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Shadowy figments inside the Mind – Darkness in Necrospace

A continuation by Randy Gonzalez
While some of us repress the prurient passions inside, negating the powerful bliss of
creative thinking, others accept the quest to find their true inner nature. Inside the neural
networks resides another realm that comes to the forefront once the lights go out. For in
the darkness of Necrospace, or the dream world, the mind endeavors to discover and
explain the portals between life and death. And still, there are those who ignore the
implications of internal insight for an evolving transformation.
How else would you conceive of such surreal creations, except in the limitless
expanses of those shadowy images in the Necrospace? It’s the fundamental basis for the
innovation of myriad folk-lore manifestations and incredible ascensions to a more
transcendent state of being. From alien beings and supernatural deities, to demons and
beasts in wild jungles of mental inventiveness, the mind hunts its own discovery.
Inspirations of amative instigation spark and ignite from the creativity alive and well
that manifest inside of the dreaming processes. Emotions, passions and desires culminate
in psychic explanations that later, when awake, must be analyzed in rationally
individualistic ways. The brain is trying to tell you something, pay attention and listen
intently. Shadowy figments inside one’s unconsciousness reflect the willful determination
to explore the darkness in Necrospace. We search for the revelation of our true selves and
you have to go on that journey of self-discovery.
Sometimes we can’t find our way in differentiating ourselves from others. As a result,
we remain fused, stifled, stagnant and dependent. That’s dangerous, but there’s liberation
in the dreamscape. Hey, come closer. Listen, investigate and pay attention. Focus,
concentrate and dwell on that first awakened moment. Makes notes and discipline
yourself to comprehend hidden meanings that hide in the darker places of the mind.
That’s where the cerebral circuitry plays its best and higher schemes of gamesmanship.
Savor the experience of the marvelous feelings that provoke you to go deeper. What do
you sense? Insist on the freedom of your self-discovery. Or, if you prefer to remain
caught in your own time warp, then you can pretend to your own state of stupidity. Most
people do and choose to negate their growth, maturity and self-evolution. To escape
accountability with responsibility, many do not evolve.

If you accept the call to your quest all the way to the end, then you will have traveled
a long way. A stranger in a bizarre land called life and death, did you bite the relished
sustenance of that gives the insightful special aftertaste? Traces of those sleep induced
moments left a hint of the hours before. What did you do and where did you go? Do you
have a story to tell, or keep secret? Our sensory array perceived levels of consciousness
from the imagination and beyond. In the expanse of those secret territories the mind
knows no limitations. When the eyes open the breath sucks inward. Being awake groans
the next renewed sign of light, as you taste the next day’s resonance of life.
With an existence defining the fabric of endless essence, and the curtain of darkness
pulled back, you see dawn breaking over the horizon with vivid imaginary of
Necrospace. Matter, propelled by the life-force, transforms energy from materiality to
exceptionality. Substance equals energy and vice versa. You are the zoo keeper of all the
creatures you create, just put all the animals back in their cages for the next story. The
night watch has ended and you’re awake. Now what?
Another world retreats to the shadows. When dusk fell, you shifted. Changed gears
and slowed the motorized motion of mindset. As sleep wrapped its tentacles, the drone of
slumber brought the short death, the Necrospace, and subsequent resurrection. Into a
crypt of ghostly apparitions, the mind descended. Your history came back to haunt you,
but, only for a brief time, until the next transition of the physical body. While in that
gothic treasure trove, you tested your fears, phobia and madness to find your true self. As
introspection took hold, neurosis saw the reflection of inner psychosis. For an instant in
time, each can consider his or her conception of consciousness. When we found the
primal fear of ages long deceased, we’re supposed to gain insight.
Deceptively clever though, humans fool themselves and deceive others, because we
think we think we know the answers. Yet, the questions are bigger than we are. And, the
query of each day’s puzzlements seldom goes away. Consciousness has its share of
personal experiences, so there are many secrets to hide and a multitude of stories to tell.
From childhood, the energy fragments are stored in the depths of memory. Night time,
generally speaking, brings them to life. Only the venue is much more sinister and surreal.
None the less, we are the creator and the keeper. We can control the realms we reside in
for time and eternity, but, not so much the time-line, since it’s counting down.

Scared? You should be. Reason suggests the reality. However, to go there is a
requirement for passing through the gates. To get to the castle, you have to enter. To
dream of the quest is part of the mission. Consciousness is only an aspect of the totality.
As a state of physical awareness, cooperative arrangements collude with unconscious
potentialities. Lions, tigers and bears seem to know these things. Have any of them, in the
mental zoo, ever answered your questions? In the meantime, self-knowledge in conscious
alertness strains to the limits of rational comprehension. Unconscious motivations must
find their way through various zones of thought. Those minions of ideation want the
freedom to shift from darkness to light, and ascend to illuminated awareness.
At the same instant, other manifestations are taking form. For a moment, we realize
falling asleep can be treacherous. Just before it grabs you by subcutaneous psychic tissues
of the soul, anxiety edges around the surface of sleep. Outlines shift and shape their
forms. Projections replicate thoughts to glimpses of furtive movements. For an instant,
the eye slants a glance at something that ran across the room. And, just before the
floatation into sleep lures you in, a hypnotic phase veils the next sequence. From this
time-space string of progression, we’ve made arrangements to meet the aliens. Strange
encounters and weird sightings occur, and yet that doesn’t last for very long.
Day break crashes the body to consciousness. Reality sets in. Anxiousness of the
dawning day reveals itself. Communal struggles start all over again. Making ends meet
suppress the search for the Holy Grail, or the slaying of dragons. Managing life in day to
day living cloaks the inner search for meaning and understanding. Night is gone once
more. Darkness of a type has lifted the coffin’s lid. Stepping through, you opened the veil
to the holy of holies, Necrospace is there. For a breath of moments, short history is over
and done with. Meanwhile, in the time of being, fields of dreams wait your return.
Messages have been sent to you from yourself.
In symbolized language, unfolding in shapes, images and signs, you had a discussion
with multiple selves. You felt the touch, tug and tingle of the dark side and walked in the
darkness. You’ve summoned them from that historic abyss of self. All the friends and
foes alike hide in shaded realms of secret delight. Dragons look on, waiting for your next
joust. Quest after quest, the jest evolves until the next rest. Some images, forms and
fabrications surface, and fantasies run wild into shades of grey matter.

All of it is there, right where you left it, filed away in the vast recycling of thoughts,
desires and wishes. Nothing on the outside is as important as that on the inside. Such is
not so much what goes in and what you take out. Most often, you don’t remember. But,
you must try as much as you can. Especially the closer one gets to surfacing from the
respite. Multi-cycles conspire to bring fruition to ideations.
Cognitive creations span the centuries as intimate connections are made. Accounts
vary and narrations tell stories unique to each one of us and yet salaciously similar in
many way. Ours is first and foremost a calling to discovery or a dig for the ark of
personal covenant for oneself. For which, we seek chronicles that provide feeling and
meaning to the logic of worthy perception for our creation. As shadowy figures close in,
the mind projects the relics of invention upon a psychic vision screen. While you prepare
your journey, cycles of sleep plan the way.
Slumber begins with a relaxed posture of being. From there, everything transforms in
miraculous modes. Individual mysteries account the memoirs of times past, present and
future. Muscles ease into a slackened state. Glands secrete and hormones surge. Blood
flow changes and heartbeats adapt. Each step of the trek changes the body’s totality of
configuration. Paralysis replicates the stillness of life. In a sense, you’re dead to the
awakened world. The other world has other things cleverly in mind as the portal to
alternate dimensions is opened and you’re thrust inside.
We find profound fascination within the dreamscape. Great stories reveal an inner
awakening of myth, magic and metaphor. Not to forget of course, death, destruction and
defilement as well. Other cultures in ancient times gave significant association upon this
alternate reality, for the scope and scheme of which we cannot overlook. In this realm,
divergent realizations were exceedingly possible for self-evolution. More modern times
witness the preponderance of multiple opinions, as to the efficacy of the dream
experience, by which theories vary. Yet, within the mysteries of dreamland, multiplicities
offer composites that suggest many possibilities. In broad generality, most of us have
these unique experiences. Psychic fingerprints pertaining to the bio-nature of the
individual. Going deeper into those mystic alternate universes, when we can go there for
a time, we come back with probabilities for stimulation from unique findings.
Believability must be constantly tested from the real to surreal.

Portals through time, space and dimension of mind link to doorways from one world
to another. Each of us must find ways to open them. Dreams connect the linkages to
secret recesses hidden below the surface of consciousness. Ideations become logged into
psychic archives, where during sleep we enter those cerebral libraries. Many volumes we
have written there. What we’ve authored is unique to us. Passionate searches seek
findings to reveal spirited libidinous urges for outlets that images, signs and
symbolizations manifest for us. People are skillful in the ease by which self-indulgence
meets the expectation of willful liberation. Yet, we’re still in control of all we do.
By making choices, there are no excuses for failing the responsibility of evolving
better versions of ourselves by thorough introspection. Arrogance often stifles productive
consciousness, as well as unconscious journeys. Pride in the egotism of one’s inflated
perception of self stifles liberation in dreamland and makes dull the senses. That too is a
free willed act of personal selectivity for ignorance. Selfishness is allowed to sway
perceptions; so we conjure the trickery we prefer and avoid the awakening.
For most, they’ve grown lazy, weak and slothfully self-absorbed and dismiss the
necessity of explorations into the Necrospace. For those who do, they’re experiences in
the dream world remain undiscovered worlds with little importance. From which, each of
us has varying levels of conjure negativity in the nature of personal experiences. In the
progression from light to darkness, self-assessment is crucial to further understanding the
self in constant drive for exceptional transformation. Necrospace harbors the
extraordinary enlightenment from the other side of three dimensional spatial alignments.
Dimensional constraints are opened and neural floodgates unleashed.
The quest to know the dreaming process of oneself requires sincerity in commitment
of time and energy, honesty and truthfulness. Along the way, you risk parts of your sanity
to seek out the innateness of the madness. Of this, our mission is a hunting expedition.
Stalking the multiplicity of self is to takes risks in dangerousness of discovery for the
covert nature of one’s personality and temperament. During this hunt, you’ll encounter
perilous threats from life forms you invented. We’re trailing big game within the mind’s
mystical adventures, to look for that which cannot be easily seen, and strains the senses
with weariness. To find one’s true nature, understand it, change within its potency and
separate from the pack of humanity is to ascend lofty heights.

With the advent of insightfully profound thought, critically focused with meditative
intensity, comes the probability of open-minded individual spirituality. If we can know
our thoughts on every level, then we’re on the trek of the ultimate understanding. We’ll
find the secret hiding places for ancient mysteries buried in mystic realms. In
Necrospace, the death sleep, there are archeological expeditions for the inner workings of
the mind yet to be revealed. You think and act to see to know who and what you are yet
to be, in depths to which you must sink. Knowing, doing and being are reflections of
what you seek, sense and savor beyond the meekness of mere mortality.
In the bizarre but brilliant spheres of Necrospace, actions stream volumes of privatized
motivations for discerning the thinking from energized neural network activity. Dreaming
is inventive, inspirational and innovative, even though not all actions are noteworthy;
they’re none the less praiseworthy. Some are functional and maintain mental
housekeeping, while others are tactical, strategic and operational. Still though, in our
madness we’re also anti-social and pro-social in our visionary schemes.
Linkages reside in between those points of contact, where chemical sequences burst
through and over endless landscapes of cellular superstructures. Cascades of colors
unfold figures, images and symbols, and form conduit attachments that are constructed
from the real to the surreal. Of which we must affirm, discern and differentiate, even for
the unreal, back and forth in timeless fashion. Mental wiring and piping for the sake of
physical-mental communication that transforms spirituality, requires intuitive
illumination from the tubular channels of electromagnetic impulses.
Vigilance is essential, for from herd to habitat, we travel among the spaces of times
and existences whereby we must make ourselves different from others. In that trek,
intentions transcend motivations, as old schemes must fade away. Within the framework
of the visions from Necrospace, our wakeful trance must be changed, as the productive
fantasies seek their outlets. Simple, imaginary and dark, ideas discover our revelations. If
so, then these are but signposts for the intent to carry out the next phase of personal self-
actualization. Eventually, we execute the tasks for which our mind has developed.
Because thoughts pervade multiple layers of psychic awareness, dreams contain the
essence of creativity. Inner space voyages ponder the higher states of awareness.

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