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Tales from Ovid with Salvu Mallia 12/8/2012 at the National Museum of

Archaeology event booklet exhibition booklet from the event description: In collaboration with Evenings on Campus and the Malta Classics Association, youths from 11 years upwards are invited to take part in a re-telling of a selection of Ovids Greek myths with Salvu Mallia, artist and TV personality. Ovids tales explore human nature and desires; greed, ambition, pride, love, remorse. These human passions in turn transform humans: at times making them wiser, at others destroying them or changing them beyond recognition. The prints in the exhibition will offer the point of departure for Salvu Mallias rendition of these myths. A curator will also introduce participants to authentic Classical artefacts from the Reserve Collection. What I write in maltese, Im going to translate in English in brackets, the brackets in between are the referents and the contexts of the phrase. Most ancient hobby = storytelling (and playing) Storytelling gives you experience. You must research subjects to tell stories. Gilgamesh (another classic- flood) Rumani- Kontinwazzjoni mhux did ( Roman- continuation (of greek), not new) Griegi- probabli mhux oriinali lanqas (greek (mythology and writing) probably not original as well) Baqaw gax tajbin (they remained (classics) because they are (still) good) Illum niddependu fuq l-istejjer, mibnija fuqhom (today we depend on stories, (we are) built on them) *books *plays *movies *Songs *news

Important because we learn, -of the meaning and message propaganda (you have to see agenda behind it) Listening a lot of stories helps you understand intention Ovid added human element to Greek stories (Homer- which probably werent original anyway) He did not censor himself. Liked to shock Qatguh sojalment (they cut him off socially). He did not like the leaders. Romans and Greeks were very rational people. They had a more naturalistic view. Things just happen. The model good = present , bad= punishment; does not follow Gods were humans with superpowers. Strata of gods. Mix of good and evil like people. There isnt a reason for everything. Bards- still exist in turkey for example. Classics (homer/ovid etc) written nicely/well and story has something fundamental to say. There is a wide range of interpretations and circumstances. There isnt a reason for everything Bards still exist in Turkey Classics (homes, Ovid) 1. Written well/nicely 2. Story has something fundament to say Wide range of interpretations and circumstances for these stories Global village today Champignon- told his wife he was going to Torino (from France). That was considered a dangerous voyage. He went to Egypt instead. After the end of the Roman empire- the Arabs preserved these texts. They reintroduced Europe in Spain. Medieval- rediscovered these texts- put into some elements in plays. Readapted (Chaucer, Shakespeare) Today this is still happening. *eg. Beisner* you still want an audience, someone to sell your products to. Jekk ma jigrix fsaqajk ma tindunax (if if doesnt run in your feet, you wont notice aka it has to trip you to notice)

He was popular because of his arguments and how he wrote Ma nossx li wara l-eilju, iddispjaih u beda jikteb aktar serjament. ( I do not think that after his exile, he repented and started writing more seriously) He was used to living in a certain environment Kien bniedem ribelli, jgid dak li joss, u baqa hekk- He was a rebel person, saying what he feels, and he remained that way Meta morphosi

Tibdil- tintua biex tossok important (changes- used to feel important) Everything changes Ovid- focused on big changes Stories from the beginning of time (what they knew) till his time Flood Creation Different ages

*similarities with other cultures* Story interpretation 1- The others grass is always greener golden age (reminds me of Marxism) Abel and Cain. Bronze age coincides with the archeological bronze age Iron age was his time. Before was always better Basis of people they always existed. People dont change 24- Minos- did not want him to leave Kreta- gada gira propjament, u nies mhux kretini (Crete- its still small actually and the people are not Cretins) Sema mhux tiegu mhux bal llum (sky was not his own- not like today)

Mythology- is exciting- we want imagination, always. We unconsciously believe in them. Imposing imagination Penpipes Shape Always understand Ovid with his description Jahseb fil-future- (he thinks of the future) Farmers references- bee wax Teaching his sun, like a bird teaching his/her small Deadalus- gave his son a big kiss. Risk- ma kienx a jera jtih bala (he wasnt going to give him one like it) dejn baar- mewa, bit-toqol, taqa (near the sea- a wave, with heaviness, you fall) Trid issib postok fil- ajja (you have to find yourself in life) Trid tiieled galih- issib postok/ tieu il-post tal- kbar (you have to fight for it- find your place/ take the place of those that are older) Kieku kien hemm mara- argument tul storja kollha (had there been a women [in the story ]- an argument throughout the whole story (bit or a sexist, stereotypical comment:/) Esperimenta hu (he experimented). No judgment Riskju trid tiedu, imma tisma pariri (you have to take a risk, but hear advice) Kunflitti li tiltaqa maghom- (conflicts which you meet with) 9- Narcissus Eko- withered away. Only her voice remained. Opinjoni tajba tagna nfusna hija tajba, mhux inferiority complex a good opinion of ourselves is good, not an inferiority complex. Only he existed. Parabboli- parables. Weel fl-immani tiegu. Tgid tajba bi-ejjed, ma hemmx galfejn ninbidel, ma niviluppax (He got stuck on his image. You say its good enough, there is no need for me to change, I dont develop)

31-Midas Took care of his (Bacchus) godfather when drunk, and he was being ridiculed. He was greedy. Jidlu minn wada gal ora- xi 3 fdaqqa (They go from one to another [the stories] around 3 together) He didnt have sense/better taste chose Pans song which was better for the ears/listeners Poetic license- the sound of reeds Interpretazzjoni Ekoloika ecological interpretation Midas- jirrapreental-umanita (represents humanity) we are not trying to better ourselves. Only greedy. Need to get rid of curse- technology was a present. We want too much. Iktar ma gandha, iktar ma trid. Qed inkunu vera mir bal Midas- The more she has [humanity], the more she wants. We are being real donkeys, like Midas Words in the reeds- hawn nies li jafu, jitkellmu, u add ma jismahom, imma in-natura tismahom. (there are people that know, they speak out, and no one listens to them, but nature listens) Cycle- tera tii (will come/happen again) Like Midas, well realize our mistake. Still going to happen Greedy- mobile, computer etc.I have not. USA corporations. afna minn dawn l-istejjer- meta kienu qed jinbnew it-tempji, jista jkun kieku jingadu (A lot of these stories, when the temples [in Malta] were being built, they could have been told. On display were vases from the classical period. They were found already in the Archeological museum. In the 17th c, they were already there as there was an artist that came to draw them in Malta, alongside other objects. The original book is in the Bibliotheca.

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