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Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

January, 2012



By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba, Agape Foundation (Agasoft)
January 27, 2012, Badbad Oriental, Loon, Bohol, Philippines, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy

EVOLUTION IS PART OF THE GRAND DESIGN! There is a certain part, in fact, many parts and phases, of the whole process of Creation where EVOLUTION is found because it is necessary. This means to say that the evolutionists are partly right and the creationists or those in religions who defend the Grand Design doctrine are also right. Where are they wrong? Answer: Each is wrong in not recognizing and espousing the other! Each is wrong in believing that its own idea-belief-doctrine is correct and complete, while that of the other is wrong. To start, in the so-called The New Revelation of Jesus Christ, which is the full version of the life, teachings, and works of our Lord Jesus Christ (, it is stated in crystal clear manner that evolution has a part in the timing of Creation, it has a place inside the Grand Design. We will go specific. The angels who rebelled with or under the influence-leadership of Lucifer deteriorated in character (that is, mind-thoughts and heart-feelings) as well as in body. Their character degenerated into negative thoughts and feelings, while their body solidified or condensed to the most solid form of matter, serving as their prison. Their bodies (or must we say our bodies?) are what we see as matter, especially solid rocks throughout the universe. The rock is the hardest form that the body of the rebels or fallen angels became or has fallen into. To my knowledge, it is to these mineralmetal-rocks that a spirit being can fall or can become. It is the hardest prison for erring spirit beings. Those who didnt deserve the rock-prison, or no longer deserve it, were transferred into softer prisons, e.g., water, soil. 2

Let me now re-state the primordial history to make it clearer. There was a spirit being, the first among the 7 great archangels, who rebelled against the Primordial Creator, our Eternal Father. He persuaded a great number of lesser angels to follow the path of rebellion (which is the path of selfishness) and together they experience this form of penalty or automatic result: hardening, solidification and condensation of their spirit body into matter. Matter in this sense was not created directly by God but made to be the inevitable consequence of rebellion by spirit beings any spirit being. The result of the hardening of the heart (we heard it often repeated by the Lord to His teachings to the Israelites) is also the hardening of the body into solid matter. Hardening refers to becoming hard to love, hard to feel compassion, callous, which is the same as becoming more merciless, more cruel, etcetera. The harder the heart becomes the more the whole person solidifies, the body solidifies. The hardest of this solidification or condensation or compression or freezing, whatever you call it, is the rock. Now, not all of the erring angels have the same degree of sin. Some sinned worst so they had the rocks; some sinned less, so they had less hard prison, e.g., water, soil. Those who had sinned worst also deserved to become frozen or more correctly, condensed into (or also correct to say, imprisoned inside rocks!). I have the inkling (I read it elsewhere) that their suffering was worsened by being directly above fire in the inner earth (any earth or planet throughout the universe) which create the molten lava which comes out of an erupting volcano. Not nice. But it is here that the most rebellious angels could not be free to wreak further havocs in the universe. Both the loss of freedom of movement as well as the heat of the inner fire (volcanic fire) had made the life of these imprisoned spirits very not nice! Oh, if only we could hear their scream of pain! But this terrible condition softened their pride and arrogance. Many of these spirits humbled down and sent a message from their heart to the Heart of the Grand Creator of all, to wit: Dear Father, we see our error and how terrible are the consequences not just to others whom we had harmed but also to us, as our 3

ongoing suffering attests. We have come to conclusion that Your way of Love is right, our way of perverted Love is wrong. We beg you to please give us a chance to go back to You, and to once again love You, honor You, even more than we did before our rebellion. This reached directly to the Heart and Ear of the Eternal Father. Immediately, the Plan of Long Salvation was put into effect. It did not start with the Lord Jesus Christ, which is only in the ending part. The first part of salvation was the Evolution or coming up from that hard solid prison of inner rocks or mineral kingdom in the inner earth upward. This is what happened. From the mineral or rock kingdom, a remorseful spirit is being released to the plant kingdom. The plant kingdom is full of bettering spirits in the way to Jesus. So you can see the miracle that happens of solid rock in the innermost part of the earth becoming molten lava and is amazingly thrown out to the earths crust through the hole in volcanoes! Do you understand what does it mean? This molten lava contains the softening sinner spirit now ready (because of its humbled attitude) to become soil (molten lava becomes very fertile soil) and from this fertile soil will rise many plants and trees where the spirit will take its second step of salvation, the plant kingdom phase. What happens in the plant kingdom? What is being done with the repentant spirit? While the tight imprisonment in the rock and the fire softened the sinning spirit, something beautiful happens to it once it is inside the plant, and this is it: WITH THE AID OF THE SUNS LIGHT, THE SINFUL REPENTING SPIRIT WILL BE CLEANSED OF ITS POISONS! YES, all the wicked, evil, negative thoughtsfeelings (attitudes, traits) that he acquired during his rebellion are all anti-life hence, poison toxins. What you see as toxins in food or drinks are actually the property of the sinful spirits! 4

And behold, the secret mystery of the leaf the well-known natural process which science named PHOTOSYNTHESIS [or more correctly, photo-catharsis, which means light-cleansing] occurring in the leaf inside the leaf with the sun actively participates through its light what we see in the microscope as sunlighttriggered photosynthesis is actually THE SUN CLEANSING THE POISONS OF CHARACTER (THOSE NEAGATIVE TRAITS) OF THAT PARTICULAR SPIRIT BEING/S INSIDE THOSE PLANTS OR TREES! No, the scientists are not yet telling you the most important task of photosynthesis, namely: toxin-cleansing. Read all the contemporary textbooks on science discussing photosynthesis and they will all tell you that the main function or purpose of photosynthesis is food making. They did not remind you or bring to your attention that the ingredients or raw materials that is, the elements -- that came from the ground, that is, the dark earth, were poisonous. Never mind the air or water. It is the elements that came from the soil that came from the depth of the dark earth that are poisonous. So, scientists are yet to tell you that part of the making of food, which is pro-life, is the conversion of those anti-life, poisonous, toxic minerals and elements such as iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, into clean, pro-life elements-minerals. These now become the so-called dietary iron or minerals. Compare the raw iron in the soil and the iron in the grain or fruits or leaves. The raw iron is poisonous. But the dietary iron is good for our bodys health. It works in the blood and carries oxygen to all cells in the body. What happens to the toxic raw iron also happens to other toxic minerals: they are cleansed of their poisons and turned pro-life. From death to life. So, this is the great significance of photosynthesis. It is a very important part of salvation of the erring angelic spirits the fallen angels. Another truth that can either make you happy or die out of shock, is this: Majority, e.g., more than 90%, of the human beings, were 5

among those sinning angles! Only about 10% among us, flesh and blood human beings, did not fall into the rocks and were directly from heavens as sinless angels who volunteered to incarnate here on earth to become way-showers, light-leaders to those who came from the rocks and who are naturally inclined to the deliciousness of chemicals that the manufacturers extracts from the ores-rocks and mix in food and drinks!!! So, these from-the-mineral-kingdom souls are still inclined to worldly things, worldly tastes and worldly smells, having a hard time detaching themselves of worldliness. So, these sinless incarnating angels are now serving them as their way-showers, pulling them upward towards the spiritual world from where they all came and away from hard and harsh matter! So, apart from food-making, and occurring before it, is the keptsecret function of photosynthesis which is TOXIN-CLEANSING. Of course, they hinted about it and just call it the dark part of photosynthesis! Sounds interesting and for any of you who are educated in this respect, I urge you to explore this dark portion of the process of photosynthesis it is what I have just called you: TOXIN-CLEANSING the miracle that makes toxic raw iron et al into dietary, edible, pro-life vitamins and minerals, part of what we call food! Now, as soon as the removal of toxic attitudes-attributes has been done in the plant kingdom, we see cleanliness, beauty, fragrance and deliciousness, all of which were angelic features, restored as you see around you beautiful and fragrant flowers and delicious fruits. The soul is now closer to the angelic, godly qualities that the rebels lost in their rebellion. See? See the amazing salvation? See that salvation did not start at the human level, nor thus did it start with Jesus Christ! See the story of true evolution not reached by Charles Darwin who was only up to or confined at the animal kingdom! Darwin could only read the surface; he had no eyes to see the inner part of the subject matter. Now, we will proceed to the next higher level of this un-revealed process of saving the lost soul-spirit and restoring him back or even higher than his former angel state. 6

The first was the mineral kingdom. The second phase was the plant kingdom. Now, the third is the animal kingdom. It is here in this animal kingdom where the observant Charles Darwin detected some form of evolution or step by step development of species which is also a link from one lower form to the next higher form. But Darwin at best was only able to scratch the surface of the whole thing. He only saw some link or connection between species in their body form or parts, such between rat and birds through the bat. Between man and lower animals, the link is the monkey. A number of important things Darwin could not know, such as: Each body corresponds to the I.Q. and character (maturity) of the soul or being inside it; The lower the I.Q.-character, the lesser the body given; Each body focuses one or a few traits to develop or learn. Example: buffalos are obviously made to learn or sharpen the traits of patience and hard work while the birds are made to emphasize and ingrained the love of freedom and free movement; and so on and so forth; For every soul or any soul, it is possible to, to save time, simultaneously incarnate or dwell in many animal bodies. And most surprising, Darwin did not know that before becoming a human being, the sinning-angel-turned-demonnow-turned-plant-soul, this soul must first become an animal or be housed inside an animal body, no, not just one animal, but a number of.

These are the things Charles Darwin had no way of knowing using only the scientific tools he had. He was only seeing, or detecting or rather suspecting physical link from one body to another, or the animals transfer from one form of body to another, or the bodys transformation from that of the monkey to human, etc. Beyond that, Charles Darwin could not see. Here, we are discussing the 90% that Darwin did not discover or find. 7

*** At the animal kingdom, it is easy to see where or in what animal body are you to live in order to learn this or that trait. If you, as a soul, needed humility, then, into the meek animals like the sheep or doves you or part of you go. And if you are lacking in wisdom or cleverness, into the eagle or fox you or part of you go. In the New Revelation of Jesus Christ (, our Lord revealed that particularly in the animal kingdom or rather within the animal kingdom, there is a stair or ladder or gamut or scale, whatever you call it, from the lower I.Q.-character level or bottom to the upper level, yes, forming a ladder of development, evolution if you want, among the forms or bodies which also correspond (this is wise) to the intelligence and maturity of the being or individual or part of the whole individual that is inside the animal you see! Yes, there is a stair of development among the forms or bodies, and also in the inner content: the I.Q and character. The inner corresponds to the outer. That is, the lower I.Q.-character is given lower form of body. The greater the I.Q. and character becomes, the better the body it is given with. So up and up until, according to the New Revelation, the highest animal form or closest to human is, if I remember it right, the domestic animals such as cats and dogs. The souls or soul parts of these animals, once they shed off the physical body, will be ready to be assembled with its other parts, to now become a human being, that is, to be born a human being! If I also got it right from the Lords 25-volume, 7,500-page books The New Revelation of Jesus Christ (, the whole individual soul is divided among many animals, to simultaneously learn the necessary character traits a whole person needs to live in its designated, destinated, destiny, namely: heaven or kingdom of God. What are the basic traits necessary to enter back heaven? Divine Love which is 600fold love for God + 60fold Love for neighbor/ fellow creation + humble 6fold Love for Self. This Divine Love is to replace the Perverted Selfish Love which is 600fold love 8

for Self + 60fold Love for neighbor/ fellow creation + ungrateful 6fold Love for God. Notice the words in bold face and italic. Along with Love, we still have six remaining traits which comprised the 7-primary-traits-in-all character of God, namely: (Love) Love of life, Love of beauty, Love of freedom, Love of Creator, Love of Creation, Love of Self, etc. Wisdom Light, the ideas which carry out the Good 666Love; Will combination of Love and Wisdom in the decision and execution; Order the resulting beauty, unity, harmony; Earnest the power to push through with what is willed; Patience the power to slow down when Earnest Will is too fast; Meekness or Mercy and Humility the power to sympathize and wait, along with Patience, the weakness, slowness and error-proneness of others; also, forgive and to be willing to do some repair, healing and recycling, instead of resorting to utter destruction of what was created that turned bad. Meekness-Mercy explores first the option of repair and rehabilitation, instead of directly going to dismantling of failed creation.

The Eternal Father- Creator is presently playing out these 7 traits actively today. And, behold, we are the most fortunate beneficiaries! Because of His great character especially Meekness-HumilityMercy, we, or most of us, the rebel angels, who would have been dismantled back to non-existence, during the time of rebellion, received grace the opportunity to being repaired rewound recalibrated in the heart from being a bad 666 to good 666. Without that Compassion-Meekness-Mercy, we had all been dead as in total return to nothing and non-existence at the time of rebellion, many billions of years ago.

But what did He announce the just triumphant group Archangel Michael? He said, None of these just conquered rebellious brothers of yours, then to be called fallen angels, or demons, devils or evils, Satans, shall be lost forever. Wherever they will go or be incarcerated, however far they will be banished, we shall seek them to redeem them and lead them back to the bosom of the Father. And no sooner than enveloping the insurgents in prison cell, down to the smallest atom became a prison cell, or chain that form a strong bond to hold them prisoners, was the Grand Plan of Salvation, where the Israelites 7-day Holy Day-based Salvation Plan is only a very small part of this huge whole Grand Plan of Salvation (GPS). What is this Grand Plan of Salvation (GPS)? This Grand Plan of Salvation (GPS) is, in summary, the process of leading-guiding back the sinning angels imprisoned in the mineral kingdom (e.g., rocks) to become once again the angelic being they were, and this requires passing from the mineral kingdom (1st phase) to the plant kingdom (2nd phase) to the animal kingdom (3rd phase) and human kingdom (4th phase). This truth or part of the whole truth or process appears to be not yet known to the New Agers, even to their angelic messengers like Matthew Ward, SaLuSa, the Hathors, and others. What our New Agers brothers only know is the human phase of salvation, the 4th phase with its cycle of re-incarnations (rebirths of same souls) as well as the simultaneous re-incarnations of same soul-being (which we can also describe as parallel human existence, same soul living-operating in a number of human bodies at the same time; they call this multi-dimensional existence). Apart from or separate from the NR team who is in possession of the Fathers revelation through Jakob Lorber et al., this New Ager group focuses on reincarnation and multi-dimensional existence (simultaneous multiple personality, one soul living in a number of real human beings, not as demon-possession but as owners of these bodies starting birth!). 10

They are now focusing on what I am going to also reveal to you: the 4th level of salvation, namely: the human existence. What is happening at human level that hastens or helps the recapture and relearning of the lost 600fold Love for God, 60fold Love for Neighbor, and 6foldLove for self? What is happening at the human level that helps in the transformation of the present selfish 666 Love into this selfless, all-encompassing, all-inclusive perfect divine 666 Love? In short, what has been happening at the human level that transforms evil 666 to godly 666 in the heart and mind of every participant? Answer: At the human level, there is the: (1) sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ to aid us in our development/evolution/salvation; (2) the repeated incarnation (re-incarnations); and (3) multiple dimensions or simultaneous re-incarnations in many personalities (at the same time!); this is possible for everyone who reaches certain level of maturity. REINCARNATIONS main purpose is to let experience give each soul/individual the sufficient time and opportunity to finally learn and acquire the good 666-Love; (due to weakness, a soul or man can seldom succeed to relearn love God above all and your neighbor as yourself in just one human lifetime. Who of us was able to come to love God above all and our neighbor as ourselves, thus, reducing 600fold Love for self to only 6fold? In serious evaluation, very few among human beings were able to attain that in just one incarnation. So, because of weakness and out of necessity, re-incarnation became necessary. After attaining the acceptable level of love, then, the soul will no longer undergo reincarnation but resurrection to spiritual body. It is a welcome revelation via our New Age channels and the like that like at the animal level, IT TOO IS POSSIBLE TO EXIST OR DWELL IN MORE THAN ONE HUMAN BODY SIMULTANEOUSLY! One soul in many human bodies. Does this mean that such particular soul-owner hopping from one body to another, whenever its service or function is needed by what body? 11

Their answer is this: each soul inside the body is a unit or part of a big over-Soul and this unit is enough to properly function in the only one body assigned to it; there is no need for the soul called Andrea to go out and rush to go to the other body-person called Carol. The over-Soul divided itself into many soul-units and there is no need for one unit to transfer to another body to make it function. Each body has sufficient soul-component of the over-Soul. The over-Soul is the entire spirit Being-Person. You can learn more about these in details by going to the following website: **** We are now to face the final question: Who is right and who is wrong: the evolutionist or the creationist who believes in Grand Design? For the answer, let me quote from Matthew Ward, instead of making my own statement, which is already obvious to you. So Matthew Ward, who died a few years ago and is now in Nirvana, and is presently sending messages to mankind on earth via his still flesh and blood mother, Suzane Ward:
Evolutionists & Creationists partly right & partly wrong Along the way, as everything in the universe keeps speeding up, heads will be spinning as significant happenings come one after another, or, more likely, simultaneously. Seeing their tattered remnants of influence coming to an end, the Illuminati will try to convince the people that the truths that are forthcoming are outrageous, and their unwitting allies will be those who will resist having their firm beliefs upended. For example, the origin of Earths civilization. The staunch believers in evolution and the equally adamant believers in grand design. How easily will they accept the truth that both sides are partly right, partly wrong?


February 13, 2011 Matthew message

The fact is: Both evolutionists and creationists are wrong and right in certain aspects. To make it easy to understand: EVOLUTION IS PART OF THE GRAND DESIGN! EVOLUTION IS PART OF CREATION. I am not saying that the Darwinian evolutionists have everything about evolution. No, they are incomplete in their knowledge of the true evolution. What they have is only an inkling or a clue. But they are right in that clue. They are right in believing that there is evolution elsewhere or along with creation. In fact, all growth is a sort of evolution, if we define evolution as development from lower form-quality to higher form-quality. If that is our definition of evolution, then, we can see evolution in many parts of Gods creations phases. Wherever there is development or growth, or progress from one degree to another, or as in the case of heaven, from one level of perfection to another, then, that is evolution! Evolution is everything wherever there is creation and development. Evolution should not only be confined to the narrow idea of the transformation of one body to another, e.g., from ape to human. That is too myopic. We have to move into the new paradigm which is: EVOLUTION IS PART OF THE GRAND DESIGN! EVOLUTION IS PART OF CREATION. WHEREVER THERE IS DEVELOPMENT, GROWTH OR PROGRESS, IT IS A FORM OF EVOLUTION.
NOTE: See for the bulk documents supporting both evolution and creation, that is, that evolution is part of, not apart from, Creation or Grand Design.


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