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Introduction to HTML HTML stands for Hyper Text Mar up Language.

This is not a programming language l i e java, Perl, C. It is a simple mar up language. Its a way of describing how a set of text and images should be displayed to the viewer, similar in concept to a newspaper editors mar up symbols. The document prepared through this language is a special ind of text document t hat is used by Web browsers to present text and graphics. The text includes mar up tags such as <p> to indicate the start of a paragraph, and </p> to indent the end of a paragraph. HTML documents are also referred as Web pages. The browser pa ges from Web servers that can be anywhere in the World through the Internet. HTML has not been around for many years. November 1990 mar s the day of the firs t web page and bac then there were little to no HTML standards to be followed. A group called the World Wide Web consortium was then formed and has since set t he standards that are widely accepted and we will base our teachings around them . HTML consists of a series of short codes typed into a text-file by the site auth or these are the tags. The text is then saved as a html file, and viewed through a browser, li e Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. This browser reads the file and translates the text into a visible form, hopefully rendering the page as the author had intended. Writing your own HTML entails using tags correctly t o create your vision. You can use anything from a rudimentary text-editor to a p owerful graphical editor to create HTML pages. The tags are what separate normal text from HTML code. You might now them as th e words between the <angle-brac ets>. They allow all the cool stuff li e images and tables and stuff, just by telling your browser what to render on the page. D ifferent tags will perform different functions. The tags themselves dont appear w hen you view your page through a browser, but their effects do. The simplest tag s do nothing more than apply formatting to some text, li e this: <b>These words will be bold</b>, and these will not. In the example above, the <b> tags were wrapped around some text, and their effe ct will be that the contained text will be bolded when viewed. 1. Heading Tag This tag is used to print heading using any one of six tag <h1>, <h2, <h3>, <h4 >, <h5>, <h6>. <h1> denotes the largest heading and <h6> denoting the smallest heading. Coding:-


2. Comment The comment tag ignored by the lp you edit the Coding:-

tag:is used to insert a common in the source code. A comment will be browser. You may use comments to explain your code, which can he source code at a later date.


3 Brea Tag <br> This tag helps to brea whatever to be in next line. This can be inserted after a sentence, so that the text after <br> tag scrolls to the next line. Coding:-


4. Horizontal Rule <hr> This tag is used to add a horizontal line. The size attribute has an interger va lue. If size =1, a thin line is drawn horizontally. Coding:-


5. Preformated Tag <pre></pre> This container tag is used to enclose pre-formated text. The text or symbols bet ween this tag appers as they are in the source page. Coding:-


6 .Explicite Tag <b>.</b>, <i>.</i>, <u>.</u>, <tt></tt> They are also called physical tag. They inform the browser how the characters mu st be shown: Bold, Italic, ect. are the example of these tags. Coding:-


7. Ordered List <OL>.</OL> List which appear with numbers are called ordered list. In this the item are displaced with an automatically generated sequence of items mar ers. Coding:-


8. Unordered List <UL>.</UL> It is a bulleted list. The items are prefixed with bullets. The bullets so as to ran the items equally. Coding:Output:-

9. Anchor Tag <a href>..</a> This tag is used to lin two files on web page. A hot text is created with the h elp of anchor tag. Coding:-


10. Paragraph <p></p> This tag is used to start and end a paragraph with <p> and </p> tags. It is poss ible to align a paragraph left, right, center or justified. Coding:-

Output:11. Division Tag Div elements are the body elements and wor behind the scenes grouping other tag s together. The div tag cant be insude <p> tag. Coding:-

Output:12. Bloc quote Tag <bloc quote></bloc quote> This tag is used for long quotation and displayed as an indented paragraph. It s tarts with <Bloc quote> and ends with </Bloc quote>. Coding:-

Output:13. Marquee Tag <marquee>..</marquee> This tag is used for animation on the web page. This tag is responsible for the moving of a text from one place to another. Coding:-


14. Font Tag <font>..</font> This tag is used to change the way text is displayed within font tags. The effec ts are controlled by a number of attributes. Coding:-

Output:15. Definition List <dl>..</dl> It is a list, where the items are individual terms paired with their definitions , and each definition is indented and placed one line down from each term. Coding:-


16. Menu List <Menu>..</Menu> The menu item produces a list li e UL, but it should be rendered more compact. Coding:-


17. Image Tag A picture in the web pzge can be inserted using the <img> tag. The src attribute specifies the source of the picture. It gives the file name of the picture. Coding:-


18. Table Tag Tables are very efficient means of displaying information in a concise and preci se form. Each row of the table must be given with the table row tag. The table h eading in each column must be given with a table heading. Coding:-


19. Forms Forms are the tools to improve user interface in the web. Using forms, we can de sign a web page on which a user can communicate his wish, opinion, suggestion, e tc. Coding:-


20. Frameset Tag The frameset tag has two attributes. (i) row or column frame, (ii) size of each frame. If the frames are column-wise ,we must use the cols attribute, If the fra mes are row-wise, we must use the rows attribute. Coding:-



Implicit Tag

They are also called logical tags, since they allow the browser some freedom in how it will display the text. These tags, li e the header tags, are generally re lative to one another, depending on the browser being used to view them. Coding:-


22. Bac ground Color The bac ground color of the web page can be selected by assigning the color stri ng to the bgcolor attribute of the body tag. Coding:-


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