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a) Code become simpler to maintain b) Code is mostly shorter in size c) Both a & b d) None 2) Which of the following is a NON-LINEAR DATA STRUCTURE? a) Queue b) Stack c) Graph d) Array 3) What is the correct term for "homogeneous collection of elements stored in adjacent memory locations"? a) Linked List b) Element Set c) Array d) Sorted Collection 4) Which of the following is not relevant to the data section in your program? a) Storage class b) Flow control c) Scope d) Visibility 5) Where are local variables stored in memory? a) Stack Segment b) Heap Segment c) Code segment d) Data Segment 6) Who performs memory allocation in your program? a) Memory card device driver b) User of Application c) Operating system d) Network card

7) You have just purchased Modem & it has come with a CD. The program on the CD helps your computer to communicate with modem. Which type of software do you think it is? a) System software b) Application Software c) Utilities d) None of the Above 8) During compilation which program is responsible for including library functions in your code? a) Loader b) Linker c) Compiler d) Interpreter 9) Let us say you are interested in building a job processing software where each job is handled on first come first serve basis. Which data structure would you like to use? a) Array b) Linked List c) Stack d) Queue 10) Which of the following languages is mostly liked to be used for SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS such as ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? a) C b) Java c) Fortran d) LISP


1. Action keywords such as PRINT, DISPLAY, SHOW are used for? a. Input b. Output c. Initialize d. Compute

2. How are relationships stored in relational database management system? a. Nodes b. Clusters c. Tables d. Columns

3. Which flowchart symbol would you use for INPUT & OUTPUT? a. Rounded rectangle b. Square c. Arrow d. Parallelogram

4. Which of the following tells the computer which steps to perform & the order in which to perform them- in order to solve them? a. Task order b. Algorithm c. Formulae d. Execution stack

5. Why cant you use human languages for representing algorithms? a. Difficult to understand b. Many different languages c. Introduces ambiguity in the solution d. None of the above

6. Main difference between the while loop & the repeat until loop (do while) is? a. No difference b. Repeat until gets executed at least once, whereas while loop may or may not get executed. c. While loops are much slower d. Repeat until is difficult for compilers to understand.

7. Which of the following is a basic condition construct in pseudo code? a. Sequence b. While c. For d. If-then-else

8. If you & your colleague requires a record file, one of you wants to write to it, while the other just wants to read the data. Which of the following would be the best option.? a. Both of you should go for a shared lock b. Both of you should go for an exclusive lock. c. The one who wants to read should go for an exclusive lock, while the one who wants to write to it should ask for a shared lock. d. The one who wants to write to it should go for an exclusive lock while the one who just wants to read from it should go for a shared lock.

9. Which of the following is NOT a database management system function? a. Security

b. Efficient access & retrieval of data c. Message delivery d. None of the above

10. What does cylinder represent in flowchart terminology? a. Container b. Document set c. Data base d. Central core of processing cluster


1. Short names are OK for local variables?

a. They are referred very close to their definition & extra space taken up by them can be irritating to the reader. b. Shorter names increases the efficiency of the code. c. Shorter the name, easier the program to understand. d. None of the above.

2. If I have a function that determines the first rank holder in a class, what should be the function ideally called? a. CalculateRanks() b. ObtainTopRowinDB() c. Get FirstRankHolder() d. ComputerFirstArrayElement()

3. Why is it better to break up complex expressions into simpler steps? a. Code optimization b. Easy readability & code management c. Both 1& 2 d. Neither 1 nor 2

4. Why should you prefer descriptive names for global variables? a. They are more important than others. b. They are referred more frequently at locations away from their definition. So this makes it easy to understand what the variable does. c. Global variables need to be minimum 10 characters in length in most programming languages. d. All the above.

5. If I have a global variable that stores the speed of the engine, what is the best name for the same? a. EngineSpeed

b. I c. ES d. Engine

6. What is the problem with the set of these variables-WindowWidth, WinWeight & Wheight? a. They are not of same order. b. Inconsistent wording for window will make it difficult to realize that it is the same concept. c. Spelling mistake- window should be spelt with windouw d. None of the above

7. Which of the following is likely to be a constant? a. TotalValue b. totalvalue c. totalValue d. TOTAL_VALUE

8. Parenthesis can be used to? a. Simplify complex expressions b. Optimize program speed c. Reduce memory requirement d. None of the above

9. Which of the following is a better replacement for HandleOutput()? a. HandleSolution() b. printOutputToPrinter() c. DealWithOutput() d. ProcessOutput()

10. Why is coding style important? a. Makes code easier to understand b. Makes code easy to maintain c. Reduced possibility of introducing bugs d. All the above


1. What is the real importance of indentation in programs? a. Makes the program easy to read b. Reduces the possibility of bugs c. Both 1&2 d. None of the above

2. What will happen if you do not use consistent notation in you program? a. Your program will take more time to run. b. You program will be difficult to read by others. c. You program will consume more processor cycles d. All of the above.

3. Which of the following is false (w.r.t comments)? a. Sole purpose of comments is to improve readability of code b. Commenting should be done mechanically c. Comments can never make up sloppy code d. It is better to rewrite bad code than to just add comments

4. How do you avoid magic numbers in code? a. Set the NO MAGIC parameter b. Provide explanation for why certain numbers appear in the code the way they do c. Use constants in place of actual numerals & comment the constant definition well d. Both 2 &3

5. Which of the following is NOT true as far as subroutines are concerned? a. One subroutine: one task b. Each subroutine should be preceded with a comment explaining its purpose c. Too many comments can slow down the speed of subroutine execution d. Subroutines should be short enough for the reader to grasp their meaning as a unit.

6. Why does consistency need to be enforced by the programmer? a. Different programming languages have different programming constructs b. Compilers often change the code during optimization

c. Single programming language lets you encode instructions in multiples ways (each of which is equally correct) d. Most programmers are not aware of correct order of programming

7. How many statements should you ideally put on one line of program? a. 1 b. 2 c. Depends on compiler d. None

8. What can the correct use of braces help you achieve? a. It is used for ornamental decoration of your code b. Optimizes the speed of the program c. Increases the memory available to the compiler d. Reduce the ambiguity in code by clarifying your intentions to the compiler as well as to any human reading the program.

9. Level of indentation should correspond to which of the following? a. Program complexity b. Level of nesting c. Data usage d. None of the above

10. What are magic numbers?

a. Number that magically keep changing the value b. Number that are only accessible by wizard level programmers c. Absolute numbers that appear in you program without any explanation d. None




1) In the architecture this comprises of the DBMS FUCNTIONS: a) Internal Level b) External level c) Conceptual Level d) None of these 2) Arrange the following in order for data base system 1. For data access the meta-data is referenced and finally the data is fetched from the data bases 2. The query is further processed and analyzed by a software and further forwarded to the software for data access. 3. The user/programmer interacts with the data base systems with either an interface or directly a query. a) 3,2,1 b) 1,2,3 c) 2,3,1 3) The security features of the data base are set up by_____ a) b) c) d) Database administrator Application programmer Online users Nave users

4) Which language is used to permit or prohibit access to a table?

a) b) c) d)

DCL DDL DML All the above

5) Which of the following are the roles of the Data base administrator? a) b) c) d) Managing security issues Storage Structure definition Develop application programs Take backups of the data base

6) The database oriented approach_________ the redundancy of data compared to the file oriented approach. a) Reduces b) Increases 7) The database system solves the following issues a) b) c) d) Security problem Data Integrity problem Concurrent Access problem All the ABOVE.

8) _________ can be defined as immunity of applications to change in physical representation and access technique. a) b) c) d) Data redundancy Data storage Data Dependency Data Independency

9) Which language is used to define integrity constants? a) b) c) d) DDL DCL DML None of these

10)The relationship between data is defined in the ______ a) View Level b) Physical level c) Logical level



1. Identify the following that can be categorized as entity? a. Bank b. Loan c. Asset d. All of the above

2. Given a system description arrange the following in order. 1. Identify all the attributes 2. Map the cardinality 3. Identify the entities 4. Map the relationships a. 1,2,3 &4 b. 3,1,4,2 c. 3,1,4,3 d. 2,1,3,4

3. In the relational model, the number of rows in a table is termed as _____ a. Cardinality b. Degree c. Domain d. None

4. In this representation, the entity set is treated as a single unit, without concern for the details of this internal structure. a. Specialization b. Generalization c. Aggregation d. Relationalization

5. Which data model uses graphs for implementation? a. ER model b. Object relational model c. Network model d. Object oriented model

6. Which data model organizes the data in the form of tables & relations? a. Hierarchical model b. Relational model c. Network model d. None 7. This model allows attributes of tuples to have complex types, including non-atomic values such as nested relations a. Hierarchical model b. Relational model

c. Network model d. Object oriented relational model

8. A customer may have several accounts, each in a specific branch. An account may belong to several different customers a. Hierarchical model b. Network model c. Both a & b d. None

9. In the relational model, each ____ contains values for the _____
a. Attribute, Tuples

b. Tuple, attributes c. Relation, entities d. Entity, domains

10. Which structure is the relational model based on? a. Tree b. Graph c. Linked list d. None



1. In ER to R mapping entity becomes ________ a. Rows b. Columns c. Tables d. Data dictionary

2. The most suitable candidate key is chosen as____ a. Primary key b. Foreign key

c. Composite primary key d. Super key

3. A _______ is one whose existence depends on another entity a. String entity b. Weak entity c. Referential entity d. Referential integrity

4. A database consists of___ a. No relations b. Single relation c. Multiple relations d. None of the above

5. When you normalize a relation by breaking it into two smaller relations, what must you do to maintain data integrity? a. DeLink the relations by a common field b. Remove any functional dependencies from both relations c. Assign both relations the same primary key field(s) d. Create a primary key(s) for the new relation

6. A relation is in 1NF if it doesnt contain any ____ a. Determinants b. Repeating groups c. Null values in primary key fields d. Functional dependencies

7. A table is in the third normal form

a. If it is in 2NF & every non key attribute is non transitively dependant on

candidate key b. If it is in 1NF & every non key attribute is non transitively dependant on candidate key c. If it is in 3NF & every non key attribute is non transitively dependant on candidate key d. None of the above

8. The repetition of data causes following anomalies__ a. Insertion anomalies b. Deletion anomalies c. Update anomalies d. All of the above.

9. If C1->C2,C2->C3,& C1->C3 that means: a. C1 is transitively dependant on C2 b. C2 is transitively dependant on C3 c. None of the above d. Asset

10. ______ refers to a systematic process of organizing data in database in order to eliminate anomalies a. Normalization b. Demoralization c. Redundancy d. None of the above.



1. A power failure or other hardware or software failure causes the system to crash is which type of failure a. Logical

b. System c. Disk d. None of the above

2. An active transaction if fails will be a. Committed b. Partially committed c. Remain active d. Aborted

3. This method delays the write operations of a transaction to the database until the transaction partially commits a. Immediate database modification b. Active database modification c. Deferred database modification d. All of the above

4. _______ consists of a sequence of instructions where one transaction is alive, another transaction executes parallel. a. Serial schedule b. Parallel schedule c. Non serial schedule d. All of the above

5. One of the main techniques used for controlling the concurrent execution of transactions a. Locks b. Schedules c. Models d. Al of the above

6. If two ongoing transactions wait for the locks to be released on each other it is called____ a. Exclusive lock b. Shared lock c. Dead lock d. Multiple lock 7. After successful completion of transaction and after all updates are reflected in database then it is said to be in a. Commit state b. Partial commit state c. Roll back state d. None of the above

8. If a transaction Ti has obtained a lock on item Q, Ti can be read, but cannot write Q, which lock supports the mechanism a. Shared b. Exclusive c. Multiple d. None of the above

9. Either all operations of a transaction are reflected properly in the database or none reflects is a. Atomicity b. Isolation c. Durability d. Consistency

10. After discovering that normal execution can no longer proceed, transaction must be roll back. This state is a. Failed

b. Aborted c. Committed d. Active


1) If we get into an engagement with a customer to take care of customer care center, which kind of project management it would fall under? a) Testing project b) Business services Group

c) Full SDLC Project d) Brownfield project

2) What would have learned from working on a maintenance project? a) You will never be interacting with the customer b) You would take a very long time to relate to someone elses work c) You learn to work under pressures d) None of the above

3) If we get into engagement with a customer to take care of providing an entire solution wherein everything is done from scratch and nothing is available to our interaction with the customer. What type of engagement would that me? a) Green field project b) Managed services c) Brown field project d) Maintenance project

4) If you are a part of BSG GROUP, one or more of below would be your responsibility a) You would be managing a group of customer care agents b) You would be working as a consultant for a client c) Only A d) Both A & B Correct answer is d. According to QUIZ, they have given answer as c.

5) A customer is using a legacy application over the years. They have asked us to look at the application and do necessary changes either to enhance the performance or to incorporate any changes as required. In the scenario, we are handling which type of engagement? a) Green field project b) Managed services c) Brown field project

d) Maintenance project

6) Techmahindra has delivered a solution to the customer and is having a contract to handle customization to the solution in the future. What type of engagement is this? a) Green field project b) Managed services c) Brown field project d) Maintenance project 7) As a tester if you find bugs in your friends code, you should.. a) Not report it. b) Report to friend but do not record it. c) Report to friend and record in bug report. d) Solve it on your own so that your friend will not be insulted.

8) We have delivered a full SDLC project to a customer. Government has made changes in their regulatory policies which need to be incorporated in the application. Customer approaches us to deliver those changes. In such a scenario, what kind of project has been given to us? a) Managed services b) Maintenance project c) Full SDLC project d) System integration

9) As a good developer, what will you do if you do not know how to solve the given problem a) Keep trying till you get it. b) Do nothing c) Tell the manager immediately that you may not be able to perform the task. d) Try to solve the problem on your own not more than 10% of allocated time. If you feel you still have no clue, ask for direction from manager.

10)As a maintenance team, what is the most important item will you think about?

a) Meeting SLA b) Understanding customer requirement c) Configuration management d) All the above


1) SDLC is applicable only for development projects a) True

b) False

2) What is the main aim of requirement analysis? a) It should meet the objectives b) The solution should be cost effective c) To minimize the customer interaction

3) People who fund the project and demand the services are referred as a) Stake holders b) Customers c) Sponsors d) Domain experts

4) Successful project is one that meets or exceeds the expectations of one of the important stake holder a) EndUser b) Software developer c) Software vendor d) Tester

5) What does L1 maintenance indicate? a) The bug is of very low importance b) The bug needs code correction c) The bug can be a show stopper d) It is also known as enhancement request

6) Operational requirements cover the following areas a) Databases, GUI and servers

b) Capacity, performance, security. c) Objectives and/or basic requirements d) Interfaces to other systems, manual process changes, and data cleaning

7) Which maintenance level is also known as maintenance request a) L1 b) L2 c) L3

8) Successful project is one that has following aspects a) All the work gets completed b) Work gets completed and there are no change requests pending c) Work is done in agreed time, money and as per customer requirements d) Customer pays all the money

9) System is handed over in which phase

a) Construction b) Testing c) Acceptance d) Requirement capture

10)Which maintenance level requires making configuration changes, initialization and value resting? a) L1 b) L2

c) L3


1) In which of the following, would you choose to apply the waterfall model?

a. Change in requirements is frequent and come throughout. b. Requirements are clearly defined by a knowledgeable customer and many changes are not expected. c. We need to get the product to the market immediately. d. System needs to be developed in small workable solutions.

2) Why is the pure waterfall model of software development not recommended for large scale software projects?

a. It is standard model with many tools and techniques that are very difficult to use and not cost effective. b. Other models ensures big bang developments whereas waterfall model delivers the software in functional slices which is not cost effective. c. It is standard model but time consuming and all requirements are to be finalized upfront, which may not be practical. d. Large scale project does not have the environment and set up to implement this standard model.

3) Integration difficulties are a major disadvantage of which software engineering approach?

a. Incremental b. Spiral c. Waterfall d. Prototyping

4) Spiral model delivers the product after each iteration?

a. True b. False

5) Which statement about a prototype is a valid one? a. b. It a functional model of entire system It is the complete untested product ready for final review by the customer.

c. It is necessary in order to accurately verify that the product is progressing in accordance with requirement specifications. d. It is a full scale model of entire system at some partial stage in development showing the functional form of the system.

6) Which of the following is not true about agile? a. Agile method focuses on shorter iterations b. In agile short iterations help to keep quality under control. c. In agile large backlogs of defect correction work are entertained later. d. You have to build frequently, atleast every day, and you have to develop this discipline to keep the build healthy.

7) In V model, the major improvement over the waterfall model is? a. Validation at every stage. b. Customer satisfaction. c. Concurrent development. d. More resource utilization.

8) As a team member, if you are working on agile, how will you help you project manager?

a. By documenting each and everything you do. b. Work day and night. c. Attend scrum everyday and carry our tasks allocated to you to satisfaction. d. By plotting burn down chart.

9) Customer is not very clear with the requirement. Even after couple of discussions, the project team is not able to finalize the requirement. Which would be the best development approach in this scenario? a. Incremental b. Prototype c. Waterfall d. Spiral


1) As a team member, if you are working on agile, how will you help you project manager?

a. By documenting each and everything you do b. Work day & night. c. Attend scrum everyday and carry out tasks allocated to you to satisfaction. d. By plotting burn down chart.

2) A change can be incorporated in the software?

a. Always the first version. b. Always the last version. c. You can incorporate change in any version of the software.

3) The bundle of configuration items that can define the state of a particular environment at a particular time is called?

a. Baseline b. Milestone c. Configuration tester d. Package

4) A framework for handling change in a controlled manner so that changes do not have negative impact on quality?

a. Version management

b. Configuration management c. Software management d. None of the above

5) Project management life cycle starts after which stage of software life cycle?

a. After analysis stage b. After requirements stage c. After design stage d. Project management activities start from the time the project is initiated.

6) Before we can modify any configuration item, what activity need to be performed related to configuration management tool?

a. Check in b. Check out c. Authorize d. Back up

7) Primary impact of change will be on..?

a. Productivity b. Performance

c. Schedule d. Customer satisfaction (CSAT)

8) When a configuration item undergoes a change, how is it saved?

a. It is saved as a new version b. It is saved as a new release c. It is saved under same version number d. It is saved as new CI

9) Significant point in the schedule is called as?

a. Milestone b. Deliverable c. Baseline d. Release

10) Which of the following cannot be included in configuration item/

a. Hardware b. Software c. Details of the project team d. Project artifacts

VVT-SOFTWARE TESTING QUIZ 1. HPQC stands for a. HP quality center b. HP quality configuration c. HP quality controller d. None of the above

2. When is sanity testing performed? a. After live deployment b. Immediately after development c. Just before live deployment d. Just before regression testing

3. VV & T stands for a. Verification & value testing b. Validation & value testing c. Verification & validation testing d. None of the above

4. CST stands for

a. Component system testing b. Continuous system testing c. Configuration system testing d. Controlled system testing

5. Which of the following statements are valid while writing test cases? a. TestCases are high level plan of testing b. TestCases are detailed step by step instructions for testing c. TestCases are similar to TestPlan d. All the above

6. Key practice of agile testing methodology is a. Daily status report b. Daily standup meeting c. A & B d. None of the above

7. Testing metrics is a measure of a. Test design b. Test plan c. Progress of test execution d. All the above

8. Test Data preparation is part of which of the following a. Test initiation b. Test execution

c. Test planning d. Test sign off

9. Which of the following is the correct answer?

a. Both coding & testing are integral & indispensable part of the software production cycle. b. Coding is more challenging than testing c. Coding is must but testing can be avoided in software production d. Coding & testing, both are avoided in software production.

10. While writing test cases always keep: a. Manager of application in mind b. Developer of application in mind.
c. Users of application in mind.

d. All the above.

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