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DATE: 09-10-2012

CASE STUDY THE SIX DAY WAR INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE SIX DAYS WAR This case study is about the Six days war which was between Israel and an alliance of its neighboring states comprising of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The Arab states of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria also contributed troops and arms for the war. At the End of the War, Israel had a great success and the conquered and got control of Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Golan Heights. It was a great success for the Israel. There are some key factors which lead to the success of Israel and a disaster for Arab world and alliance partners.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS QUESTION NO: 1 Compare and contrast the elements of centralization and formalization within the Arab-Alliance and the IDF. Explain how those inherent differences may have affected the outcome of the war. ANSWER NO: 1 If we try to compare and contrast the elements of centralization and formalization among Arab-alliance and IDF, then what we get is that the weight age of difference in execution style is highly affected the outcome of the war in real sense. Araballiance and IDF both are not properly or we can say equally formalized or centralized, in all three areas of army like training, Selection and command they follows different patterns. Lets talk about how each area brings the affect on the outcome of war in the light of formalization or centralization; Training: If we talk about the Arab Alliance they were very much formalized regarding training section as compare to IDF. Arab forces mainly focus on discipline and the other is that the route exercises whereas IDF was less formalized, they used to do off-battle trainings and trying to bring innovative outcomes in their fields. Arab forces are more relied on status quo procedures which indicate that they were highly formalized regarding following rules and regulations.

Selection: The selection criteria that is used by Arab armies was primarily based on the perceived loyalty to the regime in power they want to do all the thing in a manage way ,this is done not on the professional competency through which they restrict the authority for key positions only and maintain the level of centralization. Whereas IDF selection is more on the bases of professional excellence competency which leads their army to become informal in some areas like less salutation and marching may observes in the IDF selection. Command and Control: IDF is somehow standard remain there but we cant say it that it is highly formalized. On the other hand Arab army work on the centralized command . IDF allows all the people to make the decision on the spot even the junior one can also make a decision when needed. On the other hand Arab armies relied on central decision making even for the retreat decision. The span of control of IDF is become narrow according to the situation as compare to Arab armies.

QUESTION NO: 2 Do you think the structure and design of Arab armies accurately reflected the principles of the Type 1 theorists, particularly Max Weber, in all respects? ANSWER NO: 2 The structure and design of Arab armies portrays the principles of the type 1 theorist in the following manners according to Max Weber who developed the ideal structure which is bureaucracy. Rules and Regulation In Arab armies it show that the all the army work on one decision they didnt take any sort of immediate decision. Formal Basis Their selection is based on simply formal basis where each and every soldier is selected on the basis of loyalty to the regime in power rather they select for the technical competencies. Centralized command In the area of command and control they emphasized on centralized command while on the specific situation the GOCS and OICS have no freedom to take decision for their own they have to wait for the orders from the top which resulted them failure in their war. There is another factor which is impersonal relationship which reflects in a way that Arab countries didnt trust on the leadership they take their on decision on the spot.

QUESTION NO: 3 Do you think the element of complexity was higher in the Arab Alliance as compared to IDF? If yes, which type of Differentiation was/were causing that complexity and what was the missing key for coming to terms with that complexity and actually using it as an advantage? ANSWER NO: 3 The Elements of complexity was higher in the Arab Alliance as compared to IDF because in Arab Alliances, the decisions had to be at the top level or we can say at the top authorities. No action can be taken without the permission of GHQ. The Horizontal differentiation is carried out. There were 3 countries which participated in this war. These countries have different values, rules and regulations. It would be very difficult for these countries to work in as a separate alliance. So now the complexity would increase which would lead to vertical differentiation. There are many authorities between them who had to take decisions. Due to ineffective communication decisions were not able to be taken properly which caused Defeat by Israel. The missing key of the vertical differentiation would be the span of control. There should be narrow span of control. So the best element which could be used as an advantage would be narrow span of control. This will increase the power of decisions making and decision making can be done properly. This will lead to better organization.

QUESTION NO: 4 Does the structure of the IDF reflect the Human Relations Model and/or the Environment Imperative Model in any way? ANSWER NO: 4 The structure of the IDF model reflects the human relation model, according to our analysis IDF allows flexibility of command and informal attitude to some extent in their system .This attitude of IDF towards the execution of orders recognize themselves as a valuable part of the organization. For the sake of improvement and rapid action IDF allows the discretion of work and decision making power to their junior officers which are the motivational element for them. Officers of IDF used to lead their men from front in battlefield as a volunteer which became a cause of making a team spirit, the element of motivation.

QUESTION NO: 5 Do you see the Shades of the Power and Politics Model affecting the structure and effectiveness of the Arab Alliance? ANSWER NO: 5 The Shades of Power and Politics are present in the structure of Arab Alliance. We can note that the selection process for the Arab alliance is based on the perceived loyalty to the regime in power rather than the professional competency. Because of this the right person for the right job was not chosen because the top authorities want to retain their power and they are not choosing the right person for the army. The Arab armies are basically following the bureaucratic model. They are totally relied on the decisions of top authorities. They are having a negative politics, which means that everyone was concerned about their powers, everyone want their decision to fulfill. The top authorities had little or no discretion while they were taking decisions. They were asked to take permission from GHQ before they took any action or decision. Because of this many important decisions like life saving decisions were delayed and in the end, the result was a defeat from Israel. Another thing which leads to defeat was partly a result of mistrust between the leadership of the three countries for each other.

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