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Self Evident Truths About Reality

1. LIFE IS TEMPORARY Life is temporary. Your existence at least on Earth, has a beginning and an end. This fact urges you to be efficient about how you use time. 2. EVERY PERSON HAS A UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE Your perspective is your model, or map of the world for personal development for smart people. You have a model of the world unlike anyone else in the world. However, your model is never 100% accurate. There is always more to be discovered, understood and added to your map for greater personal effectiveness in navigating reality. Perspective is the lens through which thoughts, beliefs and ideas are viewed. Thoughts influence emotions and emotions influence behavior. All of human behavior is based on perspective. What is the most important information to add to a model of reality? Truth is, because it adds accuracy to the model, thereby enabling a person to behave / navigate in an effective manner relative to the world. And what is truth? Truth is awareness of self-evident laws and principles, universally applicable, unbiased and unprejudiced. It my hope that the information you find through Full Potential adds accuracy to your map, rendering it more complete. 3. ALL EVENTS ARE NEUTRAL Perspective is the basis for right and wrong, good and evil, positive and negative these qualities of existence are relative and in some cases can change with time. In objective reality all events are neutral. Its your interpretation of them (subjective experience) that gives them meaning and value. For example, if you drop an ice cream cone its not a bad thing. Neither is it a good thing. It simply is something that happened, a neutral event which you interpret as bad if you were enjoying the ice cream cone, or good if someone was forcing you to eat it. The interpretation of events is relative to the observer. 4. IT IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE AN OPEN MIND The neutral events of the past cannot change, but the interpretation of them can. What you carry into this book is a set of assumptions or beliefs based on the sum total of experience and interpretation of that experience. All of your behaviors are based on your assumptions. Some assumptions may be based on truth, many are not. It is the authors hope that you open your mind to something new, so that a shift in perspective can occur, converting limiting beliefs into more serving ones. While its impossible to suspend judgment, it is possible to consider new information relevant. The author hopes you open your mind to new ideas or at least re-evaluate old ones. This gives ideas the power to influence. 5. THERE IS ALWAYS HIGHER TRUTH Water can occupy three states, solid, liquid and gas. If you had no knowledge of chemistry you might argue about their differences, but once you learn chemistry you know they are all one. This is an example of truth (division: solid, liquid or gas) and higher truth (oneness: they are all forms of water). Even if you feel you know the truth, its important to open the mind up to a potential higher truth. Higher truth can sometimes appear to conflict with its lesser parts until greater understanding is realized. 6. YOU ARE AWARENESS Reality is whatever youre aware of. It is the underlying goal of your awareness to achieve the closest approximation of reality possible. It (awareness) wants to know truth. Your awareness assumes the role of an identity. But in truth, awareness pervades all of existence some refer to it as spirit. Know this; Awareness is limited only to the extent that it is contained. Imagine if you were to trap air inside a glass jar. If air were capable of awareness, the air might actually believe that it was the jar; not just trapped inside of it, but actually possessing a body of a smooth glass texture. Only if the glass broke would the air escape and realize it was more than the glass jar. This is an example of awareness limitation. Your awareness is limited by mental containers such as perspective, assumptions and belief systems as well as your physical body. It is very difficult to become aware of something outside of what you perceive & believe. For that reason you must strive to keep a perpetually open mind. I say strive, because the moment the mind considers something to be true, it closes itself off from all other possibility. Even if you think you have an open mind, you probably dont unless you constantly challenge what you believe to be true. Challenging beliefs opens the mind up long enough to allow new possibilities to be considered. 7. AN OPEN MIND SACRIFICES THE SECURITY OF ASSUMPTION A person with a perpetually open mind gives up the security of assumption and faith in personal development. This at first may cause self consciousness, insecurity and even depression. It certainly goes against the grain of more conventional thinking. But if maintained, over the long run it can lead to greater understanding and the ability to adapt quickly to lifes inevitable change. 8. PROBLEMS ARE NECESSARY FOR GROWTH Friction is a necessary part of creation. Friction represents problems and needs associated with those problems. You constantly respond to friction, you also create friction. In the absence of friction there could be no progression. Battles over the course of evolutions history have made species stronger, revolutions over civilizations history have arguably improved forms of government, and challenges over the course of your life cause you to grow. (We hope) Rather than wasting your energy trying to avoid or reduce friction, your energy is better invested in adapting with it. Rather than fearing change or challenges you welcome and embrace them, because they are inevitable catalysts for growth. 9. QUALITY INFORMATION LEADS TO GREATER EFFECTIVENESS By investing in knowledge you gain understanding. Through understanding you gain wisdom. Through wisdom you gain better judgment. Through better judgment you gain awareness of true priorities. Investing time in true priorities is the essence of effectiveness. Effectiveness is critical to any entity with temporary existence. For more information click here.

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