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Dear Bros in Christ,

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Brothers in Christ, this monthly devotional is sent and meant to be an encouragement to all and to build up and edify in the Lord Jesus Christ. Oikodome means "Builder". The Lord has put this on my heart to send out a monthly Iron Man Oikodome {oy-kod-om-ay'} to build up and encourage the men who love and follow Jesus Christ in their walk with Him. Hebrews 3:13 "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests please send them and I will send them out to the bros for prayer, if privacy is needed I will send in a discreet way.

IRON MAN OIKODOME BOX TOP 067 And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.3Then Jesus put out [His] hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. (Matthew 8:2-3NKJV). Touched by God Bros first the leper came, He sought Jesus out. Here was someone who was unclean, diseased- not allowed to go near anyone, was despised, considered the scourge of the earth at that time by most. The leper did not care what anyone said, or the way he was supposed to keep his distant from all and announce he was coming when he came near anyone, I dont read that in this account. I personally dont think he gave any thought, he just knew he had to get close to Jesus and receive His touch. Notice it says the leper came and worshiped Him. The very word worship means to love, adore, admire, to have reverence, respect, and to have devotion to, that leper in humility and lowliness came and gave his worship, his heart to the Lord all he could give, probably knowing he was risking all by allowing himself to be near others, because he knew this was his chance to be clean by coming to the One who was able to touch him right there and make him whole again, the One who could restore him, no matter how serious, how bad, how tore up he was from this dreaded disease. He knew if Jesus was willing, He could be restored. Bros what might you or I be tore up from or need deliverance from today? What could be plaguing our lives, what could stop us from seeking Jesuss touch? Knowing that just His touch if He is willing could be a game changer in whatever we are struggling with today in our lives, what keeps us back from not risking all like that leper did to seek Jesuss touch, to come to Him, to get right with Him, to worship Him, to be touched by Him and be restored and cleansed immediately? What is stopping you today bro? The leper let go of all to get to our Savior and be touched by the Creator of all, he humbled himself and went for the Lord, worshiped Him, he knew that was the only One who could save him and cleanse him. This might be the best placed to be touched by the Lord sitting at His feet worshiping Him-amen! Agape,
Daniel Wright Iron Man Oikodome Proverbs 27:17

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