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Stop the War Campaign Against Iran Published on Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

( Tuesday, December 6, 2011 A diplomatic, economic and military noose is being steadily but firmly tightened around the Islamic Republic of Iran which paves the way for a full scale Western military assault against the country headed by the US and UK and prodded by Israel. The aim of the western war campaign is to once again re-colonise Iran after the 1979 Iranian Islamic revolution, as the west did by the CIA-MI6 engineered coup of 1953 against the democratically elected government of Dr Mohammad Mossadegh who led the movement for the nationalization of oil industry. The Shahs downfall inflicted a most serious blow to the interests and the domination of the US, UK and their allies in this most strategically vital region of the world with its oil and gas resources. Initially the west backed the invasion of Iran by Iraq which included providing Saddam Hossein with chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers, Revolutionary Guards and civilians, but the eight year war failed to overthrow the Islamic Republic. Since 9/11 there has been a massive escalation of a multipronged diplomatic, military, economic and propaganda war campaign against Iran with open threats of military action and open call for a regime change. In 2004, a US presidential directive authorized stockpiling and deployment of tactical nuclear weapons against Iran. A covert military war against the Islamic Republic started as early as 2005 with US special forces making reconnaissance forays into the country over the border with Iraq. In 2008, the Bush Administration launched a $400 million budgeted covert operation against Iran by supporting the terrorist organizations of Jondollah, Pjak and MEK. This was followed in September 2010 by the Joint unconventional warfare taskforce execute order which authorizes US special forces to prepare the environment [in Iran] for future offensive by the US or local forces. Since 2004, the west has taken up Irans civilian nuclear programme as a pretext to mobilize pressure and impose sanctions against the country. While the IAEA has consistently confirmed the non-diversion of nuclear material in Iran, where there is a fatwa by the Supreme leader against the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons and all WMDs, the west has alleged that Iran intends to build nuclear weapons and has already experimented with military studies. Not a single shred of evidence for this allegation has ever been found by the IAEA. In October 2010, John Sawers, the head of MI6, publicly called for intelligence-led operations to make it more difficult for countries like Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Since then two Iranian scientists have

been assassinated in Iran and most experts point their fingers at Mossad with support from the CIA and MI6. The latest IAEA report confirmed once again the non-diversion of all declared nuclear material, which is the only mandate of the agency with respect to its safeguards agreement with Iran. The report also expressed concern, for the first time under the new head of the agency, Yukiya Amano, who has been exposed in Wikileaks documents as a staunch ally of the US against Iran, that Iran may have experimented with military research before 2004, and that these may have continued since. These allegations are all made on the basis of documents supplied to the agency by Israel (which is known to possess a massive nuclear arsenal refusing access by IAEA inspectors to its nuclear sites), and by the US (which is still in gross violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty for refusing to eliminate its massive nuclear arsenals). The US, UK and Canada have used the IAEA report in the past two weeks to sanction all Iranian banks including the Central Bank of Iran, which amounts to economic warfare against Iran. The hasty decision by the British government to expel all Iranian diplomats from the UK in reaction to the storming of the British embassy on the anniversary of the assassination of one of the two Iranian scientists by some students in Tehran, for which the government of Iran had immediately apologized, is another step to isolate the Islamic republic in preparation for a military attack. The hawkish western attitude to Iran, based as it is on unfounded rumours about a nuclear weapons programme, resembles that of the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. We must act now to stop the buildup of war with Iran and avert a full scale war which would be a catastrophe for the region and the whole world. Source URL:

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