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A: Adhocracy small, emphasis is on the ability to produce sophisticated innovation, coordination of activity by mutual adjustment (direct communication & agreement), experts from different disciplines work together in smoothly functioning ad hoc project teams, similar to a matrix structure, support staff (main) Adjourning stage a well- integrated group: is able to disband when work is finished, willing to work together in the future, is this important for temporary groups. Above-average returns exceed what could be earned from alternative investments of equivalent risk. Accountability is the requirement to show performance results to a supervisor. Administrators are managers who work in public or not-for-profit organisations. Advantages of functional structures are; economies of scale, high quality technical problem solving, clear career paths within functions, in depth training, task assignments consistent. Advantages of divisional structure are flexibility, coordination, clear responsibility, specific customers + region and restricting Advantages of matrix structure better cooperation, ^flexvibility, better performance accountability improve decision making + strategic management Advantages for network structure = organisations can operate with fewer full-time employees and less complex internal systems, reduced overhead costs and increased operating efficiency, permit operations across great distances. Advantages of team structure eliminate barriers between operating departments, ^ morale due to cross-functional interaction, ^ quality and speed of decision making, ^enthusiasm for work. Advantages of management by objectives workers efforts on important tasks + objectives, supervisors efforts of support, contribute to relationship building, worker opportunity to participate in decision making. (behavioural control) Affirmative action commits the organisation to hiring and advancing minority groups and women. B A BCG matrix analyses business opportunities according to market growth rate and market share Behavioural management (human resources approach) Hawthorne studies, group atmosphere and participative supervisions accounted for increase in productivity. Maslows theory of human needs, Physiological, safety, social, esteem, selfactualisation. McGregors perspective of what a manger is, theory X: dislike work, lack of ambition, irresponsible, resist change and prefer to be led. Theory Y: willing to work, capable of self-control, willing to accept responsibility, imaginative and creative, cable of self direction.Argyriss theory of adult personality, management should accommodate the mature personality. Boundaryless organisation = teamwork and intense communication take the place of formal lines of authority, break down internal boundaries Key requirements:, absence of hierarchy, empowerment of team members, acceptance of impermanence. Business associations represent the interests of organisations in an industry or region. Rules for brainstorming are; criticism is ruled out, freewheeling is welcomed, quantity is important, build on other peoples ideas. A business strategy identifies how a division or strategic business unit will compete in its product or service domain. Bureaucracy (Max Weber) is a rational and efficient form of organisation founded on logic, order and legitimate authority. The defining characteristics are a clear division of labour, hierarchy of authority, formal rules and procedures, impersonality, careers based on merit.Disadvantages; excessive paperwork, slowness in handling problem, resistance to change. C A centralised communication network allows communication flows only between individual members at a hub or centre point. Clan control shared values, norms, standards of behaviour, and expectations using stories, rites, or example Classical (modernist) viewpoint seen as a set of functions, POLC, planning, organising, leading and controlling. (dominant in western thought) Cohesiveness is the degree to which members are attracted to and motivated to remain part of a team. Increase by agreement on team goals, membership homogeneity, interactions among members, smaller team, competition. A committee is a formal team designated to a special task on a continuing basis. Competing values approach attempts to include all of the key variables in the domain of effectiveness, criteria you value and use depends on organisation develops it goes through 5 stages, entrepreneurial stage, collectively stage, formalisation & control stage, elaboration of structure. By Quinn and Rohrbaugh (acknowledges multiple criteria and conflicting interests) Competitive advantage allows an organisation to deal with market and environmental forces better than its competitors. Concurrent control focus on what happens during work process, monitor ongoing operations to make sure they are being done according to plan, can reduce waste in unacceptable finished products or services. Contingency thinking tries to match management practices with situational demands, no best way to manage; appropriate way to manage depends on the situation. Control equation need for action = desired performance actual performance. Contingency planning identifies alternative courses of action for use of change. Controlling evaluating how well organisation is achieving its goals and taking action to maintaining or improve performance. Continuous improvement involves always searching for new ways to improve operations quality and performance. Core competencies are special strengths that give an organisation a competitive advantage.

Core values are underlying beliefs shared by members of the organisation that influence their behaviour. A corporate strategy sets long-term direction for the total enterprise, where to invest. Cross-functional teams bring together members from different functional teams. Customer relationship management strategically tries to build lasting relationships with, and add value for, customers. D A decentralised communication network allows all members to communicate directly with one another. Decision making methods include lack of response, authority rule, minority rule, majority rule, consensus and unanimity. Disciplines management is a viewed as a set of discrete disciplines, e.g marketing, accounting. Disadvantage of divisional structure duplication of resources + efforts, competition, poor coordination, emphasis on divisional goals Disadvantage functional structure pinpointing responsibilities, functional chimney problems, cooperation + purpose break down{+ narrow objective view, upward referral Disadvantages for matrix 2 boss= power struggle + confusion and conflict priorities, team loyalties = lose focus, team meeting = time consuming, increase costs. Disadvantage for network Control and coordination problems may arise from network complexity, potential loss of control over outsourced activities, potential lack of loyalty among infrequently used contractors. Disadvantage for team structure Conflicting loyalties among members, excessive time spent in meetings, effective use of time depends on quality of interpersonal relations, group dynamics and team management. Distributed leadership roles makes every member responsible for recognising when task and/or maintenance activities are needed. Discrimination occurs when someone is denied a job for reasons that are not job-relevant. Diversity describes race, gender, age and other individual differences. In teams this can bring greater range of ideas and perspective. Diversity management involves identifying and managing those employee characteristics likely to have a significant impact on the organisations ability to achieve its strategic objectives. Growth through diversification is by acquisition of or investment in new and different business areas. Divisional structure groups together people working on the same product, in the same area, with similar customers, or similar processes. Advantages are; flexibility, coordination, responsibility, ease of size change. Disvisionalised form = large, coordination of activity by standardisation of outputs (specified product or performance dimensions), middle Line(main) E An effective team achieves high levels of both task performance and membership satisfaction. Efficiency productivity, a measure of the resource costs associated with goal accomplishment. Effectiveness a measure of task output or goals accomplishment. The elements in the observable culture of organisations include stories, heroes, rites and rituals and symbols. Emery & Trist considered the environment from the perspective of change, placid randomised, placid clustered, disturbed reactive, turbulent field. Employee involvement teams meet on a regular basis to use their talents to help solve problems and achieve continuous improvement. Environmental uncertainty is a lack of complete information about the environment. Equal employment opportunity is the right to employment and advancement without regard to race, sex, religion, colour of national origin. F Fayols Functional rules of management; foresight, organisation, command, coordination, control. Administrative principles included scalar chain, unity of command, and unity of direction. Forming stage initial entry of members to a group, challengers include, getting to know each other, discovering acceptable behaviour, defining group rules. Formal groups/ teams are officially recognised and supported by the organisation. A functional team is a formally designate work team with a manager/team leader. Fringe benefits are non-monetary compensation in the form of health insurance, retirement. Functional chimneys problem is a lack of communication and coordination across functions. Feedfowardemployed before work begins, focus on quality of resources, aim to detect and prevent deviations before they occur. Forward thinking uses devils advocate method, developing worstcase scenarios Fashion in management transitory collective beliefs that certain management techniques are at the forefront of management progress. Abrahamson explained the existence of fashions in management techniques (fads) Fads trends in management, that are, simples, prescriptive, onesize-fits all, easy to copy. classical management method, Functional managers are responsible for one area of activity such as marketing. A functional strategy guides activities within one specific area of operations. G The general environment consists of all the background conditions in the external environment of an organisation. Major environmental issues include factors such as: economic, sociocultural, legal-political, technological, natural environment. Gilberthsinterested in employee fatigue, noted that physical aspects of the workplace causes stress leading to fatigue (lighting, heating, dcor, design of machines) General managers are responsible for complex organisational units that include many areas of functional activity.

Globalisation is the worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets and business competition. Goal attainment an organisations effectiveness must be appraised in terms of the accomplishment of ends rather than means eg: achievement of profit objective; achievement of debt level; management by objectives Glomar = effectiveness = navy approach would retrieve all militarily valuable knowledge with least risk and greatest speed. Issues: legal - ownership of he wreck in country of origin, ethical - disturbing graves, political= possibility of a negative situation if they were found out, domestically and internationally A graphic rating scale uses a checklist of traits or characteristics to evaluate performance. Group process is the way team members work together to accomplish tasks. Groupthink is a tendency for highly cohesive teams to lose their evaluative capabilities. Symptoms of groupthink, illusions of group invulnerability, mind guarding, self censorship, belief in inherent group morality. Growth strategies involve expansion of the organisations current operations. H Horizontal structure (more modern) Focus the organisation around processes, not functions, in charge of core processes, decrease hierarchy and increase the use of teams, empower people to make decisions critical to performance, utilise information technology, multi-skilling + multiple Competencies, partnership with others, build a culture of openness, collaboration and performance commitment. Uses team structure The Hawthorne effect is the tendency of people singled out for special attention to perform as expected. Human relations movement suggests that managers using good human relations will achieve productivity. Human resource management is the process of attracting, developing and maintaining a quality workforce, making them friendly and happy. Managers must attract and retain employees, ensure that they can perform and a high level and contribute to the organisational goals. Human resource process attracting, developing, maintaining a quality workforce. Human resource planning and process analyses staffing needs and identifies actions to fill those needs. Review org. mission, review HR objectives and strategies, assess current HR, forecast HR needs, develop and implement HR plans. Industrial relationsis the process of negotiation and bargaining between employers and employees. I Industrial revolution changes in how people worked, relationships with employers, mass production, the demand for managers. Informal groups/Teamare unofficial and emerge from relationships and shared interests among members. (committee, virtual teams) Ingredients of an Effective Team; nature of the task, organisational setting, information, team size Intellectual capital is the collective brain power or shared knowledge of a workforce. International teams are teams that include members from more than at least two different countries. J Job analysis studies job requirements and facts that can influence performance. K Kotterpresents leadership as agenda setting, setting direction, developing visions, aligning people with those visions, motivating and inspiring. A knowledge worker is someone whose knowledge in an important asset to employers. L Leadership is seen as both an individual property and a process, but is not closely related to organisational success. Leading determining the direction the organisation will follow; articulate a clear vision to follow, enable members to understand the part they play. (Sources of power: reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert) Line managers directly contribute to the production of the organisations basic goods or services. M Machine bureaucracy = medium/large, coordination of activity by standardisation of work practices + technostructure(main) Matrix structure combines divisional and function to make permanent cross functional project teams Mintzbergs roles managers are viewed in the context of their job, (characteristics: values, experience, knowledge, skills, mental models), mangers have informal(monitor, spokesperson), interpersonal(figurehead, leader) and decisional(entrepreneur, negotiator) roles. Work zones are inside, within and outside. Managing at a distance by informing, thought people and actively. Mary Parker Follett Administrative principles, groups and human cooperation, organisations as cooperating communities of managers and workers, managers job was to help people cooperate. Forward looking management, employee ownership; business problems involve a variety of interrelated factors, private profits relative to public good. Meyer environment seen as a system of ideologies and institutions, the environment forms its own culture. Maintenance activities are actions taken by team members that support the emotional life of the group. Management development is training to improve knowledge and skills in the management process. Management science uses mathematical techniques to analyse and solve management problems. Managers are responsible for and support the work of others, are put in charge of resources and are responsible for their advantageous exercise. Management skills there are three skills managers need to perform effectively, conceptual , human and technical skills. Managers roles. They include being a: supervisor head of a formal work unit, facilitator serving as a peer leader, helpful participant contributing member, external coach external convenor.

Managing diversity is building an inclusive work environment that allows everyone to reach their full potential. Michael Porters five forces model to add sophistication is to understand; industry competitors, new entrants, suppliers, customers, substitutes. Michael Porters four generic strategies are differentiation, cost leadership, focussed differentiation and focused cost leadership. Migliore attention to employees well being and Development, ethical standards, know your market, character and integrity principles. Speak to all levels in org. The mission is the organisations reason for existence in society. Motion study is the science of reducing a task to its basic physical motions, eliminating wasted motions improves performance. A multicultural organisation is based on pluralism and operates with respect for diversity. This type of organisation has these characteristics: pluralism, structural integration, informal network integration, absence of prejudice and discrimination and minimum intergroup conflict. N Network structure A central core that is linked through networks of relationships with contractors and outside suppliers of essential services, use communications and information technology to support shifting strategic alliances and strategic contracts. Nominal group technique participants work alone, ideas are shared in a round-robin fashion, ideas are discussed and clarified, members individually and silently followed by a written voting procedure, last two steps are repeated as needed. Nature if the task teams need a clear, unambiguous statement of what they are intended to achieve. Norming stage initial integration, the point where the group really begins to come together as a coordinated unit. A norm is an expected behaviour, rule or standard in team members. O Organisations a collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose, which is to provide goods that return value to societies and satisfy customers. Organising a formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates organizational members so they work on goals. Organisational setting what the organisation provides, resources, technology, structures, rewards, and information. Off-the-job training is accomplished outside the work setting. On-the-job training takes place in the work setting while someone is doing a job. Open systems models are a view or set of assumptions used to understand organisations. Open systems models assume that organisations are composed of interrelated parts that function together to achieve a common purpose. Operating objectives direct activities toward specific performance results. The operating objectives of a business are; profitability, market share, human talent, financial health, cost efficiency, product quality, innovation, social responsibility. Operating system types continuous, steady flow of inputs and outputs, high volume lower cost. Intermittent, batch or jobbing shop, 1 facility produces many products, standard range or 1 offs. Operational plans specific activities implement strategic plans include: production, financial, facilities, marketing, human resource. Organisational control the systematic process which managers regulate organisational activities = consistent with expectations established in plans, targets, and standards of performance. Operating core encompasses those members who perform the basic work related directly to the production of products and services Opportunities for competitive advantage are found in cost and quality, knowledge and speed, barriers to entry and financial resources. Recent trends in organising = shorter chains of command, Less unity of command, wider spans of control, more delegation and empowerment, decentralisation with centralisation, reduced staff. An organisation is a collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose. Organisational behaviour is the study of individuals and groups in organisations. Organisational culture is the system of shared beliefs and values that develops within an organisation and guides the behaviour of its members. Organisations are changing due to; technology, demise of command and control, focus on speed, networking, empowerment, teamwork, workforce expectations, work-life balance. Organizational constraints legislative, commercial, opinion. Orientation familiarises new employees with jobs, co-workers and organisational policies and services. P Performing stage marks the emergence of a mature, organized and well-functioning group, members are motivated with group goals. Performance appraisal is the process of formally evaluating performance and providing feedback to a job holder. Performance effectiveness is an output measure of task or goal accomplishment. Performance efficiency is a measure of resource cost associated with goal accomplishment. A performance management system sets standards, assesses results and plans for performance improvements. Physical factors in the workplace; lighting, ergonomic workstations, climate control. Planning is the process of setting objectives/goals and determining how to accomplish them. Planning process; define objectives/goals, where you stand, premises of future conditions, choose alternatives, implement plan and evaluate results. POLC is planning, organising, leading and controlling. Policies and procedures standing plans (designed for repeat), policies (board guidelines for making decisions), rules or procedures(plans that describes exactly what actions should be taken). Product life cycle is the series of stages a productor service goes through during its marketability.

Productivity is the quantity and quality of work performance. Professional bureaucracy = small/large, coordination of activity by standardisation of Skills, decision making can be devolved across the height and breadth of the organisation, operational core (main) Project managers coordinate complex projects with task deadlines and people with many areas of expertise. The purpose of an organisation is to provide useful goods and services that return value to society and satisfy customer needs in order to justify continued existence. Q A quality circle is a group of employees who periodically meet to discuss ways of improving work quality. Quality of work life is the overall quality of human experiences in the workplace. Qwerty was not efficient: reduced ultimate performance, suboptimal use of resources. Qwerty was effective for Sholes: reduced time to market, income stream earlier, negated need for further start-up capital R Regulatory context set by the government. Recruitment is a set of activities designed to attract a qualified pool of job applicants. Can be interal or external. Reliability means a selection device measures consistently over repeated uses. S Specialisation brought upon by Adam Smith, increasing job specialsion (division of labour) increases efficiency and productivity and hence profits. Storming stage a period of high emotionality and tension among group members, there is a formation of coalitions and cliques, hostility and infighting. Scientific management, (Frederick Taylor) emphasises careful selection and training of workers, and supervisory support. Its principles are a job science, right abilities, train workers, support workers. Members of self-managing work teams have the authority to make decisions about how they share and complete their work. Characteristics include; discretion in distributing, scheduling, multiple job skills, are responsible for the total quality of products. Similarity (homogeneity) the more similar people are to one another, the easier it is to manage relationships and vice versa. Simple structure = Small, minimal or non-existent technostructure, support staff, coordination of activity by direct supervision, strategic apex Selection HR determining an applicants qualifications related to the job. Background info, interviews, physical ability test, paper-andpencil tests, performance tests, references. Sexual harassment occurs as behaviour of a sexual nature that affects a persons employment situation. Social loafing is the tendency of some people to avoid responsibility by free-riding in groups. Socialisation systematically changes the expectations, behaviour and attitudes of new employees. The specific environment includes the people and groups with whom an organisation interacts. Statistical quality control quality control involves checking processes, materials, products and services to ensure that they meet high standards. Staff managers use special technical expertise to advice and support line workers. Staff planners= lead + coordinates planning function: assisting line managers in preparing plans, developing special plans, gathering and maintaining planning information, assisting in communicating plans, monitoring plans in progress and suggesting changes. Stages of Group / team Development; Forming Initial orientation, Storming Conflict, Norming Consolidation, Performing Teamwork and task performance, Adjourning Completion and disengagement Stakeholders are individuals, groups and institutions directly affected by an organisations performance. Stakeholders include: customers, suppliers , competitors, regulators. Strategic apex responsible for overall performance which serves mission in an effective way, serves the needs of those who control or otherwise have power over the organisation A strategic business unit is a major business area that operates with some autonomy. Strategic contingencies approach an effective organisation is one that satisfies the demands of those constituencies in its environment from which it requires support for its continued existence Strategic human resource management involves attracting, developing and maintaining a quality workforce to implement organisational strategies. Strategic intent focuses and applies organisational energies on a unifying and compelling goal. Strategic management is the process of formulating and implementing strategies to accomplish long-term goals and sustain competitive advantage. Strategic plan long-term needs = set action directions. A strategy is a pattern in a stream of organisational decisions. Strategy formulation is the process of creating strategies. Strategy implementation is the process of putting strategies into action. Subcultures are common to groups of people with similar values and beliefs based on shared work responsibilities and personal characteristics. Subjective appraisals graphic rating scales, behaviourallyanchored rating scales (BARS), behaviour observation scales (BOS) and forced ranking systems. Supply chain management involves strategic management of all operations relating an organisation to the suppliers of its resources, including purchasing, manufacturing, transportation and distribution. Sustainability results from activities that extend the productive life of organisations and maintain high levels of corporate performance; maintain decent levels of welfare for present and future generations; enhance societys ability to maintain itself to

solve its major problems; enhance the planets ability to maintain and renew the biosphere and protect all living species. Systems approach emphasises criteria that will increase the long term survival of the organisation, such as the organisations ability to acquire resources, maintain itself internally as a social organisation and interact successfully with its external environment eg BMW gain loyal customers Systems thinking collection of interrelated parts that function together to achieve a common purpose, smaller component of a larger system, organisation interacts with its environments in the continual process of transforming resource inputs into outputs. A symbolic leader uses symbols to establish and maintain a desired organisational culture. Multiculturalism involves pluralism and respect for diversity. Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its individual parts. Synergy works in increasing the usefulness of teams by: increasing resources, increasing creativity and innovation, improving quality of decision making, increasing motivation through collective action, better control and work discipline. T Team a small group of people with complementary skills that work together to achieve as shared purpose. Regularly interact with each other. (teams can provide more resources for problem solving, better control and work disciple) Task activities are taken by team members that contribute to the groups performance purpose. Task forces are formal teams convened for a specific purpose and are expected to disband when that purpose is achieved. Team size the size has implications in teams of the amount of communication and interactions required. Teamwork is the process of people actively working together to accomplish common goals. Team-building is a sequence of collaborative activities to gather and analyse data on a team and make changes to increase its effectiveness. Technostructure = analysts + supporting clerical staff who may affect other peoples work by influencing the operations, i.e designing it, planning it, changing it, training people to do it Training and development a set of activities that provides the opportunity to acquire and improve skills can be on the job(job rotation, coaching, mentoring) or off the job(management development). Team effectiveness= quality of inputs + (process gains process losses) Team leaders or supervisors report directly to middle managers. Top managers guide the performance of the organisation as a whole or one of its major parts. Thompson the organisational environment is in two stages, specific and task environments (suppliers, distributors, customers and competitors) and the general environment(economic, technological, sociocultural, demographic, political and global). Total quality management(TQM) is managing with commitment to continuous improvement, product quality and customer satisfaction U Unions represent the interests of employees in an industry, occupation or organisation. V Validity means a selection device has a demonstrated link with future job performance. Members of a virtual team work together and solve problems through computer-based interactions. A value chain is the sequence of activities that transform materials into finished products. Virtual organisation = shifting network of external strategic alliances that are engaged as needed, and typically supported by extensive IT use.

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