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Institucion: CBTIS Plantel: 92 Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo I/ Unidad 1. Profesor(es): Octavio Rodolfo Aguilar Vzquez Carrera Periodo de aplicacin/horas

Semestre V


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Dar opiniones; describir preferencias; hacer un listado Nociones gramaticales: Conectores, whats more, nevertheless; gerundios Estrategias de lectura: Encontrar ventajas y desventajas; identificar opiniones Vocabulario: Turismo, vacaciones; viajes independientes
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo social / De viaje

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Ask different students to identify as many of the locations as they can and share what they know about each one. Use the information below to fill in any missing background information. Many of the pyramids (Egypt) were built as tombs for kings, or pharaohs. The most famous are found at Giza, near the city of Cairo. Macchu Picchu (Peru) was built in 1460 by the Inca rulers. It was forgotten for centuries, but rediscovered in 1911

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

by an American historian. Ayers Rock (Australia) is a large sandstone formation that is known as Uluru by the local people, the Pitjantjatjara and is a considered sacred by them. The Taj Mahal (India) was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Eiffel Tower (France) was built in 1889 and is the tallest structure in Paris. Niagara Falls (USA) is located on the border between the U.S. and Canada and is a valuable source of electric energy as well as a tourist attraction. Mount Fuji (Japan) is the highest mountain in Japan and is considered sacred by many Japanese. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is the second-largest city in Brazil and is known for its beautiful scenery and lovely beaches.


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Tourism: adventure travel, desk clerk, ecotourism, guided tour, hotel manager, resort, sightseeing, vacation package. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Invite several different students to guess what the reading will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Vacation Package or Independent Travel? Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text.

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua

Circle the best ending for each sentence. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Finding advantages and disadvantages. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Plan a weekend tour of places of cultural interest for a visitor. The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Connectors. Lesson B: Gerunds The Writing activity is usually based on the content

extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph about traveling with phrases from the box Lesson B: Complete the narrative about a vacation problem with the gerund of a verb from the box. The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Parts of speech. Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation. A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. On vacation: destination, exchange rate, excursion, lobby, room service, souvenir, tour guide, youth hostel. The Speaking activity provides students with an

opportunity to build background knowledge of the topic and develops their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: List some problems you might have when you travel to a different country for the first time. Discuss what you would do to solve each problem. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: Travelers tales from Mexico A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen to two friends talking about their vacation A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying opinions.

The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. How can we make life easier for foreign travelers in Mexico? Think of five ways to help visitors from other countries.

Actividad The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Complete an online form using the given information. The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit. I Can: Read an informative text (advantages and disadvantages). Read and write a narrative. Use connectors. Use vocabulary related to tourism. Use vocabulary related to tourist guides.

Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures on pages 2 and 3. Take turns talking about how tourism will change in your town/city/region in the next few years. The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Suffixes: -or -ist -ician for jobs. The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: albergue juvenil, centro vacacional, destino, ecoturismo, excursin, gerente de hotel, gua de turismo, lo que es ms, no obstante, paquete de vacaciones, por otro lado, recepcionista, recuerdos, servicio de habitaciones, tal como, tipo de cambio, turismo.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo I/ Unidad 2. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Discutir planes, listar y ordenar informacin Nociones gramaticales: Even if, whether; verbos con to + infinitivo o gerundio Estrategias de lectura: Comprender palabras positivas; comparar y contrastar Vocabulario: Edificios y partes de edificios; tipos de cine
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo social / Herencia Cultural

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Focus on the large picture of the piata. Elicit what students know about its history and use. (A brief history of this familiar object can be found at ata. You may wish to review the key information shown on this website and question students to see how much of it they are familiar with.) Ask different students to identify the locations and items shown in the other pictures and describe the activities taking place in each of the photographs. Discuss the three questions in the student book. Accept all reasonable answers. Here are some additional questions to use if you wish to

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

extend the discussion: When was the last time you saw one of these? What type of celebrations do you associate them with? Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Buildings and parts of buildings: headquarters, skyscraper, foundations, landmark, shrine, resort, site, tower A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen and circle the words related to buildings. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin,

advertisement on page 17. Predict what you think the advertisement will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Explore Mexicos exciting cultural heritage! Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Match the phrases to make sentences about the tour. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Understanding positive words in advertising. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Plan a weekend tour of places of cultural interest for a visitor. The Language Work

coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Words for conditions: If, if not, even if, unless, whether or not, if only. Lesson B: Verbs with infinitive to + verb or gerund -ing The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph about Mexican food with words from the box. Lesson B: Complete the report about movies with the correct form of verbs from the box. The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Words with more than one

meaning. Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation. A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Movies: cast, director, plot, producer, scene, score, screenplay, star. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to build background knowledge of the topic and develops their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Make a list of four popular Mexican movie stars. Decide who is the most international and/or influential. Rank them from 1 to 4. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary.

Reading: New Mexican cinema A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Compare and contrast. The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. How often do people watch movies in Mexico? Do you prefer watching movies at home, or at the movie theater? Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Actividad The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Read the table of contents and answer the questions.

Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Producto de aprendizaje


1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit. I Can: Read an informative

text (advertisement) Read a comparative text (biography) Use words for talking about conditions Use vocabulary related to buildings and parts of buildings Use vocabulary related to movies

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures on pages 14 and 15. Take turns talking about how you think Mexican culture will change in the next decade.

The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Suffixes: -ular -ive -ing The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: argumento, trama, aroma,

capilla, centro vacacional, cimientos, cineaste, dormer una noche, elenco, encantador, guin, impresionante, oficinal centrales, productor, punto de referencia, rascacielos, sitio, telenovela, tema musical, torre, visin.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo I/ Unidad 3. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Ventajas y desventajas; dar opiniones Nociones gramaticales: Relative clauses; verbos con to o su forma infinitiva Estrategias de lectura: Palabras de referencia; usar sinnimos Vocabulario: Globalizacin; comida en el mundo
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo social / Mxico y el Mundo

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Focus on the large picture of the handshake. Ask students what they think the picture represents. Accept all reasonable answers and lead them to understand that it is an image that suggests the possibility of world-wide cooperation or world peace. Ask different students to take turns describing one picture each. When they finish describing it, ask them to explain what it has to do with world-wide connectedness. Here are some possible explanations: The currencies picture reminds us that each country has its own economic system that is in

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

some ways independent of everyone elses. The computer picture shows that people around the world are communicating with each other like never before. The exchange rates remind us that the economies of each country are linked to all the other economies in the world. The burger picture shows that some foods are now popular in every country of the world. The Olympics picture shows one way in which people are working to build international trust and friendship. The factory illustrates that people all over the world are buying things manufactured in other countries. The supermarket scene reminds us of all the foods that are imported and exported. The white collar workers refer to the fact that more and more countries are

developing middle class and upper class populations. Discuss the three questions in the student book. Accept all reasonable answers.


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Global words: fair trade, free trade, globalization, multinational, outsourcing, protectionism, the rich/poor divide, trade barriers A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen to the students and decide if Raul or Marta is more in favor of globalization. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones,

develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 29. Predict what you think the article will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Globalization: Is it good for Mexico? Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Circle the phrase that is NOT true to complete the statements about the reading. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Reference words. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their

tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

own pace. Speaking activity: Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of globalization from the article. Compare with your partner, and decide if you agree or disagree with the writers idea. The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Relative clauses: which, that, who, where. Lesson B: Verbs with the to infinitive or the base form of the verb The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph about globalization from phrases from the box. Lesson B: Complete the letter about a restaurant with the correct form of the verbs

from the box. The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Using the example sentences in a dictionary. Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation. A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Global dining: atmosphere, appetite, cosmopolitan, cuisine, delicious, dish, exclusive, recipe. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to build background knowledge of the topic and develops their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Discuss the four most important things about choosing a restaurant. Rank them from

one (most important) to four (least important). An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: No place like home? A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Using synonyms to avoid repetition. The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. How often do people in Mexico eat food from other countries? Is it authentic? Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Actividad The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Read the complaint letter and then answer the question.

Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Producto de aprendizaje


1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones,

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit. I Can: Read and informative text Read a descriptive text Use reference words for building cohesion Use words for talking about globalization Use words for talking about restaurants

tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the image on pages 26 and 27. Take turns asking how you think globalization will change Mexico in the next five years.

The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used.

Prefixes: mono- bi- multi-

The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: apetito, atmsfera, barreras comerciales, cocina, colega, comercio justo, cosmopolita, decepcionante, delicioso, divisin entre ricos / pobres, trabajar con compaas externas, libre comercio, multinacionales, pendientes, plato, proteccionismo, receta, servicio, ubicacin, valiente.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo II/ Unidad 4. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Comparar respuestas; imaginar; hacer hiptesis Nociones gramaticales: Expresiones de tiempo; reported speech Estrategias de lectura: Identificar secuencias de tiempo; topic sentences Vocabulario: Dinero; mtodos de pago; finanzas
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo econmico / La historia del dinero

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Ask different students to identify the objects. See how many of them they can identify. Then go through the pictures one by one with the class, discussing each one and why those particular items might have been chosen as a form of money. (Gold dust would be rare and difficult to find. Something like cloth or an arrowhead had value because it took time and energy to manufacture it.) The main photo is of Cowrie shells which were used as money in several parts of the world hundreds of years ago.

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

Chocolate and cacao seeds were used by the Aztecs as a valuable asset. Dried fish were used in Iceland up to the 15th century as money. Gold dust or precious metals were used as currency by many cultures around the world. Woven wool or cotton cloth was used for trade as well. Beads were used by Africans for trading. Arrowheads were used by ancient European cultures and some American Indians as currency. Cows and other farm animals were used by Europeans and in the Americas for trade as well. Whale teeth were used by coastal cultures for trade. After that, have a student answer the first two questions. When discussing the third question, give students a few minutes to do some math. For example, $20,000 a year X 40 years = $800,000.


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Money: to exchange, to trade, a salary, income, banknotes, a wage, a value, a coin. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of several ways of paying for things. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 41. Predict what you think the article will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera,

internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Where did money come from? Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Answer the questions about the reading. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying time sequence. The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Time expressions: For, ago, within, during, in, by. Lesson B: Reported speech The Writing activity is usually based on the content

en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph with words from the box. Lesson B: Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs in the box. The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Vocabulary learning strategies. Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation.

A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Finance: expenses, budget, spend, cash, afford, cost, lottery, loan.

A Listening text provides

language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen to a conversation about saving money and answer the questions.

An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: The unhappy millionaire

A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Recognizing topic sentences.

The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to build background knowledge of the topic and develops their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Imagine you won $1,000,000 in the

lottery. List some of the things you would do with the money. Decide the best way to spend the money. The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. Some people like to save for the future. How about in Mexico?

Actividad The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Read Anitas information and complete the online application form from the Buffalo Language Institute.

Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit. I Can: Identify a time sequence in a narrative text Read and fill in an online form Use various time

expressions Write reported speech Use vocabulary related to money and finance

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures on pages 38 and 39. Discuss which forms of money would be the easiest to carry, the most valuable, the most longlasting, and the hardest to trade with. Explain why. The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Suffixes: -ic -ally

The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: acuerdo para residir con una familia, ahorrar, billete, comercio, costo, darse el lujo, durante, en efectivo, gastar,

gasto, ingresos, intercambio, lotera, nombre, prstamo, presupuesto, salario, sueldo, valor.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo II/ Unidad 5. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguage: Declarar preferencias; relatar ideas a personas Nociones gramaticales: Preposiciones + verbos; verbos + preguntas whEstrategias de lectura: Ideas principales Vs. Ideas secundarias; encabezados Vocabulario: Anuncios; alfabetizacin meditica
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo econmico / Compras y publicidad

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Ask students to take turns choosing one of the images on the opening spread and telling what they know about it and how they feel about it. Encourage more than one student to comment on each picture and invite differing opinions. For example, one student might view the sports car as a desirable object, while another might see it as an insult to the environment. Have volunteers tell which of these products they use

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

themselves and give specific brand names or types of products they like. Then have students guess at the cost of each item on the opening spread. Ask them to tell where they might buy some of the items and if there are stores where they can get things like these more cheaply than in a regular department store. Then go over the three questions in the opening task. For question three, elicit as many types of advertising as possible. These might include magazine and newspaper ads, billboards, TV and radio ads and Internet advertising.


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Advertising: brand, consumer, advertisement, spontaneously, advertise, purchase, product, on sale. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Discuss the questions with your partner. Agree on three examples for each question. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 53. Predict what you think the article will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera,

and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: I couldnt help myself Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Read the statements. Write T for True, F for False or DK for Dont Know. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying main and supporting ideas. The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Prepositions + verb expressions. Lesson B: Verbs with whquestions

en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the sentences using the correct verb from the box. Lesson B: Think about one of the products on pages 50 and 51 and make an advertisement for it in English. You need to decide the selling points, a slogan, and what kind of image you want the advertisement to show. Then show it to other members of your class.

The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Organizing vocabulary.

Lesson B

Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation.

A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Media: to broadcast, sponsor, slogan, print media, bi biased, mass media, media literacy, ad (ads).

A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Match the question halves. The listen and circle which questions were mentioned in the conversation.

An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: Hidden messages

A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading

strategies in students. Skills work: Deciding the topic of a text from headings.

The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. What kinds of advertisements are popular in Mexico? What kind of advertisement would not work well in Mexico?


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Read a Rsum.

1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit. I Can: Read informative texts (articles) Identify main and supporting ideas Use prepositions + verb expressions

Use wh- question words with certain verbs Use words for talking about advertisement and media literacy

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures again on pages 50 and 51. Guess the brands. Decide why some brands become more popular than others.

The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Suffixes: -ize -ise

The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: alfabetizacin meditica, anunciar, comprar algo, consumidor, emocional, engaar a alguien, eslogan,

espontneamente, ser parcial, estereotipo, gnero, marca,, medios de comunicacin de masas, medios de comunicacin impresos, patrocinador, poderse dar el lujo de (comprar) algo, producto, promover una idea, publicidad, transmitir algo.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo II/ Unidad 6. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Intercambiar opiniones; especular Nociones gramaticales: Although, despite, in spite of; verbo + preposicin + -ing Estrategias de lectura: Adivinar significados; comprender inferencias Vocabulario: Vivir austeramente; lenguaje especifico de gnero
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo econmico / Hombres y Mujeres en el Trabajo

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

For each picture in the opening spread ask different students to identify the situation, describe the role the person is playing in the picture and comment on whether men or women usually do this job. For example, for the first picture a student might say, Theres a little girl in a hospital bed. Her parents are with her. A female doctor is examining the little girl. Today a lot of childrens doctors are women.

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

Then discuss the second and third Opening Task questions in relation to all the pictures. Invite different students to answer the questions about which jobs they would enjoy and not enjoy. Ask them to give reasons for their choices. Finally, talk about why men choose some jobs and women others. While avoiding sexist stereotypes, guide students to understand that traditionally, jobs involving machinery (such as construction work and factory work) and jobs requiring physical strength (like firefighting) were not open to women. Similarly, jobs that involved working with small children (like teaching kindergarten) were not open to men. Point out that these divisions are changing, but that years of habits have made it difficult for some people to

accept the new roles men and women are taking in the workplace.


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Living on the cheap: discounted, expensive, economical, priceless, charity, bargain, for free, household bills. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Circle the best answer to describe your partner. Then ask and answer questions to find out if you were right. Explain your guesses. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin,

practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the text on page 65. Predict what you think the text will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Paul Hardings blog August 27th. Living on $2 a day Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Correct the errors in the summary of the article. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Contrasting ideas. The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form,

coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Although, despite, in spite of. Lesson B: Verb + preposition + -ing The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the letter with the correct contrasting words from above. Lesson B: Complete the sentences using the correct verb and preposition from above. The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Guessing the meaning of unknown words.

Lesson B

Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and

provides further consolidation.

A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Gender specific words: attendant, humankind, sales clerk, flight attendant, chairperson, workforce, firefighter, police officer.

A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen to Rita and Daniela. Write T for True or F for False. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: The Glass Ceiling Fact or Fiction?

A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will

help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Understanding stated and inferred statements.

The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to build background knowledge of the topic and develops their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Discuss whether you agree or disagree with each statement. Explain why.

The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. How are men and womens lives different and similar in Mexico?


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Read a newspaper ad and a cover letter.

1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones,

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit. I Can: Read persuasive texts Understand inferences in texts Use verb + preposition phrases Be aware of genderrelated language Use words for talking about living cheaply

tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures on pages 62 and 63. Which other jobs are typically done by men or women. Why?

The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Suffixes: -ful -less

The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: a pesar de, a su conveniencia, aunque, auxiliar de vuelo, bombero, carta de introduccin, centrado en la familia, Director General, cuentas del hogar, decidir no hacer algo, decidir hacer algo, discriminacin, escalera corporativa, gran valor, humanidad, igualdad, obtener algo gratis, oportunidad, presidente (a) (de un comit), una ganga.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo III/ Unidad 7. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Evaluar; hacer hiptesis, mencionar preferencias Nociones gramaticales: In order to/ that; usos de the Estrategias de lectura: Ordenar ideas; identificar ejemplos y definiciones Vocabulario: Agricultura; nutrientes en el cuerpo
Tema integrador

El ser Humano / El Medio Ambiente

Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo cientfico / La Revolucin Verde

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Ask students to identify the plants and animals and other objects in the pictures, giving both the Spanish word and English word for each item. Then go through the pictures a second time, having students describe different types of dishes that can be made from each item. While discussing question 2, ask volunteers to describe the various steps involved in raising or growing each type of food source.

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

At the end, make a list of all the foods on the board. Then elicit from students and write the name of a city or state or locality which is particularly wellknown for that type of food.


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Agriculture: crops, gene, fertilizers, nutrients, field, pesticides, yield, agriculture. A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen to the lecture about Mexican foods and check your answers. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la

develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 77. Predict what you think the text will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Food for all Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Read the statements. Write T for True or F for False. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Sequencing ideas. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Discuss the questions about the green

comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

revolution. Agree on answers. The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: In order to, in order that, for + gerund and to + verb. Lesson B: Uses of the. The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph with in order to, in order that, for + gerund, and to (do). Lesson B: Complete the paragraph with the or The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Identifying word families.

Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation.

A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Nutrients in the body: minerals, carbohydrates, glucose, fatty foods, toxins, oxygen, proteins, vitamins.

The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to build background knowledge of the topic and develops their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Discuss the questions about foods. Agree on answers.

An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and

vocabulary. Reading: Brain Food

A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying examples and definitions.

The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. Do people in Mexico eat the right kinds of food?


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Read the menu. Write T for True or F for False.

1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit.

I Can: Understand sequences in information texts Find and give examples Recognize the uses of the Recognize and use expressions for stating purposes Understand and use vocabulary related to agriculture, foods, and the brain. The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures on pages 74 and 75. Discuss the questions. The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Prefixes: un-, im-, inThe My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: agricultura, bebida,

bioqumico, campo, cultivos, genes, glucosa, masa, mental, mineral, neurona, nutrientes, oxgeno, para (que), pesticidas, propina, protena, rendimiento, toxina, vitamina.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo III/ Unidad 8. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Predicciones; intercambiar ideas Nociones gramaticales: Conectores para causa y efecto; adjetivo + to + verbo Estrategias de lectura: Causas y efectos; secuencias en un diagrama Vocabulario: Agua; procesos de manufactura
Tema integrador

El ser Humano / El Medio Ambiente

Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo cientfico / El Agua (H2O)

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Ask different students to describe the activity taking place in each of the pictures. Have them comment on whether or not this is a good use of water resources and give reasons for their answers. When discussing question 2, brainstorm a list with the whole class and keep a running list on the board. Try to elicit at least 15 different responses. Then go over the list and ask students to point out ways in which they might use

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

less water doing some of these activities. For example: Brushing my teeth. I could turn off the water until I finish and then turn it on again to rinse off the toothbrush. When discussing question 3, encourage students to think outside the box. For example, have them think about ways that other people in the students life use water in order to do something for them. For example: My mother washes my clothes. Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Water: moisture, atmosphere, dam, glacier, evaporates, flood, aquifer, irrigation. A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de

practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen to the lecture about using water. Check your answers and discuss with a partner. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 89. Predict what you think the article will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Save water, save our planet Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Match the phrases to make sentences. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of

comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Noticing causes and effects The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. What problems are there with water resources in Mexico? The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Connectives for cause and effect Lesson B: Adjective + to + infinitive. The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph with the correct cause and effect phrases. Lesson B: Complete each sentence with one adjective

from the box.

The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Use a dictionary to find word family members. Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation. A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Manufacturing processes: plants, supply, filter, treatment, pressure, vacuum, steam, heating. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to build background knowledge of the topic and develops their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Discuss the questions with a partner.

An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: Water for our future: A report on West Waters desalination plants A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying a sequence in a chart.


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Read the signs and answer the questions.

1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit.

I Can: Understand cause and effect and informative texts Identify cause and effect phrases Sequence items Understand adjective + to + infinitive expressions Understand vocabulary related to water and manufacturing processes

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures on pages 86 and 87. Discuss the questions.

The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Prefixes: mis-, reThe My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary.

Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: abastecer, proveer, atmsfera, causa, ciclo de agua, conduce a, costa, ecosistema, efecto, filtro, glaciar, presin, renovable, reserve, resulta en, riego, subir, superficie, sustentable, tratamiento, vaco, vapor.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo III/ Unidad 9. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Dar opiniones; especular Nociones gramaticales: Adjectivos o adverbios; have / get something done Estrategias de lectura: Identificar ideas en pro y en contra; identificar niveles de veracidad Vocabulario: Envejecimiento; el cuerpo
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo cientfico / La juventud eterna

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Ask a student to explain the meaning of the word eternal (forever, undying, without end). Then ask if eternal youth is actually possible. Call on a different student to identify and explain the objects in each of the pictures. If any student in the class knows someone who uses one of these devices, invite him/her to describe what it is like for the person. Ask students to be careful throughout this unit

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

to avoid violating anyones privacy and to avoid making insensitive comments. When discussing question 2, ask students to explain any problems they can foresee in using any of these devices. The third question may raise uncomfortable issues for some students. Encourage those who are comfortable with the topic to contribute to the class discussion, but make sure those who are bothered by the question are not made to feel embarrassed or upset.

Actividad Lesson A

Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Getting old: aging, antiaging, extend, mutation, elderly, longevity, mature, senior. A Listening text provides language input as well as

Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia

topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen to who says each statement about living forever. Write Jorge or Susan. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 101. Predict what you think the article will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: The keys to eternal life Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Circle the sentence ending which is NOT true.

esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying ideas for or against The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Adjective or adverb Lesson B: Have / get something done The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph with the adverb form of each of the words in the box. Lesson B: Complete the text using a verb and a noun from each box. The Skill Builder box provides additional

information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Choosing words to guess. Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation. A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. The body: lungs, mind, muscle, stomach, chest, throat, limbs, skeleton. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to build background knowledge of the topic and develops their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Check the changes that you would make to your body if you could. Then discuss your selections. Give reasons. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and

promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: Body improvements A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying levels of truthfulness. The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. In some countries and cultures it can be polite not to tell the truth sometimes when we know someone may be hurt by the truth. How about in Mexico? Cierre Competencia disciplinar


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Producto de aprendizaje


The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Reading diagrams.

1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia,

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the

language points from the unit.

propiedad y creatividad.

I Can: Read informational texts, charts, and advertisements Identify points for or against an issue Identify levels of truthfulness in statements Understand adverbs and adjectives and have something done statements Use words related to aging and the human body

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures on pages 98 and 99. Discuss the questions.

The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Prefixes: Over-, under-

The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: aparato, de la tercera edad, derrotar, envejecimiento, esqueleto, estmago, extender, figura, lnea, garganta, innovacin, instalar, longevidad, maduro, mejorar, mente, muscular, mutacin, pegar, pro y contra, pulmones.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.


E) Validacion Recibe:




Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo IV/ Unidad 10. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguaje: Hacer listados; Hablar de cosas que me pertenecen Nociones gramaticales: Adverbios para comentarios; pronombres reflexivos Estrategias de lectura: Inferencias usando prefijos; identificar tipos de evidencia Vocabulario: Alta tecnologa; avances cientficos
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo tecnolgico / Alta Tecnologa

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Introduce the topic of technology and ask students to give examples of recent advances in this area. If necessary, prompt them to think about new computer and cell phone applications and the ways computers are used to diagnose and treat disease (CAT scans, MRIs, robotic surgery, etc.). Ask different students to identify the objects in the pictures and comment on what they have to do with

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

technology. For example: Elements table: Particles of elements can be combined in new ways to create stronger substances which can be use in new, useful materials. atoms cells (stem cells) DNA Microscope bacteria medicine (pills in hand) Petri dish When discussing question 2, call on different students to tell what kind of experiments they did in science class using items in the pictures. Brainstorm a list of advantages of becoming a scientist with the whole class. They may suggest ideas such as: You are the first to learn about medical advances that could save your life. You get to use interesting and expensive equipment.


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


Lesson A A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. High Technology: science fiction, digital, nanotechnology, atom, molecule, cell, robot, program. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Discuss these questions with your partner. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 113. Predict what you think the article will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera,

and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: The coming nano-world Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Write T for True or F for False for the statements. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Inferring the meaning of unknown words using prefixes The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Comment adverbs Lesson B: Reflexive pronouns

en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph with the adverbs above. Lesson B: Complete the paragraph with the correct reflexive pronoun.

The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Identifying adverbs. Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation. A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Scientific breakthroughs: organic, micro-organism, bio-fuel, biotechnology, researcher, hypothesis, genetically modified, data

A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Circle the opinions you hear. Write Hector or Ana. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: Fueling a revolution A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying types of evidence. The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. What technological advances are happening in Mexico? Which are the most important?


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Reading a wall-chart. The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit. I Can: Read scientific and informational texts Infer meanings of unknown words Identify types of evidence in a text Understand and use comment adverbs and reflexive pronouns Use words related to science, technology, and scientific breakthroughs The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have

1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

acquired throughout the unit. Look at the photos on pages 110 and 111. Discuss some ways that science can help your life. The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Root words for numbers The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: alterar, aparentemente, tomo, bichos, biocombustible, clula, ciencia ficcin, dao, deshacerse de, estable, genticamente modificado, hiptesis, laboratorio, molcula, obviamente, orgnico, propiedad, robot, tierra adentro.
D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge E) Validacion Recibe:

Equipo Reproductor de CD

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.





Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo IV/ Unidad 11. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguage: Identificar y exponer pros y contras Nociones gramaticales: except for/ apart from/ besides; enough, too Estrategias de lectura: Inferir significado de frases; declaraciones generales o especificas Vocabulario: Telfonos; phrasal verbs; computadoras en lnea
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo tecnolgico / Computadoras & Celulares

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

First ask students to look at the partial pictures independently and see how many of them they can identify without help. Next ask them to share their ideas with a partner. Finally go over the images with the whole class and identify all the items shown. Point to the objects one by one and call on a student to explain what it is used for. Ask a student to make a list on the

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

board as different students in the class say the names of all the objects. Then do a quick survey to see which students have each of these items at home. Call on individuals to tell what they consider to be the single most important piece of technology they own. Elicit reasons for their choices. Refer back to the list of technological items students have in their homes. Invite them to give their opinions about the positive and negative aspects of each item.

Actividad Lesson A

Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. On the phone: hang up, switch on, get hold of, switch off, dial, get through to, hold on, engaged. The Speaking activity provides students with an

Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia

opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Decide which of these are the pros and which are the cons of having a cell phone. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 125. Predict what you think the article will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Is the cell phone a necessary evil Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido. 3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Inferring the meaning of phrases The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Except (for), besides, apart from Lesson B: Enough, not enough, and too The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the text with the correct words from the box. Lesson B: Complete the paragraph using a verb and a noun from each box and enough or not enough. The Skill Builder box provides additional

information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers. Identifying phrasal verbs. Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation. A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Online: spam, virtual, social networking, Web browser, download, upload, update, mailbox. A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen and check the features the social networking site blogosphere has. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity

to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and vocabulary. Reading: Unwiring my life A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying general or specific statements. The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. How often do people in Mexico use the internet? What do they use it for?


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Reading a tech manual.

1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit.

I Can: Read blogs, manuals, and articles to find information Identify general or specific statements Infer the meaning of unknown phrases Understand and use expressions with enough, besides, and apart from Understand and use words for the phone and being online

The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the photos on pages 122 and 123 and say which technologies you could live without and which ones you couldnt live without. State your reasons.

The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Word roots: viv, vit, bio, and geo

The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary. Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: actualizar, apagar, aparte de, aplicacin de software, buzn de correo, caracterstica, colgar el telfono, comunicarse con alguien, desconectar, dominar, emergencia, esperar (en el telfono), marcar (un nmero de telfono), mundo virtual, navegador de internet, simplificar, spam, subir (a un lugar de internet), suficiente.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge E) Validacion Recibe:

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.





Institucion: Plantel: Asignatura/ Mdulo/ Submdulo: Ingls V / Mdulo IV/ Unidad 12. Profesor(es): Carrera

Semestre V

Periodo de aplicacin/horas


Propsito de la secuencia didctica.

Funciones del lenguage: Declarar preferencias Nociones gramaticales: Frases compuestas; each, every, all Estrategias de lectura: Frases compuestas de varias palabras; identificar niveles de certeza Vocabulario: Robots; tecnologa del futuro
Tema integrador

El ser Humano
Categoras: Espacio ( )

Otras asignaturas, mdulos o submdulos que trabajan el tema integrador. Asignaturas, mdulos y/o submdulos con los que se relaciona:

Energa ( )

Diversidad ( )

Tiempo ( )

Materia ( )

Explicar por qu se eligieron esa(s) categora(s) Contenidos Facticos (2)

Conceptos Fundamentales:

Conceptos Subsidiarios:

Avance de la humanidad

Campo tecnolgico / Mundo robtico & Tecnologa Futurista

Aplicable para los tres componentes: bsico, propedutico y profesional.

Contenidos Procedimentales: (2)

Contenidos actitudinales: (2) Contenidos en Competencias Profesionales: (3) Competencias Genericas y Atributos: (2) Competencias Disciplinares: (1)

1 aplicable para los tres componentes bsicos, propeduticos y profesional. 2 aplicable para los componentes bsico y propedutico. 3 aplicable para el componente profesional.
Actividad Competencia genrica y/o atributo Apertura Competencia disciplinar Producto de aprendizaje Evaluacin

Ask different students to identify each of the examples of advanced technology shown in the pictures on the opening spread. If any of the terms are unfamiliar to the class, write the name of the item on the board and practice the pronunciation. Ask different volunteers to choose one of the items and explain what it is used for. Encourage them to also give other facts about the item such as when

Se expresa y se comunica

Comprende la nocin y las propiedades del texto

they think it was invented, what country invented it, etc. Finally, go over the pictures and have students who have actually seen one of these items to describe the experience. How old were they? Where did they see it? What did it look like? Accept answers based on real-life experiences as well as movie, telephone and Internet viewings.

Actividad Lesson A

Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica

Desarrollo Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


A Vocabulary presentation contributes to students understanding of new words. Robots: Artificial intelligence, autonomous, humanoid, translate, dexterity, consciousness, multi-tasking, remotecontrolled. The Speaking activity provides students with an opportunity to practice and personalize the language in the unit. It is usually guided

Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

1. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interaccin entre el texto y el lector y aplica las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo con el propsito del texto y del lector. 2. Experimenta la comunicacin literaria no solo como una experiencia esttica personal, sino como un tipo especfico de comunicacin entre distintas sociedades y, por tanto, como un hecho cultural compartido.

so students can develop their speaking competency at their own pace. Speaking activity: Think of four more ideas of how a robot could help in your life. Then rank your ideas. A Pre-reading activity provides students with an opportunity to activate background knowledge and develop understanding of the text they will read as well as practice skimming and scanning. Look at the title of the article on page 137. Predict what you think the article will be about. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit and promotes the internalization of language input as well as providing topic-based content information. Reading: Wheres my robot? Comprehension questions help consolidate understanding of the reading text. Answer the questions. The Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students.

3. Desarrolla estrategias para la comprensin, anlisis e interpretacin de textos periodsticos, histricos, cientficos, polticos, publicitarios y filosficos. 4. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad. 5. Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas, mediante convenciones lingsticas y recursos no lingsticos. 6. Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

Skills work: Working with phrases The Language Work sections with their language models and contextualized presentations of language provide students with immediate comprehension of language form and use. They scaffold knowledge and check understanding of not only how to manipulate the form, but also to check the students know how to use it in the correct situation. Lesson A: Everyday expressions Lesson B: Each, every, and all to talk about groups The Writing activity is usually based on the content of the lesson and serves as a consolidating production task or can be used by the teacher for ongoing-assessment. Lesson A: Complete the paragraph with the correct everyday expression. Lesson B: Complete the paragraph using each, every, or all The Skill Builder box provides additional information on specific skills which will broaden students knowledge and help them become better readers Remembering multi-word phrases

Lesson B Lesson B provides additional Vocabulary, Reading, Skills work, and Language work activities based on the topic of the unit which practices language and skills and provides further consolidation. A new Vocabulary presentation expands students knowledge of the language of the topic. Technology: gadget, rocket, interactive whiteboard, device, gravity, database, bandwidth, speech recognition. A Listening text provides language input as well as topic-based content information. Listening practice develops global understanding as well as training in listening for details and real-life study and work skills. Listen to the speakers discussing which technologies they would like to see in the future. Write the things they choose. An authentic-like Reading extends the theme of the unit, provides another opportunity to practice reading skills, and promotes the internalization of the grammar and

vocabulary. Reading: Tomorrows world A new Skills Work section provides input and practice of a specific skill which will help build stronger reading strategies in students. Skills work: Identifying levels of certainty. The In Mexico activity raises student awareness for cultural contrasts and similarities. Which technologies are likely to be the most important in the future for the people in Mexico? Why?


Competencia genrica y/o atributo Se expresa y se comunica Trabaja en forma colaborativa Piensa crtica y reflexivamente Aprende de forma autnoma

Cierre Competencia disciplinar

Producto de aprendizaje


The Real-life Reading task is an activity which aims to build reading skills which will be of use as students explore their individual interests. Reading signs.

1. Comprende la intencin y el propsito comunicativo de los diversos tipos de discursos. 2. Utiliza procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicacin escrita y reconoce la importancia de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de correccin, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

The Learning Log provides an opportunity for self evaluation as students reflect on how well they feel they can perform with the language points from the unit.

I Can: Read interviews, signs for information Identify levels of certainty within a text Infer the meaning of multi-word phrases Understand and use each, every and all Understand and use words for robots and technology The Closing Task provides an opportunity for on-going assessment and closure as students are referred back to the unit opener to participate in a guided discussion using the language they have acquired throughout the unit. Look at the pictures on pages 134 and 135. Discuss how important the things are for mankind. Decide which we can live without, and which we need. The Word Building section aims to build awareness of how words are formed and how they are used. Word roots: pos, par, and port The My Dictionary task helps students develop their study skills as they create this self-study tool to review unit vocabulary.

Write the words in English. Look for them in the unit: as como, base de datos, cada cuando, comparer, conciencia, coordinar, cura, de ninguna manera, de nuevo, en principio, gravedad, hacer varias cosas a la misma vez, inteligencia artificial, juguete electrnico, manipular, por el momento, problema, proponer, substituto, visin.

Equipo Reproductor de CD

D) RECURSOS Material Libro de Texto Cuaderno Diccionario Bilinge E) Validacion Recibe:

Fuentes de informacin Sequences English for Bachillerato Tecnolgico Level 5. Autores: Waring et al. Editorial Heinle Cengage Learning.



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