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Introduction to Integrated Wayfinding Design (Architecture and Graphic)

Proposed by: Gunawan Tanuwidjaja ST. MSc. Silabus : Pengatar pada desain untuk menemukan jalan terintegrasi ( Arsitektur dan Grafis ) Tujuan : Mempelajari konsep desain untuk menemukan jalan (Wayfinding Design) yang terintegrasi yang di dukung elemen-elemen arsitektur dan elemen-elemen grafis Sasaran : Mahasiswa memahami proses menemukan jalan secara kognitif Mahasiswa memahami proses mendesain system menemukan jalan secara integrative Mahasiswa memahami bentuk-bentuk dan cirri-ciri elemen-elemen arsitektur yang unik Mahasiswa memahami criteria desain grafis penunjang system untuk menemukan jalan Kepustakaan/ Syllabus : Introduction to integrated Wayfinding Design (Architecture and Graphic) Purpose : To learn the integrated wayfinding design concept, that supported by architectural elements and graphic elements Goals : Students understand the wayfinding process cognitively Students understand the process of designing the wayfinding system integrative Students understand the forms and criterias of unique architectural elements Students understand the criteria for graphic design supporting the wayfinding system Reference: Abdullah, R., and Hbner, R., (2006), Pictograms, Icons & Signs: A Guide to Information Graphics. Thames & Hudson. London. p.10. Arthur, P., dan Passini, R., (1992), Wayfinding: People, Signs, and Architecture, Ontario: McGraw - Hill Ryerson Ltd. Reissued as a collectors edition in 2002 by Focus Strategic Communications, Inc. Augustin, S., (2009), Place Advantage: Applied Psychology for Interior Architecture, Wiley. Baines, P. dan Dixon, C., (2003), Signs: Lettering In The Environment, Laurence King Publishing Ltd. Beaumont, P.B., Gray, J., Moore, G.T., and Robinson, B., (1984), Orientation and Wayfinding in the Taurang Departmental Building: A Focused Post Occupancy

Evaluation, Ministry of Works and Development Hamilton, New Zealand; Beneicke, A., Biesek, J., dan Brandon, K., (2003), Wayfinding and Signage in Library Design., Libris Design Project, California by the State Librarian [] Berger, C.M., (2005), Wayfinding: Designing and Implementing Graphic Navigational Systems, Page One Publishing Private Limited, Singapore. Boulding, K., (1956), The Image, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. Carrol, M-J., Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, (2010), Design Resources, Text Legibility and Readability of Large Format Signs in Building and Sites, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Buffalo Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, (2010), Design Resources, Architectural Wayfinding, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Buffalo; Cooper, R., (2010), Wayfinding for Health Care: Best Practices for Today's Facilities, AHA Press.; 1 edition. Corbin Design, (2007), Wayfinding Analysis and Recommendations Document for Ann Arbor, Michigan, prepared for Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority. Downs, R., dan Stea, D., (ed). (1977), Maps in Minds, Harper and Row, New York. Gibson, D., (2009), The Wayfinding Handbook: Information Design for Public Places, Princeton Architectural Press; 1st edition. Gifford, R., (2001), Environmental Psychology: Principles and Practice (3rd ed.), Optimal Books. Golledge, R.G., (ed)., (1999). Wayfinding Behavior: Cognitive Mapping and Other Spatial Processes, Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Hershberger, R.G., (1988), A Study of

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Lord, F.E., (1941), A Study of Spatial Orientation of Children, Journal of Educational Research 34(7):481-505. Lynch, K., (1960), The Image of the City, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. M. Lutfi Hidayetoglu, Kemal Yildirim, Kubulay Cagatay, (2010), The effects of training and spatial experience on the perception of the interior of buildings with a high level of complexity, in Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5 (5), pp. 428439, 4 March, 2010 Available online at ISSN 1992-2248 2010 Academic Journals McGrath, J.E., Martin, J., and Kulka, R.A., (ed), (1981), Judgment calls in research. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Meuser, P., dan Pogade, D., (2010), Wayfinding and Signage: Construction and Design Manual, Dom Publishers. Miller, F.P., Vandome, A.F., dan McBrewster, J., (ed), (2009), Environmental Psychology: Wayfinding, Human Factors, Cognitive Ergonomics, Ecopsychology, Behavioral Geography, Ecological Psychology, Socio-architecture, Ecology, Architecture, Behavioural Sciences, Alphascript Publishing. Miller, G.A., Galanter, E., dan Pribram, K., (1960), Plans and the Structure of Behavior, Holt Rinehart and Winston, New York. Oliver, K., (2003), Psychology in Practice: Environment, A Hodder Arnold Publication. Passini, R. (1984), Wayfinding in Architecture, Environmental Design Series Volume 4, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. Peponis, J., dan Wineman, J. (2002). Spatial Structure of Environment and Behavior, pp. 271-291 in Bechtel, R. and A. Churchman, eds., 2002, Handbook of Environmental Psychology, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Materi : Pengantar desain menemukan jalan Proses kognitif dari proses menemukan jalan

Rapoport, A., (1967 1991), Thirty Three Papers in Environment-Behaviour Research, The Urban International Press, New Castle, upon Tyne, Alexandria and Pune, India Sanoff, H., (1991), Visual Research Methods in Design, Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment, North Carolina University, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Sanoff, H., Palasar, C., and Hashas, M., (1999), School Building Assessment Methods, School of Architecture, College of Design, North Carolina State University with support from the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities Society for Environmental Graphic Designers (SEGD), (Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010. 12.37) VanderKlipp, M. (2006), Develop a Successful Wayfinding System, Buildings, 100(4): 28. eDetails/tabid/3339/ArticleID/3036/Default .aspx Zeisel, J., (1981), Inquiry by Design: Tools for Environmental Behaviour Research, Monterey, CA: Brookes/Cole. Zimring, C.M., (1986), Evaluation of Designed Environments: Methods for PostOccupancy Evaluation in W Michelson, R Bechtel and R Marans (eds.), Methods in Environmental and Behavioral Research. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Zimring, C.M., Wineman, J., dan Carpman, J.R., (1988), The New Demand-Driven Post-Occupancy Evaluation in The Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 5:4 (Winter, 1988), Locke Science Publishing Co., Chicago, IL. Material : Introduction to wayfinding design cognitive process of the wayfinding process

Tipe dari peta-peta kognitif Elemen-elemen arsitektur untuk proses menemukan jalan Kriteria kemudahan dan keteringatan dari elemen-elemen arsitektur Elemen grafis dan kriteria desain pendukung

Types of cognitive maps Architectural elements of wayfinding process Criteria of legibility and simplicity from the architectural elements Graphic elements and supporting design criteria.

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