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Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz


Team Obama Blaming John Kerry for Debate Loss ( /Big-Government/2012/10 /06/Obama-Blames-Kerry)
576 comments 1 minute ago

Windfall: Obama Raises $181 Million, Only 2% of Donations Reportable ( /Big-Government/2012/10 /06/windfall-obama-raises181-million-only-half-reportable)
567 comments 38 minutes ago


5 Oct 2012


Have you noticed that we've seen a lot less of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz recently? Since getting caught misrepresenting her own statements caught on tape in early September, she seems to have been relegated to the back bench.
Wednesday night was the first presidential debate, and Democrats had their various surrogates on hand to talk to the media. Rep. Wasserman-Schultz gave interviews to Univision (, 7 News Colorado (, and what appears to be a pre-debate interview with an ABC affiliate ( She'll appear on Bloomberg TV ( this Sunday and she has a new profile in Vogue ( of all places, but these are not the sort of prime communications assignments she has had in the past. Currently, Rep. Wasserman-Schultz is on a DNC bus tour making stops in places like Parma, Ohio ( /debbie_wasserman_schultz_and_d.html) and Dubuque, Iowa ( along with Sandra Fluke. These are swing states, so the GOTV efforts there are important. Still, the assignment also has the effect of relegating Debbie to small gatherings of like-minded Democrats and appearances on local news affiliates. Rep. Wasserman-Schultz's semi-retreat from the public eye seems to have begun in early September when a scandal erupted over some comments she attributed to the Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. She claimed, in front of a group of Jewish voters, that the ambassador had said Republicans were "dangerous" for Israel. After the comments were published (

Fact Check: Suspicion Falls on Labor Secretary Solis as She Misleads on Jobs Numbers ( /Big-Government/2012/10 /05/Suspicion-Falls-on-LaborSecretary-Solis-as-Jobs-NumbersQuestioned)
818 comments 18 minutes ago

Romney Wins Big in First Debate ( /Big-Government/2012/10 /03/Romney-Wins-Big-in-FirstDebate)

1730 comments 12 hours ago

UW Madison Students: 'Unfair' That Obama Couldn't Use Teleprompter in Debate ( /Big-Government/2012/10/05/UWMadison-Students-Left-UninspiredSay-Unfair-President-Couldn-t-UseTeleprompter-in-Debate)
576 comments 23 minutes ago


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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz

/2506825#.UG9ovVF1t8E) by Philip Klein at the Examiner, Rep. Wasserman-Schultz claimed she had never made them. At this point, Klein published his audio ( recording of the statement, which clearly proved she had said exactly what he claimed. If that weren't bad enough, Oren denied "categorically (" that he had ever said such a thing. Within a couple days of the controversy, Politico piled on with a story suggesting that Wasserman-Schultz's future within the Democratic Party appeared hazy ( People close to Wasserman Schultz say she isnt likely to serve a second term at the DNC. On top of that, her supporters have written her off as a candidate for statewide races in Florida. They also say she would be ill-fitted to serve in Obamas administration. In short, her options are few. For now, her only option seems to be riding the bus in a last-ditch attempt to avoid being thrown under it.


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DWS is proof that you CAN get hit by a Mac Truck and live.
EDIT REPLY 0 minutes ago F


when dabbie i am goddess shultz had a town hall meeting no one could attand it as it was all done by having people call in give there questions and only the ones that they wanted to answer where answered ! and no one could just ask a question or make a comment without there consent . censorship by an out of control government stooge .and boot licker so the one sided meeting is a prime example of a government trying to control the message by lies and misinformation to keep in power .( see the history of castro before he took power or even Adolph Hitler and gerbils use of the big lie something he learned from the Wilson administration . the first progressave who brought us the 1919-20 depression called the forgotten depression as it was brought on by the massive taxation and spending of w.wilson .
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


DWS is the greatest PR asset the GOP has ! My guess is that every time she appears on TV , she drives voters to the Republicans with her nastiness and dishonesty ! This is one UGLY woman in the purest sense of the word - from inside out !
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 2 Likes F


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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz

I hear things are getting a little tight in her race in Florida.... Regardless, no way will she be back as DNC Chair after the election.. She is toast.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 3 Likes F


Sometime this summer DWS hired a glamour consultant and started a makeover. I'm guessing it was the Vogue spread that started the ball rolling. I could tell in August that she'd had "Botox" injections, and, an eyelift. Then her hair really changed. By the time the Demoncrat Convention rolled around her makeover was in full swing with the straightened, bouffant hairdo and lots of eye makeup and lots of foundation and lip color, and better clothing. This is probably why we're not seeing her in front of a MSM camera much lately. http://www.sunshinestatenews.c...
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 2 Likes F


A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to MsApprehension F


She`s mine, you take Pelosi ! :-)

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to binallday F


king tut has dibbs on pelosi, lets flip a coin!

A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to TxPatrick F


Let`s do the odd numbered-even numbered days of the month thing ! :-)
A LIKE 4 hours ago in reply to binallday F


Sometimes I found it much easier to dress down so I wasn't noticed. I still do. She might have made that decision. Because she's a knock out re done. Bet it scares her too!
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago F


The DNC has a weird habit of finding people to lead it that are demonstrably stupid, certifiably insane, or pathological liars. Conveniently, with the Debster, they found someone who fits all three descriptions.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 5 Likes F


I can't agree more. The dumber the Democrat's are the higher they float to the top leadership roles.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to GPZ550 2 Likes F


They are all ugly----due to inbreeding. They stick together you know----UGH
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 3 Likes F


Couldn't happen to a bigger liar than the blabbermouth!

A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 3 Likes F


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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz

You haven't see her lately because she is getting her flea bath and nails clipped. She has to be ready to participate in the Westminster Dog Show.
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 4 Likes F


Has she been wormed, shot record up-to-date, maybe diseased :-)
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to killer_bees F


Note to Debbie: Lying make your hair frizz.

A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 6 Likes F


Why do they need Schultz when they have gaffaholic Biden.

A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 3 Likes F


she is total lying scum demorat

A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 3 Likes F


Even obama makes the effort to lie, Biden is too stupid to lie, Wassermanshulzbergfarbstein does NOTHING but lie.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 4 Likes F


DWS = demonstrates wilfull stupidity

A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago in reply to nanoflex 4 Likes F


a follow up: what the H@ll is that you put in that hair of yours? Bacon grease?
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 3 Likes F


HA! She uses cocktail weenies as hair curlers!

A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago in reply to blewis189 2 Likes F


No, it's called a wad. Like in the movie "There's Something About Mary". Seems like Debbie keeps all her collected wads proudly in her hair, instead of swallowing.
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to blewis189 4 Likes F


I don't know how to say this without pissing off some dem's but here it goes. Why are all the Democratic and Liberal women all uglier that sin itself? I mean isn't it punishment enough for us normal people for you to be so ugly that we cannot look upon you for more than a minute or suffer a burning sensation of the eyes? Why must you further our pain of seeing you more by also trying to destroy our country. Please pack up all your ugly democratic and liberal friends and head to a country to start your own breed of god awful ugly people and stop infesting the country we love.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 5 Likes F


I think the word you're looking for is "FUGLY".

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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz



9 hours ago

in reply to blewis189



Oh yeah!! What about Rachel Madcow and Andrea Mitchell!! HA HA HA!!

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to blewis189 3 Likes F


Now, now. Don't be racist.

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to blewis189 2 Likes F


That tuna fish smell finally got to Barack.

A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 3 Likes F


Do her a favor and put her under the bus

A LIKE REPLY 12 hours ago 3 Likes F


OH! hell, just toss her under the bus's not like she doesn't deserve it
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago 1 Like F


Look at her, its obvious she has already been run over by the bus.
A LIKE REPLY 12 hours ago in reply to 4godandcountry 4 Likes F


There's plenty of room under that bus for Obama and the whole lying bunch of them.
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago 3 Likes F


One bus is enough? I suggest a fleet!

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to timwriter 1 Like F


Wise choice. But too late. The ship has sunk.

A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago F


There's plenty of room under that bus for Obama and the whole lying bunch of them.
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago in reply to Francis Arsenic F


A tender mercy indeed. Sadly, Cutter, Plouffe, Burton, Bolt, Dean, Gibbs, Axelrod, Rice etc. have filled any gap in speed liars. I guess lying fast and furious is a talent but it is definitely depressing to watch.
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago 1 Like F


This thing lacks any sort of HUMANITY.

A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago 1 Like F


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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz

Is Cutter next???
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago 1 Like F


She should be campaigning in FL as she's up for re-election, which is the reason for her dropping the 'diva' looking image of gold jewelry in a shameless attempt for her to deceive her voters into thinking she's one of them. That's okay, she'll lose by a landslide and then no more DWS influencing legislation! Woo-hoo!!
A LIKE REPLY 14 hours ago 4 Likes F


They should have BENCHED OBAMA, four years ago.

A LIKE REPLY 14 hours ago 3 Likes F


I really wish articles about her did not come with pictures - very disturbing - - she's a moron - why else would the put her out front - but she obviously did not toe the party line well enough. They've been putting blinky out there more & more Steph Same old song
A LIKE REPLY 14 hours ago 3 Likes F


Does everyone miss the wit and wisdom of Chairman Debbi like I do?
A LIKE REPLY 14 hours ago 4 Likes F


memo to debbie: didn't your mama teach you that if you can't say something nice, it's best to say nothing at all? telling untruths is not nice.



14 hours ago


A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitorhe speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nationhe works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a cityhe infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.......Cicero, 42 B.C.E.
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 6 Likes F


Obama is too impatient to be that subtle. His lazy drug impaired brain wants instant gratification.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to Chu Hyon 1 Like F


Why are Democrat women so damn ugly?

A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 5 Likes F


The ugliness comes from inside, can't be contained or hidden and manifests itself outwardly for all to see. These are ugly people from the core.
A LIKE REPLY 14 hours ago in reply to Obladee 9 Likes F

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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz


A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 5 Likes F


Sorry but the Dems all believe the same anti American crap that Shultz spews daily out of her mouth. They just know if they say what they actuall believe, they would lose half of their lemming base.
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago in reply to mpisi 5 Likes F


DWS and the other moron Flouke or whatever, are a perfect match. They can spend the time on the bus lying to each other. They should be riding on an old school bus since they each have so much to learn about the real world.
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 3 Likes F


We have Obamao, Reid, Pelosi, Axelrod, Plouffe, and Biden LYING on tape, as well. The AMERICAN PEOPLE aren't going to wait for the DNC to bench them... We'll do it ourselves on Nov 6!!!
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 7 Likes F


Just another worn out tool that the Liberal/Socialist/Communist(LSC) party throws away after all the BS is squeezed out of her. Rightly so, but nevertheless an affront to our Republic, democracy, and ethics. This is a person who never would have gained any traction politically if the American electorate wasn't comprised of uneducated zombies. Others that should be on the used tool list: Hillary Clinton Nancy Pelosi Kathleen Sebelius Hilda Solis Susan Rice Stephanie Cutter Sandra Fluke Is there a pattern here?
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 7 Likes F


Cover of Vogue, check out the BLAZE

A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 3 Likes F


sorry not vogue (ha) it's The Voice, need to check out the photos, it is on the Blaze. Photo Shop at its finest. You will not recognize her!
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to galle 1 Like F


since it wont let me edit my comment - also, beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the bone.
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 3 Likes F


Ever notice that all liberal woman are dog ugly?

A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 4 Likes F

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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz


They Be Busy
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to conservinFL F


Just thought of another use for duct tape.

A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 3 Likes F


So long, Debbie Poodle-Hair. It wasn't nice knowing you.

A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 2 Likes F


Imagine waking up next to her in the morning? You would have to hate your d**k to be married to that.
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 6 Likes F


LOL!!!!! :)
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago in reply to justavet 1 Like F


Y'ever notice that she looks a lot like a coke-ho?

A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 2 Likes F


Thats a shame, she was almost a big a gift to Conservatives as is Joe (Bite me) Biden.The woman might have been better off as a Lower Level civil servant like a DMV Clerk( she is Bichie enough) or Maybe in the local Planning Comission office.DWS = Mid level manager at best .
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago 2 Likes F


For once the truth cathes up with a lying Dem. Can Obo be next?
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago 1 Like F


Hey, you can't blame the Dems on this one! DWS has a face made for radio and a voice that makes "Nails on a Chalk Board" sound enjoyable! On top of being a face even a Mother can't love, she's lost all credibility, with the "believe me & not your lying eyes" statements she's known for. Final Update for those following:How to take on the Obama Enemy media: God Bless America!
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago 4 Likes F


Noooooooooooo! Now we're left with Gutter and Pelosi and neither is a funny as Deb. Damn!
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago 2 Likes F


She has a face for radio, she can still tell lies there.
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago 2 Likes F


Soetoro's campaign is in serious trouble and requires liars that are smarter than DWS
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F

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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz


That's what happens when you throw your integrity to the winds. Eventually it just blows away. Cutter next.
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F


I'm actually sorry if she's been relegated to the"back-bench".I think it works in our favor to have IDIOTS like "BlabberMouth"and "Bite-Me" out there making ridiculous statements!!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F


It's one thing to be a mindless motormouth, but very ugly too!

A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F


I don't understand. I thought she was the perfect example of a left wing progressive. DWS= Dim Wit Schultz. Now if we could put the rest of the left wing progressives on a bus to nowhere America can get back to being America. I did not things could get worst than the Carter years, but I was wrong. Obama tops even him in terms of disaster.
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F


I'd hit long as she didn't talk.

A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F


Just threw up in my mouth. Dude, do you know what a hood-rat is?

A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago in reply to MichMike 1 Like F


Uh...oh...let that be a lesson to all you 'washer women' out there...who were brought in to clean up the 'dirty' laundry of the men...don't make any of your own! THROW THEM OUT...THROW THEM OUT...THROW THEM ALL OUT!
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F


I was wondering when they would shut the "Mouth" off. This makes for a better world. I really think before the Obama organization call anyone a liar, they need not look far within their own organization. Unfortunately, the "Mouth" was replaced by the "Shout". If only they could just "Talk" about their accomplishments???? I guess not. Well as we are labeled "Empty Nesters" we now have "Empty Brainers". Have patience, 30 more days and they will all go away.
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F


In plain english Schultz has gently been 'escorted' out of the Mansion and relegated to 'field work' on the Obama Plantation, that's putting it politely in a non 'Ebonic' Parlance !
A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago F


more like being sent to the back of the bus

A LIKE REPLY 17 hours ago 1 Like F


We wondered what had happened to her? Been awful quiet out here on the reservation.
A LIKE REPLY 17 hours ago F

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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

Benched: DWS MIA in Democrats' PR Blitz


Pity. I was hoping DWS would be out there inspring revulsion of democrats until the bitter end. No matter, there are many others. Some nearly as repulsive.
A LIKE REPLY 17 hours ago 1 Like F

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10/7/2012 12:15 AM

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