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MATARAM, 3rd and 4th SEPTEMBER 2012

protolanguage, while the latter hypothesises that protolanguage which generates those languages and dialects is possible to be reconstructed. In a pulralistic state, indicated by the diversity of ethnic-local languages, diachronic linguistic studies yields significant contribution to the pluralistic understanding building of the society. Through language variants, the existence of the society is recognised, and through the similarity (through closely related languages), the meaning of differences in similararity is understood. It is an understanding needed to build social solidarity towards a social integrity in a multicultural society. To give deeper theoretical and methodological understanding of diachronic linguistics and how to make use the results of diachronic linguistic studies in enhancing pluralistic understanding of the pluralistic nation state through education, it is important to organise a short corse of diachronic linguistics. This short course will be held as a part of Lustrum VI of Faculty of teacher Training and Education University of Mataram which presents the outstanding diachronic linguists as the instructors. COURSE MATERIALS 1. Diachronic linguistic areas (diachronic dialectology and comparative historical linguistics), 2. Procedures in dialectology research: description of the differences of language elements, method of determining isolect status, either as a dialect or a language, 3. Innovative and conservative dialects and methods of determining them, 4. Problems of regular and sporadic sound changes, 5. Grouping and reconstruction of protolanguage, 6. Semantic reconstruction and the way of thinking of the language owners, 7. Methods of grouping and reconstruction of protolanguage, 8. Some problems in grouping and reconstructing protolanguage of Archipelago languages, 9. East Austronesian languages: Tracing the theoretical chain of the lost Brandes theory Completive Construction, 10. Empowering language variants in Multivariant Language Learning, 11. Practice designing research using various local language data. INSTRUCTORS 1. Prof. Dr. Bernd Nothofer (Austronesian diachronic linguistics expert of Frankfurt University, Germany) 2. Prof. Dr. Mahsun, M.S (Linguistic expert of Archipelago diachronic languages of University of Mataram)

PARTICIPANTS For intensive guidance, the number of participant is limited only 30. The course is open to researchers from higher educations, Language Offices and Institutions, language teachers and language analysts. The participants are suggested to bring with them their local language data that they have ever studied or written.

Burhanuddin, M.Hum (081237344449) Ahmad Zamzam (085238744655) Arifuddin (081339756537), e-mail: DATE AND REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Registration period is 1 to 31 of July 2012 via Bank Mandiri Cabang Mataram NTB No. Rek: 145-00-0557968-1 Istiqomah. OPERATIONAL FEE Every participant must contribute IDR 750,000.00 as an operational fee.

FACILITIES 1. Lunches and snacks, twice a day during the course. 2. Stationeries and training kits/materials 3. Two new books, Language Research Method and Genolinguistics (both written by Prof. Dr. Mahsun, M.S.) 4. Certicifcate.

BACKGROUND It proves that language as an object of linguitic studies does not appear as a homogeneous representation, but it has heterogeneous variants. Within certain duration of time, the languge may manifest into distinct dialects and even different languages. The long historical journey of the variants or the different languages gradually forms groups consisting of either the same language or of different languages. There are the same and different languages in an historical chain represented in the forms of language family, language stock, microfilum or mesofilum; which utlimately hipothesised as originated from a macrofilum. This hypothesis assumes that the various languages in the world obviously underlie the same historical origin. Linguistic study focusing on language variation, which emerges due to spatial and historical factors, is diachronic linguistics. There are two views (or hypotheses) as the bases of diachronic linguistic studies, relatedness hypothesis and regularity hypothesis. The former assumes that the different languages or dialects are actully interrelated, so that it is assumed that they are derived from the same

HOTEL INFORMATION 1. Pusaka Hotel Jl. St. Hasanuddin No. 23 Cakranegara Mataram Phone : (0370) 633119, 634189 - Fax (0370) 633119,. Harga Rp. 175.000,- (standard). 2. Cakrajaya Hotel Jl. Tenun No. 1. Telp (0370) 623480 Mataram 83235, Harga Rp. 200.000,-( Superior). 3. Ratih Hotel Jl. Pejanggik 127 Cakranegara Lombok 83231, Phone : (0370) 631096,626444,626269 Fax: (0370) 624865. Harga Rp. 225.000,- (Standard). DIACHRONIC LINGUISTICS SHORT COURSE REGISTRATION FORM

VANUE AND DATE OF SHORT COURSE The diachronic linguistics short course will be held at FKIP University of Mataram campus on September 3 t0 4, 2012, just before the international seminar Dandling the Language, Developing the Nation to be held on September 5 to 6, 2012.

The undersigned: Full Name : ___________________ Address : ___________________ Telph/mobile : ___________________ e-mail :___________________ registers as a participant of the Diachronic Linguistics Short Course to be held at FKIP University of Mataram. The registration bill attached.

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