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Meeting Action Notes from UPSA General Meeting Thursday, November 8, 2012 11:00 12:05, SE1 Room 112

2 Calendar Items I. Calendar Items in the next few weeks a. AICP Info Session 11/13 6pm b. Thanksgiving Holiday 11/22-11/23 c. Planetizen Google Sketch-up Course - 11/27 4pm d. Pancake Thursday 12 / 6 8:00am to 11:00am e. APA-Orange Holiday Party 12/6 Evening This event may require student volunteers & will have a student rate.

Action: VP will post confirmed events to the Google calendar. Presidents Report II. Joint Public Health Policy & Urban Planning Degree Report

File: The faculty are developing the ground work for a PHP MURP program. III. Internship for Credit Report & Discussioin

File: The PPD faculty have created a committee for internship for credit, proposed by Chair Feldman. Action: Students should approach individual professors re: internship for credit to generate support Allison Crump (14) has information about what other programs do in terms of requirements, structure of support, and coordination. She shared that other places do not necessarily have a weekly class for it, but a journal and employer-reviewed paper are used as the material to determine grades. Action: Town-hall meeting to be put on the calendar for 2013.

Cecil Laqui (13) shared that this issue is expected to be addressed at the December faculty meeting, at which he will share information as UPSA rep. General Discussion IV. UPSA Elections

File: Statements have been collected by UPSA President Cecil Laqui (13). Discussion: Should Campaigning be done as individuals? Will campaign endorsements be allowed? With the knowledge that the cohort is not very large, campaigning will be done as individuals so as not to create the perception of groups or cliques. As far as 2 years back, there is no knowledge of endorsements or the creation of elections tickets in UPSA. This is now part of the UPSA Elections Plan for the 2012 elections. Action: Secy will create the UPSA elections plan document for succession purposes. Action: President will forward candidate statements to MURP listserv on 11/13 and 11/27. V. Voting

File: Voting will take place on 12/3 to 12/6 Discussion: Should 2nd year students be allowed to participate in voting? Finding that 2nd year students will be represented by the 2013 UPSA Council & Chairs for a full 6 months, voting will include all MURP students. Action: Voting will be open to all. VI. Fundraisers

File: Update from fundraising sub-committee will be at next UPSA general meeting. Review: Fundraising sub-committee was created established on 10/25 to execute a fundraiser this calendar year (2012). Members are Jay Bessette (14), Cal Chan (14), Keelie Rocker (14), Vidiyan Ng (14) and Andy Reker (13) VII. MURP Directory Update

Directory has not been completed. Update is expected by next UPSA meeting Action: President will coordinate the collection of contact information together with one rep from the 1st years -- Allison Crump (C/o 2014) Officer Reports VIII. UPSA Newsletter

Action: Submissions collected. Layout to begin. Publication before holiday. IX. UPSA-USSA Joint Activity

Action: USSA-UPSA Executive Board Joint Mtg with USSA to figure out where we can integrate and have joint activities. Meeting has not been scheduled yet. X. Adjournment: Next Meeting 11:00AM 11/29 Location TBD

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