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There are two critical state models, the Modified Cam Clay model and the Double Yield Surface Model. The Modified Cam Clay model is a time independent model and the Double Yield Surface model is a time dependent and time independent model. Modified Cam Clay Model The Modified Cam Clay model is an elasto-plastic model with non-linear elasticity prior to yielding. Elastic Deformation Elastic deformation is governed by the bulk modulus and Poisson's ratio. A constant Poisson's ratio is used in the model. The bulk modulus is related to the slope of the recompression line by:

where K = Bulk modulus; e = current void ratio of the material; p = effective mean stress = ; and = slope of the recompression line in e versus natural logarithm of p plot. The slope of the recompression line is related to the swelling index, which is the slope of the recompression curve in e versus logarithm to the base 10 of p plot, by: Cr = 2.303 ; Plastic Deformation Associated flow rule is used for the Modified Cam Clay model. The yield function is given by:

where M = critical state parameter; pc = current isotropic consolidation stress; p = effective mean stress; J2 is the second stress invariants. Double Yield Surface Model

The double yield surface model can be used for time dependent and time independent analysis. The constitutive model is based on the double-yield surface model proposed by Hsieh. The formulation employed in the model is consistent with Kavazanjian and Mitchell's postulate that the total deformation of cohesive soil can be separated into four interdependent volumetric and deviatoric, time independent and time dependent components. The model employs the concept of "double-yield criteria," and is defined by the ellipsoid of the Modified Cam-Clay model (MCCM) and the Von Mises cylinder inscribed in the ellipsoid.

where the yield function based on MCCM yield criterion; g is the yield function based on Von-Mises yield criterion; are the effective stress components; p' = effective mean stress; M is the slope of the critical-state line in the p'-q plane; is the isotropic preconsolidation pressure; is the shear yield stress of the Von-Mises yield criterion. In this model, the total strain-rate tensor is decomposed in the following manner:

where superscripts e and p' denote the time-independent elastic and plastic parts, respectively; superscript t denotes the time-dependent (creep) part; and subscripts f and g refer to the MCCM ellipsoid and Von Mises cylinder yield surfaces, respectively. The elastic part of the time-independent components is evaluated by applying: 1. the generalized Hooke's Law;

2. the elastic stress-strain-tensor

requires at least two independent material

properties: a) The elastic bulk modulus Ke has the accepted form: where e is the current void ratio; is the recompression index, in natural logarithm scale. b) The elastic shear modulus is obtained by assuming the trace of the Modified Cam-Clay yield surface on the q-g plane, (the deviator stressaxial strain plane in the triaxial stress condition) is a hyperbola of the form:

where a, b are the

= is the shear strain; hyperbolic stress-strain parameters;

is the failure ratio. The elastic shear modulus is back calculated from the initial tangent modulus of the hyperbola curve by :

<\p> Kavazanjian and Mitchell considered that the time-dependent strain rate tensor can be divided into distinct but interdependent, volumetric and deviatoric components:

They postulated that these creep strain rate tensors can be determined using the following phenomenological volumetric and deviatoric expressions for creep.


is the secondary compression coefficient; e is the void ratio; exp is the exponential; is the volumetric age, relative to an initial reference time ; is the instant volumetric time, usually set to unity; A, ,m are the Singh-Mitchell creep parameters; is the instant deviatoric time, usually set to unity; is the deviatoric age relative to ; is the deviator stress level.

The total creep strain rate is evaluated by employing a non-associated flow rule for both the equivalent volumetric and deviatoric yield surfaces associated with the state parameters p' and q. It is only necessary to determine the size of these potential functions as for the ellipsoid F and for the cylinder G. By forcing the creep strain rate to satisfy the secondary compression law for volumetric creep and the Singh-Mitchell law for the deviatoric creep simultaneously, the creep strain rate tensor can be expressed as:

where I is the second-order identity tensor; ; denotes the Euclidean norm. The parameters for the model can be determined from triaxial tests and creep tests.

Elastic Models
Three elastic models are available in PISA: the linear elastic model, cross isotropic elastic model and non-linear hyperbolic model. The characteristic of an elastic model is that no yielding is considered in the model although non-linear elastic models can have limited strength and softening of modulus.

Linear Elastic Model The linear elastic model is based on Hooke's law. The loading modulus and unloading modulus are the same for the model. For isotropic model, the behaviour of the material is governed by two material parameters. There are four material parameters for an elastic model, the elastic modulus E, Poisson's ratio n, bulk modulus K and shear modulus G; and only two are required to fully specify the material. In PISA, the elastic modulus and Poisson's Ratio are used.

Cross Isotropic Elastic Model The cross isotropic elastic model is designed to model materials with different stiffnesses and strengths in different directions. It can model material with preferred direction of shearing, defined by a bedding angle q, in which the shearing resistance on the plane is drastically different than that in any other directions. For example, a clay shale material has weaker resistance on the bedding plane than in other directions across the bedding planes. The model is basically an elastic model with different elastic moduli governing the deformation in the direction normal and tangent to the bedding plane. The model has limited strength on the bedding plane which is governed by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Nonlinear Hyperbolic Elastic Model The hyperbolic model was proposed by Duncan and Chang to analyze dam deformation. The parameters of the model can be determined from triaxial test results.

Plastic Models Program Information Main Page

Critical State Models

PISA, the Program for Incremental Stress Analysis, is a computer program for geotechnical deformation analysis. PISA has advanced modeling features which can simulate many geotechnical structures such as dams, embankments, tunnels, excavations,retaining structures, etc. Complex construction procedures can be modeled using a step approach. It has a wide variety of material models which include linear and nonlinear elastic, anisotropic elastic plastic, frictional and non-frictional plastic, critical state and creep models. Undrained and drained deformation with user specified phreatic lines can also be modeled effectively using PISA. A graphical user interface allows the engineer to draw the finite element mesh using a mouse. Modeling parameters are keyed in through dialog boxes. A variety of outputs, such as deformed meshes, contours of stresses and strains, displacmemnt arrows, stress trajectories and x-y plots of many quantities such as stress paths, settlement profiles, horizontal deflection with depth, etc. allow the engineer to examine many important aspects of the structure. PISA is a multidocument interface (MDI) program which allows many windows to be simultaneously

displayed. As well, PISA has a comprehensive on-line help which provides instant explanations of PISA commands and modeling procedures. The main features of the program include:

Graphic input using the mouse, combined with key entry for accurate specification of coordinates; Efficient generation of finite element mesh using element blocks; Graphic output showing finite element mesh, deformation of soil structures, contour of stresses, strains and displacements, displacement vectors, stress vectors and x-y plots of various quantities such as stress paths, settlement profiles, deformation history etc; Execution of finite element code within the program and continuous display of progress of analysis and convergence characteristics for nonlinear problems; Step modeling with complete flexibility of adding and deleting elements; A variety of soil and solid models based on linear and non-linear, elastic, plastic and critical state theories; Effective stress analysis for drained and undrained materials with user defined phreatic lines; Interactive help facilities providing explanation of program commands and operations.


Preparing Input

Material Models

Plotting Results

Main Page

PISA, an acronym for Program for Incremental Stress Analysis, is a finite element program developed for analyzing deformation of geotechnical structures.

What Can PISA Analyze? PISA is a solid deformation modeling program based on the displacement finite element method. It can analyze any solid provided that the mechanical behaviour can be described

by one of the available material models. For example, the program can analyze deformation of steel using the linear elastic model, provided that the material behaves in a linear elastic manner. Soil and rock are materials with complex behaviour. PISA has a variety of material models to analyze soil and rock deformations. Developed mainly for geotechnical applications, PISA has many features which are essential in analyzing a geotechnical structure. PISA can be used to model dam construction where the structure is built in stages. It can be used to model excavations such as those for a tunnel or building foundation. The geometries of these structures are continuously changing and therefore require the addition or deletion of elements during the analysis. These are called geometrically altered structures. Since soil deformation is dependent on effective stresses, PISA can perform effective and total stress analyses in fully drained or undrained conditions. A variety of material models, such as linear and nonlinear elastic, plastic and critical state models are available for modeling complex behaviour of soils. PISA is a two dimensional program which means that the three dimensional reality must be simplified assuming plane strain, plane stress or axisymmetric conditions. Time dependent creep deformation can be analyzed using PISA.

Hardware and Software Requirements To use PISA, it is necessary to have a 486 or later computer with Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later installed. PISA is developed to make use of the latest technology in computers. It is a 32-bit program which delivers high performance in computation and graphics. PISA operates in Windows 95, Windows NT, or Windows 3.1 with a Win32s extension. In terms of hardware, a minimum hard disk space of 3 MB is required to installed the program and another 10 to 20 MB of hard disk space, depending on the size of the problem being analyzed, is needed for program execution. The computer should have a minimum of 8 MB RAM, but 20 MB of RAM or more is preferred. More RAM is required for larger problems and it will also improve program execution speed.

PISA is a Windows program using the Windows Graphical User Interface. Input is entered using the mouse and dialog boxes.

Dialog Boxes

To input the data for the analysis, dialog boxes can be selected from a menu bar. For example, the type of analysis and the number of steps can be entered through the Analysis Control dialog box. For specifying the material model, the material dialog box can be used. Some dialog boxes, such as the Material Dialog, Time Step Dialog, Phreatic Line Dialog etc., have graphic displays to provide easy identification of locations of the domain or to show the stress strain behaviour of the material.

Graphical Construction of Finite Element Meshes Finite element meshes are defined using element blocks. Rectangular or irregular polygon blocks can be drawn using a mouse with user specified discretization within a block. The coordinates of the block are displayed during drawing and can be changed in the Element Block dialog box.

Modelling Time PISA can perform time dependent and time independent analysis. The analysis is carried out in numerous time steps in which different loading and geometry can be specified at each time step. For time independent analysis, the time step is used to identify different stages of loading.

Modeling Phreatic Surfaces PISA can perform effective stress drained and undrained analysis. The phreatic surface in the soil can be specified by the user and can be varied in different time steps.

On-line Help PISA provides on-line help explaining various commands and modelling techniques. The help facilities explain terms, modelling steps, theory etc. to provide fast and efficient support on the usage of the program.

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