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: THBT Obamas intervention in middle east only prolong the chaos

Speaker 1 (Opening Government) Good morning ladies and gentlemen, especially to the adjudicator, time keeper and for all debaters and for all participant in this competition, okay ladies and gentlemen as we know that in the our life we love every think in the next of face quo, I mean here that, we prop any disturbed, we prop any interpret for another ladies and gentlemen so ladies and gentlemen what we are going to debate in this debate is The obamas intervention in middle east only prolong the chaos okay ladies and gentlemen the first as the government team as the prime minister I would like to decide what motion is the motion here means that obamas intervention that more concoct and refers to obamas coalition for another country and here another country it means the countries it exist in middle east country ladies and gentlemen like Iran, Irak, Palestine and so on, prolong the chaos in here means that take long time again, long time condition, chaos condition it means not good condition, that involve of trouble as the serious problem that need to be solve, in this motion as we know that the intervention only prolog the chaos ladies and gentlemen, as the government I have some reason for you for the first please check the bad effect site that case by this statement that case by this motion ladies and gentlemen we know that obama intervention it means that Obamas make some coalition for the another country, especially for middle east country ladies and gentlemen that more country on a military ladies and gentlemen, this is has bad effect ladies and gentlemen why? Because ladies and gentlemen please take based on self defense of the country ladies and gentlemen, in here countries it means that will be obama apply the coalition because as we know that every country have a freedom ladies and gentlemen

defence to the other country in here abama as the president of united state ladies and gentlemen. POI.? no thank you.. we can predict what will happen later if the obama intervention still continue ladies and gentlemen of course it give bad impact to world the self defense of the country for the country ladies and gentlemen we can imagine what will happen later for the citizen for the people that life so many people in middle east ladies and gentlemen please look to the children and the sentence, lets back to my point before ladies and gentlemen coalition that obama apply more country in middle east obamas still back up and still add more military to stay in middle east ladies and gentlemen poi : I dont think so obama take the soldier all from the USA lets back to my point before ladies and gentlemen , I want to emphasize to all of you here that it I we know that obama promise before that will make the piece will be prove ladies and gentlemen but in the fact they still add their soldier on the middle east country ladies and gentlemen that way we still like this condition to be later we can imagine and predict what will happen ladies and gentlemen and the next point is from the economic site of the country except in middle east country we can see if the country for example in Palestine we see that so many soldiers of USA there and we know what happen in Palestine and every element of Palestine it self it give bad impact of them more and more ladies and gentlemen and we know that if still how good the bad condition and hard condition the economic site how good they will of obama quality ladies and gentlemen that way as the government here ladies and gentlemen obama intervention only prolog the chaos.

Speaker 2 (Opening Opposition) Ladies and gentlemen and Mr. speaker as the leader of USA its a super power country obama become a politician because as we know that USA with the coalition of world it means that USA has a responsibility of the role of the world USA become the area of the country there are so many country to solve the problem ladies and gentlemen because of that as the leader of opposition we absolutely disagree about this motion THBT obamas intervention only prolog the chaos condition and what does it mean prolog the chaos condition ladies and gentlemen based on prime ministry statement ladies and gentlemen we hear that every country has a freedom and not to intervention by other country of obama as a president of USA every county has a freedom but the big problem in the contry is they cannot handle the problem by them self of course they need help for the other country and the including of USA as a big power to handle the problem so this is not a reason by prime ministry said obama intervention only prolog the chaos and also prime ministry also said about the economic site, what economic this case there is no reason any more for us why the economic said be the problem ladies and gentlemen I have three reason here the first we have to pay attention of obama personality as we know that he has good family,good figure and socialist man and than we have to comprehen obama and w.bush without intervention of obama there is no solve the problem and also about the human right in middle east the second ladies and gentlemen the intervention of obama as the president of USA to the middle east will reduce the worries of the many country in the world for example in iran has a nuklir it be most pay attention in the world because iran has uranium that can be worries of the other country so in this case USA has to reduce this condition to negociate with iran ladies and gentlemen but now the follow the case my be iran will use the nuclear power to make nuclear weapon ladies and gentlemen because of that obama as the president of USA has pay attention to the peace full in

this world ladies and gentlemen and also ladies and gentlemen beside the nuclear power iran and other intervention of the obama and next ladies and gentlemen I explain to you is as the leader of USA obama has the power to organize all of the countries to cooperate the comfrontation in middle east and why of the middle east has the picyime chance of the world because the taresiu not working, so obama now to try to solve the other to create deputy in the world, of course that he cannot work alone, he can make a cooperate to the other country and land it, this is a great job for him and make chance to the other country, and than ladies and gentlemen have to pay attention about as the human, obama has a good personality and his mother is a social person we can differ obama and w.bush which is that obama is low profile person and this is not reason for the middle east to be afraid more over obama resfect to the moeslem people so this is a good condition for the middle east and also for all of countries in the world, so what is chaos condition ladies and gentlemen and this is not reasonable for us the intervention obama just chaos condition ladies nad gentlemen, but he just can solve the middle east problem that happened to day because the bigger and bigger and obama will do his job because of his power and the sociality as the super power country, we know that we has responsibility to the every problem happened in the world so ladies and gentlemen in this case that the reason I show to you before them, the intervention of obama in the middle east to solve the problem and also to reduce the worries of people in the world, so finally we absolutely not agree about this motion ladies and gentlemen.

Speaker 3 (Deputy of prime ministry)

Thank you. Good day ladies and gentlemen honorable adjudicator, time keeper especially for all debater here ok ladies and gentlemen now we life in the world as a human here we need to peace quo any more in our life now we have a freedom as human here so what will happen to day ladies and gentlemen so that we talk we talk about our motion to day so ladies and gentlemen as a government here we absolutely not agree if the government if the obamas intervention in middle east only prolog the chaos. Ladies and gentlemen, the honorable adjudicator. So there is something wrong in opposite team here why ladies and gentlemen? They dont give reasonable and strongly or critical thing their show ladies and gentlemen why? Let I show to you the first one they said that obama come from the good friendly it self can you quarantine if their parents have the good quality of social right, can you think about that ladies and gentlemen because the obama it self neither of USA become to police of the world because of that can be friendly especially in here middle east ladies and gentlemen what wrong with obama can be some one ladies and gentlemen to judge the other people to cut the other country it self so can you get imagine that this regulation will be happen this statement ladies and gentlemen if the opposite team said that the obama here to solve the problem, what the problem ladies and gentlemen? Until here here we see that in Palestine,irak,Israel and so on still war ladies and gentlemen and became to my argument here reason here there are some bad reason, some bad effect why? We must not convince the obamas intervention here ladies and gentlemen. The first one bad effect, bad effect for us ladies and gentlemen for the middle east country there are Israel, Palestine, Irak and the other ladies and gentlemen when the obama intervention is not be solve the problem, exactly in here the USA or the obama only said without anything without the good solution for

the middle east country it self ladies and gentlemen why ladies and gentlemen, we see see in the fact start from 1979 in the Palestine the conflict the war of Israel and Palestine without solve the problem. USA Solve it? No ladies and gentlemen there still war auntil now ladies and gentlemen. The second one is economic site ladies and gentlemen, economic for what ladies and gentlemen from the countries include to me the middle east countries, like what? The Palestine, Irak, Afganistan and the other why ladies and gentlemen? It not balance, some thing wrong of their economic why, any time, any day get the problem ladies and gentlemen. POI : as we know that only some person like that in middle east? Are you sure ladies and gentlemen? I dont think so, why? You can see the fact, there so more pure people its not correct what the opposite team said that the solution is available in Palestine, freedom, as the part of the world is a country, here we have the human right, we have the freedom, we need the free for? What we will do? USA as the facilities to peace quo so what happened no peace quo any more and the USA adding their military to the other country to war ladies and gentlemen, to solve the problem so what is the fact, no, no more ladies and gentlemen, so ladies and gentlemen come to mental and Psychology it self in here especially for middle east country, what will happen ladies and gentlemen, you know that if the some one interpreted by the other country what will happen, they can thing any thing, for their life so the big problem is war ladies and gentlemen, back to the war, what the solve of the problem, The US or obama to solve it but he want to war thw nuclear actually ladies and gentlemen so what happen of USA has the nuclear ladies and gentlemen, okay ladies and gentlemen thank you

Speaker 4 (Deputy Leader of opposition)

Thank you Mr Speaker, we believe that every nation in the world have the same way to solve them self and we believe we mean, what the opposition here Mr Speaker if is that the condition where is the special condition of the part of the country its not get the way and further to involve to hurry for the international condition, for the international stabilization in that condition, we mean that the special power which here the capability to handle this problem without have going to be worse condition, there for this the empty why the government realist this problem mr speaker than what we going said this intervention absolutely just divided and that is important to always exist we need so this motion absolutely is wrong and not absolutely because support it become coming to my point to day lets do some report what the government said firstly this is some case of the another country that come from USA, countries have a freedom we believe it but the people in society life its good or not mr speaker we can see that, its more important mr speaker but the international stabilization is more important mr speaker so we need a power to solve the problem and than got the special condition so what is the position of USA in this debate. And they said that harmful people in the middle east mr speaker how come like that without the real explanation mr speaker but more people got the intervention in the middle east so how about reach people, of course people like sadam husein like terrorism in the middle east because they can be icon there and the USA want to calm down this situation especially for the terrorism because its very danger in internationality social and than about the irak, Irak is bad example sorry irak is good example for to support this motion these we need to know I mean I come to irak to solve the problem of irak it self and for the international stabilization irak has more money, good stabilization, they can handle their problem it self they has procedure mr

speaker so the problem is when the USA come there mr speaker,there is unprictable condition and exaptable happen and there is no reason why need in there because the problem we need solve together mr speaker and than the economic site they dot kow about it but mr speaker because the US or barrack obama is very great power, they have the ability to stabilize it. So the US come to the middle east want to make a better condition they going to be good thing, technology better equipment, knowledge when the obama come or US come almost of people believe it, its the problem mr speaker because the obama come when they have its not bad reason mr speaker, lets come to point firstly when USA absolutely justify its doing identification, yes of course

Speaker 6 Thanks mr speaker , time keeper, adjudicator okay ladies and gentlemen, so many difinition here about obama intervention in meddle east but its only one decision its to know obama is hero or not ladies and gentlemen but before I explain the clearly difinition I wanna rebuttle what the government team said its obama cannot able to solve the problem open your eyes guys obama is a president and what president is him? He is the USA president so USA a big super power country how come he connot handle this problem, isnt it ladies and gentlemen? I will explain to you President Obama put his vision for a new chapter in American diplomacy as calls for reforms and spreading democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. He made clear that the United States will support those who called for democracy and reform and leaders who implement them, will oppose violence in cracking down on protests and attempts to restrict the rights of minorities, and continue to work for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. So ladies

and gentlemen obama will able to solve this problem because he has big ambision in the real life. And than my points here are what condition obama give to the middle east country the first is obama will attact the terrorism he will put his military in middle east, the second is in economic aspect obama will give the financial to the middle east and the third is obama will create the new system in middle east so its the real condition ladies and gentlemen. But this problem need helped by the other country obama need it because of thet he make the coalition but the leader is obama itself POI : Please tell me about the real aspect you know there is no explanation bro? I wanna explain it actuaally but iam still waiting your question mr speaker keep silent please I wanna to tell you obama put their military in middle east to make the condition its stabilization condition and than obama bring their tools to the middle east like to create new building,scholl,office so its not real condition I dont think so ladies and gentlemen. In my last point is obama succesfullty to solve the problem in middle east .

Speaker 5

Okay good day adjudicators, all of participant, mr speaker and time keeper and also all of audience. According to our motion to day that THBT obama intervention in middle east only prolog the chaos and I want to give clearly explanation what is intervention it self, intervention is the situation to improve or help and also in this case in middle east country like irak, Palestine and also Israel and than fist of all I want to rebuttal from the opposite team the first is the opposite team said the obama personality, they said that obama personality will make intervention because obama is good person or what? Thinging about irt mr speaker some one personality Its impossible to make intervention and about the super power country it must pay attention to the problem. We can imagine that ladies and gentlemen. The condition in middle east so who will solve this, surely the country that has a big power, its USA gentlemen. And than what is prolog chaos condition in here ladies and gentlemen its the condition where is the special condition of the part of the country its not get the way and further to involve to hurry for the international condition. Lets come to my point the first is like the opening government said before its the back impact site it means that obama should able to make some coalition in middle east a good coalition ladies and gentlemen so the question is obama able to solve this problem or not? Okay lets come to my point Obama is an unabashed hawk on the war on

terror, and further build the U.S. military (he wants to add 65,000 soldiers to the army and 27,000 marines). "To defeat al Qaeda," he said, "I will build a twenty first century partnership of military and twenty-first century as strong anticommunist alliance that won the Cold War to stay on the offense everywhere from Djibouti to Kandahar." Comparison of the war against al -Qaida for the Cold War is a page from the book of foreign policy the GOP candidate John McCain and

Rudolph Giuliani. Obama added: "I would not hesitate to use force, unilaterally if necessary." Unlike his willingness to negotiate with Iran, Obama did not say that he would negotiate with alQaeda leader. Also he did not say whether he would use force pre-emptive, following the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive attack. So ladies and gntlement based on my clearly explanation obama will not able to solve this problem ladies and gentlemen and absolutly we disagree about this motion obama only a president in USA he cannot do anything without the coalition ladies and gentlemen. n the Arab world, obama is the first enemy why? Because he always support the Israel strategy in middle east, so its to solve ladies and gentlemen.thank you

Speaker 7 Good morning all, what we are going to debate to day ladies and gentlemen like opposition team said? Like government said? I will give to you what is the real debate right now ladies and gentlemen, our motion is about THBT Obama intervention in middle east only prolong the chaos, we absolutely agree about this motion why ladies and gentlemen? Flashback to the opposition argument obama is good personality, yes of course every one can be the good personality in this world, its will make the good condition of the obama personality I dont think so ladies and gentlemen its not guaranty the problem in middle east will be better and than USA is a super power country? Yes ladies and gentlemen, one again its guaranty the problem will be better, I dont think so. This debate not talking about that ladieas and gentlemen, the context problems are, the first about the USA military in middle east, what happened wit the military? They killed so many people there ladies and gentlemen, children, civilizing and the other. They are terrorism ladies and gentlemen? open your eyes in there they dont have problem, they only want to protect their life, can you imagine that ladies and gentlemen they killed, because of that I want to tell you the problem is abou the obama as the USA president make the situation the condition being the prolong the chaos condition, the civilizing being the mujahidin that we call in middle east, they want protect their county because they now the real mission of US. The second is ladies and gentlemen I will tell to you what is the mission of US, as we know that in middle east so many petroleum there, whos dont want got it? US dont want, I dont thing so, because of that they always add their military to keep the petroleum not to keep the civilizing. I have one question to you here ladies and gentlemen, who want to kill their brother? US is their brother, no ladies and gentlemen they are enemy, or our enemy right now, perhaps, because we are the brother of the people in middle east.

POI : what is the prop of the petrol case bro? Thank you so much for your question bro, as we know that in middle east has so many petroleum and the real case right now in Kuwait, when the irak want to fight Kuwait US help them so how about the condition right now, US has the big investment there it means that US has the petroleum in there, how many contries in middle east right know and how many percent US has investment there, most of the petroleum US got it. This is the debate problem right now ladies and gentlemen we are not talking about obama personality, not talking about the power of US but we talking about the real condition its the human right of the people in middle east because of that obama only make being the prolong condition, I want to emphasize all audience here the obama should get a way from the middle east thank you

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