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Science or Psycology
How long is a piece of string ?
SH 9/16/2012

Just another observation

How long is a piece of string? Remains a frequently asked question by those Wishing to avoid a simple analysis by annulling themselves from the probability Of meaning that their propriety is devoid of probity and they are just too lazy To exact themselves, weighed and measured they all come up short so evade the Scales of scrutiny. The test of time is the judge that protects the facts of Failure to be processed into the heresy of history for future generations to Fathom out and suffer in, this isnt a theory of probability it is a genetic Gesture of bad will in time honored British practiced tradition. Taking the Fact that facts are evaded to added to the spread of a progress that alludes to Proper evaluation in favor of exploiting science by forging into a function of Entrepreneurial fulfillment; fact has now been inverted into theory entering a Different dimension of thought and mathematics in a counteraction of controlled Influences. Evolutionary education has been thrust into an overdrive that has Abandoned appropriate deliberation, consulting ecological possibilities in each Capacity of technological application has now become impossible for man to Accurately calculate due to the embryonic highway of information that distorts Life with alternating motives that drowns out morality in its race for riches.

There is a formula to life that thus far man has over looked that due to his Haste for a divine knowledge has left a crucial modus operandi undetected as Science boasts a claim to changing the face of our existence without ever being Able to conduct an evaluation into long term affects; by no coincidence there Are connections with the scientists unbalanced personalities and life styles? That are comparable to the unstable influences they have distributed into the World. Charles Darwin joined a race to disclose information that would have been Revealed in a time that was juxtaposition with the evolution of mans brain, in Many ways it was his ego that drove him forward that sadly neglected his family To be directly diseased by his work that consumed his home with death and Misery. Deliberation of knowledge is key to a successful fruition that would be In favor of mankinds best interest, the unhealthy competition for a type of Knowledge that gives distinction is to be the ruination of man, being first Isnt always best especially when rushed into functional procedures in the name Of profitable progress and fame. There are infinite possibilities that have been Abandoned to an unknown consequence that has altered the fait of man now an Irreversible accomplishment that is to be accredited to a denigration of Discipline; man is now looking upward outward and beyond his own capabilities in Assessments that lack a thought dimension that incorporates scale and its inward 3|Page

Invisibility that man hasnt yet been able and probably will never be able to Detect.

The application of the human mind that is so distinctly different to all Other animals on earth has moved into a tribal utopian based on new fangled Capabilities judging themselves to be a supervisory race of elitism, they have Exploited mans ability to lie to its full extent that is now an area of Expertise that embellishes the world with a glossy glory with all that is Fundamentally gory. These work-shy worshipers of transgression are above being Questioned but are permitted to interrogate others with a decorum that is Conducive to man evolving into an animal that is slowly obliterating his own Intended purpose by way of hunting and torturing for pleasurable means, man is Now characteristically recognisable with the very same primate traits that are Cannilabalistic in nature, this new canonistic pecking order in operation Present and prevalent though out society that assumes a hierarchy of authority Based on financial and technological status acts culpably to depict supremacy, a Snobbery is the fashion that discriminates against the non-conformers to the

Intellectually brash so fortuitously foolish following the pound of fresh whilst Penny pinching from the intellectually poor, the mentorship of this monetary Mentality denotes to the man with a pound in his pocket gets to rule over a man With a penny in his pocket, a calculus curricular of conceptual currency is busy At work evaluating human life into categories of importance. Calculating Probability is an exact science and is as simple as measuring string so the Pieces of candid evidence necessary to conclude an outcome are convened into Shredded threads to deter detection; this convenient lack of evidence is Evidence of a cunning conspiracy that dictates results by removing and doctoring Proof by the men in power. The gospel truth does not suffice in this world Dependant on witness protection schemes designed to protect the offensive system Of condemnation; we are in the throngs of national and global erroneousnesss That are reproachful of each counterpart with all complimenting the world with a Negative surge of hatred embroiled in a jealous jeopardy of demurral. Man has Been master of his own fait now manifesting his failures to all that subsisted To suffer him, as humans we are too ignorant to realize we are in the infancy of Our potential and also in the twilight of our subsistence, there is no Probability about any of the facts that entwine us into a mass monstrosity of Absurdities that contains no hindsight left to wonder why we arent here Anymore See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil, feel no evil, so we probably are Evil if we are reliant on monkeys to bust our bubbles of sham to reveal all the 5|Page

Lonely loony people and ponder on where they all come from. People are closely Related to animals because we are animals of a human multiplicity and each has An equal entitlement to separatism in accordance to personal preferences based On our cultural and spiritual differences, we ought to respect people for Attributes that operate in ways that have grown in tandem with nature and Decease from what is a random renegade sincerity of belief that is buffoonish in Quality and beneath the behavior of a baboon. There is an overwhelming amount Of evidence that a federal amalgamation of the human race is not welcomed by Those wanting to sustain from comprising to be a member state of a superpower of Provinces and wish to remain independent and in charge of there own destiny. Animals live perfectly well and thrive without the politics of human Interference; we need to learn so much more from the animal kingdom as they are Key to our survival, as habitats are killed off we are entering the realms of The unknown so are having to reinvent our selves in a very inhumane and Inhospitable sphere consumed in an unnatural dominion administered to by global Ruling bodies who couldnt give a monkeys about our future

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