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POETRY Poetry (ancient Greek: : ( oieo) = I create) is an art form in which human language is used for its aesthetic

c qualities in addition to, or instead of, its notional and semantic content. It consists largely of oral or literary works in which lan guage is used in a manner that is felt by its user and audience to differ from o rdinary rose. Elements of Poetry There are several elements which make u a good oem. Although it is not mandato ry for a oet to use all these elements or devices, they form an im ortant as ec t of oetry. So what are the elements of a oem? In brief, they are described be low. Rhythm: This is the music made by the statements of the oem, which includes the syllables in the lines. The best method of understanding this is to read the o em aloud, and understand the stressed and unstressed syllables. Listen for the s ounds and the music made when we hear the lines s oken aloud. How do the words r esonate with each other? How do the words flow when they are linked with one ano ther? Does sound right? Do the words fit with each other? These are the things y ou consider while studying the rhythm of the oem. Meter: This is the basic structural make-u of the oem. Do the syllables match with each other? Every line in the oem must adhere to this structure. A oem is made u of blocks of lines, which convey a single strand of thought. Within tho se blocks, a structure of syllables which follow the rhythm has to be included. This is the meter or the metrical form of oetry. Stanza: Stanza in oetry is defined as a smaller unit or grou of lines or a ar agra h in a oem. A articular stanza has a s ecific meter, rhyme scheme, etc. B ased on the number of lines, stanzas are named as cou let (2 lines), Tercet (3 l ines), Quatrain (4 lines), Cinquain (5 lines), Sestet (6 lines), Se tet (7 lines ), Octave (8 lines). Rhyme: A oem may or may not have a rhyme. When you write oetry that has rhyme, it means that the last words or sounds of the lines match with each other in so me form. Rhyme is basically similar sounding words like 'cat' and 'hat', 'close' and 'shows', 'house' and 'mouse', etc. Free verse oetry, though, does not foll ow this system. Rhyme Scheme: As a continuation of rhyme, the rhyme scheme is also one of the ba sic elements of oetry. In sim le words, it is defined as the attern of rhyme. Either the last words of the first and second lines rhyme with each other, or th e first and the third, second and the fourth and so on. It is denoted by al habe ts like aabb (1st line rhyming with 2nd, 3rd with 4th); abab (1st with 3rd, 2nd with 4th); abba (1st with 4th, 2nd with 3rd), etc. Alliteration: This is also used in several oems for sound effect. Several words in the sentence may begin with the same al habet or syllable sound. For exam le , in the sentence "Many minute miniature moments," the sound of the al habet 'M' ( honetic sound /m/) is re eated in all the four words continuously. When you s ay those words aloud, the sound effect generated is called Alliteration. Simile: A simile is a method of com arison using the words 'like' or 'as'. When, in a oem, something is said to be 'like' another, it means that the oet is us ing Simile to convey his feelings by com aring it to something. For exam le, in the statement 'Her laughter was like a babbling brook', the oet is com aring th e laughter of the girl to the sound made by a babbling brook. Note that 'babblin

g brook' is also an exam le of Alliteration. Meta hor: A meta hor is a method of com arison where the words 'like' and 'as' a re not used. To modify the earlier exam le, if the statement had been 'Her laugh ter, a babbling brook', then it would be the use of Meta hor. Theme: This is what the oem is all about. The theme of the oem is the central idea that the oet wants to convey. It can be a story, or a thought, or a descri tion of something or someone; anything that the oem is about. Symbolism: Often oems will convey ideas and thoughts using symbols. A symbol ca n stand for many things at one time and leads the reader out of a systematic and structured method of looking at things. Often a symbol used in the oem will be used to create such an effect. Imagery: Imagery is also one of the im ortant elements of a oem. This device is used by the oet for readers to create an image in their imagination. Imagery a eals to all the five senses. For e.g., when the oet describes, 'the flower is bright red', an image of a red flower is immediately created in the reader's mi nd.

Holiday Poetry Poetry Of The Seasons Poetry Of Love Poetry Of Life and Death Poetry Of Nature Motivational Poetry

Four characteristics of oetry introduction extra ordinary word rhythm and maker last the arallelism

The elements of course, it does ds entirely u on er to convey his Themes Of Poetry

oetry are an essential art of the structure of a good oem. Of not mean, that all oems must have all these elements. It de en the oet, who has all these tools at his dis osal to use in ord ideas effectively.

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