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Blue Sapphire Coaching

Blue Sapphire Coaching

Life Balance Assessment


Blue Sapphire Coaching 650 Childs Drive, Unit 42, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3N8 905-875-3664

Blue Sapphire Coaching

Properties of the Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire heals and nourishes the mind, bringing clarity and perspective to thoughts. Blue Sapphire expands mental potential and enhances the ability to distinguish between one's mind and one's higher self promoting peace of mind, tranquility, happiness and spiritual enlightenment.


Blue Sapphire Coaching 650 Childs Drive, Unit 42, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3N8 905-875-3664

Blue Sapphire Coaching

Finding the Right Life Balance

How good are you at balancing various aspects of your life? Since everything is not equally important in life, it is crucial to have the right balance for you at this point in time. Part of achieving the right balance is to know what your values and priorities so you can allocate more time to those areas when time is limited. People often looking at work/life balance as having an equal balance between the two - they view it as a balanced scale. This conception of balance is not the best because it does not take into account an individuals current goals and priorities which can change over time. This assessment provides a comprehensive look at finding a balance between money, health, significant relationships, fun & recreation, personal & spiritual growth, family and friends, physical environment and career/work. It takes into account what is the right balance for you at this point in time. The results will give you an indication of how well you have currently achieved the balance that is right for you right now.

Congratulations! You have taken the first step to realizing a more balanced and purposeful life! This brief survey is designed to help you understand the current level of balance in your life. Rate each item on a scale of 1-5, 1 being Almost Never True and 5 being Almost Always True. Select the answer that best represents your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors regarding your desirable balance. Choose how true each statement is for you. This assessment can also help to recognize in what areas coaching could help you find the balance you long for.

Blue Sapphire Coaching 650 Childs Drive, Unit 42, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3N8 905-875-3664

Blue Sapphire Coaching

Money & Finances

I have an emergency fund in place to sustain me for a six month period. I have enough money to do the things I want to and that are important to me. I do not carry credit card debt; I do not overspend I invest at least 10% of my income/earnings in each month. I dont lose sleep over money. I make money because I add enough value to the people who need what I have. I feel good about my relationship with money and how I use it to serve me. I am satisfied with my current financial status - income and savings. My income source/revenue base is stable and predictable I know how much money I need to comfortably retire. TOTAL SECTION SCORE

Health & Wellbeing

I look forward to getting up each morning. I am free from worry and enjoying the contentment of a well balanced life. I like and appreciate who I am. I am free of other peoples expectations and live my life according to my values. I feed my body healthy and nutritious foods. I exercise a least three times a week for thirty minutes or longer. I take time every day to stop and smell the roses. I feel contented with my life, because I am doing what really matters to me. I have relationships where I feel intimately connected to others. I spend time having fun with people who make me laugh. TOTAL SECTION SCORE


Blue Sapphire Coaching 650 Childs Drive, Unit 42, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3N8 905-875-3664

Blue Sapphire Coaching

Significant Other & Romance
I am open to creating an intimate loving relationship. I create romance in my life. My primary relationship heightens my personal power, passion, and vivacity. I am committed to creating a quality relationship. I am whole when I am alone; being with my partner increases my happiness. I know my partners most important values and share them. I am able to express my true feelings to my partner even when it feels uncomfortable. My partner is always thoughtful and considerate towards me. My partner tells me daily that he/she loves me. I appreciate who my partner is. TOTAL SECTION SCORE

Fun & Re-Creation

I know what activities renew me and invigorate me and I participate in them regularly. I create space in my life to relax and enjoy myself and others. I take vacation time at least twice a year. I make an effort to do something fun at least once a week. I pencil in recreational time on my calendar I listen to enjoy my favorite music regularly I enjoy social time with friends and family. I feel substantially more alive today than I did a year ago. I take time every day to be with nature. I regularly take the time I need to experience play, adventure and leisure. TOTAL SECTION SCORE


Blue Sapphire Coaching 650 Childs Drive, Unit 42, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3N8 905-875-3664

Blue Sapphire Coaching

Personal & Spiritual Growth
I simply enjoy my life and focus on what fulfills me. I experience living a life that I love and l loving who I am becoming. I regularly engage in activities and learning that grow and expand me. I take time every day to read something inspirational to keep my attitude positive. I invest time, money and energy into taking care of myself and creating the life I want. I make time for self exploration. I seek opportunities for personal growth. I shaped my life by my values and what's important to me. I find ways to give back to the world, such as volunteering, donating to charity, mentoring I regularly take time to nurture myself in ways that feed my soul. TOTAL SECTION SCORE

Family & Friends

I enjoy the company of special friends. My friends nourish and sustain me. I have two or more people in my life who I could call upon in a crisis. I surround myself with people who truly uplift my spirits. I spend time with people who don't try to change me. I do not often struggle with relationships or seek after love. I attract great people to and around me. I give easily and without any expectations of getting something in return. I do not "take personally" the things that people say to me I have a best friend or soul-mate. TOTAL SECTION SCORE


Blue Sapphire Coaching 650 Childs Drive, Unit 42, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3N8 905-875-3664

Blue Sapphire Coaching

Home & Physical Environment
I love my home; its location, style, dcor, colour feeling, space I have nothing around the house or in storage that I do not need. My personal files, papers, and receipts are neatly filed away. My home supports and enhances my fulfillment; my surroundings nurture my soul. My life is free of unnecessary clutter and complexities I seldom feel overwhelmed, rushed or cluttered. I surround myself with beautiful things. I dont put things off; hen a situation arises, I do it, handle it or have it done. My home is clean and tidy. (Vacuumed, drawers organized, windows clean). My bed/bedroom is a clutter free and serene space where I can unwind from a busy day. TOTAL SECTION SCORE

Career & Work

I love the work I have chosen to do. I have a mentor who guides and encourages me. I always take a lunch break. I take mental health days when I need them. My office is a beautiful space that is well organized and free from distractions. My work contributes to a larger vision that I have for my life. I feel well compensated for my work. My work/Career is both fulfilling and nourishing to me; I am energized. I have a support network at work. My work schedule does not infringe on my personal life.. TOTAL SECTION SCORE

Scoring Key
Total Score 0-100

Blue Sapphire Coaching 650 Childs Drive, Unit 42, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3N8 905-875-3664

Blue Sapphire Coaching

This score indicates a high likelihood that your life is not currently balanced in the way that you would most like it to be. You may feel that you are missing out on certain aspects of your life. This idea causes you a great deal of distress and concern. You can clearly see how much improved your life would be if you were able to find the right balance between your many activities. Once a month coaching would be a great support to you when life gets 'sticky' and would help ease you into your next step!

Total Score 100-200

Your score indicates that your life is somewhat in balance currently. You recognize that you are working too hard in one or more areas and that leads to neglecting other areas. At times these ideas cause you distress and at other times you feel happy that you are able to juggle many activities. It is likely that you are aware of the imbalance and that you want to work to correct it A coaching session twice a month would be a nice, steady pace to pick up some new tools, take small sweet steps forward, and enjoy the ride!

Total Score 200-300

This score indicates that you are likely to have a pretty good balance in your life right now. While you may make some sacrifices here and there, overall you are pleased with your abilities to balance various activities. You may wish to increase your time spent in certain areas of your life and may be currently working to do so. You are likely to have strategically made the sacrifices which you may be making so that you can later enjoy the benefits of a well balanced life. Coaching on a weekly basis for a few sessions and then moving to a bi-weekly basis is a great way to get a bit of juice back into your life!

Total Score 300-400

The results of this assessment indicate that your life appears to be in excellent balance for you at this point in time. You are able to do most of the things that are really important to you. You have found a way to make time for the activities that really matter and you do not spend a lot of time being frustrated that you cannot do these important things. You are likely to feel a sense of accomplishment and contentment with your ability to prioritize and invest your time and energy into the things that mean a lot to you right now. You are likely to be doing what you want to be doing. This is a great feeling for you and one you would like to maintain into the future. Weekly coaching is your ticket to clarity, focus, ease, and grace without delay!

Disclaimer: This assessment is not intended to provide a psychological or psychiatric diagnosis and your completion of the test does not indicate a professional counseling or coaching relationship with the creators or administrators of the test.


Blue Sapphire Coaching 650 Childs Drive, Unit 42, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3N8 905-875-3664

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