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Driven light discrete event simulation principles into innovative digital design inside many disciplines

Author: Said Mchaalia

draft copy: Friday September 7th 2012

Abstract: In fact, counting numerals is principal motor flow of digital design. Within illusion advances in digital data encoding are far away to invent op-codes able to clean up old electronics background [3] and [8]. Therefore there are many illustration illusions inside some algorithms of digital data encoding [7]. The new invention of be selfish auto-compile-compute-conclude environment dynamism, allow fast modeling of digital data transmission based on involving electronics circuit and the theory of digital data transmission such the transmission of digital video broadcasts. In fact, ASTRA did invest many years to be awake away for being aware background of digital-analog discrete event simulation techniques and disciplines. By, this way the reached team workers in ASTRA know better than others parallel scheduling job measurements and light color transmission-reception-absorption thread-task techniques and dynamics environment mechanisms. Keywords: digital data encoding and scheduling job measurements. Introduction:

In fact, digital design is main primordial entity to achieve several surround systems [3] and [7]. Thereby, in modeling and simulation investigation branches, an entity is an object of interest in system proceeding processing analysis. Although, each entity has its own property inside alive active surround system. This property is called entity attribute. The entity property surrounds entirely entity activity and entity events. Hence, the entity event is the instantaneous value change dump of the state of current entity (ready to be executed, inside queue, fetched, ran, stored again). Furthermore instead of investigating entity activity inside alive active surround system, which is hard to be identify, resolving basic logic influence system on these tasks and threads allow the investigation of system states throughout entity activities. Hence, digital design requirement envelops digital data transmission, whereby digital data transmission is based on discrete event simulation, which was started with telegram data transmission threads. Therefore, the basics of discrete event simulation has its roots from the language motor flows. In this field, whereby each character is just one entire entity inside alive active surround alphabet as Shannon [3] did call it, an alphabet is a selfish set of characters {a, n, m, l, p}. Grounded to this theory of selfish set, the processing surround account was invented. Thus, start to process counting characters inside a selfish set of letters, is a processing account within measurement calculations, whereby gathering discovering scopes within discrete event simulation. Thereby, initialize a variable to be number and

start to add just one to this number in order to reach the desired value at the end of simulation time. For example, define a to be 8, then add(a, 1) to be equal to 400 after certain simulation time. Most around development environment and industrial advances, command and control of processors to achieve their tasks and threads aware away of best powers, whereby object aims of many disciplines wish, are deep investigation motor flows. Thus modeling and simulation are basics in those disciplines.
In fact, modeling and simulation search their roots in the applied maths and measurement calculation principles, whereby mathematical functions and procedures are aware away of motor flows.

Figure 0001: the basic one byte array color

Figure 0002: the basic one byte array color

Figure 0003: the basic one byte array color

Figure 0004: the basic one byte array color

Light color dynamics is object aim motor flow for any event environment leaflike mechanisms. In natural outward appearance, fruit food photo-synthesis synchronization secret signification signs are alive active proceeding processing. Furthermore, the deep investigation of some synchronized op-codes evolved within any fruit food photo-synthesis environment dynamism allow to achieve the instantaneous time event value for light color identification inside such a thread-task environment dynamism. This instantaneous time event value could then be measurable within development devices.

Figure 0005: the basic one byte array color magnitude variation level

Figure 0006: the basic one byte array color

Figure 0007: the basic one byte array color

Figure 0008: the basic Fourier magnitude level variation influences

Based on deep observation of Figure 0007, which describes the basic one byte array color magnitude
variation level. Therefore, based on the capturing of movable picture send from digital satellites such as ASTRA, HOTBIRD and similar digital satellites, the original main principal primordial color array is one byte light color. This one byte light color array is composed of; light black color, light blue color, light red color, light violet color, light green color, light cyan color, light yellow color and finally light white color. In fact, the best wishes of Intel and similar sub-micro and system on chip consume electronics factories like Toshiba, is to speed up the synchronized core processor frequency. Therefore, the main principal thread-task of hardware-software co-designers is to search a sufficient suitable driven master circuit for frequency generation. Although, the next fundamental following steps inside core proceeding processing are pipeline event occurrences and execution of instruction language processing, whereby the push-pull is the dynamics

environment mechanism. Thus, this push-pull dynamics mechanism motor flow is illustrated in figure 0009.

Figure 0009: push-pull dynamics mechanism involving sequential digital data encoding and whose waveforms

In fact, figure 0009 depicts two basic template latches inside flip-flop toggle frequency changes. Therefore, template latch is leaflike locking mechanism dynamics, which it has to be opened from the outside by a keymotor flow, such that the following flows of electrical current inside circuits, which are represented in figure 0010.

Figure 0010: push-pull dynamics mechanism involving sequential template latch leaflike locking mechanism dynamics

Indeed, figure 0010 depicts two basic template interruption latches inside any flip-flop toggle frequency mechanism environments. Hence, the following flows of electric current inside any electric electronic circuit envelops the brain power of all possible instruction language selfish sets. Therefore, template latch is leaflike locking mechanism dynamics, which it has to be opened from the outside by a keymotor flow, such that the following flows of electrical current inside circuits, which are represented in figure 0010.

In fact, grounded to research aspect effects, the manipulation and implementation of such a leaflike locking mechanism dynamics are original main primordial principal desires of Intel consume electronics and the inventors of push-pull control data flow graphs such that Petri nets and Taylor theoretical industrial data chart coastlines and outline maps for specific thread-tasks.

Herewith, figure 0006, figure 0007, figure 0008 present the basics logic influence system such that those defined in [1], [3], [9] and [7]. However, Said Mchaalia [8], did ground the discrete event simulation and parallel jobs to the counting dynamics environment mechanism. Indeed, maths is science of invisible philosophy processing analysis within any digital data encoding [9], [2], and [1]. This science is belong to compile-compute-conclude effect aspects of following motor flows. Measurement calculation steps are impure and addictive when their boundary conditions are limitless or although pure and noble when those boundary conditions would be awoken within modeling and simulation tasks and threads. The strength of model descriptions in order to provoke right simulation processes and to bring into innovative world of development environment is the aim object of each entity activity inside interest active system. Indeed, in digital data transmission, mathematical functionalism is characterized by following description functions and fear flows in modulation fields. Therefore, aware away of the identification of those function is subject of many workers within innovation system development environments. In fact, the sinusoidal function, which has periodic characteristics during simulation time, is the awoken waveform of data edge representation inside measurement calculation within system development environment. Therefore, within system development environment of digital data transmission such that text files and emails inter-exchanges, data edge representations are electrical currents aware away of electromagnetic waves. To determine, the values of those data edge representations, the resolution of Maxwell-Ampere equation is interest away such that resolve: B(t). ds= function(Volume i (t). dv) , where dv and ds are measurement quantities for both volume and surface (two dimension measurement coordination viewpoints) during discrete simulation time intervals. Because, any electric cable has length and surface section, which is circle with a surface of
Surface= pi [
2 diameter ] .Similarly in fact, the number of months inside a year is always twelve 2

months. This number of twelve months is data edge representation inside measurement account of year enumerations. Indeed, the main synchronization secret of data edge representation is value change dump during following motor flows through measurement calculation nodes, whereby discrete event simulation time have to be onwards and forwards proceeded steps with test-bench characteristics. These test-benches faithful for digital data transmission modeling and simulation. In fact, light color development is a crazy and lazy aim object of many searchers within discrete event simulation basics, such that Microsoft command line color invention, whereby the command help color from the black screen DOS environment dynamism, determines the principle requirement for light color choices. Indeed, based on this idea, event states inside discrete event simulation could be model within a selfish set of light color development. Although light color development is interest task in this discrete event simulation disciplines. The frequency variation level inside electrical {(inductorcapacitor-resistor)} circuit, allow any light color development. Figure 0001 shows, frequency variation level for light color development [6] and [5].
Involvement development dynamics environment mechanism of digital data encoding: In fact, as shown in figure 0011, the leaflock like brain power is the transistor and light emission within any electrical electromagnetic and electronic digital circuits. The light emission thread-task is based on drive drain environment mechanism, which necessitate to power the drain of transistor any kind with the needed low power. Hence, this low power measurement value has to propagate digital data to achieve their aim object destinations [3], [6] and [8]. The top secret significant sign in digital parallel scheduling jobs, was the invention of transistor

language [4] and [6]. This transistor instruction language is aim object thread-task of the electrical current motor flows, whereby the values of such electrical current magnitude level variations should be calculated within any instantaneous instruction selfish set inside any compile-compute-conclude measurable event values. Therefore, figure 0011 illustrates the principles of those instantaneous instruction thread-tasks.

Figure 0011: push-pull involvement development dynamics environment mechanism of digital data encoding

Figure 0011 presents an illustration illusion of a push-pull involvement development dynamics environment mechanism of digital data encoding. In fact, the illustration illusion depicted within Figure 0011 proceed the main original digital data transmission orientation. Even though, this digital data transmission requires a mathematical background of modulation and correlation principally main technique thread-tasks [2]. Lempel and Ziv did develop all requirements for sequential data encoding and compression techniques [2]. Though, with the advancements in digital design, like those developments within ASTRA digital satellites and co, the mathematical information theory of digital data should be then measurable based on logic influence systems such that the antenna transmission-reception-absorption measurable event values, herewith, it is the just language of frequency, which is defined in table 001, whereby t his frequency identification depicts any

fuzzy proceeding processing analysis within any following functionalism fabrication flow. The just language usage of such a (sin ( x))2 function consists to flow the origin of coordination system (the intersection of x-axis and y-axis, which are two perpendicular straight lines) during any proceeding

processing through x-axis. The values engendered by this (sin ( x))2 function are nulls (zeros) for the boundary values and maximum for the middle average of considered segment [a, b] such that [a ,b] , thus sin 2 (a )=0a=0 and hence sin 2 (b)=0 b= pi / pi=3.14 . Although
(sin ( a+b a+b pi )) =1 = 2 2 2

. Therefore, the (sin ( x))2 function owes magnitude level variation inside
[sin x] x

proceeding processing analysis within any stochastic systems. Furthermore,

is a boundary

following description function of any modulation and correlation thread-task inside any central metric digital data parallel scheduling job op-codes. Thus [sin x] and (sin ( x))2 function have the most around

measurement ability to depict any current data edge flow inside control data flow graphs. Figure 1 shows a control data flow graph whereby current data edge {(time_event, value_event)} could be basically mathematically modeled by (sin ( x)) 2 function such that x= x(t )/t =time event and value event=(sin ( x)) 2 or
value even= [sin x] . Indeed, sequential digital data encoding could then deduced based on the correlation and x

modulation dynamics mechanisms inside any digital design description disciplines. In fact, in the proposal work of Said Mchaalia the elementary digital selfish encoding set is the following set {(0000b, 0001b, 0010b, 0011b)}time, which is depicts the fourth of digital data encoding nucleus selfish set, whereby t=timeevent nil =null= zero=0 for starting interruption process to be ready for functionalism within involving thread-task environment mechanism dynamics allowing maximum magnitude level destination.

sin ( x) x



boundary function for all values of inside used in lab experiments and parameters such that frequency and time. other fields.

(sin ( x))

boundary function for all values of inside used as Gaussian replacement parameters such that frequency, and time. in wireless digital transmission such that cellular phones. characterizing the fast descent to nil when most around used when the the calculated inside phase is growing defined phase is less than eighth gradually to infinite values. of one tour. characterizing the fast fading to infinity used in supra high frequency when the calculated inside X(f, t) is modulation fields. growing gradually to fourth tour values. boundary function for all values of inside used as replacement of the first parameter x when define limit of the defined function inside this fraction of infinity and nil to be nil. table. Table 001: functions used inside modulation branch fields.

( 2+ 2 )

tan ( X ( f , t))

1 x log( ) x

Table 001 presents push-pull environment mechanism dynamics within digital data modulation and correlation techniques and methodologies in any industrial inside inspiration item introduction following fabrication.

Conclusion viewpoint overviews:

Figure 0012: basic push-pull involvement development dynamics environment mechanism of digital data encoding

Figure 0012, illustrates the original main sufficient suitable dynamics mechanism to gather digital data from core processing unit inside environment dynamism. In fact, as shown in figure 1, the data edge current following flow could be divided to measurable voltages throughout any parallel association of distinct resistor-capacitor filter values, which allow mixtures of frequency determination through the famous low pass filter formula such that
f index i =[ 1 ] For ASCII encoding similarity, the measurable number of the envisaged couples RC index i

(resistor-capacitor) is then equal to eight low pass (resistor-capacitor) filters, whose frequencies could be measurable throughout the measurement of resistor values and capacitor values. Therefore, the eight-bit-word encoding techniques. Hence, consider that the first index filter has the following measurable values, which could be 75 Ohm resistor's value and 23 micro Farad capacitor's value, and the last index filter has he following measurable values, which could be 100 mega Ohm resistor's value and 1000 micro Farad capacitor's value. By this way, the two involving frequencies are respectively; 579.71 Hz and 0.00001 Hz. Figure 0012 depicts the data edge current following flow, which could be faded to measurable voltages

throughout any parallel association of distinct resistor-capacitor filter values. Furthermore, the multiplexer usage allows to get out the first measurable current amount quantity. Although, the next tradeoff of measurable current amount quantity could be direct measured from current source generator, which would be CMOS or bipolar transistor-transistor language. Indeed, the within core processing unit entity is the mnemonic, mimetic and compile-compute-conclude proceeding processing analysis, which involves test verification motor flow of any gathering measurement values and then to choose the data edge current flow requirements. Hence, the within core processing unit entity has input-output interfaces such that huge hard disk to store data and co-core proceeding processing motor flows, which treats any gathered digital data and resolve whose basic logic influence systems. Those co-core proceeding processing motor flows could be implemented in C-language algorithms for any micro-controllers or any EPROMS (electrical programmable read only memory). The digital data encoding and compression techniques will be in details presented in the next sections, whereby the basic logic influence system of ASCII digital data encoding techniques is the primordial main following digital data encoding and compression algorithms to be aware of further processing analysis aspects such that production time amelioration within electrical machines, image quality improvement for digital TVs, radars and co. In electrical branch field disciplines, the sinusoidal function model is always used to simulate input-output signals within considered circuits. Then, the signal correlations or mathematical signal multiplexers are basic tools for image illustrations like those treated in MRI scientific fields [6] and [7]. Magnetic Resonance Imaging description is based on the cutoff frequency included within Fourier transformation and just using-language of t=nT , n to depict received image from IMB-AT compatible PCI interface cards and similarly inputoutput interface component. Thus, detailed description of correlation and involving mathematical following description functions will be reviewed in the next paragraphs. In fact, within electrical data edge flows, the main characteristic of produced waveform is the periodic aspect during proposal test-bench and simulation proceeding processing. The mathematical sinusoidal description function, has the characteristics, such that it attains its maximum magnitude value in the middle array of simulation time. At the boundaries within measurement arrays of simulation time, which are 2pi = 6.28 period periodic measurement arrays, the values of the mathematical sinusoidal description functions are nulls. Indeed, the magnitude-value variations are basic tools for signal encoding. Arithmetic encoding is primordial main original thread-task within digital data transmission. Arithmetic encoding is based on the encoding of the magnitude-value in integer form, whereby the inferior boundary integer within a float magnitude-value variation would be used in such an arithmetic encoding [7] and [9]. The maximum voltage or current magnitude-value variations inside electrical circuits depend on the technical applications. For digital data transmission, such that send-receive alphabets and like thread-tasks, the middle average voltage is 10 Volts [4]. The basic logic of the arithmetic encoding of this maximum 10 volts voltage level magnitude-value is to convert 22 integer value to binary, because the positive and negative measurement processing analysis and error measurement calculations involving within modeling-simulation. The envisaged arithmetic encoding in computer language is to associate the binary 00000b to -22 volts measurement magnitude-value, then the binary 00001b to -21 volts measurement magnitude-value, after 00010b to -20 volts measurement magnitude-value till the binary 10110b for +22 volts measurement magnitude-value. The true-false logic involved within any one-volt magnitude-value variation inside the envisage arithmetic encoding, is associated with the highest value level and the logic false is the lowest value level of magnitude measurement.

Figure 0013: basic push-pull involvement development dynamics environment mechanism during inductor-capacitor filer op-codes

Figure 0013 depicts the realization of frequency variation inside a circuit to filter the signal output. The inductor L receive signal input edge characterizes current flows in Amperes. These current flows sustain or incur some basic logic influences. These current flows incur phase shifting and magnitude modification. Then they maintain their following flows within the circuit. Some of them will traverse the resistor and others will contribute for capacitor charge. The output node is resistor-capacitor filter characterizing the 3dB lossy magnitude for cutoff frequency. In fact, to measure this cutoff frequency within the 3dB lossy magnitude, the following mathematical
V out ) should be onward proceeded. V The output voltage waveform is illustrated by 1ea.RC.t . Although, the input voltage waveform is depicted V by: sin (2.p.f.t ) . 3dB lossy magnitude from the maximum gain, Gain dB=20.Log10 ( out ) , allow then short V

functional operation

Gain dB=20.Log10 (

time interval measurement dt, which is characterizing cutoff frequency;

1 in Hz. dt

In fact, frequency oscillation realizations is the aim object of digital data transmission branch fields. The simple way to achieve this is the usage of circuit included in figure 0013. Incurring onwards send-receive those frequency is the subject aim of digital data transmission such this involved within digital satellites processing analysis. The main original theme of this incurring onwards is the data encoding decoding processing analysis. Hence, Shannon did propose an idea of data encoding based on the bit-word-length calculations thus the minimum amount of bits to be used to encode a character a for example found in an alphabet set of N characters. This number is thus calculated 2 x = N +1 . To search x, just introduce the logarithm function as follows: x x 2 = N +1 log 2( 2 )=log 2 ( N +1) . Therefore, this x number could be determine as follows; x=log2 ( N +1 ) . Indeed, the logarithm conversion between bases is:
log a ( y)= ln ( y) . Thus, ln (a ) x=log2 ( N +1)= ln ( N +1) , ln( 2)

where ln(.) is the natural logarithm function. As example, where the ASCII code (255 characters) were encoded, the amount of bits was eight bits. To encode one character from the 255 character alphabet set, a sequence of eight bits is required for example 10011010b. To send this character, the above techniques such the charging and discharging of the capacitor of figure 11 eight times or more would be involved. In fact, the 1b represents the highest magnitude amount, however the 0b represents the nil environment of the magnitude amount. An other methodology is to convert such a binary sequence to integer value and to use the potentiometer command and controlling for digital-analog converting. Figure 0014 represents such a processing analysis.

[sin(.)] .[exp(.)] wave-form modeling simlation processing



Figure 0014: basic digital encoding waveform based on push-pull involvement development dynamics environment mechanism

[1] Uwe Schwiegelsohn, A system-centric metric for the evaluation of online job schedules, 2011, Journal of Scheduling, 14, 6, 571 -581 [2] Lempel and Ziv, sequential digital encoding and compression algorithms, IEEE, 1977-1978 [3] Edwin Naroska, Parallel VHDL simulation, Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference DATE'98, 159--163, 1998 [4] Uwe Schwiegelshohn and Lothar Thiele, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Workshop Hardware Design and Petri Nets (HWPN 98), 12--25, 1998 [5] Uwe Schwiegelshohn and Lothar Thiele, Periodic and Non-periodic Min-Max Equations, Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 97), 379--389, Springer, 1997 [6] Naroska and Uwe Schwiegelshohn, A New Scheduling Method for Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation, Proc. 2nd International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing, 582--593, Springer-Verlag, 1996 [7] Uwe Schwiegelsohn, Preemptive Weighted Completion Time Scheduling of Parallel Jobs Proceedings of the 4th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA96), 39--51, Springer, 1996 [8] Said Mchaalia, Waveform compression draft copy, December 11 th 2002, CEI, Dortmund University, Germany

[9] Claude Shannon, mathematical information theory, IEEE, 1948.

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