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Eastway (The Planet) The world isn't earth.

It's a slightly larger planet named Polymia with a main c ontinent basically as a ring around the planet, and a quite a few large and smal l islands randomly scattered about the surface of the planet. It's about 40% lan d and 60% water. There is magic and technology based living. Magic is used by a little less than a fifth of the population. Like anything though some places will use both to thrive and some will have low resources of one or both. There are all of the normal habitats such as jungles, forests, lakes, rivers, mo untains, deserts, etc. The planet is very much like earth, but more of the planet is wasteland-like, as though an apocalypse may have happened. A good portion of the main ring contine nt has a desert climate. The deserts aren't quite as hot as earths. The hottest it would ever get on the surface or Polymia is just over 100 degrees. It can als o get quite cold, a little colder, but about the same as Earth on the surface, a s there is also a fairly large winter desert where in the place of sand dunes th ere are snow dunes, with frequent blizzards throughout the year. The ring contin ent goes around the equator at an ever so slight angle; otherwise the whole worl d would basically be a huge hot desert. Scattered around in more populated areas there are more urban areas with more ad vanced technologies and some rare cities even going as far as having newly devel oped hover vehicles and skyscrapers. Parts of the planet are say 100 to 150 year s more advanced than Earths technology while others are stuck in like the 1400's . On some discovered, but unbothered by most small island continents there are dif ferent species of half elemental people who are more magically inclined. The pla net also has forests and caves. Some of the caves are even mined and manmade and some even have well thriving towns and cities in them with earthlike people. There is an elemental plant species similar to humans that live in tree house ci ties. Most of the planet is actually sort of banned of futuristic technology. If you'r e seen with like say a phone or a portable game most people will be inclined to harm you for it, or even try to get it from you, either for themselves to enjoy, or to destroy it, or get rid of it. There are also vehicles but they're only co mmon in a few places. There are governments and even leaders in a few places, but most of the planet i s a fend for yourself kind of environment. Each town, even if right next to another ma y have a completely different system than another. For actual currency most people use money in more developed countries. For most of the planet though people will trade old technology like discs and cartridges ....sort of like a commonly accepted bartering system. The more useful the techn ology the more it s worth. A good chunk of the population will also resort to steali ng. In more magic based areas they'll use magic stones for currency. Polymia has a moon. It s a little larger and closer than our own causing large shift s in tides. Those tides occasionally revealing ruins and temples otherwise subme rged in water. There are sailors and ships that really carefully have to plan ar ound those tides to sail anywhere near the shores affected by the tides. The main ring continent is divided into 6 countries while a couple of the larger islands are their own countries. Most of the other smaller islands aren't owned

by any particular country, but a good half of them are.

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