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In recent year, evacuation is one of the common strategies to deal with an emergency management.

The occurrence of fire, floods and industrial accident that release harmful substances are some examples that force at least thousands of people to desert their building, homes, town or cities. For that reasons, the importance of evacuation planning cannot be denied anymore especially when considering the frequency of evacuations done yearly. In any emergency scenario, for example, earthquake, the complexity of building built by human and the growth of infrastructure, as well as the population density may increase the danger imposed by any hazard occurring in densely populated areas and imposed higher requirements on evacuation and emergency management. Before a building could actually be built it should be emphasized that the structural designs and constructions meet certain specifications. The building must be strong enough to withstand impact. When the specification was met, the occupants will have easy and safer evacuation when the need arise, especially for a sudden and an emergency evacuation. Evacuation also can be defined as the immediate or rapid movement of people from a threat or actual occurrence of hazard. Before any actual evacuation occurred, the evacuation planning is needed to make sure occupants of a building could exit the building safely. So, there is various aspect of risk consideration and even making evacuation drills may be involved in evacuation planning. Evacuation planning can also involve the usage of one or more evacuation model, or commonly known as mathematical model, because they usually consist of mathematical equation, constraints and algorithms and also the usage of evacuation software. Users can simulate the result by using such models that are able to mimic the real situation and the decision problem to see if the result is satisfactory or to compare with alternative evacuation plan to select the best possible plan. Evacuation planner will be able to determine the shortest path to safety, to predict the total evacuation time needed for specific evacuation plan or route and decide on the best model by using evacuation model. So far, to find a good and reliable evacuation model or plan, many researches have been carried out. According to Kuligowski (2005), existing evacuation model can be categorized into three different groups which are movement model, behavioral model and partial behavioral model. Besides, an evacuation model can also be differentiated as being either a macroscopic model or microscopic model. There are some difference between the macroscopic model and microscopic model even though both models are able to capture evacuees movement over time (Hamacher & Tjandra, 2001). The most significant difference is that even though macroscopic model is able to produce lower bound for the evacuation time, the behavioral is not taken into account unlike the microscopic model. The microscopic model is able to model individual characteristics as well as the interaction among the evacuees which influent their movement. Lately, to organize the increasing population densities and high land prices, developers create high-rise buildings instead of ones that spread horizontally (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011). According to Indianetzone Construction (2011), a high rise building can be defined as a building where its height is taller than the height of which people are willing to walk up. In such building,

its usually equipped with elevators. So, among popular issue concerning to evacuation is being studied is the building evacuation. Recently, many cases such as fire, terrorist attack and natural disaster that have called for the need of an evacuation plan model to evacuate the occupants to safety place (Pursals & Grazon, 2009). Safe evacuation for a tall building is more challenging and thus required a proper and safe evacuation planning in order to save life and reduce injuries. The proper and safe evacuation includes identifying the shortest path to safety and the shortest evacuation time. The concrete reason why evacuation plan is important is that the outcome of a poor evacuation plan could result in unwanted accident or even death. Nowadays, evacuation planning and emergency management became a sophisticated field in civil engineering science, aimed to save human lives by safe facility design and optimization of rescue operations. Most building was built with improper plan of evacuation and any kind of disaster cannot be predicted when it will occur in a future. Therefore, we attempt to find the evacuation time that includes the flow pattern and walking speeds of each individual with evacuation planning model by using a spatial-grid evacuation model (SGEM) for buildings. Studies of evacuation of a building are growing in the whole worldwide but still it is one major problem to evacuate people from the hazardous area to the safest place. According to Filippoupolitis and Gelenbe (2009), the evacuation of a building is a challenging problem, since the evacuees feel panic thus most of the times they do not know or do not follow the optimal evacuation route. This situation happened especially during an ongoing hazard present in the building. Then, finding the best evacuation route becomes harder as the conditions along the paths change in the course of the evacuation procedure. Francis (1979) was the first one who developed the first formulation of evacuation of a building problem. The program of EVACNET was designed by Francis which is an application develop in IOTRAN77 that is used to determine the evacuation time and optimal distribution of occupants towards the exit. Hope and Tardos (1995) contributes solving evacuation problem by proposing a model of polynomial algorithms. Exit selection by occupants during evacuation of building is focused by Lim (2010) and used neural network to solve it. Pursals and Garzon (2009) also studied this problem by applying stochastic models which are more realistic but more complexes as well. However, Smith (1996); Lovas (1998) are the first one who did the study from a stochastic perspective by using queuing networks in which the solution is based on the algorithms developed by Reseir and Lavenberg (1980). The agent-based model (Wong & Luo, 2005) works when STEP (Simulation of Transient Evacuation and Pedestrian movements) is implemented. Since the agent-based model take consideration of human factors and floor plan layout, STEPS is designed to simulate how people move in both normal and evacuation situations within complex building structures. Other than STEPS, other agent-based models are available for evacuation modeling. But STEPS can model a large scale evacuation in terms of tenth thousand occupants with multi floors 3-D visualization. To make more realistic simulation, the human factors can be inputted in STEPS. This model is

capable in handling multiple in and out flows of complex multi-compartment buildings. The floor plan is treated as a single node that can eliminate the detail modeling of floor plan layout. Therefore, the computational time can be reduced. No individual human behaviors such as physical abilities, individual positioning and direction of movement can be considered. In order to minimize the evacuation time and avoid injuries related with the ongoing hazard, decision making during an emergency response procedure has to be made in a timely manner based on Filippoupolitis and Gelenbe (2009). However, it is very difficult for the evacuees to make the best decisions during an evacuation. Most of the times, they do not know which is the best path that they should follow in order to reach an exit since they are unfamiliar with the overall architectural design of the building. Not only that, the conditions inside the building may change due to the presence of a hazard that is spreading, such as a fire or a hazardous gas that can lead to explosion. This will result the task of finding a safe route to an exit become even more difficult. Bukowski (2009) has mentioned that floor area method considers of exit width needed as a function of construction type for evacuation while the probability method considers only the population. The most densely populated floors is the first phased evacuation (as currently practiced in tall buildings) is suggested, simultaneous evacuation of all floors is not considered but the number of floors considered varies with occupancy. The NBS report (1935) discusses a credit for elevators against required aggregate exit width. The report claims that automatic elevators as unsuitable as the capacity and rate of speed is not great and they are not subject to a single will as in the case of an elevator operator, but to demands from many tenants. Moreover, there was a suggestion in the formulae of the flow method that five elevators might be equal to a single unit of exit stair width for some construction types. So that is why National Safety Council (1985) stated that a building should have an evacuation routes so that the evacuees can easily find the safe place with the shortest evacuation time. An evacuation routes is a drawings, diagrams and guideline information that should be included in the buildings emergency evacuation plans. Furthermore, the document should include elements such as floor numbering and direction of travel should be indicated in stairwells. Usually evacuation on a building is done when there are fires, natural disasters or terrorist attack. The same thing happened if this situation occurred to the lecture hall (Dewan Kuliah 1) of Faculty of Science Computers and Mathematics (FSKM) as the student could not find quickest way out when practicing fire drill. There is also other factors that could contribute to evacuate process happened and there are many risks to evacuate the building in the shortest time. The common problem when evacuation process was done, there still people trap inside the building or take many time to get out from the building because they could not find the way out. Thus, by conducting this research we take consideration on evacuation time which includes flow pattern

and walking speeds of the evacuees in order to find the path will be taken by each individual by using SGEM for buildings. According to Lo and Fang (2000), the interrelationship among parts of a building in egress model has been developed with the help of digital computers. There are two approaches that can be categorized which are course network model and fine network model. In course network model, to resolve the complete of evacuation process, mathematical equations are applied to find the flow rates and average speed of people. In contrast, fine network model comes in a form of grid in which each grid is an actually part of the space in the building. In a SGEM, each node which represents room, a corridor or lecture hall is connected with the doors or exit and it can be characterized by *recording the coordination of the setting. In order to find the flow direction of the nodes, the location of the final exit points should be considered. The environmental factors like the distance to the exit, existence of exit sign and accessibility of visual can lead to the choice of exit. Not only that, personal attribute such as familiarity of routes also can contribute to the choice of exit.

REFERENCES Bukowski, R.W. (2009, January). Emergency egress from buildings, Part 1: History and current regulations for egress systems design. NIST Building and Fire Research Laboratory.* Filippoupolitis, A., & Gelenbe, E. (2009). A distributed decision support system for building evacuation. Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London.** Francis, R. L. (1979). A simple graphical procedure to estimate the minimum time to evacuate a building. Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Technology Report, 1979-5, 14 p. Hamacher, H.W., & Tjandra, S.A. (2001). Mathematical modelling of evacuation problems: a state of the art. In: Pedestrian and evacuation dynamic, Springer, Berlin, pp. 59-74 ** Hope, B., & Tardos, E. (1995). The quickest transshipment problem. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.** Indianetzone Construction. (n. d.). High rise buildings. Retrieved from Kuligowski, E.D. (2005, January). Review of 28 egress models. NIST SP 1032 at Review of 28 Egress Models.pdf ** Lo, S. M., & Fang, Z. (2000). A spatial-grid evacuation model for buildings. Journal of Fire Sciences, 18:376. Lovas, G.G. (1998). Models of way finding in emergency evacuations. European Journal of Operational Research, 105, 371-389.

National Safety Council, (1985). Evacuation systems for high-rise buildings. Data Sheet 1 656-Reaf. 85. Pursals, S.C., & Garzon, F.G. (2009). Basic principle for the solution of the building evacuation problem. Universitat Politcnica de Cataluya (SPAIN).** Resier, M., & Lavenberg, S. (1980). Mean value analysis of queuing network models. JACM, 27, 313-322. Wong, H.L.K., & Luo, M. C. (2005). Computational tool in infrastructure emergency total evacuation analysis, lecture notes in computer science. International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 536-541.

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