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/L1"C/C++" Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ String Chars = "' File Extensions = C CPP H HPP

AWK /Delimiters = ~!@%^&*()-+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> , .? /C1 auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while __asm __fastcall __self __segment __based __segname __fortran __cdecl __huge __f ar __saveregs __export __pascal __near __loadds __interrupt __inline #define #error #include #elif #if #line #else #ifdef #pragma #endif #ifndef #und ef /C2 class delete friend inline new operator private protected public this try virtual __multiple_inheritance __single_inheritance __virtual_inheritance /L2"Visual Basic" Nocase Line Comment = ' File Extensions = BAS FRM /C1 Abs Access AddItem AddNew Alias And Any App AppActivate Append AppendChunk Arran ge As Asc Atn Base Beep BeginTrans Binary ByVal Call Case CCur CDbl ChDir ChDrive Choose Chr Chr$ CInt Circle Clear Clipboard CL ng Clone Close Cls Command Command$ CommitTrans Compare Const Control Controls C os CSng CStr CurDir CurDir$ Currency CVar CVDate Data Database Date Date$ DateAdd DateDiff DatePart DateSerial DateValue Day DDB Debug Declare DefCur DefDbl DefInt DefLng DefSng DefStr DefVar Delete Dim Dir Di r$ Do DoEvents Double Drag Dynaset Edit Else ElseIf End EndDoc EndIf Environ$ EOF Eqv Erase Erl Err Error Error$ Ex ecute Exit Exp Explicit False Field Fields FieldSize FileAttr FileCopy FileDateTime FileLen FindFirst Fi ndLast FindNext FindPrevious Fix For Form Format Format$ Forms FreeFile FreeLock s Function FV Get GetAttr GetChunk GetData GetFormat GetObject GetText Global GoSub GoTo Hex Hex$ Hide Hour If Iif Imp Indexes Input Input$ InputBox InputBox$ InStr Int Integer IPmt IRR Is IsDate IsEmpty IsNull IsNumeric Kill LBound LCase LCase$ Left Left$ Len Let Lib Like Line LinkExecute LinkPoke LinkRe quest LinkSend ListFields ListIndexes ListParameters ListTables Load LoadPicture Loc Local Lock LOF Log Long Loop LSet LTrim LTrim$ Me Mid Mid$ Minute MIRR MkDir Mod Month Move MoveFirst MoveLast MoveNext MovePre vious MoveRelative MsgBox

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LANGUAGE LINK METHOD= MARGINHEIGHT= MARGINWIDTH= MULTIPLE NAME= NORESIZE NOSHADE ONBLUR ONCLICK ONFOCUS ONLOAD ONMOUSEOUT ONMOUSEOVER REV= ROWS ROWSPAN SCROLLING SIZE= SRC= START TARGET= TEXT= TOPMARGIN TYPE= URL= VALIGN= VALUE= VLINK= VSPACE= WIDTH= /L4"Java" Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ File Ex tensions = JAVA /C1 abstract break byte boolean catch case class char continue default double do else extends false final float for finally if import implements int interface instanceof long length native new null package private protected public final return switch synchronized short static super try true this throw throws threadsafe transient void while /C2 AbstractMethodError AccessException Acl AclEntry AclNotFoundException ActionEven t ActionListener Adjustable AdjustmentEvent AdjustmentListener Adler32 AlreadyBo undException Applet AppletContext AppletStub AreaAveragingScaleFilter Arithmetic Exception Array ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayStoreException AudioClip AWT Error AWTEvent AWTEventMulticaster AWTException BeanDescriptor BeanInfo Beans BigDecimal BigInteger BindException BitSet Boolean BorderLayout BreakIterator BufferedInputStream BufferedOutputStream BufferedRea der BufferedWriter Button ButtonPeer Byte ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputSt ream Calendar CallableStatement CanvasCanvasPeer Certificate Character CharacterItera tor CharArrayReader CharArrayWriter CharConversionException Checkbox CheckboxGro up CheckboxMenuItem CheckboxMenuItemPeer CheckboxPeer CheckedInputStream Checked OutputStream Checksum Choice ChoiceFormat ChoicePeer Class ClassCastException Cl assCircularityError ClassFormatError ClassLoader ClassNotFoundException Clipboar d ClipboardOwner Cloneable CloneNotSupportedException CollationElementIterator C ollationKey Collator Color ColorModel Compiler Component ComponentAdapter Compon entEvent ComponentListener ComponentPeer ConnectException ConnectIOException Con nection Constructor Container ContainerAdapter ContainerEvent ContainerListener ContainerPeer ContentHandler ContentHandlerFactory CRC32 CropImageFilter Cursor Customizer DatabaseMetaData DataFlavor DataFormatException DatagramPacket DatagramSocket Da tagramSocketImpl DataInput DataInputStream DataOutput DataOutputStream DataTrunc ation Date DateFormat DateFormatSymbols DecimalFormat DecimalFormatSymbols Defla ter DeflaterOutputStream DGC Dialog DialogPeer Dictionary DigestException Digest InputStream DigestOutputStream Dimension DirectColorModel Double Driver DriverMa nager DriverPropertyInfo DSAKey DSAKeyPairGenerator DSAParams DSAPrivateKey DSAP ublicKey EmptyStackException Enumeration EOFException Error Event EventListener EventObje ct EventQueue EventSetDescriptor Exception ExceptionInInitializerError ExportExc eption FeatureDescriptor Field FieldPosition File FileDescriptor FileDialog FileDialogP

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TextArea TextAreaPeer TextComponent TextComponentPeer TextEvent TextField TextFi eldPeer TextListener Thread ThreadDeath ThreadGroup Throwable Time Timestamp Tim eZone Toolkit TooManyListenersException Transferable Types UID UnexpectedException UnicastRemoteObject UnknownError UnknownHostException Un knownServiceException UnmarshalException Unreferenced UnsatisfiedLinkError Unsup portedEncodingException UnsupportedFlavorException URL URLConnection URLEncoder URLStreamHandler URLStreamHandlerFactory UTFDataFormatException Vector VerifyError VetoableChangeListener VetoableChangeSupport VirtualMachineEr ror Visibility VMID Void Window WindowAdapter WindowEvent WindowListener WindowPeer WriteAbortedException Writer ZipEntry ZipException ZipFile ZipInputStream ZipOutputStream /L5"SQR" Nocase Line Comment = ! Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ S tring Chars = "' File Extensions = SQR SQC MAX /Delimiters = ~!@%^*()+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> ,? #debug #define #else #end-if #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef #include /C1 abs acos add alter-printer and array array-add array-divide array-multiply array -subtract ascii asin ask atan begin-document begin-footing begin-heading begin-procedure begin-program begin-r eport begin-setup begin-select begin-sql box break call ceil chr clear-array close columns concat cond connect cos cosh create-arra y date-time declare declare-chart declare-image declare-layout declare-printer dec lare-procedure declare-report deg delete display divide do dollar-symbol e10 edit else end-document end-evaluate end-footing end-heading end-if end-proce dure end-program end-report end-select end-setup end-sql end-while evaluate exec ute exists exit-select exp extract find floor font from get getenv goto graphic horz-line if input instr into isblank isnull last-page length let log log10 load-lookup lookup lower lowercase lpad ltrim mod money-symbol move multiply nvl new-page next-listing new-report no-formfeed next-column open on-break or order page-number page-size position power print print-bar-code print-chart print-dire ct print-image printer printer-deinit printer-init procedure put rad range read rename rollback round rpad rtrim show sign sin sinh sqrt stop string substr subtract tan tanh to to_char to_number translate trunc union unstring upper uppercase use use-column use-printer-type use-procedure use -report vert-line when while write #debug #define #else #end-if #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef #include /C2 abs acos add alter-printer and array array-add array-divide array-multiply array -subtract ascii asin ask atan begin-document begin-footing begin-heading begin-procedure begin-program begin-r eport begin-setup begin-select begin-sql box break call ceil chr clear-array close columns concat cond connect cos cosh create-arra y date-time declare declare-chart declare-image declare-layout declare-printer dec lare-procedure declare-report deg delete display divide do dollar-symbol e10 edit else end-document end-evaluate end-footing end-heading end-if end-proce dure end-program end-report end-select end-setup end-sql end-while evaluate exec ute exists exit-select exp extract find floor font from

get getenv goto graphic horz-line if input instr into isblank isnull last-page length let log log10 load-lookup lookup lower lowercase lpad ltrim mod money-symbol move multiply nvl new-page next-listing new-report no-formfeed next-column open on-break or order page-number page-size position power print print-bar-code print-chart print-dire ct print-image printer printer-deinit printer-init procedure put rad range read rename rollback round rpad rtrim show sign sin sinh sqrt stop string substr subtract tan tanh to to_char to_number translate trunc union unstring upper uppercase use use-column use-printer-type use-procedure use -report vert-line when while write #debug #define #else #end-if #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef #include /L6"COBOL" Nocase Line Comment = * Block Comment On = ** Block Comment Off = ** String Chars = "' File Extensions = CBL CPY /Delimiters = ~.!@%^*()+=|\/{}[]:;'"<> ,? /C1 ACCEPT ADD ALL ALTER AND BY CALL CANCEL CHAIN CLOSE COMPUTE CONTINUE DELETE DISABLE DISPLAY DIVIDE ELSE ENABLE END-ACCEPT END-ADD END-CALL END-DELETE END-DISPLAY END-DIVIDE END-EV ALUATE END-IF END-MULTIPLY END-PERFORM END-READ END-RECEIVE END-RETURN END-REWRI TE END-SEARCH END-START END-STRING END-SUBTRACT END-UNSTRING END-WRITE ENTRY ERR OR EVALUATE EXAMINE EXHIBIT EXEC EXIT FALSE GO GOBACK IF INITIALIZE INSERT INSPECT INVALID KEY MERGE MOVE MULTIPLY NEXT NO NOT OF OFF ON OPEN OR OVERFLOW PARAGRAPH PERFORM PURGE READ RECEIVE RELEASE REPLACE REPLACING REFERENCE RETURN REWRITE SEARCH SEND SENTENCE SET SIZE SORT START STRING SUBTRACT TO TRANSFORM TRUE UNSTRING UNTIL USE USING WHEN WRITE /C2 ACTION-COMMIT ACTION-CONNECT ACTION-DELETE ACTION-DISCONNECT ACTION-FETCH ACTION -INSERT ACTION-SELECT ACTION-UPDATE COPY PTPDYSQL PTPSQLRT RUN SQL-CURSOR SQL-CURSOR-COMMON STOP /C3 AUTHOR CHAINING COMMUNICATION COMP COMP-3 COMPUTATIONAL CONFIGURATION DATA DATE-COMPILED DATE-WRITTEN DECLARATIVES DIVISION EJECT ENVIRONMENT FILE FILE-CONTROL I-O-CONTROL IDENTIFICATION INPUT-OUTPUT INSTALLATION LINKAGE LOCAL-STORAGE OBJECT-COMPUTER PIC PICTURE PROCEDURE PROGRAM PROGRAM-ID

REPORT SCREEN SECTION SECURITY SOURCE-COMPUTER SPECIAL-NAMES USING VALUE WORKING-STORAGE /C4 [Settings] Language File=C:\Apps\ULTRAEDIT\uedit32.ini MousePos=10373 Days to expire=0 Custom Colors=16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,167 77215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215 WindowPos=0,2,0,0,-1,-1,0,0,768,537 Status Bar=5 Tool Bar=5 LineNumOff=0 Large Icons=1 Show Codes=0 Column Marker 1 On=0 Column Marker 2 On=0 Replace All From Top=1 Ruler On=0 Fix Left Pane=0 Vertical Line Numbers=0 MacroWarning=1 UseSpaces=1 ShowCmd=3 Version=V5.00 Backup=0 Multiple Instances=0 Auto Indent=0 Last File=J:\Notes.old\DESKTOP.DSK Auto Detect Unix=1 Auto Convert Unix=1 Default Read Only=0 Save File Format as Input=1 Use Windows Default Dir=0 Filter=1 FindInFiles-Use Windows=1 Num Recent Files=4 Syntax Highlighting=1 Wrap Type=0 Wrap Column=80 InputConvert=0 Macro Directory= Default Save Directory= Default Backup Directory= No Temp=0 SlimDialog=1 TabStops=20 PreviewPages=2 [Open Files] Remember Files=0 Open File0= [Spell Checker] Language=1 [File Types] 0=*.* 1=*.TXT

2=*.DOC 3=*.BAT 4=*.INI 5=*.C;*.CPP 6=*.H;*.HPP 7=*.HTML;*.HTM;*.JAVA;*.JAV 8= 9= [File Desc] 0=All Files, (*.*) 1=Text Files, (*.TXT) 2=Doc Files, (*.DOC) 3=Batch Files, (*.BAT) 4=INI Files, (*.INI) 5='C' Files, (*.C, *.CPP) 6=Header Files, (*.H, *.HPP) 7=HTML/Java Files, (*.HTML, *.JAVA, *.HTM, *.JAV) 8= 9= [ToolBarState1-Summary] Bars=6 ScreenCX=1024 ScreenCY=768 [Find/Replace] FindString=inbox ReplaceString= MatchCase=0 Direction=1 RegularExpression=0 MatchWord=0 ReplaceMode=0 SearchSubDir=0 AllowRewind=1 [PageSetup] DisableHeaderSeparator=0 DisableFooterSeparator=0 PrintLineNumbers=0 PrintWrap=1 Print2Pages=0 MarginBottom=500 MarginLeft=500 MarginRight=500 MarginTop=500 [Print Settings] Orientation=1 Paper=1 [Language 1 Colors] 0=0 1=16711680 2=255 3=33023 4=4227072 5=8421504 6=16711680 7=16711680 [Language 2 Colors] 0=0 1=16711680 2=255 3=33023

4=8421376 5=8421504 6=16711680 7=16711680 [Language 3 Colors] 0=0 1=16711680 2=255 3=33023 4=8421376 5=8421504 6=16711680 7=16711680 [Language 4 Colors] 0=0 1=16711680 2=255 3=33023 4=8421376 5=8421504 6=16711680 7=16711680 [Language 5 Colors] 0=0 1=16711680 2=16711680 3=16711680 4=4227072 5=8421504 6=16711680 7=16711680 [Language 6 Colors] 0=0 1=16711680 2=255 3=33023 4=8421376 5=8421504 6=16711680 7=16711680 [ASCII Table] Window Pos=0,1,0,0,-1,-1,0,38,437,333 [Find History] 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= [Replace History] 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5=

6= 7= 8= 9= [Tools] Alternate Capture=0 [Find in File History] 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= [ToolBarState1-Bar0] BarID=59392 XPos=-2 YPos=-2 Docking=1 MRUDockID=0 MRUDockLeftPos=-2 MRUDockTopPos=-2 MRUDockRightPos=778 MRUDockBottomPos=36 MRUFloatStyle=8196 MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648 MRUFloatYPos=0 [ToolBarState1-Bar1] BarID=59393 [ToolBarState1-Bar2] BarID=59419 Bars=5 Bar#0=0 Bar#1=59392 Bar#2=0 Bar#3=143 Bar#4=0 [ToolBarState1-Bar3] BarID=59422 Bars=3 Bar#0=0 Bar#1=152 Bar#2=0 [ToolBarState1-Bar4] BarID=143 XPos=-2 YPos=34 Docking=1 MRUDockID=59419 MRUDockLeftPos=-2 MRUDockTopPos=34 MRUDockRightPos=1026 MRUDockBottomPos=69 MRUFloatStyle=8196 MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648 MRUFloatYPos=0 [ToolBarState1-Bar5]

BarID=152 Visible=0 XPos=-2 YPos=-2 Docking=1 MRUDockID=0 MRUDockLeftPos=-2 MRUDockTopPos=-2 MRUDockRightPos=1026 MRUDockBottomPos=126 MRUFloatStyle=4 MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648 MRUFloatYPos=736 [Recent File List] File1= File2= File3= File4=

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