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Problem Solving in Autocratic Vs.

Participative Management Styles

by Marilyn Lindblad, Demand Media

Participative management involves teamwork.

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Autocratic Style

A manager who adopts the autocratic approach exercises his authority over the work group to get things done. The autocratic manager controls the team, making decisions and running operations without seeking or considering input from his direct reports. While certain workplace situations may benefit from this style of rigid control, an autocratic management style more often fosters resentment and leads to increased absenteeism and high turnover.

Participative Style
A manager who uses a participative management style encourages input and feedback from her direct reports and bases her decisions at least in part on their views. Individuals feel valued because their opinions matter. The entire team takes ownership of a project because of each team member's individual contributions. Of course, no manager can please everyone, so a manager who uses a participative style runs the risk of alienating employees whose ideas were not implemented.

Situational Style
Most managers adopt a situational management style, moving easily from autocratic to participative style. These managers lay down the law on issues such as workplace safety and respect---policies that leave little room for flexibility. Situational managers gather information and build consensus on other issues, such as setting agendas for meetings. The primary drawback of the situational management style is that, the greater the number of individuals who are involved in a decision-making process, the harder it is to reach a decision.

Autocratic and participative managers approach problem solving very differently. The autocratic manager believes that she knows best. She takes a "my way or the highway" approach to problem-solving that can be embarrassing and awkward if her solution does not solve the problem. On the other hand, participative managers who are faced with a problem often gather the workgroup together in a meeting, explain the issue and brainstorm solutions until the group agrees on how to resolve the issue. If the solution fails, the group changes course with ease, working together until they find a way to solve the problem.

References Mind Tools: Leadership Styles About the Author Marilyn Lindblad practices law on the west coast of the United States. She has been a freelance writer since 2007. Her work has appeared on various websites. Lindblad received her Juris Doctor from Lewis and Clark Law School. Photo Credits Hemera Technologies/ Images

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