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Fantasy Heat Transfer Article (Gauss Seidel, Implicit Method)

ABSTRACT A heat transfer study of two different materials is presented. These two materials were developed by UNAM and FIMEE. One of them has to be chosen in order to build a space rocket cover that will resist the high temperatures of the rocket fuel combustion. Two different computational approaches derive a solution for this problem. Special attention is given to the materials behavior against fuel combustion. I. INTRODUCTION AMEXAE (Agencia Mexicana para la Aeronutica y el Espacio) is currently developing a space rocket to get Mexican satellites into space. They left to UNAM and FIMME the work of developing resistant materials for around the rocket that will handle the high temperatures produced by rocket fuel combustion. These two materials have the following properties: UNAM Thermal conductivity k, Btu ft/(hr 13 ft2 oF) Thermal Diffusion , ft2/hr 0.1775 Fusion Temperature oF 2570 Table 1. Materials Properties FIMEE 22.9 0.298 2770 Fig. 1 General system

In conclusion, this problem will be considered as transitory, one-dimensional, with constant properties and negligible radiation. To know the variation of T(x,t), two different computational approaches will be considered, the implicit method and the explicit method. They are both based on finite differential solutions. II. DEFINITIONS A. Formulas for the explicit method Interior nodes Exterior nodes Fo Bi Stability Criterion = =2 12 + + + 12 1+ 1/2 + 2 +

The active live of the rocket has to be at least 8 seconds and due to building specifications its thickness will be 0.5inch. FIMEEs material has a bigger cost than UNAMs one. We will consider only one direction to simplify the study. This will not compromise on the performance of the materials because it is very thin compared to its length. The convective characteristics of the system will remain constant if the combustion is highly stable. In the side of the combustion, the convective coefficient is : hi=1000 BTU/(hr ft2 oF), in the other side (Common Air) it is : ho=3 BTU/(hr ft2 oF) In case something goes wrong with the combustion, the convective coefficient tends to increase by 50%. Rocket fuel burns at 4700 oF so the materials have to be able to resist for 8 seconds this constant temperature. Figure 1 shows how the problem will be treated.

B. Formulas for the implicit method Interior nodes Exterior nodes = 2 + = 1+2 1+2 +2 + 2

*Fo and Bi are the same as in the explicit method

2 III. RESULTS AND METHOD ANALYSIS Now that we have programmed all the algorithms, we get the following results: UNAMs Material = 0.001 = 50 Stability.- Fo*(1+BiotH)=0.0726 UNAMs Material = 0.01 = 50

Fig. 2 Time vs Temperature with explicit method and UNAMs Material

Fig. 4 Time vs Temperature with implicit method and UNAMs Material

Fig. 3 Distance vs Temperature with explicit method and UNAMs Material

Fig. 5 Distance vs Temperature with implicit method and UNAMs Material

FIMEEs Material = 0.001 = 50 Stability.- Fo*(1+BiotH)= 0.1187

FIMEEs Material = 0.01 = 50

Fig. 6 Time vs Temperature with explicit method and FIMEEs Material

Fig. 8 Time vs Temperature with implicit method and FIMEEs Material

Fig. 7 Distance vs Temperature with explicit method and FIMEEs Material

Fig. 9 Distance vs Temperature with implicit method and FIMEEs Material

4 We can easily see in all the solutions that both, implicit and explicit method give us really nice curves and they are exactly the same differing for a few decimals of temperature. Apart from that, we get the same values. To show that the explicit method doesnt work if the stability criterion fails and that the implicit method does work, we will show more graphs with a bigger delta t. FIMEEs Material = 0.005 = 50 Stability.- Fo*(1+BiotH)= 0.5937 FIMEEs Material = 0.1 = 50 Stability.- Fo*(1+BiotH)= 11.8731

Fig. 6 Time vs Temperature with explicit method and FIMEEs Material

Fig. 8 Time vs Temperature with implicit method and FIMEEs Material

Fig. 7 Distance vs Temperature with explicit method and FIMEEs Material

Fig. 9 Distance vs Temperature with implicit method and FIMEEs Material

5 As we can see, although the implicit method stability criterion is much bigger than the one used for the explicit method, the results are much more satisfactory on the first one. This tells us that the implicit method is much more precise. Nevertheless this method takes more time to be executed because it has to solve tons of times the Gauss Seidel iteration. If we consider that the fuel combustion is not perfect, we will have a dramatic increase of 50% in the convection coefficient. If that is the case: FIMEEs Material = 0.1 = 50 UNAMs Material = 0.01 = 50

Fig. 8 Time vs Temperature with implicit method and FIMEEs Material

Fig. 4 Time vs Temperature with implicit method and UNAMs Material

Fig. 9 Distance vs Temperature with implicit method and FIMEEs Material

Fig. 5 Distance vs Temperature with implicit method and UNAMs Material

6 IV. CONCLUSIONS Now that we can see on the graphs the behaviors of both the materials we can take a decision. In normal conditions both the materials behave pretty well but in the last 0.5 seconds, the first layers of the UNAMs material are already melted and the FIMEEs material begin to melt in the last 0.3 seconds and just for a really small layer. In contrast, when the combustion is unstable and h goes up to 1.5 of its normal value, things change. FIMEEs material begins to melt at second 6 but UNAMs material melts at second 2, so if that is the case, thing can be really dangerous. With that said, I would choose FIMEEs material. Not only because in normal conditions it behaves more safely than UNAMs one, but because in case that something goes wrong, FIMEEs material would probably be fine in those hard conditions. As many people say, Safety is First, and a much more resistant material (FIMMEs material) can save lives and tons of money in case combustion doesnt occur properly. V. CODE 1. Explicit Method Algorithm
deltax=longft/(N-1); deltathora=deltat/3600; Fo=deltathora*alfa/(deltax^2); BiotH=HH*deltax/conductividad; BiotO=HO*deltax/conductividad; for i=2:pasos matrizitera=zeros(N,N+1); for j=1:N if j==1 matrizitera(j,1)=1+2*Fo+2*Fo*BiotH; matrizitera(j,2)=-2*Fo; matrizitera(j,N+1)=2*Fo*BiotH*TH+Matriz(i1,j); elseif j==N matrizitera(j,N)=1+2*Fo+2*Fo*BiotO; matrizitera(j,N-1)=-2*Fo; matrizitera(j,N+1)=2*Fo*BiotO*TO+Matriz(i1,j); else matrizitera(j,j)=1+2*Fo; matrizitera(j,j-1)=-Fo; matrizitera(j,j+1)=-Fo; matrizitera(j,N+1)=Matriz(i1,j); end end probables=(zeros(1,N)+1)*Matriz(i-1,5); Res=gausseidel(matrizitera,probables,50); Matriz(i,:)=Res; end

longft=longinch/12; pasos=8/deltat; Matriz=zeros(pasos,N); Matriz(1,:)=TO; deltax=longft/(N-1); deltathora=deltat/3600; Fo=deltathora*alfa/(deltax^2); BiotH=HH*deltax/conductividad; BiotO=HO*deltax/conductividad; for i=2:pasos for j=1:N if j==1 Matriz(i,j)= 2*Fo*(Matriz(i1,j+1)+BiotH*TH) + (1-2*Fo 2*BiotH*Fo)*Matriz(i-1,j); elseif j==N Matriz(i,j)= 2*Fo*(Matriz(i-1,j1)+BiotO*TO) + (1-2*Fo -2*BiotO*Fo)*Matriz(i1,j); else Matriz(i,j)=Matriz(i1,j)+Fo*(Matriz(i-1,j+1)-2*Matriz(i1,j)+Matriz(i-1,j-1)); end end end


Gauss Seidel Algorithm

aux=size(Resultados); N=aux(1,2); for j=1:Iteraciones for i=1:N Valor=0; for k=1:N if k==i else Valor=Valor+Resultados(k)*Matriz(i,k); end end Resultados(i)=(Matriz(i,N+1)Valor)/Matriz(i,i); end h=Resultados; end


Implicit Method Algorithm

longft=longinch/12; pasos=8/deltat; Matriz=zeros(pasos,N); Matriz(1,:)=TO;

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