. Constraint-based generators can be easily converted into checkers if required.
input is what keeps improving Solution to the above problems is Constraint random verification. Using constraint with time!

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RVM Ethernet sample automatically.

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Generating fully randomly is meaningless as it may generate invalid scenarios and it may also regenerate the same scenario again and again wasting potential simulation time. A User must define data structures, which represent stimulus applied to the DUT input. Next, constraints must be defined to guide the random generator. Using constraint, the solution space is defined, and randomization picks up scenarios randomly from the solution space. Constraints act as knobs in the TestBench which control the generator's randomness. The main disadvantage of constraint random verification is we never know how well the DUT is verified. If verification engineer can get the information about the logic in DUT which is not verified, he can further constraint the randomization or write directed testcases to exercise the unverified logic.




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Code coverage is used to measure the efficiency of verification implementation. It provides a quantitative measurement of the testing space. It describes the degree to which the source code of a DUT has been tested. It is also referred as structural coverage. Code coverage answers the questions like Have all the branches in " Case ", "if" have been entered? Have all the conditions in "if","case" statement is simulated? Have all the variables have been toggles? Have all the statements of the RTL code have been exercised? Have all the states in the FSM has been entered and all the legal transitions exercised? Have all the paths within a block have been exercised? By applying code coverage analysis techniques to hardware description languages, verification efficiency was improved by enabling a verification engineer to isolate areas of un-tested HDL code. The verification engineer examine a coverage report, seeks out the low values and understands why that particular code hasn't been tested fully and writes more tests or directs randomness to cover the untested areas where there may be a possibility of bug hiding. No additional coding is required to get 100 percent code coverage , the tool would automatically show the item as covered if the required test scenario(s)/combination(s) is(are) exercised. In unit level verification, a module by module is verified in its own test environment to prove that the logic, control, and data paths are functionally correct. The goal of module level verification is to ensure that the component/unit being tested conforms to its specifications and is ready to be integrated with other subcomponents of the product. Code coverage becomes a criterion for finishing unit level testing as it needs to verify every feature of component/unit. In sub-system level /system level, the goal is to ensure that the interfaces among the units are correct and the units work together to execute the functionality correctly. In sub system level /system level testing, code coverage may not be useful as the verification is not targeted at all the features of the unit.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow SystemVerilog Functional Verification There are a number of coverage criteria, they are: Verification Need Constructs Testbench Statement coverage /line coverage Linear Testbench Interface Block/segment coverage Linear Random Conditional coverage OOPS Testbench Branch coverage How To Check The Randomization Toggle coverage Results Functional Coverage Self Checking Testbenchs Path coverage How To Get Scenarios Assertion Fsm coverage Which We Never Thought DPI The following example is considered while explaining code coverage types in further How To Check Whether The Testbench Has UVM Tutorial sections. Satisfactorily Exercised VMM Tutorial The Design Types Of Code OVM Tutorial EXAMPLE Coverage 1 Easy Labs : SV Statement Coverage 2 module dut(); Block Coverage Easy Labs : UVM 3 reg a,b,c,d,e,f; Conditional Coverage 4 Easy Labs : OVM Branch Coverage 5 initial Easy Labs : VMM Path Coverage 6 begin Toggle Coverage 7 #5 a = 0; AVM Switch TB Fsm Coverage 8 #5 a = 1; VMM Ethernet sample Make Your Goal 100 9 end Percent Code Coverage 10 Nothing Less 11 always @(posedge a) Functional Coverage 12 begin Verilog Coverage Driven 13 c = b && a; Verification Constraint Random 14 if(c && f) Verification Architecture Verilog Switch TB 15 b = e; Phases Of Verification 16 else Basic Constructs Ones Counter Example 17 e = b; Verification Plan 18 19 case(c) OpenVera Report a Bug or Comment 20 1:f = 1; on This section - Your Constructs 21 0:f = 0; input is what keeps 22 default : f = 0; Switch TB improving 23 endcase RVM Switch TB with time! 24 25 end RVM Ethernet sample 26 endmodule TUTORIALS


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Statement coverage, also known as line coverage is the easiest understandable type of coverage. This is required to be 100% for every project. From N lines of code and according to the applied stimulus how many statements (lines) are covered in the simulation is measured by statement coverage. If a DUT is 10 lines long and 8 lines of them were exercised in a test run, then the DUT has line coverage of 80%. Line coverage includes continuous assignment statements, Individual procedural statements, Procedural statement blocks, Procedural statement block types, Conditional statement and Branches for conditional statements. It considers only it the executable statements and statements which are not executable like module, endmodule, comments, timescale etc are not covered. Statement coverage report of the above example:

There are total 12 statements at lines 5,7,8,11,13,14,15,17,19,20,21,22 Covered 9 statements. They are at lines 5,7,8,11,13,14,17,19,22 Uncovered 3 statements. They are at line 15,20,21 Coverage percentage: 75.00 (9/12)

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow SystemVerilog The nature of the statement and block coverage looks somewhat same. The Functional Verification Verification difference is that block coverage considers branched blocks of if/else, case branches, Need Constructs Testbench wait, while, for etc. Analysis of block coverage reveals the dead code in RTL. Linear Testbench Interface Linear Random Block coverage report of the above example: OOPS Testbench How To Check The Randomization Results Functional Coverage Self Checking Testbenchs There are total 9 blocks at lines How To Get Scenarios Assertion 5,7,8,11,15,17,20,21,22 Which We Never Thought DPI How To Check Whether Covered 6 blocks. They are at lines The Testbench Has UVM Tutorial 5,7,8,11,17,22 Satisfactorily Exercised VMM Tutorial The Design Uncovered 3 blocks. They are at line Types Of Code Coverage OVM Tutorial 15,20,21 Statement Coverage Easy Labs : SV Block Coverage Coverage percentage: 66.67 (6/9) Conditional Coverage Easy Labs : UVM Branch Coverage Easy Labs : OVM Path Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage AVM Switch TB Make Your Goal 100 VMM Ethernet sample Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Verilog Constraint Random Verification Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Verilog Switch TB Ones Counter Example Basic Constructs Verification Plan TUTORIALS


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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Conditional coverage also called as expression coverage, will reveals how the variables or sub-expressions in conditional statements are evaluated. Expressions with logical operators are only considered.. The downside is that the conditional coverage measure doesn't take into consideration how the Boolean value was gotten from the conditions. Conditional coverage is the ratio of no. of cases checked to the total no. of cases present. Suppose one expression having Boolean expression like AND or OR, so entries which is given to that expression to the total possibilities is called expression coverage. Conditional coverage report of the previous example: At LINE 13 Combinations of STATEMENT c = (b && a) B = 0 and a = 0 is Covered B = 0 and a = 1 is Covered B = 1 and a = 0 is Not Covered b = 1 and a = 1 is Not Covered At LINE 14 C = 0 and C = 0 and C = 1 and C = 1 and combinations of STATEMENT if ((c && f)) f = 0 is Covered f = 1 is Not Covered f = 0 is Not Covered f = 1 is Not Covered

Total possible combinations: 8 Total combinations executed: 3

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow SystemVerilog Branch coverage which is also called as Decision coverage report s the true or false of Functional Verification Verification the conditions like if-else, case and the ternary operator (? :) statements. For an "if" Need Constructs statement, decision coverage will report whether the "if" statement is evaluated in Testbench Linear Testbench both true and false cases, even if "else" statement doesn't exist. Interface Linear Random OOPS Testbench How To Check The Randomization Results Branch coverage report of the example: Functional Coverage Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Assertion At line 15 branch b = e; not covered Which We Never Thought At line 17 branch e = b; covered DPI How To Check Whether At line 20 branch 1: f = 1; not covered The Testbench Has UVM Tutorial At line 21 branch 0: f = 0; covered Satisfactorily Exercised At line 22 branch default: f = 0; not covered VMM Tutorial The Design Types Of Code Coverage OVM Tutorial Coverage percentage: 40.00 (2/5) Statement Coverage Easy Labs : SV Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Easy Labs : UVM Branch Coverage Easy Labs : OVM Path Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage AVM Switch TB Make Your Goal 100 VMM Ethernet sample Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Verilog Constraint Random Verification Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Verilog Switch TB Ones Counter Example Basic Constructs Verification Plan TUTORIALS


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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Path coverage represents yet another interesting measure. Due to conditional statements like if-else, case in the design different path is created which diverts the flow of stimulus to the specific path.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Path coverage is considered to be more complete than branch coverage because it can detect the errors related to the sequence of operations. As mentioned in the above figure path will be decided according to the if-else statement According to the applied stimulus the condition which is satisfied only under those expressions will execute, the path will be diverted according to that. Path coverage is possible in always and function blocks . Path created by more than one block is not covered. Analysis of path coverage report is not so easy task.

Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Path coverage report of the example: Path Path Path Path Path Path 1 : 15,20 2 : 15,21 3: 15,22 4: 17,20 5 : 17,21 6 : 17,22 Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered Covered Not Covered

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Total possible paths : 6 Total covered path : 1 Path coverage Percentage : 16.67 (1/6)[9/26/2012 2:20:44 PM]

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

It makes assures that how many times variables and nets toggled? Toggle coverage could be as simple as the ratio of nodes toggled to the total number of nodes. X or Z --> 1 or H X or Z --> 0 or L 1 or H --> X or Z 0 or L --> X or Z Above example shows the signal changes from one level to another. All types of transitions mentioned above are not interested. Only 1->0 and 0->1 are important. Toggle coverage will show which signal did not change the state. Toggle coverage will not consider zero-delay glitches. This is very useful in gate level simulation. Toggle coverage report of the example: Name Toggled 1->0 0->1 a No No Yes b No No No c No No No d No No No e No No No f No No No

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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It is the most complex type of code coverage, because it works on the behavior of the design. Using Finite state machine coverage, all bugs related to finite state machine design can be found. In this coverage we look for how many times states are visited, transited and how many sequence are covered in a Finite state machine.

State Coverage: It gives the coverage of no. of states visited over the total no. of states. Suppose you have N number of states and state machines transecting is in between only N-2 states then coverage will give alert that some states are uncovered. It is advised that all the states must be covered. Transition Coverage: It will count the no. of transition from one state to another and it will compare it with other total no. of transition. Total no. of transition is nothing but all possible no. of transition which is present in the finite state machine. Possible transition = no. of states * no. of inputs. EXAMPLE of FSM: module fsm (clk, reset, in); input clk, reset, in; reg [1:0] state; parameter s1 = 2'b00; parameter s2 = 2'b01; parameter s3 = 2'b10; parameter s4 = 2'b11; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) state <= s1; else case (state) s1:if (in == 1'b1) state <= s2; else state <= s3; s2: state <= s4; s3: state <= s4; s4: state <= s1; endcase end endmodule module testbench(); reg clk,reset,in; fsm dut(clk,reset,in); initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

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clk =0;in = 0; #2 reset = 0;#2 reset = 1; #21 reset = 0;#9 in = 0; #9 in = 1;#10 $finish; end endmodule FSM coverage report for the above example: // state coverage results s1 | Covered s2 | Not Covered s3 | Covered s4 | Covered // state transition coverage results s1->s2 | Not Covered s1->s3 | Covered s2->s1 | Not Covered s2->s4 | Not Covered s3->s1 | Not Covered s3->s4 | Covered s4->s1 | Covered




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial


Never set your goal to anything less than 100% code coverage. Anything less than 100% is a slippery slope. If you set your goal to 98% , may be the most important feature like reset of the system may be in the untested part of2%. If the verification engineer sets the code coverage goal to 95% to facilitate the 5% the unused untestable legacy code, there are chances that the unused legacy code gets executed and the 5% holes may be in the important code. 100% code coverage provides advantages not only in reducing the bug count but also in making it easier to make significant changes to existing code base to remove uncover able areas like the unused legacy blocks in RTL code. Dont Be Fooled By The Code Coverage Report

Highly covered code isn't necessarily free of defects, although it's certainly less likely to contain them. By definition, code coverage is limited to the design code. It doesn't know anything about what design supposed to do. Even If a feature is not OVM Tutorial implemented in design, code coverage can report 100% coverage. It is also impossible to determine whether we tested all possible values of a feature using code coverage. Easy Labs : SV For example, randomization may not generate packets with all possible lengths, this Easy Labs : UVM cannot be reported by code coverage.. Code coverage is unable to tell much about how well you have covered your logic -- only whether you've executed each line/block Easy Labs : OVM etc at least once. Code coverage does not provide information about your test bench Easy Labs : VMM randomization quality and it does not report what caused the line execution/state transition etc. Analysis of code coverage require knowledge of design to find which AVM Switch TB features are not verified which is time consuming and out of scope of verification VMM Ethernet sample engineer. If the analysis is done at higher level of abstraction, it would be easier for the test writer to identify the missed serious which is not possible by code coverage. So if the code coverage is less than 100%, it means there is more work to do, if it is 100%, it doesn't mean that the verification is complete. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

When To Stop Testing? It's getting harder to figure out when to stop testing as the complexity of the protocol is increasing. In directed test environment, for each point mentioned in test plan, there will be a separate test case file. So if there are 100 points in test plan, then the engineer has to write 100 test case files. After writing and executing the 100 test case files, we can say that "all the points in test plan are verified" and we can stop testing.

Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM

In CRV, the each point in test plan is generated automatically. As there points are generated automatically, we need a mechanism which tells us that all the points in test plan are not exercised. When all the points in testplans are verified and the code coverage is 100% we can stop verification. What are the untested features? In Directed verification, there will be a separate testcase file for each feature to be verified. So to know how many features are verified, count the testcases. Verification is done when all tests are coded and passing alone with 100% code coverage. In constraint random verification all the features are generated randomly. Verification engineer need a mechanism to know the information about the verified features of DUT. SystemVerilog provides a mechanism to know the untested feature using functional coverage. Functional Coverage is "instrumentation" that is manually added to the TestBench. This is a better approach then counting testcases. Functional coverage is better than code coverage where the code coverage reports what was exercised rather that what was tested.

Functional coverage answers questions like Have all the packets length between 64 to 1518 are used? AVM Switch TB Did the DUT got exercised with alternate packets with good and bad crc? Did the monitor observe that the result comes with 4 clock cycles after read VMM Ethernet sample operation? Did the fifos are filled completely? Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Summary of functional coverage advantages: Functional coverage helps determine how much of your specification was covered. Functional coverage qualifies the testbenchs. Considered as stopping criteria for unit level verification. Gives feedback about the untested features. Gives the information about the redundant tests which consume valuable cycle. Report a Bug or Comment Guides to reach the goals earlier based on grading. on This section - Your
input is what keeps improving with time!

Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan

Introduction To Functional Coverage: Cover group which is uses information from transactor, monitor and checker. Assertion coverage which is uses temporal language which can be outside or inside RTL code. Covergroup: There are three types of cover group points: 1. item functional coverage point 2. cross functional coverage point 3. transitional functional coverage point Item "Item" is used to capture the information about the sclare value. A range of interested values can also be observed. For example, consider a packet protocol. The packet has a address field with possible

RVM Ethernet sample SystemVerilog provides 2 ways to mention coverage.

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values of A0,A1 and data which can be 4 to 10 bytes. At the end of packet parity is also attached for integrity checking. The following table identifies these coverage points for the above packet: Item_DL Data length 4 to 10 Item_ADD Address A0,A1 Item_Par Parity Good and Bad Coverage engine collects item values are during simulation and reports. Reports consists how many times Packets with length 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 are generated. Packets with good parity, bad parity are generated. Packets with address A0, A1 are generated. Cross "cross" is used to examine the cross product of two or more item coverage points. Example: verify DUT by sending both good parity and bad parity packets with all the address. Cross_ ADD_Par Coverage report Packets with Packets with Packets with Packets with Transitional Transitional functional point is used to examine the legal transitions of a value. Example: Verify the DUT with incremental packet length from 4 to 10. Trans_length ( 4 => 5 => 6 => 7 => 8 =>9 =>10) Coverage engine reports whether this sequence is exercised or not. Assertion Coverage: Assertion coverage looks for the desired behavior in RTL. It uses assertion language which is in temporal nature. It has direct access to design variables and designer can add many points in RTL which he wants the verification engineer to cover. Example: Verify by sending back-to-back packets. Functional coverage will be discussed in more detail in later chapters. Verification using functional coverage and randomization is called coverage driven constraint random verification. Item_ADD,Item_Par consists Address Address Address Address how many times A0 with good parity are generated A0 with bad parity are generated A1 with good parity are generated A1 with bad parity are generated[9/26/2012 2:21:17 PM]

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Basic functionality of CDRV Environment: Input side of DUT : -- Generating traffic streams -- Driving traffic into the design (stimuli) Output side of DUT: -- Checking these data streams -- Checking protocols and timing Collecting both the functional coverage and code coverage information. Writing deterministic tests and random tests to achieve 100% coverage.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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Verification Components Required For Cdcrv: Stimulus Stimulus generator Transactor Driver Monitor Assertion monitor Checker Scoreboard Coverage Utilities Tests

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Stimulus: When building a verification environment, the verification engineer often starts by modeling the device input stimulus. In Verilog, the verification engineer is limited in how to model this stimulus because of the lack of high-level data structures. Typically, the verification engineer will create a array/memory to store the stimuli. SystemVerilog provides high-level data structures and the notion of dynamic data types for modeling stimulus. Using SystemVerilog randomization, stimulus is generated automatically. Stimulus is also processed in other verification components. SystemVerilog high-level data structures helps in storing and processing of stimulus in an efficient way. Stimulus Generator The generator component generates stimulus which are sent to DUT by driver. Stimulus generation is modeled to generate the stimulus based on the specification. For simple memory stimulus generator generates read, write operations, address and data to be stored in the address if its write operation. Scenarios like generate alternate read/write operations are specified in scenario generator. SystemVerilog provided construct to control the random generation distribution and order. Constraints defined in stimulus are combinatioural in nature where as constraints defined in stimulus generators are sequential in nature. Stimulus generation can be directed or directed random or automatic and user should have proper controllability from test case. It should also consider the generation of stimulus which depends on the state of the DUT for example, Generating read cycle as soon as interrupt is seen. Error injection is a mechanism in which the DUT is verified by sending error input stimulus. Generally it is also taken care in this module. Generally generator should be able to generate every possible scenario and the user should be able to control the generation from directed and directed random testcases.

Transactor Transactor does the high level operations like burst-operations into individual commands, sub-layer protocol in layered protocol like PciExpress Transaction layer over PciExpress Data Link Layer, TCP/IP over Ethernet etc. It also handles the DUT configuration operations. This layer also provides necessary information to coverage model about the stimulus generated. Stimulus generated in generator is high level like Packet is with good crc, length is 5 and da is 8<92>h0. This high level stimulus is converted into low level data using packing. This low level data is just a array of bits or bytes. Packing is an operation in which the high level stimulus values scalars, strings, array elements and struct are concatenated in the specified manner. Driver The drivers translate the operations produced by the generator into the actual inputs for the design under verification. Generators create inputs at a high level of abstraction namely, as transactions like read write operation. The drivers convert this input into actual design inputs, as defined in the specification of the designs interface. If the generator generates read operation, then read task is called, in that, the DUT input pin "read_write" is asserted.[9/26/2012 2:21:24 PM]

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Monitor Monitor reports the protocol violation and identifies all the transactions. Monitors are two types, Passive and active. Passive monitors do not drive any signals. Active monitors can drive the DUT signals. Sometimes this is also refered as receiver. Monitor converts the state of the design and its outputs to a transaction abstraction level so it can be stored in a 'score-boards' database to be checked later on. Monitor converts the pin level activities in to high level. Assertion Based Monitor Assertions are used to check time based protocols, also known as temporal checks. Assertions are a necessary compliment to transaction based testing as they describe the pin level, cycle by cycle, protocols of the design. Assertions are also used for functional coverage. Data Checker The monitor only monitors the interface protocol. It doesn't check the whether the data is same as expected data or not, as interface has nothing to do with the date. Checker converts the low level data to high level data and validated the data. This operation of converting low level data to high level data is called Unpacking which is reverse of packing operation. For example, if data is collected from all the commands of the burst operation and then the data is converted in to raw data , and all the sub fields information are extracted from the data and compared against the expected values. The comparison state is sent to scoreboard. Scoreboard Scoreboard is sometimes referred as tracker. Scoreboard stores the expected DUT output. Scoreboard in Verilog tends to be cumbersome, rigid, and may use up much memory due to the lack of dynamic data types and memory allocation. Dynamic data types and Dynamic memory allocation makes it much easier to write a scoreboard in SystemVerilog. The stimulus generator generated the random vectors and is sent to the DUT using drivers. These stimuli are stored in scoreboard until the output comes out of the DUT. When a write operation is done on a memory with address 101 and data 202, after some cycles, if a read is done at address 101, what should be the data?.The score board recorded the address and data when write operation is done. Get the data stored at address of 101 in scoreboard and compare with the output of the DUT in checker module. Scoreboard also has expected logic if needed. Take a 2 inputs and gate. The expect logic does the "and " operation on the two inputs and stores the output". Coverage This component has all the coverage related to the functional coverage groups. Utilities Utilities are set of global tasks which are not related to any protocol. So this module can be reused across projects without any modification to code. Tasks such as global timeout, printing messages control, seeding control, test pass/fail conditions, error counters etc. The tasks defined in utilities are used by all other components of the TestBench. Environment: Environment contains the instances of all the verification component and Component connectivity is also done. Steps required for execution of each component is done in this. Tests Tests contain the code to control the TestBench features. Tests can communicate with all the TestBench components. Once the TestBench is in place, the verification engineer now needs to focus on writing tests to verify that the device behaves according to specification.[9/26/2012 2:21:24 PM]

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Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow SystemVerilog Functional Verification Verification Need Constructs Testbench Linear Testbench Interface Linear Random OOPS Testbench How To Check The Randomization Results Functional Coverage Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Assertion Which We Never Thought DPI How To Check Whether The Testbench Has UVM Tutorial Satisfactorily Exercised VMM Tutorial The Design Types Of Code Coverage OVM Tutorial Statement Coverage Easy Labs : SV Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Easy Labs : UVM Branch Coverage Easy Labs : OVM Path Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage AVM Switch TB Make Your Goal 100 VMM Ethernet sample Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Verilog Constraint Random Verification Verification Architecture Verification Plan Phases Of Verification Verilog Switch TB Ones Counter Example Basic Constructs In test plan, we prepare a road map for how do achieve the goal, it is a living Verification Plan document. Test plan includes, introduction, assumptions, list of test cases, list of features to be tested, approach, deliverables, resources, risks and scheduling, entry Report a Bug or Comment OpenVera and exit criteria. Test plan helps verification engineer to understand how the on This section - Your Constructs verification should be done. A test plan could come in many forms, such as a input is what keeps spreadsheet, a document or a simple text file. Sometimes, test plan simply reside in improving Switch TB the engineer's head which is dangerous in which the process cannot be properly with time! RVM Switch TB measured and controlled. Test plan also contains the descriptions of TestBench RVM Ethernet sample architecture and description of each component and its functionality. TUTORIALS


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Building Testbench In this phase, the verification environment is developed. Each verification component can be developed one by one or if more than one engineer is working it can be developed parallel. Writing the coverage module can be done at any time. It is preffered to write down the coverage module first as it gives some idea of the verification progress. Writing Tests[9/26/2012 2:21:32 PM]

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After the TestBench is built and integrated to DUT, it's time for validating the DUT. Initially in CDV, the test are ran randomly till some 70 % of coverage is reached or no improvement in the coverage for 1 day simulation. By analyzing the coverage reports, new tests are written to cover the holes. In these tests, randomization is directed to cover the holes. Then finally, the hard to reach scenarios, called as corner cases have to be written in directed verification fashion. Of course, debugging is done in parallel and DUT fixes are done. Integrating Code Coverage Once you have achieved certain level of functional coverage, integrate the code coverage. For doing code coverage, the code coverage tools have option to switch it on. And then do the simulation, the tool will provide the report. Analyze Coverage Finally analyze both functional coverage and code coverage reports and take necessary steps to achieve coverage goals. Run simulation again with a different seed, all the while collecting functional coverage information.




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Following example is TestBench for ones counter. It has some verification components which are required, but not all the verification components discussed earlier. All the components implementation can be seen in further chapters with another protocol. Description of the language construct is discussed in further chapters, so don't pay attention to them. The intention of showing this example is to make you familiar with some steps required while building verification environment and to help you to understand the flow discussed above. Specification: Ones Counter is a Counter which counts the number of one's coming in serial stream. The Minimum value of the count is "0" and count starts by incriminating one till "15". After "15" the counter rolls back to "0". Reset is also provided to reset the counter value to "0". Reset signal is active negedge. Input is 1 bit port for which the serial stream enters. Out bit is 4 bit port from where the count values can be taken. Reset and clock pins also provided.

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Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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The following is the RTL code of onescounter with bugs. module dff(clk,reset,din,dout); input clk,reset,din; output dout; logic dout; always@(posedge clk,negedge reset) if(!reset) dout <= 0; else dout <= din; endmodule module ones_counter(clk,reset,data,count); input clk,reset,data; output [0:3] count; dff d1(clk,reset,data,count[0]);

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dff d2(count[0],reset,~count[1],count[1]); dff d3(count[1],reset,~count[2],count[2]); dff d4(count[2],reset,~count[3],count[3]); endmodule Test Plan: This is a simple testplan. Features to be verified are 1) Count should increment from "0" to "15".( Coverage item) 2) Count should roolover to "0" after "15".(Coverage transition) 3) Reset should make the output count to "0", when the count values is non "0". ( Assertion coverage) Block Diagram:

Verification Environment Hierarchy TOP |-- Clock generator |-- Dut Instance |-- Interface |-- Assertion block instance ( assertion coverage) |-- Testcase instance |-- Environment |-- Driver | |-- Stimulus | |-- Covergroup |-- Monitor |-- Scoreboard[9/26/2012 2:21:40 PM]

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Testbench Components: Stimulus Stimulus is a single bit value. class stimulus; rand bit value; constraint distribution {value dist { 0 := 1 , 1 := 1 }; } endclass Driver This driver consists of reset and drive method. Reset method resets the DUT and drive method generates the stimulus and sends it to DUT. Driver also calculates the expected DUT output and stores in scoreboard. Coverage is also sampled in this component. Feature 1 and 2 which are mentioned in Testplan are covered in this cover group. class driver; stimulus sti; Scoreboard sb; covergroup cov; Feature_1: coverpoint ; Feature_2 : coverpoint { bins trans = ( 15 => 0) ;} endgroup virtual intf_cnt intf; function new(virtual intf_cnt intf,scoreboard sb); this.intf = intf; = sb; cov = new(); endfunction task reset(); // Reset method = 0; @ (negedge intf.clk); intf.reset = 1; @ (negedge intf.clk); intf.reset = 0; @ (negedge intf.clk); intf.reset = 1; endtask task drive(input integer iteration); repeat(iteration) begin sti = new();[9/26/2012 2:21:40 PM]

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@ (negedge intf.clk); if(sti.randomize()) // Generate stimulus = sti.value; // Drive to DUT = + sti.value;// Cal exp value and store in Scoreboard if(sti.value) cov.sample(); end endtask endclass Monitor The monitor collects the DUT output and then gets the expected value from the score board and compares them. class monitor; scoreboard sb; virtual intf_cnt intf; function new(virtual intf_cnt intf,scoreboard sb); this.intf = intf; = sb; endfunction task check(); forever @ (negedge intf.clk) if( != intf.count) // Get expected value from scoreboard and compare with DUT output $display(" * ERROR * DUT count is %b :: SB count is %b ", intf.count, ); else $display(" DUT count is %b :: SB count is %b ", intf.count, ); endtask endclass Assertion Coverage This block contains the assertion coverage related to 3 rd feature mentioned in testplan. module assertion_cov(intf_cnt intf); Feature_3 : cover property (@(posedge intf.clk) (intf.count !=0) |-> intf.reset == 0 ); endmodule Scoreboard This scoreboard is a simple one which stores one expected value. class scoreboard; bit [0:3] store; endclass Environment: Environment contains instances of driver, monitor and scoreboard. class environment; driver drvr; scoreboard sb; monitor mntr; virtual intf_cnt intf; function new(virtual intf_cnt intf); this.intf = intf; sb = new(); drvr = new(intf,sb); mntr = new(intf,sb); fork mntr.check(); join_none endfunction[9/26/2012 2:21:40 PM]

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endclass Top: The interface is declared and the test bench and DUT instances are taken. Testbench and DUT are connected using interfaces. Clock is also generated and connects it to DUT and testbench. interface intf_cnt(input clk); wire wire wire wire clk; reset; data; [0:3] count;

endinterface module top(); reg clk = 0; initial // clock generator forever #5 clk = ~clk; // DUT/assertion monitor/testcase instances intf_cnt intf(clk); ones_counter DUT(clk,intf.reset,,intf.count); testcase test(intf); assertion_cov acov(intf); endmodule Tests: This is a simple test case. It does reset and then send 10 input values. program testcase(intf_cnt intf); environment env = new(intf); initial begin env.drvr.reset();; end endprogram After simulating with this testcase, the coverage report I got Total Coverage Summary SCORE ASSERT GROUP 9.38 0.00 18.75 Cover group report VARIABLE EXPECTED UNCOVERED COVERED PERCENT GOAL WEIGHT Feature_1 16 10 6 37.50 100 1 Feature_2 1 1 0 0.00 100 1 Assertion coverage report: COVER PROPERTIES CATEGORY SEVERITY ATTEMPTS MATCHES INCOMPLETE Feature_3 0 0 13 0 0

This coverage report will be different if you simulate in your tool. To improve the coverage, than the 1st testcase , I wrote 2nd testcase with more input values and also logic related to 3 feature in the testplan. program testcase(intf_cnt intf); environment env = new(intf); initial[9/26/2012 2:21:40 PM]

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begin env.drvr.reset();; env.drvr.reset();; end endprogram Download the phase 1 files: ones_counter.tar Browse the code in ones_counter.tar Run the simulation: your_tool_command -f filelist your_tool_command -f filelist Simulation Log Report: DUT count is 0xxx :: SB count is 0000 DUT count is 0xxx :: SB count is 0000 DUT count is 0000 :: SB count is 0000 DUT count is 0000 :: SB count is 0000 * ERROR * DUT count is 1111 :: SB count is 0001 * ERROR * DUT count is 0111 :: SB count is 0001 * ERROR * DUT count is 0111 :: SB count is 0001 * ERROR * DUT count is 0111 :: SB count is 0001 * ERROR * DUT count is 1011 :: SB count is 0010 * ERROR * DUT count is 1011 :: SB count is 0011 DUT count is 0011 :: SB count is 0011 DUT count is 0011 :: SB count is 0011 * ERROR * DUT count is 1101 :: SB count is 0100




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The Verification Plan is the focal point for defining exactly what needs to be tested, and drives the coverage criteria. Success of a verification project relies heavily on the completeness and accurate implementation of a verification plan. A good plan contains detailed goals using measurable metrics, along with optimal resource usage and realistic schedule estimates. Verification plan gives an opportunity to present and review the strategy for functional verification before the verification engineer have gone into detail to implement it. It also establishes proper communication. Just imagine how it would be working with a multisite project and you have a query for which you have to wait till the next day to see the answer in email and they just call you while you are in sleep. It also gives an idea about the areas that are going to be difficult to verify for taking necessary steps. It is used to determine the progress and completion of the verification phase of verification. Verification Planning should start early with system/architecture evaluation phase. Once the functional spec is given to the verification team, they will start its development. A verification plan could come in many forms, such as a spreadsheet, a document or a simple text file. Templates are good if continually used in your company as it makes common interface for information, reviewer know where to look for certain information even in a huge document that he wants to know at this moment, because different reviewers want different infomation in different moments.

Generally Verification plan development is divided in two steps: What to verify and How to verify? VMM Ethernet sample Step one: What to Verify? list of clearly defined features-to-verify. This is called feature extraction phase. Step two: How to Verify? After defining what exactly need to be verified, define how to verify them. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Verification Plan Contains The Following: Overview Resources, Budget and Schedule Verification Environment System Verilog Verification Flow Feature Extraction Stimulus Generation Plan Checker Plan Coverage Plan Details of reusable components

Index Asic Design Bottle Neck In Asic Flow Functional Verification Need Testbench Linear Testbench Linear Random Testbench How To Check The Results Self Checking Testbenchs How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design Types Of Code Coverage Statement Coverage Block Coverage Conditional Coverage Branch Coverage Path Coverage Toggle Coverage Fsm Coverage Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less Functional Coverage Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture Phases Of Verification Ones Counter Example Verification Plan
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Overview This section contains description of the project, what specification is followed, what languages and methodology are used. Information related to the HW blocks, SW blocks and HW/SW interaction is outlined. Feature Extraction This section contains list of all the features to be verified. Generally each feature is associated with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unique Name Id Description Expected result Pointer to the specification priority.

The "Unique name ID" should be descriptive in nature to understand the nature of the feature and should be unique. For example, <module name>_<sub module>_<feature number>_<feature name> Some points on how extraction the features: Read the MRD, System Specification, Macro and Micro Hardware Specification. Go through the designer notes/presentations. Annotate each line/paragraph specifying a functional item e.g., read/write a register Annotate each line/paragraph specifying a multiple-functional items e.g., steps required to set and cause an interrupt . Identify all RTL configurations Identify interfaces and related protocols across interface. Identify standards compliance requirements, list corner cases. Create a list of illegal scenarios to verify. Create a list of exceptions to verify. Create a list of operation sequences to verify e.g., interrupt followed by breakpoint etc. Create a list of things to try and break the machine. Take advantage of existing plans. Use points from compliance checklist for standard protocols. Get information about the Common tests for all chips. Get review by a number of people, usually very experienced engineers. Better if you get reviewed by Architects, micro Architects, Leads, verification engineers, RTL Designers, software designers, marketing team and other team members.[9/26/2012 2:21:48 PM]

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Resources, Budget And Schedule This section contains details of man power required and schedule for each phase of the verification. Information about the tools which are used for simulation, debugger and bug tracking are listed. Verification Environment A detailed TestBench architecture is essential for a robust verification environment. In this section describe the topology, about each component of the TestBench, special techniques that are used, IPs, Reused blocks, new blocks, and guidelines on how to reuse the TestBench components. For example if you think upfront about error injection, configuration, component communication, callbacks etc, you can provide hooks to do those. System Verilog Verification Flow Details about each level (block, sub-system, system) and phases (RTL, gate) of verification are mentioned. Stimulus Generation Plan The stimulus generation section contains information about different types of transactions, sequences of transactions and various scenarios generated as per the specification. Each point is associated with

1. 2. 3.

Unique name ID Stimulus to be generated for driving into the DUT Configuration/constraints Information

Checker Plan This section will explain the expected result checking's in the TestBench. This can be done in monitor/checker. Various fields associated with each of the point are: 1. 2. 3. Checker Unique name Unique Feature ID(Defined in Feature plan) Checker Description

Coverage Plan The coverage section explains the functional coverage of the features. A functional coverage plan should be built to help implement coverage points in the verification environment. Genarally it would be better if the coverage block is brocken based on the design logical blocks. It will list the various Coverage groups and assertion. Various fields of the coverage plan section are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Coverage Group Coverage Description Coverage name Unique name ID (Defined in feature plan) Cover point (Items/cross/transition/assertion)[9/26/2012 2:21:48 PM]

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Coverage goal

Details Of Reusable Components This section contains the details of reusable components and the description about their usage.




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ahe UVM (Universal Verification Methodology) Class Library provides the building blocks needed to quickly develop well-constructed and reusable verification components and test environments in SystemVerilog.

UVM library contains: Component classes for building testbench components like generator/driver/monitor etc. Reporting classes for logging, Factory for object substitution. Synchronization classes for managing concurrent process. Policy classes for printing, comparing, recording, packing, and unpacking of uvm_object based classes. TLM Classes for transaction level interface. Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your Sequencer and Sequence classes for generating realistic stimulus. input is what keeps And Macros which can be used for shorthand notation of complex implementation. improving with time!

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback

In this tutorial, we will learn some of the UVM concepts with examples. Installing Uvm Library 1)Go to 2)Download the uvm*.tar.gz file. 3)Untar the file. 4)Go to the extracted directory : cd uvm*\uvm\src 5)Set the UVM_HOME path : setenv UVM_HOME `pwd` (This is required to run the examples which are downloaded from this site) 6)Go to examples : cd ../examples/hello_world/uvm/ 7)Compile the example using : your_tool_compilation_command -f compile_<toolname>.f (example for questasim use : qverilog -f compile_questa.f) 8)Run the example.

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Uvm components, uvm env and uvm test are the three main building blocks of a testbench in uvm based verification. Uvm_env uvm_env is extended from uvm_component and does not contain any extra functionality. uvm_env is used to create and connect the uvm_components like driver, monitors , sequeners etc. A environment class can also be used as sub-environment in another environment. As there is no difference between uvm_env and uvm_component , we will discuss about uvm_component, in the next section. Verification Components

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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uvm verification component classes are derived from uvm_component class which on This section - Your provides features like hierarchy searching, phasing, configuration , reporting , factory input is what keeps improving and transaction recording.
with time!

Following are some of the uvm component classes Easy Labs : OVM uvm_agent Easy Labs : VMM uvm_monitor AVM Switch TB uvm_scoreboard uvm_driver VMM Ethernet sample uvm_sequencer Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

NOTE: uvm_env and uvm_test are also extended from uvm_component. A typical uvm verification environment:

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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An agent typically contains three subcomponents: a driver, sequencer, and[9/26/2012 2:22:06 PM]


monitor. If the agent is active, subtypes should contain all three subcomponents. If the agent is passive, subtypes should contain only the monitor. About Uvm_component Class: uvm_compoenent class is inherited from uvm_report_object which is inherited from uvm_object. As I mentioned previously, uvm_component class provides features like hierarchy searching, phasing, configuration , reporting , factory and transaction recording. We will discuss about phasing concept in this section and rest of the features will be discussed as separate topics. UVM phases UVM Components execute their behavior in strictly ordered, pre-defined phases. Each phase is defined by its own virtual method, which derived components can override to incorporate component-specific behavior. By default , these methods do nothing.

--> virtual function void build() This phase is used to construct various child components/ports/exports and configures them. --> virtual function void connect() This phase is used for connecting the ports/exports of the components. --> virtual function void end_of_elaboration() This phase is used for configuring the components if required. --> virtual function void start_of_simulation() This phase is used to print the banners and topology. --> virtual task run() In this phase , Main body of the test is executed where all threads are forked off. --> virtual function void extract() In this phase, all the required information is gathered. --> virtual function void check() In this phase, check the results of the extracted information such as un responded requests in scoreboard, read statistics registers etc. --> virtual function void report()[9/26/2012 2:22:06 PM]


This phase is used for reporting the pass/fail status. Only build() method is executed in top down manner. i.e after executing parent build() method, child objects build() methods are executed. All other methods are executed in bottom-up manner. The run() method is the only method which is time consuming. The run() method is forked, so the order in which all components run() method are executed is undefined. Uvm_test uvm_test is derived from uvm_component class and there is no extra functionality is added. The advantage of used uvm_test for defining the user defined test is that the test case selection can be done from command line option +UVM_TESTNAME=<testcase_string> . User can also select the testcase by passing the testcase name as string to uvm_root::run_test(<testcase_string>) method. In the above <testcase_string> is the object type of the testcase class. Lets implement environment for the following topology. I will describe the implementation of environment , testcase and top module. Agent, monitor and driver are implemented similar to environment.

1)Extend uvm_env class and define user environment. class env extends uvm_env; 2)Declare the utility macro. This utility macro provides the implementation of create() and get_type_name() methods and all the requirements needed for factory. `uvm_component_utils(env) 3)Declare the objects for agents. agent ag1; agent ag2; 4)Define the constructor. In the constructor, call the super methods and pass the parent object. Parent is the object in which environment is instantiated. function new(string name , uvm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new 5)Define build method. In the build method, construct the agents. To construct agents, use create() method. The advantage of create() over new() is that when create() method is called, it will check if there is a factory override and constructs the object of override type. function void build();;[9/26/2012 2:22:06 PM]


uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Build", UVM_LOW); ag1 = agent::type_id::create("ag1",this); ag2 = agent::type_id::create("ag2",this); endfunction 6)Define connect(),end_of_elaboration(),start_of_simulation(),run(),extract(),check(),report() methods. Just print a message from these methods, as we dont have any logic in this example to define. function void connect(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Connect", UVM_LOW); endfunction Complete code of environment class: class env extends uvm_env; `uvm_component_utils(env) agent ag1; agent ag2; function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction function void build(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Build", UVM_LOW); ag1 = agent::type_id::create("ag1",this); ag2 = agent::type_id::create("ag2",this); endfunction function void connect(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Connect", UVM_LOW); endfunction function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End_of_elaboration", UVM_LOW); endfunction function void start_of_simulation(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start_of_simulation", UVM_LOW); endfunction task run(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Run", UVM_LOW); endtask function void extract(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Extract", UVM_LOW); endfunction function void check(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Check", UVM_LOW); endfunction function void report(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Report", UVM_LOW); endfunction endclass

Now we will implement the testcase. 1)Extend uvm_test and define the test case class test1 extends uvm_test; 2)Declare component ustilits using utility macro. `uvm_component_utils(test1)[9/26/2012 2:22:06 PM]


2)Declare environment class handle. env t_env; 3)Define constructor method. In the constructor, call the super method and construct the environment object. function new (string name="test1", uvm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new 4)Define the end_of_elaboration method. In this method, call the print() method. This print() method will print the topology of the test. function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End_of_elaboration", UVM_LOW); print(); endfunction 4)Define the run method and call the global_stop_request() method. task run (); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run Testcase source code: class test1 extends uvm_test; `uvm_component_utils(test1) env t_env; function new (string name="test1", uvm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End_of_elaboration", UVM_LOW); print(); endfunction task run (); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run endclass Top Module: To start the testbench, run_test() method must be called from initial block. Run_test() mthod Phases all components through all registered phases. module top; initial run_test(); endmodule Download the source code uvm_phases.tar Browse the code in uvm_phases.tar Command to run the simulation[9/26/2012 2:22:06 PM]


VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file: [RNTST] Running test test1... uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] End_of_elaboration uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] End_of_elaboration uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1] End_of_elaboration uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] End_of_elaboration uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] End_of_elaboration uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2] End_of_elaboration uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] End_of_elaboration uvm_test_top [uvm_test_top] End_of_elaboration ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------uvm_test_top test1 uvm_test_top@2 t_env env t_env@4 ag1 agent ag1@6 drv driver drv@12 rsp_port uvm_analysis_port rsp_port@16 sqr_pull_port uvm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@14 mon monitor mon@10 ag2 agent ag2@8 drv driver drv@20 rsp_port uvm_analysis_port rsp_port@24 sqr_pull_port uvm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@22 mon monitor mon@18 uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv[uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv]Start_of_simulation uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon[uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon]Start_of_simulation uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1[uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1]Start_of_simulation uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv[uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv]Start_of_simulation uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon[uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon]Start_of_simulatio .. .. .. .. Observe the above log report: 1)Build method was called in top-down fashion. Look at the following part of message. uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] Build uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] Build 2)Connect method was called in bottopm up fashion. Look at the below part of log file,[9/26/2012 2:22:06 PM]


uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2] Connect uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] Connect 3)Following part of log file shows the testcase topology.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

The uvm_report_object provides an interface to the UVM reporting facility. Through this interface, components issue the various messages with different severity levels that occur during simulation. Users can configure what actions are taken and what file(s) are output for individual messages from a particular component or for all messages from all components in the environment. A report consists of an id string, severity, verbosity level, and the textual message itself. If the verbosity level of a report is greater than the configured maximum verbosity level of its report object, it is ignored. Reporting Methods: Following are the primary reporting methods in the UVM. virtual function void uvm_report_info (string id,string message,int verbosity=UVM_MEDIUM,string filename="",int line=0) virtual function void uvm_report_warning (string id,string message,int verbosity=UVM_MEDIUM,string filename="",int line=0) virtual function void uvm_report_error (string id,string message,int verbosity=UVM_LOW, string filename="",int line=0) virtual function void uvm_report_fatal (string id,string message,int verbosity=UVM_NONE, string filename="",int line=0) Arguments description:

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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id -- a unique id to form a group of messages. message -- The message text verbosity -- the verbosity of the message, indicating its relative importance. If this number is less than or equal to the effective verbosity level, then the report is issued, subject to the configured action and file descriptor settings. filename/line -- If required to print filename and line number from where the message is issued, use macros, `__FILE__ and `__LINE__. Actions: These methods associate the specified action or actions with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Following are the actions defined: UVM_NO_ACTION -- Do nothing UVM_DISPLAY -- Display report to standard output UVM_LOG -- Write to a file UVM_COUNT -- Count up to a max_quit_count value before exiting UVM_EXIT -- Terminates simulation immediately UVM_CALL_HOOK -- Callback the hook method . Configuration:[9/26/2012 2:22:14 PM]


Using these methods, user can set the verbosity levels and set actions. function void set_report_verbosity_level (int verbosity_level) function void set_report_severity_action (uvm_severity severity,uvm_action action) function void set_report_id_action (string id,uvm_action action) function void set_report_severity_id_action (uvm_severity severity,string id,uvm_action action)

Example Lets see an example: In the following example, messages from rpting::run() method are of different verbosity level. In the top module, 3 objects of rpting are created and different verbosity levels are set using set_report_verbosity_level() method. `include "uvm.svh" import uvm_pkg::*; class rpting extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(rpting) function new(string name,uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction task run(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Info Message : Verbo lvl - UVM_NONE ",UVM_NONE,`__FILE__,`__LINE__); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Info Message : Verbo lvl - UVM_LOW ",UVM_LOW);[9/26/2012 2:22:14 PM]


uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Info Message : Verbo lvl - 150 ",150); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Info Message : Verbo lvl - UVM_MEDIUM",UVM_MEDIUM); uvm_report_warning(get_full_name(), "Warning Messgae from rpting",UVM_LOW); uvm_report_error(get_full_name(), "Error Message from rpting \n\n",UVM_LOW); endtask endclass module top; rpting rpt1; rpting rpt2; rpting rpt3; initial begin rpt1 = new("rpt1",null); rpt2 = new("rpt2",null); rpt3 = new("rpt3",null); rpt1.set_report_verbosity_level(UVM_MEDIUM); rpt2.set_report_verbosity_level(UVM_LOW); rpt3.set_report_verbosity_level(UVM_NONE); run_test(); end endmodule Download the source code uvm_reporting.tar Browse the code in uvm_reporting.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file: UVM_INFO[rpt1]Info Message:Verbo lvl - UVM_NONE UVM_INFO @0:rpt1[rpt1] Info Message : Verbo lvl - UVM_LOW UVM_INFO @0:rpt1[rpt1] Info Message : Verbo lvl - 150 UVM_INFO @0:rpt1[rpt1] Info Message : Verbo lvl - UVM_MEDIUM UVM_WARNIN@0:rpt[rpt1] Warning Messgae from rpting UVM_ERROR @0:rpt1[rpt1] Error Message from rpting[rpt2]Info Message:Verbo lvl - UVM_NONE UVM_INFO@ 0:rpt2[rpt2] Info Message : Verbo lvl - UVM_LOW UVM_WARNING@0:rpt2[rpt2] Warning Messgae from rpting UVM_ERROR@0:rpt2[rpt2] Error Message from rpting[rpt3]Info Message:Verbo lvl - UVM_NONE UVM_ERROR @ 9200 [TIMOUT] Watchdog timeout of '23f0' expired.



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Index Introduction Uvm Testbench A transaction is data item which is eventually or directly processed by the DUT. The Uvm Reporting packets, instructions, pixels are data items. In uvm, transactions are extended from Uvm Transaction uvm_transactions class or uvm_sequence_item class. uvm_transaction is a typedef of Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory uvm_sequence_item. Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Example of a transaction: Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 class Packet extends uvm_transaction; Uvm Sequence 6 rand bit [7:0] da; Uvm Tlm 1 rand bit [7:0] sa; Uvm Tlm 2 rand bit [7:0] length; Uvm Callback rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; Report a Bug or Comment endclass


Core Utilities: uvm_transaction class is extended from uvm_object. uvm_transaction adds more features line transaction recording , transaction id and timings of the transaction.

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The methods used to model, transform or operate on transactions like print, copying, cloning, comparing, recording, packing and unpacking are already defined in VMM Ethernet sample uvm_object. Verilog
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FIG: UVM OBJECT UTILITIES User Defined Implementations: User should define these methods in the transaction using do_<method_name> and call them using <method_name>. Following table shows calling methods and userdefined hook do_<method_name> methods. Clone and create methods, does not use hook methods concepts.[9/26/2012 2:22:22 PM]


Shorthand Macros: Using the field automation concept of uvm, all the above defines methods can be defined automatically. To use these field automation macros, first declare all the data fields, then place the field automation macros between the `uvm_object_utils_begin and `uvm_object_utils_end macros. Example of field automation macros: class Packet extends uvm_transaction; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; `uvm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `uvm_field_int(da, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(sa, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(length, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_array_int(data, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(fcs, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_object_utils_end endclass. For most of the data types in systemverilog, uvm defined corresponding field automation macros. Following table shows all the field automation macros.[9/26/2012 2:22:22 PM]


Each `uvm_field_* macro has at least two arguments: ARG and FLAG. ARG is the instance name of the variable and FLAG is used to control the field usage in core utilities operation. Following table shows uvm field automation flags:[9/26/2012 2:22:22 PM]


By default, FLAG is set to UVM_ALL_ON. All these flags can be ored. Using NO_* flags, can turn of particular field usage in a paerticuler method. NO_* flags takes precedency over other flags. Example of Flags: `uvm_field_int(da, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) The above macro will use the field "da" in all utilities methods except Packing and unpacking methods. Lets see a example: In the following example, all the utility methods are defined using field automation macros except Packing and unpacking methods. Packing and unpacking methods are done in do_pack() amd do_unpack() method. `include "uvm.svh" import uvm_pkg::*; //Define the enumerated types for packet types typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; class Packet extends uvm_transaction; rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind;

rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 6]};} constraint length_c { length == data.size; } function new(string name = "");; endfunction : new function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0; else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize ///// method to calculate the fcs ///// virtual function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs `uvm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `uvm_field_int(da, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(sa, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(length, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_array_int(data, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(fcs, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK)[9/26/2012 2:22:22 PM]


`uvm_object_utils_end function void do_pack(uvm_packer packer); super.do_pack(packer); packer.pack_field_int(da,$bits(da)); packer.pack_field_int(sa,$bits(sa)); packer.pack_field_int(length,$bits(length)); foreach(data[i]) packer.pack_field_int(data[i],8); packer.pack_field_int(fcs,$bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_pack function void do_unpack(uvm_packer packer); int sz; super.do_pack(packer); da = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(da)); sa = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(sa)); length = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(length)); data.delete(); data = new[length]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = packer.unpack_field_int(8); fcs = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_unpack endclass : Packet ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Test to check the packet implementation //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module test; Packet pkt1 = new("pkt1"); Packet pkt2 = new("pkt2"); byte unsigned pkdbytes[]; initial repeat(10) if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Sucessesfull."); pkt1.print(); uvm_default_packer.use_metadata = 1; void'(pkt1.pack_bytes(pkdbytes)); $display("Size of pkd bits %d",pkdbytes.size()); pkt2.unpack_bytes(pkdbytes); pkt2.print(); if( $display(" Packing,Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare *** \n \n"); end else $display(" *** Randomization Failed ***"); endmodule Download the source code uvm_transaction.tar Browse the code in uvm_transaction.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log report:[9/26/2012 2:22:22 PM]


Randomization Sucessesfull. --------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------pkt1 Packet pkt1@3 da integral 8 'h1d sa integral 8 'h26 length integral 8 'h5 data da(integral) 5 [0] integral 8 'hb1 [1] integral 8 'h3f [2] integral 8 'h9e [3] integral 8 'h38 [4] integral 8 'h8d fcs integral 8 'h9b --------------------------------------------------------------------Size of pkd bits 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------pkt2 Packet pkt2@5 da integral 8 'h1d sa integral 8 'h26 length integral 8 'h5 data da(integral) 5 [0] integral 8 'hb1 [1] integral 8 'h3f [2] integral 8 'h9e [3] integral 8 'h38 [4] integral 8 'h8d fcs integral 8 'h9b --------------------------------------------------------------------Packing,Unpacking and compare worked




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Configuration is a mechanism in UVM that higher level components in a hierarchy can configure the lower level components variables. Using set_config_* methods, user can configure integer, string and objects of lower level components. Without this mechanism, user should access the lower level component using hierarchy paths, which restricts reusability. This mechanism can be used only with components. Sequences and transactions cannot be configured using this mechanism. When set_config_* method is called, the data is stored w.r.t strings in a table. There is also a global configuration table. Higher level component can set the configuration data in level component table. It is the responsibility of the lower level component to get the data from the component table and update the appropriate table. Set_config_* Methods:

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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Following are the method to configure integer , string and object of uvm_object on This section - Your input is what keeps based class respectively. function void set_config_int (string inst_name, string field_name, uvm_bitstream_t value)

function void set_config_string (string inst_name, string field_name, VMM Ethernet sample string value) Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

function void set_config_object (string inst_name, string field_name, uvm_object value, bit clone = 1) Arguments description: string inst_name: Hierarchical string path. string field_name: Name of the field in the table. bitstream_t value: In set_config_int, a integral value that can be anything from 1 bit to 4096 bits. bit clone : If this bit is set then object is cloned. inst_name and field_name are strings of hierarchal path. They can include wile card

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample "*" and "?" characters. These methods must be called in build phase of the component.

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"*" matches zero or more characters "?" matches exactly one character

Some examples: "*" -All the lower level components.

"*abc" -All the lower level components which ends with "abc". Example: "xabc","xyabc","xyzabc" ....[9/26/2012 2:22:30 PM]


"abc*" -All the lower level components which starts with "abc". Example: "abcx","abcxy","abcxyz" .... "ab?" -All the lower level components which start with "ab" , then followed by one more character. Example: "abc","abb","abx" .... "?bc" -All the lower level components which start with any one character ,then followed by "c". Example: "abc","xbc","bbc" .... "a?c" -All the lower level components which start with "a" , then followed by one more character and then followed by "c". Example: "abc","aac","axc" ..

There are two ways to get the configuration data: 1)Automatic : Using Field macros 2)Manual : using gte_config_* methods. Automatic Configuration: To use the atomic configuration, all the configurable fields should be defined using uvm component field macros and uvm component utilities macros. uvm component utility macros: For non parameterized classes `uvm_component_utils_begin(TYPE) `uvm_field_* macro invocations here `uvm_component_utils_end For parameterized classes. `uvm_component_param_utils_begin(TYPE) `uvm_field_* macro invocations here `uvm_component_utils_end For UVM Field macros, Refer to link UVM_TRANSACTION Example: Following example is from link UVM_TESTBENCH 2 Configurable fields, a integer and a string are defined in env, agent, monitor and driver classes. Topology of the environment using these classes is[9/26/2012 2:22:30 PM]


Driver class Source Code: Similar to driver class, all other components env, agent and monitor are define. class driver extends uvm_driver; integer int_cfg; string str_cfg; `uvm_component_utils_begin(driver) `uvm_field_int(int_cfg, UVM_DEFAULT) `uvm_field_string(str_cfg, UVM_DEFAULT) `uvm_component_utils_end function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction function void build();; endfunction endclass Testcase: Using set_config_int() and set_config_string() configure variables at various hierarchal locations. //t_env.ag1.drv.int_cfg //t_env.ag1.mon.int_cfg set_config_int("*.ag1.*","int_cfg",32); //t_env.ag2.drv set_config_int("t_env.ag2.drv","int_cfg",32); //t_env.ag2.mon set_config_int("t_env.ag2.mon","int_cfg",32); //t_env.ag1.mon.str_cfg //t_env.ag2.mon.str_cfg //t_env.ag1.drv.str_cfg //t_env.ag2.drv.str_cfg set_config_string("*.ag?.*","str_cfg","pars"); //t_env.str_cfg set_config_string("t_env","str_cfg","abcd"); Download the source code uvm_configuration_1.tar Browse the code in uvm_configuration_1.tar[9/26/2012 2:22:30 PM]


Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa

From the above log report of th example, we can see the variables int_cfg and str_cfg of all the components and they are as per the configuration setting from the testcase. Manual Configurations: Using get_config_* methods, user can get the required data if the data is available in the table. Following are the method to get configure data of type integer , string and object of uvm_object based class respectively. function bit get_config_int (string field_name, inout uvm_bitstream_t value) function bit get_config_string (string field_name, inout string value) function bit get_config_object (string field_name, inout uvm_object value, input bit clone = 1) If a entry is found in the table with "field_name" then data will be updated to "value" argument . If entry is not found, then the function returns "0". So when these methods are called, check the return value. Example: Driver class code: class driver extends uvm_driver; integer int_cfg; string str_cfg; `uvm_component_utils(driver) function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction function void build();; void'(get_config_int("int_cfg",int_cfg)); void'(get_config_string("str_cfg",str_cfg)); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf("int_cfg %0d : str_cfg %0s ",int_cfg,str_cfg),UVM_LOW); endfunction endclass Download the source code uvm_configuration_2.tar Browse the code in uvm_configuration_2.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env int_cfg x : str_cfg abcd UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1 int_cfg x : str_cfg UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv int_cfg 32 : str_cfg pars[9/26/2012 2:22:30 PM]


UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon int_cfg 32 : str_cfg pars UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2 int_cfg x : str_cfg UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv int_cfg 32 : str_cfg pars UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon int_cfg 32 : str_cfg pars

Configuration Setting Members: print_config_settings function void print_config_settings ( string field = "", uvm_component comp = null, bit recurse = 0 ) This method prints all configuration information for this component. If "field" is specified and non-empty, then only configuration settings matching that field, if any, are printed. The field may not contain wildcards. If "recurse" is set, then information for all children components are printed recursively. print_config_matches static bit print_config_matches = 0 Setting this static variable causes get_config_* to print info about matching configuration settings as they are being applied. These two members will be helpful to know while debugging. Download the source code uvm_configuration_3.tar Browse the code in uvm_configuration_3.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file When print_config_settings method is called uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv uvm_test_top.*.ag1.* int_cfg int 32 uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv.rsp_port uvm_test_top.*.ag?.* str_cfg string pars uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv.rsp_port uvm_test_top.*.ag1.* int_cfg int 32 uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv.sqr_pull_port uvm_test_top.*.ag?.* str_cfg string pars uvm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv.sqr_pull_port uvm_test_top.*.ag1.* int_cfg int 32 When print_config_matches is set to 1. UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [auto-configuration] Auto-configuration matches for component uvm_test_top.t_env (env). Last entry for a given field takes precedence. Config set from Instance Path Field name Type Value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------uvm_test_top(test1) uvm_test_top.t_env str_cfg string abcd[9/26/2012 2:22:30 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM

The factory pattern is an well known object-oriented design pattern. The factory method design pattern defining a separate method for creating the objects. , whose subclasses can then override to specify the derived type of object that will be created. Using this method, objects are constructed dynamically based on the specification type of the object. User can alter the behavior of the pre-build code without modifying the code. From the testcase, user from environment or testcase can replace any object which is at any hierarchy level with the user defined object.

For example: In your environment, you have a driver component. You would like the extend the driver component for error injection scenario. After defining the extended driver class with error injection, how will you replace the base driver component which is deep in the hierarchy of your environment ? Using hierarchical path, you could replace the driver object with the extended driver. This could not be easy if Report a Bug or Comment there are many driver objects. Then you should also take care of its connections with on This section - Your input is what keeps the other components of testbenchs like scoreboard etc. improving

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback

One more example: In your Ethernet verification environment, you have different with time! drivers to support different interfaces for 10mbps,100mps and 1G. Now you want to Easy Labs : OVM reuse the same environment for 10G verification. Inside somewhere deep in the Easy Labs : VMM hierarchy, while building the components, as a driver components ,your current environment can only select 10mmps/100mps/1G drivers using configuration AVM Switch TB settings. How to add one more driver to the current drivers list of drivers so that VMM Ethernet sample from the testcase you could configure the environment to work for 10G. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Using the uvm fatroy, it is very easy to solve the above two requirements. Only classs extended from uvm_object and uvm_component are supported for this. There are three basic steps to be followed for using uvm factory. 1) Registration 2) Construction 3) Overriding The factory makes it is possible to override the type of uvm component /object or instance of a uvm component/object in2 ways. They are based on uvm component/object type or uvm compoenent/object name. Registration: While defining a class , its type has to be registered with the uvm factory. To do this job easier, uvm has predefined macros.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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`uvm_component_utils(class_type_name) `uvm_component_param_utils(class_type_name #(params)) `uvm_object_utils(class_type_name) `uvm_object_param_utils(class_type_name #(params)) For uvm_*_param_utils are used for parameterized classes and other two macros for non-parameterized class. Registration is required for name-based overriding , it is not required for type-based overriding. EXAMPLE: Example of above macros[9/26/2012 2:22:39 PM]


class packet extends uvm_object; `uvm_object_utils(packet) endclass class packet #(type T=int, int mode=0) extends uvm_object; `uvm_object_param_utils(packet #(T,mode)) endclass class driver extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(driver) endclass class monitor #(type T=int, int mode=0) extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_param_utils(driver#(T,mode)) endclass Construction: To construct a uvm based component or uvm based objects, static method create() should be used. This function constructs the appropriate object based on the overrides and constructs the object and returns it. So while constructing the uvm based components or uvm based objects , do not use new() constructor. Syntax : static function T create(string name, uvm_component parent, string context = " ") The Create() function returns an instance of the component type, T, represented by this proxy, subject to any factory overrides based on the context provided by the parents full name. The context argument, if supplied, supersedes the parents context. The new instance will have the given leaf name and parent. EXAMPLE: class_type object_name; object_name = clss_type::type_id::creat("object_name",this); For uvm_object based classes, doesnt need the parent handle as second argument. Overriding: If required, user could override the registered classes or objects. User can override based of name string or class-type. There are 4 methods defined for overriding: function void set_inst_override_by_type (uvm_object_wrapper original_type, uvm_object_wrapper override_type, string full_inst_path ) The above method is used to override the object instances of "original_type" with "override_type" . "override_type" is extended from"original_type". function void set_inst_override_by_name (string original_type_name, string override_type_name, string full_inst_path )[9/26/2012 2:22:39 PM]


Original_type_name and override_type_name are the class names which are registered in the factory. All the instances of objects with name "Original_type_name" will be overriden with objects of name "override_type_name" using set_inst_override_by_name() method. function void set_type_override_by_type (uvm_object_wrapper original_type, uvm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace = 1 ) Using the above method, request to create an object of overriden with override_type. function void set_type_override_by_name (string original_type_name, string override_type_name, bit replace = 1) Using the above method, request to create an object of original_type_name can be overriden with override_type_name. When multiple overrides are done , then using the argument "replace" , we can control whether to override the previous override or not. If argument "replace" is 1, then previous overrides will be replaced otherwise, previous overrides will remain. print() method, prints the state of the uvm_factory, registered types, instance overrides, and type overrides. Now we will see a complete example. This example is based on the environment build in topic UVM TESTBENCH . Refer to that section for more information about this example. Lets look at the 3 steps which I discussed above using the example defined in UVM TESTBENCH 1) Registration In all the class, you can see the macro `uvm_component_utils(type_name) 2) Construction In file file, monitor and driver are constructed using create() method. mon = monitor::type_id::create("mon",this); drv = driver::type_id::create("drv",this); 3)In this example, a one testcase is already developed in topic UVM_TESTBENCH. There are no over rides in this test case. Topology of this test environment is shown below. original_type can be[9/26/2012 2:22:39 PM]


In this example, there is one driver class and one monitor class. In this testcase , By extending driver class , we will define driver_2 class and by extending monitor class, we will define monitor_2 class. From the testcase , Using set_type_override_by_type, we will override driver with driver_2 and Using set_type_override_by_name, we will override monitor with monitor_2. To know about the overrides which are done, call factory.print() method of factory class. class driver_2 extends driver; `uvm_component_utils(driver_2) function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction endclass class monitor_2 extends monitor; `uvm_component_utils(monitor_2) function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction endclass class test_factory extends uvm_test; `uvm_component_utils(test_factory) env t_env; function new (string name="test1", uvm_component parent=null); (name, parent); factory.set_type_override_by_type(driver::get_type(),driver_2::get_type(),"*"); factory.set_type_override_by_name("monitor","monitor_2","*"); factory.print(); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End_of_elaboration", UVM_LOW);[9/26/2012 2:22:39 PM]


print(); endfunction : end_of_elaboration task run (); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run endclass Download the example: uvm_factory.tar Browse the code in uvm_factory.tar Command to simulate Command to run the example with the testcase which is defined above: VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Method factory.print() displayed all the overrides as shown below in the log file.

#### Factory Configuration (*) No instance overrides are registered with this factory Type Overrides: Requested Type Override Type -------------- ------------driver driver_2 monitor monitor_2

In the below text printed by print_topology() method ,we can see overridden driver and monitor.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------uvm_test_top test_factory uvm_test_top@2 t_env env t_env@4 ag1 agent ag1@6 drv driver_2 drv@12 rsp_port uvm_analysis_port rsp_port@16 sqr_pull_port uvm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@14 mon monitor_2 mon@10 ag2 agent ag2@8 drv driver_2 drv@20 rsp_port uvm_analysis_port rsp_port@24 sqr_pull_port uvm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@22 mon monitor_2 mon@18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

In the below text printed by print_topology() method ,with testcase test1 which does note have overrides. Command to run this example with test1 is VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa

--------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------uvm_test_top test1 uvm_test_top@2 t_env env t_env@4 ag1 agent ag1@6 drv driver drv@12 rsp_port uvm_analysis_port rsp_port@16[9/26/2012 2:22:39 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - UVM Tutorial sqr_pull_port uvm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@14 mon monitor mon@10 ag2 agent ag2@8 drv driver drv@20 rsp_port uvm_analysis_port rsp_port@24 sqr_pull_port uvm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@22 mon monitor mon@18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Introduction A sequence is a series of transaction. User can define the complex stimulus. sequences can be reused, extended, randomized, and combined sequentially and hierarchically in various ways. For example, for a processor, lets say PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV and POP_C are the instructions. If the instructions are generated randomly, then to excursing a meaningful operation like "adding 2 variables" which requires a series of transaction "PUSH_A PUSH_B ADD POP_C " will take longer time. By defining these series of "PUSH_A PUSH_B ADD POP_C ", it would be easy to exercise the DUT. Advantages of uvm sequences : Sequences can be reused. Stimulus generation is independent of testbench. Easy to control the generation of transaction. Sequences can be combined sequentially and hierarchically. A complete sequence generation requires following 4 classes. 1- Sequence item. 2- Sequence 3- Sequencer 4- Driver uvm_sequence_item : User has to define a transaction by extending uvm_sequence_item. uvm_sequence_item class provides the basic functionality for objects, both sequence items and sequences, to operate in the sequence mechanism. For more information about uvm_sequence_item Refer to link UVM_TRANSACTION uvm_sequence: User should extend uvm_sequence class and define the construction of sequence of transactions. These transactions can be directed, constrained randomized or fully randomized. The uvm_sequence class provides the interfaces necessary in order to create streams of sequence items and/or other sequences. virtual class uvm_sequence #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) uvm_sequencer: uvm_sequencer is responsible for the coordination between sequence and driver. Sequencer sends the transaction to driver and gets the response from the driver. The response transaction from the driver is optional. When multiple sequences are running in parallel, then sequencer is responsible for arbitrating between the parallel sequences. There are two types of sequencers : uvm_sequencer and uvm_push_sequencer

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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class uvm_sequencer #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) class uvm_push_sequencer #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) uvm driver: User should extend uvm_driver class to define driver component. uvm driver is a component that initiate requests for new transactions and drives it to lower level components. There are two types of drivers: uvm_driver and uvm_push_driver. class uvm_driver #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) class uvm_push_driver #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) In pull mode , uvm_sequencer is connected to uvm_driver mode uvm_push_sequencer is connectd to uvm_push_driver. , in push

uvm_sequencer and uvm_driver are parameterized components with request and response transaction types. REQ and RSP types by default are uvm_sequence_type types. User can specify REQ and RSP of different transaction types. If user specifies only REQ type, then RSP will be REQ type. Sequence And Driver Communication:

The above image shows how a transaction from a sequence is sent to driver and the response from the driver is sent to sequencer. There are multiple methods called during this operation. First when the body() method is called 1) A transaction is created using "create()" method. If a transaction is created using "create()" method, then it can be overridden if required using uvm factory. 2) After a transaction is created, wait_for_grant() method is called. This method is blocking method.[9/26/2012 2:22:50 PM]


3) In the run task of the driver, when "seq_item_port.get_next_item()" is called, then the sequencer un blocks wait_for_grant() method. If more than one sequence is getting executed by sequencer, then based on arbitration rules, un blocks the wait_for_grant() method. 4) After the wait_for_grant() un blocks, then transaction can be randomized, or its properties can be filled directly. Then using the send_request() method, send the transaction to the driver. 5) After calling the send_request() method, "wait_for_item_done()" method is called. This is a blocking method and execution gets blocks at this method call. 6) The transaction which is sent from sequence , in the driver this transaction is available as "seq_item_port.get_next_item(req)" method argument. Then driver can drive this transaction to bus or lower level. 7) Once the driver operations are completed, then by calling "seq_item_port.put(rsp)", wait_for_item_done() method of sequence gest unblocked. Using get_responce(res), the response transaction from driver is taken by sequence and processes it. After this step, again the steps 1 to 7 are repeated five times.

If a response from driver is not required, then steps 5,6,7 can be skipped and item_done() method from driver should be called as shown in above image.

Simple Example Lest write an example: This is a simple example of processor instruction. Various instructions which are supported by the processor are PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV and POP_C. Sequence Item 1) Extend uvm_sequence_item and define instruction class. class instruction extends uvm_sequence_item; 2) Define the instruction as enumerated types and declare a variable of instruction enumerated type. typedef enum {PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,POP_C} inst_t; rand inst_t inst; 3) Define operational method using uvm_field_* macros. `uvm_object_utils_begin(instruction) `uvm_field_enum(inst_t,inst, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_object_utils_end 4) Define the constructor.[9/26/2012 2:22:50 PM]


function new (string name = "instruction");; endfunction Sequence item code: class instruction extends uvm_sequence_item; typedef enum {PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,POP_C} inst_t; rand inst_t inst; `uvm_object_utils_begin(instruction) `uvm_field_enum(inst_t,inst, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_object_utils_end function new (string name = "instruction");; endfunction endclass Sequence We will define a operation addition using uvm_sequence. The instruction sequence should be "PUSH A PUSH B ADD POP C". 1) Define a sequence by extending uvm_sequence. Set REQ parameter to "instruction" type. class operation_addition extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); 2) Define the constructor. function new(string name="operation_addition");; endfunction 3) Lets name the sequencer which we will develop is "instruction_sequencer". Using the `uvm_sequence_utils macro, register the "operation_addition" sequence with "instruction_sequencer" sequencer. This macro adds the sequence to the sequencer list. This macro will also register the sequence for factory overrides. `uvm_sequence_utils(operation_addition, instruction_sequencer) 4) In the body() method, first call wait_for_grant(), then construct a transaction and set the instruction enum to PUSH_A . Then send the transaction to driver using send_request() method. Then call the wait_for_item_done() method. Repeat the above steps for other instructions PUSH_B, ADD and POP_C. For construction of a transaction, we will use the create() method. virtual task body(); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); assert(req.randomize() with { inst == instruction::PUSH_A; }); send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); This is optional. Not using in this example. req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::PUSH_B; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::ADD; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res);[9/26/2012 2:22:50 PM]


req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::POP_C; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); endtask Sequence code class operation_addition extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="operation_addition");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(operation_addition, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); assert(req.randomize() with { inst == instruction::PUSH_A; }); send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); This is optional. Not using in this example. req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::PUSH_B; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::ADD; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::POP_C; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); endtask endclass Sequencer: uvm_sequence has a property called default_sequence. Default sequence is a sequence which will be started automatically. Using set_config_string, user can override the default sequence to any user defined sequence, so that when a sequencer is started, automatically a user defined sequence will be started. If over rides are not done with user defined sequence, then a random transaction are generated. Using "start_default_sequence()" method, "default_sequence" can also be started. uvm sequencer has seq_item_export and res_export tlm ports for connecting to uvm driver. 1) Define instruction_sequencer by extending uvm_sequencer. class instruction_sequencer extends uvm_sequencer #(instruction); 2) Define the constructor. Inside the constructor, place the macro `uvm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(). This macro creates 3 predefined sequences. We will discuss about the predefined[9/26/2012 2:22:50 PM]


sequences in next section. function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); `uvm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(instruction) endfunction 3) Place the uvm_sequencer_utils macro. This macro registers the sequencer for factory overrides. `uvm_sequencer_utils(instruction_sequencer) Sequencer Code; class instruction_sequencer extends uvm_sequencer #(instruction); function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); `uvm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(instruction) endfunction `uvm_sequencer_utils(instruction_sequencer) endclass Driver: uvm_driver is a class which is extended from uvm_componenet. This driver is used in pull mode. Pull mode means, driver pulls the transaction from the sequencer when it requires. uvm driver has 2 TLM ports. 1) Seq_item_port: To get a item from sequencer, driver uses this port. Driver can also send response back using this port. 2) Rsp_port : This can also be used to send response back to sequencer. Seq_item_port methods:

Lets implement a driver: 1) Define a driver which takes the instruction from the sequencer and does the processing. In this example we will just print the instruction type and wait for some delay. class instruction_driver extends uvm_driver #(instruction); 2) Place the uvm_component_utils get_type_name and create. macro to define virtual methods like

`uvm_component_utils(instruction_driver) 3) Define Constructor method.[9/26/2012 2:22:50 PM]


function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction 4) Define the run() method. Run() method is executed in the "run phase". In this methods, transactions are taken from the sequencer and drive them on to dut interface or to other components. Driver class has a port "seq_item_port". Using the method seq_item_port.get_next_item(), get the transaction from the sequencer and process it. Once the processing is done, using the item_done() method, indicate to the sequencer that the request is completed. In this example, after taking the transaction, we will print the transaction and wait for 10 units time. task run (); while(1) begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(req); $display("%0d: Driving Instruction %s",$time,; #10; seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask endclass Driver class code: class instruction_driver extends uvm_driver #(instruction); // Provide implementations of virtual methods such as get_type_name and create `uvm_component_utils(instruction_driver) // Constructor function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction task run (); forever begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(req); $display("%0d: Driving Instruction %s",$time,; #10; // rsp.set_id_info(req); These two steps are required only if // seq_item_port.put(esp); responce needs to be sent back to sequence seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask endclass Driver And Sequencer Connectivity: Deriver and sequencer are connected using TLM. uvm_driver has seq_item_port which is used to get the transaction from uvm sequencer. This port is connected to uvm_sequencer seq_item_export Using "<driver>.seq_item_port.connect(<sequencer>.seq_item_export);" driver and sequencer can be connected. Simillarly "res_port" of driver which is used to send response from driver to sequencer is connected to "res_export" of the sequencer using ""<driver>.res_port.connect(<sequencer>.res_export);".[9/26/2012 2:22:50 PM]


Testcase: This testcase is used only for the demo purpose of this tutorial session. Actually, the sequencer and the driver and instantiated and their ports are connected in a agent component and used. Lets implement a testcase 1) Take instances of sequencer and driver and construct both components. sequencer = new("sequencer", null);; driver = new("driver", null);; 2) Connect the seq_item_export to the drivers seq_item_port. driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); 3) Using set_confg_string() method, set the default sequence of the sequencer to "operation_addition". Operation_addition is the sequence which we defined previous. set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "operation_addition"); 4) Using the start_default_sequence() method of the sequencer, start the default sequence of the sequencer. In the previous step we configured the addition operation as default sequene. When you run the simulation, you will see the PUSH_A,PUSH_B ADD and POP_C series of transaction. sequencer.start_default_sequence(); Testcase Code: module test; instruction_sequencer sequencer; instruction_driver driver; initial begin set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "operation_addition"); sequencer = new("sequencer", null);; driver = new("driver", null);;[9/26/2012 2:22:50 PM]


driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); sequencer.print(); fork begin run_test(); sequencer.start_default_sequence(); end #2000 global_stop_request(); join end endmodule Download the example: uvm_basic_sequence.tar Browse the code in uvm_basic_sequence.tar Command to simulate VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file Output UVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test ... 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 20: Driving Instruction ADD 30: Driving Instruction POP_C

From the above log , we can see that transactions are generates as we defined in uvm sequence.




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Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Pre Defined Sequences: Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Every sequencer in uvm has 3 pre defined sequences. They are Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 1)uvm_random_sequence Uvm Sequence 2 2)uvm_exhaustive_sequence. Uvm Sequence 3 3)uvm_simple_sequence Uvm Sequence 4 All the user defined sequences which are registered by user and the above three Uvm Sequence 5 predefined sequences are stored in sequencer queue. Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback


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uvm_random_sequence : This sequence randomly selects and executes a sequence from the sequencer sequence library, excluding uvm_random_sequence itself, and uvm_exhaustive_sequence. From the above image, from sequence id 2 to till the last sequence, all the sequences are executed randomly. If the "count" variable of the sequencer is set to 0, then non of the sequence is executed. If the "count" variable of the sequencer is set to -1, then some random number of sequences from 0 to "max_random_count" are executed. By default "max_random_count" is set to 10. "Count" and "max_random_count" can be changed using set_config_int(). The sequencer when automatically started executes the sequence which is point by By default default_sequence variable points to uvm_random_sequence. uvm_exhaustive_sequence: This sequence randomly selects and executes each sequence from the sequencers sequence library once in a randc style, excluding itself and uvm_random_sequence. uvm_simple_sequence: This sequence simply executes a single sequence item. In the previous example from UVM_SEQUENCE_1 section. The print() method of the sequencer in that example printed the following

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RVM Ethernet sample default_sequence.

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--------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------sequencer instruction_sequen+ sequencer@2 rsp_export uvm_analysis_export rsp_export@4 seq_item_export uvm_seq_item_pull_+ seq_item_export@28 default_sequence string 18 operation_addition count integral 32 -1 max_random_count integral 32 'd10 sequences array 4 [0] string 19 uvm_random_sequence [1] string 23 uvm_exhaustive_sequ+ [2] string 19 uvm_simple_sequence [3] string 18 operation_addition max_random_depth integral 32 'd4 num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1 num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Some observations from the above log: The count is set to -1. The default sequencer is set to operations_addition. There are 3 predefined sequences and 1 user defined sequence. Lets look at a example: In the attached example, in file file, there are 4 seuqneces, they are operation_addition, operation_subtraction, operation_multiplication. In the file, the "default_seuence" is set to "uvm_exhaustive_sequence" using the set_config_string. set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "uvm_exhaustive_sequence"); Download the example uvm_sequence_1.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_1.tar Command to run the summation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log File 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 10: Driving 20: Driving 30: Driving 40: Driving 50: Driving 60: Driving 70: Driving 80: Driving Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction PUSH_A PUSH_B SUB POP_C PUSH_A PUSH_B MUL POP_C

90: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 100: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 110: Driving Instruction ADD 120: Driving Instruction POP_C[9/26/2012 2:22:59 PM]


From the above log , we can see that all the 3 user defined sequences and predefined uvm_simple_sequence are executed.

Sequence Action Macro: In the previous sections, we have seen the implementation of body() method of sequence. The body() method implementation requires some steps. We have seen these steps as Creation of item, wait for grant, randomize the item, send the item. All these steps have be automated using "sequence action macros". There are some more additional steps added in these macros. Following are the steps defined with the "sequence action macro".

Pre_do(), mid_do() and post_do() are callback methods which are in uvm sequence. If user is interested , he can use these methods. For example, in mid_do() method, user can print the transaction or the randomized transaction can be fined tuned. These methods should not be clled by user directly. Syntax: virtual task pre_do(bit is_item) virtual function void mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item) virtual function void post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item) Pre_do() is a task , if the method consumes simulation cycles, the behavior may be unexpected. Example Of Pre_do,Mid_do And Post_do Lets look at a example: We will define a sequence using `uvm_do macro. This macro has all the above defined phases. 1)Define the body method using the `uvm_do() macro. Before and after this macro, just call messages. virtual task body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : Before uvm_do macro ",UVM_LOW); `uvm_do(req); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : After uvm_do macro ",UVM_LOW); endtask 2)Define pre_do() method. Lets just print a message from this method. virtual task pre_do(bit is_item); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : PRE_DO ",UVM_LOW);[9/26/2012 2:22:59 PM]


endtask 3)Define mid_do() method. Lets just print a message from this method. virtual function void mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : MID_DO ",UVM_LOW); endfunction 4)Define post_do() method. Lets just print a message from this method. virtual function void post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : POST_DO ",UVM_LOW); endfunction Complet sequence code: class demo_uvm_do extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="demo_uvm_do");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(demo_uvm_do, instruction_sequencer) virtual task pre_do(bit is_item); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : PRE_DO ",UVM_LOW); endtask virtual function void mid_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : MID_DO ",UVM_LOW); endfunction virtual function void post_do(uvm_sequence_item this_item); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : POST_DO ",UVM_LOW); endfunction virtual task body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : Before uvm_do macro ",UVM_LOW); `uvm_do(req); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : After uvm_do macro ",UVM_LOW); endtask endclass Download the example uvm_sequence_2.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_2.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file report: UVM_INFO@0:reporter[sequencer.demo_uvm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : Before uvm_do macro UVM_INFO@0:reporter[sequencer.demo_uvm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : PRE_DO UVM_INFO@0:reporter[sequencer.demo_uvm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : MID_DO 0: Driving Instruction MUL[9/26/2012 2:22:59 PM]


UVM_INFO@10:reporter[sequencer.demo_uvm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : POST_DO UVM_INFO@10:reporter[sequencer.demo_uvm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : After uvm_do macro The above log file shows the messages from pre_do,mid_do and post_do methods. List Of Sequence Action Macros: These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items that were either registered with a <`uvm-sequence_utils> macro or whose associated sequencer was already set using the <set_sequencer> method. `uvm_create(item/sequence) This action creates the item or sequence using the factory. Only the create phase will be executed. `uvm_do(item/sequence) This macro takes as an argument a uvm_sequence_item variable or sequence . All the above defined 7 phases will be executed. `uvm_do_with(item/sequence, Constraint block) This is the same as `uvm_do except that the constraint block in the 2nd argument is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. `uvm_send(item/sequence) Create phase and randomize phases are skipped, rest all the phases will be executed. Using `uvm_create, create phase can be executed. Essentially, an `uvm_do without the create or randomization. `uvm_rand_send(item/sequence) Only create phase is skipped. rest of all the phases will be executed. User should use `uvm_create to create the sequence or item. `uvm_rand_send_with(item/sequence , Constraint block) Only create phase is skipped. rest of all the phases will be executed. User should use `uvm_create to create the sequence or item. Constraint block will be applied which randomization. `uvm_do_pri(item/sequence, priority ) This is the same as `uvm_do except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument. `uvm_do_pri_with(item/sequence , constraint block , priority) This is the same as `uvm_do_pri except that the given constraint block is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. `uvm_send_pri(item/sequence,priority) This is the same as `uvm_send except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument. `uvm_rand_send_pri(item/sequence,priority) This is the same as `uvm_rand_send except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument. `uvm_rand_send_pri_with(item/sequence,priority,constraint block) This is the same as `uvm_rand_send_pri except that the given constraint block is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. Following macros are used on sequence or sequence items on a different sequencer.[9/26/2012 2:22:59 PM]


`uvm_create_on(item/sequence,sequencer) This is the same as `uvm_create except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. `uvm_do_on(item/sequence,sequencer) This is the same as `uvm_do except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. `uvm_do_on_pri(item/sequence,sequencer, priority) This is the same as `uvm_do_pri except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. `uvm_do_on_with(item/sequence,sequencer, constraint block) This is the same as `uvm_do_with except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. The user must supply brackets around the constraints. `uvm_do_on_pri_with(item/sequence,sequencer,priority,constraint block) This is the same as `uvm_do_pri_with except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. Examples With Sequence Action Macros: virtual task body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Executing Sequence Action Macro uvm_do",UVM_LOW); `uvm_do(req) endtask virtual task body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Executing Sequence Action Macro uvm_do_with ",UVM_LOW); `uvm_do_with(req,{ inst == ADD; }) endtask virtual task body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Executing Sequence Action Macro uvm_create and uvm_send",UVM_LOW); `uvm_create(req) req.inst = instruction::PUSH_B; `uvm_send(req) endtask virtual task body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Executing Sequence uvm_rand_send",UVM_LOW); `uvm_create(req) `uvm_rand_send(req) endtask





Download the example uvm_sequence_3.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_3.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs[9/26/2012 2:22:59 PM]


Questa Users: make questa Log file report 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_B UVM_INFO@10:reporter[***]Executing Sequence Action Macro uvm_do_with 10: Driving Instruction ADD UVM_INFO@20:reporter[***]Executing Sequence Action Macro uvm_create uvm_send 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_B UVM_INFO@30:reporter[***]Executing Sequence Action Macro uvm_do 30: Driving Instruction DIV UVM_INFO@40:reporter[***]Executing Sequence Action Macro uvm_create uvm_rand_send 40: Driving Instruction MUL






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Body Callbacks: uvm sequences has two callback methods pre_body() and post_body(), which are executed before and after the sequence body() method execution. These callbacks are called only when start_sequence() of sequencer or start() method of the sequence is called. User should not call these methods. virtual task pre_body() virtual task post_body() Example

In this example, I just printed messages from pre_body() and post_body() methods. These methods can be used for initialization, synchronization with some events or Report a Bug or Comment cleanup. class demo_pre_body_post_body extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="demo_pre_body_post_body");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(demo_pre_body_post_body, instruction_sequencer)
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Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

virtual task pre_body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name()," pre_body() callback ",UVM_LOW); endtask virtual task post_body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name()," post_body() callback ",UVM_LOW); endtask virtual task body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "body() method: Before uvm_do macro ",UVM_LOW); `uvm_do(req); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), "body() method: After uvm_do macro ",UVM_LOW); endtask endclass Download the example uvm_sequence_4.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_4.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa

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Log file report UVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test ... UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [***] pre_body() callback UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [***] body() method: Before uvm_do macro 0: Driving Instruction SUB UVM_INFO @ 10: reporter [***] body() method: After uvm_do macro UVM_INFO @ 10: reporter [***] post_body() callback

Hierarchical Sequences One main advantage of sequences is smaller sequences can be used to create sequences to generate stimulus required for todays complex protocol. To create a sequence using another sequence, following steps has to be done 1)Extend the uvm_sequence class and define a new class. 2)Declare instances of child sequences which will be used to create new sequence. 3)Start the child sequence using <instance>.start() method in body() method. Sequential Sequences To executes child sequences sequentially, child sequence start() method should be called sequentially in body method. In the below example you can see all the 3 steps mentioned above. In this example, I have defined 2 child sequences. These child sequences can be used as normal sequences. Sequence 1 code: This sequence generates 4 PUSH_A instructions. virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_A; }); end endtask Sequence 2 code: This sequence generates 4 PUSH_B instructions. virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_B; }); end endtask Sequential Sequence code: This sequence first calls sequence 1 and then calls sequence 2. class sequential_sequence extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); seq_a s_a; seq_b s_b; function new(string name="sequential_sequence");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(sequential_sequence, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body();[9/26/2012 2:23:07 PM]


`uvm_do(s_a); `uvm_do(s_b); endtask endclass From the testcase, "sequential_sequence" is selected as "default_sequence". Download the example uvm_sequence_5.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_5.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file report 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 30: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 40: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 50: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 60: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 70: Driving Instruction PUSH_B If you observe the above log, you can see sequence seq_a is executed first and then sequene seq_b is executed. Parallelsequences To executes child sequences Parallel, child sequence start() method should be called parallel using fork/join in body method. Parallel Sequence code: class parallel_sequence extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); seq_a s_a; seq_b s_b; function new(string name="parallel_sequence");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(parallel_sequence, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); fork `uvm_do(s_a) `uvm_do(s_b) join endtask endclass Download the example uvm_sequence_6.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_6.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file report[9/26/2012 2:23:07 PM]


UVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test ... 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 30: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 40: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 50: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 60: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 70: Driving Instruction PUSH_B




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Sequencer Arbitration: Uvm Reporting When sequences are executed parallel, sequencer will arbitrate among the parallel Uvm Transaction sequence. When all the parallel sequences are waiting for a grant from sequencer Uvm Configuration using wait_for_grant() method, then the sequencer, using the arbitration mechanism, Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 sequencer grants to one of the sequencer. Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 There are 6 different arbitration algorithms, they are Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback


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To set the arbitaration, use the set_arbitration() method of the sequencer. By default , the arbitration algorithms is set to SEQ_ARB_FIFO. function void set_arbitration(SEQ_ARB_TYPE val) Lets look at a example. In this example, I have 3 child sequences seq_mul seq_add and seq_sub each of them generates 3 transactions. Sequence code 1: virtual task body(); repeat(3) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == MUL; }); end endtask Sequence code 2: virtual task body(); repeat(3) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == ADD; }); end endtask Sequence code 3: virtual task body(); repeat(3) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == SUB; });

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end endtask Parallel sequence code: In the body method, before starting child sequences, set the arbitration using set_arbitration(). In this code, im setting it to SEQ_ARB_RANDOM. class parallel_sequence extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); seq_add add; seq_sub sub; seq_mul mul; function new(string name="parallel_sequence");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(parallel_sequence, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); m_sequencer.set_arbitration(SEQ_ARB_RANDOM); fork `uvm_do(add) `uvm_do(sub) `uvm_do(mul) join endtask endclass Download the example uvm_sequence_7.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_7.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa

Log file report for when SEQ_ARB_RANDOM is set. 0: Driving Instruction MUL 10: Driving Instruction SUB 20: Driving Instruction MUL 30: Driving Instruction SUB 40: Driving Instruction MUL 50: Driving Instruction ADD 60: Driving Instruction ADD 70: Driving Instruction SUB 80: Driving Instruction ADD Log file report for when SEQ_ARB_FIFO is set. 0: Driving Instruction ADD 10: Driving Instruction SUB 20: Driving Instruction MUL 30: Driving Instruction ADD 40: Driving Instruction SUB 50: Driving Instruction MUL 60: Driving Instruction ADD 70: Driving Instruction SUB 80: Driving Instruction MUL[9/26/2012 2:23:16 PM]


If you observe the first log report, all the transaction of the sequences are generated in random order. In the second log file, the transactions are given equal priority and are in fifo order. Setting The Sequence Priority: There are two ways to set the priority of a sequence. One is using the start method of the sequence and other using the set_priority() method of the sequence. By default, the priority of a sequence is 100. Higher numbers indicate higher priority. virtual task start (uvm_sequencer_base sequencer, uvm_sequence_base parent_sequence = null, integer this_priority = 100, bit call_pre_post = 1) function void set_priority (int value) Lets look a example with SEQ_ARB_WEIGHTED. For sequence seq_mul set the weight to 200. For sequence seq_add set the weight to 300. For sequence seq_sub set the weight to 400. In the below example, start() method is used to override the default priority value. Code : class parallel_sequence extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); seq_add add; seq_sub sub; seq_mul mul; function new(string name="parallel_sequence");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(parallel_sequence, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); m_sequencer.set_arbitration(SEQ_ARB_WEIGHTED); add = new("add"); sub = new("sub"); mul = new("mul"); fork sub.start(m_sequencer,this,400); add.start(m_sequencer,this,300); mul.start(m_sequencer,this,200); join endtask endclass Download the example uvm_sequence_8.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_8.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa

Log file report 0: Driving Instruction MUL 10: Driving Instruction ADD[9/26/2012 2:23:16 PM]


20: Driving 30: Driving 40: Driving 50: Driving 60: Driving 70: Driving 80: Driving

Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction





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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Sequencer Registration Macros Sequence Registration Macros does the following 1) Implements get_type_name method. 2) Implements create() method. 3) Registers with the factory. 4) Implements the static get_type() method. 5) Implements the virtual get_object_type() method. 6) Registers the sequence type with the sequencer type. 7) Defines p_sequencer variable. p_sequencer is a handle to its sequencer. 8) Implements m_set_p_sequencer() method. If there are no local variables, then use following macro `uvm_sequence_utils(TYPE_NAME,SQR_TYPE_NAME) If there are local variables in sequence, then use macro `uvm_sequence_utils_begin(TYPE_NAME,SQR_TYPE_NAME) `uvm_field_* macro invocations here `uvm_sequence_utils_end

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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VMM Ethernet sample Macros `uvm_field_* are used for define utility methods.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

These `uvm_field_* macros are discussed in UVM_TRANSACTION

Example to demonstrate the usage of the above macros: class seq_mul extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); rand integer num_inst ; instruction req; constraint num_c { num_inst inside { 3,5,7 }; }; `uvm_sequence_utils_begin(seq_mul,instruction_sequencer) `uvm_field_int(num_inst, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_sequence_utils_end function new(string name="seq_mul");; endfunction virtual task body(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf("Num of transactions %d",num_inst),UVM_LOW); repeat(num_inst) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == MUL; }); end endtask

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:23:26 PM]


endclass Download the example uvm_sequence_9.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_9.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test ... UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [sequencer.seq_mul] Num of transactions 0: Driving Instruction MUL 10: Driving Instruction MUL 20: Driving Instruction MUL 30: Driving Instruction MUL 40: Driving Instruction MUL Setting Sequence Members: set_config_* can be used only for the components not for the sequences. By using configuration you can change the variables inside components only not in sequences. But there is a workaround to this problem. Sequence has handle name called p_sequencer which is pointing the Sequencer on which it is running. Sequencer is a component , so get_config_* methods are implemented for it. So from the sequence, using the sequencer get_config_* methods, sequence members can be updated if the variable is configured. When using set_config_* , path to the variable should be sequencer name, as we are using the sequencer get_config_* method. Following method demonstrates how this can be done: Sequence: 1) num_inst is a integer variables which can be updated. 2) In the body method, call the get_config_int() method to get the integer value if num_inst is configured from testcase. class seq_mul extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); integer num_inst = 4; instruction req; `uvm_sequence_utils_begin(seq_mul,instruction_sequencer) `uvm_field_int(num_inst, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_sequence_utils_end function new(string name="seq_mul");; endfunction virtual task body(); void'(p_sequencer.get_config_int("num_inst",num_inst)); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf("Num of transactions %d",num_inst),UVM_LOW); 5[9/26/2012 2:23:26 PM]


repeat(num_inst) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == MUL; }); end endtask endclass Testcase: From the testcase, using the set_config_int() method, configure the num_inst to 3. The instance path argument should be the sequencer path name. module test; instruction_sequencer sequencer; instruction_driver driver; initial begin set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "seq_mul"); set_config_int("sequencer", "num_inst",3); sequencer = new("sequencer", null);; driver = new("driver", null);; driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); sequencer.print(); fork begin run_test(); sequencer.start_default_sequence(); end #3000 global_stop_request(); join end endmodule Download the example uvm_sequence_10.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_10.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test ... UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [sequencer.seq_mul] Num of transactions 0: Driving Instruction MUL 10: Driving Instruction MUL 20: Driving Instruction MUL From the above log we can see that seq_mul.num_inst value is 3. 3



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Exclusive Access A sequence may need exclusive access to the driver which sequencer is arbitrating among multiple sequence. Some operations require that a series of transaction needs to be driven without any other transaction in between them. Then a exclusive access to the driver will allow to a sequence to complete its operation with out any other sequence operations in between them. There are 2 mechanisms to get exclusive access: Lock-unlcok Grab-ungrab Lock-Unlock task lock(uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = Null) function void unlock(uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = Null) Using lock() method , a sequence can requests for exclusive access. A lock request will be arbitrated the same as any other request. A lock is granted after all earlier requests are completed and no other locks or grabs are blocking this sequence. A lock() is blocking task and when access is granted, it will unblock. Using unlock(), removes any locks or grabs obtained by this sequence on the specified sequencer. If sequencer is null, the lock/unlock will be applied on the current default sequencer. Lets see an example, In this example there are 3 sequences with each sequence generating 4 transactions. All these 3 sequences will be called in parallel in another sequence. Sequence 1 code:

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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_A; }); end endtask Sequence 2 code: virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == POP_C; }); end endtask

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Sequence 3 code: In this sequence , call the lock() method to get the exclusive access to driver. After completing all the transaction driving, then call the unclock() method. virtual task body();[9/26/2012 2:23:34 PM]


lock(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_B; }); end unlock(); endtask Parallel sequence code: virtual task body(); fork `uvm_do(s_a) `uvm_do(s_b) `uvm_do(s_c) join endtask Download the example uvm_sequence_11.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_11.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log file: 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction POP_C 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 30: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 40: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 50: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 60: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 70: Driving Instruction POP_C 80: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 90: Driving Instruction POP_C 100: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 110: Driving Instruction POP_C From the above log file, we can observe that , when seq_b sequence got the access, then transactions from seq_a and seq_c are not generated. Lock() will be arbitrated before giving the access. To get the exclusive access without arbitration, grab() method should be used. Grab-Ungrab task grab(uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = null) function void ungrab(uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = null) grab() method requests a lock on the specified sequencer. A grab() request is put in front of the arbitration queue. It will be arbitrated before any other requests. A grab() is granted when no other grabs or locks are blocking this sequence. A grab() is blocking task and when access is granted, it will unblock. Ungrab() method removes any locks or grabs obtained by this sequence on the specified sequencer. If no argument is supplied, then current default sequencer is chosen. Example:[9/26/2012 2:23:34 PM]


virtual task body(); #25; grab(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_B; }); end ungrab(); endtask Download the example uvm_sequence_12.tar Browse the code in uvm_sequence_12.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa

0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction POP_C 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 30: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 40: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 50: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 60: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 70: Driving Instruction POP_C 80: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 90: Driving Instruction POP_C 100: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 110: Driving Instruction POP_C




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Before going into the TLM interface concepts, lets see why we need TLM interface Port Based Data Transfer: Following is a simple verification environment.

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Components generator and driver are implemented as modules. These modules are connected using module ports or SV interfaces. The advantage of this methodology is, the two above mentioned components are independent. Instead of consumer module, any other component which can understand producer interface can be connected, which gives a great reusability. The disadvantage of this methodology is , data transfer is done at lower lever abstraction. Task Based Data Transfer:

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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In the above environment, methods are used to transfer the data between components. So, this gives a better control and data transfer is done at high level. The disadvantage is, components are using hierarchal paths which do not allow the reusability. TLM interfaces: UVM has TLM interfaces which provide the advantages which we saw in the above two data transfer styles. Data is transferred at high level. Transactions which are developed by extending the uvm_sequence_item can be transferred between components using method calls. These methods are not hierarchal fixed, so that components can be reused. The advantages of TLM interfaces are 1) Higher level abstraction 2) Reusable. Plug and play connections. 3) Maintainability 4) Less code. 5) Easy to implement. 6) Faster simulation. 7) Connect to Systemc. 8) Can be used for reference model development. Operation Supported By Tlm Interface: Putting: Producer transfers a value to Consumer. Getting: Consumer requires a data value from producer. Peeking: Copies data from a producer without consuming the data. Broadcasting: Transaction is broadcasted to none or one or multiple consumers. Methods BLOCKING: virtual task put(input T1 t) virtual task get(output T2 t) virtual task peek(output T2 t) NON-BLOCKIN: virtual function bit try_put(input T1 t) virtual function bit can_put() virtual function bit try_get(output T2 t) virtual function bit can_get() virtual function bit try_peek(output T2 t)[9/26/2012 2:23:43 PM]


virtual function bit can_peek() BLOCKING TRANSPORT: virtual task transport(input T1 req,output T2 rsp) NON-BLOCKING TRANSPORT: virtual function bit nb_transport(input T1 req,output T2 rsp) ANALYSIS: virtual function void write(input T1 t) Tlm Terminology : Producer: A component which Consumer: A component which Initiator: A component which Target: A component which generates a transaction. consumes the transaction. initiates process. responded to initiator.

Tlm Interface Compilation Models: Blocking: A blocking interface conveys transactions in blocking fashion; its methods do not return until the transaction has been successfully sent or retrieved. Its methods are defined as tasks. Non-blocking: A non-blocking interface attempts to convey a transaction without consuming simulation time. Its methods are declared as functions. Because delivery may fail (e.g. the target component is busy and can not accept the request), the methods may return with failed status. Combined: A combination interface contains both the blocking and non-blocking variants. Interfaces: The UVM provides ports, exports and implementation and analysis ports for connecting your components via the TLM interfaces. Port, Export, implementation terminology applies to control flow not to data flow. Port: Interface that requires an implementation is port. Import: Interface that provides an implementation is import ot implementation port. Export: Interface used to route transaction interfaces to other layers of the hierarchy. Analysis: Interface used to distribute transactions to passive components. Direction: Unidirectional: Data transfer is done in a single direction and flow of control is in either or both direction. Bidirectional: Data transfer is done in both directions and flow of control is in either or both directions. Examples: A read operation is a bidirectional. A write operation is unidirectional. Lets look at a example: In this example, we will use *_put_* interface.[9/26/2012 2:23:43 PM]


There are 2 components, producer and consumer. Producer generates the transaction and Consumers consumes it. In this example, producer calls the put() method to send transaction to consumer i.e producer is initiator and consumer is target. When the put() method in the producer is called, it actually executes the put() method which is defined in consumer component. Transaction We will use the below transaction in this example. class instruction extends uvm_sequence_item; typedef enum {PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,POP_C} inst_t; rand inst_t inst; `uvm_object_utils_begin(instruction) `uvm_field_enum(inst_t,inst, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_object_utils_end function new (string name = "instruction");; endfunction endclass Producer: 1) Define producer component by extending uvm_component. class producer extends uvm_component; endclass : producer 2) Declare uvm_blocking_put_port port. uvm_blocking_put_port#(instruction) put_port; 3) In the constructor, construct the port. function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); put_port = new("put_port", this); endfunction 4) Define the run() method. In this method, randomize the transaction. Then call the put() of the put_port and pass the randomized transaction. task run; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) begin instruction ints; #10; ints = new(); if(ints.randomize()) begin `uvm_info("producer", $sformatf("sending %s",, UVM_MEDIUM) put_port.put(ints); end end endtask Producer source code class producer extends uvm_component; uvm_blocking_put_port#(instruction) put_port;[9/26/2012 2:23:43 PM]


function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); put_port = new("put_port", this); endfunction task run; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) begin instruction ints; #10; ints = new(); if(ints.randomize()) begin `uvm_info("producer", $sformatf("sending %s",, UVM_MEDIUM) put_port.put(ints); end end endtask endclass : producer Consumer: 1) Define a consumer component by extending uvm_component. class consumer extends uvm_component; endclass : consumer 2) Declare uvm_blocking_put_imp import. The parameters to this port are transaction and the consumer component itself. uvm_blocking_put_imp#(instruction,consumer) put_port; 3) In the construct , construct the port. function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); put_port = new("put_port", this); endfunction 4) Define put() method. When the producer calls "put_port.put(ints);", then this method will be called. Arguments to this method is transaction type "instruction". In this method, we will just print the transaction. task put(instruction t); `uvm_info("consumer", $sformatf("receiving %s",, UVM_MEDIUM) endtask Consumer source code class consumer extends uvm_component; uvm_blocking_put_imp#(instruction,consumer) put_port; function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); put_port = new("put_port", this); endfunction task put(instruction t); `uvm_info("consumer", $sformatf("receiving %s",, UVM_MEDIUM) //push the transaction into queue or array //or drive the transaction to next level //or drive to interface endtask endclass : consumer Connecting producer and consumer In the env class, take the instance of producer and consumer components. In the connect method, connect the producer put_port to consumer put_port using[9/26/2012 2:23:43 PM]


p.put_port.connect(c.put_port); Env Source code class env extends uvm_env; producer p; consumer c; function new(string name = "env");; p = new("producer", this); c = new("consumer", this); endfunction function void connect(); p.put_port.connect(c.put_port); endfunction task run(); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask endclass Testcase module test; env e; initial begin e = new(); run_test(); end endmodule Download the example uvm_tlm_1.tar Browse the code in uvm_tlm_1.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log UVM_INFO @ 10: env.producer [producer] sending PUSH_A UVM_INFO @ 10: env.consumer [consumer] receiving PUSH_A UVM_INFO @ 20: env.producer [producer] sending PUSH_B UVM_INFO @ 20: env.consumer [consumer] receiving PUSH_B

One more example using *_get_* interface as per the below topology.

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uvm_tlm_2.tar Browse the code in uvm_tlm_2.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa All Interfaces In Uvm:

uvm_blocking_put_port #(T) uvm_nonblocking_put_port #(T) uvm_put_port #(T) uvm_blocking_get_port #(T) uvm_nonblocking_get_port #(T) uvm_get_port #(T) uvm_blocking_peek_port #(T) uvm_nonblocking_peek_port #(T) uvm_peek_port #(T) uvm_blocking_get_peek_port #(T) uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_port #(T) uvm_get_peek_port #(T) uvm_analysis_port #(T) uvm_transport_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_blocking_transport_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_nonblocking_transport_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_master_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_blocking_master_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_nonblocking_master_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_slave_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_blocking_slave_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_nonblocking_slave_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_put_export #(T) uvm_blocking_put_export #(T) uvm_nonblocking_put_export #(T) uvm_get_export #(T) uvm_blocking_get_export #(T) uvm_nonblocking_get_export #(T) uvm_peek_export #(T) uvm_blocking_peek_export #(T) uvm_nonblocking_peek_export #(T) uvm_get_peek_export #(T) uvm_blocking_get_peek_export #(T) uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_export #(T) uvm_analysis_export #(T) uvm_transport_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_nonblocking_transport_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_master_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_blocking_master_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_nonblocking_master_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_slave_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_blocking_slave_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_nonblocking_slave_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_put_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_blocking_put_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_nonblocking_put_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_get_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_blocking_get_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_nonblocking_get_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_peek_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_blocking_peek_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_nonblocking_peek_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_get_peek_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_blocking_get_peek_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_analysis_imp #(T,IMP) uvm_transport_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) uvm_blocking_transport_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) uvm_nonblocking_transport_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) uvm_master_imp #(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) uvm_blocking_master_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) uvm_nonblocking_master_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) uvm_slave_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) uvm_blocking_slave_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) uvm_nonblocking_slave_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP)



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Analysis The analysis port is used to perform non-blocking broadcasts of transactions. It is by components like monitors/drivers to publish transactions to its subscribers, which are typically scoreboards and response/coverage collectors. For each port, more than one component can be connected. Even if a component is not connected to the port, simulation can continue, unlike put/get ports where simulation is not continued. The uvm_analysis_port consists of a single function, write(). Subscriber component should provide an implementation of write()method. UVM provides the uvm_subscriber base component to simplify this operation, so a typical analysis component would extend uvm_subscriber and its export is analysis_export. Lets write a example. In the example, we will define a monitor component and a subscriber. Monitor source code: In monitor, call the function write() pass the transaction. class monitor extends uvm_monitor; uvm_analysis_port #(instruction) anls_port; function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); anls_port = new("anls_port", this); endfunction task run; instruction inst; inst = new(); #10ns; inst.inst = instruction::MUL; anls_port.write(inst); #10ns; inst.inst = instruction::ADD; anls_port.write(inst); #10ns; inst.inst = instruction::SUB; anls_port.write(inst); endtask endclass

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Subscriber source code: In Subscriber, define the write() method. class subscriber extends uvm_subscriber#(instruction); function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); endfunction function void write(instruction t); `uvm_info(get_full_name(),[9/26/2012 2:23:53 PM]


$sformatf("receiving %s",, UVM_MEDIUM) endfunction endclass : subscriber Env source code: class env extends uvm_env; monitor mon; subscriber sb,cov; function new(string name = "env");; mon = new("mon", this); sb = new("sb", this); cov = new("cov", this); endfunction function void connect(); mon.anls_port.connect(sb.analysis_export); mon.anls_port.connect(cov.analysis_export); endfunction task run(); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask endclass module test; env e; initial begin e = new(); run_test(); end endmodule Download the example uvm_tlm_3.tar Browse the code in uvm_tlm_3.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa From the below log, you see that transaction is sent to both the components cov and sb. Log UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO @ @ @ @ @ @ 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: env.cov [env.cov] receiving MUL [] receiving MUL env.cov [env.cov] receiving ADD [] receiving ADD env.cov [env.cov] receiving SUB [] receiving SUB

Tlm Fifo Tlm_fifo provides storage of transactions between two independently running processes just like mailbox. Transactions are put into the FIFO via the put_export and fetched from the get_export.[9/26/2012 2:23:53 PM]


Methods Following are the methods defined for tlm fifo. function new(string name, uvm_component parent = null, int size = 1) The size indicates the maximum size of the FIFO; a value of zero indicates no upper bound. virtual function int size() Returns the capacity of the FIFO. 0 indicates the FIFO capacity has no limit. virtual function int used() Returns the number of entries put into the FIFO. virtual function bit is_empty() Returns 1 when there are no entries in the FIFO, 0 otherwise. virtual function bit is_full() Returns 1 when the number of entries in the FIFO is equal to its size, 0 otherwise. virtual function void flush() Removes all entries from the FIFO, after which used returns 0 and is_empty returns 1. Example Lets implement a example. In this example, we will use a tlm_fifo to connect producer and consumer. The producer component generates the transaction and using its put_port pot() method, sends transaction out. The consumer component, to get the transaction from outside, uses get() method of get_port. These two ports are connected to tlm_fifo in the env class. In this example, producer and consumer are initiators as both components are calling the methods.

Producer source code: class producer extends uvm_component; uvm_blocking_put_port#(int) put_port; function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); put_port = new("put_port", this); endfunction task run; int randval; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) begin #10;[9/26/2012 2:23:53 PM]


randval = $urandom_range(4,10); `uvm_info("producer", $sformatf("sending %d",randval), UVM_MEDIUM) put_port.put(randval); end endtask endclass : producer Consumer source code: class consumer extends uvm_component; uvm_blocking_get_port#(int) get_port; function new(string name, uvm_component p = null);,p); get_port = new("get_port", this); endfunction task run; int val; forever begin get_port.get(val); `uvm_info("consumer", $sformatf("receiving %d", val), UVM_MEDIUM) end endtask endclass : consumer Env source code: class env extends uvm_env; producer p; consumer c; tlm_fifo #(int) f; function new(string name = "env");; p = new("producer", this); c = new("consumer", this); f = new("fifo", this); endfunction function void connect(); p.put_port.connect(f.put_export); c.get_port.connect(f.get_export); endfunction task run(); #1000 global_stop_request(); endtask endclass Download the example uvm_tlm_4.tar Browse the code in uvm_tlm_4.tar Command to sun the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO @ 10: env.producer [producer] sending @ 10: env.consumer [consumer] receiving @ 20: env.producer [producer] sending @ 20: env.consumer [consumer] receiving 7 4 7 4[9/26/2012 2:23:53 PM]





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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Callback mechanism is used for altering the behavior of the transactor without modifying the transactor. One of the many promises of Object-Oriented programming is that it will allow for plug-and-play re-usable verification components. Verification Designers will hook the transactors together to make a verification environment. In SystemVerilog, this hooking together of transactors can be tricky. Callbacks provide a mechanism whereby independently developed objects may be connected together in simple steps. This article describes uvm callbacks. uvm callback might be used for simple notification, two-way communication, or to distribute work in a process. Some requirements are often unpredictable when the transactor is first written. So a transactor should provide some kind of hooks for executing the code which is defined afterwards. In uvm, these hooks are created using callback methods. For instance, a driver is developed and an empty method is called before driving the transaction to the DUT. Initially this empty method does nothing. As the implementation goes, user may realize that he needs to print the state of the transaction or to delay the transaction driving to DUT or inject an error into transaction. Callback mechanism allows executing the user defined code in place of the empty callback method. Other example of callback usage is in monitor. Callbacks can be used in a monitor for collecting coverage information or for hooking up to scoreboard to pass transactions for self checking. With this, user is able to control the behavior of the transactor in verification environment and individual testcases without doing any modifications to the transactor itself. Following are the steps to be followed to create a transactor with callbacks. We will Stpe 1) Define a facade class. 1) Extend the uvm_callback class to create a faced class. class Driver_callback extends uvm_callback; endclass : Driver_callback 2)Define required callback methods. All the callback methods must be virtual. In this example, we will create callback methods which will be called before driving the packet and after driving the packet to DUT. virtual task pre_send(); endtask virtual task post_send(); endtask 3)Define the constructor and get_type_name methods and define type_name. function new (string name = "Driver_callback");; endfunction static string type_name = "Driver_callback"; virtual function string get_type_name(); return type_name; endfunction Step 2) Register the facade class with driver and call the callback methods.

Index Introduction Uvm Testbench Uvm Reporting Uvm Transaction Uvm Configuration Uvm Factory Uvm Sequence 1 Uvm Sequence 2 Uvm Sequence 3 Uvm Sequence 4 Uvm Sequence 5 Uvm Sequence 6 Uvm Tlm 1 Uvm Tlm 2 Uvm Callback
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VMM Ethernet sample see simple example of creating a Driver transactor to support callback mechanism.

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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:24:10 PM]


1)In the driver class, using `uvm_register_cb() macro, register the facade class. class Driver extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(Driver) `uvm_register_cb(Driver,Driver_callback) function new (string name, uvm_component parent=null);,parent); endfunction endclass 2)Calling callback method. Inside the transactor, callback methods should be called whenever something interesting happens. We will call the callback method before driving the packet and after driving the packet. We defined 2 methods in facade class. We will call pre_send() method before sending the packet and post_send() method after sending the packet. Using a `uvm_do_callbacks() macro, callback methods are called. There are 3 argumentd to `uvm_do_callbacks(,) macro. First argument must be the driver class and second argument is facade class. Third argument must be the callback method in the facade class. To call pre_send() method , use macro `uvm_do_callbacks(Driver,Driver_callback,pre_send()); and similarly to call post_send() method, `uvm_do_callbacks(Driver,Driver_callback,post_send()); Place the above macros before and after driving the packet. virtual task run(); repeat(2) begin `uvm_do_callbacks(Driver,Driver_callback,pre_send()) $display(" Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... %d",$time); // Logic to drive the packet goes hear // let's consider that it takes 40 time units to drive a packet. #40; $display(" Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... %d",$time); `uvm_do_callbacks(Driver,Driver_callback,post_send()) end endtask

With this, the Driver implementation is completed with callback support. Driver And Driver Callback Class Source Code class Driver_callback extends uvm_callback; function new (string name = "Driver_callback");; endfunction static string type_name = "Driver_callback"; virtual function string get_type_name(); return type_name; endfunction virtual task pre_send(); endtask virtual task post_send(); endtask[9/26/2012 2:24:10 PM]


endclass : Driver_callback class Driver extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(Driver) `uvm_register_cb(Driver,Driver_callback) function new (string name, uvm_component parent=null);,parent); endfunction virtual task run(); repeat(2) begin `uvm_do_callbacks(Driver,Driver_callback,pre_send()) $display(" Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... %d",$time); // Logic to drive the packet goes hear // let's consider that it takes 40 time units to drive a packet. #40; $display(" Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... %d",$time); `uvm_do_callbacks(Driver,Driver_callback,post_send()) end endtask endclass Let's run the driver in simple testcase. In this testcase, we are not changing any callback methods definitions. Testcase Source Code module test; Driver drvr; initial begin drvr = new("drvr"); run_test(); end endmodule Download files uvm_callback_1.tar Browse the code in uvm_callback_1.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log report UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test ... Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 0 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 40 Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 40 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 80 UVM_ERROR @ 9200: reporter [TIMOUT] Watchdog timeout of '9200' expired. Following steps are to be performed for using callback mechanism to do required functionality. We will see how to use the callbacks which are implemented in the above defined driver in a testcase. 1) Implement the user defined callback method by extending facade class of the driver class. We will delay the driving of packet be 20 time units using the pre_send() call back method.[9/26/2012 2:24:10 PM]


We will just print a message from post_send() callback method. class Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 extends Driver_callback; function new (string name = "Driver_callback");; endfunction virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. %d",$time); #20; endtask virtual task post_send(); $display("CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method \n"); endtask endclass 2) Construct the user defined facade class object. Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 cb_1; cb_1 = new("cb_1"); 3) Register the callback method with the driver component. uvm_callback class has static method add() which is used to register the callback. uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_1); Testcase 2 Source Code class Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 extends Driver_callback; function new (string name = "Driver_callback");; endfunction virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. %d",$time); #20; endtask virtual task post_send(); $display("CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method \n"); endtask endclass module test; initial begin Driver drvr; Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 cb_1; drvr = new("drvr"); cb_1 = new("cb_1"); uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_1); uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::display(); run_test(); end endmodule Download the example uvm_callback_2.tar Browse the code in uvm_callback_2.tar Simulation Command VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa[9/26/2012 2:24:10 PM]


Run the testcase. See the log results; We delayed the driving of packet by 20 time units using callback mechanism. See the difference between the previous testcase log and this log. Log report cb_1 on drvr ON UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test ... CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 20 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 60 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 80 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 120 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method


UVM_ERROR @ 9200: reporter [TIMOUT] Watchdog timeout of '9200' expired.

Now we will see registering 2 callback methods. 1) Define another user defined callback methods by extending facade class. class Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 extends Driver_callback; function new (string name = "Driver_callback");; endfunction virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback %d",$time); endtask endclass 2) Construct the user defined facade class object. Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 cb_2; cb_2 = new("cb_2"); 3) Register the object uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_2); Testcase 3 Source Code class Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 extends Driver_callback; function new (string name = "Driver_callback");; endfunction virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. %d",$time); #20; endtask virtual task post_send(); $display("CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method \n"); endtask endclass class Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 extends Driver_callback; function new (string name = "Driver_callback");; endfunction[9/26/2012 2:24:10 PM]


virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback %d",$time); endtask endclass module test; initial begin Driver drvr; Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 cb_1; Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 cb_2; drvr = new("drvr"); cb_1 = new("cb_1"); cb_2 = new("cb_2"); uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_1); uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_2); uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::display(); run_test(); end endmodule Download source code uvm_callback_3.tar Browse the code in uvm_callback_3.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Run the testcase and analyze the result. Log report UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test ... CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 20 Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 20 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 60 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 80 Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 80 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 120 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method 0


UVM_ERROR @ 9200: reporter [TIMOUT] Watchdog timeout of '9200' expired. The log results show that pre_send() method of CDc_1 is called first and then pre_send() method of Cdc_2. This is because of the order of the registering callbacks. uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_1); uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_2); Now we will see how to change the order of the callback method calls. By changing the sequence of calls to add() method, order of callback method calling can be changed. Testcase 4 Source Code module test; initial begin Driver drvr; Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 cb_1; Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 cb_2; drvr = new("drvr"); cb_1 = new("cb_1"); cb_2 = new("cb_2");[9/26/2012 2:24:10 PM]


uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_2); uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::add(drvr,cb_1); uvm_callbacks #(Driver,Driver_callback)::display(); run_test(); end endmodule Download the source code uvm_callback_4.tar Browse the code in uvm_callback_4.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Run and analyze the results. Log results show that, pre_send() method of CDs_1 is called after calling CDs_2 pre_send() method. Log file report UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test ... CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 0 CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 20 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 60 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 60 CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 80 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 120 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method


UVM_ERROR @ 9200: reporter [TIMOUT] Watchdog timeout of '9200' expired.

Methods: add_by_name: We have seen, the usage of add() method which requires object. Using add_by_name() method, callback can be registered with object name. static function void add_by_name(string name, uvm_callback cb, uvm_component root, uvm_apprepend ordering = UVM_APPEND) delete: uvm also provides uvm_callbacks::delete() method to remove the callback methods which are registered. Similar to delete, delete_by_name() method is used to remove the callback using the object name. static function void delete_by_name(string name, uvm_callback cb, uvm_component root ) Macros: `uvm_register_cb Registers the given CB callback type with the given T object type. `uvm_set_super_type[9/26/2012 2:24:10 PM]


Defines the super type of T to be ST. `uvm_do_callbacks Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the calling object `uvm_do_obj_callbacks Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks based on type CB registered with the given object, OBJ, which is or is based on type T. `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the calling object `uvm_do_obj_callbacks_exit_on Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the given object OBJ, which must be or be based on type T, and returns upon the first callback that returns the bit value given by VAL.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


Verification methodological manual (VMM) , co-authored by verification experts from ARM and Synopsys, describes how to use SystemVerilog to develop scalable, predictable and reusable verification environments. VMM has become important factor in increasing verification reuse, improved verification productivity and timeliness. VMM consists coding guide lines and base classes. VMM is focused on Coverage driven verification methodology. VMM supports both the top-down and bottom-up approaches. VMM follows layered test bench architecture to take the full advantage of the automation. The VMM for SystemVerilog TestBench architecture comprises five layers. The layered TestBench is the heart of the verification environment in VMM:

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving signal layer: This layer connects the TestBench to the RTL design. It consists of interface, clocking, with time!

and modport constructs.

command layer: This layer contains lower-level driver and monitor components, as well as the assertions. This layer provides a transaction-level interface to the layer above and drives the physical pins via the signal layer. functional layer: This layer contains higher-level driver and monitor components, as well as the selfchecking structure (scoreboard/tracker). scenario layer: This layer uses generators to produce streams or sequences of transactions that are applied to the functional layer. The generators have a set of weights, constraints or scenarios specified by the test layer. The randomness of constrained-random testing is introduced within this layer. test layer: Tests are located in this layer. Test layer can interact with all the layers. This layer allows to pass directed commands to functional and command layer.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:24:18 PM]


VMM libraries consists following sub libraries VMM VMM VMM VMM Standard Library Register Abstraction Layer (RAL) Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) Scoreboarding

The VMM Standard Library provides base classes for key aspects of the verification environment, transaction generation, notification service and a message logging service. These libraries can be downloaded from Following are some of the classes and macros defined in the VMM Standard Library vmm_env : The class is a base class used to implement verification environments. vmm_xactor : This base class is to be used as the basis for all transactors, including bus-functional models, monitors and generators. It provides a standard control mechanism expected to be found in all transactors. vmm_channel : This class implements a generic transaction-level interface mechanism. Transactionlevel interfaces remove the higher-level layers from the physical interface details. Using channels, transactors pass transactions from one to other. vmm_data : This base class is to be used as the basis for all transaction descriptors and data models. It provides a standard set of methods expected to be found in all descriptors. User must extend vmm_data to create a custom transaction. vmm_log : The vmm_log class used implements an interface to the message service. These classes provide a mechanism for reporting simulation activity to a file or a terminal. To ensure a consistent look and feel to the messages issued from different sources, vmm_log is used. vmm_atomic_gen : This is a macro. This macro defines a atomic generator for generating transaction which are derived from vmm_data.[9/26/2012 2:24:18 PM]


vmm_scenario_gen : Defines a scenario generator class to generate sequences of related instances of the specified class. vmm_notify : The vmm_notify class implements an interface to the notification service. The notification service provides a synchronization mechanism for concurrent threads or transactors. vmm_test : This class will be useful for runtime selection of testcases to run on an environment.




copyright 2007-2017 :: all rights reserved Disclaimer[9/26/2012 2:24:18 PM]




TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

The vmm_log class provides an interface to the VMM message service so that all messages, regardless of their sources, can have a common "look and feel". Not always we require all type of messages. During normal simulation, we need only note, error and warning messages. While you are debugging, you may need debug messages and trace messages. vmm_log allows you to control the messages. This helps in debugging. vmm_log has a uniform message format which helps for post processing the log file using scripts if needed. You can also convert a error message to warning message which is required in some specific testcases. The message service describes and controls messages based on several concepts:

Message source: A message source can be any component of a TestBench. They can be Transactors, Report a Bug or Comment scoreboards, assertions, environment or a testcase.
on This section - Your input is what keeps Message filters: Filters can prevent or allow a message from being issued. They can be promoted or improving with time!

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts

demoted based on the identifier, type, severity or content. Vmm Message Type Individual messages are categorized into different types.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

FAILURE_TYP : For reporting error messages. NOTE_TYP : Normal message used to indicate the simulation progress. DEBUG_TYP : Message useful for debugging purpose. TIMING_TYP : For reporting timing errors. XHANDLING_TYP: For reporting X or Z on signals INTERNAL_TYP : Messages from the VMM base classes. REPORT_TYP,PROTOCOL_TYP,TRANSACTION_TYP,COMMAND_TYP,CYCLE_TYP : Additional message types that can be used by transactors.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Message Severity Individual messages are categorized into different severities FATAL_SEV : An error which causes a program to abort. ERROR_SEV : Simulation aborts after a certain number of errors are observed. WARNING_SEV: Simulation can proceed and still produce useful result. NORMAL_SEV : This message indicates the state of simulation. TRACE_SEV : This message identifies high-level internal information that is not normally issued. DEBUG_SEV : This message identifies medium-level internal information that is not normally issued. VERBOSE_SEV: This message identifies low-level internal information that is not normally issued. Vmm Log Macros We can use the following predefined macros to select the message severity.

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:24:29 PM]


`vmm_fatal(vmm_log log, string msg); `vmm_error(vmm_log log, string msg); `vmm_warning(vmm_log log, string msg); `vmm_note(vmm_log log, string msg); `vmm_trace(vmm_log log, string msg); `vmm_debug(vmm_log log, string msg); `vmm_verbose(vmm_log log, string msg); The second argument in the above macro can accept only a string. So if we want to pass a complex message, then convert it to string using a $psprintf() system task. These macros are simple to use and the macro expansion is easy to understand. Following is a expansion of `vmm_not macro. Other macros also have same logic with different Message severity levels. `define vmm_note ( log, msg ) do if (log.start_msg(vmm_log::NOTE_TYP)) begin void'(log.text(msg)); log.end_msg(); end while (0) To change the severity and verbosity of the messages services at simulation time , use +vmm_log_default=SEVERITY TYPE. Where SEVERITY TYPE can be ERROR, WARNING, NORMAL, TRACE, DEBUG OR VERBOSE. We will see the demo of this service in the example. Message Handling Different messages require different action by the simulator once the message has been issued. ABORT_SIM : Aborts the simulation. COUNT_ERROR: Count the message as an error. STOP_PROMPT: Stop the simulation immediately and return to the simulation runtime-control command prompt. DEBUGGER : Stop the simulation immediately and start the graphical debugging environment. DUMP_STACK : Dump the call stack or any other context status information and continue the simulation. CONTINUE : Continue the simulation normally.

To use this vmm feature, take the instance of vmm_log and use the message macros. For most of the vmm classes like vmm_env,vmm_xactor,vmm_data etc, this instantiation is already done internally, so user dont need to take a separate instance of vmm_log. vmm_log log = new("test_log","log"); Following is a simple program which demonstrates the usages of different severity levels. This program creates the object of a vmm_log class and uses log macros to define various messages. You can also see the usage of $psprintf() system task. program test_log(); vmm_log log = new("test_log","log"); initial begin[9/26/2012 2:24:29 PM]


`vmm_error(log,"This is a ERROR Message"); `vmm_warning(log,"This is a WARNING Message"); `vmm_note(log,$psprintf("This is a NOTE Message at time %d",$time)); `vmm_trace(log,"This is a TRACE Message"); `vmm_debug(log,"This is a DEBUG Message"); `vmm_verbose(log,"This is a VERBOSE Message"); `vmm_fatal(log,"This is a FATAL Message"); end endprogram Download the source code vmm_log.tar Browse the code in vmm_log.tar Simulation commands vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm You can see the following messages on the terminal. You can only see Normal, Error, warning and fatal messages. Log file report: !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a ERROR Message WARNING[FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a WARNING Message Normal[NOTE] on test_log(log) at This is a NOTE Message at time *FATAL*[FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a FATAL Message 0: 0: 0: 0


Run the simulation with command option +vmm_log_default=DEBUG You can see the following messages on the terminal. You can see that Debug and trace message is also coming. Log file report: !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a ERROR Message WARNING[FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a WARNING Message Normal[NOTE] on test_log(log) at This is a NOTE Message at time Trace[DEBUG] on test_log(log) at This is a TRACE Message Debug[DEBUG] on test_log(log) at This is a DEBUG Message *FATAL*[FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a FATAL Message 0: 0: 0: 0 0: 0: 0:

Run the simulation with command option +vmm_log_default=VERBOSE You can see the following messages on the terminal. You can see that Trace, Debug and Verbose messages are also coming. Log file report: !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a ERROR Message WARNING[FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a WARNING Message Normal[NOTE] on test_log(log) at This is a NOTE Message at time Trace[DEBUG] on test_log(log) at This is a TRACE Message Debug[DEBUG] on test_log(log) at This is a DEBUG Message Verbose[DEBUG] on test_log(log) at This is a VERBOSE Message *FATAL*[FAILURE] on test_log(log) at 0: 0: 0: 0 0: 0: 0: 0:[9/26/2012 2:24:29 PM]


This is a FATAL Message

Counting Number Of Messages Based Of Message Severity Some time we need to count the number of messages executed based of the severity type. vmm_log has get_message_count() function which returns the message count based on severity type, source and message string. user dont need to implement a logic to print the state of test i.e TEST PASSED or TEST FAILED, vmm_env has already implemented this in the report() method. We will see this in next topic. virtual function int get_message_count(int severity = ALL_SEVS, string name = "", string instance = "", bit recurse = 0);

Following is a example which demonstrations the get_message_count() function. The following example , also demonstrates the use of $psprintf which will be use full to print message when there are variable arguments to print. program test_log(); vmm_log log = new("test_log","log"); int fatal_cnt ; int error_cnt ; int warn_cnt ; initial begin `vmm_note(log,$psprintf("This is a NOTE Message at time %d",$time)); `vmm_error(log,"This is a ERROR Message 1 "); `vmm_error(log,"This is a ERROR Message 2 "); `vmm_error(log,"This is a ERROR Message 3 "); `vmm_warning(log,"This is a WARNING Message 1 "); `vmm_warning(log,"This is a WARNING Message 2 "); fatal_cnt = log.get_message_count(vmm_log::FATAL_SEV, "/./", "/./", 1); error_cnt = log.get_message_count(vmm_log::ERROR_SEV, "/./", "/./", 1); warn_cnt = log.get_message_count(vmm_log::WARNING_SEV, "/./", "/./", 1); $display("\n\n"); $display(" Number of Fatal messages : %0d ",fatal_cnt); $display(" Number of Error messages : %0d ",error_cnt); $display(" Number of Warning messages : %0d ",warn_cnt); $display("\n\n"); end endprogram Download the source code vmm_log_1.tar Browse the code in vmm_log_1.tar Simulation commands vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm

Log file report: Normal[NOTE] on test_log(log) at 0:[9/26/2012 2:24:29 PM]


This is a NOTE Message at time !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a ERROR Message 1 !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a ERROR Message 2 !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a ERROR Message 3 WARNING[FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a WARNING Message 1 WARNING[FAILURE] on test_log(log) at This is a WARNING Message 2 Number of Fatal messages : 0 Number of Error messages : 3 Number of Warning messages : 2

0: 0: 0: 0: 0:

Sometimes we would like to wait for a specific message and execute some logic. For example, you want to count number of crc error packets transmitted by dut in some special testcase or you want to stop the simulation after a specific series of messages are received. vmm_log has a method to wait for a specific message. virtual task wait_for_msg(string name = "", string instance = "", bit recurse = 0, int typs = ALL_TYPS, int severity = ALL_SEVS, string text = "", logic issued = 1'bx, ref vmm_log_msg msg); Following is a simple example which demonstrates the use of above method. In this example, wait_for_msg() method wait for a specific string. program test_log(); vmm_log log = new("test_log","log"); vmm_log_msg msg = new(log); /* This logic is some where in the monitor */ initial repeat (4) begin #($urandom()%10) `vmm_error(log,"Packet with CRC ERROR is received"); end /* In testcase you are counting the error messages */ initial forever begin log.wait_for_msg("/./","/./",-1,vmm_log::ALL_TYPS,vmm_log::ERROR_SEV,"Packet with CRC ERROR is received",1'bx,msg); // You can count number of crc errored pkts rcvd. // or do whatever you want. $display(" -- Rcvd CRC ERROR message at %d --",$time); end endprogram Download the source code vmm_log_2.tar Browse the code in vmm_log_2.tar Simulation commands vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm[9/26/2012 2:24:29 PM]


Log file report: !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at Packet with CRC ERROR is received -- Rcvd CRC ERROR message at !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at Packet with CRC ERROR is received -- Rcvd CRC ERROR message at !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at Packet with CRC ERROR is received -- Rcvd CRC ERROR message at !ERROR![FAILURE] on test_log(log) at Packet with CRC ERROR is received -- Rcvd CRC ERROR message at 8: 8 -8 -11 -11 -8: 11: 11:




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


Verification environment is developed by extending vmm_env class. The TestBench simulation needs some systematic flow like reset, initialize etc. vmm_env base class has methods formalize the simulation steps. All methods are declared as virtual methods. All the Verification components and instantiated, connected and component activities starting is done in this class. As it contains all verification components instances, the environment class affects the entire test environment. The vmm_env class divides a simulation into the following steps, with corresponding methods: gen_cfg() : Randomize test configuration parameters.

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts
Report a Bug or Comment

on This section - Your build() : Creates the instances of channels and transactors. Transactors are connected using input is what keeps improving channels. DUT is also connected to TestBench using the interfaces. with time!

reset_dut() : Reset the DUT using the interface signals. cfg_dut() : Configures the DUT configuration parameters. start() : Starts all the components of the verification environment to start component activity. All the transactors (atomic_gen, senario_gen, vmm_xactor....) have start method, which starts their activities. All the components start() methods are called in this method. wait_for_end() : This method waits till the test is done. stop() : Stops all the components of the verification environment to terminate the simulation cleanly. Stop data generators. cleanup() : Performs clean-up operations to let the simulation terminate gracefully. It waits for DUT to drain all the data it has. report() : The report method in vmm_env collects error and warning metrics from all the log objects and reports a summary of the results. To create a user environment, define a new class extended from vmm_env and extend the above methods. To retain the core functionality of the base class methods, each extended method must call super. as the first line of code. In The following example, we are defining a new class Custom_env from vmm_env and extending all the vmm_env class methods. All the methods are extended and `vmm_note() message is included to understand the simulation flow.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

class Custom_env extends vmm_env;[9/26/2012 2:24:38 PM]


function new();"Custom_env"); endfunction virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of gen_cfg() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of gen_cfg() method "); endfunction virtual function void build();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of build() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of build() method "); endfunction virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of reset_dut() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of reset_dut() method "); endtask virtual task cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cfg_dut() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cfg_dut() method "); endtask virtual task start(); super.start(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of start() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of start() method "); endtask virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of wait_for_end() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of wait_for_end() method "); endtask virtual task stop(); super.stop(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of stop() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of stop() method "); endtask virtual task cleanup(); super.cleanup(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cleanup() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cleanup() method "); endtask virtual task report();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of report() method \n\n\n"); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of report() method"); endtask endclass

In addition to the methods that have already been discussed earlier, vmm_env also contains a run() method which does not require any user extension. This method is called from the testcase. When this method is called, individual steps in vmm_env are called in a sequence in the following order: gen_cfg => build => cfg_dut_t => start_t => wait_for_end_t => stop_t => cleanup_t =>[9/26/2012 2:24:38 PM]



Now we will see the testcase implementation. VMM recommends the TestBench to be implemented in program block. In a program block, create an object of the Custom_env class and call the run() method. program test(); Custom_env env = new(); initial; endprogram Download the files vmm_env_1.tar Browse the code in vmm_env_1.tar Simulation commands vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm Log file report: Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() Start of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() End of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() Start of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() End of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() Start of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() End of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() Start of cfg_dut() method at at at at at at at 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0:[9/26/2012 2:24:38 PM]


Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at End of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at Start of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at End of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at Start of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at End of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at Start of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at End of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at Start of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at End of cleanup() method Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at demoted warnings) Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at Start of report() method

0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0 0:

Normal[NOTE] on Custom_env() at End of report() method $finish at simulation time

0: 0

Log file report shows that individual methods in vmm_env are called in a ordered sequence upon calling run() method.

When you call build() and if gen_cfg() is not called before that, gen_cfg() will be called first then build will execute. Same way, if you call gen_cfg() followed by cfg_dut() followed by run(), then cfg_dut() will make sure to call build() followed by reset_dut() first before executing its user defined logic, run() will make sure to call start(), wait_for_end(), stop(), clean(), report()in the order given.

program test(); vmm_env env = new(); initial begin $display("*************** Before Calling env.gen_cfg() ***************"); env.gen_cfg(); $display("*************** Before Calling env.cfg_dut() ***************"); env.cfg_dut(); $display("*************** Before Calling ***************");; end endprogram Download the files vmm_env_2.tar Browse the code in vmm_env_2.tar Simulation commands vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm +vmm_log_default=VERBOSE Log file report:[9/26/2012 2:24:38 PM]


*************** Before Calling env.gen_cfg() *************** Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Generating test configuration... *************** Before Calling env.cfg_dut() *************** Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Building verification environment... Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Reseting DUT... Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Configuring... *************** Before Calling *************** Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Starting verification environment... Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Saving RNG state information... Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Waiting for end of test... Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Stopping verification environment... Trace[INTERNAL] on Verif Env() at 0: Cleaning up... Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at 0 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0 demoted warnings)




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

vmm_data class is to be used to model all transactions in the infrastructure . It provides a standard set of methods expected to be found in all transactions. All transactions in the verification environment inherit this object and override its main generic virtual tasks such as copy(), byte_pack(), byte_unpack(), compare() and psdisplay(). vmm_data has 3 unique identifiers for identifying transaction instance. int stream_id; // Stream identifier int scenario_id;// Sequence identifier within stream int data_id; // instance identifier within sequence This class is used to generate random, constraint random and directed transactions. We will see the implementation of some methods. Let us implement a simple packet using vmm_data. Packet Specification ------------------------------Packet has DA,SA,Len and ..... few more feilds. All the feilds are 8 bit. 1) Define a packet class by extending vmm_data class Packet extends vmm_data;

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

2) Define all the packet fields as rand variables rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] length; .... .... 3) Constraint the rand variables based on the specification. constraint address_c { da inside {`P0,`P1,`P2,`P3} ; } .... ..... 4) Define psdisplay() method. psdisplay() method displays the current value of the transaction or data described by this instance in a human-readable format on the standard output. virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix = ""); int i; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s da:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.da); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s sa:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s (data.size=%0d)\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.length,; ......... endfunction

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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length:0x%h[9/26/2012 2:24:48 PM]


5) Define copy() method. copy() method copies the current value of the object instance to the specified object instance. virtual function vmm_data copy(vmm_data to = null); Packet cpy; cpy = new; super.copy_data(cpy); cpy.da = this.da; =; cpy.length = this.length; ........... 6) Define compare() method. Compare method compares the current value of the object instance with the current value of the specified object instance. virtual function bit compare(input vmm_data kind = -1); Packet cmp; compare = 1; // Assume success by default. diff = "No differences found"; // data types are the same, do comparison: if (this.da != cmp.da) begin diff = $psprintf("Different DA values: %b != %b", this.da, cmp.da); compare = 0; end if ( != begin diff = $psprintf("Different SA values: %b != %b",,; compare = 0; end ........ ........ 7) Define byte_pack() method. byte_pack() method Packs the content of the transaction or data into the specified dynamic array of bytes. virtual function int unsigned byte_pack( ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset =0 , input int kind = -1); byte_pack = 0; bytes = new[ + 4]; bytes[0] = this.da; bytes[1] =; bytes[2] = this.length; ........ ........ 8) Define byte_unpack() method. byte_unpack() method unpacket the array in to different data feilds. virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack( const ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0, to,output string diff,input int[9/26/2012 2:24:48 PM]


input int len = -1, input int kind = -1); this.da = bytes[0]; = bytes[1]; this.length = bytes[2]; ......... ......... Complete Packet Class class Packet extends vmm_data; static vmm_log log = new("Packet","Class"); rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand byte fcs; constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 6]};} function new();; endfunction:new virtual function vmm_data allocate(); Packet pkt; pkt = new(); return pkt; endfunction:allocate virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix = ""); int i; $write(psdisplay, " %s packet #%0d.%0d.%0d\n", prefix,this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.data_id); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s da:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.da); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s sa:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s length:0x%h (data.size=%0d)\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.length,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s data[%0d]:0x%h", psdisplay, prefix,0,data[0]); if(data.size() > 1) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", 1,data[1]); if(data.size() > 4) $write(psdisplay, " .... "); if(data.size() > 2) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", data.size() -2,data[data.size() -2]); if(data.size() > 3) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", data.size() -1,data[data.size() -1]); $write(psdisplay, "\n %s%s fcs:0x%h \n", psdisplay, prefix, this.fcs); endfunction virtual function vmm_data copy(vmm_data to = null); Packet cpy; // Copying to a new instance? if (to == null) cpy = new; else // Copying to an existing instance. Correct type? if (!$cast(cpy, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non packet instance"); copy = null; return copy; end[9/26/2012 2:24:48 PM]


super.copy_data(cpy); cpy.da = this.da; =; cpy.length = this.length; = new[]; foreach(data[i]) begin[i] =[i]; end cpy.fcs = this.fcs; copy = cpy; endfunction:copy

virtual function bit compare(input vmm_data = -1); Packet cmp; compare = 1; // Assume success by default. diff = "No differences found";

to,output string diff,input int


if (!$cast(cmp, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to compare to a non packet instance"); compare = 0; diff = "Cannot compare non packets"; return compare; end // data types are the same, do comparison: if (this.da != cmp.da) begin diff = $psprintf("Different DA values: %b != %b", this.da, cmp.da); compare = 0; return compare; end if ( != begin diff = $psprintf("Different SA values: %b != %b",,; compare = 0; return compare; end if (this.length != cmp.length) begin diff = $psprintf("Different LEN values: %b != %b", this.length, cmp.length); compare = 0; return compare; end foreach(data[i]) if ([i] !=[i]) begin diff = $psprintf("Different data[%0d] values: 0x%h 0x%h",i,[i],[i]); compare = 0; return compare; end if (this.fcs != cmp.fcs) begin diff = $psprintf("Different FCS values: %b != %b", this.fcs, cmp.fcs); compare = 0; return compare; end endfunction:compare virtual function int unsigned byte_pack( ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset =0 , input int kind = -1); byte_pack = 0;

!=[9/26/2012 2:24:48 PM]


bytes = new[ + 4]; bytes[0] = this.da; bytes[1] =; bytes[2] = this.length; foreach(data[i]) bytes[3+i] = data[i]; bytes[ + 3 ] = fcs; byte_pack = + 4; endfunction:byte_pack virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack( const ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0, input int len = -1, input int kind = -1); this.da = bytes[0]; = bytes[1]; this.length = bytes[2]; this.fcs = bytes[bytes.size() -1]; = new[bytes.size() - 4]; foreach(data[i])[i] = bytes[i+3]; return bytes.size(); endfunction:byte_unpack endclass Vmm_data Methods virtual function string psdisplay ( string prefix = "" ); virtual function bit is_valid ( bit silent = 1, int kind = -1 ); virtual function vmm_data allocate ( ); virtual function vmm_data copy ( vmm_data to = null ); virtual function bit compare ( input vmm_data to, output string diff, input int kind = -1 ); function void display(string prefix = ""); virtual protected function void copy_data ( vmm_data to ); virtual function int unsigned byte_pack ( ref logic [7:0] bytes [ ], int unsigned offset = 0, int kind = -1 ); virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack ( const ref logic [7:0] bytes [ ], input int unsigned offset = 0, input int len = -1, input int kind = -1 ); virtual function int unsigned byte_size ( int kind = -1 ); virtual function int unsigned max_byte_size ( int kind = -1 ); virtual function void save ( int file ); virtual function bit load ( int file );




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

The channel is the interface mechanism used by transactors to transfer transactions. Transaction objects are produced or consumed by a transactor. Transactor can be a generator or a driver or a scoreboard. In Transaction-level modeling multiple processes communicate with each other by sending transactions through channels. For example, to transfer a transaction from generator to a driver, we don't need to send at signal level. To transfer a transaction from Driver to DUT, physical signals are used. The channel transfers transactions between the verification components, and it serves as a synchronizing agent between them.

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts
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Channels are similar to SystemVerilog mailboxes with advanced features. Vmm Channels provides much richer feature functionality than a SV mailbox. vmm channels are superset of mailboxs. Some of the the benefits of channels over mailboxes: Dynamic reconfiguration Inbuilt notifications Strict type checking Out of order usage task tee() for easy scoreboarding Record and playback task sneak() for monitors Using `vmm_channel() macro , channels can be created. `vmm_channel(Custom_vmm_data) The above macro creates a channel Custom_vmm_data_channel . There are various methods to access the channels. In the following example, we will see 1) Channel creation using macros. 2) Constructing a channel. 3) Pushing a transaction in to channel. 4) Popping out a transaction from the channel. We will create a channel for vmm_data for this example. Users can create a channel for any transaction which is derived from the vmm_data class. You can try this

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example by creating channel for Packet class which is discussed in previous section. 1) Define a channel using macro `vmm_channel(vmm_data) 2) Construct an object of channel which is defined by the above macro. vmm_data_channel p_c = new("p_c","chan",10); 3) Push a packet p_put in to p_c channel. p_c.put(p_put); 4) Get a packet from p_c channel. p_c.get(p_put); Complete Example `vmm_channel(vmm_data) program test_channel(); vmm_data p_put,p_get; vmm_data_channel p_c = new("p_c","chan",10); int i; initial repeat(10) begin #( $urandom()%10); p_put = new(null); p_put.stream_id = i++; $display(" Pushed a packet in to channel with id %d",p_put.stream_id); p_c.put(p_put); // Pushing a transaction in to channel end initial forever begin p_c.get(p_get); // popping a transaction from channel. $display(" Popped a packet from channel with id %d",p_get.stream_id); end endprogram Download the file vmm_channel.tar Browse the code in vmm_channel.tar Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm Log report Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4[9/26/2012 2:24:58 PM]


Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Pushed a packet in to channel with id Popped a packet from channel with id Vmm Channel Methods.

4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9

function new ( string name, string instance, int unsigned full = 1, int unsigned empty = 0, bit fill_as_bytes = 0 ); function void reconfigure (int full = -1, int empty = -1, logic fill_as_bytes = 1'bx ); function int unsigned full_level ( ); function int unsigned empty_level ( ); function int unsigned level ( ); function int unsigned size ( ); function bit is_full ( ); function void flush ( ); function void sink ( ); function void flow ( ); function void lock ( bit [1:0] who ); function void unlock ( bit [1:0] who ); function bit is_locked ( bit [1:0] who ); task put ( class_name obj, int offset = -1 ); function void sneak ( class_name obj, int offset = -1 ); function class_name unput ( int offset = -1 ); task get ( output class_name obj, input int offset = 0 ); task peek ( output class_name obj, input int offset = 0 ); task activate ( output class_name obj, input int offset = 0 ); function class_name active_slot ( ); function class_name start ( ); function class_name complete ( vmm_data status = null ); function class_name remove ( ); function active_status_e status ( ); task tee ( output class_name obj ); function bit tee_mode ( bit is_on ); function void connect ( vmm_channel downstream ); function class_name for_each ( bit reset = 0 ); function int unsigned for_each_offset ( ); function bit record ( string filename ); task bit playback ( output bit success, input string filename, input vmm_data loader, input bit metered = 0 ); Refer to VMM book for details of each method.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env VMM has two types of generators. Atomic generator and Scenario generator. Vmm Data Vmm Channel Atomic generator is a simple generator which generates transactions randomly. Vmm Atomic Generator `vmm_atomic_gen is a macro which is used to define a class named Vmm Xactor <class_name>_atomic_gen for any user-specified class derived from vmm_data, using Vmm Callback Vmm Test a process similar to the `vmm_channel macro. Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

To use <class_name>_atomic_gen class, a <class_name>_channel must exist. <class_name>_atomic_gen generates transactions and pushes it to <class_name>_channel. A <class_name>_channel object can be passed to generator while constructing. function new(string instance, int stream_id = -1, <class_name>_channel out_chan = null); The generator will stop generating the transaction after generating stop_after_n_insts. User can set the stop_after_n_insts to any unsigned int value. By default this values is 0. If stop_after_n_insts is 0, then generator generates infinite number of transactions. If stop_after_n_insts is non zero positive number, then generator generates stop_after_n_insts transactions. We will see an example of creating a atomic generator for a packet class. Packet class is in file . 1) define `vmm_atomic_gen macro for packet class. This macro creates a packet_atomic_gen class creates and randomizes packet transactions. `vmm_atomic_gen(packet,"packet atomic generator") 2) define `vmm_channel for the packet class. This macro creates a packet_channel which will be used by the packet_atomic_gen to store the transactions. Any other component can take the transactions from this channel.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:25:08 PM]


`vmm_channel(packet) 3) Create an object of pcakt_atomic_gen. packet_atomic_gen pkt_gen = new("Atomic Gen","test"); 4) Set the number of transactions to be generated to 4 pkt_gen.stop_after_n_insts = 4; 5) Start the generator to generate transactions. These transactions are available to access through pkt_chan as soon as they are generated. pkt_gen.start_xator(); 6) Collect the packets from the pkt_chan and display the packet content to terminal. pkt_gen.out_chan.get(pkt); pkt.display(); Completed Example `vmm_channel(Packet) `vmm_atomic_gen(Packet,"Atomic Packet Generator") program test_atomic_gen(); Packet_atomic_gen pkt_gen = new("Atomic Gen","test"); Packet pkt; initial begin pkt_gen.stop_after_n_insts = 4; #100; pkt_gen.start_xactor(); end initial #200 forever begin pkt_gen.out_chan.get(pkt); pkt.display(); end endprogram Download the example vmm_atomic_gen.tar Browse the code in vmm_atomic_gen.tar Commands to run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm Log file report packet #1952805748.0.0 da:0xdb sa:0x71 length:0x0e (data.size=1) data[0]:0x63 fcs:0xe9 packet #1952805748.0.1 da:0xa7 sa:0x45 length:0xa4 (data.size=5) data[0]:0x00 data[1]:0x4f .... fcs:0x31

data[3]:0xe7 data[4]:0xd8[9/26/2012 2:25:08 PM]


packet #1952805748.0.2 da:0x15 sa:0xe6 length:0xa1 (data.size=1) data[0]:0x80 fcs:0x01 packet #1952805748.0.3 da:0xd7 sa:0xa9 length:0xdc (data.size=3) data[0]:0xcc data[1]:0x7c data[1]:0x7c fcs:0x67




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env This base class is to be used as the basis for all transactors, including bus-functional Vmm Data models, monitors and generators. It provides a standard control mechanism expected Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator to be found in all transactors. Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback virtual function void start_xactor(); Starts the execution threads in this transactor instance. This method is called by Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record Environment class which is extended from vmm_env start() method. And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator virtual function void stop_xactor(); Vmm Opts Stops the execution threads in this transactor instance. This method is called by Environment class which is extended from vmm_env stop() method.


Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your protected task wait_if_stopped() input is what keeps protected task wait_if_stopped_or_empty(vmm_channel chan) improving Blocks the thread execution if the transactor has been stopped via the stop_xactor() with time!

method or if the specified input channel is currently empty.

protected virtual task main(); This task is forked off whenever the start_xactor() method is called. It is terminated whenever the reset_xactor() method is called. The functionality of a user-defined transactor must be implemented in this method. 1) Extend vmm_xactor to create a custom_xtor. class Driver extends vmm_xactor; 2) Define constructor. In this example, we don't have any interfaces of channels, we will not implement them. Call the method. function new();"Driver Transactor", "inst", 0); endfunction: new 3) Define main() method. First call the super.main() method. Then define the activity which you want to do. task main(); super.main();

VMM Ethernet sample Let us see an example of using vmm_xactor.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

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forever begin #100; $display(" Driver : %d",$time); end endtask: main Now we will see how to use the above defined Custom_xtor class. 1) Create a object of Custom_xtor. Driver drvr = new();[9/26/2012 2:25:17 PM]


2) Call the start_xactor() methods of Custom_xtor object. Now the main() method which is defined starts gets executed. #100 drvr.start_xactor(); 3) Call the stop_xactor() methos. This will stop the execution of main() method. #1000 drvr.stop_xactor(); Complete Vmm_xactor Example class Driver extends vmm_xactor; function new();"Driver Transactor", "inst", 0); endfunction: new task main(); super.main(); forever begin #100; $display(" Driver : %d",$time); end endtask: main endclass:Driver program test(); Driver drvr = new(); initial fork #100 drvr.start_xactor(); #1000 drvr.stop_xactor(); join endprogram Download the files vmm_xactor.tar Browse the code in vmm_xactor.tar Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm Log file report Driver : 200 Driver : 300 Driver : 400 Driver : 500 Driver : 600 Driver : 700 Driver : 800 Driver : 900 Driver : 1000 $finish at simulation time Vmm_xactor Members function new ( string name, string instance, int stream_id = -1 ); virtual function string get_name ( ); virtual function string get_instance ( );

1000[9/26/2012 2:25:17 PM]


vmm_log log; int stream_id; virtual function void prepend_callback ( vmm_xactor_callbacks cb ); virtual function void append_callback ( vmm_xactor_callbacks cb ); virtual function void unregister_callback ( vmm_xactor_callbacks cb ); vmm_notify notify; // Enumeration values for the state of the transactor: enum { XACTOR_IDLE, XACTOR_BUSY, XACTOR_STARTED, XACTOR_STOPPED, XACTOR_RESET }; virtual function void start_xactor ( ); virtual function void stop_xactor ( ); virtual function void reset_xactor ( reset_e rst_typ = SOFT_RST ); protected task wait_if_stopped ( ); protected task wait_if_stopped_or_empty ( vmm_channel chan ); protected virtual task main ( ); virtual function void save_rng_state ( ); virtual function void restore_rng_state ( ); virtual function void xactor_status ( string prefix = "" ); // Macro to simplify the calling of callback methods: `vmm_callback ( callback_class_name, method ( args ) )




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Callback mechanism is used for altering the behavior of the transactor without modifying the transactor. One of the many promises of Object-Oriented programming is that it will allow for plug-and-play re-usable verification components. Verification Designers will hook the transactors together to make a verification environment. In SystemVerilog, this hooking together of transactors can be tricky. Callbacks provide a mechanism whereby independently developed objects may be connected together in simple steps. This article describes vmm callbacks. Vmm callback might be used for simple notification, two-way communication, or to distribute work in a process. Some requirements are often unpredictable when the transactor is first written. So a transactor should provide some kind of hooks for executing the code which is defined afterwards. In vmm, these hooks are created using callback methods. For instance, a driver is developed and an empty method is called before driving the transaction to the DUT. Initially this empty method does nothing. As the implementation goes, user may realize that he needs to print the state of the transaction or to delay the transaction driving to DUT or inject an error into transaction. Callback mechanism allows executing the user defined code in place of the empty callback method. Other example of callback usage is in monitor. Callbacks can be used in a monitor for collecting coverage information or for hooking up to scoreboard to pass transactions for self checking. With this, user is able to control the behavior of the transactor in verification environment and individual testcases without doing any modifications to the transactor itself. Following are the steps to be followed to create a transactor with callbacks. We will 1) Define a facade class. Extend the vmm_xactor_callbacks class to create a faced class. Define required callback methods. All the callback methods must be virtual. In this example, we will create callback methods which will be called before driving the packet and after driving the packet to DUT. class Driver_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; virtual task pre_send(); endtask virtual task post_send(); endtask endclass 2) Calling callback method. Inside the transactor, callback methods should be called whenever something interesting happens. We will call the callback method before driving the packet and after driving the packet. We defined 2 methods in facade class. We will call pre_send() method before sending the packet and post_send() method after sending the packet. Using a `vmm_callback(,) macro, callback methods are called. There are 2 argumentd to `vmm_callback(,) macro. First argument must be the facade class. Second argument must be the callback method in the facade class. To call pre_send() method , use macro `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,pre_send()); and simillary to call post_send() method, `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,post_send());

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts
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VMM Ethernet sample see simple example of creating a Driver transactor to support callback mechanism.

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Place the above macros before and after driving the packet. virtual task main(); super.main(); forever begin `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,pre_send()); $display(" Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... %d",$time); // Logic to drive the packet goes hear // let's consider that it takes 40 time units to drive a packet. #40; $display(" Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... %d",$time); `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,post_send()); end endtask With this, the Driver implementation is completed with callback support. Complete Source Code class Driver_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; virtual task pre_send(); endtask virtual task post_send(); endtask endclass class Driver extends vmm_xactor; function new();"Driver","class"); endfunction virtual task main(); super.main(); forever begin `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,pre_send()); $display(" Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... %d",$time); // Logic to drive the packet goes hear // let's consider that it takes 40 time units to drive a packet. #40; $display(" Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... %d",$time); `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,post_send()); end endtask endclass Let's run the driver in simple testcase. In this testcase, we are not changing any callback methods definitions. Testcase 1 Source Code program testing_callbacks(); Driver drvr = new(); initial begin #100 drvr.start_xactor(); #200 drvr.stop_xactor(); end endprogram Download files[9/26/2012 2:25:28 PM]


vmm_callback.tar Browse the code in vmm_callback.tar Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm Log report Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... $finish at simulation time 300 100 140 140 180 180 220 220 260 260 300 300

Following steps are to be performed for using callback mechanism to do required functionality. We will see how to use the callbacks which are implemented in the above defined driver in a testcase. 1) Implement the user defined callback method by extending facade class of the driver class. We will delay the driving of packet be 20 time units using the pre_send() call back method. We will just print a message from post_send() callback method. class Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 extends Driver_callbacks; virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. %d",$time); #20; endtask virtual task post_send(); $display("CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method \n"); endtask 2) Construct the user defined facade class object. Custom_Driver_callbacks CDc = new(); 3) Register the callback method. vmm_xactor class has append_callback() which is used to register the callback. drvr.append_callback(CDc_1); Testcase 2 Source Code program testing_callbacks(); Driver drvr = new(); class Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 extends Driver_callbacks; virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. %d",$time); #20; endtask virtual task post_send(); $display("CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method \n"); endtask[9/26/2012 2:25:28 PM]


endclass Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 CDc_1 = new(); initial begin drvr.append_callback(CDc_1); #100 drvr.start_xactor(); #200 drvr.stop_xactor(); end endprogram Download the example vmm_callback_1.tar Browse the code in vmm_callback_1.tar Simulation Command vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm Run the testcase. See the log results; We delayed the driving of packet by 20 time units using callback mechanism. See the difference between the previous testcase log and this log. Log report CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 120 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 160 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 180 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 220 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 240 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 280 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 300 $finish at simulation time 300 100




Now we will see registering 2 callback methods. 1) Define another user defined callback methods by extending facade class. class Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 extends Driver_callbacks; virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback %d",$time); endtask endclass 2) Construct the user defined facade class object. Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 CDc_2 = new(); 3) Register the object drvr.append_callback(CDc_2); Testcase 3 Source Code program testing_callbacks(); Driver drvr = new(); class Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 extends Driver_callbacks;[9/26/2012 2:25:28 PM]


virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. %d",$time); #20; endtask virtual task post_send(); $display("CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method \n"); endtask endclass class Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 extends Driver_callbacks; virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback %d",$time); endtask endclass Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 CDc_1 = new(); Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 CDc_2 = new(); initial begin drvr.append_callback(CDc_1); drvr.append_callback(CDc_2); #100 drvr.start_xactor(); #200 drvr.stop_xactor(); end endprogram Download source code vmm_callback_2.tar Browse the code in vmm_callback_2.tar Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm Run the testcase and analyze the result. Log report CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 120 Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 120 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 160 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 180 Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 180 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 220 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 240 Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 240 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 280 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 300 $finish at simulation time 300 300 100




The log results show that pre_send() method of CDc_1 is called first and then pre_send() method of Cdc_2. This is beacuse of the order of the registering callbacks. drvr.append_callback(CDc_1);[9/26/2012 2:25:28 PM]


drvr.append_callback(CDc_2); Now we will see how to change the order of the callback method calls. Use prepend_callback() method for registering instead of append_callback() method. Testcase 4 Source Code program testing_callbacks(); Driver drvr = new(); class Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 extends Driver_callbacks; virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. %d",$time); #20; endtask virtual task post_send(); $display("CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method \n"); endtask endclass class Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 extends Driver_callbacks; virtual task pre_send(); $display("CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback %d",$time); endtask endclass Custom_Driver_callbacks_1 CDc_1 = new(); Custom_Driver_callbacks_2 CDc_2 = new(); initial begin drvr.append_callback(CDc_1); drvr.prepend_callback(CDc_2); #100 drvr.start_xactor(); #200 drvr.stop_xactor(); end endprogram Download the source code vmm_callback_3.tar Browse the code in vmm_callback_3.tar Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm -ntb_opts dtm Run and analyze the results. Log results show that, pre_send() method of CDs_1 is called after calling CDs_2 pre_send() method. Log file report CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 100 CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 120 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 160 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback 160 CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 180 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 220 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. 220 100


220[9/26/2012 2:25:28 PM]


Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 240 Driver: Finished Driving the packet ...... 280 CB_1:post_send: Just a message from post send callback method CB_2:pre_send: Hai .... this is from Second callback CB_1:pre_send: Delaying the packet driving by 20 time units. Driver: Started Driving the packet ...... 300 $finish at simulation time 300 280 280

Vmm also provides method to remove the callback methods which are registered.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env vmm_test is introduced in vmm 1.1. Vmm Data Vmm Channel To know the vmm version which you are using, use this command Vmm Atomic Generator vcs -R -sverilog -ntb_opts dtm Vmm Xactor +incdir+$VMM_HOME/sv $VMM_HOME/sv/ Vmm Callback Vmm Test vmm_test is used for compiling all the testcases in one compilation. The simulation of Vmm Channel Record each testcase is done individually. Traditionally for each testcase, compile and And Playback simulation are done per testcase file. With this new approach, which dose compilation Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts only once, will save lot of cup.


Generally each testcase can be divided into two parts. Procedural code part. The procedural code part (like passing the above new constrained transaction definition to some atomic generator, calling the env methods etc) has to be defined between these macros. vmm provides 2 macros to define testcase procedural part. `vmm_test_begin(testcase_name,vmm_env,"Test Case Name String") `vmm_test_env(testcase_name)

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VMM Ethernet sample Declarative code part.

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The declarative part( like new constrained transacting definition) is defined outside these macros. Writing A Testcase Let us see an example of writing a testcase. Inside the testcase, we will define a new transaction and pass this transaction to the atomic generator. Declarative part: 1) Define all the declarative code. class constrained_tran extends pcie_transaction; // Add some constraints // Change some method definitions end class 2) Define a handle to the above object. constrained_tran c_tran_obj; Procedural part: Use a `vmm_test_begin . There are 3 arguments to macro.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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The first argument is the name of the testcase class and will also be used as the name of the testcase in the global testcase registry. The second argument is the name of the environment class that will be used to execute the testcase. A data member of that type named "env" will be defined and assigned, ready to be used. The third argument is a string documenting the purpose of the test. `vmm_test_begin(test_1,vmm_env,"Test_1") In this testcase, we want to pass the c_tran_obj object. The steps t pass the c_tran_obj as per the vmm_env is; c_tran_obj = new(" "); env.atomic_gen.randomized_obj = c_tran_obj; Start the vmm_env execution.; Now use `vmm_test_end to define the end of the testcase. The argument to this is the testcase name. `vmm_test_end(test_1) Following is the full testcase source code which we discussed above. Testcase source code class constrained_tran extends pcie_transaction; end class constrained_tran c_tran_obj `vmm_test_begin(test_1,vmm_env,"Test_1") $display(" Start of Testcase : Test_1 ");; c_tran_obj = new(" "); env.atomic_gen.randomized_obj = c_tran_obj;; $display(" End of Testcase : Test_1 "); `vmm_test_end(test_1)

Like this you can write many testcases in separate file or single file. Example Of Using Vmm_test Now we will implement 3 simple testcases and a main testcase which will be used for selecting any one of the 3 testcases. testcase_1 Write this testcase in a file // // // // // // // Define all the declarative code hear. I done have anything to show you. class constrained_tran extends pcie_transaction; end class constrained_tran c_tran_obj[9/26/2012 2:25:39 PM]


`vmm_test_begin(test_1,vmm_env,"Test_1") $display(" Start of Testcase : Test_1 "); // This is procedural part. You can call build method.; // You can pass the above created transaction to atomic gen. // c_tran_obj = new(" "); // env.atomic_gen.randomized_obj = c_tran_obj; // //; $display(" End of Testcase : Test_1 "); `vmm_test_end(test_1) testcase_2 Write this testcase in a file `vmm_test_begin(test_2,vmm_env,"Test_2") $display(" Start of Testcase : Test_2 "); // Do something like this ....; // like this ....; $display(" End of Testcase : Test_2 "); `vmm_test_end(test_2) testcase_3 Write this testcase in a file `vmm_test_begin(test_3,vmm_env,"Test_3") $display(" Start of Testcase : Test_3 "); // Do something like this ....; // like this ....; $display(" End of Testcase : Test_3 "); `vmm_test_end(test_3) main testcase Now we will write the main testcase. This doesn't have any test scenario, it is only used for handling the above 3 testcases. This should be written in program block. 1) First include all the above testcases inside the program block. `include "" `include "" `include "" 2) Define env class object. vmm_env env = new(); As I dont have a custom env class to show, I used vmm_env. You can use your custom defined env. 3) In the initial block call the run() method of vmm_test_registry class and pass the above env object as argument. This run method of vmm_test_registry is a static method, so there is no need to create an object of this class. vmm_test_registry::run(env); Main testcase source code[9/26/2012 2:25:39 PM]


`include "" program main(); `include "" `include "" `include "" vmm_env env; initial begin $display(" START OF TEST CASE "); env = new(); vmm_test_registry::run(env); $display(" START OF TEST CASE "); end endprogram Now compile the above code using command. vcs -sverilog +incdir+$VMM_HOME/sv Now simulate the above compiled code. To simulate , just do ./simv and see the log. You can see the list of the testcases. This simulation will not ececute any testcase. LOG START OF TEST CASE *FATAL*[FAILURE] on vmm_test_registry(class) at 0: No test was selected at runtime using +vmm_test=<test>. Available tests are: 0) Default : Default testcase that simply calls env::run() 1) test_1 : Test_1 2) test_2 : Test_2 3) test_3 : Test_3 To run testcase_1 use ./simv +vmm_test=test_1 LOG START OF TEST CASE Normal[NOTE] on vmm_test_registry(class) at Running test "test_1"... Start of Testcase : Test_1 Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at demoted warnings) End of Testcase : Test_1 START OF TEST CASE 0: 0 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0

Simillarly to run testcase_2 ./simv +vmm_test=test_2 LOG START OF TEST CASE Normal[NOTE] on vmm_test_registry(class) at Running test "test_2"... Start of Testcase : Test_2 Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at demoted warnings) End of Testcase : Test_2 START OF TEST CASE 0: 0 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0

You can also call the Default testcase, which just calls the env::run() ./simv +vmm_test=Default[9/26/2012 2:25:39 PM]


LOG START OF TEST CASE Normal[NOTE] on vmm_test_registry(class) at Running test "Default"... Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at demoted warnings) START OF TEST CASE 0: 0 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0

Download the source code vmm_test.tar Browse the code in vmm_test.tar Command to compile vcs -sverilog -ntb_opts dtm +incdir+$VMM_HOME/sv Commands to simulate testcases ./simv ./simv ./simv ./simv ./simv +vmm_test=Default +vmm_test=test_1 +vmm_test=test_2 +vmm_test=test_3




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB


The purpose of this channel feature is to save all the incoming transaction to the specified file and play back the transaction from the file. This will be useful when we want to recreate a random scenario in different environment. For example, you found a very interesting random scenario in 10G speed Ethernet. Now you want to use the same random scenario on 1G Ethernet. It may not be possible to reproduce the same scenario at 1G speed even with the SV random stability. The other way is to write a directed testcase to recreate the same scenario. Using this Record/playback feature, we can record the transaction in the 10G speed Ethernet and then play this scenario at 1G speed Ethernet. One more advantage of this feature is, it allows us to shutdown the activities of some components. For Example, consider a layered protocol, the Ethernet. The Verification environment can be developed with layers of transactors corresponding to each protocol layer like, TCP over IP laver, IP fragment and reassembly layer, IP fragment over Ethernet and Ethernet layer. All these layers will be connected using channels. With record/playback feature, the input transaction to Ethernet layer can be recorded and in the next simulation, we can shutdown the TCP over IP laver, IP fragment and reassembly layer, IP fragment over Ethernet layers transactors and by playing back the recorded transactions. This will improve the memory consumption and execution speed.

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts
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Record/Playback is independent of Random stability. Changing the seed value will not affect the playback. This will give us an opportunity to test the DUT using a specific VMM Ethernet sample scenario of the high layer (Consider the previous example: Some interested scenario in IP fragment over Ethernet) with lot of different randomization using different seeds of lower layer protocol (Ethernet layer). Verilog This will also help, when we cannot reproduce the random scenario using Seed. If you Verification found a Bug in the DUT, and still you are in the development stage of your Verilog Switch TB environment, you cannot stop the development in the environment till the bug is fixed. There are chances that the changes in the environment will not allow you to Basic Constructs reproduce the same scenario even with the same seed. In this case, if you have stored the transactions, you can playback the transaction. OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Now we will learn about the implementation. Recording the record method of that instance.

RVM Ethernet sample To record the flow of transaction descriptors added through the channel instance, call

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function bit record(string filename); The vmm_data::save() method must be implemented for recording. All the transaction which are added to channel using the vmm_channel::put() method are recorded and are avilabe for playback. A null filename stops the recording process. vmm_channel::record() method returns TRUE if the specified file was successfully opened. RECORDING notification is indicated by vmm_channel::notify, when recording. Playing Back To playback the transactions in the recorded file, use the vmm_channel::playback()[9/26/2012 2:25:48 PM]


method. task playback(output bit success, input string filename, input vmm_data factory, input bit metered = 0, input vmm_scenario grabber = null); This method will block the sources of the current channel like vmm_channl::put() method till the playback is completed. The vmm_data::load() method must be implemented for playback. The order of the transaction will be same as the order while recording. If the metered argument is TRUE, the transaction descriptors are added to the channel with the same relative time interval as they were originally put in when the file was recorded. The success argument is set to TRUE if the playback was successful. If the playback process encounters an error condition such as a NULL (empty string) filename, a corrupt file or an empty file, then success is set to FALSE. PLAYBACK_DONE notification is indicated by vmm_channel::notify, when playback is completed. EXAMPLE Let us write an example to see how the record and playback works. Record & Playback of channels can be used with atomic generator and scenario generators. Here is a simple transaction with its channel and atomic generator. We will use this atomic generator to generate transaction. The atomic generator has out_chan channel, this channel is used send the generated transaction. We will record and playback the transaction in the out_chan. I used Vmm_data macros for implementing all the required methods. class trans extends vmm_data; typedef enum bit {BAD_FCS=1'b0, GOOD_FCS=1'b1} kind_e; rand bit [47:0] DA; rand bit [47:0] SA; rand int length; rand kind_e kind; `vmm_data_member_begin(trans) `vmm_data_member_scalar(DA, DO_ALL) `vmm_data_member_scalar(SA, DO_ALL) `vmm_data_member_scalar(length, DO_ALL) `vmm_data_member_enum(kind, DO_ALL) `vmm_data_member_end(trans) endclass // for declaring trans_channel `vmm_channel(trans) // for declaring trans_atomic_gen `vmm_atomic_gen(trans, "Gen") Now we will write a simple program to record and play back the above defined transaction. Use the trans_atomic_gen to generate the transactions. This also the put the transactions in to out_chan channel. Call the start_xactor() method of the generator to start the generator of transaction. Call the record() method of out_chan to record the incoming transactions.[9/26/2012 2:25:48 PM]


gen.stop_after_n_insts = 3; gen.start_xactor(); gen.out_chan.record(""); To play back the recorded transactions, call the playback method. Then check if the playback is fine. tr = new(); gen.out_chan.playback(success,"",tr); if(!success) $display(" Failed to playback");

Now we will write a logic which gets the transaction from the channel and prints the content to terminal, so that we can observe the results. The above the logic generates 3 transactions. Get the 3 transaction from the channel and print the content. initial repeat(3) begin #10; gen.out_chan.get(tr); tr.display(); end Complete source code program main(); trans tr; trans_atomic_gen gen = new("Atomic Gen",1); bit success; // This is the producer logic. // Transactions are produced from Atomic generator in RECORD mode. // Transactions are produced from recorded file in PLAYBACK mode. initial begin if($test$plusargs("RECORD")) begin $display(" RECORDING started "); gen.stop_after_n_insts = 3; gen.start_xactor(); gen.out_chan.record(""); end else if($test$plusargs("PLAYBACK")) begin $display(" PLAYBACK started "); tr = new(); gen.out_chan.playback(success,"",tr); if(!success) $display(" Failed to playback"); end else $display(" give +RECORD or +PLAYBACK with simulation command"); end // This is consumer logic. initial repeat(3) begin #10; gen.out_chan.get(tr); tr.display(); end endprogram

Download the source code[9/26/2012 2:25:48 PM]


This works with vmm 1.1 and above. vmm_record_playback.tar Browse the code in vmm_record_playback.tar Command to record the transaction vcs -R -sverilog +incdir+$VMM_HOME/sv +RECORD Log file RECORDING started trans (1.0.0): DA='haecd55f5b651 SA='h13db0b1a590e length='hd8a7d371 kind=GOOD_FCS trans (1.0.1): DA='h5e980e9b7ce9 SA='h44a4bbdaf703 length='h5714c3a7 kind=GOOD_FCS trans (1.0.2): DA='hba4f5a021300 SA='h2de750b6cc3e length='h22ca2bd8 kind=GOOD_FCS You can also see a file named "" in your simulation directory. Command to playback the transaction vcs -R -sverilog +incdir+$VMM_HOME/sv +PLAYBACK Log File PLAYBACK started trans (0.0.0): DA='haecd55f5b651 SA='h13db0b1a590e length='hd8a7d371 kind=GOOD_FCS trans (0.0.0): DA='h5e980e9b7ce9 SA='h44a4bbdaf703 length='h5714c3a7 kind=GOOD_FCS trans (0.0.0): DA='hba4f5a021300 SA='h2de750b6cc3e length='h22ca2bd8 kind=GOOD_FCS Look, the same transactions which were generated while RECORDING are played back.[9/26/2012 2:25:48 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Vmm Log Atomic generator generates individual data items or transaction descriptors. Each Vmm Env item is generated independently of other items in a random fashion. Atomic generator Vmm Data Vmm Channel is simple to describe and use. Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Unlike atomic generator, a scenario generator generates a sequence of transaction. Vmm Callback Vmm Test Example of sequence of transaction: Vmm Channel Record And Playback CPU instructions like LOAD__A,LOAD__B,ADD_A_B,STORE_C. Vmm Scenario Packets with incrementing length. Generator Do write operation to address "123" and then do the read to address "123". Vmm Opts


It is very unlikely that atomic generator to generate transaction in the above ordered Report a Bug or Comment sequence. With scenario generator, we can generate these sequence of transaction. on This section - Your VMM provides `vmm_scenario_gen() macro for quickly creating a scenario generator. `vmm_scenario_gen(class_name, "Class Description"); The macro defines classes named <class_name>_scenario_gen, <class_name>_scenario, <class_name>_scenario_election , <class_name>_scenario_gen_callbacks and <class_name>_atomic_scenario. class custom_scenario_gen extends vmm_xactor; class custom_scenario extends vmm_data; class custom_atomic_scenario extends custom_scenario; class custom_scenario_election; class custom_scenario_gen_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks <class_name>_scenario: This scenario generator can generate more than one scenario. Each scenario which can contain more than one transaction is described in a class which is extended from <class_name>_scenario. For each scenario, following variables must be constraint. Length: number of transactions in an array. Repeated: number of times to repeat this scenario. <class_name>_atomic_scenario: This class is a atomic scenario. This is the default scenario. This scenario is a random transactions.
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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<class_name>_scenario_election: This class is the arbiter which determines the order that the known scenarios are applied. By default, scenarios are elected atomically. User can extend this class to define an order in which the scenarios should be picked. <class_name>_scenario_gen: This class is the scenario generator which generates the transactions and sends out using output channel. This class has a queue of scenario objects. Each scenario contains transaction instances in an array.[9/26/2012 2:25:58 PM]


<class_name>_scenario_gen_callbacks: This class provides callback mechanism. There are two callback methods define. pre_scenario_randomize() and post_scenario_gen() which are called at prerandomization of the scenario and post-generation of the scenario respectively.

Example Let us write an example. Following is the transaction class which we will use to write a scenario generator. class instruction extends vmm_data; vmm_log log; typedef enum {LOAD__A,LOAD__B,ADD_A_B,SUB_A_B,STORE_C } kinds_e; rand kinds_e inst; function new();; endfunction:new virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix = ""); psdisplay = $psprintf(" Instruction : %s | stream_id : %0d | scenario_id : %0d ",,stream_id,scenario_id); endfunction:psdisplay virtual function vmm_data allocate(); instruction tr = new; allocate = tr; endfunction:allocate virtual function vmm_data copy(vmm_data cpy = null); instruction to; if (cpy == null) to = new; else if (!$cast(to, cpy)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non instruction instance"); return null; end super.copy_data(to); to.inst = this.inst;[9/26/2012 2:25:58 PM]


copy = to; endfunction:copy endclass

The above transaction crests CPU instructions. Let us consider that sequence of instruction LOAD__A,LOAD__B,ADD_A_B,STORE_C is a interesting scenario and LOAD__A,LOAD__B,SUB_A_B,STORE_C is also an interesting scenario. When instructions are generated, we want to generate these 2 sequences of instruction. Let us see how to generate these 2 sequence of instructions . As we have already discussed, `vmm_scenario_gen() creates use full class for cscenario generation. 1) Use `vmm_scenario_gen() macro to declare the scenario classes. `vmm_scenario_gen(instruction, "Instruction Scenario Generator") This macro will create following classs instruction_scenario_gen instruction_scenario instruction_atomic_scenario instruction_scenario_election instruction_scenario_gen_callbacks 2) Define interesting scenarios by extending inst_scenario; class instruction_scenario_add_sub extends instruction_scenario; 3) Define the first scenario. It is sequence of instructions for addition operation. a) Declare a variable for identifying the scenario. int addition_scenario_id ; Each scenario has more than one inductions. All these instructions are in a queue "items" which is already defined in "instruction_scenario". The rand varible "scenario_kind", which pre defined in the vmm_scenario class, will randomly select one of the defined scenarios. "scenario_kind" varible has the id of the current scenario. So we have to define the addition scenario, when the "scenario_kind" value is addition_scenario_id. b) Constrain the scenario kind, constraint addition_scenario_items { if($void(scenario_kind) == addition_scenario_id) { c) The number of instructions define in a scenario is specified by the predefined variable "length". In our example, we have 4 instructions. So constrain the length to 4. length == 4; d) The predefined variable "repeated" used to control if the VMM scenario generator would run the scenario more than once each time it is created. We are not interested in repeating so, constrain it to 0 repeated == 0; e) Constrain the individual items based on the requirements if this scenario is selected. Our requirement in this example is that "inst" should follow the sequence LOAD__A,LOAD__B,ADD_A_B,STORE_C foreach(items[i]) if(i == 0) this.items[i].inst == instruction::LOAD__A; else if(i == 1) this.items[i].inst == instruction::LOAD__B; else if(i == 2) this.items[i].inst == instruction::ADD_A_B;[9/26/2012 2:25:58 PM]


else if(i == 3) this.items[i].inst == instruction::STORE_C; 4)Define second scenario. It is Sequence of instructions for subtraction operation. a) Declare a variable for identifying the scenario. int subtraction_scenario_id ; b) Constrain the scenario kind, constraint subtraction_scenario_items { if($void(scenario_kind) == subtraction_scenario_id) { c) Constrain the length length == 4; d) Constrain the repeated repeated == 0; e) Constrain the items foreach(items[i]) if(i == 0) this.items[i].inst == instruction::LOAD__A; else if(i == 1) this.items[i].inst == instruction::LOAD__B; else if(i == 2) this.items[i].inst == instruction::SUB_A_B; else if(i == 3) this.items[i].inst == instruction::STORE_C; 5)Define constructor method. a) call the method. Get a unique Ids from the define_scenario() method for each scenario. define_scenario() is predefined in *_scenario class. function new(); this.addition_scenario_id = define_scenario(" ADDITION ",4); this.subtraction_scenario_id = define_scenario(" SUBSTRACTION ",4); endfunction With this, we completed the implementation of scenarios. Scenario Code `vmm_scenario_gen(instruction,"Instruction Scenario Generator") class instruction_scenario_add_sub extends instruction_scenario; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// ADDITION SCENARIO ////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int addition_scenario_id ; constraint addition_scenario_items { if($void(scenario_kind) == addition_scenario_id) { repeated == 0; length == 4; foreach(items[i]) if(i == 0) this.items[i].inst == instruction::LOAD__A; else if(i == 1) this.items[i].inst == instruction::LOAD__B; else if(i == 2) this.items[i].inst == instruction::ADD_A_B;[9/26/2012 2:25:58 PM]


else if(i == 3) this.items[i].inst == instruction::STORE_C; }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// ASUBTRACTION SCENARIO ////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int subtraction_scenario_id ; constraint subtraction_scenario_items { if($void(scenario_kind) == subtraction_scenario_id) { repeated == 0; length == 4; foreach(items[i]) if(i == 0) this.items[i].inst == instruction::LOAD__A; else if(i == 1) this.items[i].inst == instruction::LOAD__B; else if(i == 2) this.items[i].inst == instruction::SUB_A_B; else if(i == 3) this.items[i].inst == instruction::STORE_C; } } function new(); this.addition_scenario_id = define_scenario(" ADDITION ",4); this.subtraction_scenario_id = define_scenario(" SUBSTRACTION ",4); endfunction endclass Testcase Now we will write a test case to see how to above defined scenario works. 1) Declare scenario generator instruction_scenario_gen gen; 2) Declare the scenario which we defined earlier. instruction_scenario_add_sub sce_add_sub; 3) Construct the generator and scenarios. gen = new("gen",0); sce_add_sub = new(); 4) set the number of instances and scenarios generated by generator to 20 and 4 respectevy. gen.stop_after_n_insts = 20; gen.stop_after_n_scenarios = 4; 5) Scenario generators store all the scenarios in scenario_set queue. So, we have to add the scenario which we constructed above to the queue. gen.scenario_set[0] = sce_add_sub; 6) Start the generator gen.start_xactor(); 7) Similar t the Atomic generator, the transactions created by the scenario generator are sent to out_chan channel. Get the instructions from the out_chan channel and print the content. repeat(20) begin gen.out_chan.get(inst); inst.display();[9/26/2012 2:25:58 PM]


Testcase code program test(); instruction_scenario_gen gen; instruction_scenario_add_sub sce_add_sub; instruction inst; initial begin gen = new("gen",0); sce_add_sub = new(); //gen.log.set_verbosity(vmm_log::DEBUG_SEV,"/./","/./"); gen.stop_after_n_insts = 20; gen.stop_after_n_scenarios = 4; gen.scenario_set[0] = sce_add_sub; gen.start_xactor(); repeat(20) begin gen.out_chan.get(inst); inst.display(); end end endprogram Down load the source code vmm_scenario.tar Browse the code in vmm_scenario.tar Command to simulate vcs -sverilog -ntb_opts rvm -f filelist -R Observe the log file, you can see the both the scenarios. Logfile Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : LOAD__A | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 0 LOAD__B | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 0 ADD_A_B | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 0 STORE_C | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 0 LOAD__A | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 1 LOAD__B | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 1 ADD_A_B | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 1 STORE_C | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 1 LOAD__A | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 2 LOAD__B | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 2 SUB_A_B | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 2 STORE_C | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 2 LOAD__A | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 3 LOAD__B | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 3 ADD_A_B | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 3 STORE_C | stream_id : 0 | scenario_id : 3



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Some of the test parameters in functional verification are passed from the command line. Passing Parameters from the command line allows simulating the same testcase file with different scenario. For example, let say you are verifying Ethernet protocol. is a testcase file which verifies the DUT by sending CRC error packets. Now you can use the same testcase file to verify the DUT in 3 different modes , 10G 1000M and 100M modes by passing these parameters from the command prompt, this increases the testcase reusability. As parameters became one of the most important techniques in reusing the testcases, vmm has added vmm_opts class to manage parameters efficiently. vmm_opts captures parameter from run time options. There are 2 ways to specify the parameters during runtime.

Index Introduction Vmm Log Vmm Env Vmm Data Vmm Channel Vmm Atomic Generator Vmm Xactor Vmm Callback Vmm Test Vmm Channel Record And Playback Vmm Scenario Generator Vmm Opts

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps 1) Command line vmm_opts internally uses $plusargs to recognize the options specified on command improving with time! line.

2) text file If you have lot of parameters to mentions, then you can also mention all the parameters in a text file and pass it as command line options. vmm_opts can recognize 3 types of parameters. They are String type parameters Integer type parameters Bit type parameters Following are the 3 static methods which are defined in vmm_opts to get the parameter values. Static function bit get_bit(string name, string doc = ""); Static function int get_int(string name,int dflt = 0, string doc = "");

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

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Static function string get_string(string name, string dflt = "", string doc = ""); The first argument is the name of the parameter and the argument "doc" is description of the runtime argument that will be displayed by the vmm_opts::get_help() method. as these methods are static, user dont need to construct the object of vmm_opts.

RVM Ethernet sample Argument "dflt" is the default value.

How to give options

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To supply a Boolean runtime option "foo" , use "+vmm_opts+...+foo+..." command-line option, or "+vmm_foo" command-line option, or the line "+foo" in the option file. To supply a integer value "5" for runtime option "foo", use the "+vmm_opts+...+foo=5+..." command-line option, or "+vmm_foo=5" command-line option, or the line "+foo=5" in the option file. To supply a string value "bar" for runtime option "foo" , use the "+vmm_opts+...+foo=bar+..." command-line option, or "+vmm_foo=bar" command-line option, or the line "+foo=bar" in the option file. To supply a textfile which contains the runtime options, use[9/26/2012 2:26:08 PM]


"+vmm_opts_file=finename.txt" +vmm_help command line option will print the run time options help. This option will call the vmm_opts::get_help() method. The following is a basic example of how these parameters could be received using vmm_opts EXAMPLE `include "" class my_env extends vmm_env; virtual function void gen_cfg(); integer foo1; string foo2; bit foo3; super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(log,"START OF GEN_CFG "); foo1 = vmm_opts::get_int("foo1" , 10 , "Help for the option foo1: pass any integer between 0 to 100"); foo2 = vmm_opts::get_string("foo2" , "default_string" , "Help for the option foo2: pass any string"); foo3 = vmm_opts::get_int("foo3" , "Help for the option foo3: just use foo3 to enable "); `vmm_note(log,$psprintf("\n Run time Options \n foo1 : %0d \n foo2 : %s \n foo3 : %b \n",foo1,foo2,foo3)); `vmm_note(log,"END OF GEN_CFG "); endfunction endclass program main(); initial begin my_env env; env = new();; end endprogram Download the example vmm_opts.tar Browse the code in vmm_opts.tar Commands to complie This works with vmm 1.1 and above. vcs -sverilog -ntb_opts dtm +incdir+$VMM_HOME/sv Commands to complie ./simv ./simv +vmm_foo1=101 ./simv Following is log file generated using runtime option +vmm_foo1=101[9/26/2012 2:26:08 PM]


Log Normal[NOTE] on Verif Env() at 0: START OF GEN_CFG WARNING[FAILURE] on vmm_opts(class) at No documentation specified for option "foo3". Normal[NOTE] on Verif Env() at 0: Run time Options foo1 : 101 foo2 : foo3 : 0 Normal[NOTE] on Verif Env() at END OF GEN_CFG Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at demoted warnings) 0: 0 (1 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting The OVM Class Library provides the building blocks needed to quickly develop well- Ovm Transaction constructed and reusable verification components and test environments in Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 SystemVerilog. Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 OVM library contains: Component classes for building testbench components like Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 generator/driver/monitor etc. Ovm Sequence 6 Reporting classes for logging, Ovm Configuration Factory for object substitution. Synchronization classes for managing concurrent process. Report a Bug or Comment Policy classes for printing, comparing, recording, packing, and unpacking of on This section - Your ovm_object based classes. input is what keeps TLM Classes for transaction level interface. improving with time! Sequencer and Sequence classes for generating realistic stimulus. And Macros which can be used for shorthand notation of complex implementation.


In this tutorial, we will learn some of the OVM concepts with examples.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM

Ovm components, ovm env and ovm test are the three main building blocks of a testbench in ovm based verification. Ovm_env Ovm_env is extended from ovm_componented and does not contain any extra functionality. Ovm_env is used to create and connect the ovm_components like driver, monitors , sequeners etc. A environment class can also be used as subenvironment in another environment. As there is no difference between ovm_env and ovm_component , we will discuss about ovm_component, in the next section.

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps Verification Components improving Ovm verification component classes are derived from ovm_component class which with time!

provides features like hierarchy searching, phasing, configuration , reporting , factory and transaction recording.

Following are some of the ovm component classes Ovm_agent Easy Labs : VMM Ovm_monitor AVM Switch TB Ovm_scoreboard Ovm_driver VMM Ethernet sample Ovm_sequencer Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

NOTE: ovm_env and ovm_test are also extended from ovm_component. A typical ovm verification environment:

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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An agent typically contains three subcomponents: a driver, sequencer, and monitor. If the agent is active, subtypes should contain all three subcomponents. If the agent is passive, subtypes should contain only the monitor. About Ovm_component Class: Ovm_compoenent class is inherited from ovm_report_object which is inherited from ovm_object. As I mentioned previously, ovm_component class provides features like hierarchy searching, phasing, configuration , reporting , factory and transaction recording. We will discuss about phasing concept in this section and rest of the features will be discussed as separate topics. OVM phases OVM Components execute their behavior in strictly ordered, pre-defined phases. Each phase is defined by its own virtual method, which derived components can override to incorporate component-specific behavior. By default , these methods do nothing.

--> virtual function void build() This phase is used to construct various child components/ports/exports and configures them. --> virtual function void connect() This phase is used for connecting the ports/exports of the components.[9/26/2012 2:26:24 PM]


--> virtual function void end_of_elaboration() This phase is used for configuring the components if required. --> virtual function void start_of_simulation() This phase is used to print the banners and topology. --> virtual task run() In this phase , Main body of the test is executed where all threads are forked off. --> virtual function void extract() In this phase, all the required information is gathered. --> virtual function void check() In this phase, check the results of the extracted information such as un responded requests in scoreboard, read statistics registers etc. --> virtual function void report() This phase is used for reporting the pass/fail status. Only build() method is executed in top down manner. i.e after executing parent build() method, child objects build() methods are executed. All other methods are executed in bottom-up manner. The run() method is the only method which is time consuming. The run() method is forked, so the order in which all components run() method are executed is undefined. Ovm_test Ovm_test is derived from ovm_component class and there is no extra functionality is added. The advantage of used ovm_test for defining the user defined test is that the test case selection can be done from command line option +OVM_TESTNAME=<testcase_string> . User can also select the testcase by passing the testcase name as string to ovm_root::run_test(<testcase_string>) method. In the above <testcase_string> is the object type of the testcase class. Lets implement environment for the following topology. I will describe the implementation of environment , testcase and top module. Agent, monitor and driver are implemented similar to environment.

1)Extend ovm_env class and define user environment. class env extends ovm_env; 2)Declare the utility macro. This utility macro provides the implementation of create()[9/26/2012 2:26:24 PM]


and get_type_name() methods and all the requirements needed for factory. `ovm_component_utils(env) 3)Declare the objects for agents. agent ag1; agent ag2; 4)Define the constructor. In the constructor, call the super methods and pass the parent object. Parent is the object in which environment is instantiated. function new(string name , ovm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new 5)Define build method. In the build method, construct the agents. To construct agents, use create() method. The advantage of create() over new() is that when create() method is called, it will check if there is a factory override and constructs the object of override type. function void build();; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Build", OVM_LOG); ag1 = agent::type_id::create("ag1",this); ag2 = agent::type_id::create("ag2",this); endfunction 6)Define connect(),end_of_elaboration(),start_of_simulation(),run(),extract(),check(),report() methods. Just print a message from these methods, as we dont have any logic in this example to define. function void connect(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Connect", OVM_LOG); endfunction Complete code of environment class: class env extends ovm_env; `ovm_component_utils(env) agent ag1; agent ag2; function new(string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction function void build(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Build", OVM_LOG); ag1 = agent::type_id::create("ag1",this); ag2 = agent::type_id::create("ag2",this); endfunction function void connect(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Connect", OVM_LOG); endfunction function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End_of_elaboration", OVM_LOG); endfunction function void start_of_simulation(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start_of_simulation", OVM_LOG); endfunction task run(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Run", OVM_LOG); endtask function void extract();[9/26/2012 2:26:24 PM]


ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Extract", OVM_LOG); endfunction function void check(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Check", OVM_LOG); endfunction function void report(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Report", OVM_LOG); endfunction endclass

Now we will implement the testcase. 1)Extend ovm_test and define the test case class test1 extends ovm_test; 2)Declare component ustilits using utility macro. `ovm_component_utils(test1) 2)Declare environment class handle. env t_env; 3)Define constructor method. In the constructor, call the super method and construct the environment object. function new (string name="test1", ovm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new 4)Define the end_of_elaboration method. In this method, call the print() method. This print() method will print the topology of the test. function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End_of_elaboration", OVM_LOG); print(); endfunction 4)Define the run method and call the global_stop_request() method. task run (); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run Testcase source code: class test1 extends ovm_test; `ovm_component_utils(test1) env t_env; function new (string name="test1", ovm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End_of_elaboration", OVM_LOG); print(); endfunction task run (); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run[9/26/2012 2:26:24 PM]


endclass Top Module: To start the testbench, run_test() method must be called from initial block. Run_test() mthod Phases all components through all registered phases. module top; initial run_test(); endmodule Download the source code ovm_phases.tar Browse the code in ovm_phases.tar Command to run the simulation your_tool_simulation_command +path_to_ovm_pkg -f filelist +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 Log file: [RNTST] Running test test1... ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] End_of_elaboration ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] End_of_elaboration ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1] End_of_elaboration ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] End_of_elaboration ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] End_of_elaboration ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2] End_of_elaboration ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] End_of_elaboration ovm_test_top [ovm_test_top] End_of_elaboration ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------ovm_test_top test1 ovm_test_top@2 t_env env t_env@4 ag1 agent ag1@6 drv driver drv@12 rsp_port ovm_analysis_port rsp_port@16 sqr_pull_port ovm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@14 mon monitor mon@10 ag2 agent ag2@8 drv driver drv@20 rsp_port ovm_analysis_port rsp_port@24 sqr_pull_port ovm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@22 mon monitor mon@18 ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv[ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv]Start_of_simulation ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon[ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon]Start_of_simulation ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1[ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1]Start_of_simulation ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv[ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv]Start_of_simulation ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon[ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon]Start_of_simulatio ..[9/26/2012 2:26:24 PM]


.. .. .. Observe the above log report: 1)Build method was called in top-down fashion. Look at the following part of message. ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] Build ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] Build 2)Connect method was called in bottopm up fashion. Look at the below part of log file, ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2 [ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2] Connect ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] Connect 3)Following part of log file shows the testcase topology.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

The ovm_report_object provides an interface to the OVM reporting facility. Through this interface, components issue the various messages with different severity levels that occur during simulation. Users can configure what actions are taken and what file(s) are output for individual messages from a particular component or for all messages from all components in the environment. A report consists of an id string, severity, verbosity level, and the textual message itself. If the verbosity level of a report is greater than the configured maximum verbosity level of its report object, it is ignored. Reporting Methods: Following are the primary reporting methods in the OVM. virtual function void ovm_report_info (string id,string message,int verbosity=OVM_MEDIUM,string filename="",int line=0) virtual function void ovm_report_warning (string id,string message,int verbosity=OVM_MEDIUM,string filename="",int line=0) virtual function void ovm_report_error (string id,string message,int verbosity=OVM_LOW, string filename="",int line=0) virtual function void ovm_report_fatal (string id,string message,int verbosity=OVM_NONE, string filename="",int line=0) Arguments description:

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration
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id -- a unique id to form a group of messages. message -- The message text verbosity -- the verbosity of the message, indicating its relative importance. If this number is less than or equal to the effective verbosity level, then the report is issued, subject to the configured action and file descriptor settings. filename/line -- If required to print filename and line number from where the message is issued, use macros, `__FILE__ and `__LINE__. Actions: These methods associate the specified action or actions with reports of the givenseverity, id, or severity-id pair.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Following are the actions defined: OVM_NO_ACTION -- Do nothing OVM_DISPLAY -- Display report to standard output OVM_LOG -- Write to a file OVM_COUNT -- Count up to a max_quit_count value before exiting OVM_EXIT -- Terminates simulation immediately OVM_CALL_HOOK -- Callback the hook method . Configuration:[9/26/2012 2:26:32 PM]


Using these methods, user can set the verbosity levels and set actions. function void set_report_verbosity_level (int verbosity_level) function void set_report_severity_action (ovm_severity severity,ovm_action action) function void set_report_id_action (string id,ovm_action action) function void set_report_severity_id_action (ovm_severity severity,string id,ovm_action action)

Example Lets see an example: In the following example, messages from rpting::run() method are of different verbosity level. In the top module, 3 objects of rpting are created and different verbosity levels are set using set_report_verbosity_level() method. `include "ovm.svh" import ovm_pkg::*; class rpting extends ovm_threaded_component; `ovm_component_utils(rpting) function new(string name,ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction task run(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Info Message : Verbo lvl - OVM_NONE ",OVM_NONE,`__FILE__,`__LINE__);[9/26/2012 2:26:32 PM]


ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Info Message : Verbo lvl - OVM_LOW ",OVM_LOW); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Info Message : Verbo lvl - 150 ",150); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Info Message : Verbo lvl - OVM_MEDIUM",OVM_MEDIUM); ovm_report_warning(get_full_name(), "Warning Messgae from rpting",OVM_LOW); ovm_report_error(get_full_name(), "Error Message from rpting \n\n",OVM_LOG); endtask endclass module top; rpting rpt1; rpting rpt2; rpting rpt3; initial begin rpt1 = new("rpt1",null); rpt2 = new("rpt2",null); rpt3 = new("rpt3",null); rpt1.set_report_verbosity_level(OVM_MEDIUM); rpt2.set_report_verbosity_level(OVM_LOW); rpt3.set_report_verbosity_level(OVM_NONE); run_test(); end endmodule Download the source code ovm_reporting.tar Browse the code in ovm_reporting.tar Command to run the simulation your_tool_simulation_command +path_to_ovm_pkg Log file: OVM_INFO[rpt1]Info Message:Verbo lvl - OVM_NONE OVM_INFO @0:rpt1[rpt1] Info Message : Verbo lvl - OVM_LOW OVM_INFO @0:rpt1[rpt1] Info Message : Verbo lvl - 150 OVM_INFO @0:rpt1[rpt1] Info Message : Verbo lvl - OVM_MEDIUM OVM_WARNIN@0:rpt[rpt1] Warning Messgae from rpting OVM_ERROR @0:rpt1[rpt1] Error Message from rpting[rpt2]Info Message:Verbo lvl - OVM_NONE OVM_INFO@ 0:rpt2[rpt2] Info Message : Verbo lvl - OVM_LOW OVM_WARNING@0:rpt2[rpt2] Warning Messgae from rpting OVM_ERROR@0:rpt2[rpt2] Error Message from rpting[rpt3]Info Message:Verbo lvl - OVM_NONE OVM_ERROR @ 9200 [TIMOUT] Watchdog timeout of '23f0' expired.



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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

A transaction is data item which is eventually or directly processed by the DUT. The packets, instructions, pixels are data items. In ovm, transactions are extended from ovm_transactions class or ovm_sequence_item class. Generally transactions are extended from ovm_transaction if randomization is not done in sequence and transactions are extended from ovm_sequence_item if the randomization is done in sequence. In this section, we will see ovm_transaction only, ovm_sequence_item will be addressed in another section. Example of a transaction: class Packet extends ovm_transaction; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; endclass Core Utilities: ovm_transaction class is extended from ovm_object. Ovm_transaction adds more features line transaction recording , transaction id and timings of the transaction. The methods used to model, transform or operate on transactions like print, copying, cloning, comparing, recording, packing and unpacking are already defined in ovm_object.

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration
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FIG: OVM OBJECT UTILITIES[9/26/2012 2:26:41 PM]


User Defined Implementations: User should define these methods in the transaction using do_<method_name> and call them using <method_name>. Following table shows calling methods and userdefined hook do_<method_name> methods. Clone and create methods, does not use hook methods concepts.

Shorthand Macros: Using the field automation concept of ovm, all the above defines methods can be defined automatically. To use these field automation macros, first declare all the data fields, then place the field automation macros between the `ovm_object_utils_begin and `ovm_object_utils_end macros. Example of field automation macros: class Packet extends ovm_transaction; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; `ovm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `ovm_field_int(da, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(sa, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(length, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_array_int(data, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(fcs, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_object_utils_end endclass.[9/26/2012 2:26:41 PM]


For most of the data types in systemverilog, ovm defined corresponding field automation macros. Following table shows all the field automation macros.

Each `ovm_field_* macro has at least two arguments: ARG and FLAG. ARG is the instance name of the variable and FLAG is used to control the field usage in core utilities operation. Following table shows ovm field automation flags:[9/26/2012 2:26:41 PM]


By default, FLAG is set to OVM_ALL_ON. All these flags can be ored. Using NO_* flags, can turn of particular field usage in a paerticuler method. NO_* flags takes precedency over other flags. Example of Flags: `ovm_field_int(da, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) The above macro will use the field "da" in all utilities methods except Packing and unpacking methods. Lets see a example: In the following example, all the utility methods are defined using field automation macros except Packing and unpacking methods. Packing and unpacking methods are done in do_pack() amd do_unpack() method. `include "ovm.svh" import ovm_pkg::*; //Define the enumerated types for packet types typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; class Packet extends ovm_transaction; rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind;

rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 6]};} constraint length_c { length == data.size; } constraint solve_size_length { solve data.size before length; } function new(string name = "");; endfunction : new function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0;[9/26/2012 2:26:41 PM]


else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize ///// method to calculate the fcs ///// virtual function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs `ovm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `ovm_field_int(da, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(sa, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(length, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_array_int(data, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(fcs, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_object_utils_end function void do_pack(ovm_packer packer); super.do_pack(packer); packer.pack_field_int(da,$bits(da)); packer.pack_field_int(sa,$bits(sa)); packer.pack_field_int(length,$bits(length)); foreach(data[i]) packer.pack_field_int(data[i],8); packer.pack_field_int(fcs,$bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_pack function void do_unpack(ovm_packer packer); int sz; super.do_pack(packer); da = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(da)); sa = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(sa)); length = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(length)); data.delete(); data = new[length]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = packer.unpack_field_int(8); fcs = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_unpack endclass : Packet ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Test to check the packet implementation //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module test; Packet pkt1 = new("pkt1"); Packet pkt2 = new("pkt2"); byte unsigned pkdbytes[]; initial repeat(10) if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Sucessesfull."); pkt1.print(); ovm_default_packer.use_metadata = 1; void'(pkt1.pack_bytes(pkdbytes)); $display("Size of pkd bits %d",pkdbytes.size()); pkt2.unpack_bytes(pkdbytes);[9/26/2012 2:26:41 PM]


pkt2.print(); if( $display(" Packing,Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare *** \n \n"); end else $display(" *** Randomization Failed ***"); endmodule Download the source code ovm_transaction.tar Browse the code in ovm_transaction.tar Command to run the simulation your_tool_simulation_command +path_to_ovm_pkg Log report:

Randomization Sucessesfull. --------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------pkt1 Packet pkt1@3 da integral 8 'h1d sa integral 8 'h26 length integral 8 'h5 data da(integral) 5 [0] integral 8 'hb1 [1] integral 8 'h3f [2] integral 8 'h9e [3] integral 8 'h38 [4] integral 8 'h8d fcs integral 8 'h9b --------------------------------------------------------------------Size of pkd bits 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------pkt2 Packet pkt2@5 da integral 8 'h1d sa integral 8 'h26 length integral 8 'h5 data da(integral) 5 [0] integral 8 'hb1 [1] integral 8 'h3f [2] integral 8 'h9e [3] integral 8 'h38 [4] integral 8 'h8d fcs integral 8 'h9b --------------------------------------------------------------------Packing,Unpacking and compare worked



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM

The factory pattern is an well known object-oriented design pattern. The factory method design pattern defining a separate method for creating the objects. , whose subclasses can then override to specify the derived type of object that will be created. Using this method, objects are constructed dynamically based on the specification type of the object. User can alter the behavior of the pre-build code without modifying the code. From the testcase, user from environment or testcase can replace any object which is at any hierarchy level with the user defined object. For example: In your environment, you have a driver component. You would like the extend the driver component for error injection scenario. After defining the extended driver class with error injection, how will you replace the base driver component which is deep in the hierarchy of your environment ? Using hierarchical path, you could replace the driver object with the extended driver. This could not be easy if there are many driver objects. Then you should also take care of its connections with the other components of testbenchs like scoreboard etc.

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration
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One more example: In your Ethernet verification environment, you have different drivers to support different interfaces for 10mbps,100mps and 1G. Now you want to reuse the same environment for 10G verification. Inside somewhere deep in the Easy Labs : VMM hierarchy, while building the components, as a driver components ,your current environment can only select 10mmps/100mps/1G drivers using configuration AVM Switch TB settings. How to add one more driver to the current drivers list of drivers so that VMM Ethernet sample from the testcase you could configure the environment to work for 10G. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Using the ovm fatroy, it is very easy to solve the above two requirements. Only classs extended from ovm_object and ovm_component are supported for this. There are three basic steps to be followed for using ovm factory. 1) Registration 2) Construction 3) Overriding The factory makes it is possible to override the type of ovm component /object or instance of a ovm component/object in2 ways. They are based on ovm component/object type or ovm compoenent/object name. Registration: While defining a class , its type has to be registered with the ovm factory. To do this job easier, ovm has predefined macros.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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`ovm_component_utils(class_type_name) `ovm_component_param_utils(class_type_name #(params)) `ovm_object_utils(class_type_name) `ovm_object_param_utils(class_type_name #(params)) For ovm_*_param_utils are used for parameterized classes and other two macros for non-parameterized class. Registration is required for name-based overriding , it is not required for type-based overriding. EXAMPLE: Example of above macros[9/26/2012 2:26:49 PM]


class packet extends ovm_object; `ovm_object_utils(packet) endclass class packet #(type T=int, int mode=0) extends ovm_object; `ovm_object_param_utils(packet #(T,mode)) endclass class driver extends ovm_component; `ovm_component_utils(driver) endclass class monitor #(type T=int, int mode=0) extends ovm_component; `ovm_component_param_utils(driver#(T,mode)) endclass Construction: To construct a ovm based component or ovm based objects, static method create() should be used. This function constructs the appropriate object based on the overrides and constructs the object and returns it. So while constructing the ovm based components or ovm based objects , do not use new() constructor. Syntax : static function T create(string name, ovm_component parent, string context = " ") The Create() function returns an instance of the component type, T, represented by this proxy, subject to any factory overrides based on the context provided by the parents full name. The context argument, if supplied, supersedes the parents context. The new instance will have the given leaf name and parent. EXAMPLE: class_type object_name; object_name = class_type::type_id::creat("object_name",this); For ovm_object based classes, doesnt need the parent handle as second argument. Overriding: If required, user could override the registered classes or objects. User can override based of name string or class-type. There are 4 methods defined for overriding: function void set_inst_override_by_type (ovm_object_wrapper original_type, ovm_object_wrapper override_type, string full_inst_path ) The above method is used to override the object instances of "original_type" with "override_type" . "override_type" is extended from"original_type". function void set_inst_override_by_name (string original_type_name, string override_type_name, string full_inst_path )[9/26/2012 2:26:49 PM]


Original_type_name and override_type_name are the class names which are registered in the factory. All the instances of objects with name "Original_type_name" will be overriden with objects of name "override_type_name" using set_inst_override_by_name() method. function void set_type_override_by_type (ovm_object_wrapper original_type, ovm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace = 1 ) Using the above method, request to create an object of overriden with override_type. function void set_type_override_by_name (string original_type_name, string override_type_name, bit replace = 1) Using the above method, request to create an object of original_type_name can be overriden with override_type_name. When multiple overrides are done , then using the argument "replace" , we can control whether to override the previous override or not. If argument "replace" is 1, then previous overrides will be replaced otherwise, previous overrides will remain. print() method, prints the state of the ovm_factory, registered types, instance overrides, and type overrides. Now we will see a complete example. This example is based on the environment build in topic OVM TESTBENCH . Refer to that section for more information about this example. Lets look at the 3 steps which I discussed above using the example defined in OVM TESTBENCH 1) Registration In all the class, you can see the macro `ovm_component_utils(type_name) 2) Construction In file file, monitor and driver are constructed using create() method. mon = monitor::type_id::create("mon",this); drv = driver::type_id::create("drv",this); 3)In this example, a one testcase is already developed in topic OVM_TESTBENCH. There are no over rides in this test case. Topology of this test environment is shown below. original_type can be[9/26/2012 2:26:49 PM]


In this example, there is one driver class and one monitor class. In this testcase , By extending driver class , we will define driver_2 class and by extending monitor class, we will define monitor_2 class. From the testcase , Using set_type_override_by_type, we will override driver with driver_2 and Using set_type_override_by_name, we will override monitor with monitor_2. To know about the overrides which are done, call print_all_overrides() method of factory class. class driver_2 extends driver; `ovm_component_utils(driver_2) function new(string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction endclass class monitor_2 extends monitor; `ovm_component_utils(monitor_2) function new(string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction endclass class test_factory extends ovm_test; `ovm_component_utils(test_factory) env t_env; function new (string name="test1", ovm_component parent=null); (name, parent); factory.set_type_override_by_type(driver::get_type(),driver_2::get_type(),"*"); factory.set_type_override_by_name("monitor","monitor_2","*"); factory.print_all_overrides(); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new[9/26/2012 2:26:49 PM]


function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End_of_elaboration", OVM_LOG); print(); endfunction : end_of_elaboration task run (); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run endclass Download the example: ovm_factory.tar Browse the code in ovm_factory.tar Command to simulate Command to run the example with the testcase which is defined above: Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm -f +OVM_TESTNAME=test_factory filelist

Method factory.print_all_overrides() displayed all the overrides as shown below in the log file.

#### Factory Configuration (*) No instance overrides are registered with this factory Type Overrides: Requested Type Override Type -------------- ------------driver driver_2 monitor monitor_2

In the below text printed by print_topology() method ,we can see overridden driver and monitor.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------ovm_test_top test_factory ovm_test_top@2 t_env env t_env@4 ag1 agent ag1@6 drv driver_2 drv@12 rsp_port ovm_analysis_port rsp_port@16 sqr_pull_port ovm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@14 mon monitor_2 mon@10 ag2 agent ag2@8 drv driver_2 drv@20 rsp_port ovm_analysis_port rsp_port@24 sqr_pull_port ovm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@22 mon monitor_2 mon@18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

In the below text printed by print_topology() method ,with testcase test1 which does note have overrides. Command to run this example with test1 is your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm -f filelist +OVM_TESTNAME=test1

--------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------ovm_test_top test1 ovm_test_top@2[9/26/2012 2:26:49 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - OVM Tutorial t_env env t_env@4 ag1 agent ag1@6 drv driver drv@12 rsp_port ovm_analysis_port rsp_port@16 sqr_pull_port ovm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@14 mon monitor mon@10 ag2 agent ag2@8 drv driver drv@20 rsp_port ovm_analysis_port rsp_port@24 sqr_pull_port ovm_seq_item_pull_+ sqr_pull_port@22 mon monitor mon@18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
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Introduction A sequence is a series of transaction. User can define the complex stimulus. sequences can be reused, extended, randomized, and combined sequentially and hierarchically in various ways. For example, for a processor, lets say PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV and POP_C are the instructions. If the instructions are generated randomly, then to excursing a meaningful operation like "adding 2 variables" which requires a series of transaction "PUSH_A PUSH_B ADD POP_C " will take longer time. By defining these series of "PUSH_A PUSH_B ADD POP_C ", it would be easy to exercise the DUT. Advantages of ovm sequences : Sequences can be reused. Stimulus generation is independent of testbench. Easy to control the generation of transaction. Sequences can be combined sequentially and hierarchically. A complete sequence generation requires following 4 classes. 1- Sequence item. 2- Sequence 3- Sequencer 4- Driver Ovm_sequence_item : User has to define a transaction by extending ovm_sequence_item. ovm_sequence_item class provides the basic functionality for objects, both sequence items and sequences, to operate in the sequence mechanism. For more information about ovm_sequence_item Refer to link OVM_TRANSACTION Ovm_sequence: User should extend ovm_sequence class and define the construction of sequence of transactions. These transactions can be directed, constrained randomized or fully randomized. The ovm_sequence class provides the interfaces necessary in order to create streams of sequence items and/or other sequences. virtual class ovm_sequence #( type REQ = ovm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) Ovm_sequencer: Ovm_sequencer is responsible for the coordination between sequence and driver. Sequencer sends the transaction to driver and gets the response from the driver. The response transaction from the driver is optional. When multiple sequences are running in parallel, then sequencer is responsible for arbitrating between the parallel sequences. There are two types of sequencers : ovm_sequencer and ovm_push_sequencer

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration
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class ovm_sequencer #( type REQ = ovm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) class ovm_push_sequencer #( type REQ = ovm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) Ovm driver: User should extend ovm_driver class to define driver component. ovm driver is a component that initiate requests for new transactions and drives it to lower level components. There are two types of drivers: ovm_driver and ovm_push_driver. class ovm_driver #( type REQ = ovm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) class ovm_push_driver #( type REQ = ovm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) In pull mode , ovm_sequencer is connected to ovm_driver mode ovm_push_sequencer is connectd to ovm_push_driver. , in push

Ovm_sequencer and ovm_driver are parameterized components with request and response transaction types. REQ and RSP types by default are ovm_sequence_type types. User can specify REQ and RSP of different transaction types. If user specifies only REQ type, then RSP will be REQ type. Sequence And Driver Communication:

The above image shows how a transaction from a sequence is sent to driver and the response from the driver is sent to sequencer. There are multiple methods called during this operation. First when the body() method is called[9/26/2012 2:26:58 PM]


1) A transaction is created using "create()" method. If a transaction is created using "create()" method, then it can be overridden if required using ovm factory. 2) After a transaction is created, wait_for_grant() method is called. This method is blocking method. 3) In the run task of the driver, when "seq_item_port.get_next_item()" is called, then the sequencer un blocks wait_for_grant() method. If more than one sequence is getting executed by sequencer, then based on arbitration rules, un blocks the wait_for_grant() method. 4) After the wait_for_grant() un blocks, then transaction can be randomized, or its properties can be filled directly. Then using the send_request() method, send the transaction to the driver. 5) After calling the send_request() method, "wait_for_item_done()" method is called. This is a blocking method and execution gets blocks at this method call. 6) The transaction which is sent from sequence , in the driver this transaction is available as "seq_item_port.get_next_item(req)" method argument. Then driver can drive this transaction to bus or lower level. 7) Once the driver operations are completed, then by calling "seq_item_port.put(rsp)", wait_for_item_done() method of sequence gest unblocked. Using get_responce(res), the response transaction from driver is taken by sequence and processes it. After this step, again the steps 1 to 7 are repeated five times.

If a response from driver is not required, then steps 5,6,7 can be skipped and item_done() method from driver should be called as shown in above image.

Simple Example Lest write an example: This is a simple example of processor instruction. Various instructions which are supported by the processor are PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV and POP_C. Sequence Item 1) Extend ovm_sequence_item and define instruction class. class instruction extends ovm_sequence_item; 2) Define the instruction as enumerated types and declare a variable of instruction enumerated type.[9/26/2012 2:26:58 PM]


typedef enum {PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,POP_C} inst_t; rand inst_t inst; 3) Define operational method using ovm_field_* macros. `ovm_object_utils_begin(instruction) `ovm_field_enum(inst_t,inst, OVM_ALL_ON) `ovm_object_utils_end 4) Define the constructor. function new (string name = "instruction");; endfunction Sequence item code: class instruction extends ovm_sequence_item; typedef enum {PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,POP_C} inst_t; rand inst_t inst; `ovm_object_utils_begin(instruction) `ovm_field_enum(inst_t,inst, OVM_ALL_ON) `ovm_object_utils_end function new (string name = "instruction");; endfunction endclass Sequence We will define a operation addition using ovm_sequence. The instruction sequence should be "PUSH A PUSH B ADD POP C". 1) Define a sequence by extending ovm_sequence. Set REQ parameter to "instruction" type. class operation_addition extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); 2) Define the constructor. function new(string name="operation_addition");; endfunction 3) Lets name the sequencer which we will develop is "instruction_sequencer". Using the `ovm_sequence_utils macro, register the "operation_addition" sequence with "instruction_sequencer" sequencer. This macro adds the sequence to the sequencer list. This macro will also register the sequence for factory overrides. `ovm_sequence_utils(operation_addition, instruction_sequencer) 4) In the body() method, first call wait_for_grant(), then construct a transaction and set the instruction enum to PUSH_A . Then send the transaction to driver using send_request() method. Then call the wait_for_item_done() method. Repeat the above steps for other instructions PUSH_B, ADD and POP_C. For construction of a transaction, we will use the create() method. virtual task body(); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); assert(req.randomize() with { inst == instruction::PUSH_A; }); send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); This is optional. Not using in this example. req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant();[9/26/2012 2:26:58 PM]


req.inst = instruction::PUSH_B; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::ADD; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::POP_C; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); endtask Sequence code class operation_addition extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="operation_addition");; endfunction `ovm_sequence_utils(operation_addition, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); assert(req.randomize() with { inst == instruction::PUSH_A; }); send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); This is optional. Not using in this example. req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::PUSH_B; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::ADD; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); req = instruction::type_id::create("req"); wait_for_grant(); req.inst = instruction::POP_C; send_request(req); wait_for_item_done(); //get_response(res); endtask endclass Sequencer: Ovm_sequence has a property called default_sequence. Default sequence is a sequence which will be started automatically. Using set_config_string, user can override the default sequence to any user defined sequence, so that when a sequencer is started, automatically a user defined sequence will be started. If over rides are not done with user defined sequence, then a random transaction are generated. Using "start_default_sequence()" method, "default_sequence" can also be[9/26/2012 2:26:58 PM]


started. Ovm sequencer has seq_item_export and res_export tlm ports for connecting to ovm driver. 1) Define instruction_sequencer by extending ovm_sequencer. class instruction_sequencer extends ovm_sequencer #(instruction); 2) Define the constructor. Inside the constructor, place the macro `ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(). This macro creates 3 predefined sequences. We will discuss about the predefined sequences in next section. function new (string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); `ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(instruction) endfunction 3) Place the ovm_sequencer_utils macro. This macro registers the sequencer for factory overrides. `ovm_sequencer_utils(instruction_sequencer) Sequencer Code; class instruction_sequencer extends ovm_sequencer #(instruction); function new (string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); `ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(instruction) endfunction `ovm_sequencer_utils(instruction_sequencer) endclass Driver: ovm_driver is a class which is extended from ovm_componenet. This driver is used in pull mode. Pull mode means, driver pulls the transaction from the sequencer when it requires. Ovm driver has 2 TLM ports. 1) Seq_item_port: To get a item from sequencer, driver uses this port. Driver can also send response back using this port. 2) Rsp_port : This can also be used to send response back to sequencer. Seq_item_port methods:

Lets implement a driver: 1) Define a driver which takes the instruction from the sequencer and does the[9/26/2012 2:26:58 PM]


processing. In this example we will just print the instruction type and wait for some delay. class instruction_driver extends ovm_driver #(instruction); 2) Place the ovm_component_utils get_type_name and create. macro to define virtual methods like

`ovm_component_utils(instruction_driver) 3) Define Constructor method. function new (string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction 4) Define the run() method. Run() method is executed in the "run phase". In this methods, transactions are taken from the sequencer and drive them on to dut interface or to other components. Driver class has a port "seq_item_port". Using the method seq_item_port.get_next_item(), get the transaction from the sequencer and process it. Once the processing is done, using the item_done() method, indicate to the sequencer that the request is completed. In this example, after taking the transaction, we will print the transaction and wait for 10 units time. task run (); while(1) begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(req); $display("%0d: Driving Instruction %s",$time,; #10; seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask endclass Driver class code: class instruction_driver extends ovm_driver #(instruction); // Provide implementations of virtual methods such as get_type_name and create `ovm_component_utils(instruction_driver) // Constructor function new (string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction task run (); forever begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(req); $display("%0d: Driving Instruction %s",$time,; #10; // rsp.set_id_info(req); These two steps are required only if // seq_item_port.put(esp); responce needs to be sent back to sequence seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask endclass Driver And Sequencer Connectivity: Deriver and sequencer are connected using TLM. Ovm_driver has seq_item_port which is used to get the transaction from ovm sequencer. This port is connected to ovm_sequencer seq_item_export Using "<driver>.seq_item_port.connect(<sequencer>.seq_item_export);" driver and sequencer can be connected. Simillarly "res_port" of driver which is used to send response from driver to sequencer is connected to "res_export" of the sequencer using ""<driver>.res_port.connect(<sequencer>.res_export);".[9/26/2012 2:26:58 PM]


Testcase: This testcase is used only for the demo purpose of this tutorial session. Actually, the sequencer and the driver and instantiated and their ports are connected in a agent component and used. Lets implement a testcase 1) Take instances of sequencer and driver and construct both components. sequencer = new("sequencer", null);; driver = new("driver", null);; 2) Connect the seq_item_export to the drivers seq_item_port. driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); 3) Using set_confg_string() method, set the default sequence of the sequencer to "operation_addition". Operation_addition is the sequence which we defined previous. set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "operation_addition"); 4) Using the start_default_sequence() method of the sequencer, start the default sequence of the sequencer. In the previous step we configured the addition operation as default sequene. When you run the simulation, you will see the PUSH_A,PUSH_B ADD and POP_C series of transaction. sequencer.start_default_sequence(); Testcase Code: module test; instruction_sequencer sequencer; instruction_driver driver; initial begin set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "operation_addition"); sequencer = new("sequencer", null);; driver = new("driver", null);;[9/26/2012 2:26:58 PM]


driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); sequencer.print(); fork begin run_test(); sequencer.start_default_sequence(); end #2000 global_stop_request(); join end endmodule Download the example: ovm_basic_sequence.tar Browse the code in ovm_basic_sequence.tar Command to simulate Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm Log file Output OVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test ... 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 20: Driving Instruction ADD 30: Driving Instruction POP_C

From the above log , we can see that transactions are generates as we defined in ovm sequence.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Pre Defined Sequences: Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Every sequencer in ovm has 3 pre defined sequences. They are Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 1)Ovm_random_sequence Ovm Sequence 3 2)Ovm_exhaustive_sequence. Ovm Sequence 4 3)Ovm_simple_sequence Ovm Sequence 5 All the user defined sequences which are registered by user and the above three Ovm Sequence 6 predefined sequences are stored in sequencer queue. Ovm Configuration


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Ovm_random_sequence : This sequence randomly selects and executes a sequence from the sequencer sequence library, excluding ovm_random_sequence itself, and ovm_exhaustive_sequence. From the above image, from sequence id 2 to till the last sequence, all the sequences are executed randomly. If the "count" variable of the sequencer is set to 0, then non of the sequence is executed. If the "count" variable of the sequencer is set to -1, then some random number of sequences from 0 to "max_random_count" are executed. By default "mac_random_count" is set to 10. "Count" and "mac_random_count" can be changed using set_config_int(). The sequencer when automatically started executes the sequence which is point by default_sequence. By default default_sequence variable points to ovm_random_sequence. ovm_exaustive_sequence: This sequence randomly selects and executes each sequence from the sequencers sequence library once in a randc style, excluding itself and ovm_random_sequence. ovm_simple_sequence: This sequence simply executes a single sequence item. In the previous example from OVM_SEQUENCE_1 section.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:27:07 PM]


The print() method of the sequencer in that example printed the following

--------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------------------------sequencer instruction_sequen+ sequencer@2 rsp_export ovm_analysis_export rsp_export@4 seq_item_export ovm_seq_item_pull_+ seq_item_export@28 default_sequence string 18 operation_addition count integral 32 -1 max_random_count integral 32 'd10 sequences array 4 [0] string 19 ovm_random_sequence [1] string 23 ovm_exhaustive_sequ+ [2] string 19 ovm_simple_sequence [3] string 18 operation_addition max_random_depth integral 32 'd4 num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1 num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Some observations from the above log: The count is set to -1. The default sequencer is set to operations_addition. There are 3 predefined sequences and 1 user defined sequence. Lets look at a example: In the attached example, in file file, there are 4 seuqneces, they are operation_addition, operation_subtraction, operation_multiplication. In the file, the "default_seuence" is set to "ovm_exhaustive_sequence" using the set_config_string. set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "ovm_exhaustive_sequence"); Download the example ovm_sequence_1.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_1.tar Command to run the summation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm Log File 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 10: Driving 20: Driving 30: Driving 40: Driving 50: Driving 60: Driving 70: Driving 80: Driving Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction PUSH_A PUSH_B SUB POP_C PUSH_A PUSH_B MUL POP_C

90: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 100: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 110: Driving Instruction ADD 120: Driving Instruction POP_C[9/26/2012 2:27:07 PM]


From the above log , we can see that all the 3 user defined sequences and predefined ovm_simple_sequence are executed.

Sequence Action Macro: In the previous sections, we have seen the implementation of body() method of sequence. The body() method implementation requires some steps. We have seen these steps as Creation of item, wait for grant, randomize the item, send the item. All these steps have be automated using "sequence action macros". There are some more additional steps added in these macros. Following are the steps defined with the "sequence action macro".

Pre_do(), mid_do() and post_do() are callback methods which are in ovm sequence. If user is interested , he can use these methods. For example, in mid_do() method, user can print the transaction or the randomized transaction can be fined tuned. These methods should not be clled by user directly. Syntax: virtual task pre_do(bit is_item) virtual function void mid_do(ovm_sequence_item this_item) virtual function void post_do(ovm_sequence_item this_item) Pre_do() is a task , if the method consumes simulation cycles, the behavior may be unexpected. Example Of Pre_do,Mid_do And Post_do Lets look at a example: We will define a sequence using `ovm_do macro. This macro has all the above defined phases. 1)Define the body method using the `ovm_do() macro. Before and after this macro, just call messages. virtual task body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : Before ovm_do macro ",OVM_LOW); `ovm_do(req); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : After ovm_do macro ",OVM_LOW); endtask 2)Define pre_do() method. Lets just print a message from this method. virtual task pre_do(bit is_item); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : PRE_DO ",OVM_LOW);[9/26/2012 2:27:07 PM]


endtask 3)Define mid_do() method. Lets just print a message from this method. virtual function void mid_do(ovm_sequence_item this_item); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : MID_DO ",OVM_LOW); endfunction 4)Define post_do() method. Lets just print a message from this method. virtual function void post_do(ovm_sequence_item this_item); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : POST_DO ",OVM_LOW); endfunction Complet sequence code: class demo_ovm_do extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="demo_ovm_do");; endfunction `ovm_sequence_utils(demo_ovm_do, instruction_sequencer) virtual task pre_do(bit is_item); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : PRE_DO ",OVM_LOW); endtask virtual function void mid_do(ovm_sequence_item this_item); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : MID_DO ",OVM_LOW); endfunction virtual function void post_do(ovm_sequence_item this_item); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : POST_DO ",OVM_LOW); endfunction virtual task body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : Before ovm_do macro ",OVM_LOW); `ovm_do(req); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : After ovm_do macro ",OVM_LOW); endtask endclass Download the example ovm_sequence_2.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_2.tar Command to run the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm Log file report: OVM_INFO@0:reporter[sequencer.demo_ovm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : Before ovm_do macro OVM_INFO@0:reporter[sequencer.demo_ovm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : PRE_DO OVM_INFO@0:reporter[sequencer.demo_ovm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : MID_DO 0: Driving Instruction MUL OVM_INFO@10:reporter[sequencer.demo_ovm_do][9/26/2012 2:27:07 PM]


Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : POST_DO OVM_INFO@10:reporter[sequencer.demo_ovm_do] Seuqnce Action Macro Phase : After ovm_do macro The above log file shows the messages from pre_do,mid_do and post_do methods. List Of Sequence Action Macros: These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items that were either registered with a <`ovm-sequence_utils> macro or whose associated sequencer was already set using the <set_sequencer> method. `ovm_create(item/sequence) This action creates the item or sequence using the factory. Only the create phase will be executed. `ovm_do(item/sequence) This macro takes as an argument a ovm_sequence_item variable or sequence . All the above defined 7 phases will be executed. `ovm_do_with(item/sequence, Constraint block) This is the same as `ovm_do except that the constraint block in the 2nd argument is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. `ovm_send(item/sequence) Create phase and randomize phases are skipped, rest all the phases will be executed. Using `ovm_create, create phase can be executed. Essentially, an `ovm_do without the create or randomization. `ovm_rand_send(item/sequence) Only create phase is skipped. rest of all the phases will be executed. User should use `ovm_create to create the sequence or item. `ovm_rand_send_with(item/sequence , Constraint block) Only create phase is skipped. rest of all the phases will be executed. User should use `ovm_create to create the sequence or item. Constraint block will be applied which randomization. `ovm_do_pri(item/sequence, priority ) This is the same as `ovm_do except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument. `ovm_do_pri_with(item/sequence , constraint block , priority) This is the same as `ovm_do_pri except that the given constraint block is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. `ovm_send_pri(item/sequence,priority) This is the same as `ovm_send except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument. `ovm_rand_send_pri(item/sequence,priority) This is the same as `ovm_rand_send except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument. `ovm_rand_send_pri_with(item/sequence,priority,constraint block) This is the same as `ovm_rand_send_pri except that the given constraint block is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. Following macros are used on sequence or sequence items on a different sequencer.[9/26/2012 2:27:07 PM]


`ovm_create_on(item/sequence,sequencer) This is the same as `ovm_create except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. `ovm_do_on(item/sequence,sequencer) This is the same as `ovm_do except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. `ovm_do_on_pri(item/sequence,sequencer, priority) This is the same as `ovm_do_pri except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. `ovm_do_on_with(item/sequence,sequencer, constraint block) This is the same as `ovm_do_with except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. The user must supply brackets around the constraints. `ovm_do_on_pri_with(item/sequence,sequencer,priority,constraint block) This is the same as `ovm_do_pri_with except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified sequencer argument. Examples With Sequence Action Macros: virtual task body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Executing Sequence Action Macro ovm_do",OVM_LOW); `ovm_do(req) endtask virtual task body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Executing Sequence Action Macro ovm_do_with ",OVM_LOW); `ovm_do_with(req,{ inst == ADD; }) endtask virtual task body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Executing Sequence Action Macro ovm_create and ovm_send",OVM_LOW); `ovm_create(req) req.inst = instruction::PUSH_B; `ovm_send(req) endtask virtual task body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "Executing Sequence ovm_rand_send",OVM_LOW); `ovm_create(req) `ovm_rand_send(req) endtask





Download the example ovm_sequence_3.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_3.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm[9/26/2012 2:27:07 PM]


Log file report 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_B OVM_INFO@10:reporter[***]Executing Sequence Action Macro ovm_do_with 10: Driving Instruction ADD OVM_INFO@20:reporter[***]Executing Sequence Action Macro ovm_create ovm_send 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_B OVM_INFO@30:reporter[***]Executing Sequence Action Macro ovm_do 30: Driving Instruction DIV OVM_INFO@40:reporter[***]Executing Sequence Action Macro ovm_create ovm_rand_send 40: Driving Instruction MUL






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Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Body Callbacks: Ovm Reporting Ovm sequences has two callback methods pre_body() and post_body(), which are Ovm Transaction executed before and after the sequence body() method execution. These callbacks Ovm Factory are called only when start_sequence() of sequencer or start() method of the sequence Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 is called. User should not call these methods. Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 virtual task pre_body() Ovm Sequence 6 virtual task post_body() Ovm Configuration Example


In this example, I just printed messages from pre_body() and post_body() methods. on This section - Your These methods can be used for initialization, synchronization with some events or input is what keeps improving cleanup.
with time!

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class demo_pre_body_post_body extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="demo_pre_body_post_body");; endfunction `ovm_sequence_utils(demo_pre_body_post_body, instruction_sequencer)

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

virtual task pre_body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name()," pre_body() callback ",OVM_LOW); endtask virtual task post_body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name()," post_body() callback ",OVM_LOW); endtask virtual task body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "body() method: Before ovm_do macro ",OVM_LOW); `ovm_do(req); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), "body() method: After ovm_do macro ",OVM_LOW); endtask endclass Download the example ovm_sequence_4.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_4.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm

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Log file report OVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test ... OVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [***] pre_body() callback OVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [***] body() method: Before ovm_do macro 0: Driving Instruction SUB OVM_INFO @ 10: reporter [***] body() method: After ovm_do macro OVM_INFO @ 10: reporter [***] post_body() callback

Hierarchical Sequences One main advantage of sequences is smaller sequences can be used to create sequences to generate stimulus required for todays complex protocol. To create a sequence using another sequence, following steps has to be done 1)Extend the ovm_sequence class and define a new class. 2)Declare instances of child sequences which will be used to create new sequence. 3)Start the child sequence using <instance>.start() method in body() method. Sequential Sequences To executes child sequences sequentially, child sequence start() method should be called sequentially in body method. In the below example you can see all the 3 steps mentioned above. In this example, I have defined 2 child sequences. These child sequences can be used as normal sequences. Sequence 1 code: This sequence generates 4 PUSH_A instructions. virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_A; }); end endtask Sequence 2 code: This sequence generates 4 PUSH_B instructions. virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_B; }); end endtask Sequential Sequence code: This sequence first calls sequence 1 and then calls sequence 2. class sequential_sequence extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); seq_a s_a; seq_b s_b; function new(string name="sequential_sequence");; endfunction `ovm_sequence_utils(sequential_sequence, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); `ovm_do(s_a);[9/26/2012 2:27:20 PM]


`ovm_do(s_b); endtask endclass From the testcase, "sequential_sequence" is selected as "default_sequence". Download the example ovm_sequence_5.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_5.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm Log file report 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 30: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 40: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 50: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 60: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 70: Driving Instruction PUSH_B If you observe the above log, you can see sequence seq_a is executed first and then sequene seq_b is executed. Parallelsequences To executes child sequences Parallel, child sequence start() method should be called parallel using fork/join in body method. Parallel Sequence code: class parallel_sequence extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); seq_a s_a; seq_b s_b; function new(string name="parallel_sequence");; endfunction `ovm_sequence_utils(parallel_sequence, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); fork `ovm_do(s_a) `ovm_do(s_b) join endtask endclass Download the example ovm_sequence_6.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_6.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm Log file report OVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test ... 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A[9/26/2012 2:27:20 PM]


10: Driving 20: Driving 30: Driving 40: Driving 50: Driving 60: Driving 70: Driving

Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction





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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Sequencer Arbitration: Ovm Reporting When sequencers are executed parallel, sequencer will arbitrate among the parallel Ovm Transaction sequence. When all the parallel sequences are waiting for a grant from sequencer Ovm Factory using wait_for_grant() method, then the sequencer, using the arbitration mechanism, Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 sequencer grants to one of the sequencer. Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 There are 6 different arbitration algorithms, they are Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration


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To set the arbitaration, use the set_arbitration() method of the sequencer. By default , the arbitration algorithms is set to SEQ_ARB_FIFO. function void set_arbitration(SEQ_ARB_TYPE val) Lets look at a example. In this example, I have 3 child sequences seq_mul seq_add and seq_sub each of them generates 3 transactions. Sequence code 1: virtual task body(); repeat(3) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == MUL; }); end endtask Sequence code 2: virtual task body(); repeat(3) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == ADD; }); end endtask Sequence code 3: virtual task body(); repeat(3) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == SUB; });

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end endtask Parallel sequence code: In the body method, before starting child sequences, set the arbitration using set_arbitration(). In this code, im setting it to SEQ_ARB_RANDOM. class parallel_sequence extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); seq_add add; seq_sub sub; seq_mul mul; function new(string name="parallel_sequence");; endfunction `ovm_sequence_utils(parallel_sequence, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); m_sequencer.set_arbitration(SEQ_ARB_RANDOM); fork `ovm_do(add) `ovm_do(sub) `ovm_do(mul) join endtask endclass Download the example ovm_sequence_7.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_7.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm

Log file report for when SEQ_ARB_RANDOM is set. 0: Driving Instruction MUL 10: Driving Instruction SUB 20: Driving Instruction MUL 30: Driving Instruction SUB 40: Driving Instruction MUL 50: Driving Instruction ADD 60: Driving Instruction ADD 70: Driving Instruction SUB 80: Driving Instruction ADD Log file report for when SEQ_ARB_FIFO is set. 0: Driving Instruction ADD 10: Driving Instruction SUB 20: Driving Instruction MUL 30: Driving Instruction ADD 40: Driving Instruction SUB 50: Driving Instruction MUL 60: Driving Instruction ADD 70: Driving Instruction SUB 80: Driving Instruction MUL[9/26/2012 2:27:28 PM]


If you observe the first log report, all the transaction of the sequences are generated in random order. In the second log file, the transactions are given equal priority and are in fifo order. Setting The Sequence Priority: There are two ways to set the priority of a sequence. One is using the start method of the sequence and other using the set_priority() method of the sequence. By default, the priority of a sequence is 100. Higher numbers indicate higher priority. virtual task start (ovm_sequencer_base sequencer, ovm_sequence_base parent_sequence = null, integer this_priority = 100, bit call_pre_post = 1) function void set_priority (int value) Lets look a example with SEQ_ARB_WEIGHTED. For sequence seq_mul set the weight to 200. For sequence seq_add set the weight to 300. For sequence seq_sub set the weight to 400. In the below example, start() method is used to override the default priority value. Code : class parallel_sequence extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); seq_add add; seq_sub sub; seq_mul mul; function new(string name="parallel_sequence");; endfunction `ovm_sequence_utils(parallel_sequence, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); m_sequencer.set_arbitration(SEQ_ARB_WEIGHTED); add = new("add"); sub = new("sub"); mul = new("mul"); fork sub.start(m_sequencer,this,400); add.start(m_sequencer,this,300); mul.start(m_sequencer,this,200); join endtask endclass Download the example ovm_sequence_8.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_8.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm

Log file report 0: Driving Instruction MUL 10: Driving Instruction ADD 20: Driving Instruction SUB 30: Driving Instruction SUB[9/26/2012 2:27:28 PM]


40: Driving 50: Driving 60: Driving 70: Driving 80: Driving

Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction





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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Sequencer Registration Macros Sequence Registration Macros does the following 1) Implements get_type_name method. 2) Implements create() method. 3) Registers with the factory. 4) Implements the static get_type() method. 5) Implements the virtual get_object_type() method. 6) Registers the sequence type with the sequencer type. 7) Defines p_sequencer variable. p_sequencer is a handle to its sequencer. 8) Implements m_set_p_sequencer() method. If there are no local variables, then use following macro `ovm_sequence_utils(TYPE_NAME,SQR_TYPE_NAME) If there are local variables in sequence, then use macro `ovm_sequence_utils_begin(TYPE_NAME,SQR_TYPE_NAME) `ovm_field_* macro invocations here `ovm_sequence_utils_end

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration
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VMM Ethernet sample Macros `ovm_field_* are used for define utility methods.

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These `ovm_field_* macros are discussed in OVM_TRANSACTION

Example to demonstrate the usage of the above macros: class seq_mul extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); rand integer num_inst ; instruction req; constraint num_c { num_inst inside { 3,5,7 }; }; `ovm_sequence_utils_begin(seq_mul,instruction_sequencer) `ovm_field_int(num_inst, OVM_ALL_ON) `ovm_sequence_utils_end function new(string name="seq_mul");; endfunction virtual task body(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf("Num of transactions %d",num_inst),OVM_LOW); repeat(num_inst) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == MUL; }); end endtask

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endclass Download the example ovm_sequence_9.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_9.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm Log OVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test ... OVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [sequencer.seq_mul] Num of transactions 0: Driving Instruction MUL 10: Driving Instruction MUL 20: Driving Instruction MUL 30: Driving Instruction MUL 40: Driving Instruction MUL Setting Sequence Members: set_config_* can be used only for the components not for the sequences. By using configuration you can change the variables inside components only not in sequences. But there is a workaround to this problem. Sequence has handle name called p_sequencer which is pointing the Sequencer on which it is running. Sequencer is a component , so get_config_* methods are implemented for it. So from the sequence, using the sequencer get_config_* methods, sequence members can be updated if the variable is configured. When using set_config_* , path to the variable should be sequencer name, as we are using the sequencer get_config_* method. Following method demonstrates how this can be done: Sequence: 1) num_inst is a integer variables which can be updated. 2) In the body method, call the get_config_int() method to get the integer value if num_inst is configured from testcase. class seq_mul extends ovm_sequence #(instruction); integer num_inst = 4; instruction req; `ovm_sequence_utils_begin(seq_mul,instruction_sequencer) `ovm_field_int(num_inst, OVM_ALL_ON) `ovm_sequence_utils_end function new(string name="seq_mul");; endfunction virtual task body(); void'(p_sequencer.get_config_int("num_inst",num_inst)); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf("Num of transactions %d",num_inst),OVM_LOW); repeat(num_inst) begin 5[9/26/2012 2:27:37 PM]


`ovm_do_with(req, { inst == MUL; }); end endtask endclass Testcase: From the testcase, using the set_config_int() method, configure the num_inst to 3. The instance path argument should be the sequencer path name. module test; instruction_sequencer sequencer; instruction_driver driver; initial begin set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "seq_mul"); set_config_int("sequencer", "num_inst",3); sequencer = new("sequencer", null);; driver = new("driver", null);; driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); sequencer.print(); fork begin run_test(); sequencer.start_default_sequence(); end #3000 global_stop_request(); join end endmodule Download the example ovm_sequence_10.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_10.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm Log OVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test ... OVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [sequencer.seq_mul] Num of transactions 0: Driving Instruction MUL 10: Driving Instruction MUL 20: Driving Instruction MUL From the above log we can see that seq_mul.num_inst value is 3. 3



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Exclusive Access A sequence may need exclusive access to the driver which sequencer is arbitrating among multiple sequence. Some operations require that a series of transaction needs to be driven without any other transaction in between them. Then a exclusive access to the driver will allow to a sequence to complete its operation with out any other sequence operations in between them. There are 2 mechanisms to get exclusive access: Lock-unlcok Grab-ungrab Lock-Unlock task lock(ovm_sequencer_base sequencer = Null) function void unlock(ovm_sequencer_base sequencer = Null) Using lock() method , a sequence can requests for exclusive access. A lock request will be arbitrated the same as any other request. A lock is granted after all earlier requests are completed and no other locks or grabs are blocking this sequence. A lock() is blocking task and when access is granted, it will unblock. Using unlock(), removes any locks or grabs obtained by this sequence on the specified sequencer. If sequencer is null, the lock/unlock will be applied on the current default sequencer. Lets see an example, In this example there are 3 sequences with each sequence generating 4 transactions. All these 3 sequences will be called in parallel in another sequence. Sequence 1 code:

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration
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virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_A; }); end endtask Sequence 2 code: virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == POP_C; }); end endtask

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Sequence 3 code: In this sequence , call the lock() method to get the exclusive access to driver. After completing all the transaction driving, then call the unclock() method. virtual task body();[9/26/2012 2:27:44 PM]


lock(); repeat(4) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_B; }); end unlock(); endtask Parallel sequence code: virtual task body(); fork `ovm_do(s_a) `ovm_do(s_b) `ovm_do(s_c) join endtask Download the example ovm_sequence_11.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_11.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm Log file: 0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction POP_C 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 30: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 40: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 50: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 60: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 70: Driving Instruction POP_C 80: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 90: Driving Instruction POP_C 100: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 110: Driving Instruction POP_C From the above log file, we can observe that , when seq_b sequence got the access, then transactions from seq_a and seq_c are not generated. Lock() will be arbitrated before giving the access. To get the exclusive access without arbitration, grab() method should be used. Grab-Ungrab task grab(ovm_sequencer_base sequencer = null) function void ungrab(ovm_sequencer_base sequencer = null) grab() method requests a lock on the specified sequencer. A grab() request is put in front of the arbitration queue. It will be arbitrated before any other requests. A grab() is granted when no other grabs or locks are blocking this sequence. A grab() is blocking task and when access is granted, it will unblock. Ungrab() method removes any locks or grabs obtained by this sequence on the specified sequencer. If no argument is supplied, then current default sequencer is chosen. Example: virtual task body();[9/26/2012 2:27:44 PM]


#25; grab(); repeat(4) begin `ovm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_B; }); end ungrab(); endtask Download the example ovm_sequence_12.tar Browse the code in ovm_sequence_12.tar Command to sun the simulation Your_tool_simulation_command +incdir+path_to_ovm

0: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 10: Driving Instruction POP_C 20: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 30: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 40: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 50: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 60: Driving Instruction PUSH_B 70: Driving Instruction POP_C 80: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 90: Driving Instruction POP_C 100: Driving Instruction PUSH_A 110: Driving Instruction POP_C




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Configuration is a mechanism in OVM that higher level components in a hierarchy can configure the lower level components variables. Using set_config_* methods, user can configure integer, string and objects of lower level components. Without this mechanism, user should access the lower level component using hierarchy paths, which restricts reusability. This mechanism can be used only with components. Sequences and transactions cannot be configured using this mechanism. When set_config_* method is called, the data is stored w.r.t strings in a table. There is also a global configuration table. Higher level component can set the configuration data in level component table. It is the responsibility of the lower level component to get the data from the component table and update the appropriate table.

Index Introduction Ovm Testbench Ovm Reporting Ovm Transaction Ovm Factory Ovm Sequence 1 Ovm Sequence 2 Ovm Sequence 3 Ovm Sequence 4 Ovm Sequence 5 Ovm Sequence 6 Ovm Configuration

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps Set_config_* Methods: improving Following are the method to configure integer , string and object of ovm_object with time!

based class respectively.

function void set_config_int (string inst_name, string field_name, ovm_bitstream_t value)

function void set_config_string (string inst_name, string field_name, VMM Ethernet sample string value) Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

function void set_config_object (string inst_name, string field_name, ovm_object value, bit clone = 1) Arguments description: string inst_name: Hierarchical string path. string field_name: Name of the field in the table. bitstream_t value: In set_config_int, a integral value that can be anything from 1 bit to 4096 bits. bit clone : If this bit is set then object is cloned. inst_name and field_name are strings of hierarchal path. They can include wile card

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RVM Ethernet sample "*" and "?" characters. These methods must be called in build phase of the component.

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"*" matches zero or more characters "?" matches exactly one character

Some examples: "*" -All the lower level components.

"*abc" -All the lower level components which ends with "abc". Example: "xabc","xyabc","xyzabc" ....[9/26/2012 2:27:52 PM]


"abc*" -All the lower level components which starts with "abc". Example: "abcx","abcxy","abcxyz" .... "ab?" -All the lower level components which start with "ab" , then followed by one more character. Example: "abc","abb","abx" .... "?bc" -All the lower level components which start with any one character ,then followed by "c". Example: "abc","xbc","bbc" .... "a?c" -All the lower level components which start with "a" , then followed by one more character and then followed by "c". Example: "abc","aac","axc" ..

There are two ways to get the configuration data: 1)Automatic : Using Field macros 2)Manual : using gte_config_* methods. Automatic Configuration: To use the atomic configuration, all the configurable fields should be defined using ovm component field macros and ovm component utilities macros. Ovm component utility macros: For non parameterized classes `ovm_component_utils_begin(TYPE) `ovm_field_* macro invocations here `ovm_component_utils_end For parameterized classes. `ovm_component_param_utils_begin(TYPE) `ovm_field_* macro invocations here `ovm_component_utils_end For OVM Field macros, Refer to link OVM_TRANSACTION Example: Following example is from link OVM_TESTBENCH 2 Configurable fields, a integer and a string are defined in env, agent, monitor and driver classes. Topology of the environment using these classes is[9/26/2012 2:27:52 PM]


Driver class Source Code: Similar to driver class, all other components env, agent and monitor are define. class driver extends ovm_driver; integer int_cfg; string str_cfg; `ovm_component_utils_begin(driver) `ovm_field_int(int_cfg, OVM_DEFAULT) `ovm_field_string(str_cfg, OVM_DEFAULT) `ovm_component_utils_end function new(string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction function void build();; endfunction endclass Testcase: Using set_config_int() and set_config_string() configure variables at various hierarchal locations. //t_env.ag1.drv.int_cfg //t_env.ag1.mon.int_cfg set_config_int("*.ag1.*","int_cfg",32); //t_env.ag2.drv set_config_int("t_env.ag2.drv","int_cfg",32); //t_env.ag2.mon set_config_int("t_env.ag2.mon","int_cfg",32); //t_env.ag1.mon.str_cfg //t_env.ag2.mon.str_cfg //t_env.ag1.drv.str_cfg //t_env.ag2.drv.str_cfg set_config_string("*.ag?.*","str_cfg","pars"); //t_env.str_cfg set_config_string("t_env","str_cfg","abcd"); Download the source code ovm_configuration_1.tar Browse the code in ovm_configuration_1.tar[9/26/2012 2:27:52 PM]


Command to run the simulation your_tool_simulation_command +path_to_ovm_pkg -f filelist +OVM_TESTNAME=test1

From the above log report of th example, we can see the variables int_cfg and str_cfg of all the components and they are as per the configuration setting from the testcase. Manual Configurations: Using get_config_* methods, user can get the required data if the data is available in the table. Following are the method to get configure data of type integer , string and object of ovm_object based class respectively. function bit get_config_int (string field_name, inout ovm_bitstream_t value) function bit get_config_string (string field_name, inout string value) function bit get_config_object (string field_name, inout ovm_object value, input bit clone = 1) If a entry is found in the table with "field_name" then data will be updated to "value" argument . If entry is not found, then the function returns "0". So when these methods are called, check the return value. Example: Driver class code: class driver extends ovm_driver; integer int_cfg; string str_cfg; `ovm_component_utils(driver) function new(string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction function void build();; void'(get_config_int("int_cfg",int_cfg)); void'(get_config_string("str_cfg",str_cfg)); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf("int_cfg %0d : str_cfg %0s ",int_cfg,str_cfg),OVM_LOW); endfunction endclass Download the source code ovm_configuration_2.tar Browse the code in ovm_configuration_2.tar Command to run the simulation your_tool_simulation_command +path_to_ovm_pkg -f filelist +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 Log file OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env int_cfg x : str_cfg abcd OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1 int_cfg x : str_cfg OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv int_cfg 32 : str_cfg pars OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.mon int_cfg 32 : str_cfg pars[9/26/2012 2:27:52 PM]


OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2 int_cfg x : str_cfg OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.drv int_cfg 32 : str_cfg pars OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env.ag2.mon int_cfg 32 : str_cfg pars

Configuration Setting Members: print_config_settings function void print_config_settings ( string field = "", ovm_component comp = null, bit recurse = 0 ) This method prints all configuration information for this component. If "field" is specified and non-empty, then only configuration settings matching that field, if any, are printed. The field may not contain wildcards. If "recurse" is set, then information for all children components are printed recursively. print_config_matches static bit print_config_matches = 0 Setting this static variable causes get_config_* to print info about matching configuration settings as they are being applied. These two members will be helpful to know while debugging. Download the source code ovm_configuration_3.tar Browse the code in ovm_configuration_3.tar Command to run the simulation your_tool_simulation_command +path_to_ovm_pkg -f filelist +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 Log file When print_config_settings method is called ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv ovm_test_top.*.ag1.* int_cfg int 32 ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv.rsp_port ovm_test_top.*.ag?.* str_cfg string pars ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv.rsp_port ovm_test_top.*.ag1.* int_cfg int 32 ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv.sqr_pull_port ovm_test_top.*.ag?.* str_cfg string pars ovm_test_top.t_env.ag1.drv.sqr_pull_port ovm_test_top.*.ag1.* int_cfg int 32 When print_config_matches is set to 1. OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [auto-configuration] Auto-configuration matches for component ovm_test_top.t_env (env). Last entry for a given field takes precedence. Config set from Instance Path Field name Type Value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ovm_test_top(test1) ovm_test_top.t_env str_cfg string abcd[9/26/2012 2:27:52 PM]





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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this tutorial, we will verify the Switch RTL core. Following are the steps we follow Verification Plan Phase 1 Top to verify the Switch RTL core. Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet 1) Understand the specification Phase 5 Driver Phase 6 Receiver 2) Developing Verification Plan Phase 7 Scoreboard 3) Building the Verification Environment. We will build the Environment in Multiple Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase phases, so it will be easy for you to lean step by step.


Report a Bug or Comment Phase 1) We will develop the testcase and interfaces, and integrate them in these on This section - Your input is what keeps with the DUT in top module. improving with time!

Phase 2) We will Develop the Environment class.

Phase 3) We will develop reset and configuration methods in Environment class. Then using these methods, we will reset the DUT and configure the port address. Phase 4) We will develop a packet class based on the stimulus plan. We will also write a small code to test the packet class implementation. Phase 5) We will develop a driver class. Packets are generated and sent to dut using driver. Phase 6) We will develop receiver class. Receiver collects the packets coming from the output port of the DUT. Phase 7) We will develop scoreboard class which does the comparison of the expected packet with the actual packet received from the DUT. Phase 8) We will develop coverage class based on the coverage plan.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Phase 9) In this phase , we will write testcases and analyze the coverage report.

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Switch Specification: Verification Plan This is a simple switch. Switch is a packet based protocol. Switch drives the incoming Phase 1 Top packet which comes from the input port to output ports based on the address Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset contained in the packet. Phase 4 Packet The switch has a one input port from which the packet enters. It has four output ports Phase 5 Driver Phase 6 Receiver where the packet is driven out. Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Packet Format: Packet contains 3 parts. They are Header, data and frame check sequence. Packet width is 8 bits and the length of the packet can be between 4 bytes to 259 bytes. Packet Header: Packet header contains three fields DA, SA and length. DA: Destination address of the packet is of 8 bits. The switch drives the packet to respective ports based on this destination address of the packets. Each output port has 8-bit unique port address. If the destination address of the packet matches the port address, then switch drives the packet to the output port. SA: Source address of the packet from where it originate. It is 8 bits. Length: Length of the data is of 8 bits and from 0 to 255. Length is measured in terms of bytes. If Length = 0, it means data length is 0 bytes If Length = 1, it means data length is 1 bytes If Length = 2, it means data length is 2 bytes

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If Length = 255, it means data length is 255 bytes Data: Data should be in terms of bytes and can take anything. FCS: Frame check sequence This field contains the security check of the packet. It is calculated over the header and data.

Configuration: Switch has four output ports. These output ports address have to be configured to a unique address. Switch matches the DA field of the packet with this configured port address and sends the packet on to that port. Switch contains a memory. This memory has 4 locations, each can store 8 bits. To configure the switch port address, memory write operation has to be done using memory interface. Memory address (0,1,2,3) contains the address of port(0,1,2,3) respectively. Interface Specification: The Switch has one input Interface, from where the packet enters and 4 output interfaces from where the packet comes out and one memory interface, through the port address can be configured. Switch also has a clock and asynchronous reset signal. Memory Interface: Through memory interfaced output port address are configured. It accepts 8 bit data to be written to memory. It has 8 bit address inputs. Address 0,1,2,3 contains the address of the port 0,1,2,3 respectively. There are 4 input signals to memory interface. They are input input input input mem_en; mem_rd_wr; [1:0] mem_add; [7:0] mem_data;

All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. To configure a port address, 1. Assert the mem_en signal.[9/26/2012 2:28:08 PM]


2. 3. 4.

Asser the mem_rd_wr signal. Drive the port number (0 or 1 or 2 or 3) on the mem_add signal Drive the 8 bit port address on to mem_data signal.

Input Port Packets are sent into the switch using input port. All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. input port has 2 input signals. They are input [7:0] data; input data_status; To send the packet in to switch, 1. 2. 3. 4. Assert the data_status signal. Send the packet on the data signal byte by byte. After sending all the data bytes, deassert the data_status signal. There should be at least 3 clock cycles difference between packets.

Output Port Switch sends the packets out using the output ports. There are 4 ports, each having data, ready and read signals. All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. Signal list is output output output output output output output output input input input input [7:0] port0; [7:0] port1; [7:0] port2; [7:0] port3; ready_0; ready_1; ready_2; ready_3; read_0; read_1; read_2; read_3;

When the data is ready to be sent out from the port, switch asserts ready_* signal high indicating that data is ready to be sent. If the read_* signal is asserted, when ready_* is high, then the data comes out of the port_* signal after one clock cycle.[9/26/2012 2:28:08 PM]


RTL code: RTL code is attached with the tar files. From the Phase 1, you can download the tar files.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Specification Overview Verification Plan This Document describes the Verification Plan for Switch. The Verification Plan is Phase 1 Top based on System Verilog Hardware Verification Language. The methodology used for Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Verification is Constraint random coverage driven verification. Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Driver Phase 6 Receiver Feature Extraction Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage This section contains list of all the features to be verified. Phase 9 Testcase 1) ID: Configuration Report a Bug or Comment Description: Configure all the 4 port address with unique values.


input is what keeps 2) improving ID: Packet DA Description: DA field of packet should be any of the port address. All the 4 port with time! address should be used.

on This section - Your

3) ID : Packet payload Description: Length can be from 0 to 255. Send packets with all the lengths.

4) ID: Length VMM Ethernet sample Description: Length field contains length of the payload. Send Packet with correct length field and incorrect length fields. Verilog 5) Verification ID: FCS Verilog Switch TB Description: Good FCS: Send packet with good FCS. Basic Constructs Bad FCS: Send packet with corrupted FCS. OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB

Stimulus Generation Plan Packet DA: Generate packet DA with the configured address. Payload length: generate payload length ranging from 2 to 255. Correct or Incorrect Length field. Generate good and bad FCS.

1) 2) RVM Switch TB 3) RVM Ethernet sample 4)

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Coverage Plan 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Cover all the port address configurations. Cover all the packet lengths. Cover all correct and incorrect length fields. Cover good and bad FCS. Cover all the above combinations.

Verification Environment[9/26/2012 2:28:17 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan In phase 1, Phase 1 Top 1) We will write SystemVerilog Interfaces for input port, output port and memory Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset port. Phase 4 Packet 2) We will write Top module where testcase and DUT instances are done. Phase 5 Driver 3) DUT and TestBench interfaces are connected in top module. Phase 6 Receiver 4) Clock is generator in top module. Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase NOTE: In every file you will see the syntax `ifndef GUARD_* Report a Bug or Comment `endif GUARD_*


Interfaces In the file, declare the 3 interfaces in the following way. All the interfaces has clock as input. All the signals in interface are logic type. All the signals are synchronized to clock except reset in clocking block. Signal directional w.r.t TestBench is specified with modport. `ifndef GUARD_INTERFACE `define GUARD_INTERFACE ////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface declaration for the memory/// ////////////////////////////////////////// interface mem_interface(input bit clock); logic [7:0] mem_data; logic [1:0] mem_add; logic mem_en; logic mem_rd_wr; clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #1 output #1; output mem_data; output mem_add; output mem_en; output mem_rd_wr; endclocking modport MEM(clocking cb,input clock); endinterface //////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface for the input side of switch.// // Reset signal is also passed hear. // //////////////////////////////////////////// interface input_interface(input bit clock); logic data_status; logic [7:0] data_in;

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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #1 output #1; output data_status; output data_in; endclocking modport IP(clocking cb,output reset,input clock); endinterface ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface for the output side of the switch.// // output_interface is for only one output port// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// interface output_interface(input bit clock); logic [7:0] data_out; logic ready; logic read; clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #1 output #1; input data_out; input ready; output read; endclocking modport OP(clocking cb,input clock); endinterface ////////////////////////////////////////////////// `endif Testcase Testcase is a program block which provides an entry point for the test and creates a scope that encapsulates program-wide data. Currently this is an empty testcase which just ends the simulation after 100 time units. Program block contains all the above declared interfaces as arguments. This testcase has initial and final blocks. `ifndef GUARD_TESTCASE `define GUARD_TESTCASE program testcase(mem_interface.MEM mem_intf,input_interface.IP input_intf,output_interface.OP output_intf[4 ]); initial begin $display(" ******************* Start of testcase ****************"); #1000; end final $display(" ******************** End of testcase *****************"); endprogram `endif Top Module The modules that are included in the source text but are not instantiated are called[9/26/2012 2:28:27 PM]


top modules. This module is the highest scope of modules. Generally this module is named as "top" and referenced as "top module". Module name can be anything. Do the following in the top module: 1)Generate the clock signal. bit Clock; initial forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; 2)Do the instances of memory interface. mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); 3)Do the instances of input interface. input_interface input_intf(Clock); 4)There are 4 output ports. So do 4 instances of output_interface. output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); 5)Do the instance of testcase and pass all the above declared interfaces. testcase TC (mem_intf,input_intf,output_intf); 6)Do the instance of DUT. switch DUT (.

7)Connect all the interfaces and DUT. The design which we have taken is in verilog. So Verilog DUT instance is connected signal by signal. switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data));[9/26/2012 2:28:27 PM]


Top Module Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_TOP `define GUARD_TOP module top(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clock Declaration and Generation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// bit Clock; initial forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// input_interface input_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // output interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program block Testcase instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// testcase TC (mem_intf,input_intf,output_intf); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DUT instance and signal connection // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status),[9/26/2012 2:28:27 PM]


.data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data)); endmodule `endif Download the phase 1 files: switch_1.tar Browse the code in switch_1.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm Log file after simulation: ******************* Start of testcase **************** ******************** End of testcase *****************




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan In this phase, we will write Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Environment Environment class. Phase 3 Reset Virtual interface declaration. Phase 4 Packet Defining Environment class constructor. Phase 5 Driver Defining required methods for execution. Currently these methods will not be Phase 6 Receiver implemented in this phase. Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage All the above are done in file. Phase 9 Testcase


We will write a testcase using the above define environment class in file. Environment Class: The class is a base class used to implement verification environments. Testcase contains the instance of the environment class and has access to all the public declaration of environment class.

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All methods are declared as virtual methods. In environment class, we will formalize the simulation steps using virtual methods. The methods are used to control the VMM Ethernet sample execution of the simulation. Following are the methods which are going to be defined in environment class. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) new() : In constructor method, we will connect the virtual interfaces which are passed as argument to the virtual interfaces to those which are declared in environment class. 2) build(): In this method , all the objects like driver, monitor etc are constructed. Currently this method is empty as we did not develop any other component. 3) reset(): in this method we will reset the DUT. 4) cfg_dut(): In this method, we will configure the DUT output port address. 5) start(): in this method, we will call the methods which are declared in the other components like driver and monitor. 6) wait_for_end(): this method is used to wait for the end of the simulation. Waits until all the required operations in other components are done.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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7) report(): This method is used to print the TestPass and TestFail status of the simulation, based on the error count.. 8) run(): This method calls all the above declared methods in a sequence order. The testcase calls this method, to start the simulation.

We are not implementing build(), reset(), cfg_dut() , strat() and report() methods in this phase. Connecting the virtual interfaces of Environment class to the physical interfaces of[9/26/2012 2:28:38 PM]


top module. Verification environment contains the declarations of the virtual interfaces. Virtual interfaces are just a handles(like pointers). When a virtual interface is declared, it only creats a handle. It doesnot creat a real interface. Constructor method should be declared with virtual interface as arguments, so that when the object is created in testcase, new() method can pass the interfaces in to environment class where they are assigned to the local virtual interface handle. With this, the Environment class virtual interfaces are pointed to the physical interfaces which are declared in the top module.

Declare virtual interfaces in Environment class. virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; The construction of Environment class is declared with virtual interface as arguments. function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] ); ,

In constructor methods, the interfaces which are arguments are connected to the virtual interfaces of environment class. this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; Run : The run() method is called from the testcase to start the simulation. run() method calls all the methods which are defined in the Environment class. task run(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of run() method",$time); build(); reset(); cfg_dut(); start(); wait_for_end(); report();[9/26/2012 2:28:38 PM]


$display(" %0d : Environment : end of run() method",$time); endtask : run

Environment Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment ; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] ); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; $display(" %0d : Environment : created env object",$time); endfunction : new function void build(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of build() method",$time); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of build() method",$time); endfunction :build task reset(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of reset() method",$time); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of reset() method",$time); endtask : reset task cfg_dut(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of cfg_dut() method",$time); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of cfg_dut() method",$time); endtask : cfg_dut task start(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of start() method",$time); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of start() method",$time); endtask : start task wait_for_end(); ,[9/26/2012 2:28:38 PM]


$display(" %0d : Environment : start of wait_for_end() method",$time); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of wait_for_end() method",$time); endtask : wait_for_end task run(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of run() method",$time); build(); reset(); cfg_dut(); start(); wait_for_end(); report(); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of run() method",$time); endtask : run task report(); endtask : report endclass `endif We will create a file for global requirement. In this file, define all the port address as macros in this file. Define a variable error as integer to keep track the number of errors occurred during the simulation. `ifndef GUARD_GLOBALS `define GUARD_GLOBALS `define `define `define `define P0 P1 P2 P3 8'h00 8'h11 8'h22 8'h33

int error = 0; int num_of_pkts = 10; `endif Now we will update the testcase. Take an instance of the Environment class and call the run method of the Environment class. `ifndef GUARD_TESTCASE `define GUARD_TESTCASE program testcase(mem_interface.MEM input_intf,output_interface.OP output_intf[4]); Environment env; initial begin $display(" ******************* Start of testcase ****************"); env = new(mem_intf,input_intf,output_intf);; #1000; end final $display(" ******************** End of testcase *****************"); endprogram `endif Download the phase 2 source code: switch_2.tar Browse the code in switch_2.tar mem_intf,input_interface.IP[9/26/2012 2:28:38 PM]


Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm Log report after the simulation: ******************* Start of testcase **************** 0 : Environemnt : created env object 0 : Environemnt : start of run() method 0 : Environemnt : start of build() method 0 : Environemnt : end of build() method 0 : Environemnt : start of reset() method 0 : Environemnt : end of reset() method 0 : Environemnt : start of cfg_dut() method 0 : Environemnt : end of cfg_dut() method 0 : Environemnt : start of start() method 0 : Environemnt : end of start() method 0 : Environemnt : start of wait_for_end() method 0 : Environemnt : end of wait_for_end() method 0 : Environemnt : end of run() method ******************** End of testcase *****************




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan In this phase we will reset and configure the DUT. Phase 1 Top The Environment class has reset() method which contains the logic to reset the DUT Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset and cfg_dut() method which contains the logic to configure the DUT port address. Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Driver Phase 6 Receiver Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

NOTE: Clocking block signals can be driven only using a non-blocking assignment. Define the reset() method. 1) Set all the DUT input signals to a known state. mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; 2) Reset the DUT. // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; 3) Updated the cfg_dut method. task cfg_dut();

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:28:48 PM]


$display(" %0d : Environment : start of cfg_dut() method",$time); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 0 Address %h ",$time,`P0); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 1 Address %h ",$time,`P1); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 2 Address %h ",$time,`P2); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 3 Address %h ",$time,`P3); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; $display(" %0d : Environment : end of cfg_dut() method",$time); endtask : cfg_dut

(4) In wait_for_end method, wait for some clock cycles. task wait_for_end(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of wait_for_end() method",$time); repeat(10000) @(input_intf.clock); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of wait_for_end() method",$time); endtask : wait_for_end Download the Phase 3 source code: switch_3.tar Browse the code in switch_3.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm Log File report ******************* Start of testcase **************** 0 : Environment : created env object 0 : Environment : start of run() method 0 : Environment : start of build() method 0 : Environment : end of build() method 0 : Environment : start of reset() method 40 : Environment : end of reset() method 40 : Environment : start of cfg_dut() method 70 : Environment : Port 0 Address 00 90 : Environment : Port 1 Address 11 110 : Environment : Port 2 Address 22 130 : Environment : Port 3 Address 33 150 : Environment : end of cfg_dut() method[9/26/2012 2:28:48 PM]


150 : Environment : start of start() method 150 : Environment : end of start() method 150 : Environment : start of wait_for_end() method 100150 : Environment : end of wait_for_end() method 100150 : Environment : end of run() method ******************** End of testcase *****************




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

In this Phase, We will define a packet and then test it whether it is generating as expected. Packet is modeled using class. Packet class should be able to generate all possible packet types randomly. Packet class should also implement required methods like packing(), unpacking(), compare() and display() methods. We will write the packet class in file. Packet class variables and constraints have been derived from stimulus generation plan. Revisit Stimulus Generation Plan 1) Packet DA: Generate packet DA with the configured address. 2) Payload length: generate payload length ranging from 2 to 255. 3) Correct or Incorrect Length field. 4) Generate good and bad FCS. 1) Declare FCS types as enumerated data types. Name members as GOOD_FCS and BAD_FCS. typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; 2) Declare the length type as enumerated data type. Name members as GOOD_LENGTH and BAD_LENGTH.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Driver Phase 6 Receiver Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase
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VMM Ethernet sample typedef enum { GOOD_LENGTH, BAD_LENGTH } length_kind_t;

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

3) Declare the length type and fcs type variables as rand. rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind; rand length_kind_t length_kind; 4) Declare the packet field as rand. All fields are bit data types. All fields are 8 bit packet array. Declare the payload as dynamic array. rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand byte data[];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand byte fcs;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample 5) Constraint the DA field to be any one of the configured address.

constraint address_c { da inside {`P0,`P1,`P2,`P3} ; }

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6) Constrain the payload dynamic array size to between 1 to 255. constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 255]};} 7) Constrain the payload length to the length field based on the length type. constraint length_kind_c { (length_kind == GOOD_LENGTH) -> length == data.size; (length_kind == BAD_LENGTH) -> length == data.size + 2 ; } Use solve before to direct the randomization to generate first the payload dynamic[9/26/2012 2:28:58 PM]


array size and then randomize length field. constraint solve_size_length { solve data.size before length; } 8) Constrain the FCS field initial value based on the fcs kind field. constraint fcs_kind_c { (fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) -> fcs == 8'b0; (fcs_kind == BAD_FCS) -> fcs == 8'b1; } 9) Define the FCS method. function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs 10) Define display methods: Display method displays the current value of the packet fields to standard output. virtual function void display(); $display("\n---------------------- PACKET KIND ------------------------- "); $display(" fcs_kind : %s ", ); $display(" length_kind : %s ", ); $display("-------- PACKET ---------- "); $display(" 0 : %h ",da); $display(" 1 : %h ",sa); $display(" 2 : %h ",length); foreach(data[i]) $write("%3d : %0h ",i + 3,data[i]); $display("\n %2d : %h ",data.size() + 3 , cal_fcs); $display("----------------------------------------------------------- \n"); endfunction : display 11) Define pack method:

Packing is commonly used to convert the high level data to low level data that can be applied to DUT. In packet class various fields are generated. Required fields are concatenated to form a stream of bytes which can be driven conveniently to DUT interface by the driver. virtual function int unsigned byte_pack(ref logic [7:0] bytes[]);[9/26/2012 2:28:58 PM]


bytes = new[data.size + 4]; bytes[0] = da; bytes[1] = sa; bytes[2] = length; foreach(data[i]) bytes[3 + i] = data[i]; bytes[data.size() + 3] = cal_fcs; byte_pack = bytes.size; endfunction : byte_pack 12) Define unpack method:

The unpack() method does exactly the opposite of pack method. Unpacking is commonly used to convert a data stream coming from DUT to high level data packet object. virtual function void byte_unpack(const ref logic [7:0] bytes[]); this.da = bytes[0]; = bytes[1]; this.length = bytes[2]; this.fcs = bytes[bytes.size - 1]; = new[bytes.size - 4]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = bytes[i + 3]; this.fcs = 0; if(bytes[bytes.size - 1] != cal_fcs) this.fcs = 1; endfunction : byte_unpack 14) Define a compare method. Compares the current value of the object instance with the current value of the specified object instance. If the value is different, FALSE is returned. virtual function bit compare(packet pkt); compare = 1; if(pkt == null) begin $display(" ** ERROR ** : pkt : received a null object "); compare = 0; end else begin if(pkt.da !== this.da) begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : Da field did not match"); compare = 0; end if( !== begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : Sa field did not match"); compare = 0; end if(pkt.length !== this.length) begin[9/26/2012 2:28:58 PM]


$display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : Length field did not match"); compare = 0; end foreach([i]) if([i] !==[i]) begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : Data[%0d] field did not match",i); compare = 0; end if(pkt.fcs !== this.fcs) begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : fcs field did not match %h %h",pkt.fcs ,this.fcs); compare = 0; end end endfunction : compare Packet Class Source Code `ifndef GUARD_PACKET `define GUARD_PACKET //Define the enumerated types for packet types typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; typedef enum { GOOD_LENGTH, BAD_LENGTH } length_kind_t; class packet; rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind; rand length_kind_t length_kind; rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand byte data[];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand byte fcs; constraint address_c { da inside {`P0,`P1,`P2,`P3} ; } constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 255]};} constraint length_kind_c { (length_kind == GOOD_LENGTH) -> length == data.size; (length_kind == BAD_LENGTH) -> length == data.size + 2 ; } constraint solve_size_length { solve data.size before length; } constraint fcs_kind_c { (fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) -> fcs == 8'b0; (fcs_kind == BAD_FCS) -> fcs == 8'b1; } ///// method to calculate the fcs ///// function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs ///// method to print the packet fields //// virtual function void display(); $display("\n---------------------- PACKET KIND ------------------------- "); $display(" fcs_kind : %s ", ); $display(" length_kind : %s ", ); $display("-------- PACKET ---------- "); $display(" 0 : %h ",da); $display(" 1 : %h ",sa); $display(" 2 : %h ",length);[9/26/2012 2:28:58 PM]


foreach(data[i]) $write("%3d : %0h ",i + 3,data[i]); $display("\n %2d : %h ",data.size() + 3 , cal_fcs); $display("----------------------------------------------------------- \n"); endfunction : display ///// method to pack the packet into bytes///// virtual function int unsigned byte_pack(ref logic [7:0] bytes[]); bytes = new[data.size + 4]; bytes[0] = da; bytes[1] = sa; bytes[2] = length; foreach(data[i]) bytes[3 + i] = data[i]; bytes[data.size() + 3] = cal_fcs; byte_pack = bytes.size; endfunction : byte_pack ////method to unpack the bytes in to packet ///// virtual function void byte_unpack(const ref logic [7:0] bytes[]); this.da = bytes[0]; = bytes[1]; this.length = bytes[2]; this.fcs = bytes[bytes.size - 1]; = new[bytes.size - 4]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = bytes[i + 3]; this.fcs = 0; if(bytes[bytes.size - 1] != cal_fcs) this.fcs = 1; endfunction : byte_unpack //// method to compare the packets ///// virtual function bit compare(packet pkt); compare = 1; if(pkt == null) begin $display(" ** ERROR ** : pkt : received a null object "); compare = 0; end else begin if(pkt.da !== this.da) begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : Da field did not match"); compare = 0; end if( !== begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : Sa field did not match"); compare = 0; end if(pkt.length !== this.length) begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : Length field did not match"); compare = 0; end foreach([i]) if([i] !==[i]) begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : Data[%0d] field did not match",i); compare = 0; end if(pkt.fcs !== this.fcs) begin $display(" ** ERROR **: pkt : fcs field did not match %h %h",pkt.fcs ,this.fcs); compare = 0; end end endfunction : compare endclass[9/26/2012 2:28:58 PM]


Now we will write a small program to test our packet implantation. This program block is not used to verify the DUT. Write a simple program block and do the instance of packet class. Randomize the packet and call the display method to analyze the generation. Then pack the packet in to bytes and then unpack bytes and then call compare method to check all the methods. Program Block Source Code program test; packet pkt1 = new(); packet pkt2 = new(); logic [7:0] bytes[]; initial repeat(10) if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Successes full."); pkt1.display(); void'(pkt1.byte_pack(bytes)); pkt2 = new(); pkt2.byte_unpack(bytes); if( $display(" Packing,Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare ***"); end else $display(" *** Randomization Failed ***"); endprogram Download the packet class with program block. switch_4.tar Browse the code in switch_4.tar Run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm Log file report: Randomization Sucessesfull. ---------------------- PACKET KIND ------------------------fcs_kind : BAD_FCS length_kind : GOOD_LENGTH -------- PACKET ---------0 : 00 1 : f7 2 : be 3 : a6 4 : 1b 5 : b5 6 : fa 7 : 4e 8 : 15 9 : 7d 10 : 72 11 : 96 12 : 31 13 : c4 14 : aa 15 : c4 16 : cf 17 : 4f 18 : f4 19 : 17 20 : 88 21 : f1 22 : 2c 23 : ce 24 : 5 25 : cb 26 : 8c 27 : 1a 28 : 37 29 : 60 30 : 5f 31 : 7a 32 : a2 33 : f0 34 : c9 35 : dc 36 : 41 37 : 3f 38 : 12 39 : f4 40 : df 41 : c5 42 : d7 43 : 94 44 : 88 45 : 1 46 : 31 47 : 29 48 : d6 49 : f4 50 : d9 51 : 4f 52 : 0 53 : dd 54 : d2 55 : a6 56 : 59 57 : 43 58 : 45 59 : f2 60 : a2 61 : a1 62 : fd 63 : ea 64 : c1 65 : 20 66 : c7 67 : 20 68 : e1 69 : 97 70 : c6 71 : cf 72 : cd 73 : 17 74 : 99 75 : 49 76 : b8 77 : 1c 78 : df 79 : e6 80 : 1a 81 : ce 82 : 8c 83 : ec 84 : b6 85 : bb 86 : a5 87 : 17 88 : cb 89 : 32 90 : e1 91 : 83 92 : 96 93 : e 94 : ee 95 : 57 96 : 33 97 : cd 98 : 62 99 : 88 100 : 7b 101 : e6 102 : 41 103 : ad 104 : 26 105 : ee 106 : 9c 107 : 95 108 : a7 109 : b8 110 : 83 111 : f 112 : ca 113 : ec 114 : b5 115 : 8d 116 : d8 117 : 2f 118 : 6f 119 : ea 120 : 4c 121 : 35 122 : 41 123 : f2 124 : 4e 125 : 89 126 : d8 127 : 78 128 : f1 129 : d 130 : d6 131 : d5 132 : 8 133 : c 134 : de 135 : a9 136 : 1d 137 : a0 138 : ae 139 : 99 140 : f5 141 : 53 142 : d8 143 : 7a 144 : 4c 145 : d4 146 : b8 147 : 54 148 : b7 149 : c3 150 : c9 151 : 7b 152 : a3 153 : 71 154 : 2b 155 : b4 156 : 50 157 : 54 158 : 22 159 : 95 160 : df 161 : 17 162 : c9 163 : 41 164 :[9/26/2012 2:28:58 PM]


80 165 : 2b 166 : f0 167 : ba 168 : 4a 169 : a9 170 : 7f 171 : 13 172 : 1e 173 : 12 174 : a8 175 : 2 176 : 3 177 : 3d 178 : 71 179 : e6 180 : 96 181 : 89 182 : c6 183 : 46 184 : d6 185 : 1b 186 : 5f 187 : 20 188 : a0 189 : a3 190 : 49 191 : 79 192 : 9 193 : 53 ----------------------------------------------------------Packing,Unpacking and compare worked Randomization Sucessesfull. .............. .............. ..............




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In phase 5 we will write a driver and then instantiate the driver in environment and Verification Plan Phase 1 Top send packet in to DUT. Driver class is defined in file. Phase 2 Environment Driver is class which generates the packets and then drives it to the DUT input Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet interface and pushes the packet in to mailbox. Phase 5 Driver Phase 6 Receiver Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Declare a packet. packet gpkt; 2) Declare a virtual input_interface of the switch. We will connect this to the Physical interface of the top module same as what we did in environment class. virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; 3) Define a mailbox "drvr2sb" which is used to send the packets to the score board. mailbox drvr2sb; 4) Define new constructor with arguments, virtual input interface and a mail box which is used to send packets from the driver to scoreboard. function new(virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new,mailbox drvr2sb); this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; if(drvr2sb == null) begin $display(" **ERROR**: drvr2sb is null"); $finish; end else this.drvr2sb = drvr2sb; 5) Construct the packet in the driver constructor.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:29:08 PM]


gpkt = new(); 6) Define the start method. In start method, do the following Repeat the following steps for num_of_pkts times. repeat($root.num_of_pkts) Randomize the packet and check if the randomization is successes full. if ( pkt.randomize()) begin $display (" %0d : Driver : Randomization Successes full.",$time); ........... ........... else begin $display (" %0d Driver : ** Randomization failed. **",$time); ............ ........... Display the packet content. pkt.display(); Then pack the packet in to bytes. length = pkt.byte_pack(bytes); Then send the packet byte in to the switch by asserting data_status of the input interface signal and driving the data bytes on to the data_in signal. foreach(bytes[i]) begin @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.cb.data_status <= 1; input_intf.cb.data_in <= bytes[i]; end After driving all the data bytes, deassert data_status signal of the input interface. @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; Send the packet in to mail "drvr2sb" box for scoreboard. drvr2sb.put(pkt); If randomization fails, increment the error counter which is defined in file $root.error++; Driver Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_DRIVER `define GUARD_DRIVER class Driver; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; mailbox drvr2sb; packet gpkt; //// constructor method //// function new(virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new,mailbox drvr2sb);[9/26/2012 2:29:08 PM]


this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; if(drvr2sb == null) begin $display(" **ERROR**: drvr2sb is null"); $finish; end else this.drvr2sb = drvr2sb; gpkt = new(); endfunction : new /// method to send the packet to DUT //////// task start(); packet pkt; int length; logic [7:0] bytes[]; repeat($root.num_of_pkts) begin repeat(3) @(posedge input_intf.clock); pkt = new gpkt; //// Randomize the packet ///// if ( pkt.randomize()) begin $display (" %0d : Driver : Randomization Successes full. ",$time); //// display the packet content /////// pkt.display(); //// Pack the packet in tp stream of bytes ////// length = pkt.byte_pack(bytes); ///// assert the data_status signal and send the packed bytes ////// foreach(bytes[i]) begin @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.cb.data_status <= 1; input_intf.cb.data_in <= bytes[i]; end //// deassert the data_status singal ////// @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; //// Push the packet in to mailbox for scoreboard ///// drvr2sb.put(pkt); $display(" %0d : Driver : Finished Driving the packet with length %0d",$time,length); end else begin $display (" %0d Driver : ** Randomization failed. **",$time); ////// Increment the error count in randomization fails //////// $root.error++; end end endtask : start endclass `endif Now we will take the instance of the driver in the environment class.[9/26/2012 2:29:08 PM]


1) Declare a mailbox "drvr2sb" which will be used to connect the scoreboard and driver. mailbox drvr2sb; 2) Declare a driver object "drvr". Driver drvr; 3) In build method, construct the mail box. drvr2sb = new(); 4) In build method, construct the driver object. Pass the input_intf and "drvr2sb" mail box. drvr= new(input_intf,drvr2sb); 5) To start sending the packets to the DUT, call the start method of "drvr" in the start method of Environment class. drvr.start(); Environment Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment ; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; Driver drvr; mailbox drvr2sb; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] ); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; ,[9/26/2012 2:29:08 PM]


$display(" %0d : Environment : created env object",$time); endfunction : new function void build(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of build() method",$time); drvr2sb = new(); drvr= new(input_intf,drvr2sb); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of build() method",$time); endfunction : build task reset(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of reset() method",$time); // Drive all DUT inputs to a known state mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; $display(" %0d : Environment : end of reset() method",$time); endtask : reset task cfg_dut(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of cfg_dut() method",$time); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 0 Address %h ",$time,`P0); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 1 Address %h ",$time,`P1); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 2 Address %h ",$time,`P2); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 3 Address %h ",$time,`P3); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; $display(" %0d : Environment : end of cfg_dut() method",$time); endtask :cfg_dut task start(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of start() method",$time);[9/26/2012 2:29:08 PM]


drvr.start(); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of start() method",$time); endtask : start task wait_for_end(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of wait_for_end() method",$time); repeat(10000) @(input_intf.clock); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of wait_for_end() method",$time); endtask : wait_for_end task run(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of run() method",$time); build(); reset(); cfg_dut(); start(); wait_for_end(); report(); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of run() method",$time); endtask : run task report(); endtask : report endclass `endif Download the phase 5 source code: switch_5.tar Browse the code in switch_5.tar Run the command: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm Log file report. ******************* Start of testcase **************** 0 : Environment : created env object 0 : Environment : start of run() method 0 : Environment : start of build() method 0 : Environment : end of build() method 0 : Environment : start of reset() method 40 : Environment : end of reset() method 40 : Environment : start of cfg_dut() method 70 : Environment : Port 0 Address 00 90 : Environment : Port 1 Address 11 110 : Environment : Port 2 Address 22 130 : Environment : Port 3 Address 33 150 : Environment : end of cfg_dut() method 150 : Environment : start of start() method 210 : Driver : Randomization Successes full. ---------------------- PACKET KIND ------------------------fcs_kind : BAD_FCS length_kind : GOOD_LENGTH -------- PACKET ---------0 : 22 1 : 11 2 : 2d 3 : 63 4 : 2a 5 : 2e 6 : c 7 : a 8 : 14 9 : c1 10 : 14 11 : 8f 12 : 54 13 : 5d 14 : da 15 : 22 16 : 2c 17 : ac 18 : 1c 19 : 48 20 : 3c 21 : 7e 22 : f3 23 : ed 24 : 24 25 : d1 26 : 3e 27 : 38 28 : aa 29 : 54 30 : 19 31 : 89 32 : aa 33 : cf 34 : 67 35 : 19 36 : 9a 37 : 1d 38 : 96 39 : 8 40 : 15 41 : 66 42 : 55 43 : b 44 : 70 45 : 35 46 : fc 47 : 8f 48 : cd ----------------------------------------------------------1210 : Driver : Finished Driving the packet with length 49 1270 : Driver : Randomization Successes full. .................. ..................[9/26/2012 2:29:08 PM]






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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this phase, we will write a receiver and use the receiver in environment class to Verification Plan Phase 1 Top collect the packets coming from the switch output_interface. Phase 2 Environment Receiver collects the data bytes from the interface signal. And then unpacks the bytes Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet in to packet and pushes it into mailbox. Phase 5 Driver Phase 6 Receiver Receiver class is written in file. Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Declare a virtual output_interface. We will connect this to the Physical interface of the top module, same as what we did in environment class. virtual output_interface.OP output_intf;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

2) Declare a mailbox "rcvr2sb" which is used to send the packets to the score board mailbox rcvr2sb; 3) Define new constructor with arguments, virtual input interface and a mail box function new(virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new,mailbox rcvr2sb); this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; if(rcvr2sb == null) begin $display(" **ERROR**: rcvr2sb is null"); $finish; end else this.rcvr2sb = rcvr2sb; endfunction : new 4) Define the start method.

RVM Ethernet sample which is used to send packets from the receiver to scoreboard.

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:29:17 PM]


In start method, do the following Wait for the ready signal to be asserted by the DUT. wait(output_intf.cb.ready) If the ready signal is asserted, then request the DUT to send the data out from the data_out signal by asserting the read signal. When the data to be sent is finished by the DUT, it will deassert the ready signal. Once the ready signal is deasserted, stop collecting the data bytes and deasseart the read signal. <= 1; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); while (output_intf.cb.ready) begin bytes = new[bytes.size + 1](bytes); bytes[bytes.size - 1] = output_intf.cb.data_out; @(posedge output_intf.clock); end <= 0; @(posedge output_intf.clock); $display(" %0d : Receiver : Received a packet of length %0d",$time,bytes.size); Create a new packet object of packet. pkt = new(); Then call the unpack method of the packet to unpacked the bytes and then display the packet content. pkt.byte_unpack(bytes); pkt.display(); Then send the packet to scoreboard. rcvr2sb.put(pkt); Delete the dynamic array bytes. bytes.delete(); Receiver Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_RECEIVER `define GUARD_RECEIVER class Receiver; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf; mailbox rcvr2sb; //// constructor method //// function new(virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new,mailbox rcvr2sb); this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; if(rcvr2sb == null) begin $display(" **ERROR**: rcvr2sb is null"); $finish; end else this.rcvr2sb = rcvr2sb; endfunction : new task start(); logic [7:0] bytes[]; packet pkt; forever begin repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock);[9/26/2012 2:29:17 PM]


wait(output_intf.cb.ready) <= 1; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); while (output_intf.cb.ready) begin bytes = new[bytes.size + 1](bytes); bytes[bytes.size - 1] = output_intf.cb.data_out; @(posedge output_intf.clock); end <= 0; @(posedge output_intf.clock); $display(" %0d : Receiver : Received a packet of length %0d",$time,bytes.size); pkt = new(); pkt.byte_unpack(bytes); pkt.display(); rcvr2sb.put(pkt); bytes.delete(); end endtask : start endclass `endif Now we will take the instance of the receiver in the environment class.

1) Declare a mailbox "rcvr2sb" which will be used to connect the scoreboard and receiver. mailbox rcvr2sb; 2) Declare 4 receiver object "rcvr". Receiver rcvr[4]; 3) In build method, construct the mail box. rcvr2sb = new(); 4) In build method, construct the receiver object. Pass the output_intf and "rcvr2sb" mail box. There are 4 output interfaces and receiver objects. We will connect one receiver for one output interface.[9/26/2012 2:29:17 PM]


foreach(rcvr[i]) rcvr[i]= new(output_intf[i],rcvr2sb); 5) To start collecting the packets from the DUT, call the "start" method of "rcvr" in the "start" method of Environment class. task start(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of start() method",$time); fork drvr.start(); rcvr[0].start(); rcvr[1].start(); rcvr[2].start(); rcvr[3].start(); join_any $display(" %0d : Environment : end of start() method",$time); endtask : start Environment Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment ; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; Driver drvr; Receiver rcvr[4]; mailbox drvr2sb; mailbox rcvr2sb; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] ); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; $display(" %0d : Environment : created env object",$time); endfunction : new function void build(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of build() method",$time); drvr2sb = new(); rcvr2sb = new(); drvr= new(input_intf,drvr2sb); foreach(rcvr[i]) rcvr[i]= new(output_intf[i],rcvr2sb); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of build() method",$time); endfunction : build task reset(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of reset() method",$time); // Drive all DUT inputs to a known state mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; ,[9/26/2012 2:29:17 PM]


output_intf[0] output_intf[1] output_intf[2] output_intf[3]

<= <= <= <=

0; 0; 0; 0;

// Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; $display(" %0d : Environment : end of reset() method",$time); endtask : reset task cfg_dut(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of cfg_dut() method",$time); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 0 Address %h ",$time,`P0); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 1 Address %h ",$time,`P1); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 2 Address %h ",$time,`P2); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 3 Address %h ",$time,`P3); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; $display(" %0d : Environment : end of cfg_dut() method",$time); endtask :cfg_dut task start(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of start() method",$time); fork drvr.start(); rcvr[0].start(); rcvr[1].start(); rcvr[2].start(); rcvr[3].start(); join_any $display(" %0d : Environment : end of start() method",$time); endtask : start task wait_for_end(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of wait_for_end() method",$time); repeat(10000) @(input_intf.clock); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of wait_for_end() method",$time); endtask : wait_for_end task run(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of run() method",$time); build(); reset();[9/26/2012 2:29:17 PM]


cfg_dut(); start(); wait_for_end(); report(); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of run() method",$time); endtask : run task report(); endtask: report endclass `endif Download the phase 6 source code: switch_6.tar Browse the code in switch_6.tar Run the command: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan In this phase we will see the scoreboard implementation. Phase 1 Top Scoreboard has 2 mailboxes. One is used to for getting the packets from the driver Phase 2 Environment and other from the receiver. Then the packets are compared and if they don't match, Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet then error is asserted. Phase 5 Driver Scoreboard in implemented in file Phase 6 Receiver Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage Phase 9 Testcase


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Declare 2 mailboxes drvr2sb and rcvr2sb. mailbox drvr2sb; mailbox rcvr2sb; 2) Declare a constructor method with "drvr2sb" and "rcvr2sb" mailboxes as arguments. function new(mailbox drvr2sb,mailbox rcvr2sb);

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample 3) Connect the mailboxes of the constructor to the mail boxes of the scoreboard.

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this.drvr2sb = drvr2sb; this.rcvr2sb = rcvr2sb; 4) Define a start method. Do the following steps forever. Wait until there is a packet is in "rcvr2sb". Then pop the packet from the mail box. rcvr2sb.get(pkt_rcv); $display(" %0d : Scorebooard : Scoreboard received a packet from receiver ",$time); Then pop the packet from drvr2sb. drvr2sb.get(pkt_exp);[9/26/2012 2:29:27 PM]


Compare both packets and increment an error counter if they are not equal. if( $display(" %0d : Scoreboardd :Packet Matched ",$time); else $root.error++; Scoreboard Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_SCOREBOARD `define GUARD_SCOREBOARD class Scoreboard; mailbox drvr2sb; mailbox rcvr2sb; function new(mailbox drvr2sb,mailbox rcvr2sb); this.drvr2sb = drvr2sb; this.rcvr2sb = rcvr2sb; endfunction:new task start(); packet pkt_rcv,pkt_exp; forever begin rcvr2sb.get(pkt_rcv); $display(" %0d : Scorebooard : Scoreboard received a packet from receiver ",$time); drvr2sb.get(pkt_exp); if( $display(" %0d : Scoreboardd :Packet Matched ",$time); else $root.error++; end endtask : start endclass `endif

Now we will see how to connect the scoreboard in the Environment class.[9/26/2012 2:29:27 PM]


1) Declare a scoreboard. Scoreboard sb; 2) Construct the scoreboard in the build method. Pass the drvr2sb and rcvr2sb mailboxes to the score board constructor. sb = new(drvr2sb,rcvr2sb); 3) Start the scoreboard method in the start method. sb.start(); 4) Now we are to the end of building the verification environment. In the report() method of environment class, print the TEST PASS or TEST FAIL status based on the error count. task report(); $display("\n\n*************************************************"); if( 0 == $root.error) $display("******** TEST PASSED *********"); else $display("******** TEST Failed with %0d errors *********",$root.error); $display("*************************************************\n\n"); endtask : report Source Code Of The Environment Class: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment ; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; Driver drvr; Receiver rcvr[4];[9/26/2012 2:29:27 PM]


Scoreboard sb; mailbox drvr2sb ; mailbox rcvr2sb ; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] ); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; $display(" %0d : Environment : created env object",$time); endfunction : new function void build(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of build() method",$time); drvr2sb = new(); rcvr2sb = new(); sb = new(drvr2sb,rcvr2sb); drvr= new(input_intf,drvr2sb); foreach(rcvr[i]) rcvr[i]= new(output_intf[i],rcvr2sb); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of build() method",$time); endfunction : build task reset(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of reset() method",$time); // Drive all DUT inputs to a known state mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; $display(" %0d : Environment : end of reset() method",$time); endtask : reset task cfg_dut(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of cfg_dut() method",$time); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 0 Address %h ",$time,`P0); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 1 Address %h ",$time,`P1); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 2 Address %h ",$time,`P2); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); ,[9/26/2012 2:29:27 PM]


mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; $display(" %0d : Environment : Port 3 Address %h ",$time,`P3); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; $display(" %0d : Environment : end of cfg_dut() method",$time); endtask :cfg_dut task start(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of start() method",$time); fork drvr.start(); rcvr[0].start(); rcvr[1].start(); rcvr[2].start(); rcvr[3].start(); sb.start(); join_any $display(" %0d : Environment : end of start() method",$time); endtask : start task wait_for_end(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of wait_for_end() method",$time); repeat(10000) @(input_intf.clock); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of wait_for_end() method",$time); endtask : wait_for_end task run(); $display(" %0d : Environment : start of run() method",$time); build(); reset(); cfg_dut(); start(); wait_for_end(); report(); $display(" %0d : Environment : end of run() method",$time); endtask: run task report(); $display("\n\n*************************************************"); if( 0 == $root.error) $display("******** TEST PASSED *********"); else $display("******** TEST Failed with %0d errors *********",$root.error); $display("*************************************************\n\n"); endtask : report endclass `endif Download the phase 7 score code: switch_7.tar Browse the code in switch_7.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm[9/26/2012 2:29:27 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this phase we will write the functional coverage for switch protocol. Functional Verification Plan coverage is written in file. After running simulation, you will analyze the Phase 1 Top coverage results and find out if some test scenarios have not been exercised and write Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset tests to exercise them. Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Driver The points which we need to cover are Phase 6 Receiver 1) Cover all the port address configurations. Phase 7 Scoreboard 2) Cover all the packet lengths. Phase 8 Coverage 3) Cover all correct and incorrect length fields. Phase 9 Testcase 4) Cover good and bad FCS. 5) Cover all the above combinations.


1) Define a cover group with following cover points. a) All packet lengths: length : coverpoint pkt.length; b) All port address: da : coverpoint bins p0 = { bins p1 = { bins p2 = { bins p3 = { pkt.da { `P0 }; `P1 }; `P2 }; `P3 }; }

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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

c) Correct and incorrect Length field types: length_kind : coverpoint pkt.length_kind; d) Good and Bad FCS: fcs_kind : coverpoint pkt.fcs_kind; 5) Cross product of all the above cover points: all_cross: cross length,da,length_kind,fcs_kind; 2) In constructor method, construct the cover group switch_coverage = new(); endfunction : new 3) Write task which calls the sample method to cover the points. task sample(packet pkt); this.pkt = pkt; switch_coverage.sample(); endtask:sample Source Code Of Coverage Class: `ifndef GUARD_COVERAGE `define GUARD_COVERAGE

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample function new();

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class coverage; packet pkt; covergroup switch_coverage; length : coverpoint pkt.length; da : coverpoint pkt.da { bins p0 = { `P0 }; bins p1 = { `P1 }; bins p2 = { `P2 }; bins p3 = { `P3 }; } length_kind : coverpoint pkt.length_kind; fcs_kind : coverpoint pkt.fcs_kind; all_cross: cross length,da,length_kind,fcs_kind; endgroup function new(); switch_coverage = new(); endfunction : new task sample(packet pkt); this.pkt = pkt; switch_coverage.sample(); endtask:sample endclass `endif Now we will use this coverage class instance in scoreboard. 1) Take an instance of coverage class and construct it in scoreboard class. coverage cov = new(); 2) Call the sample method and pass the exp_pkt to the sample method. cov.sample(pkt_exp); Source Code Of The Scoreboard Class: `ifndef GUARD_SCOREBOARD `define GUARD_SCOREBOARD class Scoreboard; mailbox drvr2sb; mailbox rcvr2sb; coverage cov = new(); function new(mailbox drvr2sb,mailbox rcvr2sb); this.drvr2sb = drvr2sb; this.rcvr2sb = rcvr2sb; endfunction:new task start(); packet pkt_rcv,pkt_exp; forever begin rcvr2sb.get(pkt_rcv); $display(" %0d : Scorebooard : Scoreboard received a packet from receiver ",$time); drvr2sb.get(pkt_exp); if( begin[9/26/2012 2:29:37 PM]


$display(" %0d : Scoreboardd :Packet Matched ",$time); cov.sample(pkt_exp); end else $root.error++; end endtask : start endclass `endif Download the phase 8 score code: switch_8.tar Browse the code in switch_8.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm urg -dir




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan In this phase we will write a constraint random testcase. Phase 1 Top Lets verify the DUT by sending large packets of length above 200. Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset 1) In testcase file, define a small_packet class. This calls is inherited from the packet class and data.size() field is constraint to Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Driver generate the packet with size greater than 200. Phase 6 Receiver Phase 7 Scoreboard Phase 8 Coverage class small_packet extends packet; Phase 9 Testcase constraint small_c { data.size > 200 ; }


endclass 2) In program block, create an object of the small_packet class. Then call the build method of env. small_packet spkt; 3) Pass the object of the small_packet to the packet handle which is in driver. env.drvr.gpkt = spkt; run method.

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VMM Ethernet sample Then call the reset(),cfg_dut(),start(),wait_for_end() and report() methods as in the

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

env.reset(); env.cfg_dut(); env.start(); env.wait_for_end();;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Source Code Of Constraint Testcase: `ifndef GUARD_TESTCASE `define GUARD_TESTCASE

RVM Ethernet sample class small_packet extends packet;

constraint small_c { data.size > 200 ; }

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endclass program testcase(mem_interface.MEM mem_intf,input_interface.IP input_intf,output_interface.OP output_intf[4 ]); Environment env; small_packet spkt; initial begin $display(" ******************* Start of testcase ****************"); spkt = new();[9/26/2012 2:29:48 PM]


env = new(mem_intf,input_intf,output_intf);; env.drvr.gpkt = spkt; env.reset(); env.cfg_dut(); env.start(); env.wait_for_end();; #1000; end final $display(" ******************** End of testcase *****************"); endprogram `endif Download the phase 9 source code: switch_9.tar Browse the code in switch_9.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts dtm urg -dir




copyright 2007-2017 :: all rights reserved Disclaimer[9/26/2012 2:29:48 PM]




TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this tutorial, we will verify the Switch RTL core using UVM in SystemVerilog. Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Following are the steps we follow to verify the Switch RTL core. Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N 1) Understand the specification Testcase Phase 4 Packet 2) Developing Verification Plan Phase 5 Sequencer N 3) Building the Verification Environment. We will build the Environment in Multiple Sequence Phase 6 Driver phases, so it will be easy for you to lean step by step. In this verification environment, I will not use agents and monitors to make this Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard tutorial simple and easy.



Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps Phase 2) We will develop the Configuration class. improving Phase 3) We will develop the Environment class and Simple testcase and simulate with time!

Phase 1) We will develop the interfaces, and connect it to DUT in top module.

Phase 4) We will develop packet class based on the stimulus plan. We will also write a small code to test the packet class implementation. Phase 5) We will develop sequencer and a sample sequences. Phase 6) We will develop driver and connect it to the Sequencer in to environment. Phase 7) We will develop receiver and instantiate in environment. Phase 8) We will develop scoreboard which does the comparison of the expected packet with the actual packet received from the DUT and connect it to driver and receiver in Environment class.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample 1)Go to

Installing Uvm Library

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2)Download the uvm*.tar.gz file. 3)Untar the file. 4)Go to the extracted directory : cd uvm*\uvm\src 5)Set the UVM_HOME path : setenv UVM_HOME `pwd` (This is required to run the examples which are downloaded from this site) 6)Go to examples : cd ../examples/hello_world/uvm/ 7)Compile the example using : your_tool_compilation_command -f compile_<toolname>.f (example for questasim use : qverilog -f compile_questa.f) 8)Run the example.[9/26/2012 2:29:56 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Switch Specification: Verification Plan This is a simple switch. Switch is a packet based protocol. Switch drives the incoming Phase 1 Top packet which comes from the input port to output ports based on the address Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N contained in the packet. Testcase The switch has a one input port from which the packet enters. It has four output ports Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N where the packet is driven out. Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Packet Format: Packet contains 3 parts. They are Header, data and frame check sequence. Packet width is 8 bits and the length of the packet can be between 4 bytes to 259 bytes. Packet header: Packet header contains three fields DA, SA and length. DA: Destination address of the packet is of 8 bits. The switch drives the packet to respective ports based on this destination address of the packets. Each output port has 8-bit unique port address. If the destination address of the packet matches the port address, then switch drives the packet to the output port. SA: Source address of the packet from where it originate. It is 8 bits. Length: Length of the data is of 8 bits and from 0 to 255. Length is measured in terms of bytes. If Length = 0, it means data length is 0 bytes If Length = 1, it means data length is 1 bytes

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If Length = 2, it means data length is 2 bytes If Length = 255, it means data length is 255 bytes Data: Data should be in terms of bytes and can take anything. FCS: Frame check sequence This field contains the security check of the packet. It is calculated over the header and data.

Configuration: Switch has four output ports. These output ports address have to be configured to a unique address. Switch matches the DA field of the packet with this configured port address and sends the packet on to that port. Switch contains a memory. This memory has 4 locations, each can store 8 bits. To configure the switch port address, memory write operation has to be done using memory interface. Memory address (0,1,2,3) contains the address of port(0,1,2,3) respectively. Interface Specification: The Switch has one input Interface, from where the packet enters and 4 output interfaces from where the packet comes out and one memory interface, through the port address can be configured. Switch also has a clock and asynchronous reset signal. MEMORY INTERFACE: Through memory interfaced output port address are configured. It accepts 8 bit data to be written to memory. It has 8 bit address inputs. Address 0,1,2,3 contains the address of the port 0,1,2,3 respectively. There are 4 input signals to memory interface. They are input input input input mem_en; mem_rd_wr; [1:0] mem_add; [7:0] mem_data;

All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. To configure a port address,[9/26/2012 2:30:04 PM]


1. 2. 3. 4.

Assert the mem_en signal. Asser the mem_rd_wr signal. Drive the port number (0 or 1 or 2 or 3) on the mem_add signal Drive the 8 bit port address on to mem_data signal.

INPUT PORT Packets are sent into the switch using input port. All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. input port has 2 input signals. They are input [7:0] data; input data_status; To send the packet in to switch, 1. 2. 3. 4. Assert the data_status signal. Send the packet on the data signal byte by byte. After sending all the data bytes, deassert the data_status signal. There should be at least 3 clock cycles difference between packets.

OUTPUT PORT Switch sends the packets out using the output ports. There are 4 ports, each having data, ready and read signals. All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. Signal list is output output output output output output output output input input input input [7:0] port0; [7:0] port1; [7:0] port2; [7:0] port3; ready_0; ready_1; ready_2; ready_3; read_0; read_1; read_2; read_3;

When the data is ready to be sent out from the port, switch asserts ready_* signal high indicating that data is ready to be sent. If the read_* signal is asserted, when ready_* is high, then the data comes out of the port_* signal after one clock cycle.[9/26/2012 2:30:04 PM]


RTL code: RTL code is attached with the tar files. From the Phase 1, you can download the tar files.




copyright 2007-2017 :: all rights reserved Disclaimer[9/26/2012 2:30:04 PM]




TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Specification Overview Verification Plan This Document describes the Verification Plan for Switch. The Verification Plan is Phase 1 Top based on System Verilog Hardware Verification Language. The methodology used for Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Verification is Constraint random coverage driven verification. Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Feature Extraction Sequence Phase 6 Driver This section contains list of all the features to be verified. Phase 7 Receiver 1) Phase 8 Scoreboard ID: Configuration Description: Configure all the 4 port address with unique values.


on This section - Your 2) input is what keeps ID: Packet DA Description: DA field of packet should be any of the port address. All the 4 port improving with time! address should be used.

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3) ID : Packet payload Description: Length can be from 1 to 255. Send packets with all the lengths.

4) ID: Length VMM Ethernet sample Description: Length field contains length of the payload. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

5) ID: FCS Description: Good FCS: Send packet with good FCS. Bad FCS: Send packet with corrupted FCS. Stimulus Generation Plan 1) Packet DA: Generate packet DA with the configured address. 2) Payload length: generate payload length ranging from 2 to 255. 3) Generate good and bad FCS.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Verification Environment
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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In phase 1, Verification Plan 1) We will write SystemVerilog Interfaces for input port, output port and memory Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration port. Phase 3 Environment N 2) We will write Top module where testcase and DUT instances are done. Testcase 3) DUT and interfaces are connected in top module. Phase 4 Packet 4) We will implement Clock generator in top module. Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Interface Phase 8 Scoreboard In the file, declare the 3 interfaces in the following way. Report a Bug or Comment All the interfaces has clock as input. on This section - Your All the signals in interface are wire type. input is what keeps All the signals are synchronized to clock except reset in clocking block.


This approach will avoid race conditions between the design and the verification with time! environment. Define the set-up and hold time using parameters. Signal directional w.r.t TestBench is specified with modport. Interface Source Code `ifndef GUARD_INTERFACE `define GUARD_INTERFACE ////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface declaration for the memory/// ////////////////////////////////////////// interface mem_interface(input bit clock); improving

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire [7:0] mem_data; wire [1:0] mem_add; wire mem_en; wire mem_rd_wr; clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; output mem_data; output mem_add; output mem_en; output mem_rd_wr; endclocking:cb modport MEM(clocking cb,input clock); endinterface :mem_interface ////////////////////////////////////////////

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// Interface for the input side of switch.// // Reset signal is also passed hear. // //////////////////////////////////////////// interface input_interface(input bit clock); parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire wire reg data_status; [7:0] data_in; reset;

clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; output data_status; output data_in; endclocking:cb modport IP(clocking cb,output reset,input clock); endinterface:input_interface ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface for the output side of the switch.// // output_interface is for only one output port// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// interface output_interface(input bit clock); parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire wire wire [7:0] data_out; ready; read;

clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; input data_out; input ready; output read; endclocking:cb modport OP(clocking cb,input clock); endinterface:output_interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////// `endif Top Module The modules that are included in the source text but are not instantiated are called top modules. This module is the highest scope of modules. Generally this module is named as "top" and referenced as "top module". Module name can be anything. This top-level module will contain the design portion of the simulation. Do the following in the top module: 1) The first step is to import the uvm packages `include "uvm.svh" import uvm_pkg::*; 2)Generate the clock signal. bit Clock;[9/26/2012 2:30:26 PM]


initial begin #20; forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; end 2)Do the instances of memory interface. mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); 3)Do the instances of input interface. input_interface input_intf(Clock); 4)There are 4 output ports. So do 4 instances of output_interface. output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); 5) Connect all the interfaces and DUT. The design which we have taken is in verilog. So Verilog DUT instance is connected signal by signal. switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data)); Top module Scource Code `ifndef GUARD_TOP `define GUARD_TOP ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Importing UVM Packages // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "uvm.svh" import uvm_pkg::*; module top(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clock Declaration and Generation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// bit Clock; initial begin #20; forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////[9/26/2012 2:30:26 PM]


// Input interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// input_interface input_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // output interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DUT instance and signal connection // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data)); endmodule : top `endif Download the files: uvm_switch_1.tar Browse the code in uvm_switch_1.tar Command to compile VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

In this phase we will implement the configuration class. All the requirements of the testbench configurations will be declared inside this class. Virtual interfaces required by verification components driver and receiver for connecting to DUT are declared in this class. We will also declare 4 variables which will hold the port address of the DUT. uvm_object does not have the simulation phases and can be used in get_config_object and set_config_object method. So we will implement the configuration class by extending uvm_object. Configuration 1) Define configuration class by extending uvm_object `ifndef GUARD_CONFIGURATION `define GUARD_CONFIGURATION class Configuration extends uvm_object; endclass : Configuration `endif

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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VMM Ethernet sample 2) Declare All the interfaces which are required in this verification environment.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4]; 3) Declare 4 variables which holds the device port address. bit [7:0] device_add[4] ; 4) uvm_object required to define the uvm_object::creat() method. uvm_object::create method allocates a new object of the same type as this object and returns it via a base uvm_object handle. In create method, we have to construct a new object of configuration class and update all the important fields and return it. virtual function uvm_object create(string name=""); Configuration t = new(); t.device_add = this.device_add; t.input_intf = this.input_intf; t.mem_intf = this.mem_intf; t.output_intf = this.output_intf; return t; endfunction : create Configuration class source code `ifndef GUARD_CONFIGURATION `define GUARD_CONFIGURATION

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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class Configuration extends uvm_object; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4]; bit [7:0] device_add[4] ; virtual function uvm_object create(string name=""); Configuration t = new(); t.device_add = this.device_add; t.input_intf = this.input_intf; t.mem_intf = this.mem_intf; t.output_intf = this.output_intf; return t; endfunction : create endclass : Configuration `endif Updates To Top Module In top module we will create an object of the above defined configuration class and update the interfaces so that all the verification components can access to physical interfaces in top module using configuration class object. 1) Declare a Configuration class object Configuration cfg; 2) Construct the configuration object and update the interfaces. initial begin cfg = new(); cfg.input_intf = input_intf; cfg.mem_intf = mem_intf; cfg.output_intf = output_intf; 3) In top module , we have to call the run_test() method. run_test(); Top module updates typedef class Configuration; module top(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clock Declaration and Generation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// bit Clock; initial begin #20; forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// input_interface input_intf(Clock); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////[9/26/2012 2:30:34 PM]


// output interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creat Configuration and Strart the run_test// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Configuration cfg; initial begin cfg = new(); cfg.input_intf = input_intf; cfg.mem_intf = mem_intf; cfg.output_intf = output_intf; run_test(); end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DUT instance and signal connection // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data)); endmodule : top `endif Download the source code uvm_switch_2.tar Browse the code in uvm_switch_2.tar Command to compile VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa




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In the phase we will implement the skeleton for environment class. We will declare virtual interfaces and Extend Required Environment class virtual methods. We will also implement a simple testcase and run the simulation. Environment class is used to implement verification environments in UVM. It is extension on uvm_env class. The testbench simulation needs some systematic flow like building the components, connection the components, starting the components etc. uvm_env base class has methods formalize the simulation steps. All methods are declared as virtual methods.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

We will not implement all the uvm_env virtual methods in this phase but will we print messages from these methods which are required for this example to understand the simulation execution. Testcase contains the instance of the environment class. This testcase Creates a Environment object and defines the required test specific functionality.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Verification environment contains the declarations of the virtual interfaces. These virtual interfaces are pointed to the physical interfaces which are declared in the top RVM Ethernet sample module. These virtual interfaces are made to point to physical interface in the testcase.
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Environment 1) Extend uvm_env class to define Environment class. `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends uvm_env; endclass : Environment `endif[9/26/2012 2:30:42 PM]


2) Declare the utility macro. This utility macro provides the implementation of create() and get_type_name() methods. `uvm_component_utils(Environment) 3) Define the constructor. In the constructor, call the super methods and pass the parent object. Parent is the object in which environment is instantiated. function new(string name , uvm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new 4) Define build method. In build method, just print messages and must be called. This method is automatically called. Build is the first phase in simulation. This phase is used to construct the child components of the current class. virtual function void build();; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",UVM_LOW); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",UVM_LOW); endfunction 5) Define connect method. In connect method, just print messages and super.connect() must be called. This method is called automatically after the build() method is called. This method is used for connecting port and exports. virtual function void connect(); super.connect(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",UVM_LOW); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",UVM_LOW); endfunction Environment class Source Code `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends uvm_env; `uvm_component_utils(Environment) function new(string name , uvm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new virtual function void build();; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",UVM_LOW); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",UVM_LOW); endfunction virtual function void connect(); super.connect(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",UVM_LOW); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",UVM_LOW); endfunction endclass : Environment[9/26/2012 2:30:42 PM]


`endif Testcase Now we will implement testcase. In UVM, testcases are implemented by extending uvm_test. Using uvm_test , provides the ability to select which test to execute using the UVM_TESTNAME command line option or argument to the uvm_root::run_test task. We will use UVM_TESTNAME command line argument. 1) Define a testcase by extending uvm_test class. class test1 extends uvm_test; endclass 2) Declare the utility macro. `uvm_component_utils(test1) 3) Take the instance of Environemtn. Environment t_env ; 4) Define the constructor method. In this method, construct the environment class object and dont forget to pass the parent argument. function new (string name="test1", uvm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new 5) Define run() method. run() method is the only task which is time consuming. After completing the start_of_simulation() phase , this method is called. To terminate this task, we will use global_stop_request(). As we dont have anything now to write in this testcase, just call the global_stop_request() after some delay. virtual task run (); #3000ns; global_stop_request(); endtask : run With this, for the first time, we can do the simulation. Testcase Source code class test1 extends uvm_test; `uvm_component_utils(test1) Environment t_env ; function new (string name="test1", uvm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new virtual task run (); #3000ns; global_stop_request(); endtask : run endclass : test1 Download the Source Code uvm_switch_3.tar Browse the code in uvm_switch_3.tar[9/26/2012 2:30:42 PM]


Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log report after simulation UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO UVM_INFO @ @ @ @ @ 0 [RNTST] Running test test1... 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] START of build END of build START of connect END of connect

--- UVM Report Summary --** Report counts by severity UVM_INFO : 5 UVM_WARNING : 0 UVM_ERROR : 0 UVM_FATAL : 0 ** Report counts by id [RNTST ] 1 [uvm_test_top.t_env ] 4




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

In this Phase, we will develop Transaction as per the verification plan. We will define required methods and constraints. We will also develop a small logic to test our implementation of this class. Packet We will write the packet class in file. Packet class variables and constraints have been derived from stimulus generation plan. One way to model Packet is by extending uvm_sequence_item. uvm_sequence_item provides basic functionality for sequence items and sequences to operate in a sequence mechanism. Packet class should be able to generate all possible packet types randomly. To define copy, compare, record, print and sprint methods, we will use UVM field macros. For packing and Unpacking, we will define the logic and not use the field macros. Revisit Stimulus Generation Plan 1) Packet DA: Generate packet DA with the configured address. 2) Payload length: generate payload length ranging from 2 to 255. 3) Generate good and bad FCS.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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1) Define enumerated type data for fcs. Verilog

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; 2) Define transaction by extending uvm_sequence_item. class Packet extends uvm_sequence_item; endclass : Packet

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

3) Define all the fields as rand variables. rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind;

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rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; 4) Define constraints to constraint payload size of data. constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [2 : 255]};} constraint length_c { length == data.size; } 5) Define the constructor method. function new(string name = "");[9/26/2012 2:30:50 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Easy Labs : UVM; endfunction : new 6) In post_randomize() , define the fcs value based on fcs_kind. function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0; else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize 7) Define cal_fcs() method which computes the fcs value. ///// method to calculate the fcs ///// virtual function byte cal_fcs; return da ^ sa ^ length ^ data.xor() ^ fcs; endfunction : cal_fcs 8) Using uvm_field_* macros, define transaction required method. We will define packing and unpacking methods manually, so use UVM_NOPACK for excluding atomic creation of packing and un packing method. `uvm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `uvm_field_int(da, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(sa, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(length, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_array_int(data, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(fcs, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_object_utils_end 9) Define do_pack() method which does the packing operation. function void do_pack(uvm_packer packer); super.do_pack(packer); packer.pack_field_int(da,$bits(da)); packer.pack_field_int(sa,$bits(sa)); packer.pack_field_int(length,$bits(length)); foreach(data[i]) packer.pack_field_int(data[i],8); packer.pack_field_int(fcs,$bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_pack 10) Define do_unpack() method which does the unpacking operation. function void do_unpack(uvm_packer packer); int sz; super.do_pack(packer); da = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(da)); sa = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(sa)); length = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(length)); data.delete(); data = new[length]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = packer.unpack_field_int(8); fcs = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_unpack Packet class source code `ifndef GUARD_PACKET `define GUARD_PACKET `include "uvm.svh"[9/26/2012 2:30:50 PM]


import uvm_pkg::*; //Define the enumerated types for packet types typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; class Packet extends uvm_sequence_item; rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind;

rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 6]};} constraint length_c { length == data.size; } function new(string name = "");; endfunction : new function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0; else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize ///// method to calculate the fcs ///// virtual function byte cal_fcs; return da ^ sa ^ length ^ data.xor() ^ fcs; endfunction : cal_fcs `uvm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `uvm_field_int(da, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(sa, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(length, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_array_int(data, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_field_int(fcs, UVM_ALL_ON|UVM_NOPACK) `uvm_object_utils_end function void do_pack(uvm_packer packer); super.do_pack(packer); packer.pack_field_int(da,$bits(da)); packer.pack_field_int(sa,$bits(sa)); packer.pack_field_int(length,$bits(length)); foreach(data[i]) packer.pack_field_int(data[i],8); packer.pack_field_int(fcs,$bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_pack function void do_unpack(uvm_packer packer); int sz; super.do_pack(packer); da = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(da)); sa = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(sa)); length = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(length)); data.delete(); data = new[length]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = packer.unpack_field_int(8); fcs = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_unpack endclass : Packet Test The Transaction Implementation[9/26/2012 2:30:50 PM]


Now we will write a small logic to test our packet implantation. This module is not used in normal verification. Define a module and take the instance of packet class. Randomize the packet and call the print method to analyze the generation. Then pack the packet in to bytes and then unpack bytes and then call compare method to check all the method implementation.

1) Declare Packet objects and dynamic arrays. Packet pkt1 = new("pkt1"); Packet pkt2 = new("pkt2"); byte unsigned pkdbytes[]; 2) In a initial block, randomize the packet, pack the packet in to pkdbytes and then unpack it and compare the packets. if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Sucessesfull."); pkt1.print(); uvm_default_packer.use_metadata = 1; void'(pkt1.pack_bytes(pkdbytes)); $display("Size of pkd bits %d",pkdbytes.size()); pkt2.unpack_bytes(pkdbytes); pkt2.print(); if( $display(" Packing,Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare *** \n \n"); Logic to test the transaction implementation module test; Packet pkt1 = new("pkt1"); Packet pkt2 = new("pkt2"); byte unsigned pkdbytes[]; initial repeat(10) if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Successesfull."); pkt1.print(); uvm_default_packer.use_metadata = 1; void'(pkt1.pack_bytes(pkdbytes)); $display("Size of pkd bits %d",pkdbytes.size()); pkt2.unpack_bytes(pkdbytes); pkt2.print(); if( $display(" Packing,Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare *** \n \n"); end else $display(" *** Randomization Failed ***"); endmodule Download the Source Code uvm_switch_4.tar Browse the code in uvm_switch_4.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa[9/26/2012 2:30:50 PM]


Log report after simulation Randomization Sucessesfull. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------pkt1 Packet pkt1@3 --da integral 8 'ha5 --sa integral 8 'ha1 --length integral 8 'h6 --data da(integral) 6 ----[0] integral 8 'h58 ----[1] integral 8 'h60 ----[2] integral 8 'h34 ----[3] integral 8 'hdd ----[4] integral 8 'h9 ----[5] integral 8 'haf --fcs integral 8 'h75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Size of pkd bits 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------pkt2 Packet pkt2@5 --da integral 8 'ha5 --sa integral 8 'ha1 --length integral 8 'h6 --data da(integral) 6 ----[0] integral 8 'h58 ----[1] integral 8 'h60 ----[2] integral 8 'h34 ----[3] integral 8 'hdd ----[4] integral 8 'h9 ----[5] integral 8 'haf --fcs integral 8 'h75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Packing,Unpacking and compare worked .... .... .... ....




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In this phase we will develop Sequence and Sequencer. A sequence is series of transaction and sequencer is used to for controlling the flow of transaction generation. A sequence of transaction (which we already developed in previous phase) is defined by extending uvm_sequence class. uvm_sequencer does the generation of this sequence of transaction, uvm_driver takes the transaction from Sequencer and processes the packet/ drives to other component or to DUT.

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VMM Ethernet sample Sequencer

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A Sequencer is defined by extending uvm_sequencer. uvm_sequencer has a port seq_item_export which is used to connect to uvm_driver for transaction transfer. 1) Define a sequencer by extending uvm_sequence. `ifndef GUARD_SEQUENCER `define GUARD_SEQUENCER class Sequencer extends uvm_sequencer #(Packet); endclass : Sequencer `endif configuration class object. Configuration cfg; 3) Declare Sequencer utility macros. `uvm_sequencer_utils(Sequencer) 4) Define the constructor. function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); `uvm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(Packet) endfunction : new

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample 2) We need Device port address, which are in configuration class. So declare a Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:30:58 PM]


5) In end_of_elaboration() method, using get_config_object(), get the configuration object which will be passed from testcase. get_config_object() returns object of type uvm_object, so using a temporary uvm_object and cast it to configuration object. virtual function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_object tmp; assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); endfunction Sequencer source code `ifndef GUARD_SEQUENCER `define GUARD_SEQUENCER class Sequencer extends uvm_sequencer #(Packet); Configuration cfg; `uvm_sequencer_utils(Sequencer) function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); `uvm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(Packet) endfunction : new virtual function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_object tmp; assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); endfunction endclass : Sequencer `endif Sequence A sequence is defined by extending uvm_sequence class. This sequence of transactions should be defined in budy() method of uvm_sequence class. UVM has macros and methods to define the transaction types. We will use macros in this example. You can define as many sequences as you want. We will define 2 sequences. 1) Define sequence by extending class Seq_device0_and_device1 extends uvm_sequence #(Packet); endclass: Seq_device0_and_device1 2) Define constructor method. function new(string name = "Seq_do");; endfunction : new 3) Declare utilities macro. With this macro, this sequence is tied to Sequencer. `uvm_sequence_utils(Seq_device0_and_device1, Sequencer) 4) The algorithm for the transaction should be defined in body() method of the sequence. In this sequence we will define the algorithm such that alternate transactions for device port 0 and 1 are generated. The device addresses are available in configuration object which is in sequencer.[9/26/2012 2:30:58 PM]


Every sequence has a handle to its sequence through p_sequencer. Using p_sequencer handle, access the device address. virtual task body(); forever begin `uvm_do_with(item, {da == p_sequencer.cfg.device_add[0];} ); `uvm_do_with(item, {da == p_sequencer.cfg.device_add[1];} ); end endtask : body Sequence Source Code class Seq_device0_and_device1 extends uvm_sequence #(Packet); function new(string name = "Seq_device0_and_device1");; endfunction : new Packet item; `uvm_sequence_utils(Seq_device0_and_device1, Sequencer) virtual task body(); forever begin `uvm_do_with(item, {da == p_sequencer.cfg.device_add[0];} ); `uvm_do_with(item, {da == p_sequencer.cfg.device_add[1];} ); end endtask : body endclass :Seq_device0_and_device1 One more Sequence class Seq_constant_length extends uvm_sequence #(Packet); function new(string name = "Seq_constant_length");; endfunction : new Packet item; `uvm_sequence_utils(Seq_constant_length, Sequencer) virtual task body(); forever begin `uvm_do_with(item, {length == 10;da == p_sequencer.cfg.device_add[0];} ); end endtask : body endclass : Seq_constant_length Download the Source Code uvm_switch_5.tar Browse the code in uvm_switch_5.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa



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Driver In this phase we will develop the driver. Driver is defined by extending uvm_driver. Driver takes the transaction from the sequencer using seq_item_port. This transaction will be driven to DUT as per the interface specification. After driving the transaction to DUT, it sends the transaction to scoreboard using uvm_analysis_port. In driver class, we will also define task for resetting DUT and configuring the DUT. After completing the driver class implementation, we will instantiate it in environment class and connect the sequencer to it. We will also update the test case and run the simulation to check the implementation which we did till now.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Define the driver class by extending uvm_driver; OpenVera

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`ifndef GUARD_DRIVER `define GUARD_DRIVER class Driver extends uvm_driver #(Packet);

RVM Ethernet sample endclass : Driver

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2) Create a handle to configuration object. Using this object we can get DUT interfaces and DUT port addresses. Configuration cfg; 3) Declare input and memory interfaces virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf; 4) Declare uvm_analysis_port which is used to send packets to scoreboard. uvm_analysis_port #(Packet) Drvr2Sb_port;[9/26/2012 2:31:07 PM]


5) Declare component utilities macro. `uvm_component_utils(Driver) 6) Define the constructor method. Pass the parent object to super class. function new( string name = "" , uvm_component parent = null) ; name , parent ); endfunction : new 7) In the build method and construct Drvr2Sb_port object. virtual function void build();; Drvr2Sb_port = new("Drvr2Sb_port", this); endfunction : build 8) In the end_of_elaboration() method, get the get_config_object and update the virtual interfaces. virtual function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_object tmp; super.end_of_elaboration(); assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); this.input_intf = cfg.input_intf; this.mem_intf = cfg.mem_intf; endfunction : end_of_elaboration 9) Define the reset_dut() method which will be used for resetting the DUT. virtual task reset_dut(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start of reset_dut() method ",UVM_LOW); mem_intf.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.data_in <= 0; input_intf.data_status <= 0; input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End of reset_dut() method ",UVM_LOW); endtask : reset_dut 10) Define the cfg_dut() method which does the configuration due port address. virtual task cfg_dut(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start of cfg_dut() method ",UVM_LOW); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(mem_intf.cb); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; foreach (cfg.device_add[i]) begin @(mem_intf.cb); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= i; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= cfg.device_add[i]; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),$psprintf(" ",i,cfg.device_add[i]),UVM_LOW); end @(mem_intf.cb); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; configuration object using




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mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End of cfg_dut() method ",UVM_LOW); endtask : cfg_dut 11) Define drive() method which will be used to drive the packet to DUT. In this method pack the packet fields using the pack_bytes() method of the transaction and drive the packed data to DUT interface. virtual task drive(Packet pkt); byte unsigned bytes[]; int pkt_len; pkt_len = pkt.pack_bytes(bytes); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Driving packet ...",UVM_LOW); foreach(bytes[i]) begin @(input_intf.cb); input_intf.data_status <= 1 ; input_intf.data_in <= bytes[i]; end @(input_intf.cb); input_intf.data_status <= 0 ; input_intf.data_in <= 0; repeat(2) @(input_intf.cb); endtask : drive 12) Now we will use the above 3 defined methods and update the run() method of uvm_driver. First call the reset_dut() method and then cfg_dut(). After completing the configuration, in a forever loop get the transaction from seq_item_port and send it DUT using drive() method and also to scoreboard using Drvr2SB_port . virtual task run(); Packet pkt; @(input_intf.cb); reset_dut(); cfg_dut(); forever begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(pkt); Drvr2Sb_port.write(pkt); @(input_intf.cb); drive(pkt); @(input_intf.cb); seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask : run Driver class source code `ifndef GUARD_DRIVER `define GUARD_DRIVER class Driver extends uvm_driver #(Packet); Configuration cfg; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf; uvm_analysis_port #(Packet) Drvr2Sb_port; `uvm_component_utils(Driver) function new( string name = "" , uvm_component parent = null) ; name , parent ); endfunction : new virtual function void build();;[9/26/2012 2:31:07 PM]


Drvr2Sb_port = new("Drvr2Sb", this); endfunction : build virtual function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_object tmp; super.end_of_elaboration(); assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); this.input_intf = cfg.input_intf; this.mem_intf = cfg.mem_intf; endfunction : end_of_elaboration virtual task run(); Packet pkt; @(input_intf.cb); reset_dut(); cfg_dut(); forever begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(pkt); Drvr2Sb_port.write(pkt); @(input_intf.cb); drive(pkt); @(input_intf.cb); seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask : run virtual task reset_dut(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start of reset_dut() method ",UVM_LOW); mem_intf.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.data_in <= 0; input_intf.data_status <= 0; input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End of reset_dut() method ",UVM_LOW); endtask : reset_dut virtual task cfg_dut(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start of cfg_dut() method ",UVM_LOW); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(mem_intf.cb); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; foreach (cfg.device_add[i]) begin @(mem_intf.cb); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= i; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= cfg.device_add[i]; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),$psprintf(" ",i,cfg.device_add[i]),UVM_LOW); end @(mem_intf.cb); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End of cfg_dut() method ",UVM_LOW); endtask : cfg_dut virtual task drive(Packet pkt); byte unsigned bytes[]; int pkt_len; pkt_len = pkt.pack_bytes(bytes); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Driving packet ...",UVM_LOW);




%h[9/26/2012 2:31:07 PM]


foreach(bytes[i]) begin @(input_intf.cb); input_intf.data_status <= 1 ; input_intf.data_in <= bytes[i]; end @(input_intf.cb); input_intf.data_status <= 0 ; input_intf.data_in <= 0; repeat(2) @(input_intf.cb); endtask : drive endclass : Driver `endif Environment Updates We will take the instance of Sequencer and Driver and connect them in Environment class.

1) Declare handles to Driver and Sequencer. Sequencer Seqncr; Driver Drvr; 2) In build method, construct Seqncr and Drvr object using create() method. Drvr = Driver::type_id::create("Drvr",this); Seqncr = Sequencer::type_id::create("Seqncr",this); 2) In connect() seq_item_export. method connect the sequencer seq_item_port to drivers

Drvr.seq_item_port.connect(Seqncr.seq_item_export); Environment class code `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends uvm_env; `uvm_component_utils(Environment) Sequencer Seqncr; Driver Drvr; function new(string name , uvm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new[9/26/2012 2:31:07 PM]


virtual function void build();; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",UVM_LOW); Drvr = Driver::type_id::create("Drvr",this); Seqncr = Sequencer::type_id::create("Seqncr",this); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",UVM_LOW); endfunction virtual function void connect(); super.connect(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",UVM_LOW); Drvr.seq_item_port.connect(Seqncr.seq_item_export); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",UVM_LOW); endfunction endclass : Environment `endif Testcase Updates We will update the testcase and run the simulation. 1)In the build() method, update the configuration address in the configuration object which in top module. virtual function void build();; cfg.device_add[0] cfg.device_add[1] cfg.device_add[2] cfg.device_add[3] = = = = 0; 1; 2; 3;

2) In the build() method itself, using set_config_object , configure the configuration object with the one which is in top module. with this, the configuration object in Sequencer and Driver will be pointing to the one which in top module. set_config_object("t_env.*","Configuration",cfg); 3) In the build method, using set_config_string, configure the default_sequence of the sequencer to use the sequence which we defined. set_config_string("*.Seqncr", "default_sequence", "Seq_device0_and_device1"); 4) Set the sequencer count value to 2 . set_config_int("*.Seqncr", "count",2); 5) Update the run() method to print the Sequencer details. t_env.Seqncr.print(); Testcase code class test1 extends uvm_test; `uvm_component_utils(test1) Environment t_env ; function new (string name="test1", uvm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new virtual function void build();[9/26/2012 2:31:07 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Easy Labs : UVM; cfg.device_add[0] cfg.device_add[1] cfg.device_add[2] cfg.device_add[3] = = = = 0; 1; 2; 3;

set_config_object("t_env.*","Configuration",cfg); set_config_string("*.Seqncr", "default_sequence", "Seq_device0_and_device1"); set_config_int("*.Seqncr", "count",2); endfunction virtual task run (); t_env.Seqncr.print(); #3000ns; global_stop_request(); endtask : run endclass : test1 Download the source code uvm_switch_6.tar Browse the code in uvm_switch_6.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log report after simulation UVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test test1... UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] START of build UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] END of build UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] START of connect UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] END of connect ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------Seqncr Sequencer Seqncr@14 --rsp_export uvm_analysis_export rsp_export@16 --seq_item_export uvm_seq_item_pull_+ seq_item_export@40 --default_sequence string 19 uvm_random_sequence --count integral 32 -1 --max_random_count integral 32 'd10 --sequences array 5 ----[0] string 19 uvm_random_sequence ----[1] string 23 uvm_exhaustive_sequ+ ----[2] string 19 uvm_simple_sequence ----[3] string 23 Seq_device0_and_dev+ ----[4] string 19 Seq_constant_length --max_random_depth integral 32 'd4 --num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1 --num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------UVM_INFO @ 30: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of reset_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 70: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of reset_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 70: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of cfg_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 110: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 0 Address 00 UVM_INFO @ 130: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 1 Address 01 UVM_INFO @ 150: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 2 Address 02 UVM_INFO @ 170: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr][9/26/2012 2:31:07 PM]


Port 3 Address 03 UVM_INFO @ 190: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr End of cfg_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 210: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr Driving packet ... UVM_INFO @ 590: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr Driving packet ... UVM_INFO @ 970: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr Driving packet ... --- UVM Report Summary --** Report counts by severity UVM_INFO : 16 UVM_WARNING : 0 UVM_ERROR : 0 UVM_FATAL : 0

[uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr]




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this phase, we will write a receiver and use the receiver in environment class to Verification Plan Phase 1 Top collect the packets coming from the switch output_interface. Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Receiver Testcase Receiver collects the data bytes from the interface signal. And then unpacks the bytes Phase 4 Packet in to packet using unpack_bytes method and pushes it into Rcvr2Sb_port for score Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence boarding. Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Receiver class is written in file. Phase 8 Scoreboard Receiver class is defined by extending uvm_component class. It will drive the received Report a Bug or Comment transaction to scoreboard using uvm_analysis_port.


on This section - Your input is what keeps improving with time!

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

1) Define Receiver class by extending uvm_component. `ifndef GUARD_RECEIVER `define GUARD_RECEIVER class Receiver extends uvm_component; endclass : Receiver `endif 2) Declare configuration class object. Configuration cfg; 3) Declare an integer to hold the receiver number. integer id; 4) Declare a virtual interface of dut out put side. virtual output_interface.OP output_intf;

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:31:16 PM]


5) Declare analysis port which is used by receiver to send the received transaction to scoreboard. uvm_analysis_port #(Packet) Rcvr2Sb_port; 6) Declare the utility macro. This utility macro provides the implementation of creat() and get_type_name() methods. `uvm_component_utils(Receiver) 7) Define the constructor. function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction : new 8) Define the build method and construct the Rcvr2Sb_port. virtual function void build();; Rcvr2Sb_port = new("Rcvr2Sb", this); endfunction : build 9) In the end_of_elaboration() method, get the get_config_object and update the virtual interfaces. virtual function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_object tmp; super.end_of_elaboration(); assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); output_intf = cfg.output_intf[id]; endfunction : end_of_elaboration 10) Define the run() method. This method collects the packets from the DUT output interface and unpacks it into high level transaction using transactions unpack_bytes() method. virtual task run(); Packet pkt; fork forever begin // declare the queue and dynamic array here // so they are automatically allocated for every packet bit [7:0] bq[$],bytes[]; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); wait(output_intf.cb.ready) <= 1; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); while (output_intf.cb.ready) begin bq.push_back(output_intf.cb.data_out); @(posedge output_intf.clock); end bytes = new[bq.size()] (bq); // Copy queue into dyn array <= 0; @(posedge output_intf.clock); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Received packet ...",UVM_LOW); pkt = new(); void'(pkt.unpack_bytes(bytes)); Rcvr2Sb_port.write(pkt); end join configuration object using[9/26/2012 2:31:16 PM]


endtask : run

Receiver class source code `ifndef GUARD_RECEIVER `define GUARD_RECEIVER class Receiver extends uvm_component; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf; Configuration cfg; integer id; uvm_analysis_port #(Packet) Rcvr2Sb_port; `uvm_component_utils(Receiver) function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction : new virtual function void build();; Rcvr2Sb_port = new("Rcvr2Sb", this); endfunction : build virtual function void end_of_elaboration(); uvm_object tmp; super.end_of_elaboration(); assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); output_intf = cfg.output_intf[id]; endfunction : end_of_elaboration virtual task run(); Packet pkt; fork forever begin // declare the queue and dynamic array here // so they are automatically allocated for every packet bit [7:0] bq[$],bytes[]; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); wait(output_intf.cb.ready) <= 1; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); while (output_intf.cb.ready) begin bq.push_back(output_intf.cb.data_out); @(posedge output_intf.clock); end bytes = new[bq.size()] (bq); // Copy queue into dyn array <= 0; @(posedge output_intf.clock); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Received packet ...",UVM_LOW); pkt = new(); void'(pkt.unpack_bytes(bytes)); Rcvr2Sb_port.write(pkt); end join endtask : run endclass : Receiver Environment Class Updates[9/26/2012 2:31:16 PM]


We will update the Environment class and take instance of receiver and run the testcase.

1) Declare 4 receivers. Receiver Rcvr[4]; 2) In the build() method construct the Receivers using create() methods. Also update the id variable of the receiver object. foreach(Rcvr[i]) begin Rcvr[i] = Receiver::type_id::create($psprintf("Rcvr%0d",i),this); Rcvr[i].id = i; end Environment class source code `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends uvm_env; `uvm_component_utils(Environment) Sequencer Seqncr; Driver Drvr; Receiver Rcvr[4]; function new(string name , uvm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new virtual function void build();; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",UVM_LOW); Drvr = Driver::type_id::create("Drvr",this); Seqncr = Sequencer::type_id::create("Seqncr",this); foreach(Rcvr[i]) begin Rcvr[i] = Receiver::type_id::create($psprintf("Rcvr%0d",i),this); Rcvr[i].id = i; end uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",UVM_LOW); endfunction virtual function void connect(); super.connect(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",UVM_LOW); Drvr.seq_item_port.connect(Seqncr.seq_item_export); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",UVM_LOW); endfunction endclass : Environment `endif Download the Source Code[9/26/2012 2:31:16 PM]


uvm_switch_7.tar Browse the code in uvm_switch_7.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log report after simulation UVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test test1... UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] START of build UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] END of build UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] START of connect UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] END of connect ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------Seqncr Sequencer Seqncr@14 --rsp_export uvm_analysis_export rsp_export@16 --seq_item_export uvm_seq_item_pull_+ seq_item_export@40 --default_sequence string 19 uvm_random_sequence --count integral 32 -1 --max_random_count integral 32 'd10 --sequences array 5 ----[0] string 19 uvm_random_sequence ----[1] string 23 uvm_exhaustive_sequ+ ----[2] string 19 uvm_simple_sequence ----[3] string 23 Seq_device0_and_dev+ ----[4] string 19 Seq_constant_length --max_random_depth integral 32 'd4 --num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1 --num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------UVM_INFO @ 30: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of reset_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 70: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of reset_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 70: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of cfg_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 110: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 0 Address 00 UVM_INFO @ 130: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 1 Address 01 UVM_INFO @ 150: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 2 Address 02 UVM_INFO @ 170: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 3 Address 03 UVM_INFO @ 190: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of cfg_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 210: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... UVM_INFO @ 590: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... UVM_INFO @ 610: uvm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0 [uvm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0] Received packet ... UVM_INFO @ 970: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... UVM_INFO @ 990: uvm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0 [uvm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0] Received packet ... --- UVM Report Summary --** Report counts by severity UVM_INFO : 18 UVM_WARNING : 0 UVM_ERROR : 0 UVM_FATAL : 0[9/26/2012 2:31:16 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

In this phase we will see the scoreboard implementation. Scoreboard Scoreboard is implemented by extending uvm_scorboard. For our requirement, we can use uvm_in_order_comparator, but we will see develop our own scoreboard by extending uvm_scorboard. Scoreboard has 2 analysis imports. One is used to for getting the packets from the driver and other from the receiver. Then the packets are compared and if they don't match, then error is asserted. For comparison, compare () method of the Packet class is used. Implement the scoreboard in file Steps to create a scoreboard: 1) Useing macro `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(<_portname>), to declare uvm_analysis_imp_<_portname> class. 2) The above macro, creates write_<_portname>(). This method has to be define as per our requirements.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving with time!

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

1) We need 2 import, one for expected packet which is sent by driver and received packet which is coming from receiver. Declare 2 imports using `uvm_analysis_imp_decl macros should not be defined inside the class. `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_rcvd_pkt) `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_sent_pkt)

RVM Ethernet sample 2) Declare a scoreboard by extending uvm_scoreboard class.

class Scoreboard extends uvm_scoreboard;

Specman E Interview Questions

endclass : Scoreboard 3) Declare the utility macro. `uvm_component_utils(Scoreboard) 4) Declare a queue which stores the expected packets. Packet exp_que[$]; 5) Declare imports for getting expected packets and received packets.[9/26/2012 2:31:24 PM]


uvm_analysis_imp_rcvd_pkt #(Packet,Scoreboard) Rcvr2Sb_port; uvm_analysis_imp_sent_pkt #(Packet,Scoreboard) Drvr2Sb_port; 6) In the constructor, create objects for the above two declared imports. function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); Rcvr2Sb_port = new("Rcvr2Sb", this); Drvr2Sb_port = new("Drvr2Sb", this); endfunction : new 7) Define write_sent_pkt() method which was created `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_sent_pkt). In this method, store the received packet in the expected queue. virtual function void write_sent_pkt(input Packet pkt); exp_que.push_back(pkt); endfunction : write_sent_pkt 8) Define write_rcvd_pkt() method which was created by `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_rcvd_pkt) In this method, get the transaction from the expected queue and compare. macro by macro

virtual function void write_rcvd_pkt(input Packet pkt); Packet exp_pkt; pkt.print(); if(exp_que.size()) begin exp_pkt = exp_que.pop_front(); exp_pkt.print(); if( uvm_report_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Sent packet and received packet matched"), UVM_LOW); else uvm_report_error(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Sent packet and received packet mismatched"), UVM_LOW); end else uvm_report_error(get_type_name(), $psprintf("No more packets in the expected queue to compare"), UVM_LOW); endfunction : write_rcvd_pkt 9) Define the report() method to print the Scoreboard information. virtual function void report(); uvm_report_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Scoreboard Report %s", this.sprint()), UVM_LOW); endfunction : report Complete Scoreboard Code `ifndef GUARD_SCOREBOARD `define GUARD_SCOREBOARD `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_rcvd_pkt) `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_sent_pkt) class Scoreboard extends uvm_scoreboard; `uvm_component_utils(Scoreboard) Packet exp_que[$]; uvm_analysis_imp_rcvd_pkt #(Packet,Scoreboard) Rcvr2Sb_port; uvm_analysis_imp_sent_pkt #(Packet,Scoreboard) Drvr2Sb_port; function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); Rcvr2Sb_port = new("Rcvr2Sb", this); Drvr2Sb_port = new("Drvr2Sb", this); endfunction : new[9/26/2012 2:31:24 PM]


virtual function void write_rcvd_pkt(input Packet pkt); Packet exp_pkt; pkt.print(); if(exp_que.size()) begin exp_pkt = exp_que.pop_front(); exp_pkt.print(); if( uvm_report_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Sent packet and received packet matched"), UVM_LOW); else uvm_report_error(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Sent packet and received packet mismatched"), UVM_LOW); end else uvm_report_error(get_type_name(), $psprintf("No more packets to in the expected queue compare"), UVM_LOW); endfunction : write_rcvd_pkt virtual function void write_sent_pkt(input Packet pkt); exp_que.push_back(pkt); endfunction : write_sent_pkt virtual function void report(); uvm_report_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Scoreboard Report %s", this.sprint()), UVM_LOW); endfunction : report endclass : Scoreboard `endif Environment Class Updates We will take the instance of scoreboard in the environment and connect its ports to driver and receiver ports.


1) Declare scoreboard object. Scoreboard Sbd; 2) Construct the scoreboard object using create() method in build() method. Sbd = Scoreboard::type_id::create("Sbd",this); 3) In connect() method, connect the driver and receiver ports to scoreboard. Drvr.Drvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Drvr2Sb_port); foreach(Rcvr[i]) Rcvr[i].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); Environemnt class code `ifndef GUARD_ENV[9/26/2012 2:31:24 PM]


`define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends uvm_env; `uvm_component_utils(Environment) Sequencer Seqncr; Driver Drvr; Receiver Rcvr[4]; Scoreboard Sbd; function new(string name , uvm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new virtual function void build();; uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",UVM_LOW); Drvr = Driver::type_id::create("Drvr",this); Seqncr = Sequencer::type_id::create("Seqncr",this); foreach(Rcvr[i]) begin Rcvr[i] = Receiver::type_id::create($psprintf("Rcvr%0d",i),this); Rcvr[i].id = i; end Sbd = Scoreboard::type_id::create("Sbd",this); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",UVM_LOW); endfunction virtual function void connect(); super.connect(); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",UVM_LOW); Drvr.seq_item_port.connect(Seqncr.seq_item_export); Drvr.Drvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Drvr2Sb_port); foreach(Rcvr[i]) Rcvr[i].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",UVM_LOW); endfunction endclass : Environment `endif Download the Source Code uvm_switch_8.tar Browse the code in uvm_switch_8.tar Command to run the simulation VCS Users : make vcs Questa Users: make questa Log report after simulation UVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test test1... UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] START of build UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] END of build UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] START of connect UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.t_env [uvm_test_top.t_env] END of connect ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------Seqncr Sequencer Seqncr@14 rsp_export uvm_analysis_export rsp_export@16[9/26/2012 2:31:24 PM]


seq_item_export uvm_seq_item_pull_+ seq_item_export@40 default_sequence string 19 uvm_random_sequence count integral 32 -1 max_random_count integral 32 'd10 sequences array 5 [0] string 19 uvm_random_sequence [1] string 23 uvm_exhaustive_sequ+ [2] string 19 uvm_simple_sequence [3] string 23 Seq_device0_and_dev+ [4] string 19 Seq_constant_length max_random_depth integral 32 'd4 num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1 num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------UVM_INFO @ 30: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of reset_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 70: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of reset_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 70: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of cfg_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 110: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 0 Address 00 UVM_INFO @ 130: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 1 Address 01 UVM_INFO @ 150: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 2 Address 02 UVM_INFO @ 170: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 3 Address 03 UVM_INFO @ 190: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of cfg_dut() method UVM_INFO @ 210: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... UVM_INFO @ 590: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... UVM_INFO @ 610: uvm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0 [uvm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0] Received packet ... UVM_INFO @ 610: uvm_test_top.t_env.Sbd [Scoreboard] Sent packet and received packet matched UVM_INFO @ 970: uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [uvm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... UVM_INFO @ 990: uvm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0 [uvm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0] Received packet ... UVM_INFO @ 990: uvm_test_top.t_env.Sbd [Scoreboard] Sent packet and received packet matched UVM_INFO @ 1000: uvm_test_top.t_env.Sbd [Scoreboard] Scoreboard Report ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------Sbd Scoreboard Sbd@52 Drvr2Sb uvm_analysis_imp_s+ Drvr2Sb@56 Rcvr2Sb uvm_analysis_imp_r+ Rcvr2Sb@54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UVM Report Summary --** Report counts by severity UVM_INFO : 21 UVM_WARNING : 0 UVM_ERROR : 0 UVM_FATAL : 0



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this tutorial, we will verify the Switch RTL core using OVM in SystemVerilog. Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Following are the steps we follow to verify the Switch RTL core. Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N 1) Understand the specification Testcase Phase 4 Packet 2) Developing Verification Plan Phase 5 Sequencer N 3) Building the Verification Environment. We will build the Environment in Multiple Sequence Phase 6 Driver phases, so it will be easy for you to lean step by step. In this verification environment, I will not use agents and monitors to make this Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard tutorial simple and easy.



Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps Phase 2) We will develop the Configuration class. improving Phase 3) We will develop the Environment class and Simple testcase and simulate with time!

Phase 1) We will develop the interfaces, and connect it to DUT in top module.

Phase 4) We will develop packet class based on the stimulus plan. We will also write a small code to test the packet class implementation. Phase 5) We will develop sequencer and a sample sequences. Phase 6) We will develop driver and connect it to the Sequencer in to environment. Phase 7) We will develop receiver and instantiate in environment. Phase 8) We will develop scoreboard which does the comparison of the expected packet with the actual packet received from the DUT and connect it to driver and receiver in Environment class.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

I would like to thank to Vishnu Prashant(Vitesse) for teaching me OVM.

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Switch Specification: Verification Plan This is a simple switch. Switch is a packet based protocol. Switch drives the incoming Phase 1 Top packet which comes from the input port to output ports based on the address Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N contained in the packet. Testcase The switch has a one input port from which the packet enters. It has four output ports Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N where the packet is driven out. Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Packet Format: Packet contains 3 parts. They are Header, data and frame check sequence. Packet width is 8 bits and the length of the packet can be between 4 bytes to 259 bytes. Packet header: Packet header contains three fields DA, SA and length. DA: Destination address of the packet is of 8 bits. The switch drives the packet to respective ports based on this destination address of the packets. Each output port has 8-bit unique port address. If the destination address of the packet matches the port address, then switch drives the packet to the output port. SA: Source address of the packet from where it originate. It is 8 bits. Length: Length of the data is of 8 bits and from 0 to 255. Length is measured in terms of bytes. If Length = 0, it means data length is 0 bytes If Length = 1, it means data length is 1 bytes

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If Length = 2, it means data length is 2 bytes If Length = 255, it means data length is 255 bytes Data: Data should be in terms of bytes and can take anything. FCS: Frame check sequence This field contains the security check of the packet. It is calculated over the header and data.

Configuration: Switch has four output ports. These output ports address have to be configured to a unique address. Switch matches the DA field of the packet with this configured port address and sends the packet on to that port. Switch contains a memory. This memory has 4 locations, each can store 8 bits. To configure the switch port address, memory write operation has to be done using memory interface. Memory address (0,1,2,3) contains the address of port(0,1,2,3) respectively. Interface Specification: The Switch has one input Interface, from where the packet enters and 4 output interfaces from where the packet comes out and one memory interface, through the port address can be configured. Switch also has a clock and asynchronous reset signal. MEMORY INTERFACE: Through memory interfaced output port address are configured. It accepts 8 bit data to be written to memory. It has 8 bit address inputs. Address 0,1,2,3 contains the address of the port 0,1,2,3 respectively. There are 4 input signals to memory interface. They are input input input input mem_en; mem_rd_wr; [1:0] mem_add; [7:0] mem_data;

All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. To configure a port address,[9/26/2012 2:31:40 PM]


1. 2. 3. 4.

Assert the mem_en signal. Asser the mem_rd_wr signal. Drive the port number (0 or 1 or 2 or 3) on the mem_add signal Drive the 8 bit port address on to mem_data signal.

INPUT PORT Packets are sent into the switch using input port. All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. input port has 2 input signals. They are input [7:0] data; input data_status; To send the packet in to switch, 1. 2. 3. 4. Assert the data_status signal. Send the packet on the data signal byte by byte. After sending all the data bytes, deassert the data_status signal. There should be at least 3 clock cycles difference between packets.

OUTPUT PORT Switch sends the packets out using the output ports. There are 4 ports, each having data, ready and read signals. All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. Signal list is output output output output output output output output input input input input [7:0] port0; [7:0] port1; [7:0] port2; [7:0] port3; ready_0; ready_1; ready_2; ready_3; read_0; read_1; read_2; read_3;

When the data is ready to be sent out from the port, switch asserts ready_* signal high indicating that data is ready to be sent. If the read_* signal is asserted, when ready_* is high, then the data comes out of the port_* signal after one clock cycle.[9/26/2012 2:31:40 PM]


RTL code: RTL code is attached with the tar files. From the Phase 1, you can download the tar files.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Specification Overview Verification Plan This Document describes the Verification Plan for Switch. The Verification Plan is Phase 1 Top based on System Verilog Hardware Verification Language. The methodology used for Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Verification is Constraint random coverage driven verification. Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Feature Extraction Sequence Phase 6 Driver This section contains list of all the features to be verified. Phase 7 Receiver 1) Phase 8 Scoreboard ID: Configuration Description: Configure all the 4 port address with unique values.


on This section - Your 2) input is what keeps ID: Packet DA Description: DA field of packet should be any of the port address. All the 4 port improving with time! address should be used.

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3) ID : Packet payload Description: Length can be from 1 to 255. Send packets with all the lengths.

4) ID: Length VMM Ethernet sample Description: Length field contains length of the payload. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

5) ID: FCS Description: Good FCS: Send packet with good FCS. Bad FCS: Send packet with corrupted FCS. Stimulus Generation Plan 1) Packet DA: Generate packet DA with the configured address. 2) Payload length: generate payload length ranging from 2 to 255. 3) Generate good and bad FCS.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Verification Environment
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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In phase 1, Verification Plan 1) We will write SystemVerilog Interfaces for input port, output port and memory Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration port. Phase 3 Environment N 2) We will write Top module where testcase and DUT instances are done. Testcase 3) DUT and interfaces are connected in top module. Phase 4 Packet 4) We will implement Clock generator in top module. Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Interface Phase 8 Scoreboard In the file, declare the 3 interfaces in the following way. Report a Bug or Comment All the interfaces has clock as input. on This section - Your All the signals in interface are wire type. input is what keeps All the signals are synchronized to clock except reset in clocking block.


This approach will avoid race conditions between the design and the verification with time! environment. Define the set-up and hold time using parameters. Signal directional w.r.t TestBench is specified with modport. Interface Source Code `ifndef GUARD_INTERFACE `define GUARD_INTERFACE ////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface declaration for the memory/// ////////////////////////////////////////// interface mem_interface(input bit clock); improving

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire [7:0] mem_data; wire [1:0] mem_add; wire mem_en; wire mem_rd_wr; clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; output mem_data; output mem_add; output mem_en; output mem_rd_wr; endclocking:cb modport MEM(clocking cb,input clock); endinterface :mem_interface ////////////////////////////////////////////

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// Interface for the input side of switch.// // Reset signal is also passed hear. // //////////////////////////////////////////// interface input_interface(input bit clock); parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire wire reg data_status; [7:0] data_in; reset;

clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; output data_status; output data_in; endclocking:cb modport IP(clocking cb,output reset,input clock); endinterface:input_interface ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface for the output side of the switch.// // output_interface is for only one output port// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// interface output_interface(input bit clock); parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire wire wire [7:0] data_out; ready; read;

clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; input data_out; input ready; output read; endclocking:cb modport OP(clocking cb,input clock); endinterface:output_interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////// `endif Top Module The modules that are included in the source text but are not instantiated are called top modules. This module is the highest scope of modules. Generally this module is named as "top" and referenced as "top module". Module name can be anything. This top-level module will contain the design portion of the simulation. Do the following in the top module: 1) The first step is to import the ovm packages `include "ovm.svh" import ovm_pkg::*; 2)Generate the clock signal. bit Clock;[9/26/2012 2:31:56 PM]


initial begin #20; forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; end 2)Do the instances of memory interface. mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); 3)Do the instances of input interface. input_interface input_intf(Clock); 4)There are 4 output ports. So do 4 instances of output_interface. output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); 5) Connect all the interfaces and DUT. The design which we have taken is in verilog. So Verilog DUT instance is connected signal by signal. switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data)); Top module Scource Code `ifndef GUARD_TOP `define GUARD_TOP ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Importing OVM Packages // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "ovm.svh" import ovm_pkg::*; typedef class Configuration; module top(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clock Declaration and Generation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// bit Clock; initial begin #20; forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// mem_interface mem_intf(Clock);[9/26/2012 2:31:56 PM]


///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// input_interface input_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // output interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DUT instance and signal connection // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data)); endmodule : top `endif Download the files: ovm_switch_1.tar Browse the code in ovm_switch_1.tar Command to compile vcs -sverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. qverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

In this phase we will implement the configuration class. All the requirements of the testbench configurations will be declared inside this class. Virtual interfaces required by verification components driver and receiver for connecting to DUT are declared in this class. We will also declare 4 variables which will hold the port address of the DUT. ovm_object does not have the simulation phases and can be used in get_config_object and set_config_object method. So we will implement the configuration class by extending ovm_object. Configuration 1) Define configuration class by extending ovm_object `ifndef GUARD_CONFIGURATION `define GUARD_CONFIGURATION class Configuration extends ovm_object; endclass : Configuration `endif

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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VMM Ethernet sample 2) Declare All the interfaces which are required in this verification environment.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4]; 3) Declare 4 variables which holds the device port address. bit [7:0] bit [7:0] bit [7:0] bit [7:0] device0_add device1_add device2_add device3_add ; ; ; ;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

4) ovm_object required to define the ovm_object::creat() method. ovm_object::create method allocates a new object of the same type as this object and returns it via a base ovm_object handle. In create method, we have to construct a new object of configuration class and update all the important fields and return it. virtual function ovm_object create(string name=""); Configuration t = new(); t.device0_add = this.device0_add; t.device1_add = this.device1_add; t.device2_add = this.device2_add; t.device3_add = this.device3_add; t.input_intf = this.input_intf; t.mem_intf = this.mem_intf; t.output_intf = this.output_intf; return t;

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:32:03 PM]


endfunction : create Configuration class source code `ifndef GUARD_CONFIGURATION `define GUARD_CONFIGURATION class Configuration extends ovm_object; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4]; bit [7:0] bit [7:0] bit [7:0] bit [7:0] device0_add device1_add device2_add device3_add ; ; ; ;

virtual function ovm_object create(string name=""); Configuration t = new(); t.device0_add = this.device0_add; t.device1_add = this.device1_add; t.device2_add = this.device2_add; t.device3_add = this.device3_add; t.input_intf = this.input_intf; t.mem_intf = this.mem_intf; t.output_intf = this.output_intf; return t; endfunction : create endclass : Configuration `endif Updates To Top Module In top module we will create an object of the above defined configuration class and update the interfaces so that all the verification components can access to physical interfaces in top module using configuration class object. 1) Declare a Configuration class object Configuration cfg; 2) Construct the configuration object and update the interfaces. initial begin cfg = new(); cfg.input_intf = input_intf; cfg.mem_intf = mem_intf; cfg.output_intf = output_intf; 3) In top module , we have to call the run_test() method. run_test(); Top module updates typedef class Configuration; module top(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clock Declaration and Generation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// bit Clock; initial begin[9/26/2012 2:32:03 PM]


#20; forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// input_interface input_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // output interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creat Configuration and Strart the run_test// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Configuration cfg; initial begin cfg = new(); cfg.input_intf = input_intf; cfg.mem_intf = mem_intf; cfg.output_intf = output_intf; run_test(); end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DUT instance and signal connection // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data)); endmodule : top `endif Download the source code ovm_switch_2.tar Browse the code in ovm_switch_2.tar Command to compile vcs -sverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. qverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+.



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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


In the phase we will implement the skeleton for environment class. We will declare virtual interfaces and Extend Required Environment class virtual methods. We will also implement a simple testcase and run the simulation. Environment class is used to implement verification environments in OVM. It is extension on ovm_env class. The testbench simulation needs some systematic flow like building the components, connection the components, starting the components etc. ovm_env base class has methods formalize the simulation steps. All methods are declared as virtual methods.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

We will not implement all the ovm_env virtual methods in this phase but will we print messages from these methods which are required for this example to understand the simulation execution. Testcase contains the instance of the environment class. This testcase Creates a Environment object and defines the required test specific functionality.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Verification environment contains the declarations of the virtual interfaces. These virtual interfaces are pointed to the physical interfaces which are declared in the top RVM Ethernet sample module. These virtual interfaces are made to point to physical interface in the testcase.
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Environment 1) Extend ovm_env class to define Environment class. `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends ovm_env; endclass : Environment `endif[9/26/2012 2:32:13 PM]


2) Declare the utility macro. This utility macro provides the implementation of create() and get_type_name() methods. `ovm_component_utils(Environment) 3) Define the constructor. In the constructor, call the super methods and pass the parent object. Parent is the object in which environment is instantiated. function new(string name , ovm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new 4) Define build method. In build method, just print messages and must be called. This method is automatically called. Build is the first phase in simulation. This phase is used to construct the child components of the current class. function void build();; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",OVM_LOW); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",OVM_LOW); endfunction 5) Define connect method. In connect method, just print messages and super.connect() must be called. This method is called automatically after the build() method is called. This method is used for connecting port and exports. function void connect(); super.connect(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",OVM_LOW); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",OVM_LOW); endfunction Environment class Source Code `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends ovm_env; `ovm_component_utils(Environment) function new(string name , ovm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new function void build();; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",OVM_LOW); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",OVM_LOW); endfunction function void connect(); super.connect(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",OVM_LOW); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",OVM_LOW); endfunction endclass : Environment[9/26/2012 2:32:13 PM]


`endif Testcase Now we will implement testcase. In OVM, testcases are implemented by extending ovm_test. Using ovm_test , provides the ability to select which test to execute using the OVM_TESTNAME command line option or argument to the ovm_root::run_test task. We will use OVM_TESTNAME command line argument. 1) Define a testcase by extending ovm_test class. class test1 extends ovm_test; endclass 2) Declare the utility macro. `ovm_component_utils(test1) 3) Take the instance of Environemtn. Environment t_env ; 4) Define the constructor method. In this method, construct the environment class object and dont forget to pass the parent argument. function new (string name="test1", ovm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new 5) Define run() method. run() method is the only task which is time consuming. After completing the start_of_simulation() phase , this method is called. To terminate this task, we will use global_stop_request(). As we dont have anything now to write in this testcase, just call the global_stop_request() after some delay. task run (); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run With this, for the first time, we can do the simulation. Testcase Source code class test1 extends ovm_test; `ovm_component_utils(test1) Environment t_env ; function new (string name="test1", ovm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new task run (); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run endclass : test1 Download the Source Code ovm_switch_3.tar Browse the code in ovm_switch_3.tar[9/26/2012 2:32:13 PM]


Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. -R +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 qverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. -R +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 Log report after simulation OVM_INFO OVM_INFO OVM_INFO OVM_INFO OVM_INFO @ @ @ @ @ 0 [RNTST] Running test test1... 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] START of build END of build START of connect END of connect

--- OVM Report Summary --** Report counts by severity OVM_INFO : 5 OVM_WARNING : 0 OVM_ERROR : 0 OVM_FATAL : 0 ** Report counts by id [RNTST ] 1 [ovm_test_top.t_env ] 4




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

In this Phase, we will develop Transaction as per the verification plan. We will define required methods and constraints. We will also develop a small logic to test our implementation of this class. Packet We will write the packet class in file. Packet class variables and constraints have been derived from stimulus generation plan. One way to model Packet is by extending ovm_sequence_item. ovm_sequence_item provides basic functionality for sequence items and sequences to operate in a sequence mechanism. Packet class should be able to generate all possible packet types randomly. To define copy, compare, record, print and sprint methods, we will use OVM field macros. For packing and Unpacking, we will define the logic and not use the field macros. Revisit Stimulus Generation Plan 1) Packet DA: Generate packet DA with the configured address. 2) Payload length: generate payload length ranging from 2 to 255. 3) Generate good and bad FCS.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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1) Define enumerated type data for fcs. Verilog

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; 2) Define transaction by extending ovm_sequence_item. class Packet extends ovm_sequence_item; endclass : Packet

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

3) Define all the fields as rand variables. rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind;

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rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; 4) Define constraints to constraint payload size of data. constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [2 : 255]};} constraint length_c { length == data.size; } 5) Define the constructor method. function new(string name = "");[9/26/2012 2:32:21 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Easy Labs : OVM; endfunction : new 6) In post_randomize() , define the fcs value based on fcs_kind. function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0; else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize 7) Define cal_fcs() method which computes the fcs value. virtual function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs 8) Using ovm_field_* macros, define transaction required method. We will define packing and unpacking methods manually, so use OVM_NOPACK for excluding atomic creation of packing and un packing method. `ovm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `ovm_field_int(da, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(sa, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(length, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_array_int(data, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(fcs, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_object_utils_end 9) Define do_pack() method which does the packing operation. function void do_pack(ovm_packer packer); super.do_pack(packer); packer.pack_field_int(da,$bits(da)); packer.pack_field_int(sa,$bits(sa)); packer.pack_field_int(length,$bits(length)); foreach(data[i]) packer.pack_field_int(data[i],8); packer.pack_field_int(fcs,$bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_pack 10) Define do_unpack() method which does the unpacking operation. function void do_unpack(ovm_packer packer); int sz; super.do_pack(packer); da = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(da)); sa = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(sa)); length = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(length)); data.delete(); data = new[length]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = packer.unpack_field_int(8); fcs = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(fcs));[9/26/2012 2:32:21 PM]


endfunction : do_unpack Packet class source code `ifndef GUARD_PACKET `define GUARD_PACKET `include "ovm.svh" import ovm_pkg::*; //Define the enumerated types for packet types typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; class Packet extends ovm_sequence_item; rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind;

rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand byte fcs; constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 6]};} constraint length_c { length == data.size; } function new(string name = "");; endfunction : new function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0; else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize ///// method to calculate the fcs ///// virtual function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs `ovm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `ovm_field_int(da, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(sa, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(length, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_array_int(data, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(fcs, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_object_utils_end function void do_pack(ovm_packer packer); super.do_pack(packer); packer.pack_field_int(da,$bits(da)); packer.pack_field_int(sa,$bits(sa)); packer.pack_field_int(length,$bits(length)); foreach(data[i]) packer.pack_field_int(data[i],8); packer.pack_field_int(fcs,$bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_pack function void do_unpack(ovm_packer packer); int sz; super.do_pack(packer);[9/26/2012 2:32:21 PM]


da = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(da)); sa = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(sa)); length = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(length)); data.delete(); data = new[length]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = packer.unpack_field_int(8); fcs = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_unpack endclass : Packet Test The Transaction Implementation Now we will write a small logic to test our packet implantation. This module is not used in normal verification. Define a module and take the instance of packet class. Randomize the packet and call the print method to analyze the generation. Then pack the packet in to bytes and then unpack bytes and then call compare method to check all the method implementation.

1) Declare Packet objects and dynamic arrays. Packet pkt1 = new("pkt1"); Packet pkt2 = new("pkt2"); byte unsigned pkdbytes[]; 2) In a initial block, randomize the packet, pack the packet in to pkdbytes and then unpack it and compare the packets. if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Sucessesfull."); pkt1.print(); ovm_default_packer.use_metadata = 1; void'(pkt1.pack_bytes(pkdbytes)); $display("Size of pkd bits %d",pkdbytes.size()); pkt2.unpack_bytes(pkdbytes); pkt2.print(); if( $display(" Packing,Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare *** \n \n"); Logic to test the transaction implementation module test; Packet pkt1 = new("pkt1"); Packet pkt2 = new("pkt2"); byte unsigned pkdbytes[]; initial repeat(10) if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Successesfull."); pkt1.print(); ovm_default_packer.use_metadata = 1; void'(pkt1.pack_bytes(pkdbytes)); $display("Size of pkd bits %d",pkdbytes.size()); pkt2.unpack_bytes(pkdbytes); pkt2.print(); if( $display(" Packing,Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare ***[9/26/2012 2:32:21 PM]


\n \n"); end else $display(" *** Randomization Failed ***"); endmodule Download the Source Code ovm_switch_4.tar Browse the code in ovm_switch_4.tar Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ -R qverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ -R Log report after simulation Randomization Sucessesfull. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------pkt1 Packet pkt1@3 --da integral 8 'ha5 --sa integral 8 'ha1 --length integral 8 'h6 --data da(integral) 6 ----[0] integral 8 'h58 ----[1] integral 8 'h60 ----[2] integral 8 'h34 ----[3] integral 8 'hdd ----[4] integral 8 'h9 ----[5] integral 8 'haf --fcs integral 8 'h75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Size of pkd bits 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------pkt2 Packet pkt2@5 --da integral 8 'ha5 --sa integral 8 'ha1 --length integral 8 'h6 --data da(integral) 6 ----[0] integral 8 'h58 ----[1] integral 8 'h60 ----[2] integral 8 'h34 ----[3] integral 8 'hdd ----[4] integral 8 'h9 ----[5] integral 8 'haf --fcs integral 8 'h75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Packing,Unpacking and compare worked .... .... .... ....



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In this phase we will develop Sequence and Sequencer. A sequence is series of transaction and sequencer is used to for controlling the flow of transaction generation. A sequence of transaction (which we already developed in previous phase) is defined by extending ovm_sequence class. ovm_sequencer does the generation of this sequence of transaction, ovm_driver takes the transaction from Sequencer and processes the packet/ drives to other component or to DUT.

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VMM Ethernet sample Sequencer

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

A Sequencer is defined by extending ovm_sequencer. ovm_sequencer has a port seq_item_export which is used to connect to ovm_driver for transaction transfer. 1) Define a sequencer by extending ovm_sequence. `ifndef GUARD_SEQUENCER `define GUARD_SEQUENCER class Sequencer extends ovm_sequencer #(Packet); endclass : Sequencer `endif configuration class object. Configuration cfg; 3) Declare Sequencer utility macros. `ovm_sequencer_utils(Sequencer) 4) Define the constructor. function new (string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); `ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(Packet) endfunction : new

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample 2) We need Device port address, which are in configuration class. So declare a Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:32:29 PM]


5) In end_of_elaboration() method, using get_config_object(), get the configuration object which will be passed from testcase. get_config_object() returns object of type ovm_object, so using a temporary ovm_object and cast it to configuration object. function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_object tmp; assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); endfunction Sequencer source code `ifndef GUARD_SEQUENCER `define GUARD_SEQUENCER class Sequencer extends ovm_sequencer #(Packet); Configuration cfg; `ovm_sequencer_utils(Sequencer) function new (string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); `ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(Packet) endfunction : new function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_object tmp; assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); endfunction endclass : Sequencer `endif Sequence A sequence is defined by extending ovm_sequence class. This sequence of transactions should be defined in budy() method of ovm_sequence class. OVM has macros and methods to define the transaction types. We will use macros in this example. You can define as many sequences as you want. We will define 2 sequences. 1) Define sequence by extending class Seq_device0_and_device1 extends ovm_sequence #(Packet); endclass: Seq_device0_and_device1 2) Define constructor method. function new(string name = "Seq_do");; endfunction : new 3) Declare utilities macro. With this macro, this sequence is tied to Sequencer. `ovm_sequence_utils(Seq_device0_and_device1, Sequencer) 4) The algorithm for the transaction should be defined in body() method of the sequence. In this sequence we will define the algorithm such that alternate transactions for device port 0 and 1 are generated. The device addresses are available in configuration object which is in sequencer.[9/26/2012 2:32:29 PM]


Every sequence has a handle to its sequence through p_sequencer. Using p_sequencer handle, access the device address. virtual task body(); forever begin `ovm_do_with(item, {da == p_sequencer.cfg.device0_add;} ); `ovm_do_with(item, {da == p_sequencer.cfg.device1_add;} ); end endtask : body Sequence Source Code class Seq_device0_and_device1 extends ovm_sequence #(Packet); function new(string name = "Seq_device0_and_device1");; endfunction : new Packet item; `ovm_sequence_utils(Seq_device0_and_device1, Sequencer) virtual task body(); forever begin `ovm_do_with(item, {da == p_sequencer.cfg.device0_add;} ); `ovm_do_with(item, {da == p_sequencer.cfg.device1_add;} ); end endtask : body endclass :Seq_device0_and_device1 One more Sequence class Seq_constant_length extends ovm_sequence #(Packet); function new(string name = "Seq_constant_length");; endfunction : new Packet item; `ovm_sequence_utils(Seq_constant_length, Sequencer) virtual task body(); forever begin `ovm_do_with(item, {length == 10;da == p_sequencer.cfg.device0_add;} ); end endtask : body endclass : Seq_constant_length Download the Source Code ovm_switch_5.tar Browse the code in ovm_switch_5.tar



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Driver In this phase we will develop the driver. Driver is defined by extending ovm_driver. Driver takes the transaction from the sequencer using seq_item_port. This transaction will be driven to DUT as per the interface specification. After driving the transaction to DUT, it sends the transaction to scoreboard using ovm_analysis_port. In driver class, we will also define task for resetting DUT and configuring the DUT. After completing the driver class implementation, we will instantiate it in environment class and connect the sequencer to it. We will also update the test case and run the simulation to check the implementation which we did till now.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Define the driver class by extending ovm_driver; OpenVera

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`ifndef GUARD_DRIVER `define GUARD_DRIVER class Driver extends ovm_driver #(Packet);

RVM Ethernet sample endclass : Driver

Specman E Interview Questions

2) Create a handle to configuration object. Using this object we can get DUT interfaces and DUT port addresses. Configuration cfg; 3) Declare input and memory interfaces virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf; 4) Declare ovm_analysis_port which is used to send packets to scoreboard. ovm_analysis_port #(Packet) Drvr2Sb_port;[9/26/2012 2:32:38 PM]


5) Declare component utilities macro. `ovm_component_utils(Driver) 6) Define the constructor method. Pass the parent object to super class. function new( string name = "" , ovm_component parent = null) ; name , parent ); endfunction : new 7) In the build method and construct Drvr2Sb_port object. function void build();; Drvr2Sb_port = new("Drvr2Sb_port", this); endfunction : build 8) In the end_of_elaboration() method, get the get_config_object and update the virtual interfaces. function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_object tmp; super.end_of_elaboration(); assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); this.input_intf = cfg.input_intf; this.mem_intf = cfg.mem_intf; endfunction : end_of_elaboration 9) Define the reset_dut() method which will be used for resetting the DUT. virtual task reset_dut(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start of reset_dut() method ",OVM_LOW); mem_intf.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.data_in <= 0; input_intf.data_status <= 0; input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End of reset_dut() method ",OVM_LOW); endtask : reset_dut 10) Define the cfg_dut() method which does the configuration due port address. virtual task cfg_dut(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start of cfg_dut() method ",OVM_LOW); mem_intf.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.mem_data <= cfg.device0_add; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf(" Port 0 Address %h ",cfg.device0_add),OVM_LOW); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.mem_data <= cfg.device1_add; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf(" Port 1 Address %h ",cfg.device1_add),OVM_LOW); configuration object using[9/26/2012 2:32:38 PM]


@(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.mem_data <= cfg.device2_add; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf(" Port 2 Address %h ",cfg.device2_add),OVM_LOW); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.mem_data <= cfg.device3_add; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf(" Port 3 Address %h ",cfg.device3_add),OVM_LOW); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.mem_data <= 0; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End of cfg_dut() method ",OVM_LOW); endtask : cfg_dut 11) Define drive() method which will be used to drive the packet to DUT. In this method pack the packet fields using the pack_bytes() method of the transaction and drive the packed data to DUT interface. task drive(Packet pkt); byte unsigned bytes[]; int pkt_len; pkt_len = pkt.pack_bytes(bytes); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Driving packet ...",OVM_LOW); foreach(bytes[i]) begin @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.data_status <= 1 ; input_intf.data_in <= bytes[i]; end @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.data_status <= 0 ; input_intf.data_in <= 0; repeat(2) @(posedge input_intf.clock); endtask : drive 12) Now we will use the above 3 defined methods and update the run() method of ovm_driver. First call the reset_dut() method and then cfg_dut(). After completing the configuration, in a forever loop get the transaction from seq_item_port and send it DUT using drive() method and also to scoreboard using Drvr2SB_port . task run(); Packet pkt; @(posedge input_intf.clock); reset_dut(); cfg_dut(); forever begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(pkt); Drvr2Sb_port.write(pkt); @(posedge input_intf.clock); drive(pkt); @(posedge input_intf.clock); seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask : run Driver class source code `ifndef GUARD_DRIVER `define GUARD_DRIVER class Driver extends ovm_driver #(Packet); Configuration cfg;[9/26/2012 2:32:38 PM]


virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf; ovm_analysis_port #(Packet) Drvr2Sb_port; `ovm_component_utils(Driver) function new( string name = "" , ovm_component parent = null) ; name , parent ); endfunction : new function void build();; Drvr2Sb_port = new("Drvr2Sb", this); endfunction : build function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_object tmp; super.end_of_elaboration(); assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); this.input_intf = cfg.input_intf; this.mem_intf = cfg.mem_intf; endfunction : end_of_elaboration task run(); Packet pkt; @(posedge input_intf.clock); reset_dut(); cfg_dut(); forever begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(pkt); Drvr2Sb_port.write(pkt); @(posedge input_intf.clock); drive(pkt); @(posedge input_intf.clock); seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask : run virtual task reset_dut(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start of reset_dut() method ",OVM_LOW); mem_intf.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.data_in <= 0; input_intf.data_status <= 0; input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End of reset_dut() method ",OVM_LOW); endtask : reset_dut virtual task cfg_dut(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Start of cfg_dut() method ",OVM_LOW); mem_intf.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.mem_data <= cfg.device0_add; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf(" Port 0 Address %h ",cfg.device0_add),OVM_LOW); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.mem_data <= cfg.device1_add; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf(" Port 1 Address %h ",cfg.device1_add),OVM_LOW);[9/26/2012 2:32:38 PM]


@(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.mem_data <= cfg.device2_add; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf(" Port 2 Address %h ",cfg.device2_add),OVM_LOW); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.mem_data <= cfg.device3_add; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(), $psprintf(" Port 3 Address %h ",cfg.device3_add),OVM_LOW); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.mem_data <= 0; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"End of cfg_dut() method ",OVM_LOW); endtask : cfg_dut task drive(Packet pkt); byte unsigned bytes[]; int pkt_len; pkt_len = pkt.pack_bytes(bytes); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Driving packet ...",OVM_LOW); foreach(bytes[i]) begin @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.data_status <= 1 ; input_intf.data_in <= bytes[i]; end @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.data_status <= 0 ; input_intf.data_in <= 0; repeat(2) @(posedge input_intf.clock); endtask : drive endclass : Driver `endif Environment Updates We will take the instance of Sequencer and Driver and connect them in Environment class.

1) Declare handles to Driver and Sequencer.[9/26/2012 2:32:38 PM]


Sequencer Seqncr; Driver Drvr; 2) In build method, construct Seqncr and Drvr object using create() method. Drvr = Driver::type_id::create("Drvr",this); Seqncr = Sequencer::type_id::create("Seqncr",this); 2) In connect() seq_item_export. method connect the sequencer seq_item_port to drivers

Drvr.seq_item_port.connect(Seqncr.seq_item_export); Environment class code `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends ovm_env; `ovm_component_utils(Environment) Sequencer Seqncr; Driver Drvr; function new(string name , ovm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new function void build();; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",OVM_LOW); Drvr = Driver::type_id::create("Drvr",this); Seqncr = Sequencer::type_id::create("Seqncr",this); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",OVM_LOW); endfunction function void connect(); super.connect(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",OVM_LOW); Drvr.seq_item_port.connect(Seqncr.seq_item_export); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",OVM_LOW); endfunction endclass : Environment `endif Testcase Updates We will update the testcase and run the simulation. 1)In the build() method, update the configuration address in the configuration object which in top module. function void build();; cfg.device0_add cfg.device1_add cfg.device2_add cfg.device3_add = = = = 0; 1; 2; 3;

2) In the build() method itself, using set_config_object , configure the configuration object with the one which is in top module. with this, the configuration object in Sequencer and Driver will be pointing to the one which in top module. set_config_object("t_env.*","Configuration",cfg);[9/26/2012 2:32:38 PM]


3) In the build method, using set_config_string, configure the default_sequence of the sequencer to use the sequence which we defined. set_config_string("*.Seqncr", "default_sequence", "Seq_device0_and_device1"); 4) Set the sequencer count value to 2 . set_config_int("*.Seqncr", "count",2); 5) Update the run() method to print the Sequencer details. t_env.Seqncr.print(); Testcase code class test1 extends ovm_test; `ovm_component_utils(test1) Environment t_env ; function new (string name="test1", ovm_component parent=null); (name, parent); t_env = new("t_env",this); endfunction : new function void build();; cfg.device0_add cfg.device1_add cfg.device2_add cfg.device3_add = = = = 0; 1; 2; 3;

set_config_object("t_env.*","Configuration",cfg); set_config_string("*.Seqncr", "default_sequence", "Seq_device0_and_device1"); set_config_int("*.Seqncr", "count",2); endfunction task run (); t_env.Seqncr.print(); #1000; global_stop_request(); endtask : run endclass : test1 Download the source code ovm_switch_6.tar Browse the code in ovm_switch_6.tar Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. -R +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 qverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. -R +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 Log report after simulation OVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test test1... OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] START of build OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] END of build OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] START of connect OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] END of connect ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value[9/26/2012 2:32:38 PM]


---------------------------------------------------------------------Seqncr Sequencer Seqncr@14 --rsp_export ovm_analysis_export rsp_export@16 --seq_item_export ovm_seq_item_pull_+ seq_item_export@40 --default_sequence string 19 ovm_random_sequence --count integral 32 -1 --max_random_count integral 32 'd10 --sequences array 5 ----[0] string 19 ovm_random_sequence ----[1] string 23 ovm_exhaustive_sequ+ ----[2] string 19 ovm_simple_sequence ----[3] string 23 Seq_device0_and_dev+ ----[4] string 19 Seq_constant_length --max_random_depth integral 32 'd4 --num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1 --num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------OVM_INFO @ 30: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of reset_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 70: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of reset_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 70: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of cfg_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 110: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 0 Address 00 OVM_INFO @ 130: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 1 Address 01 OVM_INFO @ 150: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 2 Address 02 OVM_INFO @ 170: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 3 Address 03 OVM_INFO @ 190: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of cfg_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 210: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... OVM_INFO @ 590: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... OVM_INFO @ 970: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... --- OVM Report Summary --** Report counts by severity OVM_INFO : 16 OVM_WARNING : 0 OVM_ERROR : 0 OVM_FATAL : 0




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this phase, we will write a receiver and use the receiver in environment class to Verification Plan Phase 1 Top collect the packets coming from the switch output_interface. Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Receiver Testcase Receiver collects the data bytes from the interface signal. And then unpacks the bytes Phase 4 Packet in to packet using unpack_bytes method and pushes it into Rcvr2Sb_port for score Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence boarding. Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Receiver class is written in file. Phase 8 Scoreboard Receiver class is defined by extending ovm_component class. It will drive the received Report a Bug or Comment transaction to scoreboard using ovm_analysis_port.


on This section - Your input is what keeps improving with time!

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

1) Define Receiver class by extending ovm_component. `ifndef GUARD_RECEIVER `define GUARD_RECEIVER class Receiver extends ovm_component; endclass : Receiver `endif 2) Declare configuration class object. Configuration cfg; 3) Declare an integer to hold the receiver number. integer id; 4) Declare a virtual interface of dut out put side. virtual output_interface.OP output_intf;

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:32:47 PM]


5) Declare analysis port which is used by receiver to send the received transaction to scoreboard. ovm_analysis_port #(Packet) Rcvr2Sb_port; 6) Declare the utility macro. This utility macro provides the implementation of creat() and get_type_name() methods. `ovm_component_utils(Receiver) 7) Define the constructor. function new (string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction : new 8) Define the build method and construct the Rcvr2Sb_port. function void build();; Rcvr2Sb_port = new("Rcvr2Sb", this); endfunction : build 9) In the end_of_elaboration() method, get the get_config_object and update the virtual interfaces. function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_object tmp; super.end_of_elaboration(); assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); output_intf = cfg.output_intf[id]; endfunction : end_of_elaboration 10) Define the run() method. This method collects the packets from the DUT output interface and unpacks it into high level transaction using transactions unpack_bytes() method. virtual task run(); bit [7:0] bytes[]; Packet pkt; fork forever begin repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); wait(output_intf.ready) <= 1; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); while (output_intf.ready) begin bytes = new[bytes.size + 1](bytes); bytes[bytes.size - 1] = output_intf.data_out; @(posedge output_intf.clock); end <= 0; @(posedge output_intf.clock); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Received packet ...",OVM_LOW); pkt = new(); pkt.unpack_bytes(bytes); Rcvr2Sb_port.write(pkt); bytes.delete(); end join endtask : run configuration object using[9/26/2012 2:32:47 PM]


Receiver class source code `ifndef GUARD_RECEIVER `define GUARD_RECEIVER class Receiver extends ovm_component; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf; Configuration cfg; integer id; ovm_analysis_port #(Packet) Rcvr2Sb_port; `ovm_component_utils(Receiver) function new (string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); endfunction : new function void build();; Rcvr2Sb_port = new("Rcvr2Sb", this); endfunction : build function void end_of_elaboration(); ovm_object tmp; super.end_of_elaboration(); assert(get_config_object("Configuration",tmp)); $cast(cfg,tmp); output_intf = cfg.output_intf[id]; endfunction : end_of_elaboration virtual task run(); bit [7:0] bytes[]; Packet pkt; fork forever begin repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); wait(output_intf.ready) <= 1; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); while (output_intf.ready) begin bytes = new[bytes.size + 1](bytes); bytes[bytes.size - 1] = output_intf.data_out; @(posedge output_intf.clock); end <= 0; @(posedge output_intf.clock); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"Received packet ...",OVM_LOW); pkt = new(); pkt.unpack_bytes(bytes); Rcvr2Sb_port.write(pkt); bytes.delete(); end join endtask : run endclass : Receiver Environment Class Updates We will update the Environment class and take instance of receiver and run the testcase.[9/26/2012 2:32:47 PM]


1) Declare 4 receivers. Receiver Rcvr[4]; 2) In the build() method construct the Receivers using create() methods. Also update the id variable of the receiver object. foreach(Rcvr[i]) begin Rcvr[i] = Receiver::type_id::create($psprintf("Rcvr%0d",i),this); Rcvr[i].id = i; end Environment class source code `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends ovm_env; `ovm_component_utils(Environment) Sequencer Seqncr; Driver Drvr; Receiver Rcvr[4]; function new(string name , ovm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new function void build();; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",OVM_LOW); Drvr = Driver::type_id::create("Drvr",this); Seqncr = Sequencer::type_id::create("Seqncr",this); foreach(Rcvr[i]) begin Rcvr[i] = Receiver::type_id::create($psprintf("Rcvr%0d",i),this); Rcvr[i].id = i; end ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",OVM_LOW); endfunction function void connect(); super.connect(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",OVM_LOW); Drvr.seq_item_port.connect(Seqncr.seq_item_export); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",OVM_LOW); endfunction endclass : Environment `endif Download the Source Code ovm_switch_7.tar Browse the code in ovm_switch_7.tar[9/26/2012 2:32:47 PM]


Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. -R +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 qverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. -R +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 Log report after simulation OVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test test1... OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] START of build OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] END of build OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] START of connect OVM_INFO @ 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] END of connect ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------Seqncr Sequencer Seqncr@14 --rsp_export ovm_analysis_export rsp_export@16 --seq_item_export ovm_seq_item_pull_+ seq_item_export@40 --default_sequence string 19 ovm_random_sequence --count integral 32 -1 --max_random_count integral 32 'd10 --sequences array 5 ----[0] string 19 ovm_random_sequence ----[1] string 23 ovm_exhaustive_sequ+ ----[2] string 19 ovm_simple_sequence ----[3] string 23 Seq_device0_and_dev+ ----[4] string 19 Seq_constant_length --max_random_depth integral 32 'd4 --num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1 --num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------OVM_INFO @ 30: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of reset_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 70: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of reset_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 70: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of cfg_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 110: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 0 Address 00 OVM_INFO @ 130: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 1 Address 01 OVM_INFO @ 150: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 2 Address 02 OVM_INFO @ 170: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 3 Address 03 OVM_INFO @ 190: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of cfg_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 210: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... OVM_INFO @ 590: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... OVM_INFO @ 610: ovm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0 [ovm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0] Received packet ... OVM_INFO @ 970: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... OVM_INFO @ 990: ovm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0 [ovm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0] Received packet ... --- OVM Report Summary --** Report counts by severity OVM_INFO : 18 OVM_WARNING : 0 OVM_ERROR : 0 OVM_FATAL : 0[9/26/2012 2:32:47 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

In this phase we will see the scoreboard implementation. Scoreboard Scoreboard is implemented by extending ovm_scorboard. For our requirement, we can use ovm_in_order_comparator, but we will see develop our own scoreboard by extending ovm_scorboard. Scoreboard has 2 analysis imports. One is used to for getting the packets from the driver and other from the receiver. Then the packets are compared and if they don't match, then error is asserted. For comparison, compare () method of the Packet class is used. Implement the scoreboard in file Steps to create a scoreboard: 1) Useing macro `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(<_portname>), to declare ovm_analysis_imp_<_portname> class. 2) The above macro, creates write_<_portname>(). This method has to be define as per our requirements.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Configuration Phase 3 Environment N Testcase Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Sequencer N Sequence Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard
Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving with time!

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Declare a scoreboard by extending ovm_scoreboard class. OpenVera

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

class Scoreboard extends ovm_scoreboard; endclass : Scoreboard

2) We need 2 import, one for expected packet which is sent by driver and received packet which is coming from receiver. RVM Ethernet sample Declare 2 imports using `ovm_analysis_imp_decl macros. `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(_rcvd_pkt) `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(_sent_pkt) 3) Declare the utility macro. `ovm_component_utils(Scoreboard) 4) Declare a queue which stores the expected packets. Packet exp_que[$]; 5) Declare imports for getting expected packets and received packets. ovm_analysis_imp_rcvd_pkt #(Packet,Scoreboard) Rcvr2Sb_port;

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:32:56 PM]


ovm_analysis_imp_sent_pkt #(Packet,Scoreboard) Drvr2Sb_port; 6) In the constructor, create objects for the above two declared imports. function new(string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); Rcvr2Sb_port = new("Rcvr2Sb", this); Drvr2Sb_port = new("Drvr2Sb", this); endfunction : new 7) Define write_sent_pkt() method which was created `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(_sent_pkt). In this method, store the received packet in the expected queue. virtual function void write_sent_pkt(input Packet pkt); exp_que.push_back(pkt); endfunction : write_sent_pkt 8) Define write_rcvd_pkt() method which was created by `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(_rcvd_pkt) In this method, get the transaction from the expected queue and compare. macro by macro

virtual function void write_rcvd_pkt(input Packet pkt); Packet exp_pkt; pkt.print(); if(exp_que.size()) begin exp_pkt = exp_que.pop_front(); exp_pkt.print(); if( ovm_report_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Sent packet and reeived packet mathed"), OVM_LOW); else ovm_report_error(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Sent packet and reeived packet mismatched"), OVM_LOW); end else ovm_report_error(get_type_name(), $psprintf("No more packets in the expected queue to compare"), OVM_LOW); endfunction : write_rcvd_pkt 9) Define the report() method to print the Scoreboard information. virtual function void report(); ovm_report_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Scoreboard Report %s", this.sprint()), OVM_LOW); endfunction : report Complete Scoreboard Code `ifndef GUARD_SCOREBOARD `define GUARD_SCOREBOARD `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(_rcvd_pkt) `ovm_analysis_imp_decl(_sent_pkt) class Scoreboard extends ovm_scoreboard; `ovm_component_utils(Scoreboard) Packet exp_que[$]; ovm_analysis_imp_rcvd_pkt #(Packet,Scoreboard) Rcvr2Sb_port; ovm_analysis_imp_sent_pkt #(Packet,Scoreboard) Drvr2Sb_port; function new(string name, ovm_component parent);, parent); Rcvr2Sb_port = new("Rcvr2Sb", this); Drvr2Sb_port = new("Drvr2Sb", this); endfunction : new[9/26/2012 2:32:56 PM]


virtual function void write_rcvd_pkt(input Packet pkt); Packet exp_pkt; pkt.print(); if(exp_que.size()) begin exp_pkt = exp_que.pop_front(); exp_pkt.print(); if( ovm_report_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Sent packet and reeived packet mathed"), OVM_LOW); else ovm_report_error(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Sent packet and reeived packet mismatched"), OVM_LOW); end else ovm_report_error(get_type_name(), $psprintf("No more packets to in the expected queue compare"), OVM_LOW); endfunction : write_rcvd_pkt virtual function void write_sent_pkt(input Packet pkt); exp_que.push_back(pkt); endfunction : write_sent_pkt virtual function void report(); ovm_report_info(get_type_name(), $psprintf("Scoreboard Report %s", this.sprint()), OVM_LOW); endfunction : report endclass : Scoreboard `endif Environment Class Updates We will take the instance of scoreboard in the environment and connect its ports to driver and receiver ports.


1) Declare scoreboard object. Scoreboard Sbd; 2) Construct the scoreboard object using create() method in build() method. Sbd = Scoreboard::type_id::create("Sbd",this); 3) In connect() method, connect the driver and receiver ports to scoreboard. Drvr.Drvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Drvr2Sb_port); Rcvr[0].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); Rcvr[1].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); Rcvr[2].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); Rcvr[3].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); Environemnt class code[9/26/2012 2:32:56 PM]


`ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends ovm_env; `ovm_component_utils(Environment) Sequencer Seqncr; Driver Drvr; Receiver Rcvr[4]; Scoreboard Sbd; function new(string name , ovm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction: new function void build();; ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of build ",OVM_LOW); Drvr = Driver::type_id::create("Drvr",this); Seqncr = Sequencer::type_id::create("Seqncr",this); foreach(Rcvr[i]) begin Rcvr[i] = Receiver::type_id::create($psprintf("Rcvr%0d",i),this); Rcvr[i].id = i; end Sbd = Scoreboard::type_id::create("Sbd",this); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of build ",OVM_LOW); endfunction function void connect(); super.connect(); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"START of connect ",OVM_LOW); Drvr.seq_item_port.connect(Seqncr.seq_item_export); Drvr.Drvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Drvr2Sb_port); Rcvr[0].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); Rcvr[1].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); Rcvr[2].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); Rcvr[3].Rcvr2Sb_port.connect(Sbd.Rcvr2Sb_port); ovm_report_info(get_full_name(),"END of connect ",OVM_LOW); endfunction endclass : Environment `endif Download the Source Code ovm_switch_8.tar Browse the code in ovm_switch_8.tar Command to run the simulation vcs -sverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. -R +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 qverilog +incdir+$OVM_HOME/src $OVM_HOME/src/ +incdir+. -R +OVM_TESTNAME=test1 Log report after simulation OVM_INFO OVM_INFO OVM_INFO OVM_INFO OVM_INFO @ @ @ @ @ 0 [RNTST] Running test test1... 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] 0: ovm_test_top.t_env [ovm_test_top.t_env] START of build END of build START of connect END of connect[9/26/2012 2:32:56 PM]


---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------Seqncr Sequencer Seqncr@14 rsp_export ovm_analysis_export rsp_export@16 seq_item_export ovm_seq_item_pull_+ seq_item_export@40 default_sequence string 19 ovm_random_sequence count integral 32 -1 max_random_count integral 32 'd10 sequences array 5 [0] string 19 ovm_random_sequence [1] string 23 ovm_exhaustive_sequ+ [2] string 19 ovm_simple_sequence [3] string 23 Seq_device0_and_dev+ [4] string 19 Seq_constant_length max_random_depth integral 32 'd4 num_last_reqs integral 32 'd1 num_last_rsps integral 32 'd1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------OVM_INFO @ 30: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of reset_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 70: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of reset_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 70: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Start of cfg_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 110: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 0 Address 00 OVM_INFO @ 130: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 1 Address 01 OVM_INFO @ 150: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 2 Address 02 OVM_INFO @ 170: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Port 3 Address 03 OVM_INFO @ 190: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] End of cfg_dut() method OVM_INFO @ 210: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... OVM_INFO @ 590: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... OVM_INFO @ 610: ovm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0 [ovm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0] Received packet ... OVM_INFO @ 610: ovm_test_top.t_env.Sbd [Scoreboard] Sent packet and reeived packet mathed OVM_INFO @ 970: ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr [ovm_test_top.t_env.Drvr] Driving packet ... OVM_INFO @ 990: ovm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0 [ovm_test_top.t_env.Rcvr0] Received packet ... OVM_INFO @ 990: ovm_test_top.t_env.Sbd [Scoreboard] Sent packet and reeived packet mathed OVM_INFO @ 1000: ovm_test_top.t_env.Sbd [Scoreboard] Scoreboard Report ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------Sbd Scoreboard Sbd@52 Drvr2Sb ovm_analysis_imp_s+ Drvr2Sb@56 Rcvr2Sb ovm_analysis_imp_r+ Rcvr2Sb@54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OVM Report Summary --** Report counts by severity OVM_INFO : 21 OVM_WARNING : 0 OVM_ERROR : 0 OVM_FATAL : 0[9/26/2012 2:32:56 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Report a Bug or Comment Phase 1) We will develop the testcase and interfaces, and integrate them in these on This section - Your input is what keeps with the DUT in top module. improving with time!

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top In this tutorial, we will verify the Switch RTL core using VMM in SystemVerilog. Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Following are the steps we follow to verify the Switch RTL core. Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Generator 1) Understand the specification Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver 2) Developing Verification Plan Phase 8 Scoreboard 3) Building the Verification Environment. We will build the Environment in Multiple Phase 9 Coverage phases, so it will be easy for you to lean step by step.


Phase 2) We will Develop the Environment class.

Phase 3) We will develop reset and configuration methods in Environment class. Then using these methods, we will reset the DUT and configure the port address. Phase 4) We will develop a packet class based on the stimulus plan. We will also write a small code to test the packet class implementation. Phase 5) We will create atomic generator in the environment class. Phase 6) We will develop a driver class. Packets are taken from the generator and sent to DUT using driver. Phase 7) We will develop receiver class. Receiver collects the packets coming from the output port of the DUT. Phase 8) We will develop scoreboard class which does the comparison of the expected packet with the actual packet received from the DUT. Phase 9) We will develop coverage class based on the coverage plan. Coverage is sampled using the driver callbacks.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Switch Specification: Verification Plan This is a simple switch. Switch is a packet based protocol. Switch drives the incoming Phase 1 Top packet which comes from the input port to output ports based on the address Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset contained in the packet. Phase 4 Packet The switch has a one input port from which the packet enters. It has four output ports Phase 5 Generator Phase 6 Driver where the packet is driven out. Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard Phase 9 Coverage


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Packet Format: Packet contains 3 parts. They are Header, data and frame check sequence. Packet width is 8 bits and the length of the packet can be between 4 bytes to 259 bytes. Packet header: Packet header contains three fields DA, SA and length. DA: Destination address of the packet is of 8 bits. The switch drives the packet to respective ports based on this destination address of the packets. Each output port has 8-bit unique port address. If the destination address of the packet matches the port address, then switch drives the packet to the output port. SA: Source address of the packet from where it originate. It is 8 bits. Length: Length of the data is of 8 bits and from 0 to 255. Length is measured in terms of bytes. If Length = 0, it means data length is 0 bytes If Length = 1, it means data length is 1 bytes If Length = 2, it means data length is 2 bytes

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If Length = 255, it means data length is 255 bytes Data: Data should be in terms of bytes and can take anything. FCS: Frame check sequence This field contains the security check of the packet. It is calculated over the header and data.

Configuration: Switch has four output ports. These output ports address have to be configured to a unique address. Switch matches the DA field of the packet with this configured port address and sends the packet on to that port. Switch contains a memory. This memory has 4 locations, each can store 8 bits. To configure the switch port address, memory write operation has to be done using memory interface. Memory address (0,1,2,3) contains the address of port(0,1,2,4) respectively. Interface Specification: The Switch has one input Interface, from where the packet enters and 4 output interfaces from where the packet comes out and one memory interface, through the port address can be configured. Switch also has a clock and asynchronous reset signal. MEMORY INTERFACE: Through memory interfaced output port address are configured. It accepts 8 bit data to be written to memory. It has 8 bit address inputs. Address 0,1,2,3 contains the address of the port 0,1,2,3 respectively. There are 4 input signals to memory interface. They are input input input input mem_en; mem_rd_wr; [1:0] mem_add; [7:0] mem_data;

All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. To configure a port address, 1. Assert the mem_en signal.[9/26/2012 2:33:13 PM]


2. 3. 4.

Asser the mem_rd_wr signal. Drive the port number (0 or 1 or 2 or 3) on the mem_add signal Drive the 8 bit port address on to mem_data signal.

INPUT PORT Packets are sent into the switch using input port. All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. input port has 2 input signals. They are input [7:0] data; input data_status; To send the packet in to switch, 1. 2. 3. 4. Assert the data_status signal. Send the packet on the data signal byte by byte. After sending all the data bytes, deassert the data_status signal. There should be at least 3 clock cycles difference between packets.

OUTPUT PORT Switch sends the packets out using the output ports. There are 4 ports, each having data, ready and read signals. All the signals are active high and are synchronous to the positive edge of clock signal. Signal list is output output output output output output output output input input input input [7:0] port0; [7:0] port1; [7:0] port2; [7:0] port3; ready_0; ready_1; ready_2; ready_3; read_0; read_1; read_2; read_3;

When the data is ready to be sent out from the port, switch asserts ready_* signal high indicating that data is ready to be sent. If the read_* signal is asserted, when ready_* is high, then the data comes out of the port_* signal after one clock cycle.[9/26/2012 2:33:13 PM]


RTL code: RTL code is attached with the tar files. From the Phase 1, you can download the tar files.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Specification Overview Verification Plan This Document describes the Verification Plan for Switch. The Verification Plan is Phase 1 Top based on System Verilog Hardware Verification Language. The methodology used for Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Verification is Constraint random coverage driven verification. Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Generator Phase 6 Driver Feature Extraction Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard This section contains list of all the features to be verified. Phase 9 Coverage 1) ID: Configuration Report a Bug or Comment Description: Configure all the 4 port address with unique values.


input is what keeps 2) improving ID: Packet DA Description: DA field of packet should be any of the port address. All the 4 port with time! address should be used.

on This section - Your

3) ID : Packet payload Description: Length can be from 0 to 255. Send packets with all the lengths.

4) ID: Length VMM Ethernet sample Description: Length field contains length of the payload. Send Packet with correct length field and incorrect length fields. Verilog 5) Verification ID: FCS Verilog Switch TB Description: Good FCS: Send packet with good FCS. Basic Constructs Bad FCS: Send packet with corrupted FCS. OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB

Stimulus Generation Plan Packet DA: Generate packet DA with the configured address. Payload length: generate payload length ranging from 2 to 255. Correct or Incorrect Length field. Generate good and bad FCS.

1) 2) RVM Switch TB 3) RVM Ethernet sample 4)

Specman E Interview Questions

Coverage Plan 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Cover all the port address configurations. Cover all the packet lengths. Cover all correct and incorrect length fields. Cover good and bad FCS. Cover all the above combinations.

Verification Environment[9/26/2012 2:33:22 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan In phase 1, Phase 1 Top 1) We will write SystemVerilog Interfaces for input port, output port and memory Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset port. Phase 4 Packet 2) We will write Top module where testcase and DUT instances are done. Phase 5 Generator 3) DUT and TestBench interfaces are connected in top module. Phase 6 Driver 4) Clock is generator in top module. Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard Phase 9 Coverage NOTE: In every file you will see the syntax `ifndef GUARD_* Report a Bug or Comment `endif GUARD_*



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In the file, declare the 3 interfaces in the following way. All the interfaces has clock as input. All the signals in interface are wire type. All the signals are synchronized to clock except reset in clocking block. environment. Define the set-up and hold time using parameters. Signal directional w.r.t TestBench is specified with modport.

VMM Ethernet sample This approach will avoid race conditions between the design and the verification

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

`ifndef GUARD_INTERFACE `define GUARD_INTERFACE ////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface declaration for the memory/// ////////////////////////////////////////// interface mem_interface(input bit clock); parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire [7:0] mem_data; wire [1:0] mem_add; wire mem_en; wire mem_rd_wr; clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; output mem_data; output mem_add; output mem_en; output mem_rd_wr; endclocking:cb

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:33:32 PM]


modport MEM(clocking cb,input clock); endinterface :mem_interface //////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface for the input side of switch.// // Reset signal is also passed hear. // //////////////////////////////////////////// interface input_interface(input bit clock); parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire wire wire data_status; [7:0] data_in; reset;

clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; output data_status; output data_in; endclocking:cb modport IP(clocking cb,output reset,input clock); endinterface:input_interface ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interface for the output side of the switch.// // output_interface is for only one output port// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// interface output_interface(input bit clock); parameter setup_time = 5ns; parameter hold_time = 3ns; wire wire wire [7:0] data_out; ready; read;

clocking cb@(posedge clock); default input #setup_time output #hold_time; input data_out; input ready; output read; endclocking:cb modport OP(clocking cb,input clock); endinterface:output_interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////// `endif Testcase Testcase is a program block which provides an entry point for the test and creates a scope that encapsulates program-wide data. Currently this is an empty testcase which just ends the simulation. Program block contains all the above declared interfaces as arguments. This testcase has initial and final blocks. Inside the program block, include the file.[9/26/2012 2:33:32 PM]


`ifndef GUARD_TESTCASE `define GUARD_TESTCASE program testcase(mem_interface.MEM mem_intf,input_interface.IP input_intf,output_interface.OP output_intf[4 ]); `include "" initial begin $display(" ******************* Start of testcase ****************"); #1000; end final $display(" ******************** End of testcase *****************"); endprogram `endif Top Module The modules that are included in the source text but are not instantiated are called top modules. This module is the highest scope of modules. Generally this module is named as "top" and referenced as "top module". Module name can be anything. This top-level module will contain the design portion of the simulation. Do the following in the top module: 1)Generate the clock signal. bit Clock; initial begin #20; forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; end 2)Do the instances of memory interface. mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); 3)Do the instances of input interface. input_interface input_intf(Clock); 4)There are 4 output ports. So do 4 instances of output_interface. output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); 5)Do the instance of testcase and pass all the above declared interfaces. testcase TC (mem_intf,input_intf,output_intf); 6)Do the instance of DUT. switch DUT (.

7)Connect all the interfaces and DUT. The design which we have taken is in verilog. So Verilog DUT instance is connected signal by signal.[9/26/2012 2:33:32 PM]


switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data));

Top Module Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_TOP `define GUARD_TOP module top(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clock Declaration and Generation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// bit Clock; initial begin #20; forever #10 Clock = ~Clock; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory interface instance // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////[9/26/2012 2:33:32 PM]


mem_interface mem_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// input_interface input_intf(Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // output interface instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// output_interface output_intf[4](Clock); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program block Testcase instance // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// testcase TC (mem_intf,input_intf,output_intf); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DUT instance and signal connection // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch DUT (.clk(Clock), .reset(input_intf.reset), .data_status(input_intf.data_status), .data(input_intf.data_in), .port0(output_intf[0].data_out), .port1(output_intf[1].data_out), .port2(output_intf[2].data_out), .port3(output_intf[3].data_out), .ready_0(output_intf[0].ready), .ready_1(output_intf[1].ready), .ready_2(output_intf[2].ready), .ready_3(output_intf[3].ready), .read_0(output_intf[0].read), .read_1(output_intf[1].read), .read_2(output_intf[2].read), .read_3(output_intf[3].read), .mem_en(mem_intf.mem_en), .mem_rd_wr(mem_intf.mem_rd_wr), .mem_add(mem_intf.mem_add), .mem_data(mem_intf.mem_data)); endmodule `endif Download the phase 1 files: vmm_switch_1.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_1.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm Log file after simulation: ******************* Start of testcase **************** ******************** End of testcase *****************



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan In this phase, we will write Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Environment Environment class. Phase 3 Reset Virtual interface declaration. Phase 4 Packet Defining Environment class constructor. Phase 5 Generator Defining required methods for execution . Currently these methods will not be Phase 6 Driver implemented in this phase. Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard All the above are done in Environment .sv file. Phase 9 Coverage


We will write a testcase using the above define environment class in file. Environment Class: The class is a base class used to implement verification environments. Environment class is extension on vmm_env class. The testbench simulation needs some systematic flow like reset, initialize etc. vmm_env base class has methods formalize the simulation steps. All methods are declared as virtual methods. We will not implement all the vmm_env virtual methods in this phase but will we print messages from these methods to understand the simulation execution. Testcase contains the instance of the environment class and has access to all the public declaration of environment class. This testcase Creates a Environment object and calls the run() method which are defined in the environment class. Run() method runs all the simulation methods which are defined in environment class. Verification environment contains the declarations of the virtual interfaces. These virtual interfaces are pointed to the physical interfaces which are declared in the top module. Constructor method should be declared with virtual interface as arguments, so that when the object is created, in the testcase can pass the interfaces in to environment class.

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving with time!

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample top module.

Connecting the virtual interfaces of Environment class to the physical interfaces of

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Extend vmm_env class to define Environment class. `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends vmm_env; endclass `endif

Declare virtual interfaces in Environment class. virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; The construction of Environment class is declared with virtual interface as arguments. function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] );"Environment "); In constructor methods, the interfaces which are arguments are connected to the virtual interfaces of environment class. this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; `vmm_note(this.log, "Created env object"); Extend all the vmm_env virtual methods. Call the super.<method_name> in all the vmm_env virtual method extensions. Include `vmm_note() messages for identifying the simulation steps in the log file. virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); ,[9/26/2012 2:33:42 PM]


`vmm_note(this.log,"Start of gen_cfg() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of gen_cfg() method "); endfunction virtual function void build();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of build() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of build() method "); endfunction .... .... .... Do the above for reset_dut(), cfg_dut(), start(), wait_for_end(), stop() cleanup() and report() methods. Run : The run method is called from the testcase to start the simulation. run method calls all the methods which are defined in the Environment class.

Environment Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends vmm_env; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] ); ,[9/26/2012 2:33:42 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Easy Labs : VMM"Environment "); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; `vmm_note(this.log, "Created env object"); endfunction : new virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of gen_cfg() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of gen_cfg() method "); endfunction virtual function void build();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of build() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of build() method "); endfunction virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of reset_dut() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of reset_dut() method "); endtask virtual task cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cfg_dut() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cfg_dut() method "); endtask virtual task start(); super.start(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of start() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of start() method "); endtask virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of wait_for_end() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of wait_for_end() method "); endtask virtual task stop(); super.stop(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of stop() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of stop() method "); endtask virtual task cleanup(); super.cleanup(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cleanup() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cleanup() method "); endtask virtual task report(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of report() method \n\n\n"); $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------");; $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------"); $display("\n\n"); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of report() method"); endtask endclass `endif We will create a file for global requirement. In this file, define all the port address as macros in this file.[9/26/2012 2:33:42 PM]


`ifndef GUARD_GLOBALS `define GUARD_GLOBALS `define `define `define `define `endif Now We will update the testcase. Take an instance of the Environment class and call the run method of the Environment class. `ifndef GUARD_TESTCASE `define GUARD_TESTCASE program testcase(mem_interface.MEM input_intf,output_interface.OP output_intf[4]); `include "" Environment env; initial begin $display(" ******************* Start of testcase ****************"); env = new(mem_intf,input_intf,output_intf);; end final $display(" ******************** End of testcase *****************"); endprogram `endif Download the phase 2 source code: vmm_switch_2.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_2.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm Log report after the simulation: ******************* Start of testcase **************** Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Created env object Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of start() method 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: mem_intf,input_interface.IP P0 P1 P2 P3 8'h00 8'h11 8'h22 8'h33[9/26/2012 2:33:42 PM]


Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of report() method

0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0:

--------------------------------------------------------------------Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at 0 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0 demoted warnings) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 0: End of report() method ******************** End of testcase *****************




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan In this phase we will reset and configure the DUT. Phase 1 Top The Environment class has reset_dut() method which contains the logic to reset the Phase 2 Environment DUT and cfg_dut() method which contains the logic to configure the DUT port address. Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Generator Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard Phase 9 Coverage


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

NOTE: Clocking block signals can be driven only using a non-blocking assignment. In reset_dut() method. 1) Set all the DUT input signals to a known state. And reset the DUT. virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of reset_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of reset_dut() method "); endtask

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:33:52 PM]


2) Updated the cfg_dut method. virtual task cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cfg_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 0 Address %h ",`P0)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 1 Address %h ",`P1)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 2 Address %h ",`P2)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 3 Address %h ",`P3)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cfg_dut() method "); endtask (3) In wait_for_end method, wait for some clock cycles. repeat(10000) @(input_intf.clock); Download the Phase 3 source code: vmm_switch_3.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_3.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm Log File report ******************* Start of testcase **************** Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Created env object Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0:[9/26/2012 2:33:52 PM]


Start of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Port 0 Address 00 Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Port 1 Address 11 Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Port 2 Address 22 Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Port 3 Address 33 Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at End of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at Start of report() method

60: 60: 90: 110: 130: 150: 170: 170: 170: 170: 100170: 100170: 100170: 100170: 100170: 100170:

--------------------------------------------------------------------Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at 100170 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0 demoted warnings) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 100170: End of report() method ******************** End of testcase *****************




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

In this Phase , We will define a packet and then test it whether it is generating as expected. Packet is modeled using class. Packet class should be able to generate all possible packet types randomly. Packet class should also implement allocate(), psdisplay(), copy(), compare(), byte_pack() and byte_unpack() of vmm_data methods. Using vmm macros, we will create atomic generator and channel for Packet. We will write the packet class in file. Packet class variables and constraints have been derived from stimulus generation plan. Revisit Stimulus Generation Plan 1) Packet DA: Generate packet DA with the configured address. 2) Payload length: generate payload length ranging from 2 to 255. 3) Correct or Incorrect Length field. 4) Generate good and bad FCS.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Generator Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard Phase 9 Coverage
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1) Declare FCS types as enumerated data types. Name members as GOOD_FCS and BAD_FCS. typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; 2) Declare the length type as enumerated data type. Name members as GOOD_LENGTH and BAD_LENGTH. typedef enum { GOOD_LENGTH, BAD_LENGTH } length_kind_t; 3) Extend vmm_data class to define Paclet class. class Packet extends vmm_data; 4) Declare a vmm_log object and construct it. static vmm_log log = new("Packet","Class"); 5) Declare the length type and fcs type variables as rand. fcs_kind; rand length_kind_t length_kind; 6) Declare the packet field as rand. All fields are bit data types. All fields are 8 bit packet array. Declare the payload as dynamic array. rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand byte fcs; 7) Constraint the DA field to be any one of the configured address. constraint address_c { da inside {`P0,`P1,`P2,`P3} ; }

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample rand fcs_kind_t

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:34:03 PM]


8) Constrain the payload dynamic array size to between 1 to 255. constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 255]};} 9) Constrain the payload length to the length field based on the length type. constraint length_kind_c { (length_kind == GOOD_LENGTH) -> length == data.size; (length_kind == BAD_LENGTH) -> length == data.size + 2 ; } Use solve before to direct the randomization to generate first the payload dynamic array size and then randomize length field. constraint solve_size_length { solve data.size before length; } 10) Define a port_randomize method. In this method calculate the fcs based on the fcs_kind. function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0; else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize 11) Define the FCS method. virtual function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs 12) Define acllocate() method. virtual function vmm_data allocate(); Packet pkt; pkt = new(); return pkt; endfunction:allocate 13) Define psdisplay() method. psdisplay() method displays the current value of the packet fields to a string. virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix = ""); int i; $write(psdisplay, " %s packet #%0d.%0d.%0d\n", prefix,this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.data_id); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s da:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.da); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s sa:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s length:0x%h (data.size=%0d)\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.length,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s data[%0d]:0x%h", psdisplay, prefix,0,data[0]); if(data.size() > 1) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", 1,data[1]); if(data.size() > 4) $write(psdisplay, " .... "); if(data.size() > 2)[9/26/2012 2:34:03 PM]


$write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", data.size() -2,data[data.size() -2]); if(data.size() > 3) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", data.size() -1,data[data.size() -1]); $write(psdisplay, "\n %s%s fcs:0x%h \n", psdisplay, prefix, this.fcs); endfunction 14) Define copy() method. copy() method copies the current values of the object instance. virtual function vmm_data copy(vmm_data to = null); Packet cpy; // Copying to a new instance? if (to == null) cpy = new; else // Copying to an existing instance. Correct type? if (!$cast(cpy, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non packet instance"); copy = null; return copy; end super.copy_data(cpy); cpy.da = this.da; =; cpy.length = this.length; = new[]; foreach(data[i]) begin[i] =[i]; end cpy.fcs = this.fcs; copy = cpy; endfunction:copy 15) Define Compare() method. Compares the current value of the object instance with the specified object instance. If the value is different, FALSE is returned. virtual function bit compare(input vmm_data = -1); Packet cmp; compare = 1; // Assume success by default. diff = "No differences found"; if (!$cast(cmp, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to compare to a non packet instance"); compare = 0; diff = "Cannot compare non packets"; return compare; end // data types are the same, do comparison: if (this.da != cmp.da) begin diff = $psprintf("Different DA values: %b != %b", this.da, cmp.da); compare = 0; return compare; end if ( != begin diff = $psprintf("Different SA values: %b != %b",,; compare = 0; return compare; end to,output string diff,input int kind[9/26/2012 2:34:03 PM]


if (this.length != cmp.length) begin diff = $psprintf("Different LEN values: %b != %b", this.length, cmp.length); compare = 0; return compare; end foreach(data[i]) if ([i] !=[i]) begin diff = $psprintf("Different data[%0d] values: 0x%h 0x%h",i,[i],[i]); compare = 0; return compare; end if (this.fcs != cmp.fcs) begin diff = $psprintf("Different FCS values: %b != %b", this.fcs, cmp.fcs); compare = 0; return compare; end endfunction:compare 16)Define byte_pack() method().


Packing is commonly used to convert the high level data to low level data that can be applied to DUT. In packet class various fields are generated. Required fields are concatenated to form a stream of bytes which can be driven conveniently to DUT interface by the driver. virtual function int unsigned byte_pack( ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset =0 , input int kind = -1); byte_pack = 0; bytes = new[ + 4]; bytes[0] = this.da; bytes[1] =; bytes[2] = this.length; foreach(data[i]) bytes[3+i] = data[i]; bytes[ + 3 ] = fcs; byte_pack = + 4; endfunction:byte_pack 17) Define byte_unpack() method:[9/26/2012 2:34:03 PM]


The unpack() method does exactly the opposite of pack method. Unpacking is commonly used to convert a data stream coming from DUT to high level data packet object. virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack( const ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0, input int len = -1, input int kind = -1); this.da = bytes[0]; = bytes[1]; this.length = bytes[2]; this.fcs = bytes[bytes.size() -1]; = new[bytes.size() - 4]; foreach(data[i])[i] = bytes[i+3]; return bytes.size(); endfunction:byte_unpack

18) Define Packet_channel for Packet using macro. `vmm_channel(Packet) 19) Define Packet_atomic_gen for generating Packet instances using macro. `vmm_atomic_gen(Packet, "Packet Gen") Packet Class Source Code `ifndef GUARD_PACKET `define GUARD_PACKET //Define the enumerated types for packet types typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; typedef enum { GOOD_LENGTH, BAD_LENGTH } length_kind_t; class Packet extends vmm_data; static vmm_log log = new("Packet","Class"); rand fcs_kind_t fcs_kind; rand length_kind_t length_kind; rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand byte fcs; constraint address_c { da inside {`P0,`P1,`P2,`P3} ; } constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 255};}[9/26/2012 2:34:03 PM]


constraint length_kind_c { (length_kind == GOOD_LENGTH) -> length == data.size; (length_kind == BAD_LENGTH) -> length == data.size + 2 ; } constraint solve_size_length { solve data.size before length; } function new();; endfunction:new function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0; else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize ///// method to calculate the fcs ///// virtual function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs virtual function vmm_data allocate(); Packet pkt; pkt = new(); return pkt; endfunction:allocate virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix = ""); int i; $write(psdisplay, " %s packet #%0d.%0d.%0d\n", prefix,this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.data_id); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s da:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.da); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s sa:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s length:0x%h (data.size=%0d)\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.length,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s data[%0d]:0x%h", psdisplay, prefix,0,data[0]); if(data.size() > 1) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", 1,data[1]); if(data.size() > 4) $write(psdisplay, " .... "); if(data.size() > 2) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", data.size() -2,data[data.size() -2]); if(data.size() > 3) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", data.size() -1,data[data.size() -1]); $write(psdisplay, "\n %s%s fcs:0x%h \n", psdisplay, prefix, this.fcs); endfunction virtual function vmm_data copy(vmm_data to = null); Packet cpy; // Copying to a new instance? if (to == null) cpy = new; else // Copying to an existing instance. Correct type? if (!$cast(cpy, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non packet instance"); copy = null;[9/26/2012 2:34:03 PM]


return copy; end super.copy_data(cpy); cpy.da = this.da; =; cpy.length = this.length; = new[]; foreach(data[i]) begin[i] =[i]; end cpy.fcs = this.fcs; copy = cpy; endfunction:copy

virtual function bit compare(input vmm_data = -1); Packet cmp; compare = 1; // Assume success by default. diff = "No differences found";

to,output string diff,input int


if (!$cast(cmp, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to compare to a non packet instance"); compare = 0; diff = "Cannot compare non packets"; return compare; end // data types are the same, do comparison: if (this.da != cmp.da) begin diff = $psprintf("Different DA values: %b != %b", this.da, cmp.da); compare = 0; return compare; end if ( != begin diff = $psprintf("Different SA values: %b != %b",,; compare = 0; return compare; end if (this.length != cmp.length) begin diff = $psprintf("Different LEN values: %b != %b", this.length, cmp.length); compare = 0; return compare; end foreach(data[i]) if ([i] !=[i]) begin diff = $psprintf("Different data[%0d] values: 0x%h 0x%h",i,[i],[i]); compare = 0; return compare; end if (this.fcs != cmp.fcs) begin diff = $psprintf("Different FCS values: %b != %b", this.fcs, cmp.fcs); compare = 0; return compare; end endfunction:compare virtual function int unsigned byte_pack( ref logic [7:0] bytes[],

!=[9/26/2012 2:34:03 PM]


input int unsigned offset =0 , input int kind = -1); byte_pack = 0; bytes = new[ + 4]; bytes[0] = this.da; bytes[1] =; bytes[2] = this.length; foreach(data[i]) bytes[3+i] = data[i]; bytes[ + 3 ] = fcs; byte_pack = + 4; endfunction:byte_pack virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack( const ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0, input int len = -1, input int kind = -1); this.da = bytes[0]; = bytes[1]; this.length = bytes[2]; this.fcs = bytes[bytes.size() -1]; = new[bytes.size() - 4]; foreach(data[i])[i] = bytes[i+3]; return bytes.size(); endfunction:byte_unpack endclass ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Create vmm_channel and vmm_atomic_gen for packet//// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `vmm_channel(Packet) `vmm_atomic_gen(Packet, "Packet Gen")

Now we will write a small program to test our packet implantation. This program block is not used to verify the DUT. Write a simple program block and do the instance of packet class. Randomize the packet and call the display method to analyze the generation. Then pack the packet in to bytes and then unpack bytes and then call compare method to check all the methods. Program Block Source Code program test; packet pkt1 = new(); packet pkt2 = new(); logic [7:0] bytes[]; initial repeat(10) if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Successes full."); pkt1.display(); void'(pkt1.byte_pack(bytes)); pkt2 = new(); pkt2.byte_unpack(bytes); if( $display(" Packing, Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare ***"); end else $display(" *** Randomization Failed ***");[9/26/2012 2:34:03 PM]


endprogram Download the packet class with program block. vmm_switch_4.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_4.tar Run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm Log file report: Randomization Sucessesfull. Pkt1 packet #0.0.0 Pkt1 da:0x00 Pkt1 sa:0x40 Pkt1 length:0xbe (data.size=190) Pkt1 data[0]:0xf7 data[1]:0xa6 .... Pkt1 fcs:0x1a Pkt2 Pkt2 Pkt2 Pkt2 Pkt2 Pkt2 packet #0.0.0 da:0x00 sa:0x40 length:0xbe (data.size=190) data[0]:0xf7 data[1]:0xa6 .... fcs:0x1a

data[188]:0x49 data[189]:0x79

data[188]:0x49 data[189]:0x79

Packing,Unpacking and compare worked Randomization Sucessesfull. Pkt1 packet #0.0.0 Pkt1 da:0x33 Pkt1 sa:0xfd Pkt1 length:0xc7 (data.size=199) Pkt1 data[0]:0x1e data[1]:0x80 .... Pkt1 fcs:0xa5 Pkt2 Pkt2 Pkt2 Pkt2 Pkt2 Pkt2 packet #0.0.0 da:0x33 sa:0xfd length:0xc7 (data.size=199) data[0]:0x1e data[1]:0x80 .... fcs:0xa5

data[197]:0x15 data[198]:0x30

data[197]:0x15 data[198]:0x30

Packing,Unpacking and compare worked Randomization Sucessesfull. Pkt1 packet #0.0.0 Pkt1 da:0x00 Pkt1 sa:0xa6 Pkt1 length:0x9b (data.size=155) Pkt1 data[0]:0x72 data[1]:0x9f .... data[153]:0x53 data[154]:0x4b Pkt1 fcs:0x24 Pkt2 packet #0.0.0 Pkt2 da:0x00 Pkt2 sa:0xa6 Pkt2 length:0x9b (data.size=155) Pkt2 data[0]:0x72 data[1]:0x9f .... Pkt2 fcs:0x24 .......... .......... ..........

data[153]:0x53 data[154]:0x4b



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

In This phase, we will the usage of vmm atomic generator. using`vmm_atomic_gen macro we defined Packet_atomic_gen. In phase 4,

In Environment class, we will create an instance of Packet_atomic_gen, and connect it to the instance of Packet_channel, i.e gen2drvr_chan. The Packet_channel instance gen2drvr_chan will be used to connect the atomic generator to the driver instance. We will also configure the atomic generator to generate 10 instances of packet.

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Generator Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard Phase 9 Coverage
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) In Environment class, declare a Packet_atomic_gen instance. Packet_atomic_gen atomic_gen; 2) Declare a Packet_channel instance.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Packet_channel gen2drvr_chan; 3) Construct the gen2drvr_chan in build() method. gen2drvr_chan = new("gen2drvr","chan");

RVM Ethernet sample 4) Construct the atomic_gen in build() method.

atomic_gen = new("atomic_gen",0,gen2drvr_chan);
Specman E Interview Questions

5) Configure the atomic_gen to generate 10 instances. atomic_gen.stop_after_n_insts = 10; 6) In start() method, start the atomic_gen. atomic_gen.start_xactor(); 7) In stop() method, call the stop_xactor() method of atomic_gen. atomic_gen.stop_xactor();[9/26/2012 2:34:13 PM]


Environment Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends vmm_env; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; Packet_atomic_gen atomic_gen; Packet_channel gen2drvr_chan; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] );"Environment "); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; `vmm_note(this.log, "Created env object"); endfunction : new virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of gen_cfg() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of gen_cfg() method "); endfunction virtual function void build();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of build() method "); gen2drvr_chan = new("gen2drvr","chan"); atomic_gen = new("atomic_gen",0,gen2drvr_chan); atomic_gen.stop_after_n_insts = 10; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of build() method "); endfunction virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of reset_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of reset_dut() method "); endtask virtual task cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cfg_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); ,[9/26/2012 2:34:13 PM]


mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 0 Address %h ",`P0)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 1 Address %h ",`P1)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 2 Address %h ",`P2)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 3 Address %h ",`P3)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cfg_dut() method "); endtask virtual task start(); super.start(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of start() method "); atomic_gen.start_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of start() method "); endtask virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of wait_for_end() method "); repeat(1000) @(input_intf.clock); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of wait_for_end() method "); endtask virtual task stop(); super.stop(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of stop() method "); atomic_gen.stop_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of stop() method "); endtask virtual task cleanup(); super.cleanup(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cleanup() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cleanup() method "); endtask virtual task report(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of report() method \n\n\n"); $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------");; $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------"); $display("\n\n"); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of report() method"); endtask endclass `endif[9/26/2012 2:34:13 PM]


Download the phase 5 source code. vmm_switch_5.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_5.tar Run the simulation vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm Log file report: ******************* Start of testcase **************** Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 0: Created env object Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 0: Start of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 0: End of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 0: Start of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 0: End of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environment() at 0: Start of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 60: End of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 60: Start of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 90: Port 0 Address 00 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 110: Port 1 Address 11 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 130: Port 2 Address 22 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 150: Port 3 Address 33 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: End of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: Start of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: End of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: Start of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: End of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: Start of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: End of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: Start of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: End of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: Start of report() method

--------------------------------------------------------------------Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at 10170 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0 demoted warnings) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: End of report() method ******************** End of testcase *****************



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In phase 6 we will write a driver and then insatiate the driver in environment and Verification Plan Phase 1 Top send packet in to DUT. Driver class is defined in file. Phase 2 Environment In this Driver class, take the packets from the generator and then drives it to the DUT Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet input interface and then send the packet to a channel for scoreboard purpose. Phase 5 Generator Phase 6 Driver In this class, we also add 2 callback methods. Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard Phase 9 Coverage


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Extend vmm_xactor_callbacks to define Driver_callbacks. In this class, declare 2 methods pre_trans() and post_trans(). pre_trans() method is called before driving the packet transaction and post_trans() method will be called after driving the packet transaction. class Driver_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; // Called before a transaction is executed virtual task pre_trans(Packet tr); endtask: pre_trans // Called after a transaction has been executed virtual task post_trans(Packet tr); endtask: post_trans endclass:Driver_callbacks 1) Extend vmm_xactor to define Driver class. class Driver extends vmm_xactor; 2) Declare a virtual input_interface of the switch. We will connect this to the Physical interface of the top module same as what we did in environment class. virtual input_interface.IP input_intf;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:34:23 PM]


3) Define a channel "gen2drv_chan" which is used to get packets from generator. Packet_channel gen2drv_chan; 4) Define a channel "drv2sb_chan" which is used to send the packets to the score board. Packet_channel drv2sb_chan; 4) Define new constructor with arguments, virtual input interface and channels "gen2drv_chan" and "drv2sb_chan". In the constructor, call the parent constructor and pass the instance name and stream_id. Connect the channel and virtual interfaces which are passed as constructor arguments to the class members. function new(string inst, int stream_id = -1, virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new, Packet_channel gen2drv_chan = null, Packet_channel drv2sb_chan = null);"driver",inst,stream_id); this.input_intf = input_intf_new; if(gen2drv_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(log,"gen2drv_channel is null"); else this.gen2drv_chan = gen2drv_chan; if(drv2sb_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(log,"drvr2sb_channel is null"); else this.drv2sb_chan = drv2sb_chan; `vmm_note(log,"Driver created "); endfunction 4)Define drive() method. This method drives the packet to the dut. task drive(Packet pkt); logic [7:0] pack[]; int pkt_len; pkt_len = pkt.byte_pack(pack,0,0); @(posedge input_intf.clock); for (int i=0;i< pkt_len - 1;i++) begin @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.cb.data_status <= 1 ; input_intf.cb.data_in <= pack[i]; end @(input_intf.clock); input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0 ; input_intf.cb.data_in <= pack[pkt_len -1]; @(input_intf.clock); this.drv2sb_chan.put(pkt); endtask 4) Define the main() method. First call the super.main() method. super.main(); `vmm_note(this.log," started main task "); 5) In main() method, start a forever thread, which gets the packets from the[9/26/2012 2:34:23 PM]


'gen2drv_chan' . The empty or stopped. forever begin Packet pkt;






block if the channel is

wait_if_stopped_or_empty(this.gen2drv_chan); this.gen2drv_chan.get(pkt); `vmm_trace(this.log, "Starting transaction..."); `vmm_debug(this.log, pkt.psdisplay(" ")); 6) Call the drive() method, which drives the packet to DUT. Call the pre_tans() call back method using `vmm_callback macro before calling the drive method and post_trans() callback method after driving the packet. `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,pre_trans(pkt)); drive(pkt); `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,post_trans(pkt));

Driver Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_DRIVER `define GUARD_DRIVER class Driver_callbacks extends vmm_xactor_callbacks; // Called before a transaction is executed virtual task pre_trans(Packet tr); endtask: pre_trans // Called after a transaction has been executed virtual task post_trans(Packet tr); endtask: post_trans endclass:Driver_callbacks

class Driver extends vmm_xactor; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf; Packet_channel gen2drv_chan; Packet_channel drv2sb_chan; function new(string inst, int stream_id = -1, virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new, Packet_channel gen2drv_chan = null, Packet_channel drv2sb_chan = null);"driver",inst,stream_id); this.input_intf = input_intf_new; if(gen2drv_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(log,"gen2drv_channel is null"); else this.gen2drv_chan = gen2drv_chan; if(drv2sb_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(log,"drvr2sb_channel is null"); else this.drv2sb_chan = drv2sb_chan; `vmm_note(log,"Driver created ");[9/26/2012 2:34:23 PM]


endfunction task drive(Packet pkt); logic [7:0] pack[]; int pkt_len; pkt_len = pkt.byte_pack(pack,0,0); @(posedge input_intf.clock); for (int i=0;i< pkt_len - 1;i++) begin @(posedge input_intf.clock); input_intf.cb.data_status <= 1 ; input_intf.cb.data_in <= pack[i]; end @(input_intf.clock); input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0 ; input_intf.cb.data_in <= pack[pkt_len -1]; @(input_intf.clock); this.drv2sb_chan.put(pkt); endtask task main(); super.main(); `vmm_note(this.log," started main task "); forever begin Packet pkt; wait_if_stopped_or_empty(this.gen2drv_chan); this.gen2drv_chan.get(pkt); `vmm_trace(this.log, "Starting transaction..."); `vmm_debug(this.log, pkt.psdisplay(" ")); `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,pre_trans(pkt)); drive(pkt); `vmm_callback(Driver_callbacks,post_trans(pkt)); `vmm_trace(this.log, "Completed transaction..."); `vmm_debug(this.log, pkt.psdisplay(" ")); @(posedge input_intf.clock); end endtask endclass `endif Now we will take the instance of the driver in the environment class.[9/26/2012 2:34:23 PM]


1) Declare a channel "drvr2sb_chan" which will be used to connect the scoreboard and driver. Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan; 2) Declare a driver object "drvr". Driver drvr; 3) In build method, construct the channel. drvr2sb_chan = new("drvr2sb","chan"); 4) In build method, construct the driver object. Pass the input_intf and drvr2sb_chan channel and gen2drvr_chan channel. drvr = new("Drvr",0,input_intf,gen2drvr_chan,drvr2sb_chan); 5) To start sending the packets to the DUT, call the start method of "drvr" in the start method of Environment class. drvr.start(); 5)In the stop() method, call the stop_xactor() method of drvr. drvr.stop_xactor(); Environment Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends vmm_env; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; Packet_atomic_gen atomic_gen; Driver drvr; Packet_channel gen2drvr_chan; Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] ); ,[9/26/2012 2:34:23 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Easy Labs : VMM"Environment "); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; `vmm_note(this.log, "Created env object"); endfunction : new virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of gen_cfg() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of gen_cfg() method "); endfunction virtual function void build();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of build() method "); gen2drvr_chan = new("gen2drvr","chan"); drvr2sb_chan = new("drvr2sb","chan"); drvr = new("Drvr",0,input_intf,gen2drvr_chan,drvr2sb_chan); atomic_gen = new("atomic_gen",0,gen2drvr_chan); atomic_gen.stop_after_n_insts = 10; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of build() method "); endfunction virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of reset_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of reset_dut() method "); endtask virtual task cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cfg_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 0 Address %h ",`P0)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 1 Address %h ",`P1)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 2 Address %h ",`P2)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3;[9/26/2012 2:34:23 PM]


`vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 3 Address %h ",`P3)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cfg_dut() method "); endtask virtual task start(); super.start(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of start() method "); atomic_gen.start_xactor(); drvr.start_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of start() method "); endtask virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of wait_for_end() method "); repeat(1000) @(input_intf.clock); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of wait_for_end() method "); endtask virtual task stop(); super.stop(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of stop() method "); atomic_gen.stop_xactor(); drvr.stop_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of stop() method "); endtask virtual task cleanup(); super.cleanup(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cleanup() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cleanup() method "); endtask virtual task report(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of report() method \n\n\n"); $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------");; $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------"); $display("\n\n"); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of report() method"); endtask endclass `endif Download the phase 6 source code: vmm_switch_6.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_6.tar Run the command: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm Log file report. ******************* Start of testcase **************** Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Created env object Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: 0: 0: 0:[9/26/2012 2:34:23 PM]


Start of build() method Normal[NOTE] on driver(Drvr) at Driver created Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Port 0 Address 00 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Port 1 Address 11 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Port 2 Address 22 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Port 3 Address 33 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on driver(Drvr) at started main task Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of report() method

0: 0: 0: 60: 60: 90: 110: 130: 150: 170: 170: 170: 170: 170: 10170: 10170: 10170: 10170: 10170: 10170:

--------------------------------------------------------------------Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at 10170 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0 demoted warnings) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: End of report() method ******************** End of testcase *****************




copyright 2007-2017 :: all rights reserved Disclaimer[9/26/2012 2:34:23 PM]




TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this phase, we will write a receiver and use the receiver in environment class to Verification Plan Phase 1 Top collect the packets coming from the switch output_interface. Phase 2 Environment Receiver collects the data bytes from the interface signal. And then unpacks the bytes Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet in to packet and pushes it into channel for score boarding. Phase 5 Generator Phase 6 Driver Receiver class is written in file. Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard Phase 9 Coverage


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Extend vmm_xactor and define Receiver class. class Receiver extends vmm_xactor;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

1) Declare a virtual output_interface. We will connect this to the Physical interface of the top module, same as what we did in environment class. virtual output_interface.OP output_intf; board

RVM Ethernet sample 2) Declare a channel "rcvr2sb_chan" which is used to send the packets to the score

Specman E Interview Questions

Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan; 3) Define new constructor with arguments, virtual input interface and a channel which is used to send packets from the receiver to scoreboard. Implement the restof the logic as it was done in the driver constructor. function new(string inst = "class", int unsigned stream_id = -1, virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new, Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan);"Receiver",inst,stream_id);[9/26/2012 2:34:33 PM]



= output_intf_new ;

if(rcvr2sb_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(log,"rcvr2sb_channel is null"); else this.rcvr2sb_chan = rcvr2sb_chan; `vmm_note(log,"Receiver created "); endfunction : new 4) Define the main() method. In start method, do the following First call the super.main() method. Then start a thread which collects the data from the outputinterface and then unpack the data to a packet and put into channel. forever begin repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); wait(output_intf.cb.ready) <= 1; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); while (output_intf.cb.ready) begin bytes = new[bytes.size + 1](bytes); bytes[bytes.size - 1] = output_intf.cb.data_out; @(posedge output_intf.clock); end bytes[bytes.size - 1] = output_intf.cb.data_out; <= 0; @(posedge output_intf.clock); `vmm_note(this.log,"Received a packet "); pkt = new(); pkt.byte_unpack(bytes); pkt.display("rcvr"); rcvr2sb_chan.put(pkt); bytes.delete(); end Receiver Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_RECEIVER `define GUARD_RECEIVER class Receiver extends vmm_xactor; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf; Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan; function new(string inst = "class", int unsigned stream_id = -1, virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new, Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan);"Receiver",inst,stream_id); this.output_intf = output_intf_new ;

if(rcvr2sb_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(log,"rcvr2sb_channel is null"); else this.rcvr2sb_chan = rcvr2sb_chan;[9/26/2012 2:34:33 PM]


`vmm_note(log,"Receiver created "); endfunction : new task main(); logic [7:0] bytes[]; Packet pkt; super.main(); `vmm_note(this.log," started main task "); forever begin repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); wait(output_intf.cb.ready) <= 1; repeat(2) @(posedge output_intf.clock); while (output_intf.cb.ready) begin bytes = new[bytes.size + 1](bytes); bytes[bytes.size - 1] = output_intf.cb.data_out; @(posedge output_intf.clock); end bytes[bytes.size - 1] = output_intf.cb.data_out; <= 0; @(posedge output_intf.clock); `vmm_note(this.log,"Received a packet "); pkt = new(); pkt.byte_unpack(bytes); pkt.display("rcvr"); rcvr2sb_chan.put(pkt); bytes.delete(); end endtask : main endclass `endif Now we will take the instance of the receiver in the environment class.

1) Declare a channel "rcvr2sb_chan" which will be used to connect the scoreboard and[9/26/2012 2:34:33 PM]


receiver. Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan; 2) Declare 4 receiver object "rcvr". Receiver rcvr[4]; 3) In build method, construct the rcvr2sb_chan. rcvr2sb_chan = new("rcvr2sb","chan"); 4) In build method, construct the receiver object. Pass the output_intf and rcvr2sb_chan. There are 4 output interfaces and receiver objects. We will connect one receiver for one output interface. foreach(rcvr[i]) rcvr[i] = new($psprintf("Rcvr-%0d",i),i,output_intf[i],rcvr2sb_chan); 5) To start the receiver activities, call the start_xactor() method of rcvr objects in the start() method of Environment class. rcvr[0].start_xactor(); rcvr[1].start_xactor(); rcvr[2].start_xactor(); rcvr[3].start_xactor(); 6) Call the stop_xactor() method of the receiver object in the stop() method of the Environment . rcvr[0].stop_xactor(); rcvr[1].stop_xactor(); rcvr[2].stop_xactor(); rcvr[3].stop_xactor(); Environment Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends vmm_env; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; Packet_atomic_gen atomic_gen; Driver drvr; Receiver rcvr[4]; Packet_channel gen2drvr_chan; Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan; Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] );"Environment "); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; `vmm_note(this.log, "Created env object"); endfunction : new virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of gen_cfg() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of gen_cfg() method "); ,[9/26/2012 2:34:33 PM]


endfunction virtual function void build();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of build() method "); gen2drvr_chan = new("gen2drvr","chan"); drvr2sb_chan = new("drvr2sb","chan"); rcvr2sb_chan = new("rcvr2sb","chan"); atomic_gen = new("atomic_gen",0,gen2drvr_chan); atomic_gen.stop_after_n_insts = 10; drvr = new("Drvr",0,input_intf,gen2drvr_chan,drvr2sb_chan); foreach(rcvr[i]) rcvr[i] = new($psprintf("Rcvr-%0d",i),i,output_intf[i],rcvr2sb_chan); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of build() method "); endfunction virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of reset_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of reset_dut() method "); endtask virtual task cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cfg_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 0 Address %h ",`P0)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 1 Address %h ",`P1)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 2 Address %h ",`P2)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 3 Address %h ",`P3)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0;[9/26/2012 2:34:33 PM]


`vmm_note(this.log,"End of cfg_dut() method "); endtask virtual task start(); super.start(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of start() method "); atomic_gen.start_xactor(); drvr.start_xactor(); rcvr[0].start_xactor(); rcvr[1].start_xactor(); rcvr[2].start_xactor(); rcvr[3].start_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of start() method "); endtask virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of wait_for_end() method "); repeat(1000) @(input_intf.clock); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of wait_for_end() method "); endtask virtual task stop(); super.stop(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of stop() method "); atomic_gen.stop_xactor(); drvr.stop_xactor(); rcvr[0].stop_xactor(); rcvr[1].stop_xactor(); rcvr[2].stop_xactor(); rcvr[3].stop_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of stop() method "); endtask virtual task cleanup(); super.cleanup(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cleanup() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cleanup() method "); endtask virtual task report(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of report() method \n\n\n"); $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------");; $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------"); $display("\n\n"); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of report() method"); endtask endclass `endif Download the phase 7 source code: vmm_switch_7.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_7.tar Run the command: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm Log file report. ******************* Start of testcase **************** Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: Created env object Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: Start of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: End of gen_cfg() method[9/26/2012 2:34:33 PM]


Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: Start of build() method Normal[NOTE] on driver(Drvr) at 0: Driver created Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-0) at 0: Receiver created Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-1) at 0: Receiver created Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-2) at 0: Receiver created Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-3) at 0: Receiver created Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: End of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: Start of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 60: End of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 60: Start of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 90: Port 0 Address 00 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 110: Port 1 Address 11 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 130: Port 2 Address 22 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 150: Port 3 Address 33 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: End of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: Start of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: End of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: Start of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on driver(Drvr) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-0) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-1) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-2) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-3) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-0) at 470: Received a packet rcvr packet #0.0.0 rcvr da:0x00 rcvr sa:0xac rcvr length:0x05 (data.size=4) rcvr data[0]:0xcb data[1]:0x7e data[2]:0x52 data[3]:0xa4 rcvr fcs:0x29 Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-1) at Received a packet rcvr packet #0.0.0 rcvr da:0x11 rcvr sa:0xf3 rcvr length:0x06 (data.size=5) rcvr data[0]:0xc4 data[1]:0xd5 .... rcvr fcs:0x5b Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-3) at Received a packet rcvr packet #0.0.0 rcvr da:0x33 rcvr sa:0x6b rcvr length:0x03 (data.size=2) rcvr data[0]:0x32 data[1]:0x27 rcvr fcs:0x1c Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 710:

data[3]:0xf3 data[4]:0x88 890:

10170:[9/26/2012 2:34:33 PM]


End of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of report() method

10170: 10170: 10170: 10170: 10170:

--------------------------------------------------------------------Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at 10170 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0 demoted warnings) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: End of report() method ******************** End of testcase *****************




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

In this phase we will see the scoreboard implementation. Vmm has scoreboard classes with lot of features. For this example, we will write a simple scoreboard which is implemented using the vmm_xactor. Scoreboard has 2 channels. One is used to for getting the packets from the driver and other from the receiver. Then the packets are compared and if they don't match, then error is asserted. For comparison, compare () method of the Packet class is used. Scoreboard in implemented in file

Index Introduction Specification Verification Plan Phase 1 Top Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Generator Phase 6 Driver Phase 7 Receiver Phase 8 Scoreboard Phase 9 Coverage
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

1) Declare 2 channels drvr2sb_chan and rcvr2sb_chan. Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan; Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan; 2) Declare a constructor method with drvr2sb_chan , rcvr2sb_chan , a string for instance name and stream_id as arguments.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

function new(string inst = "class", int unsigned stream_id = -1, RVM Ethernet sample Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan = null, Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan = null);
Specman E Interview Questions

3) Call the method and Connect the channels of the constructor to the channels of the scoreboard."sb",inst,stream_id); if(drvr2sb_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(this.log,"drvr2sb_channel is not constructed"); else this.drvr2sb_chan = drvr2sb_chan; if(rcvr2sb_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(this.log,"rcvr2sb_channel is not constructed");[9/26/2012 2:34:42 PM]


else this.rcvr2sb_chan = rcvr2sb_chan; `vmm_note(log,"Scoreboard created ");

4) Define vmm_xactor main() method. First call the super.main() method and then do the following steps forever. Wait until there is a packet is in "rcvr2sb_chan". Then pop the packet from channel. rcvr2sb_chan.get(pkt_rcv); $display(" %0d : Scorebooard : Scoreboard received a packet from receiver ",$time); Then pop the packet from drvr2sb_chan. drvr2sb_chan.get(pkt_exp); Compare both packets and assert an error if the comparison fails using `vmm_error. if(,msg)) $display(" %0d : Scoreboard :Packet Matched ",$time); else `vmm_error(this.log,$psprintf(" Packet MissMatched \n %s ",msg)); Scoreboard Class Source Code: `ifndef GUARD_SCOREBOARD `define GUARD_SCOREBOARD class Scoreboard extends vmm_xactor; Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan; Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan; function new(string inst = "class", int unsigned stream_id = -1, Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan = null, Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan = null);"sb",inst,stream_id); if(drvr2sb_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(this.log,"drvr2sb_channel is not constructed"); else this.drvr2sb_chan = drvr2sb_chan; if(rcvr2sb_chan == null) `vmm_fatal(this.log,"rcvr2sb_channel is not constructed"); else this.rcvr2sb_chan = rcvr2sb_chan; `vmm_note(log,"Scoreboard created "); endfunction:new task main(); Packet pkt_rcv,pkt_exp; string msg; super.main(); forever begin rcvr2sb_chan.get(pkt_rcv); $display(" %0d : Scoreboard : Scoreboard received a packet from receiver ",$time); drvr2sb_chan.get(pkt_exp);[9/26/2012 2:34:42 PM]


if(,msg)) $display(" %0d : Scoreboard :Packet Matched ",$time); else `vmm_error(this.log,$psprintf(" Packet MissMatched \n %s ",msg)); end endtask : main endclass `endif

Now we will see how to connect the scoreboard in the Environment class.

1) Declare a scoreboard handle. Scoreboard sb; 2) Construct the scoreboard in the build() method. Pass the drvr2sb_chan and rcvr2sb_chan channels to the score board constructor. sb = new("Sb",0,drvr2sb_chan,rcvr2sb_chan); 3) Start the scoreboard activities in the start() method. sb.start_xactor(); 4) Stop the scoreoard activities in stop() method. sb.stop_xactor(); Source Code Of The Environment Class: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends vmm_env; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; Packet_atomic_gen atomic_gen; Driver drvr; Receiver rcvr[4];[9/26/2012 2:34:42 PM]


Scoreboard sb; Packet_channel gen2drvr_chan; Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan; Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] );"Environment "); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; `vmm_note(this.log, "Created env object"); endfunction : new virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of gen_cfg() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of gen_cfg() method "); endfunction virtual function void build();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of build() method "); gen2drvr_chan = new("gen2drvr","chan"); drvr2sb_chan = new("drvr2sb","chan"); rcvr2sb_chan = new("rcvr2sb","chan"); atomic_gen = new("atomic_gen",0,gen2drvr_chan); atomic_gen.stop_after_n_insts = 10; drvr = new("Drvr",0,input_intf,gen2drvr_chan,drvr2sb_chan); foreach(rcvr[i]) rcvr[i] = new($psprintf("Rcvr-%0d",i),i,output_intf[i],rcvr2sb_chan); sb = new("Sb",0,drvr2sb_chan,rcvr2sb_chan); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of build() method "); endfunction virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of reset_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of reset_dut() method "); endtask virtual task cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cfg_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; ,[9/26/2012 2:34:42 PM]


`vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 0 Address %h ",`P0)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 1 Address %h ",`P1)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 2 Address %h ",`P2)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 3 Address %h ",`P3)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cfg_dut() method "); endtask virtual task start(); super.start(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of start() method "); atomic_gen.start_xactor(); drvr.start_xactor(); rcvr[0].start_xactor(); rcvr[1].start_xactor(); rcvr[2].start_xactor(); rcvr[3].start_xactor(); sb.start_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of start() method "); endtask virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of wait_for_end() method "); repeat(1000) @(input_intf.clock); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of wait_for_end() method "); endtask virtual task stop(); super.stop(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of stop() method "); atomic_gen.stop_xactor(); drvr.stop_xactor(); rcvr[0].stop_xactor(); rcvr[1].stop_xactor(); rcvr[2].stop_xactor(); rcvr[3].stop_xactor(); sb.stop_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of stop() method "); endtask virtual task cleanup(); super.cleanup(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cleanup() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cleanup() method "); endtask virtual task report(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of report() method \n\n\n"); $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------");; $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------");[9/26/2012 2:34:42 PM]


$display("\n\n"); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of report() method"); endtask endclass `endif Download the phase 8 score code: vmm_switch_8.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_8.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm Log File Report: ******************* Start of testcase **************** Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: Created env object Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: Start of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: End of gen_cfg() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: Start of build() method Normal[NOTE] on driver(Drvr) at 0: Driver created Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-0) at 0: Receiver created Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-1) at 0: Receiver created Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-2) at 0: Receiver created Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-3) at 0: Receiver created Normal[NOTE] on sb(Sb) at 0: Scoreboard created Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: End of build() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 0: Start of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 60: End of reset_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 60: Start of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 90: Port 0 Address 00 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 110: Port 1 Address 11 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 130: Port 2 Address 22 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 150: Port 3 Address 33 Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: End of cfg_dut() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: Start of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: End of start() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 170: Start of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on driver(Drvr) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-0) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-1) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-2) at 170: started main task Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-3) at 170: started main task size 8 ****[9/26/2012 2:34:42 PM]


Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-0) at 470: Received a packet rcvr packet #0.0.0 rcvr da:0x00 rcvr sa:0xac rcvr length:0x05 (data.size=4) rcvr data[0]:0xcb data[1]:0x7e data[2]:0x52 data[3]:0xa4 rcvr fcs:0x29 470 : Scorebooard : Scoreboard received a packet from receiver size 9 **** Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-1) at 710: Received a packet rcvr packet #0.0.0 rcvr da:0x11 rcvr sa:0xf3 rcvr length:0x06 (data.size=5) rcvr data[0]:0xc4 data[1]:0xd5 .... data[3]:0xf3 data[4]:0x88 rcvr fcs:0x5b size 6 **** Normal[NOTE] on Receiver(Rcvr-3) at Received a packet rcvr packet #0.0.0 rcvr da:0x33 rcvr sa:0x6b rcvr length:0x03 (data.size=2) rcvr data[0]:0x32 data[1]:0x27 rcvr fcs:0x1c Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of wait_for_end() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of stop() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at End of cleanup() method Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at Start of report() method 890:

10170: 10170: 10170: 10170: 10170: 10170:

--------------------------------------------------------------------Simulation PASSED on /./ (/./) at 10170 (0 warnings, 0 demoted errors & 0 demoted warnings) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Normal[NOTE] on Environemnt() at 10170: End of report() method ******************** End of testcase *****************




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Specification In this phase we will write the functional coverage for switch protocol. Functional Verification Plan coverage is written in file. After running simulation, you will Phase 1 Top analyze the coverage results and find out if some test scenarios have not been Phase 2 Environment Phase 3 Reset exercised and write tests to exercise them. Phase 4 Packet Phase 5 Generator The points which we need to cover are Phase 6 Driver 1) Cover all the port address configurations. Phase 7 Receiver 2) Cover all the packet lengths. Phase 8 Scoreboard 3) Cover all correct and incorrect length fields. Phase 9 Coverage 4) Cover good and bad FCS. 5) Cover all the above combinations.


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

We will do the coverage sampling in the driver porst_trans() callback method which we developed in PHASE_6. 1) Define a cover group with following cover points. Define this cover group in a class which extends Driver_callbacks. class DrvrCovCallback extends Driver_callbacks; a) All packet lengths: length : coverpoint pkt.length;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

b) All port address: da : coverpoint bins p0 = { bins p1 = { bins p2 = { bins p3 = { pkt.da { `P0 }; `P1 }; `P2 }; `P3 }; }

Specman E Interview Questions

c) Correct and incorrect Length field types: length_kind : coverpoint pkt.length_kind; d) Good and Bad FCS: fcs_kind : coverpoint pkt.fcs_kind; 5) Cross product of all the above cover points: all_cross: cross length,da,length_kind,fcs_kind; 2) In constructor method, construct the cover group[9/26/2012 2:34:52 PM]


function new(); switch_coverage = new(); endfunction : new 3) Write task which calls the sample method to cover the points. task sample(packet pkt); this.pkt = pkt; switch_coverage.sample(); endtask:sample Source Code Of Coverage Class: `ifndef GUARD_DRVR_CALLBACK_1 `define GUARD_DRVR_CALLBACK_1 class DrvrCovCallback extends Driver_callbacks; Packet pkt; covergroup switch_coverage; length : coverpoint pkt.length; da : coverpoint pkt.da { bins p0 = { `P0 }; bins p1 = { `P1 }; bins p2 = { `P2 }; bins p3 = { `P3 }; } length_kind : coverpoint pkt.length_kind; fcs_kind : coverpoint pkt.fcs_kind; all_cross: cross length,da,length_kind,fcs_kind; endgroup function new(); switch_coverage = new(); endfunction : new virtual task post_trans(Packet pkt); this.pkt = pkt; switch_coverage.sample(); endtask: post_trans endclass:DrvrCovCallback `endif Now we will connect this callback instance to the Driver. 1) Take the instance of DrvrCovCallback in the Environemtn class. DrvrCovCallback cov_cb; 2) Construct the cov_cb object in build method. cov_cb = new(); 3) In the Build method, call the append_callback() of the drvr and pass the cov_cb object. drvr.append_callback(cov_cb);[9/26/2012 2:34:52 PM]


Source code of the Environment class: `ifndef GUARD_ENV `define GUARD_ENV class Environment extends vmm_env; virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf ; virtual input_interface.IP input_intf ; virtual output_interface.OP output_intf[4] ; Packet_atomic_gen atomic_gen; Driver drvr; Receiver rcvr[4]; Scoreboard sb; DrvrCovCallback cov_cb; Packet_channel gen2drvr_chan; Packet_channel drvr2sb_chan; Packet_channel rcvr2sb_chan; function new(virtual mem_interface.MEM mem_intf_new virtual input_interface.IP input_intf_new , virtual output_interface.OP output_intf_new[4] );"Environment "); this.mem_intf = mem_intf_new ; this.input_intf = input_intf_new ; this.output_intf = output_intf_new ; `vmm_note(this.log, "Created env object"); endfunction : new virtual function void gen_cfg(); super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of gen_cfg() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of gen_cfg() method "); endfunction virtual function void build();; `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of build() method "); gen2drvr_chan = new("gen2drvr","chan"); drvr2sb_chan = new("drvr2sb","chan"); rcvr2sb_chan = new("rcvr2sb","chan"); ,[9/26/2012 2:34:52 PM]


atomic_gen = new("atomic_gen",0,gen2drvr_chan); atomic_gen.stop_after_n_insts = 10; drvr = new("Drvr",0,input_intf,gen2drvr_chan,drvr2sb_chan); foreach(rcvr[i]) rcvr[i] = new($psprintf("Rcvr-%0d",i),i,output_intf[i],rcvr2sb_chan); sb = new("Sb",0,drvr2sb_chan,rcvr2sb_chan); cov_cb = new(); drvr.append_callback(cov_cb); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of build() method "); endfunction virtual task reset_dut(); super.reset_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of reset_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_in <= 0; input_intf.cb.data_status <= 0; output_intf[0] <= 0; output_intf[1] <= 0; output_intf[2] <= 0; output_intf[3] <= 0; // Reset the DUT input_intf.reset <= 1; repeat (4) @ input_intf.clock; input_intf.reset <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of reset_dut() method "); endtask virtual task cfg_dut(); super.cfg_dut(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cfg_dut() method "); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P0; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 0 Address %h ",`P0)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h1; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P1; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 1 Address %h ",`P1)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h2; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P2; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 2 Address %h ",`P2)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 8'h3; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= `P3; `vmm_note(this.log ,$psprintf(" Port 3 Address %h ",`P3)); @(posedge mem_intf.clock); mem_intf.cb.mem_en <=0; mem_intf.cb.mem_rd_wr <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_add <= 0; mem_intf.cb.mem_data <= 0; `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cfg_dut() method "); endtask virtual task start(); super.start(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of start() method ");[9/26/2012 2:34:52 PM]


atomic_gen.start_xactor(); drvr.start_xactor(); rcvr[0].start_xactor(); rcvr[1].start_xactor(); rcvr[2].start_xactor(); rcvr[3].start_xactor(); sb.start_xactor(); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of start() method "); endtask virtual task wait_for_end(); super.wait_for_end(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of wait_for_end() method "); repeat(1000) @(input_intf.clock); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of wait_for_end() method "); endtask virtual task stop(); super.stop(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of stop() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of stop() method "); endtask virtual task cleanup(); super.cleanup(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of cleanup() method "); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of cleanup() method "); endtask virtual task report(); `vmm_note(this.log,"Start of report() method \n\n\n"); $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------");; $display("---------------------------------------------------------------------"); $display("\n\n"); `vmm_note(this.log,"End of report() method"); endtask endclass `endif Download the phase 9 score code: vmm_switch_9.tar Browse the code in vmm_switch_9.tar Run the simulation: vcs -sverilog -f filelist -R -ntb_opts rvm urg -dir




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Mentor Graphics Advanced Verification Methodology(AVM) is opensource and nonproperietary SystemVerilog and systemc methodology. This is based on OSCI(open systemC initiative) TLM standared. AVM can be downloaded for free from mentors website. AVM contains TLM(Transaction Level modaling) concepts, rules, suggesation with lot of examples for better understanding. AVM focuses on constrained randomization, Coverage , Assertions & scorboarding. AVM provides base classes to improve user productivity. AVM has TLM interfaces to communicate between testbench components. AVM liberary has the following base classes.

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Rtl Top Interface Environment Packet Packet Generator Configuration Driver Reciever Scoreboard

Reporting class: Has reporting methods, verbosity level controls etc. Building Blocks: avm_transaction, avm_stimulus, avm_in_order_comparator, avm_env Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your etc. input is what keeps TML library: TLM inteaces, TLM channels. Verification components can be class or modules. Modules are handy for HDL users. with time! One of the main advantage of using module based avm testbench is it supports system verilog assertions.In SystemVerilog ,Assertions canot be part of class. Where as class are more flexible as they are OO. Randomization is easy with class. Dynamic instancsation and classes can be used as varibles for communication. AVM components intarect with DUT using SystemVerilog virtual interface. more details refer to avm cookbook. Tlm: All the verification components use TLM interfacess whether they are class based or module based. Main operations on the TLM or put,get and peek. Initiator puts transaction to a target and can get trasaction from a target. There are two types of TLMs. BLOCKING MODEL: Waits until the put transaction is completed befor the next put operation. Blocking operation is time consuming. NON BLOCKING MODEL: Nonblocking operations are instansations. Every thing happens in zero time. tlm_fifo has put,peek(get a copy) and get interface for communication tranctions. It also has put_ap,get_ap(analaysis ports for commucating with score board or covarage model). Lets see how to use ports and exports. The TLM interface is called port. tlm_fifo sub blocks are called export. EXAMPLE Declare a tlm_fifo: tlm_fifo#(packet) gen2drv; Creat put port in initiator block(lets call it gen): tlm_blocking_put_if#(packet) put_port; improving

VMM Ethernet sample Hear Im going to discussing the avm base classes which are used in the example. For

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample TLM supports unidirectional and bidirectional data flow. tlm_fifos are bases for TLM.

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Creat get port in target block(lets call it drvr): tlm_blocking_get_if#(packet) get_port; Connect the exports to ports: gen.put_port = gen2drv.blocking_put_export; drvr.get_port = gen2drv.blocking_get_export; Noe put can be done in gen and get can be done in drvr. Building Blocks

There are two types of bases class used for building AVM components. 1)avm_named_component 2)avm_verificatino_component. avm_named_components has information about the hierarchy of the instantiatio and are used for TLM port and export connections. This also has built in message controlling system. avm_verification_components are inherited from avm_named_component. avm_verification_component are used to build testbench component like driver,monitor,transactor etc. In addition to avm_named_component feauters, a run() method is provided for uses to define, and this run() method is forked from avm_env automatically. Avm_transactors: Avm transaction is base class for creating tranctions. In order to allow the avm and tlm libraries to work, we need methods to print, compare and clone transactions. For any given transaction, T, to do four things to use avm_transaction: Inherit from avm_transaction Implement the virtual function string convert2string. This is for messaging. Implement a function bit comp( input T t ). Used by the comparators for checking in scoreboard. Implement a function T clone(). This used for tlm_fifos. clone() returns a copy() of .this(its object handle).

Avm_env: avm_env class is the top level of testbench. avm_env has do_test() method which starts building and execution of the testbench components. Environment execution stars when do_test() task is called. There are 5 execution phases. Construct: Constructs all the class based verification components. Connect: Connect the class based verification components together. Configure: Configuration of the testbench components in Zero time. Execute: do_run() forks off all the components run() methods and then execute method. Report: End of simulation messages goes hear. Avm_messaging: avm_messaging supports four types of severity levels. They are MESSAGE,WARNING,ERROR,FATAL avm_messaging supports four types of actions. They are DISPLAY,LOG,COUNT,EXIT. Each of the actions are define by severity and id.[9/26/2012 2:35:02 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Rtl This DUT is a simple switch, which can drive the incoming packet to destination ports Top Interface based on the address contained in the packet. Environment The dut contain one input interface from which the packet enters the dut. It has four Packet Packet Generator output interfaces where the packet is driven out. Configuration Driver Reciever Scoreboard


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Packet format: Packet : Header, data and frame check sequence. Packet width is 8 bits and the length of the packet can be between 4 bytes to 259 bytes. Packet header:

RVM Ethernet sample Packet header contains three fields DA, SA and length.

Specman E Interview Questions

DA: Destination address of the packet. It is 8 bits. The switch drives the packet to respective ports based on this destination address of the packets. SA: Source address of the packet from where it originate. Length: This is the length of the data. It can be from 0 to 255. Data: Data should be in terms of bytes. It can be between 0 to 255 bytes. FCS: This field contains the security check of the packet. It is calculated over the header and data.[9/26/2012 2:35:12 PM]


Configuration: Dut has four output ports. These output ports have to be configure to a address. Dut matches the DA field of the packet with this configured port address and sends the packet on to that port. To configure the dut, a memory interface is provided. The address of the ports should be unique. It is 8 bits wide. Memory address (0,1,2,3) contains the address of port(0,1,2,4) respectively. Interface Specification: The dut has one input Interface, from where the packet enters the dut and 4 output interfaces from where the packet comes out and one memory interface, through the port address can be configured. Memory Interface: Through memory interfaced output port address are configured. It accepts 8 bit data to be written to memory. It has 8 bit address inputs. Address 0,1,2,3 contains the address of the port 0,1,2,3 respectively. If the DA feild in the packet matches with the confugured address of any port ,then the packet comes out of that port. Input Interface: The status signal has to be high when data is when packet is sent on to the dut it has to become low after sending last byte of the packet. 2 clocks gap should be maintained between packets. Output Interface: There are 4 ports, each having data, ready and read signals. When the data is ready to be sent out from the port, dut makes the ready signal high indicating that data is ready to be sent. If the read signal is made high when ready is high, then the data comes out of the data signal.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog


CODE:rtl.v module fifo (clk, Constructs reset, write_enb, Interface read, OOPS data_in, data_out, Randomization empty, Functional Coverage full); Assertion input clk; input reset; DPI input write_enb; UVM Tutorial input read; input [7:0] data_in; VMM Tutorial output [7:0] data_out; OVM Tutorial output empty; output full; Easy Labs : SV wire clk; Easy Labs : UVM wire write_enb; wire read; Easy Labs : OVM wire [7:0] data_in; Easy Labs : VMM reg [7:0] data_out; wire empty; AVM Switch TB wire full; VMM Ethernet sample reg [7:0] ram[0:25]; reg tmp_empty; reg tmp_full; integer write_ptr; Verilog integer read_ptr; Verification always@(negedge reset) Verilog Switch TB begin data_out = 8'b0000_0000; Basic Constructs tmp_empty = 1'b1; tmp_full = 1'b0; write_ptr = 0; OpenVera read_ptr = 0; Constructs end
Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Rtl Top Interface Environment Packet Packet Generator Configuration Driver Reciever Scoreboard
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assign empty = tmp_empty; assign full = tmp_full; always @(posedge clk) begin if ((write_enb == 1'b1) && (tmp_full == 1'b0)) begin ram[write_ptr] = data_in; tmp_empty <= 1'b0; write_ptr = (write_ptr + 1) % 16; if ( read_ptr == write_ptr ) begin tmp_full <= 1'b1; end end if ((read == 1'b1) && (tmp_empty == 1'b0)) begin data_out <= ram[read_ptr]; tmp_full <= 1'b0; read_ptr = (read_ptr + 1) % 16; if ( read_ptr == write_ptr ) begin tmp_empty <= 1'b1;[9/26/2012 2:35:22 PM]


end end end endmodule //fifo module port_fsm (clk, reset, write_enb, ffee, hold, data_status, data_in, data_out, mem0, mem1, mem2, mem3, addr); input clk; input reset; input [7:0] mem0; input [7:0] mem1; input [7:0] mem2; input [7:0] mem3; output[3:0] write_enb; input ffee; input hold; input data_status; input[7:0] data_in; output[7:0] data_out; output [7:0] addr; reg [7:0] data_out; reg [7:0] addr; reg [3:0] write_enb_r; reg fsm_write_enb; reg [3:0] state_r; reg [3:0] state; reg [7:0] parity; reg [7:0] parity_delayed; reg sus_data_in,error; parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter ADDR_WAIT = 4'b0000; DATA_LOAD = 4'b0001; PARITY_LOAD = 4'b0010; HOLD_STATE = 4'b0011; BUSY_STATE = 4'b0100;

always@(negedge reset) begin error = 1'b0; data_out = 8'b0000_0000; addr = 8'b00000000; write_enb_r = 3'b000; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; state_r = 4'b0000; state = 4'b0000; parity = 8'b0000_0000; parity_delayed = 8'b0000_0000; sus_data_in = 1'b0; end assign busy = sus_data_in; always @(data_status) begin : addr_mux if (data_status == 1'b1) begin case (data_in) mem0 : begin write_enb_r[0] = 1'b1; write_enb_r[1] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[2] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[3] = 1'b0;[9/26/2012 2:35:22 PM]


end mem1 : begin write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] end mem2 : begin write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] end

= = = = = = = =

1'b0; 1'b1; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b1; 1'b0;

mem3 : begin write_enb_r[0] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[1] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[2] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[3] = 1'b1; end default :write_enb_r = 3'b000; endcase // $display(" data_inii %d ,mem0 mem3",data_in,mem0,mem1,mem2,mem3); end //if end //addr_mux; always @(posedge clk) begin : fsm_state state_r <= state; end //fsm_state;






always @(state_r or data_status or ffee or hold or data_in) begin : fsm_core state = state_r; //Default state assignment case (state_r) ADDR_WAIT : begin if ((data_status == 1'b1) && ((mem0 == data_in)||(mem1 == data_in)||(mem3 == data_in) ||(mem2 == data_in))) begin if (ffee == 1'b1) begin state = DATA_LOAD; end else begin state = BUSY_STATE; end //if end //if; sus_data_in = !ffee; if ((data_status == 1'b1) && ((mem0 == data_in)||(mem1 == data_in)||(mem3 == data_in) ||(mem2 == data_in)) && (ffee == 1'b1)) begin addr = data_in; data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end //if end // of case ADDR_WAIT PARITY_LOAD : begin state = ADDR_WAIT; data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end // of case PARITY_LOAD DATA_LOAD : begin if ((data_status == 1'b1) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin state = DATA_LOAD; end else if ((data_status == 1'b0) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin state = PARITY_LOAD; end else begin[9/26/2012 2:35:22 PM]


state = HOLD_STATE; end //if sus_data_in = 1'b0; if ((data_status == 1'b1) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else if ((data_status == 1'b0) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end //if end //end of case DATA_LOAD HOLD_STATE : begin if (hold == 1'b1) begin state = HOLD_STATE; end else if ((hold == 1'b0) && (data_status == 1'b0)) begin state = PARITY_LOAD; end else begin state = DATA_LOAD; end //if if (hold == 1'b1) begin sus_data_in = 1'b1; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; data_out = data_in; end //if end //end of case HOLD_STATE BUSY_STATE : begin if (ffee == 1'b0) begin state = BUSY_STATE; end else begin state = DATA_LOAD; end //if if (ffee == 1'b0) begin sus_data_in = 1'b1; end else begin addr = data_in; // hans data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end //if end //end of case BUSY_STATE endcase end //fsm_core assign write_enb[0] assign write_enb[1] assign write_enb[2] assign write_enb[3] = = = = write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb;

endmodule //port_fsm module switch (clk, reset, data_status, data, port0, port1, port2, port3, ready_0, ready_1, ready_2, ready_3, read_0,[9/26/2012 2:35:22 PM]


read_1, read_2, read_3, mem_en, mem_rd_wr, mem_add, mem_data); input clk; input reset; input data_status; input [7:0] data; input mem_en; input mem_rd_wr; input [1:0] mem_add; input [7:0] mem_data; output [7:0] port0; output [7:0] port1; output [7:0] port2; output [7:0] port3; output ready_0; output ready_1; output ready_2; output ready_3; input read_0; input read_1; input read_2; input read_3; wire [7:0] data_out_0; wire [7:0] data_out_1; wire [7:0] data_out_2; wire [7:0] data_out_3; wire ll0; wire ll1; wire ll2; wire ll3; wire empty_0; wire empty_1; wire empty_2; wire empty_3; wire ffee; wire ffee0; wire ffee1; wire ffee2; wire ffee3; wire ld0; wire ld1; wire ld2; wire ld3; wire hold; wire [3:0] write_enb; wire [7:0] data_out_fsm; wire [7:0] addr; reg [7:0]mem[3:0]; wire reset; fifo queue_0 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[0]), .read (read_0), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_0), .empty (empty_0), .full (ll0)); fifo queue_1 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[1]), .read (read_1), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_1), .empty (empty_1), .full (ll1)); fifo queue_2 (.clk (clk),[9/26/2012 2:35:22 PM]


.reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[2]), .read (read_2), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_2), .empty (empty_2), .full (ll2)); fifo queue_3 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[3]), .read (read_3), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_3), .empty (empty_3), .full (ll3));

port_fsm in_port (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb), .ffee (ffee), .hold (hold), .data_status (data_status), .data_in (data), .data_out (data_out_fsm), .mem0 (mem[0]), .mem1 (mem[1]), .mem2 (mem[2]), .mem3 (mem[3]), .addr (addr)); assign port0 = data_out_0; //make note assignment only for //consistency with vlog env assign port1 = data_out_1; assign port2 = data_out_2; assign port3 = data_out_3; assign ready_0 = assign ready_1 = assign ready_2 = assign ready_3 = assign ffee0 = assign ffee1 = assign ffee2 = assign ffee3 = ~empty_0; ~empty_1; ~empty_2; ~empty_3; | | | | ( ( ( ( addr addr addr addr != != != != mem[0])); mem[1])); mem[2])); mem[3]));

(empty_0 (empty_1 (empty_2 (empty_3

assign ffee = ffee0 & ffee1 & ffee2 & ffee3; assign ld0 assign ld1 assign ld2 assign ld3 = = = = (ll0 (ll1 (ll2 (ll3 & (addr & (addr & (addr & (addr == == == == mem[0])); mem[1])); mem[2])); mem[3]));

assign hold = ld0 | ld1 | ld2 | ld3; always@(posedge clk) begin if(mem_en) if(mem_rd_wr) begin mem[mem_add]=mem_data; ///$display("%d %d %d %d %d",mem_add,mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); end end endmodule //router



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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Verilog Top Rtl Top level module containts the design and testbench instance. Top module also Top contains clock generator. There is no need to instantiate the top module. Testbench Interface and dut instances are connected using interface instance. Make an instance of env Environment Packet class and creat it. Call the do_test() method which starts the testbench components. Packet Generator Configuration Driver Reciever Scoreboard


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

CODE: top.v `include "" module top(); // Make an instance of SystemVerilog interface. switch_if intf();

Constructs Switch TB

//As the RTL is in verilog and the SV Interface ports are not used,Connect signals by signal names RVM Ethernet sample switch switch1 (.clk (intf.clock), .reset (intf.reset), .data_status (intf.data_status), .data (intf.data_in), Specman E .port0 (intf.data_out[0]), Interview Questions .port1 (intf.data_out[1]), .port2 (intf.data_out[2]), .port3 (intf.data_out[3]), .ready_0 (intf.ready[0]), .ready_1 (intf.ready[1]), .ready_2 (intf.ready[2]), .ready_3 (intf.ready[3]), .read_0 ([0]), .read_1 ([1]), .read_2 ([2]), .read_3 ([3]),
RVM Switch TB[9/26/2012 2:35:32 PM]


.mem_en .mem_rd_wr .mem_add .mem_data

(intf.mem_en), (intf.mem_rd_wr), (intf.mem_add), (intf.mem_data));

// Creat a clock generator. initial begin intf.clock = 0; #10; forever begin #5 intf.clock = !intf.clock; end end // Make an instance of testbench env sw_env env; initial begin @(posedge intf.clock); // Pass the interface to testbench environment. env = new(intf); //Call do_test task. extecution of the testbench starts. env.do_test; $finish; end endmodule //top




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Creat an interface .Define modport to specifies direction. These are used to connect Rtl Top testbench environment and dut in top module. Interface Environment CODE:interface Packet `ifndef INTF Packet Generator `define INTF Configuration Driver interface switch_if(); Reciever bit data_status; Scoreboard bit [7:0] data_in; wire [3:0][7:0] data_out; Report a Bug or Comment wire [3:0] ready; on This section - Your bit [3:0] read; input is what keeps bit [7:0] mem_data; improving bit [1:0] mem_add; with time! bit reset; bit mem_en; bit mem_rd_wr; bit clock;


modport TB( output data_status, output data_in, AVM Switch TB input data_out, VMM Ethernet sample input ready, output read, output mem_data, output mem_add, Verilog output reset, Verification output mem_en, Verilog Switch TB output mem_rd_wr ); Basic Constructs OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

endinterface:switch_if `endif

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Environment is extended class of avm_env. Environment holds all the instancess of Rtl Top avm_verification_component and fifos for connections. Interface Environment Packet Packet Generator import avm_pkg::*; Configuration Driver Reciever `include "" Scoreboard `include "" `include "" Report a Bug or Comment `include "" on This section - Your `include ""


class sw_env extends avm_env; // channels and interface local virtual switch_if intf; tlm_fifo#(packet) gen2drv; tlm_fifo#(packet) drv2sb; tlm_fifo#(packet) rcv2sb; // specific components local Configuration cfg; local driver drvr; local reciever rcvr_0; local reciever rcvr_1; local reciever rcvr_2; local reciever rcvr_3; local scoreboard sb; local generator gen; local packet pkt; string msg;

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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

function new( virtual switch_if intf ); this.intf = intf; cfg = new("cfg",intf); pkt = new(); drvr = new("driver",cfg); rcvr_0 = new("reciever_0",0); rcvr_1 = new("reciever_1",1); rcvr_2 = new("reciever_2",2); rcvr_3 = new("reciever_3",3); sb = new(); gen = new(); gen2drv = new(); drv2sb = new(); rcv2sb = new(); endfunction function void connect(); avm_report_message("gen_cfg"," Starting... Gen_cfg \n");

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if (!cfg.randomize()) avm_report_error("gen_cfg","Configuration Randomization Failed!\n"); cfg.display(); avm_report_message("gen_cfg"," Ending.... Gen_cfg \n"); pkt.do_cfg(cfg); // connect all the virtual interfacess. drvr.intf = intf; rcvr_0.intf = intf; rcvr_1.intf = intf; rcvr_2.intf = intf; rcvr_3.intf = intf; // connect all the TLM interfacess gen.put_port = gen2drv.blocking_put_export; drvr.get_port = gen2drv.blocking_get_export; drvr.put_sb = drv2sb.blocking_put_export; rcvr_0.put_sb = rcv2sb.blocking_put_export; sb.drv_port = drv2sb.blocking_get_export; sb.rcv_port = rcv2sb.blocking_get_export; endfunction

task execute; wait(sb.no_rcv_pkt == 10 ); terminate; endtask task terminate; $swrite(msg,"\n\n Total number of packets sent %d, Total no of packet recieved %d\n\n",sb.no_drv_pkt,sb.no_rcv_pkt); avm_report_message("env",msg); endtask endclass




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Packet is inherited from avm_tranction. 3 methods copy,comp and convert2string Rtl definition. convert2string method returns a string which describes the transaction. Top comp method is for determining equality of two objects. clone method returns a Interface Environment handle to a newly allocated copy of this(object). Packet Packet Generator Configuration Driver Reciever `ifndef PKT_CLASS Scoreboard `define PKT_CLASS


//Define the enumerated types for packet payload size type typedef enum { SMALL_P, MEDIUM_P, LARGE_P } payload_size_t ; typedef enum { GOOD_P, BAD_P } packet_kind_t; class packet extends avm_transaction ;

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string msg; byte uid; // Unique id field to identify the packet rand bit [7:0] len; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa;

VMM Ethernet sample rand payload_size_t payload_size;//Control field for the payload size

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

rand byte data[];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand byte parity; static bit [7:0] mem [3:0]; constraint addr_8bit {(da == mem[2]);} == mem[3])||(da == mem[0])||(da == mem[1])||(da

Constructs Switch TB

// Constrain the len according the payload_size control field constraint len_size { RVM Switch TB (payload_size == SMALL_P ) -> len inside { [5 : 6]}; (payload_size == MEDIUM_P ) -> len inside { [7 : 8]}; RVM Ethernet sample (payload_size == LARGE_P ) -> len inside {[9 : 10]}; }
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// Control field for GOOD/BAD rand packet_kind_t packet_kind; // May be assigned either a good or bad value,parity will be calculated in portrandomize constraint parity_type { (packet_kind == GOOD_P ) -> parity == 0; (packet_kind == BAD_P ) -> parity != 0;} // define clone as per avm function packet clone();[9/26/2012 2:35:59 PM]


packet t = new(); t.copy( this ); return t; endfunction function void do_cfg(Configuration cfg); this.mem[0]= cfg.da_port[0]; this.mem[1]= cfg.da_port[1]; this.mem[2]= cfg.da_port[2]; this.mem[3]= cfg.da_port[3]; $swrite(msg," packet new ::%x %x %x %x",mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); avm_report_message("packet",msg); endfunction // as per avm, define convert2string function string convert2string; string psdisplay; int i; $write(psdisplay, "da:0x%h sa:0x%h len:0x%h \n",this.da,,this.len,); for (i = 0; i < this.len; i++) $write(psdisplay, "%s \n", psdisplay,i, data[i]); $write(psdisplay,"%s parity :0x%h \n",psdisplay,this.parity); convert2string = psdisplay; endfunction data[%0d] 0x%h

function void copy(input packet to = null); // Copying to an existing instance. Correct type? if (!$cast(this, to)) begin avm_report_error("packet", "Attempting to copy to a non packet instance"); return; end

this.da = to.da; =; this.len = to.len; = new[to.len]; foreach(data[i]) begin[i] =[i]; end this.parity = to.parity; return; endfunction

//unpacking function for converting recived data to class properties function void unpack(byte bytes[$]); $swrite(msg," bytes size %d",bytes.size()); void'(bytes.pop_front()); da = bytes.pop_front(); sa = bytes.pop_front(); len = bytes.pop_front(); $swrite(msg,"recieved packet::da:0x%h sa:0x%h len:0x%h[9/26/2012 2:35:59 PM]


\n", this.da,, this.len); avm_report_message("packet",msg); data = new [len - 4]; parity = bytes.pop_back(); foreach (data[i]) data[i] = bytes.pop_front(); endfunction function byte parity_cal(); integer i; byte result ; result = result ^ this.da; result = result ^; result = result ^ this.len; for (i = 0;i<this.len;i++) begin result = result ^[i]; end return result; endfunction //post randomize fun to cal parity function void post_randomize(); data = new[len]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = $random(); parity = parity ^ parity_cal(); endfunction function void pre_randomize(); data.delete(); endfunction // define comp a per avm function bit comp(input packet cmp,input packet to); string diff; bit compare; compare = 1; // Assume success by default. diff = "No differences found"; if (!$cast(cmp, to)) begin avm_report_error("packet", "Attempting to compare to a non packet instance"); compare = 0; diff = "Cannot compare non packets";

return compare; end // data types are the same, do comparison: if (to.da != cmp.da) begin $swrite(diff,"Different DA values: %b != %b", to.da, cmp.da); compare = 0; avm_report_error("packet",diff); return compare; end begin $swrite(diff,"Different SA values: %b != %b",,; compare = 0; avm_report_error("packet",diff); return compare; end if (to.len != cmp.len) begin $swrite(diff,"Different LEN values: %b != %b", to.len, cmp.len); compare = 0; avm_report_error("packet",diff); return compare; end foreach(data[i]) if ([i] !=[i]) if ( !=[9/26/2012 2:35:59 PM]


begin $swrite(diff,"Different data[%0d] values: 0x%h 0x%h",i,[i],[i]); compare = 0; avm_report_error("packet",diff); return compare; end if (to.parity != cmp.parity) begin $swrite(diff,"Different PARITY values: %b != %b", to.parity, cmp.parity); compare = 0; avm_report_error("packet",diff); return compare; end return 1; endfunction function int unsigned byte_pack(ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset , input int kind); byte_pack = 0; bytes = new[this.len + 4]; bytes[0] = this.da; bytes[1] =; bytes[2] = this.len; foreach(data[i]) bytes[3+i] = data[i]; bytes[this.len + 3 ] = parity; byte_pack = this.len + 4; endfunction endclass `endif





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Use a class to build packet generator. Make an instance of this class. Packet generator generator generates packets and sends to driver using gen2drv channel. gen2drv is used to connect the packet generator and driver. Packet generator generates the packet and randomizes the packet. Then the packet is put into gen2drv channel. Always check whether the randomization is sucessful and display a message. CODE: class generator extends avm_verification_component; // define tml interface for communication tlm_blocking_put_if#(packet) put_port; task run; packet pkt; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) begin pkt = new();

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Rtl Top Interface Environment Packet Packet Generator Configuration Driver Reciever Scoreboard
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if(!pkt.randomize()) avm_report_error("genarator"," randomiation failed\n"); else VMM Ethernet sample avm_report_message("generator"," randomization done\n"); put_port.put(pkt); end endtask Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Confoguration class is inherited from avm_verification_component. This class Rtl Top genarates addresses to configure the dut 4 output ports. Interface Environment CODE:CFG.SV Packet Packet Generator `ifndef CFG_CLASS Configuration `define CFG_CLASS Driver class Configuration extends avm_verification_component; Reciever rand bit [7:0] da_port [4]; Scoreboard string msg;


Report a Bug or Comment constraint da_ports { (da_port[0] != da_port[1])&&(da_port[1] != da_port[2])&&(da_port[2] != da_port[3 on This section - Your input is what keeps ]);}

virtual function void display(string prefix = "Test Configuration"); $swrite(msg," addresss %x %x \n",da_port[0],da_port[1],da_port[2],da_port[3]); avm_report_message("cfg",msg); endfunction improving with time!



function new(string nm,virtual switch_if intf, avm_named_component p = null);,p); avm_report_message("cfg"," Configuration Created \n"); endfunction task run; endtask endclass `endif

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Driver is a tranctor. It is extension of avm_verification_component. Get the packets Rtl from gen2drv chennel and drive them on to dut interface. Put the packets in to Top Interface drv2sb channel. Environment Packet Packet Generator Configuration class driver extends avm_verification_component; Driver Reciever virtual switch_if intf; Scoreboard string msg; packet pkt; Report a Bug or Comment Configuration cfg;


tlm_blocking_get_if#(packet) get_port; tlm_blocking_put_if#(packet) put_sb; function new(string nm,Configuration cfg); this.cfg = cfg;; endfunction function void connect; endfunction

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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

task run; reset_dut(); cfg_dut(); forever begin get_port.get(pkt); $display("consumer: sendging %s packet\n", pkt.convert2string); drive(pkt); avm_report_message("Driver","Puting packet to score board"); put_sb.put(pkt); @(negedge intf.clock); end endtask task drive(packet pkt); logic [7:0] pack[]; int pkt_len; pkt_len = pkt.byte_pack(pack,0,0); $swrite(this.msg,"Packed packet length %d \n",pkt_len); avm_report_message("Driver",this.msg); @(negedge intf.clock); for (int i=0;i< pkt_len - 1;i++) begin @(negedge intf.clock);

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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intf.data_status <= 1 ; intf.data_in <= pack[i]; end @(negedge intf.clock); intf.data_status <= 0 ; intf.data_in <= pack[pkt_len -1]; @(negedge intf.clock); endtask task reset_dut(); avm_report_message("reset_dut"," Starting... reset_dut \n"); @(negedge intf.clock); avm_report_message("reset_dut"," Starting... reset_dut \n"); intf.data_status <= 0; intf.data_in <= 0; <= 0; intf.mem_data <= 0; intf.mem_add <= 0; intf.reset <= 0; intf.mem_en <= 0; intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; @(negedge intf.clock); #2 intf.reset <= 1; @(negedge intf.clock); #2 intf.reset <= 0; @(negedge intf.clock); @(negedge intf.clock); avm_report_message("reset_dut"," Ending... reset_dut \n"); endtask task cfg_dut() ; avm_report_message("cfg_dut"," Starting... cfg_dut \n"); for(int i = 0;i<4 ;i++) begin intf.mem_en <= 1; @(negedge intf.clock); intf.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(negedge intf.clock); intf.mem_add <= i; intf.mem_data <= cfg.da_port[i]; end @(negedge intf.clock); intf.mem_en <= 0; intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; intf.mem_add <= 0; intf.mem_data <= 0; avm_report_message("cfg_dut"," Ending... cfg_dut \n"); endtask endclass




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification Reciever is a tranctor. Start the collection of packet from dut in the run() task and Rtl Top send them to score_board through rcv2sb channel. Interface Environment Packet Packet Generator class reciever extends avm_verification_component; Configuration static tlm_blocking_put_if#(packet) put_sb; Driver virtual switch_if intf; Reciever int port; Scoreboard string name; function new(string nm, int port); Report a Bug or Comment; on This section - Your =nm; input is what keeps this.port = port; improving endfunction


with time!

task run; byte received_bytes[$] ; packet rcv_pkt,pkt; pkt = new(); forever begin @(posedge (intf.ready[port])); while (intf.ready[port]) begin <= 4'b0001 << port; @(negedge intf.clock); received_bytes.push_back(intf.data_out[port]); end <= 4'h0; pkt.unpack(received_bytes); received_bytes = {}; rcv_pkt = new pkt; put_sb.put(rcv_pkt); end endtask endclass

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Avm Introduction Dut Specification When the packet comes from reciever, the scoreboard gets the expected packet from Rtl Top drv2sb channel and compare them. Interface Environment Packet Packet Generator `ifndef SB_CLASS Configuration `define SB_CLASS Driver Reciever class scoreboard extends avm_verification_component; Scoreboard packet exp_pkt,drv_pkt; Report a Bug or Comment packet exp_que[$]; on This section - Your packet rcv_pkt;


integer no_drv_pkt; integer no_rcv_pkt; string msg; tlm_blocking_get_if#(packet) drv_port; tlm_blocking_get_if#(packet) rcv_port; function new( );"Scoreboard"); no_drv_pkt = 0; no_rcv_pkt = 0; avm_report_message("sb","Scoreboard created"); endfunction task run();

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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

avm_report_message("sb"," STARTED main task "); fork forever OpenVera begin Constructs drv_port.get(drv_pkt); this.no_drv_pkt++; Switch TB $swrite(msg,"Recieved packet no from RVM Switch TB queue%d\n",no_rcv_pkt,exp_que.size()); avm_report_message("sb",msg); RVM Ethernet sample exp_que.push_front(drv_pkt);
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end join_none forever begin rcv_port.get(rcv_pkt); this.no_rcv_pkt++; exp_pkt = exp_que.pop_back(); $swrite(msg,"Recieved packet no %d\n",no_rcv_pkt); avm_report_message("sb",msg); if(rcv_pkt.comp(rcv_pkt,exp_pkt)) avm_report_message("sb"," Packet matched ");[9/26/2012 2:36:42 PM]


else avm_report_error("sb"," Packet mismatch "); end endtask endclass `endif




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Index Introduction Linear Tb SystemVerilog File Io Tb Test Bench Overview Verification State Machine Based Tb Constructs TestBench must verify that the design does everything it is supposed to do and does Task Based Tb not do anything it is not supposed to do. There are different styles of writing Self Checking Testbench Interface testbenchs. These styles are called methodologies. Methodologies states how to verify Verification Flow OOPS Clock Generator complex scenarios to what file name you should use also. Simulation Randomization Incremental Compilation Functional Coverage Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Assertion Time Scale And Precision DPI Stimulus Generation System Function Random UVM Tutorial A Myth VMM Tutorial Race Condition Checker OVM Tutorial Task And Function Easy Labs : SV Process Control Disableing The Block Easy Labs : UVM Watchdog Easy Labs : OVM Compilation N Simulation Easy Labs : VMM Switchs Debugging AVM Switch TB About Code Coverage VMM Ethernet sample Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Verilog Handling Testcase Files Verification Terimination Error Injuction Verilog Switch TB Register Verification Basic Constructs Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression OpenVera Tips TUTORIALS


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM

Linear Testbench: Linear TestBench approach to TestBench creation is especially bad for performance. As this is simplest, fastest and easiest way of writing testbenchs, this became novice verification engineer choice. Small models like simple state machine can be verified with this approach. The following code snippet shows linear testbench. Development time increases exponentially as the number of scenarios increases. It is not possible to list all possible input combinations if the number input vectors increases .Just imagine how many inputs are needed to test simple 32 bit adder. Usually Outputs are checked using waveform viewer. As the number of outputs increases, analysis of all the outputs is nightmare. There is no controllability in this method. To test another scenario like read operation, full test bench need to be coded. The simulator must evaluate and schedule a very large number of events. This reduces simulation performance in proportion to the size of the stimulus process. Linear test bench for a memory model.

initial begin # 10 read_write Easy Labs : OVM # 10 read_write Easy Labs : VMM # 10 read_write # 10 read_write AVM Switch TB # 10 read_write VMM Ethernet sample end Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

= = = = =

1; 1; 1; 1; 1;

address address address address address

= = = = =

100 101 102 103 104

; ; ; ; ;

data data data data data

= = = = =

10; 11; 12; 13; 14;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

File I/O Based Testbench Another way of getting the Stimulus is get the vectors from an external file. The external vector file is generally formatted so that each value in the file represents either a specific input pattern .Verilog HDL contains the $readmemb or $readmemh system tasks to do the file read if the file data is formatted in a specific way using either binary or hexadecimal data. TestBench is like just an interface between external vector source and DUT. Sometimes outputs are also to written to external files. For example, to verify a a dsp algorithm implemented as DUT, get the input vectors from matlab tool and send the outputs to a file and then compare the outputs of the matlab for the same algorithm. Fallowing example illustrates how to initialize a memory array from data stored as hexadecimal values in a data file, Simulate this file directly to see the results. Note: The data file must reside in the same directory as the .v file for the module in this example. EXAMPLE: verilog file module readmemh_demo; reg [31:0] Mem [0:11]; initial $readmemh("data.txt",Mem); integer k; initial begin #10; $display("Contents of Mem after reading data file:"); for (k=0; k<6; k=k+1) $display("%d:%h",k,Mem[k]); end endmodule EXAMPLE: data.txt file 234ac 23ca5 b3c34 23a4a 234ca b3234 RESULT: 0:000234ac 1:00023ca5 2:000b3c34 3:00023a4a 4:000234ca 5:000b3234

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Reading or writing to files during simulation is costly to performance, because the simulator must halt and wait while the OS completes each transaction with the file system. One way to improve performance is to replace ASCII vector files with a constant table in HDL itself. Do this using Perl script.[9/26/2012 2:37:08 PM]

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module readmemh_demo; reg [31:0] Mem [0:11]; `include "data.v" integer k; initial begin #10; $display("Contents of Mem after reading data file:"); for (k=0; k<6; k=k+1) $display("%d:%h",k,Mem[k]); end endmodule EXAMPLE: data.v file initial begin Mem[0] = 32'h234ac; Mem[1] = 32'h23ca5; Mem[2] = 32'hb3c34; Mem[3] = 32'h23a4a; Mem[4] = 32'h234ca; Mem[5] = 32'hb3234; end RESULT: 0:000234ac 1:00023ca5 2:000b3c34 3:00023a4a 4:000234ca 5:000b3234




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage


By definition, a stat machine TestBench used state machine to generate input vector and drive it to the I/O ports of the design. One testbench can have multiple state machines each handling a different functionality. To achieve the quality of verification required by today's complex designs, testbench must be robust. State machine based verification cannot support todays verification needs. A state machine based testbench is hardly seen nowadays.

always@(posedge clk) case(state) Assertion READ : if(i < No_of_reads) begin DPI read_write = 0; UVM Tutorial address = $random; i=i+1; VMM Tutorial end OVM Tutorial else $finish Easy Labs : SV WRITE : if(j < no_of_writes) Easy Labs : UVM begin read_write = 1; Easy Labs : OVM address = $random; Easy Labs : VMM data = $random; j=j+1; AVM Switch TB end VMM Ethernet sample else state = READ ; endcase Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Now lets see how to develop our scenarios: Only 10 write operations, initial begin No_of_reads = 0; No_of_writes = 10; end

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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RVM Ethernet sample Only 10 read operations,

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initial begin No_of_reads = 10; No_of_writes = 0; end With the above style of testbench, the controllability is less and hard to change the code to add new features like to convert the above code to alternate read and write operation, its very difficult.[9/26/2012 2:37:17 PM]

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM

Task And Function Based Tb: Task based verification is more flexible over all the above approaches. All the operations in are done using takes and functions. The task based BFM is extremely efficient if the device under test performs many calculations. Each task or function focuses on one single functionality. Verification of DUT using the task based testbench is faster. Using tasks makes it possible to describe structural testbenchs. These tasks can be ported without much effort. EXAMPLE: task write(input integer data,input integer address); begin @(posedge clock); read_write = 1; address = $random; data = $random; end endtask

task read(input integer address,output integer data); begin @(posedge clock); Easy Labs : VMM read_write = 0; address = $random; AVM Switch TB // Do some operation to get data VMM Ethernet sample end endtask Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Now lets see how to develop the senarious. 1) 10 write operations. initial repeat(10) write($random,$random); 2) 10 read operations initial repeat(10) read($random,data); 3) Alternate read and write operations. initial repeat(10) begin write($random,$random); read($random,data); end 4) Do the write and read the same location. initial begin write(10,20); read (10,data);

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Two important aspects of todays functional verification are quality and re usability. Design engineers have made design reuse to reduce development time and effort in designing an ASIC. Significant design blocks are reused from one project to the next. The lack of flexible verification environments that allow verification components reuse across ASIC design projects keep the verification cost very high. Considering the fact that verification consumes more resources than design does , it would be of great value to build verification components that are modular and reusable. When a design is passing all the tests in the verification environment, it has not been possible to know whether the design under verification is correct, and may be safely tapedout, or whether the verification environment is just incapable of finding any bugs that may still remain in DUT. ADVANTAGES: Speeds up verification and results in early tape out of the chip. Less man power is required, by which the over all cost of the project will be low. Environment can be reusable. Easy tracking of verification progress(functional coverage). Developing self checking testbench is very interesting. Todays functional verification flow mainly contains following steps:

Generate the stimulus vectors. Send the Stimulus to the DUT. VMM Ethernet sample Monitor the response generated by the DUT. Verify the response generated. Generate report about the DUT performance. Some kind of feedback to show the quality of testbench. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

A test-bench is built to functionally verify the design by providing meaningful scenarios to check that given certain input, the design performs to specification. Test bench provides the stimulus to exercise DUT code. A self checking testbench is a intelligent testbench which does some form of output sampling of DUT and compares the sampled output with the expected outputs. A simulation environment is typically composed of several types of components:

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Stimulus Generator: In order to test the model of some design, a verification engineer must apply test patterns to the input ports and observe the output ports over time to decide whether[9/26/2012 2:37:37 PM]

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the inputs were transformed to the expected outputs. The generator component generates input vectors. For simple memory stimulus generator generates read, write operations, address and data to be stored in the address if its write operation. Modern generators generate random, biased, and valid stimuli. In verilog $random does this job. The randomness is important to achieve a high distribution over the huge space of the available input stimuli. To this end, users of these generators intentionally under-specify the requirements for the generated tests. It is the role of the generator to randomly fill this gap. This mechanism allows the generator to create inputs that reveal bugs not being searched for directly by the user. Generators also bias the stimuli toward design corner cases to further stress the logic. Biasing and randomness serve different goals and there are tradeoffs between them, hence different generators have a different mix of these characteristics. Since the input for the design must be valid and many targets should be maintained, many generators use the Constraint Satisfaction Problem technique to solve the complex testing requirements. SystemVerilog, Vera, SystemC and Specman have " constraints " to specify The legality of the design inputs. In verilog ,to constrain the memory address to be between 0 to 63, {$random} % 64 is used. The model-based generators use this model to produce the correct stimuli for the target design. The stimulus generator should be intelligent and easily controllable. Bus Functional Models The Bus Functional Model (BFM) for a device interacts with the DUT by both driving and sampling the DUT signals. A bus functional model is a model that provides a task or procedural interface to specify certain bus operations for a defined bus protocol. For a memory DUT, transactions usually take the form of read and write operations. Bus functional models are easy to use and provide good performance. It has to follow the timing protocol of the DUT interface. BFM describes the functionality and provides a cycle accurate interface to DUT. It models external behavior of the device. For re usability, the implementation of the BFM functionality should be kept as independent of the communication to the BFM as it can be. Driver Driver is a types of BFM. The drivers translate the stimuli produced by the generator into the actual inputs for the design under verification. Generators create inputs at a high level of abstraction; namely, as transactions like read write operation. The drivers convert this input into actual design inputs which is at a low level like bits ,as defined in the specification of the designs interface. If the generator generates read operation, then read task is called, in that, the DUT input pin "read_write" is asserted. Reciver Receiver is also a type of BFM. The output of the DUT is collected. The output of the DUT is available in a low level format. Let<92>s take a packet protocol. The interface has "start of the packet" and "end of packet" signal to indicate the packet arrival. The receiver starts collecting the packet looking at the signal "start of packet" and does this job until "end of the packet". Protocol Monitor: Protocol monitor do not drive any signals, monitor the DUT outputs, identifies all the transactions and report any protocol violations. The monitor converts the state of the design and its outputs to a transaction abstraction level so it can be stored in a 'scoreboards' database to be checked later on. Again let<92>s take a packet protocol. The monitor gets the information from the packet like, length of the packet, address of the packet etc. Scoreboard: Scoreboard is sometimes referred as storage structure. The stimulus generator generated the random vectors. These are derived to the dut. These stimulus are stored in scoreboard until the output comes out of the DUT. When a write operation is[9/26/2012 2:37:37 PM]

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done on a memory with address 101 and data 202,asfter some cycles, if a read is done at address 101,what should be the data?.The score board recorded the address and data when write operation is done. Get the data stored at address of 101 in scoreboard and compare with the output of the DUT in checker. Scoreboard also has expected logic if needed. Take an 2 input and gate. The expect logic does the " and " operation on the two inputs and stores the output. Checker: Checker is part of score board. The checker validates that the contents of the 'scoreboards' are legal. There are cases where the generator creates expected results, in addition to the inputs. In these cases, the checker must validate that the actual results match the expected ones. Coverage: Coverages are of two types, Functional coverage and code coverage. Code coverage is not part of Testbench. Functional Coverage is part of test bench. Functional coverage cannot be done in Verilog. Code Coverage: Code coverage, in short, is all about how thoroughly your tests exercise your code base. The intent of tests, of course, is to verify that your code does what it's expected to, but also to document what the code is expected to do. Taken further, code coverage can be considered as an indirect measure of quality -- indirect because we're talking about the degree to what our tests cover our code, or simply, the quality of tests. In other words, code coverage is not about verifying the end product's quality. Statement coverage: measures the number of statements executed . Branch coverage: measures the expressions and case statements that affect the control flow of the HDL execution Condition coverage: breaks down the condition on the branch into elements that make the result true or false Toggle coverage: counts low-to-high and high-to-low transitions Finite State Machine: state and state transition coverage Functional Coverage: Functional is the metric which shows how much we have verified. It shows how many possible scenarios are possible and how many are covered. Take a memory. If the memory address is 64 byte depth, and if the address is generated randomly, we are not sure that every location is covered. Functional coverages gives report how many address are possible and how may we have covered.




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Index Introduction Linear Tb SystemVerilog File Io Tb Verification of a design usually follows the flow synopsis below. Verification State Machine Based Tb Constructs Task Based Tb Planning: Self Checking Testbench Interface After the preliminary design specification is completed, the first verification phase is Verification Flow OOPS Clock Generator started Verification planning. Simulation Randomization Incremental Compilation Verification planning consists, following main tasks. Functional Coverage Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Assertion 1) Feature extraction from design specification. Time Scale And Precision 2) Listing out Testcases. DPI Stimulus Generation 3) Verification Environment Architecture plan. System Function Random UVM Tutorial A Myth VMM Tutorial Race Condition Feature Extraction: Checker OVM Tutorial Task And Function Extract all the features of the DUT from the design specification. Easy Labs : SV Mainly the features are configuration, Interface protocol, data processing protocol Process Control Disableing The Block Easy Labs : UVM and status communication. Watchdog Categorizing all this features according to where these features are verified. Easy Labs : OVM Compilation N Simulation What are the features covered by random stimulus generation? Easy Labs : VMM Switchs What are the features verifiable by writing separate test cases? Debugging What features assertions can catch? AVM Switch TB About Code Coverage What features the coverage module contains? VMM Ethernet sample Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Verification Environment Architecture Plan: Finding Testsenarious Verilog Verification plan contains the structure of the Verification environment. Based on the Handling Testcase Files Verification Terimination project requirements, following points are considered while Architecture is built. Error Injuction Verilog Switch TB Reusability, Is it a verification IP. What blocks the verification language can support. Register Verification Controllability of the stimulus generation etc. Basic Constructs Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Next phase is to build the Verification environment. Regression Final phase is to verify the DUT using the environment built. OpenVera Tips TUTORIALS


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Clocks are the main synchronizing events to which all other signals are referenced. If the RTL is in verilog, the Clock generator is written in Verilog even if the TestBench is written in other languages like Vera, Specman or SystemC. Clock can be generated many ways. Some testbenchs need more than one clock generator. So testbench need clock with different phases some other need clock generator with jitter. The very first transition of clock at time zero may be perceived as a transition because clock has an unknown value before time zero and gets assigned to a value at time zero. How this time zero clock transition is perceived is simulator dependent, and thus care must be taken. Fallowing examples show simple clock generators with 50% duty cycles. EXAMPLE: initial clk = 0; always #10 clk = ~clk; EXAMPLE: always begin clk = 0; #10; clk = 1; #10; end always begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = ~clk; end Different testbenchs need different clock periods. It is beneficial to use parameters to represent the delays, instead of hard coding them. For example, to generate a clock starting with zero that has a 50% duty cycle, the following code can be used: EXAMPLE: module Tb(); reg clock; integer no_of_clocks; parameter CLOCK_PERIOD = 5; initial no_of_clocks = 0; initial clock = 1'b0; always #(CLOCK_PERIOD/2) clock = ~clock; always@(posedge clock) no_of_clocks = no_of_clocks +1 ; initial begin #50000; $display("End of simulation time is %d , total number of clocks seen is %d expected is %d",$time,no_of_clocks,($time/5)); $finish; end

VMM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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endmodule RESULTS: End of simulation time is 50000 , total number of clocks seen is 12500 expected is 10000 Total number of clocks are 12500 and the expected are 1000.There are 25 % of more clocks than expected. The reason is half clock period is 2 insted of 2.5. Make sure that CLOCK_PERIOD is evenly divided by two. If CLOCK_PERIOD is odd, the reminder is truncated the frequency of the clock generated in not what expected. If integer division is replaced by real division, the result is rounded off according to the specified resolution. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); reg clock; integer no_of_clocks; parameter CLOCK_PERIOD = 5; initial no_of_clocks = 0; initial clock = 1'b0; always #(CLOCK_PERIOD/2.0) clock = ~clock; always@(posedge clock) no_of_clocks = no_of_clocks +1 ; initial begin #50000; $display("End of simulation time is %d , total number of clocks seen is %d expected is %d",$time,no_of_clocks,($time/5)); $finish; end endmodule RESULTS: End of simulation time is 50000 , total number of clocks seen is 8333 expected is 10000 Look at the result, total number of clock seen are 8333, where the rest of the clocks have gone? There is some improvement than earlier example. But the results are not proper. Well that is because of `timeprecision. By default time precision is 1ns/1ns. Half of the clock period is 2.5 . It is rounded of to 3 . So total time period is 6 and resulted 8333 clocks( 50000/6) instead of (50000/5). 2.5 can be rounded to 3 or 2 . LRM is specific about this. So try out this example on your tool. You may see 12500. Timescale And Precision Enlightment: Delay unit is specified using 'timescale, which is declared as `timescale time_unit base / precision base --time_unit is the amount of time a delay of 1 represents. The time unit must be 1 10 or 100 --base is the time base for each unit, ranging from seconds to femtoseconds, and must be: s ms us ns ps or fs --precision and base represent how many decimal points of precision to use relative to the time units. Time precision plays major role in clock generators. For example, to generate a clock with 30% duty cycle and time period 5 ns ,the following code has some error.[9/26/2012 2:37:54 PM]

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EXAMPLE: `timescale 1ns/100ps module Tb(); reg clock; integer no_of_clocks; parameter CLOCK_PERIOD = 5; initial clock = 1'b0; always begin #(CLOCK_PERIOD/3.0) clock = 1'b0; #(CLOCK_PERIOD - CLOCK_PERIOD/3.0) clock = 1'b1; end initial no_of_clocks = 0; always@(posedge clock) no_of_clocks = no_of_clocks +1 ; initial begin #50000; $display(" End of simulation time is %d , total number of clocks seen is %d expected is %d",$time,no_of_clocks,($time/5)); $finish; end endmodule RESULTS: End of simulation time is 50000 , total number of clocks seen is 9999 expected is 10000

Now CLOCK_PERIOD/3.0 is 5/3 which is 1.666. As the time unit is 1.0ns, the delay is 1.666ns. But the precision is 100ps. So 1.666ns is rounded to 1.700ns only. and when (CLOCK_PERIOD - CLOCK_PERIOD/3.0) is done, the delay is 3.300ns instead of 3.333.The over all time period is 5.If the clock generated is implemented without taking proper care, this will be the biggest BUG in testbench. All the above clock generators have hard coded duty cycle. The following example shows the clock generation with parameterizable duty cycle. By changing the duty_cycle parameter, different clocks can be generated. It is beneficial to use parameters to represent the delays, instead of hard coding them. In a single testbench, if more than one clock is needed with different duty cycle, passing duty cycle values to the instances of clock generators is easy than hard coding them. NOTE: Simulation with `timescale 1ns/1ns is faster than `timescale 1ns/10ps A simulation using a `timescale 10ns/10ns and with `timescale 1ns/1ns will take same time. EXAMPLE: parameter parameter parameter parameter reg clk; initial clk = 0; always begin #TCLK_LO; clk = 1'b1; #TCLK_HI; clk = 1'b0; end

CLK_PERIOD = 10; DUTY_CYCLE = 60; //60% duty cycle TCLK_HI = (CLK_PERIOD*DUTY_CYCLE/100); TCLK_LO = (CLK_PERIOD-TCLK_HI);[9/26/2012 2:37:54 PM]

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Make sure that parameter values are properly dividable. The following example demonstrates how the parameter calculations results. A is 3 and when it is divided by 2,the result is 1.If integer division is replaced by real division, the result is rounded off according to the specified resolution. In the following example is result of real number division. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); parameter A = 3; parameter B = A/2; parameter C = A/2.0; initial begin $display(" A is %e ,B is %e ,C is %e ",A,B,C); end endmodule RESULTS: A is 3.000000e+00 ,B is 1.000000e+00 ,C is 1.500000e+00

Often clockgenerators are required to generate clock with jitter.The following is simple way to generate clock with jitter. EXAMPLE: initial clock = 1'b0; always clock = #1 ~clock; jitter = $random() % range; assign jittered_clock = #(jitter) clock; With the above approace,over all clock period is increased. A better approach for clock divider is as follows EXAMPLE: parameter DELAY = TIMEPERIOD/2.0 - range/2.0; initial clock = 1'b0; always begin jitter = $dist_uniform(seed,0,jitter_range); #(DELAY + jitter) clock = ~clock; end Clock dividers and multipliers are needed when more than one clock is needed to be generated from base clock and it should be deterministic. Clock multipliers are simple to design. A simple counter does this job. Clock division is little bit tricky. TO design a lock divider i.e a frequency multiplier, first the time period has to be captured and then it is used to generate another clock. With the following approach, the jitter in the base clock is carried to derived clock. EXAMPLE:Clock multipler with N times multiplication initial i = 0; always @( base_clock ) begin i = i % N; if (i == 0) derived_clock = ~derived_clock; i = i + 1; end EXAMPLE:Clock division with N times division initial begin derived_clock = 1'b0; period = 10; // for initial clock forever derived_clock = #(period/(2N)) ~ derived_clock; end[9/26/2012 2:37:54 PM]

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always@(posedge base_clock) begin T2 = $realtime; period = T2 - T1; T1 = T2; end




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Simulation Steps: Simulation is defined as the process of creating a model (i.e., an abstract representation) of a system in order to identify and understand those factors which control the system and/or to predict (forecast) the future behavior of the system. The simulation model need not reflect any understanding of the underlying technology, and the simulator need not know that the design is intended for any specific technology. The underlying purpose of simulation is to shed light on the underlying mechanisms that control the behavior of a system. More practically, simulation can be used to predict (forecast) the future behavior of a system, and determine what you can do to influence that future behavior. That is, simulation can be used to predict the way in which the system will evolve and respond to its surroundings, so that you can identify any necessary changes that will help make the system perform the way that you want it to. Simulation Eliminates the time-consuming need for constant physical prototyping. Simulation should be performed during ALL stages of ASIC design. Macro Preprocessing: The macro preprocessing step performs textual substitutions of macros defined with compilation by `ifdef and `ifndef statements. Compilation (Analyzer) Checks source code to check syntax and semantic rules. If a syntax or semantic error occurs, then the compiler gives error message. If there are no errors , compilation produces an internal representation for each HDL design unit. Elaboration

VMM Ethernet sample `define statements, textual inclusion with `include statements, and conditional

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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The elaboration process constructs a design hierarchy based on the instantiation and configuration information in the design, establishes signal connectivity . Memory RVM Switch TB storage is allocated for the required signals. The elaboration process creates a RVM Ethernet sample hierarchy of module instances that ends with primitive gates and statements. Optimization: Some tools support optimization at this level. This is optional step. Initialization : Initial values preset in the declarations statement are assigned to signals / variables. Execution Every process is executed until it suspends. Signal values are updated only after the

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process suspends. Simulator accepts simulation commands like (run, assign, watch), which control the simulation of the system and specify the desired simulator output. Simulation ends when all signals have been updated and new values have been assigned to signals. This design hierarchy is stored in a simulation snapshot. The snapshot is the representation of your design that the simulator uses to run the simulation. Simulation Process : When Simulation time is incremented, On receiving Simulation commands, a signal is updated. All processes sensitive to that signal are placed on a Process Execution queue. Each resumed process is executed until it suspends. Effects of the logic changes that have occurred as a result of process execution are evaluated. Simulation time is set to the next event in queue, or halted if simulation time is exhausted.




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Incremental compilation means that the compiler inspects your code, determines which parts of the application are affected by your changes, and only recompiles the newer files. Incremental compilation can help reduce compile time on small applications, but you achieve the biggest gains on larger applications. The default value of the incremental compiler option is true for most tools. While recompiling , Incremental compilation does less work than full recompile. The simulation doesn't show any difference , only the compilation time is reduced. Imagine you are working with hundreds of files and U just changed one file, During full recompilation , all the files are recompiled, where in incremental compilation , only the file which is changed and the files which are dependent on changed files are compiled and linked to the already compiled database.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM


Incremental compilation means that the compiler inspects your code, determines which parts of the application are affected by your changes, and only recompiles the newer files. Incremental compilation can help reduce compile time on small applications, but you achieve the biggest gains on larger applications. The default value of the incremental compiler option is true for most tools. While recompiling , Incremental compilation does less work than full recompile. The simulation doesn't show any difference , only the compilation time is reduced. Imagine you are working with hundreds of files and U just changed one file, During full recompilation , all the files are recompiled, where in incremental compilation , only the file which is changed and the files which are dependent on changed files are compiled and linked to the already compiled database. Save and Restore saves the complete state of the simulator to a file that can be used to restart simulation at the point of the save.

If multiple simulation, have same property for several hours of simulation, then the simulation state can be shared across all the simulation. For example, In System Level verification, it takes more than a day for operating system to boot in RTL, then the Easy Labs : OVM testing scenarios starts. This boot operations in RTL can be saved to a state. Using Easy Labs : VMM this saved state, user can directly start simulation from the saved point. Typically, once a bug is discovered, perhaps hours or days into a simulation, the simulation AVM Switch TB would need to be repeated for hours or days to verify the bug fix. In Verilog, the VMM Ethernet sample simulation state can be saved at any time and restored, to skips hours or days into a simulation and validate a bug fix. This feature not only allows quick verification of bug fixes, but enables much longer simulations by not rerunning previously validated code. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Three system tasks $save, $restart, and $incsave work in conjunction with one another to save the complete state of simulation into a permanent file such that the simulation state can be reloaded at a later time and processing can continue where it left off.

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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$save("file_name"); RVM Switch TB $restart("file_name"); RVM Ethernet sample $incsave("incremental_file_name"); All three system tasks take a file name as a parameter. The file name has to be supplied as a string enclosed in quotation marks. The $save system task saves the complete state into the host operating system file specified as a parameter. The $incsave system task saves only what has changed since the last invocation of $save. It is not possible to do an incremental save on any file other than the one produced by the last $save. The $restart system task restores a previously saved state from a specified file. Restarting from an incremental save is similar to restarting from a full save, except

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that the name of the incremental save file is specified in the restart command. The full save file that the incremental save file was based upon shall still be present, as it is required for a successful restart. If the full save file has been changed in any way since the incremental save was performed, errors will result. Take care while using Pli application . Since PLI application may have some other form of simulation snapshot storage, the simulation tool doesn't have the control on them. $save system task, creates a checkpoint file and PLI tr routines are there to save the PLI snapshot.




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Event Based Simulation Event simulation typically traces every signal transition and continues this until stable state is reached. Simulation based on events in logic, which means, whenever there is change in a input event, the output is evaluated. Means both timing and functional information is available. With this glitches in signal changes can be observed. Event based simulators are slow when compared with cycle based simulators. Cycle Based Simulation Cycles based simulator takes the advantage of the fact that most digital circuits are synchronous in nature. Cycle simulation typically re-evaluates the state of the circuit as a whole, once upon each external trigger, usually without evaluating any intermediate node states. Cycle based simulator is very fast compared to event based simulator. Disadvantage of cycle based simulator are it cannot detect glitches and setup and hold checks cannot be done. In cycle based simulators, delays cannot be specified.

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Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Time Scale And Time Precision: RECAP: Delay unit is specified using 'timescale, which is declared as `timescale time_unit base / precision base --time_unit is the amount of time a delay of #1 represents. The time unit must be 1 10 or 100 --base is the time base for each unit, ranging from seconds to femtoseconds, and must be: s ms us ns ps or fs --precision and base represent how many decimal points of precision to use relative to the time units. For example : `timescale 1 ns / 100 ps means time values to be read as ns and to be rounded to the nearest 100 ps. If timescale is omitted, there is a default time scale. The following examples demonstrate how the time scale and time precision effect $stime, #delay and toggling in waveform. EXAMPLE: `timescale 10ns/10ns module tim(); reg i; initial begin i=0; #7.7212; i=1; $display("STATEMENT 1 :: time is ",$stime); #7.123; $finish; end endmodule module try; time delay_time = 7.721; initial begin $display("STATEMENT 2 :: delay for %0t",delay_time end endmodule RESULTS: STATEMENT 1 :: time is 8 STATEMENT 2 :: delay for 8 reg i toggled at 80 in waveform debugger EXAMPLE: `timescale 10ns/1ns module tim(); );

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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reg i; initial begin i=0; #7.7212; i=1; $display("STATEMENT 1 :: time is ",$stime); #7.123; $finish; end endmodule module try; time delay_time = 7.721; initial begin $display("STATEMENT 2 :: delay for %0t",delay_time end endmodule RESULTS: STATEMENT 1 :: time is 8 STATEMENT 2 :: delay for 80 reg i toggled at 77 waveform debugger EXAMPLE: `timescale 10ns/1ps module tim(); reg i; initial begin i=0; #7.7212; i=1; $display("STATEMENT 1 :: time is ",$stime); #7.123; $finish; end endmodule module try; time delay_time = 7.721; initial begin $display("STATEMENT 2 :: delay for %0t",delay_time end endmodule RESULTS: STATEMENT 1 :: time is 8 STATEMENT 2 :: delay for 80000 reg i toggled at 77.212 in waveform debugger In the timescale statement, the first value is the time unit and the second is the precision for the simulation. So with the time unit, when the simulator displays a value, you just have to multiply the value by this time unit to get the real time. With a 10ns time unit, when a delay of #7.7212, that means that it is 77.212ns delay.


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Now the second one (time precision) specify with which precision time values are rounded. Asking for a 77.212ns delay is possible only with a 1ps precision. That's what you can see with reg i. It toggles at 77ns with a 1ns precision and 77.212 with a 1ps precision. For the STATEMENT 1, $stime returns an integer scaled to timesale unit, that's why results are always 8 which is 7.7212 rounded up to 8. Now for STATEMENT 2, the way %t is printed depends on $timeformat. It seems that in this case, 7.7212 is first rounded to an integer => 8 and then printed according to your time precision. Im not sure of this topic. If some one finds mistake in my understanding, please mail me at

Each module can have separate time scale. The smallest time_precision argument of all the timescale compiler directives in the design determines the precision of the time unit of the simulation. Lets take an example. There are two modules. Module_1 is instance od Module_2. Module_1 has timescale of 1 ns/1ps. Module_2 has time scale of 1ns / 10ps. The smallest resolution is 1ps. This is taken as simulator resolution but each module evaluates according to its precision mentioned. Lets take another example. There are two modules. Module_1 is instance of Module_2. Module_1 does not have any time scale. Module_2 is having time scale of 1ns/100 ps. As there is no time scale for Module_1 ,the simulator takes precision and time unit of 100 ps i.e `timescale 100 ps/100 ps. $Time Vs $Realtime $time round offs the time to nearby integer where as $realtime does not. So when you are using real valued delays, then use $realtime instead of $time , else there may be a misunderstanding during debugging. System Task Printtimescale The $printtimescale system task displays the time unit and precision for a particular module. When no argument is specified, $printtimescale displays the time unit and precision of the module that is the current scope. When an argument is specified, $printtimescale displays the time unit and precision of the module passed to it. EXAMPLE: `timescale 1 ms / 1 us module a_dat; initial $printtimescale(b_dat.c1); endmodule `timescale 10 fs / 1 fs module b_dat; c_dat c1 (); endmodule `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns module c_dat; endmodule RESULTS: Time scale of (b_dat.c1) is 1ns / 1ns System Task Timeformat The $timeformat system task performs the following two functions: 1)It specifies how the %t format specification reports time information for the $write, $display,$strobe, $monitor, $fwrite, $fdisplay, $fstrobe, and $fmonitor group of system tasks.[9/26/2012 2:38:38 PM]

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2)It specifies the time unit for delays entered interactively. The units number argument shall be an integer in the range from 0 to -15. This argument represents the time unit as shown in table

Unit number Time unit Unit number Time unit 0 1 s -8 10 ns -1 100 ms -9 1 ns -2 10 ms -10 100 ps -3 1 ms -11 10 ps -4 100 us -12 1 ps -5 10 us -13 100 fs -6 1 us -14 10 fs -7 100 ns -15 1 fs

Syntax : $timeformat(time unit, precision number, suffix string, and minimum field width); EXAMPLE: `timescale 1 ms / 1 ns module cntrl; initial $timeformat(-9, 5, " ns", 10); endmodule `timescale 1 fs / 1 fs module a1_dat; reg in1; integer file; buf #10000000 (o1,in1); initial begin file = $fopen("a1.dat"); #00000000 $fmonitor(file,"%m: %t in1=%d o1=%h", $realtime,in1,o1); #10000000 in1 = 0; #10000000 in1 = 1; end endmodule RESULTS: a1_dat: 0.00000 ns in1= x o1=x a1_dat: 10.00000 ns in1= 0 o1=x a1_dat: 20.00000 ns in1= 1 o1=0 a1_dat: 30.00000 ns in1= 1 o1=1 EXAMPLE: `timescale 1 ms / 1 ns module cntrl; initial $timeformat(-9, 5, " ns", 10); endmodule `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps module a2_dat; reg in2; integer file2; buf #10000 (o2,in2); initial begin file2=$fopen("a2.dat"); #00000 $fmonitor(file2,"%m: %t in2=%d o2=%h",$realtime,in2,o2); #10000 in2 = 0; #10000 in2 = 1; end endmodule RESULTS:[9/26/2012 2:38:38 PM]

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a2_dat: 0.00000 ns in2=x o2=x a2_dat: 10.00000 ns in2=0 o2=x a2_dat: 20.00000 ns in2=1 o2=0 a2_dat: 30.00000 ns in2=1 o2=1




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Verilog test benches range from simple descriptions signal values to descriptions that test vector files and high level controllable descriptions that use functions or tasks .There are many ways to create input test vectors to test DUT. Hardcoded value is simplest way of creating a test vectors. This I used to do when I was in schooling. As the number of inputs are less, this is comfortable to use. EXAMPLE: module Tb_mem(); reg clock; reg read_write; reg [31:0] data; reg [31:0] address; initial begin clock = 0; forever #10 clock = ~clock; end initial begin @(negedge @(negedge @(negedge @(negedge @(negedge $finish; end

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

clock) clock) clock) clock) clock)

read_write read_write read_write read_write read_write

= = = = =

1 1 1 1 1

; ; ; ; ;

data data data data data

= = = = =

4;address 5;address 6;address 7;address 8;address

= = = = =

1; 2; 3; 4; 5;

initial $monitor($time,"read_write %d;",read_write,data,address); endmodule RESULT: 20read_write 40read_write 60read_write 80read_write = = = = 1 1 1 1 ; ; ; ; data data data data = = = = 4 5 6 7 ; ; ; ;





Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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address address address address

= = = =

1; 2; 3; 4;

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Another way of getting the Stimulus is get the vectors from an external file. The external vector file is generally formatted so that each value in the file represents either a specific input pattern .Verilog HDL contains the $readmemb or $readmemh system tasks to do the file read if the file data is formatted in a specific way using either binary or hexadecimal data. Fallowing example illustrates how to initialize a memory array from data stored as hexadecimal values in a data file, Simulate this file directly to see the results. Note: The data file must reside in the same directory as the .v file for the module in this example.[9/26/2012 2:38:47 PM]

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EXAMPLE: verilog file module readmemh_demo; reg [31:0] Mem [0:11]; initial $readmemh("data.txt",Mem); integer k; initial begin #10; $display("Contents of Mem after reading data file:"); for (k=0; k<6; k=k+1) $display("%d:%h",k,Mem[k]); end endmodule EXAMPLE: data.txt file 234ac 23ca5 b3c34 23a4a 234ca b3234 RESULT: 0:000234ac 1:00023ca5 2:000b3c34 3:00023a4a 4:000234ca 5:000b3234

With the above approach,its not possible to list all the combinations manually if the number of vectors get increases.




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Verilog has system function $random ,which can be used to generate random input vectors. With this approach, we can generate values which we wouldn't have got, if listed manually. In this topic I would like to discuss what natural things happening behind $random and how we use it in different manners. EXAMPLE: module Tb_mem(); reg clock; reg read_write; reg [31:0] data; reg [31:0] address; initial begin clock = 0; forever #10 clock = ~clock; end initial begin repeat(5)@(negedge clock) begin read_write = $random ; data = $random;address = $random; end $finish; end initial $monitor($time,"read_write %d;",read_write,data,address); endmodule RESULT: = %d ; data = %d ; address =

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20read_write 40read_write 60read_write 80read_write

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$random() called. The random number is a signed integer; it can be positive or negative. The following example demonstrates random generation of signed numbers. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer address; initial begin repeat(5) #1 address = $random; end

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= = = =

0 1 1 1

; ; ; ;

data data data data

= = = =

3230228097 ; address = 2223298057; 112818957 ; address = 1189058957; 2302104082 ; address = 15983361; 992211318 ; address = 512609597;

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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initial $monitor("address = %d;",address); endmodule RESULT: address address address address address = = = = = 303379748; -1064739199; -2071669239; -1309649309; 112818957;

We have seen how to generate random numbers. But the numbers range from - (2**32 -1) to 2 **32. Most of the time, the requirement don't need this range. For example, take a memory. The address starts from 0 to some 1k or 1m.Generating a random address which DUT is not supporting is meaningless. In verilog there are no constructs to constraint randomization. Fallowing example demonstrated how to generate random number between 0 to 10.Using % operation, the remainder of any number is always between 0 to 10. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer add_1; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; add_1 = $random % 10; end end initial $monitor("add_1 = %d",add_1); endmodule RESULT: add_1 add_1 add_1 add_1 add_1 = = = = = 8; 4294967287; 4294967295; 9; 9;

OOPS!...... The results are not what is expected. The reason is $random generates negative numbers also. The following example demonstrates proper way of generating a random number between 0 to 10. Concatenation operator returns only bit vector. Bit vectors are unsigned, so the results are correct as we expected. Verilog also has $unsigned systemtask to convert signed numbers to signed number. This can also be used to meet the requirements. The following example shows the usage of concatenation operator and $unsigned. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer add_2; reg [31:0] add_1;[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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integer add_3; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; add_1 = $random % 10; add_2 = {$random} %10 ; add_3 = $unsigned($random) %10 ; end end initial $monitor("add_3 = %d;add_2 = %d;add_1 = %d",add_3,add_2,add_1); endmodule RESULT: add_3 add_3 add_3 add_3 add_3 = = = = = 7;add_2 7;add_2 1;add_2 7;add_2 9;add_2 = = = = = 7;add_1 7;add_1 2;add_1 8;add_1 2;add_1 = = = = = 8 4294967287 4294967295 9 9

The above example shows the generation of numbers from 0 to N.Some specification require the range to start from non Zero number. MIN + {$random} % (MAX - MIN ) will generate random numbers between MIN and MAX. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer add; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; add = 40 + {$random} % (50 - 40) ; $display("add = %d",add); end end endmodule RESULT: add = add = add = add = add = 48 47 47 47 47

Now how to generate a random number between two ranges? The number should be between MIN1 and MAX1 or MIN2 and MAX2.The following example show how to generate this specification. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer add; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; if($random % 2) add = 40 + {$random} % (50 - 40) ; else add = 90 + {$random} % (100 - 90) ;[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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$display("add = %d",add); end end endmodule RESULT: add = add = add = add = add = 97 47 47 42 49

All the random number generates above generate numbers of 32 vector. Not always the requirements are 32 bit .For example, to generate a 5 bit and 45 bit vector random number, the following method can be used. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); reg [4:0] add_1; reg [44:0] add_2; initial begin repeat(5) begin add_1 = $random ; add_2 = {$random,$random}; $display("add_1 = %b,add_2 = %b ",add_1,add_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: add_1 add_1 add_1 add_1 add_1 = = = = = 00100,add_2 00011,add_2 00101,add_2 01101,add_2 01101,add_2 = = = = = 111101000000110000100100001001101011000001001 110110000110101000110110111111001100110001101 100100001001000000000111100111110001100000001 100010111011000011110100011011100110100111101 101111000110001111100111111011110100111111001

Some protocols require a random number which is multiple some number. For example, Ethernet packet is always in multiples of 8bits,and PCIExpress packets are multiples of 4byts .Look at the following example. It generates a random number which is multiple of 3 and 5. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,tmp; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; tmp = {$random} / 3; num_1 = (tmp) * 3; tmp = {$random} / 3; num_2 = (tmp) * 5; $display("num_1 = %d,num_2 = %d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULT: num_1 = 303379746,num_2 = -1064739195 num_1 = -2071669239,num_2 = -1309649305 num_1 = 112818957,num_2 = 1189058955[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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num_1 = -1295874969,num_2 = -1992863210 num_1 = 15983361,num_2 = 114806025 All the above example show that the random numbers are integers only. In verilog there is not special construct to generate a random real number. The following method shows the generation of random real number. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,num_3; real r_num; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $random; num_2 = $random; num_3 = $random; r_num = num_1 + ((10)**(-(num_2)))*(num_3); $display("r_num = %e",r_num); end end endmodule RESULT: r_num r_num r_num r_num r_num = = = = = -2.071669e+03 2641.189059e+013 976361.598336e+01 57645.126096e+02 24589.097015e+0

To generate random real number , system function $bitstoreal can also be used. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); real r_num; initial begin repeat(5) begin #1; r_num = $bitstoreal({$random,$random}); $display("r_num = %e",r_num); end end endmodule RESULTS: r_num r_num r_num r_num r_num = = = = = 1.466745e-221 -6.841798e-287 2.874848e-276 -3.516622e-64 4.531144e-304

If you want more control over randomizing real numbers in terms of sign, exponential and mantissa, use $bitstoreal() as shown in example below. For positive numbers, use sgn = 0 etc. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); reg sgn;[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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reg [10:0] exp; reg [51:0] man; real r_num; initial begin repeat(5) begin sgn = $random; exp = $random; man = $random; r_num = $bitstoreal({sgn,exp,man}); $display("r_num = %e",r_num); end end endmodule RESULTS: r_num r_num r_num r_num r_num = = = = = 3.649952e+193 -1.414950e-73 -3.910319e-149 -4.280878e-196 -4.327791e+273

Sometimes it is required to generate random numbers without repetition. The random numbers should be unique. For example, to generate 10 random numbers b/w 0 to 9 without repetition, the following logic can be used. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,i,j,index; integer arr[9:0]; reg ind[9:0]; reg got; initial begin index=0; for(i=0;i<10;i=i+1) begin arr[i] = i; ind[i] = 1; end for(j = 0;j<10 ;j=j+1) begin got = 0; while(got == 0) begin index = { $random() } % 10; if(ind[index] == 1) begin ind[index] = 0; got = 1; num = arr[index]; end end $write("| num=%2d |",num); end end endmodule RESULT: | num= 8 || num= 7 || num= 5 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 9 || num= 6 || num= 4 || num= 0 || num= 3 |[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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Random number system function has a argument called seed. The seed parameter controls the numbers that $random returns such that different seeds generate different random streams. The seed parameter shall be either a reg, an integer, or a time variable. The seed value should be assigned to this variable prior to calling $random. For each system function, the seed parameter is an in-out parameter; that is, a value is passed to the function and a different value is returned. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin for(j = 0;j<4 ;j=j+1) begin seed = j; $display(" seed is %d",seed); for(i = 0;i < 10; i=i+1) begin num = { $random(seed) } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); end $display(" "); end end endmodule RESULT: seed is 0 | num= 8 || num= 7 || || num= 1 || num= 9 | seed is 1 | num= 8 || num= 8 || || num= 5 || num= 5 | seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | seed is 3 | num= 8 || num= 2 || || num= 3 || num= 9 | num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 5 || num= 2 num= 2 || num= 2 || num= 6 || num= 3 || num= 8 || num= 5 num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7 num= 2 || num= 3 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 1 || num= 4

The $random function has its own implicit variable as seed when the used is not giving explicitly giving seed. The following example shows that seed = 0 and implicit seed are having same sequence. It means that the implicitly taken seed is also 0. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin seed = 0; for(j = 0;j<2 ;j=j+1) begin if(j ==0) $display(" seed is %d",seed); else $display(" No seed is given "); for(i = 0;i < 10; i=i+1) begin if( j == 0) num = { $random(seed) } % 10; else num = { $random() } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); end[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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$display(" "); end end endmodule RESULT: seed is 0 | num= 8 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 5 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 9 | No seed is given | num= 8 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 7 || num= 5 || num= 2 || num= 1 || num= 9 | The system functions shall always return the same value given the same seed. This facilitates debugging by making the operation of the system repeatable. The argument for the seed parameter should be an integer variable that is initialized by the user and only updated by the system function. This ensures the desired distribution is achieved. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin for(j = 0;j<4 ;j=j+1) begin seed = 2; $display(" seed is %d",seed); for(i = 0;i < 10; i=i+1) begin num = { $random(seed) } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); end $display(" "); end end endmodule RESULT: seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | seed is 2 | num= 8 || num= 1 || || num= 1 || num= 6 | num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7 num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7 num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7 num= 0 || num= 5 || num= 0 || num= 8 || num= 6 || num= 7

Seed is inout port. Random number system function returns a random number and also returns a random number to seed inout argument also. The results of the following example demonstrates how the seed value is getting changed. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin seed = 0; for(j = 0;j<10 ;j=j+1) begin num = { $random(seed) } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); $display(" seed is %d ",seed); end[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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end endmodule RESULT: | | | | | | | | | | num= num= num= num= num= num= num= num= num= num= 8 7 7 7 7 7 5 2 1 9 | | | | | | | | | | seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed is is is is is is is is is is -1844104698 1082744015 75814084 837833973 -2034665166 -958425333 851608272 154620049 -2131500770 -2032678137

From the above results we can make a table of seed values and return values of $random. If a seed is taken from the table, then rest of the sequence has to follow sequence in table. Table is as falows for initial seed 0; | num= 8 | seed is -1844104698 | num= 7 | seed is 1082744015 | num= 7 | seed is 75814084 | num= 7 | seed is 837833973 | num= 7 | seed is -2034665166 | num= 7 | seed is -958425333 | num= 5 | seed is 851608272 | num= 2 | seed is 154620049 | num= 1 | seed is -2131500770 | num= 9 | seed is -2032678137 . . . . . table goes on........ In the following example, the seed is 837833973, which is the 4 th seed from the above table. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,i,j; initial begin seed = 837833973; for(j = 0;j<10 ;j=j+1) begin num = { $random(seed) } % 10; $write("| num=%2d |",num); $display(" seed is %d ",seed); end end endmodule RESULTS: | | | | | | | | | num= num= num= num= num= num= num= num= num= 7 7 5 2 1 9 8 7 9 | | | | | | | | | seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed is is is is is is is is is -2034665166 -958425333 851608272 154620049 -2131500770 -2032678137 -1155272804 -1634874387 -153856566[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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| num= 2 | seed is -970066749

From the above example we can come to conclusion that $random is not giving a random number. It is randomizing seed and returning corresponding number for that seed. Total possible seed values are 4294967295. Is it possible for $random to generate all the seeds? . Lets say ,if the seed gets repeated after 10 iterations, then after the 10 iterations, same values are repeated. So $random is circulating inside a chain of 10 numbers. The following example demonstrates how $random misses many seeds. I tried to display the seeds between 0 to 20 in the chain formed by initial seed of 0. Results show that total possible seeds are 4294967295 , and number of seeds possible in seed chain are 4030768279 , so we are missing some seeds. Look at the seeds between 0 to 20. Seed == 1 is missing. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,j; reg [0:31] i; initial begin i = 0; seed = 1; while (seed != 0) begin if(i == 0) seed = 0; i = i + 1; num = $random(seed); if(seed < 20 && seed > 0) $display(" seed is %d after values %d ",seed,i); end $display(" seed is one after this number of random numbers %0d total numbers available are %d",i,{32'hffff_ffff}); end endmodule RESULTS: seed is 10 after values 93137101 seed is 17 after values 307298440 seed is 2 after values 410139893 seed is 12 after values 483530075 seed is 19 after values 592243262 seed is 3 after values 720224974 seed is 11 after values 1342230278 seed is 15 after values 2032553666 seed is 7 after values 2266624778 seed is 13 after values 2362534380 seed is 5 after values 2512466932 seed is 9 after values 2575033104 seed is 16 after values 2988686279 seed is 4 after values 3173376451 seed is 6 after values 3483433473 seed is 8 after values 3547878575 seed is 14 after values 3663208793 seed is 18 after values 3930700709 seed is zero after this number of random numbers 4030768279 available are 4294967295

total numbers

Now I tried to simulate with seed== 1 . Its interesting to know that some how the sequence is able to enter this chain which is formed with seed==0 and there is no seed value 1 in this chain and my simulation hanged. So aborted the simulation and parter results show that the initial seed = 1 with enter the chain formed by seed 0.[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed,j; reg [0:31] i; initial begin i = 0; seed = 0; while (seed != 1) begin if(i == 0) seed = 1; i = i + 1; num = $random(seed); if(seed < 20 && seed > 0) $display(" seed is %d after values %d ",seed,i); end $display(" seed is one after this number of random numbers %0d total numbers available are %d",i,{32'hffff_ffff}); end endmodule RESULTS: seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is 10 after values 357336117 17 after values 571497456 2 after values 674338909 12 after values 747729091 19 after values 856442278 3 after values 984423990 11 after values 1606429294 15 after values 2296752682 7 after values 2530823794 13 after values 2626733396 5 after values 2776665948 9 after values 2839232120 16 after values 3252885295 4 after values 3437575467 6 after values 3747632489 8 after values 3812077591 14 after values 3927407809 18 after values 4194899725 10 after values 357336117 17 after values 571497456 2 after values 674338909 12 after values 747729091 19 after values 856442278 3 after values 984423990

Verilog also has other system functions to generate random numbers. Each of these functions returns a pseudo-random number whose characteristics are described by the function name. Following are the Verilog random number generator system functions: $random $dist_chi_square $dist_erlang $dist_exponential $dist_normal $dist_poisson $dist_t $dist_uniform All parameters to the system functions are integer values. For the exponential , Poisson , chi-square , t , and erlang functions, the parameters mean, degree of freedom, and k_stage must be greater than 0 . $dist_uniform(seed, min, max) is similar to min + {$random(seed)}%(max-min+1),the difference is that in $dist_uniform,the distribution is uniform. $dist_uniform returns a number between min and max. In the $dist_uniform function, the start and end parameters are integer inputs that bound the values returned. The start value should[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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be smaller than the end value. The mean parameter, used by $dist_normal, $dist_exponential, $dist_poisson, and $dist_erlang, is an integer input that causes the average value returned by the function to approach the value specified. The standard deviation parameter used with the $dist_normal function is an integer input that helps determine the shape of the density function. Larger numbers for standard deviation spread the returned values over a wider range. The degree of freedom parameter used with the $dist_chi_square and $dist_t functions is an integer input that helps determine the shape of the density function. Larger numbers spread the returned values over a wider range. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,seed; initial begin seed = 10; repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $dist_uniform(seed,20,25); num_2 = $dist_uniform(seed,50,55); $display("num_1 = %d,num_2 = %d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 20,num_2 23,num_2 22,num_2 25,num_2 23,num_2 = = = = = 50 55 54 51 55

As I discussed $random changes its seed , Lets see whether $dist_uniform is also doing the same. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,seedd,seedr; initial begin seedd = 10; seedr = 10; repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $dist_uniform(seedd,20,25); num_2 = 20 + ({$random(seedr)} % 6); $display("num_1 = %d,num_2 = %d",num_1,num_2,seedd,seedr); end end endmodule RESULTS: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 20,num_2 20,num_2 23,num_2 25,num_2 22,num_2 = = = = = 22,seedd 20,seedd 22,seedd 21,seedd 23,seedd = = = = =




690691 seedr = 690691 460696424 seedr = 460696424 -1571386807 seedr = -1571386807 -291802762 seedr = -291802762 1756551551 seedr = 1756551551

Look at the results... Its interesting to note that $random and $dist_uniform have[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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same seed sequence flow also.

As I mentioned ,$dist_uniform(seed, min, max) is similar to min + {$random(seed)}%(max-min+1). "similar" means they have some common functionality. $dist_uniform is having uniform distribution, $random for that range, is also uniformly distributed. Fallowing example ,demonstrates that $dist_uniform and $random are uniformly distributed. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num,seed; integer num_20,num_21,num_22,num_23,num_24,num_25; initial begin seed = 10; num_20 = 0;num_21 = 0;num_22 = 0;num_23 = 0;num_24 = 0;num_25 =0; repeat(6000) begin num = $dist_uniform(seed,20,25); if(num == 20 ) num_20 = num_20 + 1; if(num == 21) num_21 = num_21 + 1; if(num == 22) num_22 = num_22 + 1; if(num == 23) num_23 = num_23 + 1; if(num == 24) num_24 = num_24 + 1; if(num == 25) num_25 = num_25 + 1; end $display("num_20 = %0d;num_21 = %0d;num_22 = %0d;num_23 = %0d;num_24 = %0d;num_25 = %0d",num_20,num_21,num_22,num_23,num_24,num_25); end endmodule RESULTS: num_20 = 1014;num_21 = 983;num_22 = 946;num_23 = 1023;num_24 = 1014;num_25 = 1020 EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num; integer num_20,num_21,num_22,num_23,num_24,num_25; initial begin seed = 10; num_20 = 0;num_21 = 0;num_22 = 0;num_23 = 0;num_24 = 0;num_25 =0; repeat(6000) begin num = 20 +( {$random() } %6 ); if(num == 20 ) num_20 = num_20 + 1; if(num == 21) num_21 = num_21 + 1; if(num == 22) num_22 = num_22 + 1; if(num == 23) num_23 = num_23 + 1; if(num == 24) num_24 = num_24 + 1;[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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if(num == 25) num_25 = num_25 + 1; end $display("num_20 = %0d;num_21 = %0d;num_22 = %0d;num_23 = %0d;num_24 = %0d;num_25 = %0d",num_20,num_21,num_22,num_23,num_24,num_25); end endmodule RESULTS: num_20 = 996;num_21 = 999;num_22 = 959;num_23 = 996;num_24 = 1002;num_25 = 1048 As I mentioned ,$dist_uniform(seed, min, max) is similar to min + {$random(seed)}%(max-min+1). "similar" means they have some difference. The difference is that they generate different sequence. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num_1,num_2,seedd,seedr; initial begin seedd = 10; seedr = 10; repeat(5) begin #1; num_1 = $dist_uniform(seedd,20,25); num_2 = 20 + ({$random(seedr)} % 6); $display("num_1 = %d,num_2 = %d",num_1,num_2); end end endmodule RESULTS: num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 num_1 = = = = = 20,num_2 20,num_2 23,num_2 25,num_2 22,num_2 = = = = = 22 20 22 21 23

Till now what we have seen is $random has uniform distribution over integer values. It means that distribution should be uniform across all the bits in 32 bit vector also. The following example shows that bits positions 2,3,4,11,12,13 have equal probability of getting 0. For demonstration I showed some indexes only. Try out rest of them and see that results is same for all the bis. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer num; integer num_2,num_3,num_4,num_11,num_12,num_13; initial begin seed = 10; num_2 = 0;num_3 = 0;num_4 = 0;num_11 = 0;num_12 = 0;num_13 =0; repeat(6000) begin num = $random(); if(num[2] == 0 ) num_2 = num_2 + 1; if(num[3] == 0) num_3 = num_3 + 1; if(num[4] == 0) num_4 = num_4 + 1; if(num[11] == 0) num_11 = num_11 + 1;[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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if(num[12] == 0) num_12 = num_12 + 1; if(num[13] == 1) num_13 = num_13 + 1; end $display("num_2 = %0d;num_3 = %0d;num_4 = %0d;num_11 = %0d;num_12 = %0d;num_13 = %0d",num_2,num_3,num_4,num_11,num_12,num_13); end endmodule RESULTS: num_2 = 3012;num_3 = 2964;num_4 = 3065;num_11 = 3001;num_12 = 2964;num_13 = 3025

The distribution is uniform for system function $random. Suppose if the requirement is to generate random numbers for more than one variable, and all the variables should have uniform distribution, then use different seeds for each variable. Otherwise distribution is distributed on all the variables as overall. But for lower bits, the distribution is same as shown in example. EXAMPLE: module Tb(); integer seed; reg [1:0] var_1,var_2,var3,var4; integer num_2,num_3,num_1,num_0; integer cou_2,cou_3,cou_1,cou_0; initial begin seed = 10; num_2 = 0;num_3= 0;num_1= 0;num_0= 0; cou_2= 0;cou_3= 0;cou_1= 0;cou_0= 0; repeat(40000) begin var_1 = $random(); var3 = $random(); var4 = $random(); var_2 = $random(); if(var_1 == 0 ) num_0 = num_0 + if(var_1 == 1 ) num_1 = num_1 + if(var_1 == 2 ) num_2 = num_2 + if(var_1 == 3 ) num_3 = num_3 +

1; 1; 1; 1;

if(var_2 == 0 ) cou_0 = cou_0 + 1; if(var_2 == 1 ) cou_1 = cou_1 + 1; if(var_2 == 2 ) cou_2 = cou_2 + 1; if(var_2 == 3 ) cou_3 = cou_3 + 1; end $display("num_2 = %0d;num_3= %0d;",num_2,num_3,num_1,num_0); $display("cou_2= %0d;cou_3= %0d;",cou_2,cou_3,cou_1,cou_0); end endmodule RESULTS:

%0d;num_1= %0d;cou_1=

%0d;num_0= %0d;cou_0=

num_2 = 9984;num_3= 10059;num_1= 10002;num_0= 9955;[9/26/2012 2:38:57 PM]

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cou_2= 10060;cou_3= 9934;cou_1= 10072;cou_0= 9934;

Use system time as seed, so the same TB simulated at different times have different random sequences and there is more probability of finding bugs. The following is c code useful in PLI to get system time in to verilog. #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> char *get_time_string(int mode24); int get_systime() { time_t seconds; seconds = time (NULL); return seconds; } Verilog 1995, every simulator has its own random number generation algorithm. Verilog 2001 , The standard made that every simulator has to follow same algorithm. So the same random number sequence can seen on different simulators for same seed. Don't expect that the same sequence is generated on all the simulators. They are only following same algorithm. The reason is, race condition. Look at the following example, both the statements num_1 and num_2 are scheduled to execute at same simulation time. The order of execution is not known. Some simulators take num_1 as the first statement to execute and some other num_2 .If the TB is built without any race condition to $random function calls, then the same random sequence can be generated on different simulators. EXAMPLE: initial # 10 num_1 = $random; initial #10 num_2 = $random;




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Verilog is easy to learn because its gives quick results. Although many users are telling that their work is free from race condition. But the fact is race condition is easy to create, to understand, to document but difficult to find. Here we will discuss regarding events which creates the race condition & solution for that. What Is Race Condition? When two expressions are scheduled to execute at same time, and if the order of the execution is not determined, then race condition occurs. EXAMPLE module race(); wire p; reg q; assign p = q; initial begin q = 1; #1 q = 0; $display(p); end endmodule The simulator is correct in displaying either a 1 or a 0. The assignment of 0 to q $display system task or execute the update for p, followed by the $display task. Then guess what can the value of p ? Simulate the above code in your simulator. Then simulate the following code . Statement "assign p = q;" is changed to end of the module. EXAMPLE module race(); wire p; reg q; assign p = q;

VMM Ethernet sample enables an update event for p. The simulator may either continue or execute the

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving with time!

initial begin RVM Switch TB q = 1; #1 q = 0; RVM Ethernet sample $display(p); end endmodule
Specman E Interview Questions

Analyze the effect if I change the order of the assign statement. Why Race Condition? To describe the behavior of electronics hardware at varying levels of abstraction, Verilog HDL has to be a parallel programming language and Verilog simulator and language itself are standard of IEEE, even though there are some nondeterministic events which is not mentioned in IEEE LRM and left it to the simulator algorithm, which causes the race condition. So it is impossible to avoid the race conditions from[9/26/2012 2:39:08 PM]

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the language but we can avoid from coding styles. Look at following code. Is there any race condition? EXAMPLE: initial begin in = 1; out <= in; end Now if you swap these two lines: EXAMPLE initial begin out <= in; in = 1; end Think, is there any race condition created? Here first statement will schedule a non-blocking update for "out" to whatever "in" was set to previously, and then "in" will be set to 1 by the blocking assignment. Any statement whether it is blocking or nonblocking statements in a sequential block (i.e. begin-end block) are guaranteed to execute in the order they appear. So there is no race condition in the above code also. Since it is easy to make the "ordering mistake", one of Verilog coding guidelines is: "Do not mix blocking and nonblocking assignments in the same always block". This creates unnecessary doubt of race condition. When Race Is Visible? Sometimes unexpected output gives clue to search for race. Even if race condition is existing in code, and if the output is correct, then one may not realize that there exists race condition in their code. This type of hidden race conditions may come out during the following situation. When different simulators are used to run the same code. Some times when the new release of the simulator is used. Adding more code to previous code might pop out the previously hidden race. If the order of the files is changed. When using some tool specific options. If the order of the concurrent blocks or concurrent statements is changed.(One example is already discussed in the previous topics) Some simulators have special options which reports where exactly the race condition is exists. Linting tools can also catch race condition. How To Prevent Race Condition? There are many details which is unspecified between simulators. The problem will be realized when you are using different simulators. If you are limited to design guidelines then there is less chance for race condition but if you are using Verilog with all features for Testbench, then it is impossible to avoid. Moreover the language which you are using is parallel but the processor is sequential. So you cant prevent race condition. Types Of Race Condition Here we will see race condition closely.[9/26/2012 2:39:08 PM]

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Types of race condition Write-Write Race: it occurs when same register is written in both the blocks. EXAMPLE: always @(posedge clk) a = 1; always @(posedge clk) a = 5; Here you are seeing that one block is updating value of a while another also. Now which always block should go first. This is nondeterministic in IEEE standard and left that work to the simulator algorithm. Read-Write Race: it occurs when same register is read in one block and writes in another. EXAMPLE: always @(posedge clk) a = 1; always @(posedge clk) b = a; Here you are seeing that in one always block value is assign to a while simultaneously its value is assign to b means a is writing and read parallel. This type of race condition can easily solved by using nonblocking assignment. EXAMPLE always @(posedge clk) a <= 1; always @(posedge clk) b <= a; More Race Example: 1) Function calls EXAMPLE: function incri(); begin pkt_num = pkt_num + 1; end endfunction always @(...) sent_pkt_num = incri(); always @(...) sent_pkt_num_onemore = incri(); 2) Fork join EXAMPLE: fork a =0; b = a; join 3) $random EXAMPLE: always @(...) $display("first Random number is %d",$random()); always @(...)[9/26/2012 2:39:08 PM]

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$display("second Random number is %d",$random()); 4) Clock race EXAMPLE initial clk = 0; always clk = #5 ~clk; If your clock generator is always showing "X" then there is a race condition. There is one more point to be noted in above example. Initial and always starts executes at time zero. 5) Declaration and initial EXAMPLE: reg a = 0; initial a = 1; 6)Testbench DUT race condition. In test bench , if driving is done at posedge and reading in DUT is done at the same time , then there is race. To avoid this, write from the Testbench at negedge or before the posedge of clock. This makes sure that the DUT samples the signal without any race. EXAMPLE: module DUT(); input d; input clock; output q; always @(posedge clock) q = d; endmodule module testbench(); DUT dut_i(d,clk,q); initial begin @(posedge clk) d = 1; @(posedge clock) d = 0; end endmodule The above example has write read race condition. Event Terminology: Every change in value of a net or variable in the circuit being simulated, as the named event, is considered an update event. Processes are sensitive to events. When an update event is executed, all the processes that are sensitive event are evaluated in an arbitrary order. The evaluation of a process is event, known as an evaluation event. well as update to that also an

In addition to events, another key aspect of a simulator is time. The term simulation time is used to refer to the time value maintained by the simulator to model the actual time it would take for the circuit being simulated. The term time is used interchangeably with simulation time in this section. Events can occur at different times. In order to keep track of the events and to make sure they are processed in the correct order, the events are kept on an event queue, ordered by simulation time. Putting an event on the queue is called scheduling an event.[9/26/2012 2:39:08 PM]

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The Stratified Event Queue The Verilog event queue is logically segmented into five different regions. Events are added to any of the five regions but are only removed from the active region. 1) Events that These are the active events. 1.1 evaluation 1.2 evaluation 1.3 evaluation 1.4 evaluation 1.5 evaluation occur at the current simulation time and can be processed in any order. of of of of of blocking assignment. RHS of nonblocking assignment. continuous assignment. primitives I/Os $display or $write

2) Events that occur at the current simulation time, but that shall be processed after all the active events are processed. These are the inactive events. #0 delay statement. 3) Events that have been evaluated during some previous simulation time, but that shall be assigned at this simulation time after all the active and inactive events are processed. These are the nonblocking assign update events. 4) Events that shall be processed after all the active, inactive, and non blocking assign update events are processed. These are the monitor events. $strobe and $monitor 5) Events that occur at some future simulation time. These are the future events. Future events are divided into future inactive events, and future non blocking assignment update events. Example : PLI tasks The processing of all the active events is called a simulation cycle. Determinism This standard guarantees a certain scheduling order. 1) Statements within a begin-end block shall be executed in the order in which they appear in that begin-end block. Execution of statements in a particular begin-end block can be suspended in favor of other processes in the model; however, in no case shall the statements in a begin-end block be executed in any order other than that in which they appear in the source. 2) Non blocking assignments shall be performed in the order the statements were executed. Consider the following example: initial begin a <= 0; a <= 1; end When this block is executed, there will be two events added to the non blocking assign update queue. The previous rule requires that they be entered on the queue in source order; this rule requires that they be taken from the queue and performed in source order as well. Hence, at the end of time step 1, the variable a will be assigned 0 and then 1. Nondeterminism One source of nondeterminism is the fact that active events can be taken off the queue and processed in any order. Another source of nondeterminism is that statements without time-control constructs in behavioral blocks do not have to be executed as one event. Time control statements are the # expression and @ expression constructs. At any time while evaluating a behavioral statement, the simulator may suspend execution and place the partially completed event as a pending active event on the event queue. The effect of this is to allow the interleaving of process execution. Note that the order of interleaved execution is nondeterministic and not under control of the user.[9/26/2012 2:39:08 PM]

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Guideline To Avoid Race Condition (A). Do not mix blocking and nonblocking statements in same block. (B). Do not read and write using blocking statement on same variable.( avoids read write race) (C). Do not initialize at time zero. (D). Do not assign a variable in more than one block.( avoids write-write race) (E). Use assign statement for inout types of ports & do not mix blocking and nonblocking styles of declaration in same block. It is disallow variables assigned in a blocking assignment of a clocked always block being used outside that block and disallow cyclical references that don't go through a non-blocking assignment. It is require all non-blocking assignments to be in a clocked always block. (F). Use blocking statements for combinational design and nonblocking for sequential design. If you want gated outputs from the flops, you put them in continuous assignments or an always block with no clock. Avoid Race Between Testbench And Dut Race condition may occurs between DUT and testbench. Sometimes verification engineers are not allowed to see the DUT, Sometimes they don't even have DUT to verify. Consider the following example. Suppose a testbench is required to wait for a specific response from its DUT. Once it receives the response, at the same simulation time it needs to send a set of stimuli back to the DUT. Most Synchronous DUT works on the posedge of clock. If the Testbench is also taking the same reference, then we may unconditionally end in race condition. So it<92>s better to choose some other event than exactly posedge of cock. Signals are stable after the some delay of posedge of clock. Sampling race condition would be proper if it is done after some delay of posedge of clock. Driving race condition can be avoided if the signal is driven before the posedge of clock, so at posedge of clock ,the DUT samples the stable signal. So engineers prefer to sample and drive on negedge of clock, this is simple and easy to debug in waveform debugger also.




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Protocol Checker Protocol checking is the mechanism we use to verify IO buses functionality. Protocol checkers are created to validate whether or not the DUT is compliant with the bus protocol. It does this by checking the clock-by-clock state of the bus interface, verifying that the DUT drives the bus in accordance to the rules and specifications of the bus protocol. Protocol checker verifies that DUT adheres to the interface protocol and also verifies that the assumptions about the temporal behavior of your inputs is correct. The Protocol checker is responsible for extracting signal information from the DUT and translating it into meaningful events and status information. This information is available to other components. It also supplies information needed for functional coverage. The Protocol checker should never rely on information collected by other components such as the BFM. Typically, the buses that are checked are external buses and may be industry standard buses such as PCI, DDR, I2C or proprietary buses . Protocol checking may occur at a transaction or wire level. Protocol checker does not considered the data, as data has nothing to do with interface. The data processing protocol checking is done in data checker which is generally in scoreboard( or tracker) .

Protocol checks can be divided mainly into 3 categories: 1) Duration checks 2) Condition checks VMM Ethernet sample 3) Temporal or Sequence Checks. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Duration checks are the simplest since they involve a single signal. For example, the "req signal should be high for at least 3 clocks". Data_checker Data checker verifies the correctness of the device output. Data checking is based on comparing the output with the input. The data processing protocol checking is done in data checker which is generally in scoreboard( or tracker) . To do that you must: --Collect the output data from the DUT and parse it. --Match the output to its corresponding input. --Forecast the DUT output by calculating the expected output. --Compare the output to the input and to the expected results. Modularization One of the ways to reduce the amount of work is the ability to leverage components from one environment to the next. The concept of modularization is to break up a complex problem into manageable pieces, which has many benefits including increasing the quality, maintainability, and reusability of the environment. In order to reuse components of one environment to another, it is important to separate functionality into specific entities. This separation allows the work to be distributed to multiple people. Task separation is very similar to and goes hand in hand with modularization. Another benefit of task separation is having different people understanding the functionality.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Index Introduction Linear Tb SystemVerilog File Io Tb Verification Tasks and functions can bu used to in much the same manner but there are some State Machine Based Tb Constructs Task Based Tb important differences that must be noted. Self Checking Testbench Interface Verification Flow OOPS Clock Generator Functions Simulation Randomization Incremental Compilation A function is unable to enable a task however functions can enable other functions. Functional Coverage Store And Restore A function will carry out its required duty in zero simulation time. Event Cycle Simulation Assertion Within a function, no event, delay or timing control statements are permitted. Time Scale And Precision In the invocation of a function there must be at least one argument to be passed. DPI Functions will only return a single value and cannot use either output or inout Stimulus Generation System Function Random UVM Tutorial statements. A Myth Functions are synthesysable. VMM Tutorial Race Condition Disable statements cannot be used. Checker OVM Tutorial Function cannot have nonblocking statements. Task And Function Easy Labs : SV Process Control EXAMPLE:function Disableing The Block Easy Labs : UVM Watchdog module function_calling(a, b,c); Easy Labs : OVM Compilation N Simulation Easy Labs : VMM Switchs input a, b ; Debugging output c; AVM Switch TB About Code Coverage wire c; VMM Ethernet sample Testing Stratigies File Handling function myfunction; Verilog Semaphore input a, b; Finding Testsenarious begin Verilog Handling Testcase Files myfunction = (a+b); Verification Terimination end Error Injuction Verilog Switch TB endfunction Register Verification Basic Constructs Parameterised Macros assign c = myfunction (a,b); White Gray Black Box Regression endmodule OpenVera Tips TUTORIALS


Constructs Switch TB

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your RVM Switch TB input is what keeps improving RVM Ethernet sample Tasks are capable of enabling a function as well as enabling other versions of a Task Tasks also run with a zero simulation however they can if required be executed in a with time!


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non zero simulation time. Tasks are allowed to contain any of these statements. A task is allowed to use zero or more arguments which are of type output, input or inout. A Task is unable to return a value but has the facility to pass multiple values via the output and inout statements. Tasks are not synthesisable. Disable statements can be used. EXAMPLE:task module traffic_lights; reg clock, red, amber, green; parameter on = 1, off = 0, red_tics = 350, amber_tics = 30, green_tics = 200;[9/26/2012 2:39:27 PM]

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initial red = off; initial amber = off; initial green = off; always begin // sequence to control the lights. red = on; // turn red light on light(red, red_tics); // and wait. green = on; // turn green light on light(green, green_tics); // and wait. amber = on; // turn amber light on light(amber, amber_tics); // and wait. end // task to wait for tics positive edge clocks // before turning color light off. task light; output color; input [31:0] tics; begin repeat (tics) @ (posedge clock); color = off; // turn light off. end endtask always begin // waveform for the clock. #100 clock = 0; #100 clock = 1; end endmodule // traffic_lights. Task And Function Queries: Why a function cannot call a task? As functions does not consume time, it can do any operation which does not consume time. Mostly tasks are written which consumes time. So a task call inside a function blocks the further execution of function utile it finished. But it<92>s not true. A function can call task if the task call consumes zero time, but the IEEE LRM doesn't allow. Why tasks are not synthesized? Wrong question! Tasks can be synthesized if it doesn't consume time. Why a function should return a value? There is no strong reason for this in Verilog. This restriction is removed in SystemVerilog. Why a function should have at least one input? There is no strong reason for this in verilog. I think this restriction is not removed fin SystemVerilog. Some requirements where the inputs are taken from the global signal, those functions don<92>t need any input. A work around is to use a dummy input. If you have a better reason, just mail me at Why a task cannot return a value? If tasks can return values, then Lets take a look at the following example. A=f1(B)+f2(C); and f1 and f2 had delays of say 5 and 10? When would B and C be sampled, or global inside f1 and f2 be sampled? How long does then entire statement block? This is going to put programmers in a bad situation. So languages gurus made that tasks can't return . Why a function cannot have delays?[9/26/2012 2:39:27 PM]

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The answer is same as above. But in Open Vera, delays are allowed in function. A function returns a value and therefore can be used as a part of any expression. This does not allow any delay in the function. Why disable statements are not allowed in functions? If disable statement is used in function, it invalids the function and its return value. So disable statements are not allowed in function. Constant Function: Constant function calls are used to support the building of complex calculations of values at elaboration time. A constant function call shall be a function invocation of a constant function local to the calling module where the arguments to the function are constant expressions. EXAMPLE:constant function. module ram_model (address, write, chip_select, data); parameter data_width = 8; parameter ram_depth = 256; localparam adder_width = clogb2(ram_depth); input [adder_width - 1:0] address; input write, chip_select; inout [data_width - 1:0] data; //define the clogb2 function function integer clogb2; input depth; integer i,result; begin for (i = 0; 2 ** i < depth; i = i + 1) result = i + 1; clogb2 = result; end endfunction Reentrant Tasks And Functions: Tasks and functions without the optional keyword automatic are static , with all declared items being statically allocated. These items shall be shared across all uses of the task and functions executing concurrently. Task and functions with the optional keyword automatic are automatic tasks and functions. All items declared inside automatic tasks and functions are allocated dynamically for each invocation. Automatic task items and function items cannot be accessed by hierarchical references. EXAMPLE: module auto_task(); task automatic disp; input integer a; input integer d; begin #(d) $display("%t d is %d a is %d", $time,d,a); end endtask initial #10 disp(10,14); initial #14 disp(23,18); initial #4 disp(11,14); initial #100 $finish; endmodule[9/26/2012 2:39:27 PM]

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RESULTS: 18 d is 14 a is 11 24 d is 14 a is 10 32 d is 18 a is 23 EXAMPLE: module tryfact; // define the function function automatic integer factorial; input [31:0] operand; integer i; if (operand >= 2) factorial = factorial (operand - 1) * operand; else factorial = 1; endfunction // test the function integer result; integer n; initial begin for (n = 0; n <= 7; n = n+1) begin result = factorial(n); $display("%0d factorial=%0d", n, result); end end endmodule // tryfact RESULTS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 factorial=1 factorial=1 factorial=2 factorial=6 factorial=24 factorial=120 factorial=720 factorial=5040




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Index Introduction Linear Tb SystemVerilog Nonblocking Task File Io Tb Verification If there is a delay in a task and when it is called, it blocks the execution flow. Many State Machine Based Tb Constructs times in verification it requires to start a process and continue with the rest of the Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench flow. The following example demonstrated how the task block the execution flow. Interface Verification Flow OOPS Clock Generator EXAMPLE: Simulation Randomization module tb(); Incremental Compilation Functional Coverage Store And Restore initial Event Cycle Simulation Assertion begin Time Scale And Precision blocking_task(); DPI Stimulus Generation #5 $display(" Statement after blocking_task at %t ",$time); System Function Random UVM Tutorial end A Myth VMM Tutorial Race Condition task blocking_task(); Checker OVM Tutorial begin Task And Function #10; Easy Labs : SV Process Control $display(" statement inside blocking task at %t",$time); Disableing The Block Easy Labs : UVM end Watchdog endtask Easy Labs : OVM Compilation N Simulation endmodule Easy Labs : VMM Switchs RESULTS: Debugging AVM Switch TB About Code Coverage statement inside blocking task at 10 VMM Ethernet sample Statement after blocking_task at Testing Stratigies 15 File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Verilog To make the task call does not block the flow, use events as follows. The event Handling Testcase Files Verification Terimination triggers the always block and the task is started. This does not block the flow. Error Injuction Verilog Switch TB Register Verification Basic Constructs Parameterised Macros EXAMPLE: White Gray Black Box module tb(); Regression event e; OpenVera Tips initial Constructs begin Report a Bug or Comment #1 ->e; Switch TB on This section - Your #5 $display(" Statement after blocking_task at %t ",$time); RVM Switch TB input is what keeps #20 $finish; improving end RVM Ethernet sample TUTORIALS


with time!

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always@(e) begin blocking_task(); end task blocking_task(); begin #10; $display(" statement inside blocking task at %t",$time); end endtask endmodule RESULTS[9/26/2012 2:39:37 PM]

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Statement after blocking_task at statement inside blocking task at Fork/Join Recap:

6 11

Fork/join is a parallel block. Statements shall execute concurrently. Delay values for each statement shall be considered relative to the simulation time of entering the block. Delay control can be used to provide time-ordering for assignments Control shall pass out of the block when the last time-ordered statement executes. The timing controls in a fork-join block do not have to be ordered sequentially in time. EXAMPLE: module fork_join(); integer r ; initial fork #50 r = 35; #100 r = 24; #150 r = 00; #200 r = 7; #250 $finish; join initial $monitor("%t , r is %d",$time,r); endmodule RESULTS: 50 , r is 35 100 , r is 24 150 , r is 0 200 , r is 7

As the statements are parallel running, there is race condition between some statements. In the following example, first statement after delay of 50 + 100, r is 24 and in second statement at 150 r is 00. But only the statement which is executed last overrides previous value. EXAMPLE: module fork_join(); integer r ; initial fork begin #50 r = 35; #100 r = 24; end #150 r = 00; #200 r = 7; #250 $finish; join initial $monitor("%t , r is %d",$time,r);[9/26/2012 2:39:37 PM]

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endmodule RESULTS: 50 , r is 35 150 , r is 24 200 , r is 7 Fork/Join None In the fork join, the parent process continues to execute after all the fork/join processes are completed. To continue the parent process concurrently with all the processes spawned by the fork use this trick. This is as simple as above nonblocking task example. Just use fork/join the always block as shown below. EXAMPLE: module tb(); event e; initial begin #1 ->e; #5 $display(" Statement after blocking_task at %t ",$time); #40 $finish; end always@(e) begin fork blocking_task_1(); blocking_task_2(); join end task blocking_task_1(); begin #10; $display(" statement inside blocking task_1 at %t",$time); end endtask task blocking_task_2(); begin #20; $display(" statement inside blocking task_2 at %t",$time); end endtask endmodule RESULTS Statement after blocking_task at statement inside blocking task_1 at statement inside blocking task_2 at Fork/Join Any If you want to continue the parent process after finishing any of the child process, then block the parent process until an event if triggered by the forked threads. EXAMPLE: module tb(); event e,ee; initial begin #1 ->e; @(ee); 6 11 21[9/26/2012 2:39:37 PM]

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$display(" Statement after blocking_task at %t ",$time); #40 $finish; end always@(e) begin fork begin blocking_task_1(); -> ee;end begin blocking_task_2(); -> ee;end join end task blocking_task_1(); begin #10; $display(" statement inside blocking task_1 at %t",$time); end endtask task blocking_task_2(); begin #20; $display(" statement inside blocking task_2 at %t",$time); end endtask endmodule RESULTS statement inside blocking task_1 at Statement after blocking_task at statement inside blocking task_2 at 11 11 21




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Index Introduction Linear Tb SystemVerilog Disable File Io Tb Verification The disable statement stops the execution of a labeled block and skips to the end of State Machine Based Tb Constructs the block. Blocks can be named by adding : block_name after the keyword begin or Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench fork. Named block can only be disabled using disable statement. Interface Verification Flow OOPS Clock Generator This example illustrates how a block disables itself. Simulation Randomization Incremental Compilation EXAMPLE: Functional Coverage Store And Restore begin : block_name Event Cycle Simulation Assertion rega = regb; Time Scale And Precision disable block_name; DPI Stimulus Generation regc = rega; // this assignment will never execute System Function Random UVM Tutorial end A Myth VMM Tutorial Race Condition OVM Tutorial This example shows the disable statement being used as an early return from a task. Checker Task And Function However, a task disabling itself using a disable statement is not a short-hand for the Easy Labs : SV Process Control return statement found in programming languages. Disableing The Block Easy Labs : UVM Watchdog Easy Labs : OVM Compilation N Simulation EXAMPLE: Easy Labs : VMM Switchs task abc(); Debugging begin : name AVM Switch TB About Code Coverage : VMM Ethernet sample Testing Stratigies : File Handling : Verilog Semaphore if( something happened) Finding Testsenarious disable name; Verilog Handling Testcase Files : Verification Terimination : Error Injuction Verilog Switch TB : Register Verification end Basic Constructs Parameterised Macros endtask White Gray Black Box Regression Goto OpenVera Tips Constructs Verilog does not have a goto, but the effect of a forward goto can be acheived as Report a Bug or Comment shown: Switch TB TUTORIALS


RVM Switch TB

EXAMPLE: RVM Ethernet sample begin: name ... if (a) disable name; Specman E ... end Interview Questions Execution will continue with the next statement after the end statement when the disable is executed. Break The break statement as in C can be emulated with disable as shown in the following example: EXAMPLE:

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begin: break for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) begin ... if (exit) disable break; ... end end Continue The continue statement in C causes the current iteration of a loop to be terminated, with execution continuing with the next iteration. To do the same thing in Verilog, you can do this: EXAMPLE: for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) begin: name ... if (abort) disable name; ... end




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A watchdog timer is a piece of code, that can take appropriate action when it judges that a system is no longer executing the correct sequence of code. In this topic ,I will discuss exactly the sort of scenarios a watch dog can detect, and the decision that must be made by watchdog. Generally speaking, a watchdog timer is based on a counter that counts down from some initial value to zero. If the counter reaches, then the appropriate action is take. If the required functionality is archived, watchdog can be disabled.

In software world, in watchdog articles you will see various terms like strobing, stroking etc. In this topic I will use more visual metaphor of man kicking the dog AVM Switch TB periodically-with apologies to animal lovers. If the man stops kicking the dog, the dog VMM Ethernet sample will take advantage of hesitation and bite the man. The man has to take a proper decision for the dog bite. The process of restarting the watchdog timer's counter is sometimes called "kicking the dog.".Bugs in DUT can cause the testbench to hang, if they lead to an infinite loop and creating a deadlock condition. A properly designed Verilog watchdog should catch events that hang the testbench.
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Once your watchdog has bitten ,you have to decide what action to be taken. The testbench will usually assert the error message, other actions are also possible like directly stop simulation or just give a warning in performance tests. In the following example, I have taken a DUT model so its easy to understand than a RTL to demonstrate watchdog. DUT PROTOCOL: DUT has 3 signals.Clock a,b; output b should be 1 within 4 clock cycles after output a became 1.

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips

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the other violated the above rule. The testbench watchdog shows how it caught there two scenarios. EXAMPLE: module DUT(clock,a,b); output a; output b; input clock; reg a,b; initial begin repeat(10)@(posedge clock) a = 0;b = 0;[9/26/2012 2:39:57 PM]

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@(posedge clock) a = 1;b = 0; @(posedge clock) a = 0;b = 0; @(posedge clock) a = 0;b = 0; @(posedge clock) a = 0;b = 1; repeat(10)@(posedge clock) a = 0;b = 0; @(posedge clock) a = 1;b = 0; @(posedge clock) a = 0;b = 0; end endmodule module TB(); wire aa,bb; reg clk; DUT dut(clk,aa,bb); always #5 clk = ~clk; initial #400 $finish; initial begin clk = 0; $display(" TESTBENCH STARTED"); wait(aa == 1) ; watchdog(); wait( aa == 1); watchdog(); end task watchdog(); begin $display(" WATCHDOG : started at %0d ",$time); fork : watch_dog begin wait( bb == 1); $display(" bb is asserted time:%0d",$time); $display(" KICKING THE WATCHDOG "); disable watch_dog; end begin repeat(4)@(negedge clk); $display(" bb is not asserted time:%0d",$time); $display(" WARNING::WATCHDOG BITED "); disable watch_dog; end join end endtask endmodule RESULTS: TESTBENCH STARTED WATCHDOG : started at 105 bb is asserted time:135 KICKING THE WATCHDOG WATCHDOG : started at 245 bb is not asserted time:280 WARNING::WATCHDOG BITED[9/26/2012 2:39:57 PM]

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Statement " disable watch_dog " is the trick hear. If that statement is not there, the statement " wait(b == 1) " is waiting and the simulation goes hang. This watchdog is just giving a warning about bite. You can also assert a ERROR message and call $finish to stop simulation.




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Compilation And Simulation Directives: Conditional Compilation directive switches vs Simulation directive switches Verilog has following conditional compiler directives. `ifdef `else `elsif `endif `ifndef

The `ifdef compiler directive checks for the definition of a text_macro_name. If the text_macro_name is defined, then the lines following the `ifdef directive are included. If the text_macro_name is not defined and an `else directive exists, then OVM Tutorial this source is compiled. The `ifndef compiler directive checks for the definition of a Easy Labs : SV text_macro_name. If the text_macro_name is not defined, then the lines following Easy Labs : UVM the `ifndef directive are included. If the text_macro_name is defined and an `else directive exists, then this source is compiled. If the `elsif directive exists (instead of Easy Labs : OVM the `else) the compiler checks for the definition of the text_macro_name. If the name Easy Labs : VMM exists the lines following the `elsif directive are included. The `elsif directive is equivalent to the compiler directive sequence `else `ifdef ... `endif. This directive AVM Switch TB does not need a corresponding `endif directive. This directive must be preceded by an VMM Ethernet sample `ifdef or `ifndef directive. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

EXAMPLE: module switches();

initial begin `ifdef TYPE_1 $display(" TYPE_1 message "); `else OpenVera `ifdef TYPE_2 Constructs $display(" TYPE_2 message "); `endif Switch TB `endif RVM Switch TB end RVM Ethernet sample endmodule Compile with +define+TYPE_1 Then simulate,result is RESULT: TYPE_1 message Compile with +define+TYPE_2 Then simulate,result is RESULT:

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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TYPE_2 message TYPE_1 and TYPE_2 are called switches. In the above example, When TYPE_1 switch is given, statement " $display(" TYPE_1 message "); " is only compile and statement " $display(" TYPE_2 message "); " is not compiled. Similarly for TYPE_2 switch. It wont take much time to compile this small example. Compilation time is not small for real time verification environment. Compiler takes time for each change of conditional compilation switches. Simulation directives are simple. This is archived by `define macros. The following example demonstrated the same functionality as the above example. EXAMPLE: module switches(); initial begin if($test$plusargs("TYPE_1")) $display(" TYPE_1 message "); else if($test$plusargs("TYPE_2")) $display(" TYPE_2 message "); end endmodule No need to give +define+TYPE_1 or +define+TYPE_2 during compilation Simulate with +TYPE_1 RESULT: TYPE_1 message

Simulate with +TYPE_2 Then simulate,result is RESULT: TYPE_2 message With the above style of programing,we can save recompilation times. This system function searches the list of plusargs (like the $test$plusargs system function) for a user specified plusarg string. The string is specified in the first argument to the system function as either a string or a register which is interpreted as a string. If the string is found, the remainder of the string is converted to the type specified in the user_string and the resulting value stored in the variable provided. If a string is found, the function returns a non-zero integer. If no string is found matching, the function returns the integer value zero and the variable provided is not modified. %d decimal conversion %o octal conversion[9/26/2012 2:40:04 PM]

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%h hexadecimal conversion %b binary conversion %e real exponential conversion %f real decimal conversion %g real decimal or exponential conversion %s string (no conversion) The first string, from the list of plusargs provided to the simuator, which matches the plusarg_string portion of the user_string specified shall be the plusarg string available for conversion. The remainder string of the matching plusarg (the remainder is the part of the plusarg string after the portion which matches the users plusarg_string) shall be converted from a string into the format indicated by the format string and stored in the variable provided. If there is no remaining string, the value stored into the variable shall either be a zero (0) or an empty string value.

Example module valuetest(); integer i; real r; reg [11:0] v; reg [128:0] s; initial begin if($value$plusargs("STRING=%s",s)) $display(" GOT STRING "); if($value$plusargs("INTG=%d",i)) $display(" GOT INTEGER "); if($value$plusargs("REAL=%f",r)) $display(" GOT REAL "); if($value$plusargs("VECTOR=%b",v)) $display(" GOT VECTOR "); $display( " String is %s ",s); $display(" Integer is %d ",i); $display(" Realnum is %f ",r); $display(" Vector is %b ",v); end endmodule Compilation : command filename.v Simulation : command +STRING=rrf +INTG=123 +REAL=1.32 +VECTOR=10101 RESULTS: GOT STRING GOT INTEGER GOT REAL GOT VECTOR String is rrf Integer is 123 Realnum is 1.320000e+00 Vector is 000000010101



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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs. When a the outputs are of the DUT are not what expected, then a bug may be in DUT or sometimes it may be in testbench. Debuggers are software tools which enable the verification and design engineers to monitor the execution of a program, stop it, restart it, run it in interactive mode. The basic steps in debugging are: ----------Recognize that a bug exists Isolate the source of the bug Identify the cause of the bug Determine a fix for the bug Apply the fix and test it

Pass Or Fail At the end of simulation of every test, TEST FAILED or TEST PASSED report should be generated. This is called self checking. Log files and Waveform viewer can help for further debugging if test failed. An error count should be maintained to keep track of number of errors occurred. Simplest way to increment an error counter is using named event.

EXAMPLE: module top(); integer error; Verification event err; Verilog Switch TB //ur testbench logic initial Basic Constructs begin #10; if("There is error ") OpenVera -> error; Constructs #10 if("There is error ") Switch TB -> error; RVM Switch TB #10 if("There is error ") RVM Ethernet sample -> error; // call final block to finish simulation Verilog
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Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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end //Initilize error to 0 initial error = 0; // count number of errors always@(err) error = error +1 ; // final block--to end simulation task finish(); begin[9/26/2012 2:40:13 PM]

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#10; // so delay to make sure that counter increments for the last triggered error. if( error == 0) $dsplay("************ TEST PASSED ***************"); else $dsplay("************ TEST FAILED ***************"); end endtask endmodule

Waveform Viewer: For post process debug, Waveform viewer needs VCD(value change dump) file. A value change dump (VCD) file contains information about value changes on selected variables in the design stored by value change dump system tasks. Two types of VCD files exist: a) Four state: to represent variable changes in 0, 1, x, and z with no strength information. b) Extended: to represent variable changes in all states and strength information. This clause describes how to generate both types of VCD files and their format. The steps involved in creating the four state VCD file are listed below . a) Insert the VCD system tasks in the Verilog source file to define the dump file name and to specify the variables to be dumped. b) Run the simulation. A VCD file is an ASCII file which contains header information, variable definitions, and the value changes for all variables specified in the task calls. Several system tasks can be inserted in the source description to create and control the VCD file. The $dumpfile task shall be used to specify the name of the VCD file. EXAMPLE: initial $dumpfile ("my_dump_file"); $dumpvar //Dump all the variables // Alternately instead of $dumpvar, one could use $dumpvar(1, top) //Dump variables in the top module. $dumpvar(2, top) //Dumps all the variables in module top and 1 level below. Executing the $dumpvars task causes the value change dumping to start at the end of the current simulation time unit. To suspend the dump, the $dumpoff task may be invoked. To resume the dump, the $dumpon task may be invoked. Due to dumping the value changes to a file,there is simulation over head. Not all the time the dumping is required. So controlling mechanism to dump VCD files needs to be implemented. EXAMPLE: `ifdef DUMP_ON $dumpon; `endif[9/26/2012 2:40:13 PM]

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Log File: Log file keeps track of the operation in text format. Using Display system tasks, proper information can be sent to log files. The display group of system tasks are divided into three categories: the display and write tasks, strobed monitoring tasks, and continuous monitoring tasks. These are the main system task routines for displaying information. The two sets of tasks are identical except that $display automatically adds a newline character to the end of its output, whereas the $write task does not. The system task $strobe provides the ability to display simulation data at a selected time. That time is the end of the current simulation time, when all the simulation events that have occurred for that simulation time, just before simulation time is advanced. $monitor displays when any of the arguments values change. Message Control System: Sending message to log file is useful for debugging. But what messages are useful to send and not. Sometimes only few messages are required to send to log file, other times very detailed messages. If the number of messages are more, the simulation time is more. So messaging should be controllable. EXAMPLE: always@(error) begin `ifdef DEBUG $display(" ERROR : at %d ",$time); `endif end With the above approach only one level of controlling is achieved. Messages can be conveyed with wide range of severity levels. Following is the message controlling system I used in my projects. This has 3 levels of controllability and 3 severity levels. Message Severity Levels: Following are the 4 severity levels of messaging: INFO: The messages is used to convey simple information. WARNING: This message conveys that some this is bad but doesn't stop the simulation. ERROR: This messages indicate that some error has occurred. Simulation can be terminated. DEBUG: These messages are for debugging purpose. NOTE: %m prints hierarchy path. EXAMPLE: $display(" $display(" $display(" $display(" INFO : %t : UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR",$time); WARN : %t : UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR",$time); EROR : %t : UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR",$time); DBUG : %t : UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR",$time);

Message Controlling Levels By default ,messages INFO, WARN and EROR are logged. When a special switch is used, Debug messages are logged. This example also removes lot of manly coding. EXAMPLE: `ifndef DEBUG `define SHOW 0 `else `define SHOW 1 `endif `define INFO $write("INFO : %5t :%m:",$time); $display[9/26/2012 2:40:13 PM]

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`define WARN $write("WARN : %5t :%m:",$time); $display `define EROR $write("EROR : %5t :%m:",$time); $display `define DBUG if(`SHOW == 1) $write("DBUG :%m:",$time); if(`SHOW == 1) $display module msg(); initial begin #10; `INFO("UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR"); `WARN("UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR"); `EROR("UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR"); `DBUG("UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR"); end endmodule When compilation is done without +define+DEBUG RESULTS: INFO : 10 :msg:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR WARN : 10 :msg:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR EROR : 10 :msg:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR When compilation is done with +define+DEBUG RESULTS: INFO : 10 :msg:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR WARN : 10 :msg:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR EROR : 10 :msg:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR DBUG : 10 :msg:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR


The above results show that DEBUG messages can be disable if not needed.

With the above approach, the controllability is at compilation level. If the controllability is at simulation level, compilation time can be saved. The following message controlling system has controllability at simulation level. EXAMPLE: `define INFO $write("INFO : %0t :%m:",$time); $display `define WARN $write("WARN : %0t :%m:",$time); $display `define EROR $write("EROR : %0t :%m:",$time); $display `define DBUG if(top.debug == 1) $write("DBUG : %0t :%m:",$time); if(top.debug == 1) $display module top(); reg debug = 0; initial if($test$plusargs("DEBUG")) #0 debug = 1; initial begin #10; `INFO("UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR"); `WARN("UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR"); `EROR("UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR"); `DBUG("UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR"); end endmodule When simulation is done without +DEBUG RESULTS: INFO : 10 :top:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR WARN : 10 :top:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR EROR : 10 :top:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR[9/26/2012 2:40:13 PM]

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When simulation is done with +DEBUG RESULTS: INFO : 10 :top:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR WARN : 10 :top:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR EROR : 10 :top:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR DBUG : 10 :top:UR MESSAGE GOES HEAR Passing Comments To Waveform Debugger This is simple trick and very useful. By passing some comments to waveform, debugging becomes easy. Just declare a string and keep updating the comments. There is no slandered way to pass comments to waveform debugger but some tools have their own methods to do this job. EXAMPLE: module pass_comments(); reg [79 : 0] Comment; // holds 10 characters. reg [7:0] status; initial begin #10 status = 8'b10101010; comment = Preambel; #10 status = 8'b10101011; comment = Startofpkt; end endmodule The reg " Comment " holds string. This strings can be viewed in waveform debugger. $Display N $Strobe According to scheduling semantics of verilog, $display executes before the nonblocking statements update LHS. Therefore if $display contains LHS variable of nonblocking assignment, the results are not proper. The $strobe command shows updated values at the end of the time step after all other commands, including nonblocking assignments, have completed. EXAMPLE: module disp_stro; reg a; initial begin a = 0; a <= 1; $display(" $display a=%b", a); $strobe (" $strobe a=%b", a); #1 $display("#1 $display a=%b", a); #1 $finish; end endmodule RESULTS: $display a=0 $strobe a=1 #1 $display a=1 Who Should Do The Rtl Debugging? One of the important question in debugging is who should do the RTL debugging? Verification engineer or the RTL designer? I personally like to debug the RTL as verification engineer. This is a great opportunity to know RTL methodology. This also improves my understanding ability of RTL. Sometimes test fails because of the Verification environment, before I go and ask RTL designer, I am sure that there is no bug in my environment. By debugging RTL, the bug report is more isolated and designer can fix it sooner. Designer is fast enough to catch[9/26/2012 2:40:13 PM]

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cause of the bug, as he knows more about the RTL then verification engineer. Verification and Designer should sit together and debug the issue, if the bug is in RTL, verification engineer can file the bug, if it is in Testbench, no need to file it.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


To check whether the Testbench has satisfactory exercised the design or not? Coverage is used. It will measure the efficiency of your verification implementation. Code coverage answers the questions like Have all the lines of the DUT has been exercised? Have all the states in the FSM has been entered? Have all the paths within a block have been exercised? Have all the branches in Case have been entered? Have all the conditions in an if statement is simulated? With the above information, verification engineer can plan for more test cases and excursive uncovered areas to find bugs. By default, every tool disables the code coverage. If user enables then only code coverage is done. By enabling the code coverage there is overhead on the simulation and the simulation takes more time. So it is recommended not to enable the code coverage always. Enabling the code coverage during the regression saves user time a lot. Types Of Coverage Implementation of Testbench can be separated by following types of coverage hierarchy. Code Coverage:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

It specifies that how much deep level the design is checked. There are sub parts of the code coverage that will be discussed bellow. Statement Coverage /Line Coverage: This is the easiest understandable type of coverage. This is required to be 100% for every project. From N lines of code and according to the applied stimulus how many statements (lines) are covered in the simulation is measured by statement coverage. Lines like module, endmodule, comments, timescale etc are not covered.

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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always @(posedge clk) RVM Switch TB begin if (a > b) statement 1 RVM Ethernet sample begin y = a and b; statement 2 z = a or b; statement 3 Specman E end if (a < b) Interview Questions begin y = a xor b; z = a xnor b; end if (a == b) begin y = not b; z = a % b; end end[9/26/2012 2:40:22 PM]

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As seen in example those statements only will execute whose condition is satisfied. Statement coverage will only consider those statements. Block/Segment Coverage: The nature of the statement and block coverage looks somewhat same. The difference is that block which is covered by begin-end, if-else or always, those group of statements which is called block counted by the block coverage.

Branch / Decision / Conditional Coverage: Branch coverage will report the true or false of the branch like if-else, case and the ternary operator (? :) statements. In bellow branch of casez, sequences of statements are given. Their execution is depending upon the implementation of stimulus. The default branch in case statement in RTL is not exercised mostly because the Design guidelines insist to mention all the branches of the case statement. case (state) idle : casez (bus_req) 4'b0000 : next = idle; 4'b1??? : next = grant1; 4'b01?? : next = grant2; 4'b001? : next = grant3; 4'b0001 : next = grant4;[9/26/2012 2:40:22 PM]

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default : next = idle; endcase As per the case selectivity list it will check all the statements are reached or not? Path Coverage: Due to conditional statements like if-else, case in the design different path is created which diverts the flow of stimulus to the specific path.

Path coverage is considered to be more complete than branch coverage because it can detect the errors related to the sequence of operations. As mentioned in the above figure path will be decided according to the if-else statement According to the applied stimulus the condition which is satisfied only under those expressions will execute, the path will be diverted according to that. Path coverage is possible in always and function blocks only in RTL. Path created by more than one block is not covered. Analysis of path coverage report is not so easy task. Expression Coverage: It is the ratio of no. of cases checked to the total no. of cases present. Suppose one expression having Boolean expression like AND or OR, so entries which is given to that expression to the total possibilities is called expression coverage. y = (a xor b) + (c xor d);[9/26/2012 2:40:22 PM]

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In above example it analyzes the right and side of the expression and counts how many times it executed. The expression which involves the Boolean expression for that expression coverage will make its truth table with number of times it executed. If any expression is uncovered then table will come with plane line. Toggle Coverage: It makes assures that how many time reg, net and bus toggled? Toggle coverage could be as simple as the ratio of nodes toggled to the total number of nodes. X or Z --> 1 or H X or Z --> 0 or L 1 or H --> X or Z 0 or L --> X or Z

Above example shows the signal changes from one level to another. Toggle coverage will show which signal did not change the state. Toggle coverage will not consider zero-delay glitches. All types of transitions mentioned above are not interested. Only 1->0 and 0->1 are much important. This is very useful in gate level simulation.

Variable Coverage: After the one step of toggle coverage variable coverage comes. Both the coverage looks same but there is a minor different between them is toggle coverage works on gate level but it fail on large quantity. For entity like bus we use variable coverage.

Triggering / Event Coverage: Events are typically associated with the change of a signal. Event coverage checks the process whenever the individual signal inside the sensitivity list changes. EXAMPLE: always @(a or b or c) if ((a & b) | c) x = 1'b 1; else x = 1'b 0; As per the change in above sensitivity list whether the process is triggered or not. Parameter Coverage: It works on the specification which is defined in the design process. If you have implemented 30bit design instead of 32bit, here code coverage check for the functionality while if your design is parameterized then parameter coverage will give error which shows size mismatch. Functional Coverage: It works on the functional part of the stimuli's implementation. Functional coverage will check the overall functionality of the implementation. Verilog does not support[9/26/2012 2:40:22 PM]

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functional coverage. To do functional coverage, Hardware verification languages like SystemVerilog, Specman E or Vera are needed. Fsm Coverage : It is the most complex type of coverage, because it works on the behavior of the design. In this coverage we look for how many times states are visited, transited and how many sequence are covered. Thats the duty of FSM coverage.

State Coverage: It gives the coverage of no. of states visited over the total no. of states. Suppose you have N number of states and state machines transecting is in between only N-2 states then coverage will give alert that some states are uncovered. It is advised that all the states must be covered. Transition Coverage: It will count the no. of transition from one state to another and it will compare it with other total no. of transition. Total no. of transition is nothing but all possible no. of transition which is present in the finite state machine. Possible transition = no. of states * no. of inputs. Sequence Coverage: suppose your finite state machine detects the particular sequences. So there is more than 1 possibilities of sequences through which your desired output can be achieved. So here sequence coverage will check which sequence is covered and which is missed? This is a small and corner problem but stimulus should be such a way that all the possibilities must be covered. Tool Support: Coverage tool should have following features: Capability to merge reports generated by different test cases. Capability to disable specified block,statement,module,signal. A GUI report for easy analysis. Capability to enable or disable any type of coverage. User options for default branch in case statement coverage. Limitation Of Code Coverage: Coverage does not know anything about what design supposed to do. There is no way to find what is missing in the code. It can only tell quality of the implementation. Sometime we get the bug because of the incorrectly written RTL code. If we found that all the lines of the code are used, it doesn't mean that we have tasted all the lines. Sometimes we want the 2nd input of the mux but due to mistake in stimulus if it has taken 1st during that cycle. So whether we got he correct data or not? This cannot tell by coverage. Thats depend on us weather we are feeding correct stimulus or not?[9/26/2012 2:40:22 PM]

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WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Verilog for Verification



TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Function verification approaches can be divided into two categories. Bottom-up and flat approaches. Bottom-Up Bottom-up approach can be done at 4 levels. 1)Unit (Module-level) Level 2)Sub-ASIC (Functional Blocks) Level 3)ASIC Level 4)System Level Unit Level In unit level verification, a module is verified in its own test environment to prove that the logic, control, and data paths are functionally correct. The goal of module level verification is to ensure that the component/unit being tested conforms to its specifications and is ready to be integrated with other subcomponents of the product. In unit level verification good coverage percentage is expected. Sub-Asic Level correct & the units work together to execute the functionality correctly. Sometimes this level can be skipped. Asic Level Asic level verification is the process of verifying the ASIC to see that it meets its specified requirements. ASIC level verification must concentrate on ensuring the use and interaction of ASIC rather than on checking the details of its implementations . System Level

VMM Ethernet sample In sub-asic level ,the goal is to ensure that the interfaces among the units are

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your RVM Switch TB input is what keeps improving RVM Ethernet sample In this ,verification approaches by combining interface models and transaction with time! streams to test the Complete ASIC.


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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial

The system tasks and functions for file-based operations are divided into three categories: Functions and tasks that open and close files Tasks that output values into files Tasks that output values into variables Tasks and functions that read values from files and load into variables or memories Fopen And Fclose $fopen and $fclose

The function $fopen opens the file specified as the filename argument and returns either a 32 bit multi channel descriptor, or a 32 bit file descriptor, determined by the Easy Labs : SV absence or presence of the type argument. Filename is a character string, or a reg containing a character string that names the file to be opened. Easy Labs : UVM The multi channel descriptor mcd is a 32 bit reg in which a single bit is set indicating Easy Labs : OVM which file is opened. The least significant bit (bit 0) of a mcd always refers to the standard output. Output is directed to two or more files opened with multi channel Easy Labs : VMM descriptors by bitwise oring together their mcds and writing to the resultant value. AVM Switch TB The most significant bit (bit 32) of a multi channel descriptor is reserved, and shall VMM Ethernet sample always be cleared, limiting an implementation to at most 31 files opened for output via multi channel descriptors. The file descriptor fd is a 32 bit value. The most significant bit (bit 32) of a fd is reserved, and shall always be set; this allows implementations of the file input and output functions to determine how the file was Verilog opened. The remaining bits hold a small number indicating what file is opened.

EXAMPLE // file open close example Basic Constructs module fopenclose(); integer mcd,number; initial begin OpenVera mcd = $fopen("xyz.txt"); // opening the file Constructs repeat(7) Switch TB begin number = $random ; RVM Switch TB $fdisplay(mcd, " Number is ", number); RVM Ethernet sample end $fclose(mcd); // closing the file end endmodule Specman E
Verilog Switch TB Interview Questions

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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After simulating the above code, file name called "xyz.txt" will be opened in the same directory. In above example you show that file is getting open and closing, so according to that there will be change in value of mcd. EXAMPLE // Display mcd value before and after the opening the file. module fopenclose(); integer mcd,number; initial begin $display("value of mcd before opening the file %b " , mcd);[9/26/2012 2:40:40 PM]

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mcd = $fopen("xyz.txt"); // opening the file $display("value of mcd after opening the file %b " , mcd); repeat(7) begin number = $random ; $fdisplay(mcd, " Number is ", number); end $fclose(mcd); // closing the file end endmodule RESULT value of mcd before opening the file xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx value of mcd after opening the file 00000000000000000000000000000010 Then how can we check that file is closed or not?? In above example its clear that mcd value is changed as file is opened, if we dont close the file than it will be remain in stack. But how will we come to know that file is closed?? That will come after following examples. Fdisplay $fdisplay, $fdisplayb, $fdisplayo, $fdisplayh $display has its own counterparts. Those are $fdisplay, $fdisplayb, $fdisplayo, $fdisplayh. Instead of writing on screen they are writing on the specific file with is pointed by the mcd. $fdisplay write in decimal format, $fdisplay in binary, $fdisplay in octal and $fdisplayh in hex format. so no need to put %d-b-o-h. EXAMPLE // file open close example with all $fdisplay module fopenclose(); integer mcd,number; initial begin mcd = $fopen("temp.txt"); // mcd = multi_channel_descriptor repeat(7) begin number = $random; $fdisplay(mcd, "Number is ", number); end $fclose(mcd); end endmodule RESULT Number Number Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is is is 303379748 -1064739199 -2071669239 -1309649309 112818957 1189058957 -1295874971

EXAMPLE $displayb module fopenclose(); integer mcd,number; initial begin[9/26/2012 2:40:40 PM]

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mcd = $fopen("temp.txt"); // mcd = multi_channel_descriptor repeat(7) begin number = $random; $fdisplayb(mcd, "Number is ", number); end $fclose(mcd); end endmodule RESULT Number Number Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is is is 00010010000101010011010100100100 11000000100010010101111010000001 10000100100001001101011000001001 10110001111100000101011001100011 00000110101110010111101100001101 01000110110111111001100110001101 10110010110000101000010001100101

EXAMPLE c. $displayo module fopenclose(); integer mcd,number; initial begin mcd = $fopen("temp.txt"); // mcd = multi_channel_descriptor repeat(7) begin number = $random; $fdisplayo(mcd, "Number is ", number); end $fclose(mcd); end endmodule RESULT Number Number Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is is is 02205232444 30042257201 20441153011 26174053143 00656275415 10667714615 26260502145

EXAMPLE. $displayh module fopenclose(); integer mcd,number; initial begin mcd = $fopen("temp.txt"); // mcd = multi_channel_descriptor repeat(7) begin number = $random; $fdisplayh(mcd, "Number is ", number); end $fclose(mcd); end endmodule RESULT Number Number Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is is is 12153524 c0895e81 8484d609 b1f05663 06b97b0d 46df998d b2c28465

In below example we will see that how we will come to know that file is closed or not?? so even after closing the file I will try to write in that file, for that it should give error.[9/26/2012 2:40:40 PM]

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EXAMPLE module fopenclose(); integer mcd,number; initial begin $display("value of mcd before opening the file %b " , mcd); mcd = $fopen("xyz.txt"); $display("value of mcd after opening the file %b " , mcd); repeat(7) begin number = $random ; $fdisplay(mcd, " Number is ", number); end $fclose(mcd); $fdisplay("value of mcd after closing the file %b ", mcd); end endmodule RESULT Error during elaboration. Fmonitor $fmonitor, $fstrobeh $fmonitorb, $fmonitoro, $fmonitorh, $fstrobe, $fstrobeb,$fstrobeo,

Like $display; $monitor and $strobe also have counterparts. They also write in decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal. EXAMPLE // file open close example with $fmonitor module monitortask(); integer mcd,number; initial begin #0; mcd = $fopen("abc.txt"); $monitoron; repeat(7) begin #1 number = $random ; end $monitoroff; $fclose(mcd); end initial $fmonitorh(mcd, " Number is ", number); endmodule RESULT Number Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is is 12153524 c0895e81 8484d609 b1f05663 06b97b0d 46df998d

Due to initial-initial race condition we have to put the #0 delay in first initial block and $monitoron-$monitoroff system task, otherwise it is not able to cache the updated value of integer "number" because "number" is updated in active(1st) event while monitor in system task(3rd) event in the event queue. Fwrite $fwrite, $fwriteb, $fwriteo, $fwriteh Like $display; $write also have counterparts. They also write in decimal,binary, octal[9/26/2012 2:40:40 PM]

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and hexadecimal. EXAMPLE // file open close example with $fwrite module writetask(); integer mcd1,mcd2,number,pointer; initial begin $display("value of mcd1 before opening the file %b " $display("value of mcd2 before opening the file %b " mcd1 = $fopen("xyz.txt"); mcd2 = $fopen("pqr.txt"); $display("value of mcd1 after opening the file %b " , $display("value of mcd2 after opening the file %b " , repeat(7) begin pointer = $random; number = $random % 10; $fwriteo(mcd1, " Number is ", number); $fwriteh(mcd2, " Pointer is ", pointer); end $fclose(mcd1); $fclose(mcd2); end endmodule

, mcd1); , mcd2); mcd1); mcd2);

One of the reasons behind writing this example is to show how the integers are getting different value as per the number of files are opened. RESULT value of mcd1 before opening the file xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx value of mcd2 before opening the file xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx value of mcd1 after opening the file 00000000000000000000000000000010 value of mcd2 after opening the file 00000000000000000000000000000100 in file pqr.txt Pointer is 12153524 Pointer is 8484d609 Pointer is 06b97b0d Pointer is b2c28465 Pointer is 00f3e301 Pointer is 3b23f176 Pointer is 76d457ed In file xyz.txt Number is 37777777767 Number is 37777777767 Number is 00000000007 Number is 37777777774 Number is 00000000011 Number is 00000000007 Number is 00000000002 Mcd Simultaneously writing same data to two different file. This example shows how to set up multi channel descriptors. In this example, two different channels are opened using the $fopen function. The two multi channel descriptors that are returned by the function are then combined in a bit-wise or operation and assigned to the integer variable "broadcast". The "broadcast" variable can then be used as the first parameter in a file output task to direct output to all two channels at once. EXAMPLE module writetask(); integer mcd1,mcd2,broadcast,number; initial begin mcd1 = $fopen("lsbbit1.txt"); mcd2 = $fopen("lsbbit2.txt"); broadcast = mcd1 |mcd2 ; repeat(7) begin number = $random; $fdisplayh(broadcast," Number is ", number); end $fclose(mcd1); $fclose(mcd2); end endmodule[9/26/2012 2:40:40 PM]

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RESULT In lsbbit1.txt Number Number Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is is is 12153524 c0895e81 8484d609 b1f05663 06b97b0d 46df998d b2c28465

In lsbbit2.txt Number Number Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is is is 12153524 c0895e81 8484d609 b1f05663 06b97b0d 46df998d b2c28465

To create a descriptor that directs output to the standard output that is monitor screen as well as both the files, the "broadcast" variable is a bit-wise logical or with the constant 1, which effectively writes to both files as well as monitor screen. EXAMPLE module writetask(); integer mcd1,mcd2,broadcast,number; initial begin mcd1 = $fopen("lsbbit1.txt"); mcd2 = $fopen("lsbbit2.txt"); broadcast = 1 | mcd1 | mcd2 ; repeat(7) begin number = $random; $fdisplayh(broadcast," Number is ", number); end $fclose(mcd1); $fclose(mcd2); end endmodule endmodule RESULT Number Number Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is is is 12153524 c0895e81 8484d609 b1f05663 06b97b0d 46df998d b2c28465

Formating Data To String The $swrite family of tasks are based on the $fwrite family of tasks, and accept the same type of arguments as the tasks upon which they are based, with one exception: The first parameter to $swrite shall be a reg variable to which the resulting string shall be written, instead of a variable specifying the file to which to write the resulting string. The system task $sformat is similar to the system task $swrite, with a one major difference. Unlike the display and write family of output system tasks, $sformat always interprets its second argument, and only its second argument as a format string. This format argument can be a static string, such as "data is %d" , or can be a reg variable whose content is interpreted as the format string. No other arguments are interpreted as format strings. $sformat supports all the format specifies supported by $display. EXAMPLE:[9/26/2012 2:40:40 PM]

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$sformat(string, "Formatted %d %x", a, b);




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Semaphore In Verilog A semaphore is a type of Interposes communication resource used for synchronization and mutual exclusion between any two asynchronous processes. A semaphore object is a synchronization object that maintains a count between zero and a specified maximum value. The count is decremented each time a thread completes a wait for the semaphore object and incremented each time a thread releases the semaphore. When the count reaches zero, no more threads can successfully wait for the semaphore object state to become signaled. The state of a semaphore is set to signaled when its count is greater than zero, and non-signaled when its count is zero. The semaphore object is useful in controlling a shared resource that can support a limited number of users. It acts as a gate that limits the number of threads sharing the resource to a specified maximum number. Take an example, Many components in the testbench wants to access the dut memory. But memory has only one interface. So only one can do write and read operation at a time. Using semaphore, we can make sure that only one operation is done at a time. Imagine a home with six persons living. They have only one car. Everyone wants to drive the car. But others plan to make a trip, when some other has gone out with car. The eldest person in home made a rule. Key will be with him. Whoever wants, come to me and get the key. After finishing the job, return the key to him. This way, only one can plan for the trip. EXAMPLE: module sema(); integer keys; initial keys = 1; task get_key(); input integer i; begin if ( keys == 0) begin $display(" KEY IS NOT AVAILABLE : WAITING FOR KEYS : process %d",i); wait(keys == 1); end $display(" GOT THE KEY : GET SET GO :process %d",i); keys = 0; end endtask task put_keys(); input integer i; begin keys = 1 ; $display(" PROCESS %d gave the key back ",i); end endtask initial begin

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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In this home, some of them are not interested to wait until they got the key. So they want tp progress to other works without waiting for keys. The following example shows, if keys are not available, the process don't wait. EXAMPLE: module sema(); integer keys; initial keys = 1; task get_key(); input integer i; begin if ( keys == 0) begin $display(" KEY IS NOT AVAILABLE : WAITING FOR KEYS : process %d",i); wait(keys == 1); end $display(" GOT THE KEY : GET SET GO :process %d",i); keys = 0; end endtask function get_key_dont_wait(); input integer i;[9/26/2012 2:40:48 PM]

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reg got; begin got =0; if ( keys == 0) $display(" KEY IS NOT AVAILABLE : LEAVING WITHOUT WAITING FOR KEYS : process %d",i); else begin $display(" GOT THE KEY : GET SET GO :process %d",i); keys = 0; got = 1; end get_key_dont_wait = got; end endfunction task put_keys(); input integer i; begin keys = 1 ; $display(" PROCESS %d gave the key back ",i); end endtask initial begin # 10 ; get_key(1); repeat(4) # 10 $display(" PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : OTHERS CANT WRITE MESSAGE TO LOG "); put_keys(1); end initial begin # 10 ; if(get_key_dont_wait(2)) begin repeat(4) # 10 $display(" PROCESS 2 GOT KEYS : OTHERS CANT WRITE MESSAGE TO LOG "); put_keys(2); end else $display(" IM not interested to wait "); end endmodule RESULTS: GOT THE KEY : GET SET GO :process 1 KEY IS NOT AVAILABLE : LEAVING WITHOUT WAITING FOR KEYS : process 2 IM not interested to wait PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : OTHERS CANT WRITE MESSAGE TO LOG PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : OTHERS CANT WRITE MESSAGE TO LOG PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : OTHERS CANT WRITE MESSAGE TO LOG PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : OTHERS CANT WRITE MESSAGE TO LOG PROCESS 1 gave the key back

After some days, they got new car to home. Now they have two cars, at once 2 members can go on drive. Looking at the following code. The keys are initialized to 2. Two processes are running at once. EXAMPLE: module sema(); integer keys; initial keys = 2;[9/26/2012 2:40:48 PM]

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task get_key(); input integer i; begin if ( keys == 0) begin $display(" KEY IS NOT AVAILABLE : WAITING FOR KEYS : process %d",i); wait(keys > 0); end $display(" GOT THE KEY : GET SET GO :process %d",i); keys = keys - 1; end endtask function get_key_dont_wait(); input integer i; reg got; begin got =0; if ( keys == 0) $display(" KEY IS NOT AVAILABLE : LEAVING WITHOUT WAITING FOR KEYS : process %d",i); else begin $display(" GOT THE KEY : GET SET GO :process %d",i); keys = keys - 1; got = 1; end get_key_dont_wait = got; end endfunction task put_keys(); input integer i; begin keys = keys + 1 ; $display(" PROCESS %d gave the key back ",i); end endtask initial begin # 10 ; get_key(1); repeat(4) # 10 $display(" PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : IM ALOS RUNNING "); put_keys(1); end initial begin # 10 ; if(get_key_dont_wait(2)) begin repeat(4) # 10 $display(" PROCESS 2 GOT KEYS : IM ALSO RUNNING "); put_keys(2); end else $display(" IM not interested to wait "); end endmodule RESULTS: GOT THE KEY : GET SET GO :process 1 GOT THE KEY : GET SET GO :process 2 PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : IM ALOS RUNNING PROCESS 2 GOT KEYS : IM ALSO RUNNING PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : IM ALOS RUNNING PROCESS 2 GOT KEYS : IM ALSO RUNNING PROCESS 1 GOT KEYS : IM ALOS RUNNING PROCESS 2 GOT KEYS : IM ALSO RUNNING[9/26/2012 2:40:48 PM]

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1 1 2 2

GOT KEYS : IM ALOS RUNNING gave the key back GOT KEYS : IM ALSO RUNNING gave the key back




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Test scenarios can be divided in to following category while implementing @bull test plan. @bull Register Tests @bull Interrupt Tests @bull Interface Tests @bull Protocol Tests @bull Functional Tests @bull Error Tests @bull Golden Tests @bull Performance Tests Register Tests This is complex to build efficiently. These tests requires more advanced planning and architecting . A poorly planned infrastructure is buggy, insufficient, and hard to use. System Tests These tests Verify whether ASIC interacts correctly with other ASICs / ICs correctly in the system. Interrupt Tests These tests Verify how the interrupt logic is working.

VMM Ethernet sample Interface Tests

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

These tests verify the Interface functionality. Functional Tests Contains scenarios related to specific features & combinations of these features. Error Tests Error-oriented testing develops test data by focusing on the presence or absence of errors in DUT. Golden Tests

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your RVM Switch TB Set of well defined test cases executed on a modified code to ensure that changes input is what keeps improving RVM Ethernet sample made to the code haven't adversely affected previously existing functions. These includes register tests, interrupt tests, interface tests, protocol tests, functional tests with time!

& error tests.

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Performance Tests These tests measures how well the product meets its specified performance objectives. Example: bandwidth monitoring.[9/26/2012 2:40:58 PM]

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A test case is a file that describes an input, action, or event and an expected response, to determine if a feature of an application is working correctly. A test case should contain particulars such as test case identifier, test case name, objective, test conditions/setup, input data requirements, steps, and expected results. Note that the process of developing test cases can help find problems in the requirements or design of an application, since it requires completely thinking through the operation of the application. For this reason, it's useful to prepare test cases early in the development cycle if possible. The following example contains testbench environment and has 2 test cases. EXAMPLE: top.v module top(); // DUT instance, clock generator and TB components // some tasks

task write() begin // some logic VMM Ethernet sample end endtask Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

task read() begin // some logic end endtask end EXAMPLE: testcase_1.v // Do 10 write operations

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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RVM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE: testcase_2.v

// Do 10 read operations
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To test first test cases, We have to simulate the contents of top.v file and testcase_1.v file. 1) Take an instance of module TEST in top.v file. Define the module definition in test cases. During compilation just use the following commands for testcase_1.v file comile_command top.v testcase_1.v[9/26/2012 2:41:06 PM]

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for testcase_2.v file comile_command top.v testcase_2.v

EXAMPLE: top.v module top(); // DUT instance, clock generator and TB components // some tasks task write() begin // some logic end endtask task read() begin // some logic end endtask // TEST case instance TEST tst(); end EXAMPLE: testcase_1.v // Do 10 write operations module TEST(); initial repeat(10) top.write(); endmodule EXAMPLE: testcase_2.v // Do 10 read operations module TEST(); initial repeat(10); endmodule 2) use `include test.v file. This needs a small script to copy the testcase file to test file. The compilation command is same. But copy command which copies the testcase to test.v file is different. During compilation just use the following commands for testcase_1.v file cp testcase_1 test.v[9/26/2012 2:41:06 PM]

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comile_command top.v test.v for testcase_2.v file cp testcase_2 test.v comile_command top.v test.v EXAMPLE: top.v module top(); // DUT instance, clock generator and TB components // some tasks task write() begin // some logic end endtask task read() begin // some logic end endtask // incule test.v file `include test.v end EXAMPLE: testcase_1.v // Do 10 write operations initial repeat(10) top.write(); EXAMPLE: testcase_2.v // Do 10 read operations initial repeat(10); 2) With the above two approaches, for each test case, we have to do individual compilation. In this method, compile once and use simulation command to test with individual test case. This needs a small script to convert all the test cases to single intermediate file. compilation command is same. During simulation by giving the test case file name, we can include particular testcase. During compilation just give following command cat testcase_1.v > test.v cat testcase_2.v > test.v compile_command top.v test.v During simulation , for each test case, use run_command +testcase_1 run_coomand +testcase_2 EXAMPLE: top.v module top(); // DUT instance, clock generator and TB components[9/26/2012 2:41:06 PM]

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// some tasks task write() begin // some logic end endtask task read() begin // some logic end endtask // incule test.v file `include test.v end EXAMPLE: testcase_1.v // Do 10 write operations repeat(10) top.write(); EXAMPLE: testcase_2.v // Do 10 read operations repeat(10); Intermediate file generated contains all the testcase contents with some extra logic as shown. EXAMPLE: INTERMEDIATE FILE test.v initial begin if($test$plusargs("testcase_1") begin // testcase_1 contents // Do 10 write operations repeat(10) top.write(); end if($test$plusargs("testcase_2") begin // testcase_2 contents // Do 10 read operations repeat(10); end end



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Simulation should terminate after all the required operations are done. Recommended way to exit simulation is using a task. This termination task contains some messages about the activities done and $finish. This task should be called after collecting all the responses from DUT, then analyzing them only. If the simulation time is long and if there is bug in DUT, you can stop simulation at that time itself. This saves lot of time. Otherwise, even after the testbench found error, it will simulate till the end of the process or it may get hanged and waste your time and costly licenses. Sometimes, you are not just interested to terminate the simulation for known unfixed bugs. Then there should be a controllable way not to stop the simulation even after the error was found. EXAMPLE: task teriminate(); begin if(no_of_errors == 0) $display(" *********TEST PASSED ***********"); else $display(" *********TEST FAILED ***********");

#10 $display(" SIMULATION TERMINATION at %d",$time); $finish; VMM Ethernet sample end endtask Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

always@(error) begin no_of_errors = num_of_errors +1 ; `ifndef CONTINUE_ON_ERROR terminate(); `endif end

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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If you know already a well known bug is there and it is giving 2 error counts. Its on This section - Your RVM Switch TB better to stop the simulation after 2 errors. From command line just give input is what keeps improving RVM Ethernet sample +define+NO_FO_ERR=2, simulation terminates after 3 errors.
with time!

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EXAMPLE: always@(error) begin no_of_errors = num_of_errors +1 ; `ifndef CONTINUE_ON_ERROR `ifndef NO_OF_ERR `define NO_OF_ERR 0 `endif if(`NO_OF_ERR < no_of_erros) terminate(); `endif end[9/26/2012 2:41:13 PM]

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To verify error detection, reporting, and recovery features of the DUT, an error injection mechanism must be in place in testbench to generate error scenarios. The objective is to ensure that the errors are handled correctly. This is accomplished by introducing internal monitoring mechanisms. The simulation environment integrates a structure to randomly set the errors and verify that each error condition is handled properly. Errors can be classified in to following categories: Value Errors The specification says that packet length should be greater than 64 and less than 1518. Testbench should be able to generate packets of length less than 64 and greater than 1518 and verify how the DUT is handling these. Testbench should also monitor that DUT is not generating any packets violating this rule. Temporal Errors Errors like acknowledgement should come after 4 cycles of request. Interface Error Sometimes interfaces have invalid pins or error pins to inform to DUT that the some responding to these signals. Sequence Errors To test protocols which define sequence of operations, generate sequence which violates the rule and check the DUT.

VMM Ethernet sample malfunction happened. Generate scenarios to test whether the DUT is properly

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Register Verification Todays complex chips has thousands of register to configure the chip and to communicate the status to software. These registers play a complex role in the chip operation So a test bench should verify these registers properly. Verification of these registers is tedious. As there are thousands of registers in a chip, the testbench should have a handy hooks to access these registers. Implementing testbench components for these registers is not one time job. Most designs change their register specification during the design development. So a very flexible testbench component should be available to satisfy these needs. When I was working for Ample, we had a script which generates testbench component for these registers. Register specification is input to these script. So when ever register file is changed, Just run the script, we don't need to change verilog module for these changes. These scripts can be used across modules, across projects and across companies also. There are some EDA tools just to do this job. I believe that a proper homemade script has better control then getting it from some EDA guy and you know home made scripts are life time free. Register Classification:

Registers can be mainly classified in to these categories 1) Configuration Registers. 2) Status Registers. AVM Switch TB 3) Mask Registers. VMM Ethernet sample 4) Interrupt Registers(makeable and nonmaskable). Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Features: What are the features that this testbench component should support? 1) It should have a data structure to store the values of config register .Testbench will write in to these register while it is writing to dut registers. These are called shadow registers. Shadow registers should have the same address and register name as DUT so it is easy to debug.

Constructs Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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2) Back door access: There are two type of access to register in DUT. Front door and back door. Front door access uses physical bus . To write a value in to DUT registers, RVM Switch TB it takes some clock cycles in front door access. And writing for thousands of registers RVM Ethernet sample is resource consuming. Remember, only one register can be assigned at a time. One cannot make sure that only one method is called at one time. To make sure that only one method is assessing the bus, semaphore is used. In back door access, registers are access directly. In zero time. Accessing to these locations using back door will save Specman E simulation time. There should be a switch to control these feature. So after verifying the actual access path of these registers, we can start using back door access. In Interview Questions verilog, using Hierarchy reference to DUT register, we can by pass this path. 3) The Shadow registers by default should contain default values from register specification. A task should be provided to compare each register in shadow registers and DUT. After reset, just call this task before doing any changes to DUT registers. This will check the default values of the registers. 4) Methods should be provided for read or write operation to dut registers using name and also address. Named methods are handy and readable mainly from test cases. While address based methods are good while writing to bulk locations( using for loop[9/26/2012 2:41:29 PM]

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etc...). 5) Every register in Testbench may have these information. // Comments which describes the register information. Address of register. Offset of register. Width of register. Reset value. Access permissions. Register value. Register name as string.( Name should be self descriptive and same as in DUT. This string is used in printing while debugging.) Some are methods which are used for register in functional verification . Read function. Write task. Update task. Print task. Check function. write_random task. All the above methods should be accessible by name and also by address. Write random task: Some registers values can be any constrained random value. Lets take an ether net. The unicast destination address can be any value which is not broadcast or multi cast. So the random values should be constraint. Some times, these random values depend on some other registers also. If this task is not provided, while writing the test cases, one may forget the limitation of the register value and the DUT misbehaves and may spend hours in debugging. The best way to use random values is using this task. Update task: Interrupt and status registers in Testbench should be updated by update task. These registers should contain the expected values. When check function is called, the check reads the register values in DUT and compares with the expected value in shadow registers. Check task: Check task compares the DUT and shadow registers. Care should be taken while using back door access, as they are not cycle accurate. Config registers are compared for what is configured and what is in the register. Interrupt and status registers are compared with what is in DUT with the expected values. Access permission: Each register in test bench should maintain the permissions. This permissions are used in write, read, check methods. Fallowing are possible types of permissions: read/write read only write only read only, write can be by the design clear on read automatically set to 1 by design. Automatically set to 0 by design. Readable and settable by writing 1 Readable and clearable by writing 1 By default the type of permission is read/write. If you are using any scripts, if you don't mention any permission, then it should be considered as read/write.[9/26/2012 2:41:29 PM]

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Index Introduction Linear Tb SystemVerilog How do we get rid of the typing repeating functionality which should be present at File Io Tb Verification State Machine Based Tb compilation level ? Constructs Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench You can Use generate block. But Generate will not help always. Interface Verification Flow OOPS Clock Generator Look at the example. Randomization There are four modules and_gate,or_gate,xor_gate,nand_gate. They are instantiated Simulation Incremental Compilation in top modules. Functional Coverage Store And Restore Assertion Each module has 2 inputs a,b and one output c. Instance port are connected wires Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision which are prefixed with getname to signal name. DPI Stimulus Generation Example System Function Random UVM Tutorial A Myth and_gate a_g (.a(and_a), .b(and_b), .c(and_c) ); VMM Tutorial Race Condition Checker OVM Tutorial and is prefexed to signal "a","b" and "c". Task And Function Easy Labs : SV Process Control The following is what a novice engineer will do. Disableing The Block Easy Labs : UVM Watchdog CODE: Easy Labs : OVM Compilation N Simulation Easy Labs : VMM Switchs module top(); Debugging wire and_a, or_a, xor_a, nand_a ; AVM Switch TB About Code Coverage wire and_b, or_b, xor_b, nand_b ; VMM Ethernet sample wire and_c, or_c, xor_c, nand_c ; Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore and_gate a_g (.a(and_a), .b(and_b), .c(and_c) ); Finding Testsenarious or_gate o_g (.a(or_a), .b(or_b), .c(or_c) ); Verilog Handling Testcase Files xor_gate x_g (.a(xor_a), .b(xor_b), .c(xor_c) ); Verification Terimination nand_gate n_g (.a(nand_a),.b(nand_b),.c(nand_c) ); Error Injuction Verilog Switch TB Register Verification Basic Constructs Parameterised Macros endmodule White Gray Black Box Regression OpenVera Tips module and_gate(a,b,c); Constructs input a,b; Report a Bug or Comment output c; Switch TB on This section - Your endmodule TUTORIALS


RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample module or_gate(a,b,c);

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input a,b; output c; endmodule

input is what keeps improving with time!

module xor_gate(a,b,c); input a,b; output c; endmodule module nand_gate(a,b,c); input a,b; output c; endmodule[9/26/2012 2:41:37 PM]

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This looks easy to do, as there are 3 inputs only. Real time projects doesnt have this much less. One may probable spend half day to connect all the ports. Sometime later if there is change in any of the ports, then all the instances needs to be changed. Using parameterized macros, this job can be done easily. The directive <91>define creates a macro for text substitution. This directive can be used both inside and outside module definitions. After a text macro is defined, it can be used in the source description by using the (<91>) character, followed by the macro name. The compiler shall substitute the text of the macro for the string `macro_name. All compiler directives shall be considered predefined macro names; it shall be illegal to redefine a compiler directive as a macro name. A text macro can be defined with arguments. This allows the macro to be customized for each use individually. If a one-line comment (that is, a comment specified with the characters //) is included in the text, then the comment shall not become part of the substituted text.

EXAMPLE: <91>define max(a,b)((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) n = <91>max(p+q, r+s) ; To use this for the above discussed example, First step is declare a parameterized macro. Second step is just use macro instance. CODE: `define GATE(M) M\ _gate M\ _g (.a(M\ _a), .b(M\ _b), .c(M\ _c)); `define SIG and_\ S, or_\ S,xor_\ S,nand_\ S; \ module top(); wire `SIG(a) wire `SIG(b) wire `SIG(c) `GATE(and) `GATE(or) `GATE(xor) `GATE(nand) endmodule



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Black Box Verification

Black Box verification refers to the technique of verification if system with no knowledge of the internals of the DUT. Black Box testbench do not have access to the source code of DUT, and are oblivious of the DUT architecture. A Black Box testbench, typically, interacts with a system through a user interface by providing inputs and examining outputs, without knowing where and how the inputs were operated upon. In Black Box verification, the target DUT is exercised over a range of inputs, and the outputs are observed for correctness. How those outputs are generated or what is inside the box doesn't matter. White Box Verification In White box verification, testbench has access to internal structure of DUT. This makes the testbench environment reuse less. This is not much preferred in the industry. Gray Box Verification Gray box verification, the name itself Conway that testbench has access to some part of the DUT.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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Regression is re-running previously run tests and checking whether previously fixed faults have re-emerged. New bugs may come out due to new changes in RTL or DUT to unmasking of previously hidden bugs due to new changes. Each time time,when design is changed, regression is done. One more important aspect of regression is testing by generation new vectors. Usually the seed to generate stimulus is the system time. Whenever a regression is done, it will take the current system time and generate new vectors than earlier tested. This way testbench can reach corners of DUT.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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How To Avoid &Quot;Module Xxx Already Defined&Quot; Error Sometimes compilation error "module xxx already defined" is tough to avoid when hundreds of files are there. Its hard to find where `include is including xxx file and how many times the file is given in compilation command. EXAMPLE: xxx.v file module xxx(); initial $display(" MODULE "); endmodule EXAMPLE: yyy.v file `include "xxx.v" module yyy() endmodule

VMM Ethernet sample Now compile with any of the comand.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

compile_ur_command xxx.v yyy.v compile_ur_command xxx.v yyy.v yyy.v To avoid this problem, Just use compilation switches. In the following example initial macros XXX and YYY are not defined. When the compiler comes the xxx.v file first times, macro XXX is defined. Nedtime when the comes across xxx.v, as already the macro XXX is defined, it will neglect the module definition. EXAMPLE: xxx.v file `ifndef XXX `define XXX module xxx(); $display(" MODULE "); endmodule `endif EXAMPLE: yyy.v file `include "xxx.v" `ifndef YYY `define YYY module yyy() endmodule `endif

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Linear Tb File Io Tb State Machine Based Tb Task Based Tb Self Checking Testbench Verification Flow Clock Generator Simulation Incremental Compilation Store And Restore Event Cycle Simulation Time Scale And Precision Stimulus Generation System Function Random A Myth Race Condition Checker Task And Function Process Control Disableing The Block Watchdog Compilation N Simulation Switchs Debugging About Code Coverage Testing Stratigies File Handling Verilog Semaphore Finding Testsenarious Handling Testcase Files Terimination Error Injuction Register Verification Parameterised Macros White Gray Black Box Regression Tips
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RVM Ethernet sample initial

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Now compile with any of the command. compile_ur_command xxx.v yyy.v compile_ur_command xxx.v yyy.v yyy.v You will not see any compilation error. Colourful Messages:

Look at the picture. Do you want to make your Linux terminal colorful like this, while you run your verilog code? Copy the following code and simulate in batch mode in Linux. What you can see is colorful messages from verilog. CODE: module colour(); initial begin $write("%c[1;34m",27); $display("*********** This is in blue ***********"); $write("%c[0m",27); $display("%c[1;31m",27); $display("*********** This is in red ***********"); $display("%c[0m",27); $display("%c[4;33m",27); $display("*********** This is in brown ***********"); $display("%c[0m",27); $display("%c[5;34m",27); $display("*********** This is in green ***********"); $display("%c[0m",27);[9/26/2012 2:42:03 PM]

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$display("%c[7;34m",27); $display("*********** This is in Back ground color ***********"); $display("%c[0m",27); end endmodule

This works only in Linux or Unix terminals. To get required colors, ("%c[1;34m",27); should be used to print once. Ordinary messages following this messages continue to be the color specified. Lets see how to get different colors and font format. The message to be printed is ("%c[TYPE;COLOURm",27);. TYPE specifies how the message should be? 1 2 4 5 7 set bold set half-bright (simulated with color on a color display) set underscore (simulated with color on a color display) set blink set reverse video

COLOR specifies the message color. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 set black foreground set red foreground set green foreground set brown foreground set blue foreground set magenta foreground set cyan foreground set white foreground

If you really want to use in your environment, use macros. `define display_blue $write("%c[0m",27); $write("%c[1;34m",27); $display `define display_red $write("%c[0m",27); $write("%c[1;31m",27); $display `define display_green $write("%c[0m",27); $write("%c[1;32m",27); $display Use the macros instead of $display(). EXAMPLE: module color(); initial begin `display_blue(" ******** this is blue ********** "); `display_red(" ******** this is red ********** "); `display_green(" ******** this is green ********** "); end endmodule

Debugging Macros Most tools don't support Debugging Macros. The compilation error information is not enough to find the exactly line where the bug is. In simulation/Compilation steps , the first step is Macro preprocessing. The macro preprocessing step performs textual substitutions of macros defined with `define statements, textual inclusion with `include statements, and conditional compilation by `ifdef and `ifndef statements. EXAMPLE: `define SUM(A,B) A + B ; module example();[9/26/2012 2:42:03 PM]

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integer a,b,c; initial a = SUM(b,c); endmodule Run the above example and check where the error is. The find the exact cause of error, simply use the C pre-processor. Just use command cpp file_name.v

NOTE: cpp cannot understand `define. Before using cpp, covert all `define to #define. Output of the above code using cpp preprocessor is RESULTS # # # # 1 1 1 1 "fine_name.v" "<built-in>" "<command line>" "fine_name.v"

module example(); integer a,b,c; initial a = b + c ;; endmodule[9/26/2012 2:42:03 PM]

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Index Dut Specification This DUT is a simple switch, which can drive the incoming packet to destination ports Rtl Top based on the address contained in the packet. Packet The dut contain one input interface from which the packet enters the dut. It has four Driver Reciever output interfaces where the packet is driven out. Scoreboard Env


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Packet format: OpenVera

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Packet contains Header, data and frame check sequence. Packet width is 8 bits and the length of the packet can be between 4 bytes to 259 bytes.

Packet header: Packet header contains three fields DA, SA and length. RVM Ethernet sample DA: Destination address of the packet. It is 8 bits. The switch drives the packet to respective ports based on this destination address of the packets. SA: Source address of the packet from where it originate. Length: This is the length of the data. It can be from 0 to 255.
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Data: Data should be in terms of bytes. It can be between 0 to 255 bytes. FCS: This field contains the security check of the packet. It is calculated over the header and data.[9/26/2012 2:42:12 PM]

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Configuration: Dut has four output ports. These output ports have to be configure to a address. Dut matches the DA field of the packet with this configured port address and sends the packet on to that port. To configure the dut, a memory interface is provided. The address of the ports should be unique. It is 8 bits wide. Memory address (0,1,2,3) contains the address of port(0,1,2,4) respectively. Interface Specification: The dut has one input Interface, from where the packet enters the dut and 4 output interfaces from where the packet comes out and one memory interface, through the port address can be configured. Memory Interface: Through memory interfaced output port address are configured. It accepts 8 bit data to be written to memory. It has 8 bit address inputs. Address 0,1,2,3 contains the address of the port 0,1,2,3 respectively. If the DA feild in the packet matches with the confugured address of any port ,then the packet comes out of that port. Input Interface: The status signal has to be high when data is when packet is sent on to the dut it has to become low after sending last byte of the packet. When the dut is busy, and if it is not in a position to accept any more data, it will assert busy signal. Data which is sent during this busy signal is lost if input is driving when busy is high Output Interface: There are 4 ports, each having data, ready and read signals. When the data is ready to be sent out from the port, dut makes the ready signal high indicating that data is ready to be sent. If the read signal is made high when ready is high, then the data comes out of the data signal.




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CODE: switch.v module fifo (clk, reset, Constructs write_enb, read, Interface data_in, OOPS data_out, empty, Randomization full); Functional Coverage input clk; Assertion input reset; input write_enb; DPI input read; UVM Tutorial input [7:0] data_in; output [7:0] data_out; VMM Tutorial output empty; OVM Tutorial output full; wire clk; Easy Labs : SV wire write_enb; Easy Labs : UVM wire read; wire [7:0] data_in; Easy Labs : OVM reg [7:0] data_out; Easy Labs : VMM wire empty; wire full; AVM Switch TB reg [7:0] ram[0:25]; VMM Ethernet sample reg tmp_empty; reg tmp_full; integer write_ptr; integer read_ptr; Verilog always@(negedge reset) Verification begin Verilog Switch TB data_out = 8'b0000_0000; tmp_empty = 1'b1; Basic Constructs tmp_full = 1'b0; write_ptr = 0; read_ptr = 0; OpenVera end
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Packet Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env
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assign empty = tmp_empty; assign full = tmp_full; always @(posedge clk) begin if ((write_enb == 1'b1) && (tmp_full == 1'b0)) begin ram[write_ptr] = data_in; tmp_empty <= 1'b0; write_ptr = (write_ptr + 1) % 16; if ( read_ptr == write_ptr ) begin tmp_full <= 1'b1; end end if ((read == 1'b1) && (tmp_empty == 1'b0)) begin data_out <= ram[read_ptr]; tmp_full <= 1'b0; read_ptr = (read_ptr + 1) % 16; if ( read_ptr == write_ptr ) begin tmp_empty <= 1'b1; end[9/26/2012 2:42:22 PM]

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end end endmodule //fifo module port_fsm (clk, reset, write_enb, ffee, hold, data_status, data_in, data_out, mem0, mem1, mem2, mem3, addr); input clk; input reset; input [7:0] mem0; input [7:0] mem1; input [7:0] mem2; input [7:0] mem3; output[3:0] write_enb; input ffee; input hold; input data_status; input[7:0] data_in; output[7:0] data_out; output [7:0] addr; reg [7:0] data_out; reg [7:0] addr; reg [3:0] write_enb_r; reg fsm_write_enb; reg [3:0] state_r; reg [3:0] state; reg [7:0] parity; reg [7:0] parity_delayed; reg sus_data_in,error; parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter ADDR_WAIT = 4'b0000; DATA_LOAD = 4'b0001; PARITY_LOAD = 4'b0010; HOLD_STATE = 4'b0011; BUSY_STATE = 4'b0100;

always@(negedge reset) begin error = 1'b0; data_out = 8'b0000_0000; addr = 8'b00000000; write_enb_r = 3'b000; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; state_r = 4'b0000; state = 4'b0000; parity = 8'b0000_0000; parity_delayed = 8'b0000_0000; sus_data_in = 1'b0; end assign busy = sus_data_in; always @(data_status) begin : addr_mux if (data_status == 1'b1) begin case (data_in) mem0 : begin write_enb_r[0] = 1'b1; write_enb_r[1] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[2] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[3] = 1'b0; end[9/26/2012 2:42:22 PM]

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mem1 : begin write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] end mem2 : begin write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] end

= = = = = = = =

1'b0; 1'b1; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b1; 1'b0;

mem3 : begin write_enb_r[0] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[1] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[2] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[3] = 1'b1; end default :write_enb_r = 3'b000; endcase // $display(" data_inii %d ,mem0 mem3",data_in,mem0,mem1,mem2,mem3); end //if end //addr_mux; always @(posedge clk) begin : fsm_state state_r <= state; end //fsm_state;






always @(state_r or data_status or ffee or hold or data_in) begin : fsm_core state = state_r; //Default state assignment case (state_r) ADDR_WAIT : begin if ((data_status == 1'b1) && ((mem0 == data_in)||(mem1 == data_in)||(mem3 == data_in) ||(mem2 == data_in))) begin if (ffee == 1'b1) begin state = DATA_LOAD; end else begin state = BUSY_STATE; end //if end //if; sus_data_in = !ffee; if ((data_status == 1'b1) && ((mem0 == data_in)||(mem1 == data_in)||(mem3 == data_in) ||(mem2 == data_in)) && (ffee == 1'b1)) begin addr = data_in; data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end //if end // of case ADDR_WAIT PARITY_LOAD : begin state = ADDR_WAIT; data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end // of case PARITY_LOAD DATA_LOAD : begin if ((data_status == 1'b1) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin state = DATA_LOAD; end else if ((data_status == 1'b0) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin state = PARITY_LOAD; end else begin state = HOLD_STATE;[9/26/2012 2:42:22 PM]

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end //if sus_data_in = 1'b0; if ((data_status == 1'b1) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else if ((data_status == 1'b0) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end //if end //end of case DATA_LOAD HOLD_STATE : begin if (hold == 1'b1) begin state = HOLD_STATE; end else if ((hold == 1'b0) && (data_status == 1'b0)) begin state = PARITY_LOAD; end else begin state = DATA_LOAD; end //if if (hold == 1'b1) begin sus_data_in = 1'b1; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; data_out = data_in; end //if end //end of case HOLD_STATE BUSY_STATE : begin if (ffee == 1'b0) begin state = BUSY_STATE; end else begin state = DATA_LOAD; end //if if (ffee == 1'b0) begin sus_data_in = 1'b1; end else begin addr = data_in; // hans data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end //if end //end of case BUSY_STATE endcase end //fsm_core assign write_enb[0] assign write_enb[1] assign write_enb[2] assign write_enb[3] = = = = write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb;

endmodule //port_fsm module switch (clk, reset, data_status, data, port0, port1, port2, port3, ready_0, ready_1, ready_2, ready_3, read_0, read_1,[9/26/2012 2:42:22 PM]

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read_2, read_3, mem_en, mem_rd_wr, mem_add, mem_data); input clk; input reset; input data_status; input [7:0] data; input mem_en; input mem_rd_wr; input [1:0] mem_add; input [7:0] mem_data; output [7:0] port0; output [7:0] port1; output [7:0] port2; output [7:0] port3; output ready_0; output ready_1; output ready_2; output ready_3; input read_0; input read_1; input read_2; input read_3; wire [7:0] data_out_0; wire [7:0] data_out_1; wire [7:0] data_out_2; wire [7:0] data_out_3; wire ll0; wire ll1; wire ll2; wire ll3; wire empty_0; wire empty_1; wire empty_2; wire empty_3; wire ffee; wire ffee0; wire ffee1; wire ffee2; wire ffee3; wire ld0; wire ld1; wire ld2; wire ld3; wire hold; wire [3:0] write_enb; wire [7:0] data_out_fsm; wire [7:0] addr; reg [7:0]mem[3:0]; wire reset; fifo queue_0 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[0]), .read (read_0), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_0), .empty (empty_0), .full (ll0)); fifo queue_1 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[1]), .read (read_1), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_1), .empty (empty_1), .full (ll1)); fifo queue_2 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset),[9/26/2012 2:42:22 PM]

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.write_enb (write_enb[2]), .read (read_2), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_2), .empty (empty_2), .full (ll2)); fifo queue_3 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[3]), .read (read_3), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_3), .empty (empty_3), .full (ll3));

port_fsm in_port (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb), .ffee (ffee), .hold (hold), .data_status (data_status), .data_in (data), .data_out (data_out_fsm), .mem0 (mem[0]), .mem1 (mem[1]), .mem2 (mem[2]), .mem3 (mem[3]), .addr (addr)); assign port0 = data_out_0; //make note assignment only for //consistency with vlog env assign port1 = data_out_1; assign port2 = data_out_2; assign port3 = data_out_3; assign ready_0 = assign ready_1 = assign ready_2 = assign ready_3 = assign ffee0 = assign ffee1 = assign ffee2 = assign ffee3 = ~empty_0; ~empty_1; ~empty_2; ~empty_3; | | | | ( ( ( ( addr addr addr addr != != != != mem[0])); mem[1])); mem[2])); mem[3]));

(empty_0 (empty_1 (empty_2 (empty_3

assign ffee = ffee0 & ffee1 & ffee2 & ffee3; assign ld0 assign ld1 assign ld2 assign ld3 = = = = (ll0 (ll1 (ll2 (ll3 & (addr & (addr & (addr & (addr == == == == mem[0])); mem[1])); mem[2])); mem[3]));

assign hold = ld0 | ld1 | ld2 | ld3; always@(posedge clk) begin if(mem_en) if(mem_rd_wr) begin mem[mem_add]=mem_data; ///$display("%d %d %d %d %d",mem_add,mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); end end endmodule //router[9/26/2012 2:42:22 PM]

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Verification Environment: This is simple verification environment. It has top,tb,packet,Driver, Scoreboard and Receiver components.

Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Packet Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Top Module: Top module contains the instance of the Dut and verification environment. It also has the clock generator. For more information about clock generation, go through TB_CONCEPTS in this website. Do reset and Confgure the dut port address.


CODE: top module top(); Switch TB reg clock; wire packet_valid; RVM Switch TB wire [7:0] data; RVM Ethernet sample wire [7:0] data_0; wire [7:0] data_1; wire [7:0] data_2; wire [7:0] data_3; Specman E wire ready_0; Interview Questions wire ready_1; wire ready_2; wire ready_3; wire read_0; wire read_1; wire read_2; wire read_3;

reg reset; reg mem_en; reg mem_rd_wr;[9/26/2012 2:42:32 PM]

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reg [7:0] mem_data; reg [1:0] mem_add; reg [7:0] mem[3:0]; // take istance of testbench sw_tb tb (clock, packet_valid, data, data_0, data_1, data_2, data_3, ready_0, ready_1, ready_2, ready_3, read_0, read_1, read_2, read_3); // take instance dut switch dut (clock, reset, packet_valid, data, data_0, data_1, data_2, data_3, ready_0, ready_1, ready_2, ready_3, read_0, read_1, read_2, read_3, mem_en, mem_rd_wr, mem_add, mem_data); //Clock generator initial clock = 0; always begin #5 clock = !clock; end // Do reset and configure the dut port address initial begin $dumpon; mem[0]=$random; mem[1]=$random; mem[2]=$random; mem[3]=$random; mem_en = 0; @(posedge clock); #2 reset = 1; @(posedge clock); #2 reset =0; mem_en = 1; @(negedge clock); mem_rd_wr = 1; mem_add = 0;[9/26/2012 2:42:32 PM]

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mem_data = mem[0]; @(negedge clock); mem_rd_wr = 1; mem_add = 1; mem_data = mem[1]; @(negedge clock); mem_rd_wr = 1; mem_add = 2; mem_data = mem[2]; @(negedge clock); mem_rd_wr = 1; mem_add = 3; mem_data = mem[3]; @(negedge clock); mem_en=0; mem_rd_wr = 0; mem_add = 0; mem_data = 0; end

endmodule //top




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Packet is a class with all the fields in the packet randomly. Types of possible packets : Packet with DA with one of the configured port address.. Packets with DA which has unconfigured address. Packets with valid and invalid length. Packets with good and bad FCS. Payload size types: SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE

Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Packet Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env

Define a task which can generate the above feilds randomly. Defind a task which does Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your packing. input is what keeps Creat a parity function and call it in packing. CODE: packet.v //Define the enumerated types for packet payload size type `define SMALL 0 `define MEDIUM 1 `define LARGE 2 `define GOOD 0 `define BAD 1 module pktgen(); integer payload_size;//Control field for the payload size integer parity_type;// Control feild for the parity type. reg [0:7] uid; // Unique id field to identify the packet reg reg reg reg reg [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [0:7] [0:7] len; Da; Sa; pkt [0:64];//Size = MAX pkt size parity; improving with time!

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

initial uid = 0;


task randomize(); begin Constructs uid = uid +1; parity_type= {$random}%2;// 0 and 1 are selected randomly Switch TB payload_size={$random}%3;// 0,1,2 are selected randomly RVM Switch TB Da = top.mem[({$random}%3)];//{$random}%3;// 0,1,2,3 are selected randomly RVM Ethernet sample Sa = $random; if(payload_size== `SMALL) len = {$random}%10; else if(payload_size== `MEDIUM) Specman E len = 10+{$random}%10; else if(payload_size==`LARGE) Interview Questions len = 20+{$random()}%10; else len = {$random()}%10; if(parity_type==0) parity=8'b0; else parity=8'b1; end endtask[9/26/2012 2:42:42 PM]

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task packing(); integer i; begin pkt[0]=Da; pkt[1]=Sa; pkt[2]=len; $display("[PACKING] pkt[0] is ",pkt[0],Da,Sa,Sa,len,len); for (i = 0;i<len+3;i=i+1) pkt[i+3]=$random(); pkt[3] = uid; pkt[i+3]=parity ^ parity_cal(0); end endtask








%b %d

// parity_calc() // // Return the byte resulting from xor-ing among all data bytes // and the byte resulting from concatenating addr and len ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function [0:7] parity_cal(input dummy); integer i; reg [0:7] result ; begin result = 8'hff; for (i = 0;i<len+4;i=i+1) begin result = result ^ pkt[i]; end parity_cal=result; end endfunction endmodule




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Index Dut Specification Rtl Take an instance of packet Top Define task to generate the packet and call the drive task. This task first, calls randomize task in the packet then calls the pack to packing the Packet Driver packet. Calls the drive packet wich drives the packet to dut. Then add the sent packet to Reciever Scoreboard score board. Env CODE:driver.v


module driver(clock,packet_valid,data,busy); output packet_valid; output [7:0] data; input busy; input clock; reg packet_valid; reg [7:0] data; integer delay; // Take an instance of packet pktgen gen(); //Define task to generate the packet and call the drive task task gen_and_drive(input integer no_of_pkts); integer i; begin for(i=0;i<no_of_pkts;i=i+1) begin delay={$random()}%4; $display("DRIVER gen and drive pkt_no = %d delay %d",i,delay); repeat (delay)@(negedge clock); // randomize the packet gen.randomize(); //pack the packet gen.packing(); // call the drive packet task. @(negedge clock); drive_packet(); // add the sent packet to score board; end

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RVM Ethernet sample end


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task drive_packet() ; integer i; begin $display("DRIVER Starting to drive packet to port %0d len %0d ",gen.Da,gen.len); repeat(4)@(negedge clock); for (i=0;i<gen.len+4;i=i+1) begin @ (negedge clock); packet_valid = 1 ; data[7:0] = gen.pkt[i];[9/26/2012 2:42:51 PM]

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$display("[DRIVER] data %b at i %d",gen.pkt[i],i); end @ (negedge clock); packet_valid = 0 ; @(negedge clock); end endtask endmodule




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Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Build a receiver which can collect a packet on single port. Packet Define a task to unpack the recived packet. Define a task to check whether the received packet and sent packet are same are not. Driver Reciever In the initial block Start collecting packet. Scoreboard Do unpacking,Call the checker task Checker Checks whether the packet is coming on the proper port or not, then checker Env gets the packet from scoreboard and comares the recived packet with the sent Report a Bug or Comment packet. If any error is there then error is asserted.


CODE:receiver.v module receiver(clk,data, ready, read, port); input ready; input clk; input [7:0]data; input port; output read; reg read; reg [0:7] mem [0:65]; wire [31:0] port; integer j,delay; reg[7:0] rec_address; // Start collecting packet initial begin while(1) begin begin @(posedge ready) delay= {$random()}%5+1; repeat(delay)@(negedge clk); j=0; @(negedge clk); read=1'b1; while(ready==1'b1) begin @(negedge clk); mem[j]=data; j=j+1; $display(" RECV BYTE at PORT[%d] %b",port,data); end//while read=1'b0; end // Do unpacking unpacking(); // Call the checker task checker((j-1)); end end // Do unpack of the packet recived.

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task unpacking; reg [7:0]rec_parity; reg [7:0]rec_paclen; reg [7:0]separate; reg [7:0]rec_data[0:63]; begin rec_paclen=mem[2]; rec_parity=mem[rec_paclen+3]; rec_address=mem[0]; $display("rec_parity=%b rec_paclen=%0d %b, rec_address=%b %b",rec_parity,rec_paclen, rec_paclen, rec_address,mem[0]); end endtask


task checker(input integer size); integer i; begin $display("[CHECKER] Checker started for pkt_no %d ", ); if(rec_address!=top.mem[port]) begin ->top.tb.error; // Check whether the packet is coming on the proper port or not $display("[CHECKER] ERROR PKT RECIVED ON PORT %d,PKT ADDRESS is %d",top.mem[port],rec_address); end for(i=0;i<size;i=i+1) // get the packet from score board and comare the recived packet with the sent packet. if([i][]!== mem[i]) begin $display("[CHECKER] ERROR at %d pkt no %d ",i,; $display("[CHECKER] at %d sentbyte %b rcevbyte %b",i,[i][], mem[i]); ->top.tb.error; end else begin $display("[CHECKER] at %d sentbyte %b rcevbyte %b",i,[i][], mem[i]); end; end endtask endmodule




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The expected packets are stored in scored board by driver. Declare a memory to store sent packets task to add packets to scoreboard CODE: scoreboard.v module scoreboard(); // Declare a memory to store sent packets reg [0:7]sent_pkt [0:64][0:10]; integer pkt_no; initial pkt_no=0; // task to add packets to scoreboard task add_pkt(input integer pkt_no); integer i; begin for(i=0;i<65;i=i+1) sent_pkt[i][pkt_no]=top.tb.dv.gen.pkt[i]; end endtask endmodule

Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Packet Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env
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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage

Index Dut Specification Env is a module which contains all the components of verification. A logic to Rtl Top increment the error counter. Take a Driver instance and creat four reciever instancess. connect it to specific port. Packet Driver Creat instance of scoreboard Reciever Call then packet gen and drive task in driver Scoreboard Creat a finish task which display the tesults of the test. Env CODE:env.v


module sw_tb(clock, Assertion packet_valid, data , DPI data_0 , UVM Tutorial data_1 , data_2 , VMM Tutorial data_3 , OVM Tutorial ready_0 , ready_1 , Easy Labs : SV ready_2 , Easy Labs : UVM ready_3 , read_0 , Easy Labs : OVM read_1 , Easy Labs : VMM read_2 , read_3 AVM Switch TB ); VMM Ethernet sample input clock; output packet_valid; output [7:0] data; input [7:0] data_0; Verilog input [7:0] data_1; Verification input [7:0] data_2; Verilog Switch TB input [7:0] data_3; input ready_0; Basic Constructs input ready_1; input ready_2; input ready_3; OpenVera output read_0; Constructs output read_1; output read_2; Switch TB output read_3; RVM Switch TB reg pkt_status; RVM Ethernet sample integer error_count=0; event error;
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//Incriment the error counter on error. always@(error) begin #0 error_count=error_count+1; $display(" ERROR RECIVED"); end // Driver instance driver dv(clock,packet_valid,data,busy); // Make four reciever instancess. connect it to specific port. receiver rec0(.clk(clock),.data(data_0), .ready(ready_0), .read(read_0),[9/26/2012 2:43:16 PM]

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.port(0) ); receiver rec1(.clk(clock),.data(data_1), .ready(ready_1), .read(read_1), .port(1) ); receiver rec2(.clk(clock),.data(data_2), .ready(ready_2), .read(read_2), .port(2) ); receiver rec3(.clk(clock),.data(data_3), .ready(ready_3), .read(read_3), .port(3) ); // Creat instance of scoreboard scoreboard sb(); // Call then packet gen and drive task in driver initial begin #100; dv.gen_and_drive(9); #1000; finish; end // finish task which display the tesults of the test. task finish(); begin if(error_count!=0) $display("############# TEST FAILED ###############"); else $display("############# TEST PASSED ###############"); $finish; end endtask endmodule




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This tutorial is aimed at the beginner. For Advanced Verilog for Verification topics , refer to Advanced Verilog for Verification Introduction

The Verilog Hardware Description Language (Verilog HDL) became an IEEE standard in 1995 as IEEE Std 1364-1995. Verilog HDL is a formal notation intended for use in all phases of the creation of electronic systems. Because it is both machine readable and human readable, it supports the development, verification, synthesis, and testing of hardware designs; the communication of hardware design data; and the maintenance, Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your modification, and procurement of hardware.
input is what keeps improving Verilog contains a rich set of built-in primitives, including logic gates, user-definable with time!

Index Introduction Syntax Data Types Operators Assignments Control Constructs Procedural Timing Controls Structure Block Statements Structured Procedures

primitives, switches, and wired logic. It also has device pin-to-pin delays and timing checks.

The Verilog language is extensible via the Programming Language Interface (PLI) and the Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI) routines.

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Comments : Verilog comments are the same as in C++. Use // for a single line comment or /* */ for a multiline comment. Punctuation : white spaces are ignored in Verilog. A semicolon is used to indicate the end of a command line and commas are typically used to separate elements in a list. Like C++, Verilog is case sensitive.

Identifiers : An identifier is usually a variable. You can use any letter, digit, the underscore, or $. Identifiers may not begin with a digit and may not be the same as a Verilog key word. As in C++ variable names should be chosen to assist in Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your documentation. Signal values : signals in Verilog have one of four values. These are 0 (logic 0), 1 (logic improving with time! 1), ?, X, or x ( don<92>t care or unknown), and Z or z for high impedance tri-state. Parameters : a parameter in Verilog can be any Verilog constant. Parameters are used to generalize a design. For example a 4-bit adder becomes more useful as a design if it is put together as an n-bit adder where n is a parameter specified by the user before compilation. Parameter declarations are done immediately after the module declaration. Here are some typical parameter examples:
input is what keeps

Index Introduction Syntax Data Types Operators Assignments Control Constructs Procedural Timing Controls Structure Block Statements Structured Procedures

EXAMPLE: parameter n = 12; VMM Ethernet sample parameter [3:0]p1 = 4'b1011; parameter n = 12, m = 32; Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Memory : Verilog allows for two dimensional arrays which typically get used for memory spaces. For example reg[7:0] m[63:0]; declares m to be a two-dimensional array consisting of 64 eight-bit words. You can access any word as m[2] for example but you do not get access to the bits in the word unless you copy the word to another 8-bit reg variable. Strings : Strings are delimited by " ... ", and cannot be on multiple lines.

Constructs Switch TB

"hello world"; // legal string

Number : Numbers in verilog are in the following format. The size is always specified as a decimal number. If no is specified then the default RVM Switch TB size is at least 32bits and may be larger depending on the machine. Valid base formats RVM Ethernet sample are 'b , 'B , 'h , 'H 'd , 'D , 'o , 'O for binary, hexadecimal, decimal, and octal. Numbers consist of strings of digits (0-9, A-F, a-f, x, X, z, Z). The X's mean unknown, and the Z's mean high impedance If no base format is specified the number is assumed to be a decimal number. Some examples of valid numbers are:
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EXAMPLE: Unsized constant numbers 659 // is a decimal number 'h 837FF // is a hexadecimal number 'o7460 // is an octal number 4af // is illegal (hexadecimal format requires <92>h) EXAMPLE: Sized constant numbers 4'b1001 // is a 4-bit binary number 5'D 3 // is a 5-bit decimal number[9/26/2012 2:43:34 PM]

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3'b01x // is a 3-bit number with the least // significant bit unknown 12'hx // is a 12-bit unknown number 16'hz // is a 16-bit high-impedance number

EXAMPLE: Using sign with constant numbers 8'd -6 // this is illegal syntax -8'd 6 // this defines the two<92>s complement of 6, // held in 8 bits<97>equivalent to -(8<92>d 6) 4'hf // this denotes the 4-bit number <91>1111<92>, to // be interpreted as a 2<92>s complement number, // or <91>-1<92>. This is equivalent to -4<92>h 1 -4'sd15 // this is equivalent to -(-4<92>d 1), or <91>0001<92>. EXAMPLE: Automatic left padding reg [11:0] a, b, c, d; initial begin a = 'h x; // yields xxx b = 'h 3x; // yields 03x c = 'h z3; // yields zz3 d = 'h 0z3; // yields 0z3 end reg [84:0] e, f, g; e = 'h5; // yields {82{1'b0},3'b101} f = 'hx; // yields {85{1'hx}} g = 'hz; // yields {85{1'hz}} EXAMPLE: Using underscore character in numbers 27_195_000 16'b0011_0101_0001_1111 32'h 12ab_f001 EXAMPLE: Real constants 1.2 0.1 2394.26331 1.2E12 (the exponent symbol can be e or E) 1.30e-2 0.1e-0 23E10 29E-2 236.123_763_e-12 (underscores are ignored)




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Value Set The Verilog HDL value set consists of four basic values: 0 - represents a logic zero, or a false condition 1 - represents a logic one, or a true condition x - represents an unknown logic value z - represents a high-impedance state The values 0 and 1 are logical complements of one another. Net

Index Introduction Syntax Data Types Operators Assignments Control Constructs Procedural Timing Controls Structure Block Statements Structured Procedures

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps The net data types shall represent physical connections between structural entities, improving such as gates. A net shall not store a value (except for the trireg net). Instead, its with time!

value shall be determined by the values of its drivers, such as a continuous assignment or a gate. If no driver is connected to a net, its value shall be highimpedance (z) unless the net is a trireg, in which case it shall hold the previously driven value. It is illegal to redeclare a name already declared by a net, parameter, or variable declaration. Variable Or Reg A variable is an abstraction of a data storage element. A variable shall store a value from one assignment to the next. An assignment statement in a procedure acts as a trigger that changes the value in the data storage element. The initialization value for reg, time, and integer data types shall be the unknown value, x. The default initialization value for real and realtime variable datatypes shall be 0.0. If a variable declaration assignment is used , the variable shall take this value as if the assignment occurred in a blocking assignment in an initial construct. It is illegal to redeclare a name already declared by a net, parameter, or variable declaration. Vectors

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

A net or reg declaration without a range specification shall be considered 1 bit wide and is known as a scalar. Multiple bit net and reg data types shall be declared by RVM Ethernet sample specifying a range, which is known as a vector. EXAMPLES: wand w; // a scalar net of type wand tri [15:0] busa; // a three-state 16-bit bus trireg (small) storeit; // a charge storage node of strength small reg a; // a scalar reg reg[3:0] v; // a 4-bit vector reg made up of (from most to // least significant) v[3], v[2], v[1], and v[0] reg signed [3:0] signed_reg; // a 4-bit vector in range -8 to 7 reg [-1:4] b; // a 6-bit vector reg wire w1, w2; // declares two wires reg [4:0] x, y, z; // declares three 5-bit regs Memories

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A one dimensional array with elements of type reg is also called a memory. These memories can be used to model read-only memories (ROMs), random access memories (RAMs), and reg files. Each reg in the array is known as an element or word and is addressed by a single array index. An n-bit reg can be assigned a value in a single assignment, but a complete memory cannot. To assign a value to a memory word, an index shall be specified. The index can be an expression. This option provides a mechanism to reference different memory words, depending on the value of other variables and nets in the circuit. For example, a program counter reg could be used to index into a RAM. EXAMPLE: reg [7:0] mema[0:255]; // declares a memory mema of 256 8-bit // registers. The indices are 0 to 255 reg arrayb[7:0][0:255]; // declare a two dimensional array of // one bit registers wire w_array[7:0][5:0]; // declare array of wires integer inta[1:64]; // an array of 64 integer values time chng_hist[1:1000] // an array of 1000 time values mema = 0; // Illegal syntax- Attempt to write to entire array arrayb[1] = 0; // Illegal Syntax - Attempt to write to elements // [1][0]..[1][255] arrayb[1][12:31] = 0; // Illegal Syntax - Attempt to write to // elements [1][12]..[1][31] mema[1] = 0; //Assigns 0 to the second element of mema arrayb[1][0] = 0; // Assigns 0 to the bit referenced by indices // [1][0] inta[4] = 33559; // Assign decimal number to integer in array chng_hist[t_index] = $time; // Assign current simulation time to // element addressed by integer index reg [1:n] rega; // An n-bit register is not the same reg mema [1:n]; // as a memory of n 1-bit registers Net Types There are several distinct types of nets , they are wire , tri , tri0 , supply0 , wand, triand, tri1, supply1, wor, trior, trireg.




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Index Introduction Syntax Binary Arithmetic Operators Data Types Binary arithmetic operators operate on two operands. Register and net (wire) Operators operands are treated as unsigned. However, real and integer operands may be signed. Assignments Control Constructs If any bit is unknown ('x') then result is unknown. Procedural Timing Controls Structure Operator Name Block Statements + Addition Structured Procedures Subtraction


* / %

Multiplication Division Modulus

Unary Arithmetic Operators

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Operator -

Name Unary Minus

Relational Operators or FALSE(0). If any bit is unknown, the relation is ambiguous and the result is unknown.

VMM Ethernet sample Relational operators compare two operands and return a logical value, i. e., TRUE(1)

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs
Operator > >= < <= == != Name Greater than Greater than or equal Less than Less than or equal Logical equality Logical inequality

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Logical Operators Logical operators operate on logical operands and return a logical value, i. e., TRUE(1) or FALSE(0). Used typically in if and while statements. Do not confuse logical operators with the bitwise Boolean operators. For example , ! is a logical NOT and ~ is a bitwise NOT. The first negates, e. g., !(5 == 6) is TRUE. The second complements the bits, e. g., ~{1,0,1,1} is 0100.

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Operator ! Logical && Logical || Logical

Name negation AND OR

Bitwise Operators[9/26/2012 2:43:52 PM]

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Bitwise operators operate on the bits of the operand or operands. For example, the result of A & B is the AND of each corresponding bit of A with B. Operating on an unknown (x) bit results in the expected value. For example, the AND of an x with a FALSE is an x. The OR of an x with a TRUE is a TRUE.

Operator ~ & | ^ ~& ~| ~^ or ^~

Name Bitwise negation Bitwise AND Bitwise OR Bitwise XOR Bitwise NAND Bitwise NOR Equivalence Bitwise NOT XOR

Unary Reduction Operators Unary reduction operators produce a single bit result from applying the operator to all of the bits of the operand. For example, &A will AND all the bits of A.

Operator Name & AND reduction | OR reduction ^ XOR reduction ~& NAND reduction ~| NOR reduction ~^ XNOR reduction

Other Operators The conditional operator operates much like in the language C.

Operator Name === Case equality !== Case inequality { , } Concatenation << Shift left >> Shift right ?: Conditional

Case equality : The bitwise comparison includes comparison of x and z values. All bits must match for equality. Returns TRUE or FALSE. Case inequality : The bitwise comparison includes comparison of x and z values. Any bit difference produces inequality. Returns TRUE or FALSE. Concatenation : Joins bits together with 2 or more comma-separated expressions, e, g. {A[0], B[1:7]} concatenates the zeroth bit of A to bits 1 to 7 of B. Shift left : Vacated bit positions are filled with zeros, e. g., A = A << 2; shifts A two bits to left with zero fill. Shift right : Vacated bit positions are filled with zeros.

Conditional : Assigns one of two values depending on the conditional expression. E. g., A = C>D ? B+3 : B-2 means if C greater than D, the value of A is B+3 otherwise B2. Operator Precedence[9/26/2012 2:43:52 PM]

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The precedence of operators is shown below. The top of the table is the highest precedence and the bottom is the lowest. Operators on the same line have the same precedence and associate left to right in an expression. Parentheses can be used to change the precedence or clarify the situation. We strongly urge you to use parentheses to improve readability.

! * + << < == & | && || ?:

& ~& | ~| ^ / % >> <= > >+ != === ~== ~& ^ ~^ ~|


(highest precedence)




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Index Introduction The assignment is the basic mechanism for placing values into nets and variables. Syntax Data Types There are two basic forms of assignments: Operators -- The continuous assignment, which assigns values to nets Assignments -- The procedural assignment, which assigns values to variables Control Constructs Procedural Timing Controls Structure Legal left-hand side forms in assignment statements Block Statements ----------------------------------------------------------------Statement type Left-hand side (LHS) Structured Procedures


----------------------------------------------------------------Continuous assignment Net (vector or scalar) Constant bit select of a vector net Constant part select of a vector net Constant indexed part select of a vector net Concatenation of any of the above four LHS ----------------------------------------------------------------Procedural assignment Variables (vector or scalar) Bit-select of a vector reg, integer, or time variable Constant part select of a vector reg, integer, or time variable Memory word Indexed part select of a vector reg, integer, or time variable Concatenation of regs; bit or part selects of regs -----------------------------------------------------------------

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The following is an example of the use of a continuous assignment to model a 4-bit adder. EXAMPLE: module adder (sum_out, carry_out, carry_in, ina, inb); output [3:0] sum_out; output carry_out; input [3:0] ina, inb; input carry_in; wire carry_out, carry_in; wire [3:0] sum_out, ina, inb; assign {carry_out, sum_out} = ina + inb + carry_in; endmodule 4-bit adder. EXAMPLE: module adder (sum_out, carry_out, carry_in, ina, inb); output [3:0] sum_out; output carry_out; input [3:0] ina, inb; input carry_in; reg carry_out; wire carry_in; reg [3:0] sum_out; wire [3:0] ina, inb; always@(ina or inb or carry_in) {carry_out, sum_out} = ina + inb + carry_in;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample The following is an example of the use of a Procedural assignment to model a

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endmodule Blocking Procedural Assignments A blocking procedural assignment statement shall be executed before the execution of the statements that follow it in a sequential block. A blocking procedural assignment statement shall not prevent the execution of statements that follow it in a parallel block . EXAMPLE: rega = 0; rega[3] = 1; // a bit-select rega[3:5] = 7; // a part-select mema[address] = 8'hff; // assignment to a mem element {carry, acc} = rega + regb; // a concatenation The Nonblocking Procedural Assignment The nonblocking procedural assignment allows assignment scheduling without blocking the procedural flow. The nonblocking procedural assignment statement can be used whenever several variable assignments within the same time step can be made without regard to order or dependence upon each other. EXAMPLE: module evaluates2 (out); output out; reg a, b, c; initial begin a = 0; b = 1; c = 0; end always c = #5 ~c; always @(posedge c) begin a <= b; // evaluates, schedules, b <= a; // and executes in two steps end endmodule Procedural Continuous Assignments The procedural continuous assignments (using keywords assign and force) are procedural statements that allow expressions to be driven continuously onto variables or nets. The left-hand side of the assignment in the assign statement shall be a variable reference or a concatenation of variables. It shall not be a memory word (array reference) or a bit-select or a part-select of a variable. In contrast, the left-hand side of the assignment in the force statement can be a variable reference or a net reference. It can be a concatenation of any of the above. Bit-selects and part-selects of vector variables are not allowed. Assign And Deassign Procedural Statements The assign procedural continuous assignment statement shall override all procedural assignments to a variable. The deassign procedural statement shall end a procedural continuous assignment to a variable. The value of the variable shall remain the same until the reg is assigned a new value through a procedural assignment or a procedural continuous assignment. EXAMPLE: module dff (q, d, clear, preset, clock); output q; input d, clear, preset, clock;[9/26/2012 2:43:59 PM]

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reg q; always @(clear or preset) if (!clear) assign q = 0; else if (!preset) assign q = 1; else deassign q; always @(posedge clock) q = d; endmodule Force And Release Procedural Statements Another form of procedural continuous assignment is provided by the force and release procedural statements. These statements have a similar effect to the assign-deassign pair, but a force can be applied to nets as well as to variables. The left-hand side of the assignment can be a variable, a net, a constant bit-select of a vector net, a partselect of a vector net, or a concatenation. It cannot be a memory word (array reference) or a bit-select or a part-select of a vector variable. A force statement to a variable shall override a procedural assignment or procedural continuous assignment that takes place on the variable until a release procedural statement is executed on the variable. After the release procedural statement is executed, the variable shall not immediately change value (as would a net that is assigned with a procedural continuous assignment). The value specified in the force statement shall be maintained in the variable until the next procedural assignment takes place, except in the case where a procedural continuous assignment is active on the variable. A force procedural statement on a net overrides all drivers of the net gate outputs, module outputs, and continuous assignments until a release procedural statement is executed on the net. Releasing a variable that currently has an active procedural continuous assignment shall re-establish that assignment. EXAMPLE: module test; reg a, b, c, d; wire e; and and1 (e, a, b, c); initial begin $monitor("%d d=%b,e=%b", $stime, d, e); assign d = a & b & c; a = 1; b = 0; c = 1; #10; force d = (a | b | c); force e = (a | b | c); #10 $stop; release d; release e; #10 $finish; end endmodule Results: 0 d=0,e=0 10 d=1,e=1 20 d=0,e=0 Delays Delays are not synthesysable. In a delayed assignment Dt time units pass before the statement is executed and the left-hand assignment is made. With intra-assignment delay, the right side is evaluated immediately but there is a delay of Dt before the result is place in the left hand assignment. If another procedure changes a right-hand side signal during Dt, it does not effect the output. Delays are not supported by synthesis tools. Inter Assignmnet Delay .[9/26/2012 2:43:59 PM]

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This is the most common delay used - sometimes also referred to as inter-assignment delay control. EXAMPLE: #10 q = x + y; It simply waits for the appropriate number of timesteps before executing the command. Intra-Assignment Delay Control With this kind of delay, the value of x + y is stored at the time that the assignment is executed, but this value is not assigned to q until after the delay period, regardless of whether or not x or y have changed during that time. EXAMPLE: q = #10 x + y;




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Verilog HDL has a rich collection of control statements which can used in the procedural sections of code, i. e., within an initial or always block. Most of them will be familiar to the programmer of traditional programming languages like C. The main difference is instead of C's { } brackets, Verilog HDL uses begin and end. In Verilog, the { } brackets are used for concatenation of bit strings. Since most users are familiar with C, the following subsections typically show only an example of each construct. If And If Else Statements

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The conditional statement (or if-else statement) is used to make a decision as to Report a Bug or Comment whether a statement is executed or not. EXAMPLE: if (A == 4) begin B = 2; end else begin B = 4; end Case expression matches one of a number of other expressions and branches accordingly. case (<expression>) <value1>: <statement> <value2>: <statement> default: <statement> endcase The following example checks a 1-bit signal for its value.

VMM Ethernet sample The case statement is a multiway decision statement that tests whether an

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs


EXAMPLE: case (sig) 1'bz: $display("Signal is floating"); Switch TB 1'bx: $display("Signal is unknown"); RVM Switch TB default: $display("Signal is %b", sig); endcase RVM Ethernet sample

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Forever Forever Continuously executes a statement or block till the end of simulation. EXAMPLE: initial clock =0; forever #10 clock = ~clock; end Repeat[9/26/2012 2:44:08 PM]

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Executes a statement a fixed number of times. If the expression evaluates to unknown or high impedance, it shall be treated as zero, and no statement shall be executed. EXAMPLE: parameter size = 8, longsize = 16; reg [size:1] opa, opb; reg [longsize:1] result; begin : mult reg [longsize:1] shift_opa, shift_opb; shift_opa = opa; shift_opb = opb; result = 0; repeat (size) begin if (shift_opb[1]) result = result + shift_opa; shift_opa = shift_opa << 1; shift_opb = shift_opb >> 1; end end While Executes a statement until an expression becomes false. If the expression starts out false, the statement shall not be executed at all. EXAMPLE: begin : count1s reg [7:0] tempreg; count = 0; tempreg = rega; while (tempreg) begin if (tempreg[0]) count = count + 1; tempreg = tempreg >> 1; end end For Controls execution of its associated statement(s) by a three-step process, as follows: a) Executes an assignment normally used to initialize a variable that controls the number of loops executed. b) Evaluates an expression if the result is zero, the for-loop shall exit, and if it is not zero, the for-loop shall execute its associated statement(s) and then perform step c. If the expression evaluates to an unknown or high-impedance value, it shall be treated as zero. c) Executes an assignment normally used to modify the value of the loop-control variable, then repeats step b. EXAMPLE: begin initial_assignment; while (condition) begin statement step_assignment; end end



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Delay Control A procedural statement following the delay control shall be delayed in its execution with respect to the procedural statement preceding the delay control by the specified delay. If the delay expression evaluates to an unknown or high-impedance value, it shall be interpreted as zero delay. If the delay expression evaluates to a negative value, it shall be interpreted as a 2 s complement unsigned integer of the same size as a time variable. Specify parameters are permitted in the delay expression. They may be overridden by SDF annotation, in which case the expression is reevaluated. EXAMPLE #10 rega = regb; #d rega = regb; // d is defined as a parameter #((d+e)/2) rega = regb;// delay is average of d and e #regr regr = regr + 1; // delay is the value in regr Event Control

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The execution of a procedural statement can be synchronized with a value change on a net or variable or the occurrence of a declared event. The value changes on nets Easy Labs : VMM and variable can be used as events to trigger the execution of a statement. This is known as detecting an implicit event. The event can also be based on the direction of AVM Switch TB the change that is, towards the value 1 ( posedge) or towards the value 0 (negedge). VMM Ethernet sample -- A negedge shall be detected on the transition from 1 to x, z, or 0, and from x or z to 0 -- A posedge shall be detected on the transition from 0 to x, z, or 1, and from x or z to 1 Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

EXAMPLE: @r rega = regb; // controlled by any value change in the reg r @(posedge clock) rega = regb; // controlled by posedge on clock forever @(negedge clock) rega = regb; // controlled by negative edge Named Events

Constructs Switch TB

A new data type, in addition to nets and variables, called event can be declared. An identifier declared as an event data type is called a named event. A named event can RVM Switch TB be triggered explicitly. It can be used in an event expression to control the execution RVM Ethernet sample of procedural statements in the same manner as event control . Named events can be made to occur from a procedure. This allows control over the enabling of multiple actions in other procedures. An event name shall be declared explicitly before it is used.
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Index Introduction Syntax Module Data Types A module in Verilog is used to define a circuit or a sub circuit. The module is the Operators fundamental circuit building block in Verilog. Modules have the following structure: Assignments (keywords in bold). Note that the module declaration ends with a semicolon but the Control Constructs Procedural Timing keyword endmodule does not. Controls Structure Block Statements CODE: Structured Procedures module module_name (port_name list); [declarations] Report a Bug or Comment [assign statements] on This section - Your [initial block] input is what keeps [always block] improving [gate instantiations] with time! [other module instantiations] endmodule


Ports Ports in Verilog can be of type input, output or inout. The module ports are given in the port name list and are declared in the beginning of the module. Here is a sample module with input and output ports.

VMM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE:

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module MyModule(aIn, bOut); input aIn; output bOut; endmodule The port names input and output default to type wire. Either can be a vector and the output variables can be of redeclared to type reg. The output and input variables in a module are typically names for the output and input pins on the implementation chip. Signals

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

a signal is represented by either a net type or a variable type in Verilog. The net type represents a circuit node and these can be of several types. The two net types most RVM Ethernet sample often used are wire and tri. Type nets do not have to be declared in Verilog since Verilog assumes that all signals are nets unless they are declared otherwise. Variables are either of type reg or integer. Integers are always 32-bits where the reg type of variables may be of any length. Typically we use integers as loop counters and reg Specman E variables for all other variables. The generic form for representing a signal in Verilog is: Interview Questions CODE: type[range] signal_name The range is omitted for scalar variables but used for vectors. The net types are typically used for input signals and for intermediate signals within combinational logic. Variables are used for sequential circuits or for outputs which are assigned a value within a sequential always block.[9/26/2012 2:44:27 PM]

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EXAMPLEs: wire w; //w is a single net of type wire wire[2:0] wVect; //Declares wVect[2], wVect[1], wVect[0] tri[7:0] bus //An 8-bit tri state bus integer i; //i is a 32-bit integer used for loop control reg r; //r is a 1-bit register reg[7:0] buf; //buf is an 8-bit register reg[3:0] r1, r2 //r1 and r2 are both 4-bit registers




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The block statements are a means of grouping two or more statements together so that they act syntactically like a single statement. There are two types of blocks in the Verilog HDL: Sequential block, also called begin-end block Parallel block, also called fork-join block The sequential block shall be delimited by the keywords begin and end. The procedural statements in sequential block shall be executed sequentially in the given order. The parallel block shall be delimited by the keywords fork and join. The procedural statements in parallel block shall be executed concurrently. Sequential Blocks A sequential block shall have the following characteristics: -- Statements shall be executed in sequence, one after another -- Delay values for each statement shall be treated relative to the simulation time of the execution of the previous statement -- Control shall pass out of the block after the last statement executes

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EXAMPLE: begin areg = breg; VMM Ethernet sample creg = areg; // creg stores the value of breg end Verilog
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Parallel Blocks A parallel block shall have the following characteristics: -- Statements shall execute concurrently -- Delay values for each statement shall be considered relative to the simulation time of entering the block -- Delay control can be used to provide time-ordering for assignments -- Control shall pass out of the block when the last time-ordered statement executes

Constructs Switch TB

EXAMPLE: fork RVM Switch TB @enable_a RVM Ethernet sample begin #ta wa = 0; #ta wa = 1; #ta wa = 0; Specman E end @enable_b Interview Questions begin #tb wb = 1; #tb wb = 0; #tb wb = 1; end join[9/26/2012 2:44:35 PM]

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Index Introduction Syntax All procedures in the Verilog HDL are specified within one of the following four Data Types Operators statements: Assignments -- initial construct Control Constructs -- always construct Procedural Timing -- Task Controls -- Function Structure The initial and always constructs are enabled at the beginning of a simulation. The Block Statements initial construct shall execute only once and its activity shall cease when the Structured Procedures statement has finished. In contrast, the always construct shall execute repeatedly. Its activity shall cease only when the simulation is terminated. There shall be no implied Report a Bug or Comment order of execution between initial and always constructs. The initial constructs need on This section - Your not be scheduled and executed before the always constructs. There shall be no limit input is what keeps improving to the number of initial and always constructs that can be defined in a module


with time!

Initial An initial block consists of a statement or a group of statements enclosed in begin... end or a signle statement , which will be executed only once at simulation time 0. If there is more than one block they execute concurrently and independently. The initial block is normally used for initialisation, monitoring, generating wave forms (eg, clock pulses) and processes which are executed once in a simulation. An example of initialisation and wave generation is given below EXAMPLE: initial clock = 1'b0; // variable initialization initial begin // multiple statements have to be grouped alpha = 0; #10 alpha = 1; // waveform generation #20 alpha = 0; #5 alpha = 1; #7 alpha = 0; #10 alpha = 1; #20 alpha = 0; end;

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RVM Ethernet sample Always

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An always block is similar to the initial block, but the statements inside an always block will repeated continuously, in a looping fashion, until stopped by $finish or $stop. NOTE: the $finish command actually terminates the simulation where as $stop. merely pauses it and awaits further instructions. Thus $finish is the preferred command unless you are using an interactive version of the simulator. One way to simulate a clock pulse is shown in the example below. Note, this is not the best way to simulate a clock. See the section on the forever loop for a better method. EXAMPLE: module pulse;[9/26/2012 2:44:45 PM]

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reg clock; initial clock = 1'b0; // start the clock at 0 always #10 clock = ~clock; // toggle every 10 time units initial #5000 $finish // end the simulation after 5000 time units endmodule

Tasks and functions can bu used to in much the same manner but there are some important differences that must be noted. Functions A function is unable to enable a task however functions can enable other functions. A function will carry out its required duty in zero simulation time. Within a function, no event, delay or timing control statements are permitted. In the invocation of a function their must be at least one argument to be passed. Functions will only return a single value and can not use either output or inout statements. Functions are synthesysable. Disable statements canot be used. Function canot have numblocking statements. EXAMPLE:function module function_calling(a, b,c); input a, b ; output c; wire c; function myfunction; input a, b; begin myfunction = (a+b); end endfunction assign c = myfunction (a,b); endmodule

Task Tasks are capable of enabling a function as well as enabling other versions of a Task Tasks also run with a zero simulation however they can if required be executed in a non zero simulation time. Tasks are allowed to contain any of these statements. A task is allowed to use zero or more arguments which are of type output, input or inout. A Task is unable to return a value but has the facility to pass multiple values via the output and inout statements. Tasks are not synthesisable. Disable statements can be used. EXAMPLE:task module traffic_lights; reg clock, red, amber, green; parameter on = 1, off = 0, red_tics = 350, amber_tics = 30, green_tics = 200; // initialize colors.[9/26/2012 2:44:45 PM]

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initial red = off; initial amber =




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Introduction OpenVera is an intuitive easy to learn language that combines the familiarity and strengths of HDLs, C++ and Java, with additional constructs targeted at functional verification making it ideal for developing testbenches, assertions and properties. OpenVera accelerates the creation of a verification environment by providing highlevel constructs specifically designed for verification of complex SoCs. Designers create testbenches and assertions using OpenVera and EDA vendors create tools that are automatically interoperable. Comments In Openvera: In OpenVera supports two tytes of comments. # One line comment : Starts with // and ends at the end of the line. # Block comments : Starts with /* and ends with */

VMM Ethernet sample Numbers In Openvera:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

In OpenVera,numbers can be represented in two formats. # Simple integer number. Ex: 1, 50, + 20 ,- 33,- 3_3. # base ' size notaion . Ex: 1'b0,2'00,'haf,3`d555. Underscore _ are ignored. X and x are unknown and Z and z are high impedence values.

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Linked List OpenVeras basic data types are: Verification Operators Part 1 Constructs Operators Part 2 Integer Operators Part 3 Interface Register Operator Precedence String OOPS Control Statements Event Procedures And Methods Randomization Enumerated Types Interprocess Functional Coverage Fork Join Virtual Ports Shadow Variables Assertion Arrays Fork Join Control Smart Queues DPI Wait Var Class Event Sync UVM Tutorial Standalone Coverage Group Event Trigger VMM Tutorial Semaphore Regions OVM Tutorial Integer : Mailbox Easy Labs : SV Timeouts Integers are signed variables.For 32 bit mechine,range is between -231 and 231 -1.An Oop Easy Labs : UVM integer may become X (unknown) when it is not initialized or when an undefined value Casting Easy Labs : OVM is stored. Randomization Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods Register : Constraint Block AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression VMM Ethernet sample Registers are unsigned variables with the value 0, 1, z, or x.Registers can be declared Variable Ordaring with multiple bit widths. Aop Predefined Methods value condition String Methods Verilog 0 logic 0 Queue Methods Verification 1 logic 1 Dut Communication z high impedance Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB x unknown TUTORIALS


Basic Data Types:

Basic Constructs

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving A string is a sequence of characters enclosed by double quotes.OpenVera has with time!


stringmethods for mamuplulating the charecters. string a; string b = "Hi"; string c = b; Event :

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A event can be triggered explicitly. It can be used in an event expression to control the execution of procedural statements. Enumerated Types : Enumerated types are a user-defined list of named integer constants. They can either be defined in the global name space, or in a class.Elements within enumerated type definitions are numbered consecutively, starting from 0.Each element may have an optional explicit value assigned to it. Default numbering Ex : enum colors {red, green, blue, yellow, white, black};[9/26/2012 2:45:02 PM]

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Explicit numbering Ex : enum instructions {add=10, sub, div, mul=4, jmp}; Class Scope enumration Ex : class Bus { enum TRAFFIC = PCI, AHB, USB; } Virtual Ports : A virtual port is a user-defined data type that contains a set of port signal members grouped together under a given user-defined port name. port rcv_port { frame_n; valid_n; busy; packet; } Arrays : OpenVera has one dimentional and multidimentional arrays. There are four different types of arrays. Fixed-Size Arrays: Arrays whose size is fixed at compilation time are called fixed tsize arrays.The access time is constant regardless of the number of elements in an array.Multi-dimensional arrays are fixed-size arrays with multiple dimensions. integer array_ex[5]; // 1D array of size 5 integer matrix [2][5]; // 2d array of size 2 x 5 integer x[2][2]={{0,1},{2,3}}; // Array initilization Dynamic Arrays : The size of dynamic arrays can be allocated and resized at runtime. integer array_ex[*]; new[] : The new[] operator is used to set or change the size of dynamic arrays during runtime. integer packetA[*], packetB[*]; // Declare 2 arrays. packetA = new[100]; // Create packetA. packetB = new[100] (packetA); // create packetB and initia Associative Arrays : When the size of the collection is unknown or the data space is sparse, associative array are used.Associative arrays do not have any storage allocated until it is used, and the index expression is not restricted to integral expressions, but can be of any type. integer regular[]; // bit indexed associative arrays integer regular[bit]; integer map[string]; Smart Queues :[9/26/2012 2:45:02 PM]

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Smart Queue is a sequence / deque / vector of homogeneous elements. Smart queues can be used to model a last in, first out buffer or first in, first out buffer. This supports insertion and deletion of elements from random locations using an index. integer queue_of_int[$]; //declare Smart Queue of integers queue_of_int.push_front(1234); //inseqting 1234 into queue Class : The user-defined data type, class, is composed of data members of valid OpenVera data types (known as properties) and tasks or functions (known as methods) for manipulating the data members.The properties and methods, taken together, define the contents and capabilities of a class instance or object.




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Linked List: OpenVera supports Linked list.It also supports object based Linked list also.First declare the Linked list type and then take instances of it.OpenVera has many methodes to operate on this instancess. List Definitions: List :- A list is a doubly linked list, where every element has a predecessor and successor. It is a sequence that supports both forward and backward traversal, as well as amortized constant time insertion and removal of elements at the beginning, end, or middle. Container :- A container is a collection of objects of the same type .Containers are objects that contain and manage other objects and provide iterators that allow the contained objects (elements) to be addressed. A container has methods for accessing its elements. Every container has an associated iterator type that can be used to iterate through the containers elements. Cterator :- Iterators provide the interface to containers. They also provide a means to traverse the container elements. Iterators are pointers to nodes within a list. If an iterator points to an object in a range of objects and the iterator is incremented, the iterator then points to the next object in the range.

The following procedure shouws how to creat List and use it: 1)Creat List: VMM Ethernet sample MakeVeraList(data_type); Verilog
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2)Declare Lists VeraList_data_type list1; 3)Declare List Iterators VeraListIterator_data_type iterator1; List Methods:

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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size() : The size() method returns the number of elements in the list container. empty() :The empty() method returns 1 if the number of elements in the list Switch TB container is 0: clear() :The clear() method removes all the elements of the specified list. RVM Switch TB erase() :The erase() method removes the indicated element. RVM Ethernet sample push_front():The push_front() method inserts data at the front of the list. push_back() :The push_back() method inserts data at the end of the list. pop_front() :The pop_front() method removes the first element of the list. pop_back() :The pop_back() method removes the last element of the list. Specman E insert() :The insert() method inserts data before the indicated position: Interview Questions insert_range() :The insert_range() method inserts elements in a given range before the indicated position. start() :The start() method returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the list. finish() :The finish() method returns an iterator pointing to the very end of the list. next() :The next() method moves the iterator so that it points to the next item in the list. prev() :The prev() method moves the iterator so that it points to the previous item in the list. eq() :The eq() method compares two iterators. neq() :The neq() method compares two iterators.
Constructs[9/26/2012 2:45:12 PM]

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front() back() data()

:The front() method returns the first element in the list. :The back() method returns the last element in the list. :The data() method returns the data stored at a particular location:

EXAMPLE:Linked list #include <VeraListProgram.vrh> #include <ListMacros.vrh> MakeVeraList(integer); program main{ VeraList_integer List1; VeraListIterator_integer itor; List1 = new(); printf (" size of list is %d List1.push_back(10); List1.push_front(22); printf (" size of list is %d printf (" poping from list printf (" poping from list List1.pop_front(); List1.pop_front(); printf (" size of list is %d List1.push_back(5); List1.push_back(55); List1.push_back(555); List1.push_back(5555); printf (" size of list is %d \n",List1.size()); \n",List1.size()); : %d \n",List1.front()); : %d \n",List1.front()); \n",List1.size());


itor = List1.start(); printf (" startn of list %d \n",;; printf (" second element of list is %d \n",;; printf (" third element of list is %d \n",;; printf (" fourth element of list is %d \n",; itor = List1.erase(itor); printf (" after erasing element,the itor element of list is %d \n",; itor.prev(); printf(" prevoious element is %d \n",; } printf (" END OF PROGRAM\n");

RESULTS: size of list is 0 size of list is 2 poping from list : 22 poping from list : 22 size of list is 0 size of list is 4 startn of list 5 second element of list is 55[9/26/2012 2:45:12 PM]

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third element of list is 555 fourth element of list is 5555 after erasing element,the itor element of list is x prevoious element is 555 END OF PROGRAM




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM

Operators : Concatenation Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators Equality Operators Logical Operators Bit-wise Operators Reduction Operators Shift Operators Increment and Decrement Operators Conditional Operator Concatenation : {} concatenation right of assignment. {} concatenation left of assignment.

EXAMPLE :Concatenation program main { bit [4:0] a; AVM Switch TB bit b,c,d; b = 0; VMM Ethernet sample c = 1; d = 1; a = {b,c,0,0,d}; Verilog `{b,c,d} = 3'b111; Verification printf(" a %b b %b c %b d %b ",a,b,c,d); } Verilog Switch TB
Easy Labs : VMM Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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RESULTS a 00001 b 1 c 1 d 1

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Arithmetic: #unary arithmetic (negative) binary arithmetic modulus

RVM Ethernet sample # +, -, *, /


Specman E Interview Questions

EXAMPLE :Arithmetic program main { integer a,b; b = 10; a = 22; printf(" printf(" printf(" printf(" printf(" -(nagetion) is %0d \n",-(a) ); a + b is %0d \n",a+b); a - b is %0d \n",a-b); a * b is %0d \n",a*b); a / b is %0d \n",a/b);[9/26/2012 2:45:22 PM]

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printf(" a modulus b is %0d } RESULTS -(nagetion) is -22 a + b is 32 a - b is 12 a * b is 220 a / b is 2 a modules b is 2


Relational: # > >= < <= relational

EXAMPLE :Relational program main { integer a,b; b = 10; a = 22; printf(" printf(" printf(" printf(" } RESULTS a a a a < b is 0 > b is 1 <= b is 0 >= b is 1 a a a a < b is %0d \n",a < b); > b is %0d \n",a >b); <= b is %0d \n",a <= b); >= b is %0d \n",a >= b);

Equality: == != === !== =?= !?= logical equality logical inequality case equality case inequality wildcard equality wildcard inequality

EXAMPLE :logical Equality reg[3:0] a; reg[7:0] x, y, z; a = 4'b0101; x = 8'b1000_0101; y = 8'b0000_0101; z = 8'b0xx0_0101;[9/26/2012 2:45:22 PM]

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if (x == a) printf("x equals a is TRUE.\n"); if (y == a) printf("y equals a is TRUE.\n"); if (z == a) printf("z equals a is TRUE.\n"); RESULTS y equals a is TRUE. EXAMPLE : Case equality program main { reg a_1,a_0,a_x,a_z; reg b_1,b_0,b_x,b_z; a_1 = 'b1;a_0 = 'b0;a_x = 'bx;a_z = 'bz; b_1 = 'b1;b_0 = 'b0;b_x = 'bx;b_z = 'bz; printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" == 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 == b_0,a_0 == b_1,a_0 == b_x,a_0 == b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 == b_0,a_1 == b_1,a_1 == b_x,a_1 == b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x == b_0,a_x == b_1,a_x == b_x,a_x == b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z == b_0,a_z == b_1,a_z == b_x,a_z == b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" === 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 === b_0,a_0 === b_1,a_0 === b_x,a_0 === b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 === b_0,a_1 === b_1,a_1 === b_x,a_1 === b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x === b_0,a_x === b_1,a_x === b_x,a_x === b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z === b_0,a_z === b_1,a_z === b_x,a_z === b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" =?= 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 =?= b_0,a_0 =?= b_1,a_0 =?= b_x,a_0 =?= b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 =?= b_0,a_1 =?= b_1,a_1 =?= b_x,a_1 =?= b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x =?= b_0,a_x =?= b_1,a_x =?= b_x,a_x =?= b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z =?= b_0,a_z =?= b_1,a_z =?= b_x,a_z =?= b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" != 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 != b_0,a_0 != b_1,a_0 != b_x,a_0 != b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 != b_0,a_1 != b_1,a_1 != b_x,a_1 != b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x != b_0,a_x != b_1,a_x != b_x,a_x != b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z != b_0,a_z != b_1,a_z != b_x,a_z != b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" !== 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 !== b_0,a_0 !== b_1,a_0 !== b_x,a_0 !== b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 !== b_0,a_1 !== b_1,a_1 !== b_x,a_1 !== b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x !== b_0,a_x !== b_1,a_x !== b_x,a_x !== b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z !== b_0,a_z !== b_1,a_z !== b_x,a_z !== b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" !?= 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 !?= b_0,a_0 !?= b_1,a_0 !?= b_x,a_0 !?= b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 !?= b_0,a_1 !?= b_1,a_1 !?= b_x,a_1 !?= b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x !?= b_0,a_x !?= b_1,a_x !?= b_x,a_x !?= b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z !?= b_0,a_z !?= b_1,a_z !?= b_x,a_z !?= b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); } RESULTS -------------------------== 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 x x 1 0 1 x x x x x x x[9/26/2012 2:45:22 PM]

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z x x x x --------------------------------------------------=== 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 x 0 0 1 0 z 0 0 0 1 --------------------------------------------------=?= 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 z 1 1 1 1 --------------------------------------------------!= 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 x x 1 1 0 x x x x x x x z x x x x --------------------------------------------------!== 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 x 1 1 0 1 z 1 1 1 0 --------------------------------------------------!?= 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 --------------------------




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization

Logical : #! # && # || logical negation logical and logical or

EXAMPLE : Logical program main { reg a_1,a_0,a_x,a_z; Functional Coverage reg b_1,b_0,b_x,b_z; Assertion a_1 = 'b1;a_0 = 'b0;a_x = 'bx;a_z = 'bz; b_1 = 'b1;b_0 = 'b0;b_x = 'bx;b_z = 'bz; DPI printf("--------------------------\n"); UVM Tutorial printf (" && 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); VMM Tutorial printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 && b_0,a_0 && b_1,a_0 && b_x,a_0 && b_z); OVM Tutorial printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 && b_0,a_1 && b_1,a_1 && b_x,a_1 && b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x && b_0,a_x && b_1,a_x && b_x,a_x && b_z); Easy Labs : SV printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z && b_0,a_z && b_1,a_z && b_x,a_z && b_z); Easy Labs : UVM printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); Easy Labs : OVM printf (" || 0 1 x z \n"); Easy Labs : VMM printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 || b_0,a_0 || b_1,a_0 || b_x,a_0 || b_z); AVM Switch TB printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 || b_0,a_1 || b_1,a_1 || b_x,a_1 || b_z); VMM Ethernet sample printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x || b_0,a_x || b_1,a_x || b_x,a_x || b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z || b_0,a_z || b_1,a_z || b_x,a_z || b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); Verilog printf (" ! 0 1 x z \n"); Verification printf("--------------------------\n"); Verilog Switch TB printf (" %b %b %b %b \n",!b_0,!b_1,!b_x,!b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); Basic Constructs } RESULTS OpenVera -------------------------&& 0 1 x z -------------------------Switch TB 0 0 0 0 0 RVM Switch TB 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 RVM Ethernet sample x z 0 1 0 1 --------------------------------------------------Specman E || 0 1 x z -------------------------Interview Questions 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 x 0 1 0 1 z 1 1 1 1 --------------------------------------------------! 0 1 x z -------------------------1 0 x x -------------------------Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Bitwise : # # # # # # # ~ & &~ | |~ ^ ^~ bitwise negation (unary) bitwise and (binary) bitwise nand (binary) bitwise or (binary) bitwise nor (binary) bitwise exclusive or (binary) bitwise exclusive nor (binary)

EXAMPLE : Bitwise program main { reg a_1,a_0,a_x,a_z; reg b_1,b_0,b_x,b_z; a_1 = 'b1;a_0 = 'b0;a_x = 'bx;a_z = 'bz; b_1 = 'b1;b_0 = 'b0;b_x = 'bx;b_z = 'bz; printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" ~ 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" %b %b %b %b \n",~b_0,~b_1,~b_x,~b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" & 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 & b_0,a_0 & b_1,a_0 & b_x,a_0 & b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 & b_0,a_1 & b_1,a_1 & b_x,a_1 & b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x & b_0,a_x & b_1,a_x & b_x,a_x & b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z & b_0,a_z & b_1,a_z & b_x,a_z & b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" &~ 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 &~ b_0,a_0 &~ b_1,a_0 &~ b_x,a_0 &~ b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 &~ b_0,a_1 &~ b_1,a_1 &~ b_x,a_1 &~ b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x &~ b_0,a_x &~ b_1,a_x &~ b_x,a_x &~ b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z &~ b_0,a_z &~ b_1,a_z &~ b_x,a_z &~ b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" | 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 | b_0,a_0 | b_1,a_0 | b_x,a_0 | b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 | b_0,a_1 | b_1,a_1 | b_x,a_1 | b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x | b_0,a_x | b_1,a_x | b_x,a_x | b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z | b_0,a_z | b_1,a_z | b_x,a_z | b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" |~ 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 |~ b_0,a_0 |~ b_1,a_0 |~ b_x,a_0 |~ b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 |~ b_0,a_1 |~ b_1,a_1 |~ b_x,a_1 |~ b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x |~ b_0,a_x |~ b_1,a_x |~ b_x,a_x |~ b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z |~ b_0,a_z |~ b_1,a_z |~ b_x,a_z |~ b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" ^ 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n");[9/26/2012 2:45:32 PM]

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printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 ^ b_0,a_0 ^ b_1,a_0 ^ b_x,a_0 ^ b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 ^ b_0,a_1 ^ b_1,a_1 ^ b_x,a_1 ^ b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x ^ b_0,a_x ^ b_1,a_x ^ b_x,a_x ^ b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z ^ b_0,a_z ^ b_1,a_z ^ b_x,a_z ^ b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" ^~ 0 1 x z \n"); printf("--------------------------\n"); printf (" 0 %b %b %b %b \n",a_0 ^~ b_0,a_0 ^~ b_1,a_0 ^~ b_x,a_0 ^~ b_z); printf (" 1 %b %b %b %b \n",a_1 ^~ b_0,a_1 ^~ b_1,a_1 ^~ b_x,a_1 ^~ b_z); printf (" x %b %b %b %b \n",a_x ^~ b_0,a_x ^~ b_1,a_x ^~ b_x,a_x ^~ b_z); printf (" z %b %b %b %b \n",a_z ^~ b_0,a_z ^~ b_1,a_z ^~ b_x,a_z ^~ b_z); printf("--------------------------\n"); } RESULTS -------------------------~ 0 1 x z -------------------------1 0 x x --------------------------------------------------& 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 x x x 0 x x x z 0 x x x --------------------------------------------------&~ 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 x x x 1 x x x z 1 x x x --------------------------------------------------| 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 x x 1 1 1 1 1 x x 1 x x z x 1 x x -------------------------|~ 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 x x 1 0 0 0 0 x x 0 x x z x 0 x x --------------------------------------------------^ 0 1 x z -------------------------0 0 1 x x 1 1 0 x x x x x x x z x x x x -------------------------^~ 0 1 x z -------------------------0 1 0 x x 1 0 1 x x x x x x x z x x x x -------------------------Reduction : # # # # & ~& | ~| unary and unary nand unary or unary nor[9/26/2012 2:45:32 PM]

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#^ # ~^

unary exclusive or unary exclusive nor

EXAMPLE : Reduction program main { reg [3:0] a_1,a_0,a_01xz,a_1xz,a_0xz,a_0dd1,a_even1; a_1 = 4'b1111 ; a_0 = 4'b0000 ; a_01xz = 4'b01xz ; a_1xz = 4'b11xz ; a_0xz = 4'b00xz ; a_0dd1 = 4'b1110 ; a_even1 = 4'b1100 ; printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" a_1 a_0 a_01xz a_1xz a_0xz \n"); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); printf("& %b %b %b %b %b \n",&a_1,&a_0,&a_01xz,&a_1xz,&a_0xz); printf("| %b %b %b %b %b \n",|a_1,|a_0,|a_01xz,|a_1xz,|a_0xz); printf("~& %b %b %b %b %b \n",~&a_1,~&a_0,~&a_01xz,~&a_1xz,~&a_0xz); printf("~| %b %b %b %b %b \n",~|a_1,~|a_0,~|a_01xz,~|a_1xz,~|a_0xz); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" a_ood1 a_even1 a_1xz\n"); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" ^ %b %b %b \n",^a_0dd1,^a_even1,^a_1xz); printf(" ~^ %b %b %b \n",~^a_0dd1,~^a_even1,~^a_1xz); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); } RESULTS ------------------------------------------a_1 a_0 a_01xz a_1xz a_0xz ------------------------------------------& 1 0 0 x 0 | 1 0 1 1 x ~& 0 1 1 x 1 ~| 0 1 0 0 x ------------------------------------------a_ood1 a_even1 a_1xz ------------------------------------------^ 1 0 x ~^ 0 1 x -------------------------------------------




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Shift : # << # >> left shift right shift

EXAMPLE :Shift program main { reg [3:0] a_1,a_0; a_1 = 4'b1100 ; a_0 = 4'b0011 ; printf(" printf(" printf(" printf(" << >> >> << by by by by 1 2 2 1 a_1 a_1 a_1 a_1 is is is is %b %b %b %b a_0 a_0 a_0 a_0 is is is is %b %b %b %b \n \n \n \n ",a_1 ",a_1 ",a_1 ",a_1 << >> >> << 1,a_0 2,a_0 2,a_0 1,a_0 << >> >> << 1); 2); 2); 1);

} RESULTS << by 1 >> by 2 >> by 2 << by 1 a_1 a_1 a_1 a_1 is 1000 a_0 is 0110 is 0011 a_0 is 0000 is 0011 a_0 is 0000 is 1000 a_0 is 0110

Bit-Reverse : >< bit reverse

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

EXAMPLE : Bit-reverse program main { reg [3:0] a_1,a_0; a_1 = 4'b1100 ; printf(" >< a_1 is %b \n ",><a_1 ); } RESULTS >< a_1 is 0011 Increment And Decrement : ++ -increment decrement

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

EXAMPLE : Increment and Decrement program main { integer a_1,a_0; a_1 = 20 ; a_0 = 20 ; a_1 ++ ; a_0 -- ; printf (" a_1 is %d a_0 is %d ",a_1,a_0); } RESULTS a_1 is 21 a_0 is 19[9/26/2012 2:45:42 PM]

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Conditional : ?: conditional

EXAMPLE : Conditional program main { integer i,j,sub; for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=3; j>0; j--){ sub = (i>j) ? i-j : j-i; printf("i = %0d\t j = %0d\tsub = %0d\n", i,j,sub); } } RESULTS i= i= i= i= i= i= i= i= i= 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 j j j j j j j j j = = = = = = = = = 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 sub sub sub sub sub sub sub sub sub = = = = = = = = = 3 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 1

Set in !in dist EXAMPLE : Set program main { integer i; i = 20; if( i in {10,20,30}) printf(" I is in 10 20 30 "); } RESULTS I is in 10 20 30 Replication : { number {}} EXAMPLE : Replication program main { reg [5:0] i; i = { 3{2'b10}}; printf(" I is %b ",i); } RESULTS I is 101010[9/26/2012 2:45:42 PM]

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Operator Precedence :

() Highest precedence ++ -& ~& | ~| ^ ~^ ~ >< (unary) */% +<< >> < <= > >= in !in dist =?= !?= == != === !== & &~ ^ ^~ | |~ && || ?: = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= |= ^= ~&= ~|= ~^= Lowest precedence

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Sequential Statements: Statements inside sequential control constructs are executed sequentially. if-else Statement statement. case Statement : The if-else statement is the general form of selection

: The case statement provides for multi-way branching.

repeat loop : Repeat statements can be used to repeat the execution of a statement or statement block a fixed number of times. for loop while loop do-while : The for construct can be used to create loops. : The loop iterates while the condition is true. : condition is checked after loop iteration.

foreach :ech construct specifies iteration over the elements of an single dimensional fixed-size arrays, dynamic arrays and SmartQs. Loop Control within loops. : The break and continue statements are used for flow control

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

EXAMPLE : if program main { integer i; i = 20; if( i == 20) printf(" I is equal to %d ",i); else printf(" I is not equal to %d ",i); } RESULTS I is equal to 20

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE : case and repeat

program main { integer i;

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repeat(10){ i = random(); case(1) { (i<0) :printf(" i is less than zero i==%d\n",i); (i>0) :printf(" i is grater than zero i=%d\n",i); (i == 0):printf(" i is equal to zero i=%d\n",i); } }

i is grater than zero i=69120[9/26/2012 2:45:58 PM]

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i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is

grater grater grater grater grater grater grater grater grater

than than than than than than than than than

zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero

i=475628600 i=1129920902 i=773000284 i=1730349006 i=1674352583 i=1662201030 i=2044158707 i=1641506755 i=797919327

EXAMPLE : forloop program for_loop { integer count, i; for(count = 0, i=0; i*count<50; i++, count++) printf("Value i = %0d\n", i); } RESULTS Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = Value i = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

EXAMPLE : whileloop program while_loop{ integer operator=0; while (operator<5){ operator += 1; printf("Operator is %0d\n", operator); } } RESULTS Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator is is is is is 1 2 3 4 5

EXAMPLE : dowhile program test { integer i = 0; do { printf("i = %0d \n", i); i++; } while (i < 10); } RESULTS[9/26/2012 2:45:58 PM]

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i= i= i= i= i= i= i= i= i= i=

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

EXAMPLE : foeach program example{ string names[$]={"Hello", "Vera"}; foreach (names, i) { printf("Value at index %0d is %0s\n", i, names[i]); } } RESULTS Value at index 0 is Hello Value at index 1 is Vera EXAMPLE : randcase program rand_case{ integer i; repeat(10){ randcase { 10: i=1; 20: i=2; 50: i=3; } printf(" i is %d \n",i);} } RESULTS i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is i is 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


Procedures And Methods : OpenVera supports two means of encapsulating program fragments: functions and tasks. All functions and tasks are re-entrant and therefore can be called recursively. Function : Functions are provided for implementing operations containing arguments passed to the function and one return value.Functions can return values of any valid data type as well as data structures. Task : Tasks are identical to functions except they do not return a value. Subroutine Arguments : OpenVera provides two means of accessing arguments in functions and tasks: pass by value and pass by reference. Pass By Value : Pass by value is the default method through which arguments are passed into functions and tasks. Each subroutine retains a local copy of the argument. If the arguments are changed within the subroutine declaration, the changes do not affect the caller. EXAMPLE : pass by value program main{ integer i; i=0; fork pass(i); display(); join printf("End of Program at %d\n",get_time(LO) ); }

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Constructs Switch TB

task pass(int i) { delay(10); i = 1; RVM Switch TB printf(" i is changed to %d at %d\n",i,get_time(LO) ); delay(10); RVM Ethernet sample i = 2; printf(" i is changed to %d at %d\n",i,get_time(LO) ); }
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task display(){ delay(15); printf(" i is %d at %d\n",i,get_time(LO)); delay(10); printf(" i is %d at %d\n",i,get_time(LO)); } RESULTS i is changed to 1 at 10 i is 0 at 15[9/26/2012 2:46:07 PM]

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i is changed to 2 at 20 i is 0 at 25 End of Program at 25

Pass By Reference : In pass by reference functions and tasks directly access the specified variables passed as arguments.Its like passing pointer of the variable. EXAMPLE : pass by reference program main{ integer i; i=0; fork pass(i); display(); join printf("End of Program at %d\n",get_time(LO) ); } task pass(var int i) { delay(10); i = 1; printf(" i is changed to %d at %d\n",i,get_time(LO) ); delay(10); i = 2; printf(" i is changed to %d at %d\n",i,get_time(LO) ); } task display(){ delay(15); printf(" i is %d at %d\n",i,get_time(LO)); delay(10); printf(" i is %d at %d\n",i,get_time(LO)); } RESULTS i is changed to 1 at 10 i is 1 at 15 i is changed to 2 at 20 i is 2 at 25 End of Program at 25 Default Arguments: To handle common cases or allow for unused arguments, OpenVera allows you to define default values for each scalar argument.When the subroutine is called, you can omit an argument that has a default defined for it. Use an asterisk (*) as a placeholder in the subroutine call. EXAMPLE : Default Arguments: task display(integer i = 0, integer k, reg[5:0] data = 6'b0) { printf(" i si %d k is %d , datat is %b \n",i,k,data); }[9/26/2012 2:46:07 PM]

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program main{ integer i; i=0; display(1,4,6); display(*,4,*); display(*,8,4); } RESULTS i si 1 k is 4 , datat is 000110 i si 0 k is 4 , datat is 000000 i si 0 k is 8 , datat is 000100 Optional Arguments: To allow subroutines to evolve over time without having to change all of the existing calls, OpenVera supports optional arguments.Optional arguments must have default values.Any number of additional optional arguments can be created.Parentheses are used to determine the depth level of an optional argument. EXAMPLE : optional arguments task my_task(integer a, ((integer b=1)), (integer c=1)){ printf (" a is %d, b is %d c is %d\n",a,b,c); } program main{ integer i; i=0; my_task(1,2,3); my_task(1); my_task(1,2); } RESULTS a is 1, b is 2 c is 3 a is 1, b is 1 c is 1 a is 1, b is 2 c is 1

Subroutine Termination : Normally, functions and tasks return control to the caller after the last statement of the block is executed. OpenVera provides the return statement to manually pass control back to the caller.




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog OpenVera supports set of synchronization and communication mechanisms, all of Linked List Verification Operators Part 1 which can be created and reclaimed dynamically. Constructs Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Interface fork and join Statement Operator Precedence wait_var() OOPS Control Statements Event Methods Procedures And Methods Randomization Semaphores Interprocess Functional Coverage Regions Fork Join Shadow Variables Mailboxes Assertion Fork Join Control Timeout Limit DPI Wait Var Event Sync UVM Tutorial Event Trigger VMM Tutorial Semaphore Regions OVM Tutorial Mailbox Easy Labs : SV Timeouts Oop Easy Labs : UVM Casting Easy Labs : OVM Randomization Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods Constraint Block AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression VMM Ethernet sample Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Verilog Queue Methods Verification Dut Communication Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB TUTORIALS


Interprocess Synchronization And Communication :

Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Fork Join: Fork/join blocks provide the primary mechanism for creating concurrent processes.The all | any | none options specify when the code after the fork/join block executes.The default is all. all :: The default is all. Code after the block executes after all of the concurrent processes are completed. any :: When any is used, code after the block executes after any single concurrent process is completed. none :: When none is used, code after the block executes immediately, without waiting for any of the processes to complete.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

EXAMPLE : fork/join none program main { delay(10); printf(" BEFORE fork fork { delay (20); printf("time = %d } { delay(10); printf("time = %d } { delay(5); printf("time = %d } time = %d \n",get_time(LO) ); delay 20 \n ",get_time(LO) );

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delay 10 \n ",get_time(LO) );

delay 5 \n ",get_time(LO) );[9/26/2012 2:46:23 PM]

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join none printf(" time = %d Outside the main fork \n",get_time(LO) ); delay(40); } RESULTS BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 10 Outside the main fork time = 15 delay 5 time = 20 delay 10 time = 30 delay 20 EXAMPLE : fork/join any program main { delay(10); printf(" BEFORE fork time = %d \n",get_time(LO) ); fork { delay (20); printf("time = %d delay 20 \n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(10); printf("time = %d delay 10 \n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(5); printf("time = %d delay 5 \n ",get_time(LO) ); } join any printf(" time = %d Outside the main fork \n",get_time(LO) ); delay(40); } RESULTS BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 15 delay 5 time = 15 Outside the main fork time = 20 delay 10 time = 30 delay 20 EXAMPLE : fork/join all program main { delay(10); printf(" BEFORE fork time = %d \n",get_time(LO) ); fork { delay (20); printf("time = %d delay 20 \n ",get_time(LO) ); } {[9/26/2012 2:46:23 PM]

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delay(10); printf("time = %d delay 10 \n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(5); printf("time = %d delay 5 \n ",get_time(LO) ); } join all printf(" time = %d Outside the main fork \n",get_time(LO) ); delay(40); } RESULTS BEFORE fork time = 10 time = 15 delay 5 time = 20 delay 10 time = 30 delay 20 time = 30 Outside the main fork When defining a fork/join block, encapsulating the entire fork inside braces ({}) results in the entire block being treated as a single thread, and the code executes consecutively. EXAMPLE : sequential statement in fork/join program main { delay(10); printf(" First fork time = %d \n",get_time(LO) ); fork { delay (20); printf("time = %d delay 20 \n ",get_time(LO),i); } { delay(10); printf("time = %d delay 10 \n ",get_time(LO),j); } { delay(5); printf("time = %d delay 5 \n ",get_time(LO),m); delay(2); printf("time = %d delay 2 \n ",get_time(LO),m); } join any printf(" time = %d Outside the main fork \n",get_time(LO) ); delay(40); } RESULTS First fork time = 15 time = 17 time = 17 time = 20 time = 30 time = 10 delay 5 delay 2 Outside the main fork delay 10 delay 20



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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog By default, all child processes have access to the parents variables.However, if Linked List Verification multiple processes independently use the same variable,races can occur. To avoid Operators Part 1 Constructs Operators Part 2 races within fork/join blocks, shadow variables should be used. Operators Part 3 Interface Operator Precedence EXAMPLE : without shadow variable OOPS Control Statements Procedures And Methods Randomization program main { Interprocess call(); Functional Coverage Fork Join delay(40); Shadow Variables Assertion printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); Fork Join Control } DPI Wait Var Event Sync UVM Tutorial task call(){ Event Trigger integer i; VMM Tutorial Semaphore delay(10); Regions OVM Tutorial for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Mailbox fork Easy Labs : SV Timeouts { Oop Easy Labs : UVM delay(10); Casting printf(" time = %0d: i is %0d \n",get_time(LO),i); Easy Labs : OVM Randomization } Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods join none Constraint Block } AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression } VMM Ethernet sample Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods RESULTS String Methods Verilog Queue Methods time = 20: i is 3 Verification Dut Communication time = 20: i is 3 Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB time = 20: i is 3 END OF SIMUALTION Basic Constructs TUTORIALS

Shadow Variables

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Look at the solution, i is 3 in all the threads. EXAMPLE :with shadow variable

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program main { call(); RVM Ethernet sample delay(40); printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); }
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task call(){ shadow integer i; // using shadow variable delay(10); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fork { delay(10); printf(" time = %0d: i is %0d \n",get_time(LO),i); } join none } }[9/26/2012 2:46:32 PM]

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RESULTS time = 20: i is 0 time = 20: i is 1 time = 20: i is 2 END OF SIMUALTION The solution shows that ,Using the shadow keyword forces the Vera compiler to create a copy of the variable i local to each child process, which eliminates race conditions. Any descendants of the child processes will also have a copy of the variable local to that descendant.




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Linked List Wait_chiled(): Verification Operators Part 1 Constructs The wait_child() system task is used to ensure that all child processes are executed Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 before the Vera program terminates. Interface Operator Precedence OOPS Control Statements EXAMPLE : without wait_var Procedures And Methods Randomization Interprocess task me () { Functional Coverage Fork Join integer n ; Shadow Variables Assertion Fork Join Control for(n=0; n<10 ; n++) { DPI Wait Var fork Event Sync UVM Tutorial {delay(10) Event Trigger printf(" inside for.join none ,time = %0d \n",get_time(LO) ) ; VMM Tutorial Semaphore } Regions OVM Tutorial join none Mailbox } Easy Labs : SV Timeouts // wait_child() ; Oop Easy Labs : UVM printf(" END of task \n"); Casting } Easy Labs : OVM Randomization Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods program main { Constraint Block me() ; AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression printf(" END of program \n"); VMM Ethernet sample } Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods RESULTS String Methods Verilog Queue Methods END of task Verification Dut Communication END of program Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB TUTORIALS


Fork And Join Control:

Basic Constructs

The soluton shows that inside forkjoin state ments are not printed. EXAMPLE : with wait_var task me () { integer n ; for(n=0; n<10 ; n++) { fork {delay(10) printf(" inside for.join none ,time = %0d \n",get_time(LO) ) ; } join none } wait_child() ; printf(" END of task \n"); } program main { me() ; printf(" END of program \n"); } RESULTS

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 inside for.join none ,time = 10 END of task END of program Terminate: The terminate statement terminates all active descendants of the current thread in which it was called.If any of the child processes have other descendants, the terminate command terminates them as well. This example forks off several child processes within a task. After any of the child processes is complete, the code continues to execute. Before the task is completed, all remaining child processes are terminated. EXAMPLE : without terminate task task1() { delay(10); printf(" before fork time = %d \n",get_time(LO) ); fork { delay (20); printf("time = %d delay 20\n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(10); printf("time = %d delay 10\n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(5); printf("time = %d delay 5\n ",get_time(LO) ); } join any fork { delay(35); printf("time = %d delay 35\n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(25) printf("time = %d delay 25\n ",get_time(LO) ); } {delay(15) printf("time = %d delay 15\n ",get_time(LO) ); } join none // terminate; delay(100); }[9/26/2012 2:46:39 PM]

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program main { task1(); printf(" Time = %d Task completed \n",get_time(LO) ); } RESULTS before fork time = 10 time = 15 delay 5 time = 20 delay 10 time = 30 delay 20 time = 30 delay 15 time = 40 delay 25 time = 50 delay 35 Time = 115 Task completed

EXAMPLE : with terminate task task1() { delay(10); printf(" before fork time = %d \n",get_time(LO) ); fork { delay (20); printf("time = %d delay 20\n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(10); printf("time = %d delay 10\n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(5); printf("time = %d delay 5\n ",get_time(LO) ); } join any fork { delay(35); printf("time = %d delay 35\n ",get_time(LO) ); } { delay(25) printf("time = %d delay 25\n ",get_time(LO) ); } {delay(15) printf("time = %d delay 15\n ",get_time(LO) ); } join none terminate; delay(100); } program main { task1(); printf(" Time = %d Task completed \n",get_time(LO) ); } RESULTS before fork time = 10 time = 15 delay 5 Time = 115 Task completed Both the solutions ahow that the task is completed at time 115 .When teriminate is not used, all the chaild process execute,when teriminate is use,all the chaild processes are teriminated. Suspend_thread: The suspend_thread() system task is used to temporarily suspend the current thread.It suspends the current thread and allows other ready concurrent threads to run. When[9/26/2012 2:46:39 PM]

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all ready threads have had one chance to block, the suspended thread resumes execution. EXAMPLE : without suspend_thread program main { call(); delay(40); printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); } task call(){ shadow integer i; // using shadow variable delay(10); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fork { delay(10); printf(" time = %0d: i is %0d \n",get_time(LO),i); printf( " Suspending the thread \n"); // suspend_thread(); printf( " After Suspending the thread \n"); printf(" time = %0d: i is %0d \n",get_time(LO),i); } join none

} }

RESULTS time = 20: i is 0 Suspending the thread After Suspending the thread time = 20: i is 0 time = 20: i is 1 Suspending the thread After Suspending the thread time = 20: i is 1 time = 20: i is 2 Suspending the thread After Suspending the thread time = 20: i is 2 END OF SIMUALTION

EXAMPLE : with suspend_thread program main { call(); delay(40); printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); } task call(){ shadow integer i; // using shadow variable delay(10); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fork { delay(10); printf(" time = %0d: i is %0d \n",get_time(LO),i); printf( " Suspending the thread \n"); suspend_thread(); printf( " After Suspending the thread \n"); printf(" time = %0d: i is %0d \n",get_time(LO),i); } join none[9/26/2012 2:46:39 PM]

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} RESULTS time = 20: i is 0 Suspending the thread time = 20: i is 1 Suspending the thread time = 20: i is 2 Suspending the thread After Suspending the thread time = 20: i is 0 After Suspending the thread time = 20: i is 1 After Suspending the thread time = 20: i is 2 END OF SIMUALTION The solution shows that all the child threads are suspended until all the calls are made and then reumed.




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog The wait_var() system task blocks the calling process until one of the variables in its Linked List Verification arguments list changes values.Only true value changes unblock the process. Operators Part 1 Constructs Reassigning the same value does not unblock. If more than one variable is specified, a Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 change to any of the variables unblocks the process. Interface Operator Precedence OOPS Control Statements EXAMPLE : wait_var() Procedures And Methods program main { Randomization Interprocess call(); Functional Coverage Fork Join delay(40); Shadow Variables Assertion printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); Fork Join Control } DPI Wait Var Event Sync UVM Tutorial task call(){ Event Trigger reg[7:0] data ; VMM Tutorial Semaphore integer i; Regions OVM Tutorial fork Mailbox { Easy Labs : SV Timeouts while(1) Oop Easy Labs : UVM { wait_var(data); Casting printf("time = %0d has changed to: %d\n",get_time(LO),data); Easy Labs : OVM Randomization } Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods } Constraint Block { AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression for (i=0;i<10;i++){ VMM Ethernet sample Variable Ordaring data= random(); Aop delay(10);} Predefined Methods } String Methods join all Verilog Queue Methods } Verification Dut Communication Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB RESULTS Basic Constructs TUTORIALS


time time OpenVera time Constructs time time Switch TB time RVM Switch TB time RVM Ethernet sample time time time
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= = = = = = = = = =

0 has changed to: 0 10 has changed to: 156 20 has changed to: 14 30 has changed to: 12 40 has changed to: 06 50 has changed to: 119 60 has changed to: 82 70 has changed to: 223 80 has changed to: 115 90 has changed to: 195

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Event Methods: Events are variables that synchronize concurrent processes. When a sync is called, a process blocks until another process sends a trigger to unblock it. Events act as the go-between for triggers and syncs. sync() ::This method synchronizes statement execution to one or more triggers.

ALL :::The ALL sync type suspends the process until all of the specified events are triggered. For example: sync(ALL, event_a, event_b, event_c); ANY :::The ANY sync type suspends the process until any of the specified events is triggered. For example: sync(ANY, event_a, event_b, event_c); ORDER :::The ORDER sync type suspends the process until any of the specified events is triggered. For example: sync(ORDER, event_a, event_b, event_c); CHECK :::The CHECK sync type is called as a function. It does not suspend the thread. It returns a 1 if the trigger is ON and a 0 if it is not.This sync type can only be used with ON and OFF trigger types.This sync type can only be used with a single event per call. For example: sync(CHECK,event_a); EXAMPLE : sync ANY

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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#include "vera_defines.vrh" program main { event event1,event2; RVM Switch TB call(); sync(ANY,event1,event2); RVM Ethernet sample printf(" time : %0d After sync \n",get_time(LO) ); delay(40); printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); Specman E }
Interview Questions

task call(){ fork { delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO)) ; trigger(event1); delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(event2); }[9/26/2012 2:46:57 PM]

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join none

RESULTS time : 10 , triggering event1 time : 10 After sync time : 20 , triggering event1 END OF SIMUALTION EXAMPLE : sync ALL #include "vera_defines.vrh" program main { event event1,event2; call(); sync(ALL,event1,event2); printf(" time : %0d After sync \n",get_time(LO) ); delay(40); printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); } task call(){ fork{ delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(event1); delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(event2); } join none } RESULTS time : 10 , triggering event1 time : 20 , triggering event1 time : 20 After sync END OF SIMUALTION EXAMPLE : sync ORDER #include "vera_defines.vrh" program main { event event1,event2; call(); sync(ORDER,event2,event1); printf(" time : %0d After sync \n",get_time(LO) ); delay(40); printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); } task call(){ fork{[9/26/2012 2:46:57 PM]

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} join none } RESULTS

delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(event2); delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(event1); delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(event2);

time : 10 , triggering event1 time : 20 , triggering event1 time : 20 After sync time : 30 , triggering event1 END OF SIMUALTION EXAMPLE : sync CHECK #include "vera_defines.vrh" program main { event event1,event2; bit check_bit; call(); check_bit = sync(CHECK,event1); printf(" time : %0d After sync check_bit is %d \n",get_time(LO),check_bit); delay(40); printf(" END OF SIMUALTION \n"); } task call(){ fork{ trigger(ON,event1); delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(event1); delay(10); printf("time : %0d , triggering event1 \n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(event2); } join RESULTS time : 0 After sync check_bit is 1 time : 10 , triggering event1 time : 20 , triggering event1 END OF SIMUALTION




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Event Trigger: This task is used to change the state of an event. Triggering an event unblocks waiting syncs, or blocks subsequent syncs. By default, all events are OFF. ONE_SHOT ::: The ONE_SHOT trigger is the default trigger type. If you use a ONE_SHOT trigger, any process waiting for a trigger receives it.If there are no processes waiting for the trigger, the trigger is discarded. ONE_BLAST ::: ONE_BLAST triggers work just as ONE_SHOT triggers do with the exception that they trigger any sync called within the simulation time, regardless of whether or not it was called before the trigger was executed. If a ONE_BLAST trigger is used for the situation diagrammed previously, all the processes are unblocked regardless of execution order. HAND_SHAKE ::: HAND_SHAKE triggers unblock only one sync, even if multiple syncs are waiting for triggers. It triggers the most recent pending sync, or queues requests. If the order of triggering the unblocking of a sync is important, use a semaphore_get() and semaphore_put() around the sync to maintain order. If a sync has already been called and is waiting for a trigger, the HAND_SHAKE trigger unblocks the sync. If no sync has been called when the trigger occurs, the HAND_SHAKE trigger is stored. When a sync is called, the sync is immediately unblocked and the trigger is removed.

EXAMPLE : ONE_SHOT #include "vera_defines.vrh" program vshell VMM Ethernet sample { event event1; fork sync_then_trigger(); Verilog trigger_then_sync(); Verification join all
Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

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} task sync_then_trigger() { printf("Sync_then_trigger syncing at time %d\n", get_time(LO) ); OpenVera sync(ALL,event1); Constructs printf("Sync_then_trigger synced at time %d\n",get_time(LO) ); #50; Switch TB printf("Sync_then_trigger triggering at time %d\n",get_time(LO) ); RVM Switch TB trigger (ONE_SHOT, event1); RVM Ethernet sample } task trigger_then_sync() { #20; Specman E printf("trigger_then_sync triggering at time %d\n",get_time(LO) ); trigger(ONE_SHOT, event1); Interview Questions #10; printf("trigger_then_sync syncing at time %d\n",get_time(LO) ); sync(ALL,event1); printf("trigger_then_sync synced at time %d\n",get_time(LO) ); } RESULTS Sync_then_trigger syncing at time 0 trigger_then_sync triggering at time 20[9/26/2012 2:47:04 PM]

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Sync_then_trigger synced at time 20 trigger_then_sync syncing at time 30 Sync_then_trigger triggering at time 70 trigger_then_sync synced at time 70 EXAMPLE :ONE_BLAST #include "vera_defines.vrh" program vshell { event event1, event2, event3; fork call_task1(); call_task2(); join none #150; printf(" END of program"); } task call_task1 () { printf("In task call_task1 Sync all events at time %d\n",get_time(LO) ); #30; sync(ALL,event2,event3); printf("In task call_task1 Synced at time %d\n", get_time(LO) ); } task call_task2() { printf("In task call_task2 triggering events at time %d\n",get_time(LO) ); #40; trigger(ONE_BLAST, event2); #20; printf("In task call_task2 event2 was triggered and task call_task2 is finished at time %d \n", get_time(LO) ); } RESULTS In task call_task1 Sync all events at time 0 In task call_task2 triggering events at time 0 In task call_task2 event2 was triggered and task call_task2 is finished at time 60 EXAMPLE :HAND_SHAKE #include "vera_defines.vrh" program vshell { event my_event = ON; fork sync_event1(); sync_event2(); trigger_event1(); join all } task sync_event1() { printf("before sync_event1 at time %0d \n"); sync(ALL,my_event);[9/26/2012 2:47:04 PM]

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printf("after sync_event1 at time %0d \n"); printf("before trigger sync_event1 at time %0d \n"); trigger(ONE_BLAST,my_event);

task sync_event2() { printf("before sync_event2 at time %0d \n"); sync(ALL,my_event); printf("after sync_event2 at time %0d \n"); printf("before trigger sync_event2 at time %0d \n"); trigger(ONE_BLAST,my_event); } task trigger_event1() { printf("before trigger_event1 at time %0d \n"); trigger(HAND_SHAKE,my_event); printf("after trigger_event1 at time %0d \n"); sync(ALL,my_event); printf("after sync trigger_event1 3 at time %0d \n"); } RESULTS before sync_event1 at time before sync_event2 at time before trigger_event1 at time after trigger_event1 at time after sync_event1 at time before trigger sync_event1 at time after sync_event2 at time before trigger sync_event2 at time after sync trigger_event1 3 at time

Event Variables : These variables serve as the link between triggers and syncs. They are a unique data type with several important properties. EXAMPLE : Event Variables #include "vera_defines.vrh" task T1 (event trigger_a){ printf("\nT1 syncing at cycle=%0d",get_time(LO) ); sync(ALL, trigger_a); // Blocked: proceed after receiving trigger printf("\nT1 event trigger_a received at cycle=%0d",get_time(LO) ); delay(70); printf("\nT1 triggering trigger_a at cycle=%0d",get_time(LO) ); trigger (trigger_a); } program trigger_play { event trigger1; fork T1(trigger1);// start T1 and go on join none delay(80); // T1 is blocked waiting for fork { printf("\nPROGRAM triggering trigger1 @cycle=%0d",get_time(LO) ); printf("\nPROGRAM This unblocks T1"); trigger(trigger1); // unblock the waiting T1 } { delay(50); printf("\nPROGRAM syncing @cycle=%0d\n\n",get_time(LO) ); sync (ALL, trigger1) ;// wait for T1 to unblock me } join wait_child(); printf("Trigger play done!"); } RESULTS[9/26/2012 2:47:04 PM]

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T1 syncing at cycle=0 PROGRAM triggering trigger1 @cycle=80 PROGRAM This unblocks T1 T1 event trigger_a received at cycle=80 PROGRAM syncing @cycle=130




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Semaphore: A semaphore is an operation used for mutual exclusion and synchronization. Conceptually, semaphores can be viewed as a bucket. When you allocate a semaphore, you create a virtual bucket. Inside the bucket are a number of keys. No process can be executed without first having a key. So, if a specific process requires a key, only a finite number of occurrences of that process can be in progress simultaneously. All others must wait until a key is returned to the virtual bucket. Semaphore Allocation :: To allocate a semaphore, you must use the alloc() system function. Syntax : function integer alloc(SEMAPHORE, integer semaphore_id,integer semaphore_count, integer key_count); The alloc() function returns the base semaphore ID if the semaphores are successfully created. Otherwise, it returns 0. semaphore_id ::: is the ID number of the particular semaphore being created. It must be an integer value. You should generally use 0. When you use 0, a semaphore ID is automatically generated by the simulator. Using any other number explicitly assigns an ID to the semaphore being created. semaphore_count::: integer value.

VMM Ethernet sample specifies how many semaphore buckets you want to create. It must be an

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key_count ::: specifies the number of keys initially allocated to each semaphore bucket you are creating. Using Semaphore Keys :: To check that there are enough keys left in the semaphore, you must use the semaphore_get() system function. Syntax : function integer semaphore_get(NO_WAIT | WAIT,integer semaphore_id, integer key_count); To put keys back into a semaphore, you must use the semaphore_put() system task.

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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RVM Ethernet sample EXAMPLE : simaphore

program vshell { integer sema,get;

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sema = alloc(SEMAPHORE,1,3,2); if(!sema) error("Semaphore Allocation failed\n"); repeat(3) { fork { printf("Before getting key 1\n"); get = semaphore_get(NO_WAIT,sema,2); if(!get) error(" No sempahore key for inject2 \n"); else printf(" Got Key from 1 \n");[9/26/2012 2:47:14 PM]

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semaphore_put(sema,2); printf(" Putting back key \n"); delay(10); } { printf("Before getting key 2\n"); get = semaphore_get(NO_WAIT,sema +1,2); if(!get) error(" No sempahore key for inject2 \n"); else printf(" Got Key from 2 \n"); semaphore_put(sema + 1,2); delay(10); } join all } delay(1000);

RESULTS Before getting key Got Key from 1 Putting back key Before getting key Got Key from 2 Before getting key Got Key from 1 Putting back key Before getting key Got Key from 2 Before getting key Got Key from 1 Putting back key Before getting key Got Key from 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

The number of keys in the bucket can increase if more keys are put into the bucket than are removed. Therefore, key_count is not necessarily the maximum number of keys in the bucket. EXAMPLE: program vshell { integer sema,get; sema = alloc(SEMAPHORE,0,1,1); if(!sema) error("Semaphore Allocation failed\n");[9/26/2012 2:47:14 PM]

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printf("Before getting key 1\n"); get = semaphore_get(WAIT,sema,1); if(!get) error(" No sempahore key for inject2 \n"); else printf(" Got Key from 1 \n"); semaphore_put(sema,1); printf(" Putting back key \n"); semaphore_put(sema,1); printf(" Putting back key \n"); printf("Before getting key 1\n"); get = semaphore_get(WAIT,sema,1); if(!get) error(" No sempahore key for inject2 \n"); else printf(" Got Key from 1 \n"); printf("Before getting key 1\n"); get = semaphore_get(WAIT,sema,1); if(!get) error(" No sempahore key for inject2 \n"); else printf(" Got Key from 1 \n"); delay(1000); } RESULTS: Before getting key 1 Got Key from 1 Putting back key Putting back key Before getting key 1 Got Key from 1 Before getting key 1 Got Key from 1




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Regions: A region is a mutual exclusion mechanism that guarantees that the requested values are unique in the simulation. This feature is provided mostly for random type simulations that may depend on the uniqueness of specific values such as addresses or data-IDs. Conceptually, regions can be viewed as a set of letters. First you allocate which letters are included in the set. These letters are the only letters from which words can be made. If one person uses the letters to spell CAT, no one else can spell TIN because the T is already in use. Once the T is returned, TIN can be created. Effectively, this ensures that data sets are unique, and it eliminates concurrent crossover. To allocate a region, you must use the alloc() system function. Syntax : function integer alloc(REGION, integer region_id, integer region_count); region_id is the ID number of the particular region being created. It must be an integer value. You should generally use 0. When you use 0,Vera automatically generates a region ID. region_count specifies how many regions you want to create. It must be an integer value. The region_enter() system function checks to see if a particular region is in use. The region_exit() system task removes the specified values from the in-use state. task CPU(integer id, integer grant, integer regID){ integer data, address; reg[31:0] randVar; repeat (10) { randVar=random(); address=randVar[13:6]; data=randVar[29:22]; region_enter(WAIT, regID, address); disp(address,data,grant); region_exit(regID, address); } } task disp(integer add,integer data,integer id){ delay(random()); printf(" add %d data %d id %d\n",add,data,id); } program main { integer regID; regID=alloc(REGION, 0, 1); fork CPU(0, 2'b01, regID); CPU(1, 2'b10, regID); join } RESULTS add 56 data 0 id 1


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add 230 data 13 id 2 add 31 data 156 id 1 add 179 data 140 id 2 add 159 data 135 id 1 add 113 data 252 id 1 add 149 data 142 id 2 add 193 data 187 id 1 add 77 data 221 id 2 add 116 data 120 id 1 add 215 data 198 id 2 add 200 data 88 id 1 add 192 data 35 id 2 add 252 data 1 id 1 add 199 data 254 id 2 add 142 data 42 id 2 add 49 data 204 id 1 add 187 data 135 id 1 add 172 data 46 id 2 add 142 data 57 id 2




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Mailbox: A mailbox is a mechanism to exchange messages between processes. Data can be sent to a mailbox by one process and retrieved by another. Conceptually, mailboxes behave like real mailboxes. When a letter is delivered and put into the mailbox, you can retrieve the letter (and any data stored within). However, if the letter has not been delivered when you check the mailbox, you must choose whether to wait for the letter or retrieve the letter on subsequent trips to the mailbox.Similarly, OpenVera s mailboxes allow you to transfer and retrieve data in a very controlled manner. To allocate a mailbox, you must use the alloc() system function. Syntax : function integer alloc(MAILBOX, integer mailbox_id, integer mailbox_count); mailbox_id is the ID number of the particular mailbox being created. It must be an integer value. You should generally use 0. When you use 0, Vera automatically generates a mailbox ID. mailbox_count specifies how many mailboxes you want to create. It must be an integer value. The mailbox_put() system task sends data to the mailbox. The mailbox_get() system function returns data stored in a mailbox. EXAMPLE : Mailbox #include "vera_defines.vrh" {

VMM Ethernet sample program vshell

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integer my_mailbox; my_mailbox = alloc(MAILBOX, 0, 1); if (my_mailbox) { fork put_packets(); get_packets(); join none } delay(1000); printf("END of Program\n");

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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task put_packets() { integer i; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { delay(10); mailbox_put(my_mailbox,i); printf("Done putting packet %d @time %d\n",i, get_time(LO) ); } }

task get_packets() {[9/26/2012 2:47:31 PM]

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integer ret; bit [63:0] packet; while (1) { ret = mailbox_get(WAIT, my_mailbox, packet, CHECK); if (ret > 0) printf("Got packet %d @time %d\n", packet, get_time(LO) ); }

RESULTS Done putting Got packet 0 Done putting Got packet 1 Done putting Got packet 2 Done putting Got packet 3 Done putting Got packet 4 Done putting Got packet 5 Done putting Got packet 6 Done putting Got packet 7 Done putting Got packet 8 Done putting Got packet 9 packet 0 @time @time 10 packet 1 @time @time 20 packet 2 @time @time 30 packet 3 @time @time 40 packet 4 @time @time 50 packet 5 @time @time 60 packet 6 @time @time 70 packet 7 @time @time 80 packet 8 @time @time 90 packet 9 @time @time 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog A process will wait forever in semaphore, region and mailbox if the waiting resources Linked List Verification are not available. However, the system task timeout() can be used to set a time limit. Operators Part 1 Constructs Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 These are examples of timeout statements: Interface Operator Precedence OOPS Control Statements timeout(SEMAPHORE, 100); Procedures And Methods Randomization timeout(REGION, 50, 2); Interprocess timeout(EVENT, 20); Functional Coverage Fork Join timeout(myevent, 300); Shadow Variables Assertion Fork Join Control DPI Wait Var Event Sync UVM Tutorial Event Trigger VMM Tutorial Semaphore Regions OVM Tutorial Mailbox Easy Labs : SV Timeouts Oop Easy Labs : UVM Casting Easy Labs : OVM Randomization Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods Constraint Block AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression VMM Ethernet sample Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Verilog Queue Methods Verification Dut Communication Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB TUTORIALS


Basic Constructs

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Object Oriented Programming : Object oriented programming (OOP) involves the development of applications with modular, reusable components.The object-oriented paradigm is built on three important principles: Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Encapsulation : Encapsulation is the principle of grouping together common functionality and features into a code object.I nheritance : Inheritance is the principle of transferring the functionality and features of a parent to a child. Since the child is an autonomous unit, the properties and methods inherited by the child can be modified or added to without affecting the parent. Polymorphism : Polymorphism allows the redefining of methods for derived classes while enforcing a common interface. Creating an object: To create an object (i.e., an instance) of a declared class, there are two steps. First, declare a handle to the class (a handle is a reference to the class instance, or object) class_name handle_name;

VMM Ethernet sample Then, call the new() class method:

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handle_name = new(); or simple class_name handle_name = new();

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage

new() is a default implementation which simply allocates memory for the object and Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your returns a handle to the object. Assignment :
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Packet p1; p1 = new(); RVM Switch TB Packet p2; RVM Ethernet sample p2 = p1; In this case, there is still only one object. This single object can be referred to with either variable, p1 or p2. The following code: p2 = new p1; makes a shallow copy of the object referenced by p1, and sets p2 to point to it. A shallow copy creates a new object and copies the values of all properties from the source object. It is a shallow copy because it does not make a copy of any nested objects. p2 = object_copy(p1); // creates a duplicate object of p, with the handle q .

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EXAMPLE : copy class A{ integer j; task new(){ j=5;} } class B{ integer i; A a; task new() {i = 1;} } task test(){ B b1 = new(); // Create an object of class B B b2; //Create a null variable of class B b1.a = new; //Create an object of class A b2 = new b1; // Create an object that is a copy of b1, //but only copies the handle a, not the object //referenced by a. b2.i = 10; // i is changed in b2, but not b1 printf("i in b2 = %0d\n", b2.i);// i equals 10 printf("i in b1 = %0d\n", b1.i);// i equals 1 //where as: b2.a.j = 50; // Change j in the object referenced // by a. j is shared by both b1 and b2 printf("j is %0d in b1 and %d in b2\n", b1.a.j, b2.a.j); } program shallow_copy{ test(); } RESULTS i in b2 = 10 i in b1 = 1 j is 50 in b1 and 50 in b2 Properties: The properties in a class may be of the following atomic types or may be arrays of these types. reg reg [msb:0] integer string event class type enum type A property declaration may be preceded by one of these keywords: local public protected public is the default protection level for class members. Using public when declaring a property allows global access to that member via class_name.member. In contrast, a member designated as local isone that is only visible from within the class itself. A protected property is not visible outside of the class scope, but it is visible to peer objects and can be inherited by subclasses.[9/26/2012 2:47:48 PM]

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This: The this keyword is used to unambiguously refer to properties or methods of the current instance. For example, the following declaration is a common, way to write an initialization task: EXAMPLE : this class Demo { integer x; task new (integer x) { this.x = x; } } program main { Demo D; D = new(10); printf(" D.x is %d \n",D.x); } RESULTS D.x is 10

The x is now both a property of the class and an argument to the task new(). In the task new(), an unqualified reference to x will be resolved by looking at the innermost scope, in this case the subroutine argument declaration. To access the instance property,we qualify it with this to refer to the current instance. Class Extensions : Subclasses and Inheritance : OpenVera's OOP implementation provides the capability of inheriting from a base class and extending its capabilities within a subclass. This concept is called inheritance. When one inherits from a class into another, the original class definition is not changed, however the new subclass contains all the properties and methods of the base class and then can optionally add additional properties and methods. EXAMPLE : Inheritance class A { task disp_a (){ printf(" This is class A "); } } class EA extends A { task disp_ea (){ printf(" This is Extended class A "); } } program main { EA my_ea; my_ea = new(); my_ea.disp_a(); my_ea.disp_ea();


This is class A This is Extended class A Polymorphism : Polymorphism allows the redefining of methods for derived classes while enforcing a[9/26/2012 2:47:48 PM]

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common interface.To achieve polymorphism the 'virtual' identifier must be used when defining the base class and method(s) within that class. A virtual class is a class which serves as a template for the construction of derived classes. One cannot create an instance of a virtual class. EXAMPLE : Polymorphism class A { virtual task disp (){ printf(" This is class A "); } } class EA extends A { task disp (){ printf(" This is Extended class A "); } } program main { EA my_ea; A my_a; my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_ea.disp(); my_a.disp(); } RESULTS This is Extended class A This is Extended class A Super: The super keyword is used from within a derived class to refer to properties of the parent class. It is necessary to use super when the property of the derived class has been overridden, and cannot be accessed directly. EXAMPLE : class A { virtual task disp (){ printf(" This is class A \n"); } } class EA extends A { task disp (){ super.disp(); printf(" This is Extended class A \n"); } } program main { EA my_ea; my_ea = new(); my_ea.disp(); } RESULTS This is class A This is Extended class A Abstract Class: A set of classes can be created that can be viewed as all being derived from a common base class.If base class is not supposed to be used to creat an object,then it has to be declared as abstract class using keyword virtual. EXAMPLE: virtual class BasePacket{[9/26/2012 2:47:48 PM]

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} class EtherPacket extends BasePacket{ function integer send(bit[31:0] data){ // body of the function ... } }

function integer send(bit[31:0] data){ }




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The cast_assign() system function assigns values to variables that might not ordinarily be valid because of type checking rules. Syntax : function integer cast_assign(scalar dest_var, scalar source_exp [,CHECK]); When the cast_assign() system function is called without CHECK, the function assigns the source expression to the destination variable. If the assignment is illegal, a fatal runtime error occurs. When the cast_assign() system function is called with CHECK specified, the function makes the assignment and returns a 1 if the casting is successful. If the casting is unsuccessful, the function does not make the assignment and returns a 0. EXAMPLE: class base { virtual task pri(){ printf(" BASE CLASS STATEMENT\n"); }

class EX_1 extends base { task pri(){ printf(" EX1 CLASS STATEMENT\n"); } } program main{ base b; EX_1 e1; b = new(); if(cast_assign(e2,b)) printf("casting done \n"); else printf(" casting failed \n"); e2.pri(); printf(" END OF SIMULATION \n");

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Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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RVM Ethernet sample RESULTS:

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casting done BASE CLASS STATEMENT END OF SIMULATION[9/26/2012 2:47:58 PM]

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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Openvera allowses object-oriented programiming for random stimulus generation Linked List Verification Operators Part 1 subjected to specified constraints. Constructs During randomization, variables declared as rand and randc inside class are only Operators Part 2 considered for randomization.Built-in randomized() method is called to generate new Operators Part 3 Interface Operator Precedence random values for there variable. OOPS Control Statements Procedures And Methods EXAMPLE: Randomization Interprocess class Simple{ Functional Coverage Fork Join rand integer Var; Shadow Variables Assertion } Fork Join Control program main { DPI Wait Var Simple Event Sync UVM Tutorial obj; Event Trigger obj = new(); VMM Tutorial Semaphore repeat(10) Regions OVM Tutorial if(obj.randomize()) Mailbox printf(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d \n",obj.Var); Easy Labs : SV Timeouts else Oop Easy Labs : UVM printf("Randomization failed\n"); Casting Easy Labs : OVM Randomization } Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods RESULTS: Constraint Block AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression Randomization sucsessfull : Var = -2147414528 VMM Ethernet sample Randomization sucsessfull : Var = -1671855048 Variable Ordaring Aop Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 1129920902 Predefined Methods Randomization sucsessfull : Var = -1374483364 String Methods Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 1730349006 Verilog Queue Methods Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 1674352583 Verification Dut Communication Randomization sucsessfull : Var = -485282618 Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB Randomization sucsessfull : Var = -103324941 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 1641506755 Basic Constructs Report a Bug or Comment Randomization sucsessfull : Var = -1349564321 TUTORIALS


Constrained Random Verification

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Random Varible Declaration: Varibles declared as rand and randc are only randomized.All other varible are considered as state varibles. EXAMPLE class ex{ rand [3:0] var1; randc [3:0] var2; rand integer var3; } Fixed Arrays,dynamic arrays,associative arrays and queues can be declared as rand and randc ,all their elements are treated as rand and randc.Individual array elements can also be constrained,in this ,index expression must be constant.For dynamic arryas,the size of the array length can be constrained.Non integral data types like real are not allowed for random varible declaration. Rand Modifier :

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Variables declared with the rand keyword are standard random variables. When ther are no other control on distrubution,these variables are uniformly distributed. Uniformly distribution is only on the valid values. EXAMPLE class rand_cl{ rand bit [0:2] Var; constraint limit_c { Var < 4;} } program rand_p{ rand_cl obj; integer count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3; count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0;count_2 = 0;count_3 = 0; obj = new(); repeat(10000) { void = obj.randomize(); if( obj.Var == 0) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var == 1) count_1 ++; else if( obj.Var == 2) count_2 ++; else if( obj.Var == 3) count_3 ++; } printf(" count_0 = %0d , count_1 = %0d, count_2 = %0d, count_3 = %0d ",count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3); } RESULTS: count_0 = 2501 , count_1 = 2553, count_2 = 2558, count_3 = 2388 Simulation results shou that the rand variable is distrubuted uniformly. Randc Modifier : Varibles declared as randc, randomly iterates over all the values in the range and no value is repeated with in an iteration. Iteration sequences are not same.Bit and enumarated types can be randc variables.To reduce memory requirements, implementations can impose a limit on the maximum size of a randc variable,but it should be no less than 8 bits. EXAMPLE class rand_c{ randc bit [1:0]Vari; } program rand_cp{ rand_c obj; integer i; obj = new(); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { void = obj.randomize(); printf("%0d_",obj.Vari); if(i%4==3) printf("\n"); }[9/26/2012 2:48:07 PM]

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} RESULTS 1_2_0_3_ 3_2_0_1_ 3_1_2_0_ 2_0_3_1_ 1_3_2_0_




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Randomization Built-In Methods openvera has randomize(),pre_randomize() and post_randomize() built-in function for randomization. Calling randomize() causes new values to be selected for all of the random variables in an object. To perform operations immediately before or after randomization,pre_randomize() and post_randomize() are used. Randomize() Every class has a virtual predefined function randomize() ,which is provided for generating a new value.Randomization function returns 1 if the solver finds a valid solution.We cannot override this predefined function. It is strongly recomemded to check the return value of randomize function.Constraint solver never fails after one sucessful randomization,if solution space is not changed.For every randomization call,Check the return value ,solver may fail due to dynamically changing the constraints. In the following example,there is no solution for Var < 100 and Var > 200,so the randomization failes. The best way to check for randomization return value is by using assertion. assert(obj.randomize()); EXAMPLE rand integer Var; constraint c { Var < 100 ; Var > 200 ; }

VMM Ethernet sample class Simple{

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

} program main{ Simple obj; obj = new(); if(obj.randomize()) printf(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else printf("Randomization failed"); } RESULTS: Constraint failure Pre_randomize And Post_randomize

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Every class contains pre_randomize() and post_randomize() methods, which are automatically called by randomize() before and after computing new random values.When randomize() is called,it first invokes the pre_randomize,then randomize() then if the randomization is sucesusful,then only post_randomize is invoked. EXAMPLE: class simple{ task pre_randomize{ printf(" PRE_RANDOMIZATION "); } task post_randomize{[9/26/2012 2:48:14 PM]

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} program main{ simple obj = new(); void = obj.randomize();







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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM

Constraint Block Constraint block contains declarative state ments which restrict the range of varable or defines the relation between variables.Constraint programming is a pwerful mehod that lets users build generic ,resuble objects that can be extended or more constrained later.Constraint solver can only support 2 stet variables.Constraint solver fails only if there is no solution which satisfies all the constraints.constraint block can also have nonrandom variables,but atleast one random variable is needed for randomization. Constraints are tied to objects.This allows inheritance,hirarchical constraints,controlling the constraints of specific object. EXAMPLE: class Base{ rand integer Var; constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 0 ;} } class Extended extends Base{ constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 50 ;} // Overrighting the Base class constraints. }

program inhe{ Extended obj; integer i; AVM Switch TB obj = new(); VMM Ethernet sample for(i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) printf(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else Verilog printf("Randomization failed"); Verification }
Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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RESULTS: Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 57 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 82 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 68 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 81 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 90

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample Inline Constraints

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Inline constraints allows to add extra constraints to allready existing conrtints which are declared inside class.If you have constraints already defined for variavle var, solver solves those constraints wlong with the inline constraints. EXAMPLE class inline{ rand integer Var; constraint default_c { Var > 0 ; Var < 100;} } program inline_p{ inline obj; obj = new();[9/26/2012 2:48:23 PM]

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void = obj.randomize() with { Var == 50;} ; printf(" Randodmize sucessful Var %d ",obj.Var);

Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 50 Disabling Constraint Block openvera supports to change the status of constraint block dynamically.To change the staus of a Constraint block,built in constraint_mode() method is used.By default all the constraint blocks are active. When it is called as task,the arguments to the task determines the operation to be performed.

0 1


Sets the specified constraint block to inactive so that it is not enforced by subsequent calls to the randomize() method. Sets the specified constraint block to active so that it is considered on subsequent calls to the randomize() method.

When it is called as function,it returns the active status of the specified constrant block. EXAMPLE: class rand_mo{ rand integer Var1; rand integer Var2; constraint Var_1 { Var1 == 20;} constraint Var_2 { Var2 == 10;} } program rand_mo_p{ rand_mo obj = new(); void = obj.randomize(); printf(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d \n",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); void = obj.constraint_mode(0,"Var_1"); void = obj.randomize(); printf(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d \n",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); void = obj.constraint_mode(0,"Var_2"); void = obj.randomize(); printf(" Var1 : %d Var2 : %d \n",obj.Var1,obj.Var2); } RESULTS: Var1 : 20 Var2 : 10 Var1 : 1923838927 Var2 : 10 Var1 : 1447386075 Var2 : -875228050



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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Linked List A constraint_expression is any Openvera expression or one of the constraint specific Verification Operators Part 1 operators, -> (Implication) and dist. Constructs Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Set Membership Interface Operator Precedence OOPS A set membership is a list of expressions or a range.This operator searches for the Control Statements Randomization existences of the value in the specified expression or range and returns 1 if it is Procedures And Methods Interprocess existing. Functional Coverage Fork Join Shadow Variables Assertion EXAMPLE: Fork Join Control class set_mem{ DPI Wait Var rand integer Var; Event Sync UVM Tutorial constraint range { Var in {0,1,{50,60},{90,100}}; } Event Trigger task post_randomize(){ VMM Tutorial Semaphore printf("%0d__",Var); Regions OVM Tutorial } Mailbox } Easy Labs : SV Timeouts Oop Easy Labs : UVM program set_mem_p{ Casting set_mem obj=new(); Easy Labs : OVM Randomization repeat(10) Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods void = obj.randomize(); Constraint Block } AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression VMM Ethernet sample RESULTS: Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods 1__51__93__1__0__56__0__94__1__0__ String Methods Verilog Queue Methods Verification Dut Communication If you want to define a range which is outside the set,use nagation. Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB EXAMPLE: class set_mem{ Basic Constructs Report a Bug or Comment rand bit [0:2] Var; on This section - Your constraint range { !( Var in {0,1,5,6};)} input is what keeps task post_randomize(){ OpenVera improving printf("%0d__",Var); with time! Constructs } } Switch TB TUTORIALS

Constraint Expressions

RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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program set_mem_p{ set_mem obj=new(); repeat(10) void = obj.randomize(); } RESULTS: 2__7__2__4__7__3__3__4__2__7__ Weighted Distribution There are two types of distribution operators. The := operator assigns the specified weight to the item or, if the item is a range, to every value in the range. The :/ operator assigns the specified weight to the item or, if the item is a range, to[9/26/2012 2:48:33 PM]

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the range as a whole. If there are n values in the range, the weight of each value is range_weight / n. Var dist { 10 := 1; 20 := 2 ; 30 := 2 } The probabulity of having 10,20,30 is in the ration of 1,2,2 respectively. Var dist { 10 := 1; 20 := 2 ; [30:32] := 2 } The probabulity of having 10,20,30,31,32 is in the ration of 1,2,2,2,2 respectively. If you use the := operator each element of the range has the assigned weight. If you want to weight for the whole group,use :/ and the weight is distributed equally for each element in that group. Var dist { 10 := 1; 20 := 2 ; [30:32] :/ 2 } The probabulity of having 10,20,30,31,32 is in the ration of 1,2,2/3,2/3,2/3 respectively. To demonstrate the distribution property,hear is an example. EXAMPLE: class Dist{ rand integer Var; constraint range { Var dist { {0,1} := 50 , {2,7} := 50 }; } } program Dist_p{ Dist obj; integer count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7; integer count_0_1 ,count_2_7 ; obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0;count_2 = 0;count_3 = 0; count_4 = 0;count_5 = 0;count_6 = 0;count_7 = 0; count_0_1 = 0;count_2_7 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) if( obj.randomize()) { if( obj.Var == 0) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var == 1) count_1 ++; else if( obj.Var == 2) count_2 ++; else if( obj.Var == 3) count_3 ++; else if( obj.Var == 4) count_4 ++; else if( obj.Var == 5) count_5 ++; else if( obj.Var == 6) count_6 ++; else if( obj.Var == 7) count_7 ++; if( obj.Var inside {0,1} ) count_0_1 ++; else if( obj.Var inside {[2:7]} ) count_2_7 ++;

printf(" count_0 = %0d , count_1 = %0d, count_2 = %0d, count_3 = %0d, count_4 = %0d, count_5 = %0d, count_6 = %0d, count_7= %0d ",count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7); printf(" count_0_1 = %0d ;count_2_7 = %0d ",count_0_1,count_2_7); } RESULTS:[9/26/2012 2:48:33 PM]

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count_0 = 2450 , count_1 = 2420, count_2 = 1114, count_3 = 1071, count_4 = 871, count_5 = 812, count_6 = 621, count_7= 641 count_0_1 = 4870 ;count_2_7 = 5130 Now change the constraint to constraint range { Var dist { {0,1} :/ 50 , {2,7} :/ 50 }; } EXAMPLE: class Dist{ rand integer Var; constraint range { Var dist { {0,1} :/ 50 , {2,7} :/ 50 }; } } program Dist_p{ Dist obj; integer count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7; integer count_0_1 ,count_2_7 ; obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0;count_2 = 0;count_3 = 0; count_4 = 0;count_5 = 0;count_6 = 0;count_7 = 0; count_0_1 = 0;count_2_7 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) if( obj.randomize()) { if( obj.Var == 0) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var == 1) count_1 ++; else if( obj.Var == 2) count_2 ++; else if( obj.Var == 3) count_3 ++; else if( obj.Var == 4) count_4 ++; else if( obj.Var == 5) count_5 ++; else if( obj.Var == 6) count_6 ++; else if( obj.Var == 7) count_7 ++; if( obj.Var in {0,1} ) count_0_1 ++; else if( obj.Var in {2,7}} ) count_2_7 ++;

printf(" count_0 = %0d , count_1 = %0d, count_2 = %0d, count_3 = %0d, count_4 = %0d, count_5 = %0d, count_6 = %0d, count_7= %0d ",count_0, count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, count_6, count_7); printf(" count_0_1 = %0d ;count_2_7 = %0d ",count_0_1,count_2_7); } RESULTS: count_0 = 1245 , count_1 = 1242, count_2 = 1211, count_3 = 1271, count_4 = 1287, count_5 = 1212, count_6 = 1221, count_7= 1241 count_0_1 = 2487 ;count_2_7 = 7513

Both the reults show,how may times each value occured. NOTE:If no wait is specified for items,the default weight is 1. Weight 0 is also allowed. NOTE:Variable declared as randc are not allowed int dist. Implication Implication operator can be used to predirect a relation.The syntax is expression -> constraint set. If the expression is true,then the constraint solver should satisfy the constraint set. The booliean equvalant of a -> b is (!a || b). rand bit a; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint c { (a == 0) -> (b == 1); } The probabulity of a = 0 is 1/2**5,as bidirectional constraints are solved at once,the solver pics the random value from the possible set of {a,b} which has 2**5 solutions.[9/26/2012 2:48:33 PM]

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EXAMPLE: class impli{ rand bit Var; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint c { (Var == 0) => (b == 1); } } program impli_p{ impli obj; integer count_0 ,count_1,i ; obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0; for(i=0; i< 10000; i++) { obj = new(); if( obj.randomize()) { if( obj.Var == 0 ) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var == 1 ) count_1 ++; }} printf(" count_0 = %0d;count_1 = %0d;",count_0 ,count_1); } RESULTS: count_0 = 2047;count_1 = 7953 If..Else Just like implication, if...else style constraints are bidirectional.Above example applies hear too. EXAMPLE: class if_else{ rand bit a; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint c { if(a == 0) (b == 1); } } program if_else_p{ if_else obj; integer count_0 ,count_1 ; obj=new(); count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0; for(int i=0; i< 10000; i++) { obj = new(); if( obj.randomize()) { if( obj.Var == 0 ) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var == 1 ) count_1 ++; }} printf(" count_0 = %0d;count_1 = %0d;",count_0 ,count_1); } RESULTS count_0 = 2047;count_1 = 7953

Iterative Iterative constraints allow Constraining individual fixed-size, dynamic, associative, or queue elements. foreach construct specifies iteration over the elements of array. EXAMPLE: class Eth_pkt{ rand byte Payload[*] ; constraint size_c { Payload.size() inside {[46:1500]}; } constraint element_c { foreach ( Payload[ i ] ) Payload[ i ] inside {[50:100]}; } }[9/26/2012 2:48:33 PM]

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program iterative{ Eth_pkt obj; obj = new(); for(int i=0;i< 10000;i++) { if(obj.randomize()) printf(" RANDOMIZATION DONE "); }}




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Variable Ordaring openvera allows to control the order of randomization variables.The solution space remains the same,but the probabulity of picking up the values changes.the syntax for variable ordering is "solve x before y".The exact meaning of this statement is "choos x befor y" as the this state ment if to guide the distribution,but not the solution space. Only rand variables are allowed. EXAMPLE: class Var_order{ rand bit a; rand bit [3:0] b; constraint bidirectional { a -> b == 0; }} The probabulity of a=1 is 1/2**5,as bidirectional constraints are solved at once,the solver pics the random value from the possible set of {a,b} which has 2**5 solutions.To make the probability of a= 0 to 50% and a = 1 to 50% ,use constraint order { solve Var1 before Var2 ;} This guides the solver to give highest priority to Var1 than Var2.This is explicit variable ordaring.The solver follows the implicit variable ordaring also,like randc are solved before rand variables,in dynamix arrays size and elements are solved with two constraints,and size is solved before element. class var_order{ rand bit [3:0] b; constraint c { if(Var == 0) (b == 1); } constraint order { solve Var before b ;} }

VMM Ethernet sample rand bit Var;

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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program var_order_{ var_order obj; integer count_0 ,count_1,i ; obj=new(); OpenVera count_0 = 0;count_1 = 0; Constructs for(i=0; i< 10000; i++) { Switch TB obj = new(); RVM Switch TB if( obj.randomize()) RVM Ethernet sample { if( obj.Var == 0 ) count_0 ++; else if( obj.Var == 1 ) count_1 ++; }} Specman E printf(" count_0 = %0d;count_1 = %0d;",count_0 ,count_1); } Interview Questions RESULTS: count_0 = 5120;count_1 = 4880

Too many explicit variable ordering may lead to circular dependency.The LRM says that "Circular dependencies created by the implicit variable ordering shall result in an error." and "circular dependency is not allowed". But it does not put restriction on what to do if a explicit circular dependency[9/26/2012 2:48:42 PM]

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exists.Check with your tool,if explicit Circular dependency is existing,it may report warning,it may fail solver or proceed by just ignoring the order. EXAMPLE: program Cir_Dip_p{ class Cir_Dep; rand integer a,b,c; constraint a_c { solve a before b ;} constraint b_c { solve b before c ;} constraint c_c { solve c before a ;} } Cir_Dip obj=new(); void = obj.randomize(); }




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog AOP is used in conjunction with object-oriented programming. By compartmentalizing Linked List Verification aspect code, cross-cutting concerns become easy to deal with. Aspects of a system Operators Part 1 Constructs Operators Part 2 can be changed, inserted or removed at compile time, and become reusable. Operators Part 3 Interface Operator Precedence placement : OOPS Control Statements The placement element specifies where code is woven into a method. Procedures And Methods before inserts the code inside a method just Randomization Interprocess before :: it begins any execution (that included execution of initializers) Functional Coverage after :: inserts code at each return statement and at the end of the methods Fork Join Shadow Variables Assertion block, if it falls through without a return Fork Join Control statement. DPI Wait Var around :: executes the code in place of the methods original code. Event Sync UVM Tutorial Event Trigger VMM Tutorial Semaphore EXAMPLE : aop around Regions OVM Tutorial class aop { Mailbox task disp(){ Easy Labs : SV Timeouts printf(" aop class "); Oop Easy Labs : UVM ihop($ori_lin); Casting } Easy Labs : OVM Randomization } Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods Constraint Block extends eaop (aop){ AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression around task disp(){ VMM Ethernet sample printf("eaop class "); Variable Ordaring Aop } Predefined Methods String Methods program main{ Verilog Queue Methods aop obj; Verification Dut Communication obj = new(); Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB obj.disp(); } Basic Constructs TUTORIALS


Aspect Oriented Extensions :

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

eaop class

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EXAMPLE : aop before class aop { RVM Ethernet sample task disp(){ printf(" aop class "); } }
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extends eaop (aop){ before task disp(){ printf("eaop class "); } program main{ aop obj; obj = new(); obj.disp(); }[9/26/2012 2:48:52 PM]

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RESULTS eaop class aop class EXAMPLE : aop after class aop { task disp(){ printf(" aop class "); } } extends eaop (aop){ after task disp(){ printf("eaop class "); } program main{ aop obj; obj = new(); obj.disp(); } RESULTS aop class eaop class




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Index Introduction Data Types SystemVerilog Linked List OpenVera Predefined Methods :: Verification Operators Part 1 # Class Methods Constructs Operators Part 2 # String Methods Operators Part 3 # Smart Queue Methods Interface Operator Precedence # Functional Coverage OOPS Control Statements Procedures And Methods OpenVera Class Methods :: Randomization Interprocess # new() Functional Coverage Fork Join # Randomize Methods Shadow Variables Assertion # Object Print Fork Join Control # Deep Object Compare DPI Wait Var # Deep Object Copy Event Sync UVM Tutorial # Pack and Unpack by Class Methods Event Trigger VMM Tutorial Semaphore Regions OVM Tutorial New(): Mailbox Easy Labs : SV In OpenVera, new() is a special method that allocates memory for an object and Timeouts Oop Easy Labs : UVM assigns a handle to that object. Casting Easy Labs : OVM Randomization EXAMPLE : new() Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods class Demo Constraint Block { AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression integer x; VMM Ethernet sample task new () Variable Ordaring Aop {printf (" Object of Demo is created ");} Predefined Methods } String Methods Verilog Queue Methods program main { Verification Dut Communication Demo D; Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB D = new(); } Basic Constructs Report a Bug or Comment RESULTS TUTORIALS

Predefined Methods:

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Object of Demo is created . Finalize() When the garbage collector determines that there are no more references to an is reclaimed.

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RVM Ethernet sample object, it will implicitly call finalize() just before the memory occupied by an object

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Object_print The entire object instance hierarchy can be sent to stdout or to a specified file using the object_print() method. As the deep print routine recurses down the object instance hierarchy, object members and array elements are indented as they are printed. All the super object members are displayed with the same indentation. EXAMPLE :object_print #include <vera_defines.vrh> enum colors {red, green, black, white}; class embed{[9/26/2012 2:49:02 PM]

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integer i; colors col; reg[3:0] bits_mem; string str_mem; } class simple{ integer a,b,c,d; // integers colors col; // enum reg[3:0] abc; // bit vector embed e; string str; // string_var } program main{ simple abc = new; abc.e = new; abc.a = 123; abc.b = 111111111; abc.d = 12345; abc.col = red;[3:0] = 4b1100; abc.object_print(); } RESULTS a : dec: 123 b : dec: 111111111 c:X d : dec: 12345 col : ENUM:red abc : hex: c e : OBJECT of CLASS embed i:X col : ENUM:X bits_mem : bin: xxxx str_mem : NULL str : NULL Deep Object Compare Object_compare() is a predefined function for all Vera classes that performs a comparison of two objects of the same class type. The compiler generates errors for invalid types.All members of the two objects are compared. This includes the comparison of contained objects. EXAMPLE : object_compare() class MyClass {integer A; } program object_compare_ex { MyClass object1, object2; object1 = new(); object2 = object1.object_copy(); if(!object1.object_compare(object2) ) error("Object compare failed\n"); else printf("Objects are the same\n");[9/26/2012 2:49:02 PM]

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} RESULTS printf("Objects are the same\n"); Deep Object Copy object_copy() is defined as a virtual function that copies the contents of a source object into a destination object. The object copy is deep, replicating the entire data structure including contained objects and the super object. EXAMPLE : object_copy() MyClass src_obj, dest_obj; src_obj = new(); dest_obj = src_obj.object_copy();// dest_obj and // src_object are now duplicates if (dest_obj == null) error("Copy failed\n"); else printf(" Copy done "); RESULTS Copy done Pack And Unpack Data packing is integrated into the object-oriented framework of OpenVera. OpenVera defines several class methods that are used to pack and unpack data declared within a class. pre_pack and post_pack: OpenVera provides the pre_pack() and post_pack() methods. These methods are called automatically before and after pack(). pre_unpack and post_unpack: OpenVera provides pre_unpack() and post_unpack() methods. These called automatically before and after unpack(). EXAMPLE : class Serial_Data_Type { static integer total_inst_count = 0; packed { rand reg [19:0] bit_data; string comment; } task new() { integer status; status = this.randomize(); if ( !status ) error ("Randomize failed!\n"); comment = psprintf("comment_%0d", total_inst_count) ; printf("inst = %-9d , data = %-25b %0s\n",total_inst_count, bit_data, comment ); total_inst_count++ ; } // new } program packed_test { Serial_Data_Type sdata_arr[5]; reg data_stream[]; // does not have to be byte stream integer i, offset, left, right; printf ("\n\nPacking data ...........\n"); offset = 0; left = 0; right = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { sdata_arr[i] = new(); void = sdata_arr[i].pack (data_stream, offset, left,right ); } // for printf ("\n\nUnpacking data in order .....\n"); offset = 0; left = 0; right = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { void = sdata_arr[i].unpack ( data_stream, offset,left, right ); printf("inst = %-9d , data = %-25b %0s\n", i, sdata_arr[i].bit_data, sdata_arr[i].comment ); } // for } // packed_test RESULTS Packing data ...........


comment[9/26/2012 2:49:02 PM]

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inst = inst = inst = inst = inst =

0 1 2 3 4

, , , , ,

data data data data data

= = = = =

00010000111000000000 10011000010000111000 10010011100110000110 00110000110001011100 00110000011111001110

comment comment comment comment comment

= = = = =

comment_0 comment_1 comment_2 comment_3 comment_4

Unpacking data in order ..... inst = 0 , data = 00010000111000000000 inst = 1 , data = 10011000010000111000 inst = 2 , data = 10010011100110000110 inst = 3 , data = 00110000110001011100 inst = 4 , data = 00110000011111001110

comment comment comment comment comment

= = = = =

comment_0 comment_1 comment_2 comment_3 comment_4




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface

Vera provides a set of general methods to handle hidden values within string variables.

len() : The len() function returns the length of the string as an integer. getc() : The getc() function returns an integer that is the ASCII equivalent to the character at specified location. OOPS tolower() : The tolower() function changes upper case characters in a string to lower case, and returns this new string. Randomization toupper() : The toupper() function changes lower case characters in a string to Functional Coverage upper case, and returns this new string. Assertion putc() : The putc() task assigns a given character to a specified location. get_status() : The get_status() function returns the current status flag value as an DPI integer. UVM Tutorial get_status_msg(): The get_status_msg() function returns a string describing the current status flag value. VMM Tutorial compare() : The compare() function compares two strings to determine if they are OVM Tutorial identical or not. The comparison is case sensitive . If the strings are identical, a 0 is returned. Easy Labs : SV icompare() : The icompare() function is the same as compare() except that case is Easy Labs : UVM ignored. If the strings are identical, a 0 is returned. A non zero value is returned if they are not identical. Easy Labs : OVM hash() : The hash() function hashes (or encodes) the string and returns a nonEasy Labs : VMM negative integer that is less than the size specified. substr() : The substr() function returns the sub-string of characters between two AVM Switch TB specified locations. VMM Ethernet sample search() : The search() function searches for a pattern in the string and returns the integer index to the beginning of the pattern. match() : match() processes a regular expression pattern match. prematch() : prematch() returns the string before a match, based on the result of Verilog the last match() function call. Verification postmatch() : postmatch() returns the string after a match, based on the result of Verilog Switch TB the last match() function call. thismatch() : thismatch() returns the matched string, based on the result of the last Basic Constructs match() function call. backref() : backref() returns matched patterns, based on the last match() function call. OpenVera atoi() : atoi() returns the integer corresponding to the ASCII decimal Constructs representation of a string. itoa() : The itoa() task converts an integer to an ASCII number in a string. Switch TB atooct() : atooct() handles a string as an ASCII octal number and converts it to a RVM Switch TB bit value. : atobin() handles a string as an ASCII binary number and converts it to a RVM Ethernet sample atobin() bit value.
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Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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EXAMPLE : string program main{ string str,str_1,str_2; str = "This is a string"; str_1 = str ; printf("String length = %0d\n", str.len() );// printf ("The fourth character is the letter %c.\n", str.getc(3) ); printf ("Lower case string is $s \n",str.tolower() ); printf ("Upper case string is $s \n",str.toupper() ); str.putc(0, "1"); printf (" Str after put 1 at 0 loc is %s \n",str); printf (" Comparing str and str_1 resulted %d \n", );[9/26/2012 2:49:12 PM]

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printf (" Substring from 2 to 4 of str is %s\n",str.substr(2,4) ); printf (" searching for 'is a' in str resulted in %d","is a") ); printf (" matching for 'is' in str resulted in %d",str.match("is") ); str_2 = "123"; printf ("After execute string.atoi method = %d\n",str_2.atoi() ); } RESULTS String length = 16 The fourth character is the letter s. Lower case string is this is a string Upper case string is THIS IS A STRING Str after put 1 at 0 loc is 1his is a string Comparing str and str_1 resulted 0 Substring from 2 to 4 of str is is searching for 'is a' in str resulted in 5 matching for 'is' in str resulted in 1 After execute string.atoi method = 123




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Index Introduction SystemVerilog OpenVera provides the following types of built-in methods for analyzing and Data Types Linked List manipulating smart queue elements. Verification Operators Part 1 # Add/Delete Constructs Operators Part 2 - delete() Operators Part 3 - insert() Interface Operator Precedence # Order OOPS Control Statements - reverse() Procedures And Methods - rsort() Randomization Interprocess - sort() Functional Coverage Fork Join - sum() Shadow Variables Assertion # Push/Pop Fork Join Control - pop_back() DPI Wait Var - pop_front() Event Sync UVM Tutorial - push_back() Event Trigger - push_front() VMM Tutorial Semaphore # Random Regions OVM Tutorial - pick() Mailbox - pick_index() Easy Labs : SV Timeouts - unique() Oop Easy Labs : UVM - unique_index() Casting # Search Easy Labs : OVM Randomization - find() Easy Labs : VMM Randomization Methods - find_index() Constraint Block - first() AVM Switch TB Constraint Expression - first_index() VMM Ethernet sample - last() Variable Ordaring Aop - last_index() Predefined Methods - max() String Methods - max_index() Verilog Queue Methods - min() Verification Dut Communication - min_index() Functional Coverage Verilog Switch TB # Size - capacity() Basic Constructs Report a Bug or Comment - empty() on This section - Your - reserve() input is what keeps - size() OpenVera improving TUTORIALS



with time!

EXAMPLE : Switch TB program main{ RVM Switch TB integer que[$]; RVM Ethernet sample printf(" size of queue %d \n",que.size()); que.push_back(10); que.push_front(2); printf(" pop_back is %d \n",que.pop_back()); Specman E printf(" pop_front is %d \n",que.pop_front());
Interview Questions

que.push_back(1); que.push_back(2); que.push_back(3); printf(" size of queue %d \n",que.size()); que.insert(2,6); printf(" pop_back is %d \n",que.pop_back()); printf(" pop_back is %d \n",que.pop_back()); } RESULTS[9/26/2012 2:49:19 PM]

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size of queue 0 pop_back is 10 pop_front is 2 size of queue 3 pop_back is 3 pop_back is 6




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Connecting To Hdl: OpenVera can communicate to HDL in the following ways. # # # # # # # Interface Declaration Interface Signal Connection Virtual Port Signal Connection signal_connect() System Function Referencing Signals Retrieving Signal Properties HDL Tasks

Interface Declaration : The interface specification is used to group Vera signals by clock domain. Each interface may include, at most, one input signal of type CLOCK. The non-clock signals defined in an interface are sampled and driven on the edges of this clock. If an input signal of type CLOCK is not designated, then the interface signals are synchronized using SystemClock. These are examples of signal declarations with various signal types:

EXAMPLE : interface declaration interface abd { input clk CLOCK; VMM Ethernet sample input [31:0] address PSAMPLE #-1; inout [7:0] data PSAMPLE #-1 PHOLD #1; output rdy PHOLD #1; output sig_out PHOLD NHOLD #1; Verilog inout [7:0] data PSAMPLE NSAMPLE #-1 PHOLD NHOLD #1; Verification }
Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your A Vera interface signal can be connected to any user-specified HDL signal in a design input is what keeps improving using the hdl_node option. with time!

Direct Hdl Node Connection:

EXAMPLE : hdl_node hdl_node CLOCK "hdl_path";

RVM Ethernet sample Blocking And Non-Blocking Drives:

Specman E Interview Questions

Blocking drives suspend Vera execution until the statement completes. Note that the clock edge (NHOLD or PHOLD) that the drive signal is associated with is used for counting synchronized edges during suspension. Once the statement completes, Vera execution resumes.Non-blocking drives schedule the drive at a future synchronized edge and Vera execution continues. When the specified synchronized edge occurs, the drive is executed. EXAMPLE : Blocking and Nonblocking @2 = 1; // blocking drive a = b; @2 <= 1; // non-blocking drive a = b;[9/26/2012 2:49:28 PM]

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV

Functional Coverage : OpenVera is able to monitor all states and state transitions, as well as changes to variables and expressions.By setting up a number of monitor bins that correspond to states, transitions, and expression changes, Vera is able to track activity in the simulation. Each time a user-specified activity occurs, a counter associated with the bin is incremented. Coverage Group The coverage_group construct specifies the coverage model. It is defined either at the top level (referred to as "standalone"), or defined in a class (referred to as "embedded") The syntax is the same for both.

EXAMPLE : Coverage group class MyClass { Easy Labs : UVM bit [0:7] m_x, m_y; coverage_group cov1 Easy Labs : OVM { Easy Labs : VMM sample_event = @(posedge CLOCK); sample m_x, m_y; AVM Switch TB } VMM Ethernet sample } Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Sample_event: sample_event defines when (or frequency at which) the coverage objects are sampled. EXAMPLE : Sampling event sample_event = wait_var(open_vera_variable); sample_event = sync(ALL | ANY, some_OpenVera_event); Coverage_point Cover point define the points that are sampled by the coverage_group. They are declared using the sample construct of a coverage_group. EXAMPLE : Cover point class MyClass { bit [0:7] m_x, m_y; coverage_group cov1 { sample_event = @(posedge CLOCK); sample m_x, m_y; } } Cross Coverage : cross coverage is crossing subsets of the coverage points being sampled by a coverage_group. Crosses of coverage points of a coverage_group can be specified

Index Introduction Data Types Linked List Operators Part 1 Operators Part 2 Operators Part 3 Operator Precedence Control Statements Procedures And Methods Interprocess Fork Join Shadow Variables Fork Join Control Wait Var Event Sync Event Trigger Semaphore Regions Mailbox Timeouts Oop Casting Randomization Randomization Methods Constraint Block Constraint Expression Variable Ordaring Aop Predefined Methods String Methods Queue Methods Dut Communication Functional Coverage
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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using the cross construct. EXAMPLE : cross coverage: class MyClass { bit [0:7] m_x, m_y; coverage_group cov1 { sample_event = @(posedge CLOCK); sample m_x, m_y; cross cxy (m_x,m_y); } }




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Dut Specification Rtl This DUT is a simple switch, which can drive the incoming packet to destination ports Top Interface based on the address contained in the packet. Packet The dut contain one input interface from which the packet enters the dut. It has four Packet Generator Cfg Driver output interfaces where the packet is driven out. Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

Packet format: Packet contains Header, data and frame check sequence. Packet width is 8 bits and the length of the packet can be between 4 bytes to 259 bytes. Packet header:

RVM Ethernet sample Packet header contains three fields DA, SA and length.

Specman E Interview Questions

DA: Destination address of the packet. It is 8 bits. The switch drives the packet to respective ports based on this destination address of the packets. SA: Source address of the packet from where it originate. Length: This is the length of the data. It can be from 0 to 255. Data: Data should be in terms of bytes. It can be between 0 to 255 bytes. FCS: This field contains the security check of the packet. It is calculated over the header and data.[9/26/2012 2:49:44 PM]

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Configuration: Dut has four output ports. These output ports have to be configure to a address. Dut matches the DA field of the packet with this configured port address and sends the packet on to that port. To configure the dut, a memory interface is provided. The address of the ports should be unique. It is 8 bits wide. Memory address (0,1,2,3) contains the address of port(0,1,2,4) respectively. Interface Specification: The dut has one input Interface, from where the packet enters the dut and 4 output interfaces from where the packet comes out and one memory interface, through the port address can be configured. Memory Interface: Through memory interfaced output port address are configured. It accepts 8 bit data to be written to memory. It has 8 bit address inputs. Address 0,1,2,3 contains the address of the port 0,1,2,3 respectively. If the DA feild in the packet matches with the confugured address of any port ,then the packet comes out of that port. Input Interface: The status signal has to be high when data is when packet is sent on to the dut it has to become low after sending last byte of the packet. When the dut is busy, and if it is not in a position to accept any more data, it will assert busy signal. Data which is sent during this busy signal is lost if input is driving when busy is high Output Interface: There are 4 ports, each having data, ready and read signals. When the data is ready to be sent out from the port, dut makes the ready signal high indicating that data is ready to be sent. If the read signal is made high when ready is high, then the data comes out of the data signal.



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CODE: switch.v SystemVerilog module fifo (clk, reset, Verification write_enb, Constructs read, data_in, Interface data_out, OOPS empty, full); Randomization input clk; Functional Coverage input reset; Assertion input write_enb; input read; DPI input [7:0] data_in; UVM Tutorial output [7:0] data_out; output empty; VMM Tutorial output full; OVM Tutorial wire clk; wire write_enb; Easy Labs : SV wire read; Easy Labs : UVM wire [7:0] data_in; reg [7:0] data_out; Easy Labs : OVM wire empty; Easy Labs : VMM wire full; reg [7:0] ram[0:25]; AVM Switch TB reg tmp_empty; VMM Ethernet sample reg tmp_full; integer write_ptr; integer read_ptr; always@(negedge reset) Verilog begin Verification data_out = 8'b0000_0000; Verilog Switch TB tmp_empty = 1'b1; tmp_full = 1'b0; Basic Constructs write_ptr = 0; read_ptr = 0; end OpenVera Constructs assign empty = tmp_empty; assign full = tmp_full; Switch TB always @(posedge clk) begin RVM Switch TB if ((write_enb == 1'b1) && (tmp_full == 1'b0)) begin ram[write_ptr] = data_in; RVM Ethernet sample tmp_empty <= 1'b0; write_ptr = (write_ptr + 1) % 16; if ( read_ptr == write_ptr ) begin Specman E tmp_full <= 1'b1; end Interview Questions end if ((read == 1'b1) && (tmp_empty == 1'b0)) begin data_out <= ram[read_ptr]; tmp_full <= 1'b0; read_ptr = (read_ptr + 1) % 16; if ( read_ptr == write_ptr ) begin tmp_empty <= 1'b1; end end



Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Interface Packet Packet Generator Cfg Driver Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env
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end endmodule //fifo module port_fsm (clk, reset, write_enb, ffee, hold, data_status, data_in, data_out, mem0, mem1, mem2, mem3, addr); input clk; input reset; input [7:0] mem0; input [7:0] mem1; input [7:0] mem2; input [7:0] mem3; output[3:0] write_enb; input ffee; input hold; input data_status; input[7:0] data_in; output[7:0] data_out; output [7:0] addr; reg [7:0] data_out; reg [7:0] addr; reg [3:0] write_enb_r; reg fsm_write_enb; reg [3:0] state_r; reg [3:0] state; reg [7:0] parity; reg [7:0] parity_delayed; reg sus_data_in,error; parameter ADDR_WAIT = 4'b0000; parameter DATA_LOAD = 4'b0001; parameter PARITY_LOAD = 4'b0010; parameter HOLD_STATE = 4'b0011; parameter BUSY_STATE = 4'b0100; always@(negedge reset) begin error = 1'b0; data_out = 8'b0000_0000; addr = 8'b00000000; write_enb_r = 3'b000; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; state_r = 4'b0000; state = 4'b0000; parity = 8'b0000_0000; parity_delayed = 8'b0000_0000; sus_data_in = 1'b0; end assign busy = sus_data_in; always @(data_status) begin : addr_mux if (data_status == 1'b1) begin case (data_in) mem0 : begin write_enb_r[0] = 1'b1; write_enb_r[1] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[2] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[3] = 1'b0; end mem1 : begin[9/26/2012 2:49:52 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Vera Switch TestBench

write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] end mem2 : begin write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] end

= = = = = = = =

1'b0; 1'b1; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b1; 1'b0;

mem3 : begin write_enb_r[0] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[1] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[2] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[3] = 1'b1; end default :write_enb_r = 3'b000; endcase // $display(" data_inii %d ,mem0 mem3",data_in,mem0,mem1,mem2,mem3); end //if end //addr_mux; always @(posedge clk) begin : fsm_state state_r <= state; end //fsm_state;






always @(state_r or data_status or ffee or hold or data_in) begin : fsm_core state = state_r; //Default state assignment case (state_r) ADDR_WAIT : begin if ((data_status == 1'b1) && ((mem0 == data_in)||(mem1 == data_in) ||(mem2 == data_in))) begin if (ffee == 1'b1) begin state = DATA_LOAD; end else begin state = BUSY_STATE; end //if end //if; sus_data_in = !ffee; if ((data_status == 1'b1) && ((mem0 == data_in)||(mem1 == data_in) ||(mem2 == data_in)) && (ffee == 1'b1)) begin addr = data_in; data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end //if end // of case ADDR_WAIT PARITY_LOAD : begin state = ADDR_WAIT; data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end // of case PARITY_LOAD DATA_LOAD : begin if ((data_status == 1'b1) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin state = DATA_LOAD; end else if ((data_status == 1'b0) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin state = PARITY_LOAD; end else begin state = HOLD_STATE; end //if

== data_in)||(mem3

== data_in)||(mem3[9/26/2012 2:49:52 PM]

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sus_data_in = 1'b0; if ((data_status == 1'b1) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else if ((data_status == 1'b0) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end //if end //end of case DATA_LOAD HOLD_STATE : begin if (hold == 1'b1) begin state = HOLD_STATE; end else if ((hold == 1'b0) && (data_status == 1'b0)) begin state = PARITY_LOAD; end else begin state = DATA_LOAD; end //if if (hold == 1'b1) begin sus_data_in = 1'b1; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; data_out = data_in; end //if end //end of case HOLD_STATE BUSY_STATE : begin if (ffee == 1'b0) begin state = BUSY_STATE; end else begin state = DATA_LOAD; end //if if (ffee == 1'b0) begin sus_data_in = 1'b1; end else begin addr = data_in; // hans data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end //if end //end of case BUSY_STATE endcase end //fsm_core assign assign assign assign write_enb[0] write_enb[1] write_enb[2] write_enb[3] = = = = write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb;

endmodule //port_fsm module switch (clk, reset, data_status, data, port0, port1, port2, port3, ready_0, ready_1, ready_2, ready_3, read_0, read_1, read_2,[9/26/2012 2:49:52 PM]

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read_3, mem_en, mem_rd_wr, mem_add, mem_data); input clk; input reset; input data_status; input [7:0] data; input mem_en; input mem_rd_wr; input [1:0] mem_add; input [7:0] mem_data; output [7:0] port0; output [7:0] port1; output [7:0] port2; output [7:0] port3; output ready_0; output ready_1; output ready_2; output ready_3; input read_0; input read_1; input read_2; input read_3; wire [7:0] data_out_0; wire [7:0] data_out_1; wire [7:0] data_out_2; wire [7:0] data_out_3; wire ll0; wire ll1; wire ll2; wire ll3; wire empty_0; wire empty_1; wire empty_2; wire empty_3; wire ffee; wire ffee0; wire ffee1; wire ffee2; wire ffee3; wire ld0; wire ld1; wire ld2; wire ld3; wire hold; wire [3:0] write_enb; wire [7:0] data_out_fsm; wire [7:0] addr; reg [7:0]mem[3:0]; wire reset; fifo queue_0 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[0]), .read (read_0), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_0), .empty (empty_0), .full (ll0)); fifo queue_1 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[1]), .read (read_1), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_1), .empty (empty_1), .full (ll1)); fifo queue_2 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[2]),[9/26/2012 2:49:52 PM]

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.read (read_2), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_2), .empty (empty_2), .full (ll2)); fifo queue_3 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[3]), .read (read_3), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_3), .empty (empty_3), .full (ll3));

port_fsm in_port (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb), .ffee (ffee), .hold (hold), .data_status (data_status), .data_in (data), .data_out (data_out_fsm), .mem0 (mem[0]), .mem1 (mem[1]), .mem2 (mem[2]), .mem3 (mem[3]), .addr (addr)); assign port0 = data_out_0; //make note assignment only for //consistency with vlog env assign port1 = data_out_1; assign port2 = data_out_2; assign port3 = data_out_3; assign assign assign assign assign assign assign assign ready_0 = ready_1 = ready_2 = ready_3 = ffee0 = ffee1 = ffee2 = ffee3 = ~empty_0; ~empty_1; ~empty_2; ~empty_3; | | | | ( ( ( ( addr addr addr addr != != != != mem[0])); mem[1])); mem[2])); mem[3]));

(empty_0 (empty_1 (empty_2 (empty_3

assign ffee = ffee0 & ffee1 & ffee2 & ffee3; assign assign assign assign ld0 ld1 ld2 ld3 = = = = (ll0 (ll1 (ll2 (ll3 & (addr & (addr & (addr & (addr == == == == mem[0])); mem[1])); mem[2])); mem[3]));

assign hold = ld0 | ld1 | ld2 | ld3; always@(posedge clk) begin if(mem_en) if(mem_rd_wr) begin mem[mem_add]=mem_data; ///$display("%d %d %d %d %d",mem_add,mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); end end endmodule //router



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Index Dut Specification Rtl Verification Environment: Top Interface This is simple verification environment. It has, packet, Packet generator, Driver, Scoreboard, Receiver, Coverage and Config Packet Packet Generator driver components. Cfg Driver Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Top Module: Top module contains the instance of the Dut and verification environment. It also has the clock generator. For more information about clock generation, go through TB_CONCEPTS in this website. Creat an Interface and make an instance of the interface file. Connect the interface instance to dut. Creat an instance of the program block. Program block containg all the verification component.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

CODE: top module top(); //Declare clock signal RVM Ethernet sample reg clock; //Signals for Assertion and to view the class proprties in Waveform viewer reg pkt_status; wire data_status; Specman E wire [7:0] data_in; Interview Questions wire [3:0][7:0] data_out; wire [3:0] ready; wire [3:0] read; wire [7:0] mem_data; wire [1:0] mem_add; wire reset; wire mem_en; wire mem_rd_wr; reg SystemClock ; assign SystemClock = clock;[9/26/2012 2:50:01 PM]

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tb vshell ( .SystemClock (SystemClock), .\intf.clk (clock), .\intf.data_status (data_status), .\intf.data_in (data_in), .\intf.data_out_0 (data_out[0]), .\intf.data_out_1 (data_out[1]), .\intf.data_out_2 (data_out[2]), .\intf.data_out_3 (data_out[3]), .\intf.ready_0 (ready[0]), .\intf.ready_1 (ready[1]), .\intf.ready_2 (ready[2]), .\intf.ready_3 (ready[3]), .\intf.read_0 (read[0]), .\intf.read_1 (read[1]), .\intf.read_2 (read[2]), .\intf.read_3 (read[3]), .\intf.mem_data (mem_data), .\intf.mem_add (mem_add), .\intf.reset (reset), .\intf.mem_en (mem_en), .\intf.mem_rd_wr (mem_rd_wr) );

switch switch1 (.clk (clock), .reset (reset), .data_status (data_status), .data (data_in), .port0 (data_out[0]), .port1 (data_out[1]), .port2 (data_out[2]), .port3 (data_out[3]), .ready_0 (ready[0]), .ready_1 (ready[1]), .ready_2 (ready[2]), .ready_3 (ready[3]), .read_0 (read[0]), .read_1 (read[1]), .read_2 (read[2]), .read_3 (read[3]), .mem_en (mem_en), .mem_rd_wr (mem_rd_wr), .mem_add (mem_add), .mem_data (mem_data));

initial begin //If you are using always for clock generation, take care not have edge on time 0 clock = 0; forever begin #5 clock = !clock; end end endmodule //top



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Index Dut Specification Define vera shell interface. For the reciver component, use ports. Defing a port and Rtl Top connect four binds. Interface Packet CODE:interface.vr Packet Generator interface intf { Cfg Driver Driver input clk CLOCK ; Reciever output data_status PHOLD #1 ; Scoreboard output[7:0] data_in PHOLD #1 ; Env input [7:0] data_out_0 PSAMPLE #-1 ; input [7:0] data_out_1 PSAMPLE #-1 ; Report a Bug or Comment input [7:0] data_out_2 PSAMPLE #-1 ; on This section - Your input [7:0] data_out_3 PSAMPLE #-1 ;


input ready_0 PSAMPLE #-1 ; input ready_1 PSAMPLE #-1 ; OVM Tutorial input ready_2 PSAMPLE #-1 ; input ready_3 PSAMPLE #-1 ; Easy Labs : SV output read_0 PHOLD #1 ; Easy Labs : UVM output read_1 PHOLD #1 ; output read_2 PHOLD #1 ; Easy Labs : OVM output read_3 PHOLD #1 ; Easy Labs : VMM output [7:0] mem_data PHOLD output [1:0] mem_add PHOLD AVM Switch TB output reset PHOLD #1 ; VMM Ethernet sample output mem_en PHOLD #1 ; output mem_rd_wr PHOLD #1 ; } Verilog port rec_ports { Verification data_out; Verilog Switch TB ready; read; Basic Constructs } OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

input is what keeps improving with time!

#1 ; #1 ;

bind rec_ports rec_0 { data_out intf.data_out_0; ready intf.ready_0; read intf.read_0; } data_out intf.data_out_1; ready intf.ready_1; read intf.read_1; } bind rec_ports rec_2 { data_out intf.data_out_2; ready intf.ready_2; read intf.read_2; } bind rec_ports rec_3 { data_out intf.data_out_3; ready intf.ready_3; read intf.read_3;

RVM Ethernet sample bind rec_ports rec_1 {

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Packet is a class with all the fields in the packet randomly. Types of possible packets : Packet with DA with one of the configured port address.. Packets with DA which has unconfigured address. Packets with valid and invalid length. Packets with good and bad FCS. Payload size types: SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE

Use Constraints to get valid da. Put packet id as the first feild in data. This is for debugging. Looking at the id ,its Report a Bug or Comment easy to identyfy the packet. A method to unpack the data. When the reciver recives data, it is at low level. Using input is what keeps improving unpack, da,sa,length,data and fcs feilds can be separated.
with time! on This section - Your

Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Interface Packet Packet Generator Cfg Driver Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env

CODE: packet.vr ////Define the enumerated types for packet payload size type //typedef enum payload_size_t { SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE } ; //typedef enum packet_kind_t { GOOD, BAD };

class packet{ //Define the enumerated types for packet payload size type enum payload_size_t = SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE ; VMM Ethernet sample enum packet_kind_t = GOOD, BAD ; Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

rand payload_size_t payload_size; // Control field for the payload size rand packet_kind_t packet_kind; // Control field for GOOD/BAD bit [7:0] uid; // Unique id field to identify the packet cfg_drvr cfg; rand bit [7:0] len; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; bit [7:0] data[*];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand bit [7:0] parity; bit [7:0] mem [4]; constraint addr_8bit {(da == mem[3])||(da == mem[0])||(da == mem[1])||(da == mem[2]);} // Constrain the len according the payload_size control field constraint len_size { (payload_size == SMALL ) => len in {5 : 6}; (payload_size == MEDIUM ) => len in {7 : 8}; (payload_size == LARGE ) => len in {9 : 10}; }

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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// May be assigned either a good or bad value,parity will be calculated in portrandomize constraint parity_type { (packet_kind == GOOD ) => parity == 0; (packet_kind == BAD ) => parity != 0;} task pre_randomize(){[9/26/2012 2:50:17 PM]

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this.mem[0]=cfg.mem[0]; this.mem[1]=cfg.mem[1]; this.mem[2]=cfg.mem[2]; this.mem[3]=cfg.mem[3]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // parity_calc() // // Return the byte resulting from xor-ing among all data bytes // and the byte resulting from concatenating addr and len ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function bit [7:0] parity_cal(){ integer i; bit [7:0] result ; result = 8'hff; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ len; data = new [len]; data[0] = uid ; result = result ^ data[0]; for (i = 1;i<len;i++) { data[i] = random(); result = result ^ data[i]; } parity_cal = result; } //post randomize fun to cal parity task post_randomize(){ parity = parity ^ parity_cal(); printf("[PKT] da %h sa %h len %h parit %h \n",this.da,,this.len,this.parity); } //new task,uid is assigned when object is created task new(bit [7:0] i,cfg_drvr cfg){ uid=i; this.cfg = cfg; }

//unpacking task for converting recived data to class properties task byte_unpack(bit [7:0] bytes[$]){ void = bytes.pop_front(); printf("[UNPACKING] bytes size %d\n",bytes.size()); foreach(bytes,i) printf("[UNPACKING] bytes %b :%0d\n",bytes[i],i); da = bytes.pop_front(); sa = bytes.pop_front(); len = bytes.pop_front(); data = new [len]; parity = bytes.pop_back(); foreach (data,i) data[i] = bytes.pop_front(); } }[9/26/2012 2:50:17 PM]

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Use a class to build packet generator. Make an instance of this class. Packet generator generator generates packets and sends to driver using mailbox. Mailboxis is used to connect the packet generator and driver. Packet generator generates the packet and randomizes the packet. Then the packet is put into mailbox. Always check whether the randomization is sucessful and display a message. CODE: gen.vr class generator{ cfg_drvr cfg; integer no_of_pkts; packet cur_packet; task new(cfg_drvr cfg){ this.cfg = cfg; } task gen_pkts(){ bit[7:0] l; l = 0; no_of_pkts = 5; repeat (no_of_pkts) { l++; printf("[GENERATOR] l = %d \n",l); cur_packet = new(l,cfg); //Always check whether randomization is sucessesful or not if ( cur_packet.randomize() == 1 ) { printf ("[GENERATOR] Randomization Sucessesfull.\n"); //Drive the packet if Randomization is Sucessesfull mailbox_put(gen,cur_packet); } else printf ("[GENERATOR] Randomization failed.\n"); } }

Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Interface Packet Packet Generator Cfg Driver Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Index Dut Specification Rtl Cfg_driver generates unique address to the three output ports and writes in to dut Top Interface memory. Packet Packet Generator Cfg Driver CODE:cfg.vr Driver class cfg_drvr{ Reciever // Declare port_address as randc Scoreboard randc bit [7:0] port_address; Env bit [7:0] mem [4]; task new(); Report a Bug or Comment task gen_add(); on This section - Your task drive_add(); input is what keeps }


task cfg_drvr::new(){ printf("created cfg object \n"); } improving with time!

//task to randomize the port_address task cfg_drvr::gen_add(){ if(this.randomize()) Easy Labs : VMM printf("[CFG_DRVR] Randomization done mem add is %h \n",port_address); else AVM Switch TB printf("[CFG_DRVR] Randomization failed \n"); VMM Ethernet sample } //Task to drive the port address to dut task cfg_drvr::drive_add(){ integer i; Verification for(i = 0;i<4 ;i++) Verilog Switch TB { intf.mem_en = 1; Basic Constructs @(posedge intf.clk); intf.mem_rd_wr = 1; this.gen_add(); OpenVera @(posedge intf.clk); Constructs intf.mem_add = i; intf.mem_data = port_address; Switch TB mem[i] = port_address; RVM Switch TB } RVM Ethernet sample @(posedge intf.clk); intf.mem_en=0; intf.mem_rd_wr = 0; intf.mem_add = 0; Specman E intf.mem_data = 0; Verilog
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Index Dut Specification Rtl Driver is a class. Top Interface Define a task which gets the packet from mailbox and calls the drive packet. Packet Drive_packet is a task which drives the packet on to interface. Call the coverage Packet Generator Cfg Driver sample task. Do packing of the packet generate ,so all the packets feilds which are at high level Driver Reciever are converted in to lovel data. Scoreboard Then drive the packet on to dut. Env Add the sent packet to scoreboard expected packet queue.


CODE: driver.vr //Define driver as class,so this block can be ext}ed if needed class driver{ packet cur_packet;

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task new (){ void = this.randomize(); printf("created driver object\n "); VMM Ethernet sample } Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

//Define task to generate the packet and call the drive task task gen_and_drive(){ integer l; l = 0; printf("[DRIVER] NUMBER PACKETS %d\n ",gen_rator.no_of_pkts); repeat (gen_rator.no_of_pkts) { void = mailbox_get(WAIT, gen,cur_packet,CHECK); @(posedge intf.clk); drive_packet(cur_packet); } }

Specman E Interview Questions

task drive_packet(packet pkt) { bit [7:0] pkt_packed[*]; integer i; printf("[DRIVER] Starting to drive packet to intf %0d len %0d \n",pkt.da,pkt.len); //Do packing of generated packet pkt_packed = new[pkt.len + 4]; pkt_packed[0] = pkt.da; pkt_packed[1] =; pkt_packed[2] = pkt.len; foreach(,i) pkt_packed[i+3][i]; pkt_packed[pkt.len+3]=pkt.parity; @(posedge intf.clk);[9/26/2012 2:50:41 PM]

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foreach(pkt_packed,i) printf("[PKT drvr] pkt %h at %d\n",pkt_packed[i],i); // Byte by byte packed data on to DUV for (i=0;i<pkt.len+3;i++) { @ (posedge intf.clk); intf.data_status = 1 ; intf.data_in[7:0] = pkt_packed[i]; printf("[PKT drved] pkt %h at %d\n",pkt_packed[i],i); } @ (posedge intf.clk); intf.data_status = 0 ; intf.data_in[7:0] = pkt.parity ; //Add the sent packet to scoreboard expected packet queue score_board.add_exp_packet(pkt); @(posedge intf.clk); } }




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Index Dut Specification Rtl Receiver receives the packet and unpacks the packet and sends the unpacked packet Top Interface to scoreboard. Packet Reciver is a class. Declare a port . ports allows the reciver to communicate to dut. Packet Generator Cfg Driver Take four instancess of the reciver. Driver Reciever CODE:receiver.vr Scoreboard Env class receiver{ static integer id; Report a Bug or Comment cfg_drvr cfg; on This section - Your rec_ports ports; input is what keeps // declare packet to store received packet improving packet rcv_packet; with time! rand integer rcv_delay; integer port_num;


constraint rev_dela {rcv_delay in {1:5} ;}

task new (cfg_drvr cfg,rec_ports ports){ this.ports = ports; Easy Labs : VMM this.cfg = cfg; id = 0; AVM Switch TB void = this.randomize(); VMM Ethernet sample printf("[RECIVER] created reciver object\n "); } Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

// Define a task to collect data and unpack task collect_packets(){ // Define queue of byte that will hold the received bytes bit [7:0] temp; integer i; bit [7:0] received_bytes[$] ; while(1) { @(posedge ports.$ready); rcv_delay = random() % 10; repeat (rcv_delay)@(posedge intf.clk); while (ports.$ready) { ports.$read = 1; @(posedge intf.clk); received_bytes.push_back(ports.$data_out); printf("[RECIVER] chanel valid 0 ",ports.$data_out,received_bytes.size()); } ports.$read = 0;

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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repeat (1)@(posedge intf.clk); rcv_packet=new(id,cfg); id++; printf("[RECIVER]pkt id is %d size is %d\n",id,received_bytes.size());[9/26/2012 2:50:49 PM]

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//void = received_bytes.pop_front(); //unpack the recived data rcv_packet.byte_unpack(received_bytes); //as queues are used,delete it received_bytes.delete(); // call the scoreboard task to check the packets score_board.checkpacket(rcv_packet); } } }




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Index Dut Specification Rtl Top The expected packets are stored in scored board by driver. When ever the receiver sends a actual packet on to score board, the score board gets Interface the expected packet out from the storage, where the driver has stored expected Packet Packet Generator packets, using the packet id. Then both expected packet and actual packet re compared. If any mismatch ,then the Cfg Driver Driver test failed is reported. Reciever Scoreboard CODE: scoreboard.vr Env


class scoreboard{ //Declare a queue of packet to store the expected packets packet exp_pkt[$]; task add_exp_packet(packet packet_in){ exp_pkt.push_back(packet_in); }

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task checkpacket(packet packet_out){ integer i; packet packet_sent; Easy Labs : VMM packet_sent=exp_pkt.pop_front(); if (packet_sent.da==packet_out.da && AVM Switch TB && packet_sent.len==packet_out.len && packet_sent.parity==packet_out.parity){ VMM Ethernet sample integer i; printf("[SCOREBOARD]Data sent = recived DA %h : %h :: SA %h : %h :: len %h :%h parity %h :%h\n ",packet_sent.da,packet_out.da,,,packet_sent.len,packet_out.len, packet_sent.parity,packet_out.parity Verilog ); Verification for (i=0;i<packet_sent.len -1 ;i++) Verilog Switch TB { if([i]![i]) Basic Constructs { printf("[SCOREBOARD]ERROR data missmatch sent byte %h recived byte %h\n",[i],[i]); OpenVera trigger(err) ; Constructs } else Switch TB printf("[SCOREBOARD] sent byte %h recived byte RVM Switch TB %h\n",[i],[i]);
RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

} } else { printf("[SCOREBOARD][ERROR]Data mismatch sent != recived DA %h : %h :: SA %h : %h :: len %h :%h parity %h :%h \n",packet_sent.da,packet_out.da,,,packet_sent.len,packet_out.len, packet_sent.parity,packet_out.parity ); trigger(err); } } }[9/26/2012 2:50:57 PM]

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Its a program block named tb. Define the coverage group for the generated packet creat abject of the coverage group Use initial block to creat driver and recivers and scoreboards. Call the tasks in these components. Impliment a logic for error count. Define final block. THis prints whether the test is passed or failed. CODE:env.vr program tb{ reg bad; event err; integer no_of_errors; integer gen ; cfg_drvr cfg ; generator gen_rator ; driver driver_obj ; scoreboard score_board; receiver receiver_obj_0 ; receiver receiver_obj_1 ; receiver receiver_obj_2 ; receiver receiver_obj_3 ;

Index Dut Specification Rtl Top Interface Packet Packet Generator Cfg Driver Driver Reciever Scoreboard Env
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VMM Ethernet sample gen = alloc(MAILBOX,0,100);

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

cfg = new(); gen_rator= new(cfg); driver_obj = new(); score_board = new(); receiver_obj_0 receiver_obj_1 receiver_obj_2 receiver_obj_3 = = = = new(cfg,rec_0); new(cfg,rec_1); new(cfg,rec_2); new(cfg,rec_3);

Constructs Switch TB

no_of_errors = 0; // Reset the dut @(posedge intf.clk); RVM Switch TB intf.reset = 1; @(posedge intf.clk); RVM Ethernet sample intf.reset =0;
Specman E Interview Questions

delay(100); //// Configure the dut. cfg.drive_add(); delay(100); //// Generate the packets gen_rator.gen_pkts(); fork // Forking error counter task error_counter(); // Fork task to Drive the packets driver_obj.gen_and_drive(); //// Fork task to collect packets[9/26/2012 2:51:07 PM]

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receiver_obj_0.collect_packets(); receiver_obj_1.collect_packets(); receiver_obj_2.collect_packets(); receiver_obj_3.collect_packets(); join none delay(10000); printf("\n ***** END OF SIMULATION **** \n"); } //Check for the error count task final(){ if(no_of_errors > 0) printf("\n************TEST FAILED with %d ERRORS************\n",no_of_errors); else printf("\n************TEST PASSED************\n"); } task error_counter(){ while(1){ sync(ALL,err); @(posedge intf.clk); no_of_errors++; } }




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


A model of a system or component at an abstraction level higher than RTL in which the interface is defined in terms of transactions, rather than signals is called tranction level modelling. By abstracting out the details transaction level models run faster and can be written more easily. Transaction-level modeling is a high-level approach to model digital systems where details of communication among modules are separated from the details of the implementation of functional units or of the communication architecture. Communication mechanisms such as busses or FIFOs are modeled as channels, and are presented to modules using SystemVerilog interfaces. At the transaction level, the emphasis is more on the functionality of the data transfers what data are transferred to and from what locations - and less on their actual implementation, that is, on the actual protocol used for data transfer. This approach makes it easier for reusability. Usually these tranctions are implimented using Report a Bug or Comment subroutiens. Systemverilog supports tranctional level modelling. The following on This section - Your input is what keeps example uses TLM in SystemVerilog. Dut Specification: This DUT is a simple switch, which can drive the incoming packet to destination ports based on the address contained in the packet. The dut contain one input interface from which the packet enters the dut. It has four output interfaces where the packet is driven out. improving with time!

Index Introduction Rtl Top Interface Program Block Environment Packet Configuration Driver Reciever Scoreboard

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

Packet format: Packet contains Header, data and frame check sequence. Packet width is 8 bits and the length of the packet can be between 4 bytes to 259 bytes. Packet header: Packet header contains three fields DA, SA and length.[9/26/2012 2:51:15 PM]


DA: Destination address of the packet. It is 8 bits. The switch drives the packet to respective ports based on this destination address of the packets. SA: Source address of the packet from where it originate. Length: This is the length of the data. It can be from 0 to 255. Data: Data should be in terms of bytes. It can be between 0 to 255 bytes. FCS: This field contains the security check of the packet. It is calculated over the header and data.

Configuration: Dut has four output ports. These output ports have to be configure to a address. Dut matches the DA field of the packet with this configured port address and sends the packet on to that port. To configure the dut, a memory interface is provided. The address of the ports should be unique. It is 8 bits wide. Memory address (0,1,2,3) contains the address of port(0,1,2,4) respectively. Interface Specification: The dut has one input Interface, from where the packet enters the dut and 4 output interfaces from where the packet comes out and one memory interface, through the port address can be configured. Memory Interface: Through memory interfaced output port address are configured. It accepts 8 bit data to be written to memory. It has 8 bit address inputs. Address 0,1,2,3 contains the address of the port 0,1,2,3 respectively. If the DA feild in the packet matches with the confugured address of any port ,then the packet comes out of that port. Input Interface: The status signal has to be high when data is when packet is sent on to the dut it has to become low after sending last byte of the packet. 2 clocks gap should be maintained between packets. Output Interface: There are 4 ports, each having data, ready and read signals. When the data is ready to be sent out from the port, dut makes the ready signal high indicating that data is ready to be sent. If the read signal is made high when ready is high, then the data comes out of the data signal.



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog


CODE:rtl.v module fifo (clk, reset, Constructs write_enb, read, Interface data_in, OOPS data_out, empty, Randomization full); Functional Coverage input clk; Assertion input reset; input write_enb; DPI input read; UVM Tutorial input [7:0] data_in; output [7:0] data_out; VMM Tutorial output empty; OVM Tutorial output full; wire clk; Easy Labs : SV wire write_enb; Easy Labs : UVM wire read; wire [7:0] data_in; Easy Labs : OVM reg [7:0] data_out; Easy Labs : VMM wire empty; wire full; AVM Switch TB reg [7:0] ram[0:25]; VMM Ethernet sample reg tmp_empty; reg tmp_full; integer write_ptr; integer read_ptr; Verilog always@(negedge reset) Verification begin Verilog Switch TB data_out = 8'b0000_0000; tmp_empty = 1'b1; Basic Constructs tmp_full = 1'b0; write_ptr = 0; read_ptr = 0; OpenVera end
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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assign empty = tmp_empty; assign full = tmp_full; always @(posedge clk) begin if ((write_enb == 1'b1) && (tmp_full == 1'b0)) begin ram[write_ptr] = data_in; tmp_empty <= 1'b0; write_ptr = (write_ptr + 1) % 16; if ( read_ptr == write_ptr ) begin tmp_full <= 1'b1; end end if ((read == 1'b1) && (tmp_empty == 1'b0)) begin data_out <= ram[read_ptr]; tmp_full <= 1'b0; read_ptr = (read_ptr + 1) % 16; if ( read_ptr == write_ptr ) begin tmp_empty <= 1'b1; end[9/26/2012 2:51:23 PM]


end end endmodule //fifo module port_fsm (clk, reset, write_enb, ffee, hold, data_status, data_in, data_out, mem0, mem1, mem2, mem3, addr); input clk; input reset; input [7:0] mem0; input [7:0] mem1; input [7:0] mem2; input [7:0] mem3; output[3:0] write_enb; input ffee; input hold; input data_status; input[7:0] data_in; output[7:0] data_out; output [7:0] addr; reg [7:0] data_out; reg [7:0] addr; reg [3:0] write_enb_r; reg fsm_write_enb; reg [3:0] state_r; reg [3:0] state; reg [7:0] parity; reg [7:0] parity_delayed; reg sus_data_in,error; parameter ADDR_WAIT = 4'b0000; parameter DATA_LOAD = 4'b0001; parameter PARITY_LOAD = 4'b0010; parameter HOLD_STATE = 4'b0011; parameter BUSY_STATE = 4'b0100; always@(negedge reset) begin error = 1'b0; data_out = 8'b0000_0000; addr = 8'b00000000; write_enb_r = 3'b000; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; state_r = 4'b0000; state = 4'b0000; parity = 8'b0000_0000; parity_delayed = 8'b0000_0000; sus_data_in = 1'b0; end assign busy = sus_data_in; always @(data_status) begin : addr_mux if (data_status == 1'b1) begin case (data_in) mem0 : begin write_enb_r[0] = 1'b1; write_enb_r[1] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[2] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[3] = 1'b0; end[9/26/2012 2:51:23 PM]


mem1 : begin write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] end mem2 : begin write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] end

= = = = = = = =

1'b0; 1'b1; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b0; 1'b1; 1'b0;

mem3 : begin write_enb_r[0] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[1] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[2] = 1'b0; write_enb_r[3] = 1'b1; end default :write_enb_r = 3'b000; endcase // $display(" data_inii %d ,mem0 mem3",data_in,mem0,mem1,mem2,mem3); end //if end //addr_mux; always @(posedge clk) begin : fsm_state state_r <= state; end //fsm_state;






always @(state_r or data_status or ffee or hold or data_in) begin : fsm_core state = state_r; //Default state assignment case (state_r) ADDR_WAIT : begin if ((data_status == 1'b1) && ((mem0 == data_in)||(mem1 == data_in) ||(mem2 == data_in))) begin if (ffee == 1'b1) begin state = DATA_LOAD; end else begin state = BUSY_STATE; end //if end //if; sus_data_in = !ffee; if ((data_status == 1'b1) && ((mem0 == data_in)||(mem1 == data_in) ||(mem2 == data_in)) && (ffee == 1'b1)) begin addr = data_in; data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end //if end // of case ADDR_WAIT PARITY_LOAD : begin state = ADDR_WAIT; data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end // of case PARITY_LOAD DATA_LOAD : begin if ((data_status == 1'b1) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin state = DATA_LOAD; end else if ((data_status == 1'b0) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin state = PARITY_LOAD; end else begin state = HOLD_STATE;

== data_in)||(mem3

== data_in)||(mem3[9/26/2012 2:51:23 PM]


end //if sus_data_in = 1'b0; if ((data_status == 1'b1) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else if ((data_status == 1'b0) && (hold == 1'b0)) begin data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end //if end //end of case DATA_LOAD HOLD_STATE : begin if (hold == 1'b1) begin state = HOLD_STATE; end else if ((hold == 1'b0) && (data_status == 1'b0)) begin state = PARITY_LOAD; end else begin state = DATA_LOAD; end //if if (hold == 1'b1) begin sus_data_in = 1'b1; fsm_write_enb = 1'b0; end else begin fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; data_out = data_in; end //if end //end of case HOLD_STATE BUSY_STATE : begin if (ffee == 1'b0) begin state = BUSY_STATE; end else begin state = DATA_LOAD; end //if if (ffee == 1'b0) begin sus_data_in = 1'b1; end else begin addr = data_in; // hans data_out = data_in; fsm_write_enb = 1'b1; end //if end //end of case BUSY_STATE endcase end //fsm_core assign assign assign assign write_enb[0] write_enb[1] write_enb[2] write_enb[3] = = = = write_enb_r[0] write_enb_r[1] write_enb_r[2] write_enb_r[3] & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb; & fsm_write_enb;

endmodule //port_fsm module switch (clk, reset, data_status, data, port0, port1, port2, port3, ready_0, ready_1, ready_2, ready_3, read_0, read_1,[9/26/2012 2:51:23 PM]


read_2, read_3, mem_en, mem_rd_wr, mem_add, mem_data); input clk; input reset; input data_status; input [7:0] data; input mem_en; input mem_rd_wr; input [1:0] mem_add; input [7:0] mem_data; output [7:0] port0; output [7:0] port1; output [7:0] port2; output [7:0] port3; output ready_0; output ready_1; output ready_2; output ready_3; input read_0; input read_1; input read_2; input read_3; wire [7:0] data_out_0; wire [7:0] data_out_1; wire [7:0] data_out_2; wire [7:0] data_out_3; wire ll0; wire ll1; wire ll2; wire ll3; wire empty_0; wire empty_1; wire empty_2; wire empty_3; wire ffee; wire ffee0; wire ffee1; wire ffee2; wire ffee3; wire ld0; wire ld1; wire ld2; wire ld3; wire hold; wire [3:0] write_enb; wire [7:0] data_out_fsm; wire [7:0] addr; reg [7:0]mem[3:0]; wire reset; fifo queue_0 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[0]), .read (read_0), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_0), .empty (empty_0), .full (ll0)); fifo queue_1 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[1]), .read (read_1), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_1), .empty (empty_1), .full (ll1)); fifo queue_2 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset),[9/26/2012 2:51:23 PM]


.write_enb (write_enb[2]), .read (read_2), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_2), .empty (empty_2), .full (ll2)); fifo queue_3 (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb[3]), .read (read_3), .data_in (data_out_fsm), .data_out (data_out_3), .empty (empty_3), .full (ll3));

port_fsm in_port (.clk (clk), .reset (reset), .write_enb (write_enb), .ffee (ffee), .hold (hold), .data_status (data_status), .data_in (data), .data_out (data_out_fsm), .mem0 (mem[0]), .mem1 (mem[1]), .mem2 (mem[2]), .mem3 (mem[3]), .addr (addr)); assign port0 = data_out_0; //make note assignment only for //consistency with vlog env assign port1 = data_out_1; assign port2 = data_out_2; assign port3 = data_out_3; assign assign assign assign assign assign assign assign ready_0 = ready_1 = ready_2 = ready_3 = ffee0 = ffee1 = ffee2 = ffee3 = ~empty_0; ~empty_1; ~empty_2; ~empty_3; | | | | ( ( ( ( addr addr addr addr != != != != mem[0])); mem[1])); mem[2])); mem[3]));

(empty_0 (empty_1 (empty_2 (empty_3

assign ffee = ffee0 & ffee1 & ffee2 & ffee3; assign assign assign assign ld0 ld1 ld2 ld3 = = = = (ll0 (ll1 (ll2 (ll3 & (addr & (addr & (addr & (addr == == == == mem[0])); mem[1])); mem[2])); mem[3]));

assign hold = ld0 | ld1 | ld2 | ld3; always@(posedge clk) begin if(mem_en) if(mem_rd_wr) begin mem[mem_add]=mem_data; ///$display("%d %d %d %d %d",mem_add,mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); end end endmodule //router



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Rtl Top level module containts the design and testbench instance. Top module also Top Interface contains clock generator. There is no need to instantiate the top module. Program Block Testbench and dut instances are connected using wires. Environment Packet Configuration Driver Reciever Scoreboard


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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

CODE: top.v module top(); //Declare clock signal reg clock; //Signals for Assertion and to view the class proprties in Waveform viewer wire data_status; wire [7:0] data_in; wire [7:0] data_out[0:3]; wire [3:0] ready; wire [3:0] read; wire [7:0] mem_data; wire [1:0] mem_add; wire reset; wire mem_en; wire mem_rd_wr; wire SystemClock ; assign SystemClock = clock; main tb ( .SystemClock (SystemClock), .\intf.clk (clock), .\intf.data_status (data_status), .\intf.data_in (data_in), .\intf.data_out_0 (data_out[0]), .\intf.data_out_1 (data_out[1]), .\intf.data_out_2 (data_out[2]), .\intf.data_out_3 (data_out[3]), .\intf.ready_0 (ready[0]), .\intf.ready_1 (ready[1]), .\intf.ready_2 (ready[2]), .\intf.ready_3 (ready[3]),

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.\intf.read_0 (read[0]), .\intf.read_1 (read[1]), .\intf.read_2 (read[2]), .\intf.read_3 (read[3]), .\intf.mem_data (mem_data), .\intf.mem_add (mem_add), .\intf.reset (reset), .\intf.mem_en (mem_en), .\intf.mem_rd_wr (mem_rd_wr) );

switch switch1 (.clk (clock), .reset (reset), .data_status (data_status), .data (data_in), .port0 (data_out[0]), .port1 (data_out[1]), .port2 (data_out[2]), .port3 (data_out[3]), .ready_0 (ready[0]), .ready_1 (ready[1]), .ready_2 (ready[2]), .ready_3 (ready[3]), .read_0 (read[0]), .read_1 (read[1]), .read_2 (read[2]), .read_3 (read[3]), .mem_en (mem_en), .mem_rd_wr (mem_rd_wr), .mem_add (mem_add), .mem_data (mem_data));

initial begin clock = 0; forever begin #5 clock = !clock; end end endmodule //top




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial

Declare an inyerface. Declare ports for reciever block. Bind the four reciver port. CODE:interface interface intf { input clk CLOCK ; output data_status PHOLD #1 ; output[7:0] data_in PHOLD #1 ; input [7:0] data_out_0 PSAMPLE #-1 input [7:0] data_out_1 PSAMPLE #-1 input [7:0] data_out_2 PSAMPLE #-1 input [7:0] data_out_3 PSAMPLE #-1

; ; ; ;

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input ready_0 PSAMPLE #-1 ; input ready_1 PSAMPLE #-1 ; OVM Tutorial input ready_2 PSAMPLE #-1 ; input ready_3 PSAMPLE #-1 ; Easy Labs : SV output read_0 PHOLD #1 ; Easy Labs : UVM output read_1 PHOLD #1 ; output read_2 PHOLD #1 ; Easy Labs : OVM output read_3 PHOLD #1 ; Easy Labs : VMM output [7:0] mem_data PHOLD output [1:0] mem_add PHOLD AVM Switch TB output reset PHOLD #1 ; VMM Ethernet sample output mem_en PHOLD #1 ; output mem_rd_wr PHOLD #1 ; } Verilog port rec_ports { Verification data_out; Verilog Switch TB ready; read; Basic Constructs } OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

#1 ; #1 ;

bind rec_ports rec_0 { data_out intf.data_out_0; ready intf.ready_0; read intf.read_0; } data_out intf.data_out_1; ready intf.ready_1; read intf.read_1; } bind rec_ports rec_2 { data_out intf.data_out_2; ready intf.ready_2; read intf.read_2; } bind rec_ports rec_3 { data_out intf.data_out_3; ready intf.ready_3; read intf.read_3;

RVM Ethernet sample bind rec_ports rec_1 {

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Rtl Testbench Program Top Program block contains the instance of testbench environment class. Testcases goes Interface Program Block hear. Call run() method of env instance. Environment Packet CODE:test Configuration program main{ Driver Reciever Environment env; Scoreboard env = new(); Report a Bug or Comment env.run_t();


printf(" END OF PROGRAM BLOCK \n"); }

on This section - Your input is what keeps improving with time!

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Rtl Enviroment class contains instancess of all the verification components. Environment Top Interface class is extension on rvm_env class. The testbench simulation needs some systamatic flow like reset,initilize etc. rvm_env Program Block Environment base class has methods to support this simulation flow. The rvm_env class divides a simulation into the following steps, with corresponding Packet Configuration methods: Driver -- gen_cfg() : Randomize test configuration descriptor Reciever -- build() : Allocate and connect test environment components Scoreboard -- reset_dut_t() : Reset the DUT -- cfg_dut_t() : Download test configuration into the DUT Report a Bug or Comment -- start_t() : Start components on This section - Your -- wait_for_end_t() : End of test detection input is what keeps -- stop_t() : Stop data generators and wait for DUT to drain improving -- cleanup_t() : Check recorded statistics and sweep for lost data with time! -- report() : Print final report


CODE:env.vr //A top-level source file shall include all ancillary source files #include <rvm_std_lib.vrh> #include "Configuration.vr" #include "packet.vr" #include "ports.vr" `ifndef ENV_CLASS `define ENV_CLASS //A channel class shall be declared for any class derived from the bu_data class rvm_channel(packet) //An instance of a rvm_channel object shall be used to pass transactions between two transactors rvm_atomic_gen(packet,"packet") #include "drvr.vr" #include "rcvr.vr" #include "score_board.vr" class Environment extends rvm_env { //All simulation log output shall be done through the message service. rvm_log log; Configuration cfg; packet pkt; packet_atomic_gen gen; packet_channel packet_channel packet_channel drvr_xtor rcvr_xtor gen2drv_chan; rcv2sb_chan; drv2sb_chan; drvr; rcvr_0;

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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rcvr_xtor rcvr_xtor rcvr_xtor scoreboard task new(); virtual task virtual task virtual task virtual task virtual task virtual task virtual task virtual task virtual task

rcvr_1; rcvr_2; rcvr_3; sb;

gen_cfg(); build(); reset_dut_t(); cfg_dut_t(); start_t(); wait_for_end_t(); stop_t(); cleanup_t(); report();

task Environment::new(){"Environment"); this.log = new("ENV_LOG","0"); this.cfg = new(); rvm_note(this.log," ENV CREATED \n"); } //The return value of the randomize() method shall be checked //and an error be reported if it is FALSE task Environment::gen_cfg(){ super.gen_cfg(); rvm_note(this.log," Starting... Gen_cfg \n"); if (!cfg.randomize()) rvm_fatal(this.log, "Configuration Randomization Failed!\n"); cfg.display();

task Environment::build() {; rvm_note(this.log," Starting... build \n"); pkt = new(); pkt.do_cfg(cfg); gen = new("Generator","0"); gen.stop_after_n_insts = 20; gen2drv_chan = new("gen2drv","0"); rcv2sb_chan = new("rcv2sb","chan",10); drv2sb_chan = new("drv2sb","chan",10); gen.out_chan = this.gen2drv_chan; drvr = new("driver",0,gen2drv_chan,drv2sb_chan); rcvr_0 = new("reciver_0",0,rec_0,rcv2sb_chan); rcvr_1 = new("reciver_1",1,rec_1,rcv2sb_chan); rcvr_2 = new("reciver_2",2,rec_2,rcv2sb_chan); rcvr_3 = new("reciver_3",3,rec_3,rcv2sb_chan); sb = new(rcv2sb_chan,drv2sb_chan); } //Blocking methods shall have a name that ends with the "_t" suffix. task Environment::reset_dut_t(){ super.reset_dut_t(); rvm_note(this.log," Starting... reset_dut \n"); @(posedge intf.clk); intf.data_status <= 0; intf.data_in <= 0; intf.read_0 <= 0;[9/26/2012 2:52:23 PM]


intf.read_1 <= 0; intf.read_2 <= 0; intf.read_3 <= 0; intf.mem_data <= 0; intf.mem_add <= 0; intf.reset <= 0; intf.mem_en <= 0; intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; @(posedge intf.clk); intf.reset <= 1; @(posedge intf.clk); intf.reset <= 0; @(posedge intf.clk); @(posedge intf.clk); rvm_note(this.log," Ending... reset_dut \n");

//The generated value of the configuration descriptor shall be //downloaded into the DUT in the rvm_env::cfg_dut_t() method task Environment::cfg_dut_t(){ integer i; super.cfg_dut_t(); rvm_note(this.log," Starting... cfg_dut \n"); for(i = 0;i<4 ;i++) { intf.mem_en <= 1; @(posedge intf.clk); intf.mem_rd_wr <= 1; @(posedge intf.clk); intf.mem_add <= i; intf.mem_data <= cfg.da_port[i]; } @(posedge intf.clk); intf.mem_en <= 0; intf.mem_rd_wr <= 0; intf.mem_add <= 0; intf.mem_data <= 0; rvm_note(this.log," Ending... cfg_dut \n"); } //The rvm_env::start_t() method shall start all transactors and generators //The rvm_env::start_t() method should not block the execution thread task Environment::start_t() { super.start_t(); rvm_note(this.log," Starting... start \n"); gen.start_xactor(); drvr.start_xactor(); rcvr_0.start_xactor(); rcvr_1.start_xactor(); rcvr_2.start_xactor(); rcvr_3.start_xactor(); sb.start_xactor(); } task Environment::wait_for_end_t() { super.wait_for_end_t(); rvm_note(this.log," Starting... wait_for_end \n"); fork//watchdog { void = gen.notify.wait_for_t(gen.DONE); rvm_note(this.log," DONE:: packet_atomic_gen \n"); repeat(100) @(posedge intf.clk); rvm_error(this.log," Watchdog timeout occured \n"); } { while(sb.no_rcv_pkt != 20) @(posedge intf.clk); rvm_note(this.log," DONE:: total number of sent pkts are receved \n");[9/26/2012 2:52:23 PM]


} join any rvm_note(this.log," Ending ... wait_for_end \n"); } task Environment::stop_t() { super.stop_t(); rvm_note(this.log," Starting... stop \n"); this.drvr.stop_xactor(); this.rcvr_0.stop_xactor(); this.rcvr_1.stop_xactor(); this.rcvr_2.stop_xactor(); this.rcvr_3.stop_xactor();; rvm_note(this.log," Ending ... stop \n"); } task Environment::cleanup_t() { super.cleanup_t(); rvm_note(this.log," Starting... cleanup \n"); } task Environment::report() { rvm_note(this.log," Starting... report \n");; rvm_note(this.log," Ending... report \n"); }





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction Rtl In Vera terminology packets are called tranctions. Tranctions contains the physical Top data that are to be sent to dut. It also contains some more properties which help in Interface building tranctions. Tranctions are built by extending rvm_data. rvm_data has set of Program Block Environment standered methods like copy(),compare(),byte_pack(),byte_unp Packet ack() etc. Configuration Driver CODE:packet.vr Reciever #ifndef PKT_CLASS Scoreboard #define PKT_CLASS


// Data units shall be modeled as objects class packet extends rvm_data { enum payload_size_t = SMALL_P, MEDIUM_P, LARGE_P ; enum packet_kind_t = GOOD_P, BAD_P ; rand packet_kind_t packet_kind ; rand payload_size_t payload_size;//Control field for the payload size static rvm_log log = new("packet", "class"); string msg; rand bit [7:0] len; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[*];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand bit [7:0] parity; static bit [7:0] mem [4]; constraint addr_8bit {(da == mem[3])||(da == mem[0])||(da == mem[1])||(da == mem[2]);}

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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB

// Constrain the len according the payload_size control field constraint len_size { (payload_size == SMALL_P ) => len in { 5 : 6}; RVM Switch TB (payload_size == MEDIUM_P ) => len in { 7 : 8}; (payload_size == LARGE_P ) => len in {9 : 10}; } RVM Ethernet sample // Constrain length of data == len constraint data_size { data.size() ==len;} constraint len_siz { solve len before data.size() ;} // May be assigned either a good or bad value,parity will be calculated in portrandomize constraint parity_type { (packet_kind == GOOD_P ) => parity == 0; (packet_kind == BAD_P ) => parity != 0;}

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:52:31 PM]


//All data object methods should be virtual //All data object methods shall be nonblocking task new(); task do_cfg(Configuration cfg); virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix ); virtual function rvm_data copy(rvm_data to); virtual function integer byte_unpack(bit [7:0] bytes[*],integer offset = 0,integer kind = -1); virtual function bit[7:0] parity_cal(); virtual function bit compare(rvm_data to,var string diff,integer kind =-1); virtual function integer byte_pack(var bit [7:0] bytes[*], integer offset =0, integer kind=-1); task post_randomize(); } task packet::new(){; } task packet::do_cfg(Configuration cfg){ this.mem[0]= cfg.da_port[0]; this.mem[1]= cfg.da_port[1]; this.mem[2]= cfg.da_port[2]; this.mem[3]= cfg.da_port[3]; msg = psprintf(" packet new %x %x %x %x",mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); rvm_note(this.log,msg); } function string packet::psdisplay(string prefix = ""){ integer i; sprintf(psdisplay,"%s #%0d.%0d.%0d\n", prefix,this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.object_id); sprintf(psdisplay,"%s%s da:0x%h sa:0x%h \n", psdisplay, prefix,this.da,,this.len); sprintf(psdisplay, "%s%s data:", psdisplay, prefix); for (i = 0; i < this.len 1; i++) sprintf(psdisplay,"%s 0x%h", psdisplay,i, data[i]); } function rvm_data packet::copy(rvm_data to = null){ packet cpy; // Copying to a new instance? if (to == null) cpy = new; else // Copying to an existing instance. Correct type? if (!cast_assign(cpy, to,CHECK)) { rvm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non packet instance"); copy = null; return; } super.copy_data(cpy); cpy.da = this.da; =; cpy.len = this.len; = new[this.len]; packet len:0x%h data[%0d][9/26/2012 2:52:31 PM]


foreach(,i)[i] =[i]; } copy = cpy;

//unpacking function for converting recived data to class properties function integer packet::byte_unpack(bit [7:0] bytes[*],integer offset ,integer kind){ sprintf(msg," bytes size %d",bytes.size()); da = bytes[1]; sa = bytes[2]; len = bytes[3]; sprintf(msg,"packet #%0d.%0d.%0d\n", this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.object_id); sprintf(msg,"da:0x%h sa:0x%h len:0x%h \n", this.da,,this.len); rvm_note(this.log,msg); data = new [len - 4]; parity = bytes[bytes.size()-1]; foreach (data,i) data[i] = bytes[i+4]; } function bit[7:0] packet::parity_cal(){ integer i; bit[7:0] result ; result = result ^ this.da; result = result ^; result = result ^ this.len; for (i = 0;i<this.len;i++) { result = result ^[i]; } parity_cal = result; } //post randomize fun to cal parity task packet::post_randomize(){ parity = parity ^ parity_cal(); sprintf(msg," %x %x %x %x",mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); rvm_note(this.log,msg); } function bit packet::compare(rvm_data to,var string diff,integer kind){ packet cmp; compare = 1; // Assume success by default. diff = "No differences found"; if (!cast_assign(cmp, to,CHECK)) { rvm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to compare to a non packet instance"); compare = 0; diff = "Cannot compare non packets"; return; } // data types are the same, do comparison: if (this.da != cmp.da) { diff = psprintf("Different DA values: %b != %b", this.da, cmp.da); compare = 0; return; } if ( != { diff = psprintf("Different SA values: %b != %b",,; compare = 0; return; } if (this.len != cmp.len)[9/26/2012 2:52:31 PM]


{ diff = psprintf("Different LEN values: %b != %b", this.len, cmp.len); compare = 0; return; } foreach(data,i) if ([i] !=[i]) { diff = psprintf("Different data[%0d] values: 0x%h 0x%h",i,[i],[i]); compare = 0; return; } if (this.parity != cmp.parity) { diff = psprintf("Different PARITY values: %b != %b", this.parity, cmp.parity); compare = 0; return; } }


function integer packet::byte_pack(var bit [7:0] bytes[*],integer offset ,integer kind){ byte_pack = 0; bytes = new[this.len + 4]; bytes[0] = this.da; bytes[1] =; bytes[2] = this.len; foreach(data,i) bytes[3+i] = data[i]; bytes[this.len + 3 ] = parity; byte_pack = this.len + 4; } #endif




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Rtl Configuration class is a transctor. It is extention of rvm_xactor. This class genarates Top Interface addresses to configure the dut 4 output ports. Program Block Environment CODE:CFG.vr Packet #ifndef PKT_CLASS Configuration #define PKT_CLASS Driver Reciever Scoreboard


// Data units shall be modeled as objects class packet extends rvm_data { enum payload_size_t = SMALL_P, MEDIUM_P, LARGE_P ; enum packet_kind_t = GOOD_P, BAD_P ; rand packet_kind_t packet_kind ; rand payload_size_t payload_size;//Control field for the payload size static rvm_log log = new("packet", "class"); string msg;

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rand bit [7:0] len; rand bit [7:0] da; VMM Ethernet sample rand bit [7:0] sa; Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

rand bit [7:0] data[*];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand bit [7:0] parity; static bit [7:0] mem [4]; constraint addr_8bit {(da == mem[3])||(da == mem[0])||(da == mem[1])||(da == mem[2]);} // Constrain the len according the payload_size control field constraint len_size { (payload_size == SMALL_P ) => len in { 5 : 6}; (payload_size == MEDIUM_P ) => len in { 7 : 8}; (payload_size == LARGE_P ) => len in {9 : 10}; } // Constrain length of data == len

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample constraint data_size { data.size() ==len;}

constraint len_siz { solve len before data.size() ;}

Specman E Interview Questions

// May be assigned either a good or bad value,parity will be calculated in portrandomize constraint parity_type { (packet_kind == GOOD_P ) => parity == 0; (packet_kind == BAD_P ) => parity != 0;}

//All data object methods should be virtual //All data object methods shall be nonblocking[9/26/2012 2:52:42 PM]


task new(); task do_cfg(Configuration cfg); virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix ); virtual function rvm_data copy(rvm_data to); virtual function integer byte_unpack(bit [7:0] bytes[*],integer offset = 0,integer kind = -1); virtual function bit[7:0] parity_cal(); virtual function bit compare(rvm_data to,var string diff,integer kind =-1); virtual function integer byte_pack(var bit [7:0] bytes[*], integer offset =0, integer kind=-1); task post_randomize(); } task packet::new(){; } task packet::do_cfg(Configuration cfg){ this.mem[0]= cfg.da_port[0]; this.mem[1]= cfg.da_port[1]; this.mem[2]= cfg.da_port[2]; this.mem[3]= cfg.da_port[3]; msg = psprintf(" packet new %x %x %x %x",mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); rvm_note(this.log,msg); } function string packet::psdisplay(string prefix = ""){ integer i; sprintf(psdisplay,"%s #%0d.%0d.%0d\n", prefix,this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.object_id); sprintf(psdisplay,"%s%s da:0x%h sa:0x%h \n", psdisplay, prefix,this.da,,this.len); sprintf(psdisplay, "%s%s data:", psdisplay, prefix); for (i = 0; i < this.len 1; i++) sprintf(psdisplay,"%s 0x%h", psdisplay,i, data[i]); } function rvm_data packet::copy(rvm_data to = null){ packet cpy; // Copying to a new instance? if (to == null) cpy = new; else // Copying to an existing instance. Correct type? if (!cast_assign(cpy, to,CHECK)) { rvm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non packet instance"); copy = null; return; } super.copy_data(cpy); cpy.da = this.da; =; cpy.len = this.len; = new[this.len]; foreach(,i)[i] =[i]; packet len:0x%h data[%0d][9/26/2012 2:52:42 PM]


copy = cpy;

//unpacking function for converting recived data to class properties function integer packet::byte_unpack(bit [7:0] bytes[*],integer offset ,integer kind){ sprintf(msg," bytes size %d",bytes.size()); da = bytes[1]; sa = bytes[2]; len = bytes[3]; sprintf(msg,"packet #%0d.%0d.%0d\n", this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.object_id); sprintf(msg,"da:0x%h sa:0x%h len:0x%h \n", this.da,,this.len); rvm_note(this.log,msg); data = new [len - 4]; parity = bytes[bytes.size()-1]; foreach (data,i) data[i] = bytes[i+4]; } function bit[7:0] packet::parity_cal(){ integer i; bit[7:0] result ; result = result ^ this.da; result = result ^; result = result ^ this.len; for (i = 0;i<this.len;i++) { result = result ^[i]; } parity_cal = result; } //post randomize fun to cal parity task packet::post_randomize(){ parity = parity ^ parity_cal(); sprintf(msg," %x %x %x %x",mem[0],mem[1],mem[2],mem[3]); rvm_note(this.log,msg); } function bit packet::compare(rvm_data to,var string diff,integer kind){ packet cmp; compare = 1; // Assume success by default. diff = "No differences found"; if (!cast_assign(cmp, to,CHECK)) { rvm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to compare to a non packet instance"); compare = 0; diff = "Cannot compare non packets"; return; } // data types are the same, do comparison: if (this.da != cmp.da) { diff = psprintf("Different DA values: %b != %b", this.da, cmp.da); compare = 0; return; } if ( != { diff = psprintf("Different SA values: %b != %b",,; compare = 0; return; } if (this.len != cmp.len) { diff = psprintf("Different LEN values: %b != %b", this.len, cmp.len); compare = 0;[9/26/2012 2:52:42 PM]


return; } foreach(data,i) if ([i] !=[i]) { diff = psprintf("Different data[%0d] values: 0x%h 0x%h",i,[i],[i]); compare = 0; return; } if (this.parity != cmp.parity) { diff = psprintf("Different PARITY values: %b != %b", this.parity, cmp.parity); compare = 0; return; } }


function integer packet::byte_pack(var bit [7:0] bytes[*],integer offset ,integer kind){ byte_pack = 0; bytes = new[this.len + 4]; bytes[0] = this.da; bytes[1] =; bytes[2] = this.len; foreach(data,i) bytes[3+i] = data[i]; bytes[this.len + 3 ] = parity; byte_pack = this.len + 4; } #endif




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Rtl Driver is a tranctor. It is extension of rvm_xactor. Get the packets from gen2drv_chan Top chennel and drive them on to dut interface. Put the packets in to drv2sb_chan Interface Program Block channel. Environment Packet CODE:driver.vr Configuration #ifndef DRVR_CLASS Driver #define DRVR_CLASS Reciever //Transactors shall be implemented in classes derived from the rvm_xactor Scoreboard class drvr_xtor extends rvm_xactor{ Report a Bug or Comment packet_channel gen2drv_chan; on This section - Your packet_channel drv2sb_chan; input is what keeps packet pkt,drv_pkt; improving string msg;


with time!

task new(string inst = "class", integer stream_id = -1, packet_channel gen2drv_chan = null, packet_channel drv2sb_chan = null); virtual task main_t(); virtual task drive(packet pkt);

VMM Ethernet sample }

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

task drvr_xtor::new(string inst,integer stream_id , packet_channel gen2drv_chan , packet_channel drv2sb_chan ){"driver",inst,stream_id); if(gen2drv_chan == null) this.gen2drv_chan = new("gen2drv_channel","chan",10); else this.gen2drv_chan = gen2drv_chan; if(drv2sb_chan == null) this.drv2sb_chan = new("drv2sb_channel","chan",10); else this.drv2sb_chan = drv2sb_chan; rvm_note(log,"Driver created \n"); } //All threads shall be started in the extension of the rvm_xactor::main_t() method //Extensions of the rvm_xactor::main_t() method shall fork a call to super.main_t() task drvr_xtor::main_t(){ super.main_t(); rvm_note(this.log," STARTED main task "); while(1){ //wait_if_stopped_or_empty(this.gen2drv_chan); pkt = this.gen2drv_chan.get_t(); sprintf(this.msg,"pkt da %x pkt sa %x pkt len %d \n",pkt.da,,pkt.len); rvm_note(this.log,msg);

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:52:51 PM]


if (!cast_assign(drv_pkt, pkt.copy())) rvm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non Packet instance"); drive(drv_pkt); @(posedge intf.clk); this.drv2sb_chan.sneak(drv_pkt); } } task drvr_xtor::drive(packet pkt){ bit [7:0] pack_pkt[*]; integer pkt_len,i; pkt_len = pkt.byte_pack(pack_pkt,0,0); sprintf(this.msg,"Packed packet length %d \n",pkt_len); rvm_note(this.log,this.msg); @(posedge intf.clk); for (i=0;i< pkt_len - 1;i++) { @(posedge intf.clk); intf.data_status <= 1 ; intf.data_in <= pack_pkt[i]; } @(posedge intf.clk); intf.data_status <= 0 ; intf.data_in <= 0; @(posedge intf.clk); } #endif




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Rtl Reciever is a tranctor. Start the collection of packet from dut in the main() task and Top Interface send them to score_board through rcv2sb_chan channel. Program Block Environment CODE:reciever.vr Packet #include "ports.vr" Configuration #ifndef RCVR_CLASS Driver #define RCVR_CLASS Reciever Scoreboard class rcvr_xtor extends rvm_xactor{ packet_channel rcv2sb_chan; Report a Bug or Comment packet pkt,rcv_pkt; on This section - Your rec_ports port_; input is what keeps string msg; improving static bit [7:0] mem[4]; with time! task new(string inst = "class",integer stream_id = -1,rec_ports port_, packet_channel rcv2sb_chan = null); virtual task main_t();


task rcvr_xtor::new(string inst ,integer stream_id ,rec_ports port_,packet_channel rcv2sb_chan ){"reciver",inst,stream_id); VMM Ethernet sample this.port_ = port_; if(rcv2sb_chan == null) this.rcv2sb_chan = new("rcv2sb_channel","channel",10); else Verilog this.rcv2sb_chan = rcv2sb_chan; Verification rvm_note(this.log,"Receiver created \n"); Verilog Switch TB pkt = new(); } Basic Constructs OpenVera task rcvr_xtor::main_t(){ bit [7:0] received_bytes[*] ; Constructs super.main_t(); rvm_note(this.log," STARTED main task "); Switch TB while(1){ RVM Switch TB @(posedge port_.$ready); while (port_.$ready) { RVM Ethernet sample port_.$read <= 1; @(posedge intf.clk); received_bytes = new[received_bytes.size() + 1] (received_bytes); Specman E received_bytes[received_bytes.size()-1] = port_.$data_out; } Interview Questions port_.$read <= 0; void = pkt.byte_unpack(received_bytes); received_bytes.delete(); rcv_pkt = new pkt; rcv2sb_chan.put_t(rcv_pkt); }

#endif[9/26/2012 2:52:59 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Index Introduction Rtl When the packet comes from reciever, the scoreboard gets the expected packet from Top Interface drv2sb_chan channel and compare them. Program Block Environment CODE:scoreboard.vr Packet `ifndef SB_CLASS Configuration `define SB_CLASS Driver Reciever class scoreboard extends rvm_xactor{ Scoreboard packet exp_pkt; packet rcv_pkt; Report a Bug or Comment integer no_drv_pkt; on This section - Your integer no_rcv_pkt; input is what keeps string msg; improving packet_channel rcv2sb_chan; with time! packet_channel drv2sb_chan;


task new(packet_channel rcv2sb_chan = null,packet_channel drv2sb_chan = null); virtual task main_t(); }

task scoreboard::new(packet_channel rcv2sb_chan ,packet_channel drv2sb_chan ){"Scoreboard","sb"); this.drv2sb_chan = drv2sb_chan; VMM Ethernet sample this.rcv2sb_chan = rcv2sb_chan; no_drv_pkt = 0; no_rcv_pkt = 0; Verilog rvm_note(log,"Scoreboard created"); Verification }
Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

task scoreboard::main_t(){ super.main_t(); rvm_note(this.log," STARTED main task "); while(1){ rcv_pkt = rcv2sb_chan.get_t(); this.no_rcv_pkt++; exp_pkt = drv2sb_chan.get_t(); this.no_drv_pkt++; if(,msg,0)) rvm_note(this.log,msg); else rvm_error(this.log,msg); } }

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`endif[9/26/2012 2:53:06 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

About the author:

UVM/OVM Killing Sequences on Sequencer Abruptly

Vishnu Prasanth is ovm/uvm expert. He is Sometimes you may need to drive input until you see come condition or some timer currently working with expires. Once you meet that condition, you need to stop generating stimulus. The Vitesse, Hyderabad, India. code for this scenario look like below //Test begin fork begin wait(rtl_linkup == 1); end begin forever idles_transmit.start(Sequencer); end join_any disable fork; end Connect to Vishnu @

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In the above code we are driving idles until rtl_linkup condition is observed. But here there is a problem, As we are trying kill idles_transmit sequence abruptly when condition is met, this may cause the sequencer to be in intermittent state. This will VMM Ethernet sample cause the problem on the next sequences which trigger on the same sequencer. As sequencer is in intermittent state it may not get grant and will wait for for grant forever. To avoid this problem we need to reset the sequencer after killing threads. The code look like below. Verilog

//Test begin fork begin wait(rtl_linkup == 1); OpenVera end Constructs begin forever Switch TB idles_transmit.start(Sequencer); RVM Switch TB end RVM Ethernet sample join_any disable fork; Sequencer.stop_sequence(); end
Basic Constructs Specman E Interview Questions

Verilog Switch TB

In the above code the stop_sequences call will reset the sequencer variables and won't cause any problem for the next sequences which are triggered on same sequencer. Here also we have another problem with the sequence thread which is killed with disable fork. Sometimes by the time thread is killed request might have been sent to driver. if thread is killed and stop_sequence is called before receiving the item_done, item_done will cause fatal error as request fifo is empty. So we need to kill thread and call of stop_sequence only after receiving item_done from driver. The code will look like below.[9/26/2012 2:53:15 PM]


//Sequence . class idles_transmit extends ovm_sequence #(REQ= packet); bit received_item_done; task body(); wait_for_grant(); assert(req.randomize()); send_req(req); received_item_done = 0; wait_for_item_done(); received_item_done = 1; endtask endclass //Test begin fork begin wait(rtl_linkup == 1); end begin forever idles_transmit.start(Sequencer); end join_any @(posedge idles_transmit.received_item_done); disable fork; Sequencer.stop_sequence(); end In the above code we are trying to kill the thread and reseting sequencer state only after receiving the ite_done for the request sent, which is the idle way to stop thread.

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

About the author:

Do not rely on illegal_bins

Ankit Gopani is ASIC Engineer at eInfochips, Do not rely on illegal_bins for checking purpose. If you rely on cover group where you Ahmedabad,India. have written illegal_bins, what happens when you turn off the coverage?? He is a specialties in SoC That is where Assertions coming in picture...! If you really want to ignore values then Verification and VIP development in System use ignore_bins. If you really want to throw errors then use an assertions checkers. Verilog VMM. While illegal_bins removes values from coverage calculations, it also throws errors. Visit Ankit's Blog for Philosophically, you need to ask yourself the questions, more SV stuff (1) "Should a passive component like a cover group be actively throwing errors?" and (2) "If you rely on the cover group for checking, then what happens when you turn coverage off?" covergroup cg @ (posedge clk iff decode); coverpoint opcode { bins move_op[] = {3'b000, 3'b001}; bins alu_op = {[3'b010:3'b011], [3'b101:3'b110]}; bins jump_op = {3'b111}; illegal_bins unused_op = {3'b100};
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

From the example given above, you can see 3'b100 is an illegal op code and as per protocol if that value occurs then its an error. So here instead of writing and illegal_bins you can have a assert property with coverage to check specifically this scenario. It is actually a debatable point because illegal bins will stops simulation if it hits, and from the last message or from debugging engineer can debug the reason for failure. The mail point is as it is not allowing the simulation forward, you can not check the functionality in error case. So to avoid this constraint we have assertions with cover property which allows us to go ahead with simulation with error indication. So usually I would prefer to have an assertions (with cover property) where strong protocol check requires instead of writing illegal_bins. Enjoy...! -ASIC with Ankit

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:53:23 PM]


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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

About the author:

PASS and FAIL Messages with Colors...!

Ankit Gopani is ASIC Engineer at eInfochips, How many among you know that you can actually display color messages using Verilog Ahmedabad,India. and SystemVerilog? He is a specialties in SoC You can implement a logic in your testbench to have nicely colored display messages Verification and VIP at the end of your simulation which will give you a PASS/FAIL messages. I have development in System written a piece of code given below and you can refer the same. I have captured a Verilog VMM. snapshot of output which you can see below. Visit Ankit's Blog for more SV stuff program clr_display(); class color ; task display (); $display("%c[1;34m",27); Report a Bug or Comment $display("***************************************"); on This section - Your $display("*********** TEST CASE PASS ************"); input is what keeps $display("***************************************"); improving $write("%c[0m",27);
with time!

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

$display("%c[1;31m",27); $display("***************************************"); $display("*********** TEST CASE FAIL ************"); $display("***************************************"); $display("%c[0m",27); endtask endclass initial begin color clr; clr = new (); clr.display (); end endprogram OUTPUT:

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

The message to be printed is ("%c[TYPE;COLOURm",27);. TYPE specifies how the message should be? 1 set bold[9/26/2012 2:53:32 PM]


2 4 5 7

set half-bright (simulated with color on a color display) set underscore (simulated with color on a color display) set blink set reverse video

COLOR specifies the message color. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 set black foreground set red foreground set green foreground set brown foreground set blue foreground set magenta foreground set cyan foreground set white foreground

With an above example you can have a display messages with colors. So this way you can have nicely and colored messages on your terminal. Enjoy...! -ASIC with Ankit

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

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Whats new in Systemverilog 2009 ?

Ankit Shah is working at Sibridge In 2005 there were separate standards for Verilog and SystemVerilog which are Technologies Pvt. Ltd, merged here with SystemVerilog 2009. There are 30+ noticeable new constructs and Ahmedabad,India. 25+ system task are introduced in SystemVerilog 2009. Your feedback / input / thought on this article, I listed out following new constructs which are added in SV-2009. send to Ankit @ timeunit and timeprecision You can specify timeunit and timeprecision inside the module with single keyword. module E (...); timeunit 100ps / 10fs; // timeunit with optional second argument ... endmodule (Ch. of LRM) checker - endchecker The checker is specifically created to encapsulate assertions. It can be added with the modeling code and can be instantiationed. Formal arguments of checker are inputs. (Ch. 17) checker my_check1 (logic test_sig); a1: assert property (p (test_sig)); c1: cover property (!test_sig ##1 test_sig); endchecker : my_check1 global clocking Global clocking block is declared as the global clocking block for an entire elaborated SystemVerilog model. endclocking
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RVM Ethernet sample global clocking @(clk1 or clk2);

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(Ch. 14.14) Printing format %p - displays as an assignment format. (Ch %x - displays in hexadecimal format. (Ch[9/26/2012 2:53:42 PM]


edge It is equivalent to posedge+negedge (Ch. 31.5) let This local score compiler directive replaces the other test macro like `define. A let construct may be instantiated in other expressions. let declarations can be used for customization and can replace the text macros in many cases. let check_grant(a, b) = assert( a ##2 b) ); check_grant(req, gnt); (Ch. 11.13) localparam in ANSI style header module driver #(parameter AWIDTH = 8, parameter DWIDTH = 8, localparam PORT=1 >> data ); (Ch. 22.2.3) unique0 Keyword unique will issue a violation report if no condition matches. while keyword unique0 will not issue a violation report if no condition matches. (Ch. 12.4.2) Associative array size() size() method is introduced to return number of entries in associative array like num() method. (Ch. 7.9.1) Queue delete() Now you can pass specific index number inside the delete function to delete that particular index. If index is not specified then it will delete entire Q. (Ch. 7.10.2) Bit select and part select of an expression Instead of... assign t = (a & b) | (c & d); assign val = t[7:4]; you can do... assign val = {(a & b) | (c & d)}[7:4]; (Ch. 7.2.1) Import package into design package bit_pkg; bit clk; bit reset; endpackage module dut( input bit_pkg::reset rst; input bit_pkg::clk clock; ... endmodule Packet chaining, automatic package and multiple package export is also introduced in[9/26/2012 2:53:42 PM]


SV-2009. (Ch. 23) pure virtual methods SV-2009 allows to declare pure virtual methods as well as class. It must be written in abstract class & it must be only a prototype, It must not contain any statement and must with without endtask/endfunction. virtual class BasePacket; pure virtual function integer send(bit[31:0] data); // No implementation endclass (Ch. 8.20) pure constraint It is allowd to declare pure constraint in abstract class. This must be implemented in extended class with the same constraint name. virtual class C; pure constraint test; endclass (Ch. 18.5.2) Time consuming functions Using fork/join_none, now time consuming constructs can be used inside function. function void disp; fork #0 $display("%t: This is #0", $time); #1 $display("%t: This is #1", $time); #3 $display("%t: This is #3 and A = %x", $time, a); a <= 8'hbb; // It allows non-blocking assignment #2 $display("%t: This is #2", $time); join_none endfunction (Ch. 9.3.2) covergroup with sample arguments covergroup with function sample(bit a, int x); coverpoint x; cross x, a; endgroup : cg cg1 = new; function void F(int j); bit d; ... cg1.sample( d, j ); endfunction (Ch. 19.8.1) weak - strong These sequence operators are introduced to simulate assertion efficiently. Assert may produce wrong message if there is a glitch in the signal. strong require that some terminating condition happen in the future, and this includes the requirement that the property clock ticks enough time to enable the condition to happen. weak do not impose any requirement on the terminating condition, and do not require the clock to tick. If the strong or weak operator is omitted, then the evaluation of the sequence_expr depends on the assertion statement in which it is used. If the assertion statement is assert property or assume property, then the sequence_expr is evaluated as weak(sequence_expr). Otherwise, the sequence_expr is evaluated as strong(sequence_expr). The default in SV-2005 was strong while in SV-2009 is weak unless you. specified strong. (Ch. 16.13)[9/26/2012 2:53:42 PM]


Implies and iff properties A property is an implies if it has the following form: property_expr1 implies property_expr2 Above form evaluates to true if property_expr1 evaluates to true, if not then property_expr2 evaluates to true. A property is an iff if it has the following form: property_expr1 iff property_expr2 A property of this form evaluates to true if, and only if, either both property_expr1 evaluates to false and property_expr2 evaluates to false or both property_expr1 evaluates to true and property_expr2 evaluates to true. (Ch. 16.13) followed-by (#-#, #=#) property s1; ##[0:5] done #-# always !rst; endproperty property s2; ##[0:5] done #=# always !rst; endproperty Property s1 says that done shall be asserted at some clock tick during the first 6 clock ticks, and starting from one of the clock ticks when done is asserted, rst shall always be low. Property s2 says that done shall be asserted at some clock tick during the first 6 clock ticks, and starting the clock tick after one of the clock ticks when done is asserted, rst shall always be low. (Ch. 16.13) The property operators s_nexttime, s_always, s_eventually, s_until, s_until_with, and sequence operator strong are strong. The property operators nexttime, always, until, eventually, until_with, and sequence operator weak are weak. nexttime and s_nexttime // if the clock ticks once more, then a shall be true at the next clock tick property s1; nexttime a; endproperty // the clock shall tick once more and a shall be true at the next clock tick. property s2; s_nexttime a; endproperty (Ch. 16.13) always - s_always property s1; a ##1 b |=> always c; endproperty property s1 evaluates to true provided that if a is true at the first clock tick and b is true at the second clock tick, then c shall be true at every clock tick that follows the second. (Ch. 16.13) until - until_with - s_until - s_until_with property s1;[9/26/2012 2:53:42 PM]


a until b; endproperty property p3; a until_with b; endproperty Property s1 evaluates to true if, and only if, a is true at every clock tick beginning with the starting clock tick of the evaluation attempt and continuing until, but not necessarily including, a clock tick at which b is true. (Ch. 16.13) The property p3 evaluates to true provided that a is true at every clock tick beginning with the starting clock tick of the evaluation attempt and continuing until and including a clock tick at which b is true. (Ch. 16.13) eventually - s_eventually property s1; s_eventually a; endproperty The property s1 evaluates to true if, and only if, there exists a current or future clock tick at which a is true. (Ch. 16.13.13) not - accept_on - reject_on - sync_accept_on - sync_reject_on property p; (accept_on(a) s1); endproperty If a becomes true during the evaluation of s1, then p evaluates to true. property p; (reject_on(b) s2); endproperty If b becomes true during the evaluation of s2 then p evaluates to false. property p; not (reject_on(b) s2); endproperty not inverts the effect of operator, so if b becomes true during the evaluation of s2 then p evaluates to true. (Ch. 16.13.14) case case can be used inside the property. (Ch. 16.13.16) restrict It is constraint to the formal verification tool to do not check the property. untyped It is allowed to use untyped datatype inside properties. (Deferred assertion) assert #0 - assume #0 - cover #0 Deferred immediate assertion evaluates after signal have stabilized in a time step. Shortcut operators ##[+] is equivalent to ##[1:$] ##[*] is equivalent to ##[0:$] <signal>[+] is equivalent to <signal>[*1:$] <signal>[*] is equivalent to <signal>[*0:$][9/26/2012 2:53:42 PM]


(Ch. 16.7) `define you can pass default value in define macro. `define MACRO1(a=5) $display(a); (Ch. 22.5) `undefineall It undefines all the defined test macro which is previously declared. `define FPGASIM `define GATESIM module... .... .... endmodule `undefineall (Ch. 22.5) `begin_keywords and `end_keywords It is used to specify reserved keywords, it will give an error if implementain does not matched with version_specifier. e.g if you have specified "1800-2009" then all the previous versions of Verilog/SystemVerilog keywords can be used but if you have specified "1800-2005" then those keywords which are introduced specifically in SV2009 those can not be used. (Ch. 22.14) FILE name and LINE numbers It keeps track of the filenames of SystemVerilog source files and line nunbers in the files. which can be helpfull to source error messages and the file name. `__FILE__ expands to the name of the current input file, in the form of a string literal constant. This is the path by which the compiler opened the file, not the short name specified in `include or as the command line argument. `__LINE__ expands to the current input line number, in the form of a decimal integer constant. $display("Internal error: null handle at %s, line %d.",`__FILE__, `__LINE__); file path and line number will be return which contain above message. (Ch. 22.12, 22.13) SYSTEM TASK $syatem - allows operation system commands. (Ch 20.18.1) $global_clock returns the event statement which is written global clocking block declaration. Here it will return "clk1 or clk2". (Ch. 14.14) $sformatf - this system function returns the message into string. Thus string can be passed into valid function. $fatel - $error - $warning - $info can be used outside assertion. $assertpasson - enable execution of pass statement. $assertpassoff - stop execution of pass statement. $assertfailon - enable execution of pass statement. $assertfailoff - stop execution of fail statement. $assertnonvacuouson - enable execution of pass statement when assertion is vacuous. $assertvacuousoff - stop execution of pass statement when assertion is non vacuous. (Ch 20.14, 16.15.8)[9/26/2012 2:53:42 PM]


$changed It detect changes in values between two adjscent clock tics. (Ch 20.13) $past_gclk - $rose_gclk - $fell_gclk - $stable_gclk - $changed_gclk It will give past sampled value of the signal with respect to global clock. (Ch 20.13) $future_gclk - $rosing_gclk - $falling_gclk - $steady_gclk - $changing_gclk It will give future sampled value of the signal with respect to global clock. (Ch 20.13, 16.15.8) $inferred_clock - $inferred_disable - $inferred_enable These system function are available to query assertion (Ch. 16.15.7) Protected envelopes It specify a region of text that shall be transformed prior to analysis by the source language processor. (Ch. 34) Still there could be many enhancement behind the curtain. It always GOOD to KNOW more. Your feedback/input/thought are welcomed which can help me to update contain. Reach me at

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

About the authors:

Introduction to Ethernet Frames : Part - 1

Bhavani shankar is VLSI engineer at Kacper This tutorial is divided into two parts. Part-1 will be on Ethernet Frames and Part-2 Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Bhavani shankar is an will be on Simple Ethernet Testplan. master in VLSI-CAD from For Part-2 , Click Manipal Centre for Information Science, Manipal. 1.Ethernet Protocol Layer The Ethernet protocol basically implements the bottom two layers of the Open Gopi Krishna He is the Systems Interconnection (OSI) 7-layer model, i.e., the data link and physical sub Author of layers. Following Figure depicts the typical Ethernet protocol stack and the relationship to the OSI model.
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2.Ethernet Frame Structure

The following illustrates the format of an Ethernet frame as defined in the original

RVM Ethernet sample IEEE 802.3 standard

Specman E Interview Questions Preamble

A sequence of 56 bits having alternating 1 and 0 values that are used for synchronization. They serve to give components in the network time to detect the presence of a signal, and read it before the frame data arrives.[9/26/2012 2:53:52 PM]


Destination MAC Address

The Destination MAC Address field addresses destination stations. This may addresses single or multiple stations. Destination Address (6bytes) of all 1 bits refers to all stations on the LAN and is called a "Broadcast address".
Start Frame Delimiter

Sequence of 8 bits having the bit configuration 10101011 indicates the start of the frame.
Source MAC Address

The Source MAC Address addresses the station at which it originated. The 802.3 standard permits these address fields to be either 2-bytes or 6-bytes in length.
Length/Type (2bytes)

If the value of this field is less than or equal to 1500, then the Length/Type field indicates the number of bytes in the subsequent MAC Client Data field. If the value of this field is greater than or equal to 1536, then the Length/Type field indicates the nature of the MAC client protocol (protocol type)
MAC Client Data

This field contains the actual data transferred from the source station to the destination station or stations. The maximum size of this field is 1500 bytes. If the size of this field is less than 46 bytes, then use of the subsequent "Pad" field is necessary to bring the frame size up to the minimum length.

If necessary, extra data bytes are appended in this field to bring the frame length up to its minimum size. A minimum Ethernet frame size is 64 bytes from Destination MAC Address(DA) field through the Frame Check Sequence(FCS).
Frame Check Sequence (FCS)

This field contains a 4-byte Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value used for error checking. When a source station assembles a MAC frame, it calculates a CRC checksum on all the bits in the frame from Destination MAC Address (DA) to the Pad fields (that is, all fields except the preamble, start frame delimiter, and frame check sequence).[9/26/2012 2:53:52 PM]


The source station stores this CRC value in this field and transmits it as part of the frame. When the frame is received at destination station, it calculates CRC of received data and compares it with FCS. If it does not match then destination station assumes an error occurred during transmission and discards the frame. The original Ethernet standards defined the minimum frame size as 64-bytes and the maximum as 1518-bytes. These numbers include all bytes from the Destination MAC Address field through the Frame Check Sequence field. The Preamble and Start Frame Delimiter fields are not included when quoting the size of a frame. The IEEE 802.3ac standard released in 1998 extended the maximum allowable frame size to 1522-bytes to allow a "VLAN tag" to be inserted into the Ethernet frame format.
Interframe Gap

Ethernet devices must allow a minimum idle period between transmission of frames known as the interframe gap (IFG) or interpacket gap (IPG). It provides the time for devices to recover and prepare to receive next frame. The minimum interframe gap is 96 bit times.

3.Frame Format Extensions

VLAN Tagging

The VLAN protocol permits insertion of an identifier, or "tag", into the Ethernet frame format to identify the VLAN to which the frame belongs. It allows frames from stations to be assigned to logical groups. This provides various benefits such as easing network administration, allowing formation of work groups, enhancing network security, and providing a means of limiting broadcast domains, The 802.3ac standard defines only the implementation details of the VLAN protocol those are specific to Ethernet. The 4-byte VLAN tag is inserted into the Ethernet frame between the Source MAC Address field and the Length/Type field. The first 2-bytes of the VLAN tag consist of the "802.1Q Tag Type" and are always set to a value of 0x8100. The 0x8100 value is actually a reserved Length/Type field assignment that indicates the presence of the VLAN tag, and signals that the traditional Length/Type field can be found at an offset of 4-bytes further into the frame. The last 2-bytes of the VLAN tag contain the following information The first 3-bits are a User Priority Field that may be used to Assign a priority level to the Ethernet frame. The next 1-bit is a Canonical Format Indicator (CFI) used in Ethernet frames to indicate the presence of a Routing Information Field (RIF). The last 12-bits are the VLAN Identifier (VID) which uniquely identifies the VLAN to which the Ethernet frame belongs.

JUMBO Frames

JUMBO frames are introduced in order to Increase the maximum size of the MAC Client Data field, larger frames would provide more efficient use of the network Bandwidth while reducing the number of frames that have to be processed. JUMBO frames has the capacity to carry bytes from 64bytes (min size) to 9000bytes (max size) The 8870 value is actually a reserved Length/Type field assignment that indicates frame as JUMBO.
PAUSE Frames

Flow control operation known as "PAUSE" frames are included in 10GBE as it supports the full duplex mode. The 8808 value is actually a reserved Length/Type field assignment that indicates frame as PAUSE. Length/Type field is followed by 2 bytes of MAC control Opcode (0001) and 2bytes of MAC control Parameter (timer=00-00toFF-FF) with a unique DA (0180-c2-00-00-01) in MAC DA field PAUSE frame considers 64bytes as Minimum size and 1518bytes as Maximum size for Normal frame and 1522bytes when tagged.[9/26/2012 2:53:52 PM]


Transmitter Mac should not transmit the frames once it receives Pause frames from receiver until the time duration specified in the Pause timer Transmitter Mac should reset/replace the current pause timer with newly arrived pause time when a Pause frame arrives from receiver before the current Pause time expires.

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

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Introduction to Ethernet Frames : Part - 2

In part-2 , we will see a simple testplan for 10G Ethernet Frames. For Part-1 , Click



Bhavani shankar is VLSI engineer at Kacper Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Bhavani shankar is an master in VLSI-CAD from Manipal Centre for Information Science, Manipal. Gopi Krishna He is the Author of

Discussion: The frame begins with the 64-bit preamble field which allows 10G Ethernet interfaces on the network to synchronize themselves with the incoming data stream before the arrival of important data fields. [Need for Synchronization: In LAN implementation, most of the physical layer components are allowed to provide valid output only after some number of bit times prior to the valid input signals. So this condition necessities a Preamble which is to be sent before the start of the data .This allows the PLS circuitry to reach its steady state with the received frames timing. So Preamble is used for physical medium stabilization and synchronization followed by SFD.] Preamble is not used by the MAC layer, so the minimum amount of preamble required for a device to function properly depends up on which physical layer is implemented and not up on the MAC layer. The preamble bits are transmitted in order from left to right and it should be noted that PRE ends with a 0. Up on the reception of a Frame Physical signal Decapsulation procedure discards

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RVM Ethernet sample every bit of preamble until a valid SFD.

Specman E Interview Questions

IEEE Standard does not define the minimum PRE size, PRE size is handled depending up on the PHY as it is the function of physical medium. So min PRE size is considered as 1byte .Even though Standard defines as PRE as 7bytes,Mac should tolerate large amounts of Preamble [The PRE is maintained in the fast Ethernet and gigabit systems to provide compatibility with the original Ethernet frame. However, both systems use more complex mechanisms for encoding the signals that avoid any signal startup losses, so they dont need preamble to protect the frame signals] Valid PRE 1) A frame with PRE of 7octets in PRE field with the bit pattern shown below and should always end with a 0.[9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


10101010 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx10101010 2) A frame with variable PRE octets like 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 by using pattern shown in 1st case Invalid PRE 1) A frame with variable PRE octets Generate a frame with PRE octets greater than required i.e. 8, 9,10,12 2) A frame with variable PRE pattern 3) Generate a frame with varying bit patterns using following cases and observe the results. (1st byte)...(7th byte) 00000000.....00000000 11111111.....11111111 10101111.....10101111 01010101.....11000011 10101011.....10101011 4) A frame consisting only PRE [i.e. Sop PRE Eop] 5) Repeat bad frames mentioned above with each frame followed and preceded by a Good Frame separated by required minimum Inter Frame Gap (96 bits). References: IEEE STD 802.3,2005 Edition, subclasses 3.2.1, 4.2.5, 4.2.9 OREILY-Ethernet Definitive Guide. PDF


Discussion: SFD field is the sequence 10101011 which immediately follows the PRE pattern and indicates the start of the frame. The last two bits indicates the receiving interface that the end of the preamble and SFD has been reached and that the bits that follow are actual fields of the frame Any successive bits following the transmission of SFD are recognized as data bits and are passed on to the LLC sub layer Valid SFD 1) A frame of one octet size SFD with bit pattern 10101011 and placed after PRE. 2) Any frame with invalid SFD pattern is considered as Bad frame and discarded Invalid SFD 1) A Frame with variable SFD bit pattern Generate a frame with variable bit patterns using following cases 10101010 10101111 11111111 00000000 01010111 11000011[9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


2) A Frame consisting only PRE and Good SFD [i.e. Sop PRE SFD Eop] 3) Repeat bad frames mentioned above with each frame followed and preceded by a Good Frame separated by required minimum Inter Frame Gap (96 bits). References: IEEE STD 802.3,2005 Edition, subclasses 3.2.2, 4.2.6. OREILY-Ethernet Definitive Guide. PDF


Discussion: FCS field contains a 4-byte cyclical redundancy check (CRC) value used for error checking. CRC is a polynomial that is calculated using the contents of the destination, source, type (or length), and data fields except PRE, SFD and FCS. As the frame is generated by the transmitting station, the CRC value is simultaneously being calculated. The source station stores 32 bits of the CRC value (x31 term is the most bit of the first octet and the x0term is the right most of the last octet) that are the result of this calculation in the FCS field and transmits it as a part of the frame. The x31 coefficient of the CRC polynomial is sent as the first bit of the field and the x0 coefficient as the last bit. When the frame is received by the destination station, it performs an identical check. If the calculated value does not match the value in this field, the destination station assumes an error has occurred during transmission and discards the frame. Valid CRC 1) The 32bit CRC value in FCS field of received frame should match the 32bit CRC value computed on received frame. 2) Frames with incorrect CRC(mismatch) values should be discarded Invalid CRC 1) A frame with incorrect CRC value a) Generate a frame by keeping incorrect CRC values in FCS field and observe the results b) Repeat (a) for JUMBO,PAUSE and VLAN frames and observe the results Mac should discard the frames in both the cases as CRC error 2) Repeat bad frames mentioned above with each frame followed and preceded by a Good Frame separated by required minimum Inter Frame Gap (96 bits). References: IEEE STD 802.3,2005 Edition, subclasses 3.2.8, OREILY-Ethernet Definitive Guide. PDF

Discussion: 10GB Ethernet supports the following frame sizes a) In case of untagged Maximum untagged frame size is 1518 bytes(from DA to FCS)[9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


Minimum frame size is 64bytes(from DA to FCS) b) In case of tag Maximum tagged frame size is 1522bytes (Untagged size + tag prefix size) If the value in the Length/type field is less than or equal to 1500 then the Value indicates the number of bytes in the subsequent MAC Client Data field. (Length Interpretation) If the value in the length/type field is greater than or equal to 1536 then the value Indicates the nature of the MAC client protocol (protocol type like jumbo, pause etc) All other values are undefined. (Type Interpretation) The minimum length of the Data/Pad field is 46 bytes, if the length of the frame in the length/type field is less than 46 then all extra bytes are considered as padded/appended in this field to bring the frame length up to its minimum size The maximum length of the Data/pad field is 1500bytes, if the length of the frame in the length /type field is greater than 1500 and less than 1536, frame is discarded. 10GE supports the VLAN Tagging which is inserted in to the Ethernet frame between the source MAC address and Length/Type field. The first 2-bytes of the VLAN tag consist of the "802.1Q Tag Type" and are always set to the value of 0x8100. a) VLAN tagged frames takes 64bytes as minimum size and 1522 bytes as maximum size (max size may vary depending up on VLAN count). b) The 0x8100 value is actually a reserved Length/Type field assignment that indicates the presence of the VLAN tag. Note: As the Standard does not define the min tagged frame size, it is considered as 64bytes which is common to all types of frames. This min size constraint may vary depending up on the Company, (CISCO defined the minimum size of the Ethernet frame with 802.1Q tagging is 68 bytes) JUMBO frames are introduced in order to Increase the maximum size of the MAC Client Data field, larger frames would provide more efficient use of the network Bandwidth while reducing the number of frames that have to be processed. a) JUMBO frames has the capacity to carry bytes from 64bytes (min size) to 9000bytes (max size) b) The 8870 value is actually a reserved Length/Type field assignment that indicates frame as JUMBO. Flow control operation known as "PAUSE" frames are included in 10GBE as it supports the full duplex mode. a) The 8808 value is actually a reserved Length/Type field assignment that indicates frame as PAUSE. Length/Type field is followed by 2 bytes of MAC control Opcode (00-01) and 2bytes of MAC control Parameter (timer=00-00toFF-FF) with a unique DA (01-80-c2-00-00-01) in MAC DA field b) PAUSE frame considers 64bytes as Minimum size and 1518bytes as Maximum size for Normal frame and 1522bytes when tagged. c) Transmitter Mac should not transmit the frames once it receives Pause frames from receiver until the time duration specified in the Pause timer d) Transmitter Mac should reset/replace the current pause timer with newly arrived pause time when a Pause frame arrives from receiver before the current Pause time expires. Valid Frames 1) A frame(untagged) size between 64 and 1518 bytes [Valid size Normal untagged frame] Generate a frame with the following acceptable sizes and observe the results. Mac should accept these frames 64,65,67,100,512,1500,1516,1517,1518 2) A tagged frame size between 64 and 1522 bytes [Valid size Normal tagged frame] Generate a frame with the following acceptable sizes and observe the results, Mac should accept these frames 64,65,67,100,512,1500,1516,1517,1518, 1520,1522 3) A frame less than min length (<46) with padded values [Length (<46) untagged padded Normal frame][9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


Generate a frame with the following lengths in length field along with proper Padding and observe the results, Mac should accept the frames 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,40,42,44,45 4) A frame greater than min length (with out padding) but less than max length(1500bytes) [Length (>46) untagged Normal frame] Generate a frame with the following lengths in length field and observe the results, Mac should accept the frames 47,50,100,512,1497,1498,1499,1500 5) A frame greater than or equal to1536 bytes i.e. Type interpretation Generate a frame with the following values in length/Type field and observe the results, Mac should interpret the frame as one of the following types 5.1) A frame with VLAN tag ( 8100/9100--VLAN tagged ) Generate a tagged frame by placing 8100/9100 in the first two bytes of tagged length/type field that indicates the presence of VLAN tag and replaces the normal "Length/Type" field repeat with 3. (a) & 4. (a) Valid frame cases. Mac should accept the frame as normal VLAN tagged frame [Length (<46) tagged padded Normal frame, Length (>46) tagged Normal frame] 5.2) JUMBO frame Type ( 8870 - JUMBO Type) 5.2.1 ) JUMBO frame of size >64 bytes with VLAN tag Generate a Jumbo Tagged frame of size (>64) by placing8870 in regular Length/Type field and repeat with 2nd valid frame cases; Mac should accept the frame as JUMBO frame with VLAN tag. [JUMBO (size>64) tagged frame] 5.2.2) JUMBO frame of size (<=9k+22) with VLAN tag Generate a Jumbo frame of size (< =9k+22); Mac should accept the frame as JUMBO frame with VLAN tag. [JUMBO (size<=9k+22) tagged frame] 5.2.3) JUMBO frame with out VLAN tag a) Generate a frame of size (>64) by placing 8870 in the regular Length/type field and repeat with 1st valid frame case including 1519, 1520, 1522. Mac should accept the frame as JUMBO untagged frame. [JUMBO (size>64) untagged frame] b) Generate a frame of size (<=9k+18) by placing 8870 in the regular Length/type field and repeat with 1st valid frame case; Mac should accept the frame as JUMBO untagged frame. [JUMBO (size<=9k+18) untagged frame] 5.3) PAUSE Frame Type (8808 - PAUSE Type) 5.3.1) PAUSE frame of size (>64) and (<1522) with VLAN tag Generate a Tagged Pause frame by placing 8808 in the regular Length/type field and next 2bytes of opcode field with (00-01) and repeat with 2nd valid frame cases (64,65,67,100,512,1500,1516,1517,1518, 1520,1522) ; Mac should accept the frame as Pause frame with VLAN tag. [PAUSE (size>64) and (<1522) Tagged Frame] 5.3.2) PAUSE frame with out VLAN tag Generate a untagged pause frame and repeat with 1st valid frame cases (64,65,67,100,512,1500,1516,1517,1518); Mac should accept the frame as Pause frame with out VLAN tag. [PAUSE (size>64) and (<1518) untagged Frame] 5.3.3) PAUSE frame with MAC control Parameters (zero & Non-zero Timer) a) Generate a untagged Pause frame by placing (00-01) in opcode field and vary timer values from 00-00 to FF-FF(hex) [Untagged PAUSE with Zero & non-zero Timer] b) Repeat (a) for tagged Pause frame [Tagged PAUSE with Zero & non-zero Timer] c) Repeat (a),(b) with different pause times before the completion of current pause_timer [Multiple Pause frames with different timers] Invalid Frames 1) A Frame which is less than min frame size (<64) with bad CRC(Runt frames) [Runt size (<64) common to Normal, JUMBO&VLAN tagged/untagged Runt frames] a) Generate a frame (both tagged and untagged) with the following sizes which are less than min frame size (<64) and observe the results, MAC should discard these[9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


frames (1) 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,45,46,47 (2) 50, 61, 62, 63 b) Repeat (a) for PAUSE frame and observe the results, Mac should not accept the frame as VALID [PAUSE Runt frame] 2) Repeat (1) for SHORT frames [SHORT Frames] 3) A untagged Frame greater than max frame size (>1518) [Over size (>1518) untagged Normal frame] 3.1) Generate a frame with the following sizes which are greater than Max frame size a) 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522 b) 1526, 1530, 1534,1535,1536,1537 3.2) Repeat (a) for untagged PAUSE frame [Over size (>1518) untagged PAUSE frame] 4) A tagged (VLAN) Frame greater than max frame size (>1522) (a) Generate a frame using 3.A (b) Invalid frame cases [Over size (>1522) tagged Normal frame] (b) Repeat (a) for tagged PAUSE frame [Over size (>1522) tagged PAUSE frame] 5) A frame less than min length (<46) without padding a) Generate a frame with the following lengths in length field without padding and observe the results, Mac should discard the frames as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,40,42,44,45 [Runt Length (<46) not padded Normal frame] b) Repeat (a) with tagged frame [Runt Length (<46) not padded tagged Normal frame] 6) A frame greater than max length (>1500) and( <1536) a) Generate a frame with the following lengths in length field and observe the results, Mac should discard the frames [Invalid Length (>1500&<1536) untagged Normal frame] 1501,1505,1518,1522,1526,1530,1535 b) Repeat (a) with tagged frame [Invalid Length (>1500&<1536) tagged Normal frame] 7) A frame with invalid value in Length/Type field( i.e. Type interpretation) a) Generate a frame with the following values in length/Type field and observe the results, Mac should identify these frame types 1536,1537, 1540, 8000.8101,8110,8807,8809,8880 [Invalid Type (>1536) untagged Normal/Pause frame] b) Repeat (a) with Tagged frame [Invalid Type (>1536) tagged Normal/Pause frame] 8) A JUMBO frame of size > (9k+18) a) Generate a Jumbo frame of size (>9k+18); Mac should discard the frame as Invalid size JUMBO untagged frame [Over size JUMBO (size>9k+18) untagged frame] b) Generate a Jumbo frame of size (>9k+22); Mac should discard the frame as Invalid size JUMBO tagged frame [Over size JUMBO (size>9k+22) tagged frame] 9) PAUSE frame with invalid value in opcode field a) Generate an untagged Pause frame with invalid opcode (other than 00-01) values with following opcode values 00-10, 01-00, 00-02 to 00-07, 00-00, 00-FF,01-01 etc. [Invalid opcode PAUSE untagged frame] b) Repeat (a) for Tagged PAUSE frame[Invalid opcode PAUSE tagged frame] 10) Multiple PAUSE frames Generate a pause frame by varying Pause timer values such that Transmit MAC should not affect the Min IFG gap required between frames after the completion of PAUSE duration [Example: suppose current pause timer is set to 8sec and if other frame arrives with pause time 0sec, then Mac should transmit the frames with out violating the min IFG] Repeat bad frames mentioned above with each frame followed and preceded by a Good Frame separated by required minimum Inter Frame Gap (96 bits).[9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


References: IEEE Std 802.3, 2002 Edition - subclasses 3.1.1, Figure 3-1 - MAC frame format,3.2.6, 3.5, Figure 3-3 Tagged MAC frame format, 4.4.2-allowable Implementations IEEE STD 802.3-2005 - Subclasses 31.3 and 31B.3.3, 31B.3.7 IEEE STD 802.3-2005 - Subclasses 3.5, 31.4, 31.5.1, and 31.5.2 IEEE STD 802.3-2005 - Subclasses 4.2.9, and OREILY-Ethernet Definitive Guide. PDF


Discussion: The Destination MAC Address field identifies the station or stations that are to receive the frame. DA field follows the preamble and Each Ethernet interface is assigned a unique 48-bit address, called the interface's physical or hardware address. The DA field contains the 48-bit Ethernet address that corresponds to the address of the interface in the station that is the destination of the frame. The DA field may specify either an "Individual address" destined for a single station or "Multicast address" destined for a group of stations or the standard broadcast address If the LSB(1st bit) is 0---indicates Individual address 1---indicates Multicast address (including Broadcast) If the 2nd bit is 0---indicates globally administered 1---indicates locally administered (including Broadcast) The IEEE 802.3 version of the frame adds significance to the second bit of the destination address, which is used to distinguish between locally and globally administered addresses. 1) A globally administered address is a physical address assigned to the interface by the manufacturer, which is indicated by setting the second bit to zero. 2) If the address of the Ethernet interface is administered locally for some reason, then the second bit is supposed to be set to a value of one. In the case of a broadcast address, the second bit is also a one. Remaining 46bits are a uniquely assigned value that identifies a single station or group of stations or all stations on the network [Locally administered addresses are very rarely used on Ethernet systems, since the vast majority of Ethernet interfaces are assigned their own unique 48-bit address. Locally administered addresses, However, have been commonly used on some Token Ring systems.] Valid Frame 1) A Frame with 6bytes of DA [valid DA field Normal frame] a) Generate a frame by placing 6 bytes of following valid address values Unicast MAC address Multicasting MAC address Broadcasting MAC address b) Repeat (a) for tagged normal frame 2) A Frame with PAUSE Multicast unique DA a) Repeat 5.3.C (a), (b),(c) Valid paused Type frame cases by placing unique multicast address reserved for PAUSE transactions (01-80-C2-00-00-01) [Un tagged Pause with Unique (DA) reserved Multicast Address] b) Repeat (a) for tagged PAUSE frame [Tagged Pause with Unique (DA) reserved Multicast Address] Invalid Frame[9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


1) A Frame with 6bytes of invalid DA [Invalid DA field Normal frame] a) Generate a frame by placing following invalid address values(only when they are not valid MAC address) All zeros (000000...) All ones (1111111...) SFD pattern(10101011) Random value b) Repeat (a) for tagged normal frame 2) A Frame with 6bytes of PAUSE Multicast DA [Invalid DA field Normal frame] a) Generate a frame by placing Pause unique address (01-80-C2-00-00-01); Mac should discard this frame (should not be a PAUSE frame type) 2) PAUSE frame with invalid DA (only when addresses are not valid ) a) Generate a Pause frame with DA other than pause unique Multicast address (0180-C2-00-00-01) by placing following address values in DA field [Invalid DA PAUSE tagged frame] All zeros(0000000000000) All ones(11111111111111) SFD or PRE pattern(10101011) Random values b) Repeat (a) for untagged PAUSE frame [Invalid DA PAUSE untagged frame] Repeat bad frames mentioned above with each frame followed and preceded by a Good Frame separated by required minimum Inter Frame Gap (96 bits). References: IEEE STD 802.3-2005 - Subclasses,3.2.4 O-REILY-Ethernet Definitive Guide. PDF


Discussion: The Source MAC Address (6 bytes) identifies the station that originated the frame and it is always an individual address. The 1st bit (LSB) is reserved and always set to"0". This is the physical address of the interface that sends the frame. The source address is not interpreted in any way by the Ethernet MAC protocol. Instead, it is provided for the use of high-level protocols. An Ethernet station uses its physical address as the source address in any frame it transmits. [IEEE standard does not specifically state that an interface may have the ability to override the 48-bit physical address assigned by the manufacturer. However, all Ethernet interfaces in use these days appear to allow the physical address to be changed, which makes it possible for the network administrator or the high level network software to modify the Ethernet interface address] Valid Frame Generate a frame by placing valid 6bytes of source address ensuring first bit with "0" Invalid Frame 1) A Frame with 6bytes of invalid SA(only when following are invalid addresses) [Invalid SA field Normal frame] a) Generate a frame by placing following invalid address values All zeros (000000...) All ones (1111111...) SFD or PRE pattern(10101011) Random value b) Repeat (a) for tagged normal frame 2) Repeat bad frames mentioned above with each frame followed and preceded by a Good Frame separated by required minimum Inter Frame Gap (96 bits).[9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


3) A frame with invalid SA by making 0th bit as 1 ,Receiving MAC should discard packet

References: IEEE STD 802.3-2005 - Subclasses 3.2.3,3.2.5 O-REILY-Ethernet Definitive Guide. PDF

DATA / PAD Field

Discussion: Data Field contains the data transferred from the source station to the destination station or stations The maximum size of this field is 1500 bytes The minimum size of this field is 46bytes The maximum size of the data field is determined by the maximum frame size and address size parameters of the particular implementation PAD If the size < 46 bytes, then use of the subsequent "Pad" field is necessary to bring the frame size up to the minimum length. If necessary, extra data bytes are appended in this field to bring the frame length up to its minimum size. The size of the pad, if any is determined by the size of the data field supplied by the MAC client and the minimum frame size and address size parameters. Full data transparency is provided in the sense that any arbitrary sequence of octet values may appear in the data field up to a maximum number specified by the implementation of the standard that is used. Length value indicated in Length/Type field is compared with the Data length in Data field Length>Data length - Length error (loss of Data bits) Length Length=Data length - no padding required For a padded Frame of Length (<46) in Length/Type field then data length should be always greater than the value in length field. Padding is always performed only using all zero values. Valid Frame 1) A Frame with data length (>=46) and (<=1500) Generate a frame with data range between min and max Data lengths by placing the following data in Data field All zeros (000000...) All ones (1111111...) SFD or PRE pattern(10101011) Random values Invalid Frame 1) Generate a Tagged frame of length (<46) in Length/Type field but data field length shows value (<46) even after padding is performed by transmitter Mac. [Padded Tagged frame < min size] 2) A Frame with excess Padding [Frame with Excess Padding] a) Generate a frame of length (<46) in Length/Type field but data field length shows value (>46-excess) even after padding is performed by transmitter Mac b) Generate a frame of length (<46) in Length/Type but data field length shows value(>46-excess) and it has violated the maximam size (Mac should discard the packet if excess padding violates the maximam size)[9/26/2012 2:54:01 PM]


3) A Frame of length (>46) in Length/Type field but data field shows the length less than the length shown in Length field. [Frame with Length error(loss of Data bits)] {Suppose length field has 70 but data length is 60bytes then what about remaining 10bytes?} 4) A Frame with invalid padding Generate a frame of length (<46 bytes) in Length field and pad with the following values All ones (1111111...) SFD or PRE pattern(10101011) Random values 5) Repeat bad frames mentioned above with each frame followed and preceded by a Good Frame separated by required minimum Inter Frame Gap (96 bits). References: IEEE STD 802.3-2005 - Subclasses 3.1.1,3.2.7 Mac Frame Format O-REILY-Ethernet Definitive Guide. PDF

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About the author:

Introduction to PCI Express

Arjun Shetty is perusing Master of We will start with a conceptual understanding of PCI Express. This will let us Technology in VLSI & appreciate the importance of PCI Express. This will be followed by a brief study of the Embedded Systems in PCI Express protocol. Then we will look at the enhancements and improvements of the International Institute Of Information protocol in the newer 3.0 specs. Technology, Hyderabad

1 Basic PC system architecture

We will start by looking at the basic layout of a PC system. Logically, an average PC system is laid out in something like shown in the figure.

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The core logic chipset acts as a switch or router, and routes I/O traffic among the Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your different devices that make up the system. In reality, the core logic chipset is split into two parts: the northbridge and the improving southbridge (or I/O bridge). This split is there for a couple of reasons, the most with time! important of which is the fact that there are three types of devices that naturally work very closely together, and so they need to have faster access to each other: the CPU, the main memory, and the video card. In a modern system, the video card's GPU is functionally a second (or third) CPU, so it needs to share privileged access to main memory with the CPU(s). As a result, these three devices are all clustered together off of the northbridge.
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The northbridge is tied to a secondary bridge, the southbridge, which routes traffic from the different I/O devices on the system: the hard drives, USB ports, Ethernet ports, etc. The traffic from these devices is routed through the southbridge to the northbridge and then on to the CPU and/or memory.[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


As is evident from the diagram above, the PCI bus is attached to the southbridge. This bus is usually the oldest, slowest bus in a modern system, and is the one most in need of an upgrade. The main thing that we should take away from the previous diagram is that the modern PC is a motley collection of specialized buses of different protocols and bandwidth capabilities. This mix of specialized buses designed to attach different types of hardware directly to the southbridge is something of a continuously evolving hack that has been gradually and collectively engineered by the PC industry as it tries to get around the limitations of the aging PCI bus. Because the PCI bus can't really cut it for things like Serial ATA, Firewire, etc., the trend has been to attach interfaces for both internal and external I/O directly to the southbridge. So today's southbridge is sort of the Swiss Army Knife of I/O switches, and thanks to Moore's Curves it has been able to keep adding functionality in the form of new interfaces that keep bandwidth-hungry devices from starving on the PCI bus. In an ideal world, there would be one primary type of bus and one bus protocol that connects all of these different I/O devices ? including the video card/GPU ? to the CPU and main memory. Of course, this "one bus to rule them all" ideal is never, ever going to happen in the real world. It won't happen with PCI Express, and it won't happen with Infiniband (although it technically could happen with Infiniband if we threw away all of today's PC hardware and started over from scratch with a round of natively Infiniband-compliant devices). Still, even though the utopian ideal of one bus and one bus protocol for every device will never be achieved, there has to be way bring some order to the chaos. Luckily for us, that way has finally arrived in the form of PCI Express (a.k.a. PCIe).

2 A primer on PCI
Before we go into detail on PCIe, it helps to understand how PCI works and what its limitations are.[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


The PCI bus debuted over a decade ago at 33MHz, with a 32-bit bus and a peak theoretical bandwidth of 132MB/s. This was pretty good for the time, but as the rest of the system got more bandwidth hungry both the bus speed and bus width were cranked up in a effort keep pace. Later flavors of PCI included a 64-bit, 33MHz bus combination with a peak bandwidth of 264MB/s; a more recent 64-bit, 66MHz combination with a bandwidth of 512MB/s. PCI uses a shared bus topology to allow for communication among the different devices on the bus; the different PCI devices (i.e., a network card, a sound card, a RAID card, etc.) are all attached to the same bus, which they use to communicate with the CPU. Take a look at the following diagram to get a feel for what a shared bus looks like.

Because all of the devices attached to the bus must share it among themselves, there has to be some kind of bus arbitration scheme in place for deciding who gets access to the bus and when, especially in situations where multiple devices need to use the bus at the same time. Once a device has control of the bus, it becomes the bus master, which means that it can use the PCI bus to talk to the CPU or memory via the chipset's southbridge. The shared bus topology's main advantages are that it's simple, cheap, and easy to implement ? or at least, that's the case as long as you're not trying to do anything too fancy with it. Once you start demanding more performance and functionality from a shared bus, then you run into its limitations. Let's take a look at some of those limitations, in order to motivate our discussion of PCI Express's improvements. This scheme works fine when there are only a few devices attached to the bus, listening to it for addresses and data. But the nature of a bus is that any device that's attached to it and is "listening" to it injects a certain amount of noise onto the bus. Thus the more devices that listen to the bus ? and thereby place an electrical load on the bus ? the more noise there is on the bus and the harder it becomes to get a clean signal through.

2.1 Summary of PCI's shortcomings To summarize, PCI as it exists today has some serious shortcomings that prevent it from providing the bandwidth and features needed by current and future generations of I/O and storage devices. Specifically, its highly parallel shared-bus architecture holds it back by limiting its bus speed and scalability, and its simple, load-store, flat memory-based communications model is less robust and extensible than a routed, packet-based model.

3 PCI-X: wider and faster, but still outdated

The PCI-X spec was an attempt to update PCI as painlessly as possible and allow it to hobble along for a few more years. This being the case, the spec doesn't really fix any of the inherent problems outlined above. In fact, it actually makes some of the problems worse. The PCI-X spec essentially doubled the bus width from 32 bits to 64 bits, thereby increasing PCI's parallel data transmission abilities and enlarging its address space.[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


The spec also ups PCI's basic clock rate to 66MHz with a 133MHz variety on the high end, providing yet another boost to PCI's bandwidth and bringing it up to 1GB/s (at 133MHz). The latest version of the PCI-X spec (PCI-X 266) also double-pumps the bus, so that data is transmitted on the rising and falling edges of the clock. While this improves PCI-X's peak theoretical bandwidth, its real-world sustained bandwidth gains are more modest. While both of these moves significantly increased PCI's bandwidth and its usefulness, they also made it more expensive to implement. The faster a bus runs, the sensitive it becomes to noise; manufacturing standards for high-speed buses are exceptionally strict for this very reason; shoddy materials and/or wide margins of error translate directly into noise at higher clock speeds. This means that the higher-speed PCI-X bus is more expensive to make. The higher clock speed isn't the only thing that increases PCI-X's noise problems and manufacturing costs. The other factor is the increased bus width. Because the bus is wider and consists of more wires, there's more noise in the form of crosstalk. Furthermore, all of those new wires are connected at their endpoints to multiple PCI devices, which means an even larger load on the bus and thus more noise injected into the bus by attached devices. And then there's the fact that the PCI devices themselves need 32 extra pins, which increases the manufacturing cost of each individual device and of the connectors on the motherboard. All of these factors, when taken together with the increased clock rate, combine to make the PCI-X a more expensive proposition than PCI, which keeps it out of mainstream PCs. And it should also be noted that most of the problems with increasing bus parallelism and double-pumping the bus also plague recent forms of DDR, and especially the DDR-II spec. And after all of that pain, you still have to deal with PCI's shared-bus topology and all of its attendant ills. Fortunately, there's a better way.

4 PCI Express: the next generation

PCI Express (PCIe) is the newest name for the technology formerly known as 3GIO. Though the PCIe specification was finalized in 2002, PCIe-based devices have just now started to debut on the market. PCIe's most drastic and obvious improvement over PCI is its point-to-point bus topology. Take a look at the following diagram, and compare it to the layout of the PCI bus.[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


In a point-to-point bus topology, a shared switch replaces the shared bus as the single shared resource by means of which all of the devices communicate. Unlike in a shared bus topology, where the devices must collectively arbitrate among themselves for use of the bus, each device in the system has direct and exclusive access to the switch. In other words, each device sits on its own dedicated bus, which in PCIe lingo is called a link. Like a router in a network or a telephone switchbox, the switch routes bus traffic and establishes point-to-point connections between any two communicating devices on a system.

4.1 Enabling Quality of Service The overall effect of the switched fabric topology is that it allows the "smarts" needed to manage and route traffic to be centralized in one single chip ? the switch. With a shared bus, the devices on the bus must use an arbitration scheme to decide among themselves how to distribute a shared resource (i.e., the bus). With a switched fabric, the switch makes all the resource-sharing decisions. By centralizing the traffic-routing and resource-management functions in a single unit, PCIe also enables another important and long overdue next-generation function: quality of service (QoS). PCIe's switch can prioritize packets, so that real-time streaming packets (i.e., a video stream or an audio stream) can take priority over packets that aren't as time critical. This should mean fewer dropped frames in your first-person shooter and lower audio latency in your digital recording software.

4.2 Traffic runs in lanes When PCIe's designers started thinking about a true next-generation upgrade for PCI, one of the issues that they needed to tackle was pin count. In the section on PCI above, I covered some of the problems with the kind of large-scale data parallelism that PCI exhibits (i.e. noise, cost, poor frequency scaling, etc.). PCIe solves this problem by taking a serial approach. As I noted previously, a connection between two a PCIe device and a PCIe switch is[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


called a link. Each link is composed of one or more lanes, and each lane is capable of transmitting one byte at a time in both directions at once. This full-duplex communication is possible because each lane is itself composed of one pair of signals: send and receive.

In order to transmit PCIe packets, which are composed of multiple bytes, a one-lane link must break down each packet into a series of bytes, and then transmit the bytes in rapid succession. The device on the receiving end must collect all of the bytes and then reassemble them into a complete packet. This disassembly and reassembly happens must happen rapidly enough to where it's transparent to the next layer up in the stack. This means that it requires some processing power on each end of the link. The upside, though, is that because each lane is only one byte wide, very few pins are needed to transmit the data. You might say that this serial transmission scheme is a way of turning processing power into bandwidth; this is in contrast to the old PCI parallel approach, which turns bus width (and hence pin counts) into bandwidth. It so happens that thanks to Moore's Curves, processing power is cheaper than bus width, hence PCIe's tradeoff makes a lot of sense. We saw earlier that a link can be composed of "one or more lanes", so us clarify that now. One of PCIe's nicest features is the ability to aggregate multiple individual lanes together to form a single link. In other words, two lanes could be coupled together to form a single link capable of transmitting two bytes at a time, thus doubling the link bandwidth. Likewise, you could combine four lanes, or eight lanes, and so on. A link that's composed of a single lane is called an x1 link; a link composed of two lanes is called an x2 link; a link composed of four lanes is called an x4 link, etc. PCIe supports x1, x2, x4, x8, x12, x16, and x32 link widths. PCIe's bandwidth gains over PCI are considerable. A single lane is capable of transmitting 2.5Gbps in each direction, simultaneously. Add two lanes together to form an x2 link and you've got 5 Gbps, and so on with each link width. These high transfer speeds are good, good news, and will enable a new class of applications, like SLI video card rendering.

5 PCIe Protocol Details

Till now we were concerned with the system level impact of PCIe. We did not look at[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


the protocol itself. The following material will make an attempt to explain the details of PCIe protocol, its layers and the functions of each of the layers in a brief way. PCI Express is a high performance, general purpose I/O interconnect defined for a wide variety of future computing and communication platforms.

5.1 PCIe Link A Link represents a dual-simplex communications channel between two components. The fundamental PCI Express Link consists of two, low-voltage, differentially driven signal pairs: a Transmit pair and a Receive pair

5.2 PCIe Fabric Topology

5.2.1 Root Complex A Root Complex (RC) denotes the root of an I/O hierarchy that connects the[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


CPU/memory subsystem to the I/O. 5.2.2 Endpoints Endpoint refers to a type of Function that can be the Requester or Completer of a PCI Express transaction either on its own behalf or on behalf of a distinct non-PCI Express device (other than a PCI device or Host CPU), e.g., a PCI Express attached graphics controller or a PCI Express-USB host controller. Endpoints are classified as either legacy, PCI Express, or Root Complex Integrated Endpoints. 5.2.3 PCI Express to PCI/PCI-X Bridge A PCI Express to PCI/PCI-X Bridge provides a connection between a PCI Express fabric and a PCI/PCI-X hierarchy. 5.3 PCI Express Layering Overview PCI Express can be divided into three discrete logical layers: the Transaction Layer, the Data Link Layer, and the Physical Layer. Each of these layers is divided into two sections: one that processes outbound (to be transmitted) information and one that processes inbound (received) information.

PCI Express uses packets to communicate information between components. Packets are formed in the Transaction and Data Link Layers to carry the information from the transmitting component to the receiving component. As the transmitted packets flow through the other layers, they are extended with additional information necessary to handle packets at those layers. At the receiving side the reverse process occurs and packets get transformed from their Physical Layer representation to the Data Link Layer representation and finally (for Transaction Layer Packets) to the form that can be processed by the Transaction Layer of the receiving device. Figure below shows the conceptual flow of transaction level packet information through the layers.[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


Note that a simpler form of packet communication is supported between two Data Link Layers (connected to the same Link) for the purpose of Link management. 5.4 Layers of the Protocol We take a brief look at the functions of each of the 3 layers. 5.4.1 Transaction Layer This is the top layer that interacts with the software above. Functions of Transaction Layer: 1. Mechanisms for differentiating the ordering and processing requirements of Transaction Layer Packets (TLPs) 2. Credit-based flow control 3. TLP construction and processing 4. Association of transaction-level mechanisms with device resources including Flow Control and Virtual Channel management 5.4.2 Data Link Layer The Data Link Layer acts as an intermediate stage between the Transaction Layer and the Physical Layer. Its primary responsibility is to provide a reliable mechanism for exchanging Transaction Layer Packets (TLPs) between the two components on a Link. Functions of Transaction Layer: 1. Data Exchange: 2. Error Detection and Retry: 3. Initialization and power management: 5.4.3 Physical Layer The Physical Layer isolates the Transaction and Data Link Layers from the signaling technology used for Link data interchange. The Physical Layer is divided into the logical and electrical subblocks. Logical Sub-block Takes care of Symbol Encoding, framing, data scrambling, Link initialization and training, Lane to lane de-skew Electrical Sub-block The electrical sub-block section defines the physical layer of PCI Express 5.0 GT/s that consists of a reference clock source, Transmitter, channel, and Receiver. This section defines the electrical-layer parameters required to guarantee interoperability among the above-listed PCI Express components. This section comprehends both 2.5 GT/s and 5.0 GT/s electricals. In many cases the parameter definitions between 2.5 and 5.0 GT/s are identical, even though their respective values may differ. However, the need at 5.0 GT/s to minimize guardbanding, while simultaneously comprehending all phenomena affecting signal integrity, requires that all the PCI Express system components - Transmitter, Receiver, channel, and Refclk, be explicitly defined in the specification. For this reason, each of these four components has a separate specification section for 5.0 GT/s.[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


6 Changes in PCIe 3.0 (GEN3)

The goal of the PCI-SIG work group defining this next-generation interface was to double the bandwidth of PCIe Gen 2, which is 5 gigatransfers per second (GT/s) signaling but 4GT/s effective bandwidth after 8b/10b encoding overhead. The group had two choices: either to increase the signaling rate to 10GT/s with 20 percent encoding overhead or select a lower signaling rate (8GT/s) for better signal integrity and reduced encoding overhead with a different set of challenges. The PCI-SIG decided to go with 8GT/s and reduce the encoding overhead to offer approximately 7.99GT/s of effective bandwidth, approximately double that of PCIe Gen 2. The increase in signaling rate from PCIe Gen 2's 5GT/s to PCIe Gen 3's 8GT/s provides a sixty percent increase in data rate and the remainder of the effective bandwidth increase comes from replacing the 8b/10b encoding (20 percent inefficiency) with 128b/130b coding (1-2 percent inefficiency). The challenge of moving from PCIe Gen 2 to Gen 3 is to accommodate the signaling rate where clock timing goes from 200ps to 125ps, jitter tolerance goes from 44ps to 14ps and the total sharable band (for SSC) goes down from 80ps to 35ps. These are enormous challenges to overcome but the PCI-SIG has already completed board, package, and system modeling to make sure designers are able to develop systems that support these rates. The table below highlights some key aspects of PCIe Gen 2 and Gen 3. The beauty of the Gen 3 solution is that it will support twice the data rate with equal or lower power consumption than PCIe Gen 2. Additionally, applications using PCIe Gen 2 would be able to migrate seamlessly as the reference clock remains at 100MHz and the channel reach for mobiles (8 inches), clients (14 inches), and volume servers (20 inches) stay the same. More complex equalizers, such as decision feedback equalization, may be implemented optionally for extended reach needed in a backplane environment. The Gen 3 specification will enhance signaling by adding transmitter de-emphasis, receiver equalization, and optimization of Tx/Rx Phase Lock Loops and Clock Data Recovery. The Gen 3 specification also requires devices that support Gen 3 rate to dynamically negotiate up or down to/from Gen 1 and Gen 2 data rates based on signal/line conditions.

6.1 Benefits from the newer specs:6.1.1 Higher Speed Goal: improve performance. Each successive generation doubles the bit rate of the previous generation, and that holds true for Gen3, too, but theres a significant difference this time. Since the previous speed was 5.0 GT/s, the new speed would normally have been 10.0 GT/s, but the spec writers considered a signal that used a 10GHz clock problematic because of the board design and signal integrity issues that many vendors would face. Constrained to stay under that frequency, they were forced to consider other options. The solution they chose was to move away from the 8b/10b[9/26/2012 2:54:12 PM]


encoding scheme that PCIe and most other serial transports have used because it adds a 20% overhead from the receivers perspective. Instead, they chose a modified scrambling method that effectively creates a 128/130 encoding method. This gain in efficiency meant that an increase in frequency to only 8.0GHz would be enough to achieve a doubling of the bandwidth and meet this goal 6.1.2 Resizable BAR Capability Goal: allow the system to select how much system resource is allocated to a device. This new optional set of registers allows functions to communicate their resources size options to system software, which can then select the optimal size and communicate that back to the function. Ideally, the software would use the largest setting reported, since that would give the best performance, but it might choose a smaller size to accommodate constrained resources. Currently, sizes from 1MB to 512GB are possible. If these registers are implemented, there is one capability register to report the possible sizes, and one control register to select the desired size for each BAR. Note that devices might report a smaller size by default to help them be compatible in many systems, but using the smaller size would also reduce its performance. 6.1.3 Dynamic Power Allocation Goal: provide more software-controlled power states to improve power management (PM). Some endpoint devices dont have a device-specific driver to manage their power efficiently, and DPA provides a means to fill that gap. DPA only applies when the device is in the D0 state, and it defines up to 32 substates. Substate0 (default) defines the max power, and successive sub-states have a power allocation equal to or lower than the previous one. Software is permitted to change the sub-states in any order. The Substate Control Enabled bit can be used to disable this capability. Any time the device is changing between substates, it must always report the highest power requirement of the two until the transition has been completed, and the time needed to make the change is implementation specific. To allow software to set up PM policies, functions define two transition latency values and every substate associates its max transition time (longest time it takes to enter that substate from any other substate) with one of those. 6.1.4 Alternative Routing-ID Interpretation Goal: support a much larger number of functions inside devices. For requesters and completers, this means treating the device number value as though it was really just an extension of the function field to give an 8-bit value for the function number. Since the device number is no longer included, its always assumed to be 0. The spec also defines a new set of optional registers that can be used to assign a function group number to each function. Within an ARI device, several functions can be associated with a single group number, and that can serve as the basis for arbitration or access control.


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VCSMX Separate compilation example

When I started to use VCSMX along with system Verilog, one main problem came up: I had to generate one executable for each program. Coming up with VCSMX version 2008.12, the separate compile feature was introduced to solve the problem; anyway the working model is quite strict. I used as a starting point "switch" example from to illustrate the separate compile flow. The idea is to generate a partition of your program file that would be loaded when you launch your executable. A single image of your design is needed; if you change your program file, you would only need to analyze it and generate a new partition. Please have a look to the Makefile provided along with the testcase. The version 2008.12-2 of VCSMX was used to set up the testcase. 1. Compile your DUT comp_dut 2. Compile the testbench components for a given package. comp_pack - Analyze the code with vlogan.. - Generate shared object libraries for each package with VCS. - Repeat these steps for each package. In VMM methodology, a class should be defined within a package,, Partition should also be generated for packages [separate compile feature steps] 3. Compile the testcases. comp_prg - Analyze the code with vlogan and specify a unique partition name for each testcase. - Generate shared object libraries for different program partitions with VCS. 4. Generate a program shell file from the program block. gen_shell This shell file is used for compiling the main simv in order to provide a hook for dynamic linking of the testbench at runtime. The testcases must have the same program block name so that only one shell file is required to load the testcases. 5. Analyze the top level testbench file: comp_top You must compile in different libraries the test bench files and the design part. ' current,, and ' testcase ' current is analyzed twice but in current and testcases libraries. This is due to the separate compile feature and also because and instantiates interfaces. 6. Generate simv, which includes the DUT, program shell file, and top module to link the DUT with the program shell file. elab 7. Run simulations using the generated simv, specifying the partitions that need to be loaded

Emmanuelle Chu is EDA support engineer at Texas Instruments (Nice Area, France). She is with TI from 2004. Emmanuelle Chu is an master in Electronics and computers from ENSSAT.

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run Repeat steps 3 or 4 followed by step 7 to further develop the testbench or testcases, and later in the testing cycle, to run your tests and regressions. Download the example

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Gopi Krishna He is the Broadly speaking, we can view Verification Engineer as having two kinds of skills: one Author of set used to perform basic duties at work, and another set of skills used to approach work. The former can be categorized as technical skills and the latter as soft skills. While the technical skills are absolutely important for a Verification Engineer, there are certain soft skills that should complement the technical abilities. A comprehensive Verification engineer should have a blend of the technical and soft skills. To elaborate more on soft skills, these are the ones that define one's approach towards work, life, problems, etc. Soft skills are people skills. The best part about mastering them is that the application of these skills is not limited to one's profession, but their scope reaches all aspects of life. Technical skills may teach one how to meet the expectations of the job, but soft skills teach one to succeed, and to exceed expectations. There are many situations that we come across on the day-to-day work life as a Verification engineer in which one person perform better than the others just on the basis of Soft skills- be it winning an argument with RTL designer on the basis of his/her communication or finding handling multiple tasks effectively because if superior organizational abilities etc.
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Soft skills are extremely important for the people in Verification and this is something that is often found to be neglected by the upcoming Verification engineers. It is VMM Ethernet sample surprising that we spend our time educating almost exclusively in technical skills. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Human beings reaction in this complex world of happenings varies widely with respect to situations, surroundings, emotions, need, requirements, time frame, money, visualization, belief, education, knowledge, expertise, intuition and so on. Such complex is the nature of human being and certainly there's no exception at work place too. Therefore it's cynical to say that the job being done by a Verification Engineer is simple & complete. The quality of the job done by the verification engineer is directly proportional to his or her psychological maturity and profoundness acquired, adopted and developed with age and experience. Let's examine the psychology of the verification engineer by describing the definition of Verification under three circumstances. "Functional Verification is the process to prove that the RTL works as per the specification" "Functional verification is the process to find all the bugs present in the RTL design" "Functional Verification is the process to detect the defects and minimize the risks associated with the residual defects" Above three definitions are upside-down. Understanding the true definition of Functional verification can make a profound difference in the success of your efforts. 1)

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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"Functional Verification is the process to prove that the RTL works as per the specification" Generally this definition is given by the RTL designers or the new verification engineers with prior RTL design experience. The above definition sounds good if the RTL designer itself is trying to verify his implementation . RTL designer intentions would mostly revolve around the point to prove that the RTL meets the specification. RTL designer will exercise only those inputs for which the correct results are obtained and are specified in the specification and the DUT can still contain bugs which will not be visible. 2) "Functional verification is the process to find all the bugs present in the RTL design"

This definition sounds good epically if the main aim of the verification engineer is to prove that the RTL work for what it's supposed to do and not what is not supposed to do. This type of psychology would bring out the most of the bugs in the RTL. This goal is impossible to achieve. 3) "Functional Verification is the process to detect the defects and minimize the risks associated with the residual defects"

This definition appears to sound realistic. Practically, if at any point, the RTL development starts, the verification should start and keep in track the number of bugs being detected while correcting. At some stage of a planned verification, there would be a stage where no bugs are identified after many days or weeks or sometimes months of verification which statistically allows you to conclude that the RTL is "good enough" to be released to next step. i.e. there may still exist some bugs undetected, but the risk associated with the residual defects is not very high or are tolerable. From the above three definitions, we can understand that the psychology of a verification engineer plays a vital role throughout the ASIC development cycle. Role And Characteristics Of A Verification Engineer Verification Engineer requires technical skills similar to RTL designers, but Verification engineers need to acquire other skills, as well. Most engineers that I've talked to over the years believe that the mind-set and personality of a good Verification engineer are different from those of a good RTL designers. For example Verification engineer are more experimental then RTL designers. Keen Observation Detective Skills Deduction skills Destructive Creativity and Negative Thinking Understanding the DUT as an integration of its parts Cynical but Affable Attitude Organized, Flexible and Patience at Job Objective and Neutral Attitude Discipline and Perseverance Communication Skills Learning from Past[9/26/2012 2:54:29 PM]


Eagerness to embrace new technologies, methods and flows Keen Observation The Verification engineer must possess the qualities of an 'eye for detail'. A keen observation is the prime quality any Verification engineer must possess. Not all bugs are visible clearly to the naked eye. With keen observation, the Verification engineer can easily identify or detect many critical bugs. Verification engineer should learn how to look for details, how to analyze the things from different possible dimensions. The more observant a verification engineer is, the more likely he is detecting more bugs. Without observation, it is impossible to tell the outcome of a test or an experiment. Although this makes sense, it is tempting to design tests and experiments that are difficult if not impossible to observe. We may want to prove or test something, but real-world constraints prevent constructing an accurate experiment. That's why you can't verify everything and not everything is verifiable. Detective Skills Ideally the Design under development would be documented before, after and throughout the development process. Unfortunately, there is every chance of not updating the documentation (specification, defect reports etc) due to time and resource constraints. The Verification engineer should therefore apply his knowledge of rationalization in knowing about the DUT from formal system like system specifications, design & functional specifications, review notes etc. From this information, the Verification engineer should look for researching more analytical information through other sources called non-formal sources of information like RTL designers, previous version test plans, bugs and related product documents, reviews of related and (seemingly) unrelated documents. A Verification engineer should therefore possess the quality of a 'detective' to explore the product under test, more rationally Deduction Skills A Verification engineer with deduction skills is also likely to be good at issue solving. Deduction skill is an ability to analyze the meanings of the signs and deriving of a conclusion by reasoning. It's a logical thinking, which helps a Verification engineer to differentiate a bug from a false one. Deduction skills may come from practice of cognitive information processing, power of interpretation and can help a Verification engineer in differencing and decision making. Deduction skills play major role while debugging. Not all the verification engineers can debug an issue at same speed. Looking at some waveform signals, log messages, he has to isolate or locate it. In Verification life cycle, everything can be planned and can meet the schedule in time except debugging. Time spent in debugging is unpredictable and cannot be planned ahead. Destructive Creativity Or Negative Thinking Most human beings are constructive in nature rather than destructive. The Verification engineer need to develop destructive skills ,means skills to perturb and crash RTL functionality. In other words, the Verification engineer should 'not hesitate to break the RTL functionality. In the world of functional verification, boundaries are meant to be crossed not obeyed. A creative oriented but destructive approach is necessary while verifying a RTL by the Verification engineer to make the RTL Design evolve more robustly and reliably. Negative Thinking is a art. While mentioning the risks involved in the project, a Verification engineer has to consider all the things that can go wrong. Training the mind to think negatively in required situations helps Verification engineer develop an efficient contingency plan. A word of caution here; distractive skills are useful only for specific situations. A Verification engineer has to be smart enough to identify such situations and wear an appropriate thinking hat to deal with the situation. Understanding The Dut As An Integration Of Its Parts[9/26/2012 2:54:29 PM]


The RTL design is a culmination of lines of code interacting with data through user interfaces. It is an integration of separate group of code interacting with other groups assembled together to function as a whole chip. The developers might be working on a respective piece of code module focusing more on those modules under work, at a time. It is no wonder if the developer sometimes may not even know the complete workflow of the RTL and not necessary too. Whereas, in the case of a Verification engineer, being the rider of the DUT, should understand and know about the complete specifications of the DUT. The Verification engineer may not be the best expert on any one module of the RTL but definitely he/she should gain expertise on the overall operation of the RTL Design. In fact, the Verification engineer should possess a 'Systems' view of the RTL design because they are the only people to see and verify the complete functionality of interdependent modules and compatibility. Cynical But Affable Attitude Irrespective of the nature of the RTL design, the Verification engineer need to be tenacious in questioning even the smallest ambiguity until it is proved. There may arise some situations during the course of verification , a large number of bugs might be encountered unusually which might compel to further delay in RTL freezing. This may lead to heat up the relation between the Verification engineer and RTL design teams. The Verification engineer should balance this relationship not at the cost of the bugs but by convincing and upholding their intentions to "assault the RTL design but not the RTL developers". Organized, Flexible And Patience At Job Verification engineer must remember the fact that not all the tests planned are performed completely and some tests dependent on other tests has to be blocked for later testing. We manage ourselves, our tasks, so that we make the most of our time. Verification engineer have to juggle a lot of tasks. This needs an organized approach by the Verification engineer in attempting to phase out the bugs. Sometimes, significant tests has to be rerun which would change the fundamental functionality of the RTL design. The Verification engineer should therefore have patience to retest the planned bugs and any new bugs that may arise. It is even more important to the Verification engineer to be patient and keep prepared in the event of a dynamic development and test model. Development keeps changing continuously as requirements and technology keeps changing rapidly and so should Verification. The Verification engineer must take these changes into account and plan to perform tests while maintaining the control of Verification environment to ensure valid test results. Objective And Neutral Attitude Nobody would like to hear and believe bad news, right? Well, Verification engineer are sometimes viewed as messengers of bad news in a team. No wonder, how good the Verification engineer is (meaning very negative) and brilliant in doing his job (identifying bugs-no one likes to do it but most human beings are taken for granted to be naturally very good at it, at least from childhood), he/she might always be a messenger of communicating the bad part, which, the creators (developers) doesn't like it. The Verification engineer must be able to deal with the situation where he/she is blamed for doing his/her job (detecting bugs) too good. The Verification engineer's jobs must be appreciated and the bugs should be welcomed by the RTL design team because every potential bug found by the Verification engineer would mean a reduction of one bug that would potentially might have been encountered in later stage. Irrespective of the negative aspects of doing such a highly skillful job, the role of a Verification engineer is to report honestly every known bug encountered in the product with always an objective and a neutral attitude. Discipline And Perseverance[9/26/2012 2:54:29 PM]


One obvious aspect of verification is that it can be extremely repetitive and may require a lot of manual effort. Consider the following situations: A Verification engineer is struck with a bug that is not reproducible at all the instances. In order to reproduce the bug he goes through the whole series of steps again and again. As part of a daily routine, a Verification engineer has been asked to collect data about test cases executed, bugs reported, etc. There can be numerous examples that prove the reiterative nature of the job. A very predictable reaction to this repetition is to simply get tired of the job. But soft skills include the psychological tools to persevere, and to find ways to make effort more productive and interesting. This attitude difference helps a Verification engineer maintain focus and higher levels of quality work. It brings the ability to carry out task at hand in spite of difficulty. Communication Skills Communication skills form the necessary ingredients for success in any profession. Communication is something that we always do in our personal lives as well as professional life. Communication is a very basic human skill and one cannot go very far without it. Communication in this context does not involve any body language; so it's the pure word power, which rules the situation. Though most of us agree that these skills are important, very few of us give these skills a high enough priority. For a VE, both verbal and written communication is crucial. If your written communication is bad, you'll miss the salient points - the audience won't know the important stuff - or you'll put the audience to sleep. This means your bug reports will bounce back as "invalid" / "unable to reproduce" / "won't fix." Many instances can be thought of in the day-to-day work of Verification engineer, where a Verification engineer can make a difference to the situations with effective communications skills. Learn From Past Keep learning from past experience and try not getting caught in any mistakes that have been made earlier. A common saying is "Never repeat the same mistake again". A verification engineer should know not only his mistakes, but also the RTL Designers mistakes. If RTL designers does the same mistake, Verification engineer past experience on catching the same mistake increases the possibility of the finding the mistake easily. Mistakes can be categorizes into 4 categories: Stupid: Absurdly dumb things that just happen. Simple: Mistakes that are avoidable but your sequence of decisions made inevitable. Involved: Mistakes that are understood but require effort to prevent. Complex: Mistakes that have complicated causes and no obvious way to avoid next time. Eagerness To Embrace New Technologies, Methods And Flows A Verification engineer should have enthusiasm to learn new technologies, methods and flows and eagerness to progress further. Today's functional verification is still in research stage. Even most of the terminology is not stable across the industry. As the research is going on, companies are adopting new technologies and the Verification engineers should be able to learn them.

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Graphical Test Bench Generation

Test bench code is often difficult to understand, even when written using modular programming techniques, because of the large amount of parallel activity occurring in the test bench that is not apparent when just reading through the code. However, when that same parallel activity is displayed as waveforms in a timing diagram the interaction between the signals is obvious from just glancing at the timing diagram. Timing diagrams allow a much clearer and concise description of the interaction of parallel processes and signal activity than can be achieved by writing code. A graphical representation also facilitates the collaboration of many engineers on a single test bench by removing the need to interpret source code. Any engineer familiar with the design specifications is able to look at a given timing diagram and have an immediate understanding of what the transactor does, dramatically Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your simplifying test bench maintenance. There are several tools on the market that can take basic waveforms and generate improving simple VHDL and Verilog models. This article will discuss the tools offered by with time! SynaptiCAD, because they offer three different levels of test bench generation ranging from simple stimulus test benches, test benches that monitor system reaction during simulation, to full bus-functional models that behaviorally model the outside system. We will show examples of timing diagrams and some of the code that they can generate.
input is what keeps

Donna Mitchell is Vice President of Marketing and CoFounder of SynaptiCAD Sales Inc. Mitchell's industry experience includes 20 years of hardware and software development.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

The most basic of the graphical testbench generation tools can take drawn waveforms and generate VHDL or Verilog stimulus. This level of test bench generation is great for generating quick small test benches, because the temporal relationships between edges are easier to see in a graphical timing diagram then in raw VHDL or Verilog code. This simple graphical test bench generation can be found in many timing diagram editors and several graphical simulator-debugging environments. SynaptiCAD offers it in their WaveFormer Pro timing diagram editor and in their BugHunter Pro simulation debugging environment. Below is an image of a simple timing diagram that was drawn in WaveFormer Pro. This shows how different types of signals, buses, and clocks will generate stimulus code.

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Once a timing diagram is finished, the test bench code can be generated via a simple[9/26/2012 2:54:38 PM]


file save operation. WaveFormer generates either a Verilog module or a VHDL entity/architecture model for the stimulus test bench. This test bench model can then be instantiated in a user's project and compiled and simulated with the rest of the design. Below is an example of a timing diagram and some of the VHDL code that was generated from the timing diagram. -- Generated by WaveFormer Pro Version library ieee, std; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity stimulus is port ( SIG0 : out std_logic := 'Z'; SIG1 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "ZZZZ"; SIG2 : out integer; SIG3 : out MyColor; CLK0 : out std_logic := 'Z'); -- more entity code end stimulus; architecture STIMULATOR of stimulus is -- some signal and parameter declarations begin -- clock and status setup code -- Clock Process CLK0_process : process variable CLK0_low : real; variable CLK0_high : real; begin tb_mainloop : loop wait until (tb_status = TB_ONCE) or (tb_status = TB_LOOPING); CLK0_high := CLK0_Period * CLK0_Duty / 100.0; CLK0_low := CLK0_Period - CLK0_high; -- more clock code end loop; end process; -- Sequence: Unclocked Unclocked : process begin SIG0_driver <= '0'; SIG1_driver <= x"3"; SIG2_driver <= 1; SIG3_driver <= Yellow; wait for 45.0 ns; SIG1_driver <= x"F"; wait for 5.0 ns; -- more signal statements wait; end process; end STIMULATOR; In the generated code, notice that the clock is a parameterized process. Not all tools generate clock signals this way, but it makes it easy for the user to modify the operation of the test bench by changing the values of the clock variables. WaveFormer also supports complex data types and user-defined types. Notice that SIG1 has a VHDL type of integer. In WaveFormer, the VHDL and Verilog types of signals can be changed using the Signals Properties dialog. VHDL user-defined types can also be entered through the same interface as demonstrated by the SIG3 signal. For larger test benches, the waveform data can be imported from an outside source like a logic analyzer, simulator, or spreadsheet. For example, if you are designing a[9/26/2012 2:54:38 PM]


new ASIC to upgrade an existing communications system, then you can use a logic analyzer to capture stimulus vectors from the communications system and use WaveFormer to translate the data into a VHDL test bench to test the new ASIC design. It is important to investigate whether the test bench tool you are using can read the type of files that your waveform data is in. Level 2: Reactive Test Bench Generation The next level up in graphical test bench generation is to add elements to the timing diagram that will generate code to check the behavior of the model under test (MUT) during simulation. In the SynaptiCAD tool line, you can add the Reactive Test Bench Option to any of the tools that support basic stimulus generation. In the timing diagram, the user draws both the stimulus waveforms (black) and the expected output of the model under test (blue waveforms). Samples are added to the blue expected waveforms to generate specific tests at those points in the diagram. During simulation if the actual value is different from the expected value at the sample point, then a report will be generated that describes the discrepancy between the expected and actual value from the model under test.

Below is a picture of the generated code for the sample that is used to check the output of the read cycle.

Often reactive test bench tools include a method for repeating sections of the waveforms. With SynaptiCADs tools the user places marker lines on the diagram to define the beginning and ending of loops. Loops can also depend on the sampled values of expected output from the model under test. This way the test bench can be made to "react" to the behavior of the model under test during simulation.[9/26/2012 2:54:38 PM]


Reactive test bench generation often allows the option of creating "clock-based" test benches as well as the "time-based" test benches currently supported by the stimulus based generation models. Clock-based test benches delay in clock cycles instead of times, allowing the user to change his clock frequency without needing to change his timing diagram. Clock-based test benches are also required when testing using highspeed "cycle-based" simulators. Level 3: Bus-Functional Model (BFM) Generation As your test benches become more and more complicated, it will become more difficult to model them using a single timing diagram as described in the previous two levels. SynaptiCAD offers TestBencher Pro to overcome this problem. At the time of this writing TestBencher is the only graphical test bench generator that can take multiple timing diagrams and generate a complete bus functional model from them.

TestBencher generates a transactor for each timing diagram in the project. A transactor represents a reusable interface specification of the bus-functional model that you are creating (e.g., read cycle, write cycle, interrupt cycle). These transactors are modules for Verilog, entity/architecture pairs for VHDL and classes for TestBuilder. Regardless of the language, the transactors use the same general architecture.

Once the transactions are defined, the user writes a sequencer process to apply the timing diagrams to the model under test. Inside the sequencer process the user can write behavioral VHDL or Verilog code to pass in variables and process information to[9/26/2012 2:54:38 PM]


the transactions. TestBencher also has a graphical interface for assisting the user in writing the apply calls. Below is an example of a sequencer process that repetitively applies a write transaction followed by a read transaction. Each time the loop is performed the delay value is changed so that model is tested over different delay times. // Sequencer Process real delay0; // delay0 will serve as the index and the delay value initial begin for (delay0 = 32.0; delay0 > 5.0; delay0 = delay0 - 5.0) begin // Apply_Tbwrite( addr , data , $realtobits(delay0_min) ); Apply_Tbwrite( 'hF0 , 'hAE , $realtobits(delay0) ); // Apply_tbread( addr , data , $realtobits(delay0_min) ); Apply_tbread( 'hF0 , 'hAE , $realtobits(delay0)); end Abort_tbglobal_clock; $fclose(logfile); end

TestBencher Pro also supports hierarchical BFM design by allowing projects to be instantiated inside other projects. This lets you develop and verify complex test benches in an incremental manor. For example, if you are designing a test bench for an ATM switch, you can develop a project that can transmit an ATM cell to an interface port on the ATM switch. After you have tested your transmitter project, you can make it a sub-project and instantiate a copy of it for each different port of the ATM switch. Summary of Graphical Test Bench Generation You can free yourself from the time-consuming process of writing Verilog and VHDL test benches by hand and instead generate them graphically from timing diagrams using a timing diagram editor. By using timing diagrams, the engineer can work at a higher level abstraction, free from the tedious details of the underlying code. This graphical representation facilitates the collaboration of many engineers on a single test bench by removing the need to interpret HDL source code. Any engineer familiar with the design specifications is able to look at a given timing diagram and have an immediate understanding of what the transaction is doing. This level of abstraction also provides a great aid in terms of maintainability. The first step in choosing a test bench generator is to determine the complexity of your expected test bench and then to pick a tool that can generate that code. This article described the functionality of test bench tools offered by SynaptiCAD. If you would like to experiment with these tools you can find more information on the page of the SynaptiCAD web site.

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

About the author:

Verilog Basic Examples

AND GATE Truth Table

Nithin Singani is perusing Master of Technology in VLSI & Embedded Systems in Manipal University, India.

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Verilog design //in data flow model module and_gate( input a,b, output y); //Above style of declaring ports is ANSI style.Verilog2001 Feature assign y = a & b; endmodule TestBench module tb_and_gate; reg A,B; wire Y; and_gate a1 (.a(A) ,.b(B),.y(Y)); //Above style is connecting by names initial begin A =1'b0; B= 1'b0; #45 $finish; end always #6 A =~A; always #3 B =~B; always @(Y) $display( "time =%0t Y =%b",$time,A,B,Y); endmodule output time =0 INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =0 output value Y=0 \tINPUT VALUES: \t A=%b B =%b \t output value

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


time =6 time =9 time =12 time =18


output value Y =0 output value Y =1 output value Y =0 output value y =0

XOR GATE Truth Table

Verilog design //in Structural model module xor_gate ( input a,b, output y); xor x1(y,a, b); //xor is a built in primitive. While using these primitives you should follow the connection rules. First signal should be output and then inputs. endmodule TestBench module tb_and_gate; reg A,B; wire Y; xor_gate a1 (.a(A) ,.b(B),.y(Y)); initial begin A =1'b0; B= 1'b0; #45 $finish; end always #6 A =~A; always #3 B =~B; always @(Y) $display( "time =%0t \tINPUT VALUES: \t A=%b B =%b \t output value Y =%b",$time,A,B,Y); endmodule output time =0 time =3 time =6 time =9 OR GATE INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =0 A=0 B =1 A=1 B =0 A=1 B =1 output output output output value value value value Y =0 Y =1 Y =1 Y =0[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


Truth Table

Verilog design //in Behaviour model module or_gate( input a,b, output reg y); always @(a,b) y = a |b; endmodule TestBench module tb_and_gate; reg A,B; wire Y; or_gate a1 (.a(A) ,.b(B),.y(Y)); initial begin A =1'b0; B= 1'b0; #45 $finish; end always #6 A =~A; always #3 B =~B; always @(Y) $display( "time =%0t =%b",$time,A,B,Y); endmodule output time =0 time =3 time =12 time =15 time =24 INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =0 INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =1 INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =0 INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =1 INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =0 output value Y =0 output value Y =1 output value Y =0 output value Y =1 output value Y =0 \tINPUT VALUES: \t A=%b B =%b \t output value Y

Half Adder Truth Table

Verilog design[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


module half_adder( input a,b, output sum,carry); assign sum = a^b; assign carry = a & b; endmodule TestBench module tb_half_adder; reg A,B; wire SUM,CARRY; half_adder HA (.a(A) ,.b(B),.sum(SUM),.carry(CARRY)) initial begin A =1'b0; B= 1'b0; #45 $finish; end always #6 A =~A; always #3 B =~B; always @(SUM,CARRY) $display( "time =%0t \tINPUT VALUES: \t A=%b B =%b \t output value SUM =%b CARRY =%b ",$time,A,B,SUM,CARRY); endmodule output time =0 time =3 time =6 time =9 INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =0 A=0 B =1 A=1 B =0 A=1 B =1 output output output output value value value value SUM SUM SUM SUM =0 =1 =1 =0 CARRY =0 CARRY =0 CARRY =0 CARRY =1

Full Adder

Verilog design

module full_adder( input a,b,cin, output reg sum,cout); always @(*) begin sum = a^b^cin; cout = (a&b)+(b&cin)+(cin&a); end[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


endmodule TestBench module tb_full_adder; reg A,B,CIN; wire SUM,COUT; full_adder FA (.a(A) ,.b(B),.sum(SUM),.cin(CIN),.cout(COUT)); initial begin A =1'b0; B= 1'b0; CIN = 1'b0; #45 $finish; end always #6 A =~A; always #3 B =~B; always #12 CIN = ~CIN; always @(SUM,COUT) $display( "time =%0t \tINPUT VALUES: \t A =%b B =%b CIN =%b \t output value SUM =%b COUT =%b ",$time,A,B,CIN,SUM,COUT); endmodule output time =0 time =3 time =9 time =12 time =15 INPUT VALUES: A =0 B =0 CIN =0 INPUT VALUES: A =0 B =1 CIN =0 INPUT VALUES: A =1 B =1 CIN =0 INPUT VALUES: A =0 B =0 CIN =1 INPUT VALUES: A =0 B =1 CIN =1 output value SUM =0 COUT =0 output value SUM =1 COUT =0 output value SUM =0 COUT =1 output value SUM =1 COUT =0 output value SUM =0 COUT =1

Ripple Carry Adder(Parameterized and using generate ) Verilog design `include "full_adder.v" //Full_added.v contains above defined(Full ADDER) program module ripple_carry(a,b,cin,cout,sum); parameter N=4; input [N-1 :0] a,b; input cin; output [N-1:0]sum; output cout; wire [N:0]carry; assign carry[0]=cin; //generate statement without using label is verilog-2005 feature. Generate statement is verilog-2001 feature. genvar i; generate for(i=0;i<N;i=i+1) begin full_adder FA (.a(a[i]),.b(b[i]),.cin(carry[i]),.sum(sum[i]),.cout(carry[i+1])); end endgenerate assign cout = carry[N]; endmodule TestBench Using $random[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


module tb_ripple_carry; parameter N=4; reg [N-1:0]A,B; reg CIN; wire [N-1:0]SUM; wire COUT; ripple_carry RCA(.a(A),.b(B),.cin(CIN),.sum(SUM),.cout(COUT)); initial begin A= 4'b0000; B= 4'b0000; CIN =1'b0; repeat(10) input_generate(A,B,CIN); #45 $finish; end task input_generate; output [N-1:0]A_t,B_t; output CIN_t; begin #4; A_t = $random % 4; //Above statement will generate Random values from -3 to +3. B_t = $random % 4; CIN_t =$random; end endtask task display; input [N-1:0] A_td,B_td,SUM_td; input CIN_td,COUT_td; $strobe("Time =%0t \t INPUT VALUES A=%b B=%b CIN =%b \t OUTPUT VALUES SUM =%b COUT =%b",$time,A_td,B_td,CIN_td,SUM_td,COUT_td); endtask always@(SUM,A,COUT) $display(A,B,SUM,CIN,COUT); endmodule output Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time =0 =4 =8 =12 =16 =20 =24 =28 =32 =36 INPUT VALUES A=0000 B=0000 CIN =0 INPUT VALUES A=0000 B=1101 CIN =1 INPUT VALUES A=1111 B=0001 CIN =1 INPUT VALUES A=1101 B=1110 CIN =1 INPUT VALUES A=0001 B=0010 CIN =1 INPUT VALUES A=0001 B=0000 CIN =1 INPUT VALUES A=1110 B=1101 CIN =0 INPUT VALUES A=0001 B=1111 CIN =0 INPUT VALUES A=0011 B=0010 CIN =0 INPUT VALUES A=0000 B=1101 CIN =0 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT VALUES SUM =0000 COUT VALUES SUM =1110 COUT VALUES SUM =0001 COUT VALUES SUM =1100 COUT VALUES SUM =0100 COUT VALUES SUM =0010 COUT VALUES SUM =1011 COUT VALUES SUM =0000 COUT VALUES SUM =0101 COUT VALUES SUM =1101 COUT =0 =0 =1 =1 =0 =0 =1 =1 =0 =0

Multiplexer(2:1) Truth Table[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


Verilog design module mux21( input a,b,sel, output y); assign y = sel ?b:a; endmodule TestBench module tb_mux21; reg A,B,SEL; wire Y; mux21 MUX (.a(A) ,.b(B),.sel(SEL),.y(Y)); initial begin A =1'b0; B= 1'b0; SEL =1'b0; #45 $finish; end always #6 A =~A; always #3 B =~B; always #5 SEL = ~SEL; always @(Y) $display( "time =%0t \tINPUT VALUES: \t A=%b B =%b SEL =%b \t output value Y =%b ",$time,A,B,SEL,Y); endmodule output time =0 time =5 time =6 time =9 INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: INPUT VALUES: A=0 B =0 A=0 B =1 A=1 B =0 A=1 B =1 SEL SEL SEL SEL =0 =1 =1 =1 output output output output value value value value Y =0 Y =1 Y =0 Y =1

Multiplexer(4:1) Verilog design

module mux41( input i0,i1,i2,i3,sel0,sel1, output reg y); always @(*) //It includes all Inputs. You can use this instead of specifying all inputs in //sensivity list.Verilog-2001 Feature begin case ({sel0,sel1}) 2'b00 : y = i0; 2'b01 : y = i1; 2'b10 : y = i2; 2'b11 : y = i3; endcase end endmodule[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


TestBench module tb_mux41; reg I0,I1,I2,I3,SEL0,SEL1; wire Y; mux41 MUX (.i0(I0),.i1(I1),.i2(I2),.i3(I3),.sel0(SEL0),.sel1(SEL1),.y(Y)); initial begin I0 =1'b0; I1= 1'b0; I2 =1'b0; I3 =1'b0; SEL0 =1'b0; SEL1 =1'b0; #45 $finish; end always always always always always always #2 #4 #6 #8 #3 #3 I0 = ~I0; I1 =~I1; I2 =~I1; I3 =~I1; SEL0 = ~SEL0; SEL1 = ~SEL1;

always @(Y) $display( "time =%0t INPUT VALUES: \t I0=%b I1 =%b I2 =%b I3 =%b SEL0 =%b SEL1 =%b \t output value Y =%b ",$time,I0,I1,I2,I3,SEL0,SEL1,Y); endmodule output time time time time time time =1 time =0 =0 INPUT VALUES: =2 INPUT VALUES: =3 INPUT VALUES: =6 INPUT VALUES: =8 INPUT VALUES: =14 INPUT VALUES: =15 INPUT VALUES: I0=0 I1 =0 I2 =0 I3 =0 SEL0 =0 SEL1 =0 I0=1 I1 =0 I2 =0 I3 =0 SEL0 =0 SEL1 =0 I0=1 I1 =0 I2 =0 I3 =0 SEL0 =1 SEL1 =1 I0=1 I1 =1 I2 =0 I3 =0 SEL0 =0 SEL1 =0 I0=0 I1 =0 I2 =0 I3 =0 SEL0 =0 SEL1 =0 I0=1 I1 =1 I2 =1 I3 =0 SEL0 =0 SEL1 =0 I0=1 I1 =1 I2 =1 I3 =0 SEL0 =1 SEL1 =1 output value Y =0 output value Y =1 output value Y =0 output value Y =1 output value Y =0 output value Y output value Y


*Disadvantage of Encoder is that at a time only one Input is active. *Output is zero for when all inputs are zero and when enable is zero Verilog design[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


module encoder83( input en, input [7:0]in, output reg [2:0]out); always@(*) begin if(!en) //Active low enable out = 0; else begin case ({in}) 8'b0000_0001 : out =3'b000; 8'b0000_0010 : out =3'b001; 8'b0000_0100 : out =3'b010; 8'b0000_1000 : out =3'b011; 8'b0001_0000 : out =3'b100; 8'b0010_0000 : out =3'b101; 8'b0100_0000 : out =3'b110; 8'b1000_0000 : out =3'b110; default : out =3'bxxx; endcase end end endmodule

TestBench using $random and Tasks module tb_encoder83; reg en; reg [7:0]in; wire [2:0] out; encoder83 ENC (.en(en),.in(in),.out(out)); initial begin en =0; in =0; repeat(10) random_generation(in,en); #45 $finish; end task random_generation; output [7:0]in_t; output en_t; begin #4; in_t = $random % 8; en_t =$random; end endtask task display; input en_t; input [7:0]in_t; input [2:0]out_t; $display("time =%0t \t INPUT VALUES \t en =%b in =%b \t OUTPUT VALUES out =%b",$time,en_t,in_t,out_t); endtask always@(out) display(en,in,out); endmodule output time =0 time =4 INPUT VALUES INPUT VALUES en =0 in =00000000 en =1 in =00000100 OUTPUT VALUES out =000 OUTPUT VALUES out =010[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


time time time time time

=8 =16 =24 =28 =40

INPUT VALUES en =1 in =11111001 INPUT VALUES en =0 in =11111101 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =00000110 INPUT VALUES en =0 in =00000101 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =00000101


Priority Encoder(8:3)

Priority Encoder overcomes all drawbacks of encoder. * At a time more than one input can be active, Based on priority output will come. * "v" is a valid Indicator, it become HIGH only when at least one input is active. You can differentiate the output when enable is zero and when only LSB (in0) is active Verilog design module priority_enco( input en, input [3:0]in, output reg v, output reg [1:0]out ); integer i; always@(*) begin if(!en) begin out = 2'b00; v =1'b0; end else begin :block1 for (i=3; i>=0; i= i-1) begin //Priority Logic. each Time It will check Whether the MSB bit is active, If so it will break //the loop. Otherwise It will decrement and continue the same if (in[i]==1'b1) begin case (i) 3: begin out = 2'b11; v= 1'b1; end 2: begin out = 2'b10; v= 1'b1; end 1: begin out = 2'b01; v= 1'b1; end 0: begin out = 2'b00; v= 1'b1; end default :begin out = 2'bxx; v= 1'bx; end endcase disable block1; //Disable statement is synthesizible end end end end endmodule

TestBench using $random and Tasks module tb_prior_enco ;[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


reg en; reg [2:0]in; wire [1:0] out; wire v; priority_enco PRIOR_ENC (.en(en),.in(in),.out(out),.v(v)); initial begin en =0; in =0; repeat(19) random_generation(in,en); #65 $finish; end task random_generation; output [3:0]in_t; output en_t; begin #4; in_t = $random % 4; en_t =$random; end endtask task display; input en_t; input [3:0]in_t; input [1:0]out_t; input v_t; $display("time =%0t \t INPUT VALUES \t en =%b in =%b \t OUTPUT VALUES out =%b v =%b",$time,en_t,in_t,out_t,v_t); endtask always@(out) display(en,in,out,v); endmodule output time time time time time time time time time time time =0 =8 =12 =24 =28 =44 =48 =60 =64 =72 =76 INPUT VALUES en =0 in =0000 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =1101 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =0001 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =0010 INPUT VALUES en =0 in =0001 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =1110 INPUT VALUES en =0 in =0010 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =1101 INPUT VALUES en =0 in =1111 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =0010 INPUT VALUES en =1 in =1110 OUTPUT VALUES out =00 v =0 OUTPUT VALUES out =11 v =1 OUTPUT VALUES out =00 v =1 OUTPUT VALUES out =01 v =1 OUTPUT VALUES out =00 v =0 OUTPUT VALUES out =11 v =1 OUTPUT VALUES out =00 v =0 OUTPUT VALUES out =11 v =1 OUTPUT VALUES out =00 v =0 OUTPUT VALUES out =01 v =1 OUTPUT VALUES out =11 v =1

Decoder(8:3)[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


Verilog design module decoder38( input en, input [2:0]in, output reg [7:0]out); always@(*) begin if(!en) out = 0; else begin case ({in}) 3'b000 : out = 8'b0000_0001; 3'b001 : out = 8'b0000_0010; 3'b010 : out = 8'b0000_0100; 3'b011 : out = 8'b0000_1000; 3'b100 : out = 8'b0001_0000; 3'b101 : out = 8'b0010_0000; 3'b110 : out = 8'b0100_0000; 3'b111 : out = 8'b1000_0000; default : out = 8'bxxxx_xxxx; endcase end end endmodule TestBench using $random and Tasks module tb_decoder38; reg en_tb; reg [2:0]in_tb; wire [7:0] out_d; reg [7:0] out_tb; decoder38 DEC (.en(en_tb),.in(in_tb),.out(out_d)); initial begin en_tb =0; in_tb =0; repeat(10) random_generation(in_tb,en_tb) ; #45 $finish; end //Below Block is used to generate expected outputs in Test bench only. These outputs //are used to compare with DUT output. You have Checker task (ScoreBoard in SV), for //that you need Reference output always@(in_tb,en_tb) begin if(!en_tb) out_tb = 0; else begin case ({in_tb}) 3'b000 : out_tb = 8'b0000_0001;[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


3'b001 : 3'b010 : 3'b011 : 3'b100 : 3'b101 : 3'b110 : 3'b111 : default : endcase end end

out_tb out_tb out_tb out_tb out_tb out_tb out_tb out_tb

= 8'b0000_0010; = 8'b0000_0100; = 8'b0000_1000; = 8'b0001_0000; = 8'b0010_0000; = 8'b0100_0000; = 8'b1000_0000; = 8'bxxxx_xxxx;

task random_generation; output [2:0]in_t; output en_t; begin #4; in_t = $random % 3; en_t =$random; end endtask task checker; //In this block reference value and generated output are compared input [7:0]outd_t; input [7:0]outtb_t; begin if(outd_t === outtb_t) $display("time =%0t \t DUT VALUE =%b TB VALUE =%b \tDUT and TB VALUES ARE MATCHED ",$time,outd_t,outtb_t); else $display("time =%0t \tDUT and TB VALUES ARE NOT MATCHED ",$time); end endtask always@(out_d,out_tb) checker(out_d,out_tb); endmodule TestBench using $random and Tasks time =0 MATCHED time =4 MATCHED time =8 MATCHED time =16 MATCHED time =20 MATCHED time =28 MATCHED time =40 MATCHED DUT VALUE =00000000 TB VALUE =00000000 DUT and TB VALUES ARE DUT VALUE =00000100 TB VALUE =00000100 DUT and TB VALUES ARE DUT VALUE =00000001 TB VALUE =00000001 DUT and TB VALUES ARE DUT VALUE =00000000 TB VALUE =00000000 DUT and TB VALUES ARE DUT VALUE =00000001 TB VALUE =00000001 DUT and TB VALUES ARE DUT VALUE =00000000 TB VALUE =00000000 DUT and TB VALUES ARE DUT VALUE =00000001 TB VALUE =00000001 DUT and TB VALUES ARE


Verilog design module d_latch( input en,d, output reg q);[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


always@(en,d) begin if(en) q <= d; end endmodule TestBench module tb_latch; reg en,d; wire q; d_latch DLATCH (.en(en) ,.d(d) ,.q(q)); initial begin en =1'b0; d =1'b1; #45 $finish; end always #6 en =~ en; always #3 d =~d; always@( q , en ) $display("time =%0t \t INPUT VALUES \t en =%b d =%b \t OUTPUT VALUES q=%b",$time,en,d,q); endmodule output time =0 INPUT VALUES time =6 INPUT VALUES time =9 INPUT VALUES time =12 INPUT VALUES time =18 INPUT VALUES time =18 INPUT VALUES time =21 INPUT VALUES en =0 d =1 en =1 d =1 en =1 d =0 en =0 d =1 en =1 d =1 en =1 d =1 en =1 d =0 OUTPUT VALUES q=x OUTPUT VALUES q=1 OUTPUT VALUES q=0 OUTPUT VALUES q=0 OUTPUT VALUES q=0 OUTPUT VALUES q=1 OUTPUT VALUES q=0

D-FlipFlop(Asynchronous Reset)

Verilog design module d_ff ( input clk,d,rst_n, output reg q); //Here is reset is Asynchronous, You have include in sensitivity list always@(posedge clk ,negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) q <= 1'b0; else q <= d; end endmodule TestBench module tb_dff;[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


reg RST_n, CLK,D; wire Q; d_ff DFF (.clk(CLK) ,.rst_n(RST_n) ,.q(Q),.d(D)); initial begin RST_n = 1'b0; CLK =1'b0; D =1'b0; #5 RST_n = 1'b1; #13 RST_n = 1'b0; #7 RST_n = 1'b1; #45 $finish; end always #3 CLK = ~CLK; always #6 D = ~D; always @(posedge CLK ,negedge RST_n) $strobe("time =%0t \t INPUD VALUES \t D =%b RST_n =%b \t OUDPUD VALUES Q =%d",$time,D,RST_n,Q); //$strobe will execute as a last statement in current simulation. endmodule output time time time time time time time time time =0 INPUT VALUES =3 INPUT VALUES =9 INPUT VALUES =15 INPUT VALUES =18 INPUT VALUES =21 INPUT VALUES =27 INPUT VALUES =33 INPUT VALUES =39 INPUT VALUES D =0 RST_n =0 D =0 RST_n =0 D =1 RST_n =1 D =0 RST_n =1 D =1 RST_n =0 D =1 RST_n =0 D =0 RST_n =1 D =1 RST_n =1 D =0 RST_n =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0

D-FlipFlop(Synchronous Reset)

Verilog design module d_ff ( input clk,d,rst_n, output reg q); //In Synchronous Reset, Reset condition is verified wrt to clk.Here It is verified at every //posedge of clk. always@(posedge clk ) begin if (!rst_n) q <= 1'b0; else q <= d; end endmodule TestBench module tb_dff; reg RST_n, CLK,D; wire Q; d_ff DFF (.clk(CLK) ,.rst_n(RST_n) ,.q(Q),.d(D));[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


initial begin RST_n = 1'b0; CLK =1'b0; D =1'b1; #5 RST_n = 1'b1; #7 RST_n = 1'b0; #7 RST_n = 1'b1; #45 $finish; end always #4 CLK = ~CLK; always #6 D = ~D; always @(posedge CLK ) $strobe("time =%0t \t INPUT VALUES \t D =%b RST_n =%b \t OUDPUT VALUES Q =%d",$time,D,RST_n,Q); endmodule output time =4 time =12 time =20 time =28 time =36 time =44 time =52 time =60 T-FlipFlop INPUT VALUES D =1 RST_n =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 INPUT VALUES D =1 RST_n =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 INPUT VALUES D =0 RST_n =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 INPUT VALUES D =1 RST_n =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1 INPUT VALUES D =1 RST_n =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1 INPUT VALUES D =0 RST_n =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 INPUT VALUES D =1 RST_n =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1 INPUT VALUES D =1 RST_n =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1

Verilog design module t_ff ( input clk,t,rst_n, output reg q); always@(posedge clk ,negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) q <= 1'b0; else if(t) q <= ~q; else q <= q; end endmodule TestBench module tb_tff; reg RST_n, CLK,T; wire Q; t_ff TFF (.clk(CLK) ,.rst_n(RST_n) ,.q( Q ),.t(T)); initial begin RST_n = 1'b0; CLK =1'b0; T =1'b0; #5 RST_n = 1'b1; #13 RST_n = 1'b0;[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


#7 RST_n = 1'b1; #45 $finish; end always #3 CLK = ~CLK; always #6 T = ~T; always @(posedge CLK ,negedge RST_n) $strobe("time =%0t \t INPUT VALUES \t T =%b RST_n =%b \t OUTPUT VALUES Q =%d",$time,T,RST_n,Q); endmodule output time time time time time time time time =0 INPUT VALUES =3 INPUT VALUES =9 INPUT VALUES =15 INPUT VALUES =18 INPUT VALUES =21 INPUT VALUES =27 INPUT VALUES =33 INPUT VALUES T =0 RST_n =0 T =0 RST_n =0 T =1 RST_n =1 T =0 RST_n =1 T =1 RST_n =0 T =1 RST_n =0 T =0 RST_n =1 T =1 RST_n =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =0 OUTPUT VALUES Q =1

3-Bit Counter //Used Structural Model in RTL and Behavior Model in Test bench Verilog design module t_ff( output reg q, input t, rst_n, clk); always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) q <= 1'b0; else if (t) q <= ~q; endmodule //Standard counters are designed using either T or JK F/F. module counter ( output [2:0] q, input rst_n, clk); wire t2; t_ff ff0 ( q[0], 1'b1, rst_n, clk); t_ff ff1 ( q[1], q[0], rst_n, clk); t_ff ff2 ( q[2], t2, rst_n, clk); and a1 (t2, q[0], q[1]); endmodule TestBench module tb_counter_3bit; reg clk,rst_n; wire [2:0] q; reg [2:0] count; counter CNTR (.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.q(q)); initial begin clk <= 1'b0; forever #5 clk <= ~ clk; end initial begin rst_n <= 0;[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


@(posedge clk); @(negedge clk); rst_n <= 1; repeat (10) @(posedge clk); $finish; end //Below always block represents the 3-bit counter in behavior style. //Here it is used to generate reference output always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) count <= 0; else count <= (count + 1); end always @( q ) scoreboard(count); //Below task is used to compare reference and generated output. Similar to score board //in SV Test bench task scoreboard; input [2:0]count; input [2:0] q; begin if (count == q) $display ("time =%4t q = %3b count = %b match!-:)", $time, q, count); else $display ("time =%4t q = %3b count = %b <-- no match", $time, q, count); end endtask endmodule output time time time time time time time time time time = = = = = = = = = = 0 q = 000 count = 000 match!-:) 15 q = 001 count = 001 match!-:) 25 q = 010 count = 010 match!-:) 35 q = 011 count = 011 match!-:) 45 q = 100 count = 100 match!-:) 55 q = 101 count = 101 match!-:) 65 q = 110 count = 110 match!-:) 75 q = 111 count = 111 match!-:) 85 q = 000 count = 000 match!-:) 95 q = 001 count = 001 match!-:)

17. Gray code counter (3-bit) Using FSM. It will have following sequence of states. It can be implemented without FSM also. 000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100 FSM Design IN VERILOG There are many ways of designing FSM.Most efficient are (i)Using Three always Block (ex: Gray code counter) (ii)Using Two always block (Ex: divide by 3 counter) Verilog Code module greycode_counter_3bit( input clk,rst_n,[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


output reg [2:0]count); reg [2:0] pr_state,nx_state; parameter cnt0 =3'b000, cnt1 =3'b001, cnt2 =3'b011, cnt3 =3'b010, cnt4 =3'b110, cnt5 =3'b111, cnt6 =3'b101, cnt7 =3'b100; always@(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin // FIRST ALWAYS BLOCK //This always block is used for State assignment. Sequential always block. if(!rst_n) pr_state <= cnt0; else pr_state <=nx_state; end always@(pr_state) begin //SECOND ALWAYS BLOCK //this always block used for next state logic, Combinational case (pr_state) cnt0 : nx_state = cnt1; cnt1 : nx_state = cnt2; cnt2 : nx_state = cnt3; cnt3 : nx_state = cnt4; cnt4 : nx_state = cnt5; cnt5 : nx_state = cnt6; cnt6 : nx_state = cnt7; cnt7 : nx_state = cnt0; default : nx_state = cnt0; endcase end always@(posedge clk ,negedge rst_n) begin //THIRD ALWAYS BLOCK //this always block used for output assignment,Sequential if(!rst_n) count <= 3'b000; else begin case (pr_state) cnt0 : count <= 3'b000; cnt1 : count <= 3'b001; cnt2 : count <= 3'b011; cnt3 : count <= 3'b010; cnt4 : count <= 3'b110; cnt5 : count <= 3'b111; cnt6 : count <= 3'b101; cnt7 : count <= 3'b100; default :count <=3'bxxx; endcase end end endmodule TestBench module tb_greycode_counter; reg clk,rst_n; wire [2:0] count; greycode_counter_3bit COUNTER(.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.count(count)); initial begin clk =1'b0; rst_n = 1'b0; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk); rst_n = 1'b1; repeat(9) @(posedge clk); $finish; end always #5 clk = ~clk;[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


always@(count) $display("time =%0t \t rst_n =%b count =%b",$time,rst_n,count); endmodule output time time time time time time time time time =0 =25 =35 =45 =55 =65 =75 =85 =95 rst_n =0 count =000 rst_n =1 count =001 rst_n =1 count =011 rst_n =1 count =010 rst_n =1 count =110 rst_n =1 count =111 rst_n =1 count =101 rst_n =1 count =100 rst_n =1 count =000

Divide by 2 clk module div_2clk( input clk,rst_n, output reg clk_out); always@(posedge clk,negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n) clk_out <= 1'b0; else clk_out <= ~clk_out; end endmodule

TestBench module tb_div_2clk; reg clk,rst_n; wire clk_out; div2_clk clkby2 (.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.clk_out(clk_out)); initial begin clk =1'b0; rst_n =1'b0; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk); rst_n = 1'b1; repeat(15) @(posedge clk); //It will run till 15 clock cycles $finish; end always #5 clk = ~clk; always @(clk_out) $display("time = %0t \t Input clk =%b \t output clk=%b ",$time,clk,clk_out); endmodule output[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


Divide by 3 clk This is an example for two always block FSM in this Example you have Two FSMs, one is operating at posedge clk and other //operating at negedge clk. In Double Data Rate (DDR2) also data transfer occur at both //the edges. It is synthesizable Verilog Code module div_3clk( input clk,rst_n, output clk_by_3); parameter ST10 =2'b00, ST11 =2'b01, ST12 = 2'b10; parameter ST20 =2'b00, ST21 =2'b01, ST22 = 2'b10; reg clk_temp1,clk_temp2; reg [1:0] pr_state1,nx_state1; reg [1:0] pr_state2,nx_state2; always@(posedge clk ,negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) pr_state1 <= ST10; else pr_state1 <= nx_state1; end always @(pr_state1) begin //In second always block only we have output logic and next state logic case (pr_state1) ST10 : begin clk_temp1 = 1'b1; nx_state1 =ST11; end ST11 : begin clk_temp1 = 1'b0; nx_state1 =ST12; end ST12 : begin clk_temp1 = 1'b0; nx_state1 =ST10; end default : begin clk_temp1 = 1'bx; nx_state1 =ST10; end endcase[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


end always@(negedge clk ,posedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) pr_state2 <= ST20; else pr_state2 <= nx_state2; end always @(pr_state2) begin case (pr_state2) ST20 : begin clk_temp2 = 1'b0; nx_state1 =ST21; end ST21 : begin clk_temp2 = 1'b0; nx_state1 =ST22; end ST22 : begin clk_temp2 = 1'b1; nx_state1 =ST20; end default : begin clk_temp2 = 1'bx; nx_state1 =ST20; end endcase end assign clk_divby3 = clk_temp1|| clk_temp1; endmodule

TestBench module tb_div_2clk; reg clk,rst_n; wire clk_out; div_3clk clkby3 (.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.clk_by_3(clk_out)); initial begin clk =1'b0; rst_n =1'b0; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk); rst_n = 1'b1; repeat(15) @(posedge clk); $finish; end always #5 clk = ~clk; always @(clk_out) $display("time = %0t \t Input clk =%b \t output clk=%b ",$time,clk,clk_out); endmodule

output[9/26/2012 2:54:49 PM]


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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

The Specman automates verification processes, provides functional coverage analysis, and raises the level of abstraction for functional coverage analysis from the RTL to the architectural/specification level. This means that you can: Easily capture your design specifications to set up an accurate and appropriate verification environment Quickly and effectively create as many tests as you need Create self-checking modules that include protocols checking Accurately identify when your verification cycle is complete The Specman Elite system provides three main enabling technologies that enhance your productivity: --Constraint-driven test generation : You control automatic test generation by capturing constraints from the interface specifications and the functional test plan. Capturing the constraints is easy and straightforward. --Data and temporal checking : You can create self-checking modules that ensure data correctness and temporal conformance. For data checking, you can use a reference model or a rule-based approach. --Functional coverage analysis : You avoid creating redundant tests that waste simulation cycles, because you can measure the progress of your verification effort against a functional test plan.

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Code Segments A code segment is enclosed with a begin-code marker <' and an end-code marker '>. Both the begin-code and the end-code markers must be placed at the beginning of a line (left most), with no other text on that same line (no code and no comments). For example, the following three lines of code form a code segment: EXAMPLE <' import eth_env; '> Several code segments can appear in one le. Each code segment consists of one or more statements. Comments e les begin as a comment which ends when the rst begin-code marker <' is encountered. Comments within code segments can be marked with double dashes (--) or double slashes (//) sections, to write several consecutive lines of comment: <' '> import eth_env;

VMM Ethernet sample The end-code '> and the begin-code <' markers can be used in the middle of code

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

This is several consecutive lines of comment <' min = 46; -- This is an inline comment max = 1500; // This is also an inline comment '> Literals And Constants Literals are numeric, character and string values specied literally in e. Operators can be applied to literals to create compound expressions. The following categories of literals and constants are supported in e:

Specman E Interview Questions

------------------------------------------------------------[9/26/2012 2:55:08 PM]


Unsized Numbers 12, 55_32, -764 Decimal integer 10, 23_23 .-444 Binary integer 0b100111, 0b1100_0101 Hexadecimal integer 0x99_aa_bb_cc Octal integer 0o66_123 K (kilo: multiply by 1024) 32K, 32k, 128k M (mega: multiply by 1024*1024) 1m, 4m, 4M -------------------------------------------------------------

Sized Numbers

-------------------------------------------------------------Binary A leading 'b or 'B 8'b11001010 Octal A leading 'o or 'O 6'o45 Decimal A leading 'd or 'D 16'd63453 Hexadecimal A leading 'h or 'H or 'x or 'X 32'h12ffab04 --------------------------------------------------------------

PredeNed Constants

--------------------------------------------------------Constant Description --------------------------------------------------------TRUE For Boolean variables and expressions. FALSE For Boolean variables and expressions. NULL For structs, species a NULL pointer. For character strings, species an empty string. UNDEF UNDEF indicates NONE where an index is expected. MAX_INT Represents the largest 32-bit int (231 -1) MIN_INT Represents the smallest 32-bit int (-231). MAX_UINT Represents the largest 32-bit uint (232-1). --------------------------------------------------------



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Index Introduction E Basics SystemVerilog Most e expressions have an explicit data type. These data types are described in the Data Types Verification Operators following sections: Constructs Struct Units Interface ---------------------------------------------------------------List Name Description Example OOPS Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------bool Boolean value: TRUE or FALSE valid : bool; Concurrency Actions Randomization int Integer, default 32 bits length: int; Constraints uint Unsigned integer,default 32 bits addr : uint(bits:8); Functional Coverage Extend bit 1-bit unsigned integer valid : bit; When And Like byte 8-bit unsigned integer data : byte; Assertion time 64-bit unsigned integer delay : time; Events string String of ASCII characters prompt: string; DPI Temporal Expressions list Resizable payload:list of byte; Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial ---------------------------------------------------------------Temporal Operators 2 VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The Simulator OVM Tutorial Wait And Sync Enumerated Types Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds Easy Labs : UVM You can define the valid values for a variable or field as a list of symbolic constants. Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly These are referred to as enumerated types. Easy Labs : OVM Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Commands Syntax: type enum-type: [name1[=exp],][(bits|bytes: width-exp)]; Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods VMM Ethernet sample And Gate Evc EXAMPLE TUTORIALS


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

type priority_t: [high, medium, low]; type packet_kind_t: [good, bad];

Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving By default, the new enumerated type is 32 bits, but it can be sized according to the with time!

number of bits required.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

EXAMPLE: type direction_t: [READ, WRITE] (bits: 1); Default first enum value is 0. Subsequent enum values are increment by 1. internal value is used for comparisons(with strong type matching maintained). Values can be explicitly assigned with the syntax: EXAMPLE: type opcode_t: [ADD = 4, SUB = 6]; This

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Index Introduction E Basics SystemVerilog Unary Bitwise Operators Data Types Verification Operators Constructs Unary bitwise negation( ~ ) operator Sets each 1 bit of an expression to 0 and each 0 Struct Units bits to 1. Each bit of the result expression is the opposite Interface List of the same bit in the original expression. OOPS Methods Concurrency Actions Randomization Constraints EXAMPLE: Functional Coverage Extend <' When And Like Assertion extend sys { Events run() is also{ DPI Temporal Expressions var x : int = 0x0000ff; Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial print ~x using hex; Temporal Operators 2 }; VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The }; Simulator OVM Tutorial '> Wait And Sync RESULT Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM ~x = 0xffffff00 Pre Run N On The Fly Easy Labs : OVM Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Commands Binary Bitwise Operations Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods VMM Ethernet sample And Gate Evc TUTORIALS


Verification Verilog Switch TB

& | ^


Performs an AND operation. Performs an OR operation. Performs an XOR operation.

EXAMPLE: <' extend sys { run() is also{ OpenVera var x: uint = 0xff03; Constructs var y: uint = 0x70f6; var z : uint; Switch TB z =x&y; RVM Switch TB outf ( "%b & %b is %b \n",x,y,z); z =x|y; RVM Ethernet sample outf ( "%b | %b is %b \n",x,y,z); z =x^y; outf ( "%b ^ %b is %b \n",x,y,z);
Basic Constructs Specman E Interview Questions

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}; }; '> RESULT: 1111111100000011 & 111000011110110 is 111000000000010 1111111100000011 | 111000011110110 is 1111111111110111 1111111100000011 ^ 111000011110110 is 1000111111110101[9/26/2012 2:55:24 PM]


Shift Operators

<< >>


Performs a shift-left operation. Performs a shift-right operation.

EXAMPLE <' extend sys { run() is also{ var x: int = 0x123456; outf("%x\n", x >> 2); var y: uint = 0x654321; outf("%x\n", y >> 3); }; }; '> RESULT 48d15 ca864 Boolean Operators

! (not) versa. && (and) || (or) => now

-- Returns TRUE when an expression evaluates to FALSE, and vice -- Returns TRUE if two expressions are both TRUE. -- Returns TRUE if one of two expressions is TRUE. -- Returns TRUE when the rst expression of two expressions is FALSE, or when both expressions are TRUE. -- Returns TRUE if an event has occurred in the current cycle.

EXAMPLE <' extend sys { run() is also{ var x: int = 2; if(x > 1) { out(" (X > 1) ");}; if((x > 1) && (x < 3)) { out(" (x > 1) && (x < 3) "); }; if((x > 1) || (x < 3)) { out(" (x > 1) || (x < 3) "); }; if((x > 1) => (x < 3)) { out(" (x > 1) => (x < 3) "); }; if((x > 1) and (x < 3))[9/26/2012 2:55:24 PM]


{ out(" (x > 1) and (x < 3) "); }; if((x > 1) or (x < 3)) { out(" (x > 1) or (x < 3) "); }; }; }; '> RESULT (X > (x > (x > (x > (x > (x > 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) && (x < 3) || (x < 3) => (x < 3) and (x < 3) or (x < 3)

Arithmetic Operators

+ * / %


Performs Performs Performs Performs Performs

addition. subtraction. multiplication. division and returns the quotient, rounded down. division and returns the remainder.

EXAMPLE: <' extend sys { run() is also{ out(1 + 4); out(3 - 4); out(41 * 3); out(27 / 4); out(53 % 7); }; }; '> RESULTS 5 -1 123 6 4 Comparison Operators


-- Returns TRUE if the rst expression is smaller than the second expression. <= -- Returns TRUE if the rst expression is not larger than the second expression. > -- Returns TRUE if the rst expression is larger than the second expression. >= -- Returns TRUE if the rst expression is not smaller than the second expression. == -- Returns TRUE if the rst expression evaluates to the same value as the second expression. != -- Returns TRUE if the rst expression does not evaluate to the same value as the second expression. === -- Determines identity, as in Verilog. Returns TRUE if the left and right operands have identical values, considering also the x and z values. !== -- Determines non-identity, as in Verilog. TRUE if the left and right operands differ in at least 1 bit, considering also the x and z values. == -- Returns TRUE if after translating all x values to 0 and all z values to 1, the left and right operands are equal. != -- Returns TRUE if after translating all x values to 0 and all z values to 1, the left and right operands are non-equal. exp -- Either a literal with four-state values, a numeric expression, or another HDL pathname.[9/26/2012 2:55:24 PM]

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN - Specman E ~ !~ IN -- Returns TRUE if the pattern string can be matched to the whole string. -- Returns TRUE if the pattern string cannot be matched to the whole string. -- Check for value in a list or specify a range for a constraint.

EXAMPLE <' extend sys { run() is also{ out( 5 < 6); out( 5 <= 6); out( 5 > 6); out( 5 >= 6); out( 5 == 6); out( 5 != 6); out( 5 == 6); out( 5 != 6); out( "gg" ~ "gg" ); out( "gg" !~ "gg"); out( 5 in {4;5;6} ); }; }; '> RESULT TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE

Extraction And Concatenation Operators The following sections describe the e extraction and concatenation operators:
[ ] [ : ] -- Extracts or sets a single item from a list. -- Extracts or sets consecutive bits or slices of a scalar, a list of bits, or a list of bytes. [ .. ] -- List slicing operator [ range,...] -- Range list operator { ; } -- List concatenation %{ , } -- Bit concatenation

Special-Purpose Operators Specman Elite supports the following special purpose operators:
is [not] new . ' ? : -----Identify the subtype of a struct instance Allocate a new struct Refer to elds in structs Used in names of e entities Conditional operator

EXAMPLE:is[not] <' type pack_kind :[long, short]; struct packet {[9/26/2012 2:55:24 PM]


kind: pack_kind; when long packet { a: int; }; check_my_type() is { if me is a long packet (l) { print l; }; if me is not a long packet { print kind; }; }; }; extend sys { p:packet; run() is also { p.check_my_type(); } }; '> RESULT l = packet-@0: packet --------------------------------------------------@test 0 kind: long 1 long'a: 2129590818




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI

Structs are the basis building blocks for any e language based testbenches. This are similar to class in C++ and thus are used for constructing compound data structures. Like in C++ and C, we can use this compound data structures in all the places like, it Can be used as regular data types in any context where a type is required. The default value for a struct is NULL . Struct can be passed to/from methods just as in C methods. Struct Can be used in another struct as normal data type . You can also define a variable using a struct type.

EXAMPLE: <' struct data { UVM Tutorial addr : uint (bits : 32); data : uint (bytes: 8); VMM Tutorial rdwr : bit; OVM Tutorial }; extend sys { Easy Labs : SV d : data; Easy Labs : UVM run() is also{ gen d; Easy Labs : OVM print d; Easy Labs : VMM gen d; print d; AVM Switch TB }; VMM Ethernet sample }; '> Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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RESULT d = data-@0: data 0 1 2 0 1 2 addr: data: rdwr: d = data-@1: data addr: data: rdwr: @11 1956082095 5743609808327112738 0 @11 3861093091 8956857106270623639 0

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Units are similar to structs. It also contain all struct members, i.e. fields, methods, etc. Units are static. It is created during start of the simulation and stays until the end of simulation. Units are generated in Pre-run generation phase. We will task about the generation phases in more detailed later. Units are associated with an HDL hierarchy instance. Predefine method hdl_path() is used for setting the unit's associated HDL path. For accessing parent enclosing unit , predefined method get_enclosing_unit() is used. Syntax: unit unit-type [like base-unit-type] { [unit-member; ...]}; EXAMPLE: unit XYZ_router { channels: list of XYZ_channel is instance; keep channels.size() == 3; keep for each in channels {.hdl_path() == append("chan", index); }; }; Units Vs Structs

The decision of whether to model a DUT component with a unit or a struct often depends on your verification strategy. You intend to test the DUT component both standalone and integrated into a larger system. Modeling the DUT component with a VMM Ethernet sample unit instead of a struct allows you to use relative path names when referencing HDL objects. Your e program has methods that access many signals at runtime. The correctness of all signal references within units are determined and checked during pre-run generation. If your e program does not contain user units, the absolute HDL Verilog references within structs are also checked during pre-run generation. However, if Verification your e program does contain user units, the relative HDL references within structs are Verilog Switch TB checked at run time. In this case, using units rather than structs can enhance runtime performance Basic Constructs OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Index Introduction E Basics SystemVerilog There are two of lists in e language Data Types -- Regular list Verification Operators -- Keyed list Regular Constructs Struct Units Interface List Regular List OOPS Methods Concurrency Actions Randomization -List types hold ordered collections of data elements. Constraints -All items in a list must be of the same type. Functional Coverage Extend -List elements can be of any type. Assertion -Items in a list can be indexed with the subscript operator [ ], by placing a non- When And Like Events negative integer expression in the brackets. DPI Temporal Expressions -List indexes start at zero. You can select an item from a list by specifying its index. Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial -Lists are dynamically resizable. Temporal Operators 2 -Lists contain many predefined methods. VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The -Lists are defined by using the list of keyword in a variable or a field definition. Simulator OVM Tutorial Wait And Sync Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds EXAMPLE: Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM lis : list of int; Pre Run N On The Fly Easy Labs : OVM Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Commands List Operations Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods size() : This is used to set the size of the list. VMM Ethernet sample add(item or list) : Add an item to the end of a list And Gate Evc add0(item or list) : Add an item to the head of a list Report a Bug or Comment clear(): Delete all items from a list on This section - Your delete(index) : Delete an item from a list Verilog input is what keeps insert(index,item) : Insert an item in a list at a specified index Verification improving pop(item) : Remove and return the last list item Verilog Switch TB with time! pop0(item) : Remove and return the first list item push(item) : Add an item to the end of a list Basic Constructs push0(item) : Add an item to the head of a list resize() : Change the size of a list TUTORIALS


Constructs Switch TB

EXAMPLE: <' RVM Switch TB extend sys { RVM Ethernet sample run() is also { var a_list: list of int = {1;2;3;4}; var b_list: list of int = {5;5}; print a_list; Specman E print a_list.pop(); a_list.add(9); Interview Questions print a_list; a_list.insert(2,33); print a_list; a_list.add(b_list); print a_list; a_list.delete(4); print a_list; a_list.add0(22); print a_list; print a_list.pop0();[9/26/2012 2:55:52 PM]


a_list.push(44); print a_list; a_list.push0(55); print a_list; a_list.resize(4); print a_list; a_list.clear(); print a_list; } }; '> RESULT: a_list = 0. 1 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 a_list.pop() = 4 a_list = 0. 1 1. 2 2. 3 3. 9 a_list = 0. 1 1. 2 2. 33 3. 3 4. 9 a_list = 0. 1 1. 2 2. 33 3. 3 4. 9 5. 5 6. 5 a_list = 0. 1 1. 2 2. 33 3. 3 4. 5 5. 5 a_list = 0. 22 1. 1 2. 2 3. 33 4. 3 5. 5 6. 5[9/26/2012 2:55:52 PM]


a_list.pop0() = 22 a_list = 0. 1 1. 2 2. 33 3. 3 4. 5 5. 5 6. 44 a_list = 0. 55 1. 1 2. 2 3. 33 4. 3 5. 5 6. 5 7. 44 a_list = 0. 0 1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 a_list = (empty) Keyed List: A keyed list data type is similar to hash tables or association lists found in other programming languages. If the element type of the list is a scalar type or a string type, then the hash key must be the predefined implicit variable it. A keyed list is a distinct type, different from a regular list. This means that you cannot assign a keyed list to a regular list, nor assign a regular list to a keyed list: if list_a is a keyed list and list_b is a regular list, list_a = list_b is a syntax error. EXAMPLE: <' extend sys { !a: list(key: it) of int(bits: 3); run() is also { var b: int(bits: 4); for i from 0 to 10 { gen b; a.add(b); }; if a.key_exists(2) then { print a; print a.key_index(4); }; }; }; '> RESULT: a = (11 items, dec): -3 -3 -2 1 -2 2 -1 0 -4 0 -3 a.key_index(4) = 2 .0



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Index Introduction E Basics SystemVerilog e methods are similar to C functions, Verilog tasks, and VHDL processes. Methods can contain actions (procedural code). User can declare and use local Data Types Verification variables and parameters. Methods can have zero to fourteen input Operators Constructs arguments/parameters. You can work around this restriction by passing a compound Struct Units parameter such as a struct or a list. It can aslo optionally return a value . Interface List OOPS Methods Concurrency Actions EXAMPLE: Randomization Constraints <' Functional Coverage Extend struct A {my_type() is {out("I am type A")}}; When And Like Assertion extend sys { Events a: A; DPI Temporal Expressions run() is also { Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial a.my_type(); Temporal Operators 2 }; VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The }; Simulator OVM Tutorial '> Wait And Sync Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds RESULT: Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM Pre Run N On The Fly I am type A Easy Labs : OVM Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Commands Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods Time-Consuming Methods(Tcms) VMM Ethernet sample And Gate Evc A TCM is a time-consuming method that is distinguished from a regular method by the Report a Bug or Comment presence of @event and can use time-consuming actions such as sync and wait. on This section - Your Verilog input is what keeps EXAMPLE: Verification improving <' Verilog Switch TB with time! struct data_drive { event clk is rise('top.clk') @sim; Basic Constructs data: list of int; driver() @clk is { for each in data { OpenVera wait true('top.data_ready'== 1); Constructs // Will not fall through, even if the condition // holds when the wait is reached. Switch TB 'top.in_reg' = it; RVM Switch TB }; RVM Ethernet sample stop_run(); }; shadow() @clk is { while TRUE { Specman E sync true('top.data_ready' == 0); // If the condition holds, the sync falls through. Interview Questions out("Shadow read ", 'top.in_reg'); wait cycle; // This wait is necessary to prevent // an infinite loop. }; }; run() is also { start driver(); start shadow(); }; TUTORIALS

METHODS[9/26/2012 2:56:02 PM]


}; '> Invoking Tcms: start tcm() Syntax start [[struct-exp].]method-name([parameter-list]) A start action can be used within another method, either a TCM or a regular method. A started TCM begins execution either when its sampling event occurs or immediately, if the sampling event has already occurred for the current Specman tick.A started TCM runs in parallel with the TCM that started it on a separate thread. Notes. A TCM that has a return value cannot be started with a start action.. You cannot start a TCM before the run phase begins or after the check phase begins. EXAMPLE: <' struct meth { event clk is rise('top.clk'); run() is also { out("Starting main"); start main(); }; }; '> Execution Flow Specman Elite provides a predetermined execution flow composed of test phases . Each test phase is called in a specific order. Each test phase is represented by a predefined method. Most predefined methods are meant to be extended. Extend a predefined method to call your method(s) at the appropriate time. --------------------Execution Phases ----------------------Initialization --Pre-run generation --Simulation run --Post-run check --Finalization ---------------------



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

All Of Execute multiple action blocks concurrently, as separate branches of a fork. The action following the all of action will be reached only when all branches of the all of have been fully executed. All branches of the fork are automatically joined at the termination of the all of action block. First Of Execute multiple action blocks concurrently, as separate branches of a fork. The action following the first of action will be reached when any of the branches in the first of has been fully executed. All branches of the fork are automatically joined at the termination of the first of action block.

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:56:09 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

ConstraintsConstraints are directives that influence the behavior of the Specman test generator. They are declared within a struct and influence the generation of values for data items within the struct and its subtree. 1. Hard Constraints 2. Soft Constraints For constraints that might need to be overridden, we use soft constraints. Soft constraints are obeyed if not contradicted by hard constraints. The last loaded soft constraint prevails if there is a contradiction with other soft constraints. Soft constraints are used to define the default range of values of fields. Soft constraints are used to set initial settings for tests. EXAMPLE: keep kind != tx or len == 16;

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:56:18 PM]





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Index Introduction E Basics SystemVerilog Is Also Data Types Verification "is also" is used for extending existing method/TCM. When we use "is also" it adds new Operators Constructs Struct lines of code/functionality after the existing code as shown in below example. Units Interface List OOPS Methods EXAMPLE: Concurrency Actions Randomization <' Constraints Functional Coverage Extend struct exam { When And Like Assertion from_exam() is { Events out ( "This is BASE" ); DPI Temporal Expressions }; Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial Temporal Operators 2 }; VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The Simulator OVM Tutorial struct e_exam like exam{ Wait And Sync from_exam() is also { Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds out( "This is EXTENDED" ); Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM Pre Run N On The Fly }; Easy Labs : OVM Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Commands }; Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods extend sys { VMM Ethernet sample exam : exam; And Gate Evc e_exam : e_exam; Report a Bug or Comment run() is also { on This section - Your exam.from_exam(); Verilog input is what keeps e_exam.from_exam(); Verification improving }; TUTORIALS


Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

with time!

}; '> RESULT: This is BASE This is BASE This is EXTENDED Is First

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

"is first" is used for extending existing method/TCM. When we use "is first" it adds new lines of code/functionality before existing code shown in below example. EXAMPLE: <' struct exam { from_exam() is { out ( "This is BASE" ); };[9/26/2012 2:56:27 PM]


}; struct e_exam like exam{ from_exam() is first { out( "This is EXTENDED" ); }; }; extend sys { exam : exam; e_exam : e_exam; run() is also { exam.from_exam(); e_exam.from_exam(); }; }; '> RESULT This is BASE This is EXTENDED This is BASE Is Only "is only" is used for over riding existing method/TCM. When we use "is only" it over rides the existing code/functionality before existing code and replaces with new code as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: <' struct exam { from_exam() is { out ( "This is BASE" ); }; }; struct e_exam like exam{ from_exam() is only { out( "This is EXTENDED" ); };[9/26/2012 2:56:27 PM]


}; extend sys { exam : exam; e_exam : e_exam; run() is also { exam.from_exam(); e_exam.from_exam(); }; }; '> RESULT: This is BASE This is EXTENDED




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Index Introduction SystemVerilog There are two ways to implement object-oriented inheritance in e: like inheritance E Basics Data Types and when inheritance Verification Operators Constructs Struct Units Like Interface List OOPS Like inheritance is the classical, single inheritance familiar to users of all object- Methods Concurrency Actions Randomization oriented languages and is specified with the like clause in new struct definitions. Constraints Functional Coverage Extend When And Like Assertion Events EXAMPLE: DPI Temporal Expressions <' Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial Temporal Operators 2 struct exam { VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The from_exam() is { Simulator OVM Tutorial out ( "This is BASE" ); Wait And Sync }; Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM }; Pre Run N On The Fly Easy Labs : OVM Coverage struct e_exam like exam{ Easy Labs : VMM Commands from_exam() is only { Extendable Methods out( "This is EXTENDED" ); AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods VMM Ethernet sample }; And Gate Evc TUTORIALS


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

}; extend sys { exam : exam; e_exam : e_exam; run() is also { exam.from_exam(); e_exam.from_exam(); }; }; '>

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RVM Ethernet sample RESULT:

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This is BASE This is EXTENDED

When When inheritance is a concept unique to e and is specified by defining subtypes with when struct members. When inheritance provides the following advantages compared to like inheritance: -Ability to have explicit reference to the when fields -Ability to have multiple, orthogonal subtypes -Ability to extend the struct later[9/26/2012 2:56:37 PM]


EXAMPLE:when <' type pack_kind :[long, short]; struct packet { kind: pack_kind; when long packet { a: int; }; check_my_type() is { if me is a long packet (l) { print l; }; if me is not a long packet { print kind; }; }; }; extend sys { p:packet; run() is also { p.check_my_type(); } }; '> RESULT l = packet-@0: packet --------------------------------------------------@test 0 kind: long 1 long'a: 2129590818




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Index Introduction SystemVerilog The e language provides temporal constructs for specifying and verifying behavior E Basics over time. All e temporal language features depend on the occurrence of events, Data Types Verification Operators which are used to synchronize activity with a simulator and within Specman. Constructs Struct Units Defining and Emitting Named Events Interface List OOPS Methods event Syntax event event-type[is [only] temporal-expression] Concurrency Actions Randomization Constraints EXAMPLE: Functional Coverage Extend expect {[1]; true(chk)@rclk}; When And Like Assertion on rclk { ... }; Events set_chk()@rclk is { ... }; DPI Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial Temporal Operators 2 VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The Simulator OVM Tutorial Wait And Sync Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM Pre Run N On The Fly Easy Labs : OVM Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Commands Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods VMM Ethernet sample And Gate Evc TUTORIALS


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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

Temporal expressions provide a declarative way to describe temporal behavior. The e language provides a set of temporal operators and keywords that can be use to construct temporal expressions. Every temporal expression has a default clock, called its sampling event .The temporal language is the basis for capturing behavior over time for: --Synchronizing with the DUT --Debugging --Protocol checking --Functional coverage The language is built of: --Temporal expressions (TEs). --Temporal operators, for defining complex expressions. --Event struct members, for defining occurrences of events during the run. --Expect struct members, for checking temporal behavio Basic Temporal Expressions Each TE is associated with a sampling event that indicates when the TE should be evaluated by Specman Elite.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Temporal Expression Sampling Event ----------------------------------------------------------------------true(boolean-exp)@sample-event Every sample-event at which boolean exp is true rise/fall/change(exp)@sample event Every sample-event at which exp had risen/fallen/changed since previous sample-event cycle @sample-event Every sample-event [num] * TE Above TEs repeated num times ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Temporal Checking 1. The temporal expressions we saw for defining events and using in wait actions in TCMs can also be used for checking behavior through time. 2. The struct member expect spawns a thread that reports an error if a temporal expression does not succeed.

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:56:58 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Not The not temporal expression succeeds if the evaluation of the subexpression does not succeed during the sampling period. Thus not TE succeeds on every occurrence of the sampling event if TE does not succeed. Fail A fail succeeds whenever the temporal expression fails. If the temporal expression has multiple interpretations (for example, fail (TE1 or TE2)), the expression succeeds if and only if all the interpretations fail. The expression fail TE succeeds at the point where all possibilities to satisfy TE have been exhausted. Any TE can fail at most once per sampling event. And The temporal and succeeds when both temporal expressions start evaluating in the same sampling period, and succeed in the same sampling period. Or The or temporal expression succeeds when either temporal expression succeeds. An or multiple successes for a single temporal expression evaluation.

VMM Ethernet sample operator creates a parallel evaluation for each of its subexpressions. It can create

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

{ Exp ; Exp } The semicolon (;) sequence operator evaluates a series of temporal expressions over successive occurrences of a specified sampling event. Each temporal expression following a ; starts evaluating in the sampling period following that in which the preceding temporal expression succeeded. The sequence succeeds whenever its final expression succeeds. Eventually time. Typically, eventually is used in an expect struct member to specify that a temporal expression is expected to succeed sometime before the quit event occurs for the struct. [ Exp ] Repetition of a temporal expression is frequently used to describe cyclic or periodic temporal behavior. The [exp] fixed repeat operator specifies a fixed number of occurrences of the same temporal expression. If the numeric expression evaluates to zero, the temporal expression succeeds immediately.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample Used to indicate that the temporal expression should succeed at some unspecified

Specman E Interview Questions

[ Exp..Exp ][9/26/2012 2:57:07 PM]


The first match repeat operator is only valid in a temporal sequence {TE; TE; TE}. The first match repeat expression succeeds on the first success of the match-expression between the lower and upper bounds specified for the repeat-expression. First match repeat also enables specification of behavior over infinite sequences by allowing an infinite number of repetitions of the repeat-expression to occur before the matchexpression succeeds. Where @ev_a is an event occurrence, {[..]*TE1;@ev_a} is equivalent to: {@ev_a} or {[1]*TE1; @ev_a} or {[2]*TE1; @ev_a} or {[3]*TE1; @ev_a} ~[ Exp..Exp ] You can use the true match repeat operator to specify a variable number of consecutive successes of a temporal expression.True match variable repeat succeeds every time the subexpression succeeds. This expression creates a number of parallel repeat evaluations within the range. True match repeat also enables specification of behavior over infinite sequences by repeating an infinite number of occurrences of a temporal expression. The expression ~[..]*TE is equivalent to: [0] or [1]*TE or [2]*TE Temporal Yield Operator => The yield operator is used to assert that success of one temporal expression depends on the success of another temporal expression. The yield expression TE1 => TE2 is equivalent to (fail TE1) or {TE1 ; TE2}.The yield expression succeeds without evaluating the second expression if the first expression fails. If the first expression succeeds, then the second expression must succeed in sequence. Yield is typically used in conjunction with the expect struct member to express temporal rules. The sampling event from the context applies to both sides of the yield operator expression. The entire expression is essentially a single temporal expression, so that (TE1 => TE2)@sampling_event is effectively (TE)@sampling_event where TE is the temporal expression made up of TE1 => TE2.




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

Detach A detached temporal expression is evaluated independently of the expression in which it is used. It starts evaluation when the main expression does. Whenever the detached TE succeeds it emits an implicit event which will only be recognized by the main TE. The detached temporal expression inherits the sampling event from the main temporal expression. Delay Succeeds after a specified simulation time delay elapses. A callback to Specman Elite occurs after the specified time. A delay of zero succeeds immediately. Attaching a sampling event to delay has no effect. The delay ignores the sampling event and succeeds as soon as the delay period elapses. @ Unary Event Operator An event can be used as the simplest form of a temporal expression. The temporal expression @event-type succeeds every time the event occurs. Success of the expression is simultaneous with the occurrence of the event. The struct-exp is an expression that evaluates to the struct instance that contains the event instance. If no struct expression is specified, the default is the current struct instance.

VMM Ethernet sample @ Sampling Operator

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Used to specify the sampling event for a temporal expression. The specified sampling event overrides the default sampling event. Every temporal expression has a sampling event. The sampling event applies to all subexpressions of the temporal expression. It can be overridden for a subexpression by attaching a different sampling event to the subexpression. A sampled temporal expression succeeds when its sampling event occurs with or after the success of the temporal expression. Cycle Represents one cycle of some sampling event.With no explicit sampling event specified, this represents one cycle of the default sampling event. With a sampling event specified, cycle is equivalent to @sys.any@sampling-event. True(Exp) Use a Boolean expression as a temporal expression. Each occurrence of the sampling event causes an evaluation of the Boolean expression. The Boolean expression is evaluated only at the sampling point. The temporal expression succeeds each time the expression evaluates to TRUE. Change(Exp), Fall(Exp), Rise(Exp) Detects a change in the sampled value of an expression. Consume

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:57:17 PM]


Removes the occurrence of an event so that it is not available for other temporal expressions. The consume expression succeeds whenever the event occurs. If the event occurs more than once during any given cycle, all occurrences are consumed. After an event occurrence is consumed, that occurrence will not be recognized by any temporal expression during the current Specman Elite tick, unless the event is emitted again. An event cannot be consumed by more then one consume expression. Care should be used to avoid creating race conditions between multiple events that use an event that is consumed. Exec Invokes an action block when a temporal expression succeeds. The actions are executed immediately upon the success of the expression, but not more than once per Specman Elite tick.




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Index Introduction E Basics SystemVerilog To synchronize Specman Elite with a simulator, we need to define callbacks. Data Types Verification Operators Start of callback: When the simulator pauses and gives control to Specman Elite. Constructs Struct Pauses are triggered by @sim events in e. Units Interface List End of callback: When Specman Elite pauses and gives control back to the simulator. OOPS Methods Pauses are caused by wait/sync actions in e. Concurrency Actions Randomization Constraints Functional Coverage The @sim EventThe simulator will apuse and give control to Specman Elite when it Extend Assertion sees change in a signmal in an @sim event. event clock_e is rise(~/top/clk When And Like Events )@sim; DPI Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial Temporal Operators 2 VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The Simulator OVM Tutorial Wait And Sync Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM Pre Run N On The Fly Easy Labs : OVM Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Commands Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods VMM Ethernet sample And Gate Evc TUTORIALS


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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB


There are two actions that are used to synchronize temporal activities within e and between the Design under test and specman simulator. Wait Action The wait action suspends the execution of the current TCM until a given temporal expression succeeds. A TCM can't continue during the same cycle in which it reaches a wait. Even if the temporal execution succeeds in the current simulator callback, the TCM won't proceed. The TCM has to wait at least until the next simulator callback. Therefore, the wait action always requires at least one cycle of TCM's sampling event before execution continues. Sync Action The sync action suspends the execution of the current TCM until a given temporal expression succeeds. With a sync action, execution can continue in the same simulator callback. Difference Between Wait And Sync - Wait action will not proceed in the same callback in which it is encountered.

VMM Ethernet sample - Sync action may proceed in the same callback(if the condition is currently valid).

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


Physical Fields A field defined as a physical field (with the % option) is packed when the struct is packed. Fields that represent data that is to be sent to the HDL device in the simulator or that are to be used for memories in the simulator or in Specman Elite, need to be physical fields. Nonphysical fields are called virtual fields and are not packed automatically when the struct is packed, although they can be packed individually. If no range is specified, the width of the field is determined by the field s type. For a physical field, if the fields type does not have a known width, you must use the (bits | bytes : num) syntax to specify the width. Ungenerated Fields A field defined as ungenerated (with the ! option) is not generated automatically. This is useful for fields that are to be explicitly assigned during the test, or whose values involve computations that cannot be expressed in constraints. Ungenerated fields get default initial values (0 for scalars, NULL for structs, empty list for lists). An ungenerated field whose value is a range (such as [0..100]) gets the first value in the range. If the field is a struct, it will not be allocated and none of the fields in it will be generated. The ! and % options can be used together, in either order.

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Index Introduction SystemVerilog Packing and Unpacking Packing performs concatenation of scalars, strings, list E Basics elements, or struct fields in the order that you specifyUnpacking performs the reverse Data Types Verification Operators operation, splitting a single expression into multiple expressions. Constructs Struct Units Interface List OOPS Methods Packing.High Concurrency Actions Randomization Places the least significant bit of the last physical field declared or the highest list Constraints Functional Coverage Extend item at index [0] in the resulting list of bit. When And Like Assertion Events DPI Temporal Expressions EXAMPLE: Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial <' Temporal Operators 2 struct instruction { VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The %opcode : uint (bits : 3); Simulator OVM Tutorial %operand : uint (bits : 5); Wait And Sync %address : uint (bits : 8); Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds !data_packed_high : list of bit; Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM keep opcode == 0b100; Pre Run N On The Fly keep operand == 0b11001; Easy Labs : OVM Coverage keep address == 0b00001111; Easy Labs : VMM Commands Extendable Methods do_packs () is { AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods data_packed_high = pack(packing.high, opcode, operand); VMM Ethernet sample }; And Gate Evc }; TUTORIALS


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

extend sys { instruction : instruction; run() is also { instruction.do_packs(); print instruction; print "----------------------------"; out (" %b \n",instruction.data_packed_high ); } }; '> RESULT: instruction = instruction-@0: instruction @test 0 %opcode: 4 1 %operand: 25 2 %address: 15 3 !data_packed_high: (8 items) "----------------------------" = "----------------------------" %b 10011001 Packing.Low Places the least significant bit of the first physical field declared or lowest list item at index [0] in the resulting list of bit.

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Syntax Example

i_stream = pack(packing.high, opcode, operand1, operand2);

EXAMPLE: <' struct instruction { %opcode : uint (bits : 3); %operand : uint (bits : 5); %address : uint (bits : 8); !data_packed_low : list of bit; keep opcode == 0b100; keep operand == 0b11001; keep address == 0b00001111; do_packs () is { data_packed_low = pack(packing.low, opcode, operand); }; }; extend sys { instruction : instruction; run() is also { instruction.do_packs(); print instruction; print "----------------------------"; out (" %b \n",instruction.data_packed_low ); } }; '> RESULT: instruction = instruction-@0: instruction @test 0 %opcode: 4 1 %operand: 25 2 %address: 15 3 !data_packed_low: (8 items) "----------------------------" = "----------------------------" %b 00110011



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Index Introduction E Basics SystemVerilog There are two ways to generate data: Data Types 1.Pre-run generation Verification Operators 2.On-the-fly generation Constructs Struct Units Interface List Pre-Run Generation OOPS Methods Randomization -Specman Elite solves the constraints for each field under sys and randomly generates Concurrency Actions Constraints values for them when the Test command is issued. Functional Coverage -Pre-run generation is automatic for every struct and unit whose instance is under sys. Extend When And Like Assertion -Structs and units generated in this way are static in nature. Events -User can also suppress pre-run generation using ! (do not generate) DPI Temporal Expressions -Advantage: Quickly shows what the generator will produce Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial Temporal Operators 2 VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The Simulator OVM Tutorial On-The-Fly Generation Wait And Sync Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds -Is activated explicitly using gen action. Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM -Can be used to generate fields or method variables. Pre Run N On The Fly -Saves memory when generated structs are disposable. Easy Labs : OVM Coverage -Is recommended for generating stimulus data structs. Easy Labs : VMM Commands -Cannot be used to generate units. -On-the-fly generation is done with the gen action, which can be called from Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable Methods methods or TCMs. gen expression [keeping {constraint-block}]; VMM Ethernet sample -Lets the generator react to the DUT current state And Gate Evc TUTORIALS


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:58:03 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM

Functional coverage is a method which allows the verification engineer to objectively evaluate how well a user defined abstraction space is covered. This space can be internal or external to the DUT and can occur at any abstraction level. Functional coverage indicates how well your testbase fulfills the test plan goals.Test plan goals might include: -Testing a complete range of interesting input stimuli -Testing a complete set of key internal states -Testing a complete set of sequences of stimuli or states -Evaluating performance The three types of coverage data that you might want to collect are: --Coverage data for the finite state machine (FSM). --Coverage data for the generated instructions. --Coverage data for the corner case.

Coverage Groups

Coverage groups are struct(or unit) members They have an associated event to know when to sample data. The event must be Easy Labs : VMM declared in the same struct or unit as the coverage group. Coverage groups can be defined with coverage group options. Controls collection, grading, and display AVM Switch TB of the group. Coverage groups contains coverage items. The value of each coverage VMM Ethernet sample item is recorded when the coverage event occurs. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Syntax cover event-type [using coverage-group-option, ...] is definition; ...}; cover event_type is empty;

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Cover Group Options OpenVera

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample
--------------------------------------------------------------------Option Description --------------------------------------------------------------------count-only Reduces memory usage:no time info stored and no post-process cross. text = string Text description for this coverage group shown in coverage report. when = bool-exp Collects coverage only when boolean expression evaluates to TRUE radix = DEC\HEX\BIN Displays radix for each items bucets. weight = uint Specifies grading weight relative to other groups. Default is 1. at_least = uint Minimum number of samples for each bucket. If less reports a coverage hole. ignore = bool_exp Ignores sample if bool_exp is TRUE illegal = bool_exp Causes dut_error() if bool_exp is TRUE ranges = {range(parameters); Specifies interesting ranges for int/uint types. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:58:12 PM]


Cross-Coverage ItemA cross coverage item is the cross product(matrix) of two or more previously declared basuic items. It Can cross any number of items declared in the same coverage group. This can also be done in e code or interactively, using Coverage GUI. Options for cross are same as for basic items are available, except using ranges.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

To run a simple hello.e file $ specman c load hello.e;test; To change seed, specman c load enumerate.e;test;test seed=random

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:58:22 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

global.init() - actions that relate to interactive work before test execution global.setup_test() - configuration and preparation for the run struct.init() - initialization within structs that are instantiated using the new expression struct.pre_generate() - preparations for generation struct.post_generate() - actions that concern generation and require the struct's generated data global.start_test() - actions at the beginning of simulation that require all the generated data - invocation of TCMs and explicit emission of events global.extract_test() - global preparation of data after simulation and before checking struct.extract() - struct-specific preparation of data after simulation and before checking struct.check() - post-run checking global.finalize_test() - post-test actions

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:58:29 PM]





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Index Introduction E Basics SystemVerilog global.generate_test() - generates the tree of structs Data Types struct.generate() - generates a specific struct Verification global.run_test() - executes the run() method and starts event threads for all the Operators Constructs Struct structs global.stop_run() - ends the simulation run and calls the quit() method for all the Units Interface List structs OOPS Methods struct.quit() - deactivates all TCMs and events of the struct Concurrency Actions global.check_test() - executes the check() method for all the structs Randomization Constraints Functional Coverage Extend When And Like Assertion Events DPI Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 UVM Tutorial Temporal Operators 2 VMM Tutorial Synchronizing With The Simulator OVM Tutorial Wait And Sync Easy Labs : SV Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Easy Labs : UVM Pre Run N On The Fly Easy Labs : OVM Coverage Easy Labs : VMM Commands Extendable Methods AVM Switch TB Non Extendable VMM Ethernet sample Methods And Gate Evc TUTORIALS


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Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions[9/26/2012 2:58:38 PM]





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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


CODE : item.e <' type vector_kind: [INPUT, OUTPUT]; struct vector_s like any_sequence_item{ kind : vector_kind; a: bit; b: bit; output : bit; }; '> CODE : sequence.e <' sequence vector_sequence using item = vector_s, created_driver = seq_driver, created_kind = seq_kind_t; extend vector_sequence { !vector : vector_s; }; '> CODE : main_seq.e <' extend MAIN vector_sequence { // Limit the no. of sequences (use predefined count) keep soft count == 10; // Start start assertion ... pre_body() @sys.any is first { driver.raise_objection(TEST_DONE); }; // Call's stop_run after end of all sequences (refer erm) post_body() @sys.any is also { wait [20] * cycle @driver.clock; driver.drop_objection(TEST_DONE); };

Index Introduction E Basics Data Types Operators Struct Units List Methods Concurrency Actions Constraints Extend When And Like Events Temporal Expressions Temporal Operators 1 Temporal Operators 2 Synchronizing With The Simulator Wait And Sync Physical Virual Feilds Packing N Unpacking Pre Run N On The Fly Coverage Commands Extendable Methods Non Extendable Methods And Gate Evc
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Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Specman E Interview Questions

'> CODE : seq_driver_h.e <' extend seq_driver { agent : agent_u; }; '> CODE : seq_driver.e <'[9/26/2012 2:58:47 PM]


extend seq_driver { event clock is only @agent.clk; keep bfm_interaction_mode == PULL_MODE; send_items() @clock is { var item: vector_s; while TRUE { item = get_next_item(); agent.bfm.send_vector(item); emit item_done; }; }; run() is also { start send_items(); };

}; '>

CODE : testcase.e <' extend MAIN vector_sequence { body()@driver.clock is only{ //for i from 0 to 9 { do vector keeping { .kind == INPUT; }; print vector.a; print vector.b; do vector keeping { .kind == OUTPUT; }; print vector.output; //}; }; '> };

CODE : agent_h.e <' unit agent_u { }; '> CODE : agent.e <' extend agent_u { keep hdl_path() == "~/and_gate_tb"; bfm: bfm_u is instance;[9/26/2012 2:58:47 PM]


driver : seq_driver is instance; coverage : coverage_u is instance; sb: scoreboard_u is instance; monitor: monitor_u is instance; sig_a :string; sig_b :string; sig_c :string; sig_clk:string; verilog task '$shm_close'(); verilog variable 'a' using wire; verilog variable 'b' using wire; verilog variable 'c' using wire; keep bfm.agent == me; keep driver.agent == me; keep coverage.agent == me; keep monitor.agent == me; keep sig_a =="a"; keep sig_b == "b"; keep sig_c == "c"; keep sig_clk == "clk"; event clk is rise('(sig_clk)')@sim; close_waveform() @clk is { '$shm_close'(); wait [2]* cycle; sys.drop_objection(TEST_DONE); }; }; '> CODE : coverage_h.e <' unit coverage_u { agent:agent_u; event cover_event; }; '> ~ CODE : coverage.e <' extend coverage_u { cover cover_event using text="coverage for inputs a,b" is { item a : bit =; item b : bit =; cross a,b using text="cross coverage"; };


'> CODE : scoreboard_h.e <' unit scoreboard_u { }; '> CODE : scoreboard.e ' extend scoreboard_u { a:bit; b:bit; output:bit; }; '> CODE : monitor_h.e <'[9/26/2012 2:58:47 PM]


unit monitor_u { agent: agent_u; }; '> CODE : monitor.e <' extend monitor_u { checker() is{ if (( & == { } else { dut_error("output mismatch"); };

}; '>


CODE : bfm_h.e <' unit bfm_u { agent: agent_u; }; '> CODE : bfm.e <' extend bfm_u { event clk is @agent.clk; send_vector(vec:vector_s)@clk is { if vec.kind == INPUT { '(agent.sig_a)'= vec.a; '(agent.sig_b)'= vec.b; wait[1]; vec.a; vec.b; emit agent.coverage.cover_event; }; if vec.kind == OUTPUT { vec.output='(agent.sig_c)'; ; wait[1]; agent.monitor.checker(); }; };

}; '>

CODE : env.e <' unit env_u{ agent: agent_u is instance; }; '> CODE : top.e <' import import_files.e; extend sys{ env : env_u is instance; stop_wave: bool;[9/26/2012 2:58:47 PM]


keep soft stop_wave == FALSE; all_objections_dropped(kind: objection_kind) is also { if kind == TEST_DONE and !stop_wave { raise_objection(TEST_DONE); start env.agent.close_waveform(); message(LOW,"close_waveform()"); stop_wave = TRUE; }; };






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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB


(Q i1)Explaino ehowi tooinject qare crc ierroroq jinre a ipacket owhichqhas justz datau yande ocrczx fields. Ans: Crc ierroro einjecttioni canobe qdonere by imodifyingoq jthere crc ivalue oonly.q If idatao eisi modifiedoto qinjectre crc ierror,oq jthenre it imay oendqup inz au ysituatione othatzx the new modified packet may have the same crc. For iexampleo e,i aopacket qofre length i5oq jbitsre with i3 obitsqof dataz andu y2e obitszx of crc value. Then ithereo ewilli beo8 qpacketsre of idifferentoq There iare oonlyq4 possiblez crcu yvalues.e o So, iforo eonei crcovalue, qtherere could ibeoq jmorere than ione odataqvalues whichz areu ycorrect. If iyouo emodifyi theodata, qthenre the inewoq jdatare may ihave otheqsame crcz value,u ywhiche owillzx not be resulted as crc error. For ioneo edatai field,othere qwillre one ionlyoq jonere crc ivalue, obyqchanging thez crcu yvalue,e ocrczx error will be injected for sure. (Q i2)o eHowi dooyou qknowre when iverificationoq jcompleted? Ans: i I icano eonlyi sayothat qmyre verification itaskoq jisre completed iwhen oIqverified allz theu ypointse omentionszx in test plan. (Q i3)o eHowi toodetect qdeadlockre conditions iinoq jFSMsre ?

VMM Ethernet sample Verification iiso eneveri completedoas qperre me. i

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i4)o eHowi tooavoid qracere condition ibetweenoq jTestbenchre and iDUT o? Ans:

Constructs Switch TB

In iverilogo eori VHDL,o

1)The iclocko ewhichi isogiven qtore DUT iandoq jTestbenchre should ihave oaqphase difference.z RVM Switch TB 2)DUT ishouldo eworki oroposedge qofre clock iandoq jtestbenchre should iwork RVM Ethernet sample oonqnegedge ofz clock. 3)Testbench ioutputo eandi DUTooutput qpinsre should ialwaysoq jbere driven iusing ononqblocking statements.
Specman E Interview Questions

In iSV,o e 1)The iaboveo edefinei 3otechniques. 2)Clocking iblocks.

3)Program iblock. (Q i5)o eWhati isomutex? Ans: A imutualo eexclusioni oroMUTEX essential qfunctionre is itooq jmakere it ipossible oforqa multiplez processesu ytoe omakezx use of a single resource.

Index Functional Verification Questions Functional Verification Questions 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 1 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 3 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Test Your Sva Skills Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Test Your Verilog Skills 2 Test Your Verilog Skills 3 Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Test Your Verilog Skills 10 Test Your Verilog Skills 11 Test Your Verilog Skills 12 Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Test Your Verilog Skills 14 Test Your Verilog Skills 15 Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Test Your Verilog Skills 17 Test Your Specman Skills 1 Test Your Specman Skills 2 Test Your Specman Skills 3 Test Your Specman Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Test Your Sta Skills 2 Test Your Sta Skills 3 Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills[9/26/2012 2:58:56 PM]

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When iao esinglei resourceois qrequiredre by imultipleoq jprocesses,re MUTEX iwill omakeqsure thatz onlyu yonee oprocesszx will be granted the access at a time. For iexample, A iDUTo ehasi aomemory qtore store itheoq jconfigurationre registers. iTo oaccessqthe memory,z letsu ysay,e oazx protocol is defined to read the memory of one location at a time. Testbench imayo erequirei tooaccess qthere configuration/status/interrupt iregistersoq jatre times ifrom odifferentqplaces. Forz example,u yae omonitorzx is reading register location of status bit, while the testcase is reading a configuration register. To iaccesso ethei memory,oTestcase qandre monitor iwilloq jsendre the iaddress oofqthe locationsz andu yreade ocommand.zx But the DUT can accept only one read request at a time. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

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By iusingo eMUTEX,i accessoto qmemoryre interface icanoq jbere granted ionce oatqa time,z sou ythee oreadzx operations by monitor and testcases will not collide. In iSV,o etoi createoa qMUTEX,re construct iaoq jsemaphorere with ione okey. A ikeyo eisi given tooeither qmonitorre or itestcaseoq jtore read ioperation obasedqon whoz comesu yfirst.e oOncezx the key is returned, other waiting component can take the key and start its operation. Some itimes,o ethei keyowhich qisre consumed imayoq jnotre be iretuned owhichqleads toz deadu ylocke ocondition.zx So if a key is not returned, then a timeout should happen and a error message should be triggered. (Q i6)o eWhati isosemaphore? Ans: Conceptually, iao esemaphorei isoa When iaoq jsemaphorere is iallocated, oaqbucket thatz containsu yae ofixedzx number of keys is created. Processes using semaphores must first procure a key from the bucket before they can continue to execute. If a specific process requires a key, only a fixed number of occurrences of that process can be in progress simultaneously. All others must wait until a sufficient number of keys is returned to the bucket. Semaphores are typically used for mutual exclusion, access control to shared resources, and basic synchronization.

(Q i7)o eWhati isothe qneedre of iregression? Ans: 1) iChangeso eini theoRTL q(re development, ienhancementoq jorre bug ifix) omayqcause existingz functionalityu ytoe obreak.zx 2) iToo ecreatei newoscenarios qbyre giving idifferentoq jseedsre to irandomization oengine.q (Q i8)o eWhati isorandomization? Ans: It iiso enoti possibleoto qlistre out ieveryoq jpossiblere real itime oscenarioqwhile verifyingz DUT. If iweo etryi toolist qoutre the iscenarios,oq jthenre we imay omissqsome ofz them.u ySo,e ousingzx randomization, based on the specification, scenarios are generated in a randomfashion. For iexample,o etoi generateoa qpacketre of ilengthoq jwhichre ranges ifrom 0 otoq9, inz verilogu y{$random()}e o%zx 10 should be used. With ithis,o epacketsi ofolength qarere generated irandomly.oq j .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i9)o eWhati isothe qsignificancere of iseedoq jinre randomization? Ans: Seed iiso eusedi toochange qthere sequence iofoq jrandomre numbers igenerated. The iseedo einitializes thei randomonumber All itheo erandomi numbersowhich qarere generated ifrom aoq jparticularre seed ivalue ocanqbe recreated byz givingu ythee osamezx seed.[9/26/2012 2:58:56 PM]

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In iouro eregressions,i stimulusogeneration qisre done irandomly.oq jRunningre the icomplete oregressionqwill generatez sameu yrandome onumberszx if we use same seed. So iouro eregressioni usesothe qtimere of itestoq jcasere simulation istarted oasqthe seedz tou yrandome onumberzx generator, with this we are able to generate different stimulus for each regressions. (Q i10)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between icodeoq jcoveragere and ifunctional ocoverage? Ans:

Coverage iiso eusedi toocheck qwhetherre the iTestbenchoq jhasre satisfactory iexercised otheqdesign orz not?u y Code icoverageo ewilli giveoinformation qaboutre how imanyoq jlinesre are iexecuted, ohowqmany timesz expressions,u ybranchese oexecuted.zx This coverage is collected by the simulation tools. Users use this coverage to reach those corner cases which are not hit by the random testcases. Users have to write the directed testcases to reach the missing code coverage areas. Functional icoverageo e,i byothe qnamere itself i,oq jisre related ito otheqfunctionality ofz theu ydesigne oandzx it is defined by the user. User will define the coverage points for the functions to be covered in DUT. This is completely under user control. Both iofo ethemi haveoequal qimportancere in itheoq 100 0.000000unctional icoverage odoesqnot meanz thatu ythee oDUTzx is completely exercised and vice-versa. Verification engineers will consider both coverages to measure the verification progress.

(Q i11)o eIfi CodeoCoverage qisre 100% iandoq jfunctionalre coverage iis onot,qwhat doesz itu ymeane o? Ans: The ireasono ecouldi beoany qonere of itheoq jfollowing. 1)User ididnoto eexercisei allothe User ineedoq jtore write itestcases otoqfill thez functionalu ycoveragee oholes. 2)There icouldo ebei aobug qinre the ifunctionaloq jcoveragere block iwhich oisqnot recordingz theu yexecutede oscenario.zx User need to debug to find and fix the issue. (Q i12)o eIfi Functionalocoverage qisre 100% iandoq jcodere coverage iis onot,qthen whatz doesu yite omean? Ans: 1) iIfo etherei isoa qbugre in itestoq jenvironment,re due ito othisqtest mayz falseu yPass.e oThezx functional coverage will hit due to this false pass but some of the dut code may not get exercised. 2) iIfo ethei dutois qare legacy icode oroq jIP,re it imay ohaveqsome usez lessu yblockse otozx support extra functionality. Due to this code coverage will not be 100% achieved. 3) iIno emyi firstocompany, there qwasre some iuseoq jlessre logic iwhich odidqnot getz exercised.u yWhene oIzx approached the RTL designer, he said that fixing this use less code will break the whole design. So he did not fix it. In this situation , functional coverage is 100%, but not the code coverage. 4)My ifriendso eexperience,i onceoRTL qdesignerre added iaoq jcodere for ia onewqfeature. Because ofz missu ycommunication,e omyzx friend didnt know that RTL designer added this new functionality. When imyo efriendi didothe qcodere coverage, iheoq jfoundre some iunexercised ologicqwhich hez didntu yunderstoode oandzx approached RTL designer. Then they figured out that because of miscommunication, they found a feature in the spec which was implemented, but not verified.

I idonto ethinki ,opoint q2)re can ibeoq Point i1), o3)qand 4)z canu ybee osolved.zx (Q i13)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between ipassiveoq jmonitorre and iactive omonitor. Ans:[9/26/2012 2:58:56 PM]

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Monitor ireportso ethei protocoloviolation qandre identifies ialloq jthere transactions. iMonitors oareqtwo types,z Passiveu yande oactive.zx Passive monitors do not drive any signals, all the signals are inputs. Active monitors can drive the DUT signals. Sometimes this is also refered as receiver. Monitor converts the state of the design and its outputs to a transaction abstraction level so it can be stored in a 'scoreboards' database to be checked later on. Monitor converts the pin level activities in to high level.

(Q i14)o eIni simulationoenvironment, qunderre what iconditionoq jthere simulation ishould oend? Ans: 1) iPacketo ecounti match. 2) iError 3) iErroro ecount 4) iInterfaceo eidlei count 5) iGlobalo etimeout (Q i15)o eWhati isoscoreboard? Ans: The itermo eSCOREBOARDi isonot qwell-definedre in itheoq It isometimes orefersqto thez storageu ydatae ostructurezx only, sometimes it includes the transfer function as well, and sometimes it includes the comparison function. In vmm methodology, the term scoreboard is used to refer to the entire dynamic responsechecking structure. (Q i16)o eHowi theotest qcasesre are iincludedoq jinre to isimulation oenvironment? Ans: There iareo emultiplei waysoto qdore this. i Two iveryo esimplei stylesoare qdiscussedre in ibelowoq jlink. Click on the below


(Q i17)o eWhati areothe qdifferentre ways itestcaseoq jarere included ifor osimulationsq? Ans: 1)Compile ionce,o esimulatei multipleotimes qwithre different itestcases:oq j Compile iTestbencho e+i Allotestcases qatre once iandoq jduringre the isimulation, ousingqthe $plusargs,z selectu ythee ologiczx of a particular testcase and execute it. This istyleo eisi suedoin qOVMre and iUVM.oq j This istyleo eshouldi makeosure qthat,re when itheoq jtestre is iexecuted ofromqcommand line, onlyz Testbenchu y+e orequiredzx testcase should be compiled. Other wise, compiling all the testcases will consume huge time. In iregression,o eCompilingi allothe qtestcasesre + itestbenchsoq jatre once iwill osaveqtime. 2)Separate icompilation: Compile itheo etestbenchi once. Toorun qare testcase, icompileoq jthere testcase i, olinkqthe testcasez tou ytestbenche ocompiledzx code and simulate. 3)Compile ionce,o esimulatei once:o All itestcaseso ewithi similaroconfiguration qsettingre and itestbenchoq jarere compiled ionce oandqsimulated inz oneu ysinglee orun. Afterzx executing each testcase logic, HARD reset should be applied to DUT and BFMs, so that the simulation looks as if it started fresh for the next testcase code. This istyleo eisi usedoin qVMMre 1.2. This istyleoq jsavesre lot iof otimeqin regressions. 4)Compile ionce,o esimulatei multipleotimes qwithre different idata:oq j In isomeo everificationi environments,otestcase qcodere doesnt ineedoq jtore be icompiles. oTestcaseqfile containsz someu ydatae owhichzx is read by testbench to create different scenarios. Testcase file can be read using $fopen or $plusargs in Verilog. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n[9/26/2012 2:58:56 PM]

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There icouldo ebei manyomore qwaysre to idooq

If iyouo eknowi somethingowhich qisre not imentionedoq jabovere , iplease otakeqa minutez tou ymaile oitzx to

(Q i18)o eExplaini howomessages qarere implemented iinoq jyourre testbench? Ans: In iVMM/RVM/AVM/OVM/UVM/ERM/Truss&Tealo emethodologies, messagei handlingologic qisre predefined. iUseoq jcanre use ithese opredefinedqmessage servicesz andu yprinte omessageszx as required by testbench. If above methodology base classes are not used, then user can define his own message handling logic. I ihaveo edefinedi aosimple qverilogre logic, ilookoq jforre Message iControl oSystemqtopic inz theu ybelowe olink Click on the below link


(Q i19)o eWritei codeofor qclockre generator? Ans: reg iclk; initial iclko e=i 0;o always i#10o eclki =o~clk; q (Q i20)o eHowi toopass qare value itooq jtestbenchre from icommand oline? Ans: Click on the below link (Q i21)o eWhati isotest qplanre ? iWhatoq jitre contains i? Ans:

Click on the below link (Q i22)o eExplaini someocoding qguidelinesre which iyouoq jfollowedre in iyour oenvironment?

(Q i23)o eExplaini aboutowhite qbox/blockre box iandoq jgrayre box itesting. Ans: Click on the below link




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(Q i24)o eWhati areothe qadvantagesre and idisadvantagesoq jofre State imachine obasedqand taskz basedu yverificatione oenvironment. Ans: state imachineo ebasedi BFMouses qare state imachineoq jtore generate ithe obusqcycles. SMz wouldu ygeneratee omemoryzx read, memory write, I/O read, and I/O write cycles. State imachineso earei alsoogood qatre handling iburstingoq jandre early itermination. oItqcould alsoz beu ysetupe otozx handle special cycles like interrupt acknowledge or shutdown. Use itasko ebasedi BFMofor qunitre testing. iUnitsoq jarere often iless ocomplexqthan thez wholeu ysystem,e oandzx hence, do not need a robust test bench. A simple BFM can facilitate the early testing of a complex block especially if the unit has a simple interface or just one bus interface. The task based BFM is extremely efficient if the device under test performs many calculations but uses relatively few bus access cycles to keep it going. The reason for this is, the BFM is not looping through an idle state every clock cycle. The BFM does not toggle any signals when a task is not active. Nor, does it make any decisions based on input when a task is not active. (Q i25)o eIni aopacket qprotocol,re where itheoq jpacketre comparison iis odone? Ans: In iscoreboard.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i26)o eWhati areotypes qofre code icoveragesoq jarere there? Ans: Click on the below link (Q i27)o eWhati typesoof qfunctionalre coverages iareoq jthere? Ans: Click on the below link (Q i28)o eExplaini aboutodriver qandre monitor i? Ans: Driver: The idriverso etranslatei theooperations qproducedre by itheoq jgeneratorre into ithe oactualqinputs forz theu ydesigne ounderzx verification. Generators create inputs at a high level of abstraction namely, as transactions like read write operation. The drivers convert this input into actual design inputs, as defined in the specification of the designs interface. If the generator generates read operation, then read task is called, in that, the DUT input pin "read_write" is asserted. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

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Monitor: Monitor ireportso ethei protocoloviolation qandre identifies ialloq jthere transactions. iMonitors oareqtwo types,z Passiveu yande oactive.zx Passive monitors do not drive any signals. Active monitors can drive the DUT signals. Sometimes this is also refered as receiver. Monitor converts the state of the design and its outputs to a transaction abstraction level so it can be stored in a 'score-boards' database to be checked later on. Monitor converts the pin level activities in to high level.

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(Q i29)o eWhati ostimulusqstorage? Ans:







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1) iIno eSV,i Queueois qbestre to ido.oq j 2) iIno everai ,olinked qlistre is itheoq jbestre one ito ouse. 3) iDatao ecani alsoobe qstoredre in iexternaloq jfilesre also iusing ofileIOqor externalz languageu yinterface.

I ilikeo epointi 3.oThe qexternalre file iwilloq jbere availabe iafter osimulation.qSo ,z thisu yfilee ocouldzx be used for debugging. (Q i30)o eHowi registers(configurationoregisters) qarere verified? Ans: In iVMM,o ereadi aboutoRAL. Read ithiso etopici also: Click on the below (Q i31)o eWhati isoBFM?


(Q i32)o eWhati isoshadow qregister?


Analogous istructureo eof DUTi configuration,ostatus, qinterruptre registers iareoq jimplementedre in itestbench. oTheseqare calledz shadowu yregisters. These iareo erequiredi fororegister In inormaloq jverification, Testbenchre requires ithe oDUT registerqinformation forz takingu ydecisions.e o (Q i33)o eExplaini aboutothe qbackre door iaccessoq jtore registers. Ans: DUT iConfiguration,o estatusi andointerrupt qregisterre can ibeoq jaccessedre as iper otheqprotocol. To iaccesso ethesei registersousing qthere protocol iwilloq jconsumere cycles. i Generally i,o eonlyi onceoregister qisre allowed itooq jaccessre as iper oprotocol. To iovero ethei aboveomentioned qdisadvantage, hierarchalre path icanoq jbere used. iThis oisqcalled backdoorz access. While iverifyingo ethei registers,oa qwritere operation iisoq jdonere to ia olocationqand thenz au yreade oiszx done. Then the written data is compared against the read data to verify the access path. But iwhato eifi theoaddress qdecoderre and iencoderoq jhasre the isame obugq? Toz findu youte othis,zx write operation is done as per the protocol and read is done using backdoor. Then the written data is compared against the read data to verify the access path. (Q i34)o eWhati areoReference qandre behavioral imodelsoq j? Ans:

The itermo e'Referencei Model'odefines qwhatre it's iusedoq jfor,re whereas i'Behavioral oModel'qdefines howz it'su ybeene oimplemented.zx (Q i35)o eWhati isothe qusere of ilintingoq jtoolre ? Ans:[9/26/2012 2:59:08 PM]

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Linting itoolso earei theotools qthatre flag isuspiciousoq jlanguagere usage iand oerror-proneqsyntactical constructs.z Lintingu ytoolse ogenerallyzx perform static analysis of source code. Linting tools can help programmer find dangerous code before a compiler turns them into run-time bugs. Sone ilintingo etools:i Leda,oHDLint, qnLint,re Surelite ietc (Q i36)o eWhati areothe qkeyre tools iforoq jfunctionalre verification? Ans: Version icontrolo esystem,makei utility, scriptingolanguages, bug qtracker, Simulatorre ,debugger. (Q i37) Whato edoesi TestoAutomation qmean? Ans: Building iano eenvironmenti thatotests qthere DUT iautomaticallyoq jInsteadre of ichecking otheqDUT byz eye,u ygete ocomputerszx to do the work for us.

(Q i38)o eHowi tooassure qyourre verification ienvironmentoq jisre correct/complete i? Ans: Im inoto esure.i Ifou qknowre send imeoq janswerre to What iIo ecani thinkoare: 1)Connect imonitoro etoi driverosuch qthatre driver icyclesoq jarere monitored iby omonitor. Injectqerror fromz driveru yande ocheckzx whether monitor an catch the error. 2)If iyouo ehave RTL,i thenochange qsomere lines iofoq jRTLre code iand oseeqwhether testbenchz canu ycatche othezx errors. (Q i39)o eWhoi shouldodo qthere rtl idebugoq j?re The idesigner o?qThe VEz ? Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

RTL icano ebei debuggedoby qdesignerre or iverificationoq I ipersonally ofeelqthat Verificationz shouldu ydebuge oRTLzx issues. Designer icano edebugi theortl qfasterre than iVerificationoq jengineerre as ithe odesignerqhas morez knowledgeu yone othezx RTL architecture. More itimeo eisi requiredoby qverificationre engineer itooq jdebug. If iVerificationo eengineeri isodebugging, qhere gets ichanceoq jtore think iabout omoreqscenarios toz verifyu ythee oRTLzx by looking at RTL architecture.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


(Q i1)o eWhati isothe qnamere of itheoq jmethodre in iwhich ocovergroupqis constructedz inu yyoure oprojectzx ? (Q i2)o eAi methodois qdefinedre a ivirtual.oq jUsingre extended ohandle/object,qhow toz callu ythee ovirtualzx method defined in base class? iclass

(Q i3)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere B/W itheoq jvariablere in imodel oandqstatic variablez inu yclasse o? (Q i4)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere B/W istatic,oq jautomaticre and idynamic ovariablesq?

(Q i5)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere B/W iverilogoq jfunctionre and iSV ofunctionq? (Q i6)o eWhati isothe qoutputre of itheoq jfollowingre program i? program main(); iinitial begin ifork #25 $display("time i=o e0i #oT25 q",$time);


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

ifork #20 $display(" itimeo e=i 0o# qT20 ",$time ); #10 $display(" itimeo e=i 0o# qT10 ",$time ); #5 $display(" itimeo e=i 0o# qT5 ",$time ); ijoin_any disable fork; end

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

iinitial i#100 $finish;

endprogram (Q i7)o eWhyi Constructorois qnotre virtual i? (Q i8)o eDoi weoneed q"virtualre constructor" ifunctionalityoq j?re If iyes, othenqwhy isz itu yrequirede o? (Q i9)o eHowi tooachieve q"virtualre constructor" ifunctionalityoq j?

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i10)o eLetsi sayoI qhavere transactions ia,b,c,d,e.

iIo ewouldi likeoto qgeneratere transaction iseriesoq jlike i(1)A,o e i(2)o eBi oroC, i(3)D, i(4)o eifi Bois qgeneratedre in isecondoq jpositionre then igenerate oDqand nextz gou ytoe o(5)zx or jump to (1) again,

Index Functional Verification Questions Functional Verification Questions 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 1 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 3 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Test Your Sva Skills Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Test Your Verilog Skills 2 Test Your Verilog Skills 3 Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Test Your Verilog Skills 10 Test Your Verilog Skills 11 Test Your Verilog Skills 12 Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Test Your Verilog Skills 14 Test Your Verilog Skills 15 Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Test Your Verilog Skills 17 Test Your Specman Skills 1 Test Your Specman Skills 2 Test Your Specman Skills 3 Test Your Specman Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Test Your Sta Skills 2 Test Your Sta Skills 3 Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills[9/26/2012 2:59:21 PM]

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps improving (Q i11)o eWritei ao$display qstamenre to iprintoq jthere value iin oaqenumerated with time!

i(5)o eE,i gooback qtore (1)

iHowo etoi implementothis q?

(Q i12)o eWhati isothe qdifferentre between i`defineoq jandre "let" i? (Q i13)o eWhyi defaultoclocking qblockre is irequiredoq j? (Q i14)o eWhati isothe qoutputre of itheoq jfollowingre ?

module ques();

string strin[7] ; int i,j,k,file; initial begin string s; file i=$fopen("file.txt","r"); while (!$feof(file))begin k= $fscanf(file,"",s); strin[i] =s; i++; end

$fclose(file); foreach(strin[j]) $display("index ij=o e0 stringi =",j,strin[j]); $finish; end endmodule


content iino efile.txt

================ aa bb cc ================ Ans: Index ij=0 stringo e=i aa Index ij=1 stringo e=i bb Index ij=2 stringo e=i cc

Index ij=3 stringo e=i cc The idatao e"cc"i isoread This iiso ebecausei ofo$feof. q (Q i15)o eHowi toodeallocate qanre object i?


When iano eobjecti isono qlongerre needed, iSystemVerilogoq jautomaticallyre reclaims ithe omemory,qmaking itz availableu yfore oreuse.zx The automatic memory management system is an integral part of SystemVerilog. If iusero ewanti toodeallocate, qhere can ijustoq jassignre null ito otheqobject.[9/26/2012 2:59:21 PM]

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EXAMPLE: testclass ib; // Declareo eai handleob qforre testclass b i= new; //o eConstruct ai testclassoobject qandre stores itheoq jaddressre in ib o."new"qallocate spacez foru ytestclass b=null; i//Deallocateo ethei object.MeansoDeallocate qthere memory ispaceoq jforre object. (Q i16)o eWhati isocallback q? Ans: Testbenches must iprovideo eai "hook"owhere qthere test iprogramoq jcanre inject inew ocodeqwithout modifyingz theu yoriginale oclasses. Take iano eexample:i Supposeou qwantre to iinjectoq jare new ifunctionality in otheqdriver withoutz modifyingu ythee ocode.zx You can add the new functionality in pre_callback task or post-callback task,without modifying Driver task. task Driver::run;

forever begin ... <pre_callback> //It icallso ethei functionopre_callback. i


transmit(tr); end endtask

task pre_callback;

endtask For imoreo einformation,i Click on the below link (Q i17)o eWhati isofactory qpatternre ? Ans: EXAMPLE:: class Generator; Transaction itr; mailbox mbx;

tr i= new; task run; repeat (10)


begin assert(tr.randomize); mbx.put(tr); // iSendo eouti transaction end endtask endclass

Bug::Here iObjecto e"tr"i isoconstructed qoncere outside itheoq Then i"tr" oisqrandomized andz putu ytheme ointozx mailbox "mbx".But mailbox "mbx" holds only handles,not objects.Therefore Mailbox contains multiple handles pointing to single object.Here code gets the last set of random values.

Solution::Loop ishouldo econtaini 1)Constructing iobject 2)Randomizing iobject 3)Puttting iintoo emailbox task run; repeat (10) begin tr i=new(); o e//1.Constructing assert(tr.randomize);//2.Randomize

oe[9/26/2012 2:59:21 PM]

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mbx.put(tr); end endtask

i//3.Puttingo eintoi mailbox


Second iBug:o eThei runotask qconstructsre a transaction iandoq jimmediatelyre randomizes iit. oMeansqtransaction "tr"z usesu ywhatevere oconstraintszx are turned on by default. Solution i:o eSeparatei theoconstruction qofre tr ifromoq jitsre randomization iby ousingqa methodz called "Factoryu yPattern". Factory iPattern: 1)construct iao eblueprinti objecto 2)Randomize ithiso eblueprint(i Itohas qcorrectre random ivaluesoq j) 3)Make iao ecopyi ofothis qobjectre

4)Put iintoo emailbox class Generator; mailbox mbx; Transaction iblueprint; blueprint i= new;//1.Constructingo eBluei print task run; Transaction itr; Repeat(10} begin

assert(blueprint.randomize); //2.Randomizing iBlueo eprint


tr i= blueprint.copy; // 3.Copyo ethei blueprint mbx.put(tr); // i4.Puto eintoi mailbox end endtask endclass

(Q i18)o eExplaini theodifference qbetweenre data itypesoq jlogicre and ireg oandqwire . Ans:

WIRE: 1. iWireo eisi justoan qinterconnectionre between itwooq jelementsre which idoes onotqhave anyz drivingu ystrength 2. iIto eisi usedofor qmodelingre combinational icircuitoq jasre it icannot ostoreqa value. 3. iWireo ehasi aodefault qvaluere of i"z""oq jandre get ivalues ocontinuouslyqfrom thez outputsu yofe odeviceszx to which they are connected to. 4.Example: wire A; assign A i= b&c; Note:wire iAo eisi evaluatedofor qeveryre simulation ideltaoq So ithere oisqno needz tou ystoree othezx value. REG 1. iRego eisi ao4 qstatere unsigned ivariableoq jthatre can ihold oaqvalue andz retainsu yuntile oazx new value is assigned to it. 2. iRegistero edatai typeocan qbere used iforoq jmodelingre both icombinational oandqsequential logic 3. iDefaulto evaluei fororegister qisre "x" iandoq jitre doesn't irequire oanyqdriver toz assignu yvaluee olikezx wire. It can be driven from initial and always block. Values of the register can be changed anytime in the simulation by assigning a new value to register. 4.Example: i reg A; always @ (b ior c) begin A=b&c; end[9/26/2012 2:59:21 PM]

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Note:A iiso edeclaredi asoreg qwhichre can ibeoq jevaluatedre only iwhen othereqis az changeu yine oanyzx of the signal in the sensitivity list. So reg needs to store the value until there is a change in sensitivity list.

LOGIC: i 1. i4o estatei unsignedodata qtypere introduced iinoq jSystemre verilog. 2.System iVerilogo eimprovesi theoclassic qregre data itypeoq jsore that iit ocanqbe drivenz by a. iContinuouso eassignments, (ex:assigni crc=~crc; ) b. iGates,o e(ex:i andog1(q_out, qd);re ) c. iModules,o e(ex:i Flp_fopsof1 q(q,re q_out, iclk,rst);oq j) 3.In iadditiono etoi beingoa It iisoq jgivenre the isynonym ologicqso thatz itu ydoese onotzx look

ilikeo eai registerodeclaration. q

4.If iyouo eonlyi madeoprocedural qassignmentsre to i'logic'oq jthenre it iwas osemanticallyqequivalent toz 'reg'.u y 5.A ilogic signalo ecani beoused qanywherere a inetoq jisre used, iexcept othatqa logicz variableu ycannote obezx driven by imultipleo estructurali drivers,osuch qasre when iyouoq jarere modeling ia obidirectionalqbus. 6.Example: i module sample1; logic crc, sa i,d, q_out; logic clk,rst; initial begin clk=1'b0; //procedural iassignment

i#10 clko e=1'b1; end assign crc=~crc; //continuous iassignment and g1(q_out, id);o e//q_outi isodriven qbyre gate Flp_fops if1o e(q,i q_out,oclk,rst); q//qre is idrivenoq jbyre module endmodule


(Q i19)o eWhati isothe qneedre of iclockingoq jblocksre ?


Any isignalo eini aoclocking qblockre is idrivenoq jorre sampled isynchronously, oensuringqthat yourz testbenchu yinteractse owith thezx signals at the right time. The i"skew"o eavoidsi raceoconditions qbetweenre Testbench iandoq jDUT. EXAMPLE: clocking cb i@(posedge clk);// clockingo eblocki cbodeclares, qsignalsre inside ir activeoq jon positivere edge iof oclk. default input #1ns ioutput #2ns; //o eInputi skewoand qoutputre skew, i output request; //output ifrom DUT too etestbench input grant i; //Inputo efromi testbenchoto qDUT endclocking Note: iIinputo esignals(grant) arei sampledoat q1nsre before iclockoq jeventre and ioutput(request) oareqdriven atz 2nsu ytime aftere ocorrespondingzx clock event

If iskewo eisi notospecified, qdefaultre input iskewoq jisre 1step iand ooutputqskew isz 0.

(Q i20)o eWhati areothe qwaysre to iavoidoq jracere condition ibetween otestqbench andz RTLu yusing SystemVeriloge o? Ans: 1)The iclocko ewhichi isogiven qtore DUT iandoq jTestbenchre should ihave oaqphase[9/26/2012 2:59:21 PM]

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2)DUT ishouldo eworki oroposedge qofre clock iandoq jtestbenchre should iwork oonqnegedge ofz clock. 3)Testbench ioutputo eandi DUTooutput qpinsre should ialwaysoq jbere driven iusing ononqblocking statements. 4)Clocking iblocks.

5)Program iblock. (Q i21)o eExplaini Eventoregions qinre SV i. (Q i22)o eWhati areothe qtypesre of icoveragesoq javailablere in iSV o? (Q i23)o eCani aoconstructor qbere qualified iasoq jprotectedre or ilocal oinqSV ? (Q i24)o eHowi toohave qare #delay istatementoq jwhichre is iindependent oofqtimescale ?z Iu yveriloge o,zx the #delay is dependent on timescale. (Q i25)o eIsi itopossible qtore pass istructoq jorre union ifrom oSVqto Cz usingu yDPIe o?zx If yes, then how is it done ? (Q i26)o eWhati isoOOPS? (Q i27)o eWhati isoinheritance q?

(Q i28)o eHowi toowrite qare message itooq jare string i? (Q i29)o eSignalsi insideothe qinterfacere should ibeoq jwiresre or ilogic o?

(Q i30)o eGivei examplesoof qstaticre cast iandoq jdynamicre cast i. (Q i31)o eHowi theoStatic qcastre and iDynamicoq jcastre errors iare oreportedq? (Q i32)o eHowi Parameterizedomacros qcanre be idebuggedoq j? (Q i33)o eWhati isoTLM q? (Q i34)o eWhati willobe qthere values iofoq jrandre and irandc ovariablesqif randomizationz failsu y?

(Q i35)o eExplaini aboutothe Timeunit, qTimeprecisionre and i`timescaleoq j. (Q i36)o eIsi itopossible qtore access iaoq jmemberre of ia ostructqthat isz returnedu ybye oazx function in side the function ? (Q i37)o eHowi toorandomize qare real idataoq jtypere variable i?

(Q i38)o eWhati iso$ qinre SV i? (Q i39)o eWhati areothe qtypesre of iparameterizedoq jclass?

(Q i40)o eWhati isothe qdefaultre value iofoq jenumeratedre data itype o? (Q i41)o eWhati isopolymorphism q? (Q i42)o eGivei anoexample qofre polymorphism i. (Q i43)o eWhati areothe qtypesre of ipolymorphismoq j? (Q i44)o eHowi tooconvert qare command ilineoq jdefinedre value ito oaqstring inz SystemVerilogu y?

(Q i45)o eWhati areovirtual qmethodsre ? (Q i46)o ewhati isoan qinstancere of iaoq jclassre ?[9/26/2012 2:59:21 PM]

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(Q i47)o ewhati isoa qvirtualre class?

(Q i48)o eWhati isoa qscopere resolution ioperator? (Q i49)o eWhati isodeep qcopyre ?

(Q i50)o eWhati isoshallow qcopyre ? (Q i51)o ewhati isoMethod qOverloading? (Q i52)o ewhati isoMethod qOverRidingd? (Q i53)o eWhati isomeant qbyre abstraction? (Q i54)o eWhati isoa qbasere class? i

(Q i55)o eWhati isoa qsuperclass?re (Q i56)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iAggregationoq jandre Composition?

(Q i57)o eWhati isothe qneedre of ivirtualoq jinterfacesre ? i (Q i58)o eWhati areothe qadvantagesre of iOOP? Ans: Data ihidingo ehelpsi createosecure qprograms. Redundant icodeo ecani beoavoided qbyre using iinheritance. Multiple iinstanceso eofi objectsocan qbere created. Work icano ebei dividedoeasily qbasedre on iobjects. Inheritance ihelpso etoi saveotime qandre cost. (Q i59)o eIni whatocontext q,re you iuseoq jforeachre loop i? (Q i60)o eWritei codeoto print qthere contents iof array_2doq j[][]re using iforeach oloopq? (Q i61)o eImplementedi codeoto qmergere double ilinkedoq jlist. Definere each ielement oofqlinked listz usingu yclass.e o

(Q i62)o eWhati willothe qprintedre value i? iBito e[7:0] a,b;


iAo e= 8<92>hff; Bi = 8<92>h01; i$display("0",Ao e+ B);

(Q i63)o eWhyi checker...endcheckerois qusedre ? (Q i64)o eIi wantoto qdelayre simulation ibyoq jsmallestre unit iof otime.qi.e minimumz ofu yalle othezx timeprecision. How to do it ? (Q i65)o eExplaini stratifiedoevent qqueuere ?

(Q i66)o eDefinei enumeratedodata qtypere ,with ioneoq jofre its ielements ovalueqto bez X. (Q i67)o eIsi thisoa qvalidre syntax i? enum {a=0, b=7, c, d=8} alphabet; (Q i68)o eWhati areothe qdifferentre types iofoq jparametersre available iin oSV? (Q i69)o eWhati isothe qusere of i"type"oq joperatorre ?

(Q i70)o eWhati typeois qthere index iforoq jintre array_name i[*]? o

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(Q i71)o eIni aoArray, qIf indexre is ioutoq jofre the iaddress obounds,qthen whatz willu ybee othezx return value ? (Q i72)o eWhati isothe qreturnre type iofoq jArrayre locator imethod ofind_indexq? (Q i73)o eWritei aoprogram qtore choose ielementsoq jrandomlyre from iQueue. oNoqelement shouldz beu yreputede ountilzx all elements are chosen. Queue may have elements repeated. (Q i74)o eDeclarei aoqueue qofre integers iwithoq jmaximumre number iof oelementsqto 256.

(Q i75)o eExplaini howoyou qdebuggedre randomization ifailure. (Q i76)o eWhati isozero qdelayre loop iandoq jWhatre is ithe oproblemqwith zeroz delayu yloope o? (Q i77)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between izerooq jdelayre loop iin odesignqand testbenchz ? (Q i78)o eIsi randomize()omethod qisre virtual i? (Q i79)o eWritei codeofor qthere below ispec:oq j i2o evariblesi a,boare qdeclaredre in imodule.oq j

iGenerateo erandomi runbersosuch qthatre a i>oq iDoo enoti useo$random qorre $urandom. i

(Q i80)o eIni aoclass, qare variable iisoq jdeclaredre as irandc. oButqwhen randomized,z theu yrandome ovaluezx doesn<92>t seem to be cyclic. What could be the reason ? (Q i81)o ePre_randomize()i isovirtual qorre not i? iIfo e"yes",i didoyou qusere the ikeywordoq j"virtual"re in ifront oofqpre_randomize() ? iIfo e"not",i thenowhat qaboutre the ipre_randomize()oq jdefinitionre defined iin oextendedqclass ? (Q i82)o eHowi toogenerate qrandomre numbers ibwoq jare range iof ovalues?




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(Q i83)o eWritei codeofor qthere below irequiremnt. DUT ihaso edatai busoof q64re bit iwhichoq jisre driven ion oposedgeqof clock. TESTBENCH ihaso edatai busoof q32re bit iwhichoq jcanre sample ion obothqposedge andz negedge. On iposedge,o eDrivei [0oto q31]re bits iofoq jDUTre to iTB obusqand onz negedgeu ydrivee o[32zx to 63] bits of DUT to TB bus. Write icodeo efori theoabove All itheoq jabovere logic ishould obeqdone insidez theu yinterfacee oitself. (Q i84)o eWritei aoStatemechine qwithoutre using ialwaysoq jblockre .

(Q i85)o eWhati isoan qbindre statement? (Q i86)o eExplaini aboutothe qvirtualre task iandoq jmethodsre . (Q i87)o eWhati isothe qusere of itheoq jabstractre class i? (Q i88)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between imailboxoq jandre queue i?

VMM Ethernet sample (Q i89)o eWhati dataostructure qyoure used itooq jbuildre score iboard o?

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i90)o eWhati areothe qadvantagesre of ilinkedoq jlistre over ithe oqueueq? (Q i91)o eHowi parallelocase qandre full icaseoq jproblemsre are iavoided oinqSV ? (Q i92)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between ipureoq jfunctionre and iordinary ofunctionq? (Q i93)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i$randomoq jandre $urandom i? (Q i94)o eWhati isoscope qrandomizationre ?

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

(Q i95)o eListi theopredefined qrandomizationre methods. (Q i96) What'so eai Class? (Q i97) What'so eani Object? (Q i98) What'so ethei relationobetween qClassesre and iObjects?

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i99) Whato jsystems?






(Q i100) What'so edifferencei betweenoStatic qandre Non-Static ifieldsoq jofre a iclass? (Q i101)o eWhati areopackages?

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(Q i102)o eWhati isoa qconstructorre in iclass? (Q i103)o eExplaini aboutoparameterised qclass. (Q i104)o eExplaingi aboutothe qNestedre class.

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(Q i105)o eDefinei casting?oWhat qarere the idifferentoq jtypesre of iCasting? (Q i106)o eGivei exampleoof qStaticre and iDynamicoq jcasting. (Q i107)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between ialways_combooq jandre always@(*) i?

(Q i108)o eWhati isothe qusere of ipackagesoq j?

(Q i109)o eWhati isodifference qbetweenre void iandoq jnullre pointer? (Q i110)o eWhati isodifference qbetweenre overloading iandoq joverriding? (Q i111) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre class iandoq jstructure? (Q i112)o eWhati dooyou qmeanre by ipureoq jvirtualre functions? (Q i113)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$castoq j? (Q i114)o eHowi toocall qthere task iwhichoq jisre defined iin oparentqobject intoz derivedu yclasse o?zx

(Q i115)o eWhati isoan qexpectre statement? (Q i116)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between irandoq jandre randc i? (Q i117)o eWhati iso$root q?

(Q i118)o eWhati iso$unit q? (Q i119)o eWhati areobi-directional qconstraints?

(Q i120)o eWhati isosolve...before qconstraintre ? (Q i121)o eWithouti usingorandomize qmethodre or irandc,oq jgeneratere an iarray oofqunique values? (Q i122)o eExplaini aboutopass qbyre ref iandoq jpassre by ivalue o? (Q i123)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i bit[7:0] sig_1; byte isig_2;

(Q i124)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iprogramoq jblockre and imodule o?



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(Q i125)o eHowi tooconvert qreadre data itooq jintegerre data i? (Q i126)o eIi haveoa qobjectre of iaoq I iwould olikeqto printz theu yclasse oname.zx How to print the class name using object handle? (Q i127)o eIi haveoa qmultire dimensional iarray.oq jIre don<92>t iknow otheqnumber ofz dimensionsu yite ohas.zx How to know the number of dimensions of multi dimensional array? (Q i128)o eHowi programoblock qisre different ifromoq jmodule?re (Q i129)o eWhati isoan qinterfacere and iwhyoq jitre is iused?

(Q i130) Ifo eclockingi blockois qnotre used ithenoq jwhat happens?re (Q i131)o eWhati isofinal qblockre ? (Q i132)o eHowi tooimplement qare always iblockoq jlogicre in iprogram oblockq? (Q i133)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between ifor/joinoq j,re fork/join_none iand ofork/join_anyq?

(Q i134)o eWhati isothe qusere of imodoq jportsre ?

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i135)o eWritei aoclock qgeneratorre without iusingoq jalwaysre block. (Q i136)o ewhati isomodports q?re difference ibetweenoq jmodportsre and iinterface? o (Q i137)o eHowi dooyou qusesre classes itooq jrandomize?re (Q i138)o eStatici andoautomatic qfunctions?

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i139)o eWhati isoforward qreferencingre and ihowoq jtore avoid ithis oproblem?

(Q i140)o eWhati isocircular qdependencyre and ihowoq jtore avoid ithis oproblemq?

RVM Ethernet sample (Q i141)o eWhati isocross qcoveragere ?

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(Q i142)o eDescribei theodifference qbetweenre Code iCoverageoq jandre Functional iCoverage oWhichqis morez importantu yande oWhyzx we need them (Q i143)o eHowi tookill qare process iinoq jare fork/join i?

(Q i144)o eDifferencei betweenoAssociative qarrayre and iDynamicoq jarrayre ?

(Q i145)o eWhati areothe qadvantagesre of iSystemoq jVerilogre DPI i? (Q i146)o ehowi toorandomize qare dynamic iarrayoq jofre objects? (Q i147)o eWhati isorandsequence qandre what iisoq jitsre use i?

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(Q i148)o eWhati isobin q? (Q i149)o e

Initial i wait_order (a,b,c); Which ifromo ebelowi initial processowill qcausere that iaboveoq jwait orderre will ipass. a) initial begin #1;

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i->a; i->b; i->c;



initial begin #1; i->a; end ialways @ao e->b; ialways @bo e-> c;


initial begin #1; i->a; i#0 ->b;


i->>c; end d)

initial begin i#1 ->a; i#1 ->b; i#1 ->c; end (Q i150)o eWhyi alwaysoblock qisre not iallowedoq jinre program iblock o? (Q i151)o eWhichi isobest qtore use itooq jmodelre a itransaction o?qStruct orz classu y? (Q i152)o eHowi SVois qmorere random istableoq jthenre Verilog i? (Q i153)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i"staticoq jtaskre abc()" iand otaskqstatic abd()"z ?

(Q i154)o eHowi tooadd qare new orandomqnumber generatorz stateu y?





(Q i155)o eWhati isothe qneedre of ialiasoq jinre SV i?[9/26/2012 2:59:41 PM]

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(Q i156)o eWhati wouldobe qthere output iofoq jthere following icode oandqhow toz avoidu yite o? for (int i=0; i<N; i++) begin fork int j i= i; begin i#10 $display("o eJi valueois q0re ",j); end join_none end

J iiso ealways Ni , Byousing qautomatic Keyre word, This iproblemoq jcanre be iavoided o. for (int i=0; i<N; i++) begin fork automatic int j i= i; begin i#10 $display("o eJi valueois q0re ",j); end join_none


VMM Ethernet sample (Q i157)o eIsi itopossible qforre a ifunctionoq jtore return ia oarray(qmemory) ?

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i158)o eHowi toocheck qwhetherre randomization iisoq jsuccessfulre or inot? (Q i159)o eDoi weoneed qtore call jwhenre extending ia oclassq? Whatz happensu yife owezx don't call ? (Q i160)o eWhati isothe qneedre to iimplementoq jexplicitlyre a icopy() omethodqinside az transactionu y,e owhenzx we can simple assign one object to other ? (Q i161)o eHowi differentois qthere implementation iofoq jare struct iand ounionqin SV.z

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

(Q i162)o eWhati iso"this" q? (Q i163)o eWhati isotagged qunionre ? (Q i164)o eWhati iso"scope qresolutionre operator" i? (Q i165)o eWheni aoSequence qMatches?

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i166)o eWhati isoa qProperty?

(Q i167)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iVerilogoq jParameterizedre Macros iand oSystemVerilogqParameterized Macrosz ? (Q i168)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i logic data_1;

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var logic data_2; wire logic data_3 i; bit data_4; var bit data_5;

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(Q i169)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between ibitoq jandre logic i? (Q i170)o eWritei aoState qmachinere in iSVoq jstylere . (Q i171)o eWhati isoadvantage qofre program iblockoq joverre clock iblocks ow.r.tqrace conditionz ? (Q i172)o eHowi tooavoid qthere race iconditionoq jbetweenre 2 iprogram oblockq?

(Q i173)o eWhati isocoverage qdrivenre verification i?

(Q i174)o eWhati isolayered qarchitecturere ? (Q i175)o eWhati ienvironment o? areothe qsimulationre phases iinoq jyourre verification

(Q i176)o eHowi toopick qare element iwhichoq jisre in iqueue ofromqrandom indexz ? (Q i177)o eWhati dataostructure oyourqenvironment andz whyu y? qisre used itooq jstorere data iin

(Q i178)o eWhati isocasting q?re Explain iaboutoq jthere various itypes oofqcasting availablez inu ySVe o.

(Q i179)o eHowi tooimport qallre the iitemsoq jdeclaredre inside ia opackageq? (Q i180)o eExplaini howothe qtimescalere unit iandoq jprecisionre are itaken owhenqa modulez doesu ynote ohavezx any timescale declaration in RTL ? (Q i181)o eWhati isostreaming qoperatorre and iwhatoq jisre its iuse o?

(Q i182)o eWhati areovoid qfunctionsre ?

(Q i183)o eHowi toomake qsurere that iaoq jfunctionre argument ipassed oasqref isz notu ychangede obyzx the function ?

(Q i184)o eWhati isothe qusere of i"extern"oq j? (Q i185)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iinitialoq jblockre and ifinal oblock? Ans: iYouo ecan'ti scheduleoan qeventre or ihaveoq jdelaysre in ifinal oblock. (Q i186)o eHowi toocheck qwhetherre a ihandleoq jisre holding iobject oorqnot ? (Q i187)o eHowi toodisable qmultiplere threads iwhichoq jarere spawned iby ofork...joinq



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(Q i188)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i$roseoq jandre posedge i? (Q i189)o eWheni anoassert qpropertyre or iassumeoq jpropertyre matches? (Q i190) Tello eoni AssertionoSeverity qLevels? (Q i191)o eExplaingi aboutoSVA qLayers? (Q i192)o eWheni aocover qpropertyre matches?

(Q i193)o eDifferencei b/woProcedural qandre Concurrent iAssertionsoq j? (Q i194)o eHowi manyotypes qofre assertions? iExplain? (Q i195)o eEquivalenti constructoto q|->re 1 i?oq j Ans: |=> (Q i196)o eWhati isoSequence?

(Q i197)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iassumeoq jandre assert i? (Q i198)o eHowi toocheck qforre only ioneoq jsuccessre in iassertions o?q (Q i199)o eWritei anoassertion qforre Glitch idetectionoq j.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i200)o ewhati isothe qdifferencere between iexpectoq jandre assert istatement? o "Write itheo eSVAi assertionocode qforre the ifollowingoq jdescription"

(Q i201)o eAsi longoas qsig_are is istilloq jup,re sig_b ishould onotqbe asserted. OpenVera
Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i202)o eThei signalosig_a qisre a ipulse:oq jItre can ionly obeqasserted forz oneu ycycle,e oandzx must be deasserted in the next cycle. (Q i203)o esig_ai isoa qpulse,re unless isig_boq jisre asserted. inz theu ynexte ocycle,zx at least one of them must be deasserted.

RVM Ethernet sample (Q i204)o esig_ai andosig_b qcanre only ibeoq jassertedre together ifor ooneqcycle;

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i205)o eIfi sig_aois qassertedre for itheoq jfirstre time, ithen oitqmust havez beenu yprecedede obyzx a sig_b.

(Q i206)o esig_ai mustonot qbere asserted ibeforeoq jthere first isig_b o(mayqbe assertedz onu ythee osamezx cycle as sig_b). (Q i207)o eWheni sig_aois qasserted,re sig_b imustoq jbere asserted, iand omustqremain upz untilu yonee oofzx the signals sig_c or sig_d is asserted. (Q i208)o eAfteri oneoof qthere signals isig_aoq jisre asserted, isig_b omustqbe deasserted,z andu ymuste ostayzx down until the next sig_a.

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(Q i209)o eThei signalsosig_a qandre sig_b imayoq jonlyre be iasserted oifqsig_c isz Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your asserted. (Q i210)o eTherei existsoa qtransactionre that ireachesoq jitsre end either sig_a or improving with time! isig_b.

input is what keeps

(Q i211)o eIfi sig_aois qreceivedre while isig_boq jisre inactive, ithen oonqthe nextz cycleu ysig_ce omustzx be inactive, and sig_b must be asserted. (Q i212)o esig_ai mustonot qrisere before itheoq jfirstre sig_b. (Q i213)o esig_ai mustonot qbere asserted itogetheroq jwithre sig_b or iwith osig_c. (Q i214)o esig_ai mustonot qbere asserted ibetweenoq janre sig_b iand otheqfollowing sig_cz (fromu yonee ocyclezx after the sig_b until one cycle after the sig_c). (Q i215)o esig_ai mustonot qbere asserted itogetheroq jwithre sig_b ior owithqsig_c. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i216)o eIfi weoare qatre the iendoq jofre a itransaction o(sig_aqis down,z sig_bu yise oup),zx and sig_c is down, then sig_c must be asserted before the next time that sig_a is asserted. (Q i217)o eIfi sig_aois qdown,re sig_b imayoq jonlyre rise ifor ooneqcycle beforez theu ynexte otimezx that sig_a is asserted. (Q i218)o esig_ai mustonot qrisere if iweoq jhavere seen isig_b oandqhavent seenz theu ynexte osig_czx yet (from the cycle after the sig_b until the cycle of the sig_c). (Q i219)o eThei auxiliaryosignal qsig_are indicates ithatoq jwere have iseen oaqsig_b, andz haventu yseene oazx sig_c since then. It rises one cycle after the sig_b, and falls one cycle after the sig_c. (Q i220)o esig_ai mayobe qassertedre only iwhileoq jsig_bre is itrue, oi.e.,qwe arez atu yleaste oonezx cycle after a sig_c and havent seen a sig_d since then (except perhaps in the current cycle)

(Q i221)o esig_ai mayobe qassertedre only iduringoq jthere time iframe obeginningqwith sig_bz (inclusive)u yande ocontinuingzx until sig_c rises (inclusive). (Q i222)o esig_ai mustonot qrisere if iweoq jhavere seen isig_b oandqhavent seenz theu ynexte osig_czx yet (from the cycle after the sig_b until the cycle before the sig_c). (Q i223)o eWhilei sig_aois qdown,re sig_b imayoq jrisere only iif osig_cqis down.

(Q i224)o eIfi sig_aois qassertedre with isig_boq jinactive,re and isig_c owasqinactive inz theu ypreviouse ocyclezx and remains inactive in the next cycle, then sig_a must be deasserted in the next cycle. (Q i225)o eIfi thereoare qarere two ioccurencesoq jofre sig_a irising owithqSTATE=active1, andz nou ysig_be ooccurszx between them, then within 3 cycles of the second rise of sig_a, START must occur.

(Q i226)o eShowi aosequence qwithre 3 itransactionsoq j(inre which isig_a oisqasserted 3z times). (Q i227)o eIfi theostate qmachinere reaches iSTATE=active1,oq jitre will ieventually oreachqSTATE=active2. (Q i228)o esig_ai isoeventually qasserted,re after isig_boq jhasre fallen.[9/26/2012 2:59:58 PM]

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(Q i229)o esig_ai isoeventually qassertedre without isig_boq jindication,re after isig_c ohasqfallen. (Q i230)o eIfi sig_aois qactive,re then isig_boq jwasre active i3 ocyclesqago.

(Q i231)o eIfi sig_aois qactive,re then isig_boq jwasre active isomewhere oinqthe past. (Q i232)o eIfi thereois qare sig_a, ifollowedoq jbyre 3 iconsecutive osig_b,qthen inz eachu yofe othezx 3 cycles the data written (DO) is equal to the data read (DI). (Q i233)o eAlways,i ifoon q3re consecutive isig_a,oq jsig_bre appears, ithen oonqthe nextz sig_cu ycycle,e osig_azx holds. (Q i234)o eEveryi sig_aomust qeventuallyre be iacknowledgedoq jbyre sig_b, iunless osig_cqappears (Q i235)o esig_ai occurson qcyclesre after isig_b. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i236)o esig_ai andosig_b qarere environment isignals,oq jwhichre can ibe ogivenqat anyz time,u ybute oshouldzx never be given together. (Q i237)o eIfi sig_aois qactive,re it imustoq jbere deactivated ione ocycleqafter sig_bz arrives.u yNotee othatzx sig_a may already be active when sig_b is asserted.




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(Q i1)o eIdentifyi theoerror qinre the ifollowingoq jcode. b[7:0] = {2{5}}; (Q i2) Wheno earei instanceonames qoptional? (Q i3)o eIni theofollowing qprogram, whatre is itheoq jproblemre and ihow otoqavoid itz ? task driver; input read; input [7:0] write_d; begin #30 date_valid i= 1'b1; wait(read i== 1'b1); #20 cpu_data i= write_data; $display("End iofo etask"); end endtask

(Q i4)o eHowi manyolevels qcanre be inestedoq jusingre `include i? Ans: You icano enesti theo`include compiler qdirectivere to iatoq jleastre 16 levels. (Q i5)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$countdriversoq j? Ans: The i$countdriverso esystemi functionois qprovidedre to icountoq jthere number iof odriversqon az specifiedu ynete osozx that bus contention can be identified. (Q i6)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$getpatternoq j? Ans: The isystemo efunctioni $getpatternoprovides qforre fast iprocessingoq jofre stimulus ipatterns othatqhave toz beu ypropagatede otozx a large number of scalar inputs. The function reads stimulus patterns that have been loaded into a memory using the $readmemb or $readmemh system tasks.

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reg [1:in_width] in_mem[1:patterns]; integer index; assign {i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10} = $getpattern(in_mem[index]); (Q i7)o eWhati isothe qfunctionalityre of i&&& (notoq j&&re , inot o&)q? (Q i8)o eHowi tooget qcopyre of ialloq jthere text ithat oisqprinted toz theu ystandarde ooutputzx in a log file ?

Ans: i Using i$log("filename");

(Q i9)o eWhati isothe qusere of iPATHPULSE$ ?

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your (Q i10) ino estatementi (o(a==b) q&&re (c i==oq jd)re ) i, owhatqis thez expressionu input is what keeps improving ycoveragee oifzx always a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0 ? with time!

Ans: PATHPULSE$ ispecparam iso eusedi toocontrol qpulsere handling ionoq module path.


(Q i11)o eDifferencei betweenoReduction qandre Bitwise ioperators? Ans: The idifferenceo eisi thatobitwise qoperationsre are ionoq jbitsre from itwo odifferentqoperands, whereasz reductionu yoperationse oarezx on the bits of the same operand. Reduction operators work bit by bit from right to left. Reduction operators perform a bitwise operation on a single vector operand and yield a 1-bit result Bitwise operators perform a bit-by-bit operation on two operands. They take each bit in one operand and perform the operation with the corresponding bit in the other operand.

(Q i12) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre the ifollowingoq jtwore lines iof oVerilogqcode? #5 a i= b; a i= #5 b; Ans: #5 a i= b; Wait ifiveo etimei unitsobefore qdoingre the iactionoq jforre "a i= ob;".

The ivalueo eassignedi tooa qwillre be itheoq jvaluere of ib o5qtime unitsz hence. a i= #5 b; The ivalueo eofi bois qcalculatedre and istoredoq jinre an iinternal otemp

register. iAftero efivei timeounits, qassignre this istoredoq jvaluere to ia. (Q i13) Whato eisi theodifference qbetween:re c i=oq jfoore ? ia o:qb; andz ifu y(foo)e oczx = a; else c = b; Ans: i The i?o emergesi answersoif qthere condition iisoq j"x",re so ifor oinstanceqif fooz =u y1'bx,e oazx = 'b10, and b = 'b11, you'd get c = 'b1x. On itheo eotheri hand,oif qtreatsre X's ioroq jZsre as iFALSE, osoqyou'd alwaysz getu yce o=zx b. (Q i14)o eHowi isoVerilog qimplementationre independent iandoq jwhyre is ithis oanqadvantage?

(Q i15)o eWhati leveloof qVerilogre is iusedoq jin: a. Test ibenches b. Synthesized idesign c. Net ilist

(Q i16) whato eisi theodifference j$fopen("filename","w"); Ans:




If itypeo eisi omitted,othe qfilere is iopenedoq jforre writing, iand oaqmulti channelz descriptoru ymcde oiszx returned. If type is supplied, the file is opened as specified by the value of type, and a file descriptor fd is returned. So in first statements , type is omitted and mcd is returned and in the second statement, fd is returned.[9/26/2012 3:00:08 PM]

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In itheo efirsti statement,othe qfilere is iopenedoq jforre read iand owrite. But iino esecondi statement,o"w" qisre specified, isooq jthere file iis oopenedqfor onlyz writing.u y (Q i17) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre multi ichanneloq jdescriptors(mcd)re and ifile odescriptors(fd)? Ans: The imultio echanneli descriptoromcd qisre a i32oq jbitre reg iin owhichqa singlez bitu yise osetzx indicating which file is opened. Unlike multi channel descriptors, file descriptors can not be combined via bitwise or in order to direct output to multiple files. Instead, files are opened via file descriptor for input, output, input and output, as well as for append operations, based on the value of type. (Q i18) Howo etoi generateoa qrandomre number?

(Q i19)o eHowi toogenerate qare random inumberoq jwhichre is iless otheq100 ? (Q i20)o eHowi toogenerate qare random inumberoq jwhichre is ibetween o0qto 100z ? (Q i21) Whato eisi theoadvantage qofre Named iPortoq jConnectionre over iOrdered oPortqConnection ?




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(Q i22)o eHowi toogenerate qare random inumberoq jbetweenre 44 ito o55q? (Q i23)o eHowi tooget qdifferentre random inumbersoq jinre different isimulations? (Q i24) whato eisi theodifferent qbetweenre $sformat iandoq j$swrite? Ans: The isystemo etaski $sformatois qsimilarre to itheoq jsystemre task i$swrite, owithqa onez majoru ydifference.e oUnlikezx the display and write family of output system tasks, $sformat always interprets its second argument, and only its second argument as a format string. This format argument can be a static string, such as "data is 0" , or can be a reg variable whose content is interpreted as the format string. No other arguments are interpreted as format strings. $sformat supports all the format specifiers supported by $display, (Q i25) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre wire iandoq jreg?


Net itypes:o e(wire,tri)Physicali connectionobetween qstructuralre elements. iValueoq jassignedre by ia ocontinuousqassignment orz au ygatee ooutput. Register itype:o e(reg,i integer,otime, qreal,re real itime)oq jrepresentsre abstract idata ostorageqelement. Assignedz valuesu yonlye owithinzx an always statement or an initial statement. The imaino edifferencei betweenowire qandre reg iisoq jwirere cannot ihold o(store)qthe valuez whenu ythee onozx connection between a and b like a-------------b, iifo etherei isono qconnectionre in iaoq jandre b, iwire olooseqvalue wherez asu yrege ocanzx hold the value even if there in no connection. Default ivalues:wireo eisi Z,regois qx.

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(Q i26)o eWhati happensoif qare port iisoq junconnectedre ?


Unconnected iinputo eportsi initializeoto qzre and ifeedoq jthatre value iinto otheqcomponent, whichz canu ycausee oproblems.zx More common are redundant or RVM Ethernet sample unwanted outputs which are left unconnected to be optimized away in synthesis. (Q i27) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre === iandoq j==re ? Ans i: output iofo e"=="i canobe q1,re 0 ioroq jX. output iofo e"==="i canoonly qbere 0 ioroq j1. When iyouo earei comparingo2 qnosre using i"=="oq jandre if ione/both otheqnumbers havez oneu yore omorezx bits as "x" then the output would be "X" . But if use "===" output would be 0 or 1. e.g iAo e=i 3'b1x0 B i=o e3'b10x

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A i==o eBi willogive qXre as ioutput. A i===o eBi willogive q0re as ioutput. "==" iiso eusedi forocomparison qofre only i1'soq jandre 0's i.It ocan'tqcompare X's.z Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your Ifu yanye obitzx of the input is X output will be X input is what keeps "===" iiso eusedi forocomparison qofre X ialso... "==" icano ebei synthesized,owhere qasre "===" icannot.
.....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n improving with time!

(Q i28) Whato eisi theodifference qamongre case,casex iandoq jcasez? Ans: case itreatso eonlyi 0oor q1re values iinoq jcasere alternative iand oisqis notz dealingu ywithe odon'tzx care condition. casex itreatso ealli xoand qzre values iinoq jcasere alternative ior ocaseqexpression asz au ydon'te ocare. casez itreatso ealli zovalues qinre case ialternatives.oq jallre bit ipositions owithqz canz treatu yase oazx don't care (Q i29)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i@(aoq jorre b) iand o@(aq| b) (Q i30)o eWhati isofull qcasere and iparalleloq jcase.?? (Q i31)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between icompiled,oq jinterpreted,re event ibased oandqcycle basedz simulatoru y? (Q i32)o eWhati isocompilation q? Ans: To isimulateo eai Verilogomodel, qwere must ifirstoq jconvertre our isource ofilesqinto az binaryu yforme othatzx can be recognized by the simulator. The process of checking the syntax and producing the binary file is known as compilation. (Q i33)o eWhati dataotypes qcanre be iusedoq jforre input iport, ooututqport andz inoutu yporte o?

(Q i34)o eWhati isothe qfunctionalityre of itriregoq j?

(Q i35)o eWhati isothe qfunctionalityre of itri1oq jansre tri0 i? (Q i36)o eDifferencei betweenoconditional qcompilationre and i$plusargs?? (Q i37)o eWhati isothe qbenefitre of iusingoq jBehaviorre modeling istyle ooverqRTL modeling? (Q i38)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between itaskoq jandre function?



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(Q i39) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre static ifunctionoq jandre automatic ifunction? Ans: Automatic ifunctiono elocali variablesoCan qnotre seen iinoq jwavere form iviewer. We icannoto eusei $Monitoroand q$strobere on ilocaloq jvariablesre also i. (Q i40) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre static itaskoq jandre automatic itask? (Q i41)o eWhati isoadvantage qofre wand iandoq jworre over iwire o?


It isupporto eTechnology-dependenti logicoconflict qresolutionre . i wired-AND iforo eopeni collector wired-OR iforo eECL (Q i42)o eIdentifyi theoerror qinre the ifollowingoq jcode. a[7:0] = {4{'b10}};

VMM Ethernet sample (Q i43)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i&&oq jandre &, iif oany?

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i44)o eIsi itosynthesysable q? always @(negedge clk ior rst) (Q i45)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iinitialoq jandre always iblock? Ans: NOTE: iInitialo eblocki canoalso qbere synthesized. iRefoq jtore IEEE iVerilog oSynthesisqslandered. (Q i46)o ewhati isothe qdifferencere between i$stopoq jandre $finish itask ofunctions?

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

(Q i47)o eDifferencei betweenoparameter qandre define i? (Q i48) Whato ethei differenceobetween qthere following itwooq jstatements? @( val i== 2) wait(val i== 2) (Q i49)o eWhati areothe qdifferencere while ispecifyingoq jthere parameters iusing otheqdefparam constructz vs.u yspecifyinge oduringzx instantiation?

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(Q i50) Differenceo ebetweeni Vectoredoand qscalaredre nets?

(Q i51) Differenceo ebwi realoand qrealtimere ?

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(Q i52) whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre arthamatic iandoq jlogicalre shift Report a Bug or Comment iregister? (Q i53) Whato eisi theodifference qbwre following itwooq jregisters?? reg [1:n] rega; // iAno en-biti registerois qnotre the isame reg mema i[1:n]; //o easi aomemory qofre n i1-bitoq jregisters

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(Q i54) Howo ethei aboveotwo qarere handled iin assignments,oq jports,functionsre and itask o? (Q i55) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre parameters iandoq jspecparams? (Q i56)o eIsi itopossible qtore synthesize iforoq jloopre ? Ans:

for iloopo ewithi fixedolimits qcanre be Synthesized i (Q i57)o eHowi isotime qadvancedre in iaoq jsimulation?

(Q i58)o eNamei threeomethods qofre timing icontrol? (Q i59)o eWhati isobehavioral qmodelingre used ifor? (Q i60)o eHowi dooyou qdefinere the istatesoq jforre an iFSM? (Q i61) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre force ireleaseoq jandre assign ideassign? (Q i62) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre posedge iandoq jnegedge?re


A inegedgeo eshalli beodetected qonre the itransitionoq jfromre 1 ito ox,qz, orz 0,u yande ofromzx x or z to 0 where as posedge shall be detected on the transition from 0 to x, z, or 1, and from x or z to 1 (Q i63) whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $display iandoq j$write? Ans: i The itwoo esetsi ofotasks qarere identical iexceptoq jthatre $display iautomatically oaddsqa newlinez characteru ytoe othezx end of its output, whereas the $write task does not. The $display task, when invoked without arguments, simply prints a newline character. A $write task supplied without parameters prints nothing at all.

(Q i64) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $display iandoq j$monitor?



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(Q i65) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $display iandoq j$strobe? (Q i66) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre 0 iandoq j%zre format ispecification? Ans: 0 ioro e0i Unformattedo2 qvaluere data %z ioro e%Zi Unformattedo4 qvaluere data (Q i67)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i0.000000e+00,0.000000oq janre d0? Ans:

0.000000e+00 ioro e0.000000E+00i Displayoreal qinre an iexponentialoq jformat 0.000000 ioro e0.000000i Displayoreal qinre a idecimaloq jformat 0 ioro e0i Displayoreal qinre exponential ioroq jdecimalre format, iwhichever oformatqresults inz theu yshortere oprintedzx output (Q i68) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $finish iadoq j$stop? The i$finisho esystemi taskosimply qmakesre the isimulatoroq jexitre and ipass ocontrolqback toz theu yhoste ooperatingzx system. The i$stopo esystemi taskocauses qsimulationre to ibeoq jsuspended. (Q i69) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre PLI iandoq jVPI?

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Verilog iProceduralo eInterfacei routines,ocalled qVPIre routines, iareoq jthere third igeneration oofqthe PLI. (Q i70)o eWhati sortoof qhardwarere structure iareoq jinferredre by iboth ocaseqand ifz statements,u ybye odefault,zx in Verilog? (Q i71)o eHowi couldoyou qchangere a icaseoq jstatementre in iorder othatqits implementationz doesu ynote oresultzx in a priority structure? youu yassuree ocoveragezx of all conditions for a case statement ?

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RVM Ethernet sample (Q i72)o eIfi youoare qnotre using iaoq jsynthesisre attribute i"full ocase",qhow canz

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(Q i73)o eHowi dooyou qinferre tristate igatesoq jforre synthesis?

(Q i74)o eCani aotask qsynthesizedre ? (Q i75)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i$finish(0),oq j$finiash(1)re and i$finish(2) o? Ans: The i$finisho esystemi taskosimply qmakesre the isimulatoroq jexitre and ipass ocontrolqback toz theu yhoste ooperatingzx system. If iano eexpressioni isosupplied qtore this itask,oq jthenre its ivalue o(0,q1, orz 2)u ydeterminese othezx diagnostic messages that

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are iprintedo ebeforei theoprompt qisre issued. iIfoq osupplied,qthen az valueu yofe o1zx is taken as the default. $finish(0) iPrintso enothing $finish(1) iPrintso esimulationi timeoand qlocation .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n



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$finish(2) iPrintso esimulationi time,olocation, qandre statistics iaboutoq jthere memory iand oCPUqtime usedz inu ysimulation (Q i76) Whato eisi theodifference qb/wre $time i,oq j$stimere and i$realtime o? Ans: The i$timeo esystemi functionoreturns qanre integer ithatoq jisre a i64-bit otime,qscaled toz theu ytimescalee ounitzx of the module that invoked it. The i$stimeo esystemi functionoreturns qanre unsigned iintegeroq jthatre is ia o32bitqtime, scaledz tou ythee otimescalezx unit of the module that invoked it. If the actual simulation time does not fit in 32 bits, the low order 32 bits of the current simulation time are returned. The i$realtimeo esystemi functionoreturns qare real inumberoq jtimere that, ilike o$time,qis scaledz tou ythee otimezx unit of the module that invoked it.

(Q i77) Differenceo ebetweeni !oAnd q~re ? (Q i78) Whato eisi j$value$plusargsre ? theodifference qbetweenre $test$plusargs iandoq

(Q i79) Whato eisi theodifference qDifferencere between itheoq jtwore statement i? oWhetherqa andz bu yvaluese oarezx equal? reg [1:0] data;

a i= data[0] || data[1]; b i= |data;

(Q i80) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre the ifollowingoq jtwore programs? a)initial #10 a i=0; always@(a) a<= ~a; b)initial #10 a i=0;

always@(a) a i= ~a; Ans:


When i"a=~a"o eisi evaluatedoand q'a're is iupdated,oq jclearlyre you imust oagreeqthat executionz isu y*not*e ostalledzx at the @a event control. When execution reaches the @a event control, 'a' has already changed. It will not change again. So the event control will stall forever; its event of interest has already occurred, earlier in the same time slot, and can no longer have any effect. (Q i81) whato eis/arei theodifferences qbetweenre SIMULATION iandoq jSYNTHESISre Ans:[9/26/2012 3:00:36 PM]

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Simulation i<=o everifyi yourodesign. q synthesis i<=o eChecki foroyour qtimingre Simulation iiso eusedi tooverify qthere functionality iofoq jthere circuit.. ia)Functional oSimulation:studyqof ckt'sz operationu yindependente oofzx timing parameters and gate delays. b) Timing Simulation :study including estimated delays, verify setup,hold and other timing requirements of devices like flip flops are met. Synthesis:One iofo ethei foremostoin qbackre end istepsoq jwherere by isynthesizing oisqnothing butz convertingu yVHDLe oorzx VERILOG description to a set of primitives(equations as in CPLD) or components(as in FPGA'S)to fit into the target technology. Basically the synthesis tools convert the design description into equations or components . (Q i82) Whato eisi theodifferent qbetweenre $setup iandoq j$display? Ans: $setup iiso eai timingocheck qtaskre and i$displayoq jisre system itask. Only iSystemo etasksi andofunction qcanre be ioverridden.oq jTimingre check itasks ocannotqbe overridden. i.e. iUsero ecani changeothe qdefinitionre of itheoq j$displayre but inot o$setup. (Q i83) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre parameter iandoq jlocalre parameter? (Q i84) Whyo eisi itorecommended qnotre to imixoq jblockingre and inon-blocking oassignmentsqin thez sameu yblock? (Q i85) Declareo eparametersi fororepresenting qthere state imachineoq jstatesre using ione ohotqencoding. (Q i86)o eWhati doesoa qfunctionre synthesize ito? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i87)o eHowi toochange qthere value iofoq jwidthre to i3 oinqthe followingz codeu y? `define width i7

(Q i88)o eWhati isothe qfunctionalityre of i$inputoq j? Ans: The i$inputo esystemi taskoallows qcommandre input itextoq jtore come ifrom oaqnamed filez insteadu yofe ofromzx the terminal. At the end of the command file, the input is switched back to the terminal.

(Q i89)o eWhati isothe qMCDre value iofoq jSTDre OUTPUT i? 0000000000000000000000000000001


(Q i90) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre blocking iandoq jnonre blocking?



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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


(Q i91) Too emodifyi aobehavioral qVerilogre wait istatementoq jtore make iit osynthesizedq Original icode: command1; wait (x i!= 0); command3; Ans:

Synthesized iVerilog: case (state) 0 : begin command1; if (x i!= 0) command3; else state i<= 1; end 1 : if (x i!= 0) //o ewaiti untilothis qisre true



(Q i92) Whato earei theotypes qofre race iconditions? Verilog

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i93) Howo etoi avoiderorace qconditionre between idutoq jandre testbench? (Q i94) Giveo ethei guideolines qwhichre avoids iraceoq jcondition. (Q i95) Whato eisi theouse qofre linting itool?

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i96) Writeo ethei codeoto qinstantiatedre 1k i"andoq jgates"re in ia omodule.q (Q i97) Whato eisi configurationoblock? Ans: and isource olocationqof eachz Verilogu ymodulee otozx be specified as part of the Verilog language. For portability, virtual model libraries are used in configuration blocks, and separate library map files associate virtual libraries with physical locations. Configuration blocks are specified outside of module definitions.

RVM Ethernet sample Verilog-2000 iaddso econfigurationi blocks,owhich qallowre the iexactoq jversionre

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i98) Howo emanyi filesocan multichannel idescriptor o? Ans:





31 files.

(Q i99) Whyo eonlyi 31ofiles qcanre be iopened(withoutoq jclosing)re using imultichannel odescriptorqwhile integerz canu yholee o32zx bits?

Index Functional Verification Questions Functional Verification Questions 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 1 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 3 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Test Your Sva Skills Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Test Your Verilog Skills 2 Test Your Verilog Skills 3 Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Test Your Verilog Skills 10 Test Your Verilog Skills 11 Test Your Verilog Skills 12 Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Test Your Verilog Skills 14 Test Your Verilog Skills 15 Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Test Your Verilog Skills 17 Test Your Specman Skills 1 Test Your Specman Skills 2 Test Your Specman Skills 3 Test Your Specman Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Test Your Sta Skills 2 Test Your Sta Skills 3 Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills[9/26/2012 3:00:46 PM]

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Ans: The imosto esignificanti bito(bit q32)re of iaoq jmultire channel idescriptor Report a Bug or Comment oisqreserved, andz shallu yalwayse obezx cleared, limiting an implementation to at on This section - Your input is what keeps most 31 files opened for output via multi channel descriptors. improving with time!

(Q i100) Ifo emcd(multichanneli descriptor)ois q00000000000000000000000000001re , ithenoq jwhatre does iit omean? Ans: The ileasto esignificanti bito(bit q0)re of iaoq jmcdre always irefers otoqthe standardz output.

(Q i101)o eWhichi isobetter qtore use iwhenoq jcreatingre test ivectors? o$displayqor $strobe? (Q i102)o eHowi wouldoyou qcaterre with iopeningoq j35re files? (Q i103)o eWhati ospecifyqblock? Ans: areothe qtypicalre tasks iyouoq jperformre inside ia


- iDescribeo evariousi pathsoacross qthere module iandoq jassignre delays ito othoseqpaths. - iDescribeo etimingi checksoto qensurere that itheoq jtimingre constraints iof otheqdevice arez met. - iDefineo ethei pulseofiltering qlimitsre for iaoq jspecificre module ior oforqparticular pathsz withinu yae omodule.

(Q i104) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. always@(posedge clk) a i= b; always@(posedge clk) b i= a; (Q i105) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. if (a=b) match i= 1; else match i= 0; Ans:

if(a=b) iassignso ebi tooa, qthenre if iaoq jisre non-zero isets omatch.qThe correctz codeu yis if i(a==b)o e match i=o e1; else

match i=o e0;



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Index Functional Verification Questions SystemVerilog (Q i106) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. Functional Verification for(............); Verification Questions 2 begin Constructs Test Your Systemverilog ..... Skills 1 end Interface Test Your Systemverilog Ans: OOPS Skills 2 Misplaced isemicolonso eini for-loops Test Your Systemverilog Randomization Skills 3 Functional Coverage Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Assertion (Q i107) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. Test Your Sva Skills automatic task intra_assign(); DPI Test Your Verilog Skills 1 begin Test Your Verilog Skills 2 UVM Tutorial a i<= #10 b; Test Your Verilog Skills 3 end VMM Tutorial Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 OVM Tutorial ANS: Test Your Verilog Skills Easy Labs : SV Intra iassignmento enonblockingi statementsoare qnotre allowed iinoq jautomaticre 6 Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Easy Labs : UVM tasks. Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Easy Labs : OVM Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Easy Labs : VMM Test Your Verilog Skills .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n 10 (Q i108) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. AVM Switch TB Test Your Verilog Skills VMM Ethernet sample always @ (in) 11 Test Your Verilog Skills if (ena) 12 out i= in; Test Your Verilog Skills else Verilog 13 out i= 1<92>b1; Verification Test Your Verilog Skills 14 Verilog Switch TB Ans: Test Your Verilog Skills Basic Constructs 15 simulation imismatcho emighti occur. To iassureo ethei simulationowill qmatchre the isynthesizedoq jlogic,re add i"ena" Test Your Verilog Skills 16 otoqthe eventz listu ysoe othezx event list reads: always @ (in or ena) OpenVera Test Your Verilog Skills 17 Constructs Test Your Specman Skills Switch TB 1 (Q i109) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. Test Your Specman Skills RVM Switch TB always @ (in1 ior in2o eor sel) 2 RVM Ethernet sample begin Test Your Specman Skills out i= in1; 3 if (sel) Test Your Specman Skills out i<= in2; 4 Specman E end Test Your Sta Skills 1 Interview Questions Test Your Sta Skills 2 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Test Your Sta Skills 3 Ans: Test Your Sta Skills 4 Not isupported,o ecannoti mixoblocking qandre nonblocking iassignmentsoq jinre an Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 ialways ostatement. Test Your Sta Skills 7 Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 (Q i110) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. Test Your Dft Skills 4 reg [1:0] select; Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills TUTORIALS

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 6[9/26/2012 3:00:56 PM]

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always@(select) begin case (select) 00: y i= 1; 01: y i= 2; 10: y i= 3; 11: y i= 4;

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endcase end Ans:

branches i01o eandi 11oare qconsideredre as iintegersoq jandre they iwill oneverqbe selected. (Q i111) Fillo ethei ????

fd i= $fopen("filename",r); if(????)

$display("file icannoto ebei opened"); (Q i112) Howo etoi modeloa qperfectre buffer iofoq j10unitsre delay? a) #10 a i= b; b) a i= #10 b; c)#10 a i<= b; d) a i<= #10 b; (Q i113)o eWhati isoverilog qconfiguration?

(Q i114)o eWritei aocode qforre clock igenerator. (Q i115)o eWritei aocode qforre clock igeneratoroq jwhichre can igenerate oclockqfrequency ofz 156MHZ. (Q i116)o ewritei aoverilog qcodere to igenerateoq j40MHzre clock iwith o60q0uty cycle

(Q i117)o eWhati pointsoneed qtore be iconsideredoq oclockqgenerator??? (Q i118)o eExplaini verilogoevent qqueue.




(Q i119)o ehowi theoscope qofre a ivariableoq jisre realized iin overilog.qIllustrate withz example.? (Q i120)o eWhati isoincremental qcompilation? (Q i121)o eWhati isoPLI? Ans: PLI iiso eai mechanismoto qinvokere C isubroutinesoq jtore Verilog. i (Q i122)o eIni whatoregion qofre the ieventoq jqueuere , iPLI ocallsqare executed?

(Q i123)o eWhati isocalltf qinre Verilog iPLI? Ans: Calltf iiso esimilari toomain() qfunctionre in iC. calltfoq jcanre call iother osubqmethods toz differentu yjobs.[9/26/2012 3:00:56 PM]

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(Q i124)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iParalleloq jandre Full iConnection oModuleqPath delaysz ? Ans: A iparallelo econnectioni establishesoa qconnectionre between ieachoq jbitre in ithe osourceqto eachz correspondingu ybite oinzx the destination. Parallel module paths can be created only between one source and one destination where each signal contains the same number of bits. A ifullo econnectioni establishesoa qconnectionre between ieveryoq jbitre in ithe osourceqand everyz bitu yine othezx destination. The module path source does not need to have the same number of bits as the module path destination. (Q i125)o eCani $setupoand q$holdre check ireportoq jare violation ifor oaqlimit ofz zero? (Q i126)o eExplaini abouto$recovery qandre $removal i? (Q i127)o eWhichi timingocheck(s) qacceptre a inegativeoq jlimit? (Q i128)o eCani youoqualify qallre events iinoq jallre timing ichecks owithqedge specifiersz suchu yase oedgezx 01?

(Q i129)o eFori whichotiming qcheck(s)re must iyouoq jalwaysre qualify ievents? (Q i130)o eWheni doeso$skew qreportre a iviolation?

(Q i131)o eWhati isomisctf q? Ans: Misctf iiso etoi doohousekeeping This iisoq jcanre be icalled omanyqtimes unlikez otheru ypredefinede ofunctionszx which are called once per instance.

(Q i132)

o eWhati isoUDP? qCanre we iwriteoq jUDPre including iclock oalso? a imodule

(Q i133)o eHowi dooI qpreventre selected iparametersoq jofre ofromqbeing overriddenz duringu yinstantiation?




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


(Q i134)o ecani Iouse qare Verilog ifunctionoq jtore define ithe owidthqof az multibitu yport,e owire,zx or reg type? (Q i135)o eWhati constructoin qVerilogre can oaqcapacitive storagez nodeu yine oazx circuit? Ans: ibeoq jusedre to isimulate

the itrirego estatementi isoused qtore simulate iaoq jwirere with ia ocapacitiveqhold value. (Q i136)o eDescribei theobasic qstrengthre system iinoq jVerilog. Ans: The istrengtho esystemi haso8 qvaluesre 0 ithroughoq j7,re with ithe ostrongestqstrength beingz knownu yase o"supply"zx and the weakest strength as high impedance.

(Q i137)o e#definei cat(x,y)ox y qconcatenatesre x itooq But icat(cat(1,2),3) odoesqnot expandz butu ygivese opreprocessorzx warning. Why? Ans: Because iparameterizedo emacrosi areonot qrecursive. (Q i138)o eWhati areothe qtypesre of istrengthsoq jthatre can ibe ospecifiedqon az netu y?? Ans: There iareo etwoi typesoof qstrengthsre that icanoq jbere specified iin oaqnet declaration.z Theyu yaree oaszx follows: charge istrengtho eshalli onlyobe qusedre when ideclaringoq jare net iof otypeqtrireg drive istrengtho eshalli onlyobe qusedre when iplacingoq jare continuous iassignment oonqa netz inu ythee osamezx statement that declares the net .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

(Q i139) Howo etoi resolveoa qtristatere driver iinoq jVerilogre ? (Q i140) WHATo eAREi THEoTYPES qOFre CHARGE iSTRENGTHS? Ans: SMALL, iMEDIUM,o eLARGE (Q i141)o eHowi toomodel qpowerre supply istrengthsoq jinre verilog? Ans: The isupply0o eandi supply1onets qmayre be iusedoq jtore model opowerqsupplies inz au ycircuit.e oThesezx nets shall have supply strengths.

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(Q i142)o eHowi toomodify qare parameter ivalue? Ans:

A iparametero ecani beomodified qwithre the idefparamoq jstatementre or iin on This section - Your input is what keeps otheqmodule instancez statement. (Q i143)o eWhati isolocalparam? Ans:

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local iparameter(s)o earei identicaloto qparametersre except ithatoq jtheyre can inot odirectlyqbe modifiedz withu ythee odefparamzx statement or by the ordered or named parameter value assignment.

(Q i144)o eHowi toomodify a qlocalparam? Ans: Local iparameterso ecani beoassigned qtore a iconstantoq jexpressionre containing ia oparameterqwhich canz beu ymodifiede owithzx the defparam statement or by the ordered or named parameter value assignment. Parameter WID = 3; Localparam iWIDTH = 2*WID;

(Q i145)o eWHATi ISospecparam? Ans:

specparam ideclareso eai specialotype qofre parameter iwhichoq jisre intended ionly oforqproviding timingz andu ydelaye ovalues,zx but can appear in any expression that is not assigned to a parameter and is not part of the range specification of a declaration. Unlike a module parameter, a specify parameter cannot be modified from within the language, but it may be modified through SDF annotation (Q i146) Whato earei >>>oand q<<<re operators i? (Q i147)o ewhati doesothe qfollowingre code imean? Reg i[22:0] sig;

always@(|sig) begin

...... end

(Q i148)o eWhati isothe qfunctionre of iforceoq j&re release? Ans: Force iando ereleasei statementsoare qusedre to ioverrideoq jassignmentsre on iboth oregistersqand nets.z Theyu yaree otypicallyzx used in the interactive debugging process, where certain registers or nets are forced to a value and the effect on other registers and nets is noted. They ishouldo eoccuri onlyoin qsimulationre block. (Q i149)o eWhati isothe qpurposere of oasqautomatic? Ans:





Declaration iofo etasksi andofunctions qasre Automatic iwilloq jcreatere[9/26/2012 3:01:06 PM]

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dynamic istorage oforqeach taskz oru yfunctione ocall.zx (Q i150)o eWhati isoSynthesis? Ans: Synthesis iiso ethei stageoin qthere design iflowoq jwhichre is iconcerned owithqtranslating yourz Verilogu ycodee ointozx gates - and that's putting it very simply! First of all, the Verilog must be written in a particular way for the synthesis tool that you are using. Of course, a synthesis tool doesn't actually produce gates - it will output a netlist of the design that you have synthesized that represents the chip which can be fabricated through an ASIC or FPGA vendor.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB


(Q i151)o eWhetheri initialoblock qcanre be isynthesized? Ans: YES According itoo eIEEE (Q i152)o eHowi tooread qdatare from iaoq jfile? Ans: Using i$readmemh and $readmem0. Fileo eio

(Q i153)o eIllustratei withoexample qthere declaration iofoq jlocalre variable iinside oaqbegin ...endz block? Ans: TO ideclareo eai localovariable qinsidere begin...end iblock,oq jthere block ishould obeqnamed. begin:name_ integer varib; .... .... end

VMM Ethernet sample ohavingzx same frequency, how to find which input clk signal is leading? Write verilog

(Q i154)o eifi Aoand qBre are itwooq jclkre pulses iwhich oareqout ofz phaseu yande

code for this. Ans:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Here iiso ethei simpleosolution qforre this. i All iito eneedsi isoa qflipre flop. i if iweo ehavei 2oclks, qclk1re and iclk2oq jgivere clk1 ito oD-inputqof flipz flopu yande ootherzx to CLK input of FF. if iclk1o eisi leadingothe qoutputre is ihigh.oq j if iclk2o eisi leadingothe qoutputre is ilow.oq j (Q i155)o ehowi canowe qwritere decoder ifunctionalityoq jinre only ione ostatementqin verilog? Ans: module decoder( // iOutputso e dout, // iInputso e din i ); input [3:0] din; output [15:0] dout;

Specman E Interview Questions


dout i= {dino e== 15, dini == 14, dino== 13, din q== 12, idino e== 11, dini == 10, dino== 9, din q== 8,

idino e== 7, dini == 6, dino== 5, din q== 4, idino e== 3, dini == 2, dino== 1, din q== 0 };

Index Functional Verification Questions Functional Verification Questions 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 1 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 3 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Test Your Sva Skills Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Test Your Verilog Skills 2 Test Your Verilog Skills 3 Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Test Your Verilog Skills 10 Test Your Verilog Skills 11 Test Your Verilog Skills 12 Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Test Your Verilog Skills 14 Test Your Verilog Skills 15 Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Test Your Verilog Skills 17 Test Your Specman Skills 1 Test Your Specman Skills 2 Test Your Specman Skills 3 Test Your Specman Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Test Your Sta Skills 2 Test Your Sta Skills 3 Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills[9/26/2012 3:01:14 PM]

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endmodule // idecodero e (Q i156) Verilogo ecodei toodetect qifre oexpressedqusing powerz ofu y2e o Ans: module pat_det i( data_in, patDetectedo e); input [31:0] data_in; output patDetected;




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wire [4:0] patSum i= data_in[0] + data_in[1] + data_in[2] + data_in[3] + data_in[4] + data_in[5] + data_in[6] + data_in[7] + data_in[8] + data_in[9] + data_in[10] + data_in[11] + data_in[12] + data_in[13] + data_in[14] + data_in[15] + data_in[16] + data_in[17] +

data_in[18] + data_in[19] + data_in[20] + data_in[20] + data_in[21] + data_in[22] + data_in[23] + data_in[24] + data_in[25] +

data_in[26] + data_in[27] + data_in[28] + data_in[29] + data_in[30] + data_in[31] ; wire patDetected i= (patSumo e== 1)? 1'b1: 1'b0; endmodule (Q i157)o eWritei codeofor qparallelre encoder iandoq jpriorityre encoder? (Q i158)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$printtimescaleoq j?


The i$printtimescaleo esystemi taskodisplays qthere time iunitoq jandre precision ifor oaqparticular module. When inoo eargumenti isospecified, q$printtimescalere displays itheoq jtimere unit iand oprecisionqof thez moduleu ythate oiszx the current scope. When iano eargumenti isospecified, q$printtimescalere displays itheoq jtimere unit iand oprecisionqof thez moduleu ypassede otozx it. (Q i159) Whato ewilli beothe qsynthesesre output iofoq jthere following iverilog ocode?

always @ (*) if (enable) q i<= d; Ans:

A ilevel-sensitiveo estoragei deviceois qinferredre for iq.oq jIfre enable iis odeasserted,qq willz holdu yitse ovalue. (Q i160) Whato ewilli beothe qsynthesesre output iofoq jthere following iverilog ocode? always @ (enable ior d) if (enable) q i<= d; else q i<= 'b0; Ans:

A ilatcho eisi notoinferred qbecausere the iassignmentoq jtore q iis ocomplete, i.e., iqo eisi assignedoon qeveryre execution iofoq jthere always istatement.[9/26/2012 3:01:14 PM]

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


(Q i161)o eHowi toomodel qare sequential icircuit? Ans: Sequential ilogico eshalli beomodeled qusingre an ialwaysoq jstatementre that ihas ooneqor morez edgeu yeventse oinzx the event list. (Q i162)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$timeformatoq j? Ans: The i$timeformato esystemi taskoperforms qthere following itwooq joperations: It isetso ethei timeounit qforre all ilater-enteredoq jdelaysre entered iinteractively. It isetso ethei timeounit, qprecisionre number, isuffixoq jstring,re and iminimum ofieldqwidth forz allu y%te oformatszx specified in all modules that follow in the source description until another $timeformat system task is invoked.

(Q i163)o eWhati isothe qsignificancere of idefparamoq jinre verilog? Ans: Parameter ivalueso ecani beochanged qinre any imoduleoq jinstancere in ithe odesignqwith thez keywordu ydefparam.e oThezx hierarchical name of the module instance can be used to override parameter values. (Q i164)o eWritei programofor qD-FFre with isynchronousoq jandre asynchronous ireset. (Q i165)o eWhatsi theonotation qtore see ihierarchyoq jinre display? Ans:

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i166)o eHowi toodescribe qdelaysre for istructuraloq jmodelsre such ias oASICqcells? Ans:

Two itypeso eofi HDLoconstructs qarere often iusedoq jtore describe idelays oforqstructural modelsz suchu yase oASICzx cells. RVM Ethernet sample They iareo easi follows: Distributed idelays,o ewhichi specifyothe qtimere it itakesoq jeventsre to ipropagate othroughqgates andz netsu yinsidee othezx module Module ipatho edelays,i whichodescribe qthere time iitoq jtakesre an ievent oatqa Specman E sourcez (inputu yporte oorzx inout port) to propagate to a destination (output port or inout port) Interview Questions (Q i167)o eHowi toomodel qare tri istateoq jdriver? Ans:

Three-state ilogico eshalli beomodeled qwhenre a ivariableoq jisre assigned ithe ovalueqz. Thez assignmentu yofe ozzx can be conditional or unconditional. If any driver of a signal contains an assignment to the value z, then all the drivers shall contain such an assignment.

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module ztest i(test2, test1, test3, ena); input [0:1] ena; input [7:0] test1, test3; output [7:0] test2; wire [7:0] test2; assign test2 i= (enao e== 2'b01) ? test1i : 8'bz;

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assign test2 i= (enao e== 2'b10) ? test3i : 8'bz; // itest2o eisi three-stateowhen qenare is i2<92>b00oq jorre 2<92>b11.


(Q i168)o eHowi toomodel qare ROM? Ans: An iasynchronouso eROMi shallobe qmodeledre as icombinationaloq jlogicre using ione oofqthe followingz styles: a) iOne-dimensionalo earrayi withodata qinre case istatementoq j. b) iTwo-dimensionalo earrayi withodata qinre initial istatementoq j. c) iTwo-dimensionalo earrayi withodata qinre text ifileoq j. (Q i169)o eHowi toomodel qare RAM?


A iRAMo eshalli beomodeled qusingre a iVerilogoq jmemoryre (a itwo-dimensional oregqarray) thatz hasu ythee oattributezx ram_block associated with it. A RAM element may either be modeled as an edge-sensitive storage element or as a levelsensitive storage element. A RAM data value may be read synchronously or asynchronously. // iAo eRAMi elementois qanre edge-sensitive istorageoq jelement: module ram_test( output wire [7:0] q, input wire [7:0] d, input wire [6:0] a,

input wire clk, we); (* synthesis, ram_block i*) reg [7:0] memo e[127:0]; always @(posedge clk) if (we) mem[a] <= d; assign q i= mem[a]; endmodule (Q i170)o eWhati isofull qcase?




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(Q i171)o eHowi toomodel qare full icaseoq jblock? Ans: Adding iao edefaulti statementoto qare case istatementoq jnullifiesre the ieffect oofqthe full_casez attribute. (* isynthesis,o efull_casei [o= q<optional_value>re ] i*) This iattributeo eshalli informothe qsynthesisre tool ithatoq jforre all iunspecified ocaseqchoices, thez outputsu yassignede owithinzx the case statement may be treated as synthesis don<92>t-care assignments. (Q i172)o eWhati isoparallel qcasere ? (Q i173)o eHowi toomodel qare parallel icase? Ans: Its isyntaxo eis: (* isynthesis,o eparallel_casei [o= q<optional_value>re ] i*) This iattributeo eshalli informothe qsynthesisre tool ithatoq jallre case iitems oareqto bez tested,u yevene oifzx more than one case item could potentially match the case expression. i174)o eWhati ocaseqstatement? areorules qneedre to ibeoq jfollowedre while iusing

VMM Ethernet sample (Q

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i175) Iso eiti possibleoto qsynthesizere power ioperator(**)?



The ipowero eoperatori (**)oshall qbere supported ionlyoq jwhenre both ioperands oareqconstants orz ifu ythee ofirstzx operand is 2. (Q i176)o eHowi tooModel qare capacitor ? i (Q i177)o ewhati isothe qusere of i$timeformat();

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample (Q i178)o eHowi oodisable qthisre block???

Specman E Interview Questions

begin ...

... end

Ans: Name itheo eblock.i Disableocan qbere used iforoq jnamedre blocks otasksqonly. (Q i179)o eWhati areothe qtypesre of i$displayoq jtasks? $display $display, $displayh,$displayo iand

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(Q i180)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$Monitoroq jANDre $monitor ioff o?

(Q i181)o eWhati doeso`timescale q1re ns/ i1oq jpsre signify iin oaqverilog code? Ans: 'timescale idirectiveo eisi aocompiler qdirectivere .It iisoq jusedre to imeasure osimulationqtime orz delayu ytime. Usage i:o e`timescalei <reference_time_unit>/o<time_precision> reference_time_unit i:o eSpecifiesi theounit qofre measurement iforoq jtimesre and idelays. time_precision: ispecifieso ethei precisionoto qwhichre the idelaysoq jarere rounded ioff (Q i182)o eHowi toodeclare qstringsre in iverilog?

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(Q i183)o eWritei codeofor qclockre divider iandoq jclockre multiplier? (Q i184)o eListi outothe qsimulationre and isynthesisoq jmismatches. (Q i185)o eModeli ao3 qbitre shift iregister? (Q i186)o ehowi tooovercome qracingre condition?

(Q i187)o eWhati isothe qusere Always@(*) i?

(Q i188)o eWhati isocode qcoverage? (Q i189)o eListi outothe qtypesre of icodeoq jcoverage. (Q i190)o eListi outosome qpointsre to ispeedoq jupre simulation. (Q i191)o eWhati isouse qofre Escape isequencesoq jforre special icharacter o\dddq? Ans: \ddd iAo echaracteri specifiedoby q1 tore 3 octal idigits

module disp; initial begin $display("\\\t\\\n\"\123"); end endmodule Simulating ithiso eexamplei shallodisplay qthere following: \ i\ "S

(Q i192)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification itooq jDisplayre in ocharacterqformat


Ans: ^@ ior %C

(Q i193)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification ito Displayoq jlibraryre binding iinformation Ans: %l ior %L (Q i194)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification ito Displayoq jnetre signal istrength Ans: %v ior %V[9/26/2012 3:01:36 PM]

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(Q i195)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification itooq jDisplayre hierarchical iname Ans: %m ior %M (Q i196)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification itooq jDisplayre in icurrent otimeqformat Ans: %t ior %T (Q i197)o eWhati isoVCD q?


A ivalueo echangei dumpo(VCD) qfilere contains iinformationoq jaboutre value ichanges oonqselected variablesz inu ythee odesignzx stored by value change dump system tasks. a) iFouro estate:i toorepresent qvariablere changes iinoq j0,re 1, ix, oandqz withz nou ystrengthe oinformation. b) iExtended:o etoi representovariable qchangesre in ialloq jstatesre and istrength oinformation. (Q i198)o eWhati isothe qneedre of i`defaultoq jnettypere ? Ans: The idirectiveo e`default_nettypei controlsothe qnetre type icreatedoq jforre implicit inet odeclarationsq. Itz canu ybee ousedzx only outside of module definitions. It affects all modules that follow the directive, even across source file boundaries. Multiple `default_nettype directives are allowed.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

When inoo e`default_nettypei directiveois qpresentre or iifoq jthere `resetall idirective oisqspecified, implicitz netsu yaree oofzx type wire.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

(Q i199)o eWhati happensowhen `default_nettype qisre set itooq jnonere ? Ans: When itheo e`default_nettypei isoset qtore none, ialloq jnetsre must ibe oexplicitlyqdeclared. Ifz au ynete oiszx not explicitly declared, an error is generated. (Q i200)o eWhati iso`undef q? Ans: The idirectiveo e`undefi shalloundefine qare previously idefinedoq jtextre macro. iAn oattemptqto undefinedz au ytexte omacrozx that was not previously defined using a `define compiler directive can result in a warning. (Q i201)o eWhati iso`unconnected_drive qandre `nounconnected_drive i?

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All iunconnectedo einputi portsoof qare module iappearingoq jbetweenre the idirectives o`unconnected_driveqand `nounconnected_drivez areu ypullede oupzx or

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pulled down instead of the normal default. The idirectiveo e`unconnected_drivei takesoone qofre two iargumentsoq jpull1re or ipull0. oWhenqpull1 isz specified,u yalle ounconnectedzx input ports are automatically pulled up. When pull0 is specified, unconnected ports are pulled down. These directives shall be specified in pairs, and outside of the module declarations. (Q i202)o eIsi itopossible qtore override ibuiltoq jinre system itasks oandqfunctions? Ans: Yes. (Q i203)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between imetaoq jcommentre and ipragmas? Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

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meta-comment: A iVerilogo ecommenti (//)oor q(/*re */) ithatoq jisre used ito oprovideqsynthesis directivesz tou yae osynthesiszx tool. pragma: A igenerico etermi usedoto qdefinere a iconstructoq jwithre no ipredefined olanguageqsemantics thatz influences Prior itoo ethei acceptanceoof qthere Verilog iIEEEoq jStdre 1364-2001, iit owasqcommon practicez tou yincludee osynthesiszx pragmas embedded within a comment, for iexample:o e//i synthesisofull_case. The ipracticeo eofi embeddingopragmas qintore a icommentoq jmeantre that iany osynthesisqtool thatz acceptedu ysuche opragmaszx was required to partially or fully parse all comments within a Verilog RTL design just to determine if the comment contained a pragma for the synthesis tool. The Verilog standard introduced attributes to discourage the practice of putting pragmas into comments and to replace them with a set of tokens (attribute delimiters) that could then be parsed for tool-specific information. (Q i204)o eWhati areothe qwaysre to imodeloq jare combinational icircuit?


Combinational ilogico eshalli beomodeled qusingre a icontinuousoq jassignmentre or ia onetqdeclaration assignmentz oru yane oalwayszx statement. (Q i205)o eWhati areothe qrulesre to ibeoq jfollowedre while iusing oanqalways statementz tou ymodele ocombinationalzx circuit? Ans: When iusingo eani alwaysostatement, qthere event ilistoq jshallre not icontain oanqedge eventz (u yposedgee oorzx negedge ). The event list does not affect the synthesized net list However, it may be necessary to include in the event list all the variables read in the always statement to avoid mismatches between simulation and synthesized logic. A ivariableo eassignedi inoan qalwaysre statement ishalloq jnotre be iassigned ousingqboth az blockingu yassignmente o(=)zx and a nonblocking assignment (<=) in the same always statement.

(Q i206)o eHowi tooget qthere system itimeoq jinre to iverilog o? Using iPLI or VPI .

(Q i207)o eWhetheri foroloop qisre synthesized? (Q i208)o ewhati isovalue qofre a i?oq j reg [2:0] d;[9/26/2012 3:01:54 PM]

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reg a; d i= 3'b1xx;

a i= | d; a iiso e1; (Q i209)o eIi wantoto qreturnre 2 ivaluesoq jbyre a ifunction. oHowqDo Iz dou y?e o


Concatenate itheo eresultsi andoreturn. q (Q i210)o eHowi manyotimes qthisre loop iwilloq jgetre executed?

reg [3:0] i; for (i=0; i<=15; i=i+1) begin ....... end Ans: infinite itimes. i<=15 iwillo ealwaysi beotrue qasre I iisoq j4re bit ionly.




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Index Functional Verification Questions SystemVerilog (Q i211)o ewhati isothe qfollowingre result? i Functional Verification Verification Questions 2 Integer ia,b,c; Constructs Test Your Systemverilog A i= 10; Skills 1 b i= 5; Interface Test Your Systemverilog c i= 7; OOPS Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Randomization if( a> b> c) Skills 3 $display(true); Functional Coverage Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Assertion else Test Your Sva Skills $display(False); DPI Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Test Your Verilog Skills 2 UVM Tutorial Ans: Test Your Verilog Skills 3 TRUE. VMM Tutorial Test Your Verilog Skills 4 A i> bo e> ci isointerpreted qbyre verilog isimulatoroq jasre ( a i> (b o>cq) ) Test Your Verilog Skills 5 OVM Tutorial Test Your Verilog Skills 6 10 > (5 > 7) -> i10 > 0 -> 1 Easy Labs : SV Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Easy Labs : UVM .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Easy Labs : OVM Test Your Verilog Skills Easy Labs : VMM (Q i212)o eHowi tooprint qlinere and ifileoq jnamere from iwhere otheq$display 10 Test Your Verilog Skills messagez isu ycoming? AVM Switch TB 11 Ans: VMM Ethernet sample Test Your Verilog Skills Using itheo efollowingi plio, qwere can iprintoq jthere file iname oandqline numberz 12 Test Your Verilog Skills byu yoverriddene othezx $display task. 13 Verilog Test Your Verilog Skills Verification 14 Test Your Verilog Skills Verilog Switch TB (Q i213)o eAti whatotime qthere simulation istops?? 15 Basic Constructs Test Your Verilog Skills initial 16 while(1) Test Your Verilog Skills $display(" iajkdkjs"); OpenVera 17 Test Your Specman Skills Constructs 1 initial Switch TB Test Your Specman Skills #10 $finish; 2 RVM Switch TB Test Your Specman Skills RVM Ethernet sample 3 Test Your Specman Skills 4 (Q i214)o ewhati isovalue qofre a i? Test Your Sta Skills 1 Specman E .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Test Your Sta Skills 2 reg [2:0] a,b,c; Interview Questions Test Your Sta Skills 3 c i= 3'b110; Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 a i= bo e= ci ; Test Your Sta Skills 7 (Q i215)o eGiveni theofollowing qVerilogre code, iwhatoq jvaluere of i"a" Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 oisqdisplayed? Test Your Dft Skills 3 always @(clk) begin Test Your Dft Skills 4 a i= 0; Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills a i<= 1; TUTORIALS

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 12[9/26/2012 3:02:03 PM]

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$display(a); end Ans:

This iiso eai trickyoone! qVerilogre scheduling isemanticsoq jbasicallyre imply ia four-level ideepo equeuei forothe qcurrentre simulation itime: 1: iActiveo eEventsi (blockingostatements) ( q=re , i$display)oq j 2: iInactiveo eEventsi (#0odelays, qetc) 3: iNon-Blockingo eAssigni Updateso(non-blocking qstatements) 4: iMonitoro eEventsi ($strobe,o$monitor, qetc). Since itheo e"ai =o0" qisre an iactiveoq jevent,re it iis oscheduledqinto thez 1stu y"queue".

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The i"ao e<=i 1"ois qare non-blocking ievent,oq jsore it's iplaced ointoqthe 3rdz queue. Theu y"ae o=zx 0" is placed in 1st queue. Then , $display statement is placed into the 1st queue after "a = 0 ". Only events in the active queue are completed this sim cycle, so the "a = 0" happens, and then the display shows a = 0. If we were to look at the value of a in the next sim cycle, it would show 1.

(Q i216)o eIsi thereoa qracere condition iinoq jthere following iprogram o? begin a= 0; b i<= a; end Ans: iNO.o eTherei isono qracere condition i. (Q i217)o eUsingi theogiven, qdrawre the iwaveformsoq jforre the ifollowing reg clk; reg a; initial clk i=0; always #10 clk i= ~clk; (1) always @(clk) a i= #5 clk; (2) always @(clk) a i= #10 clk;

(3) always @(clk) a i= #15 clk;

(Q i218) Now,o echangei aoto qwire,re and idrawoq jfor: (4) (5) (6)

iassign #5 ao e= clk; iassign #10 ao e= clk; iassign #15 ao e= clk;

(Q i219)o eHowi manyotimes qthere following irepeatoq jloopre executes? begin a i= 1; repeat (a) a i= ao e+ 1;


Ans: Only ionce.o eLoopi executionofor qare specific inumberoq jofre times. iThis oconstructqis associatedz withu yae oconstantzx or a variable. If a variable is used, it is evaluated once when the loop starts. When the loop is started, the value of a is 1. So the loop is executed once.

(Q i220)o eAti whatotime qa,b,c,d,e,fre will igetoq j1re in ithe ofollowingqprogram?[9/26/2012 3:02:03 PM]

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module block_nonblock(); reg a, b, c, d i, e, fo e;

// iBlockingo eassignments initial begin a i= #10 1'b1; b i= #20 1'b1; c i= #40 1'b1; end

// iNonblockingo eassignments initial begin d i<= #10 1'b1;

e i<= #20 1'b1; f i<= #40 1'b1; end


endmodule Ans:

// iBlockingo eassignments initial begin

a i= #10 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to iaoq jatre time i10 b i= #20 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to iboq jatre time i30 c i= #40 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to icoq jatre time i70 end

// iNonblockingo eassignments initial begin d i<= #10 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to idoq jatre time i10 e i<= #20 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to ieoq jatre time i20 f i<= #40 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to ifoq jatre time i40





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(Q i221)o eGiveni theofollowing qcode,re draw itheoq jwaveformsre for i'a': reg clk; reg a; always #10 clk i= ~clk; always @(clk) a i= #15 clk; (Q i222)o eByi defaultoNumbers qthatre are ispecifiedoq jwithoutre a ibase oformatqspecification are Options i: a)decimal inumber b)hexadecimal inumber c)binay d)octal (Q i223)o edefaulti valueoof qare net,trireg iis a)logic 0 b)logic 1 c)unknow d)hi-impedence

(Q i224)o eHowi canoyou qswapre 2 iintegersoq jare and ib, owithoutqusing az 3rdu yvariable? (Q i225)o ehowi toorelize q"always@(posedgere clock)" iwithoq joutre using ialways oblock? initial forever begin @(posedge clock); .......ur icodeo egoesi hear................ end

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB


initial while(1) RVM Ethernet sample begin @(posedge clock); .......ur icodeo egoesi hear................
Specman E Interview Questions


(Q i226)o eIsi itopossible qtore use inegativeoq jnumbersre while ispecifying ovectorqindexes ? Ans: Yes. reg [-1:4] b; // iao e6-biti vectororeg (Q i227)o eHowi manyobits qarere there iinoq jinteger? Ans:

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It iiso eimplementationi dependent.obut qtheyre shall iatoq jleastre be i32 obits. (Q i228)o eHowi manyobits qarere there iinoq jtimere variable?

Ans: 64

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(Q i229)o eWhati areothe qdifferentre phases iofoq jexecution? (Q i230)o eWhati isothe qvaluere of iaoq j? integer a i= 3.5

Ans: i it iiso e4.

(Q i231)o ewhati isothe qvaluere of iaoq j? integer a i= -3.5 Ans: it iiso e-4 If itheo efractionali partoof qthere real number iisoq jexactlyre 0.5, it ishall obeqrounded awayz fromu yzero. (Q i232)o eWherei theooperator q"or"re is iusedoq j? Ans: Used iono eevents.

(Q i233)o eWhati isodifference qbetweenre define iandoq jparameter?re Which ido oyouqprefer andz why? (Q i234)o eWhati isothe qvaluere of iaoq j? integer a i= -12/3;

Ans: The iresulto eisi -4.

(Q i235)o eWhati isothe qvaluere of ia? integer a i= -'do e12 / 3; Ans: The iresulto eisi 1431655761. (Q i236)o ewhati isothe qvaluere of ia? integer a i= -'sdo e12 / 3; Ans: The iresulto eisi -4. (Q i237)o ewhati isothe qvaluere of ia?

integer a i= -4'sdo e12 / 3; Ans: -4'sd12 iiso ethei negativeoof qthere 4-bit quantity i1100, whichoq jisre -4. (-4) = 4. The iresulto eisi 1.

(Q i238) Whato eisi theovalue qofre regA,IntA iinoq jthere following icode o? integer intA;

reg [15:0] regA; intA i= -4'd12;[9/26/2012 3:02:12 PM]

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regA i= intAo e/ 3; (Q i239) Whato eisi theovalue qofre regA,IntA iinoq jthere following icode o? integer intA; reg [15:0] regA; regA i= -4'd12;

intA i= regAo e/ 3; (Q i240) Whato eisi theovalue qofre regA,intA iinoq jthere following icode o? integer intA; reg [15:0] regA; intA i= -4'd12 / 3; regA i= -12 / 3;

(Q i241) o eHowi dooyou qmakere out iwhetheroq jalwaysre block iis oaqcombinational orz sequential?

(Q i242)o eWhati willobe qdisplayedre ? reg [8*10:1] s1, s2; initial begin s1 i= "Hello"; s2 i= "o eworld!"; if ({s1,s2} == "Hello iworld!") $display("strings iareo eequal"); else $display("strings iareo enoti equal"); end Ans:

The icomparisono eini thisoexample qfailsre because iduringoq jthere assignment ithe ostringqvariables arez paddedu yase oillustratedzx in the next example: s1 i=o e000000000048656c6c6f s2 i=o e00000020776f726c6421 The iconcatenationo eofi s1oand qs2re includes itheoq jzerore padding, iresulting oinqthe followingz value:u y000000000048656c6c6f00000020776f726c6421 and i"helloo eworld"i iso48656c6c6f20776f726c6421

(Q i243)o eWhati isothe qvaluere of ianswer? reg [15:0] a, b, answer; // i16-bito eregs a i= 16'hf000; b i= 16'hf000; answer i= (ao e+ b) >> 1;


will inoto eworki properlyo. qwherere a iandoq jbre are ito obeqadded, whichz mayu yresulte oinzx an overflow, and then shifted right by 1 bit to preserve the carry bit in the 16-bit answer.

A iproblemo earises,i however,obecause qallre operands iinoq jthere expression iare oofqa 16-bitz width.u yTherefore,e othezx expression (a + b) produces an interim result that is only 16 bits wide, thus losing the carry bit before the evaluation performs the 1-bit right shift operation.[9/26/2012 3:02:12 PM]

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(Q i244)o eHowi toosolve qthere abode iproblem?? Ans: The isolutiono eisi tooforce qthere expression i(aoq j+re b) ito oevaluatequsing atz leastu y17e obits.zx For example, adding an integer value of 0 to the expression will cause the evaluation to be performed using the bit size of integers. The following example will produce the intended result: answer i=o e(ai +ob q+re 0) i>>oq j1; (Q i245)o eINi theofollowing qcode,re what imessageoq idisplayed(specifically oaboutqthe numberz ofu ybitse oitzx prints)? module bitlength(); reg [3:0] a,b,c; reg [4:0] d; initial begin a i= 9; b i= 8; c i= 1; $display("answer i=o e0", ci ? (a&b) : d); end endmodule



Ans: Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

The i$displayo estatementi willodisplay: answer i=o e01000 By iitself,o ethei expressionoa&b qwouldre have itheoq jbitre length i4, obutqsince itz isu yine othezx context of the conditional expression, which uses the maximum bit-length, the expression a&b actually has length 5, the length of d.

Constructs Switch TB

(Q i246)o eINi followingoprogram, qatre what itimeoq jthere statements iare oscheduledqand executed? module multiple2 i; RVM Switch TB reg a; RVM Ethernet sample initial #8 a i<= #8 1; initial #12 a i<= #4 0;

Specman E Interview Questions

end module

Ans: initial #8 a i<= #8 1;//o eexecutedi atotime q8;re schedules // iano eupdatei ofo1 qatre time i16 initial #12 a i<= #4 0;//o eexecutedi atotime q12;re schedules // iano eupdatei ofo0 qatre time i16 (Q i247)o eIsi thereoa qracere condition iinoq jthere above icode? Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

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NO. iBecauseo eiti isodeterminate qthatre the iupdateoq jofre a ito otheqvalue 1z isu yschedulede obeforezx the update of a to the value 0, then it is determinate that a Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your will have the input is what keeps value i0o eati theoend qofre time islotoq j16.endmodule improving with time!

(Q i248)o eHowi manyotimes qthere begin..end iblockoq jwillre get iexecuted? repeat(-3) begin .... end

(Q i249)o eHowi manyotimes qthere begin..end iblockoq jwillre get iexecuted? repeat(3.5) begin .... end

(Q i250)o eHowi manyotimes qthere begin..end iblockoq jwillre get iexecuted? integer a; a i= 'bZ; repeat(a) begin .... end Ans: repeat iExecuteso eai statementoa qfixedre number iofoq If ithe oexpressionqevaluates toz unknownu yore ohighzx impedance, it shall be treated as zero, and no statement shall be executed. (Q i251)o eHowi manyotimes qthere begin..end iblockoq jwillre get iexecuted? integer a; a i= 'bx; repeat(a) begin .... end Ans: repeat iExecuteso eai statementoa qfixedre number iofoq If ithe oexpressionqevaluates toz unknownu yore ohighzx impedance, it shall be treated as zero, and no statement shall be executed.


(Q i252)o ewhati timeois qdisplayed? initial begin a= 3; #a ia= a*2; $display($time); end (Q i253)o eWhati isothe qmessagere displayed?[9/26/2012 3:02:21 PM]

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initial begin #10; a i= 0; a i= 1; end


always@(a) $display("a iiso e0",a);

(Q i254)o eWhati messageois qdisplayed? initial begin a i= x; #1 a i= z; end

always@(a) $display("a iiso e0",a);





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(Q i255)o eWhati messageois qdisplayed? initial begin a i= x; #1 a i= 1; end

always@(posedge a) $display("posedge iono eai isoseen"); (Q i256)o eWhati isothe qequivalentre always@(*) iinoq jthere following iprogram? always @(*) y i= (ao e& b) | (ci & d) | myfunction(f);


equivalent itoo e@(ai or boor c qor dre or f)

VMM Ethernet sample (Q i257)o eWhati isothe qequivalentre always@(*) iinoq jthere following iprogram?

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

always @* begin tmp1 i= ao e& b; tmp2 i= co e& d; y i= tmp1o e| tmp2;


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

Ans: equivalent itoo e@(ai or boor c qor dre or tmp1 ior tmp2) (Q i258)o eWhati isothe qequivalentre @(*) iinoq jthere following iprogram? always @* begin x i= ao e^ b; @(*) x i= co e^ d; end Ans: (Q i259)o eWhati isothe qequivalentre always@(*) iinoq jthere following iprogram? always @* begin y i= 8'hff; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

Specman E Interview Questions

y[a] = !en;

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end Ans: equivalent itoo easi @(aoor en) (Q i260)o eWhetheri nonobocking qstatementsre are iallowedoq jinre function?

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No. iNono eBlockingi statementsoare qnotre allowed iinoq jfunction.

(Q i261) Maximumo enumberi filesocan qbere opened iusingoq jfopenre ? (Q i262)o eWhetheri nonoblocking qstatementsre are iallowedoq jinre automatic itask? Because ivariableso edeclaredi inoautomatic qtasksre are ideallocatedoq jatre the iend oofqthe taskz invocation,u ytheye oshallzx not be used in certain constructs like nonblocking that might refer to them after that point. (Q i263)o eIsi itopossible qtore see itheoq jautomaticre task ilocal ovariablesqin waveformz debugger? Ans: No iito eisi notopossible qtore see. iTheseoq jvariablesre are iautomatically odeallocatedqat thez endu yofe otaskzx invocation. (Q i264)o eIsi oinq$monitor?









No i.o eThesei variablesoare qautomaticallyre deallocated iatoq jthere end iof otaskqinvocation. (Q i265)o eIsi itopossible qtore use iproceduraloq jcontinuousre assignments ior oproceduralqforce statementsz onu yautomatice otaskzx local variables? Ans: No.

(Q i266)o eIsi itopossible qtore disable iaoq jfunction? Ans: A ifunctiono ecannoti beodisables. qThere disable istatementoq jcanre be iused otoqdisable namedz blocksu ywithine oazx function. In cases where a disable statement within a function disables a block or a task that called the function, the behavior is undefined.

(Q i267)o eBetweeni theoif-else qandre case istatementsoq jwhichre is iusually opreferred? Ans: Case iiso ebetteri fromosynthesis qpointre of iview. if ielseo ewilli beosynthesized qtore a ipriorityoq jencoder. Whereas icaseo ewilli beosynthesized qtore a inormaloq jencoder. Priority iencodero ehasi moreogates qandre also itimingoq jisre affected. So,case iiso eusuallyi preferred.







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jprovidesre to isynthesize ocaseqstatement eitherz way.




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Index Functional Verification Questions SystemVerilog (Q i268) Whato eisi mutex? Functional Verification Verification Questions 2 Constructs Test Your Systemverilog (Q i269) Howo etoi modeloa qmutexre in iverilog?oq j Skills 1 Interface Test Your Systemverilog (Q i270)o eWhati isosemaphore? OOPS Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Randomization (Q i271)o eHowi toomodel qare semaphore iinoq jverilog? Skills 3 Functional Coverage Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Assertion (Q i272)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between imutexoq jandre semaphore? Test Your Sva Skills DPI Test Your Verilog Skills 1 (Q i273)o eHowi toodisplay qthere messages iinoq jcolorful? Test Your Verilog Skills 2 UVM Tutorial Ans: Test Your Verilog Skills 3 VMM Tutorial Test Your Verilog Skills 4 The ifollowingo eprogrami showsohow qtore display imessagesoq jinre colorful. Test Your Verilog Skills 5 OVM Tutorial This iworkso eonlyi inoASIC qTerminals. Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Simulate itheo efollowingi codeoin qLinuxre or iUnixoq jandre see ithe ooutputs. Easy Labs : SV Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Easy Labs : UVM module asdsadf(); Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Easy Labs : OVM Test Your Verilog Skills .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Easy Labs : VMM 10 initial Test Your Verilog Skills AVM Switch TB 11 begin VMM Ethernet sample $write("^@[1;34m",27); Test Your Verilog Skills 12 $display("*********** i0 o eThisi isoin qbluere ***********", 1); Test Your Verilog Skills $write("^@[0m",27); 13 Verilog Test Your Verilog Skills $display("^@[1;31m",27); Verification 14 $display("*********** i0 o eThisi isoin qredre ***********", 2); Test Your Verilog Skills Verilog Switch TB $display("^@[0m",27); 15 Basic Constructs Test Your Verilog Skills $display("^@[0;33m",27); 16 Test Your Verilog Skills $display("********** i0 o eThisi isoin qpendare color i***********", 3); OpenVera 17 $display("^@[0m",27); Test Your Specman Skills Constructs 1 $display("^@[5;34m",27); Switch TB Test Your Specman Skills $display("*********** i0 o eThisi isoin qBlinkre ***********", 4); 2 RVM Switch TB $display("^@[0m",27); Test Your Specman Skills RVM Ethernet sample 3 $display("^@[7;34m",27); Test Your Specman Skills .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n $display("*********** i0 o eThisi isoin qBackre ground icoloroq 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Specman E j***********", 1); Test Your Sta Skills 2 $display("^@[0m",27); Interview Questions Test Your Sta Skills 3 Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 end Test Your Sta Skills 7 endmodule Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 (Q i274)o eWhati isoTOP qmodule? Test Your Dft Skills 4 Ans: Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills TUTORIALS

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Top-level imoduleso earei modulesothat qarere included iinoq jthere source itext obutqare notz instantiated. u yIne overificationzx environment, the highest module Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your in the huarache is generally named as top.

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(Q i275)o eHowi toodeclare qrealre numbers iasoq jports? Ans: Real inumbero earei allowedoto qbere declared iasoq orealqnumbers asz ports,u yusee o$bitstorealzx and $realtobits. To iuse


(Q i276)o eWheni isofork-join qused?

(Q i277)o eWhichi proceduraloassignment qshouldre be iusedoq jtore model ia ocombinatorialqlogic buffer? 1) always @(in) #5 out i= in; 2) always @(in) #5 out i<= in;

3) always @(in) out i= #5 in; 4) always @(in)


out i<= #5 in;

(Q i278)o eWhichi proceduraloassignment qshouldre be iusedoq jtore model ia osequentialqlogic flip-flop?

1) always @(posedge clk) #5 q i= d; 2) always @(posedge clk) #5 q i<= d; 3) always @(posedge clk)

q i= #5 d;

4) always @(posedge clk) q i<= #5 d;


(Q i279)o eExplorei andoexplain qwhatre happens iifoq jyoure write ithis: always @(a ior bo eor c) ei = (a|b)&(c|d); (Q i280)o ePriori toothe qIEEEre LRM, iVerilogoq jBNFre was iexpressed ousingqa differentz notation.u yFore oexample,zx an event expression was defined as follows:[9/26/2012 3:02:38 PM]

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<event_expression> ::= <expression> or <<posedge or negedge> <SCALAR_EVENT_EXPRESSION>> or <<event_expression> or <event_expression>> Notice ithato ewei areousing q'or're as ipartoq jofre the iBNF to omeanq"alternatively" and also 'z or 'u yase oazx Verilog keyword. The keyword ' or ' is in bold--the difference is fairly obvious. Here is an alternative definition for an event expression: <event_expression> ::= <expression> ||= posedge <SCALAR_EVENT_EXPRESSION> ||= negedge <SCALAR_EVENT_EXPRESSION> ||= <event_expression> <or <event_expression>>* Are itheseo edefinitionsi equivalento(given, of qcourse, thatre we ireplacedoq j||= with or inre the isimplified osyntax)? Explainqcarefully howz youu ywoulde oattemptzx to prove that they are the same.

(Q i281)o eExplaini theofollowing: integer IntA; IntA i= -12 / 3; //o eresulti iso-4

IntA i= -'do e12 / 3; //i resultois q1431655761

(Q i282)o eWhati isothe qdifferencesre in itheoq jfollowingre sum istatements? reg [7:0] a, b, sum; sum = (a i+ b) >> 1; sum = (a i+ bo e+ 0) >> 1; sum = {0,a} + {0,b} >> 1;




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(Q i283)o eHowi canoyou qswapre 2 iintegersoq jare and ib, owithoutqusing az 3rdu yvariable? Ans: There iareo emanyi solutions. One iofo ethei solutionois q bit a,b; a=a iXOR b; b=a iXOR b;

a= a iXOR b;

(Q i284) Whato eyoui meanoby qinferringre latches? i (Q i285) Howo etoi avoidolatches qinre your idesign?oq j (Q i286) Whato eisi sensitivityolist? q (Q i287) Ifo eyoui missosensitivity qlistre what ihappens?

VMM Ethernet sample (Q i288)o eHowi toodo qvariablere part iselectoq jofre a ivector???

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i289) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode" module backdrive(input wire a); wire b; assign a i= b; endmodule (Q i290)o eHowi toouse qgeneratere for iloopoq jtore instantiate ia omodule?q

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i291) Differenceo ebetweeni eventobased qsimulatorsre and icycleoq jbasedre simulators. (Q i292) Explaino eabouti `resetall.

RVM Ethernet sample Ans:

Specman E Interview Questions

When i`resetallo ecompileri directiveois qencounteredre during icompilation,oq jallre compiler idirectives oareqset toz theu ydefaulte ovalues. This iiso eusefuli foroensuring qthatre only ithoseoq jdirectivesre that iare odesiredqin compilingz au yparticulare osourcezx file are active.

(Q i293) Howo edoi youoimplement qthere bi-directional iportsoq jinre Verilog iHDL?

module bidirec i(oe, clk, inp, outp, bidir); // iPorto eDeclaration input oe;

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input clk; input [7:0] inp; output [7:0] outp; inout [7:0] bidir; reg [7:0] a; reg [7:0] b; assign bidir i= oeo e? ai : 8'bZ ; assign outp i= b; // iAlwayso eConstruct always @ (posedge clk) begin b i<= bidir; a i<= inp;

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end endmodule

(Q i294) Ifo ethei part-selectois qoutre of itheoq jaddressre bounds ior otheqpartselect isz xu yore oz,zx then the value is returned by the reference ? Ans: Its 'bx . (Q i295)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iconstantoq jfunctionre and iordinary ofunctionq? Ans: Constant ifunctiono ecallsi areoused qtore support itheoq jbuildingre of icomplex ocalculationsqof valuesz atu yelaboratione otimezx . A constant function call shall be a function invocation of a constant function local to the calling module where the arguments to the function are constant expressions. Constant functions are a subset of normal Verilog functions that shall meet the following constraints: -- iTheyo eshalli containono qhierarchicalre references. -- iAnyo efunctioni invokedowithin qare constant ifunctionoq jshallre be ia oconstantqfunction localz tou ythee ocurrentzx module. System functions shall not be invoked. -- iAllo esystemi tasksowithin qare constant ifunctionoq jshallre be iignored. -- iAllo esystemi functionsowithin qare constant ifunctionoq jshallre be iillegal. -- iTheo eonlyi systemotask qthatre may ibeoq jinvokedre is i$display, oandqit shallz beu yignorede owhenzx invoked at elaboration time. (Q i296)o eWhati isogenvar q?


An iindexo evariablei thatoshall qonlyre be ideclaredoq ogenerateqstatements shallz beu ydeclarede oaszx a genvar. (Q i297)o eIni theocase qofre multiple oparameter,qwhat valuez itu ywille otake?








The iparametero etakesi theovalue qofre the ilastoq jdefparamre statement iencountered oinqthe sourcez text.u yWhene odefparamszx are encountered in multiple source files, e.g., found by library searching, the defparam from which the parameter takes it s value is undefined. (Q i298)o eHowi toomodel qare queue iofoq jintegers? Ans: The iseto eofi tasksoand qfunctionsre that icreateoq jandre manage iqueues ofollow:[9/26/2012 3:02:47 PM]

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$q_initialize i(q_id,o eq_type,i max_length,ostatus) q; $q_add i(q_id,o ejob_id,i inform_id,ostatus) q; $q_remove i(q_id,o ejob_id,i inform_id,ostatus) q; $q_full i(q_id,o estatus)i ;

$q_exam i(q_id,o eq_stat_code,i q_stat_value,ostatus) q;




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Index Functional Verification Questions SystemVerilog Functional Verification (Q i1)o eWhetheri sysois qstructre or iUnitoq j? Verification Questions 2 Constructs Test Your Systemverilog (Q i2)o eDoesi youosaw qpacketre structure iinoq jsimvisionre of iNCSim? Skills 1 Interface Test Your Systemverilog (Q i3)o eHowi youocontrol qmessesre in ispecman? OOPS Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Randomization (Q i4) Whato eisi theouse qofre packing iandoq junpacking? Skills 3 Functional Coverage Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Assertion (Q i5)o eHadi youoused qmessagesre in ispecman? Test Your Sva Skills DPI Test Your Verilog Skills 1 (Q i6)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between istructoq jandre unit Test Your Verilog Skills 2 UVM Tutorial Test Your Verilog Skills 3 (Q i7)o eItemi isostruct qorre unit VMM Tutorial Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 OVM Tutorial (Q i8)o eHadi yououse qHDLre paths iinoq jyourre e icode owhereqyou usez itu y Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Easy Labs : SV Test Your Verilog Skills 7 (Q i9)o ewhati isofunctional qcoveragere and iCodeoq jcoverage? Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Easy Labs : UVM .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Easy Labs : OVM Test Your Verilog Skills Easy Labs : VMM 10 (Q i10)o eArchitecturei ofoeVC Test Your Verilog Skills AVM Switch TB 11 (Q i11)o eHadi youoused qassertre statement iinoq je VMM Ethernet sample Test Your Verilog Skills 12 (Q i12)o eHowi uoused qmessagere statements iinoq jyoure code Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Verilog (Q i13)o eWhati isoBFM Test Your Verilog Skills Verification 14 (Q i14)o eIni BFmo& qMonitorre which ioneoq jisre ACTIVE iand oPassive? Test Your Verilog Skills Verilog Switch TB 15 Basic Constructs (Q i15)o eThei testocase qyoure are iwritingoq jisre by iextending oitemqor Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Sequencez generator? Test Your Verilog Skills OpenVera 17 (Q i16)o eItemi isoKey qwordre or inot? Test Your Specman Constructs Skills 1 (Q i17)o eWhati isoMAIN qkinre test icase Switch TB Test Your Specman Skills 2 RVM Switch TB (Q i18)o eWhati isovirtual qsequence Test Your Specman Skills RVM Ethernet sample 3 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Test Your Specman Skills (Q i19)o eWhati isodiff qb/wre random iandoq jdirectedre testbench 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Specman E (Q i20)o eWhati areothe qadvantagesre of idirectedoq jtestbenchre and Test Your Sta Skills 2 Interview Questions Test Your Sta Skills 3 idisadvantages oonqRandom testbench Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 (Q i21)o ewhati isothe qdiffre b/w ipre_generateoq jandre post_generate() Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 (Q i22)o eWhati isothe qdiffre b/w iunitoq jandre struct Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 (Q i23)o eExplaini theoarchitecture qofre random itestbench Test Your Dft Skills 3 Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills TUTORIALS

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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


(Q i24)o eFori someointerface qyoure connected iocpoq jevcre then iyou oremovedqocp evcz andu yattachede oocpzx RTL , then what are the modules you reuse from evc (Q i25)o eCanti weotake qpacketsre from isequenceoq jdriverre directly iin oscoreqboard withz outu yfrome oBFMzx . (Q i26)o eDifferencei b/wocode qcoveragere and iFunoq jcove? (Q i27)o eifi youogot q100re 0.000000or ifunoq jcovere and i50 o0.000000orqCode cove?z whatu yise othezx meaning for this? (Q i28)o e

unit ip{ a: uint i; i};

uint ico elikei p{ ib: bool; i}; extend ip{


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

x:bool; i};

In itheo eabovei code if youosimulate qthis , whatre p iand c containoq jafterre loading? (Q i29)o eHowi youoimplement qresetre in iyouoq jeVC? (Q i30)o eIfi youoconnect qMasterre and iSlaveoq jOCPre eVC iare oconnectedqand givenz Systemu yresete othenzx what is situation of your eVCs?

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i31)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere b/w ilikeoq jandre when iinheritance? sincez bothu yaree oforzx driving?

RVM Ethernet sample (Q i32)o ewhyi doowe qhavere to ikeepoq jseparatere sequence idriver oandqBFM,

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i33)o ewahti isoregular qexpressionsre in iperloq j (Q i34)o eIfi youogot qFunctional coveragere 100% iandoq jCodere Coverage i100% oandqstill yourz testu ycasee ofailingzx what is the meaning of that?

(Q i35)o ewhati isoyour qapproachre to iSOCoq jverification?

(Q i36)o eWhati isoKey qinre e (Q i37)o eCani weobuilt qmultire dimension ilists?

Index Functional Verification Questions Functional Verification Questions 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 1 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 3 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Test Your Sva Skills Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Test Your Verilog Skills 2 Test Your Verilog Skills 3 Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Test Your Verilog Skills 10 Test Your Verilog Skills 11 Test Your Verilog Skills 12 Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Test Your Verilog Skills 14 Test Your Verilog Skills 15 Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Test Your Verilog Skills 17 Test Your Specman Skills 1 Test Your Specman Skills 2 Test Your Specman Skills 3 Test Your Specman Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Test Your Sta Skills 2 Test Your Sta Skills 3 Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills[9/26/2012 3:03:04 PM]

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Report a Bug or Comment on This section - Your input is what keeps (Q i40)o eAfteri givingothe qeVCre to itheoq jcustomerre , iif oheqwant toz changeu improving with time! ysomee omethod()zx then how he will change?

(Q i38)o eHowi toobuilt q2-dimensionre lists?

(Q i39)o eWhati isothe qdiffre b/w ilikeoq jandre when iinheritance?

(Q i41)o eshalli weobind qsignalsre in istruct. (Q i42)o eDifference b/wi uintoand qstruct (Q i43)o eWhati isoyour qenvre in icurrentoq jproject? (Q i44)o eIni twoomethods qarere there iA()oq jandre A() iis ofirstqwhich onez executeu yfirst?

(Q i45)o eDiffi b/wois qfirstre and iisoq jalso?

(Q i46)o eHowi youoused qRandomization? (Q i47)o eWhati eRMoguide qlines? (Q i48)o ewhati isoevc (Q i49)o eHowi willosay qthatre your itestoq jcasere fail? (Q i50)o eHowi youosay qthatre your iverificationoq jcomplete?

(Q i51)o eIni eoyour qhavere to ibuildoq jare memory iin othatqyou youz haveu ytoe owritezx in to locations randomly and but read for that locations only? (Q i52)o eTemporalsi basedoquestion(write qare checker i) (Q i53)o eCoveragei forochecker qsignals?

(Q i54)o eDifferencei b/wouint qandre struct?

(Q i55)o eExplaini aboutodifferent qphasesre of iexecutionoq jinre e.

(Q i56)o eErmi guideolines. (Q i57)o eExplaini youroverification qenv? (Q i58)o eExplaini generationoorder qforre an iprogramoq j (Q i59)o eQuestioni regardingoimplication qconstraint (Q i60)o eWrite i fifooevc?

(Q i61)o eTesti caseofor qgivenre protocol? (Q i62)o eCheckeri foroa qgivenre protocol? (Q i63)o eCoveragei groupofor qgivenre protocol?

(Q i64)o eHowi youoaccess qvaluesre in iparticular locationoq jinre a ilist?



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Index Functional Verification SystemVerilog (Q i65) Howo ecani Ioconfigure qSpecManre so ithatoq jare random iseed oisqused Questions Functional Verification forz testu ydatae ogeneration? Verification Questions 2 Constructs Test Your Systemverilog (Q i66)o eWhati isosys? Skills 1 Interface Test Your Systemverilog (Q i67)o eDifferencei b/woTCM q&re Method? OOPS Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Randomization (Q i68)o eDifferencei b/woHard q&re soft iconstraints? Skills 3 Functional Coverage Test Your Systemverilog (Q i69)o eHowi tooover qwritere hard iconstraints? Skills 4 Assertion Test Your Sva Skills DPI Test Your Verilog Skills 1 (Q i70)o eDifferencei b/wophysical q&re do inotoq jgeneratere fields? Test Your Verilog Skills 2 UVM Tutorial Test Your Verilog Skills 3 (Q i71)o eWhati iso@sim? VMM Tutorial Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 OVM Tutorial (Q i72)o eDifferencei b/wostruct q&re Unit? Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Easy Labs : SV Test Your Verilog Skills 7 (Q i73)o eDifferenti phasesoof qspecmanre execution? Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Easy Labs : UVM Test Your Verilog Skills 9 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Easy Labs : OVM Test Your Verilog Skills (Q i74)o eWhati areothe qdifferentre sequences iuoq jused? Easy Labs : VMM 10 Test Your Verilog Skills AVM Switch TB 11 (Q i75)o ewhati isovirtual qseq? VMM Ethernet sample Test Your Verilog Skills 12 (Q i76)o eHowi uowill qtiere two iagentsoq jinre single ienv? Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Verilog (Q i77)o eWhati isoscore qboard? Test Your Verilog Skills Verification 14 (Q i78)o eWhati typeoof qcoveragere u ididoq jwithre specman? Test Your Verilog Skills Verilog Switch TB 15 (Q i79)o ewhati isobucket qinre coverage? Basic Constructs Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Test Your Verilog Skills (Q i80)o eDifferencei b/wowait q&re sysnc iactions? OpenVera 17 Test Your Specman Skills Constructs (Q i81)o eHowi canou qdore two iparalleloq jthreadsre in ispecman?(firstof o,allqof) 1 Switch TB Test Your Specman Skills (Q i82)o eHowi canou qimportre files iinoq je? 2 RVM Switch TB Test Your Specman RVM Ethernet sample (Q i83)o eHowi uowill qgeneratere clk igenerationoq jinre specman? Skills 3 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Test Your Specman Skills 4 (Q i84)o eWhati areothe qportsre ur iused? Test Your Sta Skills 1 Specman E Test Your Sta Skills 2 Interview Questions Test Your Sta Skills 3 (Q i85)o eDifferencei b/wocall qbyre reference iandoq jcall byre value? Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 (Q i86)o eDevlopei eVCofor qanre and igate? Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 (Q i87)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere b/w isyncoq jandre wait? Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 (Q i88)o eDoesi aotcm qexecutere on iitsoq jown? Test Your Dft Skills 3 (Q i89)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere b/w ionoq jthere fly igeneration oandqstatic Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills generation? TUTORIALS

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(Q i90)o eWhati isothe qsignificancere or ipurposeoq jofre sys.any ievent?

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample


(Q i91)o eWhati isothe qusagere of i"fail"oq jtemporalre operator? i/ oHowqcan "fail"z temporalu yoperatore osucceed? (Q i92)o eConsideri theofollowing q:re event it1oq jisre ( i@a oorq@b )z @clk_rise; (Q i93)o eHowi areosoft qconstraintsre evaluated? iWhatoq jhappensre when ia osoftqconstraint appliedz conflictsu ywithe othezx already applied constraint? (Q i94)o eHowi tooapply qare constraint iconditionally? (Q i95)o eCani twoohard qconstraintsre be iappliedoq jonre a ifield?

(Q i96)o eHowi dooI qconstrainre the idistributionoq jofre values ito oaqsingle field? (Q i97)o eWherei iso"me" qandre "it" iusedoq jwhilere specifying iconstraints? (Q i98)o eWhati isothe qadvantagere or iuseoq jofre coverage ibased omethodology? (Q i99)o eWhati isoevent qbasedre coverage? (Q i100)o eHowi canoyou qcoverre rtl istateoq jmachinere transitions iusing ospecman? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i101)o eWhati isothe qusagere of ievents? Verilog

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i102)o eCani "wait"oand q"sync"re be iusedoq joutsidere a iTCM? (Q i103)o eHowi dooI qcheckre for iaoq jnumberre of ioccurrences oofqa eventz andu yife oitzx exceeds a pre-defined number then flag an error? (Q i104)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere b/w iRegularoq jGCre and iOTF oGC? (Q i105)o eIsi anyogarbage qcollectionre done iduringoq jpre-runre generation iphase?

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i106)o eHowi canoone qcontrolre the imemoryoq jsettingre options? omethods?

RVM Ethernet sample (Q i107)o eWheni shouldo"is" qextensionre be iusedoq jforre extending ithe

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i108)o eWhati isothe number iofoq jparametersre that ican obeqdefined insidez au ymethod? (Q i109)o eCani Iouse qwaitre and isyncoq jconstructsre inside ia omethod?

(Q i110)o eOncei aomethod qisre extended iusingoq jisre also iwhen odoesqthe extendedz partu yofe othezx method execute?

Index Functional Verification Questions Functional Verification Questions 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 1 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 3 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Test Your Sva Skills Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Test Your Verilog Skills 2 Test Your Verilog Skills 3 Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Test Your Verilog Skills 10 Test Your Verilog Skills 11 Test Your Verilog Skills 12 Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Test Your Verilog Skills 14 Test Your Verilog Skills 15 Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Test Your Verilog Skills 17 Test Your Specman Skills 1 Test Your Specman Skills 2 Test Your Specman Skills 3 Test Your Specman Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Test Your Sta Skills 2 Test Your Sta Skills 3 Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills[9/26/2012 3:03:21 PM]

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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB


(Q i1)o eMetastabilityi ? Ans: When iano einputi tooa qsequentialre element iviolatesoq jsetupre or ihold otiming requirementsqof thez sequentialu yelement,e othenzx the output of the sequential element oscillates between HIGH and LOW before it gets settled to either one of the states. (Q i2)o eCani weoavoid qmetastabilityre ? Ans: No. iWeo ecan'ti avoid/preventometastability. qfromre occurring. iWeoq jhavere to ilive owithqit. Butz beu ywisee oenoughzx to choose the appropriate synchronization method to avoid any potential problems.

(Q i3)o eLogici synthesiso? Ans:

Process iofo etransferringi fromoRTL qDomainre to iGate-Leveloq jDomainre is icalled oSynthesis.qWhich convertsz theu yhighe olevelzx architecture into low level net list VMM Ethernet sample format. Verilog
Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i4)o eListi ofothe qtoolsre are iusedoq jforre synthesis i? Ans: Commercial itoolo efori logicosynthesis

logic isynthesiso etargetingi ASICs OpenVera

* iDesigno eCompileri byoSynopsys * iEncountero eRTLi Compileroby qCadencere Design iSystems o iBuildGateso eani olderoproduct qbyre Cadence iDesignoq jSystemsre Switch TB ihumorously RVM Switch TB named iaftero eBilli Gates * iBlastCreateo ebyi MagmaoDesign qAutomation RVM Ethernet sample * iBooleDozer:o eLogici synthesisotool qbyre IBM i(internaloq jIBMre EDA itool)
Constructs Specman E Interview Questions

logic isynthesiso etargetingi FPGAs * iEncountero eRTLi Compileroby qCadencere Design iSystems * iLeonardoSpectrumo eandi Precisiono(RTL q/re Physical) ibyoq jMentorre Graphics

* * * * * *

iSynplifyo e(PROi /oPremier) qbyre Synplicity iBlastFPGAo ebyi MagmaoDesign qAutomation iQuartuso eIIi integratedoSynthesis qbyre Altera iXSTo e(deliveredi withinoISE) qbyre Xilinx iDesignCompilero eUltrai andoIC qCompilerre by iSynopsys iIspLevero ebyi LatticeoSemiconductor

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(Q i5)o eWhati doesosynthesis qtoolre produce i? Ans:

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synthesis iproduceso eregistersi andocombinational qlogicre at itheoq jRTLre level. i

(Q i6)o eStatici timingoAnalysis q(STA)re ? Ans: To ichecko ewhetheri designois qmeetingre setup iandoq ocalledqSTA. jholdre time iis

(Q i7)o eWhati areothe qtimingre paths i? Ans:

in itoo ereg,i regoto qreg,re reg itooq joutre and iin otoqout arez 4u ytiminge opaths.

(Q i8)o eTimingi patho? Ans: The ipatho ewhichi affectothe qtimingre is icalledoq jtimingre path.




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TUTORIALS SystemVerilog
Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

(Q i9)o eWhati dooyou qmeanre by inetoq jdelayre and icell odelayq? Ans: Time irequireo etoi chargeoor qdischargere all iparasiticoq jofre the inet ocalledqnetdelay andz timeu yinpute otransitionzx or slew rate of gate is called cell delay.


(Q i10)o eSetupi andoHold qtimere ? Ans: Valid idatao eshouldi beostable qbeforere the iclockoq jedgere and iafter otheqclock edgez isu ycallede osetupzx and hold time.

(Q i11)o eCriticali patho? Ans: The ipatho ewhichi hasoa qlargestre delay/longest ipathoq jisre called icritical opath.

VMM Ethernet sample (Q i12)o eSlacki ?


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

Amount iofo etimingi marginoin qwhichre device imayoq jworkre properly ior omayqnot bez thatu ytiminge oanalysiszx is called slack.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

(Q i13)o ePositivei andoNegative qslackre ? Ans: The imargino eofi timeoin qwhichre design icanoq jworkre functionally icorrect oisqcalled positivez slacku yande ovicezx versa for negative slack.

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i14)o eSkewi ? Ans: Clock iarrivingo etimei toothe qflip-flopre is icalledoq jskew.

(Q i15)o eTypesi ofoskew q? Ans: local iskewo e-i timeodifference qofre arriving iclockoq jtore 1st iflop otoqleaf flopz fromu ythee oclockzx pin of ASIC is called local skew. global iskewo e-i timeodifference qofre arriving iclockoq jfromre clock igenerator

Index Functional Verification Questions Functional Verification Questions 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 1 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 2 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 3 Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4 Test Your Sva Skills Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Test Your Verilog Skills 2 Test Your Verilog Skills 3 Test Your Verilog Skills 4 Test Your Verilog Skills 5 Test Your Verilog Skills 6 Test Your Verilog Skills 7 Test Your Verilog Skills 8 Test Your Verilog Skills 9 Test Your Verilog Skills 10 Test Your Verilog Skills 11 Test Your Verilog Skills 12 Test Your Verilog Skills 13 Test Your Verilog Skills 14 Test Your Verilog Skills 15 Test Your Verilog Skills 16 Test Your Verilog Skills 17 Test Your Specman Skills 1 Test Your Specman Skills 2 Test Your Specman Skills 3 Test Your Specman Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 1 Test Your Sta Skills 2 Test Your Sta Skills 3 Test Your Sta Skills 4 Test Your Sta Skills 5 Test Your Sta Skills 6 Test Your Sta Skills 7 Test Your Dft Skills 1 Test Your Dft Skills 2 Test Your Dft Skills 3 Test Your Dft Skills 4 Test Your Uvm Ovm Skills[9/26/2012 3:03:38 PM]

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otoqthe clock pinz isu ycallede oglobalzx skew.

(Q i16)o ewhati doesoclock qskewre caused i? Ans:


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Setup itimeo eviolation.

(Q i17)o ePropagationi delayo? Ans: Time irequireo etoi passodata qfromre the iregoq jisre called ipropagation odelay.

(Q i18)o eInputsi ofothe qsynthesisre tool i? Ans: RTL iDesingo efile,i otheqsynthesis tool.











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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB

(Q i19)o eWhati doesolibrary qcontainre ? Ans: It icontainso eRi andoC qvaluere of itheoq jcellre and inet.


(Q i20)o eUniti ofoR,C qandre Area i? Ans: R iiso eini kilo-ohm,oC qisre in ipico-Foq janre Area iin omicro-meter.

(Q i21)o eFalsei patho? Ans: The ipatho ewhichi isologically qcorrectre but inotoq jusedre is icalled ofalseqpath.

(Q i22)o eHowi dooyou qmeasurere maximum ifrequencyoq j? Ans: Max ifrequencyo e=i 1/(minooperational qclockre period) i=oq j1/(clk2Qre + imax

VMM Ethernet sample opathq+ setup)

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i23)o eCani youomeasure qsetre and iholdoq jatre input iand ooutputqpins ? Ans: No..Untill iweo edon'ti assumeovirtual qflop;re we icannotoq jmeasurere it. iThat oisqwhy wez writeu yinpute oandzx output max delay.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

(Q i24)o eWhati doesoconstrain qfilere contain i? Ans: Top ilevelo eclock,i In/Outodelay, qpathre exception, idesignoq jrulere constrain, icheck oforqmissing constrain,z RTLu ydesigne opath,zx Operating Condition, wire load model etc.

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i25)o eClocki latencyo? Ans: It iiso eonei typeoof qdelayre applied itooq jthere rise iand ofallqtime ofz theu yclocke operiod.

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(Q i26)o eClocki uncertaintyo? Ans: Skew iando ejitteri areocalled quncertainty.


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(Q i27)o eJitteri ? Ans: Unwanted ipulseo eisi calledojitter.

(Q i28)o eClocki domainocrossing q? Ans: When iao echipi haveomore qthenre one iclockoq jthenre it iis ocalledqmultiple clockz domainu yande otozx enter from one domain to another is called clock domain crossing.

(Q i29)o eVirtuali clocko? Ans: It iiso esamei asoclock qbutre without iassigningoq jthere pin. iIt oisqused forz calculatingu ysetupe oandzx hold time. It is also called ideal clock.

(Q i30)o eFalsei patho? Ans:


It iiso ethei pathowhich qneedre not itooq joptimizere while isynthesis.

(Q i31)o eMulti-cyclei patho? Ans: The ipatho ewhichi takesomore qthenre one iclockoq jcyclere is icalled omulticycleqpath.

(Q i32)o eHowi manyotypes qofre library iareoq javailablere for isynthesis o? Ans: Fast-Typical-Slow ilibraries.o eTheyi areodifferent qfromre their ioperatingoq jcondition.



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(Q i33)o eClocki gatingo? Ans:


Design iwillo egeti theoclock qwheneverre it irequired,oq jsuchre type iof ogatingqarrangement isz calledu yclocke ogating.

(Q i34)o eWhati areothe qadvancere synthesis itechniquesoq j? Ans: Datapath iSynthesis,o eClocki treeosynthesis, qLowre power isynthesis.

(Q i35)o eWhyi max/slowolibrary qisre used iforoq jsetupre analysis i? Ans: If idesigno esatisfyi maxolib qthenre it ialsooq jsatisfyre min ilib oalsoqfor setup.

(Q i36)o eWhyi min/fastolib qisre used iforoq jholdre analysis i? Ans:

VMM Ethernet sample If idesigno esatisfyi minolib qthenre it ialsooq jsatisfyre max ilib oalsoqfor hold.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs


(Q i37)o ewritei downothe qequationre for ifindingoq joutre maximum iclock operiod. Ans: T i>=o eTcombmaxi +Tclk2Qmaxo+ qTsetup

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i38)o eWhati isoDRV/Design qRulere Violation i? Ans: oDRV.qIt mustz notu ybee oviolated

RVM Ethernet sample Max ifanout,o eMaxi transition,oMax qcapacitancere are itheoq jcontainre of ithe

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i39)o eDifferencei betweenothe qarrivalre time i&oq jrequiredre time iknown oasq? Ans: Slack

(Q i40)o eWhati areothe qmainre optimization iisoq jdonere in iSynthesis o? Ans:

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Timing iOptimizationo eandi AreaoOptimization.


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(Q i41)o eWhati willobe qimplementedre by isynthesisoq jtoolre ? ... input d, en i; reg output q i; ... always @ (en ior d) if (en) output q i= do e; ... Ans:


(Q i42)o eWhati willobe qimplementedre by isynthesisoq jtoolre ? .. input d, clk i; reg output q i;

.... always @ (posedge clk) output q i= do e;

.... Ans:

Positive iedgeo esynchronousi flop.

(Q i43)o eWhati willobe qimplementedre by isynthesisoq jtoolre ? .... input d, clk i; reg output q i; .... always @ (negedge clk) output q i= do e; .... Ans: Negative iedgeo esynchronousi flop.

(Q i44)o eWhati willobe qimplementedre by isynthesisoq jtoolre ? .... input d, clk i; reg output q i; .... always @ (posedge clk ior d) output q i= do e; .... Ans: Positive iedgeo easynchronousi flop.[9/26/2012 3:03:56 PM]

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' iLoopso emusti beobounded qbyre constants ioroq jcontainre (@ iposedge Report a Bug or Comment oclk)qstatement. on This section - Your ' iDelayo eandi delayocontrol.
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(Q i48)o eZeroi setupo& qHoldre time i?


A izeroo esetupi timeomeans qthatre the itimeoq jforre the idata otoqpropagate withinz theu ycomponente oandzx load into the latch is equal to the time for the clock to propagate and trigger the latch. A zero hold time means that the clock path delay is equal to the data path delay. (Practically zero time is not possible coz it causes metastability)

(Q i49)o eNegativei setupo& qholdre time i? Ans: A inegativeo esetupi timeomeans qthatre the itimeoq jforre the idata otoqpropagate within thez componentu yande oloadzx into the latch is larger to the time for the clock to propagate and trigger the latch. A negative hold time means that the clock path delay is lesser then the data path delay.

(Q i50)o eReseti removalotime q?


Minimum itimeo erequiredi toode-assert qthere reset ibeforeoq jthere clock iedge oisqcalled resetz removalu ytime.

(Q i51)o eReseti recoveryotime q? Ans: Minimum itimeo erequiredi tooassert qthere reset iafteroq jthere clock iedge oisqcalled resetz recoveryu ytime.

(Q i52)o eIsi Initialostatement qisre synthesizable i?


Yes iito eis;i Iforespective qattributere is iwritten module irom_2dimarray_initialo e( output iwireo e[3:0]i z, input iwireo e[2:0]i a i);o e//i address-o8 qdeepre memory

// iDeclareo eai memoryorom qofre 8 i4-bitoq The iindices oareq0 toz 7: (* isynthesis,o erom_blocki =o"ROM_CELL qXYZ01"re *) iregoq j[3:0]re rom[0:7]; // i(*o esynthesis,i logic_blocko*) qregre [3:0] iromoq j[0:7];

initial ibegin rom[0] i=o e4'b1011; rom[1] i=o e4'b0001; rom[2] i=o e4'b0011; rom[3] i=o e4'b0010; rom[4] i=o e4'b1110;[9/26/2012 3:04:04 PM]

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rom[5] i=o e4'b0111; rom[6] i=o e4'b0101; rom[7] i=o e4'b0100; end assign iZo e=i rom[a]; endmodule (Reference iIEEEo eSynthsisi LRM)o

(Q i53)o eWilli theoclock qgatingre affect itheoq jsetup/holdre time iof otheqflop ? Ans: No..Initialy iito eseemsi theowe qneedre to iaddoq jcellre delay, ibut oifqwe considerz clocku ytreee othenzx we can say that there are lot of buffers are coming in the path, do we adding that also ? No, correct..!!

(Q i54)o eSetupi isodepend qonre clock ibutoq jholdre not..! iwhy o? Ans: Setup i=o evalidi dataoshould qpresentre before iclock,oq jsore it iis oclearlyqclock isz comingu yintoe opicturezx but for hold flop is coming into picture, thats why hold is not depending on clock.




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Verification Constructs Interface OOPS Randomization Functional Coverage Assertion DPI UVM Tutorial VMM Tutorial OVM Tutorial Easy Labs : SV Easy Labs : UVM Easy Labs : OVM Easy Labs : VMM AVM Switch TB VMM Ethernet sample

(Q i55)o eWhati willobe qimplementedre by i'for'oq jloop?re is iit osynthesizableq? Ans: Yes, iito eisi synthesizableoif qitre is iconstant,oq jandre ogiveqcounter thatz isu yaddere oalongzx with the comparator. synthesis iwill


(Q i56)o eWhati aboutolatch qbasedre timing i? Ans: Time iborrowingo e(alsoi knownoas qcyclere stealing) itakesoq jadvantagere of ithe olatchqtransparency toz borrowu ytimee ofromzx the next stage to meet timing constraints. (Very few company like IBM only doing latch based design)

(Q i57)o eWhati isoDPCS q? Ans: It iiso eDelayi andoPower qCalculationre Language. iYouoq jcanre find iits oIEEEqLRM fromz belowu ylink.e oItszx extension version is called OLA (Open Language API) Click on the below link

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i58)o eWhyi weoneed qsetupre & iholdoq jtimere ? Ans: If iweo ethinki atophysics qpointre of iview,oq jInternalre atoms iof osiliconqhas drift/diffusionz whichu ycausee ointernalzx resistance, because of that flops takes small amount of time to respond. Till that time input should remain stable, which is nothing but setup time. And for hold flop takes time to behave respect to input, that time called hold time

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB RVM Ethernet sample

(Q i59)o eMaximumi transitionotime q? Ans: The imaximumo etransitioni timeofor qare net iisoq jthere orequiredqfor itz isu ydrivinge opinzx to change logic values. longest itime

Specman E Interview Questions

(Q i60)o eMaximumi capacitanceo? Ans: The imaximumo ecapacitancei isoa qpin-levelre attribute iusedoq jtore define ithe maximum ototalqcapacitive loadz thatu yane ooutputzx pin can drive. That is, the pin cannot connect to a net that has a total capacitance (load pin capacitance and interconnect capacitance) greater than or equal to the maximum capacitance defined at the pin.

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(Q i61)o e.Maximumi fan-outo? Ans: Consider iano eANDi gateoof qA,Bre input iandoq jFre output. To ievaluateo ethei fanoutofor qare driving ipinoq jF,re tool icalculates otheqsum of allz theu yfanout_loade o(Inputs)zx driven by pin F and compares that number with the number of max_fanout attributes stored at the driving pin F. --If itheo esumi ofothe qfanoutre loads iisoq jnotre more ithan otheqmax_fanout value,z theu ynete odrivenzx by X is valid. --If itheo eneti drivenoby qXre is inotoq jvalid,re tool itries otoqmake thatz netu yvalid,e operhapszx by choosing a higher-drive component.

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(Q i62)o eIfi myodesign qhavere a isetupoq jandre hold iviolation othenqwhom willz youu yfixe ofirst? whyzx ? Ans: first iholdo etimei violationoshould qbere sorted iout.oq jevenre if iu osatisfyqsetup timez requirementsu yfore oazx particular frequency, your system will land up in metastable state if hold is not met. setup time violations can be taken care of by reducing the clock frequency. but the hold time violation is due to unnecessary delays on the clock tree. therefore removing the hold time violation is a preferred option. You can see a lot of chips/microprocessors taped out with setup violations but getting rid of each hold violation is absolutely important.

(Q i63)o ePropagatedi clocko? Ans: There iareo efori typesoof qclock,re Real, iIdeal,oq jProrogatedre and iVirtual. oamongqthem Prorogatedz clocku yhavee oedgezx times skewed by the path delay from the clock source to the register clock pin.

(Q i64)o eDynamici timingoanalysis q? Ans: Dynamic itimingo eanalysisi verifiesocircuit qtimingre by iapplyingoq jtestre vectors ito the ocircuit.qThis approachz isu yane oextensionzx of simulation and ensures that circuit timing is tested in its functional context. This method reports timing errors that functionally exist in the circuit and avoids reporting errors that occur in unused circuit paths. There are no commercially available tools for dynamic timing analysis.

(Q i65)o eArrivali timeo?



The iarrivalo etimei ofoa qcircuitre is itheoq jtimere elapsed ifor oaqsignal toz arriveu yate oazx certain point. The reference, or time 0.0, is often taken as the arrival time of a clock signal. that time comes under arrival path/clock path/early path.

(Q i66)o eRequiredi timeo? Ans:[9/26/2012 3:04:13 PM]

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This iiso ethei latestotime qatre which iaoq jsignalre can iarrive owithoutqmaking thez clocku ycyclee olongerzx than desired. It falls under required path/ data path/late path.

(Q i67)o eWhati isothe qequationre of itheoq jsetupre and ihold otimeq? Ans: setup itimeo e=i (longestodata qpathre delay) ioq j(shortestre clock ipath odelay)q+ (setupz timeu yofe oregister) hold itimeo e=i (longestoclock qpathre delay) ioq j(shortestre data ipath odelay) +q(hold timez ofu yregister)




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(Q i68)o eWhati isothe qequationre of itheoq jsetupre and ihold oslackq? Ans: Setup islacko e=i ClockoPeriod q+re minimum iclockoq jpathre imaximum odataqpath "z setup Hold islacko e=i minimumodata qpathre imaximumoq jclockre path i ohold


(Q i69)o eIfi theosource qandre destination iregistersoq jarere out iof ophaseqthen whatz willu ythee oslackzx equation ? Ans: setup islacko e=i T/2o+ qminimumre clock ipathoq jre maximum idata opathq setup hold islacko e=i minimumodata qpathre imaximumoq jclockre path i oholdq+ T/2

(Q i70)o eDividedi Clocko? Ans: A iclocko edivideri circuitogenerates qare new iclockoq olowerqfrequency than thez originalu yclocke osignal. jsignalre with ia

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i71)o eWhati weosupposed qtore do itooq jpreventre setup iand oholdqviolation ? Ans:

To iprevento esetupi violation tclock-to-Q_max i+o etlogic_maxi +otsetup_max q<=re tclock i-oq jtskew To iprevento eholdi violation tskew i+o ethold_maxi <=otclock-to-Q_min q+re tlogic_min

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample Ans:

(Q i72)o eReferencei booksofor qlogicre synthesis iandoq jSTA. qCircuitsre Handbook, ibyoq

Specman E Interview Questions

Electronic iDesigno eAutomationi ForoIntegrated jLavagno,re Martin, iand oScheffer

(Q i73)o eWhati areothe qtoolsre are iusedoq jforre STA i? Ans: Commercial itoolo efori logicoSTA * iPrimeo eTimei byoSynopsys * iEncountero eCTEi (commonotiming qengine) byre Cadence iDesignoq jSystems * iBlastFusiono ebyi MagmaoDesign qAutomation

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"The igreatesto eofi allofaults qisre to ibeoq jconsciousre of inone"

(Q i1)o eWhati is DFTo? Ans: DFT istandso efori Designofor To icheckoq jmanufacturingre defect iwe ouseqDFT.

(Q i2)o eTechniquesi ofoDFT..! Ans: AD-Hock itechniques.o e Structured idesigno etechniques Self-test i+o eBuilt-Ini testing

VMM Ethernet sample (Q i3)o eDifferencei betweenoverification qandre DFT i?


Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs


Verification iattempto etoi proveomathematically qthatre certain irequirementsoq jarere met ior othatqcertain undesiredz behaviorsu ycannote ooccurzx while DFT checks the physical defect It has not concern with functionality. (Q i4)o eWirei loadomodel q? Ans. It iiso estaticali valueoof qRre and iC,oq jforre which ilibrary ofileqcomes fromz theu yfab.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

RVM Ethernet sample (Q i5)o eDRV,i DV,oGV, qSVre or iLVS.


Specman E Interview Questions

Physical iverificationo ehasi verification i(SV).






i All itheo ethreei termsopoint qtore the isameoq jprocessre of ichecking othatqthe layoutz isu ycompliante owithzx manufacture rules. ia.Active-to-activeo espacing ib.Well-to-wello espacing ic.Minimumo echanneli lengthoof qthere transistor

iDRVo e-i DesignoRule qViolation iDVo e-i DesignoRule qVerification iGVo e-i GeometryoViolation

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id.Minimumo emetali width ie.Metal-to-metalo espacing

if.Metalo efilli density

iSVo e-i ScmaticoViolation qorre LVS i-oq jLayoutre versus ischematic iTheo eotheri partoof qphysicalre verification iisoq jthere schematic/netlist icheck. oItqis referredz tou yase oschematiczx verification (SV) or layout versus schematic (LVS). iBotho etermsi describeothe qprocessre of ivalidatingoq jthatre the ilayout omatchesqthe netlist/schematic. i ia.shorts ib.opens ic.componento emissing id.mismatcho eofi component

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ie.propertyo eerrors

(Q i6)o eTapei outo? Ans. Tapeout iiso ethei finalostep qofre chip idesign.oq jItre is ithe otimeqat whichz theu ydesigne oiszx fully qualified and ready for manufacturing. After the physical design is finished, the functionality of the netlist is verified, and the timing analysis is satisfied, the final layout, usually in GDSII (Gerber data stream information interchange) format, is sent to mask shop to generate photomask reticles. The resultant masks will be used to direct the manufacture of this chip. (Q i7)o eNeedi ofoDFT q?re Ans:

After itheo emanufacturingi toocheck qwhetherre actual ibehavoroq jmatchesre the iexpected obehaviorqor not,z DFTu yise oused.

(Q i8)o eWhati willohappen qifre manufactured ichipoq jisre not iworking ofunctionalityq? Ans: It ineedo etoi garbage.

(Q i9)o eYieldi ? Ans: Ratio iino epercentagei ofonumber qofre working ichipsoq jtore total ino ochipsqin single wafer.

(Q i10)o eControllabilityi ? Ans: Controllability imeasureso ethei abilityoto qcontrolre the iinternaloq jstatere of ithe ocircuitqthrough primaryz inputs.u yore oThezx ability to set or reset internal nodes from the primary inputs.

(Q i11)o eObservabilityi ?

Ans:[9/26/2012 3:04:29 PM]

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Observability imeasureso ethei abilityoto qobservere the iinternaloq jstatere of ithe ocircuitqthrough primaryz outputs.u yore oThezx ability to observe the value of an internal node at the primary outputs

(Q i12)o eHowi toodrive qtestre pattern i? The itestso egenerallyi areodriven qbyre test iprogramsoq jthatre execute iin oAutomaticqTest Equipmentz (ATE). @edes




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(Q i13)o eHowi toodeliver qtestre data i? Ans: The imosto ecommoni methodofor qdeliveringre test idataoq jfromre chip iinputs otoqinternal circuitsz underu yteste oandzx observing their outputs, is called scandesign. (Q i14)o eScani chaino? Ans: In iscan-design,o eregistersi (flip-flopsoor qlatches)re in itheoq jdesignre are iconnected oinqone orz moreu yscane ochains,zx which are used to gain access to internal nodes of the chip.


(Q i15)o eHowi scanochain qworksre ?


Test ipatternso earei shiftedoin qviare the iscanoq jchain(s),re functional iclock osignalsqare pulsedz tou yteste othezx circuit during the "capture cycle(s)", and the results are then shifted out to chip output pins and compared against the expected "good machine" results.

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i16)o eStucki @ofault q? Ans: For ianyo ecombinationi ifoinput qorre output iisoq jpermanentlyre stuck iat ooneqfault either 0z oru y1,e othenzx its called Stuck at fault.

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i17)o eThei stuck-at-0o?


RVM Ethernet sample ootherqsignals thatz normallyu ycontrole othezx node.

Model irepresentso eai signalothat qisre permanently ilowoq jregardlessre of ithe

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(Q i18)o eThei stuck-at-1o? Ans: Model irepresentso eai signalothat qisre permanently ihighoq jregardlessre of ithe ootherqsignals thatz normallyu ycontrole othezx node.

(Q i19)o eWherei weocan qgivere DFT iconstrainoq j?


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In isynthesiso econstraini fileowe qcanre apply iDFToq jconstrain.

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(Q i20)o eAffecti ofoDFT qconstrainre ? Ans: It iwillo econverti flopsointo qscanre flops iandoq j3re more ipin owillqbe addededz tou ythee odesign. a)SI i-o escani Input, b)SEN i-o eScani Enableoand c)SO i-o escani output.


(Q i21)o eDifferencei betweenoflops qandre scan iflops. Ans:

Scan iflopo econtaini flopoand qthere 2:1 imuxoq jalso,re output iof otheqmux willz gou yintoe oflop.

(Q i22)o eHowi willoyou qcheckre particular istuck@faultoq j? Ans: the ifaulto ewhichi youowant qtore check; ioppositeoq opassqthrough thez chainu yande oobservezx the output. jtore that ifault

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i23)o eTypesi ofotest q?



ia)o estructurali test ib)o eparametrici test ic)o espeedi test

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i24)o eStructurali testo? Ans: osignalsqare pulsedz tou yteste othezx circuit during the "capture cycle(s)", and the results are then shifted out to chip output pins and compared against the expected "good machine" results.

RVM Ethernet sample Test ipatternso earei shiftedoin qviare the iscanoq jchain(s),re functional iclock

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(Q i25)o eParametrici testo? Ans: to iverifyo eACi andoDC qparametersre of imanufacturedoq jdevice. ia)o eSetup/hold ib)o eVIL,i VIH ic)o eVOL,i VOH

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(Q i26)o eSpeedi testo? Ans:

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To iverifyo eperformancei ofomanufactured qdevicere and itestoq jthere operating ifrequency oofqthe chip.

(Q i27)o eTypesi ofomanufacturing qdefectre ? Ans: -----------------Physical iDefects: ----------------iContamination--causingo eopeni circuits iExtrao emetal--causingi shortocircuits iInsufficiento edoping iprocesso eori maskoerrors iMetalo etracei bridges iSlowo etransistors ---------------------Electrical ieffects: ---------------------.....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

iTransistorso estucki openoor qshort iBridgingo e(i shorts)obetween qadjacentre lines iResistiveo eshortsi andoopens iChangeo eini thresholdovoltage iPowero eori Groundoshorts

(Q i28)o eUndetectablei faultso? Ans: The iundetectedo efaulti classoincludes qundetectedre faults ithatoq jcanre not ibe oprovenquntestable orz ATPGu yuntestable.e oforzx example, in the gate circuitry one pin is connected to Vcc and another gate's pin is connected to Gnd then we can not detect stack@o and 1 fault respectively.

(Q i29)o eUncontrolledi (UC)o?


Undetected ifaults,o ewhichi duringopattern qsimulation,re never iachieveoq jthere value iat otheqpoint ofz theu yfaulte odetectionzx that means they are uncontrollable.

(Q i30)o eUnobservablei (UO)o? Ans:


Faults iwhoseo eeffectsi doonot qpropagatere to ianoq jobservablere point.

(Q i31)o eATPGi ?

Ans:[9/26/2012 3:04:46 PM]

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ATPG i(acronymo efori bothoAutomatic qTestre Pattern iGenerationoq jandre Automatic iTest Pattern oGenerator)qis anz electronicu ydesigne oautomationzx method/technology used to find an input (or test) sequence that, when applied to a digital circuit, enables testers to distinguish between the correct circuit behavior and the faulty circuit behavior caused by defects.




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(Q i32)o eFaulti coverageo? Ans:


The ipercentageo eofi ALLofaults q(bothre testable iandoq juntestable)re that iare odetectedqby thez patternu yset. Fault iCoverageo e=i DetectedoFaults q/re Total iFaults

(Q i33)o eTesti coverageo? Ans: The ipercentageo eofi allotestable qfaultsre that iareoq jdetectedre by ithe opatternqset. Test iCoverageo e=i DetectedoFaults q/re (Total ifaultsoq j-re Untestable iFaults)

(Q i34)o eATPGi effectivenesso? Ans: A imeasureo eofi theoability qofre the iATPGoq jtoolre to ieither oprovideqa testz tou ydetecte oazx fault or prove that a test cannot be created. iATGo eefficiencyi =o(Detected q+re Untestable iFaults)oq j/re Total iFaults

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i35)o eBISTi ?


Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

A ibuilt-ino eself-testi (BIST)omechanism qwithinre an iintegratedoq jcircuitre (IC) iis oaqfunction thatz verifiesu yalle oorzx a portion of the internal functionality of the IC. It is the capability of circuit to test itself. generally on-chip circuitry is used to apply a predetermined set of test vectors to internal sections of the circuit. Another on-chip circuit monitors the results of the test and checks them against the stored correct response. BIST can be extended to board-level system.

RVM Ethernet sample (Q i36)o eAdvantagesi ofoBIST..!!


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Replaces iexternalo etesteri withoon-chip Avoids itheoq jtestre generation iproblem. oItqis technologyz andu yfaulte omodelzx independent. i (Q i37)o eBoundaryi Scano? Ans:

Boundary iscano eisi aomethod qforre testing iinterconnectsoq j(thinre wire ilines) oonqprinted circuitz boardsu yore osub-blockszx inside an integrated circuit. The Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) developed a specification for boundary scan testing contains a description of the Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) was added

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which describes the boundary-scan logic content of IEEE Std 1149.1 compliant Report a Bug or Comment devices. Boundary scan is nowadays mostly synonymous with JTAG.
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(Q i38)o eToolsi relatedoto qDFTre from imentor. Ans: ATPG i&o eCompression TestKompress FastScan

DFTAdvisor FlexTest

Memory iTest MBISTArchitect MacroTest Boundary iScan BSDArchitect Logic iBIST LBISTArchitect Yield iLearningo eandi Diagnosis YieldAssist

(Q i39)o eReference..!! Ans: 1) iElectronico eDesigni AutomationoFor qIntegratedre Circuits iHandbook,oq jbyre Lavagno,Martin iand oScheffer. 2) iMichaelo eL.i Bushwelloand qVishwanire D. iAgrawal, Essentialsoq jofre Electronic iTesting oforqDigital, Memoryz andu yMixed-Signale oVLSIzx Circuits Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000. 3) iMirono eAbramovici,i MelvinoA. qBreuer,re and iArthuroq Friedman, iDigital oSystemsqTesting andz Testableu yDesign,e oIEEEzx Press, 1994.




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(Q i40)Whato earei theodifferences qbetweenre vmm iandoq jovm/uvmre ? (Q i41)Whato eisi theoadvantage qofre uvm iagentoq j? (Q i42)Howo emultiplei set_config_*oare qresolvedre at isameoq jhierarchyre level iand oatqdifferent hierarchyz levelsu y? (Q i43)Iso eiti possibleoto qconnectre multiple idriversoq jtore one isequencers o?qif yes,z thenu yhowe o? (Q i44)Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre factory iandoq jcallbacksre ?

(Q i45)Explaino ethei mechanismoinvolved qinre TLM iports. (Q i46)Whyo eTLMi fifoois qusedre ? (Q i47)Howo etoi addoa quserre defined iphaseoq j? (Q i48)Whato earei theoways qtore get itheoq jconfigurationre information iinside ocomponentq?

(Q i49)Iso eiti possibleoto qusere get_config_obj iinsideoq jare sequence iclass? o (Q i50)Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre create iandoq jnewre method i?

Verification Verilog Switch TB Basic Constructs

(Q i51)Whato eisi virtualosequencer q?re Explain ibyoq jwritingre example. (Q i52)Howo eai sequenceois qstartedre ? (Q i53)Explaino eendi ofotest (Q i54)When/howo ethei stop()omethod qisre called i?

Constructs Switch TB RVM Switch TB

(Q i55)Whato eisi port/import/exporto? (Q i56)Whicho ephasei isotop qdown,re and iwhichoq jphasere is ibottom oup? oifqthe superz isu ynote ocalledzx ?

RVM Ethernet sample (Q i57)Ino ewhichi phaseomethod, qsuperre method iisoq jrequiredre to icall. What

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(Q i58)Explaino ethei differentophases qandre what iisoq jtheirre purpose.


(Q i59)Howo etoi useofactory qoverridere a isequenceoq j?re

(Q i60)Explaino ehowi scoreboardois (Q i61)Whato eisi theouse qofre subscriber i? (Q i62)Explaino eabouti run_test(). (Q i63)Howo einterfacei isopassed qtore component.

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(Q i64)Whato eisi theodifferent qb/wre active iagentoq jandre passive iagent o?

(Q i65)Explaino ehowi aointerrupt qsequencere is iimplemented. (Q i66)Explaino ehowi layeredosequencers qarere implemented. (Q i67)Howo etoi changeothe qverbosityre level iofoq jlogre messages ifrom ocommandqline ?

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(Q i68)Howo etoi setoverbosity qlevelre to ioneoq jparticularre component i? (Q i69)Howo etoi fillothe qgapre b/w idifferentoq jobjections?

(Q i70)Whato eisi theouse qofre uvm_event i? (Q i71)Howo etoi connectomultiple qsequencersre to ioneoq jdriverre ? (Q i72)Whato eisi returnedoby qget_type_name()? (Q i73)Howo etoi useoset_config_* qforre setting ivariablesoq jofre sequence i? (Q i74)Foro edebuggingi purpose,ohow qtore print imessagesoq jthatre indicates ithe ocomponentsqphase ?

(Q i75)Whato eisi theodisadvantage qifre sequence iisoq jregisterdre to isequencer ousingqutility macrosz ? Ifu ysequencee oiszx not registered with sequencer, then how to invoke the sequence execution ? (Q i76)Whato eisi theouse qofre uvm_create_random_seed i? (Q i77)Whato eisi theodifference qb/wre starting idefault_sequence oandqsequence.start() method.z




(Q i78)Io edon<92>ti wantoto qregisterre a isequenceoq jtore sequencer. iWhat oisqthe alternatez macrou ytoe ouvm_sequence_utils()zx macro ? (Q i79)Explaino ehowi UVMocallbacks qworkre ?

(Q i80)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere b/w im_sequenceroq jandre p_sequencer i?




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//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s VMM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// `ifndef GUARD_PACKET `define GUARD_PACKET class Packet extends vmm_data; static vmm_log log = new("Packet","Class"); rand bit [7:0] length; rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] sa; rand bit [7:0] data[];//Payload using Dynamic array,size is generated on the fly rand byte fcs; constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 6]};} function new();; endfunction:new virtual function vmm_data allocate(); Packet pkt; pkt = new(); return pkt; endfunction:allocate virtual function string psdisplay(string prefix = ""); int i; $write(psdisplay, " %s packet #%0d.%0d.%0d\n", prefix,this.stream_id, this.scenario_id, this.data_id); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s da:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.da); $write(psdisplay, " %s%s sa:0x%h\n", psdisplay, prefix,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s length:0x%h (data.size=%0d)\n", psdisplay, prefix,this.length,; $write(psdisplay, " %s%s data[%0d]:0x%h", psdisplay, prefix,0,data[0]); if(data.size() > 1) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", 1,data[1]); if(data.size() > 4) $write(psdisplay, " .... "); if(data.size() > 2) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", data.size() -2,data[data.size() -2]); if(data.size() > 3) $write(psdisplay, " data[%0d]:0x%h", data.size() -1,data[data.size() -1]);[9/26/2012 3:05:42 PM]

$write(psdisplay, "\n %s%s fcs:0x%h \n", psdisplay, prefix, this.fcs); endfunction virtual function vmm_data copy(vmm_data to = null); Packet cpy; // Copying to a new instance? if (to == null) cpy = new; else // Copying to an existing instance. Correct type? if (!$cast(cpy, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to copy to a non packet instance"); copy = null; return copy; end super.copy_data(cpy); cpy.da = this.da; =; cpy.length = this.length; = new[]; foreach(data[i]) begin[i] =[i]; end cpy.fcs = this.fcs; copy = cpy; endfunction:copy

virtual function bit compare(input vmm_data to,output string diff,input int kind = -1); Packet cmp; compare = 1; // Assume success by default. diff = "No differences found"; if (!$cast(cmp, to)) begin `vmm_fatal(this.log, "Attempting to compare to a non packet instance"); compare = 0; diff = "Cannot compare non packets"; return compare; end // data types are the same, do comparison: if (this.da != cmp.da)[9/26/2012 3:05:42 PM]

begin diff = $psprintf("Different DA values: %b != %b", this.da, cmp.da); compare = 0; return compare; end if ( != begin diff = $psprintf("Different SA values: %b != %b",,; compare = 0; return compare; end if (this.length != cmp.length) begin diff = $psprintf("Different LEN values: %b != %b", this.length, cmp.length); compare = 0; return compare; end foreach(data[i]) if ([i] !=[i]) begin diff = $psprintf("Different data[%0d] values: 0x%h != 0x%h",i,[i],[i]); compare = 0; return compare; end if (this.fcs != cmp.fcs) begin diff = $psprintf("Different FCS values: %b != %b", this.fcs, cmp.fcs); compare = 0; return compare; end endfunction:compare virtual function int unsigned byte_pack( ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset =0 , input int kind = -1); byte_pack = 0; bytes = new[ + 4]; bytes[0] = this.da; bytes[1] =; bytes[2] = this.length; foreach(data[i]) bytes[3+i] = data[i]; bytes[ + 3 ] = fcs; byte_pack = + 4; endfunction:byte_pack virtual function int unsigned byte_unpack( const ref logic [7:0] bytes[], input int unsigned offset = 0,[9/26/2012 3:05:42 PM]

input int len = -1, input int kind = -1); this.da = bytes[0]; = bytes[1]; this.length = bytes[2]; this.fcs = bytes[bytes.size() -1]; = new[bytes.size() - 4]; foreach(data[i])[i] = bytes[i+3]; return bytes.size(); endfunction:byte_unpack endclass `endif[9/26/2012 3:05:42 PM]


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//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s UVM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// class instruction_driver extends uvm_driver #(instruction); // Provide implementations of virtual methods such as get_type_name and create `uvm_component_utils(instruction_driver) // Constructor function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction task run (); forever begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(req); $display("0: Driving Instruction ",$time,; #10; // rsp.set_id_info(req); These two steps are required only if // seq_item_port.put(esp); responce needs to be sent back to sequence seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask endclass[9/26/2012 3:06:52 PM]


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IFILES = FILES = UVM_FLAGS = +incdir+${UVM_HOME}/src ${UVM_HOME}/src/ VCS_FLAGS = -sverilog +plusarg_save -timescale=1ns/1ns vcs: simv: simv simv -l simv.log

${FILES} ${IFILES} @if [ ! -e ${UVM_HOME}/src/ ];then \ echo "*******************************************************";\ echo "Environemnt varible UVM_HOME is not set or points to incorrect path"; \ echo "*******************************************************";\ fi vcs ${UVM_FLAGS} ${VCS_FLAGS} ${FILES} questa: ${FILES} ${IFILES} @if [ ! -e ${UVM_HOME}/src/ ];then \ echo "*******************************************************";\ echo "Environemnt varible UVM_HOME is not set or points to incorrect path"; \ echo "*******************************************************";\ fi qverilog ${UVM_FLAGS} +incdir+. ${FILES} -R ius: ${FILES} ${IFILES} @if [ ! -e ${UVM_HOME}/src/ ];then \ echo "*******************************************************";\ echo "Environemnt varible UVM_HOME is not set or points to incorrect path"; \ echo "*******************************************************";\ fi irun ${UVM_FLAGS} +incdir+. ${FILES} DIR = $(shell basename `pwd`) tar: clean cd ..; \ tar cvf ${DIR}.tar ${DIR} @rm -rf simv* csrc* *.log *.key core* *.vpd *.vcd @rm -rf *~ .vcsmx_rebuild vc_hdrs.h DVEfiles @rm -rf work vsim.wlf INCA_libs

clean:[9/26/2012 3:06:56 PM]


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//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s UVM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// class instruction extends uvm_sequence_item; typedef enum {PUSH_A,PUSH_B,ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,POP_C} inst_t; rand inst_t inst; `uvm_object_utils_begin(instruction) `uvm_field_enum(inst_t,inst, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_object_utils_end function new (string name = "instruction");; endfunction endclass[9/26/2012 3:07:00 PM]


Code Browser Pages: Files in uvm_sequence_10.tar Makefile README.txt Current file:

//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s UVM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// class instruction_sequencer extends uvm_sequencer #(instruction); function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); `uvm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(instruction) endfunction `uvm_sequencer_utils(instruction_sequencer) endclass[9/26/2012 3:07:03 PM]


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//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s UVM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// class seq_mul extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); integer num_inst = 4; instruction req; `uvm_sequence_utils_begin(seq_mul,instruction_sequencer) `uvm_field_int(num_inst, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_sequence_utils_end function new(string name="seq_mul");; endfunction virtual task body(); void'(p_sequencer.get_config_int("num_inst",num_inst)); uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),$psprintf("Num of transactions 0",num_inst),UVM_LOW); repeat(num_inst) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == MUL; }); end endtask endclass[9/26/2012 3:07:07 PM]


Code Browser Pages: Files in uvm_sequence_10.tar Makefile README.txt Current file:

//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s UVM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "uvm.svh" import uvm_pkg::*; `include `include `include `include "" "" "" ""

module test; instruction_sequencer sequencer; instruction_driver driver; initial begin set_config_string("sequencer", "default_sequence", "seq_mul"); set_config_int("sequencer", "num_inst",3); sequencer = new("sequencer", null);; driver = new("driver", null);; driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); sequencer.print(); fork begin run_test(); sequencer.start_default_sequence(); end #3000 global_stop_request(); join end endmodule[9/26/2012 3:07:11 PM]


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//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s UVM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// class instruction_driver extends uvm_driver #(instruction); // Provide implementations of virtual methods such as get_type_name and create `uvm_component_utils(instruction_driver) // Constructor function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent); endfunction task run (); forever begin seq_item_port.get_next_item(req); $display("0: Driving Instruction ",$time,; #10; // rsp.set_id_info(req); These two steps are required only if // seq_item_port.put(esp); responce needs to be sent back to sequence seq_item_port.item_done(); end endtask endclass[9/26/2012 3:07:15 PM]


Code Browser Pages: Files in uvm_sequence_11.tar Current file: Makefile README.txt

IFILES = FILES = UVM_FLAGS = +incdir+${UVM_HOME}/src ${UVM_HOME}/src/ VCS_FLAGS = -sverilog +plusarg_save -timescale=1ns/1ns vcs: simv: simv simv -l simv.log

${FILES} ${IFILES} @if [ ! -e ${UVM_HOME}/src/ ];then \ echo "*******************************************************";\ echo "Environemnt varible UVM_HOME is not set or points to incorrect path"; \ echo "*******************************************************";\ fi vcs ${UVM_FLAGS} ${VCS_FLAGS} ${FILES} questa: ${FILES} ${IFILES} @if [ ! -e ${UVM_HOME}/src/ ];then \ echo "*******************************************************";\ echo "Environemnt varible UVM_HOME is not set or points to incorrect path"; \ echo "*******************************************************";\ fi qverilog ${UVM_FLAGS} +incdir+. ${FILES} -R ius: ${FILES} ${IFILES} @if [ ! -e ${UVM_HOME}/src/ ];then \ echo "*******************************************************";\ echo "Environemnt varible UVM_HOME is not set or points to incorrect path"; \ echo "*******************************************************";\ fi irun ${UVM_FLAGS} +incdir+. ${FILES} DIR = $(shell basename `pwd`) tar: clean cd ..; \ tar cvf ${DIR}.tar ${DIR} @rm -rf simv* csrc* *.log *.key core* *.vpd *.vcd @rm -rf *~ .vcsmx_rebuild vc_hdrs.h DVEfiles @rm -rf work vsim.wlf INCA_libs

clean:[9/26/2012 3:07:19 PM]


Code Browser Pages: Files in uvm_sequence_11.tar Makefile README.txt Current file:

//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s UVM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// class seq_a extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="seq_a");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(seq_a, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_A; }); end endtask endclass class seq_b extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="seq_b");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(seq_b, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); lock(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == PUSH_B; }); end unlock(); endtask endclass class seq_c extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); instruction req; function new(string name="seq_c");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(seq_c, instruction_sequencer) virtual task body(); repeat(4) begin `uvm_do_with(req, { inst == POP_C; }); end endtask endclass class parallel_sequence extends uvm_sequence #(instruction); seq_a s_a; seq_b s_b; seq_c s_c; function new(string name="parallel_sequence");; endfunction `uvm_sequence_utils(parallel_sequence, instruction_sequencer)[9/26/2012 3:07:23 PM]


virtual task body(); fork `uvm_do(s_a) `uvm_do(s_b) `uvm_do(s_c) join endtask endclass[9/26/2012 3:07:23 PM]


Code Browser Pages: Files in vmm_record_playback.tar

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//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s VMM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Transaction implemntation ///// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class trans extends vmm_data; typedef enum bit {BAD_FCS=1'b0, GOOD_FCS=1'b1} kind_e; rand rand rand rand bit [47:0] bit [47:0] int kind_e DA; SA; length; kind;

`vmm_data_member_begin(trans) `vmm_data_member_scalar(DA, DO_ALL) `vmm_data_member_scalar(SA, DO_ALL) `vmm_data_member_scalar(length, DO_ALL) `vmm_data_member_enum(kind, DO_ALL) `vmm_data_member_end(trans) endclass // for declaring trans_channel `vmm_channel(trans) // for declaring trans_atomic_gen `vmm_atomic_gen(trans, "Gen")

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Record/Playback demo example /////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// program main(); trans tr; trans_atomic_gen gen = new("Atomic Gen",1); bit success; // This is the producer logic. // Transactions are produced from Atomic generator in RECORD mode. // Transactions are produced from recorded file in PLAYBACK mode. initial begin if($test$plusargs("RECORD")) begin $display(" RECORDING started "); gen.stop_after_n_insts = 3; gen.start_xactor(); gen.out_chan.record(""); end else if($test$plusargs("PLAYBACK")) begin $display(" PLAYBACK started "); tr = new(); gen.out_chan.playback(success,"",tr); if(!success) $display(" Failed to playback"); end else $display(" give +RECORD or +PLAYBACK with simulation command"); end[9/26/2012 3:07:28 PM]


// This is consumer logic. initial repeat(3) begin #10; gen.out_chan.get(tr); tr.display(); end endprogram[9/26/2012 3:07:28 PM]


Code Browser Pages: Files in vmm_opts.tar

Current file: filelist README.txt[9/26/2012 3:07:32 PM]


Code Browser Pages: Files in vmm_opts.tar

filelist README.txt Current file:

//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s VMM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////////////////////////////////////////////////

`include "" class my_env extends vmm_env; vmm_opts op = new(); virtual function void gen_cfg(); integer foo1; string foo2; bit foo3; super.gen_cfg(); `vmm_note(log,"START OF GEN_CFG "); foo1 = vmm_opts::get_int("foo1" , 10 , "Help for the option foo1: pass any integer between 0 to 100"); foo2 = vmm_opts::get_string("foo2" , "default_string" , "Help for the option foo2: pass any string"); foo3 = vmm_opts::get_int("foo3" , "Help for the option foo3: just use foo3 to enable "); `vmm_note(log,$psprintf("\n Run time Options \n foo1 : 0 \n foo2 : \n foo3 : 0 \n",foo1,foo2,foo3)); `vmm_note(log,"END OF GEN_CFG "); endfunction endclass program main(); initial begin my_env env; env = new();; end endprogram[9/26/2012 3:07:35 PM]


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filelist Current file: README.txt

//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// ////s s//// ////s s//// ////s OVM Tutorial s//// ////s s//// ////s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s//// //////////////////////////////////////////////// `ifndef GUARD_PACKET `define GUARD_PACKET `include "ovm.svh" import ovm_pkg::*; //Define the enumerated types for packet types typedef enum { GOOD_FCS, BAD_FCS } fcs_kind_t; class Packet extends ovm_transaction; rand fcs_kind_t rand rand rand rand rand bit [7:0] bit [7:0] bit [7:0] bit [7:0] byte fcs; fcs_kind; length; da; sa; data[];

constraint payload_size_c { data.size inside { [1 : 6]};} constraint length_c { length == data.size; } data.size before length; }

constraint solve_size_length { solve function new(string name = "");; endfunction : new function void post_randomize(); if(fcs_kind == GOOD_FCS) fcs = 8'b0; else fcs = 8'b1; fcs = cal_fcs(); endfunction : post_randomize

///// method to calculate the fcs ///// virtual function byte cal_fcs; integer i; byte result ; result = 0; result = result ^ da; result = result ^ sa; result = result ^ length; for (i = 0;i< data.size;i++) result = result ^ data[i]; result = fcs ^ result; return result; endfunction : cal_fcs `ovm_object_utils_begin(Packet) `ovm_field_int(da, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(sa, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(length, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_array_int(data, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_field_int(fcs, OVM_ALL_ON|OVM_NOPACK) `ovm_object_utils_end function void do_pack(ovm_packer packer); super.do_pack(packer); packer.pack_field_int(da,$bits(da)); packer.pack_field_int(sa,$bits(sa)); packer.pack_field_int (length,$bits(length)); foreach(data[i]) packer.pack_field_int(data[i],8); packer.pack_field_int(fcs,$bits(fcs));[9/26/2012 3:07:40 PM]


endfunction : do_pack function void do_unpack(ovm_packer packer); int sz; super.do_pack(packer); da = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(da)); sa = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(sa)); length = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(length)); data.delete(); data = new[length]; foreach(data[i]) data[i] = packer.unpack_field_int(8); fcs = packer.unpack_field_int($bits(fcs)); endfunction : do_unpack endclass : Packet ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Test to check the packet implementation //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module test; Packet pkt1 = new("pkt1"); Packet pkt2 = new("pkt2"); byte unsigned pkdbytes[]; initial repeat(10) if(pkt1.randomize) begin $display(" Randomization Sucessesfull."); pkt1.print(); ovm_default_packer.use_metadata = 1; void'(pkt1.pack_bytes(pkdbytes)); $display("Size of pkd bits 0",pkdbytes.size()); pkt2.unpack_bytes(pkdbytes); pkt2.print(); if( $display(" Packing,Unpacking and compare worked"); else $display(" *** Something went wrong in Packing or Unpacking or compare *** \n \n"); end else $display(" *** Randomization Failed ***"); endmodule `endif[9/26/2012 3:07:40 PM]

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