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Gmail - Erickson Letter- f alse v ote claim

Senator Nienow <>

Erickson Letter- false vote claim

1 message senatornienow <> To:,, Cc: Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:00 PM

Hopefully by now you have seen my response to Cindy Erickson's Letter to the Editor from last week, which she had published in the ECM Post Review. Her letter had a statement of complete falsity. I find it particularly troubling that the completely false accusation about my voting record was not merely a "misinformed citizen", but the actual campaign Manager of the NoorderGraaf for Senate campaign. If perchance you have not seen it, here is my response which the newspaper has posted online It will be in the print version as well. In her letter Cindy Erickson, and by extension, the Noordergraaf campaign, claimed that I voted for a "30 percent raise" in 2011. That is a complete fabrication. No such vote even remotely close to what is alleged, exists in my entire legislative history, let alone in 2011. Minnesota Statute 211B.06 (link: ) makes it abundantly clear that anyone drafting a Letter To The Editor with "reckless disregard" for the truth and makes a false statement about the acts of a candidate is guilty of a misdemeanor- a crime. Fabricating a legislative vote, seems to be something which would fall into that category. Maybe more importantly, from the perspective of the Noordergraaf campaign, if the Noordergraaf campaign pays for any advertisement or distributes any material at all with this completely false claim, or any other like falsity, with "reckless disregard" for the truth; this same statute specifies that act as a Gross Misdemeanor - a much more serious crime which comes with a potential penalty of up to one year in jail. If the Noordergraaf campaign has any such advertising planned, or has any printed material with this false statement of my voting record; and if any of that is distributed to even one person in the general public it seems obvious that would be a violation of Minnesota Statute 2011B.06 - especially now that you have been personally notified by me of the completely false nature of that claim. Please don't let that happen. Sean R. Nienow State Senator, District 17 976043c4c&v iew=pt&search=sent&th=13a95a5cd6369b1e


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