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Space Systems Division

Officeof Media Relations




Page MISSION OVERVIEW...................................................................................................... 1 MISSION STATISTICS..................................................................................................... 5 MISSION OBJECTIVES................................................................................................... 9 FLIGHT ACTIVITIES OVERVIEW .................................................................................. 11 CREW ASSIGNMENTS................................................................................................. 15 DEVELOPMENT TEST OBJECTIVES/DETAILEDSUPPLEMENTARY OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................ 17 PRELAUNCH COUNTDOWN TIMELINE...................................................................... 19 MISSION HIGHLIGHTS TIMELINE............................................................................... 29 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................... 77


This isthe 10th flightof Atlantisand the 44th for the space shuttle. The flight crew forthe STS-44 missioniscommanderFrederick(Fred) D. Gregory;pilot Terence (Tom) T. Henricks;missionspecialistsF. Story Musgrave, Mario Runco, Jr., and James (Jim) S. Voss; and payloadspecialistThomas (Tom) J. Hennen. STS-44 isthe eighthdedicatedDepartmentof Defense shuttlemissionand the second suchmissionto be unclassified. STS-44's primary missionobjectiveisto successfully deploythe Defense Support Program satellitewith its inertial upperstage. Secondary objectivesincludeusingthe orbiter Atlantisto conductseveral DOD experimentsand to perform medicalevaluationsin supportof futureextended-duration orbitermissions. Secondary missionobjectiveswill be accomplishedduringflight days 2 through 10. The DSP is a survivableand reliablesatellite-bornesystemthat detectsand reportson real-timemissilelaunches,space launches,and nucleardetonationsusinginfrared detectorsto sense heat from missileplumesagainstthe Earth background. The DSP will be launchedintolow Earth orbit, where the IUS, a two-stagesolidrocketpropellant boosterwith redundantavionicssystems,willpropelthe spacecraftto a geosynchronous orbit. Upon separationfrom the IUS, the DSP satellitewill initiatevarious on-board programsthat will allowthe spacecraftto completeits primarymission. The nominalplanneddeploymentopportunityfor DSP release from Atlantis'spayloadbay ison Orbit 5 at 0/06:19 missionelapsed time. A backup opportunityexistson flight day 2 on Orbit 16. DSP is sponsoredbythe U.S. Air Force Systems Command'sSpace Systems Division,Los AngelesAir Force Base, Calif. Nine secondary objectiveswill be flown on STS 44: InterimOperationalContamination Monitor(IOCM), Terra Scout, MilitaryMan in Space (M88-1), ShuttleActivationMonitor, Cosmic RadiationEffects and ActivationMonitor,RadiationMonitoringEquipmentIII, Air Force Maul Optical Site CalibrationTest, Visual FunctionTester 1, and UltravioletPlume Instrument. In addition,nine of the 14 detailedsupplementaryobjectivesare part of NASA's continuingeffortto preparefor plannedextended-durationorbiter missionsby collectingdata to developin-flightactivitiesand medicalprotocolsto help astronauts readjustto a 1-g environmentafter a space flight.



The IOCM measuresmolecularand particulatecontaminationin the orbiterpayload bay duringall missionphasesand uses a varietyof optionalsensormodulesthat allow it to be tailoredforeach shuttlemission. The primaryobjectivesof IOCM are as follows:(1) characterizeby direct measurementthe depositionof molecularand particular contaminationduringany phase of flight,prelaunchthroughferry flight;(2) measure the opticalpropertychangesof thermal controlsurfaces,the fluxof the ambientatomic oxygenenvironment,incidentsolarflux, and the absoluteambientpressurein the payload bay; and (3) providea structureand sample holdersfor exposingpassivematerial samplesto the space environment.The IOCM is a totallyautomatedsystem, with poweredcomponentsthat are activatedby soundor by barometricswitches at selected altitudes. IOCM modulesare mountedto the payloadbay and may includean interface tape recorder;the Jet PropulsionLaboratorycontamination monitor, whichservesas the IOCM's primaryelectronicsupportunit;the sensormodule;the materialsample array; and an ascentparticlemonitor. IOCM requiresno commandand controlsupport. The onlycrew involvementis photodocumentation that the coupondoorshave closed. IOCM is sponsoredby DOD's Air Force Space Test Program. Terra Scout is an Earth observationsystemto be used by a speciallytrainedpayload specialist(Tom Hennen)to detect and characterizespecificobjects at predefinedtargets on the Earth usingspacebome Earth observationtools. The qualityof the spacebound payloadspecialist'sobservationswillbe comparedto an Earthboundobserver examining the same targets usingconventional echniques. Hennenwill use Spaceborne Directt View Optical System (SpaDVOS) hardware. The payloadoccupiestwo and a half middecklockers. Terra Scoutis sponsoredby the U.S. Army IntelligenceCenter. Military Man in Space (M88-1) will use specialopticsand communication equipmentto evaluatethe capabilityof man in spaceto enhance air, naval, and groundforce operations. M88-1 consistsof three experiments:MaritimeObservation Experiments in Space (MOSES), BattlefieldSurveillanceFrom Space (Battleview),and Night Mist. MOSES is designedto establishdirect and indirectcommunication betweenthe orbiter and selected sites or naval units, conductmaritime observations,and observe ocean phenomenonrelatedto ship detection. Battleviewwill also establishcommunication betweenthe orbiter and a groundsite, but the observationswill be of groundsite operations,suchas armoredmechanicalformations,militarygroundsites, and flying aircraft. Night Mistwilltest the use of an encrypted UHF communication systemto link astronautobserverswith target personnelon Earth. M88-1 is sponsoredbythe Air Force Special Command,the Chief of NavalOperations,and the U.S. Army IntelligenceCenter.


The SAM experiment is designed to measure specific types of radioactivity produced in spacecraftand sensormaterialswhen they are exposedto the space environmentto determinetheireffecton the sensitivity gamma ray detectors used in space. On this of flight,SAM detectorswillbe movedto severallocationsthroughoutthe orbitermiddeckto map time-dependentvariationsin the radiationbackgroundas they changewith location, type of detectormaterial,and amountof shielding. SAM occupiestwo middecklockers. It is sponsoredbythe StrategicDefense InitiativeOrganization. CREAM is designedto measurecosmicray energy lossspectra,neutronfluxes, and inducedradioactivityas a functionof time and locationwithinthe orbiter. CREAM occupieshalf of a middecklockerand includesfive passivefoildetectorpackages. CREAM is sponsoredby the Departmentof Defense. The RME-III payloadin Atlantis's middeckmeasuresionizingradiationexposurein the orbitercrew compartmentduringsequentialtime intervals. The unitcontainsa liquid crystaldisplayfor real-timedata displayand a keyboardfor controlling functions. It its occupieshalf of a middecklocker. RME-III issponsoredby the Departmentof Defense in cooperationwith NASA. The primaryobjectiveof AMOS isto use the orbiter duringcooperativeoverflightsof the AMOS electrical-opticalfacilityin Maul, Hawaii,to obtainimagery and/or signaturedata to supportthe calibration the AMOS ground-basedsensorsand to observeorbiter plume of phenomenology under a varietyof orbiterattitudeand lightingconditions. No uniqueonboard hardwareis associatedwith the AMOS test; crew and orbiter participationmay be requiredto establishthe controlledconditionsforthe Maul cooperativeoverflight. AMOS is sponsoredby the U.S. Air ForceSpace SystemsDivision. VFT-1 is a handheld,battery-poweredtestingdevicethe crew will look intoto measure changes in a numberof visionparametersaffected by microgravity.The experiment is stowedin a middecklocker. UVPI is an instrumentlocatedon the SDIO's Low-PowerAtmosphericCompensation Experimentsatellite in orbit at an inclination 43 degreesand an altitudeof of approximately273 nauticalmiles at the time of STS-44's scheduledlaunchon November 19, 1991. The primary objectivesof the UVPI activity are to use the orbiter during cooperativeencounterswiththe LACE satelliteto obtainimageryand/orsignaturedata to calibratethe UVPI sensorsand to observeorbiter events. UVPI is manifestedas a payloadof opportunity. A UVPI test willbe scheduledlate in the flightif a conjunction opportunitymeets crew schedulingconstraints and if propellantmarginspermit it. Nine developmenttest objectivesand 14 detailedsupplementaryobjectivesare scheduledto be flown on STS-44.




Vehicle: Atlantis(OV-104), 10th flight Launch Date/Time: 11/19/91 6:51 p.m., EST (nightlaunch) 5:51 p.m., CST 3:51 p.m., PST Launch Site: KennedySpace Center (KSC), Fla.--LaunchPad 39A Launch Window: 2 hours,30 minutes Launch Clearance Window for 11119/91:6:51 p.m. EST to 9:29 p.m. EST. Mission Duration: 9 days, 19 hours,36 minutes fLanding: Nominalend of missionon Orbit 155 11/29/91 2:27 p.m., EST 1:27 p.m., CST 11:27 a.m., PST Runway: Nominal end-of-missionlandingon runway15, KSC, Fla. Weather alternates are EdwardsAir Force Base (EAFB), Calif., and NorthrupStrip(NOR), White Sands, New Mexico. Transatlantic Abort Landing: Banjul,Senegal;alternatesare Moron,Spain; and Ben Guerir, Morocco Return to Launch Site: KSC Abort-Once-Around: EAFB; alternatesare KSC and NOR Inclination: 28.45 degrees (due east) Ascent: The ascent profilefor this missionisa directinsertion. Only one orbital maneuveringsystemthrustingmaneuver,referredto as OMS-2, is usedto achieve insertionintoorbit. This direct-insertionprofileloftsthe trajectoryto providethe earliest opportunityfor orbit in the event of a problemwith a space shuttlemain engine.


m6 _

The OMS-1 thrustingmaneuver aJtermain engine cutoffplus approximately2 minutesis eliminatedin this direct-insertion ascentprofile. The OMS-1 thrustingmaneuver is replacedby a 5-foot-per-secondreactioncontrolsystemmaneuverto facilitatethe main propulsionsystempropellantdump. Altitude: 195-nautical-mile(225-statute-mile)circularorbit Space Shuttle Main Engine Thrust Level During Ascent: 104 percent Space Shuttle Main Engine Locations: No. 1 position:Engine2015 No. 2 position:Engine2030 No. 3 position:Engine2029 Total Lift-off Weight: Approximately 4,526,272 pounds Orbiter Weight, Including Cargo, at Lift-off: Approximately259,629 pounds Payload Weight Up: Approximately 44,628 pounds Payload Weight Down: Approximately7,010 pounds Orbiter Weight at Landing: Approximately193,825 pounds Payloads-Payload Bay (* denotes primary payload): Defense SupportProgram(DSP) satellite/inertialupper stage (IUS)*; InterimOperationalContaminationMonitor(IOCM) Payloads-Middeck: Terra Scout, MilitaryMan in Space (M88-1), Shuttle Activation Monitor (SAM), CosmicRadiationEffects and ActivationMonitor (CREAM), Radiation MonitoringEquipment(RME)-III, Air Force Maui OpticalSite (AMOS) CalibrationTest, UltravioletPlume Instrument(UVPI), Visual FunctionTester (VFT)-I. Flight Crew Members: Commander:Frederick(Fred) D. Gregory, third space shuttleflight Pilot:Terence (Tom) T. Henricks,first space shuttleflight MissionSpecialist1: James (Jim) S. Voss,first space shuttleflight MissionSpecialist2: F. Story Musgrave,fourth space shuttleflight MissionSpecialist 3: Mario Runco,Jr., first space shuttleflight Payload Specialist 1: Thomas (Tom) J. Hennen, first space shuttleflight



Ascent Seatlng: Flightdeck, front left seat, commanderFrederick(Fred) D. Gregory Flightdeck, front rightseat, pilotTerence (Tom) T. Henricks Flightdeck, aft centerseat, missionspecialistF. Story Musgrave Flightdeck, aft rightseat, missionspecialistJames (Jim) S. Voss Middeck,missionspecialistMario Runco,Jr. Middeck,payloadspecialistThomas (Tom) J. Hennen Entry Seating: Flightdeck, front left seat, commanderFrederick(Fred) D. Gregory Flightdeck, front rightseat, pilotTerence (Tom) T. Henricks Flightdeck, aft centerseat, missionspecialistF. Story Musgrave Flightdeck, aft rightseat, missionspecialistMario Runco,Jr. Middeck,missionspecialistJames (Jim) S. Voss Middeck,payloadspecialistThomas (Tom) J. Hennen Extravehicular Activity Crew Members, If Required: ,fExtravehicular(EV)astronaut=l: Mario Runco,Jr. EV-2: James (Jim) S. Voss Intravehicular Astronaut: Terence (Tom) T. Henricks STS-44 Flight Directors: Ascent/Entry:Ron Dittemore Orbit 1 Team: PhilEngelauf Orbit2 Team (lead): Miit Heflin PlanningTeam: Chuck Shaw Entry: Automaticmode untilsubsonic,then control-stick steering Notes: Approximatelyone dozen modifications enhancementshave been made to Atlantis or priorto this flight. These modificationsenhancethe performanceand efficiencyof the orbiter'scomplex systems. For instance,this flightwill be the firsttest of an improved inertialmeasurementunitcalled HAINS (highaccuracyinertialnavigationsystem). The new unitfeatures improvedperformanceand accuracyand was installedin the No. 3 position. The orbiter'sthree redundantIMUs are part of the guidanceand navigation system. Eventually,all IMUs in the shuttlefleet will be replacedwiththe HAINS model as part of the fleet's continuousimprovementprogram.



The remotemanipulatorsystemis not installedin Atlantis'spayloadbay forthis mission. The galley is installedin Atlantis's middeck.

.9 =


PrimaryPayload - Deploymentof Defense SupportProgramsatellite/inertialupperstage SecondaryPayloads - PayloadBay InterimOperationalContamination Monitor - Middeck Terra Scout MilitaryMan in Space (M88-1) ShuttleActivationMonitor CosmicRadiationEffectsand ActivationMonitor RadiationMonitoringEquipmentIII Air Force Maui OpticalSite CalibrationTest UltravioletPlume Instrument Visual FunctionTester 1 DevelopmentTest ObjectivesDetailed Supplementary Objectives




Flight Day 1 Launch OMS-2 DSP/IUS deploy ForwardRCS-1 burn OMS-3 separationburn SRM ignition(node 6A) RME-III activation(Station 1) AMOS RCS test VFT-1 Group B powerdown Flight Day 2 ,fLBNP setup (DSO 478) LBNP ramp (MS3) Terra Scoutobservations LBNP ramp (MS1) Aft RCS-1 burn VFT-1 SAM/CREAM/RME setup (Nal Station 1) Forward RCS-2 burn Flight Day 3 Terra Scoutobservations M88-1 CCD camera, radiosetup LBNP ramp (MS2) MOSES observations LBNP ramp (pilot) Terra Scout observations SAM/CREAM/RME operations(Nal Station2) VFT-1 EducationalEarth observationsphotography AMOS RCS test

-12.... Flight Day 4 VFT-1 Terra Scoutobservations MOSES observations Battleviewobservations SAM/CREAM/RME operations(BGO Station 1) AMOS FES test Flight Day 5 EducationalEarth observationsphotography Terra Scoutobservations LBNP ramp (MS3) Battleviewobservations LBNP ramp (MS1) SAM/CREAM/RME operations(BGO Station2) VFT-1 AMOS nosetrack test Flight Day 6 MOSES observations LBNP ramp (MS2) Terra Scout observations Battleviewobservations LBNP ramp (pilot) Crew press conference SAM/CREAM/RME operations(BGO Station3) VFT-1 Flight Day 7 SAM/CREAM/RME operations(BGO Station4) Terra Scout observations LBNP soak (MS1) MOSES observations Battleview observations VFT-1


FllgM Day 8 MOSES observations SAM/CREAM/RME operations(Nal Station 1) LBNP soak (MS3) Terra Scoutobservations Battleviewobservations LBNP ramp (MS1) VFTol Flight Day 9 SAM operations(Station1);CREAM/RME operations(Station2) Battleviewobservations LBNP ramp (MS2 and MS3) Terra Scout observations LBNP ramp (MS1) LBNP ramp (pilot) MOSES observations EducationalEarth observationsphotography F.... Flight Day 10 SAM/CREAM deactivation/stow RCS hot fire FCS checkout MOSES observations Terra Scoutobservations Battleviewobservations LBNP ramp (MS3) VFT-1 M88-1 stow Terra Scoutstow LBNP stow Cabin stow Group B powerup Flight Day 11 DSO entry preparation Deorbitpreparation Deorbitburn / .... Landing

-14Notes: Each flightday includesa numberof scheduledhousekeepingactivities. These include inertialmeasurementunitalignment,supplywater dumps(as required),waste water dumps(as required),fuel cell purge, Ku-bandantennacable repositioning,and a daily privatemedicalconference. Due to powerrequirementsandthe lengthof the mission,an equipmentpowerdown (referredto as a GroupB powerdown),is executedon flight day 1 to conserve cryogenicsfor a full missiondurationplustwo extensiondays (if required). Powerdown activities includepoweringoffthree of Atlantis'sfour CRT's, placingthree of Atlantiss five general-purposecomputerson standby,placingone of Atlantis'sthree inertial measurementunits on standbymode, and poweringoffthree of Atlantis'seightflightcriticalmultiplexers(twoforward, one aft). An approvedexemptionauthorizesMS2 (F. Story Musgrave)not to be scheduledfor exercise.He will be a controlsubject for DSO 608: Effects of Space Flighton Aerobic and AnaerobicMetabolismat Rest and DuringExercise An approvedexemptionauthorizesa total sleep shift of 6 hoursearlierduringthis 10-day mission,withthe last sleep periodshortenedto 6.5 hoursin orderto maximizethe probabilityof a lightedKSC landing





Commander (Frederick [Fred] D. Gregory): Overall missiondecisions Orbiter---DPS,MPS*, OMS/RCS*, APU/hydraulics*, PS*, ECLSS, communications/ E instrumentation*, flightrules Payload--TerraScout,AMOS DTOs/DSOs--DTOs 517 and 649; DSOs 478, 605, and 608 Pilot (Terence [Tom] T. Henricks): Orbit_)r-DPs*, MPS, OMS/RCS, APU/hydraulics,EPS, ECLSS*, communications/ .instrumentation*, payloadbay door/radiator,SPOC, FDF f-Payload-DSP*, VFT-I*, RME-III, SAM, CREAM, Terra Scout*,M88-1", AMOS* DTOs/DSOs--DSOs 603, 608, 611, and 614 Other--intravehicular stronaut,Earth observations a Mission Specialist I (James [Jim] S. Voss): Orbiter--IFM Payload--DSP*, VFT-I*, RME-III, SAM, CREAM, Terra Scout*, M88-1", AMOS* DTOs/DSOs--DSOs 463, 478*, 603, 608, and 613 Other--extravehicularastronaut2 Mission Specialist 2 (F. Story Musgrave): Orbiter--DPS*, MPS*, OMS/RCS*, APU/hydraulics*,EPS*, ECLSS*, communications/instrumentation, photoequipment,medical,HP


-16DTOs/DSOs--DSOs 316, 472, 478, 603, 613, 901,902, Other-Earth observations Mission Specialist 3 (Mario Runco, Jr.): Orbiter--Crewequipment,TV equipment Payload--DSP*, M88-1 DTOs/DSOs--DSOs 463, 472*, 478*, and 608 Other--extravehicular astronaut1, Earth observations Payload Specialist 1 (Thomas [Tom] J. Hennen): Orbiter-crew equipment* Payload--VFT-1, Terra Scout DTOs/DSOs--DSOs 604, 605, and 614 :_j d 903



DEVELOPMENT TEST OBJECTIVES/DETAILED SUPPLEMENTARY OBJECTIVES DTOs Entryaerodynamiccontrolsurfacestest (DTO 242) Ascentstructuralcapabilityevaluation(DTO 301D) Entry structuralcapability(DTO 307D) ET TPS performance--method (DTO 312) 2 Edwardslakebedrunwaybearingstrengthand rollingfrictionassessmentfor orbiter landings(if Edwardslanding)(DTO 520) Combustionproductsanalyzer (DTO 645) Shuttleextended-duration orbiter(EDO) rehydratablefoodpackage evaluation (DTO 649) Star line maneuvervalidation(DTO 797) Crosswindlandingperformance(DTO 805) DSOs P Bioreactor/flow and particletrajectory in microgravity (DSO 316) In-flightholtermonitoring(DSO 463) Intraocularpressure(DSO 472) In-flightlower bodynegative pressure(DSO 478) Orthostaticfunctionduringentry, landing,and egress (DSO 603) Visualvestibularintegrationas a functionof adaption,O1-1and -3 (DSO 604) Posturalequilibriumcontrolduringlanding/egress(DSO 605) Effectsof space flighton aerobic and anaerobicmetabolismat rest and duringexercise (DSO 608) Air monitoringinstrumentevaluationand atmospherecharacterization (DSO 611) Changes in endocrine regulation of orthostatic tolerance following space flight (DSO 613) Effect of prolonged space flight on head and gaze stability during locomotion (DSO 614) Documentary television (DSO 901) Documentary motion picture photograPhy (DSO 902) Documentary still photography (DSO 903)




T- (MINUS) TERMINAL COUNTDOWN EVENT 06:00:00 Verificationof the launchcommitcriteria is completeat this time. The liquidoxygenand liquidhydrogensystemschill-downcommences in order to condition the groundline and valves as well as the extemal tank (ET) for cryo loading. Orbiter fuel cell power plantactivationis performed. The space shuttlemainengine (SSME) liquidhydrogenchill-down sequence is initiatedbythe launchprocessingsystem(LPS). The liquid hydrogenrecirculation valves are opened and startthe liquidhydrogen recirculation pumps. As part of the chill-downsequence,the liquid hydrogenprevalvesare closedand remain closeduntilT minus9.5 seconds. Liquidoxygen chill-downis complete. The liquidoxygen loadingbegins. The liquidoxygenloadingstarts with a "slowfill"in order to acclimatethe ET. Slowfill continuesuntilthe tank is 2-percentfull. The liquidoxygen and liquidhydrogenslow fill iscompleteand the fast fill begins. The liquidoxygen and liquidhydrogenfast fill will continueuntil that tank is 98-percentfull. The calibrationofthe inertial measurementunits (IMUs) starts. The three IMUs are used by the orbiternavigationsystemsto determinethe position of the orbiter in flight. The orbiter fuel cell power plantactivationis complete. The Merritt Island (MILA) antenna, whichtransmitsand receives communications, telemetry and ranginginformation,alignmentverification begins. The liquidhydrogenfast fill to 98 percent iscomplete,and a slow toppingoff processis begunand stabilizedto 100 percent. The liquidoxygen fast fill is completeto 98 percent.


05:30:00 f-



04:30:00 04:00:00


j -

-20T- (MINUS) TERMINAL COUNTDOWN EVENT 03:20:00 The main propulsion system (MPS) helium tanks begin filling from 2,000 psi to their full pressure of 4,500 psi. Liquid hydrogen stable replenishment begins and continues until just minutes prior to T minus zero. Liquid oxygen stable replenishment begins and continues until just minutes prior to T minus zero. The MILA antenna alignment is completed. The orbiter closeout crew goes to the launch pad and prepares the orbiter crew compartment for flight crew ingress. Begin 2-hour planned hold. An inspection team examines the ET for ice or frostformationon the launchpad duringthis hold. Two-hourplannedholdends.



03:00:00 03:00:00 03:00:00 03:00:00


Flightcrew departsOperationsand Checkout(O&C) Buildingfor launch pad. Flightcrew orbiterand seat ingressoccurs. Post ingresssoftware reconfiguration occurs. Checkingof the launchcommitcriteriastarts at this time. The groundlaunchsequencer(GLS) softwareis initialized. The solid rocketboosters'(SRBs') hydraulicpumpingunits' gas generatorheaters are tumed on and the SRBs' aft skirt gaseous nitrogen purge starts. The SRB rate gyroassemblies(RGAs) are turnedon. The RGAs are used by the orbiter'snavigationsystemto determinerates of motionof the SRBs duringfirst-stageflight. The orbiteraccelerometerassemblies(AAs)are powered up.

02:25:00 02:10:00 02:00:00 02:00:00 01:50:00



o T- (MINUS)


TERMINAL COUNTDOWN EVENT 01:35:00 01:35:00 01:25:00 01:20:00 01:10:00 01:01:00 The orbiterreactioncontrolsystem(RCS) controldriversare poweredup. The flight crewstartsthe communications checks. The SRB RGA torquetest begins. Orbiterside hatchis closed. Orbiter side hatchseal and cabin leak checks are performed. IMU preflightalignbegins. Flightcrewfunctionsfromthis pointon will be initiatedby a call fromthe orbitertest conductor(OTC) to proceed. The flightcrew will reportback to the OTC after completion. The orbiter RGAs and AAsare tested. The flightcrew starts the orbiter hydraulicauxiliarypower units'(APUs') water boilerspreactivation. Cabin vent redundancycheck is performed. The GLS mainline activationis performed. The eastern test range (ETR) shuttle range safety system (SRSS) terminal count closed-loop test is accomplished. Cabin leak check is completed. The backup flight control system (BFS) computer is configured. The gaseous nitrogen system for the orbital maneuvering system (OMS) engines is pressurized for launch. Crew compartment vent valves are opened. The ground pyro initiator controllers (PICs) are powered up. They are used to fire the SRB hold-down posts, liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tail service mast (TSM), and ET vent arm system pyros at lift-off and the SSME hydrogen gas bum system prior to SSME ignition. Simultaneous air-to-ground voice communications are checked. Weather aircraft are launched.

01:00:00 00:50:00

00:45:00 00:45:00 00:40:00 00:40:00 00:32:00 00:30:00



-22T- (MINUS) TERMINAL COUNTDOWN EVENT 00:22:00 The primaryavionicssoftwaresystem (PASS) istransferredto the BFS computerin orderfor bothsystemsto have the same data. In case of a PASS computersystemfailure,the BFS computerwill take overcontrolof the shuttlevehicleduringflight. The crew compartmentcabinvent valves are closed. A 10-minuteplannedholdstarts. All computerprogramsin the firing room are verified to ensure that the properprogramsare availableforthe final countdown. The test team is briefed on the recycleoptionsin case of an unplannedhold. The landingconvoystatusisagain verifiedand the landingsitesare verifiedreadyfor launch. The IMU preflightalignment is verified complete. Preparationsare made to transitionthe orbiteronboardcomputersto Major Mode (MM)-101 uponcomingout of the hold. This configuresthe computermemoryto a terminalcountdownconfiguration. 00:20:00 The 10-minuteholdends. Transitionto MM-101. The PASS onboardcomputersare dumped and comparedto verifythe properonboardcomputerconfiguration launch. for 00:19:00 The flightcrew configuresthe backupcomputerto MM-101 and the test team verifiesthe BFS computeris trackingthe PASS computersystems. The flightcrew membersconfiguretheir instruments launch. for The MissionControlCenter-Houston(MCC-H) now loadsthe onboard computerswith the properguidanceparametersbased on the prestatedlift-offtime. The MPS heliumsystem is reconfiguredbythe flight crew for launch. The OMS/RCS crossfeedvalves are configuredfor launch. Alltest supportteam membersverify they are "go for launch."

00:21:00 00:20:00 Hold 10


00:16:00 00:15:00

-23T- (MINUS) TERMINAL COUNTDOWN EVENT 00:12:00 00:10:00 Emergencyaircraftand personnelare verifiedon station. All orbiteraerosurfacesand actuatorsare verifiedto be in the proper configuration hydraulicpressureapplication. The NASAtest director for gets a "go for launch"verificationfrom the launchteam. A planned 10-minuteholdstarts.


Hold 10
_ NASA and contractorprojectmanagerswillbe formallypolledbythe deputydirectorof NASA, Space ShuttleOperations,on the Space Shuttle ProgramOffice communications loopduringthe T minus9-minute hold. A positive"gofor launch"statementwill be requiredfrom each NASA and contractorproject elementpriorto resumingthe launchcountdown. The loopwillbe recordedand maintainedin the launchdecisionrecords. Alltest supportteam membersverifythat they are "gofor launch." r00:09:00 Countina Final GLS configurationis complete. The GLS auto sequence starts and the terminal countdown begins. From this point, the GLSs in the integration and backup consoles are the primary control until T-0 in conjunction with the onboard orbiter PASS redundant-set computers. 00:09:00 Operations recorders are on. MCC-H, Johnson Space Center, sends a command to turn these recorders on. They record shuttle system performance during ascent and are dumped to the ground once orbit is achieved. Payloadand storedprelaunchcommandsproceed. The orbiter access arm (OAA) connectingthe accesstower and the orbiter side hatch is retracted. If an emergencyarises requiringflightcrew activation,the arm can be extendedeither manuallyor by GLS computer controlin approximately30 secondsor less. APU prestartoccurs.

00:08:00 00:07:30


-24T- (MINUS) TERMINAL COUNTDOWN E_ 00:05:00 ,LI Orbiter APUs start. The orbiter APUs provic ,ressure to the three orbiter hydraulic systems. These systems are user move the SSME engine nozzles and aerosurfaces. _, ET/SRB range safety system (RSS) is armed. At this point, the firing circuit for SRB ignition and destruct devices is mechanically enabled by a motordriven switch called a safe and arm device (S&A). As a preparation for engine start, the SSME main fuel valve heaters are turned off. The final helium purge sequence, purge sequence 4, on the SSMEs is started in preparation for engine start. At this point,all of the elevons,bodyflap, speed brake, and rudder are moved througha preprogrammedpattern. This isto ensurethat they will be readyfor use in flight. Transfer to internalpower is done. Up to this point,power to the space vehicle has been shared between ground power supplies and the onboard fuel cells. The groundpoweris disconnectedand the vehicle goes on internalpower at thistime. It will remainon internalpowerthroughthe rest of the mission. 00:03:25 The SSMEs' nozzles are moved (gimbaled)througha preprogrammed pattem to ensurethat they will be readyfor ascentflight control. At completionof the gimbalprofile,the SSMEs' nozzlesare in the start position. ET liquidoxygenprepressurization started. At this point,the liquid is oxygentank vent valve is closedand the ET liquidoxygen tank is pressurizedto itsflight pressureof 21 psi. The gaseous oxygenarm is retracted. The cap that fitsover the ET nose cone to preventice buildupon the oxygenvents is raised offthe nose cone and retracted. Up untilthistime, the fuel celloxygen and hydrogensupplieshave been addingto the onboardtanks so that a full load at lift-offis assured. This fillingoperationis terminatedat this time. '



00:04:00 00:03:55





-25T- (MINUS) TERMINAL COUNTDOWN EVENT 00:02:30 00:01:57 The caution/warning memoryis cleared. Sincethe ET liquidhydrogentank was filled, some of the liquidhydrogen has turned intogas. In orderto keep pressurein the ET liquidhydrogen tank low,this gas was vented off and pipedoutto a flare stack and bumed. In orderto maintainflight level, liquidhydrogenwas continuously added to the tank to replacethe vented hydrogen. This operationterminates,the liquidhydrogentank vent valve isclosed, and the tank is broughtup to a flight pressureof 44 psia at thistime. The soundsuppression systemwill dumpwater ontothe mobilelauncher platform(MLP) at ignitionin orderto dampenvibrationand noise in the space shuttle. The firingsystemfor thisdump,the soundsuppression water powerbus, is armedat this time. The SRB joint heatersare deactivated. The SRB MDM criticalcommandsare verified. The liquidoxygenand liquidhydrogenoutboardfill and drain valves are closed. .Theextemal tank bipodheaters are turned off. The onboardcomputerspositionthe orbiter vent doorsto allow payload bay ventinguponlift-offand ascentin the payload bay at SSME ignition. The SRB forward MDM is lockedout. 00:00:37 00:00:31 The gaseous oxygen ET arm retractis confirmed. The GLS sends "gofor redundantset launchsequence start." At this point, the four PASS computerstake over maincontrolof the terminal count. Only one further commandis needed fromthe ground, "go for main engine start," at approximatelyT minus9.7 seconds. The GLS in the integration consolein the launchcontrolcenterstillcontinuesto monitor several hundredlaunchcommitcriteria and can issuea cutoffif a discrepancyis observed. The GLS also sequencesgroundequipmentand sends selectedvehiclecommandsin the last 31 seconds.


00:01:00 ,f 00:00:55 00:00:47 00:00:40 00:00:38

-26T- (MINUS) TERMINAL COUNTDOWN EVENT 00:00:28 Two hydraulicpower unitsin each SRB are startedby the GLS. These providehydraulicpowerfor SRB nozzle gimbalingfor ascentfirst-stage flight control. The orbitervent door sequencestarts. 00:00:21 The SRB gimbal profileis complete. As soonas SRB hydraulicpower is applied,the SRB engine nozzlesare commandedthrougha preprogrammedpatternto assure thatthey will be readyfor ascent flight controlduringfirststage. The liquidhydrogenhigh-point bleed valve isclosed. The SRB gimbaltest begins. 00:00:18 The onboardcomputersarm the explosivedevices,the pyrotechnicinitiator controllers, hat willseparatethe 1"-0umbilicals, he SRB hold-downposts, t t and SRB ignition,whichisthe final electricalconnectionbetweenthe groundand the shuttlevehicle. The soundsuppressionsystemwater is activated. If the SRB pyroinitiatorcontroller(PIC) voltagein the redundant-setlaunch sequencer(RSLS) is notwithin limitsin 3 seconds,SSME start commands are not issuedand the onboardcomputersproceedto a countdownhold. The aft SRB MDM units are lockedout. This isto protectagainstelectrical interferenceduringflight. The electroniclockrequiresan unlockcommand before it will acceptany othercommand. SRB SRSS inhibitsare removed. The SRB destructsystemis now live. 00:00:12 The MPS heliumfill is terminated. The MPS heliumsystemflowsto the pneumaticcontrolsystemat each SSME inletto controlvariousessential functions. LPS issuesa "go" for SSME start. This is the last requiredground command. The groundcomputersinformthe orbiter onboardcomputers that they have a "go" for SSME start. The GLS retainsholdcapabilityuntil just priorto SRB ignition.


00:00:16 00:00:15



-27T- (MINUS) TERMINAL COUNTDOWN EVENT 00:00:09.7 Liquidhydrogenrecirculation pumpsare turnedoff. The recirculation pumpsprovidefor flow of fuel throughthe SSMEs duringthe terminal count. These are suppliedby groundpowerand are powered in preparationfor SSME start. in preparationfor SSME ignition, lares are ignitedunderthe SSMEs. This f bums away any free gaseous hydrogenthat may have collectedunderthe SSMEs duringprestartoperations. The orbiter goes on internalcoolingat this time; the groundcoolantunits remain poweredon untillift-offas a contingency an aborted launch. for The orbiter will redistribute heat within the orbiteruntilapproximately125 secondsafter lift-off,whenthe orbiter flash evaporatorswillbe turned on. 00:00:09.5 The SSME engine chill-downsequence iscompleteand the onboard computerscommandthe three MPS liquidhydrogen prevalvesto open. (The MPSs three liquidoxygenprevalveswere opened duringET tank loadingto permitenginechill-down.) These valves allow liquidhydrogen and oxygenflowto the SSME turbopumps. Commanddecoders are poweredoff. The commanddecodersare units that allow groundcontrolof some onboardcomponents. These unitsare not needed duringflight. The mainfuel and oxidizervalves in each engine are commandedopen by the onboardcomputers,permittingfuel and oxidizerflow intoeach SSME for SSME start. All three SSMEs are started at 120-mUlisecond intervals(SSME 3, 2, then 1) and throttleup to 100-percentthrustlevels in 3 secondsunder controlof the SSME controlleron each SSME. 00:00:04.6 All three SSMEs are verified to be at 100-percentthrustand the SSMEs are gimbaledto the lift-offposition. If one or more of the three SSMEs does not reach 100-percentthrustat this time, all SSMEs are shutdown, the SRBs are not ignited,and an RSLS pad abort occurs. The GLS RSLS will perform shuttleand groundsystemssating. Vehiclebendingloads causedby SSME thrustbuildupare allowedto initializebefore SRB ignition. The vehicle moves towardsET includingET approximately25.5 inches.






The two SRBs a 'gnitedunder commandof the four onboard PASS computers,the ft hold-downexplosiveboltson each SRB are initiated (each boltis 28 _,es longand 3.5 inchesin diameter), and the two T-0 umbilicalson each side of the spacecraftare retracted. The onboard timersare startedand the groundlaunchsequence is terminated. All three SSMEs are at 104-percentthrust. Boostguidancein attitudehold. Lift-off.




Editor'sNote: The followingtimeline listsselectedhighlightsonly. For full detail, please referto the NASA MissionOperationsDirectorateSTS-44 i.E_, _, PostInsertionChecklist,DeorbitPreDChecklist,J_lt[_L._JL_, and Checklist. Terra Scout, Battleview,and MOSES sites shownare for a November 19, 1991, on-time launch;they are highlydependenton launchdate and time. T+ (PLUS) DAY/

DAY ZERO 0100:00:07 ..r 0/00:00:10 Tower is cleared (SRBs above lightning-rod tower). 180-degreepositiveroll maneuver(right-clockwise)s i started. Pitch profileis heads down (astronauts),wings level. Roll maneuver ends. Allthree SSMEs throttledown from 104 to 70 percentfor maximumaerodynamicload (max q). Allthree SSMEs throttleto 104 percent. Max q occurs. SRBs separate. When chamberpressure(Pc) of the SRBs is lessthan 50 psi, automaticseparationoccurswithmanual flightcrew backupswitchto the automaticfunction(doesnot bypass automaticcircuitry). SRBs descendto approximately15,400 feet, when the nose cap isjettisonedand droguechute is deployedfor initialdeceleration.

0/00:00:19 0/00:00:29

0/00:00:59 0100:01:03 0/00:02:05

-30"I"+ (PLUS) DAY/

At approximately6,600 feet, drogue chuteis released and three main parachuteson each SFIB providefinal decelerationpriorto splashdownin Atlantic Ocean, where the SRBs are recoveredfor reuse on anothermission. Flightcontrolsystem switchesfrom SRB to orbiterRGAs. 0100:03:59 Negativereturn. The vehicle isno longercapable of return-to-launch site abortat KennedySpace Center runway. Singleenginepressto main engine cutoff(MECO). Allthree SSMEs throttledownto 67 percentfor MECO. MECO occursat approximatevelocity25,933 feet per second,35by 192 nauticalmiles (40 by 221 statute miles). ET separationis automaticwith flightcrew manual backup switchto the automaticfunction(does not bypassautomatic circuitry). The orbiter forwardand aft RCSs, whichprovideattitude holdand negativeZ translationof 11 fps to the orbiter for ET separation,are first used. Orbiter/ET liquidoxygen/liquid hydrogenumbilicalsare retracted. NegativeZ translationis complete.

0/00:06:54 0100:08:23 0/00:08:29


-31ff _


In conjunction withthisthrustingperiod,approximately1,700 poundsof liquidhydrogenand 3,700 poundsof liquid oxygenare trappedin the MPS ducts and SSMEs, which resultsin an approximate7-inch center-of-gravity shiftin the orbiter. The trappedpropellantswouldsporadicallyvent in orbit, affectingguidanceand creatingcontaminantsfor the payloads. Duringentry, liquidhydrogencouldcombinewith atmosphericoxygento form a potentiallyexplosivemixture. As a result,the liquidoxygenisdumped out throughthe SSME combustion chambernozzles, and the liquid hydrogenisdumped out throughthe right-handT-minuszero umbilicaloverboardfill and drainvalves. MPS dumpterminates. APUs shutdown. s MPS vacuuminertingoccurs. --Remaining residualpropellantsare vented to space vacuum, inertingthe MPS. --Orbiter/ET umbilicaldoorsclose (one doorfor liquid hydrogenand one door for liquidoxygen) at bottomof aft fuselage, sealingthe aft fuselage for entry heat loads. --MPS vacuum inertingterminates. 0100:41 OMS-2 thrustingmaneuver is performed,approximately 3 minutes,2 secondsin duration,at 284 fps, 196 by 195 nauticalmiles. Commanderclosesall currentbreakers, panel L4. Missionspecialist(MS)/payload specialist(PS) seat egress. Commanderand pilotconfigureGPCs for OPS-2. MS configurespreliminarymiddeck.

0/00:51 0/00:53 0/00:54 0/00:57

1"+(PLUS) DAY/

0/00:59 0/01:02 0/01:06 0/01:08 0/01:12 MS configuresaft flightstation. MS unstows,sets up,and activatesPGSC. Pilotactivatespayloadbus (panel R1). Commanderand pilotdon and configurecommunications. Pilotmaneuversvehicle to payloadbay door opening attitude,biasednegativeZ localvertical,positiveY velocity vector attitude. Orbit 2 begins. Commanderactivates radiators. If go for payload bay door operations,MS configuresfor payloadbay dooroperations. P/TV01--payload bay door opening. Pilotopens payloadbay doors. Commanderloadspayloaddata interleaverdecommutator format. Commanderswitchesstartracker (ST} power 2 (panel 06) to ON. MissionControlCenter (MCC), Houston(H), informscrew to "go for orbitoperations." Commanderand pilotseat egress. Commanderand pilotclothingconfiguration. MS/PS clothingconfiguration. Pilot initiatesfuel cell auto purge.

0/01:13 0/01:17 0/01:19 0/01:20 0/01:28 0/01:30 0/01:33


0/01:37 0/01:38 0/01:39 0/01:50



0/01:51 0/01:52 0/01:55 0/01:56 0/01:57 0/01:58 MS activatesteleprinter(if flown). Commanderbegins post-payloadbay door operationsand radiatorconfiguration. MS/PS removeand stow seats. Commanderstarts ST self-testand opens door. MS configuresmiddeck. Pilotclosesmain B supply water dump isolationcircuit breaker,panel ML86B, openssupplywater dumpisolation valve, panel R12L. MS activatesand checksout PCP/CIU/SSP. Pilotactivatesauxilarypower unitsteam vent heater, panel R2, boilercontroller/heater, to A, power, 3 to ON. 3 Commanderconfiguresfor RCS vemier control. Commanderand pilotconfigurecontrolsfor on-orbit operations. Pilotenables hydraulicthermal conditioning. MS resetscaution/warning (CAN). MS unstowsand installstreadmill. PilotswitchesAPU coolantsystem(panel R2) fuel pump/ valve A to OFF, B to AUTO. Pilotplotsfuel cellperformance. Systemsmanagementcockpit initiationoccurs. Unstowcabin.

0/02:00 f 0102:01

0102:10 0/02:12

0/02:21 0/02:24 0/02;25 0/02:26

0/02:28 0/02:30 0/02:30


-34T+ (PLUS) DAY/

0/02:30 0/02:30 0/02:40 0/02:45 0/02:50 0/02:55 0/03:00 0/03:05 0/03:10 0/03:25 0/03:35 0/03:40 0/03:50 0/04:00 0/04:00 0/04:05 0/04:15 0/04:17 0104:45 0/05:15 P/I"V02 activation(DSP predeptoymentcheckout). Engage actuators(IUS deployment). IUS predeployment heckout(TDRS West). c Orbit 3 begins. DSP transmitteron. IUS direct check. Aft controllercheckout. IUS PI check. Cryogenicoxygentank heater sensorcheck. P/TV03 setup. P/TV03 activation (DSP inspection). APU steam ventheater deactivation. Transferstate vector. AMU/IMU sequence. P/TV04 setup (DSP deployment). APU cooloff. Meal. Orbit4 begins. Maneuvervehicleto DSP deploymentattitude. APU heater reconfiguration.



0/05:20 0/05:20 0/05:25 0105:30 0/05:35 0105:40 0/05:48 0/05:50 0/05:50 0/05:50 0/05:55 0/06:19 0106:22 0/06:25 0/06:34 0/06:35 0/07:03 0/07:05 0/07:20 0/07:20

Flash evaporatorsystem off. Transferstatevector. IUS/PI lock. P/TV04 activation(DSP deployment). PCRS operations. Elevatetilttable to 29 degrees (DSP deployment). Orbit 5 begins. DSP transferto internalpower. DSP release umbilicals. Raisetilt tableto 58 degrees (DSP deployment). DSP deploymentcountdown. DSP/lUS deployment. Separationmaneuver. Lowertilttable to negative6 degrees. OMS-3 separationburn. Maneuvervehicleto IUS viewingattitude. Maneuvervehicleto windowprotectionattitude. Closeout. Orbit 6 begins. lUS SRM-1 ignition.

-36T+ (PLUS) DAY/

0/07:25 0/07:30 0/07:30 0/07:40 0/07:50 0/07:53 0/08:00 0/08:00 0/08:10 0/08:15 0/08:20 0/08:30 0/08:35 0/08:52 0/09:15 0/09:30 0/09:35 0110:00 0/10:24 0/11:00 RME-III activation/checkout. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Load pulsecode modulationmaster unit. Ku-bandantennadeployment. Ku-bandantennaactivation. AMOS RCS burntest. APU heaterreconfiguration. Crew beginspresleepactivities. Flash evaporatorsystemA on. DSO 472--IntraocularPressure. VTR setup. PriorityGroup B powerdown. VTR playback. Orbit7 begins. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Privatemedicalconference. Orbit8 begins. Crew beginssleep period.



0/11:55 0/13.:27 0/15:00 0/16:32 0/18:04 0/19:00 0/19:36 0/21:08 0/21:30 0/21:30 0/21:45 0/21:50 0/21:55 0/22:00 0122:00 0/22:20 0/22:40 0/22:50 Orbit 9 begins, Orbit 10 begins, Orbit 11 begins, Orbit 12 begins, Orbit 13 begins, Crew beginspostsleepactivities, Orbit 14 begins, Orbit 15 begins. Maneuvervehicleto IMU/COAS alignmentattitude. P/TV05 setup (middeckactivities). IMU alignment:ST. COAS calibration: station. aft Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. P/TV05 activation(middeckactivities). LBNP setup(DSO 478-Lower BodyNegative Pressure). VFT-1 operations. Orbit 16 begins. Air monitoringinstrumentevaluation(DSO 611--MicrobialAir Sampler). P/TV06 setup(flightdeck activities). Terra Scout setup.

0/23:05 0/23:05

-38T+ (PLUS) DAY/

0/23:25 0/23:35 0/23:40 0/23:45 MET DAY ONE 1/00:12 1/00:15 Orbit 17 begins. Bioreactortest 1 (DSO 316--BioreactorFlow and Particle Trajectoryin Microgravity). LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower BodyNegative Pressure). LBNP ramp(MS3). Terra Scoutsystemscharacterization(site: Learmouth). Orbit 18 begins. LBNP egress. Terra Scout observation:Ford Island. Meal. Terra Scout temporary stow. Filter cleaning. Don holter monitor (DSO 463--In-flight Holter Monitoring). Visual vestibular data (DSO 604--Visual Vestibular Integration OI-3). Terra Scout activation. P/TV06 activation (flight deck activities). Terra Scout systems characterization. Pilot exercise (DSO 608--Effects of Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolism).

1/00:30 1/01:00 1/01:15 1/01:43 1/01:45 1/01:50 1/02:00 1/02:00 1/03:00 1/03:00 1/03:00

-39T+ (PLUS) DAY/

1/03:16 1/03:25 1/03:50 1/04:47 1/04:50 1/05:05 1105:20 1/05:25 1/05:37

Orbit 19 begins. DSO 472--IntraocularPressure. Commanderexercise(DSO 608). Orbit20 begins. LBNP preparation(DSO 478). Pre RCS bum configuration. LBNP ramp (MS1). Terra Scoutsetup. Aft RCS bum. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Terra Scoutactivation. SAM/CREAM setup. Terra Scout observation:PretoriaCity. LBNP egress. Terra Scoutobservation:Diego Garcia. Orbit 21 begins. Don hoitermonitor(DSO 463). Terra Scoutobservation:Kampong. Foil placement(CREAM). Flash evaporatorsystemoff,


1/05:45 1/05:45 1/06:00 1/06:00 1/06:05 1/06:10 1/06:20 1/06:20 1/06:20 1/06:35 1/06:40

-40T+ (PLUS) DAY/

1/06:45 1/06:45 CPA operations(DTO 645--CombustionProductsAnalyzer). Visual vestibulardata (DSO 604--Visual Vestibular IntegrationO1-1). Crew beginspresleepactivities. ForwardRCS bum. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Post RCS burn configuration. Terra Scoutobservation:Harare. SAM tape check. Flash evaporatorsystemA on. Terra Scouttemporarystow. Orbit22 begins. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Privatemedicalconference. Orbit 23 begins. Crew begins sleep period. Orbit 24 begins. Orbit 25 begins. Orbit 26 begins.

1/07:00 1/07:10 1/07:15 1/07:30 1/07:35 1/07:40 1/07:45 1/07:45 1/07:52 1/08:15 1/08:30 1108:35 1/08:55 1109:23 1110:00 1/10:55 1112:26 1113:58



1/15:30 1/17:02 1/18:00 1/18:33 1/18:50 1/19:45 1/20:05 1/20:30 1/20:40 1/20:45 1/20:50 1/20:55 1/21:00 1/21:00 1/21:10 1121:15 1/21:20 1121:36 1/21:45

Orbit 27 begins. Orbit 28 begins. Crew beginspostsleepactivities. Orbit29 begins. Initiatesupplywater dump. Terminate supplywater dump. Orbit 30 begins. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignment attitude. Terra Scout setup. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto COAS calibrationattitude. COAS calibration: forwardstation. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Terra Scoutactivation. SAM tape turnover. Terra Scoutobservation:Brisbane2. PAM power-off. Orbit 31 begins. Commanderexercise (DSO 608--Effects of Aerobicand AnaerobicMetabolism). Terra Scoutobservation:Cape Canaveral.




1/22:00 1/22:00 1/22:00 1/22:10 1/22:15 1/22:40 1/22:45 1122:50 1/22:50 1/23:00 1/23:08 1/23:20 1/23:30 MET DAY TWO 2/00:10 2/00:15 2/00:39 2/00:40 2/00:45 M88-1 preparation (network communication). LBNP egress. Orbit 33 begins. MOSES observation:Pearl Harbor. VTR setup (crewchoice). Bioreactortest 2 (DSO 316--BioreactorFlow and Particle Trajectoryin Microgravity). SAM tape check. Terra Scouttemporarystow. P/TV06 setup(flightdeck). VFT-1 operations. P/TV06 activation(flightdeck). Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. PAM poweron. M88-1 CCD camera setup. LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower BodyNegative Pressure). Orbit 32 begins. M88-1 radio setup. LBNP ramp (MS2).

-43T+ (PLUS) DAY/

2/00:55 2/01:00 2/02:00 2/02:05 2/02:05 2/02:12 2/02:30 2/03:10

RME-III memory modulereplacement. Meal. Initiatewaste water dump. VTR playback. LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower Body Negative Pressure). Orbit 34 begins. LBNP ramp (pilot). Terminate waste water dump. Terra Scoutsetup. LBNP egress. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. MS3 exercise(DSO 463). Terra Scoutactivation. Orbit 35 begins. Terra Scout observation: nderson. A Pilotexercise(DSO 608--Effectsof Aerobicand Anaerobic Metabolism). Doff hoiter monitor(DSO 463--In-flightHoiter Monitoring). MS1 exercise(DSO 463). Terra Scout observation:Maputo City.


2/03:10 2/03:15 2/03:20 2/03:30 2/03:30 2/03:43 2/03:45 2/04:10

2/04:30 2/04:40 2/04:50



2/05:00 2/05:00 2/05:05 2/05:14 2/05:15 2/05:25 2/05:30 2/05:40 2/05:55 2/06:00 2/06:00 2/06:20 2/06:30 2/06:40 2/06:46 2/07:00 2/07:05 2/07:15 2/07:30 2/07:45 CPA operations(DTO 645--CombustionProductsAnalyzer). SAM tape removal. Detectormove (Station2). Orbit 36 begins. Terra Scoutobservations: U.S. Embassy,Manila. SAM data acquisition. Doff holtermonitor(DSO 463). Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Crew beginspresleepactivities. SAM tape check. Terra Scout observation:Bulawayo. Terra Scouttemporarystow. Orbit 37 begins. Flash evaporatorsystem off. Pre RCS bum configuration. AMOS RCS bum test. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +WV attitude. Post RCS burnconfiguration.

-45T+ (PLUS) DAY/

2/07:55 2/08:05 2/08:17 2/09:00 2/09:50 2/11:21 2/12:52 2/14:25 2/15:55 2/17:00 2/17:27 2/18:10 2/18:59 2/19:05 2/19:25 2/19:30 2/19:40 2/19:45 2/19:50 2/20:00

Flash evaporatorsystem A on. Privatemedicalconference. Orbit 38 begins. Crew begins sleep period. Orbit 39 begins. Orbit 40 begins. Orbit 41 begins. Orbit 42 begins. Orbit 43 begins. Crew beginspostsleepactivities. Orbit 44 begins. Initiate supplywater dump. Orbit 45 begins. Terminatesupplywater dump, Maneuvervehicle to IMU alignmentattitude, Terra Scout setup. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Terra Scoutactivation. SAM tape turnover.

-46T+ (PLUS) _DAY/

2/20:05 2/20:15 2/20i30 Terra Scout observation:Brisbane. Terra Scouttemporarystow. Bioreactortest 3 (DSO 316--BioreactorFlow and Particle Trajectoryin Microgravity). M88-1 preparation(directcommunication). Orbit 46 begins. MOSES observation: ucatan. Y SAM tape check. VFT-1 operations. MOSES temporarystow. Terra Scoutsetup. Terra Scoutactivation. Terra Scoutobservation:ChristmasIsland. Orbit 47 begins. Commanderexercise(DSO 608--Effects of Aerobicand AnaerobicMetabolism). M88-1 preparation(no communication). Terra Scouttemporarystow. Battleviewobservation:Chase Field. Terra Scout setup. Terra Scoutactivation.

2/20:30 2/20:31 2/20:40 2/20:45 2/20:55 2/21:00 2/21:25 2/21:45 2/22:00 2/22:03 2/22:10

2/22:10 2/22:10 2/22:20 2/22:35 2/22:55



2/23:10 2/23:20 2/23:34 2/23:50 MET DAY THREE 3/00:50 3/01:00 3/01:05 3/01:06 3/01:30 3/01:35 M88-1 preparation(network/directcommunication). Battleviewobservation:DarwinAirport. Battleviewobservation:HickamAFB. Orbit 49 begins. Battleviewtemporarystow. Pilotexercise(DSO 608--Effectsof Aerobicand Anaerobic Metabolism). P/TV05 setup(middeckactivities), Orbit 50 begins, P/TV05 activation(middeckactivities). SAM tape removal. Detector move to Station 1. SAM detector change to BGO. M88-1 preparation (no communication). CPA operations (DTO 645--Combustion Products Analyzer). MOSES observation:Strait of Malacca. Terra Scout observation:Useless Loop. Terra Scouttemporarystow. Orbit 48 begins. Meal.

3/02:20 3/02:38 3/02:50 3/03:00 3/03:05 3/03:25 3103:55 3/04:00

f -


-48T+ (PLUS) DAY/

3/04:09 3104:25 3/04:30 3/04:35 3104:45 3/04:50 3104:55 3/05:00 3/05:20 3/05:40 3/05:41 3/05:50 3/05:50 3/06:00 3/06:30 3/06:45 3/07:13 3/08:00 3/08:44 3110:16 Orbit 51 begins. Terra Scout setup. SAM tape check. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. Terra Scoutactivation. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Crew beginspresleepactivities. Terra Scoutobservation:Gaborone Airfield. Terra Scoutobservation:Sattahip. Orbit 52 begins. Terra Scouttemporarystow. Flash evaporatorsystemoff. AMOS flash evaporatorsystemsupplywater dump test. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Privatemedicalconference. Orbit 53 begins. Crew beginssleep period. Orbit 54 begins. Orbit 55 begins.

-493"+ (PLUS) DAY/

3/11:47 3/13:19 3/14:51 3/16:00 3/16:22 3/16:45 3/17:40 3/17:54


Orbit56 begins. Orbit 57 begins. Orbit 58 begins. Crew beginspostsleepactivities. Orbit 59 begins. Initiate supply water dump. Terminate supply water dump. Orbit 60 begins. Maneuver vehicle to iMU alignment attitude. RME-III memory module replacement. IMU alignment: ST. Maneuver vehicle to -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Humidity separator configuration A. Cabin temperature control reconfiguration. Terra Scout setup. SAM tape turnover. Reconfigure RCS regulator. Terra Scout activation. Bioreactortest 4 (DSO 316--BioreactorFlow and Particle Trajectoryin Microgravity). Orbit 61 begins.

3/18:25 3/18:25 3/18:40 3/18:45 3/19:00 3/19:00 3/19:00 3/19:10 3/19:20 3/19:20 3/19:25



-50T+ (PLUS) DAY/

3119:35 3/19:40 3/19i45 3/19:50 3119:55 3/20:00 3/20:15 3/20:35 3/20:45 3/20:45 3/20:57 3/21:05 3/21:15 3/21:30 3/21:35 3/21:45 3/21:55 3/22:10 3/22:29 Terra Scout observation:Managua2. Heater reconfiguration. Terra Scouttemporarystow. PCS configuration. ECLSS redundantcomponentcheckout. SAM tape check. LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower Body Negative Pressure). M88-1 preparation(no communication). LBNP ramp(MS3). Battleviewobservation:Pt. Villa Baurefield. Orbit 62 begins. M88-1 preparation(no communication). Battleviewobservation:MacDillAFB. LBNP egress. Terra Scoutsetup. Pilotexercise(DSO 608--Effectsof Aerobicand Anaerobic Metabolism). Terra Scoutactivation. Terra Scoutobservation:Alice Springs1. Orbit 63 begins.

-513"+(PLUS) DAY/

3/22:45 3/23:40 MET DAY FOUR 4/00:01 4/00:10 4/00:20 4100:30 4100:30 Orbit 64 begins. Terra Scoutobservation:Lualualei. Terra Scouttemporarystow. Maneuvervehicle to -ZLV. +YVV attitude. LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower Body Negative Pressure). VFT-1 operations. Initiate waste water dump. Prrv05 setup(middeckactivities). LBNP ramp (MS1). Pri"v05 activation (middeckactivities). Orbit 65 begins. LBNP egress. Terminatewaste water dump. Commanderexercise(DSO 608--Effectsof Aerobicand AnaerobicMetabolism). SAM tape removal. Detector moveto Station 2. Meal. Terra Scout observation: earmouth. L


4100:30 4/00:45 4/00:45 4/01:00 4/01:15 4/01:33 4/01:45 4/01:55 4/02:00

4/02:15 ,,4/02:20

-52T+ (PLUS) DAY/

4102:40 4/03:00 4/03:00 4/03:05 4/03:10 4/03:20 4/03:20 4/03:30 4/03:30 4/03:35 4/03:50 4/03:50 4/03:55 4/04:00 4/04:15 4/04:25 4/04:30 4/04:35 4/04:36 4/05:06 SAM data acquisition. HumidityseparatorconfigurationB. M88-1 preparation(no communication). Orbit 66 begins. Battleviewobservation:SaipanAirfield. CPA operations(DTO 645--CombustionProductsAnalyzer). Battleviewobservation:Midway NavalAir Station. SAM tape check. Terra Scout setup. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Terra Scoutactivation. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Crew beginspresleep activities. Terra Scoutobservation:PretoriaSat. Terra Scouttemporarystow. Flash evaporatorsystemoff. Pre RCS bum configuration. Orbit 67 begins. AMOS nosetrackingtest.

-53T+ (PLUS) ,DAY/

4/05:!5 4/05:30 4/05:40 4/05:50 4/06:08 4/07:00 4/07:39 4/09:10 4/10:42 4/12:14 4/13:46 4/15:00 4/15:18 4/15:45 4/16:40 4/16:48 4/17:20 4/17:35 4/17:40

Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Post RCS burnconfiguration. Flash evaporatorsystemA on. Privatemedicalconference. Orbit 68 begins. Crew beginssleep period. Orbit 69 begins. Orbit 70 begins. Orbit 71 begins. Orbit 72 begins. Orbit 73 begins. Crew beginspostsleepactivities. Orbit74 begins. Initiate supplywater dump. Terminatesupplywater dump. Orbit75 begins. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. MS1 exercise.


-54T+ (PLUS) DAY/

4118:00 4/18:10 4118:20 4118:20 4/18:21 4118:45 4118:50 4/18:55 4119:15 4119:15 4/19:20 4/19:30 4119:30 4119:40 4119:52 4120:00 4/20:05 4/20:10 4/20:15 SAM tape turnover. M88-1 preparation(network/direct ommunication). c Bioreactordeactivation/stow. MOSES observation: uantanamoBay. G Orbit76 begins. MOSES temporarystow. LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower BodyNegative Pressure). Terra Scoutsetup. SAM tape check. Terra Scoutactivation. LBNP ramp (MS2). Air monitorinstrumentevaluation(DSO 611--MicrobialAir Sampler). Terra Scoutobservation:Brisbane. Terra Scouttemporary stow. Orbit 77 begins. M88-1 preparation(no communication). LBNP egress. Battleviewobservation:PatrickAFB. P/TV05 setup (middeckactivities).

-55T+ (PLUS) DAY/

4120:20 4120:45 4/20:50 4/21:23 4121:30 4/21:35 4/21:40 4/21"50 4122:40 4122:50 4/22:55 4123:15 4/23:15 4/23:30 MET DAY RVE 5/00:00 5/00:00 5/00:27 5/00:50 f 5101:15 Filtercleaning. VFT=I operations. Orbit 80 begins. Crew pressconference. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. LBNP preparation(DSO 478). P/'I'V05 activation(middeckactivities). LBNP ramp (pilot). Orbit 78 begins. M88-1 preparation(no communication). LBNP egress. Battleviewobservation: ingsvilleNaval Air Station. K Meal. M88-1 preparation(network/direct ommunication). c Battleviewobservation:Hickam AFB. Orbit 79 begins. Battleviewtemporarystow. Auto maneuver. Conference audio/TV check.

-56T+ (PLUS) DAY/

5/01:15 Pilot,commanderexercise (DSO 608--Effectsof Aerobic and AnaerobicMetabolism). M88-1 preparation(no communication). Orbit81 begins. Battleviewobservation: ndersonAFB. A Battleviewobservation:Midway Naval Air Station. RME-III memorymodule replacement. Terra Scoutsetup. SAM tape removal. Detectormoveto Station3. CPA operations(DTO 645--CombustionProductsAnalyzer). Terra Scoutactivation. Crew beginspresleepactivities. SAM data acquisition. Terra Scoutobservation:MaputoAirfield. Terra Scoutobservation:Cavite. Orbit 82 begins. Terra Scouttemporary stow. SAM tape check. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST.

5101:55 5/01:58 5/02:05 5/02:15 5/02:25 5102:25 5/02:35 5/02:45 5/02:45 5/02:45 5103:00 5/03:00 5/03:05 5/03:30 5/03:31 5/03:40 5/03:45 5/04:05 5/04:20

-57if '


5/04:25 5/04:40 5/05:03 5/06:00 5/06:34 5/08:06 5/09:37 5111:09
f" f

Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Privatemedicalconference. Orbit83 begins. Crew beginssleep period. Orbit 84 begins. Orbit85 begins. Orbit 86 begins. Orbit 87 begins. Orbit 88 begins. Crew beginspostsleepactivities. Orbit 89 begins. Initiatesupplywater dump. Terminate supplywater dump. Orbit 90 begins. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Terra Scoutsetup. MS3 exercise. SAM tape removal.

5/12:40 5/14:00 5/14:12 5114:40 5/15:35 5115:44 5/16:15 5116:30 5/16:35 5/16:45 5/17:00 ,.... 5117:00

-58T+ (PLUS) DAY/

5117:05 5/17:05 5/17:15 5117:20 5117:25 5/17:30 5117:35 5117:50 5118:00 5118:20 5118:35 5/18:45 5118:47 5118:55 5/19:00 5119:15 5119:25 5/19:45 5/20:05 5/20:15 Detectormoveto Station4. Terra Scoutactivation. Orbit 91 begins. Terra Scoutobservation: antiago. S SAM data acquisition. Terra Scouttemporarystow. PAM power-off. LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower BodyNegative Pressure). VFT-1 operations. LBNP soak (MS1). SAM tape check. M88-1 preparation(direct communication). Orbit 92 begins. MOSES observation:Yucatan. PAM power on. MOSES temporarystow. Terra Scoutsetup. Terra Scoutactivation. Terra Scoutobservation:Baurefield. Terra Scout observation:ChristmasIsland. J

-59t f

3"+(PLUS) DAY/

5/20:18 5/20:25 5/20:30 5/20:40 Orbit93 begins. Terra Scouttemporarystow. M88-1 preparation(no communication). Battleviewobservation: ape Canaveral; Terra Scout C alternateoptics. Meal. Orbit 94 begins. M88-1 preparation(no communication). Battleviewobservation: ellyAFB. K Terra Scoutsetup. Terra Scoutactivation. LBNP egress. Terra Scoutobservation:Darwin. Terra Scoutobservation:Kwajalein. Orbit 95 begins. Terra Scoutobservation:BarkingSands. Terra Scouttemporary stow. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude.

5/21:00 5/21:50 5122:00 5122:10 " 5/22:35 5/22:55 5123:05 5/23:10 5/23:20 5/23:22 5/23:30 5/23:40 5123:45 MET DAY SIX 6/00:00

Exercise (commander,pilot,MS1). P/'I'V05 setup(middeckactivities).


-60T+ (PLUS) DAY/


6/00:15 6/00:20 6/00:53 6/01:25 6/01:25 6/01:35 6/01:45 6101:50 6/01:55 6102:00 6/02:25 6/02:25 6/02:35 6/02:40 6/02:45 6/03:00 6/03:15 6/03:20 6/03:57 6/05:00 Initiatewaste water dump. P/TV05 activation(middeckactivities). Orbit 96 begins. Terminatewaste water dump. Terra Scoutsetup. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Terra Scoutactivation. CPA operations(DTO 645--CombustionProductsAnalyzer). SAM tape turnover. Crew beginspresleepactivities. Terra Scoutobservation:Labuan. Orbit 97 begins. Terra Scouttemporarystow. Privatemedicalconference. SAM tape check. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Orbit 98 begins. Crew beginssleep period, r


q'+ (PLUS) DAY/

6/05:28 6/07:00 6/08:32 6110:05 6/11:35 6113:00 6113:07 6113:40 6114:35

Orbit 99 begins. Orbit 100 begins. Orbit 101 begins. Orbit 102 begins. Orbit 103 begins. Crew beginspostsleepactivities. Orbit 104 begins. Initiate supplywater dump. Terminatesupplywater dump. Orbit 105 begins. Maneuver vehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. M88-1 preparation(network/directcommunication). Orbit 106 begins. MOSES observation:RooseveltRoads. MOSES temporary stow. P/TV05 setup(middeckactivities). LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower BodyNegative Pressure). SAM tape removal.

6/14:38 6/15:15 6/15:30 6115:35 6116:00 6/16:10 6116:10 6/16:30 6/16:30 6/16:30


-62T+ (PLUS) DAY/


6/16:40 6/17:00 6/17:00 6117:00 6117:15 6/17:35 6/17:42 6/17:45 6/17:50 6/18:00 6/18:10 6/18:45 6/18:50 6/19:00 6/19:13 6/19:20 6/19:30 6/20:00 6/20:45 6/20:55 Detector moveto Station 1. P/TV05 activation(middeckactivities). Detectorchangeto Nal. LBNP soak (MS2). Terra Scoutsetup. Terra Scoutactivation. Orbit 107 begins. SAM tape check. Terra Scout observation:Managua 1. Terra Scouttemporarystow. VFT- 1 operations. RME-III memory modulereplacement. M88-1 preparation(no communication). Battleviewobservation:Pt. Villa Baurefield. Orbit 108 begins. M88-1 preparation(no communication). Battleviewobservation:Homestead. Meal. Orbit 109 begins. M88-1 preparation(no communication),



6/21:05 6/21:25 6/21:45 6/21:45 6122:00 6/22:00 6/22:10 6/22:10 f _ 6/22:17 6/22:20 6/22:30 6/22:40 6/23:15 6/23:30 6/23:30 6/23:48 MET DAY SEVEN 7/01:15 7/01:20

Battleviewobservation: orpusChristi. C Terra ScoutsetUp. LBNP egress. Terra Scout activation. LBNP preparation(DSO 478--Lower BodyNegative Pressure). Terra Scoutobservation:Tindall. Terra Scouttemporarystow. M88-1 preparation(networkcommunication). Orbit 110 begins. MOSES observation:Pearl Harbor. LBhIPramp (MS1). Battleviewobservation:LaughlinAFB. LBNP egress. Exercise(MS3, MS1, pilot,commander). P/'I'V06 setup (flightdeck crew choice). Orbit 111 begins.

M88-1 preparation(no communication). Orbit 112 begins. Battleviewobservation:Saipan Airfield.


-64.... T+ (PLUS) DAY/

7/01:30 7/01:35 7/01:50 7/02:00 7/02:35 7102:52 7103:00 7/03:30 7/03:45 7/03:50 7/04:23 7/05:00 7/05:55 7107:27 7108:58 7110:30 7/12:02 7/13:00 7/13:34 7/14:00 CPA operations(DTO 645--CombustionProductsAnalyzer). Battleviewobservation:Midway Naval Air Station. SAM tape turnover. Crew beginspresleepactivities. SAM tape check. Orbit 113 begins. Privatemedicalconference. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Orbit 114 begins. Crew beginssleep period. Orbit 115 begins. Orbit 116 begins. Orbit 117 begins. Orbit 118 begins. Orbit 119 begins. Crew beginspostsleepactivities. Orbit 120 begins. Initiate supplywater dump.

f__ T+ (PLUS) DAY/


7/14:55 7/15:05 7/15:30 7115:45 7115:55 7116:00 7/16:00 7116:05 7/16:10 7/16:20 7/16:30 7/16:37 7/16:40 7116:55 7/17:00 7117:05 7/17:15 7117:25 7/17:25 7/17:40 Terminatesupplywater dump. Orbit 121 begins. APU steam vent heater activation. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. SAM tape removal. IMU alignment:ST. SAM CATS installation. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. LBNP preparation(DSO 478). M88-1 preparation(network/direct ommunication). c BatUeview observation:Tegucigalpa. Orbit 122 begins. LBNP ramp (MS2). Battleviewtemporarystow. P/TV05 setup(middeckactivities). SAM tape check. Filtercleaning. P/TV05 activation(middeckactivities). LBNP egress. LBNP preparation(DSO 478).

-66T+ (PLUS) DAY/

7/18:09 7/18:10 7/18:15 7118:25 7/18:55 7119:05 7119:10 7119:20 7/19:40 7/19:40 7/19:55 7/20:10 7/21:10 7/21:10 7/21:11 7/21:20 7/21:30 7/21:40 7121:40 7122:25 Orbit 123 begins. LBNP ramp (MS3). M88-1 preparation(no communication). Battleviewobservation: acDillAFB. M LBNP egress. VFT-1 operations. Exercise(MS3). Terra Scoutsetup. Orbit 124 begins. Terra Scoutactivation. Terra Scoutobservation:Cape Canaveral. Meal. LBNP preparation(DSO 478). Terra Scout observation:PTA. Orbit 125 begins. Terra Scouttemporarystow. M88-1 preparation(no communication). LBNP ramp (MS1). Battleviewobservation:PatrickAFB. LBNP egress.

-67T+ (PLUS) DAY/

7/22:30 7/22:40 7/22:40 7/22:43 7/23:10 7/23:40 7/23:55 MET DAY EIGHT f 8/00:00 8/00:00 8/00:10 8/00:15 8/00:15 8/00:25 8/00:30 8/01:00 8/01:35 8/01:45 8/01:47 _P 8/01:55 Exercise(commander,pilot,MS1). Terra Scoutactivation. P/TV06 setup(flightdeck activities). Orbit 127 begins. Terra Scoutobservation:Anderson. Terra Scouttemporarystow. P/TV06 activation(flightdeck crew choice). CPA operations(DTO 645--CombustionProductsAnalyzer). M88-1 preparation(no communication). MOSES observation:Strait of Malacca. Orbit 128 begins. SAM tape turnover. M88-1 preparation(no communication). LBNP preparation(DSO 478). Ba_leviewobservation: wajalein. K Orbit 126 begins. LBNP ramp (pilot). Terra Scoutsetup. LBNP egress.

-68I"+ (PLUS) DAY/

8/02:00 8/02:00 8/02:25 8/02:40 8/02:45 8/02:50 8/03:00 8/03:00 8/03:18 8/04:10 8104:50 8105:00 8/06:22 8/07:53 8/09:25 8/10:56 8/12:28 8113:00 8/13:25 8/13:59 Privatemedicalconference. Crew beginspresleepactivities. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. SAM tape check. Initiate wastewater dump. RME-III memorymodulereplacement. Orbit 129 begins. Terminate waste water dump. Orbit 130 begins. Crew beginssleep period. Orbit 131 begins. Orbit 132 begins. Orbit 133 begins. Orbit 134 begins. Orbit 135 begins. Crew begins postsleepactivities. Initiate supplywater dump. Orbit 136 begins.

-69T+ (PLUS) DAY/

8/14:20 8/14:40 8/14:55 8/15:00 8/15:32 8/15:40 8/15:55 8/16:00 8/16:00 8/16:15 8/16:15 Terminate supplywater dump. ManeuverVehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +XVV attitude. Orbit 137 begins. APU heater activation. SAM/CREAM deactivation/stow. P/I"V06 setup(flightdeck activities). DSO 472--IntraocularPressure. Pre RCS bum configuration. Visualvestibulardata (DSO 604--Visual Vestibular IntegrationOI-3). P/TV06 activation(flightdeck activities). RCS hot fire, FCS checkout. M88=1preparation(direct communication). Orbit 138 begins. MOSES observation: ucatan. Y Visualvestibulardata (DSO 604--Visual Vestibular IntegrationO1-1). MOSES temporarystow.

8116:20 8/16:25 8/16:40 8/17:00 8/17:03 8/17:10 8/17:15



-70T+ (PLUS) DAY/

8/17:45 8/18:05 8/18:05 8118:10 8/18:20 8/18:20 8/18:30 8/i8:35 8/18:35 8118:40 8/18:40 8/18:50 8/18:55 8/19:05 8/19:20 8/20:07 8/20:15 Terra Scoutsetup. LBNP preparation(DSO 478). Terra Scoutactivation. Post RCS bum configuration. APU heater reconfiguration. Terra Scoutobservation:Baurefield. Terra Scoutobservation:ChristmasIsland. LBNP ramp (MS2). Orbit 139 begins. M88-1 preparation(no communication). Terra Scouttemporarystow. Battleviewobservation: hase Field. C APU Cool A. VFT-1 operations. LBNP egress. Orbit 140 begins. Commander,pilotexercise(DSO 608--Effectsof Aerobic and AnaerobicMetabolism). M88-1 preparation(no communication). Battleviewobservation:Homestead. M88-1 stow.

8/20:20 8120:30 8/20:45


-71T+ (PLUS) DAY/

8/20:45 8/21:05 8/21:20 8/21:30 8/21:38 8/21:45 8122:45 8/22:45 ,f 8/23:00 8/23;00 8/23:00 8/23:10 MET DAY NINE 9/00:41 9/01:00 9/01:10 9/02:00 9/02:00 9/02:13 9/02:20 Orbit 143 begins. Ku-bandantennastow. PriorityGroupB power-up. Crew begins presleepactivities. CPA operations(DTO 645--CombustionProductsAnalyzer). Orbit 144 begins. Privatemedical conference. Terra Scoutsetup. Terra Scout activation. Terra Scoutobservation:Broome. Terra Scoutstow. Orbit 141 begins. Meal. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Air monitor instrument valuation(DSO 611--MicrobialAir e Sampler). Cabin stow. LBNP stow. RME-III stow. Orbit 142 begins.

-72T+ (PLUS) DAY/


9/02:55 9/03:10 9103:15 9103:45 9/05:00 9/05:16 9/06:48 9108:20 9/09:52 9/11:23 9/11:30 9/12:54 9/13:30 9/13:45 9/13:45 9/13:50 9/14:26 9/14:30 9/14:30 9/14:36

Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. Maneuvervehicleto -ZLV, +YVV attitude. Orbit 145 begins. Crew beginssleep period. Orbit 146 begins. Orbit 147 begins. Orbit 148 begins. Orbit 149 begins. Orbit 150 begins. Crew beginspostsleepactivities. Orbit 151 begins. Maneuvervehicleto IMU alignmentattitude. IMU alignment:ST. DSO entry preparation(DSOs 463, 603, and 604). Maneuvervehicleto -XSI attitude. Orbit 152 begins. Begin deorbitpreparation. CRT timer setup. Commanderinitiates coldsoak.

-73f1"+(PLUS) DAY/

9/14:45 9/15:03 9/15:06 9/15:15 9/15:36 9115:37 Stow radiators, if required. Commander configures DPS for deorbit preparation. Mission Control Center updates IMU star pad, if required. MS configures for payload bay door closure. Maneuver vehicle to IMU alignment attitude. MCC-H gives "go/no-go" command for payload bay door closure. IMU alignment: ST/payload bay door closing operations. Orbit 153 begins. Commander and pilot configurededicated displaysfor entry. MCC gives the crew the go for OPS 3. Maneuver vehicle to deorbit burn attitude. Pilot starts repressurization of SSME systems. Commander and pilot perform DPS entry configuration. MS deactivates ST and closes ST doors. All crew members verify entry payload switch list. All crew members perform entry review. Crew begins fluid loading, 32 fluid ounces of water with salt over next 1.5 hours (2 salt tablets per 8 ounces). Commander and pilot configure clothing. MS/PS configure clothing.

9115:45 9/15:58 d9/16:11 9/16:14 9/16:17 9/16:21 9/16:26 9/16:35 9/16:37 9/16:52 9/16:54



-741"+(PLUS) DAY/


9/17:30 9/17:32 9/17i34 9/17:36 9/17:44 9/17:50 9/17:51 9/18:06 9/18:10 9/18:16 9/18:17 9/18:25 9/18:31 9/18:36 9/18:40 9/18:48 9/18:56 9119:02 9/19:05 9/19:08 Orbit 154 begins. Commanderand pilotseat ingress. Commanderand pilotset up heads-updisplay(HUD). Commanderand pilotadjustseat, exercisebrake pedals. Final entrydeorbitupdate/uplink. OMS thrustvectorcontrolgimbalcheck is performed. APU prestart. Close vent doors. MCC-H gives =go"for deorbitbum period. Manuevervehicleto deorbitburn attitude. MS/PS ingressseats. FirstAPU is activated. Deorbitburnperiod,approximately3 minutes,3 secondsin duration,at 319 fps, 195 by 195 nm. Initiatepost-deorbitburn periodattitude. Terminatepost-deorbitbum attitude. Dump forwardRCS, if required. ActivateremainingAPUs. Orbit 155 begins. Entry interface,400,000 feet altitude. Enter communication blackout.

,.... 1"+(PLUS) DAY/


9/19:10 9/19:16 9/19:17 9/19:19 9/19:24 9/19:24 9/19:28 9/19:29 F 9/19:30 9/19:30 9/19:32 9/19:32 9/19:35 9/19:35 9/19:36 9/19:36 9/19:36 9/19:37 Automatically deactivate RCS roll thrusters. Initiate first roll reversal. Automatically deactivate RCS pitch thrusters. Exit communications blackout. Begin PTI sequence. Initiate second roll reversal. Initiate third roll reversal. Initiate air data system (ADS) probe deploy. Begin entry/terminal area energy management (TAEM). Initiate payload bay venting. Automatically deactivate RCS yaw thrusters. End PTI sequence. Begin TAEM/approach/landing (NL) interface. Initiate landing gear deployment. Vehicle has weight on main landing gear. Vehicle has weight on nose landing gear. Initiate main landing gear braking. Wheel stop.




air-to-ground accelerometerassembly activecoolingsystem air data system Air Force base approachand landing Air Force Maul opticalsite attitudematch update ascentparticlemonitor auxiliarypower unit airbornesupportequipment backupflightcontrolsystem compositeactivationtest sample charge-coupleddevice crewmanopticalalignmentsight combustionproductsanalyzer cosmic radiationeffects and activationmonitor cathoderay tube caution/warning digitalautopilot Department of Defense data processingsystem detailedsupplementaryobjective Defense Support Program developmenttest objective EdwardsAir Force Base environmental controland life supportsystem extended durationorbiter extremely highfrequency expendablelaunchvehicle extravehicularmobilityunit end of mission electricalpower system equipmentsupportsection external tank



-78ETR EV EVA FCS FES FDF FPS FRCS FTA GLS GN&C GPC GSFC HAINS HRA HRM HUD IFM IMU IOCM IR lUS IV JSC KSC LACE LBNP LCD LES LPS LRU M88-1 MAS MCC-H MDM MECO EasternTest Range extravehicular extravehicularactivity flightcontrolsystem flash evaporatorsystem flightdata file feet per second forward reactioncontrolsystem fluidtest article ground launchsequencer guidance,navigation,and control general-purposecomputer GoddardSpace FlightCenter highaccuracyinertialnavigationsystem helmet retentionassembly high-ratemultiplexer heads-updisplay in-flightmaintenance inertialmeasurementunit interimoperationalcontamination monitor infrared inertialupper stage intravehicular JohnsonSpace Center Kennedy Space Center low-poweratmosphericcompensationexperimentsatellite lower-bodynegativepressure liquidcrystaldisplay launchescape system launch processingsystem line replaceableunit military man in space microbialair sampler MissionControlCenter--Houston multiplexer/dem ultiplexer main engine cutoff -_'


-79missionelapsedtime MerrittIsland mobile launcherplatform major mode maritimeobservationexperimentsin space main propulsionsystem missionspecialist MarshallSpace FlightCenter nauticalmiles NorthrupStrip operationsand checkout orbiteraccessarm orbitalmaneuveringsystem orbitertest conductor particleanticoincidence mantle primaryavionicssoftwaresystem pulsecode modulationmasterunit payloadcoverremovalsystem pressurecontrolsystem payloadand general supportcomputer payloadinterrogator pyroinitiatorcontroller payloadretentionlatchassembly preprogrammedtest input photoFI-V rightascensionof the ascendingnode reactioncontrolsystem radiofrequency rate gym assembly radiationmonitoringequipment remotemanipulatorsystem remotelyoperated electricalumbilical redundant-setlaunchsequencer range safety system returnto launchsite safe and arm solar array Secretary of the Air Force shuttleactivationmonitor


-80SDIO SHF SLM SM SpaDVOS SPOC SRB SRM SRSS SSF SSME SSP SSPP ST STA STP STS SURS TAEM TAGS TAL TCD TDRS TDRSS TI TIG TPS TSM "I-I'&C TV "I'VC UHF USAF UVPI VFT VTR WCS StrategicDefense InitiativeOrganization superhighfrequency star line maneuver statutemiles spacebome direct-viewopticalsystem shuttleportableon-boardcomputer solidrocketbooster solidrocketmotor shuttlerange safety system Space Station Freedom spaceshuttlemain engine standardswitchpanel solar/stellarpointingplatform startracker structuraltest article Space Test Program Space TransportationSystem standardumbilicalretraction/retention system terminalarea energymanagement text and graphicssystem transatlanticlanding timingcontroldistributor trackingand data relaysatellite trackingand data relaysatellitesystem thermal phase initiation time of ignition thermal protectionsystem tail service mast telemetry,tracking,and communications television thrustvector control ultrahighfrequency U.S. Air Force ultravioletplume instrument visualfunctiontester videotaperecorder waste collectionsystem

- ,_




PUB 3556-W REV 11-91

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