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Manual Testing Concepts: 1. What is testing? 2. What is software application testing? 3. What is software product testing? 4. Testing types?

5. What is the difference between Static and Dynamic Testing? 6. what is meant by Review ? what are the types ? 7. What are the Roles involved in Reviews 8. What is the difference between Inspection and Informal Review? 9. What is peer review,Walk through, give an example? 10. Black box testing? 11. White box testing? 12.Gray box testing? 13.Blaxk box testing techniquest/methods? 14.what is build? 15. When to start testing? 16. When to stop testing? 17. Smoke testing? 18. Sanity testing? 19. Re testing? 20. Regression testing? 21. Manual testing? 22. Automation testing? 23. Why automation? 24. User Acceptance testing? 25. Bug? Defect? Error? CR? MR? PR? 26. Bug life cycle? 27. Bug report & mandatory fields to be filled in Bugreport? 28. What is a bug? What types of bugs do you know? What should be done after a bug found? 29. Severity? 30. Priority? 31. Bug tracking tool? 32. Test management tool? 33. Test case? 34. Test data? 35. Test strategy? 36. V Model? 37. SDLC? 38. STLC? 39. Verification? 40. Validation? 41. Performance testing? 42. Stress testing? 43 Volume testing? 44. Load testing? 45. Functionality testing? 46. Non Functionality testing? 47. System testing? 48. Module testing?

49. Integrity testing? (Developer will do this in max cases). 50. What is Exhaustive Testing & Ad-hoc testing? 51. Exploratory testing? 52. What are Test Scenario, Test Case and Use Case? 53. Did you work with Use Cases? 54. What is Alpha testing? 55. What is Beta testing? 56. What is sustenance testing? 57. What is the difference between application server and enterprise server? 58. Different browsers available? 59. Client Server Model? 60. Web Server application?61. Usability testing? 62. Compatibility testing? 63. Cross platform testing? 64. Platform installation testing? 65. VM ware? 66. Build Release Notes 67. What does the Build Deployment mean? 68. Script? 69. Test topology? 70. Test design document? 71. Entry criteria? 72. Exit criteria? 73. Test goals? 74. HLD ? 75. LLD? 76. BRD? SRS ? FRS ? Usecase 77. Unit testing? 78. What is desktop application? 79. What is web application? 80. Fields in test case? 81. Positive testing? 82. Negative testing? 83. Quality Assurance 84 Quality Control 85. what is a Test Plan ,what it contains 86. what is meant by RTM? what are things it contains 87. what is meant Test Deliverable ? what it conatins 88. Monkey Testing 89. End to End Testing 90. Shakeout Testing 91. Tester Acceptance testing & Build Verification Testing & Build Acceptance Testing 92. What are Roles involved in Testing Team 93. What is meant by port number? where it will use. 94. what is meant by URL? 95. Interwise System Testing 96. What is the difference between Web Server and Application Server? 97 What is an equivalence class? Why it is important while writing Test Cases? 98. What is boundary value analysis give an example for it?

99. What is the difference between build version and Software Version? 100. What if the application has functionality that wasn't in the Requirements? 101 Where do you get your expected results? 102 What is the Initial stage of testing? 103.When is good time for system testing? 104 What is the purpose of the testing? 105 What is your base for your test cases? 106 What is the difference between priority and severity in a defect Report? 107 Describe the phases of Testing? 108 What is the difference between Test Driver and Test Stub? 109 What document did you refer to write the Test Cases? 110 What is the Difference between QA and Testing? 111. Give brief description about the Agile Development Model? 112 What are the differences between Waterfall Model and V model? 113 Ability to solve puzzles. (Reasoning/Mathematics/Aptitude etc.,) 114. What are the skills required for test engineers?

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